T"K Ii.i.u.vika i i:i Bi:h I'Utjlluhf i Weekly hy Tin. He,. publish, i g Company, Hie I tut I'll ti oiimtiu, .N'cli. I'rltr, s fi'tilH per copy - per year, I-Iju r.titoird nt Him Umuhii post nillee mm Soi-nnil class Mull Matter l'"nr lulvel tlslng rules miilt -hh PubllHhel otnlininli ntloiis i Im 1 1 UK to photograph)) ..I articles for publication should bo ml dli'Hsoil "l'Mltfir Till! I Hunt luted Hif, Omaha." Pen anil Picture Pointers Tin) homo-mmlng of Mn jfir Church Howe, vhn Iuih bi-t-n i i-present 1 1 1 K Hi" I'tilted Slnles four years In It k consular service, llrnl al Palermo and mori' m-enily .ii Shelllcld, gives un union fur 1 1 1 priHi'ii t ii t loti nf Ills i 1 1 1 1 1 1 r us i In fri.iilltiliM nf 'IiIh Ihhiii' Major Hour n n hi'il n v -1 uiii' Hi tin' fiirm nf i r n ! ln- fi l- low .Mi, i. rclloiting ih'ir Km' ill a"- u it tin- hull' I 'li.il linn hoi ii In: tow. . i ,i 1 1 lilin iiml 'Ii. ii'iliiiilili uinum r in li' h CIIAKLKS !: PICKKTT VI'HIII no Ii (lltANI) KXALTKD HI LIIll II I' O i: ln Ihih pcrfnrmtd the dutioH devolving iiiiu tint ihihIHoii rominlllic of iiroimiii'tit rltlrliH nf IiIh home town Auburn, ami of Ni'liuilm i-nuuly walled ii him in (iinali.i iiml escorted ti I nt on tlit- Iiml stage nf his Jiiurncy. ITiui iirrlvul a I Auburn, luat Tuesday, ln was ini'l ill the Hliitlnu liy i largo delegation uf IiIh neighbors ami frli'iiilH, followed hy n demonstration par tlclimtiMl in hy several lliiniHaml people. Irrespective of piillllcH. .'or the addresses nf welcome, iivit which .Maynr Hurrah pre hIiIimI, Judge W. II. Ki'lllKiir HpiiKo mi hii. half nf Hit' I'lly ami ox-tjuvcrnnr Kin-linn nn ovKUNOIt (li:i:it of Oregon has again refused the offer nt n great I sr"' f tiilmirers to buy lilm nn executive iminslun. "I am tun poor tn accept It," ho says. "I living romfei lubly In the house I rent and In buy a Hue house for me In furnish would be laving too lienvv a burden on my shniililers." 811m. alert mid always perfectly groomed. Joseph Chaiubet lain, the English politician of varied career, looks about nn. though he Is llfteen yeats oldi r. He feels an occaHlonal twinge of gout, due. he thinks, tu the fact Hint he never takes any inure violent oxer else than walking upstairs. The last two or three years have Just touched his raven lucks with gray. Lieutenant Vlelnr Hlue. the daring South Carnlliuin whn achieved fame by ibllim a mule around Santiago during the war. when the cnnnlry was Infested with Spanish soldiers, and discovering Cervera's licet at anchor lu the harbiir. has been Invalided home from the Asiatic station for li.-at iiieiif. He has been on the Asiatic station for more than a vear mid Is sulTeiing rroni ii fever cnntractcil lu Chinese waters -ii One nf (he llrst decurallnns Hint greet tin eve of the visitor tu the reception room of Or I'arkhlirst's New York home Is n mammoth tiger rug. spiead across the Moor. Its vicious head, savage eyes and cruel teeth cleverly mounted by one who must have been an expert taxidermist Said n fncetlniis friend tn the doctor I should mink you. of nil turn, wnnbl be the last in keep the emblem nf Tammany Hall n prominently displayed lu your home " Dr. Parkhurst smiled and replied: " lcep the tiger here tn cnnslaully remind mo thai my enemy Is always near. Then again 1 keep the tiger here to walk all ever occaslnnally." ' I notice a long sclentlllc article lu one of the evening papers." says a HulTalu letter, "declaring that under th iiiiuaie tne American Is becoming and more like an Indian I do not ..ii . i more know now thai may be. but if the writer would visit the Indian Hhnw at the Pan nierlcan no vvuubi conclude that the Indian I be i-nming mure ami more Ike a while man ime the old chief neroiilinn. fur Instance vni-r nie Indians hive given their Hi at run pcrforinaiiie In the -111111. II house this iloodv old cutlhiiui will in I,,- ,1 stand by iioiii, iinu vviin nut in hand b,.g for 1'i'i'H and nick. Is in,,. ,erli aii No Mini Is ton small , l. thankfully inched 91 tiie buhiilf nf i ) iiiun'y ami finvi-riinr Savage on behalf of tin. state chiirrh nwo lx too well known us a IlKtiri- in Nebraska public llfo to ri'iiiln- a detailed skulc.h of IiIh f, an nn Introduction Although horn In Mini hiii liiiHi'ttH In lis:. hi- has spent thu grentit pari nf IiIh llfo In the west anil muro than iwenly-llvi; yeaiH In Nubrasku. He a. hiovoil Ins lliMt special promlnenco perhaps as om f Hie lending spirits In thn ruinous Clanger uinvi'ineiit anil lias occmi,i,..i t,.-i mis public positions loading up to In, ap pulniinent by President .Mi-Klnley in tvi7 m IiIh present posit Inn as cotrul for Hi lulled Hliitcs. Charles H. Pickett nf Wiiiorlno, whu i now grand I'xalteil ruler of Hie i. won that oilier one vrnr nun In New Orb an when thu convention was hebl there A least that Ih what an admiring frlcml . lalm today. Ili reinnls huw I'leketl secured an nppnrtunlly tn deliver an address in Ho 'ntiventlon. Ills talk was on the laws of the nnlcr Humcthlng to du wllh (he ruilHii' of governing the bin body uf inn li-red gen li-incii -a tul was In general of a natup which would hiivii been dull mid piosv who i hiiticl It'll by tlie general tun nf orators, hii when I'likett gullied Hie platform and began m lull, there wiih a sudden craning of tioi Its r Mie delegates mid a leaning forward to In ir what the man from Iowa had to say I when lie was thiuiigh speaking ll was a good guess Hull luwa wntild fiirnish Hie n xt maml exalted ruler ur their body mil Unit his name would be I'li-keii. The new lllef uf the Klks is an Inwutl b birth lie ih a native of Ki'iiHiiiiiiua in Van Huron oiinly, U :!i; ye ii" of line ami still a haelto lor He has never held ulllee. bin has been prominent in the rouiieils or Hie i epubllean party uf the slate. As an Klk Mr. I'lekell has loin,- sluml at (he hind nf the body uf best people III Imwi. He Ih alinust as prnin liieul lu I'ylhlau i-lri'les as In the realms of llllid'im. and has held several Important ulllces in the grand lodge nf Ihal order. Ill adapting si'leutllli- mi-t Itmls to ugilutil 'iiral piirsuils iiiuderu ediii-alurs have per formed a real net vice for humanity. All too fieiiicutly has the eotirse of tu-lcutilli- ic Heari'li taken a way that lies apait fiom the needs and limb rstandlng of the people, pro duelliK ri-Htllts of si'ivlie only In Hie i-Hulerlc circles and of Hontit fill If any prac tical value. liiHlriimeuts which will tul.i millions of tlnitt to I he Ineli on strips nt kIiikh lu tin used 111 Hpecl rnxcnplc analyses mo told nf lu hIiiwIiik articles nf prnlHo and columns have been Riven to the e. plnltntlen nf mechanism that Is so delicate that ltn npetiilloiiH iniiHt be iibserved by means uf a telescope While these UiIiikh urn dnublless uf deep Inlerest tn the world nf Hclriu'd and hnve snine hem lite mute or lesH remote on the ultimate ib tet uunat Inn nf the problem of human els.iec ihi-y can scarcely be nald In have aided tn any Timely Gossip Concerning People Now Before the It seems Hi range that a "big chief l,e tills will stoop to beg, but he iloeHii't Heem to see anything out uf the way about It. lie need . the money and goes after It with Hie same ilcterinlnallon ho used In show lu raiding fur sellletH' scalps." IMIsnn and Tenia, the elcei i Ii Iuhh, arc hill Ii mill h averse tu music and each experi ences ii reeling uf positive discomfort when within the reach of tneloilluus miiiiiiIs. it Is tecallid that other men of in Know leilged genius have been Himilarh til i . tei .'ni liiHiiim-c llwiui Ii.ih no ear for music mid neither vouil nor iiihi i uMl alfurileil him the slightest plcnsute IMinuud Hiirke "hose orutorv was miisb to his audiences hated tannic Charles .lames l-'nx another Hjuceu Wllhelmiua is lenbiirg - Schw erln On the Henry's mother ) liKA.N'l) Dl'CAL I'AUTY MK . klB JM w BV EBI IIHUT l. (Jt in' a-VKAlt Ol-l) CHOIlt MOV IN lltll.Y TUINITV Kl'ISCOl'AI t'lllltfll LINCOLN malellal eienl ,u Hie t-ollltlon of the iucs llons uf immediate nportuuce On thu uther hand the Instruments thai have bcun Invented fur the testiliK uf soils, food prod ucls and the like h.ivu had very little kcii oral iittriiiiun, yet they havu produced iu suits biarliu,' illicitly m the welfare if thu lace. It has been the work of Hie scientist connect, ,1 with the aKrlciiltiital coIIcko to muilvzo soils, deteimliiliiK lliclr eoiwlltu euls; In examine heeds, to test Kralns, to epeilln.iii with Ktasscs; lu Htudy the miatoiuy. phsli,liiKy and hyKli no of the Inwer animal wi rid, and tn apply the re. suits nf his Imiulrles detail In the great Industry uf fund production e rarely as mulshes the sclentlllc wiild by nHilt'iiK a new climcnt nf as m the growing 1st but he has taught farmers how to cmibnl ililii'hbugs and giiifshoppeix, how to get rbl of the codling mot It and San .Ins - scale how to cure Texas fever ami blackleg ,) 111 tittle may si Ive the mysti rv of hog cholera mid p ta" blight. e has added Hi " ai lleles to the ht of food supplies and has taught the fanner new and bitter nn thuds of producing H id nes. While I'hh shuwy, hl achievements are i rtalnly is viilliable as Ihnse uf hs sclentlllc brnther gteut orator; Daniel '('... , 5tu . nlher, William Pitt, a Ihlnl. Hubert 1'eul 11 fourth all of these ran aivav from th siiiltid nf music. Apropos nf Pierre Lorlllmd s iepeate.1 as sertlun that nn gentleman cm. live will nn ti Ineome of less than "Jl, a .lav ; expenses." 1'nlon club associate' say. In the New York Times "Their are today In New Y111I, t b-ast dnei, men vvhose living expenses exceed those 'f Picric I.,,, ll aid at ih,- tltm. i ' f vears agu Lllinpe ha had sivmil .peiidlhrlftB. nut on the .lulal.., .lugg.ns r Little Sugm Howl type bin f good social position who have throw ti awav their principal and AT L'SllN tii:it.MNY. Till: HESIDUNCK 01' DI K II KNKY TAKI3N OMIBMKNT TO Ol'lJU.N W1L1I15LM1NA OK IIOLllANn rthn dincoveis a new was in the spectrum of Sinus or the absence of a stispecieil el- mrnt n Hie cumpuslllnti nf Ablcbaraii. William Miller llonnlshpar is ntio of the eilticntors whose life lias been devoted tn thu nililltlon nf knowleilne eoueernlng the way thlims Krou nut of the ground. His work nt the hetul nf the Kreat luwa cuIIcko at Ames has attracted widespread attention ami thu results he has achieved haw hroiiKht him much credit. As an eduealoi he has Ioiik taken nn active part In Hie councils of the sehnnl world, and his stand till; Is attested by the fact that lie wa i leett'il nt Detroit In be president nf the N'atlntinl I'Muciitlnliat association. He has mi article In this number uf The lice Hint will be of Kreat Inleiest as explaining what the agricultural coIIcko nml experlmenlal fnnn have done for the farmer. Prof. 11 ca rdsli ear was born In Dayton. () on November 7, ISM). Ills boyhood was spent on the farm. lie attemleil Otterblen university, tnkliiK the ili-urees nf master of arts mid doctor of laws, and also studied a' Yab . He was president uf Western cul l.-Ke, Toledo, la., from 1SS1 to 1S09; was superintendent of thu Des Moines elt schools from 1SS9 to 1MM. anil has since WOODS A N 1 1 MIU,i:it SHWAUI) Neb CHAMPION IIOSH COI PI-ICUS then been president of luwa Collegu of Mechanic Arts nml Agrlctilturu nt Amen lie was president of the Iowa State Teachers' association In ISO 1. anil served ns a member of the t'nlted States Indian com uilssii n in 1VI7 and 1S!1S Oeurgu J. Kleffner. the newly elected president of the ('nuial Labor union. Is a Income at that rate within the decadu Novv. au if to prove Hint Mr. Lorillard wan not lar 0111 uf the way lu his estimate comes Hie staid and conservative London Spectator with an article published before poor I'lerte's death, trying to show that a man cannot posMbly live well In a good i-oclal position on a ycarlv Income of less -T.i. The ve-y wealthy stem to he coining around to Lorlllard's estimate, par ticularly lu America. Mark Twain has taken up hU summer home 011 the borders uf Lake Saranae In Hit' heart nf the Adirondack mountains l-ar from the noises of New York, within the depths of a forest primeval, he lives the life of a recluse. The circle of hi. JUST AKTKIl HIS RN- MlU'lIxt I I'.HH 0H0IH1B J KLKKK.S'KI!. l'ltllSI DI3NT OMAHA CKNTUAL LAHOlt L'NION native nf Omaha lie was born lu this el'y limitary 10, 1M13 After atteiiillng the pub '' sihnnls he Icnrned the trade nf cigar " ik'tig and later became mi employe of tip Willow Springs distillery. While represent ng a union of the illstlllery workers he be nine a charier member of Hie Umaha Cen ral lalm- union, which was organized in ISM) end chartered l-Vhruary :'. 1SS7. As a neniber nf that body lie has long been a member of the law lommlttee. which has ilone much tn secure the passage nf laws favnrcil by the labor unions. I'ur his vvnrk in securing the enactment nf the free sehnnl book Invv ami the Australian ballot law he was made u life member nf the Central Labor union. Since March, isss. Mr. Kleff ner has been a letter carrier at the Omaha pnstnlllce, carrying rutile Nn. Ill, which cov ers that pmt of the city bounded by Twen tieth. Twenty-fifth. California streets and Capltnl avenue. Interest in the volunteer fire department and Its doing Is never displaced. Tun much depends upon its organization and elllclcncy In the towns which an- unable lu support a paid dcparlnieiil. in this way the drill uf the volunteer llreman has become extended and some nolablu ath letic feat b are terorded niuong the ac- nniplishmonls at the annual tnurnainents Then the volunteers meet tn vie lu exhibi tions of skill, speed and strength One nf The lice's pictures this week Is nf a cham pion coupling team from Seward These .voung men made the slamllng coupling lu one ami iine-llfth secnnils. ran fifty feet and itinde a coupling iu four mid ono-flfth seconds, and ran Km yards and mnde a cnnpllng lu thirteen and thiee-fotirths nce onils. Public society Is narrowed to the members of his own family, consisting of his wife nnd two grown daughters. Ho reads 110 dally papers. Kven his mall is left stacked up and uncalled for at the nearest postof flce. Pcated In a little tent beside the borders of the lake, Mnrk Twain spend, the larg est portion of his time In work. System atically brooking few interruptions, ho ap plies himself from four to seven hours each day. After writing steadily from 10 In the morning until 2 In the afternoon he par takes of a luncheon in his house. The I' tiialnder of the day Is devoted to read ing nml recreation. At one time he will patronl.e a hammock, which aw llH'M lie. Ivveen two trees far back In Hie woods t other ilmes. either necompanb d bv his daughters or alone, he will take, a canno rl on Lake Saranae. Very frciitetillv his afternoon Is spent with some favorite book v the lakeside Here, sitting on snine old mn- grnvvn log. he will upend hour after h'.or re.ullng tit times. nt others gazing i" rtvirie out over the waters of the lake "r Ins dinner at fi o'clock he sits nn hi- vr.inda till bedtime about 10 o'cln-k Pointed Paragraphs It.'bdt nee Is to the mind what tust Is to iron 'harltv nnd bookbinders rover a inultl a b of faults. Ti.th are like verlio regular Irregular ld defect ive. Dcllbrrate long before doing what It Is impossible to undo. Most men get married before they are old ti'Miuh to know better. Tell n boy to do ns he plcnses nnd he will I" it without n murmur. If a girl Is really displeased with a man he 'b i sn't tell him fo. Probably the mnn whose wife owns n ptu: b-K has the sympathy of the dog. The amateur pickpocket Is nlwn.vs walling t r nn opportunity to get his hand in. Voung widows, like Iiulustrluus gardeners ire anxious to get rbl of their weeds. The woman who dm washing by the dav is willing to hang nut almost anywhere. If a husband and wife aru unable to go aa for the summer they can start a iiur. nl at home and have a little outing. There Is one redeeming feature about .1 li'ldlng bed even the most timid female doesn't have to look under It before retlr-