Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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The umaiia Daily Bee.
THE it ( KHYK imr.iXlTKS. which nt tho outset would ninko luetic- It lookH more and more ns If the whole
The Urynnltos of the country nt largo "' to ollico nil who wore subjects of thing were simply n speculative fuku by
thumb or SlMISCItll'TiON.
Ually Ueo (without Sunday), One Ycur..$6.M
aK."?"'8:w "tPly nfter the Ohio dvinocrntlc
iKrurvU aw V""t!n :rhlc" -'I'"ntw,il 1!,-vnn
SaUruuy Ueo, Ono Year l.W
'.twentieth Century 1'nrmcr, Ono Year., l.w
Onuilid. The lieu Uulldlnit.
South Omaha; City Hull uulldlng, Twen-
ii-iiiui unci m nireeis.
Council Ulurfs; to I'cnrl Street.
ChituKo: luiu L'nlty Uuildlng.
Isew ork. Temple Court.
AVushington: M Fourteenth Street.
Spain before the trenty of Paris, but which the promoters were to try to no-
who nnve since renounced thnt nllegl- cotlatc the sole of vnlunblo nrlvlWos.
anee In order to become citizens of Cuba, pocketing the proceeds and letting the
The strict requirements for ollico hold- tnxpnyers of Douglas county hold the
ing nru justified Uy existing conditions. sack.
It Is suggested thnt the bill will not
be llnnlly ndoptod until the return of Secretary Long can lay nn Interdict
Governor General Wood, In which enso 0,1 onlccrs of the navy shooting off their
It Is likely the ineasuru will be un- mouths nt half-cock on the Sampson-
will find little encouragement In the rr
suit of the movement of the Ohio con
tlngent In behalf of the "peerless leader"
nnd the Kansas City plntfonn. Inline
of his ndherents there called a conven
tion to put In nomination a state ticket.
Hnlf n score of llrvnnlfps resnonded to
the call, nomlnnted'candldntcs for state terlally changed
ofllcers, did some "realllrmlng" nnd
fhrlHf mod Hinmafil vr. "the tirocrcsslvo THE OJST Of THE COXTltUVEHSY.
democratic party." Nothing more rldlcu- The controversy over the replacement hnndluS ,lo'n the verdict nil In udvnuce
Signs of the Times
ho had linil a prcullnr trouble with li
Ono dny ho accidentally found t h t
I when applied on the aching f, . t
awny tlin pnln. When nt honir It w
easy mnttcr for him to remove In
I'hllndclphla ledger t)(uho the feet In the llanor, 1, a
The long period of active business nml partial failure will bring as much In tho about In tho elly this could not 1.
consequent prosperity Interrupted by wnrkot ns rl full crop. Individuals mny conveniently, Ho finally hit uputi t .
tho drouth nnd heat In tho west, nnd suffer, but the nation as a wholo will prob- pcdlcnt of pouring whisky Into his t
llic simultaneous Btrlko of tho steel ably bo as well off nt tho end of the year thus soaking the feet nnd rcluv. k
workers, Is likely to be resumed now that as though there had been no drouth and pain. These whisky baths for h'...
ram has fallen In tho west nnd that tho no strike. The losses In the stock market formed quite an Item of expense ra li
-.v.. ,.,,n0 l9 ,iuuui 10 do caned oft. The arc largely offset by gains. Tbcy were but the relief obtained was well wor
U..I.I ... . ... . . I. . "
... munnj, Ulll lie ClllinOl Ore- losses UgUreS OUt as restlltln frnm thn In .n,nnt In inn nm.r.n nf
vent the popocrntlc yellow Journals from drouth and tho strike have been mainly six weeks railway stocks havo dropped on I They were a scedy-looklng trio, rvon f.r
ujuiK me case in DincK Headlines and '"" ""'" nomcrs oi stocKa or nn average fourteen points, industrials six; coney Island. When they lounged mt
" . . .. V 1UUB 100 'os'es on points nnd city gas and traction siocks "cafo" on Surf avenuo nnd took sea
Irviici Iti n ....tltlnnl win' lina linimrinitf! I nf f lir wnrnrmt UlvtnnnO. tt..,.t tin...
toTiai inatief"houw omalm nlnce the famous meeting of the "three nient hinges on tho question as to who
uee, jMiitoriai department. tailors of Toolev street."
imsmM ,.u;;f But It serves to en.phnsl.e the fact
bo iiudressed! Tho uto publishing Com- shown by tho Ohio democratic conven-
''""'I .1.... ti I- ,1...1 I.. il. r..l.
eye state. Of the few men who were
of the court of Inquiry.
llemlt by ilruft, express or postal order.
l" .V1" ,JeB l'uhilshinK Company, iircsent nt the gathering In Columbus called uiwn to defrav tho extienso nf
niHniii iierptiiiwi in ntivmtni nr i
Is to pay for the pavement.
All our paving In Omaha has been
laid under the system of special assess
incuts, by which the owners of nbuttlng Nebraska.
property, specially benefited, liavu been
Ua tn the Klnta, Cynic.
Detroit Journnl.
irmii accojius. j'crsonui checks, except on only two or three have exerted any con
sldernbli) tnUtiencc In democratic poll
"l" '1" or eastern cxcImiikcs, not accepted,
Stale of Nchrnskn, Douglas Cotintv. ss.i
tiooiKO U. Tzschuck, secretary of Tho Beo
J'laiilsning Company, being duly aworn,
) iiihi me aciuui number or run ami
complete copies of The DnllV. MornlUK.
i-venlng nnd Sunday Ileo printed during tho
'Min ui juiy, iwi, wus u h roliows
. .r.,,s;tt
..v.-, inn
..i!.-.,:t n
.. .-,,1:11
. ,yr.,or,o
tics. Groot, who figured most promt
nently In the movement. Is nn erratic
fellow who has no following. I)r,
lteemllu has been Influential In Ilamit
ton county politics, but ho promptly do
cllned the nomination for governor and special assessment pny not onlv for the
as.iuo It Is snfc to say will have nothing to pavement In front of their own prop
.jr.ioo do with the now party. Most of the erty, but also for the pavement In frout
'' O I pnnfllHlltnu n'n tilntl it IIMIn unnaAillnlinii I nt ritlmt Yir.ntnt-4 1- In it.l.lnl. 1. n ...
OlflO I ..... ...v... J. ..fcb.v vu.loi.lii;ui. r...i.tij ,4. ,1 II.U LllU UUIU llJ
ITt :il((V I nu 1,11 119 I'uiiiiciii iiuiiiL'iiLi; in cuuceriii'u. njicLiui iuivil'hu
the Improvement pro rata to their hold
Ings. Manifestly, if one street Is paved
or repnved at the expense of the abut
ting property owners, while another shipload of cigars.
street is paved or repaved by an ap
proprlatlon out of the general fund,
those who ate required to nay the
account or tne steel strlko are figured nt eight points, but they have begun to re
about 46,000,000, but ns a matter of fact cover, and unless a new scare should bo
mere ma ne no losses whatever. Tho developed, may In tho course of time- get
VL li. nceaea rest in hot weather, back to the June quotations. The stock
tho mills have been rcpnlred and are In nmrkri I. vrv rrniir. v1n mv r.
Tho drouth has not been an imml.,l hctter condition for turning out work eco- main unphnninoi whllo ih nrl. n nf stock
ovll. It has dt least Introduced prayer Into "nmlcrilly than they were n month ngo, nnd go up or down In sympathy with the per-
yiiLcn ui me prouucis navo Deen advanced, turbatlons of a class of stocks with which
Tho Btccl companies will probably make thev arc not associated In nnv way.
SettliiK V, the C'Unrs. rather than lose money by tho strlko. The An excellent slcn of the times Is that
Philadelphia ledger. worKcrc suncr an absoluto loss of wages, nothing approaching a panic resulted
Quite appropriately, I'orto Hlco's first can only " mml u'' by work'"g from ihe threatening aspect of tho sltua
acknowledgment of Its actual Incorporation ovcrl,nl whcn lne lnllls resume; but this Hon nnd general business went on as
Into the United States tnkes tho shape of a ,Rht bavo como upon tncm wlthollt usunl, although alarming reports were
m... .. ,iu uii'u iu m'cii Bii'uuuy sprenu uronncasi respecting mo rauure or
nt work during tho hot weather. crops and a complete suspension of the
Ills Ctirven (ilvlnw Out. rb0 llM,ses In consequence of the Iron nnd steel Industry. Tho fact Is that
i HCMlth In fk. l . . i l.. ... .... ....
Detroit Free Pres r"""u "UBl "gurcn in nearly witn tne exception of a few special lins
Brynn perslstentlv rnfiwr ' !,., ui. !00'000'000. l'"t these also were mnlnly on of manufacture, mainly textile tho outlook
tylo of SltchlS Si It is a liM Papcr' 11 ' now plllmatcJ thnt a reat . good for a continuance of buslue,.
Atfi T wm dhavoSton Sn'back" ; f!!1 ISLSf. t0T 8D0thcr
i "u .ub.vnovu (ii ikVB 1VOUIVIIIK I1U1U ii
some ono of tho minor leagues
to report how nearly tho corn belt, tho
.an, 01:0 The utter and ridiculous failure of this To change from tho system of special
!4C',:,j movement Is really a harder blow to assessment to the system of general
"fl 11,111 I - ....0 fc,v nium .i 11, u 1 ....... 1.. lt.i Hivmia Iliu IllllfUniUUIl Ul uuuuie
1 I ...... n , I . ......... I. H 1 . . . I 4..V.... ... ... ,. , . .. I
U.'.'-TiO iuiihh;iiiiiu tuiiiniuiiii, ueununi: uiaub uiniu un UIOSU VVI10SO pilUHC Spirit rain belt and the nrnver hnlt ar .vnnnv
1. ... .... 1 ... . ...... . . -
,-.,.nu il uiHcioHUH iiimv coiuiuciu is ine nunu- uu imiieiieu iiiem to move lor street I raous.
.-5,740 donment In Ohio of Hrvnn nnd the nrln- Imnrovomeuts nml to nnv their ntu.eini
'!:,0 rlnlps which he rinrennnfM. It wiim tn iikhi.khiiii.iiIm Ahnte the Nnlsnnce.
jr. tii - 1 - -
Another In vrtlRit(lnn Cnlled For.
Ixiulsvlllo Courier-Journal.
For purposes of srnnnrnl anlli.Msnmit
can wo not havo some sort of a commission Sam,n,BK l the Kited of rounllstle
Sii'ttsai ,,llvn Dcc" expected thnt of the -ITo.OOO Another feature which must not bo
St. Louis Globo-Democrnt.
voters who sunnorted him Inst venr a overlooked mi-Ispr from flu. fnet ti.nt nn ".C lle" are 'npldly becoming a
...; .. :...;.;. .. .." .:.. . . V. collection or huge fences smeared with all
t ... . 1 nuiuuiuui. 11 uiuijui luuiii im t i' iit't'ii it'll 1 jit.' 1 111 vi 1 1 ii lit I'll 11 nn in in nn 11 n v urrnnr i anrn n H i ..
i-eas uiiFom ami rciurntd copies... i) t)U2 M , u r " ui juuiuriui nionsirosuica. The wny
'J''l 7MI.01B
Not total sales
x... ....
uaiiy averngR OOO
Buoscriiieu in my nresenco nnd sworn to
before mo this 31st day of July, A. D. 1901.
u. 11. HUSOATB,
. Notnry Public.
been tmved to stop the billboard nulsanco la hv n.r
. ...,..!. noil to iniiKo a respecraoie snowing, u no witiiout a petition from the abutting ,;ciiy icguimato taxation
result of the movement must be dls- property owners asking for the Improve
heartening to the llrynnltes everywhere mem. If the practice Is begun of re
and corresiMmdlngly encouraging to all paving specially favored streets at the
Hot Air Th rents.
J. Sterling Morton's Conservative.
Tho evening of September 26, 1000, will
never bo forgotten by those citizens who
welcomed to Nebraska City that night
the peerless Colonel llryan, J. Hamilton
Lewis nnd Constantino Hlnrncy Smyth
(nee Smith) for the patriotic purpose of
hearing how to "bust" tho National
Starch trust and how to protect Nebraska
City against designing men in general and
certain Mortons In particular. All tho
eloquent expounders did remarkably well
in their endeavors to explain how this
I'M rt let IrnvliiK (he city for
lie nummer mil,- Imvc The Ilee
ent tn them ri'KUlnrly hy
notlfylnw The Ilee Ilnslness
oHlee, In itersnn or hy mull.
The nililrcsft will he chunged
often nn ilexlr'ctl.
Wlin t the IliiliiM nitl.
St. Paul Olobo.
On tflA H'hftln a mi t - M J I m I mmnln AHiI Inilltt U'nlllil dttnn ntil ftnnllt
jmocrnts who desire thnt the party general expense It would mean the stop- tho country has had. and not without commercially perish if tho Argo Starch
shall return to the old standards. page of all renavlm: by itetltlon. becnuse good reasons, the recent pnninm. manufactory was permitted to contlnuo
the property owners concerned would wl" insuro a combined crop over tho ""nK business In Its own wny Instead of In
i.uuu Hvitt.ius. st0 no rt!ason why they should sign putl
Hy an overwhelming majority the tlons and volunteer to pay t'i5r new pav-
House of Commons voted n grunt of ing when by standing by and refusing
$r00,000 to Lord Roberts for his services to sign tho petitions the city authorities
in boutn Africa, the proposition recolv- could be Induced to make the improve
ing the support of the liberals and en- nient at tho general expense,
wholo country which will average larger tnclr way Uut 08 mcre Hshtnlnf? bugs -
than ever before.
More Information Needed.
Hrooklyn Eagle.
Mr. Bryan defends Senator Jones on tho
ground that his round bale cotton company
flrclllcs In n Juno night beside tho efful
gent glow of tho sun nt midday, were all
tho other speeches compared to that of
Colonel Uryan. That heroic crusader
against tho power of Incorporated money
wns more than usually brilliant and reck
less In his assaults upon Incorporations
countering opposition ch.elly from the If calling new pavpmenV by the name Jft;,, ,rno&LaouCnTorncyi;n.'r?Wthl,0l SriW?'Snnd irUcu.PaHy toTJoT
Irish nationalists. This opposition was of repairs Instead of by the, liame, of re- ""J f t6 a". COmnflnv those which were employing men In nnd
principal on the ground that the opera- paving Is to shift all burden of expense nmount nlso nded t'6 make krLnlnv bul,nlns up 'the prosperity of Nebraska
The county gerrymander has been m. tloIls of I'Ortl Hoberts were cruel and from the benefited nronertv owners to trust, or wo shall donht him
fcuujninndcred. That ought to make It lnmmi,ul ,u"1 t,,,;n-' ls untiuestlonnbly the taxpayers at large, then we will
"llCli. SOlUe trtltll 111 this. tlmilPll It- uvmlil lirllmvi m iniirr. ii.i.,,vl,i,. I.. n.,...1.,. I....
' n -- ......... i ....... .. ...... v. ... vuil, 11... Ullk
unltist to chin IT( IllfTI W'ttll fill tlui linr. I ulimilt n ilntitmwl Im iitmtf t . .
1 t . . - " I I t utumiiu iui it'lMiiio IU U11I
"""h" ewiuuui tTHHU ill) nir tlin wnvn DarltlcR thnt hnvo innrL-oil Ttrltluli mnii. ,..if unt.n.ntwu 1
-f f ...III 1 ,. ' I " " .-..noil uiii jmi VUIUIUD lllil l iiiui; IlUt IVit II
... ... .... hi , wooiiy west or Import ods In Houth Africa. .vestige of their original form
........ ...-..L Knows now to do a Mr. Ualfour's laudation of Lord Hob-
Job of train robbing In hit
Omaha ls sadly in need of new pavu-
Demnnil for American I'roilnctn.
New York Tribune.
Africa has drawn on America heavy
drafts of horses and mules to tho profit
nna satisfaction of American breeders.
And it is now reported that tho Dark Con-
est approved erts undoubtedly voiced the sentiment incuts on many of Its streets, but lu tjhent 1 trying to collect swarms of
City. Without fear, tho great peerless
colonel declared that ho would proceed to
orate "In the shadow of the starch works."
Ho quoted frequently, at length nnd with
evident relish, from the Conservative nnd
Its editor. He defied nnd denounced nny
body and everybody who favored Incorpora
tions llko tho National Starch company, do
ing business at Nebraska City. Ho flayed
c Mi0i,m ii ... ..... . .. . ' . . .' Yankee lnrtvh,. fnr .ynn,m .., Keen-eageu sarcasm turn rnzor-oiaaea
v 4tiMiit7iiiiii:ti Kt-'iii:ifiii mill il in nur i nmiw in rmmo tvnn nnvn ttittittitt mill. w. i . , w ova. i i n .
... .t.-il.. .... . ..... .. .. ... . Such reDorta seem In h wIMlv lmninn irony xac poor, insignincani.
South Omaha has broken the record ZZZ I . ZJlZ. UU "lUrovcnients u,ld paid the r special neast8 o burden an,i ;av t", b,.nators of our Argo factory
, flrsr fin.. ; ,, ,, , . '"'" assessments .uie pew worii snouid De still be needed on the veldt, but the Trans- "rul'uuuo prcci
on pork packing. Snco the flrt- .lnv
of .March ovel- l.()L'5,0()0 hogs have been
slaughtered and salted In the packing
iiuiineM ui me .Magic Ulty
Flliriv pilflTlnrl lil.n tn , in ..rwl I l t .... . .. ,..... . . .. .
v" iiunum uuti cuurKcu u i io uuuiiiiiK iiroueriv own- vaai nas nevor suncrea rrom a scare
emoluments he has received. The sltun- ers. lust the same as tho, Imnrovemnnt of ihsectb and Is not .likely to bo seoklng
the poor. Insignificant, ininll-fry or'
and told with
sely how tho
a table tho waiters did not climb i
each other in their eagerness to wn
them. Hut n waiter did shuttle up
a while and inquire: "Well, what !
trow In?"
"IJrlng me ono whisky, with scltf.
tho 'side," ordered one of the three
The waiter brought a glass of th (.
that goes for whisky nt the Islnn 1 ,
a siphon of seltzer. Ono of tho trio !
Ihe whisky and then pnssed the 1 1,
glass to ono of tho others. Tho u
flllel tho glass with seltzer from
siphon, tossed It off and then pnssul
glass to tho third man. Tho third i
also filled thu glass with seltzer and (li
the seltzer.
The first man offered tho wntrh
waiter 10 cents,
"Ycr bill Is 20 cents," said tho wait.'
"How's that?"
"Ycr had n whisky, what's 10 and ti
seltzers, what's f. each, what makes :n
"Oh, no, I ordered ono whisky with sen
zer on the side. Ycr don't charge nnythit!,;
fer thcr sldo nnd ther other tellers drnr!.
ther side. Sec?"
While the ambulance surgeon wns pair:'
Ing tho trio up out on tho sldewnlk Mm
proprietor went out and told tho pollrr
Mlilanmmrr'ii Lights nnd Shadows In
tlrenter New YorU.
Dondholdcrr nnd coupon clippers content
with modest dividends havo horetofore man thnt ho thought they hnd had enourh
viewed with speechless ndmlratlon tho and he had no romnlnlnt to mnWn .in
. ... ...i . . m . . t . ... 1.. r....
amazing proms oi aianaaru un simreiiuiu- i mem.
ors, frequently reaching tho dltzy height of
60 per cent per annum, l no recent rm There waR R ,r Westsldn
J. Plerpon Morgan's bank the Mrst N. 8lrect , othor d
tlonal, paid towers above the Standard Oil lloH, of exctPIIlent an(, ncld-pnU .
.tlui... llba Ch..ln nl.nva ihn nrrnllnrt In w ... . . """ "Hilly g.HO a
plan. It is u'nood that 'between $3,000.: . nJl 7?
nnn -.i t-.Mnniui i,n .lluhr.n,l Tim . .. .. v...n mu limn
uvv ...... unn n s mottior 1 vrxl. rnnnrla ,n M..II ...i
latter flituro ls eaulvalent to 1.000 per cent -u . 7 ..' ". """
..II l.l ..-l.l Tho In. Hill. ... ..." ii"' lllllll
.... un UIU kii.. .... imo are aid and cnt .lnn tnnr i,i
linn ..nvu llvl,lr.n,! al lh rate Of . .. V. : ...(S.nn v.i
i'"'" -r."" - mnirs 10 tno street lii.forn i a i.inii,.. b...
iuu per ceni a vcar. whnt was un. When shn .nnvU,.,.i n,-
T n.l.ll.nn n V. ..... fll..,,AnH tflO RIIP. I . .
.ii iu.ii.iui. iu i.n. ........... rc ,M nrnmntlv rnlni,..l
plus of tho First National has been in
creased from 14.750.527 to 110,000,000. Not
withstanding tho big special dividend dts
bursoment. tho surplus and undivided
profits of the Institution on July 24 aggro-
.Mcnnwhllo tho fat mnn stood in tho
street yelling, "Savo my mother! Savo
my mother!" A messenger boy, who was
passing, stopped, saw thn nm,.i
tho stairs, aroused tho woman nnd brought
gated I10.102.7P6.73, or 11.352,221 In excess her out. In ..miv ti,. .i.,.:" "fouK"'
, .,,. m- honl, rnr,,l nn Jlllv ...1 V". COCere.l
u. -uuu..b - -. ,, uui mi man looked uncomfortable
15 In its statement to the comptrol er of . .. h whlgpcrcCmr..
iuu cuuuiiv;! w Tuuuc ivi,wu i quariLT lop you
nrroi 2&,oou rtTBian tuks.
The hoy's face cxprcaacd his dlsRust.
AW, saVO It." hn anl.l
nvlfnmn rlnt TiflR hflfl TIO effect Oil ..If . ' " "Uli "U
v v - 1 - - i Duiur iit'i vii rnnn "
tV,n ...lo nnnlnnl fh nhlptwfltat XVI O.W In I Th 1 1... ....
tuu mno ....... - - i iu LiuH iniiirnnfi tho .
some places in New York, nnd, despite the and tho boy went whlstl II J aSI ,y
h.v. h..n rtrlvon tn ...... nlBt'lnB down tho
"nl . i iiu oiun t Know that hn h.H i
competing restaurants and luncheon places, n hero nnd ,ho fHt coward
Ihr. nrnnr tnn u'hn hVB their OWn Ideas " " corU.
on 1110 BUDjCCl cannot ue nun uoi m i" i Clli:i;ilV CI I AIM''
l,UU!tll DIUVi
rt . I .. M .......vrhI nn (hn linn..
lueit' la n icmnuinii. wn n.w uhi'". i . .. . . .
East Side, reports the Tribune, where the loaves;" liui ,isaL.''Plc,,s, charge theso
revcrso state ot arralrs exists no man oancr. - ""' j
keeps his coat on If ho takes a place at . "S't do it," replied the l.akor. "r
ono of the tables. It is a lnrge. lofty and aon 1 "Uo"K to the bread trust."
well ventilated room, with a bar at one
If Denver proposes to ..entortnln vis
itors with street duels It should Insist
upon participants being better marks-
imii. npccuiiors three blocks distant
are nicely tq object to belug shot.
itlon In South Africa when he went there on other streets.
was very bad. The British had accom
plished little nnd the conditions were Dr. C5eorce L. Miller, who clnims in be
inrgcij in mvor ot tno oors. , There the father or the power. cantiL, project;
new supplies of bugs of any sort in any
country. . ,
IJaltlmnrA WfiLii ...i,.. .
,t Mortons nnd other Ncbrnska City holders of Bid0i four billiard tables in tho rear, and when tho governmenrwnnted to
,ng the stock therein would bo soon relegated , r0Ws of round tables, at each of which d ,hre ,aJ0h7ey '"Tied lilm nllvo.
n m-i wissimswicuon in Uie- nmiy i)0 lltS backward to t iu.t mn wlmn th Slutlstlen of the Yenr'a Commerce
and an almost entire lack of contldeuce opponents of tho canal bond nronosltlon " viewed M ili.'.lntinnhie Pride.
in tno tnen coinmandor-ln-chlef. It was called lu question the ability rof the pro- New York Tribune.
to the rear nnd tho factory in Nobraska
City shut down, forever unless ho and his
coadjutor forecasters and their admonitions
wcro bejleved and heeded. ,
It was a resonant speech and the tele-7
graphing of it into every large commercial
center Boston, New York, Philadelphia,
Chicago and St. Louis by tho especial ef
forts of gold standard democrats demon-
tho olden
r . V 1 . n .1 n mnM whn nnnwAal. I SO
. .. . i .u- I..I... beau a lips mnkc you think nf n h,h.i
neresA.ird- in tmntlnn1H- r... ii,.J i..'" .1. " " L ..,...; ' r . . ,u,lH sum umuir.i uemocnus ueraon-;in u. i .ntu .c.i. . u,r .u...v, M religious service.
i i u . muicti w Karfime9 a suincieni (juautity ' mcriuuo win w mu Biaiemeni ot i stralcd to all those cities tne utter, shame- the middic-ngen ana older are uerman "iou non't? well, maybe
four men may sit comfortably. Between
10 o'clock and midnight tho place Is
crowded nnd at many of the little tables
thcro are women, the wives, daughters
and friends of tho men who go to the place
regularly to piny chess, cards or billiards
and to drink beer.
Pnpa-They elect him vice president.
Chlcnn-o Post: "Vr,,..i.i... .
vantages of the reoVan Izr d ' r ' v? there" Is"
"MnCH,;i,H7thvn.L.Io,oke ,town n i"5 mouth?"
,Indecd7 Which corns is thnt?"
ine dental corps."
.r,ll'lelplilii llulletin: "What a enmnart:
The Chinese Boxers are ugaln talkinc BirltlHhorC(!M 'an(l to arrange a new of water to. Insuro (he canal against dry
of wiping out tho foreigners, the snl,llor an 0f .cnn,nnlS- rVhara was urgent ig U1, m midsummer. The Inferenc
of the powers ...I: '"'manti ror quicK nction, for
country. The Chinese Boxer ls a vail-
foreign commerce" for' the fiscal year ending less nnd desperate demsKocy of Bryan in and of the younger patrons there aro not heard of 'n protracted' meeting.
June ju, iaoi, witn justinnbio pride. That his assaults upon all forma of Incorporated
. you never
positions of to bo drawn from Dr. Miller's remind " 'a . Z l'M Tr 1 "5 . " . J" arousl".,tho
" luuufc uutiv iuu vuiuuiw L-uusurvdiivG c i l i z c ii h ii l ii ni iiih rpniiniir. in
ant fighter when no one Is near to light.
italnmnkcr Wright says he will keep
ii ma iioinnanimont until rain results.
If ho Is persistent enough he will get
his powder soaked In time, but tho pub
lic may be skeptical about tho cause of
tne downpour.
great strategic linportanee were In peril. t,nt complaint Is that the defeat of the cmhowlerr will find' com" a
I.ord Hoberts proceeded rapidly with, the caual bonds was accomplished through a etudy of tho statistics just made public, tl
uiuiuiiii. ijibk ueioru mm nun nis cam
paign as n whole demonstrated high
military qualities
We do not think thnt Inmnrtlnl lita
-, .-. v. i -ii ii ii if in iiiiiiiiiMiiiiiii f I i iirnnirt iii.i .... ... I
tory will rank Lord-Itoberts with Mnrl- .. ..., .,' .Mu.. V,.";.:.?",.! f. "over. ln'8 "ge total was obtained in than any other Bryan speech and proved
borough or Wellington, but unquestlou
senso of danger. It made more contrlbu
tlons to the camnalcn funds of Mark Hanna
thu dissemination of misinformation lno agErcgato movement of merchandise In tho four following days than all the Mc
concornlng the practicability of the was vnluctl nt Z.310,413,077, an Increaao of Klnlcyltes in tho United Statca had been
scheme. As u matter of fact, the power l.lTt .l'Br previous year, amo to raise in tno four preceding weeks.
canal bond proposition fell through be- "'., -..."-u. c .T' 1 pr0'uiced.r" moro '
"'" " t-"-"1 j"i uiAiiiij inn mo race oi decreasing imports, as our pur- beneficial to tho country. It did moro to
plttzens nf OmntiiL nml Dniii-lna r.r.iint v I ehiiR4fi frnm nlhpr nnimi.1.. fit ntr i.thj I inc.nn ni .1 . n . i u . ,
..1.1.. lw. I ,11 . , . . I ...... . .1. vf.i , 1 j iai 1 iiiouid tun uticai ill iliu liuumry HL lurgu
aoi lie IS nn time soldier Who merits Wl,r illslnellned to Inmhnn with nnv 051, or 3.2 per cent, to 1822.756.533. leavlni? and a thousand timed mnrn tn tnmnnrnrllv
from his government the recognition and mnn, bondH nnd mnrttriii'os. Thnr will tho valuo ot "Ports $1,487,656,544, an In- guarantee his political crasuro tn Nebraska
A Massachusetts man exnreina m.. reward he has received. It is Interest- ni,,.rfiillv eiienm-nuo pnnltnllstu imri in. of 7 Pr cont ovor tho Previous year, than all other speeches during tho whole
... " I I 4 a... x t .. . . . I v " I Whlnh In T II rn tn n AVM-AJ 1 1 . i . I
se as conlhlent of being ble to live T W '" vestors In any enterprise that will utll- S,, Tstl T'TZ Tn Veob wfl . v
d,v 'i li " i, P Vntr. f W'lter I,Cr ler 1 lm re Z Zl or L nr Tn.? l 1,10 mml m' bUt "rC DOt ,,l8l,OS0,1 Ba,CB to ?ttcr ,anj8 that tel,B home ,n5u8t' 11 ' M upon The
da j. 'J he country Is full of men who , resI)0Uslhle for the prolongtij t0 g0 into partnership with any outside commercial victories.. Great Britain re- starch factory and its two hundred and odd
e wining to bet they can live slxtv uucnusu or leniency to
days arid never touch wnte
Tho sultan of Turkey has decided not CUtiA'S Electoral BILL.
to order any moro warships from Ger- Tl'e Cuban constitutional .convention
man builders because ho Is angry over lins adopted as a whole the electoral
eornorotlon In the cnnnl-nower huHlness. ported a larger total foreign trado than thn well paid and well contented onnrntlves.
either by guaranteeing a bond Issue or Unltcd States, but the British oxcess was It was made in malice. It was heralded
by contributing part or all of the noces- l '"'P01","'- In our relations with England by Oldham In Syracuse, Nob., as an attack
oj Lonu part or a i oi me nocts .the .year's record, according to the London "Pon tho Mortons, by which 10,000 votes
sury capital through tint Issue, of bonds, statist, shows a balance In our favor of would be lost If tho proposed onslatmht
130,000,000. was abandoned. Oldham's utterance, made
Subtracting tho value of Imports from 'n tho prosenco of tho peerless leader, wns
After thlnklnir, it ovor. in snlt-n nf the
the comments of. f?erm'im newspapers. framed by tho commission, but a8 assurances of democratic lawyers who tno exports, it appears that in the twelve stenographed by a Conservative employo
How have tho forecasts of that speoch
been verified? Hnvo the starcli works
ceased? Aro thev now Kelne oxnandeil. on.
amendment. The Cuban constitution' democratic members of the board seem is a gain of I120.358.H3. and the nni th, ment? Ami 'i thu inrim.rt- nn.t i n,
uiMviuur oiiuigc appears to be In provides ror universal, HUffrajio and this! to hnvo come to the conclusion that t 'caT wmcn comes nny nearer was 188R. cold storage nlant and is the Morton-Gre.
such KU'lIt demnnil nt' miinlnim .....,.. tiresetlts thn innut niivvll mr nrnhlnnii wrtiil1 irf- tinlil wntor Hnlneu If unti I When the. bfll&nCQ WQ8 QDlV 14ft.lfi7H.1S I Hon nnrltlnar hnilAP thn rnnillr nf lha nffnrra
. - - ' " ""K'UU, V. V, V. J J I " w " 1 fl l' UUIVIIi iiU I 1WM1 uuai 11 l V -iWJ 4b nrtlflll er,, - -r - - . t-v. rt ( DUIli-lrSH J 1 It I I O l( -1 f I C fV IVno l IIUII I
nous, oui settlers' jilcnlcs aud water- i-'lectoral bill, Instead of settlug such re- adopted over again. Even If the legal ,hat . ' f " ' ,",cl-"Jr uo ? mo ract or populism, urynnism nnn its expounders? j (0zcn times each day he appears in pop
; - - - ....m n ojji(inJ( n .vrii mt 00 (WUf UU L II n HiiniH nn.jr it,iiii,in til. 111 j ui o ui w " ' um b t h ilia i wui Vo
Until tho sultan Improves'hls credit ma- tI,u vnrlous articles are yet to be sepn- insisted the gerrymander 'of county com- nJ.U8t cnded the United states is
terlally the shipbuilders will not go Into tely considered und acted upon the mlssloner districts perpetrated last June whth i. LlT T m"cna,ntlIse.nnt.
very deep mourning. measure Is likely to undergo some whs perfectly regular and legal, the Soin
many who do not understand German. Tho
men who sit on high chairs In front of the
bar and drink their beer freah from the
tap wear their coats, but those who occupy
chairs at tho tables become conspicuous It
they do not remove them and are asked
by the waltera, "Do you want your coat
hung up?"
Tho place has gained tho name "Shirt-
waist hall" and a glimpse along the long
lines of tables gives one a fair Idea of the
colors and combinations of colors used now
In making men's shirts.
On a recent warm night, when every
tablo was occupied, one of the employes
of the place said that by actual count there
were twenty-two pinochle and several solo,
knl and slxty-slx games going on In the
room, "but you don't hear no nolsa
around," he said, "nnd we don't have to
tell people to keep quiet. De only loud
thing In here Is de shirtslcevo waistcoat."
Brnoklvn Kiirrln. T.'rln..,lnl... j- .
for a stomachache; doctor? 1 yo" no
ine yoctor (ahsent-mlndedly)-Hem. r
!?ve J vermfnrm appendix, If l am
Phllndelnhln Pra- "li,,- ... nvin. v.
In swlmmlnir here ' torlnv?" nii.-.i ivmiJ?.?
nngry father.
water" roP""d bo biggest boy In tho
Are you sum?"
bushes now."
are you sum?"
"Sure. Why. It whs as much nn he could
i to keep from drownln', but wo got him
Jt all right, lies rcstln' over there In tho
James Barton Adams in Denver Tost.
In i battling for success In life,
My bov. hn tirnvn nf hontt
Be not a skulker In the strife:
Stand on: tin u-nll vmir .m
Turn not the other cheek If luck
On one should plnnt Its blows;
Get nction on your manly pluck ,
iiu u on iiiq nose,
Mv liov.
And swat It on tho nose!
Ono of the odd characters In Brooklyn
Is a man who ls a drunkard only from his
nnkles down. That is to say, while he If knocked to enrth, rcgnln your feet,
never puts a urop or imoxicnung nquor f " J"r Kiuiru;
Into his stomach his feet aro confirmed Tu.nianu.fii' ,"n',.r",re''lt!
toners. Thev must have thofr whisky at And soar to uct nn ononlnir
regular Intervals each day or their owner . Through some. dpfenslve flaw
The man who possesses theso whisky
loving feet Is employed In one of tho city
departments In tho municipal building In
Borough Hall square. At least half
In hurd luck's rigid gunrd, then swing;
S1IU li in iiih JUW,
My boy,
And smash It in tho Jaw!
A solid nerve nnd crnw well filled
With sham, enuraceous ha ml.
A brain by scheming coolness chilled,
A strong nnd ready hand.
melon barbecues that he will presently Mictions Pm tho ballot as educational defects could be cured In this wny It 1, to tho enormous tZZTZ J? llZl n1 lJTl I ei JW1i '"' JJ6? W A t.
have, to call on Acting Lieutenant Gov- or l'foporty tiunlltlcatlons, proposes to would not make the gerrymander any ing the closing mont
Instead he stoops down, unlaces one of
. i . 1 .. 1 .. . . 1 . .. I , . . U .. V. I 1 . .. I
IHR BIlOCB I'vuio .,., ui 1..C "HniiJ Th..,.i, vml .v ,,.,. ,, ..
II Tl, V. nn,. tho nil,.. l.nW - j ?V'V
iinu ii. ...... j.uu.. w...w w. LiHiiKuren oy ine diows,
the liquor Into tho second shoe. Your shoulders by n sore head crowned,
And that's no hot nlr blast!
im:iimoaIi .notes.
T. Suffcrn Taller of New York is said
to havo tho best library of books on sport
ing subjects, and particularly on rldtng
and driving, In this country.
T. Jenkins Haines, tho author of tho
sen tales, owns a yacht of his own, which
is, most of tho time, his home. He has
been a captain of a merchantman and Is,
consequently, an expert sailor.
Captain William K. Augustus, assistant
chief of the l'nducah (Uy.), fire department,
claims to bu the oldest paid fireman in
Ti,i. nnrfnrmnnrn inn nliT.ilrt -And with 11 wealth of nose.
...... a. , " " I - I V n 1 1 1 1 1 T 1 . r t ni i'.r..ri .line.
the bartondern in the place until one day Inanlmnte ns clriv.
ono of thorn made bold to aak the man The future will your hurts repair,
why ho disposed of the whisky In so queer Aml ,hjJ,nyKHbw'" come ymlr wny
a way. Tho man explained tnat tor years And things will como your way!
He fills a elass Will down tho fno at Inst.
Ithn nf m.i ...Ann,li.. ne mnn . a.i l ..... I . . . l . . .... . l .. u... I If hilt th tlflttllnc- nnilao Via lr.1.1
..ii..,. . .in . In i. i, . ... - . . . . I . . - . ncwuius ucraiiuii iu, liou, iiihi mm, ii uu etui, u nil on, io ino orira wuu inn nquur, out ,.i .!,... .". V .. .
, Ntoole to 1111 thu executive chair 'It eligibility to ottlce. The plan Is less odious, because It Is avowedly a wn goods wore hurried hither to single statement which has been proved has never been seen to drink any of it. Aml XMyS? n,r bl'U
ii,io no ih muKing tne rounds. 10 leave to thu local boards of reclstra- trick for the .purpose of keeping tho 'avu VUH "sner iarm rates about to be- truo by subsequent events! Find ono eco-
tlon any restriction of the rltrht t, vnt.. couuiv board tinder democrutlo eontrol .. ... "fv.'.ve' In.c,ud,nK tno net exports nomlc utterance thnt has not been demon-
The milk of human "iclndness does not l,ut tlu,so onriln are themselves to be without regard to the wishes of the tax- ports' of in JLm Vf' BJl?i nJ ,m" straled a ,,e!
RMun tn - .... j...... .!..... .....i .1 i . ... ........ . . ........ . TV"" """ uawnco
" i'"111"1 iniiuiiK ine iinirymen ".- mm mciu m no original restliC- puyern iiim vuiurw. nun ii comes io is n ravorntile ono of J671;45S,818. After de-
In the vicinity of Oinalia to any con- t,ou "H t0 the choice of these registers carrying out this conspiracy the voters ducting the amount paid to foreign vessels
slderablo extent. Thu Retail Milk except that they must, be able to read of Douglas county will Insist on having ,or fe'Bhta, the expenditures of American
Dealers' association has resolved toad- write, which Ms required as to all a few words to say at the polls. "Tey 8e?1 1?orao by Immlfc-rnnta
vauce tho raie on milk to a point where oicc holders. here, there , Htlll i remalnsa "'""f l"veste,,
children will have to bo weaned. As every voter at the election of ores- A constable nt Wathena, Kan., has ance, which has ekhcrnen0nn0nia,blli,"1.",
Went, members of consrress and nrovln- turned up as a great hero. He killed a at good rates or expended In thn nnh...
We are glad to noto that even our c,h1 Kovernors must present a certlilcnte bootlegger und captured an accomplice Pf American securities from holders in
amiable iioiiocrntlo i-nntoi.i.,.,, n,., of registration and nnisr i.inntifv i.i.... of the dead man. The renort of this . P6-"h'ch means less Interest to ko
predicted utter ruin and disaster its the selr' 11 ls Himrent that the Initial power 'ole lccd explains that the bootleg- "ll poEn oi hls'1 naUon8"0 fl,na"'
iuevltablo conseiiutmce of tho redemp- of thc Zonula of registration would be ers were ,ot" colored and had given strengthened to an extent thnt Is fully an"
tlon of .Nebraska to republican rule, ad- considerable and Important. The bill tllc "Ulcers much trouble. Had the hot- predated in tho monoy mnrkots of the
nuts, alter six months' trlnl ,.f ti... ....... proviues for a sennrntn nml mmnrini. tied wh sky dealer been a white mnn
regime, that "among the uood thlinrs nf bourtl of elections for each nrovlnco the constable would not have dared use . , tD,s tlrae. when thcro Is so much dls- the United States. Ho is now completing
earth Nebraska loads them all." When "'hlch will be Intermediaries between ' revolver unless the offender had as- , " , rn,i, , C. fr1ln crops anJ tho hls forty-ninth year of continuous service,
wo havo a iroo.l thlntr ul,v . the locnl honrda nf r-Tlr ...... snnlted him. ? . J!Q . nb.rTX'. tho m.cM rcPort Uonald O. Mitchell (Ik Marvel) of tho
" " un ..nn ... oAHi.nD especially interestlnir anH In. ... ....
Irnnllo I-.I..JI ., .. .. " . emtio n i ii"" vw.....v
to It?
Colorado Is celebrating tho twentv-
Ilfth anniversary of Its admission as a
tlon and tho constitutional convention.
tho latter reserving to Itself the Himl
decision as to thu outcome of the elec
tions for the entire Island. At the ses-
in ildllvnr tlin
Innlnrllnc flnni nt K. . u I ' . ,.. .. .,
Nohrnskn rnvimnn ..nlln.-tlnnK for tin. f,. a u.,. "' address nt tno dedication oi woodormgo
. ...w u.i a nun uiiHueis oi wncnt to thn
... .tfr..... ..... ........... I. , ... . ..
muiiiii oi .imy are uie lurgcsi in uie uis- "arrei, total smpments of wheat In the
tory of the local ollico lu spite of the year em,od Juno 30, iooi, were 2i4,!t0i,06i
fact the Dakotas were cut off from ,c, " ,' v .",eQ ftt i6o.336,67l. against 184,
hall, the new Yale administration building,
nt the time of tho bicentennial celobratlon.
H must chnfo tho proud soul of William
state. Loiorado has every reason to re- ston of the convention Wednesday thero ract tllu unKota wero cut oir fro,n 761.153 in " the nrecidinK vear . t Wa,,,,,rf A",or t0 11,1,1 that' ln M' ambl
Jolce. It is not only an lutegrnl part of was objection to this on the ground that thu (1,8trlct Jul-V 1 ai"1 11 ,urK Portion 978,453. Durl' tho Bm Ul tlon to secure possession of Osborne house,
the best country on earth, but a country the convention could not assume f the war tax has been taken off. Nc- 176.688.352 bushels of corn went aTroad V"0 ,f W,Bhi' lZ 'cu 'l.TrT.
which has made Colorado prosperous In thorlty to establish the new govermnent bra6kn n,wnyB haH 11 few Iluks of eItru valuod at M- Mt 207,888.635 in $m'Tl
XXufotT mUTL7 f ':ml 8,CttlU ,,lSPUte', ar,',B" Ht 0t 11,0 nulrt " W"eU 0CCft8'011 Swrt" ffi 'SSTwW Anders Zorn, iho famous Swedish nrtlst.
this rT 1 Pn1,er m C,f.Ct,0U' ,h08e nmttcw bclonglBB to 1U,rt8' : The movement of ILTj U Tcomparat S "threatened." ns ho put It. to some day
at this timo au if It Is made the Con- the military government. This view, jllnn u certnlnlv nrmrrelnir A ""'raportant. being valued at only about present one of his pictures to tho St. I.ouis
tenninl state will abandon tho free stl- however. atmenr ,,nf tn i.v t , Japttn 8 ce,tal' I'rogrcsslng. A ,2(000iooo annuaiiv. NotwithstsnHi,,,- ,h Museum of Kino Arts. That was when ho
. ....... u.,iiu iiv;- 1 (.nlillmllv- una liiiar rnini(ul l. l . ... " i
ver delusion.
Wheu rockets go up the stick Is sure gardlng the mnchluery of election a
,.r.. .,...,.. I,.... I I.. ...... "'vvv -""uailjr.
ceptnnce among the deleL-ntos e-enomiiv : . ' . . .7 " . . nrp aocune In the quantity of cotton ex
nnininno r,'.. .i i uuimiij men OAjieeis to coniroi ine tea i ported during June, which Is
- " ii."" tuuwui iu re'
nlwavs a
product of that country nnd limit tho O'Hot month with foreign spinners, the total
first visited tho city Bcvoral years ago.
Tho other day thn picture arrived. It Is a
"Portrait of a Woman," nnd Is valued at
S I ..1 ... M ...hi. .. ..i..... . .. I... ....... I.
hi cuniu uowii. .iier a spectacu ur cumbersome and that It would loilco 7 7 , . T ----.
fllcht Corn Kin- Phiuin. i... J, . . 1 ;oulu. K prices. If the present gait Is kept up
with a thud which sadly dls.let, Iw U.r, t Z t Z Z, I.-'Vl. . tlu! 01,1 Yaukeo ls llkpl- ,0
royal nersonallty. Kew men . , , U, m , IZ! Vankou nt
demonstrated the capacity to malutaln by the convention., In regard to ellgl
n great business without thu foundation lilllty to office, there. Is an effort to ox
of careful training and years of expert- elude persons' of foreign birth from nu-
ence. in ti game winch nas-beat the thorlty. It Is provided that provincial
omesi aim wisest, ns nas mat of grain governors, members of congress nml
speculation, it is not strange that tho presidential electors must he native or
juuu uiuu .en oui oi ino paracuute. naturalized for at least eight years,
see the now
outstrip him.
for the year was 6,500,543 bales, an Increase ovor K,000.
of 414,471 over the preceding twelve months, Tho Cleveland tax board recently turned
ii m a considerable loss compared with its attention to the I'loveinnn uas com
earlier years, when prices wero much moro pnny and tacked $:,&74,445 to Its original
attractive. The average export nrlce for tax return of tl. 411.954. During tho hear
ths ten monthu of the current crop year Ing President Oreenough of tho gas com-
If they enn't have the franchise their was cents a pound, far abovo any year's pany resonted .Mayor Johnson's assertion
way, the suburban electric railway nro- avoraKe B,nce HM. th total valuo of that tho stock was worth 1250 a shnro and
motom nv thr.v .Im.'r u .It n BnPraent the year was $313,283,578, a offered to sell him 500 shares at that price.
niOlOrS Snj lliej UOllt- Vlint It at all. 1arir innrr..n nvnr thn r,,,.. lhn..n rr.lnrlrl y, nff,ln In I.V. 1 nnn
This Is decidedly at variance with their record, made ten years ngo. Meats also shares at 250. Doth then signed an agree
earlier professions that they were will- established new high water marks In the ment, Oreenough agreeing to deliver the
lug to accede to any conditions or snfo- v'ue of foreign purchases, making the 1.000 shares by August 8. Tho board's as-
guards to protect tu public Interest encouraging one ror domestic sessment was inado on stock valuation nf
Whatever fuel 1 roost economical, most conve
nient to your house, can ha used In a Hound Oalc
Kurnaee chunks of wood, soft coal, hard coal,
roke anything thnt Are will consume. What
ever you put In It win givo most neat, necautn
Round Oalc FurnnooH wmU no fnel; burn nil the
furl, the cases, and mMtofllieimiikii; keep firs
12 hours with wood, 21 hours with coal. The
Round Oak
la solidly constructed and Is airtight (th
only airtight
rurnann,) and Is
reasonable In
price. All of the
heat goes Into the
house - no waste
through fines out
side the cttilDS, chim
ney or In cellar.
II ion wnt 4 rnrnac.
rfl. (nr th Round Oik
riniMt tiook lull of
fail UcU, bintt on fur
Dr rn!tlon, tc.
KsUle ef
DawKcian. Mich.
Makrrt of BfuAlh'i Jtnvnd
Oak, tlM pton amou4
itove In the world.
4 Oak riruin ar fr ta
Jl aiNots uec mM
Rea4 Oak Furaae
with outer caslnc raaorat.