Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Trawling Land Agint tf Union Fad do Re
port! Gtneral Riling of Htpta,
l'lrntr of (irrcn Stuff In lirnUn, Us
Jirclnll,- In thr Wrstrrn Portion,
Snr G'liiirlp llllil, Who Una
lletnrned from Tour of Stnte.
Charles Bllxt, traveling agent of tb
Union Pacific land department, tells a story
ol a sudden and complete change of heart
on the part of Nebraska farmers and real
dents generally, especially In the western
portion of the state.
Mr. Illlxt has Just returned from a tour
of Nebraska and says the people have tor
gotten that there ever was a drouth, threat
cned or actual. Whcro two weeks ago they
were already In crop tnotirntng they are
now rejoicing over prospects In all lines
of green goods.
Recent rains are the cause of this re
sumption of hope and happiness, says Mr,
Illlxt. They have been uniformly heavy an
thorough in their distribution. As a result
grain conditions are good and pasturage Is
Another Important feature Is the hay out
look, which Is better than ever. Kven In
tho sandhills this Is true. Where formerly
lust a mere frltiKO of grass has been grown
making a sparse pasturage, hay abounds
this year. All along thoso uplands thcro Is
such a crop being harvested where It was
hitherto unknown.
So It seems that the general bemoaning
of fato and luck at the persistency with
which all rains have been falling In that
section wns lust a little lunpportuno, for
this wetting has accomplished something,
even If It ha not fed the thirsty corn in
the lower belts.
MJ HAD r.FKr.CTN All 15 KHI.T,
ltnlln I'nrrliHHlnn AKriit TiiIUk of
Slei'l Worker' Strike.
J. V. Orlfflth, purchasing ngent of the
L'nlon Pacific lallway. Bays that ho would
not know that any strlko was on among the
steel workors If he depended upon result
lng disturbances and fluctuations In his do
"Of course one would naturally suppose,"
he said, "that such n rupture would be In
dexed more or less accurately by prices of
steel, etc., but wo havo not felt It yet hero.
"That does not moan that tho current
output would not Immediately feel tho ef
fects r.nd show them, for It, would, but tho
material that wo nro receiving now Is not
subject to those Influences, slnco It was or
dered a month or more ahead.
"If tho strlko continues another month
our department will undoubtedly receive
unmlfitakablo evidences of Its existence, not
only In prlccH, but In thu attainable supply
of tho materials wo need.
"Wo always endeavor to keep a good
stock on hand, and nro well situated In
that way Just now, hut when that runs out
of course wo shall bo compelled to go on
tho market and get tho goods wherever we
can find them. If tho strlko Is still on when
that exhaustion of present supplies occurs
wo will get the full benefit."
Unto Clerk Tnlk .Shop.
0. H. Cramer, rato clork for tho Burllng
ton at tho Omaha headquarters, returned
yesterday morning from Chicago, where
ho has been attending the conference of
rato clerks of all systems which havo mem
bership In tho Western Passenger associa
tion. Tho rato clerks met for the special pur
pose, of calculating their percentages in all
rafes affected by the new law recently
pasted by tho general passenger agents of
tho linos In session as the Western Passen
ger association.
This rule, adopted for tho first tlmo in
tho history of western railroads, provides
for n rato pro rata calculation and division
of receipts of Joint traffic sales instead of
a mileage pro rata system such as has been
In uso by the roads of this association.
Certain grado percentages' and other ar
bitrary percentages nlready established do
not como under tho purvlow of the new
ruld and worn not molested by the rate
clerks. Atl other rates were reviewed and
tho business of re-establishing percentages
Present for Mr. Knox.
J. W. Knox, chief draughtsman for the
Union Taclflc until August ,1, was presented
on Wednesday evening with a watch charm
ns a token of tho esteem in which ho Is
hold by tho men of tho drawing office. Tho
design of tho charm Is a Union Pacific
shield and the names of tho donors are on
graved on the back of It.
Oitiatm ItetAll (Sroorra' Annotation.
r Annual picnic,
Arlington, Neb.,
Thursday, August 8.
fjpcclal train will leave Wobstor street
station via Fremont, Elkborn & Missouri
Vuli.iy railroad at 8 a. in.
Hound trip rate: AdultB, $1; children,
60 cents.
All grocery stores in the city will close.
Join tho picnic and have a good time.
New Italia of Hettrr Weliclit Are Us.
lug Laid on Twenty-Fourth
Xtreet, South Omaha.
Yesterday morning the Omaha Streot nail
way company began to replace tho rails
on Twenty-fourth street in South Omaha
with heavier ones, and this work will be
continued until tho entire lino in that city
has been Improved.
The work of building tho Missouri avenue
Una will bo started In u few weeks and
tho oompany hopes to havo it comploted
and in running order this fall.
a.lC.'!nt. ot th0 Ma owning
Thirty-third streot, as a result of the re-
fusal of property owners along tho street
to receive warrants in payment for tholr
claims for damago tho company has-glven
up all hope of having tho line to Prospect
Hill cemetery completed beforo next spring,
but tho manager bollovcs that tho first
work of tho company in tho spring will
be the opening of this line.
The board of directors of the company
is scheduled to hold a meeting Wednes
day, that being 'the first TVedensday In
the month, but as many of the directors
are out of the cty, It ' is not probable
that a meeting will be held.
A Stw Lot ot Itemnnnta on Snle for
the Flrnt Ttme Toitn.v.
Today wo placo on sale for tho first
time a new lot of Imported sample pieces
of high cost black dress goods; a great
many of them match. They are all $1
quality, on sale at 15c each.
A nice lot of dress goods remnants from
36 to 60 Inches wide, In good lengths, on
sale at 16c a yard.
All the silk remnants that were Included
In the silk waist factory's stock go on sale
according to length at 6c, 10c, 13c and 25e
The silks from tho waist factory go at
25c, 39c and 49c a yard.i They are worth
up to $1.50 a yard.
Remnants of embroideries and Insertion
worth up to 25c a yard go at lc, 3c, 5c and
7,4c each, and by the yard.
Lace remnants worth up to 20c at 2c
and tic a yard.
J-yard length allover laces, 9c each.
Printed lawn and dimity remnants, lc yd
Itemnants of 10c ginghams, 3Ac yard.
Finest quality Scotch and Irish dimities
new patterns, Cc yard.
Itemnants English covert cloth, 8,4c yd
Itemnants best standard prints, 3Hc yd
25c black India llnon, 6U,c yard,
Pest grade unbleached muslin and cam
bric, 6c a yard.
30. Inch percale, 25c quality. 8Uc yard.
Fine whtto lawn India llnon and white
lace lawns at 10c yard.
All widths bleached sheeting. 16c yard
New corded madras ginghams, nil new
patterns, 2oc quality, 8Uc yard.
600 ladles' and misses' samplo hose, on
sale at lc each.
J. L. Brandcls & Sons. Pronrletors.
Selling Rogers. Peet & Co. Men's Clothing.
To the flrent knit Lake ItcRlona
Cross the Rockies on a forty-three foot
grade, light easy curves, eighty-pound
steel rails, a perfectly ballasted roadb-td,
gigantic embankments of disintegrated
granite, through tunnels, bored In solid
gr.inite and over stone and steel bridges.
A fascinating panorama of marvelous en
To see this bo sure your ticket reads
over tho Union Pacific railroad. Lowest
rates made for summer excursions In many
years. New city ticket office, 1324 Farnam;
phone 316.
Clan Gordon basket ntr.nln nf Prlo'o lnls
Saturday, August 3. Carryalls from Thlr-
iicm street ana Ames avenuo ovory half
hour. Tickets CO cents. Round trips may
bo had at Douglas Printing company, Slx-
icenm anu Howard.
"The Only Way"
Botween Kansas Cltv. St. T.nula nn,i r.M.
cago. Chicago & Alton Railway. For In
formation address L. D. Cooper, T. P. A.,
O. & A. R'y, Kausas City, Mo., or D.
uowes, a. u. p. A., C. & A. R'y, St.
Louis, Mo.
"Will Knjoy Cool Wenthcr.
Ask Ocorgo F. West. Cltv TlnW ,
North-Western. Lino, 1401-1403 Farnam
street, Omaha, for n.qrtlrulnr r nn,..,ir..
uuno aupenor trip ho has to offer during
mo montn or August.
Send articled of lncnrnnmtinn
stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Boo.
" ' proper legal Insertion.
Telephone 238.
Dr. Qulnby, Homconathlat. aiu nn.i.
Ing. ""
Aliened Sneak Thlevea Go Through
Farce Cometly Iln- While In
the I'-llce .Swentliox.
How will your cold
tonight ? Worse, probably.
It's first a cold, then a cough,
then bronchitis. Colds al
ways tend downward. Stop
them quickly with Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral.
Uc, i., il.H. J. C AVER CO UvtO,
A llttlo farce comedv nnrir th rt
sweatbox proceeding was preseutod yes-
.ciuuy in me omce of Captain Hayes nt
tho police station. Three men were pres.
ont, charged with "robbing and conspiring
to rob" Mrs. Eugenie Fosdtck, the loot
being a diamond bracrlnr
pleco. and Mrs. Fosdlck was thero also to
inoniuy me culprits.
Yes, these two men." nndl ih i.n,,,
lng Dent Smith nnd Henry Ileesiey, "are
tho ones that wore fighting In tho street
at tho tlmo of the robbery."
well, if we wero AnliUm- in hn .i.w
how could wo have robbed you?" snapped
ueesioy. i remember right, I was
pretty busy side-stepping Smith about that
TblB sounded like a tlOSpr. hill thn nnn.
tain came to' tho woman's rescue with tho
explanation that the stolen property had
ucuu inuua in tne pockets of Smith and
Boesley. Against the third rnnn rtrnaant
Morris Alnaworth, thero wns no ovldenco
save that he was with the other two at the
time oi me arrest.
"Then I see it all." she mm. "Thn
two men kicked un a flirht In tho in.i in
draw mo to the window and this man (point
ing at Ainsworth) sneaked Into tho room
while my back was turned and took tho
things oft the dresser."
I can SCO US coin? nvnr thn rmil " uM
Smith, in derision. "She'll provo that nil
right." And tho trio snickered.
Thero was soma cross, niirxtlnnlnp nnrl
some passages at ropartco and then the cap-
iuin oraoroa tne men to restore the stolen
property. The diamond bracelet was pro
duced and 319 in silver.
Where's tho other dollar?" asked the
Wo'ro holdlnc out n dollar fnr Ida n.
tertalnment." nnswnrpd Smith. "Vrni'vo
already admitted that it was a good fight
and that VOU en Invert It. nnd vmi linnw
you can't see a high-class exhibition
hko mat anywncrc else lor less than Jl."
As the men had no more monev this
arrangement was accepted.
A Cnre for Cholera Infantum.
"Last May," says Mrs. Curtis Baker of
Bookwalter, 0 "an Infant child of our
neighbor's was suffering from cholera In-
fantura. Tho doctor had given un all
hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy to tho houso, telling them I folt
sure it would do good it used nccordlng to
directions. In two days' tlmo tho child
had fully recovered and Is now (nearly a
year slnco) a vigorous, healthy girl. I
have recommended this remedy frequently
and have never known It to fall In any
single instance For sale by all druggists.
Vetrrana of Philippine War Will Meet
anil Talk- Over Army Mfe
Omaha'a Ilepreacntatlon.
Philippine veterans in Omaha are now
dlscusalug tbe question of attending the
reunion to bo held at Salt Lako City August
13, 14 and 16. There are a large number
of persons who saw service on the Islands
now residing In Omaha, but so far as
known none of them have positively an
nouncod their Intention of attending the
Several members of Company L who
were with that company In Insular service
aro discussing tho matter and may later
conclude to attend.
Major Wilcox Aski for Ohwga f Du of
Qutrdimen'i 'Encampment
HuatlliiK Committee Will IteMime It"
Lahura na .Hooii na the (,'h nl rm nil
Itcturna llnoklim Attrnctlnna
for .Street l'nlr llnplillr
Major II. S. Wilcox has returned from
Lincoln, where he went to consult the
ofllcers of tho Nntlonal Guard of tho stata
In regard to changing tho dato of the
annual enenmpment of that body, so that
It will not conflict with the festival week
of tho Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben.
The governor and adjutant general stated
that in fixing the date they had endeavored
to avoid conflicting with other public at
fairs. They promised to give tho matter
consideration, and, while they did not agroo
to mako tho change desired, they gavo the
major to understand that It would be doue
If possible.
The uirangements for the excursion over
the lino of tho Hlkhorn from Norfolk to
Omaha for August 12 arc being made rap-
Idly. The Hlkhorn company has granted a
rate of one faro for tho round trip from
Norfolk and all Intermediate stations to
Omaha. Tho Board of Governors has not
taken the fubject of rates tip with the
other roads over whoso linen excursions
will bo held August 10 and 26, but It Is
unders'nod that equally favorable rates will
bo 'secured.
"Will lliiatle Sonn.
The hustling committee has not been
called together during tho exceedingly hot
weather of July, but as soon hs II. J. Pen
fold, the chairman of t lint committee, re
turns the members will meet to renew tholr
work. . With no effort on tho part of tho
committee the applications for membership
aro coming in in a gratifying mannor, and
next Monday night there will bo n line
class of neophytes for work nt tho den.
Tho preparations for tho Btrcct fair and
cnrnlval aro being pushed actively, nothing
being permitted to lntorforo with tho secur
ing of ntrnctlons which will Interest tho
people of the city and state. Whllo no new
features aro ready for announcement nt this
time several large attractions nro corro-
npondlng with tho manager for dntcs.
Whllo many applications for membership
nro being received, thero Is much to bo
dono to reallzo tho expectations of tho
Board of Governors at tho opening of tho
season, and n call for united work on the
part of every person Interested In tho an
nual festival is urged by tho men who nro
dovotlng tlmo nnd money to tho enterprise.
On the Mllvnukce llnllvrny.
For a short or n long vacation tho beau
tiful lako offers the most economical yet
delightful outing that is avallablo for
Omaha people.
Quickly and easily reached from Omaha
via tho Milwaukeo railway, altitude nlruosi
,000 feet, air always coin ana invigorating.
A beautiful, clear, deep lako with high
shores plcturosquoly timbered with hard
wood trees Excellent fishing, boating and
bathing. Moderate-priced but good hotels.
This la a list of advantages not to bo
equaled. Full Information cheerfully fur
nished at tho Milwaukee railway city ofllo.
1504 Farnam street.
F. A. NASH. G. W. A.
Adilltlounl Aconiniodntlona.
On account of tho very low rates mado to
Colorado points
will place In service, commencing August
1st ami continuing to the 10th, and Sep
tember 1st to 10th, a Tourist slcopcr on
train "No. 3" .for DENVER, leaving
OMAHA AT 4:25 P. M.
Tho rato will bo $1.50 for a lower or up
por doublo berth, sufficiently commodious
to accommodato two persons.
Reservations Bhould bo mado as far in
advance as possible
City ticket ofUcc, 1324 Farnam street.
Telephone 31C.
Cool Mliineaotn.
Do you realize how cheap tho round trip
rates aro? Less than half fare. Via North
western lice August 1 to 10.
Omaha to St. Paul-Minneapolis, J3.85s
Omaha to Duluth, Superior or West Su
porior and return, $13.85.
Two fast trains dally.
A night train and a day train service.
"Tho best of everything."
Why stay at homo In tho heat? Go to
Minnesota. Fish and hunt and bathe.
Northwestern Lino ticket office, 1401-1403
Farnam street.
Tho Orrntrit Milliner)- Srnantlou
Kver Ktiinrn Siitiirilny.
Llchtorsteln's, 306 Fifth ave., New York,
are known ns tho finest milliners In the
united States. Wo purchased 600 of their
Imported patterns, all recent creations nnd
superb styles. They aro worth J25 and up
ward. We offer you your
We also offer you Saturday
Many aro Imported models, tho balance
are products of our own workrooms.
J. L. Brnndels & Sons, Proprietors.
Selling Rogers, Peet & Co. Men's Clothing.
I'nril of Thnnka,
Wo dcslro to thank those friends who so
kindly assisted us during tho death and
burial ot our mother.
MR. and MRS. O. A. CURTIS.
MR. and MRS. F. A. HART.
L'UYKd2nt,uC,kn,nTg.ngC,1 M year"' AUKUSt
runcrai notice later.
Your IS Gents
W 111 buy u bottle of tho best known stuff
on earth for getting rid of hug, bed btmn,
nn?rpl,b"Ksr:n Kinds of bugs, SURE
Y t name of this preparation
i i . i , M " " l ! union yoj n no a
j vim iiuu it uuk in yuur nouso
Ji.w itt.MI'TATION TONIC 730
Jl.W Alismn Hair Tnnlo 60o
Hi HZ llHITI i nillff 1 llnimlKK An
M WcBt's Hrnin nnd Nervo Treatment I7c
ji.w . u uKiT Lnncnnim wtn
Jim 1'riMl.t U,irnu rpn,nAMH WU
A- " Ajuit.j uru ova
2$. (-ottun Root, Tansy nnd Pennyroyal
....... iuu-j a Kt'iiume Jl.W
I'm 00 1 Vegetable Cathartic
Me Carter'Y.lttio'i.iver I'liis'!!"";!!;" ISc
Ate v. .iHioria, Ki'Ulilnc jjo
$1.00 I'rnmor's Kidney Cure 73c
JUO Porunii t
23c Laxative Ilromo Quinine 150
Ilcr'H Mult Whiskey .!!.. ." 75o
2jo Belladonna Plaster, 2 for 25c
Cut Price
Drill; Htnra.
tel. 747. S. W. Cor. tilth nnd Chicago.
Goods dellvarod FREE to anr part of city.
Thronirh Yelloivatoiic Pnrk l'eraun
ally Conducted.
A personally conducted excursion nnrtv
leaves uraana Tuesuay, Aug. 20, for a 10-
days- trip to and through Yellowstone Park.
Tho cost will be Icsr than $100. That
amount covers ovory cxnenso of tho trln
ratiroaa rare, sleeper both ways, meals en-
route, Motels and atago through tho park.
uooKiet giving full Information mailed on
request. J, FRANCIS,
Goneral Passenger Agent,
Omaha. N'nh.
or at Burlington ticket offlco, 1502 F imam
Utnh'a Idrnl Climate.
On tho shores of the great Salt Lako and
for fifty miles therefrom, in every direction,
the climate of cllmatup is found. To en
able persons to reach tho famous health,
bathing and pleasure resorts of Utah the
Union Pacific has put In effect summer ex
cursion rates lower than made in many
years. New city ticket office. 1324 Far
nam; phono 316.
l.nke Okoliuji,
The ideal tummor rosort. Quickly and
easily reached from Omaha via tho Milwau
kee railway, tho only through line.
City ofilco, 1501 Farnam street.
Dr. R. D. Mason, rectal surgery, Brown blk
Dr. Lord has returned. Offlce, Paxton
block; hours, 2 to 4. Telcphono 33.
Tubllsh your legal notices in The Weekly
Bee, Telcphono 238,
Eat and Drink Anything,
Mrs. John Mlnsterraan, 278 Central ave.,
writes undor dato of April 2, 1900; "Cra
mer Chemical Co.: I take pleasure In ac
knowledging tho benefit I recelyed from
tho use of your Cramer Kidney Cure. I
have taken three one dollar bottles and the
effect was like magic. I can now rat or
drink anything nnd no Increased action of
kidneys takes place, and the pain has left
my back entirely. It Is worth its weight
In gold to anyone who has kidney trouble.
You may uso this testimonial If desired."
If you will send your address to tho
Cramer Chemical Co., Albany, N. Y they
will eend you a sample bottlo, free.
Cramer Chemical Company,
Albany, N. Y.
Why Not Try
Fig Powder? .
When you nro alnlf nml AnU
what's tho matter, and you have doctored
With all the ilnntnrs vn i lr.,r,,,. .,., ,i.
everything everybody ban told you to take,
wm sun you aro no Hotter. Now If you know tho rcnl rniwo nt vnm-
ness, you take Shrndor's Fig Powder. That
ii-us you uiu cause of your Flrkncps. All
i" " iHiufeu y constipation t int
nna nolnnnntl vnui- Mfut.... .... .1.... ....
tfw... J " . uilli IllHIllllK
will do you any ood. Klg Powder cxlractH
.'uiBUit im mivL'H 11 oui inrouu M tho
WPl tnlHrttx rnni n n, .1 1. i i. .
...... .,n nivuiviiiu, mm iM'tipiijir n f
your system. All drugs are poisons after
. 1. . wilt-urn. ii mines wiin t tio
poison that makea you Hick, bo you havo
lin,.nmn1fili..l f..l it In ......
ww...t,..u,.v1. ..ui.iii.,, uiut:rn .vim Kei 11
out of your Htomiu'h nnd bowels. It only
b.ata, ui Pl.1111 lu
W. J. Shrader Medicine Co.,
New York Room 10. 'n. sn v.nttt mv, oi
or 1C02 N. 21th St., Omaha, Neb.
50 Square Pianos,
$50 Each,
50c a Week,
In addition to our regular lino
JCTT plunoa, we offer 10O sllgh'-ly-used
grand, siiuaru and up
right pianos, of standard
makes nt prices that loso
sight of cost. SO SQl'AltU
l'Ult WUUK. Organs, J15 ar.d
up. 200 pianos for rent at It
nnd per month. One Year's
rcntnl allowed If purchased.
Artistic tuning nnd repairing
promptly done. Deforo luiyliiB
ron our stock nnd get our
prices nnd terms. Will ray
you. Catalogue furnished frco
on application, k.
Htcinway I'innoa
1'laylng Planulna,
1313 I'll run in St., Oinnliu.
Telephone 1025
337 Broadway, Co. Muffs.
Telephone 378.
Take a Kodak in Your
Dofore going on your vacation, call
on us. Wo can show you a beautiful
folding pocket Kodak. Can be loaded
la daylight, elegantly finished only
We havo all other mnknn n in.ii
B , ... "
prices, bee our 14 special 4x5 cam
era, reduced to I11.P0.
1215 Farnam Strest.
Wholesale and retail dealers In Pho
tographic Material.
HAY M Big Slioe Sale
Spacial Bargains for Friday
U.8GMCI1'8 Cr0W" Sh0C,, 1,10 W'' ,X5 a,Ul ilM klml- sale I,rlco
raw?Hn,B&wi V'C'' Wrth WM a"d " Sa' KHday' A
price 1 s"'8 V1C' K'd h"nd turncJ Jullct r Princess Shoes, salo
?aarAToW. XfrdB' WOrth "-50' ,U5'
andSTo'?. Vti jTrlcV'lf.'' Xfrd8' 0,0 k,nd you pay 1M
See tho 16th street window for tho goods.
Ill the
on Friday.
Women's Vlcl Kid laco or button, tan or black, worth up
to $3.00 a pair, on sale ut J1.48.
AVofiien's Tan Vlcl, Krcncli beel, worth $3.50, on Rale $1.4S.
Children's Black, Tan or Ited Strap Slippers, worth 75c, on
Bale for only SOc.
Hoys)' nobby canvas Buls, tho $1.33 kind, only 3Sc.
Clearing Summer Wrappers.
Our entire wrapper stock made of dlmltlen, organdies,
batlsteti. Kgyptluu tissues and light nnd dark percales, on
sale Friday at 0 a, m. Some nf them sold ns high ns $6.00
and $7.00. None, rcbcrved. All must go to mnlto room for fall
40 dozen women's light nnd dark wrappers, extra waist
lining, worth $1.00, for only :!5e,
"0 dozen woman's wrappers In flno lawns, bntlHtes nnd Si
percales: pretty' patterns, some with whlto yoke ruf
tlo and brnld over shoulder; 15-Inch llounco; extra waist
lining; a wrapper that would bo u bargain nt $1.50; In this
salo for 49c.
45 dozen women's wrappers, made of handsome tlnured
llmltles, lawns nnd batistes; trimmed with rutllo and braid
over shoulder; 15-inch flounco; a wrapper worth $2.W); sulu
orlce only 79c.
37 dozen women's wrappers, made of orgundles, dimities
and lawtiH; hand trimmed; I'xlni wide at tho hips; 15-tncli
flounce; n wrapper that sold for $2.50; sale prlco SiSc.
2.c dozen wrappers of llnest French corded batiste; yoke
of allover laco. Unshed with rulllo over shoulder; stitched
with brnld rulllo; trimmed with Valenciennes luce; a wrap
per that sold for $3.00; salo prlco $1.50
10 dozen wrappers; the wry best and most stylish made:
sold for $1.00, $5.00, $6.00 and $7.u0; In this sale at $1.93 and $2.93,
Special Bargains for Friday
on Whlto Roods, Linens nnd Domestics,
40-ln. Lawn, rogulnr prlco 33c, at 15c,
Strlpo Dimity, worth 3"c yard, at loc.
India Llnon, 5c, 7C 10c and 12c.
Strlpo Madras worth 30c, at 15c.
Long Cloth, 12-yard bolt, nt Sc.
Kxtra heavy Ilrown Muslin, nt I'c.
Cambric, worth 10c yard, at fiVjc
10-4 Sheeting, worth 27ic, at 20c.
Ulenched Muslin, good grade, at 5c.
72-lnch extra heavy Hleached Damask,
Don's miss this opportunity,
worth $1.23. at 75c.
IW-lnch extra heavy Hleached Damask,
worth $1.00. at CSii.
Ci-lnch Ulenclu'd Damask, worth 75c, at 49c
00-Inch heavy Cream Damask, at SOc
6S-lnch heavy Cream Damask, at 30c,
54-Inch heavy Cream Damask, at 25c.
Special bargains on napkins, slightly soil,
ed Watch Sunday's ad on Sheetings,
Linens and Whlto Goods.
Shirtfl. U'n mnntl Tinn Urn nil Inn Tlin en u-Afn hmifVfct fnt CnnlnnikAp .In.
- - , .. v ........ -- 'ti iuui ativcw v 'wuf-tMb tui HVj'HUIUV;! UU-
livery nnd Intended for fall negligees, but wo sold all stock on hand and
wrnto tho factory wo must have thesq new goods, ond got them. Wo ?how
them In our North window $1.00 each. A few $1.50 whlto negligee shirts
at 75c sizes lGfct 16. 16V6 and 17.
mu ndr c.,icaKO KELLEY & HEYDEN
Mall Orders Filled. They mako shlrtB.
In the days when we were young
clothiers, the one great thought
wns to make and sell clothes of
honest stuil'a. It was n big aim.
Wo aimed high and hit afterward
style claimed kinship with quality,
ami the two ideas paired for life.
'Twas a happy, prosperous wed
ding. Seventeen years have passed
and style and quality still go hand
in hand, and our aim is still high.
Our aim is to give you better
values than any other clothing
store in America. We believe we
have aimed right and the prize be
longs to us.
This store that is known by its
goodness and bigness. Our name,
our clothing, our principles, go
hand in hand. We're ashamed of
Tke Hat Ma,rv
is going to give you a chance to prepare yourself for fall
with -18(5 new sample hats to choose from. These hats are
sent to us to select our 'fall styles from. Are you wiae or
Friday, Remnant
Day in the
TCtrrvhrwIv U'ltn la nnnvnrantlf nltli tfin atnrna nt ("Imntin n .1 i
orlty of our stock In Its vnst dimensions. Its low prices nnd varied selections. Wo
nnt'n nuani'lli lm n! n t- 1 4 t. I..II 1. . . .it ....
tu uittjuwup,, tiuu in 11,-Do iiiuii uuu'iuiii mu turn ui oiuor HioreH. r riuay morning
wo will put lino long remnants of nil kinds of Koods, over 100,000 yards of wash Roods,
dress Roods nnd silks nt less than any houso la Omaha owns thorn, n
and compare tho prices.
Men's 6c Boys' Clothing
Hoy's 35o wash I'ants, 10c.
Boys' 60c cloth pants, 15o.
Coys' 75c nnd $1 cloth pnnti, 25c,
Boys' $1 wash Btilts, 35c.
Boys' $1.20 wash suits, 49o.
Boys' $2 wash suits, 75o.
Boys' $1 crash suits, 45c.
Boys' $2.60 cloth suits, 95c,
Boya' $5 wool suits, $1.45.
Boys' Ions pants crash suits, aget IS t
18 years, at 60c. Worth $2.50.
Boys' $2.G0 lonR pants, 98o.
Men's $2.50 pants, 65c.
Men's $3.60 pants, 7Cc
10c toweling, 6c. '
12c toweling, Go.
25c turkey red damask, lBo. V
10 tiers host laundry soap, 25c.
3 largo bottles puro tomato catsup, 250.
S-oz. pkg. baking chocolnto, 17c.
S-lb. can grated pineapple, 12c.
Alaska red salmon, per can, 8c.
Fancy yellow Crawford Peaches, 8 l-3c.
Shredded cocoanut, per lb., ICo.
Largo Santa Clara prunes, 3 lbs. for 25c
Fancy York State apples, 7V4c.
Potted meats, nsaortcd, por can, 3e.
5-lb. palls puro leaf lard, only, 49c.
No. 1 California hams, sugar curod, SHo.
Cholco clear salt pork, S Vic.
Wisconsin full cream cheese, 10a.
Sap sago cheese, each, 7c.
Choice separator creamery butter, 18.
Oood country butter, only, 12c.
A beautiful present given away fret
with ono pound of nny of our celebrated
Fancy Japan, for lco tea, por lb., 35c.
First crop basket fired Japan tea, 40o.
English breakfast tea, a choice drink, 40a
Sun cured Japan tea, 34c.
3 lbs. of our Superior Health coffee, 25c
Fresh roasted Hlo Colfee, whole, 10c
Broken Mocho and Javn, only 12o,
10o glnghnms, lino styles, 2c yard.
12&c chambray, 2Sc.
10c, 16c and 25o wash goods, in short
lengths, 2!4c yard.
12Vic heavy toweling, 314c
Apron checks, 3V4c.
Itemnants of nil kinds of muslins, and
sheeting, worth from 10c to 16c, at 5c.
Whlto goods, worth 15c to 40c, at Ec.
Remnants of wash goods, In flno long
lengths, of nil tho finest goods made, that
bold up to $1 per yard, at 5c.
36-ln. percnlcR, worth 25c, nt 5c yard.
15c dress goods at 5c yard.
25c dress goods at 10c yard.
Remnants of silks nt exactly half prlco.
10,000 yards of 25c dimities, etc., nt 5c.
10.000 yarda of 35c dimities nt 7',ic
20,000 ynrd3 of 60c lllmltlpn nri,niwllnn
percales, grenadines, foulards, and othor
goons at H'.jr.
VAc stnndnrd prints nt 2J4c.
10c Shaker flannel at 2c.
10c draperies at 3',4c
12'c draperies at CV4c
15c draperies at "He.
25c draperies at 10c.
$1.00 bed spreads at 39c.
$1.50 bed spreads at Sue. "
6c L. l. muslin at 3ic.
7',4c extra heavy muslin at Gc.
Ladles' 15c vests for 30.
Men's handkerchiefs, nlnln nrwl
worth 10c at 5c.
Boys' suspenders, worth 25c at 9c.
Ladles' and children's 25c hose, at 10c.
Men's hoso, worth 15c at 714c
Mon's and boys' 75c work shirts, at 29c
Boys' 39c underwear, nt 15c.
Men's balbrlggan. In nlaln and fnn
ors, worth up to 75c at 19c.
.Men a 60c bicycle hose at 25c.
Boys' bathing suits, worth 25c, at 10c
Exclusive Things in Sash Buckles.
We have the most elegant line of Sah Buckles nnd Girdles to be
reen In this city All excluslvti patterns, We also show a beautiful
lino of gold and gold plnted Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins. Brooches, Waist
Beta Sterling sliver and plated Chatelaine Bags and Purses. Can wo
show you theno goods?
Muwhinney & Ryan Co..
Jewelers urn! Art Stationers. tftth and Dotiutiifl Sts.
Mall ordars given careful attention selection packages sent to responsible parties.
The World's Greatest
Ideal French Tonic.
Stimulator, Invigorator
Tho only genuine Imported French Tonlo and positive
remedy for Debility nnd Impotency. A NERVE TONIC.
Brings the pink glow to palo chcokH nnd restores tho fire of
youth. Ask for our book of ti HilmntilulK.
TEMPTATION I'ONIC lins effected riirfia In either e
whero all other known treatments have fallnd,
TEMPTATION TONIC him long enjoyed the reputation
as a tonlo for men and women of weakened vitality.
Compounded by
. l. m. lao a Ann, .ii. Paris, Francs.
Temptation Tonic Is for Salo
In raso your denier should not have our goods, write to
us for prices tnd full Information. Corespondenco answered
in strictest conlldenco by our American agents.
Madison Specialty, Go.
Selling Agents for America, Omaha, Neb.
S 'l M 1MUS0
fU... ...lOU
V" H
m i .i ii, 'iT'inirf
This month. This calls for a gift if come kind Nothing
Hirer than sliver or cut glitos W have a nice stuck
of both,
Bpind u few mlnutps nt our store,
S. W. LINDSAY, the Jeweler,
- 1510 Douglaa St.