Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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AUGUST i, 1001.
' Mi.xnt .Mi:.vrio.v.
Davis sell ilruKs.
Htockert soils carpets and rugs.
Williams makes II photos for U.
I'lno A II C beer, Nrtlmayor's liotcl.
Victor henfra. Hlxliy St Son, ncnts.
V6IIfnan, Bclcntlfle optlclnn, Q Hroadwny.
C. " K, Alexander St Co., picture and
frames. T!. 3;o.
Mrs. W. N. Nnson Ih home from n visit
nt Krrmont, Ncli.
Oct your work done at tin- popular liage
laundry, 721 Hroadwny; ' UUionc 157. '.
MIwm MtUK.irol mid Aitim Madden tire
visiting rclatlvcH iind friend In Denln, In.
.Mf, nnd Mr. W H. linker nnd fnml'y
of T-filrd nyonue will lr-iv.) today for ti
vinl.1 mJ :Iriiml llavri. .: ti.
The riwuliir itni'Ctltiv of t H Asso luted
C'lmrltlc will lie ' tomorrow mornlMK "t 10
o'clock hi nruce Hpldcopul church.
Thu flint-mi of M ra, K J. Slmbcrt will be
thift morning at ,10 o'clock from the r cl
dencc, 2jo South 'Tweilty'-tlm ntrcot-. ,
John Watts and Julia Tucker, bofh of
Bouth Omaha, wrrn married In thin city
yesterday afternoon hy Justice
flit- WoinctVfi Christian IVnlperanco union
will meet this afternoon nt 3 o'clock In the
Hunday-school room of tho Kirnt UiptlM
Mm. Knto Itlrd, charged with assault nnd
battery by. ..Vth, Johanna Oralium, was
lined $!.to nrtd "costs In .lustice Ferrler'a
court yesterday.
Iturftl Wall delivery routoi Nos: 3 Anil V
will be cHtahllshed today. James M, I Icl
ncr will be carrier on Nn. 3 route nnd O.
N. Ilonton on, No. -I. , . , i,
Peter Suiids'trdin, otu' of the iMky draw
erf f iieMon of land Ut the-Uiwion ilia-,
trf-it In "the Oklahoma" lafiu lottery, Ir n
resident of 1'Ikcoii, this county.
OllfH O. Judd and Minx Mabel M. Debar
wen- married at .1 o'clock yesterday after
noon In, Council. JHuffH. Air. Judd Ih u pop
ulr mi J I'lIlJlfint emihiVo ot .the nmdttee'
department of rfwlft apd Corivmny, Smith
Omrtliu, ' - t -i j i J ',
The llrst annual picnic of the Cou c l
HltlfTH Aerie, Fraternal Order of KiikIcm.
will be held nt tho driving p.irk 1'.
The proKram has not been fully decided
upom, but. It will Itiuludo horsa.aud bicycle
riit''anir ffthl't-slrts,. , '' ."' 1
C'ounty Hupurliiti'niVint ,ot fl'rhooli O. J..
McMliniif nnrtiMfv WllrWtVu-rrttnnrrfirt foi
n visit nt Prof. McMuiiiis' old home in
Kilineston. N. Y. Thev will tilso visit tho
l',ilif Amerlrnn xpwIUun .und.,VHtbnitton,l
I). Ci beforo if turnlitif'binnc. ' i '.i
Huv y.' C,. jAlVar-lsnud ,wjfp, of U.
la.', hnv Men ccuri-il tfi-tdkc charKO t)f
the services at the Iowa Ilollness associa
tion, Mission hall, corner of Main street
and Plrst avenue. Miss Heller will return
to her homo In Denver, Colo., for n much
nodded esrt,- ? ..,.,,,- ,. , , .
"Frank Hoffman, ii,'lnlloV. Who "ftnhlbVri'
too freely Tuesday nlrJll'.nnd. rrabtted 'Of
llccr Wilson's efforts to 'place him under'
arrest, was nascssed S and costs In pol cj
court yesjerdny, mornliift. Ho pain h
nnrn;i)ic7uiJiyp9ithahkfiil, life sutd, .th'ttt it
was not' more. '
Mr.-JoTia'nnU llansrb, i'ikciI S3 years, died
yesterday morning at tier residence I i
Hazel Ucll township. Her husband aid
two children survive her. Tho funeral will
be this morning at II o clock from th?
Litter Day Saints' church In Hazel Dell
and burial will bo In. the (Irunne cemetery.
C. J. Dobbins, proprietor of tho Senate
saloon, whoso partner. Charles Hcnnlau,
after drawlnR the nrrn's mpney from the
bank, left flic city, ynvo. n bill of sale yes
terday to A. T, Xstev,ln ror J700. It o
velopijd' ysteitlay ihntbeiorn lefivliiKf till1
city Hcanlau nvo a chattel mortsraRo on
the saloon for JIU to Tostuvln In the llrm's
Hecclvers Ucreshelm and Murphy com-
expired. The preferred claims amount t
a llttlo over $27,000. Many of the preferr d
claims havu already received the 15 per
cent dividend.
ieoia aooui a monin oro. was urpucnt
iflfinnWitrttfyft-otnrtgivn'iy Wtfcrt
wclr. tvelmer sold a horso said ro be too
one stolen from Murphy, to Joe Mcnn'
of this city, who later disposed of the ani
mal In Oniuha. Tho saddlw xnd bridle weie
Fttir Barlow, Switchman for Illinoii Cen
tral, Drawm in Mluonri.
JuiIkc Mcl'hprsnn lnt! 13. W.
- ; v
ataT.iwraWutf )op,Toitpiiott ai9Ji
Gravel roofing. A. II. Head, 541 Droad'7.
MnrrliiKr I.lepnses.
' , r - y y --r
UlConses to wed wero Issued ycsterllny to
tho following:
Name nnd Hesldence. Ago.
Olles O. Judd, South Omaha 22
Mabel M. Stntka, Pottnwattamlo county. 20
Franlc Tlllilok. Omnlia 39
Harbara Pros, Omaha 33
Oscar Koerster, Omaha Si
Anna Hchrendt, Omaha 24
John Watts, South Omnha 31
Jitlti( Thicker; S.outUj.C.VJiahn 32
J' lin H. Keating, Portland, Ore .......31
Clara I.. Troutman, Council IrtdfHf 4-...ii2i)t
Oliver aunderson, Council Hluffs 23
Llzzlo Hcnze, Council HIiiITh 31
Andrew C. Hrugh.COWri'h'k .r, f7..t.0...r.33"5
Mary Mcainnlty, south Onlnha ...IS
M. h. Fuller, Storm Lake. Ia..
rsancy uouicn. unucrwood, la.
,Tmi Arc HntliliiK from n Sn nil bur
Whrn HnrliMr Tnkrn I'ntnl otlnu
to llntllp "lib the
, Current.
Peter Unrlow, n switchman In the employ
of the Illinois Central railroad, was
drownodtycaierday, afternoon while bath
ing In the Missouri' river near the east end
of the motor company's bridge. Ho was
an expert swimmer and Is supposed to
have cither been seized with cramps or
sucked "down In an eddy near one of the
targe piers.
Harlow, In company with James Hnsklns,
4 bartender employed In a saloon at 1608
.West Broadway, went down to tho river
bank about 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon
to swim. Hasklns and narlow wero pad
dling, about, In tflo shallow water near n
sandbar when they np(lced n man In a boat
fishing" about '100 ynTda a'wny. Tho fisher
man was using a botlo-for the float for
his line and Harlow ' "told Hnsklns he
guessed ho would swim out as far ns the
'(Ijotilft Hafliln;i!av. Harlow, reach tho hot-
nu iiiiu.uieu pwini vownni wic large pier ot
tKiVJbridgJ. 'Hoi ttirne'd' Tils' back for a
mlnutn and when hoj looked around again
Hasklns failed to see any sign of his com
panion. He waited on the sandbar for sov-
jcu-aralHijtasv but. faUtng-to wo-Any signs
of, Harlow, came to tho conclusion ho hnd
... ftiunmiirt iiifiuitMi jiih riomes
ns speedily as possible and notified tho
bridge tender nnd then reported, the matter
.t4Ahu:hollcfftlilef''.o'f,Vol'fcfc' Albro haa-,tcnil;itoAtlio-,.rlvcr("biir
po signs of the
man's body could be seen..
Llttlo of Unrlow lsr known hero. He
came to Council Hluffs, on May 21 nnd a few
days later, went, to work for the Illinois
C'cntra'l railroad hs n 'switchman. He
boardod ,at, iho-MctppoIltan. hotel until
July 1. On July 10 he became sick from
tho hent and has not been working Blnco.
.lie iwjjs,-:n uiemberf of , theT -Switchmen's
Union of America and Is thought to hnvc
a family In West Superior, Wis'. The appli
cation on which he was given employment
here by tho Illinois Central rond was
dated nt Fort Dodge.
On an order Issued by Judgo McPherson
'pn'tfafalicourt'thr' Qrnnd Hotel of
thtS.CltV WAS VOflterrlnV nllnrnnnn n1nAA ln
'tlT'hanhs ofJfe."W. Hart ns receiver for
tho Grand Hotel company..' An injunction
was also Issued restraining D. C. Smith, the
lessee of the hotcly from In nny way Inter
frihg:iwjjlTfhrWrceolVer: . ' '
L,.Tl10 flrand hotel .was icascd. to Major I).
i;.!omun or Kansas City March 21, 1809, nnd
.'hotppkoaaifllcjn ,of the houso April 1
following. Dy tho" terms of his "lease Major
smith was to pay a rental of $300 a month
no(L,Uoiva the house In nrmer Tnnlr.
I, fill. tl'. I' ' i I. l r t r - --i
In rsklng for tho appointment of a re-
uio-Miiiiiii iiuici uompany, wnicn is
composed of a number ,of 'the leading
business men of Council DIuffs, It Is claimed
that Mnjor Smith was In arrears of rent to
;'thf,;amoutlt of. -W "and-that itborc was at
least amount of repairs needed to tho
house. Tho plaintiff company alleged In Its
petition that owing to the manner In which
Major Smith had managed tho houso ho
had "Impaired, tarnished and Injured tho
good name of tho hotel" so that former
patrons of tho placo refused to stop there.
Some few months ago Major Smith gavo
mortgages on the hotel saloon and fixtures
rtjvrn.lon Foley.,and Wljllam Moore of
(ho whblcsalo cigar firm of Percgoy & Mooro
for about $2,300 to cover bills for coal and
elsora',r r - --
rtecelvcr Hart furnished' a bond in tho
sunt of $4,000 and took possession of tho
hotel yesterday afternoon. Tho hotel will
be kept opon and as soon as tho affairs of
iht present le'Bs66 lean bo "straightened out
win be under new management
Tho hearing of tho suit of tho Grand
jjlptol .company- against Major D.- C. Smith
has been' set tor August 24 Ih tho federal
court. '
whoiher sea or' land, ro
nulres good eyesight. Kven
tnd(ijh'5'our ) bo weak!, you
can enjoy good sight If you wenr
our eyeglasses, because wo tit
them itccuruteiy to your eyes.
We have j-yeglassHs and spec
tacles" of alii njtylex, nt all
prices all helps to slghtseulng.
liruiliiiile Opt iclnn.
23!?J HriiiilwHy, Opp. Olon Ave '
Council llllifTs,
1. "
Mde for thoi who know ht't" good.'
.- - Ganymede Chocolates
an! Opera Bon Bons
Mads Hy
IM 6. -Woodward & Go.
"The Candy Men."
Council Hluffs - Iowa.
Iowii Steam Dy Works
.104 Uroadwuy.
Make yom old clothes look llko new.
Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing.
i rwi.Q niiTi PD
Funeral Director
jt 4 (Buoceiuor to V. C. Kitep
2H l'i:.VIU, Vl'IIHiri', I'huna 11
Negotiated In Kaslurn NebraJka
and Iowa. Jumes N. Cnsady, Jr.,
Ut Main tit, Council Uluffa.
talncd P'resldcnt H. O. Hurt ot the Union
Pacific and wife, Mr and Mrs. W. S. Ken
yon, Mrs. W. 11. Millard, T. M. Orr and J.
H. Millard, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Halch
of Omaha entertained Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
Cole and Mr. and Mrs. A. Itcmlngton. Pres
ident N. W. Wells of the motor company
cntertalnci Mr. and Mrs. C. E. 11. Campbell.
One Wlfr Is U'rnry of lliivlnu n llili
liniiil Who Mprtuln llrr
Mn Iiiks.
Three mtsmnted couples filed petitions In
the district court yesterday asking that tho
matrimonial bonds which tic bo savored.
In- two rnsfs tho wife appears us tho ag
grieved party, while In the other It Is the
husband who seeks to bavo the knot untied.
Mrs. Maud H. Owens, who was married
to John W. Owens In this city In July, 1 8I I.
has becbnio weary of her husband taking
till tho money which she managed to savo
from her salary ns u teacher nnd then de
sorting her, ho she wants her maiden camo
and rights as a maiden restored. Accord
ing to the story related In her petition her
husband deserted her five years ago after
ho had secured from her $200 which sho
had saved from her earnings as a
teacher. When he had spent this ho re
turned to her, but shortly nfter Induced her
to part with $.".00 which she had again
saved, and then he deserted her for tho
second time. Again ho camo back to her
when ho spent this money und again she
condoned his offense. Uist July ho suc
ceeded In Inducing her to part with $009,
which sho had saved from Jier earnings, nod
again decamped. With Mrs. O.wens .it
meant third time-nnd out, and sher decided
ltvwonld-be economy oh her part not to. bo
handicapped with a husband, licncf the rfalt
for divorce.' ' ,
Mrs. .Anna Dcunlng 'wns mnrrlcd to Hob
ert' Dunning In Council HluffH- April 20,
Uf4, but. as sho alleges hp hair deserted
her' for' another woman sho .vnnts Uho
bon'da' that bind her to, hlm-scvcrcd- by due
process of law. Sho also nshs' the enstody
fif"lliilrrtw i minor children, two Haughtcvs,
agvr rcspw-tlvclyS and 2 years.
' John Hlggtns In his petition alleges that
hl wtfoj Catherine, whbnl hu married In
Ireland .some flvu yearn ago. Is far too
atrenuotiH for hlra and his rclntlves, lie
says she not only treated him Inhumonely,
buUpul In hnr leisure moments when alio
wad not nbuslng him by bontlng his mother
and Klstor, and thHt not content with this
she In' moment of rage nttompted to take
thu life of their eldest daughter a child 4
years of age. He assorts that Mrs. Hlggtns
loft him last Juno, taking with her their
youngest daughter, Dora, aged 2 years. Ho
asks for a divorce and the custody of tho
eldest daughter, who Is now in his care.
Wllllniit Short Serlin to Jioeure l'on
scshIoo of Joint Short'
William Short, who claims to be an
adopted son of John Short, recently com
mitted to tho state asylum at Clarlnda,
brought suit in the district court yester
day to secure possession of two-thirds of
tho proceeds of tho salo of tho property
belonging to the latter. T. G. Turner,
guardian of John Short, Is named as party
defendant to tho suU.
The plalntlffullegos that John Short and
his wife! adopted him In April, 1R68, In
Detroit, Mich.,, .when ho was 15 months old
and changed his name from James Sulli
van tq that of William Short. An alleged
contract of adoption entered into by Short
and his wife with Mrs. Mary Sullivan and
dated April 30, 186S, Is made part of tho
John Short owned n two-story brick
storo building on Hroadway, which Is about
to bo sold by ths guardian to satisfy the
claim of a creditor namod Way. William
Short claims ho Is entitled, as tho adopted
son, to two-thirds of the property.
faji Report of RowdyUm at tin Dubuqui
Incampmmt is Greatly Exaggtrattd.
Cnll for PottaWnttn'mlr County Issueil
T. , by Chnlriunn
' HppiI.
Tho call for tho democratic convention of
Pottawattamie county, to be held In this
city on Thursday, August 13, was Issued
yesterday by Chairman Brooks Reed of
tho county central committee.
At this convention ttvcnty-nlne delegates
.will bo, selected to attend the democratic
statft convention at Des Moines, August 21,
and. a county ticket twlH be placed In nom
ination, ns well as a candidate for Judgo
of tho superior court. This latter nomi
nation will bo iriado by the city delegates,
The county central committee will be re
organized nnd a county chairman elected.
, Tho convention 'will comprise 179 dele
gates, the representation from tho different
preclnots aa follows:
'HtlknAi ;
Iloomr .. .i
council nlurr. in
wunl, lt precinct..
Cmfoell Illurrn, 1st,
anl, !il precinct....
Davis sells paint.
II. A. Iloylp In Anient to Arroiuit for
Money Intended for Soldier'
t Hiicnn-n.
H. A. noylo of Crawford county, a for
mer first lieutenant and surgeon In the
Fiftieth Iowa vol'untc'br infnhtry during thb
Spafilsh-A'merican war, Is defendant In a
sult'brought by the United States In the
federal co'urt hero yesterday.
It 'Is "alleged by ' tho government that
Lleutc'nnnt Hoylo has fnllcd to account for
$120 which ho received from Major John
iTIIIle and which was to bo expended In
defraying tho subsistence In other expenses
of men traveling from tho. Second division
hospital to Iowa, lt Is alleged by the gov
ernment that Lieutenant H.oylo not only
failed , to account for tho jnoney, but did
not expend l for tho purpose designated.
MU C'lnrii I.oulso Trout mini Prove
to tit thu Fuvorttn III
Soncr Wan About.
Council Itluffn, 2d
w.ini, ut precinct.
John H, Keating nnd Miss Clara Louise
Troutman were married Inst evening at tho
residence of tho brlio's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. K. A. Troutman, fCO Third nvenuei
Itev. George Edward Walk, rector of St.
Paul's church, performed tho cer
emony In tho presenco of a largo gathering
of tho relatives and friends of tho couple.
The groom under tho nom do plumo ot
"Lynn Udall" earned fame and wealth ns
tho composer of tho popular songs, "Just
Ono Olrl," "Just ns tho Sun Went Down,
nnd mnny others. Mr- and Mrs. Keating
will make their homo In Portland, Oro,,
whoro 'Mr. Keating has property Interests.
Hunk In SpliMiillil Condition.
That tho banks of Cnunell UlniYa nrn In
Knne Outnlde 1 i n, J . .. ..
7 Kt-i?, Creek .......... 3 I luiiumon ih Hiiown ny tno or-
tt'armn 3
Center 3
t'mcent S
7 Onrnr ,, 5 i
Orov'e , 3
7 Hardin 3 i
; Hltzfl Dell 4
Jiiine 3 i
council HiurTK, :.j, -n .uriicinci... .
Council niuir, s.t Knox 9 I nciai statements recently tailed for by tho
c'h V"tTrrt-t..-5 tiAyton e comptroller of the ' currency!"1 Tho ofll'c'iai
crrr,!' ft..,. . .Co,,, J ! ?at?r at'f: Jhd -8tht0 W
Cnunoll Hlufir,- M '' MgceUonla r...'.. ,or Jl,no !!1 M that of the riatlonal hanks
ri'mJhim ..Vi'' "' i!"1:1" " 5 July 15. The condensed slatcinent of tho
OeOncllMOnfTn tilf' ..SV.ol, 7 hariki nf ihla -Mtv frinn.,.
nam. it t,rfcinci....s.Vf.rniw ! .nKs of this city follows:
;. 3
Council Illurrx. Cth
want lt prerlnet..:
Council IlliifT", (th
ward, 3.1 precinct....
Council llliirtn, flth
wsrd, Ut orclnct ..
dirndl HliilT, lith
wnrd, M precinct
8 Hock ford ...
Hlle- Creek
7 Wilky . -
7 Wavrlnnd ..
WrlKht 3
3 York 1
rrimnries tor selecting delegates wilt bo
held, Saturday evening. August 10 at 8
o'clock for country precincts, and Monday
ovoping, August 12, for city precincts, un
.less, otherwise provided by published call
of precinct committeemen,
.otltr of nimaolut Ion,
plus and
Capital. Prollts. Cash.
National.. Jiil.lOO None. $91,100.61 $ M.342.00
State S a v
Ings 50.oiMWl.10S.3S Sfi.149.fiO ai3,739.:S
C. 11. S a v -lugs
150.000 41,002.11 759.uiO.S3 1.5I9,69'.87
First Na
tional 100,000 ta,(X9.40 741,801.47 I,3iU,7S9.C
CentrnI Whlnt ANniieliitliin,
Locul whlat players are busy arranging
fpr tho midsummer tournament of the Ccn-
I trai wnist association, which will bo
Tl ,, . . I In this city August 9 and 10. Accommoda-
dJcTb0 limitation AH cZ f ?
w coco wS'.s
ioll " "all Imlebdnrs to P fi , I club ,ha meetln nr(""lsca o ono of tho
polled all ln.lfbUdnr. to K II, Sheafe ft best attcn(Je(1 ,n ,ho of tbe mQm
0 ij "' ' mNI)ER & t'0' riatlon nnd It Is expected that these cities
Dinner Pn'rtle nt Mniihiiitnn,
Caterer Halduff opened last night thn cafe
at tlie Kursall on tho Manhattan sldo ot
Lake- Manawa nnd tho occasion was cele
brated by a number of dinner parties.
Senator Millard and Mlsa Millard enter-
.......... ...... ., .u vajiviiiii itiub iiiuau Ull
; win oe reprcHemcu oy teams: lies Moines,
I)cnson, Marshalltown. Sioux City, Council
1 Hluffst Kansas Cty, St. Louis, St. Joseph,
Ojnnha, Kearney, Lincoln, Grand Island, To-
Ipeka, Sioux Falls and Yankton.
IMvU sell giM,
.Superintendent llnrrett ItrerUr lle
nrt of Iturnl Llhrnrli (irndlnK
I flrKtiii on cv r.leetrle It 11 11 it
II. II. II11I111 nf tllnlr Hurt.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINKS. July 31. (Special.)
Major Hume, who Is chief clerk In tho of
fice of tho adjutant general ot Iowa, re
turned this morning from tho Dubunue en
campment. General Dyers has not yet re
turned, ns ho remained to attend to busi
ness matters' In connection with tho clos
ing up of tho camp affairs. Major Humo
declares that tho reports published In re
gard to rowdyism among tho soldiers at
the Dubuque encampment were entirely
wrong, that they were grossly exagger
ated by tho newspapora at Dubuque 11 ml do
tho members of the Iowa National guard
an injustice. There was nomo trouble when
a policeman refused to be made tho vic
tim nf nn innocent Joke and assaulted a
soldier and for a tltno thero was threat
of violence, but there was no general row
dyism Indulged In by the soldiers. Dis
cipline wus not maintained as rigidly at
Dubuque, as In the past, nor ns It will bo'
Ht Council Hluffs, owing to the Intense heat
which made It almost Impossible for tli'J
men to alecPi but, consldorlng all things,
the camp "was much' nioro orderly than
many of the camps which have been held
In the past.
.Sue County l.lbrnrlc.
Stale Superintendent Barrett, today re
ceived a report on the rural school libra
ries established In Sac county. The re
port .shows that In the rural schools of tho
county t,hcrc aro now libraries' agnregat
Ing 0,549 volumes, of which 2,055 wero
added thn past year. Tho teachers raised
for these libraries tho past year tho sum
of $012. S3 and thorn was secured by taxa
tion under tho Iowa law $234.84. or n total
of $1,147.73. Thero was given by Georgo
W. Schee of Prlnighar ns an encourage
tnnnt to tho raising of funds to start tho
libraries thn sum of $200. Superintendent reports that In general the new
law requiring tho setting apart of a sum
each year for adding to rural school libra
ries Is working well and good results aro
being achieved.
Mine l'.nirlnecr OrnnnWe.
A state organization of the coal mine
hoisting engineers has been formed for the
llrBt tlmo in the history of labor organiza
tions In this state and the association will
a 111 1 1 n 1 0 with tho Iowa State Federation of
Labor. The coal mlno engineers have been
slow to organize from the fact that they
ara scattered about over the state and
havo had llttlo to do with each other, hut
other classes of laborers, especially thoss
connected with mines, have been closely
organized. Tho meeting held hero wns at
tended by representatives of local unions
In the various mining districts of the state.
W. T. Arbuckle of' Lehigh was elected
president and John M. Terry of Foster sec
retary. Others who'pwere conspicuous In
tho mcetlrfg to organize were: J. W. Tay
lor, Pekay; SnmueljSpownrt, Osknloosa;
O. W. Lundholm, Saylor: D C. Dodge, sr.,
Frazlcr, nnd William P. Uoustcad, What
Cheer. Thero wero also ) legates and rep
resentatives present from tho mines In the
district In nnd about Dcb Moines. The na
tional secretary, Mr. Jenkins of Danville,
111., was present. He. has been engaged In
organizing the engineers Into locnl unions,
hut this Is the first time nn attempt has
been mndo to form n stnto association.
A strlko Is on nt tho various brick
plants In Dos Moines, tho men demanding
recognition of the union. Tho managers
havo refused to accede, to the demands
made and work Is suspended partially.
AVorU nn Hire trie I, Inc.
Work has actually been commenced grad
ing on tho electric railroad from Dea
Moines to Nevada. The first eighteen
miles out have been contracted for and tho
contractors arc now at work on tho grad
ing, commencing near the town nf A'nkeny,
In this county. It Is expected that tho on
tlrn lino to Nevada will be completed by
Institute lnt rnetor Injured.
Superintendent H. H. Hnhn of Blnlr,
Nob., was seriously hurt In a runaway ac
cldont at Sao City, where ho is ono of the
Instructors In tho county normal Institute.
He and Trot. C. H. Jump, county superin
tendent, wero out driving when the horse
ran away. Prof. Hahn Jumped out and wan
Injured. Ho struck on tho sldo of his faco
and received bruises and his wrists wero
sprained. Ho was picked up in a nearly
insensible condition and cared for. Prof.
Jump remained In tho buggy nnd succeeded
In stopping the horse, but was himself
more or less Injured.
.Vimv Cnrporntloii.
Tho Manning Electric Light company of
Manning has been Incorporated with.n capi
tal stock of SlO.OOOj Poter Ohrt, president
Brownell Hall
Excellent ndvantages In music, art, tho
modem languages, Latin and Greek. Latest
methods In teaching tho natural sciences
anil mathematics. Head of music depart
inent. Miss Wnre. three years a pupil of
thn Into Oscar Half, Herlln, Germany.
Miss nre.'H methods and theories In ac
cordnncn with those, of the well-known
masters of the world. In every depart
ment thoroughness Insisted upon as essen
tial tt. character building. Special atten
tion to development of Individuality and
also to development of a sense of social
responsibility. Gives good general educa
tion and prepnres for any college opon to
women. Instructors college grnduots.
Send for catalogue. Address Miss Macrae,
1'rlnclpal, Omaha.
"lit School that make$ manly Boyi."
A high Brads arhonlprenarlnir bort froniS to 1
,-.. - r I'uMiivn inn nr ino universities.
S'l'arata hchool Hoora and Iorniltorlt for the
il . . ' "" ' rurriui moroi unu iiociai training.
Hftjr rear nf uccoaatul work, tiendfor catalogue.
Kev. Henry D. Robinson, Warden, Baclne, Wit.
roit i,.vim:s
I9th yenr. Unprecedented prosperity.
Professors from S Universities and fi Euro,
peau Conservatories. German-American
Conservatory. Wm, II. Barber, Musical
Examiner, presont during May. Largest.
Cheapest, llcst. Address,
JOHN W. MILLION, President.
,o. . Collego I'lactf, Mexico, Mo.
nnd manager; W. H. Swaney, secretary and
The executive committee of the Str'e
Fair arsoclatton will meet Saturday In the
offlco of Secretary H. O. Van Houten at
the statchouac.
Members of tho board of control will
moct at Cherokee tomorrow morning to
look over tho progress of tho work on the
new Insane hospital, where thero arc now
over 250 men employed.
KulUfnl In the Arm.
Several men will leave tomorrow morning
for the Presidio, where they will bo Im
mediately transferred to Alaska for service
In tho Seventh Infantry. Three of the
seven, Frederick U. Woods, Lewis H. Say
crs and James Ping, are from Dcs Moines.
Claude O. Domoghlie, Bert C. Wndsworth,
Harvey D. Jackson and Edward Carrlck are
from Sioux City, having enlisted yesterday.
Captain Swcezey also unlisted the following
men, who aro assigned to Infantry duty
throughout the country; William Wlllcocks,
Albert Hnlhen, Hannon Hole, C. 11. Blank,
0. W. Hothe, Edgar Waren and Ed H.
Baker. All are from Sioux City.
Appointment of .MulT Monitor Mil ill
1- ('oniitiiiiiiler nf
lira ml Army.
DAVENPORT, la.. July 31. A general
order was Issued by Commander Mctzgar
ot tho O. A. It., which provides for aides
for tho commander for ucxt year. In tho
list are a number of I be most prominent
men of tho stnto and who carried a gun for
tho defense of the country during tho stir
ring times of 'Gl-'C;. The appointments
aro made upon the recommendation of post
commanders. In nddltlpn to tho appoint
ment of rugulnra thrco special aides are
named. E. N. Foslcr Is made special aldo
fpr tho Cluvcland encampment nnd E. C.
Hnynes of Centcrvllle and A. P. Collier
of Sioux City aro. also named special aides.
Tho appointments of tho co'umnndcr's stall
aro as follows:
Georgo H. Otis, Monona; A. H. Foy,
Scranton; W. J. Hamilton, Osceola; W.
H. Crnbt'ree, Mnrblo Hock; J. T., Hcnty,
Jefferson; H. H. Walters, WeHt Llburty;
H. B. Jordan Brighton; A. B. Gray, At
lantic; John Wnlte, Wcllmau; J. It. Hall,
Monroe; Luther Brown, Kockfprd; A. W.
May, Waukbn; D. F. Dryden, In'ld; J. Me
Creary, Ottttmwa; 13. M. Sanborn, Went
I'nlou; J. N. Holing, Stnnwood; I. It, Fin
ncrty, Keokuk; Marshall Henestrcet, Ames;
J. K. Pago, Ida Grove; Washington Gnlland,
Montrose; J. McCuskor, Dccorah; J. J. My
ers, Greenfield; J. M. Hoberts. Albla; W. C.
Jacob, KnowUle; S. E. House, Correction
vlllc; II. D. Davis, Grinncll; Joseph Oln
grass, Avoca; T. E. S. Doss. Davis City;
E, A. Kelsey, Tripple; P. J. McCullow,
Crcsco; John N. Martin, Osknloosa; John
Sine, Waterloo; A. P. Smith. Missouri Val
ley; C. M. Snyder, Mount Pleasant; T. I.
Tripper, Hock lluplds; J. W. Kelly, Fort
Madison; D. C. Hlshard, Altoonn: J. F.
Working, Waverly; H. Sharp. Humboldt;
J. 1). Shackelford, Hazelton: George Child,
Nevada; H. E. Patterson, Mnrongo; J. W.
Mohoney. Forest City; J. M. Carney. Oil
man; E. E. Newcomb, Manchester; Henry
Punn, Nllcs; M. F. Hlgby, Mount Vernon;
S. N. Patterson, Dunlnp; Z. C. Hurdlck,
Hockwell; C. M. Burd, Afton: H. B. Carson,
Moulton; M. W. Wenthcrcll, Janesvllle;
F. Sessions, Cedar Falls; J. H. Ewing,
Shannon City'; W. B, Walls, Colfax; E. W.
Holbrook, Onawa; A. E, Ooldcbcrry, May
nnrd; Francis Scnnard, Manning; C. C.
Seawcll, Belle Plalnc; B. F. Dean, Du
buque; W. J. Lewis, Riverside; E. H. Bux
ton, Deep Itlver; E. M. Blizzard, Oerby;
Albert Host, Centervlllo; W. Nickel, Clin
ton; R. C. Kennelly, Guthrie Center; W. J.
Engal, Davenport; J. O. Bull, Tolodo; T.
Gulttar, Council Bluffs; W. T. Sinclair,
Humcston; R. R. Cook, Clnrksvllle; J. P.
Barnes, LeClalre; Henry Goodman, Prlni
ghar; J. R. V. Laird, Algonn; E. J. Mc
Qulrk, Early; H. M. Belvel, Des Moines;
P. D. Durtpn, Grinncll; J. W. B. Cole, Au
dubon; F. J. Porter, Woodburn; P. W.
Plgslcy, Cumberland; O. W. .Miller. Tipton.
Special aides E. C. Hayncs, Centcrvllle;
A. P. Collier, Sioux City.
Special aide at Cleveland E. N. Foster,
Smiinli nt I'm-1 lie .timet Ion.
PACIFIC JUNCTION, In., July 31. (Spe
cial.) Whllo n Burlington switch engine,
hnultng nn emigrant car, was crossing tho
K. C, St. J, & C. B. railroad track today
an extra freight coming from the north hit
the switch engine broadside and nearly de
molished it. The emigrant car, containing
threo men, n horso and a cow, was over
turned, but no ono was Injured. Tho
freight crow claims the airbrakes would
not work.
liny Killed oil llllnoln Central.
FORT DODGE. Ia., July 31, (Special.)
Archie Pearsons, a 17-ycar-old boy, wan run
over and killed at Fonda at 9 o'clock this
morning by an Illinois Central passenger
trnln going west. Pearsons had been huut
ing nnd while returning had fallen asleep on
tho roadbed. Tho entire train passed ovor
his body. It was not found until several
hours later.
t'rlllln .Vonilniileil nt MapleHm.
ONAWA, la.. July 31. (Special Telegram.)
At tho ropubllcan representative conven
tion ot tho Fltty-sovonth Iowa district,
consisting ot Ida and Monona counties, hold
at Mapleton today, Dr. F. GrlfTln ot Maplo
ton was nominated for representative by
acclamation. W. J. Scott of Ida Grovo was
chalrmun and L. E. Pnlno ot Onawa secre
The l..-illnir Kulioal
DRAMATIC ART In lle Wt. riftj eminent larlrnclori
lrn-hr-iV training dept 1UI lw Aill unUlf
Reerial ite tn talenlwl r'lniU I'Mlmltoil inenii". all
trim lifgiiiafitpttiimri . IIMI Cuialoena lnullwt froo.
JOHN J. II.VTTM Ai:tT, lllrrctur.
Northwestern University,
At KVA.NKTn.N and CHICAGO, II.!..,
CorarrlMs OoIIccb ot Llbwral Attn, Sf.idlcal School,
Law tiehool. cctwol of l'liarui.icy. Dental Bcboo!.
Woman's Medical Sehool, hchool ot Music and
School of Orator, AIo It cnndnel nn Arailenrot
rho wihetr-ra1o. Tt.oOarr.'U Illhllral Institute l
located on trutCollaitfiOatnpi!. lnllR year begin
rptm"rJOUi. Kor Information, aclrtre,
THE KKUIHTKAIi, - I'Tnrtton. 111.
Lstko Forest University
I watt on In Hum oo(!b on tliifTof Lnk JJlchln,
fifty tiiiuuU'i rtl 1 tain from t'lilctiun. HUty tunr of
Cainpu. hfffn new bulUlntri.lhchidtni l,oln Uuretnl
II all for women. Welt eaulpi'M Mbrary uml Ujmna.
ilum. I'hyfU'al Culturo illrectcra for notli iiunwi'l
woincn. Hltffi wrada of entranro rtntilrpaionti
cnurrii collfKlntu arau-ilntr rtecirnUfd Hy nil lcit
coilfirfii. lttrriitly ipImI rrn-tlditnt, Htv
Itlehknl I Harlan, mn nf Juntlcn llarlun or 1 B,
Huprt'mn Court roni"lnKiptinl)tr KorcataloKUfs
and circular ad trem th Tri-aiurf r
l.nUo For rat tlnlrrrUy, I..1U0 l'orft. Ill,
Dramatic School
KIMBALL IIALL.243 Wabash av, Chicago II
Kail term opeun Sept, 9. Send for CataloRUo.
nnwAitn dviiii.vk, nii-pntur,
anten Dr Kuy'-s Renovator
to euro nvi.rien!tlA. oonti
itlon, liver und kidneys. Heat tonic, laiotlvf
blood purlSer known for all chronlo dlieases
'enovatrs And Invigorates 'he wbolo system unt
'arts Turf worst caseh. Get trial box at once
If not aatlallcd tvltfi It notify us, we will refund
money by return mull. Write your symptoms
for rreoMfHllcal Advlco, namplo und proof. S& A
tHiHanmii3ii.U(. U. J.Uaj-.Surawea. ti,Y
For Thursday Only
f- CrT Ucmniuits of white roikIs, 3 to yardu, 10a
( . Jly and l!Vic values, on nle Thursday at 6c.
at 7c
Hemnanta of white goods nnd piques, 15o
and 20o values, 3 to 7-yard lengths, Thurs
day 7c.
at 39c
Fine all wool challles. mostly blue with
white figure. 60c value, on salo nt 33c.
. - mm ladles silk taffeta rIovcb, In white, black
f T xiO nn(' tnn' regular &0e values, on salo Thur
" w ,lay only 25c.
Children's lnco trimmed caps at the follow
ing prices: 10c caps for 6c, 20c caps for 10c,
3!c eapn for 10c; 50c caps, for 25c, 76c capa
for 39c.
1-2 Price
Special Sale on Embroideries and Laces
at 5c
Tor pair, ladles' and children's hoso sup
porters, In black and white, always sold for
17c and 19r, on sale nt, per pair, 6c.
at 10c
Thrco for 25c, ladles' and Kf tits' colored
Mrlng tics, regular 26c values, on salo at
at 15c
Men's Jersey ribbed underwear, In shlrta
only, 25c values, on salo at 15c.
at 25c
Men's balbrlggan underwenr, shirts only,
60c alue, on sale at 25c.
at 5c
Lades' nnd mlstea white nnd ecru vests, lOo
value, on salo at 5c.
at 25c
Linn of ladles' silk finished vests, In pink,
bluo nnd white, extra good value, on salo
at 25c.
at 25c
Largo line of 50c ladles' shirtwaists, In
colors only, all sizes, on salo at 23c.
at 50c
Ladles' shirtwaists, In white nnd colors,
complete line of slies, 76c, $1.00 nnd $1.25
vnluce, on salo nt 50c.
at 10c
Our cntlro lino of lnwns nnd dlmltlea, reg
ular 15c and 25c values, good assortment of
colors, on sale nt 10c.
at 12ic
Lot of flno Madras ginghams, new nnd
pretty patterns, sultablo for whirls and shirt
waists, on salo at 12',4c per yard.
at 8ic
Light and dark percales, 3S Inches wide,
regular 12c valuo, on salo at S l-3c
at 39c
White net nnd Madras summer corsets, 60o
value, on salo at 39c.
Special Sale on Turkish Ilath ToweU.
Agents for McCall Datar Patterns.
Omaha.... ! :30 p.m
Denver.. ..7:45 a.m.
Colo.Spgs.7:35 a.m.
Pueblo 9:10 a.m.
Omaha.... 5:20 p.m.
Denver.... II :00a.m.
Pueblo.... II 50 a.m.
I.kavv OMAIIA 2iOO A.M.
Ahivk InVEB..iii5 p.m. COLO. 81OS..l:30 r.u. MAITOtT..BlOO v.u .
PUEE ADVICE br our Physicians and a FREE
of our medicine also Freo Home Treatment a no yage llluntruted book
aescrlning nynipioms ann cause ot aiseases witu uesi treatment, aiso many vaiuabla
receipts und prescriptions In plain lantfuaco, saving you heavy doctor's bill, ask for it,
Dr. Kay's Renovator
Curos the very worst cases of Uyspepila. Constipation, Headache, Palpitation of Hrnrt
manev uifeiwien anil imu results 01 i.iuiinw, aena inrnrooi 01 it.
Wrlto us about all your symptoms. Sold by drurr lsts, dooTt tweept any pubstltuts but
I l.oo und wo win snml Dr. Kay s Kenovalor ty rnturn man,
Liver and Kidney dlKeiwie and bad results of I.u Grlppo.
f i .li.i nuuui ail J
Bona us Mcl. or II. (
DR. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO., Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
RECEIVES boyn of 12 and orori prepares for oolletfn or bus
IncnH, Completely eqnlpnod In manual training and sol
onooaj inatruotlon In modern lnntrtmpieB, booklteoplnsr, oto
nofrraphy, typewriting-. Thorough militar.y tralnlnir in Infantry,
oavulry and mounted artlllory. Bend for tho Year Hook and Hook
of Views und comparo this academy with any othor military
6Clioo In the United States. You will find It superior to all la
buildings, organization und equipment. lis Instructors are all
6uecefslul specialists. Thoontlre orpanlr.atlon of tho iohool It
planned to trot tho boat boys nnd to (five them the best training.
Address, C0L. F. W. BLEES,
Superintendent, 70O Dices Plnce, Mncon, Mlaaouri
Ma jor M. von Binzer, Commandant
of the Academy, is at the Her Grand
hotel and may be consulted by appointment.
uP Wenftworih Military Academy
Oldeit and lar
military icbao;
wentrai weit
tm w ait mr m ucii i r
riTPrnmentrrTtfllonn(l equipment. ArmjrofflrrrtnnlIM, irepfHi for UnlverMtlM.
W'T7 ,tnnti M-iriiii"i ti'U JMnurwnn VTLLtnn, m. A., &lipi,, tftlinQlOfl, M0.
w w aamw w-m m m m wm w W ha as La V W MISSO II Bl
For hlKbrr . ilurntliiu of Ynu Worn en , fjlr,.. iIorn a, progreiiHlve.
rrepnratory and colleBe courses, music, a rt, elocution, physical culture. Vfftyev
enth annual ic8ton bcelns Bept, 12th, 1!01. Bend for Illustrated cutaloKue R
IIIHAM ). lilllVi:, friislilen!.
Western Military Academy,
r.larIUia.1 .anntallan
velifDt ocftttoe, Coartaieat tottt. Louti. Uitii
mntfel by tlMt-iti i of long eaperleaM. wfio lUe
Tlioruuivhlv ariulDbad.
ia elierie of the eedeft mti tMuuiMMti.
of tlir I lltv. lMltj- if t'bliitiKO, A lioin
ochool for Blrls. Hcholuatlo work, inuslo.
art, all of high (frale. New balldlne. Open
K,,Mt.CCwir'i1B-- ,UV' Wm- 1K Mcke-