THE OMAHA DAILY liEE: THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1001. 8 ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Genuine C arter s Little Liver Pills. Rflunt Boor Signature f Aee Pac-Slello Wrapptr Dctow. Tory anU natd euf FOR MEABACHL FOR IIZZINCSS. rOR IILIOUSRESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOn SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION CARTERS ITTLE IVER PILLS. . okkkiku .unwiuiunii, d I Purely ttvtMle.s&?iZiZ. j-j-jiwti uu CURE !CK MEADA2HC ILLLINOIS CENTRAL EXCURSIONS Minneapolis and return, August 1st to 10th $ 9 85 St Paul ond return, August 1st to 10th Duluth ami return. August 1st to 10th 13 85 Now Yprk nnrt return, every day.... 44.00 .Louisville nnd roturn. August 24-20. , 21.30 Buffalo nnd roturn, every day 25.75 t Circuit tours, via Groat Lakos to Buffalo and Intermediate point. Staterooms re nerved !u advance. Call nt City Ticket office, 1403 Farnam street, for particulars, or ..address ,W. II, DRILL. P. A., Illinois Central Railroad, Omaha, Neb Worn Out? TRY ITJTTI TRY rain (MAIMAXI WINK.) WORLD FAMOUS TONIC Mnrlanl Wine Is a tonlo prepared upon truly scientific principles. It Is sate and beneficial as well no agreeable. Marian! Wine has more than 8.000 vrlttan Indorsement from leading physicians In all parts of the world,. ..... Marlanl Wtno gives power to the brain, ntrength and eliuitlclty to the muscles ana richness to the blood. It Is a promoter of good health and longevity. Makes the old young: keeps the young strong. Marlnnl Wine Is specially recommended for General Debility. Overwork, Weakness from whatever causes, Profound Depression nnd RhnuRtlon. Throat and Lung Dis eases. La Orlppe, Consumption and Malaria, It Is a oinusiuio tonio lor mo enuro eysiam. Mnrlnnl Wine U Invaluable for over worked men. delicate women and sickly children. It stimulates, strengthens and sustains the system and braced body and iimln. It combats Malaria and La, QrltiDe. Hay bo used effectively In form of a hot grog. Sold by all druggists. Bowara of tml tatlons. A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER DR. T. FliLIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM. OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER. UemovM Tan, Plmplta, Fncktn, Moth Patch. , Haiti and Hkln dti- Itaat, aaS vry LDitmnn on twauty. J tlan. It has (toot the test of 09 ytan, ana is harmlwa w tail It to b iur ( la preatrlr ma. Acctpt no oountr- Ifilt or similar Jnani. Dr. U A. Syr salil to a la dy of th hauMoa (a natltntll you i,,,H.Mi will iim them. I rocom rr,,,ri nniTHATirvs CREAM' as tli Uait harmful of all the Bkln preparations." For pale uv all Druggists anu ruucn vs Dealers In tho U. S. and Europe. rERD, T. IIOIMCINS, Vrop'lV 7 Ores Jonea BL. N. 7. DR.KAY'S RENOVATOR Invigorates and renovates tha tystcm; purines and enriches the blood; cures tho worst dyspepsia, constipation, headache, llvernna kidneys. SKoandtl, atdruggltts. Fret R AdTice. sample ana noon. Dr. II. J. Kay, Saratoga. N.Y. R ENOVATO l k i n... A Ldiye KUUIII With a Vault It Is very seldom Indeed that an olttco of this description Is ucaut. One is now available. It faces east opens on tha broad coart promenade and cannot bo duplicated In Omaha If Intorcbtcd, call at once The Bee Building R. C. Peters & Co,, Rental Agents. aw .t;.J..-Tg .rr- LANCASTER COUNTY POLITICS Ohairnnn Dtbbins Speak for Republican County Committee. CONVENTION MUST SETTLE THIS DISPUTE Whether fit- Shnll Get Tretmiirer or Ht'ulMi-r N .Vol ii .Mutter for I'nii illilntPK tn Oreille Gt-ucrul Ai'nii iif .Nrhrnskii. (1'rom a St iff Correspondent ) LINCOLN. July 31. (Special.) Comment ing upon the Lancaster county political situation and particularly the numerous rumors relative to the possibility of a concerted movement by tho local antl Thompson forces, Chairman II, T. Dobbins of the republican county central committed makes this statement: "With the county republican convention but two weeks away, the candidates and thu politicians arc getting nervoUB and ex cited. Some llttlo Interest has been oc casioned by a story to the effect that tho nntl-Thompson follows were lying low with tho nope of getting a considerable slice of tbe delegation to the state convention and also n'tli thu I'luj of getting hold of the organization of tho county. According to this story th? plan of tho antls was to se cure tho passage by tho convention uf a resolution allowing each precinct to selcrt Us delegate to the state convention, In which way It would not bo dlfllcult to get a number of them on the delegation. Pro cedent usually has been to appoint a com mittee for this purpose, or If there hap pened to bo a candidate for state nillce to permit him to do tho selecting. The plan of capturing tbi organization, aB rumor has It. is that an attempt will be mode to got as many friendly precinct committeemen and thus pavo tho way for next year. At hat time members of tho legislature win be elected and If tho antls can succeed In (ccurlug the nomination of friends of theirs for tho next session they will nat urally be In lino for a rcnomlnatlon two years nlterwards wnicn legislature win elect a successor to Senator Dietrich. 'This story la laughed at by some of the nntl-Thompson ' men, who Insist they are not hunting any fight this year and that this would be borrowing trouble too far In advance. Thoy sny that the story that McCarthy Is seeking the nomination for iudce Is without any foundation furthur than that some of his friends have sug gested he would make n good one. Thoy realize, however, that McCarthy could hardly expect n nomination, after last winter, no't only because he said then he wanted no office, but because ho would find himself the object of a tremendous fight. 'Tho flcht. to all outward seeming, is progressing entirely over the county oftlcc3 nnd tho only outside Interests dipping m are those that aro always to bo found In such contests, the banks being iiiviucu over the question of who should be county treasurer and several candidates in past contests beJng desirous of paying off a few old scores. "The convention, It Is very apparent, win have to decide the question of wnicn snau get tho county treasurer and which the rn-intnr of deeds tho city or county. Tho candidates cannot settle that between them." Illaconnt llnstlim Clnlni. Tho Stato Doard of Public Lands nnd Buildings . this afternoon aiscounicu mo claim of W. J. Falk of Hastings for $8,750, llcgcd to bo due for clothing turnisnca uio Hospital for Incurable insane, u hown to the satisfaction oi me muuiucin iw nr. Falk did not fulfill his contract and tho amount of his claim was reduced one-third by unanimous vote, under tno fn.lnn ndmlnistratlon supplies were pur chased on an extravagant scalo from Mr. Fnlk at prices far above thoso quoted oy competitors. Myntrrr of lloily Unsolved. Tho coroner's Jury was unable today to nivn tho mystery surrounding the identity of the young man found dead on tho Bur- llngton tracks south of tho city last nigiu. Tho verdict returned Unas tnai tue man camo to his death by being run down anu killed under unknown circumstances, but, notwithstanding this, there seems to be eood Grounds for the suicide theory. All trains are operated at a slow rate of speed along the track where tho remains of the man was found and undor ordinary cir cumstances a man would have no difficulty tn evading them. Lincoln Youth In Killed. Charles L. McClaln, a young man killed In tho Rock Island wreck at Kremlin, Okl., wob a resldont of this city until a few wooks ago. He was about 23 years of ago and a graduate of tho Lincoln High school and the York Ruslness college. Ho wont to Enid several weeks ago and established a lemonade, and fruit stand. Governor nnil Old Settlers. From all parts of the state came Invita tions requesting Governor Savage to speak at old settlers' picnics. Ho has five invi tations for August IB. This morning ho disposed of ono by persuading Doputy At torney Genoral Norrls Brown to speak at Verdon, Neb. Governor Savage dejlrcs very much to go to Pawnse City tonfJrrow, but must stay to attend an Important meeting of ths Board of Health. Several cases dealing with alleged Infractions of tho medical laws must be docldcd nnd tho at tendance of tho governor Is absolutely Im perative. He has forty other invllatlons to speak at various functions during tno coming month. It Is probable that Gov ernor Savnge will attend tho old settlors' gathering at Falrbury August 15. Won't C.lvc lip Llmlirlok. Governor Savago this morning refused to honor the requisition of the governor of Illinois for tho return of W. N. Llmbrlck, who Is wanted In Jersoyvllle, HI., for. ob-l tnlnlng money under false pretenses. Llm brlck was arrested at Dlalr a few days ago nnd this morning Sheriff Kelllgar arrived to take chargo of the prisoner. Owing to technical errors In the papers, the requi sition was not honored and new blanks will have to bo Issued, Llmbrlck, It Is alleged, mortgaged property for $450 and afterward sold his possessions for $000, declaring In the bill of salo that tho prop erty was free from all Incumbrance. Se curing tho new papers will cause a delay of several days. Cleric nt Snnrtme Court. Charles Q. DeFrnnce of this city has been appointed clork in tho office of the supreme court to succeed J. E. Ferris, who has ro slgned. Mr. DcFranco Is now stenogra pher for Judge Holcomb and ho will be succeeded In that position by Miss Garrett of Rushvlllo. New Corporation. Articles ot Incorporation of the P. James Creedcn & Sons company of Onytha wore recorded In tho secretary of state's office today. The company Is capitalized for $10, 000 and the principal Incorporators are: Putrtck Creedon, W. J. Creedon and Frank R. Cieedon. The business to be trans acted will be that of building and con tracting. The Updlko Grain company of Omaha has Midi amended articles ot Incorporation, raising Its capital stock from $60,000 to $500,000. Huliimaker at Work, Four miles northeast of this city tonight twenty-four mortars posted on a twenty acre tract are being fired at one-minute Intervals In the hope that the result wilt , be a downfall of rain. W. F. Wright, for- mer deputy state food commissioner, Is the promoter and manager of the enter prise. Mr. Wright Is originator of the "special vibration" theory of rnlnmnklng and for several years has unsuccessfully espoused .1 legislative appropriation to put his theory Into practice. Mr. Wright says ho will continue the bombardment until rain comes or he has exhausted his supply of several thousand pounds of gun powder. Tho sky tonight Is clear. REPORT OF FORESTRY PARTY Mo vn AIoiik I'lntti; Vnlloj ii ml Kinni Iim'n l'ntoii'- lltiiclt Locum I'liiiitntloii. CHAPPKLL. Neb., July 31. (Special.) Tho United States forestry party Is now on tho North Platto river about twenty five miles northeast of Chnppcll. The party left North Platte July 19 and on Sunday, July 21, camped on the North river, near Sutherland. On Monday last two black locust plantations belonging to W. A. Pnxtou of Omaha were visited and measurements were made In each. It was found that this tree has done remarkably well In that section of the valley amheach of these plantations arc of contldcrablu value at the present age and In a few years. If properly cared for, will Increaso very perceptibly In value. Two members of tho party made a trip Into the Dismal river district last wck and have mado a study of the conditions of troo growth along the south and north branches of the Dismal The other mom- bora of the party have Investigated the North Platto river region, noting many changes ns they proceeded westward. Ono of two trips have been mado to tho South Platto nnd a number of trips into tho sand hills on the north side of tho river. Some timber claims In tho sand hills have been visited and lti a few cases thoy are In fair condition. Hed cedar Is abundant along tho liver bluffs nnd careful attention has been paid to Its growth nnd moro es pecially Its tendency to reproduce. Tho party will continue up the Platte and will from time to time make side trips for anything that concerns the plan of Investigation. POLITICS IN RICHARDSON I'rlt'inlH (if the Vitrloii AHplrnuti for Nomination IIi'kIii 'I'll fir Worlt Knrly. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. July 31. (Special.) There will bo plenty of nsplrnnts for nomi nations before both conventions this fall In Hlchnrdson county nnd tho west will probably furnish its usual quota. Super intendent George Crocker of the city schools has been mentioned as a candidate for republican nomination for superintend rnt of schools. Ilert 11 Kuper 3 being pushed by his ftiomU for treasurer on tho snmo ticket. Dd Tucker's name Is men tioned In connection with tho office of probate Judge. The probabilities aro thnt John Hossack, tho present sheriff, will bo renominated. The friends of J. C. Tanner, n young hardware man of Falls City, are pushing him for clerk on tho republican ticket. His opponent will likely be George Schmelzel of this city. Frnnk Orccnwold nnd Fred Cain, also of Falls City, were spoken of for the place, but It seems that neither will try for tho place ngalnst Schmelzel. Joseph Gloser of this city, tho present supervisor of this district, Is a candidate before the democratic conven tion for the office of recorder, Just estab lished In Richardson county. He may rind a formidable opponent In County Clerk George Schneider. John Gognon, tho pres ent democratic county Judge, will likely bo named to make tho race n third tlmo, al though Attorney I. E. Smith of this city may be an aspirant for Judge. Tho contest for nominations will be quite spirited and the vote will be so close that It is Im possible to forecast tho result. TRAMPS TURN THE TABLES Ilrenk Out of Jnll nt Kieter, Then Hob Two Stores In Town. ' EXETER, Neb., July 31. (Special.) Thrco tough-looking tramps were placod In Jail by the night watch lust evening. Somo time early In the morning they tore up the coal bunk and with the pieces pried out tho Iron bars ot the couth window and escaped. Thoy then entered T. 8. Blouch's grocery storo by cutting the screen and breaking a window. Tho only goods missed were a box of cigars, somo crackers and somo canned fish. Tho cash drawer was broken open, but It was empty. They nlso broke Into the Racket storo of McLccsa & Son, but nothing was taken except n couple ot cheap watch chains. Dawson County KxpectH (liiuil Crops. COZAD, Neb.. July 31. (Special.) An Inch of rain fell last evening, covering an area several miles In extent each way on tho north side of the river, but little fell to tho south. Many thousand acres of corn have been spared. It Is now esti mated that the west half of Dawson county will have a much better corn crop than last year. Winter wheat Is yielding from twenty to thirty bushels per acre; ryo from twonty to forty bushels per ncro. Chlnchbugs and grasshoppers aro doing considerable damage to tho corn la many fields. Trump Nnsprrtril of FIrliiir AVlirnt. COLUMBUS, Neb., July 31. (Special.) Peter Splchcr. a farmer four miles east of town, lost eight stacks of grain by fire last night. Tho stacks were In two sep arate groups and, as the stubble Is not burned between them, It looks like tho act of an incendiary. A tramp, professing to be deaf and dumb, asked for accommoda tions tho evening before the flro and was found sleeping In tho field tho next morn ing. Ho stoutly protested his Innocence. Mr. Splcher's loss will bo nearly $400, with no Insurance. Tllzon County Convention. PONCA, Neb., July 31. (Special.) The republican county central committee has called the county convention for Septembc 24 at Ponca. The following delegates to the state convention were selected: H, P. Shumway, Chris Wischoff, J. D. Haskell, C. O, Anderson, O. A. Butler, William Scott, J. J. McCarthy, Perry Douthett, Chnrles Harper, W. J. Armour, John Allen, Henry Thompson, Ed Wilkinson, S. E. Cobb. Tho delegation Is favorable to Judge Koyson of Omaha for supremo Judgo. Ilnwson County Is ot Dried Up. LEXINGTON, Neb,, July 31. To the Ed itor of Tho Bee: In tho official report of tho Nebraska crops, published In today's Issue of Tho Bee, I notice that Dawson county is reported as having Its pasturage about nil dried up. This U n decided error, for Dawson county never had a hotter pros pect for hay than It has this season and tho pasture lands aro In as good condi tion as they have been for a number of years. Kindly make this correction nnd oblige, yours truly. H. A. TURTON. Fair Crop nt Mnlmo, MAL.MO. Neb.. July 31. (Special.) The rain of Saturday night has restored corn In thts section wonderfully. Farmers are Jubilant and sny corn will make over half a crop. Tnlilp nook Man Ilrnws Claim. TABLE ROCK, Neb., July 31. (Special.) Samuel B. Bobst of this city, who drew No. 533 In the El Reno district, was a member of Ui Secon.'. Nebraska regiment and servid over two years In the civil war. He Is a carpenter by trade. He Is one of tho pioneers of Nebraska, having been a resident for over forty years. He will start Sunday for Oklahoma to make his selection. V message received this morning con tained the news that two more Humboldt applicants had drawn numbers Just above 2.000. WINS THE KEARNEY CONTEST .Mlso Mnnilr Crnufnnl llm Mint Voti'i for I'lin-Aiiirrlonn llipo. ftltlllll, KEARNEY. Neb.. July 31. (Special Tele gram.) Miss Momlc Crawford polled r.', 871 votes In the dally Hub's Pan-American exposition contest Just closed nnd Is de clared the winner. Miss Lillian Haw thorne was next, with lo.Oib, nnd Miss Florence Sampson had 7,077. CHALLENGES C0RN CROPS Atlrn 1'rlpp of Krnrnc.v 'Wniitsi to ! ii llrtlrr Xctirnulm I'ntcli Tlinn Ills. KEARNEY, Neb.. July 31. (Special Tele gram.) Allen Price challenges any per son In the state to show 100 acres of com that will beat 100 acros he has Just west of thl3 city. (iooil Torn In HiuTnlo County. KEARNEY, Neb., July 31. (Special Tele gram.) A Dally Hub reporter's personal Inquiry Into tho corn conditions of a large portion of Buffalo county shows that tho crop will average from fifteen to forty bushels an acre, with full crop In some localities, pending ono or two more rains. Grasshoppers and chlnchbugs have done considerable damage In some places. C.uki- County MortKUKe". BEATRICE, Neb., July 31. (Special Tel egram.) During July thirty-six farm mort gages were filed, aggregating $50,300. Forty were released, amounting to 171,052. Eigh teen city mortgages were filed, amounting to $5,417. Fourteen were released, amount ing to $8,65S This shows that Gage county paid off JJ0.PC3 during July. FnriuiT Kniiml tilth Aria O'runbrcl. HEAVER CITY, Neb., July 31. (Special Telegram.) Thomas Cherry, an aged farmer, seven miles south of Reaver City, was found this afternoon in a pool of blood with one arm nearly sevciod from his body. Ho could not tell how tho Injury occurred. IMiittsiuonlli Woman S'e for Slander. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. July 31. (Spe cial.) Mrs, L. Elford hns brought suit In district court ngalnst Mrs. Mary Young, wife of ex-County Commissioner George W. Young, to recover $10,000 damage for al leged slander. Frontier County Con rentlnn. STOCKVILLE, Neb., July 31. (Special.) At tho republican central committee meet ing, held at Stockvllle Monday, it was decided to hold tho republican county con vention August 21. Iti-v. Wilson Goes to Humboldt. HUMBOLDT, Neb., July 31. (Special.) Tho Christian church of this city has Is sued a call to Rev Bort Wilson ot Cottier university nt Ltncoln nnd the latter has ac cepted. Snuiiilers County Convention. WAHOO, Neb., July 31. (Speclal.)- -Tho republican county central committee met In Wahoo yesterday and Issued a call for the county convention to meet Monday, August 2C. WESTERN PACKING STATISTICS MnrkrtlnK of Mors Is Much I.nrcrr ' Than n Venr Ako, TIioiikIi Less Than l'reeedlnic Week. CINCINNATI, July 31. (Special Tele gram.) Tho Price Current says: The mar keting of hogs continues large. The total of western packing is 505,000, compared with 525,000 the preceding week nnd 350,000 last year. Since March 1 the total Is 9.S65, 000, against 9,360,000 last year. Prominent places compare as follows: looi. w, Chicago 2,CS5,000 2,600,000 Kansas City 1.585.000 1,235,000 OMAHA I,(i2o,0 97tf.(i"0 St. Louis 710,000 615,ll0i) St, Joseph 816,001 742,() Indlnnnpolls 491.0UO 4S1.U00 Milwaukee 29D.OOO 3I'J,000 Cincinnati 215.0OO 242.0U0 Ottumwa 243.CK.O 250,000 Cedar Ruplds 19-000 m,m SIOUX City 31S.000 321,000 St. Paul 211,000 2O0.000 HYMENEAL. n ill Ker-Leonard. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., July 31. clal.) Cecil L. Bulger and Miss (Spc Nellle Leonard were married In the Episcopal church by Rev. H. B. Burgess last night. South Dnkotn Corporations. PIERRE, S. D., July 31. (Special.) These articles of Incorporation have been filed: Hankers' Investment company, at Pierre, with a capital of $500,000. Incorporators: Charles W. King, J. C. IJnrbour and L. J. Stcltiman. Pan-American Savings nnd Investment company, at Redllcld, with a capital of $5,001). Incorporators: E. H. King. L. B. Stovonson, George W. Fischer, Prof. J. Arnold nnd R. L, HopklnH. Continental Development company, at Pierre, with a cnpltnl of $l,000,0oo. Incor porators, John L. Morrison, J. K. Wlght ninn nnd L, L. Stephens. Trunx & Hctts Elevator company, at Mitchell, with a capital of $100,000. Incor porators; Almcnson Truax, Andrew N. Belts. Margaret Bctt3 nnd Addle L. Truax. Empire Stnto Mining compnny. nt Dcnd wood, with a capital of JlijO.OOO. Incor porators: Chnrlos It. Nelson, Georgo V. Ayres nnd W. L. McLaughlin. Farmers' Grain and Coal company, at Snlem, with a cnpttal of $5,0"0. Incorpora tors: Wlllinm Illnnkartz, Peter Kramer nnd F. D Chapman. Farmer nnd Breeder company, nt Brook lngs, with a capital of $25,000. Incorpora tors: W. S. Steele, L. II. Storgurd, W. A. Strnmmo nnd S. A. Cochrane. Mnnttobn Lnnd nnd Investment compnny, at Pierre, with n capital of jaoo.000. Incor porators: George lv. ainrcn. w. s. roi meier. H. 11. Wells. O. C. Ilnnson, F. M. Mnrch nnd R. P. Wells. Hear Perjury Cnses In Aueust. DEADWOOD. S. D., July 31. (Special.) The second week In August has been named by Judge Moore for the hearing of the three remaining perjury cases which stand against Whltford, Strohm and Bemls. It Is likely that sentence will bo hold up on tho two men already found guilty of tb'- crlmo until the trials of the remaining thrbo aro completed. I ml I it II Indicted for Murder Ksrnpes. SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. July 31. (Special.) Red Ears, n famous Sioux Indian who Is under Indictment In the United States court for tho murder of a child, escaped from tho authorities ot Minnehaha county. rimt Hnln In Two Month. CLAY CENTER, Kan., July 31. (Special Telegram.) The first rain In two months fell here this evening, While toolato to help corn It will greatly benefit pastures and rougnera. Output of Cripple Creek. COLORADO SPRINGS. July 31,-(8peclal Telegram.)-The July production of Cripple Creek mines Is $2,312,500. The July dividends uro $,000. CONGRESS AT SIOUX FALLS Farmers' Cotmntion Will Mtit In Eouth D&kotn Oitj in October. SEVERAL PROMINENT MEN WILL SPEAK 1,1st Includes Governor Snvnire, Chan cellor Andrews of etirnskit Uni versity nnd Other Lenders from All flirts of the Country. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., July 31. (Special.) Tho program for tho twenty-first annual convention of the Farmers' Nntlonal con gress, to bo held In Sioux Falls October 1 to 10, has been completed. The convention will bo called to order nt 10 o'clock on tho morning of October 1. Addresses of welcome will bo delivered by representa tives of the state nnd city. Responses will bo made by Governor Sivagc of Nebraska; ex-Governor Hoard of Wisconsin, President J. H. Worst of the North Dakota Agri cultural college and Col. B. F. Clayton of Iowa. At the afternoon session R. O. F. Candago, president of th. Farmers' Na tional congress, will deliver his annual nil dress. An address, "Tho State Department of Agriculture; Its Mission nnd Organiza tion," will be delivered by Hon. John Ham ilton, secretary of tho board of agricul ture of Pennsylvania. At the evening ses sion Hon. Eugene Secor of Iowa will nil dtefs the gathering on "Somo Problems Confronting tho American Farmer." There will be a general dlscusMon on this sub ject. An nddrcss. "Soclni Life for the Farming Community." will ho delivered by Hon. O. C. Craig of Minnesota. Tho morning session of Wednesday. Oc tober 2, will commence with an nddrcss, "The Rice Industry; Its Relation to the Other Agrlculturnl Interests of Our Coun try," by Hon. J. B. Foley of Louisiana. An nddrcss, "Tho Nlcaraguan Canal; Us Importance to Farmers In the South nnd West," will be delivered by Hon. Harvle Jordan of Georgia. This question will be discussed by tho gathering. At tho after noon session Hon. Charles Y, Knight of Il linois will read n paper on "The Truth About the Oleomargarine Uuslnoits." This subject will bo discussed by Hon. J. Ster ling Morton, ex-secretary of agriculture, and Hon, W. D. Hoard, ex-presldcnt of tho congress, and others. At the evening ses sion President J. W. Hcstou of the South Dakota Agricultural college at Brookings will rend n paper. An address. "The Farm stead Beautiful." will bo delivered by Dr. E. Benjamin Andrews, chancellor of tho University of Nebraska. After the opening of the sesflon on Thurs day morning. October 3, Leonard Pearson, B. S. V., M. D., state veterinarlnn of Penn sylvania, will rend a paper on "Stato Con trol of Anlnnl Diseases." After discussion of the question Captain J. F Merry of Iowa will make nn nddrc3s. Prof. H. W. Cnmpbell of Kansas Is on the afternoon's program for an nddrcss on "Soil Culture In tho Soml-Arld West." Hon. John P. Brown of Indiana will speak on "Ancient American Forests, Living nnd Petrified." At tho evening session Mrs. Berthn Dahl Laws of Minnesota will give her views on "The American Girl nnd tho Home." "The Farm Hbme and Lifo" is tho subject of a paper to bo rend by Hon. M. F. Greeley ot South Dakota. On Frldny, October 4, nn nddrcss will be delivered by Hon J. R. Dodge of Washing ton, D. C, on "Present Status of Wool Growing." An nddress, "The Relation ot Mining Industries to Farming," will bo mado by Congressman E. W. Martin of South Dakota. At tho afternoon session on October 4, after the final reports of committees, officers for tbe ensuing year will be elected. DROP ON COUNTERFEIT GANG Complete Outfit for Mnklnic nil Ue nunilnutloiis of Silver Cap tured with Thcni. DEADWOOD, July 31, (Special Telo grum.) Three men are In Jail here for counterfeiting silver coins. Thoy wcro ar rested In their cab. a, seven miles west of Elmore, In Spearilsh canyon. The mon gave their names as William Portland, Jerry Burnotte and Joo Dellsh. At a pre liminary trial early this morning they pleaded not guilty. Tho arrests were mado by a forest ranger and two deputies, us slsted by Captain Scth Bullock, tho forest supervisor. Tho men were found In their cnbln, which stood In n deep canyon away from all civilization. There were no win dows In tho cabin, and It is believed that for several months thoy have been making silver coins. A corapleto outfit was cap tured for the manufacture of dollais, halves, quarters and dimes and quantities of silver and other metals to make tho alloys. A few coins were found In tho cabin. It is believed that the men mado a shipment of coins a few days beforo their arrest. Spurrlous coins have been In cir culation In that part ot tho country among tho tlo contractors and men for some time. The men nrrested are young and aro un doubtedly adepts at tho business. They worked on tie apntracts, but suspicion was first aroused by their remaining In their cabin most of the time. Their hearing will be held August 3 beforo United States Commissioner Coe. It coi'i't Ion to f'lremnu, DEADWOOD, S, D., July 31. (Special.) Tho pioneer hook and ladder company of this city, of which E. A. Hornberger is a member, gave him a reception this wce:c In honor of tho work he did In carrying through tho plans for the recent quarter centennial carnival, He expects to leave for Pittsburg, Pa., soon, to live. Tho citi zens ntid nssoclnto members of tho fire company presented hlra with a gold watch valued at $100 and n pair of hook and lad der cuff buttons. Last evening tho Society ot the Black Hills Pioneers, of which ho Is also a member, gavo blm a reception. Ho came to this city In 1S7C. Trill ni Unit Aunln After Wnnhnnt. CHEYENNE, Wyo., July 31. (Special.) Tho washouts on tho Chcy enno & Northern have been ro paired and trains aro now running. Temporary bridges havo been hullt whoro old ones were washed out and permanent structures will at onco bo put In. The manager of tho Great Eastern circus was delayed hero with his show for two days and says he will bring suit agnlnst tho Cheyenno & Southern for $10,000 damages. After Mnycr of III Sou, GREEN RIVER, Wyo., July 31. (Special.) John Rogers, father of A. C. Rogers, who was killed by Ned Copeland on a train near here several wooks ago, Is in Grcon River investigating tho matter. He says ho will do everything In his power toward convict ing the slayer of his son. He believes Copelund will nttompt to get off on tho in sanity plea, but ho will Insist on Justice being done. Injunction 011 Artesian Well, PIERRE, S. D.. July 31. (Spocat Tele gram.) Tho Pearl township artesian well caso was up before Judge (laffy today and he granted a restraining order prohibiting Thorpe, the owner of tho land on which the well was sunk, from In any wny Interfering with the water from the well until the whole matter Is settled In court. The hear lng to settle title will bo at Onlda In Sep tenibcr. A METHODIST BISHOP GIVES PE-RU-NA GREAT CREDIT & raj BISHOP GRANT, of Indianapolis, Ind. Bishop A Grant, of Ind.anapolls, Ind., writes the following letter: liHlliinapo is, Indiana, tt.'tlON. Pennsylvania Street. Pnriin.i .Meitlclnu t.o., ColtnnhiiH, o. (iciitleiucn "I have been itsiue, Pernnu for cat;iriii it ml cm cheer fully recommend your remedy to anyone who wants a uood "me dicine." A. (Jrant. Prominent members of tho clergy aro giving Pcrunn their unqualified endorse ment. Thoso men find Pcrunn especially adapted to preserve them from catarrh of tho ocnt organs which has always been tho banc of public speakers, nnd general catarrhal debility Incident to tho sedontnry life of tho clergyman. Among the recent utterances of noted clergymen on the curn tlvu virtues of Peruna Is tho nbovo ono from Bishop Grant. "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPO 1 1 P nn IIHTacmrai 1 rtttrmiim.'rj:r'TMU ma Little Journeys to Cool Resorts GLENW0QD SPREES. ' Round trip rate from Omaha, August 110, 25, Re turn limit October 31. Through sleeper for Glomvood leaves Burlington Station, 4:25 p. m. dally. Olcnwood Springs is In many ways tho finest sum mer resort In the Rocky Mountnlns. Tho climate Is cool and bracing. The scenery Is Incomparably grand. The swimming pool Is CCO foot long and 110 feat wide. The vapor cave baths nre unique nnd healthful. Trout fishing, hunting, golf, polo nnd tennis. Board nnd lodging, $7 to $35 a week. Numerous ho tels nnd bonrdlns houses give tho visitor a wide rnngo of accommodations and prices. P. S. Attractivo low rates to other resorts In Colorado, as well ns to those In tho Black Hills and on tho Great Lakes. Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam Street . . Telephone 250. Burlington Station, (Oth and Mason St3. . . Tel. 128. mm DR. A. D. SRAIILES. VARICOCELE Am ycu afflicted with Varicocele or Its results Nervous Debility and Lest Man. hood? Are you nervous. Irritable and despondcntT Do you lack your old-tlmo energy Mid ambition? Arc you suffering from vital veakness, etc.? There Is a derangement of the sonsltlve organs of your Pelvic System, and evon though It gives you no troublo at presont, It will ultimately unman you, doprees your mind, rack your nervous iritam, unfit you for married Ufa and shorten your oxlctence. Why not bo cured bo fore It Is too late? WE CAN CURB YOU TO STAY CURED UNDER WRITTEN GUAR ANTEE. We have yt to aee tbo case of Varicocele ws cannot euro. MedlclneB, oloo trie bolts, etc,, will never cure. You nood expert treatment. We treat thousands of lases where the ordinary physician troats one. Muthod now, nnver falls, without out line, pain or loss of time. STRICTURE ftl PPT 5nf Inmo trentmnnt; new. unu wL.Ut.1 cl,re without Instru ments, no pain, no detention from business. URINARY Kldnoy and Bladder Troubles. yveuK Hack Burning Urine. Vrequtnoy Urinating, Urine High Colored, or with miiKV seaimeni on standing; uonorrnoen, WBAIC MEN AIIE VICTIMS TO NEIt Gleot. vni'H rMriUT.T'pv mi r.- v it a sediment on CVmi'l FO cured for life and tho no.! cured for life and tho poison ulrfl thoromrhlv clcan.icd from inorouuniy irom the system. Soon every rtgn and symptom disappears completely and forever. No I)XUWJIUU UUI 01 lilt) uiucusn 00 Ilia kin or face. Treatment contains no cian terous drugs or lnjurloun medicines. Home Treaton! luccssaful and strictly private. CURES GUARANTEED. A irr51CC fK7 IV Corner DoiiKlun His Recommendation for the Pamous Catarrli Remedy, Pe-ni-na. Tho Any was when men of promliienco hesitated to give their testimonials to pro prlotnry modlclnes for publication. ThU remains true today of most proprietary medicines. But Peruna has become s' Justly famous, its merits nre known to so many pcoplo of high and low station that nono hesitates to sco his name In print recommending Peruna. The following letters from pastors who use Peruna speak for themselves. I Rev. E. O. Smith, pastor of tho Presby terian Church, of Greensboro, Oa.. writes; I "My llttlo boy had been suffering far 'some tlmo with catarrh of tho lower bowcH. Other remedies had failed, but after taking two bottles of Peruna the trouble nlmost entirely disappeared. For this special mnlndy 1 consider It well nigh n specific." Rev. E. G. Smith. Rev. A. S. Vaughn, Eurck) Springs. Ark., says: "I had been prostrntcd by conges tive chills nnd was almost dead; ns soon ns nblo to be nbout, I commenced tho uso of Piruna. I took five bottles; my strength returned rapidly and I nm now enjoying my usual hcnlth." Rev. A. S. Vnughn. If you do not derive prompt nnd satis factory results from thu use of Peruna, wrlto nt once to Dr. Hnrtmnn, giving n full statement of your enso and ho will bo pleased to glvo you his valuable ndvlcti gratis Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tho Ilarttnnn Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio, Writes DOCTOR Soarles& Searies OMAHA SPECIALIST Most Successful and Reliablo Specialist in Diseases of Men. ' WEAK SVIEN (VITALITY WEAK),mado fo by too closi Application to business or study; novor mon'al strain or grief; SEXUAL EX CESSES In middle llfo or from the effect? !0f vouthful folllea 'WASTING WEAKNESS. INVOLUNTAHY i.u.i ra. wuri I'.aih.y uei at in Yrirr.N: iLOSSES. with HAliI.v DRf'AV it, vrir'vn and MIDDLE-AO ED, lack of vim, visor, and btrength, with wexunl orguns Impaired and weakened prematurely In approachln.t 51 oil treatmont for lots of vltnl power. Ono personal visit is proforrcd, but If you cannot call at my olttcc, wrlto us youl symptoms fully. Our homo treatment la Our counsel Is freo and sacredly confidential. Consultation Free Treatment bv MaJ Cull or ndrtroM Dr. Searles & Sonrins. Omaha. Neb, null Fourteenth Street. "(She Famous TO "2 - ri HOT SPRINGS A AuLaI SO. DAKOTA Climate, Waters, Scenery, IfotcU, Baths, Amuscmem, ou will find are all right. The route to this report is "Till. Jvoktii -Wf.stkrn I. inf." witli trains equipped witli the -'Uest of Iivcrytlitng." Ticket Office, 1401.03 Farnam Ct Depot. 15th anil Webster Sts, OMAHA. NED. j I