Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 13.151:: TJI UHSftA V, A V G VST . . 1U01.
1 I
AdrertUrrnrnta for these columns
will he Ukrn until 12 m. for, the
enlriaT edition mid nntll Hi3fl p. in.
for inoralai unit Monday edition.
llntea, 1 l-3o n word flra! Insertion,
lo n word therenfter. Nothing tnUen
for leaa thnn 2Bo for tlie flrat Inirr
tlon. Tlira advert Uenienta mml be
run uouaeentlvclri
AilrrrtUrra, hy reqacaflnK nnm-nr-rrd
check, cn linre nntntri tl
alrmaed to n nnmhrrrd Irttrr In car
of Tlie Her. Ananera ao addreateal will
lir riellrrreil am preaeatMttaa at tMm
kepk only.
W A NTH D Wo have steady work for a few
Rood hustk'is of good liublts and appear
unco. C. F. Adams Co., 10)5 Howard St.
GOOD bread maker tit Smith's bakery, 1102
Fifth avenue, Council mutts U 107
WANTHD, experienced soup salesman; re
ply, stating !K experience, references,
suiury expected. Address C 57, lice.
MUX wanted to learn barber trade; only
eight weeks required, special Inducements
now; no other trudo offers as good do
mand; call or wrlto. Molor llnrlier Col
lege, 1G23 Fitrnam st. 11-M5U) Al
ANTED, traveling' salesmen by August
20; also advertiser.-; cash salary. Triumph,
Dullua, Tex. II-M528 Ai
UltiaUT young lady or gentleman to take
sliortlmnd scholarship lu best school and
pay fot It when com no Is Ilnlh'-d and
position secured Address C 40, llee.
U-MtdS A3
DON'T nsk your denier to sell you tho
Prlnco of Ginnlm at six tor a quarter, as
Ho I'anuot sell It to you. It sells for Go
straight, $37 pet thousand. W, Stoeeker
ClBar Co., ninkcre. IJ M5S3-A-3
WANTHD Experienced restaurant man
n in understands short orders and baking.
Must be sober and of good nppenrunoo;
also good reference Deurdurfrs Itestnu-
unit, Duulap, la. It Cii 1
VANTI2D,,younR man stcnogrnphcr; i-tato
ago and salary. Add. D IS, Ileo. 11 Mi63
WANTHD, Immediately, :i experienced por
trait solicitors; goou sniary ana an ex
poiiMi'H. Apply No. 35 I', r). Nat. Hank
jjulltllnjf. II-M7S2 A2
WANTHD, a solicitor, for tailoring, to tiiko
ortltirs for' suits and punm. Appiy j ue
, Ileo Tailor, Jli7 Fiirnnm, Omnliu.
. IJ "So 1
WA.Va'UO i''JJMAi.,U nuia.
WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge.
Tel 870.
WANTHD, itlrl for general housework, fnm
lly of three. Mrs. Slmcrul, 97ti N. 28th
Avo. CT7
girls, all kinds work.
WAN'IHD. ladles to learn hulrdrcssltig
hiiuiltjurliig or facial inasxUKe; four
Weeks term completes; no trade odors but
tn inducements, call or write. .Molcr Col
luge, IG-M Furnum st. O M520 Al'
WANTHD,- girl for general housuwork, 209
H. ;;ciu m.f good wngos. o uoi ;n
WANTHD. experienced girls on shirts
pants and overalls, Apply nt ilyrue At
Hummer i-ueiory, twciuii anu nownru
C M7I.7 Al
COMPETENT nurse for baby i. good tulury
permanent' plncctfor .fight tinny. Ad
arof: TelfjihonuuJj Wltrl ,.(X-,ili?.!
WANTHD.' good uloiHi .must bo rapid n
lltfUICB UIIU gUUU IIL'IIIUUII. u iv, nee.
I. " ' C-7KJ Sl
1F-VOO want your houses Well
TO MOVE right, get .Omaha Van Storage.
Co., ollko lail'.t l-'urnam. or tel. 1&0U-KC3.
D m
lidUSHH for rent In nil parts bf the chy,
ilrcnnun-t.ovii Co., 220 South 13th street.
lii-mates. stores. Ucnils. I'axton block.
-- :.. p-zw.
BEii'iiKSnra iaynh, eui n. y. uivii,
110USK8, etc V. V.
Wead, 1521 Douglas.
1IOUBB3 and Hats.
Itlngwalt, Barker blocli.
UOUjiKS wantod. Wallace,
Drown block.
D 311
S-HOOM brick houso, modem, 2717 Jucit
Tolophonu a. Truynor, 1'Jl or L, 2i83v
FOU HUNT. 10-room,
house, 3US N. 22d st.
lmiulio next door.
enst front, brick
, near D.ivoiipori.
FOH KENT llouso and barn; ull modern:
2137 South 33d St., Apply 1W Mcrohauu'
National Dunk Uldg. D-3o0-
-IIOOM llut, 017 South lflth.
311 Now Vork Life.
Clark Powell,
FOH KENTr-lO-room modern brick house,
20th uud California, $30.50.
K room modern brick house, 16th and llur-
dettu, $35.
S-room niudern brick house, 21st nnd Hnr-
, 211 South 11th Street.
D-C01 31
CHNTltAL, nil modern, best conditions, 7
room house, 4-room lint, 3-room cottuge.
TIzard, 221 N. 21th. D-Mtil.l A3-
THN-HOOM house, all modern,
ney, . H-
22oG Har
MC7I Al .
HKlHT-noOM'homn. l?2l Webster SL; nil
modern linnrovenun
nuns, jniiuiro i-J Aoilli
20th St. itftor tl:80v p, in.
FOR RENT Nice C-room modern tllit with
steam Heat, water and Janitor scrvlco; In
DavldHU building, opposito city hull; 135.
S-room modern Iiounu with nlco shade ireos
and lliwn, 300S Muson street. $33.
THREE rooms, 2511 Marry,
Flvo-roitm cottage, Fl'RNlSHHD nr UN
FURNISHED. llouso Is ull modem, ev
ct-pt furnace. Onu block from llnnscotn
park vlir lino. FINE Ibcntlon. Wilt lot
lor two years. Address, D lb, uee.
6-ROOM inodorii (hit, 1016 Taclllc st.
D-M772 A2
RENEWED throuuhotlt. U couplo 3-r.
houses, near SCth and Cuming; good ten
unt only. Apply 1203 Farnnm or 3l2t) Liu-
euiu jiiv ii, jieiiim i'uiiv, M iou si
219 S. 29TH wVVH.. S-room house. ATJ
MODERN. In good condition; rent, f2.i;
niitu how close In this limlnn Is to bo mod
ern at this 'prlco; it Is u barguln; want
oiliy ai lenani, wun roierenres.
10th and Douglas Sts.
- - 5S-
5019 CHICAQO. fi rooms, modern.
Nlco C-room cot I age on 31st uvc. Only MS,
4 rooms upstairs on 17th st.
In. fll.
car line, close
Minnesota farms on easy payments.
SOUTHEAST corner 20th st. nnd Wool
worth uvi.. 7 rooms, inmlem. nice lawn.
Wlll',AlU,, 1-,1.TU IIl.l)l.'K.
D-M790 A I
DHWHY, European Hotel, 13th and Farnam,
li 3l'J
THE THURSTON, cool, airy rooms.
, H 320
THREE rooms.
South 11th.
light housckec
Houekecplng rooms f up. WaSt.MnryV
SPLRXDlD'room' for-'gentlemen bf yohd
haiiltn, with1 lfrivllego V)f parlor; nootl
hoitic for rlfiht parties; walking distance,
2219 ieavenworui., w jiom a-i-
A IAROB fttnildhed front room, with nl
cove, gus and oatn. m n, inn.
K MiK'1 A3
tm ni:.T-rtiiMsiii:t) iiihims
HOICK furnl'hed mom, dotached houae,
close In, lawn and shade. 2215 Knrnam st.
H flS9 31
ri'll.MSHHn ItllU.llH AM) IIOA11D,
UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St.
GLiiNCAlllN, transient, $1.25 day, lew Douk.
THfcJ Mecrlam, summer resort, 23th & Dodgo.
TWO large front rooms, with board. 19
Capitol Ave. F-M917
DHOmADLH rooms.
Tho Pratt, 212 3. 2h
I' 3.'5
DHSIHAllM: rooms. llrst-claBg board. 2Sj
iiarney. ijiwi
DHSIC room space, Jo per month, ground
Hour room in inc ueo uuimiug, iacinu
I-'urnam street; no expense tor light, heat
or Janitor service. H. C. l'etcrs & Co,,
llcntal Agents, Ileo building. O tlfl
I'NFLMINISHHD chambers for
keeping; water tnd waste pipe.
319 X.
O 536
BUITH of two south rooms, unrurnlshcd,
very desiruuic; no clilldren. ivsa f
FOIl ItHNT Storo lu llrst-class location!
rent reasonable. Apply It. 'J. l'cters u
Co., ground Hour, lieu Uldg. 1-269
Fflll lllIN'T Tim lililtillnir fiirtnorlv nreu.
picu uy iiie lieu ai uiu l-urnam at. it nas
lour stories uuu u uascmeni wuicu was
loruibrly used as Tho lieu uress room.
This will bo rented ery rvasouubly. If
lllluresltd apply at oucu to C. C. llose
water, sucrctury, room lw. lieu building.
FOIl HKNT, olllce, with vault, and part
nrsi nour or an lop uoor. iiiwoi
lllirney st. Midland Ulass a I'alut Co.,
1110 llarney st. i uj
WANTHD Canvassing ugeuts in overy
count) to soiicu suoscriiHiuns tor tiiu
b'lOClv und CUAli'L'iil!; STOCK. DOC-
Toll. This spleuuld book contains l.tuO
Imperial octavo puges, bw object-leuclun
eiigruvings una is chu only oook on llvo
eiock ever puuiisnea uuupieu lo tne every
duy, practical, inonoy saving use of every
lutmer anu siock owner, aieauy employ
mvnt with ussured good Income. Agents
lu lliu country with horso and buggy es
pecially uesiiud. cauvusscru iiiuku eusily
itj to iw per moniu. Auuross, ueuiury
i-urmei oouciiurs tsureuu,, iiou uuiiuing,
umunu. j is;
AU13NTS wunlod for Drummond'a lightning
rcmeuies lor rueumuiism; JjW tor uu lu
curublu case; restores stiff Joints, drawn
vorua and liuruencd muscles, if our
dculir hus nut got thesu remedies wo will
lend tho full niuutli s treutmelit ot two
lurge buttles on receipt of to. Drummund
Medicine Co., 61 russuj St., Now VorK.
J M9tfo Alt)
WAM'lilM'll lti:.T.
WANTHD, To rent by Sept. 1 a modern I
or S room ilat: heat tuinlslied: best ut
lefurenceb. Address V. A, vvoouwaru, 411
N, Tentii St., Lincoln, Neb. K .lwS Al
I'ACIFIC Storage und Warehouse Co., 812-
mi juues, geiiuiui storage una lorwuroing.
OM. Vun Stor. Co,, 15114 Furn;"! Tills, liba'd..)
STOllAGH lluUsbhold oyds nnd otlior'
articles stored Ut low rates, J. J. Derigm
4; i-o,, inn i-.iirnuin mi. tci. Ji. ataji
WA,TK1)-1'0 UtV.
H'ANTKD, To buy grocery stock In small
iuu, iu iuu in uuiuieeiiou wmi urug bioru.
jvuu. u in, u nu nee. A .UQyO a1"
CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1110 Dodge. Tel.
zviv. New 44 suliunu lurultuie uoUtni, sum,
vjfciminisn t) ii9
QUICKEST and . best repair work on ve-
iiicies xi. i-iuoi, aim uuu ieuyenworin,
FOU SALE. Oood driving horso; gentle and
sound; also, uu oxtension-top, iwo-eateu
carriage, liuiulre UU Vinton. 1--M61U Al
SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry and hog
icnco. wi uougias, y 330
2DHAND safe cheap.
Deilglit, 1119Fnrnum.
SAFES, standard makes, sold, rented, 111 S. 13
U 333
llia line of-accondhnnd wheels. $3. $5. JS. 110.
Omuha uicycio uo., lutn anu Chicago Sts,
TRADE your old wncei in tin a
new nno.
Omaha uu
cycle u-o., ism una unicnco Sts.
ClOAU AND NEWS STAND, with so.ln
ronniuin, una iiirniiuru or & roomj. n-ood
laundry package business, good location;
party going io uunuio; sen cueap, j.u.
joitnson, an . i. jue. w ftli;o
for completely rurnisned 7-room lint; lino
location; cheap rent; owner leaving city;
ineir loss, your gain; come iiuick. j. 11.
Jolinsou, JS-. X. l.uo. IJ-62
50 PIANOS, 150 each, DO cents per week.
senmouer a .uuciier, i-urnam si.
g-M.'i79 A3
FOR SALE, two new mowing machines
for cutting grass; 4 tcct, u-incii cut; lirAt
class. In evciy particular, 25 each; n bar
gain. Call nulck If you want one," Omaliu
Cooperugu Co,, 35th and I sti-oatr. South
omana. w .1u12 A3
FOR SALE-Mnnsflrld llro engine, In good
snap", i' or piioiogrunns, iirice tllld de-
Sfrlptlon, write D. J. Arnold, president
Uourd ot Town Trustees, uello Fourche,
, U. W .AIOM A-3
OIL and gasoline business, established 13
years, controls fiui) customers, route In
Heart of city, team, harness nnd ell
tanks, wagon, 500 5-gnl. cunn and every-
inmg complete; an excepuonai oppor
tunity for 0110 with small capital to get
11110 paying miBinesu 1 uicKiy; owner leav
lng city; must bo bold ut once. J. II.
Joitnson, . y. uite. Q-M0IO
FOR HALE Iowa unfcrmented grupo
juice nusiness. uciress iuj First nvcnuo,
uuuucii iiiuiis. w Mtiti Ala
VMM. CYLMER. nalmlst. 315 S. 13th St.
a ouj
DR. ROY. chiropodist: corns and superlluoua
nulr rcinovtu uy eieciriciy. 11. j;, i- ronaer
block. u-JJ(
VIAVA. woman's way to health: rutlotnl.
wholesome uomo ireuimcui, jii m-e inog.
SUPPLIES for nil mnchiues; machines for
rent, wniie auwiug .iiuciuue, io.u uub-
las. Tel. 2231. uJJJ
tintVATi- hnstiltnl for ladles before and
dtirlnc conllnemont: babies adopted. 230
Grant St. U-311
M, GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect ac
cordion pleating plant In the west; mall
orders solicited. Suite 200. Douglas Hlock.
U 341
orders solicited. Omaha Pleating Co., 1621
Douglas. U-JIJ
WILL tho persons who saw tho street car
accident at ISth nnd Cuming streets on
Monday evening, July SI. 1901, kindly send
their names nnd addresses 10 James G.
Jewell, 3930 N. .".'d St., city.
x U-600 31
PRINCE of Omnliu cigar. Our own thanu
fucture. Union mndtj So stratglu W. ,F,
Htoecker Qgur CP. Ur-M5il-rA-i
JHSSCOQlUJR: Let us-Thearfniin yotp,
business of-Importance; any ono knowing
His address wrlto or wrro Herman Uor
maun, Murdock, Neb. U MCG0A4
SHOE Repairing.
M. Snerduto. Mb N 16th.
:jm:: smith.
bnths, US X 1
5th, 2d iWr,
r-7SI AG
m 2.
3IO.M2Y TO I.O..-lli:.I, HST.V'I'H,
1'iUVATH money. K. D. Woad, lo2l Douglm
G AND ISA Pet cent loann. V. II, Thomas,
First N-iiloual Uank building. Icl. lots.
(300, IIC0, $500 prlvato money to loan; 1, 2, 3,
or u years. v. j.. sciuy, Hoard of Trauo
Uldg. V-2;9
MONHY to loan on Improved Otnuha rea
esuiie. urenuan-uovo V.O., aouin u.n.
w Jl
WANTHD, city loans, bonds and warant.i.
ucorgu e.- company, iwi f rnam niruei.
MONHY TO LOAN on Improved real estate;
o p";r ten i inieresij no commission; privi-
icgu oi paying iw or inoru ueioro ma
lurity. iortuwesiern Aiuiuai j-ue ins.
Co., John ,V. Ulsh, special loun ugtnt.
211 First Nat'l iljnK Uldg., Omuha, Nell.
LOANS) on eastern Nebraska and western
lowa larniH ut 5 per cent, uorroueis can
pay $lw or any multiple; any interest
date; no delay, Ilrcnnan-l.ovu Co., uuu ti,
13th St., Omuliu, Neb. W 317
(ft ,TO S 1. C. money, llcmls, I'axton ulk'.. .
WANTHD, city loans and warrants. W.
l-arnam anutn co., um l-arnam si.
w 3o7
JOO.OW SPKCIAL fund; loans JoOo up, lowest
rules, r.o uciay. uurvin iiros., juu i-ar-
FIlIVATH money. Sherwood, 937 N..Y..L
WANTHD, city und (mm loans; also bonds
uuu nuiiauis. it. j. I'eieiB v'., .iv
Farnam St.. Uje lildg. W 319
Wc loan 10 una up on furnituie, pianos,
Horses una oiuer cuuiieis.
without niortgago to peopm noldlpg pcriua-
1,0111 pofciuoiis. iuu o.ui gui win money in
u lew nuuiu after muKlug application alia
laKo l, , i, , u moniiu or more in wnicn
to pay it uuck, and you neeu not pay tor
11 uuu day lunger lliuu you Keep It. Wu
cnargo iioiuiiin tor pupets uuu ito givu
vou me tun umuuui in cusu. ti ero .uu
mo lower ruiou tiiuii ours; our iciiua are
inu eusiesl, our uuviuuss is couiiuuiului
uud our motto is "try to plcukc. '
119 lioaid ot 'iiauu lildo'. lei, 95.
Hslat)lls(leu Ifjl.) uvu b. itittl ot.
on houto nolo luruuure, piunos, norsos,
wagons, etc., in two noun, tiniu; uiso to
saiurlcd people on tlieir plain noies, witn
out necui'ty. Luslesl puyments' und low
tbl rutes In Omuliu. 1-ilvuiu Interviewing
room. American Luan Co., room liiowu
uiocit, cor. lulu uuu uougiu sib.; iiuiuiicu
on loth nt., opposilo i, M. -v. mug.
S,VLAltmu 1-t.VL'L.L., mercuuuis, leulu
slurs, boarding luiibes, etc.. without se
cuuty, taniest leims; i-j unices in piluclpal
lilies. J.UI11IUU, 1iV uuuiu ui xiuuu DiUg,
V J01
uvu slocu, etc. uuick service unu loweji
rutes guuiunteed, J. w'. lAiut,, wj uop
liloor; i-uxioii uioch, uorineuui coi nur loin
uuu I'U.iiuiu, eiiiruncu uu ioiu sireut.
-v jU2
MONHY loaned on plupcs, furniture, Jew
elry, nurses, cows, utc. u. i--, neeu, jiv a, u.
.v JW
MONEV loaned on planus, furnlturu, horses,
cows, Jcweny. Unit Uieen, It. b, liarKerblK
U.WO.OO TO place quick. M. J.
bun, suilu Jiu, urown uiock.
Jw 3t,8
WH LOAN money lo sulurled people on
men note at lowest rates; siricuy conn
ucntlal; pay weekly, semi-weekly or
mommy, itoom mj ruxiou uiock, uoor.
llclluble Credit Co. ' Jw tUA
nusiMiiss ciia.cus.
WANTED Ladles of, ablflty to manage
brancn oiuces; must nave some cusu io
cover cost ot remeaies. inyroiu-iymuu
Co., WW ilee Uldg., omana. i uoi a-j
FOIt SALH or trade, hulf or whole Interest
in drug store; naru woou noor, w.aiinews
gas machine, soda fountuln, etc'., Ill u
lively county scut. Tliyroiu-fjympn ,Co.,
m Uee Uldg. 1-
good paying retail haziness,
Address N. H. Cor. -itli unu
im casn.
Y-M507 Al'
FOIl 9AI,U UUAI. Us'l'.VI'H,
HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; ulso
lire insurance, uemis, ruxton iiik.
WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St.
HOUSES and lota In all parts of city; alio
aero property unu iiirm lanus. uie u. t
Davis Co., Room 552. Ueo Uulldlng.
FOR SALE, cheat), on monthly payments
4-room cottage and inn Kit uc ,iwi 1'iiiricn
avu. O N. NHtlnger, secretary Omaha
Loan und uulldlng nssociatiuu, ueo umg
RE-M0I9 A3
FOR SALE Houses to be wrecked a
ouco. A. 1'. Tukey a Son, uoartl ol Trauu.
uts .Midi .v-'
In tho. rich valley of Loup river 1 can offer
for sale many larms ui rcasonaoie prices
this lunu is a ricn canuy luaiu uuu pro
duces eleguut crops. Tho farmurs uro las
putting their land Into alfalfa, wine,
(u-ltiirH tbiini tlnn r,tlit-im. three and fOU
crops u year being harvested a llttlo or
no expense, netting as high as Mo per
ucre income each year. Most of this land.
is under u lino irr gat iik canal, with
bteady Jtnd reliable ilow of water from
tho Louu river. 1 will name a low nieces,
210 acres, 1 mile from county seac, 20 ucrei
mcuuuw, uaiauce pasiura lunu. 1'rice, itw.
?W ucrts 14 nilio from county seat; good a
room l.ouse, orchard, lots of timber, t
acres can bu Irrigated. 20 acres Una ul
fulfu. 115 acres niistuie. Price. tl.utJ.
ICo acies, house, windmill, orchard, bO acres
pubiurc, 6-j acres lurm lanu, -lu aciei, iru
gaieu. I'ricu. ii.ujo.
3io ucres, Ko uudsr plow, bulanco pasture
house, wiiulii.lll. bum I'rkc. $1,160.
100 ncies, line pluce lor stock, irilmu house,
orcnuru, uuru, plenty 01 wuier unu inn
uer. i-riee. iaii. - .
2C0 acres. 75 acres Dlow land, balance nas
lure, on good cluy sell. Price 30 per acre,
1G0 ucres. 2b ucres cultivated. 15 tier acre
1G0 acres. 50 acrtj cultivated. 11 nur acre,
170 acres, witn itnccd meadow mat will
cut CO to 75 tons hay, small frumu houso
and Btublt. good stock farm. Price. H.190.
Many others that uro good bargulns. All
this land will produce the best ui ulfulra
wuu u goou margei unu reauy buiu u
good prices, being neur the cattle
Write for particulars.
II. A. STEWAKl', 'laylor, Loup County
IIVU, Alii tst
RANCH AND FA I'M lands for sale by th
union I'aciuc iinuroau eomuany. u. a
McAllaster, land commissioner, Union
l'uclllc Headquarters, uuuihJ,' Neb,
SEVERAL thousand acres of the choicest
nieudow land that will go from 2 lo 4 ons
per acre, Incuted In Marshall county, .Min
nesota: parties in need ot hay should cor
respond. Also thousnnds ot aertB of the
choicest Red River lauds for sale ul from
IW to ISO per acre. Any ono wanting a
good Investment or n iiirm to muKe u
homo should nddress Carey & Dakln,
Ureckenrldge, Minn. RE 012 AO
FOR SALE Sarpy county fnrm of COO
acres, till under cultivation; choice land,
well Improved; great bargain Tor ruudy
sale; Vli per acre; no irudes, Hiram .V
Sturges, bl7 X. Y. Life, Omaha Neb,
RE-.M7.9 A4
N. Y. Life, buy and sell. Inquiries Invited.
RE 7b3 A30
S-Room House, Full Two-Story and Attic.
Rental, lie Per Year.
This Is well located, one block from car, In
good order, largo rooms, city- water and
sewer, good well nnd cistern, large shade
trees. .I'rlcll.tQo,
W. H. GATE'S.' cis.'N. Y. LIFE 1)1.1X5.
IN famine.
KtUldy, 2576 Harney.
-itS AID; At,.
DH. HE Dt'E'S Female Ilegulator, posl
tlvVly warranted to cure the mot stub
boin cases ot monthly stoppage-!, lrregu.
larltles, obstructions and supprenslnns
brought on from whatever abnormal. un
liiitural diseased or pathological enuse; U
a package, o, 3 fur J&rscnt uny whole pte
paid on receipt of price. The KUtd Drug
Co, Klglu, 111, American otllce, retail,
wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drug Co,,
Umuli.t; M. A. Dillon, Solan Omalia;
Duvl Drug Co., Council lllulfi. Full Una
of legitimate rubber goods.
I.ADIHS! ChlchesUr's Hngllsh IVnnyroyal
Fills ato the best. Sure, n liable. Take
no other. Send tc stamps for particulars.
'Itfllef in Ladles," In letter bj return
hull. Ask your drugslft. Chichester
Chcmlcul Co., l'hl-.idttlphla, I'a.
OUH new book sent free, sealed, fully
Illustrated, treats of nil conditions of men,
tells how to uttaln "I'erfoct Manhood."
Should bo In the hands of every male
nduit. Address Eric Medical Co., "Hook
Dept.," Durtalo, X. Y.
LOST Lady's' gold liutiUng enso writch;
name engraved oil IuhIiIc. Ut ward It to-
trued to 1U fflrdth Twelith.
'.jrfT A small tiocketbook ciintulnllig
uratt on.Omnlia National, b.ahk lor 6,00n.
uricu mi Kansas CjH' V-nl5- tur
iSr fc'old curtlllcate, one J10 bill rind tiny
bill. .Finder will rktw Iwvi-.mmw u,t
police headquarters. , Utst-wv Al
TKAYHD or stolen, a Jersey cow, nverago
size anil color, on nigni. oi juiy jo. no
ward at-1(119 .Spencer. , L--1-7S7 2
LOST, 20 bill Monday night hntwovti Mur
ray nuici unii cv.aru mi. mis. tiuom .10,
L'xclianuu bldg., South Omaha.
,.' Luat-M793 1
WILL UUY any good invention or patent.
Address uiuic uux iw, ues jiuities, in. -
wushtngton, u. c. 11. J. i-on fin, ugcui,
,115 Ruuigu block, Otnuha. Neb. t'iti
5- -THIS iidvertlscmenl. Id good for $5. Sues
A, Co., patent attorn-:)'., uc. uug., om.iliu,
Neb. .Mi leu unless sticcesslul.
-M29I All'
JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. L. rililg. Tel.
ltM; ADcu jonnbun, u. u., iauics dept.;
utd. L. JolniM'ii, cisleopatlllst, Mgr.
DONOHUH, Osteopath, FuXton I3lk. Tel. 1367
A. T. HUNT, D. O., 305 Kurbach Ulk. Tul H5J
MRS. JOHN It. MUSICK, D. O., osteo
pathic physlclun, Duugias block. -
3X A-19
4tii) ACRES 5 miles south of Gretna, Sarpy
county, iSeit unit uieuu, ituoin a, luur
Ulk., omuhu. 531
M'A M M E It 1 M A.U !TUTTUlll.G.
Julia. Vaughn, 430 Rumgo Uldg.
. 1 - -311
OMAHA Steam LuUndry; shifts, 7c; collars,
2c; curt, 4c. liuo i,eaV';iivorin. lei. .
OMAHA Bb"llcr"Worl!):st'tJaTn pollers, tanks,
tucks, etc. Tel. WSJ. JJin nnu inuru pis,,
EAGLE Loan Olllco, rellulile, nccommodat-;
lng; uu pusinuiis cunnuentiui. ijji luugius.
, t - jaj
. ir
DO NOT sell your Jtok before you get
prices ot tlie urent uttbiern juiix iiouse,
612 Douglas, ,-Oinulia, 'Phono 2IO6. A.
Furer, proprietor. ' 23s A15
ACCORDION pleutltigf chtfapes best.
Sulckest. Mrs. A. w. vtturK, n. a. voj-. inn
nd Furiiam. ' 33.'
CAltl'E.NTEUb A,M) JOI.NEllb.
ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing
promptly uuctiueu 10. j. 1. ucauireu, xvitn
und uuko Sts. . 370
I'RICHS that will surprlBo you; must clcur 1
out tlie stocli 01 new unu secouo-nuuu 1
bicycles; second-hand wheels lroin 12.60
up; new onus, 12 up. Louis Fleictier, ltui
uupllol-uve. 7iLl
A DIG reduction In prlcu" iin bicycles. Now
bicycles, it unu up: beconunauu ones, ;j
unu uii. Will sell cheap. Miut reduce
htoclt. HeadiiUarters tor repairing and
tunurles.' Tiros; 1.iJ uui-h. L,.' FluschOr,
Capitol Ave. 0JO A3
UEST for you, because best made. Satin
Skin Soap, Cream und Powder. Ue 1
proof. 1 770
TEL. 1331. M. 3 Walklln, 2111 Cumlng.St.
'. -"li4
LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., .day or oven
lng. R 13, Com. iNut. Uunk. G, H. Ruthbttn.
A.' C. VAN SANT'S school.
717 N. Y. Life.
, -377
DOYLES' College, court reporter principal,
Ueo Uldg. -37!
NEB. llunlness Sc Shorthand College, Uqyd's
Thiatcr. -3?J
GREGG Shorthand.
On, CCol., IB & Doug
IF YOU wnnt good bans and croppy nshing
go to Lungdou, Mo. "Very best of hotel
accommodations. Plenty ot bents and ' rllo R, A. Dlttmar lor rates,
a m bijbjb
Vou May Lose
a tooth If you don't como up
nnd let us flx thcnij Delay of
a few days Is fraafntly fatal.
Gold Fillings. ll.fO up.
Bailey the Dentist
Third Floor I'lixlun llliiek
'PHONE 10S3.
ii &j a i
(Should be read dally by all Intorostcd, ai
chuiiRCH may occur at nny time.)
ForelKii malls for tho week emllnff Auftust
3. 1901. will eloso tPROJIVT.LV In ull cne)
at tho tjencrul jiostntllco u-llows; Purccls
post malls close one hour earlier than elis
Inn time shoAvn beloivi 'iLrcels post mill's
fur Oermnny "lei"-ut v -1. p. Aloi'.diW. oiid
wedneKd'aj . ,'t,i a , t"-
. , j 1 1 '
Regular -and (.iniplijuicntJtTy (nails close
at forcien branch halt hour later than
closing tlnte !lovn below."' 1
Triii.-,llniitt5 .'Mrtlla, .
THCRSDAl At 0:30 u. m. for HUROI'B,
FOMTorriei: mitich.
iter s. s. nismnrt-k, via Plymouth, fli-r-bmira;
and llnmbtirg tmiil for Fr.-ti.-,-inust
be directed "per s. s. F. llismnrck );
nt 7 a. m. Tor KllANCK. per . s. 1-
Champngne. via Havre (mal) for ntlnr
pari of Europe must bo dlrerted "ptr st.
s. La Champagne"); nt 2.1o p. in for
ITALY, per . s. Xord America. Ma N.i-
pl imall must
be dlfeeted "tier s.
I America ).
SATURDAY At 15W n. m. for Kl'RorK.
per s. s. 1-ilrurla, via lJuren,towii; nt , 1.
m for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Norg,
(ntnll must be dlit-cted "ht s. s. Noritp 1;
at T-30 11. m. for NETHEItLANDS dlrn t,
ptr s. Amsterdam (tunll must be d,
ncteil "per s. s. Amsterdam").
takes Printed Jtattcr, Commercial Pa.
pern and Sotnple for Germany o- iv. Th
unit 1 lass of mn.ll matter for other parts
of Europe will not In sent by th-.s sh.p
unless Ftiorhlly directed by her
After the closing or the Hupnlemer,tary
Trans-Ailantlc malls named ub-,ve nihil
tional Mipplemetittiry mall- ," oppned on
thd piers of the Anvrlcuu. Kngll'h'.
French nnd German steamers' ami rutmth
open until witliln tt-ii minutes of ths lulir
ot sailing .of simmer.
Mnlltt for Still Hi mill tvvittriil A lner I on,
Wit liiiiios. Eli'. ' .
THFRSDAV At ;.Trh. n. for JAMAICA,
per s. s.- vxumi
per s. s.- Admlrnl SftiiiptiMi. romllo?It-P.
i. fur At I5N IC O. per ,! f .
City ot .ifhlngtou, via Tamplo (mhll
mllft be.dlroou-d 'liei-1 B, sV Cry't f V tli-iBClnti")-
-. '. v.-
B AT IJ 11 D A YA t 9 n. m. for; XHWFHl" Nil
, LAND direct, iter K Hllrttiv nt h' in:
fvr PORTO RICO, per -M. k tt
San Juani nt 9:3'l n. mi. CsupiilfttHuiriiry
JO-.30-U, Ml.) fur P'OltTl'NH ISLAND; JA
nnd- GliHYTOWN. per s. s. AlUlglmny
(mull for Costti Rlea must bo directed
"per s. s. Alleglmny"H ul W m. for
U (inall fon Curacao, Vtueztlf.,-Trinidad,
ltrltNh uud DutuH Gtilinn must bt
illieuleil "pur s. h. 1'rliiF Wllllum llv)t
lit 10 a in. for ("CUA, per s. s. Mono
Castle, via Havana.
- Molls for Newfoundland, by rail to North
Sydney, nnd thahec- b slc.nner, close nt
this olllt'ii dally at 0:30 p. nn (connecting
1 lose hem etirv Monday; Wednesday and
Hnturduy). Mulls for Mlum-loii, uy mil to
liosltin. and theuco ly HU'umor, closu ul
till? ell It e dally lit di.M 11, in. Mulls for
Cuba. by. mil to Fori Tumpa, Flu, and
thence by sti-mneiv cltise ut, thU. .olllco
dully ("xi-cpt Sliuduy) nt fO.w.ii. m. (the
funnelling closes nru on Monday, Wednes
day und Si.turduj). Mulls for- Cuba, by
rail lu -Miami, l'l.i... and tbt-ncii b. atruti.rr,
closiicul this, oillcu every hunouy ul 0:tv
a. m. Mali for .Mexi-.o,.CUy, tivurlaiui,un
less specially nddivnscd (or dlspunh by,
steamer, cUihw. at this oIIIlu ilally at -43')
p in. und ll:oo p. 111. -Mulls for Costa Rich,
Uall,w, Pliurlo Curtoz and Guutenula, by
rail to New Ot leans, and thonoo by Htcnnlcr,
Clusn ul this olllco dull a l:"0 p til.
(coum-.ctliiK closes hcru Mondays lor llellze,
I'ucrlo Cortie and Guatemala and. Tuv
days for Rlea). P.pglstercd iu,all
ctojes-at B:W p. 111, provloua day;
T11111 Pui-lllt, Mulls.
Jfiflls for Hawaii.' China, Japan nnd'- IWl
1 Ippluos, via 'San Fraliclseo, roc Her'
dally at C::;o p, m. Hp to July "2, in
elusive, for dispatch par s. h Coptic. ' "
Malls for China nnd Jitpan, via .Tnenmn,
cl6so herf' Ilally at 0:30 p. m. tip re)' Jtfly
"2S inclusive, t'pr illspaU-h per h. s. Duko
or File.
Mhlls for China nnd .Inpnn. via Seattle,
t-ldso hero ilally dt C:3o p. m. up to July
'31, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s.. R,o
Jtm .Muru (rfglstered mall must lie ill
.reeted "via Seattle").
Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas MhiiiIh,
vu San Fntnclsdn, close hero dully ut
0:30 p. ni. up to August. '"I, Ineluclvei tut
dispatch per s. s. Australia,
Malls lor il.iwuil, Japan, China nnd Phil
ippine Islands, via Sun Frunclsco, closo
hero dally at 0:30 p. m. up to August o,
inclusive, for dispatch per s. b. America
Slniis lor Hnivnll. via' Sun Francisco, t-loso
hero daily at 0:30 p. ii), up to August "j,
(or dispatch 'iter s, 's. Muruposii.
MhIIm lor Chliia.-dnd Japan, vlu nnctriVcrt
, t'loso hetv dally AffiiSo b: m. up p August
U Inclusive, for 'dispatch per h.'k. Hrtt--press
ofTndla (registered mhtl must' bo
ulrectod '"via vadcollver"). v
Malls for Australia (except West Australia,
which Is forwarded Via Europe), Now
Zealand, FIJI. Bamb.i and Hawaii, Via San
'FrjiuciHeo, close hero dully at 0:30 p.- m;
after July 27 and up to August 17. In
clusive, or Tin arrival Ot s. l.ucanin, due
lit New York August "l", for dlsputclt
tier s. s. Sonoma.
Malls for Australia (except West Australia,
which goes via Europe, nnd New V.eulandi
wiileh iroen Win. ftftn Franclscoi amt Fiji
Island, via Vancouver, clo nere, dally',
at 0:."0 p, m. up to Aygust "17, inclusive,
for dlspntrh. per s. s. Wurrluioo (sttpplpS
meutury matlB, vlu Senttlo nnd Victoria),
close ul 0:20 p. in. August IS (mall.miiU
b; dlrectod "via Vancouver"). ., ,
Trfiiis.Pnrfn'r. mads nr'n forwarded to port
of tvilllngnlly and .tho schedtilo of closing.
is; arranged 411 wio presumption 01 ineir un
interrupted overland transit. Registered
mall closes ut 0 p. Jn. previous day
mall closes ut 0 p. Jn. previous day. .
Pbetolllco, New' Yor.k N, .Y July 20, 1
ll. I
,IY Tl.tll: CAIlli.
sourl Rlvur Railroad
"lliu Uutlington Rouic"
Uuneral Ollices, North
west Corner Tenth und
1'urnam Stieets. Ticket
Ulllcu, 1502 Furuum btrtut.
Uurllugion Station, Tenth
'luieliiiuiiu bv.
und Muaon Strccis.
Telopnono in.
ie.ivv.. Arrive.
Lincoln. Hastings und r
McCooa ' -1 b!,( am a ''f tltn
Lincoln, Denver, Co 0-
Uncobi 11 s:io am uiiisw am
Denver. oioruiin, uiuu
and i.-.iilforuia
-.'a'cH5 .am
Lodlsvlllo, 'i'luttKm'th.b 2:20 iirl 'iSlliftS'ap
lieuevue, i-,iiiiiiuuiii.K
l'uclllc Jupcilpn ..,.,..4,7:10 pm a S""
UelUvue, J''.iUtsmouth As,
Vaciiu Jiiucaoii ,..-... 3:10 nm .
a Daily, b Dally except-Suiiday.' ,
ST. -JJ3i
hepll & CoiWCll,. RipWl
llallroud "The Uurllngtott
,tiutu.'.'tt-Tl(;ket omce.,430
Furnum bircet. TUnpIuma
U0.1 Dopoi. -iciiui uuu
Musoti StruutSf J.wittr
phone 123.
Leave, . Arrive.
Knits-is (Mtv Day HX..1.J1 "j:-" um u 6:00 pm
Kah'ils I'll Night Exvnl0iS0 pm a 0:15 am
Cljoseph uJld'stl Lours.'u.saopm, all:15 am
ti Duiiy. 1 " '
."i Qulncy Rullrdftd-'Tlio
Rurl rigtbn itout-j' -l'icKei
OIIK-e, 1502 Farnam Btreot.
Telcpiioilo 250!' Depot,
'lenm und Muson Streets,
Telephone 13U.
Leave. Arrive.
Daylight cfclvuiro Spe-
cial . a 7:00 am alO-.JO pnf
fhie icV,' Vectlfcuiea Kx-.a 4:oo pin a 7:15 am
C cugo Local i:xptess-.iC 0:30 um u 4:05 pm
Chicago, Limited a J.60 pm u 7.1j um
Fast Mali a ":J I""
u. Dally.
alid Ac l'uclllc ltulltOaU
"The Great llotk
Island Routo" Citi
Ticket OIUcc, 1323 Fur
nam Street. Tulenhoug.
42S. Depot, Teiilh uuu
Marcy. Streets. Tule
nhoile. 020.
,.. 1-uave. Arrlto.
ChlcaEo Dayllcht Spo...u 0:00 am a 2;00 am
1 l .1 .Monies unu uuvru-
, port Loca a,?:'-'5 an "11:33 am
lUitcaKii Express. t)ll;15 um n 6:10 am
Ue Moines Loril a 4::o pm u 4;40 pin
ChleuKo Hnt Expres'i..u 5:w pm a, l;3j pm
1 U M"lnes, llotk Is'-
j and und Chlcuijo. .a 7:10 pm a 9.35 pm
Rytky Mountain Lim. ...1 2:00 am a B;00 am
i.-niiiin, Loioruilo bpKS.,
1 Denver, I'ueblo und
I West. 1 a 1:30 pm a Iris pm
Colorado. Oklahoma &
, Texas Flyer u 5;20 pm a 9:50 am
11 Duily. 1' Daily excetn Sunday.
Hullroud City Tickoi ot
ilco, H02 Farnam Struct,
Tcluphone, 215. Depot,
Tenth and Mnrc Street.
Leave, . Arrhe.
Chltuifo express !" " Pin
c.iicailu Limited t' " .w -.11
AlA lit . ..UlIS it ''"BU , , ,
K..,r., ..D7:Wum b 9;10 nm
Mini.ii.inone fit at. I'aui
t IjiuIk Cannon Rail
Express, . .... . .. .a 5:la pfrt .a S;
Kansas City ui)d .Qulncy
Ixnl ..wr,.,.u 7:0Jitn a ffM pro
a u-ny, .
Alliance Express U 4.i.. piu a U!0y lim
Uupin & Uluck Ilill3..a i)M 1 pm niitiSum
Montuiirt'l'uiict Soult(l..a 9:00 pm a 0:,um
Llucoln 1'ast Mail .AS 31W WU u-ViW
Wymoic'.U.uatrlcu und .
iol civ
umiittj Y'VVi'VVorn .'W,X-. uomo talk ot abandoning bnth.t.hat, poet,
e'duuet jluhs;,:.'...-h'4: ttio ono ut Fort Hoblneon. but'oineottf
FoVt Uoilgtt Local' tro'tn' ',;.':v'' "-who know tho conditions nt many of tho
a Daily, b D.any JWW ,( -Hon-la.'looiliildablB to abandon 'ihat It is
rosTorrm: .oricn.
- u-rn Iliillu-ay-' The
NurihtNestrrr-. Line"
City Ticket oniie, 14l
l .iiliillll l. Telephone,
Hi. Depot, Twiuli uuu
Mrtrcy Stroels. Tele
phone, C29.
1.1 uvc. Arrive
Oayllght Chicago Spe-
clul .., ,...a7Wiim nll:30 pm
t'hlcuKo Pnssongv-r a 4:15 pm a ;49 am
Enstern Express, Des '
Moines, Marsh.illtuwu.
Cedar Rapids and
Chicago ul0;.V am a 4:08 pm
l-.ubtern Special. Chi
cago und x.nst a 1:53 pm a 4:05 pm
Fust Mail. Chicago to .
uni ha a 2:15 pm
I'lnahu-Chlcago L't'd.. u 7:15 pm 11 a 00 utn
1.-1 Mall u S..H am rpid l'as.nscr. u 5:30 pm
u Dally.
I-KL,.MUr, 1, ll,KUUll.
K Missouri Valley ltuiiioint
I.Ui "lilt: Northwestern
3l- 1 - r1.,....p,.i 1 iiilni,
t.liu," (leneriil unices
United blules Nlitioi.a(
Rank .Uulldllig, S. .
Corner Twcutn unu
hum fc'tu,
Ticket O'llluO, 1101 Fnriiiitu fit.
iclephul.u. u',1
IJtpOl, llll UUU
Leave. Arrive.
bts. J .-lephone
111. Is, Deudwood, , . ,
. Hvx, springs ... u a;
jJy.hUugM-plsper .And, .
Xlotwlua,, .f...',..,j.i;..d 3;l
.HtuitlpK,., ..Dvlii ,
W piu u omij put
M pii. e 6;00 pti
ijVfH'ioi, At,'iHU, ...
! Exeter und ritmiinl. . ,tb 2:00 pin b 5:00 pm
Norlolk, veiutgru und
Fremont b 7:30 urn bl0:25 itin
Llncom, a at.00 .v Fre-
110111 u 7:30 nm bl0;25 utu
1- remont l.ocul c ..30 utn
s L'.u.;. b D,ill)' except suim.iy. 0 Sun
duy om d Daily ex-.ept eulurdii). 0
Dully-cxcepl Aloiidu'.
Minneapolis it omana
ilutivtuy - "The Norm
Wi sivrn XJ'io' General
Ollltes, Nebraska Dlvi
MOil, i.itti unu w'oiistu
ts. city ltckoi otnec.
'I'ftititTiiiii' ."11M. ll, uirit.
Uol Purmtiit at.
Uth iitid W UJ.-tloi: SI:), Tulephohe, 115$.
Leave. Al rIVo.
Twin vity I'.issenger ...11 0;w am ii !i;l pm
Sioux City Passenger... a 2M3 pm ulLlu um
Eui' 1 011 uoiul , ,.b 5:39 11111 b s:j uili
a Daily
Rullioud "'ilia North
western Line" ,Oein;rul
Unices', " United H lulus
Natluntil Rank Uulldlng.
0, V. Coiner I'uulltn
till 1,-ii r, lit 4I I'l,.,?,,,
Olllce, Hoi Furnr.m St. Telephone, 601. De
pot, Tentn and Muroy Sts. lelephone, G.V
- . Leave, Arrive:
Twin City Express n Oina um nlv;25 pni
Twin City 1 .inn
iea a i'm pm u s.-ij .uu
Blqus City Local .,',. a S;W am
u 3:50 pm
11 i.niii'.
und Routu" General unices.
T" H. COr. Nintll und Farnam
Streets. City TlcXet Olllce. 1B4
, Furniim Btreot. Totuphono. 31s.
.Depot. Tenth und Alliloy Sis.
Telephone, C29.
. lal'it. ..Til,
TUo OVerianu i.imucu..u a:.-u am
Tlui , ciilL-aitQ-Purtlaiii'
.a 7:30 piu
n 7:30 pm
a 3:1-5 pm
ti 4:i5 pm.
h.UJtO um
hl2:39 run
u 050 am
Spetlal n -8:20 -iin
Tho i-'iiat Mall,.. .......... u S:5o ujii
The Mali and a'ixpresa ',all!3j. pm
Tho Colowidn Special ,..nll:35 ,pli
Lincoln, llenlrlcu uhd
Stronisburir Fypr-jss. .b 1:03 pm
The Pacific Express ...n 4:25 pm
ThO A4milu EsprCSJ...-
Grand 'Island I-ocal b S;S0 pm
a Dairy, b Dully except Sunday
u 9:33 11 m
road-General Oilloes uu'd
'llcket Olllcus, Southeast.
u,"V.v ,i"'' "'id Dougiu
bts. Jelophone, 1U4, Depot.
Union station. . , , ' '
"r 1 "' '1LTdVe.'',AirtV!rt
lUid-. Ivilliss .;. ti
Kuiiiws ... ,J ,'
Kv-Tiress.i ...II 10:01)11111
a" :25:pm
a-.Ciljyiif 1
at-. L. Express,. a 10:5o-pm-
Lojwo from 15lh
Webstur dtre.nta:
NebruHKii Local.
We-.p inc; ivutec b 4:l0-pm nlOftj an)
noil,1 K Tllv, twntttxt 4: .... .. ., ..
nhntin. "2'
uud ilatcy hi
020. '
SK T.oiiIh C.innon U.lll
Express .v;.a u-.'3)liln
Kansas City and Quhlc - .
Locnl a 7:0 um, a'p;W'ririi
a Dully. 'y''
Leave. Arrive
St. Louis
"r-nnnntl Rail"
a 5:15 pm n 8:20 am
ft St. Paul Rnllwuy City
Ticket Ofilco, 1504 Furnam
street. Telephone. Sal.
Depot, Tenth ami Mason
Streets. Telephone, WJ
L,eavo. Arrive.
Ch cngo .1 $J , n-Ojft) pm a S:05 an.
Uri Rome it, arsi..t BtliHHtlon
.ti-iiiuslilps IrJiaew York Weekly fot
Saloon.-W) 'and up. Second Cublh, 132.30 and
.... . i.-riu -- linn imwurds.
Fdr 'lllualTuted loldt-r und fui-tliir ' liiform.
' tlOli iipply 10; HENDERSON D ROT HE lid,
V. Ill LU K ( ui
1 mi mm.i.y. 1222 Farnum bt..
UHO.-'E. AliBOTT. 1321 Furnum Si.. Omaha.
Surnmor tours on Lake Michigan.
tnw far iisrUmlr lUrfcor HprUk", Ilr
l-ilg-Uir nnd lUcklnao llnil eoniinctlnit wltu an-HlBMnhIp-Iilne
tor l.ko iHnpirtor, l,nMr
Canadian Polnti. ,H.eclal ltMo PAU.AmrIcan.
TtiwlOi. m. Thu.r,.M -1 "".'t??'"'
Mnnltou StoomBhlp Compnny,
OFFICE A DOCKS. Huth n N. Wtter Sit.. t:hlcoo.
Record Voyage d Pitt, 7 Houri. 22 Mlnuter.j
New England, Twin Screw, 11,600 " Aug. 14
Commonwealth ". " 12,000 Tom Aug. 28
Vancouver Aug. 3 Dominion ,Auq. 10
Cambroman , Aug. 17 - Vancouver Sept. 5
For driller lolortnnllociddreu
Compter's Olllcti, 09 Dtifborn St.. Cnlcato, Ilia.
Seiiitlnr .llliiril- Ilt-t-el vft C01111111111I-
eiitlini llrlutlvo lo I'riijitiMt-t
.Vi-in l'ost Aliiiiittiiiiiiienl,
ItegardliiR a. recent rumor to tho effect
that tho War department was consider
lng tho matter of nhandonlnK several posts
of tho army, ainoiiK them one or moro In
Nebraska, Senator Millard recently wrote
to Uib War department and has received
word that so far nothing 1ms been done In
tho matter. Somo tlino iiro provision was
made for tho appointment of n board of
survey to Investigate tho condition ot
several of tho smaller posts and report upon
tho advisability ot abandoning them, but
tho department assures Senator Millard
that tho riucstlon has no especial refer
ence to Nebraska; that the board HaH nnt
been appointed nnd that probably will not
bo tppolnted for somo time.
Tho matter has rccqlvcd sorao OJIscusslon
at tho Hands of army olllcors stationed at
hcadriuarterR In this city and tho Impres
sion i;oiityf.ll:' preyullB that if any posl
In' tho department is abandoned It will b
theonn nt Fort Niobrara. Thure has bee
Oapahly' 'o,,.belpg,I jnadq ono of tho beiit
cavalry posts in-tbo. United Stutus and
i(,hat ui w.'coat far below tho-aVoraue (or
Sit Ludlsi'
K, C,y
w. units t;iiy
Si Hustern Rullroiitf "Tha
Qulncr itmitc-'u;'yic50't Uf'
lice. 1415 Fiirnain..qt tiL
5Tf3fS3r Ticket qmco. im Farnuin
HVWRM U S.treot. I-clephono; 322;- D
WU"iMVv l'ot. Tenth nnd Marcy Sts,
r V-t Telephone. C23,
such pojta,
Divorced Wio of Late Judge Learn Plftji
Cuming TrlrA i Ltt.
Mother Itepi rtnt lo l.ot'itl Court
Hint .M10 Wiiiiln ltu to Vllt ller
mill TIhmi Dors 11 Clprr
Turn In Cnlorndo Court.
Judgo Vlusonhaler has been deprived of
two boys who were In charge of his court.
Mrs. Alice Keefor, formerly the Uo of
the late Judge W. It. Lean,. Is the womati
who outwlttrd tho court, and William U.
l.o.ifn Jr.. aged ll years, nnd I.onlle' Learu,
aficd ll years, pro th'c'boys In the case.
After the death ot Judge Learn last win
ter Judge Vlnsoiihnler of the county court
Hprolnlt'd J. K. Sallach of Columbus ad
ministrator of the estate and guardian of
till1, two minor wins of the d'eeoaed,
About twn YrlolilhH ngo Mrs', Kcrfer, who
lintl divorce froni Judge Learn la
Colorado ill-out .ten years uro, appi-arrd In
Omaha Mid nskrd leave 'of tlie county court
In tulip her sons. Hie Loam boys, to her
home! nt Cripple Creek for a visit. Judgo
Vlnsonhalor carefully Investigated the
coclnl MnhdltiR of Mrs. Kcofr-r nnd nflfr
tr-lnu sntlslled that It was all right. Ho
allowod her to take the- boys to Colorado,
wltli tho dlitlnnl- understanding. However,
Hint she' Would send them hark to Omaha
by September 1, In time for the opening ot
the fall srliool term.
So Mrs. Kecfer and her sons departed for
Colorado nnd everything fcemed to bo all
DlMirer Cfisr ftcooi-nril.
A few weekn nRO-JiidRo Vltisoitlmlcr Heard
that Mts. Kerfcr had rcopen-l tho caso la
which Judge Lcaru hud bwn granted a ill
vorco und tho custody of tho children, nnd
succeeded Irt securing nn order of court al
lowing hor tho legal custody of tho boys.
This Intelligence made Judgo Vlnsonhaler
somovihat lorrld In tho region of hla collar
billion?, and he sent a message to Mrs.
Koefer In tho nuVflt that h would havo
tho Learn boys hack luto the Jurisdiction of
tils court It It took all thu money In tho
Statu of Nebraska.
Hut there Is another thread In tho story.
Judgo I.earn'6 ostutti consists of 15,000 In
canh, realized on life Insurance, and this
money Is still In tho custody nt the pouglui
county court, 12,000 for each of tho two
boys and $1,000 for tho divorced wife.
As tho case slnnds at present tho mother
and the state ot Colorado have, tho custody
of-'tho bors nnd Jtldgo Vlnoniuiler and (ho
state, of Nebraska hnve tho money lo pro
vblc for their support. ( There vlll bo Homo
Intorrfltlng tntcrStnto ln'w points to unravel
before tho boys It nil their money can be put
back into the Jurisdiction of tho samo
court: . .
Mrs. Keefor wants to know why money
left Her sons by their father can't ho trans
ferred to Colorado nnd Judge Vlnsonhalor
wants to know why n Colorado court
changes n dlvorco docrco after the death of
ono of tho partlt's and rules on tho custody
of two minors who are In tho lurlsdlctlon
t,fi'7ils"ct)u'r( and f$r- whfrn ji legal guardian
biiHbeji a!iip.l'l,(c.ll In tills state.
,fA II -. 1 . 1
I'loiiriV .'t)l,09il Cltlnbii-'uiitl' WclVj
ivJCliiivt'ii Mnir'turrrT Dlt-s from1
Uffi-eln ' of To nifty
I-Mwnrd It. Overnlf. crilbncd 5(1 years old:
died' Shfjftly;-nI!er popt! yt-fllerdny at- hla '
honie.'20l0 l-ikq stniet, from tho effects of a
tumor"- uiWj hlr1 facelf,., v.-lilci resulted lu
sutfalluii'- Heluiii Hccji conllnnd to th'
ijousc slnco Juiy 14. No'nrirariKeinCBta',b.av "
been madb ns':-At fti'Ah'o .fUi'ira) " ' , .
Titr. 'Overall, Who Was u limit cnfrlerr'wai
a WBinher of the. church of St. I'lillllp tlH
Dc.abonj was prominent In the Masonic fra-
tcrnlt' nnd took n leading part In politics.
'Ho1 had lived In Omaha for thirty-five
years nnd for thirty-two ycar had boon a
mall carrier. He leaves a widow and throa
children. O. L. Overall, a son, is a mall
agent, living In Omnha. His two daugh
ters, Ida and Victoria Overall, uro school
teachers In Kansas City.
When Mr. Overall ilrst camo to Omaha
from Missouri ho bought a llttlo homo 11 1
the corner of Nineteenth and Farnanj
fStreets. Ho kept 'tills property for mnny
years ,anci jinany soiii it when tho boom
wasfnt Itw. height. Ho then purchased tho
honi6 dn. .Lalto street- where) His family now
rosldps. '
In business affairs he was thrifty, nnd.
while hij was .by no iiiciiiih .rated as wealthy
'ho was highly prosperous. Few mon In
Omaha had a moro extonaivo local acquaint
nqjp. 'Ho had for niiout thirty-two years
bean Inthe postal Borvlce. He had beon
111 slhce July 14, hul death was not ex
pected and but for tho complication which
caused suffocation tho tumor would not
necessarily hov'o proved fatal.
It I) in. Its (lie World,
No tllscorcrjr In mcdlclno hai over created
otiCifiuarter ot Um. excitement that Has
tlon ,civiHPd diy Dr. Klugs Nov Discovery
tor consumption. u;s scvorest tests hava
Boon on . hopeless victims of. consumption,
pnoumonla, hemorrbQKo, pleurisy and
bronchitis, thousands nt whom U has
restored to hicrfoct health. For counhi.
colds, astliniu, croup, hay fever, hoarse
ness and whooplnjt cough U Is the quick
en!, sureBt euro In U10 world. It Is eoldj,
iiy. Kuhn .& Co., who Kuaruntoo satisfaction
'or refund inonoy. Larso bottles COo abd
$1.00, Trial bottles freo.
IIIk I'IoUiui of Otirrcnej- 11 ml Drafts,
but 11 .VflirnaUn S tuclciiiitii l'rovra
Cliilm In I'rtipertj-.
City Dctectlvo J. T. Donahim picked up a
poelftbook on tho sidewalk lato Tueoday
aftornoon containing 5,595 In cash and
At thu tlino of tho find G;45 p. m. no
report of the lost purso hail been mada,
and for a whllo It looked nB though tho do
tectlvc Had chanced upon u windfall, but
about G o'clock a stockman named J, W.
I'ortor of Central City, Neb., called at tho
police station and gavo a inlntito description
of tha lost property. Thero worn two
drafts, one tor $3,000 on an Omnha bank
and ono for $500 ou 11 Kansas City bank.
Tho remaining $35 was In IiIUr, of which
four were of tho denomination of $20; a $10
bill and a $5 bill made up tho sum totnl.
Mrt Porter was suro Ho had lost tho purso
somewhere on Tenth street botween tho
Union Pacific headquarters and tho Union
depot, but ho was mistaken in this, ns De
tective Donahue found It on Fifteenth
street opposite the army headquarters build
ing, It was lying on tho shluwalk In plain
view nnd tho detective must havo boon tha
Ilrst person to pass after It was dropped,
V.estcrday Mr. Porter called up Cblot
Donuhuo from Central City, when ho waa
surprised and delighted, to rdcolvo tho good
iiowh, Ho aakoii bow much ot n reward ho
should puy and was told that thai would bo
for hini, (h difelijo., 'r
,'. . 1 : '
It fy)ha6 .no uppetlta for your meals
sorot-thtng 15 wrong wttli yt-nr digestion,
lver ejr bowels. PrlcHly ,As,h liitlorj
clciinsea' and strei)Rt,henB the etomar.h, purines-
the-. Jnowcls; tulfl, CreatcM apputlte, vigor
aud cliccrlulucss,