10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TIITTtSDAY, AVQVST 1, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Etsi.'oa of Board of Trade a Quiot On and InacttTt. MARKET NERVOUS AND UNCERTAIN Vlirnt Close Dull, but Mrnily Smnll eculpliiK .Mm bet for Onl In Ab sence of Cntmtr) TrmlliiK Pro visions Dull nml Irregular. CHICAOO, July 31. -Today's session wns a quiet one on the Board of Trade, Corn ruled strong nml closed l',c higher for Sep tember, while oats In sympathy closed Vufi 'ic lower, l'rovlslons were dull nml Irregu lnr, closing unchanged to 23c depressed, An ndvnnce tit Liverpool steadied the vhent market nt the start, September open ing Hti-luc hlKhcr nt tVSfi)c. Liquidation rhlolly for the local account, a fair amount of short selling, thoitKht to ho for north western Interests, and the general lack of Interest In th-i trnde caused mi early decline to fiS'.fce, The remainder of the session the market ruled dull hut stendy around (RHc Toward Iho close GS'.ie was paid for u small lot, but tho close, was easy SflUc lower at 6SHc. The stcndlners following the open ing wns due to the corn strength nnd to ex- fiort sales reported by tho seaboard at 40 onds. Primary receipts were 1,612,000 bu compared with 738,000 bu. last year. Min neapolis nnd Duluth reported 177 cars, against 15S Inst week and 2.V a week ago. Local icrclpts were 2S2 cars, 7fi of contract grade. Hcnboard clearances In wheat and flour wcro equal to 36,w) bu, The market for corn was a nervous affair owing to the fact thnt the experts were not quite ready to hazard gursres as to tho bcnellt of the crop by the recent rains. Hilch reports as were, received were not so optimistic ns those of yesterday. Liquida tion following the opening mused a mo mentary feeling of weakness, but the nerv ousness of shorts over conditions mentioned and augmented by an advance nt Liverpool led to covering, which held prices firmly tho remnlmler of the session. September told between 654c nnd fil'jC and closed l'nc over yesterday at fo',j?o5Hc. Itecelpts were 1R8 enrs, There wns only n small scalping market for oats In the absence of country trading, which for some lime has been the feature. Tho market was Inclined to sympathize with corn, but the bearish sentiment of local traders prevented n marked advance. Beptcmber sold between 33ic and Sl'Sjc and closed He higher nt .llftSIUc. Hecclpts were 1D3 cars. l'rovlslons were dull and Irregular owing to selling of pork, while there was hut little pressure on lard and ribs, nlthough feeling was bearish because of heuvv ling receipts. Hcptemberlork closed 35c higher t 11.07(4, September lard unchanged nt o. hi nun 18 J7.7',4fi7.!, September ribs 2!y5c down at Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat. 230 cars; corn, loO cars; oats, 220 cars; hogs, 0.000 head. The lending futures Hinged ns follows: Article.! Open. I Hlgh.l Low. I Closed Yos'y. Wheat July 67i fi74 Sept. (V;fira r,3 , Dec. 70T4 71 Corn- I I July I 64i 614 Sept. 63U E5. Dec. 5fi!4tfo7 67W t..i.. i M.,.r Ulll- l 01? ,W Sept. 31i May 37i37,flW i-orK Kept. I 14 25 I 14 25 . Jan. 14 SO 14 STVa1 i-Jini i Kept. S 70 S 70 Oct. R 72Vj R 73 Jnn. 8 Cu'A 8 75 Illbs- I I Sept. 7 90 7 02' Oct. 7 05 7 97H Jnn. 7 75 7 7iJ, (uu r,7 C7S; ftsvi n ra 70'i 70V4 70HTH M4 MM Kl 5ni 5oii 54?i'i'j W',4 65Ul V, 33;' 34 i 3I',4 33; 34 33Tt(3l 36). 37 3fi 14 07H 14 07H 14 33iJ 14 70 14 SO 14 80 8 65 I R (17,i 8 70 8 72H 8 75 8 73 S 61M 8 70 S 70 7 SIM 7 90 7 D2W 7 K 7 MM 7 97VJ 7 C7M 7 75 7 75 No. 2. Cash quotations were ns follows: FLOIJH-Stendy; winter patents, $3.J0fi) 8.M: straights, J3.OCHI3.30; clears, J2.7(ViT3.10; spring specials, II.1OR4.20; patents. ILlO-ft 8.70; straights. J2.8MJ3.20; bakers. J2.20Tf2.lo. WHKAT No, 3 spring, 6VU6Sc; No. 2 red, CSWiflliSHc. COnN-No.t2rtS4W34ic; No. 2 yellow. Mic. OATS-No. ?. 34ifTrc: No. 2 white. 33iff Siio: No. 3 white. 35Hf37Mc. RYH-No. 2. WMwte. 8KKDS-N0. 1 nnx. $1.83 j prime timothy, $5.23: clover, contrnct grnde. $10.0010.25. IMIOVISIONH-Mess pork, ner bbl., $14.00 flll.lB. Lnrd, per 100 lbs.. $S.fi.fi8.67M. Short ribs sides (loose), K.R.WR.011. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), J7.12i4S7.fi2M. Short clear Hides (boxed). J8.30iffS.40. WIIISICY-Hasls of high wines. $1.:D. Following aro the receipts nnd shlpm nti for todny: itecelpts. Shipments. 41.000 18,01X1 , 5KS.M0 227,000 235,000 ftS.OOO 43i!,OfiO 156,(00 10,000 12,000 2,00a ;,(h On tho Produce exchange today tho but ter musket was firm; crcnmerles, UM.fti.Hu; dairies, 13 17c. Cheese. Ilrm, DiMTlO-iic. Eggs, firm; fresh, 12MQ13c. Flour, bbls., AVheat. bu.. Corn, bu Oats, bu Ilye, bu Harlcy, bu.. 131.57 last year Shipments for tho first six months ending June 30 to Uurope, 19.325 tons, ns compared with 85,322 tons last year. Deducting shipments from supplies there were apparently left for home con sumption for the ilrst six months ending June 3n 106,14s tons, against 65,025 last year. Lead was unchanged here, but declined 2s fid in 'London to ill 15s. Spelter quiet, closing at J3.90fi3.9j and abroad nt 16 12s fid. Domestic Iron mnrkets ruled dull; pig Iron warrnnts, JS.MfilO.OO; No, 1 north ern foundry, JlS.oOfi 15.50; No. 2 foundry, southern, Jll.00fill.50; No. 1 fojndry. south ern. $ll.7.Vff 15.00; No. 1 foundry,, southern, soft, $14. 75fi 15.25, Glasgow warrants closed nt Els and Mlddlesborough nt 46s. Omaha vnof.nsAi.n jiaiikiit. Condition of Tnilr nml Uotntlon on Minnie nml 1'nney 1'rinliicr. IJGOS-Hccclpts liberal; loss off. WSWHC; 1,1 VK JUl'll'HY - IK"8- i,,l''ll and old roosters, Jc; turkeys, otjsc; ducks und geese, ic; spring chickens, per lb., 12 41 nUTTElt Common to fair. l&UlzUc; choice dairy, In tubs, 11015c; separator, -uc. FllKHH lTHH-Hlack bass, He whlto bass, 8c; bluellsh, lie, bullheads. 10c: blue mis, 7c; uuffulocs, Hie; cntflsh, i:e; cod, jc, cuipules, iffioo, clicoes, ic; bailout, lit, herring, 6c; haddock, 10c; pike, 9oi red snap per, luc, salmon, lie; sunilsh, be; trout, fc, whitcllsh, 90. I'lOKuNH Live, per doz., 60c. VKALS-Cholce, 9c. , J1AY Prices quoted by Omaha Vholel Hay Dealers' association: Choice up and, JIO.W; No, 2 upland, J9.W; medium, $J.l0; coarse, $8. Itye straw, $6.M. These prices ore for hay ot good color nnd quality. De mand fair. Hecclpts, 10 cars. WHKAT-CJc. COKN-53C. OATS-I2C. 11KAN J16.00. VKOETAtlLES. OHKEN COHN-Per daz.. 10c. HHl'llAIlH-llomo grown, per lb., Ic I AitltUTS Per doz., 30c. Ur.liTS Per basket, 40c. 'J LltMPrf-Pei u-akct, 40c. CL'CUMUEUS-Home grown, por doz., 40 a Me. LUTTL'Ci:-Por bu 20c. HAD18IIi;S-Ped doz., 16820c. PAHSLKV-Per doz,, !0c. NBW PUTA ruKS-Wfii) Jl.00. CAHIIAaH-Homo grown. 2Mc. , TOMATUKS llvme grown, per basket, 75c ONIONS HermudiiM, per crate, $2.2J; homo grown, per lb., 2c. , CAULtFLOWlilt-Homo grown, per dos., 75c. niCANS-Wnx. per half-bushel basket, $1, string, per Imif-bu. bAKet. iic. PEAS-icr bu $1: per hnlt-DU., 63c. CANTALOUPK-Pcr basket. 76C3J1: CrVATl'l'tAIEI.ONS-Texas, 20035c, as to " CELEUY Kalamazoo, per bunch, 253 30c. FIIU1TS. APPLES-Per bbl., V3.00. . C1IEUHIES Native, per S-lb. basket, 5c; Missouri, per 21-qt. case, $2. 1'EACHLS Caltlornla, per box, 00c; free stone, Jl.oo; choice Elbcrtos, Jl.oo; fancy, Jl.'.U VPIIICOTS-Callfornla, 4-baskct crates, J I '5 PLUMS-Callfomla. per cratej J1.25U1.50; home grown, per S-lb. basket, loc. aoOSEDKUHIES-Pcr 24-nt. case. J2. TIIOPIL'AL FHU1TS. OHANQES Vulfliclas, J1.75; Med. sweets, J 1.25. LEMONS-Callfornla, extra fancy, $5.50 6.W; choice $5.50. I! AN ANAS Per bunch, ncordlng to size, $2.111 2.50. FIGS California, new cartons, crs, 5c: Imported, per lb., 10SJ12C DATES Persian. In C0-lb. boxes MISCELLANEOUS. CIDElt-Per bbl.. per htif-bbl.. $2.75. NUTS-Engllsh walnuts, per lb., 15c: ill berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., lSS20o: raw peanuts, per lb., 5'a6Vic; roasted, 6M'a 7V4-'; llrnzlls, 13c; pecans, 10ij22c. HIDES No. 1 green. 6V4c; No. 2 green. EMc; No. 1 salted. 7Mc; No. 2 salted, 6Mc; No. 1 veal cnlf, S to 124 lbs., Sc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides. 8013c; sheep pelts. 25275c; horse hides, J1.50H2.25. 75c; lay Salrs, Sc. St. I.ntiln nrnin nnd Pro vlnlons. ST. No. 2 LOUIS. July 31. WHEAT Lower: red, cash, elevator, 65c; July, 6ic; September. 66fi6i5Mc; December, 66fj66?;c; No. 2 hard, e6Viii67c. CORN Higher: No. 2 cash, E6Mc; track, 56'4Ji57c: July, BtSMc; September, 6tV4c: De cember. 57' ic. ua 1 a tugner; no. i ensn, zc trncK.i oV(;iv,ie; juiy. 3i)c; septemDer, 3&jic; May, asyic: io. z wnue, aBUlsuc. HYE-Hlgher nt file. SEEDS Timothy, no trading. Flaxseed, no market. FLOUK Firm but quiet; new red winter patents, j3.4wn3.50; extra fancy ana straight, j3.iWffa.iu; clear, .'.uj'i.'.i). COHNMEAL Steady. $2.85. IJ It AN Unsettled; sacked, east track, tL,. V,IU ul.ln fi?. 1 iav steady to firmer; timothy, jiz.oow second patents, ll.SOgi.M; first clears, 12.90 yj.w; second clears, .i". iiiiAs nigner; in djik, ji.3oui.to. I'rorln .lnrKe(. No. 3, lilllnl fin- PEOHIA. Jlllv St. rnnS'-Itlcrher: 65c. OATS-Firm: No. 2 white, 35Uc, inrougn, WHISKY-On the basis of $1.29 for Ished goods. M3W YtllUC STOCKS AMI IIOXOS. X" Imllrntlon of Avrnkcnltm from I'rrloil of I,etlmry. NEW Yniltv. .fnlv 51 Ttirro wns no In- dlcntlon this morning of nny nwakcnlng from the lethargic stnto In which tho mar ket has been In during tho whole of this week. A spasmodic din wns effected In tho stocks of the United Stntes Steel corpora tion nt tne opening on the failure ot tna Amalgamated association to agree on terms for settling the strike at their session yes terday. The whole mnrket toned down In sympathy under the attack of tho profes sional traders. Hut the subseouent action of the mnrket demonstrated Its professional cnarncter. The opening dip, following yes- terdny s decline, represented the extent to which small trnders were willing to com mit themselves, nnd they began to buy to cover short contrncts nnd take their profits it poKstuie. in tne nnsence 01 nny point ni Interest In the mnrket these day-to-dny vnrylng fluctuations are nil thnt can be ex pected. It Is noticeable that railroad authorities are willing to concede rnther more damage 10 inc corn crop, now mill me (iroum is effcctunlly broken, than they were during the period when the securities of their com panies were under pressure of liquidation. With the turn of tho month some slight replenishment of the money market Is looked for as the result of dividend ftnd In terest disbursements, which arc. however. small. The most Important Is the dividend on United Stntes Steel preferred of l?i prr cent for the qunrter. This will Involve nn outgo of about J9.or0,0)0 for the J5O6.473.t00 of the preferred stock outstanding. Prep aration for the dividend, which Is payable. on August 7, was rellectcd In the largo operations of one of the clearing house banks today. This doubtless had much to no wiin the. small nurry in tne cnn loan mnrket Inte In the day. which helped tho movement of the trnders to jv.it down prices to about the lowest of the day. Intimations that tho strike settlement negotiations wero not going smoothly helped to this end. Tho closing was thus made weak. United States Steel fell an extreme 24 nnd the preferred 314. The most conspicuous fenture next to these wns Norfolk & Western, which roso on n perslKtent demand. The rnllrond bond market was Intensely dull nnd Irregular. Total sales, par value, J910.000. United Stntes bonds wcro all un changed on the last call. The Commercial Advertiser's London Mnnnclnl enblegriim snys: The mnrkets here today wero In a state of Utter stng nation before the Impending bank holiday. The exennngn will bo closed on Saturday nnd Mondny. The market borrowed heavily from the linnK or unginnn, ns large insmn mcnts nre pending on vnrlous lonns. Tho Hunk of England also discounted for the first time for weeks. Paris exchange, 25.19V4. The following are chc closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison "3 So. Hallway do nfd 9H do nfd rtaltlmore ,t Ohio... 9MI Texas it Pacific. do nM Canadian Pacific Canada Mo Ch(s. & Ohio.... Chicago & Alton do 11 M Chi,, Inri. & I... Act nfil Chicago & IC. 111. ..112 Clileuro O. W 5 W si:w vonic r.KMiiiAi, maiiket. Quotntlnii of the Dnr Commodities, on VnrloiiN NEW YOrtK, July 31,-FLOUR-necclpts, 11,620 bbls.; exports, 31,637 bbls.; fairly quiet nnd about steady; Minnesota patents, $3.70t71.00; Minnesota bakers. f2.S5fJ3.15: win ter patents. J3.55ffi3.S0; winter straights. J3.25 673.50; winter extras. J2.50Q2.&0; winter low grndes, $2.3O?2.60: fair to good, $2.6503.10: choice to fancy. $3.15fj3.45. Itye flour llrm; fair to good, $2.703.15; cholco to fancy, $3.16'i3.50. COHNMEAL Firm: yellow western, $1.UL city. J1.0S: Urandywlne. $2.7idf2.80. W UYE Weaker; No. 2 western, B7Mc, 'f. o. b. nllont; stnto rye, 53fJ36c, c. I. f. New York car lots. nARLEY-Stcndy: feedtng, B2c. c. I. f Iluffnlo; mulling, 60fI63c c, 1. f. Huffnlo. PAULEY MALT Dull; western, 65ff7Jc. WIIEAT-Hccelpts, 83,500 bu.; exports, 120.023 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2 red, 76c, f. o. b., nfloat; No. 2 red, 73e, elevator; No. 1 'northern Duluth. 76V4c, f. o. b.. nllout; No. 1 hard Duluth, R44c, f. o. b afloat. Options opened steady on cables and were sus tnlned most of tho dny by corn strength. In face, of 11 big primary movement, favorable, ,crop conditions mul if less active port trade. nnaiiy sold oft under renllzlng, how- epiemopr, 1.1 u-in'ii H'ic, closed ni aw, ot nber, 71',i,ii7lc, closed nt 74',4c: Decern. pr, 75a41f76i,4c, closeil nt 754c. COUN-Uecelpts, 21,000 bu.; exports, 7,605 They ever, nnd closed easy nt Ic net decline, boptember. 73 ll-16f(74'.ic, closed nt 734c; uuioner, ber. 75"i nil. Snot, llrm: No. 2. 6Dc. elevntnr. nml ERc, f. o. h nflont, Options, nulet but strong, ndvnnclng on renewed advices of bullish crop conditions weHt, In splto of rnlns, with n good outsldo demand, In ad dition to covering. Closed llrm nnd 10H4c net higher. September, 68Uf59'tc, closed at 69c; October, closed at 59Mc; December, I9Jfi60:Hic. closed at fiOlic OATS Hecclpts. 37.100 bu.: exports, 12.W1 bu. Spot, tlrm; No. 2. 3Sc; No. 3. 37Mc; No, 2 white, 41c; No. 3 while, 41!l4c; trnck white, 40(fi49c. Options, quiet but llrm with corn. HAY Steady; shipping, 704j75c; good to Choice. Ml,4U2Mc. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice. If10 crop, 13Efl6c; 1S99 crop, 10JM3c; old olds. Ifffic; Pnclllo coast inxt crop, lSfiJKHc: 1S99 crop. lIKtlSc, old nUN. 26c. HIDES Steady; Onlveston. 20 to 25 lbs 18 (ftlSMc: California, 21 to 23 lbs,, 19Mc: Tens dry. 21 to i lb.. 1114c. " ' ' LEATHEIl Quiot; hemlock sole. Ruonos Ayres, light to hi-avywelghts, 2tW25c; nclu :i if 2,ic. ' PROVISIONS-Ileef. steady; family. $11 50 C712.00; mess. J9 6M710.OO: beef hanis hlf'.?f 11.60; Pck n"WffW-W: .city, extra India nu n.-,, "m tn.uiF. in nieais, quiot ; pickled bellies. $9.25111.00; pickled should iters. $1.2.1; pickled hams, $U.0OfI11.50, l.ard, steady; western steamed. $9; refined, llrm; continent, $9.15; South America. S9.0n- cnmiuilind. 17.0lUi7 IS 1ap1, family. $lfi.6O(iTt7.0O; short clear, $l6.0'ffl7.50: mess. J15.Mf716.CO. "f ' TH.'TTEH Hecclpts, 6.4 pkgs.; firm; stnto iiiiiiy, mi 11, ureiunery, irii'i1e; factory, lSiflSc: Imltntlon cri'nmerv. Hfil7!4c. CIIKESK-Hecelpts. 2,267 pkgs.; mnrket teady; fancy, large, colored, 9Hc; fancv, large, white, 9iiffp4e: fancy, small, colored, So: fancy, small, white. 9Ui&in Eans-Recelpts, R.I69 pkgs,; steady; state nnd Pennsylvania, lfifJlc: western, candled. aAdfrdfet I111H.1H.IL.I 7 J 4.11 in;yi, tnin lit U1IIU MM in, Hf, TALLOW-Stendy; city, 4c; country, 4Tfi'6c. POULTRY Alive, steady: springers, 12c; turkeys. 8c. fowls. 9o. Dressed, easier; springer!', 13fHc; turkeys, 70St-c; fowls, IMflOVic. METALS The feature of Importance In metal circles today wns tho loss of 2 6s In spot tin In London nnd n decline of 1 15s in tne future positions, due, it wni said, to heavy liquidation In thnt market. Tho close wns weak at .C117 10s for snot and H 10s for futures. Here, however, little of consequence, transpired, spot tin ruling entirely nominal, wnue me rorwnru de liveries were easy and 50 points lower, nt $I7.00fJ2S.OO. Copper In London regained Zs M of yesterday's loss nnd ruled steady, closing at 67 10s on snot nnd 7 17s on futures. The domestic production of cop tier durlnr the first six months ending June S9 amounted to 133,334 tons, again t 17.00: nralrle. $14.00ffi 15.00. WHISKY-Steady. $1.29. IRON COTTONTIES-$1.15. UA(GING-6W7C. HEMP TWINE 9c. PHOVISIONS-Pork: Steady; Jobbing. $15.75. Lard, steady at $8.55. Dry salt meats (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $S.t2M: clear ribs, $8.37M! clear sides. $8.62V4. Bacon (boxed), steady; extrn shorts, $9; clenr ribs, $9.37M: clear sides, $9.50. StETAI,S-Lend. steady at $4.3034.40. Spelter, dull nt $3.80. POULTRY-Steady; chickens, 6M0: tur keys, 5c; young, 10frl2c: ducks, 8c; springs, 6c: geese, 3c; springs, 6c. HUTTEH-Steady; creamery, 16B21Mc; dairy. 13fil6i4c. EGOS Higher; nearby, 9c: southern, 7c, RECEIPTS Flour. 6,0o0 bbls.; wheat. 225, 001 bu.; com. 61,000 bu.; oats, 90,000 bu. SHIP-MENTS-Flour. 9,000 bbls.; wheat, 141,000 bu.; corn, 10,000 bu.; onts, 41,000 bu. Liverpool fi&ln nml Provisions. LIVERPOOL. July 31.-WHEAT-Spot. dull: No. 2 red northwestern, 5s 6d; No. 1 Cnllfornln, 6s. Futures, quiet; September, 5s 6Vd, sellers; December, 3s 9d. buyers. FLOUR-St. Louis fancy winter, dull, 7s 9d. CORN Spot, quiet; Amcrlcnn mixed, new, 4s5id, American mixed, old, 4s 7id. i' inures, quiei; juiy, nominal; aepiemocr, 4s fiSd. buyers; October, 4s 6Jfid, buyers. PROVISIONS ncer. extra Ind a mess. firm. 68s 6d. Rncon, Cumberland cut firm, 41s 9d. Hnms. short cut, llrm. 51s 8d. Lnrd, Amcrlcnn refined, In pnlls, llrm. 41s. Uacon, short ribs, llrm, 19s 3d: clenr bellies, Arm, 61s fid; long clenr middles, heavy, llrm, 46s. Porn, prime mess, lino western, nrm, 46s. I'i'JAS tannciinn, bs l-o. CHEESE Firm: American finest white. 40s 6d; American colored. 47s 6d, Receipts of wheat during the last three, days, 237,009 centals, Including 137,000 Amer ican. Receipts of American corn during the Inst three days, 159,200 centals. Knnnns City (iinln nml Provisions. KANSAS CITY. July 31.-VHEAT-July, 2c; September, 6lff61Mc; December, 66Slf 6d4c: cash. No. 2 hard. 6lfl6IWc: No. 3. 6.1 634ic: No. 2 red. 63c. COnN Jlllv. ESVic: Sentsmber. 6.Ka Dn. cember. 66Vi4i5fiic: cosh. No. 2 mixed. r,9 E94c: No. 2 white. 60c. IJATH NO. 'I WllltC, 45C RYE No, 2, 6Sc. HAY Choice tlmothv. J11.50: eholen prnlrle. $11.00. RUTTER-Creamcry, 16Mlfl9c; dairy, fancy, llfilfic. EGOS Higher: fresh Missouri nn1 Kan sos stock quoted on 'change, 10c dozen, lora off. enses returned. RECEIPTS-Whent 111.100 bu.: corn. 21.- inio 1111.; oais. .i.tnHi on. SI 1 1 I'M ENT8 Wheat . 13 .400 bu.: corn. 67.200 bu,; oats, 21.000 bu. do 1st pfd 6n 2d prd.... Chicago & N. C H. I. & P Chicago Tor. & Tr do pfd C. C. C. & St. L... Colorado Ko do lt pfd do 2d pfd Del, A Hudson ... Del. L. ' V Dfnver A R. O... do pfd Krle do l.'t pM Jo 2.1 ptn at. Nor. pfd..., Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central ... do pfd Lake Krie A W. do pfd U A J.' Manhattan L.... Met. Ht. Ity Mexican Central Mex. National .. Minn. A St. L.. Mo. Pacific M K. A T do pfd N, J. Central ... N. Y. Central .. Norfolk A IV.... do pfd Ontnrlo A W.... Pennsylvania ... rtrudlns do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. A S. P.... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St, L. Houthw... do pfd St. Paul do pfd... So. Pacific KViTol., St. L. A W. ..:0"U do pfd .. ii Union 1'acltlc .... .. If'i do pfd ..27', Wabash .. 7M,i do pfd .. 31 .Wheel. A U K.... ..6) do Sd pfd Wis, Central do pfd... . SI'S, P. C. C. A St. I... . 44 Adams Ex .M American Ex .1".7'.4 C. S. Kx . iV.k Wells.Pargo Ex.... . 3i Amal. Copper . 91 Amer. Car A P.... . 11 do pfd .... 4C4 Amer. Lin, Oil .... 22 do pfd ....tot Amer. H. A U ....:-s 1 do pfd , .... 1U "Amer. Tobacco . .... OC',4 Anac. Mln. Co .... 37 Brooklyn 11. T .... 6'i',j Colo. Fuel A Iron.. .... 40 iCon, das ....1"I4 ,Con. Tobacco .... .... CI 1 do pfd .... 'Hi C3en. Electrlo ....W't Glucose Sugar .... 3 iiocKing coal ... .... 7314 Inter. Paper .... .... C2 1 do pfd ....lift Inter. Power .... ....102 'Liclede Gas .... ....IKK National Illscult ....117U National Iad .. ,4 2.1 Nutlonnl Halt ... .... ? do pfd ,VMi No, American .. . 974 l'aclnc Coast ... . n'.'.i Pncinc Mall .... . G-Hi People's Gas .... ,)5S il'ressed S. Car . ,I50li do pfd . t; Pullman IV Car. . S!',4 Republlo Steel .. . 32Si do pfd 14IH ntigar 23'.; 61 4)14 2014 3J!4 OS'.j K4 21 33 IS 20 vc-)4 42 :j 170 ,1M , hi ,11) 113 , 29 SJ',4 , 23 V!4 , 1U0 1S:0 , 41 , 734. , 9; ,21814 Kfi 116 230 5J',i month: Clenrlncs. i43l.S37.105; linhinrr.. JI0.603.799; money, I per cent. urti.iijiuiiii, juiy 31. . lenrings, h,v5s, 93S; balances, $Al,9tV!i money, 4'jf?6 per cent. , CHICAGO, July 3I.-Clenrlngs, $23,902.99; balances. ll..VMM': tumtnl rvplmiico. Jt.SMT 4.8S14; New York exchange, 6c discount. CINCINNATI. Julv 31. Clenrlncs. 12.651.- ("X; money, 3,-s''f per cent! New York cx- cnnilKe, iijg discount. BOSTON, July 31.-Clenrlngs, J21.191.IS6; balances, $1,801,794, NEW YOIllv. .Inlv 31 Clenrlncs. rjo3.347.- 320; balances, $9,691,391. I.omlon Stock tliiotntloiis. LONDON. July 31.-1 p. m.-ClosIng: OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattlt Receipt Light anil Demand Ac'.ivo at Coniide.ably Higher Vrku. HOGS ADVANCED NEARLY FIVE CENTS Consols, money H'iV do pfd do nc-ount 9C14 N. V. Central Anncnnda ?i, N. A W Atchlvm 75 do pfd 110 pin swj o. A w llnltlmore A Ohio... Pennsylvania . 1 ananinn racinc 110'i neailing . :.(i .151', ,. SI . 00 . 3S'4 ,. 7.1 Ches, A Ohio, Chicago O. W M. A St. P Denver A It. O...., do Pfd Krie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central ... I.. A N M K. A T 4fi , 23 ,1 , 424 . ill , Ji'4 . M.4 ,14 do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd So, Hallway .. do Pfd I Ho, PaclHe .... in ion 1 acinc . do pfd. tf. fi. Steel .... lo pfd ,H Wabash . 2(i. do pfd.. .... :.t, .... v- .... 30'i .... H .... M14 ....102 .... 01H .... 451 .... M .... 2!'i .... 401j (iood to Choice Sheei 11 nil l.niiibs ."old Hrndll' nt MriniKi'r Priors, but I'llt Ktti(T In .Not WiiiiIimI nnd llns to Ho Sold ns Feeders. SOUTH OMAHA. July 31. Hecelnts wero: Cattle, lions. Sheen. uiuciui .iioiiuuy i,2t Ullicul 1 iii'sna) 3,i" )1 Ulliclal WvUliesday 2,v.'j Thteu days this week 6,239 Samu nays last week i,d40 lno wick iietorc lo.uis bnmc tlireu WteKs ugu... i.ilii tiiune tour weeks ngj.... ti.oOl Minui nays last year rutin tuts niuiitn 41 ,. 7Mj ,. C2',4 ,. 4)',4 . 7 ,. 20 ,. 6114 1W 181 U14 iTenn, Coal A Iron Union Hag A P.... do pfd U. S. leather do pfd U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd Western Union .... , mii 1 2S!i 1 73 , 93 , 53 , 42 , lf?4 , 3.14 , 74 . 9M,4 , 65 , 39 114 , 421J , 8314 ,107 . 1!",4 . 7414 .11114 . 61?4 . 1314 . 7"!4 . I2 . 7M,4 . W4 . S114 . 424 . 90T4 . 01?. Offered. "Trust reclpts. Men- York Money Mnrket. NEW YOriK. July 31. MONEY On call, closed steady nt 214&4 per cent; last loan, 3 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4V4 p. r cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, with actual business In bankers' bills nt $4.S74fJ) 4.874 for demand nnd at $l,85'kfi I.Sili for sixty days; commercial bills. $l.8l1il,Sai. SIl.VEK unr, iv?c: aiexicun dollars, B', nONDS Government, steady; state, easy; railroad, Irregular. I'll clualim pitcca on nunaa ioan ar at follows: ..10:.N. Y. Central l....10li .ivi?. .n. j. u. gen, as v.o Toledo drill 11 nnd Seetls, TOLEDO. Jll V 31. WHEAT Active but weak; cash. July and August, 69c; Septem ber. r9Hc; December. 714c. CORN strong; cash and July, 51c; Sep tember. 5514c. OATS Active and unchanged; cash. 3lt4": juiy anil nepiemncr, die. HYE-.WHc. CLO VERSE ED Cash prime, $6.15; Octo ber, J6.15. Plillnilrlphln Produce Mnrket. PHILADELPHIA. July 31.-RUTTER- Flrm. good demand; fancy western cream ery, 21Hc; fancy western prints, 2114c; fancy nenrhv mints. 11c. EGOS Firm; fresh western, 16c; fresh southwestern. 1214c: fresh southern, 12Wc. CHEESE Firm nnd higher; New York creams, fancy small, 9Uc, MlUvniikcr CJrnln Mnrket. MILWAUKEE, July 31. WHEAT - Hteauy;sn, 1 nortnern. 70c; no, 2 northern, GSmit'tfcf September, 6Sje. RYE-Weak; No. 1. 5114c PARLEY Strong; No. 2, 6lfj62c; sample, oi'jia-c. OATS-Steady; No. 2. 3Sfj39c. CORN-Septembcr, 5514c niiluth 4!rnln Mnrkrl, DL'Lt'TH, July 31,-WHEAT-Cash, No hard. 70-o: No. 1 northern. 6Sic: Nn. northern, &c; July, 68;c; September, otc; uerriiincr, D1-4U, CORN-5214C OATS-34iO. Minneapolis Wheat, Klonr and Bran MINNEAPOLIS, July 31. WHEAT Cash, 64o; September, 6S4c; December, 7Hc On track: No. 1 hard, J;c; No. 1 nortnern. 664c: No. 2 nortnern, 65Vjc. FLOyu-iligljer; tint pt-tenu, Ji.t1e54.i0 U. S. ret. 2s, do coupon do U, rec. do coupon do new 4s, rer. dcgupon awe reg 138 old 4s, reg 113 do Coupon 1.3 do 5. reg I'1' do coupon 10) n. of C. X 65 124 Atchison gen, 4a... .10314 do ncll, 4s ' Canada So. 2s 10914 Ches. A Ohio 41ts. do Ss ..lOSUjKo. l'acino 3s 137 72i do 4s 1 0 4 i N Y. O A St I. 4.. IO714 N. A W. con, 4s, ...1011 Oregon Nav. ls....,101!4 do 4 102 Oregon S. L. 6s. ...123 no ronsol 6s II64 Heading (en. 4 954 Hlo G. W. Is 10014 Rt L A I M e. S... 116-4 St L A S F g. 6s...!3D 10714 St. Paul consol 173 121 St P, CAP Is 120 Ex-dlvldend. MONEY 2V4f73 ner cent. The rate of ills- count In the open mnrket for short bills, 21iT72s per cent; for three months, 2,4 ter cent. BAR SILVER-Qulet. 2fi 15-lfid per or. Spanish 4s, 67; llnnd Mines, to. Cotton Mnrket. NEW YORK. Julv 31.-COTTON-The mnrket started fiiilct ns lo tone, with prices ."K.j points nigner on ngni pit nuying iinn scattering foreign demand. Under pressure prices ensed off until u net decline of 2fl liolnts was In evidence. From this out busi ness wns stupidly tnme. Spot cotton mar kets here anil In the south exhibited a. fair degree of business, but were neglected nnd generally unchanged. Cloth mnrket advices were fentureless. Crop accounts reltccted Improving conditions cast of the Mississippi, but morn need of rnln over Inrge areas west of that river, notnbly In central Texas, Pnrls, Tex,, received l.!o Inches and Hub sellvllle, Ark., received 3 Inches within the Inst twenty-four hours, but these rnlns wore entirely locnl. The close wns steady, with prices net 2 points higher to 2 points lower. Spot closed dull but steady; middling up lands. 8 1-lCc: middling gulf, 8 6-lGc; snles, 4.0W bnles, Futures closed with October at 7.27c; November, 7.2"!c; December, 7.30c; Jnnuary, 7.3oc; February, 7.33c; Marcli, 7.39c; April, 7.40c. ST. LOUIS, July 3I.-COTTON-Market unchanged; snles, Go bales; middling, Jc; receipts, S5 bales; shipments, 871 bnles; stock. 50.131 bales. GALVESTON. July 31.-COTTON-Qulct at 8Hc. NEW ORLEANS, July 31.-COTTON-Easy; pales, soo bales; ordinary. 5c; good or dinary, 9-16c; low middling. 7',c: middling, 8'4c; good middling, M.4c; middling fair. 84c, nnmlnnl; receipts, 111 bales; stock, 73,600 bales. LIVERPOOL. July 31.-COTTON-Spot, oulet; prices caster: American middling. 4 13-32(1. The snles of the dav were 7.00(1 bnles. of which 5no wero for speculation and export nnd Included 6,500 American. No re ceipts. Wool Mnrket. BOSTON, July 31. Tho American Wool nnd Cotton Reporter will say tomorrow of tho wool trade: The market continued nn nn even keel, with continued cheerfulness, ti more or less uniform amount of business nnd with more or less of n conviction that the market Is to sell higher In the future than tho prices of the present. The fact thnt buyers have been paying high prices out west shows that thoy expect to sell nt better prices here. Mills genernlly have or ders enough to keep their machines running inrougn August ami pernaps tnrougu Sep tember, nnd they have had to buy wool In order to executo these orders. The sales of the week In Hnston amounted to 5,790,000 lbs. domestic and 310,000 lbs, foreign, ngalnst a total of 6,570,01X1 lbs. for the previous week nnd n totnl of 3,2S,5O0 lbs. for tho corre spondlnir week Inst year. Tho receipts of wool In Uoston this week amount to 33,627 bales, against 30,758 bnles last week and 15,013 bales last year. Shipments of wool for tho week were 5.37.J96 lbs. This shows an Increase of 662,7Cr.' lbs. over the ship ments for the previous week. Since Janu ary 1 the total shipments amount to 142.SS8, 155 lbs. ST. LOUIS, July 31. WOOL Strong but unchanged; medium grades, llfJ17c; light fine, llfjllc; heavy fine, Ofjllc; tub washed, 12fj21c A Coffer Mnrket, NEW YORK, July 31. COFFEE The coffee mnrket opened stendy, with prices 5 points lower, nnd win dull throughout the session without further change. Room sel ling nnd some foreign pressure In the morning resulted from disappointment in tho foreign mnrket news nnd heavy re ceipts In the crop country. Buying was checked by heaviness In the spot market and almost total absence of Interest. Tho close wns steady, with prices net 6 points lower. Total sales were 7,500 bags. Includ ing: September. 4,S0c: October, 4.90c; No vember. 4.90c; December, 5.05c; February 5.15c; March, 5.2.'c; May, 5.35c. Spot. Rio. "jieij imo. v invoice, vc. auia, quiet; Cor Cova. SfjllUc Oil nnd Ilosln. OIL CITY. Pa., July 31.-Credlt balances. J1.25; certificates, no bid; shipments, 124.423 bhls.; nvernge, 101,279 hbls.; runs, 117,916 bbls.: nvernge, S6.541 bbls. NEW YORK, July 31.-OILS-Cottonseed, steady: prime crude, nomlnnl; prime yel low, T&MTWc. Petroleum, steady. Rosin, ensy; common to good, $1.40. Turpentine, steady, 35!4?f334c. LONDON, July 31.-OILS-Calcutta lln seed, spot. 55s fid. Petroleum, 7TJd. Tur pentine spirits, 75s 9d. LIVERPOOL. July 31,-OILS-Turpcntlne spirits, quiet, 26s 6d, Linseed, 33s 6d. Sugar Mnrket, NEW YORK. July 31.-SUGAR-Rw. steady; fnlr refining. 3 9-16c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4 5-32c; molnsses sugar, 3 5-16e: re fined, dull: No, 6. 4.85c: No. 7. 4.75c: No. 8. 4.65c; No. 0. 4.60c; No. 10, 4.56c; Nd. 11, .t.FiOc: No. 12, 4. one; Np. 13. l.ioc; No. 14, 4 5c; stnndnrd A. 4 50c: mould A. 5.80e! crimh,r!. 5.95o; powdered, 5.55c; granulated, 5.45c. T r v' T'a ri v T..I.. )( ..ni:pn ortn & r-. , . . u , . . uui; .n. nuuiln July, 9s 914d. NEW ORLEANS. July 31. SUGAR- Quiet; open kettle. 3 3-16ff4c; open kettle, centrifugal, 3ff4i-4c: centrifugal, 4VSffi) 4 9-16c: seconds. 2',iQ3TsC Molasses, dull; centrifugal, iMTHc. 1 utal Total mint '1 1 t in 'lOUll Total Total Total July. Juiy, juiy, Juiy, Juiy, juiy, July, July, Aeraut! Omaha tho pnris'jus .U',101 iJ,Ml 0?,.IM ol.Wl 4, iu7 M.iSi vj,o:h 4y, 3M i3,l2l 10,!) 19 price pain tor hogs at p.'isi scvurui uuys wiin lwu 1S99. ... IMIi 1SW lXh l9l l.wlj i.lli hj.iJI luAM- iu,.i3 u,U- Ji.siu a.aij ib.Wf 21.W(i 09, MJ 13,0.1 Ii.OiJ 2i,2;l i.lVI, 10. ui 'J.WJ TWSl )'j liK.lWl b,Ui M),M'J 4s,u l.v.iM 43,.YJl lol.HVM 2j,i3i I'O.S.S 21, 111' u,Mt i,3K 2J2,Uj2 7,92j lJU.i-9 10,023 South (.orn- I 1901. 190O.li93.,l.lt37.129G.PDj. July July July July July July Juiy July Juiy July July July July July July July only July July July July July July July July July July July July 3..., 4. . 6..., 7.. , !..., 9,.., 10.. 11.. 1.. 1J.. 14.. 15.. 16... 17. 18. 19. 20., 21. 5 71',; 5011 3751 4 I 321, 2 931 4 70 5 73'4 5 03 3 78, 3 b6 4 .-a 5 7y-, 6 lUi 3 t3 3 t6 3 2S 2 97- 4 1 I 5 11 3 81, 3 "tt 3 23 2 93, 832-51 3 Mi, 3 8i, 3 32 2 Ul 4 91 5 S.I1. 6 13 , 3 7Sl 3 M 2 161 4 76 5 85t o Mi 3 901 3 281 2 bi 4 K 6 l'2s 5 0I 3 90, 3 701 ' I l 4 61 6 l.ilsi 6 021 4 Oli 3 73 3 181 1 4 i3 5 85.1 5 13. 4 UJ, 3 82i 3 111 2 97 4 It 0 us I I wo J 11 J 10 0 w 5 7714' 13 99, 3 77 3 1 J 051 6 64, 6 021 1 3 til 3 20, 3 U7 9 cows. . . 931 2 70 cows . . 9.V 3 20 40 stters ti'UI 3 3o HOClS-Ther wns of hogs here todny. 9 steers ...1O40 4 feeders W) 3 40 3 2". n good, average run but the demand (in the part of locnl packers was equal to the occasion und the market ruled nctlvo nrd 11 good 2yi5e nicher than yesterday s gen ernl mnrket. The average run ot mlved hogs sold right arnind $5 00. with tho better grades reaching Jf 65. The clinic heavy weights sold from Jo 'f to fR.Mi The lighter loads sold from IS 374 down. The satm ns hus bodi the mse all along, packers were very IndlCerent buyers of the light stuff, und In t'.om cases thnt class of hogs was left tint'l mi? end. There was not much change uctlcenblc In the market from stnrt to finish, except that the close was slow nn the light stuff. Today's advance males prices n shidc better than at the close of Inst week, but us compared with a week ago todny there Is it decline of MflOV. It Is to be noted, however, that there Is nn a Iv.tncv over Inst year umountlng to over f0o. nnd ns compared with two years ago the ndvnuco Is nearly $l.ii In fuel, pr.ces nrc now nt the highest point they have been on this date since the year lSVi. when the nvetngo cost wns Jfi.37. llepresetltntlvo sales: b bbit, 4 911 4 01 ' 1 3 23 6 5s!,i 4 S7. 4 1U1 3 82 1 1 OJ,., 4 99, 4 28i 3 89, 3 3J 6 m 5 67i ti ilW. 4 981 4 191 3 861 3 35 4 211 3 81 3 38 4 31 i 3 79 3 27 I 3 3-' J .o !l 13 36 5 0 4 o 15 i 6 Gj.v 5 151 4 3Gi i r. 1 1 n . nit cm U ll'A. t iI 1 Oil O OJI 4 88 4 M 4 82 4 83 97 2 9o 4 3V 2 97 4 91 2 9S 2 U8 4 83 M l 4 81 I 3 36 2 92 4 76 I , S 89 4 81 26. . 6 68'4I 5 021 4 271 3 S7l 3 371 4 86 3..., 6 (At., u 061 1 32i 3 27. 3 431 2 Sol 4 89 2S... I 5 13 I 33 3 671 3 29 2 761 1 29...' 5 4741 4 32 3 72 3 36i 2 7l 4 93 30... 6 5'J 5 081 3 7I 3 11 2 7i 4 i4 31... 5 61 d 09 4 32 3 50, 2 77 4 67 Indtcntes Rnm1.iv. Itirllentes holiday. The ulliclal number of cars of stock Drought l.t today by each road was: Cuttle. Hogs. Sll p. U'ses. C, M. & St. P. Ry.... 8 9 O. &. St. L, Ry 1 Mlssourf Paclllu Ry.. 6 1 U. P. system 22 23 ; C. He N. W. Ry 1 V., E. & M. V. R. R.. 5 41 S. C. & P. Ry 2 C, St. P.. M. V 0 9 12 1). fc M. R. R, 11 19 22 C II, &. Q, Ry 11 K. C. & St. J. Ry 6 C, R. I. ci P., cast.. .. 11 C, It, I. P., west.. 5 4 Illinois Central Ry 1 Total receipts 80 142 20 4 The disposition of tho dny's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of hend indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Biicep. No. Av. Sh. l'r. No. Av. Sh. IT. !1 142 ... 5 '0 57 247 ... :l 11 11, .. i it 212 Ml J W 79 im 11 5 .0 21 2.'i2 ... 5 W H 167 2o 5 40 W SSI II 5t0 92 IM ) & 4:,4 Mi 273 320 f. to 33 1M1 V) 3 ;) t.2 212 2 ," M ti 1M 324 3 50 l,s 224 2u)i 5 CO 74 19 16.J 5 ,V14 (tj 2W SO 3 to 63 IK) ... 6 3tt U 23C lfio i C2 IM 40 5 Hi, Ki 2:; 40 5 (.-.u, 'h SU yt) I Ih 2 211 40 5 lii'j M 203 fO 5 M 0 222 SO I (Jl, M IM 10 & 55 6.1 231 5il & U, S9 20.1 80 1 M U 26; 2) 5 'Wi f5 IM 16" S i 73 222 160 i '.'4 82 2i) 120 A 53 57 i21 4i' 5 6', 61. ...... .155 M 5 ti 47 251 4) 01,214 S2 IM 12") 5 55 72 223 W 6 ol', M 201 1UJ 5 M 63 3(5 t.. 5 62' "1 2"2 ... 5 571, M 205 H 5 1,2V! 6S 200 1ij 5 ..TH r.f 211 (i 5 62j 72 211 M 5 fli 741 4) .' b2'i 75 I'll lis) .'. ; 73 211 10 . i.:a 72 227 40 5 51' 67 259 Ml 6 1,.", 72 21) 10 Hilj 69 20 4) 8 K.ij si V) so si 22:. iso 1 1:, 75 212 400 5 57'!, 69 2) 2u) 5 61', 61 211 ... S 5714 Mi ...223 10 i t,2, 63 ZV 120 5 iiT'j 86 l'J'i IM SU', 6S 22S 40 5 ;!t 74 2dl 84 ." 6:a 77 223 1W 8 5ilj 86 213 ... 6 62lj SI 218 210 5 271 f.i 22i ... 5 62',a 77 211 160 8 ."!j CO 223 ... .1 6214 51 261 SO b t CI 264 80 i 1OI1 60 Hi 40 5 to 67 215 ... 5(2!, 79 223 120 5 m) CJ 233 80 5 62Vj 64 197 M f. f) 6t 253 ... 5 '.2',4 101 IM ... 5 64 61 261 ... 5 U!j 70 203 ... 5 U) ( 233 ... 5 o21 63 211 (0 5 00 CS 231 80 5 (Hi 70 21'. 4) 5 60 70 262 80 5 62! 89 IM ... 5iM 73 251 SO 6 6214 71 225 120 5 M 83 212 (0 5 62a 71 231 SO 5 60 76 22 S ... 5 6214 132 231 80 5 10 (1 210 120 & 6214 7S 21? ... 5 60 66 2.16 ... 0 i,21, 76 214 60 5 60 63 237 20 5 71 220 80 5 Co 74 211 80 5 6214 67 232 40 5 W 46 329 210 5 65 70 213 o & CO 79 2S5 2(0 5 63 74 218 120 & CO 72 231 80 8 63 82 185 160 5 10 55 219 40 5 (,3 CO 264 80 5 CO 65 210 10 5 65 74 226 ... 5 60 6,1 261 120 5 15 72 1!)3 120 0 l1 69 24 1 40 5 65 74 195 SO 5 u) 70 210 40 0 65 S8 15 80 5 61 09 213 ... 060 87 iri SO 5 60 233 120 5 r, 61 21C ... 5 CO 61 22S ... 5C5 61 218 40 5 I') 66 227 ... 5 65 76 210 SO b 60 65 231 120 o ''5 59 253 80 5 60 (0 264 40 i 65 82 2011 40 5 CO 62 2U 10 5 63 C6 217 21) b C) 62 2.M 80 5 65 73 236 SO 5 60 71 246 120 5 65 61 231 80 SCO 67 218 ... 5 H!4 58 2I'J 120 5 to 61 300 160 0 67i 78 206 40 S 60 61 260 2'jO j 70 44 231 40 5 60 42 305 80 5 70 , 72 216 40 5 60 66 252 80 5 70 fO 23'. 150 S 60 85 297 80 6 "2! 4 80 230 120 b CO 60 267 ... 6 80 82 229 ... 5 60 12 OVffl 25. heifers. $3 CrtfJS W. canners. $1 ,0 fti.' iV: bulls, $2..V",H 70, cnlvos. J2 uOMI M.. HiHlS -Receipts. IJ.oOo held, market .c lower; lop price, $S.97'j, bulk of sales, 5.o0 Ji-:. ,-5; heavy, S.SMf3.!;i; mixed puckers. $0 CAfio 85; light, J5.2nlffi.75, pigs, $.1.50.Tfo.2o SHEEP AND LAMPS- Receipts. 3.500 hem!, sheep closed eiisv. lambs strong to Ht higher; liitnbs, Jl.00( 00; wethers, $,l.oo fil.Oi; ewes, J2.7.W3 15; western range sheep, $3. 254(3. 75; stock sheep, J1.5iv,f2.50. S(. ,locpi ,U o Much .Mnrlirt. ST. JOSEPH, July 31. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.J.-S bend; mnrket genernlly KfiWc higher; natlos, $1. 016.00; cows nnd he f ers. l 7oti5.ii; bulls and stags. $2..wtj50i Mockers nml freders, $1 754i I 10; venls, JJ.OO tl5 10. HOOS-Recelpts. 9.VIS head; market opened stendy nnd closed 5c lower; llcht und light mlved, $S.I0f(5,82's; mrdliim nnd heavy, $5.&iiti0.o:V. pigs. n'.75fJI.M; bulk, 5 57W5.9". SI I ICEP Receipts. 1,32 hend; market nc tlvo nnd stendy. MtneU In Slulit. The following tnble shows the receipts of cattle, hogs nnd sheep nt the live principal 111'.. MtnMt imirWota .Inlv 31 Cattle. I South Omaha Chicago Kansas City . St. Louis St. Joseph .... TMals 2.1 "M ..13.000 ..10,000 .. 4V1 .. 1.87S logs. Sheep. 10.273 5,1X! 30,OH1 17.IO) r..ivi P.83.S 15.000 3..VH) 3,500 1.3S2 .31,:W1 73.111 2S.5U Omaha Packing Co 53 Swift nnd Company 382 Cudahy Packing Co 418 Armour & Co 219 Omaha P. Co., Kan. City. 119 Cudahy, from country.... 107 Swift, Kansas City 62 Bwlft, from country Vnnsant & Co SS W. I. Stephen 11 Hamilton & Rothschild.. US L. F. Husz 40 Other buyers 183 2.092 2.525 2,531 3,171 10,319 980 1.K53 953 1,408 616 I'.WS 6,768 C. & N. W. 7 IST',1' do 5i 117 An S, F. den. &!- no. 1 -acme 41 vz Chicago Ter. 4a 41So. Hallway 5s 11514 Cole, So, 4a 83 B. 11. A T. 6n 61 D. & 11, u. 4s 1011 Texas ik racinc ia..lll4 Krle gfn. 4 86' do 2 103 F. W. & H. C. la. ..104 .Union Paelntlo 4a.. .10414 119'i 112 IK 14 On. Klrctrle. ta.. Ia. Central la.... L & N. unl. 4a... M.. K. & T. 2a, ., do 4s Offered. '.00 Wabash Is ..11514' do 2 102 Wis. Central la... 8t'4 Va. Centuries .... 97 83); Iloston Storlcaj nnd rlonda. BOSTON, July 31.-Cnll loans, 4ff4H rer cent; tlmo loans, 4fJU4 per cent. Ofllclal closing; A.. ,T. a. F... dn pfd Amer. Hiisar Ainfrlcan Tel lloaton & Albany Huston A Me Dominion Coal ... do pfd U. 8. Htel do pfd Kltchburg pfd Oen. P.leetrlc Mex. Central N. E. (1 & C Old Colony Old Dominion .... Union Paclnc West i:nd ... 72'4 Weatlnnh, Klectrle. 70 ... 94HN. K. O. & C. 5a... 5IIJ ...141U Adventure y (-j ...11.0 nitiRliam M. Co ,ui ...157 Amal, Coppfr 113 ...192 Atlantic a ... Is4 Cal, & lUcIn, 750 ...116 Centennial 27 ., 42'i Krnnklln 17 ... 91 Humboldt 25 ...141 lOscola 93'i ...252 Parrot M, ,. ;j wuincy 170 . 6 Snnta Fe Copper ... 6 .208 iTomamck 541 ,. 30 .Utah Mining 23 .. OS'i Winona 215 ,. 95 Wolverines 60 New York Mining Stocks, NEW YORK, July 31. The following are tne closing (juoiuuons on mining hocks; Adams Con Alice Ilreece Ilruncwlck Con.,, Comstock TunnM L'on. Cal. & Vs.. Deadwoort Terra SO Horn Hllver ISO Iron Silver 87 Iadvllla Con 6 .. 15 iLHtlo Chief 12 .. 43 lOntarlo $73 ..145 Ophlr 65 .. 12 U'hnenU g . . 814 I'otosl 5 ..265 Siavage A Slfrra, Nevada 15 Small Hopes 10 Standard 3u0 I llnnk Statement. OMAHA. July 31.-Rnnk clearings for July, 1901, $27,677,411: for corresponding mnnm or insi year, .o,ojh,o.m; increase, i, 341.030. Hank clearings for today, $376,988; for corresponding day of last year, $861,036; increase, juo.wi. RT. LOUIS. July 31,-Clearlngs, $6,031,771: balances, $1,373,650; money, 5iB7 per cent; New York exchange, 50c discount bid, 40c discount asken. PHILADELPHIA. July 31. Clearings. 'I13.347.JU; balancw, tLKS.Ut For tho Totals 1,770 CATTLE There was a light run of cattle here todny for a Wednesday nnd tho same was true to a greater or less extent at other markets. Tho demund on the pnrt of pack ers was liberal nnd ns a result the tendency toward higher prices was again very notlco nble. The ynrd3 at this point were cleared with n rush und practically everything sold higher. Heef steers were In active demand today and lOfiloc higher, or 25fj-IOc higher than the closo of last week. Huyers rode fast and as tho supply was limited It did not take them long to buy up everything offered. Theru was n bunch of cattle thnt sold to day for $3.50 that was from tho same feedi lot and of the same quality as a bunch thaS sold for $3.20 a week ago today. As tho ad vnnco If anything la greater on the medium grades than on the choicer kinds It Is safe to call the general market 25040c higher than lust week. Tho cow market has also Improved Just about as much as beef steers. The canncrs have not advanced qulta as sharply, but even those nro higher than they wero last week. Anything good In the way of killers Is easily 25Ejl0c higher for the three days this week. Hulls of good weights and quality have Improved about tho samo ns cows nnd steers and stags and veal calves nro also higher. There was a still farther advance on stockcrs and feeders today and anything desirable Is safely 25fj35c higher than at tho closo of last week. Cattle that It was almost Impossible to dispose of a week ago nro now selling without much dlfllculty at nn advance of fully 26c. Tho common stuff, however. Is more or less neglected. Rep resentative sales: REEF STEERS. No. Av. .... 930 .... 930 .... 730 .... 837 .... 866 ....1060 .... 930 .... 782 .... 720 .... 921 ..1071 l'r. 3 25 3 25 3 50 3 73 4 (0 4 '0 4 30 4 ro 4 10 4 53 4 90 No. Av. Tr, 10 1064 4 90 44 1066 8 01 21 1121 5 10 19 tiV.' 5 20 2) 1223 S 25 2) 1315 5 40 C4 1274 5 50 42 1257 5 60 96 143. 5 63 20 1278 S 65 SHEEP Thcro was not n, very henvy sup pl of sheep on sale anh mm packers had quite liberal orders tho market n good stuff was active nnd stronger all around. Some snles were mndo of both sheen and lambs that were ns much ns a dime higher tnan tne same kind sold for ycstcniuy. 1'ackcrs, however, will not take tho half fat stuff, and todny they would not oven bid 011 It. That clnss of shecVilnd lambs have to ho sold as feeders. Feeder wethers are selling from $2.50 to $3.00, nnd feeder lambs nrmg from w.w to j;i.i,u. The demand tor feeders Is, or course, better than It was before the rains, but still It Is not at all rushing. Quotations: Cholco yearlings, $3.25fi3.50; fair to good yearlings, $3.15fi3.23; choice wethers, $3.00573.25: fair to good wethers. $2.8503.00; choice ewes, $2.765i3.tO; fair to rood ewes. $2.60ii('2.75 ; choice spring Inmbs, I.MfJo.W; fnlr to good spring lambs, $l.25fi1 4 65; feeder wuthcrs, $2.50ii3.0o; feeder lambs, $3 0ofj3.50. Representative sales: No. 8 tdnho b icks 292 feeder wethers 18 Idaho ewes 489 Idaho ewes 151 Idaho owes 155 Wyoming wethers 469 western cweo 370 western ewes ,233 Idaho ewes and wethers. 21 Idaho ewes and wethcrH. 10 Idaho ewes nnd wethers. 99 western lambs .32 Idnhu lambs 11 cull ewes 5 null owes 14 cull ewes 21 bucks 16 bucks 17 bucks 1 buck 15 tiuclo 10 western ewos 86 western ewes 51 cull wethers 43 cull ewes 5 western ewes 8 western owes 5 western ewes 2 western owes 50 cull lambs 37 western wethers 115 western wethers 237 western yearlings 2ti western wethers 2 western wethers 73 cull Iambs.. 54 western wethers lambs lambs lambs lambs lambs lambs lambs Xctv York Dry Good Mnrket. NEW YORK. July 31.-DRY GOODS-Th market for brown bleached and coarse col ored cottons has been quiet today without change In prices, Prints nro In fnlr de mand for staples, fine printed fabrics sell ing well for spring. Ginghams firm but quiet. Print cloths dull. Men's wear wool ens selling well In staples nnd tendency toward higher pr ces. Woo en and worsted dress goods dull and Irregular. Kvnrtorntd nnd Dried Krnlt. NEW YORK. July 3l.-APRICOT8-Th general market was quiet all day, but steady; no quotable change was npparrn': state, common to good, 4'4fT7c: prime, 7Uff7' 10c: choice. 7ifJ8c: fancy. 8fflSUc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRt'ITS-Sllghtlv firmer. Prunes. 314f?7c. AnrlcotB, R0v.1l, SUUI13c; Moor Park, RJI12c. Peaches, peo"'eJ. UfJlEc; unpeelcd, 6f?9Uc THE H I'ALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS plnced on record Wcdncs day, July 31, 1901: Wnrrnnty needs. Jerome Powell nnd wife to Union Pn clllo Railway Co., .96 aero In nwli SWV, 12-15-10 1 100 L. C. Hurlhiit to A. M. Kitchen, lot 31, Porter add 700 E. L. Kent to A. J. Newman, lot 21, block 1, Ralph Place j "CO South Omaha Lind Co. to John Woid ward, lot 2, block 102, South Omnhi. 60 R. M. Scott to H. G. Jordan, lot 6, block 6. Drake's add 1,2 0 Atlantic Realty Association to F. D. Wead, w 464 feet lot 1, block 5, Iowe'w 2d arid 2 N. C. Gllmnro nnd husbnnd to H. R. nnd W. H. Seelemlre. nli of sw',1, nwi; nwli nnd sV nw'i 36-16-10 7,000 G, T. Hnnglnnd nnd wife to P. N. pe terson, lots 9 and 10, Rurdetto Court ;co P. N Peterson nnd wife to Hanah Gibson, lot 9, same 0 F. D. Wend nnd wlfn to Atlantic Realty Association, e 46T4 feet of w 93; feet lot 1, block 5, Iowo's 2d nd. 2 Quit Cliilm Deeds. 8C0 II. W. Ponnock, trustee, to J. A. Crelghton, lots 19 nnd 2-), block 1, M. Donovan's sub Deeds. W. A. Rust ot al, executors, to T. R. Malone, o 30 feet lot 9, Washington squarn , G. W. Loomls. guardian, to W, T. Nelson, lot 8. block 5, Klrkwnod add, Special Master to J, A. Crelghton, lots 19 nnd 20, block 1, M. Donovan's sub. Sheriff to H, W. Pennock, trustee, same Same to J. A. Crelghton, lot 3 and nH lot 4, block 71, Omaha TotaJ amount of. transfers ,,..$16,CC9 2....! '.".'.'. t.... 1.... 1.. ,. 820 ,. 900 ..1125 ,. 770 ..10O1 ,. 945 .. 820 .. 980 ,. 870 ,. 9S0 ,. 870 ..1130 .. 870 .. 976 ., 8S0 .. 950 .. 9 1 1030 STEERS AND HEIFERS .... GU 4 50 COWS. 1 60 1 80 2 CO 3 M 2 10 2 (0 2 00 2 23 21 12 3 7 13 10.... 23 13 18 22 1 1 10 4.. 1 ll'.'.'.'.'.'.. 1 i!!'.'.'.'.'. 3 20 U. 17 I! 1 1::::::: 11.'. 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 15..,. 12.... 2.... No. 1 COW..., 1 cow..., 2 cows,. 1 cow,,., 3 cows., 2 calves, 1 row , 2 cows,, 92: . E03 . 8S3 , 630 . 955 . 750 . 955 . 847 . 960 . 956 . 96 . S65 , 9S0 .1100 . 880 . 567 . 810 . 7l . 320 . 620 2 23 3 23 2 J5 2 23 2 23 2 40 2 50 3 ;.o 2 m 2 50 3 NO 2 SO 2 M 2 M 2 .i0 2 W 3 to 3 1 2 90 3 M 3 IK) 3 00 HEIFERS. 1... 3... 9... IS... SI... 4... 11. 3. 1.. 1.. 2.. 1.. 83! 829 856 66", 761 876 971 996 1026 931 110) 1180 1006 927 1160 1330 810 DPI 926 1115 1070 10)2 9SI 11.13 110) 672 902 1030 1180 963 161) 1 90 2 25 3 '.0 3 60 2 75 i IS 1. 1 6 20 S , , 770 , 50.1 712 , 653 , 366 3 00 3 M) 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 15 3 20 3 20 3 '.0 3 23 3 23 3 15 3 25 3 21 3 .10 3 :tn 3 10 3 30 3 50 3 i0 3 80 3 50 3 60 S 3 3 10 3 70 3 SO 3 5 4 (0 1 00 4 23 3 00 3 :s 3 .'.1 3 60 I C3 DULLS. fV) 2 25 1 1091 2 7.1 , 1115 2 95 1 1570 3 CO 1120 2 50 7 1210 3 11 1130 2 .'0 1 12f.O 3 IS 960 2 30 1 1270 3 20 1061 2 ") 1 136) 3 10 620 3 SO 1 1270 3 10 1570 2 M 1 1930 4 00 1210 2 10 1 1350 4 13 1200 3 63 CALVES. 110 1 10 2 165 4 00 200 3 CO 2 IV, 4 jo 2M 3 i.1 STAGS. 781 3 50 4 1465 4 10 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 610 2 65 1 SJ11 3 10 963 2 73 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 810 . 657 . "M .1024 . 726 . 645 . 769 . 653 F, Av. ..U100 .. 920 .. 885 .. 810 .. 956 .. 445 II. . 820 .. 9-5 1.. 4.. 12.. 20.. 2-1... 41... -Neb, 3 50 2 60 3 CO 3 15 3 !5 3 IS 3 1.1 3 15 P. Cahlll Pr. No 2 25 2 50 3 30 2 00 3 30 2 00 Schodde Idaho, 2 ii 22 cows 3 25 4 bulls.. 510 3 23 390, 3 a 837 . 616 . 306 . 909 .ImiO 3 25 3 10 3 43 3 50 3 50 feeders. 14 feeders. 2 feeders. 1 feeder 1 steer.. A v. 670 S87 975 770 ..1210 1102 ..1227 Pr. 2 fiO 3 50 3 50 3 50 4 00 2 13 2 25 149 western 99 western 12S western 141 western 110 western 431 western 431 western CHICA(H) LI VK .STOCK Av. Pr. 147 1 50 72 2 m 95 2 80 104 2 80 102 2 SO ,90 2 9.) , 100 2 U3 , 109 2 95 78 3 40 75 3 40 100 3 40 ,33 4 80 til 4 90 , 93 1 00 , 102 1 00 ,91 1 23 , 139 1 50 , 153 1 60 , 157 1 50 , 10) 1 60 , 140 1 60 , 91 2 25 , 105 2 50 , Bl 2 0) , 93 2 ) , 8S 2 75 . 90 2 73 , 103 2 75 .90 2 73 ,60 3 00 .91 3 10 . 103 3 10 .89 3 15 . 97 3 15 , 105 3 23 ,67 3 23 , 96 3 23 , III 4 60 , bO 4 80 ,70 4 SO ,70 4 80 , 69 4 80 ,73 4 80 , 70 4 80 MAHKr.' Cuttle Active nml lIlMbrr llon Steady Sheep Htronur. CHICAGO. Julv 31.-CATTI..E Tterelnts. 13,000 hend, Including 260 Texnns; mnrket active nnd 10c to 20c higher; good to prime sieere. jo.wuii. 0 poor o meuium. fi.ioif 5.50; stockcrs nnd feeders, ?2.50fj 1.40; cows and heifers. J2.:;rjf5.oo: dinners. I 2sn bulls. $2.6071.60; calves, $3.00fl.75; Toxni steers. 13.(0f 1.00. 110C1S Receipts inuay, ao.tw nenu; to V fwV l.nn.l. Inft nt-r, C If! hn, Itl.JII.'V.. . , ,yj iv, ...... ,'. ,,-.,, strong to steady; mixed nnd butchers, J5.50 f5.95; good In choice heavy, 155fi6 10; rough heavy, .i.;ifr,'.i.; light, $r.iwj5 ,o; bulk of snleH. J5.60fi5.90. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Hecolnts. 13,000 head; strong to 10c higher; good to choice wethers. $3,iaifi.; fair to en ire mixed, $3.25fj3.73; western sheep, $!2'f73.fO; voir lings, $I.OOfJ4.35; natlvo lambs, $2.25f73.40; western lainbtt, $1.35fi5J0 Receipts yesterday: unttie, a.Hit nentl; hogs. 11.933 hend; sheep, 20.179 hend. Shipments yesterday: (.nine, zjjs neaii: hogs, 1,021 hcuri; sheep, 3,223 head. Xctv York Live Slock Mnrket. NEW YORK, July 31.-HEEVES-Re- celptF, 2.220 head; steers slow hut stendy. llrm feeling for best; bulls nnd cows steady to 15c off; steers, $1.60(16. 30; no prlmo here; cholco fat steers. $3.80; cows, $1.60fj2.50; cables reported cattle slow nt llic per lb. dressed weight; shipments. 2,160 quarters of beef. CALVES Rece'pts, 3.9.'D head; rather slow, closing weak; veals, $1.50fj 5.S714; choice, $7; culls. $1.(Kk!(1.25; grosser and buttermilks, :i.()fi:i,W). SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 7,172 he nil; sheep dull, 10f23c lower for best: prlmo und cholco Inmbs about steudi ; sheep, $2.60fT4.00; few choice, $4 50; liunb.i, Jl.00ifjfi.25: choice. $6 50; culls, $1. HOGS Receipts. 4,is;i head: firmer for all weights; statn hogs, $C.20?i.25. Trouble on llllbon Hniirftr. RILIIOA, July 31. The position of affairs on the bourse causes much anxiety. Great dlfHrulty Is experienced In the settlement of certain securities In which the oper ations have leen large. Money Is most srnrco for carrying over and rates nro extraordinarily high. DR. McGREW Oltloo open rontluaotialy from H m. to O p. ni. Btindai'i from s a, m, to 5 11. fit. I, (mis Live .Stock Mnrl.cL ST. LOUIS, July .H.-CATTLE-RecelntR, 4,500 head. Including 1 .600 Texans; market strong and higher: native shlpp ng and 'X port steers. Jl.9"f.l o; ringed I " f unl butcher steers. $1 1,H5.I5; steers under 1,ni0 lbs.. J3.65ffl.!iO: stockcrs nnd feeders. $2.0ii 4 20- cows nnd lidfcrs. $2.00f5.(): can or', $1 0ofj2.60; bulls. $2. tor .125; Texas nnd In dian steers. $3 25 1.3 j; cows and h'ifers, '"iYoGS--Recelits, O.O'O head; market strong; pigs and lights, 85.5r.fj5.70; packers, $5 6iVfifi70: butchers, $5. 7601.(0. SHEEP AND LAM!!SHecolpts, 3,'CO head; market dull and plow: native niir tons J3.20fi3.65; lambs. J4O0f5Oi: culls nnd buck's, $2.0Ofj3.J5; stockcrs. $1 75T(2.'0. Khiikiim I'll) Live Slock Mnrket. KANSAS CITY. July 31. -CATTLE Re ceipts, IO.WiO natives, 2,000 Texans, 600 calves; natlvo bref steers steady to 10c higher; other cattle strong; choice export nnd dressed beef steers, $5,60fG.00; fnlr to good, $5.?3.10, stockern and feeders, $3.25fll.25; fed western steers. $1 25f5,50; western range 'tfcrs. n 20fjt 25; Texans nnd Indians, fi .'" iit.00; Texas cows, $:.G5fj'l.23; nutlvu cuvb, (Dr. McftreTT at Ago ti'J.) THE MOST HUCCnSSKUIi SPECIALIST In the treatment of all forma of Ills rune nnd Disorder of Men Only. 5141 rear' experience., 10 years in Omaha VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE A permanent cure guaranteed In lea than 10 days, without cutting, pain or lots of time. OTDIPTIIDC cured In less than 6 days OlnlulUllL without pain or hindrance from business. A perfect and permanent cure guaranteed. CVDUII IC nd all Blood Dlssases cured OirniLla by a treatment which Is far moro satisfactory and successful than "Hot Bprlngs" treatment, and at leu than halt the cost. All breaking out and signs ot the disease dlssprrnr nt once. A euro that li guarantl for life. rtWCD Ofl (inn cases cured of narvoua UVtH ZUiUUU debility. Iota of vitality and MANHOOD. bnshfulnoBS, aleet and ill unnatural weaknesses of men. Cures Guaranteed. Coasnltatlnn Pre. CHARGES LOW Treatment sent Yarrwhere fre; from faie. P. O. Box 76fl. OfTlco over 215 South ith street, between Varnam and Dotutla lUeets. okliA, NBB. NO CURE, NO PAY. MEN. If 70U barn imalt, ergani, lost rowrr or veaktnlng drln, our Vaeuum Organ DartlOfwr Kill tutor jou wit tout drug! or electrlcltxt Stricture and Varlcocl permanently curtd In 1 tot 15, M0 In u( not on fallurai not one returned 1 effect tromedUtti no C.O.D. fraud 1 wrtta for free parties It, rent icaled In plain onvelopo. lOCal, APPLIANCE CO. 130 Tkir 01k.. lailaniMll. Inf. Iain r Not in Nature for anyone to alway3 ferl tired, There U 110 need to drug out an existence without ambition. Weak nerves arc responsible for lan guor, depression, debility nnd varico cele. Diseased nerves whether due to over work, over-indulgence or nny other cause, can be mcde strong ns steel by the use of Thev tone nnd Invigorate every organ of tbe'body, soothe nnd strengthen the nerves nnd transform broken down men and women Into strong, henlthy, vigorous, ruddy-cheeked persons. If .you find this isn't to, you get your money back. 81.00 per box; 0 boxes (with guaran tee), 85.00. nook free, r sale by Kulin ft Cf., At A. DUIom, Fuller l'alnt & Drug Co.. Omaha; ami Davis Lius Co.. Council Huffs. Ia. SUMMER SPECIALS. $44,00 New York and Return Daily $25.75 Buffalo and return daily. $21,50 Louisville, Ky. and return on salo August 21, 2o nnd 2C. $24,75 Cleveland, 0, and return on saie September 7 to 10. Ilomeseekers' Excursions On salo first nnd third Tuesday each month. Tourist Hates on hiiIo DAII.V to nil sum mer resorts allowing stoji-ovcrB at Dotrolt, Niagara Knlls, IUifalr, .unl other pnlntri. I-'or rale, lako trips. J'an American descrip tive matter and nil Information, onll nt CITY TICKKT HFKH'K, ill"' FA UN AM STIIHICT, il'nxtoii Hotel Illocki, or wrlto HAItltV K. M'lOHKS, (1 A I' I). Omahn, Nebraska. L i S-. KL ) 1 ... V A im lnlr. Hl .V, mil. I V ntiuiit thft wutidfrful MARVn. Whirling Sproy Tl.e new njrmtm, injre. tf hat (innr.t timnlv llirt''. .'I.4ll:i,. arrenno f. oilier, hut neriil stiuni for II- l,.l.ir, INK, --.,r..,,i i-. lull particulars anl nirt-t-ticiia In- lulli.M. If, I,IIh II II . Itoom 'i mrs Kills. N V v.. rr77.r 'I einpliuue IIIHtl. Boyd Commission Co Successors to Jamej K. Iloyd ti Co., OMAHA, NKI3, COMMISSION (.HAI.V I'HUVIMONS AM) STOCKS. llublil of 'I'rnilo llillldlng. Direct wires to Chicago and New York. -urteb;ondv.ii.v. Juhn A. Wuiivn & Co. OI.DHSTl SAI'llSTI IIHSTI WALL STREET Mouc Will Car ii 111 Monthly llalurns The Invtitor's Fund Puya Seml-Monthly. Tim oldest iistahllshtd In America. No cerllrlcate-holder ever Ion a cent. Pay. menty made to all subscribers every IS days. No trouble. No delay. Money refunded on demand, Write today for particular!, free to nny address. c. ii. ;n hi.i .t co,, lludaou UulldliiB, .cvr Yoraj I