10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JCLT 31. 1901. 1 1 1 1 ! f t V COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Deolining Jfoiemflnt In Grain Friwi But tain Moderate Check, NO FURTHER APPREHENSION AS TO C10PS Wlirnt Closes 11 r in nml Little Higher Corn .Market Jhmn Klriiiin-as thnt Iiiiit .'o Further De clineProvisions (Inlet. CHICAGO, July SO. The declining move ment In grain prices sustained a moder uto check today, September wheat closing Vi'dlc, corn ff(lc and onts a fraction higher. Provision cloned 5 to 15c Improved. At the opening September wheat sold U to "Hie higher to fffCS'he. Miullatlon was Htnall In volume, while there was a fair amojnt of covering owing to the firmness of the Liverpool market The market, however, ased to iWTfcc during the llrst few minutes while a few linen of long wheat were being disposed of. A rally to tvte followed nnd for some time the market rilled steady but dull. Speculation wan revived by a report that during the last twenty-four hours 110 loads hail been taken for export.. Of those llfty were .mid to have bten contracted for at New York today. As there was u small amount of eastern buying horn nnd the report was In line with previous alle gations concerning deterioration of the wheat crop In various parts of Europe, the report was accepted its trje and under buy ing thus encouraged September rallltd to CSTdc and closed llrm Vflc higher than yes terday's close at 61'fil)4c. Seaboard clearances In wheat nnd Hour were equal to 6"2,O00 bushels, while primary receipts were 1,123,(X) bushels, compared with 8oS, MM bushels last yenr. . Minneapolis anil Duluth reported 108 cars against 221 last year and 401 a year ngo. laical receipts wero 697 cars, ITS of con tract grade. Tho Uradstreet report showed an Increase In the world's visible of 3.90O.O0O bushels. The ctjrti market displayed a firmness, which, more than to anything else, was duo to aV feeling that the decline for tho time had gone far enough, Thero wuh little In the crop situation to cause further apprehension. On the contrary messages Indicated considerable hope for the crop In Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Missouri. Prices held steady early on prollt-taklng by shorts and advanced Inter to the best prices of the day on buying by a group of professionals for the time arrayed on tho bull side. September sold between Itt'it M'ic nnd closed llrm ',41 ViC higher at 5ti (jj4'.$c. Receipts wero 267 cars. Oats opened llrm In sympathy with other grains, Por a time considerable quantities were for sale and prices sagged. The re newed strength In wheat and corn later, however, was felt In the oats pit, where It developed that a fair short Interest waa In existence. On buying from this source the market advanced the latter half of tlw session. September sold between 32V$c and Slf3Uf,c and closed IWlUo higher at 3317 31c. Receipts were SM cars. Provisions wero quiet but firm In sym pathy with the cereal markets, higher prlceM for hogs and on n good cash de mand for lard. September pork closed 12V4c higher at $14.32',$. September lard lTc tip at $S.?0 and September ribs 5c Im proved at t'.lWA. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 2C cars: corn, 160 cars; oats, 100 cars; liocs, 2.1,000 head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Artlclcs.l Open. I High. I Low. CIoso.l Ycs'y. Wheat I I I I July. ..I fifittf C7T4 CCJif 67i Hcpt...K ff'i r.s (W Dec... Tl I 71 fill"0tt Corn- II July.. .152 ffiUI 63' 6U4 53 6W 67?i D7t 52'f, siy. 327 33?i 14 20 14 70 7 BT4 8 G2V4 8 55 T 8TV4 T 0 T 6714 Sept... A3 rt'Vil C 52HI5l;Vi Dee.... uOiil KJiil & Onts July... 32741 3IH 32 Sept... 33 fill 3P(, 32H M ay. . . 35 3ii36Tti 37 33H rork I I Sept... I 14 22V41 14 324 14 15 Jnn.... 14 70 14 80 11 TO Lard I I I 34K. 33TAT34 30 14 33V4 II SO 8 TO 8 To 8 TO Sept... S 5TWI 8 TO 8 5TH Oct.... 8 G2i 8 T3 8 62Vi Jan.... 8 65 8 TO 8 B2V4 Itlbs- 1 Sept... I HI I 1 !)2UI 7 87W 7 MVi T 87V4 Oct.... 7 92W TflTH 7 92W jan..., i 70 7 it 7 es 7 7j No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: KLOUR-Stendy; winter patents. $3.40ift 3.50: straights. J3.O0f73.30; clears, J2.70fi3.ln; spring specials. ll.10ffT4.20; patents. iS.Wy 3.T0; straight!!. J2.80J(3.20; bakers, $2.20t?2.65. WI I HAT No, 3 spring, 6.Vf8c; No. 2 red, csutirac. (JOHN No. 2. mc; No. 2 yellow. 52Hft53c. OATS-No. 2. 33Ua33ic: No. t white, 35 tuvc: no. ;i wnne. wiiuaoc. It YE No. 2. 53Q5lc. 11ARLEY Knlr to choice malting. 52ifji50e. HEEDS Nn. 1 flaxseed. $1.83; No. 1 north western, $1,81. Prime timothy, $3.15. Clover, contract grade. $10.0CiH10.23. PHOVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $14.20 ff714.25. ljird. per 100 lbs.. $8.fi3f)8.67H. Short ribs sides (loose). $7.S5ff78.00. Drv salted ehouldcrs (boxed), J7.5O07.62H. Short clear FKie iixixeu). N.njr.-iu. WHISKY Hasln of hlch wines. II '!. Following aro tho receipts and shlpm-nt Itccelpts. Shipments. rinur. bbls 26,nno 16.000 Wheat, bu 453,000 415.000 Corn, bu 241,00) 244,000 Onts, bu 374,000 199,000 Rye. bu 13,000 Harlcy. bu 5,000 3,000 On the Produce exchange today the but- icr marKei was nrm; creameries, MWtfMc; lairlcs, 3fiVic. Cheese, steady, 9V410',ic. Kggs, steady; fresh, 12c. KHW YOHK (J i:l-UAI, MA11KKT. 7tiiolntloiis of the Day on Varloun ConimnilltlrM. NEW YORK. Jnlv 30 Kl-niTnnnooinio 2S.113 bbls.: exports. 11,775 bbls.; falrlv act ive and shade higher; Minnesota patents, $3.T0g 1.00; Mlnnesntn bakers, J2.S51i3.15; win ter patents, I3.65fl3.t0; winter straluhts, 13.15 ffi3.60; winter extras, $2.602.S0; winter low grades, J2.3OJI2.50; fair to good, $2.65173.10: cholco to fancy. J3.15(f?3.45. Hye flour firm: Jnlr o good, $2.T0(ff3.15; cholco to fancy, COUNMEAI-Flrm; yollow western, $1.10: city. $1.08: Hrnndywlne, $2012.80. HYE Weaker No. 2 weMt.rn K7t: t r. 1. alloat; state rye, 65i5tSc, c. 1. f. New York car lots. HA niJT' Firm: feeding, 62c c. 1. f. Duffalo, malting. fioffJGjc e. 1. f. Iliiffnl,, 11AHLKY MALT Dull; westom, Gijfr.'c. 21.431 bu.; spot market steady: No. 2 red. 74(ic elevator: No. 1 northern, Duluth, 77u f. o. b, alloat; No. 1 hard, Duluth, .'GUc t. o, b, afloat, Options were generally llrm nil day on active covering, impelled by rumors of rain lit France, n big export trade, higher Paris wheat market, llheral 76 5-lfc. closed nt 76l4e C'OHN Hecelpts, 1T3.0O) bu.; expirts, M mi.: nui sirouiji .o, . use elevator ard f.5c f. o, b. alloat. Option market wss Jilgher on wheat advance, good locnl cov ering, export iiemnuu and llgnt otTerlngs Closed Strom." nnd net hlelier; Spm tember. BGTf.'iJSSc, closed at 5?c; October, 6Sc; December, B7J(ff'i9iic, closed nt 59c. OATS Hecelpts, 9,000 bu.: experts, 125 bu,; upot firmer; No. 2, 3(fJ3SHc: No. 3. 374 ; No, 2 white, 40V4tTUc: No, 3 white. 31i,4r32o; T'o. 2 track mixed western. 39i73?l4c. Op iums nmner on ine government weeKiy cron bulletin nnd strength of corn. HAY Firm, shipping, TOJfTSo; 'good to cnniee. in i'tinvso. HOPS Uull: state, common to choice. 1900 cron. lldflGc: 1S99 cron. mi3c: nM nl.u JtfGc; T'arlfln coast 1900 crop, 13gi7tic; 15S9 crop. HSflSc; old olds, 2f?i!c. HIDES Steadv; Oalveston, 20 to 25 lbs.. IS MJSVc; w-aiiiiiriiin, .i iu .j ios,, j'4c; loxn drv 24 to 2 lb-.. HUe, liEATHEH Qulot; hemlock sole. Iluenos ivres, ugni o in-.ivyweigniB, i-u-ic; acU , PROVISIONS-necf. steady; family. $11.50 ffrn.oo: mess, $9.boiio.oo: beef hams. $?ofer 51.60; packet. $10 0010.50; city, extra India mens, io.ii'(u.i.w. ui meats, steadv: Pickled bellies, I9.25TH1.00; pickled shoul ders. $T.W?T.2; pickled hams. Jll.OVJTti ,V). Jrn, nrm: western steamed. $:iro; retined Htemly; continent, no.oo- South Amer.'cn $9.tV): cnninimml. JT.00OT.1B, Pork, "r"! family. $l.5O(ffi7,O0; short e'ear, $16.0'5T17.51 mess. S15.5(V!T16.60. III'TTEn-Heeelpts, 12.M1 pkgs.i market strong: state dslrv. 14fil9c; creamery, 16t? iii".e: tacinry, wsiitc; imitation creamery, 144?1TUe. CHEESE-Ileeelnts. 24,116 pkc.! mnrVet ftftn bill nill.,1. fntini luii.n nnln. r7Qrt fancy lnrge white. SiffnUjc: fancv smill col- oren. ;i'c: tancv smnr wnite, :i"-fsvc. tat and Pennrylvnnln, 'l6jfl&c; western candled, HOlO'ic; western uncandled, S lic. TALI.OW-Steady; city, 4;c; country, 4T4ffr5c. POI'LTItY-Allve. stendy; spring chick- ens. vc; towis, ;'c: nressen, siow: springers 12ST13c: turkeys. TflSHc: fowls. TWfllOe. MKTALP Included In the cb1 advices thU morning was a decline of 1 In spot mving ami a MDeral wall street tr.nl. July, T5f Tile, closed at T5e; August, V.TJfi 7IB-16P, closed at T44,c; September. ',3 4f T4 B-lfic, closed nt Tlic asked; October, T3 (, fniSAjC. Closed at 74:e: Ileeemtior T5HCT " . -f pig tin at London, as a result of liquida tion, while the forward delivery of that metal was without change and held steady. The close was Irregular, with spot stand ing nt 119 15s nnd futures at 116 5s Our market, however, did not respond to the'r depression abroad, as It held pretty steady at fully sustained prices, closing at $27. i.e. $2J.O, Copper In Ixmilnn followed the lo?s scored here yesterday and eased off Ts M, but little huMncss resulted. The eloe was easy at T fis 3d on spot and JCGT IBs on fu ture. Here the market was quiet at yes terday's decline, closing at lS'VtflTe for Lake Sunerlor and lfi;M1GHf for cast'ng and electrolytic, I,ead "was 2s (VI lower annum, closing at ii its 6d on spot, wnue the local market was quite feituroUss and unchanged at $l.37'n; brokers, WiQUc. Spelter was dutl again today at $3.J.'iS5 I.ondon market was nlco duil at 16 lis Cd. American Iron markets were without fea ture, but remains In buyers' favor, rig Iron wnrrnnl rlnnl nt $14.60! No. 2 foun dry, southern. $14,0 Oil. BO! No. 1 foundry, southern, $1l,7iVfM.".B0; No. 1 foundry, south ern, soft, $14.75f15.:5. o:ingow Iron war rant closed at Bis and Mlddlcsborotlgh at MOLASSES Firm: New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice. 3.Vf42c. 1UCE Qulot; domestic, fair to extra, C'.ici Japan, lc. O.IIAII.V WIIOI.E.SAI.i; AlAltKET. Condition of Trade nml Uuotntlons on Mlnplr nml Kline)' Produce. EaaS-Hecelpts liberal; loss off, WCWWe. LIVE JOL'i.THY Hens. Ho: young and old roosters, 3c; turkeys, Mi&c; ducks aim geese, sc; spring cniCKcns, per id., i. niuc. HUTTEH Common to fair, 12f12y4c; choice dairy, In tubs, llUUc; separator, iuc. r iit.au i- inn inacK uass, ibc; wnnc buss. he. hhiell.in. lie: hiillhends. 10c! blue tins, Tc; buffaloes, CVic; cattish, L'c; cod, 9c; Clapptes, lilUc, clucoes, Tc; hnltbut, 11c; herring, 6c; haddock, 10c; pike, 9c; red snap per. iuc; saimon, lie; sunnsn, au; iiuui, jm, whltellsh, 9c. I'lUf-uiob Live, per uoz., wc. VEALS Choice, Mi9c. IIAV Prices mini, mi hv Om.ibn. Wholesale Hay Dealers' asuoclatton: Choice un and. JlO.oO, No. 2 Uiland, J9.W; medium, JJ.iO; coatne, $s. Hye straw, $6.oC. These prices are for hay oi good color and quality. De mand fair. Hecelpts, 1 car. UKA 1 blftC. C'OHN-Blc. OATS-41C. UKaN ltj.00. VEGETABLES. GREEN COHN-Per daz., 10c. HIUiliAIUI-Home grown, per lb., lo. CAKUU TS Per doz., 30c llEliTS Per basket, 40c. HtNIPtf Per b".iket, 40c. CL'CUMUEHS Home urown. Dor doz.. 40 fl&Oc. LETTUCE POT bU., :oc. HADISHES Pt'd doz., 16fi20c PAHSLEY Per doz., 20c. NEW POTATOES-iWCiH$1.00. CAHHAaE Home grown. 2V4c. '1U.MATUES Home grown, per ba3ket, nc. UNIONS Ucrmudas, jier crate, $2.23; liomo grown, per in., l'c. 'AUbll' LOWER Home grown, per do., T5c, llKAVa-U'nr no- h-.!'.hllhl hnskut. $1; string, pur half-bu, Imsket, T5c. PKAH-Pcr nit., $i; per nan-Du., wc. CANTALOUPE 1'or basket. 75cfl$l! crates, $2. WATERM ELONS Tcxus, 20Q33C, as to size. CELERY Kalamazoo, per uuncn, zoyaoc. FRUITS. APPLES-Pcr bbl., $3.00. . CHEHHIES Native, ner 3-lb. basket. 3So: Missouri, per 24-qt, case, $2. I'EACllfcS Caltfornla. Dor box. 90c! free stone, $1.00; cholco Elbertos, $1.00; fancy, $1.20. APRICOTS 'California. 1-oosKei crates. $1.23. PLUMS California, per crnto, $1.25fl.50; homo grown, per S-Ib. basket, loc. UUUHEUE1UUES l'cr Z4qt. case, TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Valenclas, $1.75; Med. sweets, $1.25. iemu"mh uaniornia, extra rancy, y.iwp CO1); choice $5.50. BANANAS Per bunch, acordlng to size. $2.liOii2.60. Fiua California, now curtons. 7uc: lay ers, 65c: Imported, per lb., 1012c. DATES Persian. In C0-lb. boxes, Salrs, Sc. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per bbl., (.53; per hilf-bbl., J2.T5. NUTS-Engllsh walnuts, per lb.. 15c: 111- berts. per lb.. 13c: almonds. Dcr lb.. lS5f2oc: raw peanuts, per lb., 6ft54c; roasted, 6H TWc: ltraztls, 13c; pecans, lu22c. litnL'Q xr.. . . r.iA. ka o 6V4c; No. 1 salted, ,4c; No. 2 salted, 64c; No. l veai can, s to izyt ids., sc; ino. i veal call, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 813c; sheep i.rltu. !j(?i75n; bnrse hlilpn. 11 Rfif,i5 St. I.ouls eirniu nml I'rovlslons. 8T. LOUIS. July 30. WHEAT Tlloher; No. 2 red cash, elevator, fijiic: track, GTc; July, G6-ic; September, 66?ic; Decem ber, TOc; No. 2 hard, 66uti6Tc. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 5D4c; track, tier, 66c. oats Higher; No. 2 cash, 36c; track, 3G 3Tc; July, 36c: September, 35c; May, 37c; iNO. i wnue, vnc.- kyis iiigncr nt goo. FLAXSEED No market: timothy, no trading. flour Firm but quiet; new red winter patejits, $3.404f3.50; extra fancy and straight, $3.0Otii3.10: clear, $2.6532.!l. CORNMEAI. Steady, $2.85. HRAN Weaker; sacked, east track, 83c. HAY" Timothy, lower. $12.00'R16.00: nrnlrln. firm, $13.50. whisky stendy, $1.29. IRON COTTON TIES-Unchanged. RAGGING AND HEMP TWINE Tin- Changed. PROVISIONS Pork: Steady: tohblnsr. $15.T5. Lard, higher nt $8.55. Dry salt meats (boxed). Hteadv: extra shorts. 1S.12W: clear ribs, $S.3T4: clear sides, $S.624. Racon tnoxcu), extra snorts, jsi.uu; clear ribs, $9.3TVj! clear sides, 59.50. metals l.ead: Steadv nt $4.307:1.10. Spelter: Dull at $3.80. Unfit TI! Vl'lrm nli ll n a CtZrt. .n.l ww ...... .. ..... oj.l.llH", 104c turkeys, 5c: young. 10gi2c; ducks, 6c; dprlngs. 6c; geese, 3c; springs, 6c. Hi'iTKii- Firm; creamery, 16S214c; dairy. 13)lG4c. KGliS-Ntenuy: nenrby 8c; southern, 6c. RECEIPTS-Flour. 11.000 bbls.: wheat. 161,000 bu.: corn, 32,000 .bu.; oats. 82,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 12.000 bbls.: wheat. 103,000 bu,; corn, 63,000 bu,; oats, 40,000 bu. Liverpool (Srntn nml Provisions. LIVERPOOL, July 30.-WHEAT-Spot. dull; No. 2 red western winter, 6s T41; No. 1 red northern spring, 5s T4d; No. i Cali fornia. 6s. Futures, easy; September, 6i 6H1; December, 5t TTad. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, old, 4s T4d. Futures, easy; July, nominal; Sep- icmuer, is ou; vjuiuuer, is o?n. PHOVISIONS Beef, extra India mess, tlrm, G8s 6d. Hncon, Cumberland cut firm, 41s Sd. Lard, American rcllncd, In palls, llrm, 43s 3d. Ilacon. phort ribs, llrm, 49s 3d; clenr bellies firm, 51s 6d. PEAS Canadian, 6s lid. CHEESE Firm; Amerlcnn finest white, 40s 6d; American colored, 4Ts 6d. Hecelpts of wheat during the last threo days, 23T.000 centals, Including 13T.000 Amer lcnn, Hecelpts of Amerlcnn corn during the last threo days, 169,'JOo centals, Knnsns City fiinin nml Provisions. KAN'SAB CITY. .Illlv Srt VtIT A TT.,I 62c; September, fi2ic: December, iXKc. cash, No. 2 hard, 63446l4c; No. 3, 624QG34c; No. 2 red. iio4c CORN July, 5Te; Septomb?r, 66';c; De cember, 64Tic; cash, No. 2 mixed, BTHiOS'c; No. 2 white. 5S4c. ' OATS-No. 2, 41c. RYE No. 2, 6Sc. HAY-C'holce timothy, $11.50; choice prairie, $15.C0. lll'TTER-Creamery, 164tfl94c; dairy, fancy, 155HCc. EGGS Firm. Fresh Missouri nnd Kansas stock quoted on 'change, T4c doz., loss off, cases returned: seconds, 4c doz. RECEIPTS-Whent, 201,600 bu.; corn, 53, 000 bu,; oats. 2S.0O) bu. SIHPSIENTS Wheat, 82,800 bu.; corn, 40,100 bu.; oats, 22,000 bu. Toledo tlrnlu nml Seeds. TOLEDO. O., July 30.-WHEAT-Actlve, higher: cash. July and August, 694c; Sep tember. 6S4c; December. T2Uc CORN Dull, strong; cash and July, 63c; September. 54Vic. OATS-Cash, 33Vic; September, T34c. HYE-524C SEEDS Clover, cash, prime, $6.30; Oc tober, JG.10. Mlnnrnpolls Wlient, Flour nnd llrnn. MINNEAPOLIS, July 30, WHEAT Cash, GTc; September, 6Gc; December, 6THc. On track: No, 1 hard. 69c; No. 1 northern, 67c; No. 2 northern, C5?ic FLOUR Hlghor; first pntents, 4.tvwg4.10: second patents, $4.Sr.g4.90; first clears, $2.99 J3.00; second clears, $2,00. HHAN-lHgher; In bulk. 1.35qi.40. .tllMvmikcf (5 ruin MnrKet. MILWAt'KKE. Wis.. July 30,-WHEAT-Flrmer; No. 1 northern, 7u'J704c; No, 2, 6Sii06'Jc; September, 63"c. HYE-Ixiwer: No, 1. 634c. HARLKY Firm; No. , 62c; sample, 40 S55e. OATS-Steady; No. 2 white, 3fS39c. Phllnilelphln Produce Mnrkrt. PHILADELPHIA, July 30,-nUTTER-Flrm. 4c higher. Fancy western cream cry, 214c; fancy prints, 214o; fancy nearby, 24c. EGOS Firm; freh neorby, lSo; fresh western, 15c; fresh southern, 12c; fresh southwestern, 124c. CHEESE-Flrmer; New York full creiims, fancy small, 9Vtt9'lic; New York fair to choice, OligVic. CliniiKr 111 Avnlliililc .Supplies. NEW YOHK, July 30,-Speclal cable and telegraphic communications to Ilradstrect s show tho following changes In tho available supplies from the last account. Last nvall able supplies. Wheat, I'nlted States and Canada, east of Hockies, Increase, 2.I18.CO bu.: alloat and for Europe, Increase, l.BOO.OiX); total supply, lncrense, 3.915,0)0 bu Corn, United Stntes and Canada, cast of Hockies, Increase, 338,000 bu. Oats, United States and Canada, cast of Hockies, decrease, l,2.VJ,(XO bu. Among the more Important Increases re ported to Uradstreet's are those of 273,oo0 bushels nt Newport News, us.ooo bushels nt Chicago private elevators, 1,000,000 bush els inch at Fort Worth and Nashville nnd C2.0OO bushels at Norfolk. The lending decreases Include those of 100,000 bushels at Northwestern Interior ele vators and 65,uoo bushvls nt Portland, Me. The combined stock of wheat at Portland, Tacoma and Seattle decreased 222,000 bush els last week. Peorlu Mnrkut. KPKOniA, July 30.-CORN-Lower; No. 2, O'ATS-Qulet; new No. 3 white, 33c, bll'ed through, WHISKY-On the basis of $1.13 for fin ished goods. Duliidi flrnln Mnrket. Dt'LUTII, July 30.-WHEAT-Cash. No. 1 hard, ,04c; No. 1 northern. 69c: No. 2 northern. G4c: July, 69c; September, 6T!6c; December, 6Sc. COHN-f14c OATS-335J334c Liverpool KxclinnKe Closes. LIVERPOOL, July SO.-The Corn ex change will be closed on August 3 and 5. KUW YOHK STOCKS AND IIO.MIS. Trnilers nisliicllneil to Attempt Any .tlovement of Prices. NEW YORK. July 30.-Tho dullness nnd sluggishness of the market exceeded any tiung that has been seen since last summer and autumn, after the fall in prices on account of the spring wheat shortage had been succeeded by the period of wnltlng preceding the nntlonnl election. The ex treme fluctuations reached ns high ns n point In only a limited number of stocks nnd In them, ns In the general market, the movement was wavering nnd uncertain. ?ho largest part of the denllngs was 111 the United Stntes steel stocks, but tho reports In morning newspapers of good prospects of a settlement of the strlko were Ineffectual to cause any strength in the stocks. The whole mnrket sunk more nnd morn Into a wnltlng attitude. The present ease of money tnkes that factor out of Imme diate consideration. Rut the future of the money mnrket nnd the cautiousness of bankers In locking up capltnl In long-time loans serves ns n warning of possible future contingencies. The courso of the govern ment revenues Is a disappointment to those who hoped for relaxation of demands on the money market from thnt source. In spite of the operation of the amended rove nue law, the government's receipts con tinue to run well over those of Inst year, while the expenditures thus far this mouth have fallen more than $S00,000 below those of July last year. Ah a consequence, the government deficit for this month Is only n little over $2,000,000. whereas It had amounted to $4,665,639 by this time in Ju.y of Inst year. The subtrensury at New York ha taken over $1,000,0(0 from th" mnrket since Friday last.-' For the last week In July Inst year preceding the gov ernment Interest In disbursements In Au gust, the subtrensury yielded n small sum to tho New York money mnrket. The eon tlnunncc of those unlooked-for conditions of tho government revenues will material y affect money mnrket conditions during the period of Interior crop demnnds upon New York. These doubtful factors In the out look discouraged any buying ilemnnd and made the market soft and yielding, even to tho light selling pressure thnt ws brought to bear upon It. The reactionary tendency gnlned force nnd the closing was dull nnd weak nt about the lowest, many lmportnnt railroad stocks showing pet iwntp ma u i'liuu ui iiiuru. There was some early show of strength In the railroad bond mnrket on n well-dl-verslfled demand, but best prices there were yielded In the late dealings. Total snlcs, par value, $1,125,000. United Stntes bonds wero unchanged In quotation In the Inst call. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram: Tho markets here were lifeless today, pending completion of the settlement. The tone wns stendy. Americans showed no decided tendency. The following aro 'he closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: AtcbUon do pfd Baltimore & O do pfd Cnnaillsn Pacific ., Canada Southern , Cries. & Ohio , Chicago & Alton.., do r'rt C. II. & Q Chicago. I. & L... do pfd Chicago & E. I Chicago Ot. W do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Chlcaiso & N". W... C, It. I. & P Chicago T. & T..., do pfd C C'., C, & fit. Ij Colo, Southern .... do let pfd do 2d pfd Del, & llnJfon.... Del., L. & W Denver & It. O.. do pfd Hrle do tat pfd do 2d pfd , Ot. Nor. pfd HockIiik Valley . do pfd Illinois Central .. Ion ii Central do pfd . " So. Pacific . U So. Railway . J6H do pfd . 924 Texas & P .lWi T., St. It. & W.. . 07 do pfd . 4:4 Union I'aclllc .. 3? do pfd . ii Wabash . 97 do pfd . 31 W. & L. U ,. 70 do 2d pfd .112 Wla. Central . 22i do pfd 1. S04 C. C. & St. L. . 4f4 Adams Kxprefg .,, .192 Amer. Express .... .V1S4 l. S. Express . 19 Wells-Fargo Ex.... . 3ii A ninl. Copper 904 Amer. t & F . 12. do pfd 6CU 2P4 St 41 20 334 SS?i 89 , :i 394 IS , 21 . 2n-)i . 4Pyt . 79 170 ,190 , H ,140 , 844, , 2) , 02 , UVt .100',. .134 4I, , 7 . 914 .21J4 . 7'i 1164 .v,a . 534 . 20 :2'' , 75 . 93 . 9-. . 42 . 194 . 41 . 74 ,100 . V, . 39 .'.14 434 , ai .:o7 . 20 . 75 .nt; . 62',, . i:.4 . 714 . 134 7M . 19 . S(; . 444 . HI . 82',; .. CO Amer. Lin. Oil .. 22 do pfd .169 Amer. S. & R ..128 do pfd .. 404 ,,Ani. Toba-co .... .. M4 Ana. Mln. Co .. 3.li Ilrk, Hap. Tr .. W,i '"Colo. K. & I .. 50 Cons. Gas ..V,7 "Con. Tobacco ... .. H4 do pfd .. 744 Oeneral Electric .. Olucose Sugar .... .. u7 .Rocking C0.1l .. 704 lnt'n'1 Paper ..154 I do pfd ..116 'Itit'n'l Power ..1024 Iclede (las ..1184 National HUeult .. ..1674 National I.tad .. :.T, National Salt .. 9 1 do pfd !,107 No. American ,, 99 Pacltlo Coast .. 26 Pacific Mall .. (34 People's (las ..US Pressed Steel Car. ..It0i do pfd .. 434 Pullmun ITil. Car. .. W Republic Steel .... ..97 ' do pfd .. S2H Sugar ..HI Term. C. & I .. 4! Union n, & P. Co.. .. Tf4 do Pfd .. t2)4 V. S. leather .. 4i4 do pfd .. 7s V. S, rtubber .. 074 do pfd ..23 U. S. Steel .. 614 do pfd ..,C0,Webtern Union ... ..m L. II. A W do pfd Imi Is. & Nash. Manhattan L ... Met. 8t. Il... Men. Central .. Mex, National . Minn, & St. L. Mo. I'aclllc .... M., K. & T,.., do pfd N. J. Central.. N. Y. Central.. Nor. it West... do pfd No. Pacific pfd Ontario & W... I'ennayhanla .. Reading do lat pfd.... do 2d pfd.... St, U Ik S. P.. do lat pfd.... do 2d pfd.... 8t. L. S, W.... do pfd St. Paul do pfd Trust receipts. Offered. Kx-lnterest. New York .It one)- Mnrket, NEW YORK, July 30.-MONKY-On call, steady at 2j24 per cent; last loan, 24 per cent; prime mercantile p.iper, 44'(jb p r cent. STERLING KXCHANOE Firm. with actual business In banker' bills nt $4.87U4(j 4.87H for demand nnd $I.MVi( l.5 fcr slxiy days; posteu rates, w.wy commercial bills. $4.844.814. SILVEH-Har. 5Ssc; Mexican dollars, 4i"c. BONDS Government, stcaay; state, In actlvu; railroad, Irregular. Thu ctkaiiiK ..!. .iuiiUs toda;. ar at follows; U. S. ref. 2s. reg.. do coupon do 3i, rec do coupon do new 4s, reg. . do coupon do old 4s, rec... do coupon .. do 6s, res do coupon D. of C, 3, 6St..., Atch. gen. 4 do adj. 4s Canadn So. 2s C & O. 44 do Ja C. .t N. W. c. "s. do S. F. d. 5s.. Chlcaro Tcr. 4s... Colo. So, 4s D. & It. O. 4s... L'rU irn J 1A7SHV v rAH.H, ...... w.tuiai is.. ,.W74 N. J. C. r. Ss .1044 .1254 . 7.' .1044 .07' .102 .1074 1024 .12? .1104 . M'j .1004 .117 .132 .113 .1:0 .117 . 93 .H5; . (4 1114 .103 .101 llU .lit .1134 . tl ..ins',; No. Pacific 3s.'.i no is '.S T I" t Hi I. 1. . I3S .137 .113 .113 lu7?j .10J '154 N. & V. con. 4s... .Ore. Nav. Is do 4k o. s. l. 6s...;;;;" do con. Sa Heading gen. 4s... .103' ...... II. l, l. 18 . fl St I. & I M c. 5s.. .1'j4 'St I. & 8 F B, 6s. .107 iHt. Paul consols.. .121 '"St. P. C. & P. Is. .Ill I do 5. .122 80. Pa.-lflc 4s ; . !4 So. Hallway 5s.... . i "S. n. & T. 6t.... .1014 Texas & p. i F. W. & D. C. Is ..101 il'nlon Pacific 4s... ..llV.i Wabash Is ..10.' , "do 2s .. M4 West Shore 4 .. 574 Va. Centurlia Gen. Klectno 1 L. & N. unl. 4a. M.. K. & T. Jt. do 4s Hid. Offered. Ilnnk Clearing;. OMAHA, July 30. Hank clearings today, $936,580; corresponding day last year, $982, 160; decrease, $13,580. NKW YORK, July 30. Exchanges, $213, 728.466: balances, $13,723,955. BOSTON. July 30,-Exchanges, $21,277,710; balances. $2,118,003. CINCINNATI. July X-Clcarlne, 050; money. 34Q0 per cent; New York ex change, prfr. , ST. LOUIS, July 30.-Clearlngs, $6,314,TT6; balances, $1,191,149; money, 60 i per cent; New York exchange, SOc discount bid; TOc discount asked. CHICAGO, July SO.-CIearlngs, $2t,S6S, 596, balaiu.es, $i,282,TB3; posted exchange, $I.MJi4.SSH; New York exchange, 15c dis count. , HALTIMOHE, July 30.-Clenrlngs, $3,9:x8, efO; balances, $5SI,6(V,; money, 4405 per n in, PHILADELPHIA, July 30,-Clcnrlncs, $15,36I,S27; balances, $1,CS5,S3T; money, 4 per- r77nt. London .MfneU (Itiolntlotis. LONDON, July 30. I p. m.-Closlng: Consols, money,.. do ncrount Anncondn Atchison do pfd Ualtlmore & O... Canadian Pacific Ches. & O Chicago Gt. W.. C, M. A St. P.. Denver & It. a.. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central . Louis. & Nash... M K. & T 53 2-l i-J 3-l " -9 I ;; ?j .. 994 .1004 .47 do pfd N. V. Central.... Nor. tc West Pennsylvania Heading do 1st pfil do 2d pfd So. Hallway do pfd So. Pacific Union Pnolfl do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd Wnbash do pfd Spanish 4s Hand Mines . 1.64 .154 . 4 . 71 . 214 . 3t4 ! 5oi . S04 . 5 .113 . 914 . 414 . 974 . 22 414 . 6''4 . 41', .. 23 ..'M .. 414 .. 934 .. 3S .. 64 .. 80 ..1W4 ..1M, .. 2l'.4 llnston KtorUn nnd II11111U. HOSTON, July 30.-Call loans, 43 14 per cent; time loans, 4Q14 per cent. Otllclal closing: A., T. & S. F do pfd Amer. Sugar Am, Telephone .... Iloston ti Albany.. Hoaton & Maine... Dominion Coal .. do pfd U. fl, Steel do pfd Mex. Central Old Colony Old Dominion t'nlon Paclflo West End Atchison 4s 7r'i f.'a 1124 ,H0 157 1024 30 116 4i; (I . 23 ,W7 . HO . 7S 9", 1014 Adventure Ulng. Mln. Co.... Amal. Copper .... Atlantic Cal. & Hecla Centennial I'rnnklfn Humboldt Osceola Parrot Qulncy Sinta Fe Copper. Tamarack 1'tah Mining Winona . !S4 .lit "(J .742 . 214 1. 174 . 2 . 13 . CHi .170 . 6 .242 . 20 24 . 01 .Wolverines Hid. SILVER Har, quiet, 26 lC-16d per ounce. MONEY 2fi24 per cent. The rate t.f discount In the open market for short bills Is 212 11-16 per cent; for threo months' bills, 2HJj2?4 per cent. Aifvr York .VI I n 1 11 ir .stocks. NEW YORK, July 30. The following aro the closing quotations on mining stocks; Adams Con 41 il.lttle Chief Alice 45 Ontario , Hiecce 145 Ophlr llruiiawlck Con 12 Iphotnlx Comatock Tunnel.... C4 Potosl 13 S73 72 ;.;;; i 6 6 II t0 VjO Con. Cal. & Vn 200 Savage Deadwood Terra. Horn Silver Iron Silver Lcadvlllo Con.... t. Sierra Nevada ..175 Small Hopes,.. .. H Standard .. 6 ) Oil nml llosln. OIL CITY, Pn July 30.-Credlt balance-, $1.25; certificates, no bid; shipments, .s'.tlil; average, 100.4S2; runs, 107,310; nverage, 85.491. LIVERPOOL. .Inlv .10 PnTTflWBRf n Hull refined, quiet at 23s 6d. Petroleum, un changed. SAVANNAH, On., July 30.-Splrlts tur pontine stendy nt 32c. Rosin, firm: quote: A. H. C, $1.00; IJ. $1.05; F. U5; A. $1.20; O, $1.25; H, $1.30; K, $1.70ftl.SO; M, $2,151(2.25; N, $2.63; WG, $2.95; WW $3.25. rsww iukiv, July 30. Oll-Cottonseed, rm; prime crude, nominal; do yellow, 39c. etrolcum, steady. Rosin, steady; comm n ) good. $1.45. Turpentine, dull at 354f!?;6c. LONDON, July 30.-OlLr-Cnlcutta llnfecd, not, 55s Cd. Turpentine spirits, 25s 104d. SAVANNAH. On., July 30,-OII-Turpett- Wool Mnrket. BOSTON. July 30. WOOL Thern wns a firm tone to the market here this week, with values wen maintained and the general nlt uatlon Is hardening. Territory wools con tinue to lead tho sales; line medium nnd line staple Is quoted nt 44fi I5e, while the territory stapje article calls for 4CiftlSc. Fleece wools nro quoted firm, but arrivals of new washed fleeces aro only moderate ns yet. Territory, scoured basis: Montana, fine. 14016c; Fcoured. 4lT40c; line medium, ligi6c; scoured. 42fj43e, staple, l"Vfl7c: scoured, 46fj4Sc Utah, Wyoming nnd Idaho, line. 13814c: ncoured, 415715c; lino medium, 13iT14c; scoured, (Hf43c: stnple, 15il6c; scoured, 46Ti47c. ST. LOUIS. July SO. WOOL Unchanged : medium grades, lljil7c; fine, llffllc; heavy line, PJj'llc; tubwnBhcd, 12fi2le. Cotton Market, NEW YORK, July 30,-COTTON-Spot closed dull, lower: middling uplands. 81-16c; middling gulf, 8 5-16c; sales, 1.623 bales; cotton futures closed steady; September, 7.17c; December, 7.32c; January nnd Feb ruary, 7.36c; Murch. 7.39c; April. 7.41c. ST. LOUIS. July 30.-COTTON Quiet, unchanged; no sales; middling, Sc; receipts, 386 bales; shipments, 1,449 bales; stock, 30, 910 bales. GALVESTON, July 30.-COTTON-Qulet, SUc LIVERPOOL. July 30. COTTON-Spot, moderate business; prices steady: Amerl cnn middling, 4 7-16d. The sales of the day were 8,000 bales, of which 500 were for speculation and export and Included 7.6X1 bnles Amerlcnn. Receipts, 13,000 bales, In cluding 12,900 Amerlcnn, Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK. July 30,-COFFEE-Prloes kept within a 5-polnt vnrlntlon through out tho entire day and at best It wns a small market. The opening was steady nt a decline of 5 points ns a result of much weaker European cables than expected, heavier Brazilian crop movement nnd a sluggish spot department. Figures of im portance were lacking, Trading wns mod erately active, .Inlt of a room nnture. The market was finally steady nt net un changed prices to 5 points decline. Total salen were 21,230 bags. Including August, nt 4.80c. September nt 4.8.Vfi l.90o. October nt 4.90c, December nt 5.00ffi5.0.'c. March at 5.23 i3.30c and Mnv at 5.3.VfT3.40c snot Rio. quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 58c; mild market; cordova. 80124c Suprnr Mnrket. NEW YORK. July 30.-SUGAIt-Raw, steady: fair refining. 3 9-16c; centrifugal, 96 test. 4 5-32c; molnsses sugar, 3 5-16c; re fined quiet; No. 6, 4.85c; No. 7, 4.75e; No. 8, 4.65c; No. 9. 4.60c; No. 10, 4.55c; No. 11, 4.'rc; No, 12. 4.50c; No. 13. 4.40c; No. 14. 4 5'c; standard A. 4.50c: mould A. 5.80c: crushe l, 4.95c; powdered. 5.55c; grnnulated, 5.IJe. LONDON. July 30.-BEET SUGAR-July. 9s 94 d. NEW ORLEANS. July 30.-SUGAR-Qul-et; open kettle. 3 TJ-lCfr Ic; open kettle, cen trifugal, 34B14c; centrifugal yellow, 44Q 4 9-16c. Molasses, dull; centrifugal, OftHc. Kvnporntcd 11 ml Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, July 30. EVAPORATED FRUITS Trading wns on a moderately nctlve scale, with demand from domestic sources of nn urgent chnrnctcr. As a consequence values took n higher level and sentiment was bulllshly Inclined. State, common to good, 4V4fi7c: prime, 7(4 74c; choice. 7?iiiSc; fancy. 5IS4c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITH-Innctl'"; nrunes. 2Sf?64c: nprlcots. royal. 8Q12': Moor park, S4(f712c; peaches, peeled, lljf ISc; unpeeled, fiifTlOc. Jfrrr York Dry (ooila Mnrket. NEW YORK, July 30.-DRY GOODS There hns been no material change In the market for staple cottons on home trade accounts nnd export demand hns been In .different. Prices are unchanged for both staple lines nnd fancies, The Fall River market Is dull but narrow. Print cloths In fair request under Fall River prices. Hosiery and underwear for spring Is in fair demand. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. July 30.-BEEVES-Re-celpts, 151 head, one enr for the market; nothing doing, stendy feellntr; cables un changed; exports, 913 head cattle and 4.8CO quarters of beef. Calves Receipts, none; trade limited, prices bnrelv steady; veals, $l.flOfl7.M: buttermilk, nnmlnn". SHEEP AND LA MHS Receipts, 8,091 hend; demand fair and prices' steady: '0 cars unsold; sheep. $2,5054.25: choice, $l.50fr 4.65- culls. $2.00; Inmb. $l.5i)?JO.I0; culls. $2 503.00. HOGS. Receipts, 2.5"0 hend; market lower; quotations, $5.80550.15. II11IT11I0 Live Stork .Mnrket. BUFFALO, July 30.-CATTLE-ReceIPts light, offerings IS cars; stendy to firm for good, heavy, fat steers, others du'l on'l lower- veals, good to fancy, $.V5r(f(S.60. HOGS Offerings, 23 ears' fair to choice heavy 5.76fi5.f5; pics. 5.75i5,?0, SHEEP AND LAMBS-Offerlngs, 5 cars; quiet, steady, at yesterday's prices. Stock In SlKlit. The following table shows the receipts o cattle, hogs and sheep at the live principal live stock markcta July 30t Cattle, Hog. Sheei South Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Ixiuls St. Joseph 3.001 10.100 l'Vi'2 1800 3,5' 0 1,000 2.780 ... 3,5(0 ... 8.6M ... 6.3(0 ... 2.2U 18.000 15.001 6.500 12.26S Totals 23,641 61,9:8 35,932 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Anjlhing Good in tbo W&y of Cattle Eoltl Ten U Fifteen Ceits Higher. HOGS AVERAGED ABOUT A DIME HIGHER IIIk It as tt of Mircp nml Market Very Stow and Counliierulily l.ouer, but l.niuliH Sold ut (Jiioil Prloei, Five Cents Ileitis. Pnld. SOUTH OMAHA, July 30, Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 1,2.0 4,js6 8.1U Otllclal Tuesday ,i,wl 10.1W 10,162 Two days this week Same days last week.. Same week before aamo threo weeks ngo Same four weeks ago.. Satnu days last year... 1,231 4.74S 7.CS1 4,36.5 1,816 6,230 11,576 15,102 10,031 11,2,2 10,51a 18,163 Ij.WI S.Uw S.JII u,M6 8,5,4) South ioin- Average price paid for hogs ut Omaha tho past iscverai days with purlsoiis: 1901. 1900.lt99.!lS93.lS9?.l$96.m. July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July 3... 4... 6... 6... 7.. 8... S... 10.. 11.. n.. 13.. 14.. 15.. 16.. 17.. 18.. 19... 20... 21... no 5' ' ; 21.. 2". . . 26,. 27... 2S... 29. . . 30... 6 744 6 01 2 951 1 70 4 M 2 97 4 SI 2 98 ' 3 0t 4 91 2 16 4 71 2 8i 4 hi 2 911 4 67 1 4 72 2 97 4 75 5 73H 0 79, 5 0S S J6 d 11 5 832-5 5 S3 U 6 S5 j 6 !)2 G 13 5 13 6 04 o jo;a 5 85i 5 02 5 131 1 fi OSI r. Vt 1 10 4 t8 4 81 4 82 4 83 4 y 4 91 6 0I 6 02 3 07 2 97 2 95 b D5 4 91 5 5sVal 4 87 6 as!, 4 :8 2 97 5 07 2 98 5 67 2 f.S 4 63 5 70 u .-, 15 J Ml, 4 M 2 92 4 76 2 891 4 Ml 4 86 2 85 1 4 8'J 1 76! 2 71 4 93 2 77, I il I 5 69, 5 15 I 0 urn e l.i li tiivi u 0: I 5 faT,i 5 06; . ' 5 13, 0 47li I 6 66'.il 5 0S Indlcntes Sunday. Indicates holiday. rho oillclai number of cars of stock Drought i.i today by each road was: Cattle. lIon't, Sh'p. H'scs. C. M. ft St. P. Ry 4 O. St. L. Ry 4 2 Mo. Pac. Ry 20 S Union Pac. System.. 14 C. & N. W. Ry V., E. .'i M. V. R. R 24 S. C. & V. Ry C.St. P...M. ,t O. Ry. 2 B. & R. R. R .s. 29 ('., U. & Q. Ry 2 K. C. & St. J 0 ('., R. I. & P., east... 1 C, R. I. Sc P.. west.. 7 Illlnos Central Cripples and d'v'n in .. 27 46 i 2.1 5 1 8 18 is Totnl receipts US 12S 40 The disposition of tho day's receipts was ns follows, each iniycr purchasing tho num ber 01 ncau lnuicaiea: Receipts were: Omaha Packing Co.... Swift & Co Cudahy Packing' Co... Cnttlo.IIngs.Sheeii 82 1,51? 2,111 3,215 3,?J3 342 792 C16 135 Armour .: uo Omaha, from K. C, Swift, from country 615 Armour, from K. C.... 95 R. Becker & Began 70 Vansant & Co 95 I-otimnn & Co 139 W. I. Stephen 61 Hull & Huntzlnger 17 Livingstone & Schnller 25 Hamilton & Rothschild 32 North P. & P. Co A. F. Mnwhlnnoy 7 Other buyers 105 331 f90 Totnl. 2,849 10.53G 3,151 CATTLE There was it light run or cat tle hero today lor 11 Tuesday and ns pack ers were all In need of fresh supplies tho market was tho niost active seen here In some little time. Sellers seemed to hnvo things ubout their own way and In most cases got what they asked for their cattle. Everything was sold at an early hour. Tho beer steer market could bo quoted active and W5)15c higher than yesterday. For tho week prices have ndvunced all of 15425c and In some cas.i more. It wan sim ply a case of where the puckers wanted cattle and there were scarcely enough to go nround and us a result they hud to pay what sellers asked. Tho cow market also Improved to n con siderable extent and could be quoted safely 10c higher and In many cases advances of 15c wero noted. As compared with tho closo of last week the market Is fully 10(J)20c higher and occasionally u quarter hlgner. The better grades, of course, sold the more readily, but owing to the light supply even tho less desirable bunches sold without dif ficulty at higher prices than were paid yes terday. Bulls, calves and stags nil Joined In the generni ndvunco and very satisfactory prices vero paid. Tho stocker and feeder market took on more life than has been noted In some time and yard traders bought them up In a hurry nt an advance over yesterday's prices of luftl5c or a good 25c higher than last Friday. The demand from the country has Improved greatly since tho rains and as a result prices are advancing with thu light receipts. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. 3 78 3 66 3 83 3 66 3 2$ 6 51, 3 itl J -3 3 86 3 8? 3 32 , 3 7S 3 3i 3 90 3 23 3 961 3 70 4 04 3 73, 3 18 4 0.M 3 82i 3 14 4 05) 3 77 3 15 I O 0J1 d II. a ill I 1 3 821 3 20i 4 01 . 3 2C 4 16 3 82 I 4 2SI 3 89, 3 32 4 191 3 861 3 35 4 211 3 81 3 38 4 31 3 79, 3 27 i 3 S2I 3 2o 4 36 1 3 36 4 31! 3 S9 , 4 27 3 87, 3 3i 4 321 3 27 3 43i 4 3.". 3 671 3 29 4 32 3 72 3 30i I 3 74i 3 41) No. A v. Pr. No. Av. Tr. 3 706 2 00 17 10S1 4 ti 4 677 3 00 48 1073 4 tt 1 i- 3 25 22 1010 4 .0 1 '.. SSO 3 .VI 37 1011 I !o 19 081 3 -'0 38 nil 4 M 1 1000 3 8., 21 1035 4 M 42 10S2 3 4! 20 1100 5 0) 45 10S8 3 85 43 1078 5 0) 1 760 4 00 41 1101 5 0) 3 750 4 0 50 lusO 5 10 6 773 4 1 0 C7 10S4 5 10 5 638 4 00 21 116J 5 ij 1 1590 4 10 23 1008 5 V, 1 960 4 30 59 1140 3 35 20 909 4 30 22 121)8 5 35 42 902 4 !o 35 US5 5 40 30 97'J 4 T5 35 1313 5 40 22 975 4 43 17 1310 5 45 1 930 4 50 141 1123 5 i 19 990 4 75 78 K67 3 50 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 9 808 4 25 4 170 4 60 23 741 4 .'0 t5 749 4 C5 41 780 4 10 9 1083 5 00 COWS. 1 834 1 50 4 870 2 70 1 841 1 30 1 lieu 2 73 2 701 1 30 1 830 2 75 1 400 1 TO 6., 811 3 7; 13 850 1 50 7.; 1018 2 75 1 400 1 50 1 1070 2 75 2 830 1 M 1 1J00 2 5 1 820 1 50 1 810 2 75 1 950 1 75 1 760 2 v! 6 793 1 75 2 1P5 2 H 1 f30 1 VS 3 830 2 85 1 920 2 W 7 9S7 2 W 1 900 2 00 C 871 3 .'0 4 9S7 2 '0 4 797 3 90 1 830 2 (0 1 M0 2 90 1 820 2 CO 20 SC8 !M 4 850 2 ) 1 918 2 !) 4 1050 2 l) 5 946 3 (0 1 90 1 2 10 1 750 3 CO 1 990 2 11O 3 683 3 Ik) 2 710 2 '.3 3 810 3 10 1 1050 2 25 U 920 3 0) 1 1060 2 25 1 910 3 10 3 933 2 .'5 5 SM 3 10 1 950 2 25 1 1.K0 3 iO 2 725 3 55 3 1300 3 10 1 1200 2 25 2 860 3 10 1 910 2 25 1 11(0 3 10 3 950 2 25 2 1105 3 10 4 917 2 25 2 HOn 3 13 1 1040 2 50 1 111 3 15 6 870 2 35 2 910 3 15 1 103) 3 33 1 100 3 15 1 840 2 55 10 987. 3 13 2 PXU 2 0 2 1100 3 2.1 2 985 2 to 22 953 3 23 2 1015 2 10 5 082 3 S5 1 770 2 50 12 1045 3 23 1 1H0 2 50 5 902 3 25 1 1050 2 CO It 871 3 CO 1 8m) 3 50 23 892 3 41 1 700 2 54 1 1130 3 40 6 920 2 54 1 1170 3 40 1 954 2 54 6." 603 3 75 1 754 2 f,4 2 1244 3 75 16 841 2 64 2 1274 3 75 2 754 3 64 2 1015 3 .5 1 900 2 64 1 950 3 75 2 944 2 CO 1 810 3 14 3 1014 2 64 It 909 3 V) 17 843 2 ti 2 1104 4 (4 1 820 2 70 HEIFERS. 2 49', 2 W 1 920 2 M 2 104 2 (HI 2 854 3 9) J 654 2 (0 4 77J 2 94 1 610 3 40 3 61 i JO 12 635 2 50 2 500 3 23 4 642 2 51 1 610 3 23 7 524 2 70 7 105 3 ?5 4 552 2 75 BULLS. 1 540 2 01 1 1J84 2 TO 1 3C4 2 04 2 1335 2 '5 3 10S4 2 14 1 580 2 75 1 125) 2 13 1 1(10 2 85 1 1024 2 30 1 1430 3 00 1 914 2 33 1 1314 3 04 1 1SO0 2 (4 1 1251 3 04 1 1074 2 40 1 k) 1 14 1 1310 2 54 1 SH 3 10 1 108) 3 ;4 1 1414 3 23 1 1474 2 M 1 i: 3 23 2 1254 2 50 1 l' 3 K 1 1324 2 It 1 1S4D 3 o4 1 104-1 2 54 1 1210 3 84 1 814 3 50 4 ,.ltS3 3 85 1 1500 1 50 1 2C1 4 "fl CALVES. 1 JJ4 1 OJ J 155 3 W 2 I 3 HI 1 1J4 5 00 8 1 4 1 1 14 3 0-1 2 tlO 4 M 1 1(1 t tO 1 1W 4 71 1 185 i (ft) STAOS. 1 itet sm COWS AND HKIFKRS, : 7s 2 a 7 877 4 to STOCK COWS AND HEIFURS. 1 419 lilt t 4rt J 50 2 38.1 1 SO J 674 2 W 1 SO 1 4 585 2 60 1 19) 2 V 3 64 2 40 9 (21 2 30 2 414 2 65 3 456 J 14 1 M 3 iO 3 515 2 (0 2 m 1 70 3 1 2 W 1 1W) 3 75 12 MS 2 jfl STOCK CALVES. 2 370 2 P0 1 34 3 54 3 33) 3 00 I ttrt 4 50 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 4W 2 00 13 ?M 3 14 1 Ml : 3 114 3 10 1 tl 2 ti 7 m 3 14 3 610 2 I) 5 to-. 3 14 1 719 1 1 ftp) 3 14 2 585 2 fO 18 ill 3 1J 1..' " J M 17 0t) .1 15 1 I i M! 6 Mi'. 3 15 2 7-. 2 54 6 SH 3 15 2 Rm 3 W 1 4 3 11 2 114 2 84 2 CM 3 15 1 54 2 7t 19 811 S J) 3 fc3 2 1 J 27 7 3 1) 1 934 2 75 11 854 3 34 1 7(1 2 75 21 786 3 25 13 4 2 5 11 7M 3 84 3 frtl 2 94 17 813 3 4 1 124 2 VO 22 796 IK 7 47S i t0 33 M ll( 5 .VI 2 !4 2J j ,5 3 7.13 3 54 3 7M .1 25 2 715 3 10 4 374 3 14 3 794 3 ( 0 7 Hiso 3 40 13 814 3 (A 1 M( 3 0 1 ftf) 3 04 5 $24 3 45 1 784 3 .11 7 731 3 48 32 681 3 CO 2 fiSii 2 14 2 6S0 3 (4) 1 8(Vi t 54 1 43 ) 3 uO 1 770 3 54 3 8 3 05 3 fr23 3 yi 23 732 3 05 4 374 3 5 2 94) 3 14 13 8HJ 3 35 HOOS There wns not a particularly heavy run of hogs horu today and as re port from other points were favorable to the selling Interests tho market here opened Mi 10c higher nnd closed 10ft 15c blither than yesterday. It was 1111 nctlve mnrket from stmt to finish nml everything was out of first hands early In the morning Even tho lighter weights this morning sold without much dilllculty, as packers were all anxloui for supplies and there 5vere no mora on sale than they wnntcd. On tho start a few loads sold mostly from J5.50 to $5.55, but pnekirs soon had to raise their bids and the built of the good mixed hogs began selling nt $5.55 and Sj.57U. The inarltet knit eettlnu better until on thu close good mixed hogs would sell its high as $3.60. The choicest loads sold from 5.C2Vi to $5.75. Tho bulk of all tho soles went from J5.52Va to J5.67',a nnd un- iiverngu cosi many was just anoui a dlmo higher than yesterday or only n shade under Saturday's average. Representative snico; No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 14 OS ... 4 04 71 255 ... 3 CO 72 130 ... 4 '.J 53 311 80 5 '.5 89 189 ... 6 40 142 25fl ... 55 73 198 164 t 54 28 J 4 ) 5 ttt 77 137 40 5 1.0 52 344 t.. 5 ti 91 215 4) 5 54 CO 2'0 SO 5 65 6J 195 ... 5 fO SI 23.) 164 6 .',714 .'.9 2H ... 5 54 ;j 22,1 41 5 27' 77 2u3 8 4 5 50 CI 233 84 6 VPi 130 218 lt'i 5 50 f.9 210 ... 6 57, 5 184 44 3 45 71 335 164 5 5JIJ 92 174 160 5 171$ 74 223 40 5 -."H 69 199 4) 3 ft) 6 2(3 124 5 t74 72 23 ... 5 .'0 67 23S 84 5 1,7 H 77 204 ... 5 74 92 213 44 5 5714 81 212 M 3 f4 53 231 ... 5 M C3 193 124 5 30 67 219 ... 5 C4 181 84 5 50 132 218 ... 5 M 28 244 240 6 50 64 251 4 ) 3 60 8! 192 84 5 52' 4 63 ;:) ... SCO 73 215 1C0 6 52U 81 204 80 5 64 84 214 240 5 52',, 64 2(9 124 5 64 C4 242 12-) 6 32'4 84 2)4 140 5 C4 74 187 84 6 . 2U M 221 124 CM 82 201 104 5 52'i 79 22U 84 5 04 72 127 80 5 52Mi 58 219 80 5 (4 82 221 40 5 521,4 S3 261 ... 5 80 53 201 SO 5 52'i fx 213 44 5 CO 57 237 ... 5 73 227 111 5 CO 57 237 ... 5 1,2 (j 70 261 2-') 5 60 69 219 SO 5 5214 72 234 80 5 W 64 241 40 5 521$ 80 225 ... 5 GO 69 20 164 5 55 C2 272 124 ,". u) 87 218 80 5 55 77 235 80 5 00 61 239 40 5 T5 75 210 ... 6 "2'4 64 262 40 5 ,3 59 280 ... 5 6214 77 221 164 6 55 61 211 ... 5 65 58 250 124 5 55 75 253 S4 5 (5 79 212 ... 5 55 60 231 84 5 03 75 243 244 5 53 72 210 80 5 65 62 211 84 5 55 78 189 240 5 45 90 197 164 5 53 88 :S2 54 6 50 43 254 120 6 5.5 73 205 20) 5 70 74 214 50 5 15 54 287 ... 5 54 82 184 84 5 55 69 247 84 3 0 82 169 44 5.JS 74 211 50 3 52V4 55 2:0 200 5 55 86 244 84 5 52'4 84 199 4 1 5 ...5 69 323 1C4 5 5-J4 81 225 284 5 55 62 2C3 120 5 (5 46 187 ... 5 55 64 215 44 5 55 51 217 80 5 U 69 227 80 6 35 76 211 40 5 53 74 219 54 6 55 76 215 ICO 5 5 84 244 240 5 55 73 2111 124 3 55 07 234 44 6 53 C7 229 44 5 55 3 84 5 63 6 274 40 5 57ii C2 243 84 5 55 53 22) 124 6 5714 67 213 41 5 53 34 211 124 6 57's 67 227 SO 5 t3 56 231 84 5 37'4 70 19S ... 5 55 87 232 S4 6 !,7'4 57 285 120 5 67'4 C8 252 41 5 571.4 r.1 247 240 5 574 CO 249 84 5 57' 74 232 2(0 6 61 C2 2I3 84 5 1.71', 54 202 40 5 (0 74 231 Sll 5 57i CI 230 12i 5 65LJ 82 223 8-) 3 .TJ14 70 215 164 5 4214 82 233 124 S 57'4 73 201 160 5 (0(4 C 226 44 5 17'4 69 245 84 5 571J C3 231 64 S (,7'i 63 315 ... 5 75 70 2C0 124 5 57H 70 311 80 5 75 SHEEP fhero was the heaviest run of sheep hero todny that Iihh arrived In somo time, which gave packers an opportunity to pound the market. Sellers wero holding for steady prices nnd ns a result the market was very slow and draggy. It waa rather late before much of anything wns dono nnd when the sheen did begin to change hands It was generally on n basis of n lOfflSc de cline. Lambs, however, were In better demand nnd brought good strong prices, ns high as S5.00 being paid. Quotations. Choice yearlings. $3.23-573.50; fair to good yearlings, $3,151(3.23; cholco wethers, $3.00573.25; fnlr to good wethers, $2.S5ij'3.00; cholco ewes, $2.7ofl3.10; fair to good ewes, $2.50572.75; choice spring lambs, $4.n3fl.".00; fnlr to good spring lnmbs, $l.2af 4 CS; feeder wethers, $2.50iJ(3.00; tceder lnmbs, $3.00Q3.50. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. I! cull ewes 91 $2 50 40 cull eweM 92 2 50 7 Idaho ewes 91 2 73 fl Idaho owes 97 'I 75 112 cull lambs 53 3 00 2 western ewes 95 3 00 C7 feeder lambs 52 3 03 144 feeder lambs 53 3 05 59 feeder lnmbs 53 3 05 tS feeder lnmbs 55 3 05 31 Idaho wethers 78 3 15 S Idaho wethers M 3 20 99 Idaho yearlings 7i 3 25 1 Idaho lnmb 50 3 25 (V) Idaho lnmbs 01 4 50 150 Idaho lamb 01 4 GO 112 Idaho lambs 59 4 50 183 western lumbs S2 5 00 217 western wethers 101 .3 10 207 western wethers 122 3 15 102 Idaho lambs G2 5 00 87 cull ewes 93 1 23 653 Wyoming feeder sheep SO 2 75 29-) feeder wethors i!4 2 9') 482 western ewes 103 2 45 i Idnho mixed 71 3 20 49 Idaho mixed 75 3 20 371 Idaho mixed 78 3 20 15 western wethers 100 3 25 54 Idaho lambs CI 4 SO CIIICAfiO 1,1 VII STOCIC .MAllKIVl' Cnttlo .sternly to St ron Ho Aetlvc nml StrniiK Sliei'p Lower, CHICAGO, July 30,-CATTLE-Recclpts, 3.600 head. Including 1,125 Texans. Steady to strong nt Monday's prices. Good to prime steers, $5.40(0.20; poor to medium, tl.25C3.40; stockers and feeders. $2.40il 1.30; cows, $2.75ij4.60; heifers, $2.25ti3.00; ennners, 51.25S2.25; bulls, $2.25W.35; calves, severely lower, $2,4012.75; Texas steers, higher, $3.00 -I.50. HOOS Receipts today, 18,000 head; esti mated tomorrow, 23,000 head; left over, 8.1S9 head. Actlvo nnd strong, 10c higher for bulk. Close, slow. Mixed and butch ers, $3.35fi3.52V4; good to cholco heavy, $5.t0 (fjCiiO; rough heavy, $5,351(5.73; light, $5.0)1? 5.75; bulk of sales, $5.iiTi5.90. SHEEP AND LAMUS-Recelpts, 18,00) head. Dull and lower. Lnmbs, 15 to 25c lower. Good to choice wethers, $3.7501.25; fair to rholco mixed, $3.2503.75; western sheep, $3.2503.90; yearlings, $1,001(1.33; ra tiye lambs, J2.0OiJ3.25; western lambs, $1.30 j5.25. Oillclai receipts and shipments for yes terday ; RKCEIPTS-Cattle, 1S.S23 head; hogo, 47, G79 head; sheop. 21,016 head. SHIPMENTS-Cattle, 6.257 head; hogs, 9,051 head; sheep, 1,442 head. K 11 11 sun City Live Stock .MiirUet, KANSAS' CITY. July 30. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7.000 natives. l.GflO TexanH, 700 calves. Native beef steers and Texans stendy, lUj15e higher; cows and heifers nnd stockers and feeders. 10025c higher. Choice export nnd dresstil beef steers $5.500 5.&0; fnlr to good, $1,8013.40; stockers and feeders, $3.0001.25; western fed steers. $4. 5005.50 western rnngn steers, $3.40j 1.25; Texans and Indians, $3.25 ffM.2.5, Texas cows, I2.70lf3.25; native cows, $2.0104,23, heifers. $2.800 1.5; canners. $1,750 2.50: bulls, $2.5WU5; calves, $2,505(1.60. I IOCS-Receipts 15.000. Mnrket 5015c higher. Top price $5.00: bulks, $5.6O0'1'JO; heavy. $5.9O0C.OO; mixed, $6.00: packers, $5.r,H(;.75; light, $5.2500.75; pigs, $3.5005.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recclpts 3,500. Mnrket stendy; lnmbs, $I.P0iH; muttons, $J.2niH.0O; ewes, $2,750.25; rango sheep, t3.3.K; stockers, $l.oOii'2.50. St, I.ouls lihr Jti"li Jlnrho-t. ST. LOL'tS, July 30-CATTLE-Recelpts C.;i), Including 1,N Texans. Mnrket steady tn strong for natives, with Texans loo higher. Native shipping nnd export steers, $4 &M1A.73; dressed beef Mild butchers steets, $1 ltiti..lS; steers tinder l.OoO pounds. $,UMf 4 Pu. stockers nnd feeders, ti.WUS; cows nml heifers. J2.001N.iV; runners, Jl.uHT-'-Ws bulls, J2.25fi3.2o; Texns nnd Indian steers, $3 151H.40. cows and heifers, J2.30tI3.45. HOGS Receipts 6.500. Mnrket 10c higher. Pigs .unl lights. JS. 5005. 63; packers, $5,500) ,5.6.1, butchers, J5.7506.OO. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recclpts '1.00O. Market steady 011 sheep, 10c lower oil lambs. Native muttons. J3.OO03.5O; lambs, J3.00W 4.S5; culls and bulks, J.'.W1fa.25; stockers, J1.750S.IW. M. .Insctili Lit 0 .Stork .1lnrl.Pt. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. July SO.-CATrLE-Recelpts. 2,213 head; market mostly l'hj higher; natives, J3.75'iifi.;i0; cows nnd heifers, J2.60fl5.oo; bulls and stags, J2.2ofi5.iO; stock ers and feeders. $1.7501:5; veals, J2.0.,fS.04. , HOOS-Rccelpts, 12,2-V, .mi; mark t Do higher 011 best; llghl w.-lghts an I thoio grading under good, 2'i0714O higher: Unlit and light mixed, $3.505.71 medium ar.d heavy, $5 700 6.05; pigs, $2.5004.25, bulk, $1.11 05.85. SHEEP-Recclpts, 2.7SO head; mnrket steady. I.oiiuIiik for the HIiikc "Oh, It has been the dream of my life to go on tho Rtuge," exclaimed a young girl at nn uptown theater tho other morning, after she had presented her card to tho mauagcr. "Do you want a position In the chorus?" asked the manager. "If so there Is llttlo chance, for our roof garden performance has about as many on tho pay roll as wo can afford nt tho present time." "This Is tho second tlmo thnt I have been refused," sobbed tho candidate Thru, after tho storm had subsided n little, sho added, between her sobs: "Can vou glvo mo no encouragement? Oh, I would take any part, evon thnt of a malil to the leading lady, If I might hnvo ft chance." With evident Intent to treat tho young woman with all klndncts, the manager nn-sv.-ered : "Good! When tho maid ot our leading lady gives up her part you mny have It." "Oh, how lovely!" exclaimed the girl. "I will return Just as soon ns I hear of this vnconcy." ' After the door closed the manager leaned back In his chair nnd said: "If tho maid wo'vo got leaves us I'll go Into voluntary bankruptcy." "How's that?" osked n newspaper man ivho was present. "llecnuee," answered tho manager, "that Is the forty-fourth girl I'vo told that story to today." Pips Line Go. OF HEAU.UONT Incorporated Under tho Laws of Texns. CAPITAL - - - S2.000.000 Divided Into 2.000 000 Shares of the Par Value of $1 Each, Full Paid and Non-Assessable. President Hon. CHARLES A. TOWNE Of New York City and Ucaumont, Texns. Among the recent nowa dispatches Is thu following, which appeared in tho lending newspaper:) July 2oih; OIL FUEUN TEXAS. Southern Pncillc Hallron.l PrepurtiiK to .SuliHtltiite It for Oilier I'ueU 011 Its Louo.iiotlvi-H. AUSTIN, Tex., July 21, 1901. W. G. Vun Vleck, manager 01 thu aoutliern Paclnc transportation department, who wa.i heiu today, said that urrungeincnts uru being perfected an rapidly as possible for thu Uio of IJcnutuont oil fur fuoi 111 all the locomo tives or thu Southern Puclllc system. It Is purposed to llrst ciUlp the locomo tives opennlng on thu division between New Orleans and Houston with thu new luel, and when thla hns been done the locomo tives running between Houston aim San Antonio will be llkcwiBc equipped. company Is also constructing four large oil storage tnuks, each with a capacity ut mo 10 than l,'260,wo gallons. The Santa Va Railroad Is also preparing to equip Its railroads In thu Central Dtvlr lou tor tin usu uf lle.iumont oil as fuel. They propose to spend nuarly loO,ooO tlil.4 year in equipping Its cnglncH for oil nnd providing receiving and delivery tunks nlong the line. President Rlpiey of the Sanln l-'o gives out the following facts on fuel oil tests on that railway: "25 passenger' und Height engines on a 30-dny run used 2,017 tons of coal and covered 87,063 miles, or nbout 42 miles, per ton, Oil nt $1.33 par barrel would at this figure cost II 4-i0c. pet mile, whereas thu coal cost 23 2-10c per It will be readily seen thnt coal will event ually bo entirely superseded ns a strain fuel by tho Ueuumont oil. , , , "Over u million dollars of tankage Is In courso of construction for tho storage of Beaumont oil. Win. H. Punnman, Gen. Mgr. of the Pennman Tank Co., of L. Chi cago. Ind.. arrived In tho city this morning, nnd linn closed somn largo contracts. Mr. Pennmnn stated this afternoon that he had contracts fur MUw barrels nt tankage, over IW.iiOO of which was for the Santa l-'o Railroad Co."-llIouston Post, July 17th.) The oil used by the railroads, manufac tories and other consumers comes irom the wells Immediately surrounding tho Splndle Top Heights propertlea of thu Export Oil & Pipe Lino Co. Tho expenditure of hundreda of thousands of dollars by these consume a for uupply tanks shows thnt thu peniia-. iiency of tho Hiipply hna been determined Tho llgurcs given by Pres. Ripley show a prom to tho consumer at $1.33 per bair-si, while there Is still an tmmeme proilt to tho producer at only 30c a barrel. 'I he InulMi; Hons nro that the demand for this oil will nilvunro the market prlco to much nearer $1.00 per barrel than 3i;c. This means doubling or trebling tho present producers '"should the Export Company's well, now drilling on Splndle-Top ilo1Kht. proatico only 10,000 barrels a day, tho profit nt 30o Is a million dollars a year. No guher yet has failed to How 23,000 Imrre'.s. 1 his won d make ONE well produce for the Lxp .rt Company morn thnn Its entire capltnl stock every year-anil thu company has room for at least SIX such wells In nddlllon, It has It. Ooo ncres i f outside pronertlts. In cluding Its sulphur beds In Iiulslana. which nlone are likely to piy back Its cnpltallsra- UEveyy'lnvesntor mvTs I. to himself to care fully and thoroughly Investlgnto the. Henu mnrit Held "'' Export Company's prop o"ltlon Call or send for prospectus and oxnmlne this opportunity. Vor tho purpose of developing tho corn pany's properties a limited Issue of tho stock Is offered at 60c PER SHARE but the prlco U to bn ndvanced within n very fow days, and Immediate action Is necessary to secure shares nt this price, ui.uln!!rm nhmilil bu Kent either to tho m..r,v ,.i llcnnmnnt. Texns. or to Itl Fiscal Agents aH below, with checks or drafts payable to tho order of WALTER O. HUDSON & CO. WALU-R 0. HUDSON & CO.. fiscal Agents 312 Stock Exchange Rulldlng, Rostnn, Mans, MumucrH ncaumom un uxcnangu and Hoard of Trado, -Vep)ioue 1 o.irt. Boyd Commission Co Successor to James E. Boyd ft Co., OMAHA. NEB. COMMISSION CiHAIN, PHOVISIO.MB ACT) STOCKS. Uukid of Trad Batl4lnff. Direct wire to Chlcato and Nw York, Cunespondence, John A. Wunu ft Co. EXPORT OIL & ! 4 fl i $