8 THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. July 28. 11)01. Preacher's Dog Story Hid.-, hut ho kept up such n racket that no was doing very well, when the peoplo oh iino could sleep on tho plneo nnd when the Jccted to the milk and butter on account Stair Senator John Thompson Is about mini opened the door to ilrlvu the iIob off of tho sewage used In enriching the land, mie of lli' best storytellers In Hh'ho parts, bo rushed Into hlB bedroom and nt once bo- although It Is said thcro was no evidence snys the Nnshvlll- llaniii r, and his reper- Mime very iulet, lying down near tho foot of III effects therefrom. I am told that cat- tolrc Includes a lot of good ones, tlsh nnd of the bed, where he slept all night tie double In value after being on the farm otherwise. On the truthfulness of some he "Karly In ihe morning, the ninn said, he six months. will sink" his reputation for veracity, but got up and opened the window, and the In- 1 have spoken of Queensland as being one he K lU one which he always prelixcs ullh slant he did ho the dog seized his pania- of tho frontier colonics of Australia. Never- th- statement that It was told him by u loons In his mouth and, Jumping out of the theless It Is ono of tho best markets tot ii.iniHh'r or the gospel, ur. lianiweii. who winnow, lied. our agricultural machinery and It has as "The man followed as soon us he could up-to-date farm Implements as ynu will get his limit). nnd anywhere. It has reapers and binders. "Hearing this siory. my friend got the steam threshers and nlso six-furrow plows pantaloons and on searching the pockets drawn by twelve horses to break up Its fount! the half-dollar lie bad hid under the land Its larger sugar plantations have rock the afternoon before." steam railroads and no money Is spared .. , , when Improved machinery Is needed. I Jl IK Mil" Of "IlOneV" '"ip Qneonslanilors are now Improving their stock. They have many Shorthorns Atlanta Constitution A correspondent and other good cattle, and this notwlth- 'hihhIoii of ono of these visits. Wo were asks If the word "honey," as a term of standing the ranches are often far In tho nit on tho vorniida smoking ono evening endearment, Is peculiar to any section. Interior. The cnttle are sometimes driven nfier supper. The doctor was f-nil rf dogs Well. It's long been In use In the rural hundreds nnd even thousands of miles to will lie remembeieil here by the older In habitants as ttie assistant oi Dr. IMgar of revered memory, who was lastor of the c'tmI I'renliylerlan church during the lat ter years of (Jctictnl Andrew Jackson's life, and attended the old hero In his last III ii km Senator Thompson said: "lr. Itardwcl! used to visit my father's limine when I was a boy and the sloty I am .iliiMit to tell j on was related to me mi tin I'icTi incsqi'i: noktiiwkst ni:iihask had lands at aduma ud was a prelty guml sportsman and nat urally the conversim- n turned on this sub Ject. "SpeaUlug o( ili g ." said Dl' llaidwell "roinluds me ot a dog willed belonged to a friend of mine In Mississippi. I hnd been Invited In hold sen lecs at a church near this friend's house anil wrote him to mistaken meet mo at the station, some six miles from his house, on thiv Saiuritiy afternoon before Sunday, the day of the appoint ment. "Ho was on time with horses and we ttarted to his home. I noticed that a very handsome bird dog followed us, and. hav ing heard that someone In that neighbor hood owned ail especially well-trained trick dog, I asked my friend about It. " 'That's the dog.' at the same time pointing to his dog which had ran nhead of us nnd was waiting at the forks of the road. "I asked him to make him perform a trick, lie got down from his horse, called Hie dog, and. taking out his pocketbook held It to the dog's noK disirots of the south but It Is nearly as tho markets. n hen an laws which keep old as the hills Shakespeare used It In tho cnttle roafts open and which provide. when the Moor says to Des you shall be well-doslred In "Othello, demolia . Honey, Cyprus. Also the poet Coogler an' wo aro not hath a rhyme to this purpose: In the days when life was sunny Susan smiled, nnd called me "Honey," We once heard a lllllvllle matron calling that they liavo the right to feed half n mllo on ench sldo while passing through the country. Tho Inw also requires that the cattle move at least six miles a day. On tho cattle ranches tho stock arc rounded up and reclassified every year Every five years they have what Is called a "bnng-tall muster" to count the cnttle. At this time they clip the hair off tho end to hei husband, who was digging halt In of tho tall of ench animal for about two the garden. "Honey, ef you don't drnp thnt InchcB, banging It. as It were. Such cut hue an' fetch mo In n cord o' wood I'll ting will show for about two years. Hooks nro kept of tho number of bangs and In tho round-ups every hoof, horn nnd hldo must be accounted for. FRANK fl. OAUI'KNTKK. break this wnshpot over yer head. Honey!' Carpenter's Letter (Continued from Seventh Page.) rXrf aie I fcelv to In' n-ed fur ghuiiur cntl'-i If Mm km u sou would l"1 Mile to ill Miami Lion Coffee which 14 outer c-i t) t Jl I II ti I (' I with in giiuliig.if nil) "(irt. either citt r glue Jii-I pure, fieidi, fttrntnt, tin -Hint ciillec. I liiiM-.ilel i,irkiiK-litiri' uni form iii.illi iiii'l fri-lmi' There is Reason I'or all tilings, nnd so there ore many ti asous wliv every family should keep a i.ihc of our famous lllue Itlbbon Mottled Hn r nt all times. No drink more uttr.ie the, no 1 1 1) ll til more longed for. no beer nmre satisfactory For a Dainty Luncheon There Is nothing equal to Met. Fine llottled Deer. It mills the finishing touch nnd supplies a cool, refreshing beverage which everyone appreciates. Made from host hops, selected barley and pure water It Is a healthful tonic and far superior to tho usual trashy summer drink. Order a ense, put a few bottles on lee nnd you will never be without It again In hot weather. Metz Bros. Brewing Co., IIOTTI.Kn IIKKIl. BKEWBD AND UOTTI-KD IN OMAHA Telephone lilt. Our Hlue Itlbbon, taken Just before te- trlng, produces sound nnd refreshing deep. The worry nnd cares of the day are liable to overtnx the nervous system, and a good tonic Is absolutely necessary. Storz Brewing Company Telephone 12(H). Choice Confectionery GOLD MEDAL. Chocolate Bon-Bons THE pe0ENT SHOE Co S; . b-V' J Mr, SSSSSSSJl Hl MAKER to WEARER Tan Oxfords The coolest, the most comfortable shoe for this hot weather made In the same up-to-ilnto styles and reliable qualities of leather that have made tho famous REGENT 13.60 SIIOKS so justly oopular. You can't buy their equal for less than $3.0) nnd $G 00 Our prices 12.00 and $3.60. Regent Shoe Co, UIR SOUTH ItVNI 9THKKT. Bend for Illustrated Catalogue. KEARNEY MILITARY ACADEMY KHAUNM3V. N13II boarding scliool for boys under the port which was to Inst for flvo years. For tho first yenr wo were to recolvo from tho government 4 cents per pound for nil we shinned, tho second year 3 cents, tho third v,mf niiti a ni,l Mm r.inrttt unnr 1 ,an llilllllliy HYMU'lU. IJVIIU I1H1UI11. II II till 1 lie then took Tl, r..,il. w Hint Hi., tinnnl., nt nni- 1 t.r,n'".,,1K...,'el't ,..r,,l,!iro . "'" '' College. . ,, , .. . .. . ,i . ' ' uieui uiinuue rerms low on account or out n silver half-dollar nnd wnlklng somo hegnti t ntudy nnd oxpcrlment. Men who endowment Send postal card for lllus- fi ,llul,,iw... lulu (In, utimlu riiluml llti n 1,irin 1.1 ..... ii-i. .1... i.t tnttt'il en I II loittln til ' , . ivijuill UUl (Mill M llllll'll V.-IM1 llllUCl lilU Ulll I , I , , i- iV , , , , c, t ,, l . . i rock and put the money under It Wo nw8 i,0UKlll llnry riirlu8 ll8 80on n8 lho UAUH N HI SSI.1,1.. Head Master then resum iiir Journey and wiien prop- i0unty was nromlsed. nnd now our butter STRICTLY III 0 II GRADE, Sent by Express In 1, 2, 3 and 6-pound boxes COc pound. nlilv half a mile awav my friend called his dog and told him to go bark and get the money. "The dog without tho least hesitation, started back on a run and my friend ex plained as Hie rock wns heavv the dog vt ubl be unable to turn It over, so would have to scratch under It to reach (lie piece of money and he would mil probably get home before ue readied there. It then being ubout three miles further on to Ills house "However, when we reached home the log was not there. Wo ate supper and still 'lie dog did not cume, nor liitd he put In nn ippcarence when wo retired at almut 10 'clock, "Tim next morning we got up nliout diy- Is selling at high prices In both Asia and Europe. In 1894 wo sold about $3,000,000 worth and In 180."i more than $5,000,000 worth nnd wo now have a market for as much ns we enn make. Wo hnvo Intro duced your Amerlcnn machinery for mnklng butter. Wo llko your American Inventions You seem to know Just what Is fitted for a country llko this," 1 lenrn that tho dairy Industry In South , ustrnlln Is growing. The government has i established dairy classes In Its technlcnl schools nnd Is giving n bonus on butter ex ports. Experiments nro being mndo on I other lines, such ns canned fruits and 1 Jnms for export. South Australia Is trying .o foster silk culture. Mulberry plantn- The Chicago Record b 61 of then Type writers In daily ute YOST iiulit. nnd lienrlng n noise outside, mv fiien I tlons hnvo heen sot out nnd sl!k worms opened tho door and Hie dog rushed In Introduced. So far tho product Is small, dragging with htm a pair of pantaloons but tho samples of silk sent te Marseilles which ho dropped on I lie Hour have been pronounced excellent. In every "(If course, wo wore both mvsilfled, but colony there nro agricultural experts who hnd not long to wall nn explanation, fi r travel nluuit giving lectures nn now things shortly afterword a man who lived several In farming, nnd every colony has Its miles fiom my friend's house rode up on a agilcultural colleges and experimental mule, nnd Inquired If a dog with a p'llr of farms. I iiaiiiiiiocus in ins inciiin nan come into tue - rnrm, hoiiMO. The dog at this moment rnmn out Ono of tho most Interesting farms of in the porch, nnd the man said 'Win. th( klmt la utmrnteil Uv itm rltv uf Aii.t. Hicro'n the dog now.' Initio. It lies about four tulles from the "My friend told his cnller that the dog town nnd contains altogether Sir. acres It I had leallv brought a pair of pantaloons Is so situated that the sewage of the city i home with him. but he did not understand can be conducted by gravitation on the It himself land, the farm lying below the city All ' "The man said that lute In the afternoon the sewage Is strained before It Is die- ho dny before he found the dog scratching tiibuied over tho Intnl. The farm Is worked i under a large rock near the road and think- on Hk' Irrigation principle nnd the strained1 lug lie was nfter a rabbit slopped and lifted sewnf,e Is rarrled over It by means of c the rock up. nnd to Ills surprise found a inent joncrclo carriers and wooden troughs half-dollar on Ihe under side The Holds vnry In area from eight to "He put the money In Ills pocket and the lwenly-lle ncres Many of thorn nro used dog followed him home. The dog nppenred for pnaturo. the rich fei tlllzatlou producing to be frlendlv and Ihe man petted him an I Ibe llnest of grass. At present the cattle gnve him his supper. At night when the raised on the farms are sold entirely for family retired the dog whs put on the out- their incut A dairy was established an If you want a typewriter, why not ootns Brit where you can sea HVEHY OOOD SORT OF TYPB WKITKR In Its beet form 7 TYPEWIHTKIt SUPPLIES of all kinds for all maohlnes. TYPKWIIITKUS RKNTEI). TYI'KWRITHHS UEPAIH1IU. W. S. Balduff, Id'-O l'a run iii Nt., Oiiuilia, lit ij g lahnn ifr Arnlcit, imon Dentifrice !' A mica iralcu Zjijii Hclfc. Tnc only International Dentifrice. The Standard for jo years. I'rsserrra nnd whitens the teeth, strengthen iIih k'limK-sHcvfciianie breutii JJC at All Drugglets, C ll.5TR(),N(l&CO.,l'rop.,Chlceito,U..-i A Tbc finest catalogue crer Issued is yours for the asking. Write or Call. Mr. Wlnnlnw' AnothliiK Sjrrnp hns been used for over FIFTY YEArtS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHIT Hit UN WHILE TEETII1NO. with PER KWT SrrCESS. IT SOOTHES the CHILD. Sul'TKN'S the Ol'MS, ALLAYS nil PAIN. d'HKS WIND POLIO nnd Is tho best rem- ...l. lit ttiiitintA ont.i i... .,-......!.. ,ii , j i 4 i i , i iu 1 4i . niiiu tiy tit HKhm i- In every part of the world Re sure and; nfk for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup"! aim iaKo no oiner Kinu n bottle. I A. I. ROOT. Printer I 414-416 South Twelfth Slice I Tel. 1604 OMAWA, NEB. I New Century 1 r United Typewriter and Supply Go,, 1(114 Fsriism Nt , IIiuhIiii FREE m: WflNT 0NE OF THESE 1901 BICYCLES " mm asaavsssfjsMB hont mlu'itiMimiiU o arv nr te nntiutl to Intnwlurt' the wondt rful Icura llt-fltiarho iiiuu-tH tutu it ry limiu'. Mul la onii-r to Uo vo we mnil irixxi fyrvnU uml nrv wiuiun to aj tin in iwiiui-tiiiu ij wis si v ijs piLHtri tiu jiiiv wiiu will1 THlAI.TllKATn:T lt.S'.. We will lurrcltaaoiiir miy cnio uf Inirrnal.Katrrnitlor llrhliia I'llra the Urrm VUrl'iini f,.lli Twenty-five centsH tucuie. lnitntmlprninenl relief. Wrllratnnrp, tJrrui nrairai ji a. oi.,.iurinniiii, i. OIKT IN THE HOUSE BUILDS THE HIGH WAY TO BEGGARY." BE WISE IN TIME AND USE SAPOLIO aaaaia si iirn. 1 w 11 iiiui Ciiuiitt r Unikv nilu, fiiti, for ulllu uur rtnutly. f JC We lunua ifi'Uiuiluiifor lioiut ilciUin', ivnl In enie II, ttry A mini liu h IU til Uumuf liuni Ilciul uim Tuhli t at 'it iiu i lii will nil im uur ppneruue oiri r et litis U-(ixlatu lml, ff V nlo lAOttrn, Ihlliuut Urate, llh half n dozen double pluteU II 1 1 Tin haiiw hli h we tf u nlwolulrly frco for h Ulnur onlT li II f I lull I'M- 1 1. 1,11 ft llil (l P.. lit, finlop tiulur llltil n.l Ilia tal.tuta V tiytimlhwIuiiriiildH'iid unlln' Sl..'i and we u-uaran1 NX 1 i'iniijr Willi onroifiT wn will Miid yuuwUlilliM Ti Linn rn. Urn IU II, nnd IIik mcyrliMiny ulie fraini'.i I'm' iswIIIIk kih iiiiIiniIiiIiI) fnivKinuniU'r we i II,V. 1.11,1 IMll, 1JIII 111, hi, I ,.,itiltilli. nil nr Ihii In, .hi, mi.hHn. f ICURA REMEDY CO., Bicycli Dipt EIH5 New Havin. Cono. lllvnOt. AlhltliM VI try U tltk-l with ll CWti r llnAi. Wliv uivt.ut in.m. v tnnt l.i. . a 1 ai-uu 1ui wi t uiki H 1 huuwunU inn UMlty thit ww Uu tu w ui V riti tit uucu ) OJrwj iiaranttt If you will tin Tr Homi,th Wl sniHi-Hiite-ctthn iiu'i io iii in- u IT". iiMNit i, (iinutiniiiLT an or mo uhikt imiToo