Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1901, PART I, Page 10, Image 10

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XitIt1 f lprt on Leoal Oittrti Setmi ti
DllUent unci S) steinntle IVnlrrlliK
Krrpn Court Clrnr (if Illlndliiff
Dust Ilnrliiir ( Hot
mill Dry Mlicll. j
A preponderance on tho streets and
street cars between the hours of 4 and 8
o'clock In the evening of white duck trous
ers and light canvas shoes, tho wearers of
which carry tennis paraphernalia In their
hands, has been plainly In evidence all tho
last week, despite the fact that the lead
In the upright glass tubes has been mount
ing to places on tho column before un
touched. In fact, tho tennis revival has proved to
ha a permanent Institution, not the mere
flickering of tho last llamo of an old pas
sion, momentarily revived, Kvldenco of
this comes in strong accents from the local
dealers In sporting goods, Old tennis play
ers havo not merely carted their old stuff
out from the attic or barn just to try It
gain. They havo gone Into tho sport In
earnest, and new nets, now balls, now
racquets, In fact a complete new equip
ment, Is In demand everywhere over the
city where courts have been established,
The unusual length of tho dry spell has
made most of tho courts about town rather
dusty, but this Is done away with by means
of diligent nnd systematic watering down
morning and night. Were It not for tho
otnnlpresenco of tho slendor garden hose
mich times as these the tennis player would
find himself chasing around In dust up to
his ankles, be his court clay or dirt.
A feature of this season's tennis Is tho
predominance of beginners. Of course
thcro nre a great many old ones at the
fame In the city, and they aro out In force,
yet tho host of young people who aro Just
beginning and aro filled with all the zest
nd appreciation born of a novelty out
number theso others two to one. And
theso learners must bo taught the game.
I.otn of I'nltrnt Worlc.
So there Is lots and lots of patient work
In this lino going on. Everyone who has
hocn through tho mill knows what It Is to
try to explain to a "green" one why you
cannot stand nnywhero between the net nnd
tho rcur fonco to servo a ball and the
myriad other things that seem so uncx
plainablo to him who knows not.
Hut this Is only a part of tho system, and
In a way It Is beneficial to tho teacher as
well as tho pupil. Though people gcnarlly
nay Uiat It Is no fun and no training to
play with ono who docs not know the
came, this Is a mistake It docs a great
ileal of good to review your own stylo of
play so thoroughly In Us every elementary
part as you must In explaining It to a be
ginner. You find places in your own work
vvhero you havu become unconsciously lax
either In form or accuracy, and when tell
ing another about tho best way to do It
you cannot help Improving your own de
fects. Next season this side of it will bo lack
ing. Ilccauso tho game has been dead for
so long Its reawakening wns necessarily
more or less In the form of an entire now
beginning. It was almost as If tennis were
new game, Introduced for tho first time.
Hereafter, however. It will bo on estab
lished Institution as of old nnd there Is no
doubt that Omaha will onco moro tnko Its
old placo ns o furnisher of championship
plnycrs to nil the tournaments In the coun
try. Eight years ago no list of entries from
Chicago west found Itself without ranny
familiar nnmcn of Omaha tennis men nnd
women In It. For five years past this has
not been the case, but It will bo again soon.
X.nt-r 13 nil iif a Torrid Month Flint
thu (Jniiip Mill Very
This was tho last full week of tho month
and thercforo tho liveliest ono of them all
In bowling circles. Contests which , have
continued throughout July for monthly
prizes at tho different alleys camo to a de
cisive point during tho last few days, and
culminated In a closo finish fight for honors
during Friday nnd Saturday.
nivalry for theso different tokens of
merit Is always very closo, not only bo
causo of tho honor attached to tho victory,
but bocauso tho rewards aro In all cases
very substantial. Either a cash prize or
ono of n good old seventenn-pnund round
polished chunk of arbor vltno, yclept a ball,
Is n thing not to bo despised, so keen Is the
contest of musclo nnd eye nnd ncrvo from
tho first day of a month till tho last.
A.prlzo Is usually offered In each differ
ent ftatno. Tenpins, ninepins, duckplns,
cocked hat, four-back, flvo-back, snven-up
nnd nil tho rest havo something desirable
hanging ovor tho highest score or series of
cores for tho month.
Almost ovcry player will havo ono favor
ite gamo among all theso In which ho
specializes, and for tho prize In that con
test ho will compete nil ho knows. Hut
omo of tho rollers ploy half n dozen games
equally well, and thoso go after them all,
So competition Is never lacking at tho al
leys and It Is always full of spice. For the
first few days of n month things will roll
long rather quietly, everyone playing a
fair gamo with moderate scores. Then sud
denly Bomeono will leap away abovo all the
rest by topping tho very high notches, nnd
that Marts It off. From then on tho other
bowlcrn nro never satisfied till they have
eclipsed this high st'ore, and for that thoy
This end attained, thcro Is nnother mark
set up by tho now temporary champion, and
so It goes on to tho end. Sometimes tho
leadership rhanges ovcry day or two, Again
one man will cstubtlsli a scoro that cannot
bo reached by anyone during the wholo
month. The gnmo varies In this wny.
This last week has -been practically tho
decisive ono for July ns far ns prizes go.
Evoryono realized that If tho high marks
were not beaten by Saturday they would
probably Jiot ha reached at nil, for thero aro
r, WW?
TttLLHIl and It will be mailed AllSOLUTr.LV FUUU,
only three more playing days In July. So
the strlfo has been fervid, desplto the heat,
and somo smashing good scores havo been
Desplto this fervor, however, tho two men
who bare held the high tenpln scores on tho
two different alleys almost all tho month
aro still at tho top and wilt undoubtedly
draw the prizes next Thursday. At the
Oato City alleys John Yocuin made 267
weeks ago and It Is yet untouched. At
Clark's alleys no ono has been able to top
Frank Conrad's 247, which has stood since
early In tho month.
A scrutiny of tho following excellent
scores will show what great things havo
been doing tho last week:
Onto City alleys; . . ,
Tenpln scores of 200 nnd better: I-red
Krutr. ?frt! w TV Ahol. M2: C. D. Rosen-
burg, 225; (' II. Hrldenbccker, 225. BUS D. D.
Hklnncr, 2t). 20Si Ted Ncale, 204, 20S, 206; W.
Hartley, 2X1, 203, 212, 215: V 8. Sheldon,
233, 23V, 218, 212, 204; John Yocum, 213, 2U,
221, 222, 20fl, 20S; C S. Seaman, 2(H, 209, 203,
222. 3, 212, 210, 2"9.
diaries Kocenuerg is nign ior me nve
bark prize with 207.
f'lnrV'n ntlnvfl!
Tenpln scores of 200 nnd better: W. Vf.
Hartley. 233, W. II. Wlgman, 203; V. C.
Urunke, 215; II W. Lehmann, 2v2; Tom
Ileynulds, 213. 221: M. n. nuntingion,.'2V';
210; John liongele, 221, 217; Charles Lnrp,
212; It. N. Uurgcss, 215. 201; H. C. Yost, 2u2,
211, 231. 222; Frank Fogg. 222, 201, 201, 219;
A. Cole. 213. Vt), 231, 211; V. If. Emery, 202,
222, 211, 207. 223; II. Hefolln, 203. 2v8. 201, 211.
J. 8. Hunter will tako a prlzo with 82 ut
W. V. Hnrtley's score of 233 at tenpins
mrnns a weekly prize.
Charles French and J, H, lluntar are tied
for the nlncpln prlzo .each having made 23
In threu successive names. Thov will ulav
off the tic next week.
Next Wednesday nluht occurs the last of
a scries of eight games between the Omah.i
Jicuiiing company team una the (lute city
team. Tho first seven games have, left tho
Outo City boys with a icad of SGI pins and
It seems hardly possible for their opponents
to overcome such formldnblo odds In tho
one contest left. Thoy will mnko a strenu
ous attempt to do, however.
.MeCrmv of IluHlniorr Kiiucli on the
Menil of tlie American
CHICAfiO, July 27, Tho Trlbuno tomor
row will say: Tho breach between Presi
dent Johnson of tho American league and
Manager Mcdraw of tho Ilaltlmoro club,
which has been gradually widening since
early In tho season, has becomo a hopeless
AIcQraw Is charged with a scheme to dis
rupt tho American league. Ever slnco
McOraw was suspended In May ho has
been nursing his wrath and even threaten
ing civil war openly. Tho latest charge
against McOraw is that ho Is scheming
to turn his club back Into tho National
league along with four others In a move
ment to Increase tho National's circuit to
twclvo clubs next year. To this end
Mcrars. Manning of Washington and Stnll
lngs of Dctrelt bellovo they havo been
"approached" by emissaries of Mcdraw,
whoso advances were spurned outright and
Immediately reported to Uan Johnson.
McOraw denies tho charges nnd defies his
accusers to prove them, but tho languago
ho uses In his denial Indicates little affec
tion for his associates and less for Dan
Johnson, who, ho asserts, Is only an em
ploye, while Mcdraw himself 13 ono of tho
A reasonable sifting of tho facts seems
to Indlcato that the Oriole manager has
been trying to sound somo of tho American
lenguers with a view to forming a com
bination against President Johnson and ro
moving somo of his absoluto authority.
That has been McOraw's complaint that
Johnson was "tho wholo thing" In tho
lenguo, whllo Mcdraw was only ono of the
eight managers.
l'resldent Johnson went to Milwaukee
today, but before departing allowed hlin
Bclf to be quoted to this effect:
"I don't enro how soon tho Daltlmoro
club takes Its bag and baggngo and goes
over to tho National league. Wo don't
want nny llenedlct Arnolds In our camp.
Wo havo known nil that was going on and
are propurcd for any move. I am positive
Mcdraw Is alono In this."
CLEVELAND, O., July 2(5. The accusation
of being a traitor to the American league
Is flatly denied by Mnnager McOraw, who,
on board tho City of Clovoland enroute
to Detroit, said:
"I know nothing of any such story. It
Is absurd and I would like to hear It from
Ran Johnson's lips before I believe it. I
hnvo scarcely talked to Manning slnco tho
season began, let nlonc laying nny plans
to desert. If Johnson has mado such an
accusation ho Is trying to assume a 'Julius
Caesar' role. Ho Is a hired man, gets ns
much money from mo ns ho docs from any
other magnate. Hut ho rocs favor sorve
teams more than others, giving them more
than Is coming to them."
Denver filnve ArtUt Jlnlien the Kill
from New York Look
Xnrrnvt cr.
DENVER, July 27. Young Corbctt of
Denver inndo Kid llroud of Now York look
like an nmatcur In their ten-round go iu
the Coliseum tonight anil was given thu
decision in uio cno or mo nout. enrbott
hat! no trouble In ) ami I hit mi llrmirl nnd
put him to the mnt ihree times during the
bout. Ho lauded un uvorago of live Mows
to Itroad's one and In tho final llroad went
to his corner with blood Honing from Ills
noso and apparently very tired. Hoth men
nnnounced this afternoon that thev were
in lienor condition man ever nerore. Thirty
fh'u hundred spectators witnessed the go,
SmltlillHil AVI n pi 1'iiri.e.
EL.WOOD, Neb., July 27. (Special.) Yos
torday Lexington and Smlthflcld played a
Know u iiuse win un uiu jmwouu grounds
for n purse of $100. Score:
Hmlthfleld 0 1 3 1 1 0 0' 0 -C
Lexington 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 03
Ilatterles: Smllhlleld, Mnskeo and Frn
zell; Lexington, Kennedy anil AtklnHnu.
The feature of the gnmo was tho pitching
of Maskcc, who struck out twelve mmi,
i:nve no bases on balls and only allowed
iciur hits.
Vnelit CI till' l-'ii-at l'Uzle.
VINEYAHD HAVEN, Mast.. July 27. The
squadron run of the Now York Yueht club
from Newport to Mjrtha's Vine vunl nrovpd
to tio tho first Ilzzlo of the cruise. Owing to
luck nf wind, not n single yneht llnlsh-d
within the limit At 8 o clock tonight the
lenders of tho fleet could bo dimly He n
slowly sailing toward tho finish line, but
their Identity could not lio mado out. The
day was full of flukes, tho wind shifting nil
around tho compass. The last of tho boats
did not finish until midnight Neither Con
stitution nor Columbia staited uu the run.
American Otnial to Ihtffiild, England
Visits Hii Old Fritndt.
Interesting Tnlk on TorelKn Affairs
nnd Life Abroad, n Vlevred ly ft
Typical Nelirnnknn No I,onrr
Active in Stnte Politic.
Church Howe, the sage of Nemaha, now
American consul at Sheffield, England Is at
tho Millard. Ho arrived yesterday morning
on his way to his old home In Auburn for
a vacation of about two months. Ills former
fellow townsmen have arranged to tender
a welcoming reception upon his return. The
function wilt not occur until Tuesday and
Mr. Howe will remain In Omaha until then
looking after somo affairs hero demanding
his attention, renewing old acquaintances
and resting after his trip hither. He landed
In New York ten days ago and has devoted
some time since to looking after personal
affairs In tho cast.
Slnco be left Nebraska October 1, 1S07,
Mr. Howe has represented this country In
two of Its most Important foreign consu
lates. Ho was first appointed consul to
Samoa, n position which bo declined after
his appointment had been confirmed by the
senate, immediately afterward he was
made consul to Palermo, Italy. Ho re
malncd thero until October 15 of last year,
when ho was transferred to Sheffield, En
gland. Ills residence nbroad has manifestly
agreed with him, for ho looks strong and
Quit ChewtiiK ClKiirn.
Most of his old "es'-i'.stnnces who re
member him as a participant for nearly a
quarter of a century In tho legislative af
fairs of the stato will at onco recall his old
habit of carrying an unllghted cigar In his
mouth. Whenever ho addressed tho chair
he was wont to remove this cigar and
brandish It about as the wizard Is presumed
to flourish his wand. Those who recall this
characteristic will doubtless bo surprised
when they meet him now to find him fond
ting between his Hps an elongated clgarctto
holder. Ho has renounced the unllghted
cigar and taken to cigarettes.
"O, I quit that habit when I was In Italy,"
said he, referring to the missing cigar, "and
began smoking cigarettes. You know tho
old precept, which advlse3 tho man who Is
In Rome, to do as Itomans do. Well, Pal
ermo Is not far from Itomo. Everybody
smokes cigarettes there. They want a
short smoko thero and tho cigarette Is tho
"I lil(o Italy. It has an Ideal cllmato In
winter nnd even In the summer you never
see any such heat thcro as you havo been
experiencing here. I havo about determined
to spend my winters thoro as long as I a'm
able to do so. In tho summer tho heated
season of tbq day Is from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m.
Everybody is then in tho house eating
breakfast. They do not cmcrgo until the
heated hours are ovor. Their houses aro
all of stone and never get heated up. Night
Is their time. Tho bands play all night
thcro nnd people aro enjoying thomsclves.
Ono always sleeps under a blanket there."
EiiKlund Likes Vm.
"I ltko living in England also. An
American over thero finds his relations
much more pleasant than a few years ago.
Thcro Is no denying that the English people
tako moro kindly to Americans than for
mcrly. Thcro is a feeling of fraternity
among English-speaking people everywhere
that Is bringing thcra closer together and
tho Latin nations all recognlzo the fact.
Tho Spanish-American war gave Ameri
cans a new Btandlng in England and Eng
lishmen all recognlzo that Americans aro
leading them In many of tho affairs of
life. My relations In England havo been
of the most pleasant character, although
my predecessor at Sheffield had somo trou-
blo with tho pcoplo thero. I havo re
organized tho affairs of tli A office and
got along without any friction whatever,
Aiy assisianco comprises a vice consul, a
deputy, a chief clerk and a messenger or
"One peculiarity of my service abroad
has been that In both countrlos whero I
hnvo served diplomatically I have attended
tho funeral of tho ruler. I was In Italy
at tho tlmo of the death of King Umberto,
or Humbert, ns ho is called In America, and
In England at tho funeral of Queen Vic
F.nJojH Sorlal Prestige,
"Shcflleld Is a city of 400,000 poople and
Is tho fourth in point of population In
England. After London como Liverpool,
Manchester, Shcflleld nnd Birmingham
Tho consul at Shefllold enjoys somo social
distinction becnusn that is tho home of
tho duko of Norfolk, who is an important
pcrsouago aud Is really the field marshal
of England. An American diplomatic
representative who Is permitted to appear
in uniform enjoys some additional pres
tige In Europo nnd I enjoyed thnt privilege,
Under a law of congress thoso who served
In the army timing the war aro entitled
to wear tho uniform of the highest rank
they attained in tho service. Tho only
two American diplomatic representatives
who ever woro uniforms In Itnly wcro
General Draper, ambassador to Itomo, and
myself. He wore that of a brigadier gen
eral and I that of major and senior alde-
do-camp on the staff of a commanding
general, nnd, by the way, we both enlisted
In tho army from tho same county In
Massachusetts. In England tho only Amerl
can diplomatic representatives entitled to
appear In uniform were General Osborno,
consul general at London, and myself.
"I am really not taking nny Interest In
politics," said Mr. Howo with an nlr that
Indicated that thero was more sincerity In
tho assertion than In his former well re
membered declaration that ho was out of
politics. "I should havo gone abroad when
I did If I had not been appointed In the
dlplnmatlo service. 1 realized that I wbb
wearing myself out physically and that
after thirty years of such active Ufa as
I had led rest was an escntial. I weigh
twenty pounds moro than I did when I
left Nebraska. I oxpect to spend tho
greater part of my leave In visiting at
The State Electro-Medical Institute, Which Combines All of the Curative Powers of Both Medicine
and Electricity in Our System of Electro-Medical Treatment.
Professional Excellence
In almost every vocation specialty work
Is now called for nnd demanded. This Is
notably true when llfo or health Is In
volved. It Is then that the best treatment
the medical profession affords Is sought
after, and this can only come from the trilu
specialist, whoso deep knowledge, expert
Kill, vast experience and thorough scion
tine equipments have given him complete
mastery over the diseases that constitute
his specialty.
Whatever may bs your ailment, get help
from one wlio his made such cases u
special study. If your eyesight Is falling,
go to a reliable optician or oculist. If yoir
hearing Is defective, consult u competent
aurlst. If a bad tooth Is dlstrcs.-dnp you,
engage the skill of u dentist. Or If you
"?.. uu.rl;!nK Wth fever or shaking with
chills, tell your troubles to a family phy.M
clan. They can do more good than 1 can,
for I do not treat such complaints nor pre-
Hut If you have one of tho serious dls-
wincn IS Urnietllir vo-ir vlfulftf ,r if
our case has been aggravated and made
worse by the uf of specifics, free nam
lVCH...,rllil treatments or similar dovlcci
lr this Is your unfortunate condition I
want you to write us or come to our ofllce.
where you will be welcome to private
ulWZl' " lcrsorml examination
and nn honest and scientific opinion of
your case free of charge,
These dlsenxna nn.i
nnrl thai. U. .... "Y.'"""."."1- """
rh.n, L,r. , "I'eciauy,
no- mono ure my specialty. To
I have earnestly and exclusively de-
7? bf,Htu "l, of rnv during
time I have discovered nnd devel-
wjie various rorms of treatment wliirh
f. jH.i,c.ure, n.n uimuallfleil and abso
lute certainty. In It not worth your while
f?,-lnv.CBtlR'lt101.,i.cure hat has made We
brew tu multitudes of men?
Under our Klectro-Medlcal
treatment this Insidious
li tlka fnrttitl.r .11.
Pain cease, , almost instant ""T o pools of
Srt0'. bll? a,r. drlvcn fror" tho dllatl
B.nd. nI1 soreness and swcIIImk
quickly subsides. Rvery Indication of
tmeC.0Cetif.80nH7nnl',,,e,' nn1 lt t-ad
comes tho prldo, power and pleasure
rSli,, '"-Vy-jr " men, sucti ns VIRICO-
x,'b' WRfS.EY.. or UIllNAHY THOU-
ukbftKFS.Wl1:? "LOOD I'OISON,
Hi-.XIjAI. DEItir.tTV .n ,,in.,.t .....i.i..'
OFFICE HOURS-From 8 a. m, to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 a, m. to I p. m,
1308 Farnam Street, Between 13th and 14th StsM Omaha, Neb.
Eif and Enddsn Ohaage in fiellgians
Eerrices at Cuntj Jail.
Jim Callnlinu Speaks Philosophically
an Method of Army Compared
ivlth Those of Hitch Church
1'riiKrant of the Service.
From tho ceremonious servlco of tho
high Episcopal church to tho Informal
charge of tho Salvation Army Is a wide
jump, but the prisoners In tho county Jail
aro ready to mako It.
Last Sunday Dean Campbell Fair, with
all his Innato dignity and In his naturally
prectso and courteous manner, conducted
religious services In tho Jail and tho pris
oners bolted tho meeting, two of them tak
ing such earnest and opposite vlows of the
ceremony that nothing but a round under
tho approved marquis of Queensbury rules
could settlo the dispute.
Tho Episcopal service having proved
rather too stiff and formal for thu boys
behind the bars, it has been decided to
give them their religion In homeopathic
tabloids hereafter, and today the Salva
tion Army will bo called In to deliver the
flrst of tho new lino of goods. ,
Captain Day, Lieutenant Carrie Thllllp
and Catlot Lutheu will lead tho meeting
and thoy propose to entertain and preach
at tho surao tlmo.
AiIii;Icn to Dick June.
To get the prisoners In good humor at
tho start Salvation Army hymn No. 4S
will bo sung to tho tune of Dick Joso's
negro m'nstrol classic, "Sweet Mario."
Tho hymn ruim Hko this:
Thero's a sea of weary souls,
Crimson sea,
And Its cleansing billows roll
Over mc.
fo this sea your sorrows bring,
And its waves will heal tho atlng,
It Is flowing while I sing
Over me.
Then comes tho chorus:
Over me, over me,
Over :ue, over me,
Let tho mighty billows roll
Over me.
Let mo bathe my wenry soul,
Satisfy mill make It whole,
Millie tho cleansing billows roll
Over me.
Of course somo of tho prisoners will not
bn able to resist tho temptation to substi
tute tho words "sweet Mario" for "over
mo," and this diversion Is expected to add
Joy to tho service.
And then, after the officers of tho army
sermonize briefly, hopo will bo dealt out
to tho prisoners by the singing of this en
couraging hymn:
Como, sinners, to Jesus,
No longer delny;
A free, full salvation
Is offered today;
Arise, all ye bond slaves,
Awake from your dream:
Ilelluve, anil tho light and
The glory shall stream.
For tho conquering Savior
Shall break every chain
And glvo us the vlct'ry
Again nnd again.
Dchlnd tho iron bars of tho jail Is no
placo for lofty flights of tho Imagination,
but It Is regarded as a safe, bet that most
of the prisoners will see something very
like a pardon from the governor as they
A free, full salvation
Is offered today.
And thcro will bo mind pictures of falling
bars vhon they reach this lino:
Shall break every chain.
The prisoners aro, in (act, anticipating
the Salvation Army servlco with a great
deal of pleasure.
"Them Salvation army lads nnd lassies,"
said Jim Callahan, tho star bo ardor, "aro
the real stuff and they don't band us no
guff. Religion's on the square with them
and thoy don't shove It at us on no silver
plattor and then try to choko It down us
whether we're willln' or not. They puts us
on the same level with thorn calls us all
stnnors, which Is according to Hoyle and
Can Be
Obtained Only
on a Single
I do not treat nil disoascs, but cure all I I treat men only
and cure thorn to stay cured.
of perfect health nnd restored innii
liooA. Ctrifttlirn ur Klectro-Medlcal treat
01 Mb lulu dissolves the stricture
completely and restores
every obstruction from the urinary pas
sage, allays all Inflammation, stops every
unnatural discharge, reduces the prostate
Kland. cleanses And heals tho bladder
and kidneys, Invogorates the sexunl or
gatiH and restores health and soundness
tu every imrt of the hody ndected by
the dlscnse.
REFERENCES Best Banks and Ltading Businsss Men in This
then says come and get religious It you
think it'll do you nny good. See, we get a
chance. When you try to force religion on
us tellows in here chances aro we'll balk
and light It off. Everything wo get in hero
on a week day ain't no choice with us, but
It's forced on us so it's only natural that
we kick on having anything forced on us on
Sunday. Dut when you gives us a chance
tako It or leave it alono chances are we'll
take It, even If It's religion. Why, that
Salvation Army was in here one Sunday
two or tlirco months ago, and I'm a sucker
If thoy didn't have halt tho boys cryln' like
kids before they got through."
Senator Millard Ileum thnt Story Con.
centime Removal of Army Head
quarters In Not Ilaxert on Facta.
Word has been received from the secre
tary of war by Scnntor Millard that there
Is no foundation to tho story that the de
partment is considering the removal of the
headquarters of the Department of the Mis
souri from Omaha to Kansas City. .
Tho letter of the secretary is in response
to a letter written by tho senator on the
Bubject como dnys ago and says nothing of
the report of nn attempt on the part of
Kansas City to secure the establishment of
a now department, to be known as the
Department of Kansas, In that city. Tho
request of Knnsns City is that tho new
department Include the posts at Forts
Logan H, Roots, Leavenworth, Itlley, Reno,
Sill nnd Jefferson barracks. These posts
are now all within tho Department of the
Missouri and their removul to another de
partment would leave In this department
tho postB nt Fort Crook, Niobrara and
Robinson, with tho now fort now In process
of construction at Dcs Molncs, Under
tho present conditions at theso postal loss
than a brigade could bo stationed in tho
Department of tho Missouri woro tho change
mado as requested.
It DuT.lfM (tie World.
No discovery In medlclno has over created
cne-quartor of tho excitement that has
been caused by Dr. King's Now Discovery
for Consumption. It's severest tests have
been on hopeless victims of consumption,
pneumonia, hemorrbngo, pleurisy and
bronchitis, thousands of whom it has
restored to perfect health. For coughs,
colds, asthma, croup, hay fevor, hoarse
ness nnd whooping cough It is tho quick
est, surest cure In tho world. It Is sola
by Kuhn & Co.. who guaranteo satisfaction
or refund money. Largo bottles EOc aud
$1.00. Trial bottles free.
II. llellfelil mill Two niiliulifrr Fnrr
Fortunately In un i:eltliiK Hun
nun)' nn I'lirimin Street.
H. Rchfold nnd his daughters, Lena and
Ilunchen, narrowly escaped serious Injuries
in a runaway yootorday. Their horso
hocamn frightened whllo they wero driving
cast on Farnam street, near Twonty-fourth,
nnd started down tho hill at full speod,
At Eighteenth stroet the horse turned south
nnd went around tho corner with such
spoed that Mr. Rehfeld and Miss Hnnchen
were thrown to the pavoment. A wheel
pusscd ovor Miss Rohteld's arm, but sha
vecapod with only a tow bruises. Mr. Reh
feld was badly shakon, but hnd no worse.
Injury than a sprained arm. Miss Lena re
mained In tha phaeton and was not hurt.
Flremnn nloppcd tho horso bcfnro it
reached Hnrnoy street.
Henry (Jrrncr, Fiirmrrly of Cnpltnl
Xutlomil Ilnnk nf Lincoln,
Kile it I'ctltlon.
A reminder of tho failure of the Capital
National bank at Lincoln is the filing of a
petition in voluntary bankruptcy yesterday
by Henry Oerner of Lincoln, who asks to be
relieved ot debts ot 20,0:s.24, and admits
having resources of J6S0. Of tho debts
listed the bank Is responsible for over
(25,000. Tho first Item of debt is one ot
by the Doctor Who Concentrates All His Faculties
Class of Ills.
Contagious Blood Poison
Our special fprm of Klectro-Medlcal
treatment for this dlKease Is practlcallv
the result of pur life work, and Is en
dorsed by the best physicians of this and
foreign countries, It contains no danner
pur drugs or Injurious medicines of any
Kind. It goes to the very bottom of the
disease and forces out every yartlcte of
impurity. Soon every sign and symptom
d sappears completely and forevur. Tho
blood, the tissue, the llesh and bones and
19,846 -CURES LAST YEAR 1 9,846
ftHrfetar Is Xastaatly lUUarad tfc Obatrwotlon XiMlr4 Z4ka Inow
h s-w rirrmc bats.
TmrktmU U Cmwmt ul Wk Km Arc JUrUraa by tha Marts St. Jsasi
Traatmaat AU 3U ,Mr Plr tly i tk AftWaoT Part.
HOIIC TDC ATlirilT 11 "IJ4 " "Tun
J HI K IKK M I wn Km mm I ti mcmmiT t if ounsum.
"GrM-Ka!rt dlMOlvai trtatiira Ilk aaarr feanaath tha sun, core
S"AJUOOOfcJI.R aad BXUItMD PROSTATE, and atrenathana the Seminal
aets, ataftrtaa- Oalaa, aad amlaalnaa IN FIFTKHN DATA.
o tXrmmu tm twin tt)m ataaanch, bat m direct local aaa paaltlra applica
tion to tha anttare Urataral Traat.
tvery sufferer from (Stricture, -nd the offspring, Vorlcocole,
Prostatitis and Somlnal Weakneaa, should write to tho Ht.
James Association, 63 St. James Building;, Cincinnati, Ohio, for
the illustrated work ahowlnr the Darts of the human svstem
Involved In Urethral Ailments, which they
in plain pacKage, prepaia.
lifeeM plainly ferritin, wtitn tbr l
acounUAy llluatrataa In haU-tona, bavlnfe
Vrttarat- AJIrean.
PU&ie Bead to bw aooDy ot fame Complete JHluitrntod Work upon tha
Mala Beaual SytUm, y I Jsa,rrie
curelr sealed,' PREPAID, I ' ' "
$6,000, which represents unearned divi
dends of tho bnnk paid to him as a stock
holder during several years, from 1888. Tho
last item on the list Is one of $10,000, rep
resenting Judgment secured by the re
ceiver of the bank against the petitioner
ns a stockholder In the Institution,
Kiluitril .1. Wnlllnic Cetit Out on Writ
of llnlienn (.'orpiin, hut in
Edward J. Wnlllng, who was arrested on
April 26 on a charge of embeirlcmcnt, had
his liberty for about two minutes yesterday
forenoon, when Judgo Vlnsonhaler released
him nn n writ nf habeas corpus.
On May 10 Walling had a hearing before
Justlco of tho fence Shocmakor and was
held for trial at the May torm of the dis
trict court. In default of $.100 ball he
hnd been locked up In the county Jail ever
since. In applying for a writ of habeas
corpus tho prisoner took tho position thnt
he wns being held lllegnlly becauso the
May term of tho district court bad passed
and ao Information had been tiled against
him by tho county attorney.
Judge Vlnsonhuler granted the writ, but
two minutes later Walling wns rearrested,
tho county attorney having filed on In
formation against him In the mennwhlle.
Any advertised denier Is nuthorlzcd to
gunranteti Danner Salve for tetter, ecicmn.
plies, sprains, scnlds, burnk, ulcers and
any opon or old sore.
I'oiiiifln Jack lloniiir Tlenty.
nmnnpnnnT Cnnn .In v 27. Hofore
iii.tM.,,., .., - -. -
tho Rovnl Oolf and Athletic clubs tonight
Jon Walcott won the decision from Jack
. n . n tv.A .....I nf f!ffrt..n rnlltinff. WAl-
cott kept up a tattoo on Honner's heart and
siomacn iiiirum wi" nn. "
weighed 5 and Ilonncr 103 pounds.
nirnniiiiil Wins Tiiurnninnit.
OLKNWOOD, la., July 27 (Special,) In
the base ball tournament Just finished here
Olrnwood won, Cleveland sennd, Argos of
Nebraska City third and Malvern fourth
Olenwnod bns won six straight names, win
ning first money In two tournaments,
Fels-N.'ipthn sonp iH a treas
ure. Your grocer returns the
money if you want it. '
Fels & Co., makers, Philadelphia.
the whole system are cleansed, purified
and restored to perfect health, and tha
patient prepared anew for tho duties and
pleasures of life.
Sexual Debility
many of you.
reaping mo
vour former
folly. Your manhood Is fatting and you
will soon be lost unless vou do .somcthlne
for yourself. There Is no time to lose. Im
potency, like all ucMiat diseases, ts never
on the standstill. With It you can make
no compromise. Klther you must muster
It or It will master you, and llll your
whole future with misery nnd Indescriba
ble woe. We have treated so muny cases
of this kind that we are as familiar with
them ns you ure with the very daylight.
Once oured by us you will never again
be bothered with emissions, drains, pro
matureness, small or weak organs, nervous
nens, fulling memory, los of ambition or
other symptoms which rob you of your
manhood nnd absolutely unfit you for
study, business, plensurc or marriage. Our
treatment for weak men will correct all
these evils nnd restore you to what nature.
Intended-n hale, h-althy. happy man. with
phyMcal,1 mental and sexual powers com
plete. Riintnrp fte
Cured to stay cured by our
. ir .7. . 5'tnc-ut th.use of tho knlfo,
nnd without detention Horn business.
eciro .Meuicai treatment
Reflex Diseases -
any ailments aro
Ilex, orlclnntlmr
tor Instance, sexual weukness sometimes
comes from Varicocele or Htrtcture; In
numerable blood and bone diseases often
result Irom contagious blood taints In tho
system, or physical and mental docllno
frequently follow linpotency. In treattn
diseases of nny kind we always remove the
origin we cure the cuuse.
Ono personal visit Is
ays preferred, l,Jt
;ou rfttinnf mil ui
our ofBco, write us your symptoms fully.
Legal Contract Sir"
for mtr
nrnmli.,.M Tin tint
hesitate. If vou cannot cull t inlaw writ
hesitate. )
and descrlt
and describe your trouble
Cured While
You Sleep,
send to male applicants, stcurely wrapped
Cut Mt this ooupoa and mall It to t)i
at. Jmi AmaAlitlon with Tour nam ana
ani'Mu a eonr of fhalr exhiualr traatta
tha parta of tti mala uium lnroWt4 In
Fine Vehicles
Low Prices.
Good combination, eh!
HUCKBYE and WOODIIULL grndes-tht
world's best.
We can suit you.
lOTII A .Ml KAILS' AM S'l'3.
no jnDD'c improved
curt km lowt MANiioon, Ni:itvocn
JIakaa Manly Men. Pflce 90c. box, 6 limes
fori:. Uoury refumlfU Ifnotfotlsfuetury. 11 mall
on receipt of price. Hamplei frea, Addrasi
rtr U UU t nhh0 YearsContinuous Prautlea
Lir.n.n.uODD .v.ioti. Ht.i'una.i-.
Bold by Bharman McConnell Drue Ci
S. W, Cor. 18U and Dodge Sts., Omaha
Superior to Aplol, Tanijr, Pennyroynl or Bttel,
Sure Roller of Pain and Irregularis
tlei Peculiar to the Sex.
Aploltne Capaalta for three month cost $1.
Dragilit or P. O. Hor DOei, New Tork.