SPECIAL NOTICES Adverllaetnftnta for these cnliinina yrill ,e tnhru audi 12 m. for tlio ventou; edition nml until Hiftn p. ui. for uiurnlnjc ntiil SnnriNr edition. Hntea, I 1 -2n n nnrd first Inarrtlnn, 1c n ivotii thereafter, Nntlilna; Inkrn for Iraa Minn ar.c (or tlir 11 rat Inaer (Inn. Thrae ndvertlacmenta must be ran conaectitlrelr. Adtertlarra, hy recineaflnaj nnm hrrri) check, caa hare nna era ad tfrraaed to a nnmtirrrd letter In rirt nf The Her. Ana -itra ao addressed will be delivered oa prcaratatloa mt the ahaak only-. SITUATIONS WAXTIIII, Ypt'NO mnn wants work; understands horses. Aililrti-M C C9 Beo. A 439 2'i WANTI3D-.1I ALU help. (WAMhD-Wo hnve steady work for a few K'jod-h'tatlcrs nf good habits and appear once. O. F. Adams Co., 1M3 Howard St. " . U 303 BARBLR trade tnught thoroughly In short t me: enttlngue nnd particulars free! Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. B-301 t WANT f.D, hnusewrcckcrs to lllo bids on , musical festival lumber material, (gravel, f'o-.' l l-'tli nnd Capitol avc. Inquire J. K. Knowles, superintendent. B MS27 BRIGHT young man totaktTrT shorthand iioholnrshlp In best school and pay for It wht.'ti course Is finished and position se cured, Address C 40. Hen. H 2X5 23 l'i:..WANT. 0 r"escntntlve In every larao ' - V. K?0" wn-fs; congenial work. For finv1'-'''?," .T.rlto A, Wllllum Uiitenrovo, ,.Uox to,, Boulder, Colo 11-M.luJ 30 ,VTiT.EI,shno salesman. Nebraska Clo'hlng company. H-M25 bre"d 'naker nt Smith's bakcry7TlC2 'T'. "v",nup Council Ulurrs. B IB7 -ATK!-.KxperIcnced Urfssgoods' snlcst L"1'": "ston Store. J. I,. Brandies & B-MI79 26 VniNrv':tfi'.i'ilr?H cin"" """"'" nt Qnimfho. tel, Crfnoll Bluffs. B-MIS2 2fi WANTED, bar porter; state reference Lower office. J. 'd. Merrick, Uncnln. Neb; h io '.A.T,?,).,1 ''XI'Tncfd snap salesman; rc piv, aiming asp, experience, references. "l"ry expected. Address U 57, llco. . n-srta; L,i.hr',AN wnn",(1 Nebraska: good s i t,ry or porcciitrige paid npoclnllst for i . ?r,ifc,!c?! ,'Vf,'r,,"C0" wnilred. Brit r, LSISl,':nI tliutc, Sheldon Hlk.. I.I. -coin, Neb B-M491 28' wrt'll?' .ft'TH"0 '"V11 or Unhhtr to m . 1,1 .r'eetrntype department Cr?ai Mistern Type Foundry. Omaha. H-Mlt WANTED-l'E.llAl.li lima. WANTKD, 200 girls. 1521 Dodije. Tel 70. C 303 WANTKD. girl for general hntieuwork, fnm. lly of threw. Mm. Simeral, 7i) n. "Jth Ave' c-a? FIFTY glrl. all kinds work.anarln Oulce, C 27J imiClllT youriif lndy to tako a shi.rthnnd jcho arshlp In the bent school and nay for It when course l3 finished nnd posi tion secured. Address C to, nee. C--234 25 WA V.AiiT.BP." pp"3,lUco-F,rl' iarn.ihl Sons, Koston Store. - 'C--m 21 ASl7!i$J,UI,N' 'h'lnrlH;. besides. , tan isn't Satin-Skin Cream and Powder. 25e. ... r C-M511 id GIlll. for general housework: permanent plnco. 523 N. 20th st. q-i-M5C9 2S Bc fi?tiLHU'flKn omc! Address C6I, Bcc.F C-M5C6 23 , ' Tor hunt hol'siss. II' YOU want your houses well rented pince them with Uenewa A Co. D-M7 TO MOVE right, sot Omaha Van Storage Co., ofllco 15UVS Famani, or tel. 15E9-S63. D-308 HOUSK8 for rent In all parts of the city Urcnnun-I.ove Co., 320 South 13th Htreet. D-209 HOUSES,' stores, llemls, Paxton block . D-310 BEE HENHY U. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE D-311 ' .HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1321 Douglas D-312 HOUSES and flats. IlinEwalt, Barker block. D-313 HOUSES wantedi Wollace, Ilrown block. D-311 "217 fiUMINQ, S-room hoube,- all modern u except furnaeet rent, 120. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. ICth and Douglas. If D-980 B-HOOM brick bousci modern, 2717 Jackson. Telephone A. Traynor, 491 or L25S3 D-5D9- JFOIl RENT. 2102 N. 29tlt ave house, newly papered and painted; six line large rooms. , Seo N. L. Tumble. 121S Furnam. D-M193 FOR HE NT, 10-room. east front, brick house, 30S N. 22d st near Davenport. Inqulru next door. D M2I9 FOIt RENT House nnd bam: nil modern: 2137 South 33d St. Apply i2 Merchants' National Dank llldg, D 3uC 7-ROOM flat. 617 8outh 16th. Clark Powell. 311 New York Life. D--575 JIOUBE for rent, Bevcn rooms, 2532 D:iv enport at. D-45I2J' V9t. RJSNT-,,12r0H"' modern brick housed 20th and California, MU.50. dctttf1 J35l,0rn l'rlt:k ll0U80( lfi"1 "d 1,UI'- 'S-rootn' modern brick house, 21st and Har ney, $3o. THE HYRON REED COMPANY. 211 South llth Street. . D 5(11 31 UEAUTIFUL cottago on Oeorgla in-o." (if h rooms, nil inodern. nleo yard, with barn. YlWl,hhV,x Comim-' Main Moor N. 1. Lire lildg. D I9S 2S 10-RO'JM house, all modern. law Harney st D-M6W 2S for iiuvi'-rimMsiiun hoomj.. DEWEY, Eurapean hotel. 13th and Farnam, E-319 THE THURSTON, cool, airy rooms. ' E-320 THREE roams, light housekeeping. 111! South llth. E-S15 DOUUl.E parlor for two gentlemen. 2203 Cuming St., second iloor. E 20S CHOICE furnished rooms, detached house, close In, lawn and shade. 2215 Farnum st! E III 27 Housekeeping rooms $6 up. 263 St. Mary's. E-150 A22 t-'OOL, large front room with two beds, bath, closet, board If desired; gentlemen preferred; reasonable. 3515 Howard street. c E-MI77 23 FURNISHED HOliMS AMI 1IOAHD. ' UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St; F-32! 3LENCAIRN, transient, H.25 day, 1609 Doug. F-323 THE Mcrriam, summer resort, 25th Jfc Dodge. F-32 1 TWO lorgo front rooms, with board. 1909 Capitol Avc. F M9I7 DESIRAI1LE rooms. Tho Pratt, 212 B. 25tii st. F-S.'B DESIRAULE rooms, llrst-clnss board. 2.1SI Harney. F-M510 28 l'Oll HHNT UNFUHNIhllKU ROOMS, J1.8K room space. U per month, ground floor room In Tho Keo building, facing Farnam street, no expense for light, beat or Junltnr service. R. C. Peters A Co., Rental Agents, lice building. Q 411 rou h i:t-s ion us axij officks. VOH UENT-Store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply H. c. Peters & v.u kiuuiiu uoor, ucc mag, i it FOIt HENT The building formerly occu pied by The Uec nt 91C Farr.am St. It has four storleti and a hiiHmpnt whlrli 'ns Jprmtrly used as The llco press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. O. Hose- water, sccruiary, room iw, Ueo building. i zui FOIl riKNT, onicc, with vault, nnd pirt first floor or all top Moor, 1IU-M iinrney st. Midland UlasB & Faint Co. uiu iiurney st. , lUi AtJUNTS WAXTUO. wanted canvassing agents in ovory county to solicit subscriptions for THU TWKNTIKT1I CKNTUHV FAH.MUIl nlitl the NliW CYCI.OFKDIA OF I.IVK STOCK and CUMPL'Hi'E STOCK 20C TOH. This splendid book contains t.WJ iinperiai ociuvo pages, iw oblect-teiicnilig ingravlngs and is tho only book on live stock ever published adapted to tho every day, practical, money saving use of every farmer and stock owner. Steady employ ment with ussured good Income. Agents In tho country with horse and buggy es Pf lully desired, Lanvanscrs make easily JfiO to JIW per month. Addrufcs, Conlury i ouuciiurs iureuu, iioo ouuuing, uniuuu. J 17 WANTKD Agents to sell our sensible en dovvttiuni policy: call or address C. O, Lobeck, Mgr. Nebraska Dent, the Security Ufc and bavlngs Ins. Co., til6 N. Y. Mfe, j"i". j Miii jy-iT AuKNTS wanted for Drummond's lightning iuiuvuien lur rneumaiism; fw tor un in curable case; restores stiff Joints, drawn vonm anu iinrdeunl muscle. If your uvuiir nun noi goi incso remedies We will 'end tho full month's treatment of two .i!,'KV' ,buttl' on receipt of to., Drummond muitwc u., o iMassau st Kew vorK. J MM AID AObN rs Actlvo lady ng nts to. sell our Buuua. uur - aimpiex BKlrt and Waist bUPDOrtor .J it WilHH l- rr.,i.H1.-, n,.n.. better on the market. Send 20o for sampio u.iu iviiiiuij. uvs .MOIMCF 3K1TI UtlU COT- set Mfg Co., 72J-2 Grand avc., Dea Moines, J- WAXTIJD TO HH.VI'. 1 .".ant to rent a good stock farm In rsr irasitn. Address, 0.0 New York Mfo Hldg.. omaha JC-M3S1-27 Wiw.?l:V.IiV,i'.0Vf11 r f'lK''Tom modem hojse, located wist ot Luth st., not too fur out, west or south. Address C (S. licu- K-502 2.5 VX.!10..10 r,'n rP.r "ol tnl purposes, u large houhe cuilrally oca ed on car line, tonialnlng 12 to 15' rooms,, modern liu. provemonts urs. Honnenberg, Arcade tiotcl Jv .MOOl VfOliAGC. VuRlV10 s,oriKe nnd Wurchouso Co.. 912 Wl Jones, general slurago and forwarding. 32S OM. Van Stor. Co., 15il4 Furn. Tcls, I559-S03. ' -321 STORAOE-Houschold goods nnd otlinr ar: ries stored at low rates. J. J. Dcrlght ii Co.. 1119 Farnum St. Tel. 35! -aiS FOIl SALE-FUHNITUHE. CJ,liP'P FU'itltaro Co.. 1110 Dodge. Tol. exci,ed dh"n" fUn"tUru bou""u- U.V.L ur ,!.ur,llluro' at Knterprlse FurnTT ture Co. We have purchased 11 big bank rupt s ock and will' close It out ut 25 per cent discount. 102-1 S. HUt Tel. 2296. . O-MU50 Jy30 FURNITURE of 7-roo'm flat. 'Vlecan'tlv eauJnped, tltw locuHoiu cheap rnf, UQiitlemen roomers; party leuvlng city a burgain J. 11, Johnson. N. Y. Life. 1 ' 0-425 FOIl SALE-HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC. QUICKEST nnd b6st repair work on ve hides H. Frost, llth and Leavenworth. ' P-297 FQ.H SALE., a hlgh-grado rubber-tired pnoeton in ai condition. Address ceo. ll ee. I' I'OR SALI at bargnln prices: One exten sion toji surrey. Jtij; one canopy top sur rey, rm; one, rubbr-tlred phaeton. In splendid condition, WO- F. A. Huelow l.lll Jonen st. p M.Vfi 2S FOn SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Q-330 " iDHAND safo cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. Q-332 SAFES, standard makes, sold, rented, 114 S 13 Q-333 BIO line of secondhand wheels, $3. J3, $s, 310. Omaha Bloyclo Co.. 16th nnd Chicago St Q-331 TRADE your old wheel In on a new one. Omaha Wcyclo Co., loth nnd Chicago St. , Q-:S7 DO PIANOS, J50 each, &) cents per week Schmollor & Mueller. 1313 Farnam 8t Q-M319'27 FOR SAIvE. three very flno Great Dano puppies, pedigree stock, very choice; don't answer this add un ess you uvnnt Una stock. H. F. Wurn, 1108 Farnum st. " Q-MI1S 27 CIGAR AND NEWS STAND, with soda fountuln. lino furniture of 3 room, good laundry paekngo business, good location party going to Buffalo; soil cheap. J. n Johnson, Ml N. Y. Life) Q-MI70 BECOND-HAND Knabe piano for sale. C 65. Bee, ' Q-M16S 26 CHESAPFAICE bay puppies! finest retrlv. -rs on waterfowl: reasonable prices. A. J. Hayne, 321 North Twenty-third street: Q-MISO 30 FIRST class fresh mllch cows for saio. r30S Burt St. Q IS5 26 ri.AIHVOVANTS. MRS. FRITS', medium. S19 North llth. 8-333 MMK. OYLMER has roturned nnd resumed business. Parlors, 315 South 15th street. S tv PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superfluous iiair remuveu uy ueciriuiy. u. 1, i renzer block. U-337 VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, NsholcsoniQ home treatment. 313 Ueo Bldg. U-33 SUPPLIES for nil machines; machines for rent. White Sowing Machine, 1620 Doug lab. Tel. 22J1. U 339 PRI ATE hospital for ladles before und (luring coullnciuent; babies adopteil. 2304 Grant St. U 3U FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mall urucm Buuciieu. umunu 'leating lq j.isj Douglus. t, u- J-313 WE RENT sewing machines for 75 cents per week. Wo sill parts for and repair every sewing rrlachtiio manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, Corner 15th and Harney Sts. U-421 Jy!3 M. GOLDMAN &. CO., only perfect ac cordion pleating plant In the west; mall orders solicited. Sulto 200, Douglas Block. U-34! SHOE Repairing. M. Sperduto, SIS N. 16th. U-fOSS A-5 WE rent sewing machines for "5,ccnta per week; wo repair and sell neidles and Phono 1603. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor, 15th and llarney. 1 Jj-137 A13 fME. SMITH, baths, lis Nri5lh72dfioo"r iuri lur cmiy iiiuuiiuie mannt.icturea. MMK room 7. iti tr WILL tho persons who saw the street car accuicui iu ism nnu uummg streets on Monday evening. July 22, 1901, kindly send their, names und addresses to James G. Jewell, 390 N. 22d St., city. U.-M0 31 AS THE latest style In complexions Is a satin skin, why not be In tho "swim" and uso Satlii'Skln Cream and Powder? 25c. U-.M512 26 MONEY T I.OAN-REAI, ESTATE. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas W-352 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N Y. I. W-3J3 THE QtAIIA MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. 'NEY to loan at 4V4 and 6J4 per cent cn .nana property, w. 11, leiKic, vn o. nin 3ol 5 AND Sri ncr cent loans. W. 11. Thomas, First National Bank building. Tel. 1018, IV 356 MONEY TO T.PAN nn Imnrnvcd run! eatntff 6 rtr cent InlprMh nn rnnimlAMloti tirlvl lego of paying hj or more before ma- luruy. isorinwestern Mutual Lite ins f 'n T i V, ii, r 1 1 . 1. tfM,nt ln,.t. .,n.n 2H Hrst Nat'l Hank Illd;., Omahn. Neb. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W Farnam Smith & Co., 1S20 Farnam St. W-337 4VJ TO 5 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxtcn ulk. W-M60-S JSO.ono SPECIAL fund; loans ,00 up. lowest rates, no delay. Garvin Bros., 1613 Far nam, w MV.J f300. 1100. J500 nrlvnto monev to loan! 1. 2. 3, or 5 years. W. L. Sclby, Board of Trado "iug. v -;s MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real tsiuie. urcunan-Lovo co aoiun ism, w aits WANTED, city loans, bonds and warants, ueorga company, itui f arnam streoi. W-3IS WANTED, cltv nnd fnrm loans: also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., .702 I' arnam Bt., use uidg. w arj MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. DO YOII NEED MONEY. We loan 110 and up on furniture, pianos, norses anu otner cuatiois. SALARY LOANS, without mortaace to ueotiln holdtnt: ncrma ncnt positions. You can get the money In a icw nours niter malting application ana f.,1... t O " i . T. .Tt,...tu It. ...hink . (. ( v. if ti, w. i, v, w iituuiiia u. ii.v.v ill ..iiiii to pay It back, and you need not pay for it one uav longer man you Keep u. wo chutge nothing tor papers und we give you the full amount In cash. Tlicro are no lower rates than ours; our terms nro the easiest; our business Is conlldontlal and our motto is "try to please. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 119 Board of Trado Did-. Tel. 2295. (Established li'JZ.) M S. 16th St, X-35S CONFIDENTIAL LOANS. on houso hold furniture, pianos, horss, wagons, etc., In two hours' time; ulso to salaried people on their plain notes, with out sfcur'ty Easiest payments and low est rates In Omaha Private Interviewing room. American Loan Co., room 312 Brown block, cor. 16th and Douglas Sts,; entrance on ltiin hi., opposite x. u. u. a. iiuir. LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO salaried j'liui'LE, mcrcnanis, team sters, boarding InusM. etc.. without se curity; easiest terms; 40 olllccs in principal cities, 'roiuiuu, nu uouru oi xrauo Bldg. -v Ml LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE live stock, etc. Quick sorvlco and lowest rates guaraniecu. j, w. taxloe, 633 (to (Iloor) Pnxton block, northeast corner 16t and Fa. nam; cntranco ui 16th street. X 363 eiry. uorscs, cows, etc. u. it; uecu, aia a. u. A. OUS MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses. cows, jcwciry, uuu ureen, it. s, uarKcr but A J 1,000.0) TO place, quick. M. J. Kennard & bon, suite 3io. urown uiock. Jt 3CS WE LOAN money to salaried people on ineir note at lowest rates; sirictiy conn dcntlal; pay weekly, semi-weekly or monthly. Room 303 Paxton block, 3d iloor. Reliable Credit Co. X 623 BUSINESS CHANCES. I AM offering for sale my entire business- wood, coal, teeu nna groceries, aiso uuna ings and lot.- For particulars lnqulra of Thos. Rlshtou, 2406 West Broadway, Coun cil Bluffs. Y-MI03 WANTED Ladles of ability to manago branch omccs; must navo somo casn to cover, cost" of remedies. Thyroid-Lymph Co., 000 Beo Bldg.. Omaha. Y 601 A-2 F.OR SiTE or trade, half or wholo Interest ,,111 urijg store;, iifira wuuu uour, ..uiiiiuwb gusmaenme. suuu iuuiiiuiu. uiu.. in a lively county' scat. Thyroid-Lymph Co., COO Bee Bldg. . Tf'VSS FOR SALE. New York racket store; good business in good town or 2,bW; invoice niout $1,100; best of reasons for r.elllng. Address C 2S, Bee. Y-MSS3 20 iOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Milliner stock: Invplco ?450. What have you7 Will consider well located raw land. T. M. Cllne, 123S Q street, Lincoln. Neb. Y-MI7S30 FOR SALE, good paying retail business. VMi casn. Aiiarcss rv. k, cor. 27tn nnd Harney. Y-M507 Al FOIl EXCHAN'nn. TO EXCHANGE FOR LAND: Three-story nricK DiocK, u stores, iu uats, corner, on car' lino, rental value $3,000; property clear; price, J27.5O0. . D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. Telephonc'S29. 310 N. Y. Life nidg. Zi All 93 27 FOR SALE-HEAL ESTATE. RANCH AND FAPM lands for sale bv the union t'uciuc unuronu company, n, A. MoAllaster, land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Nob. RE-SS7 FOR SALE. 320 acres of lnnd nt a bargain. in section iiuriy voui. in lion county, Neb. Address F. J. Neaslmm. Ottnmwa, To. RE-J1930 28 HOUSES and lots; In all parts of city; n'ao ncre properiy nnu rnrm innns. i ne o. F. Davis Co., Room 552. Beo Building. RE-370 IRRIGATED LAND FOR SALE. Tn th rich valley of Loup river T can offer inr boio many inrm at renonnnie prices. This land Is n rich sandy loam and pro duces elegant crops. Tha farmers aro fast nuttln? their 'and Into alfalfa, which brings them flno returns, thrco and four crops a year being harvested nt little or no expense, netting ns high ns $30 per ncre Income each year. Most of this land Is under a fine Irrigating cannl. with a steady nd reliable flow of water from tho Loud river. I will nnme n few nieces. 240 acres. 1 mile from county seat; 20 acre-, meadow, balance pasturo land. Price, $760. 100 aero Vt mile from county seat; good S room cause, orennrd. lots or timber, so acres be Irrigated. 20 ncres lino al falfa. 115 acres pasture. Price. $4,000. 100 acres.- house, windmill, orchard, 60 acres pasture, ni acres rarm land, ho acres irri gated. Price. $1,650. 320 acres, 100 undsr plow, balance pasture; house, windmill, barn Price. $1,150. 100 ncres. fine place for stock, frame house, orcnaru. barn, plenty of water and tim ber Price. $S00, 200 acres, 75 acres plow land, balance pas ture, on good clay sell. Price $33 per acre. 160 acres, 25 ucres cultivated, $5 per acre. 1C0 acres, 50 icred cultivated, $4 per acre. 170 ncres, with fenced meadow that will cut cu to 75 tons hay, small framo liouso and stable, good stock farm. Price. 11.100. Many others that are good bargains. AH un iunii win pronuce tne dcsi or airairn, with a good market and ready sale at good prices, being near the cattle ranges. Write for nartlculars. H. A. STEWART. Taylor. Loup County, RE-575 CORN LANDS nnd stock ranches In th "Vi tuu"T,' rne tor my lUt. W. II. CleincntE, Lyons, Neb. ItE-ICa HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also ,,w ...uu.udkv, ijciuiB, i uxian nut. RE-S7I 3 COTTAOES and lots for snle cheap: So. 17th St 2162. Inqulru In brick Thous'o li rear- HE-M3i6 27" SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE. RE-372 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. HIS 6S FOR SALE OR EXCIIANniV A well built S-room. all modern house. In good repair, at No. 2215 Burt st near business center of city, High school Crelghton college, etc.; lot 30x132, alley In rear, permanent sidewalk nnd pavement all paid for, owner Is anxious to sell und will accept one-halt In smaller house nnd lot, vacant lots or western lands; look it uver nnd mako us an offer. Price. $3,500. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-MI9I 29 WE havo a number of entile, ranches for bhid iu i.iniiiiii L-iiuiiiy, fteurasan, witn nn abundance of pasture, hay and water: prices range from $30) to $50,ui0; corre spondencn solicited, Buchanan & Patter sun, North Platte, Nebraska, ,KE-MI90 30 DAILY BEE; F1UDAY, MEDICAL. DR. LE DUE'S Female Regulator, posi tively warranted to cure the most stub born cases of monthly stoppages, Irregu larities, obstructions nnd suppression brought on from whatever abnormal, un natural diseased or pathological cause; li n package, oi 3 for 5; sent unywhere pte paid on receipt of price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, 111. American otllcc, retail, wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full line of legitimate rubber goods. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 815 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1661; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Uld. E. Johnson, Osteopathia, Mgr. -34 DONOHUE. Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tel. 136J -37J. A. T. HUNT. D. O., 305 Knrbach Blk. Tel 2331 376 MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK, D.JD., ostco- pathlo physician, Douglas bloc :k. 326-A-19 LOST. LOST, Auditorium brick No. 425. Reward If returned to omaha Daily News. Lost-261 FOt.VD. l'OUND, pockctbook with money and R. R. UcKct; owner cim havu snino by proving property anu puiu tor this notku. Can at 1)214 Ohio st., inter ti:3o p, m. l-OUliu-GOS 25 SHORTHAND ANU TYPEWRITING. A, C. VAN SA.NT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -ill BOYLES" College, court reporter principal, Beo Bldg. jlS NEB. Busliitss Ac Shorthand College, Boyd's Thtuter. UREUU Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 ii Dou DHESSMAlvlXU. ACCORDION und kulfo pleating; also pink- mo Miiu vutuiuu uuiiuua ii specially; ptumptuess una lowest rates In mi our worn; mail outers sullcltuu. Des Moineu bkiru una Corset Mlt. Co., uu-2 Uranu uv'e., Des Monies, lu. bi'A.M.MEUl.MJ AND STUTTE1UNU. CURED. Julb. Vuughu, 430 Ramgo Bldg. J LALMJKl. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, iu; vulfa, ic. nuu Leuveiiwuuh. lei. wi. -'iJU BOILER MAKEltS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tanks, isiucks, etc, J el. Kin una izuru au, -1 PAIVNBItOKERS. EAGLE Loan Olllce, reliable, accommodat. nig; an uusiuess counuuiiuai, 1301 Uouglas. MS FISHINU AND l'LUASLRE HESOIIT. IF YOU want good bass and croppy fishing 6u t'j Muiiuuun. imv. very oeui ot nolel uccoininodatlons. Plenty of uoatu und Diinnuwii. Write 1C. a. Ulttmar tor rates. i 976- JUNK.' 1 . DO NOT sell your junk beforo you get jjiiues ui uiu ureal, iveaicril JU11K 110U30, bl2 Douglas, Omuliu. 'I'honu u. A. Ferer, proprietor. ,. , 23s A16 ACCOHUIOj fl'LEATINU. ACCORDION plcrttlag; . chcapQSt, best, '. Ai df-viark, a. .-Cor. 17th quickest. Ursf. unu ir amain. PATENTS. WILL BUY any good invention "or patent. svuurcsa ock tu. nu, ues -Moines, la. -73 MASON, FENW1CK & LAWRENCE, wasningion, u. c. h. j. cowgin, ugent, 315 Uaingu block, Omaha. Neb. 956 $5 THIS advertisement Is good for $5. Sues a: to,, patent auurneys, iioo diu omalia, Neb. No leo unless auccesst'ul. M291 A1S SATIN SICIN SPECIALTIES. BEST for you, becauso best made. Satin bitin boap, cream and Powder. Usu U proof. 77o PIMPLES, blotches, tan freckles, redness, miiuniiiK, aosorueu, neaieu, removed uy Satlu-Skin Cream nnd Powder; twin beau tillers. Your tacial friends. 2oc. Mol3 2G REWARD. $75.00 REWARD offered for the arrest and conviction ot tne party who entered ana stole shoes from tne sture of 11. Meter at ElKhorn, Neb., the night of Juno 27. Cltl tens Com., Elkhorn, Neb. 417 29 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of curpenter work and repairing promptly mieiiueu iu. j, i, wuuiruc, 2UIU und Lulto Sts. 370 BICYCLES. PRICES that will surprise you; must clear out tno siocu oi now anu second-hand bicycles; second-hand wheels ironi i:,w up; new ones, $12 up. LouIb Fletcher, 16J3 Capitol ave. Kl MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western lowa larms ut 6 per cent, borrowers can pay $loo or uny multiplo; uny lnturest date; no delay. Brcnnan-Lovo Co., 309 S. Uih St., Omana, Neb. W 317 DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 2576 Harney. 7S6 A10 WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED, to borrow, $700 on a 7-room 1V4- oiuij iiiuwLiii Loiiugu, giu-cugo cucurity. C 51, Bee. ,52 EX P E UT ACCO UN TA NT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or ovon- nib, ii i, worn, isat. uaiiK. u. u. itatnmtn. l'fll.MTURE HEPAIIIING. TEL. 1331. M, 3 Walklln. 2111 Cuming St. -3SI POSTOFFICIJ NOTICE. (Should be rend rinllv hv nil interested. n changes may occur nt any time.) Foielun malls for the week rndlni? Julv i 27. 1901. will close (PROMPTLY in nil enses) ui iuu kcuituj pusiiiiiieo as ioiiowh; 1'urcois post mulls closo ono hour earlier than clos. Ing tlmo shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany closo ut 5 p. in. Wednesday. Regular nnd supplementary malls close at foreign branch half hour later than closing time shown below. Trniia-Alliintlu Mnlla, SATURDAY-At 7:30 n. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Rotterdam (mall must bo directed "per s. s. Rotterdam"): at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, psr s, s. Ethiopia (mall must bo directed "per s. s. Ethiopia"); ut 9:30 a. m. (supple mentary 11 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s, s, Lucunla, via Qucenstown. PRINTED MATTER, ETC -Tills suamer takes Printed Mutter. Commercial Pa. pcrs and Samples for Germany only. The 8tn class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by her. After the closing of tho supplementary Irani-Atlantic malls named above addf- JULY 20, 1001. POSTOFFICIJ NOTICE. lloiral supplementary malls nro opened on tho piers of tho American. Knellsh, French nnd German steamers and remain open until within ten minutes of the hour ot sailing of steamer, .11 n I In for South mill Cent nil A mer leu, West Indies, Eto, SAT I' R DA Y A t 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a, in.) for PORTO LICO tvm Snii Juan), ci RACAO und VENtJUELA, per M. Mnracnlbn (mull for Snvun.lhi m,l Carthugena must be directed ",er s. s. Maracaibo'); nt :3o a. m. (supplementary 10:30 n. m.) for FORTUNE ISLANw, JAMAICA. SA VANILLA and CART1IA UENA, per s. s. Athos (mall for t'osta Rica must bo directed "per s. s. Athoi'), at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:')0 ii, in ) for HAITI nnd SANTA MARTHA, p.r s. s. Adirondack-' at lu a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; nt 12 m. tor ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, URU GUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s. Castli Ian Prince, nt 12:30 p. m. for MATAN.AS, CA1BARIEN, NUEVITAS. GI11AKA mil BARACOA, per s. s. Curitytm (ordinary mall only, which must bo directed "per s, s. curltyba"); ut 1 p. in isupp.e incntary 1:30 p. m.j tot BERMUDA, per 8. s. Trinidad. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, und thence by steamer, close at this oltlco dally nt 6:30 p. m. (connecting close hero every Monday, Wednesday ami Saturday), Malls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, and thenco by steamer, closu ut this btllco dally at 6; JO p. m. Mulls for Cuba, by rail to Port 'lampa, Fla., and thenco by steamer, close ut this oltlco dally (except Sunday) nt 6.W n. in. (the connecting closes nro on Monday, Wcdnes day and Sl.turday). Malls for Cuba, by rail to Miami, Fin., and thencu by steamer, closo at this oltlco every Sunday at 6:0o n. m. Mulls for Mexico City, overland, un less specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, closo at this olllco dally at 1:30 p. m. mid 1 1 : C J p. ni. Mulls for Costa Rlcn, Belize, Puerto Corlez and Uuatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closo nt this olllco ilnllj at i:30 p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays ror Belize, Puerto Cortex und Uuatemnlit and Tues days for Costn ltleiii. l(PiH)it.-i-...i ...,iii closes at 6:00 p. ni. previous day. Truna-Piiclno Mnlls, Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan and Phil ippines, via San Francisco, close hero oully at 6:30 p. in. up to July "20. In clusive, for dispatch per b. h. Peru. Malls for Australia (exeunt W,.ut Amtiruiin J which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, I which goes via san Francisco), and FIJI Island, via Vancouver, close ncro dally ai v.m j,. m. niter juiy i nnj up to July "2o, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Aorangl (supplementary malls, via Scattlo und Victoria), close nt 6:30 p. tn. July 'Ml. Mnlls for China and Jupnn, via Vancouver, closo hero dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to July 23, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Em press of India (registered mall must bo directed "la Vancouver"). Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which Is forwarded via urope). Now I rmiclsco, cioso hero dally at 6:30 p. ni. after July 21 and up to July 27, Inclusive, or on arlvnl of s. s. Etrurla, duo ut Now York July 27. for dispatch per s. a. So noma. Mails for Hawaii, Japan, China nnd Phil Ippino Islands, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to July 25. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Coptic. Mans tor Hawaii. vh San Francisco, closo hero dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to August 5, ror dispatch per s. s. Alameda. Trans-Paclflc mnlls nro forwarded to port of sailing dally nnd tho schedulo of closing Is nrrnnged on thu presumption of their un interrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postolllce, Now York, N. Y., July 19, 1901. HANIC STATEMENT. No. 4270. ie...Jiep?rt ot the Condition of. tho NATIONAL HANK OF COMMERCE, At Omaha. In tl'ib. State of Nebraska, at tJio Closo of Business, July 15. l&oi.. Ijntm nnd discounts Overdrafts, secured nnd unsecured U. 8. bonds to secure circulation Premiums on U. 8. bonds Stocks, securities, otc... Banking house, furni ture -nnd Mixtures....... Other real estate nwnnl. J232.0S0 61 1,562 99 150,000 00 10,000 00 2V,6ot fit 9,612 70 f9,440 l' Due from national banks (not reserve ueents)...S a.561 1.1 X)ue from state banks ' 1 1 ntn n. unu uuimuiB .. ,OmI 111 Duo from approved re- w;rve ugents 40,151 63 Internal revenue stamns 42 22 Checks and other cash Items 3,329 4S ixcnangcs ror clearing nouso Note.i of other national banks Fractional paper curren cy, nickels nnd cents.. Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, lz.: Snecle 10,219 64 470 CO 179 BO 7,695 SO legal tender notes 23,002 00 96,201 97 Redemption fund with U, S. treasurer (5 per cent of circulation).... 7,500 00 Total $635,656 07 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In.... $200,000 0) undivided proms, less expenses and taxes na il 17,435 21 Ktiflnnnl linnVr nntq out standing 150,000 03 Due to state banks and bankers $ 6,153 13 Individual deposits sub- Ject to check 228,521 53 Demand certificates of deposit 4,426 02 Time certificates of de- posit '0 Certified checks 2,S3j 60 WdVn". 3.02. 1S-S69.220J6 Tot,,! , $i!3G,6"6 07 Stnto of Nebraska, County of Douglas, bs; I. W. S, Rector, cashier of tho above named bunk, do solemnly swear that the abovo statement Is truo to the best of my knowledge nnd belief. RcRi Cnshrri Subscribed nnd sworn to beforo me this 25th day of July. 1901. u DUNN. (SCli ) Notary l'uuuc. Corrcct-Attcst: VANS. GEORGE E. BARKER, E. A. BENSON. Directors. R AILWAY TIME CAHD. WEIIST12R DEPOT-ir.TH WEHSTEH. I'rrinont, ElUliorn & Mlaaourl Vnlley Lcnve. Arrive. Blank Hills, Dcadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm yuuiiiiHi Casper nnd, e ....(I diw I'm c u.w fin undines. York. David Cltv. Superior, Gcnevn, Exeter nnd Seward. ...b 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont " 7:30 nm bl0:2S am Fremont Local c 7:30 am MUsonrl Pnrlflc. Nebraska Local. Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:43 am Clilt'iiKi'i Ht. Pnul, Minneapolis & Oiiiiibn. Twin City Passonger....a 6:00 am n 9:10 pm Sioux City PaBaencr...a 2:45 pm nllilO am Emerson Locul b 6:30 pm b S:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dully except Saturday, o Daily r-xcept Monday. UNION STATION 10TII ANU MAHUY. Dillon Pni'lllc. Overland Limited.. Fust Mall Leave. Arrive. ,.n 8:20 am a 7:30 pm ,.a 8:50 nm a 3:25 pm ,.nti:35 pm a 4:25 pm Mnll nnd Express Colorado Special niiiSj pm a 0:50 nm t.lncaln.Stromsborg Ex.b 4:05 nm bl2:20 nm Pacific & Atlantic Ex...u 4:25 pm n il;50 nm Grand lilund Local b 5:30 pm b 9:35 am Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:00 nm a 5:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited a 7:45 pm a 8:05 am Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm Fort Dodge Local, from Council Bluffs a 6:00 nm AYiiIuihIi. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 5:15 pm a S:20 am Chlt'iiKO, Itork' lalnnd it Pnclllo, Chtcngu Daylight Spe'l.. 6:00 nm 2:00 nm Des Moines and Uuven- iiort Local i 7:23 am bll:33 nm Chicago Express bl!U5 am a S 10 am Des Moines Iocal ,u 4:20 pm a 4:45 pm Chicago Fast Express. .a 6:00 pm a J;25 pm Des Moines, Rock Island and Chicago .,, a 7:10 pm a 9,M pm RAILWAY TIME CARD. Rocky Mount'n Limited 5:0o am 6:00 am Lincoln, Colo Springs, Denver, Pueblo nnd West x 1:S0 pm u 4:15 tun Colorado. Oklahoma nnd 1 1 Texas Flyct n 6:20 pm n 9:50 am ChleliHO, MllrrntiUre A; St. Pnul. Chicago Limited ........a 6W pm n S:05 am Chicago & Omaha Ex..,b 7:15 am bsto pm Mom lily A Pnvlllc, Twin City Express a 6:55 ntn n!0:23 pm Twin City Limited n 7:55 pm n ssis nm Sioux City Local..,. a &:uo nm n 3:5J pm Om ii lilt A St. I.onla. St. Iyouls "Cannon Ilall".i 5:15 pm n S:20 art Kansas Cltv nnd Oulncv Local a 7:25 am a 9:00 pm Mlaaourl Pncllle. St. IajuIs Exprc-s nl0:W nm a 6:25 pm K. C. & St. JL Express. al0;50 pm u 6:15 am ClileiiKo A: NortliM-eatcrn. Chicago Special n 7:00 am nll:30pm Chicago Passenger i 4:15 pm a s:40 nm Eastern Express nl0:55 am n 4:05 pm Eastern Special n 4:55 pm a 4:W pm Fast Mall n 2:45 pm Omaha-Chicago L't'd...iv 7:45 pm a 8:00 am ....... l,.ll - A.AA - i- mi .iitii u nm Cedar Rapids Passenger n 5:30 pro a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. Ill'llI.I.NtfTON STATION-IOTII A MASON Knnana City, St. Joseph A Council Bluff.. Icnvp. Arrive. Kansas Cltv Dav Ex a 9:20 nm n 6:05 pm Kansas City Night Ex..nl0:30 pm n 6:15 a St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm ail:l5 a m am lltirlliiKton A. Mlaaourl lllvcr Nebraska Express a 8:10 am a 7:35 pm Wynioro, Beatrlco and Lincoln a 8:40 nm bll:55 am Denver Limited a ita pm a 3:oo pm isincK inns ana l'ugct Sound, Denver Con nection a 9:00 pm a G:45 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:00 pm ft 9:17 am Fort Crook nnd Plaits- mouth b 3:20 pm bll:0C am Hellenic & Pacific Jet, .a 7:44 pm a 8:20 am uenevue at raciuo jcl.u 3:10 am ChlciiKo, HurlliiKton A (lulticy. Chicago Special a 7:00 nm al0:20 pra Chicago Vcstlbulcd Ex. .a 4:00 pm n 7:45 nm Chicago locnl a it; 30 nm a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm 'a 7:45 am I' lim .iun n ..iJ pm a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. Direct Route to aiai(an Exhlbltlou ANCHOR LINE Jtenuiaklua from New York Weekly for ULASUOW VIA LONDONDERRY. Balootr, $50 and up. Second Cabin, $32.50 and up. Third Class, $26 und upwards. For Illustrated folder and further Informa tion apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, or J. S. McNALLY. 1323 Farnam St., GEO. a. ABBOTT. 1324 Farnam St.. Omaha, Summir Tours on Laki Miohlgan. STEAMSHIP MANITOU for luimil! nrrlce toltulrelr, mtM trl-WMklr trip for Ckarlartir, H.rk.r tfringu Bar 1 lew, I'tlonlirr ana Maeklaae Itlaai oonnectlss with all Btcamthlp Ltnaa for Lake Hoparlor, Kaattrn anl O&nadUn Paints. HpMlal Itti to Fn.Amrlcn, LEAVES CHICAGO AS FOLLOW8I Tkm. 10 a.m. Tkin.tla.aii Rat. ft a. aa. Manltou Steamship Company, OFFICE & DOCKS. Ruth and N. Wtlar Sts.. Chlciao. NO DANGER 0F ICE FAMINE I.ucnl Supply In Believed to ne KqnnI to All Dciunnda thnt Mny Cnntc, l'reaeut or Future. Things move merrily with tho Ico man In Omaha, for while thero arc rumors ot Ice shortages in other places and In somo towns, the dcltverymcn havo taken ad vantage of the hot weather to demand In creased pay or shorter hours, nono ot these things troublo the man who supplies the sweltering citizens ot Omaha with con gealed water. Last winter was not nn Ideal winter for nn ice harvest, but tho man who prepares the crop for Omaha consumption was wiser than others. Ho took tho best lco he could get when ho could get It and the open Ing of tho summer found his houses filled, even It tho lco was In somo cases rather thin. Managers of some ot tho Ice houses of South Omaha packing concerns decided early In the winter to watt until the Ice was very thick boforo harvesting, so somo of their houses were never filled. There cannot be as much thin Ice storod In a houso a thero can of thick Ice, as the saw dust takes up moro room, but tho Omaha ico man succeeded In gottlng what he be lived to bo enough for local consumption. But the supplying of, ice to a largo city Is a business whero no risks may be taken, as not only tne comfort, but the health of tho community often depends upon tho Ico sup ply, ao the manager of tho Omaha Ice com pany early In the spring made arrango ments to secure an additional supply from tne norm, jsarly In May a cargo of the northern ice was received boforo the Omaha houses wero opened, and this consignment was the first Ice sold for summer consump tion In the city. It proved satisfactory and arrangements, woro made for other con signments as needed. For this reaBon thero is little dangor of an Ice fnmlno In Omaha. ".Vbllo an ice famine Is not threatened thero Is no telling about tho stability of tho present prices. WhUo the first Ico rccolvod from the north was sold at the prices charged for (hat stored In town, It may bo mat a continuation of tho heated term bo yond the expectations of dealers, in other ports of the country may cause them to draw upon tho northern supply, thus ad vancing wholesale prices so that It may cost moro locally. There Is no real ex pectation of this on the part of tho deal ers, but It is within tho probabilities. The greatest troublo of tho Omaha Ice man Is the "cash sales." He dosen't like them, as it costs too much to keep the record straight. Ho wants all consumers to buy booko, representing so many pounds of Ico and pay for thorn at tho oHlcc. This ensures n regular consumption ot ice and nt tho same tlmo reducos tho bookkeeping. Tho Ice man cannot havo It all his own way, however, as peoplo who cannot Invest $1 in an Ico book deslro lco and they nro served, although tho profit Is not sq great pvon If tho slzo of tho blocks Is somowhut smnllor for tho price. BUCK KEITH GOES FISHING New Put pin- Una Trouble -lib Juariili I'luyer uud llla nppenrn. St. ST. JOSEPH, July 25. (Special Tele gram.) Buck Keith, umplro hero for the Western league, disappeared yojterdny morning and cnnot be found, Kelt came hero from Omaha recently, accompanied by his wife, and umpired tho first of tho series of games between St. Joseph and Omaha. During the gnmo ho had troublo with Honoyman, who was hold away from the umplro by fivo of the other players. Tho Infuriated Honeyman was fined $5 and be camo qulot. Keith thon disappeared wllh his wife, saying ho was going fishing. The misting umplro has turned up. He Is In Omaha, where ho belongs, and ho says ho doesn't care whether ho ever um pires another ball game. There nro other attractions for Buck, such as fishing, driv ing nnd conducting thoroughbred races and his friends nre sure that time will not hang heavy on his hands. The greatest healer of modern times Is Banner Salvo for cuts, wounds, sores, pllos and all skin dlscaacs. It is guaranteed. Uie no subititute. 9 CITY MISSION MUST CO Honit DtdictUd to OhriitUnitj Abut t He Slid for Inmrl Furptui. NEGOTIATIONS ARE NOW PENDING tndicntlon Point tn Cnnaniutuntlnn nt Snle nnd the Necessity nf the Mla alon lleiniirltiH front Horn Onnrnntcrd to It by Bcqnrat. Tho old Omaha city mission property, lo cated on Tenth street between Dodgo streot nnd Capitol nvenue, which for over twenty five years has been used for mission nnd Christian purposes, Is now the subject of negotiations, which, It Is said, nro likely to devote It to purposes In violent contrast to those which It has served for a qunrter of n century. Tho ground upon which It Is located be longs'to tho estate of tho Into G. C. Monell. of which O. M. Hitchcock nnd John J. Monell are administrators. Twenty-five years ago, when tho old Omahn mission was organized, Q. C. Monell was one of Its nctlve workers nnd promoters, nnd ns nn encourngoment to Its work lie donated tho uso of tho ground upon which this structure has over since stood. It was understood then, nnd hns nl ways slnco been understood by tho mission workers of the city, that it wns his Inten tion to ultimately glvo tho ground to tho mission, but he seems to havo never effected the transfer beforo his death a dozen or moro years ngo. llrdlvnted to Chrlatlnult . Tho building Is an old one-story frame school house, which wns given to the Mis sion society by tho school board and re moved to this location. During tho twenty fivo years since the organization of the mis sion It hns always been dovotcd to mission purposes nnd charity work nnd beforo tho organization of the Assoclntcd Charities nenrly all charitable effort fell upon' thoso whose interests clustered around this old building. During recent years many of tho old resi dents of tho city who had organized and carried on tho work of tho old mission so ciety havo died or gone to other homes, nnd the work ot the mission languished, until last fall tho building wns turned over to tho Women's Christian Temperance union, which has continued tho mission school there. Tho authorities of the mission under stood In tho days of Mr. Monell that they wero to havo tho uso of tho ground rent freo upon condition that they would tnko caro of tho taxes, and they havo accord ingly secured tho remission of all city and county taxes upon tho property. Somo time ngo tho mission authorities wero informed that the property wns likely to bo sold nnd were asked to preparo to yield possession. Messrs. Hitchcock nnd Monell. administrators of tho Monell es tate, had figured against tho mission n bill for rent nggregatlng something llko 1,100 or $1,200 nt tho rnto of "10 a month, but later concluded that they would call It square If tho mission would relinquish to them tho old house. In order that the sale of the property-.might bo carrlod out It wns necessary that they secure from tho mission an agreement to vncato Mnrch 1 next. This agreement hn been furnished to the ad ministrators In writing, it was mailed to tho administrators Wednesday evening. Anna Wilson Nesrottatea. No definite Information haa boon given tho mission by the administrators ns to tho Identity of tho proposed purchaser of tho proporty, but it Is reported that n fow days ago Anna Wilson, owner and oper ator of one or more bouses of Ill-repute In tho tenderloin district, visited the plsoc, looked over the building and Informed Miss Mageo, who Is In chargo nt tho mis sion school, that sho had cither bought tho property or expected to buy It. Mils Wilson denies that sho has bought tha property, but says that sho did look It over with a view of buying It. She says that sho did buy a piece of property just across tho streot from the mission school. Mission workers aro very much, put out, not only by the thought that the sale of this property nnd tho loss of tho structure will probably put an end to tho work of the mission, but by tho understanding that Its purchsso by Anna Wilson moans Its futuro devotion to expansion ot tho Inter ests that dominate In tho tenderloin so as to lncludo this property which hns for so long been devoted to Christian benevo lences. A part of tho building wao rented for a while and tho rentals collected by the administrators of the Monell estate. It Is said to be probablo that if tho ad ministrators havo determined to ndvanco tho Interests of tho heirs by tho sale sug gested the mission will hnve to closo Mnrch 1, which Is tho dato upon which they have agreed to give up possession, nnd the men and women who have devotod years to the city charities and benevolences are somo what Incensed over tho necessity of giving up their mission home, especially in view of the known Intention of the former owner of the property to bequeath it to tho mis sion for Its purposes. Dr. George Ewlng, a practlcinr tmvslclan of Smith's Grove, Ky., for over thirty years, writes nis persoual experience with Foley's Kidney Cure: "For years I have been greatly bothered with kidney troublo and enlarged prostate gland. I used everything known to tho profession without relief, until I wns induced to. uso Foloy's KIdnoy CUre. After using throe bottles I wns entirely re lieved, and cured. I prescrlbo It now dally In mj', practice nnd hcnrtlly recommend Its uso ttf nil physicians for such troubles, for I can honestly state I hnve prescribed 5t In hundreds of cases with perfect succccss." G0D0LA GOES ON SATURDAY Slnyer 6f WHIIiiiii Lnuder About to lletslii ServlUK llln Two-Yrnra' Penitentiary Sentenee. Louis Godola, under sentence to a term of two years In tho penitentiary for tho Killing or William Lauder, will be tukrn to Lincoln to begin his service tomorrow. Godola has already parted with his big oiacit musiacho nnd has hod his hair cropped close to his head. Sheriff Power and Deputy Flynn went to Lincoln yestorday with MInhaol Knrleht and James Dlggs, both of whom will be lodgod In the penitentiary, lodny tho sheriff and his doputy will tako two more prisoners James Hawk smd Mlclmel Butler to Lincoln. Hawk will servo tlmo for enticing Blrdlo Mooro from thu tlate for Immoral purposes. HOPE FOR THE KELKENNEYS Reports from I'resby terlnn Hopl( Am Eiioournliiir nnd Recovery Relieved tn lie I'rolinble, Reports from tho Presbyterian hospital regarding the condition of James Kslkenney and his mother are to the effect that Mr. Kolkcnnoy Is improving continually md that his chances for recovery are good. Thero was a cbango yesterday In the con dition of Mrs. Kelkenney, which, wbllo not conclusive, is deplored by the physicians. Sho remains in practically the same condi tion as Wednesday with tho exception of her pulso, which has become much weaker, u is etui believed mat she will survive If no further uufavorabje symptoms develop.