Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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luliifton Pp' Negitittt fr the Black
Hilli nnd Fort Fiern.
Crncrnl Mnnnurr llnlilrcur, Ornrrnl
Solicitor MnnilrriMiii nmt Other
Visit I.rml , S, II., to Clone
KeKotlntlotm If I'imxilite,
Negotiations aro under way at Lend,
E. D (or the purchase by tho Bur
lington railroad company of tho lilack
Hills & Fort l'lcrro line, The deal has
been long pending, but la to bo consum
mated now If ever.
Oenernl Manngor iioldrcgo, General
Solicitor Mandcrson and Assistant General
Auditor Durkec of tho Burlington left (or
tho In Wednesday In a special car to
comptcto tho taking over o( this line. No
doubt Is (elt at headquarters but that this
Will bo easily accomplished.
Terms o( the salo am not known, but It
is understood that they arc very (avornble
to the Hurllngton. The Illack Hills & Kort
Pierre railway Is owned by tho Homcstake
Mining company of Lead and with the rep
resentatives of that corporation the Omaha
officials aro concluding arrangements.
This lino In the oldest In-thc Black Hills,
It extends (rom Lead City southeast Into
tho wooded hill region to Piedmont, a dis
tance of thirty-nine miles, It Is uarrow
gauge And the grade Is something fierce,
running easily 4 per cent on tho average.
It Is alio a road of many curves of high
Tho construction of the Black Hills &
Kort I'lereo was peculiar In Its Inctploncy
and even more so In Its continuation. De
tun as a wood-supplying road, It Is now a
mineral outlet (or many mines, The
Homestakn Mining company, some twenty
five years ago, needed wood for fuel, and
Bepdcd It badly. Many rnllroad companies
were asked to build a short lino (rom
the mines to Lead Into tho (orests about
and thus nlve amplo opportunity (or sup
plying this demand.
Uphill UnilrrtnkliiK.
But no road would undertako tho project,
o tho Homestakc company was compelled
to build, own and operate Its own road,
touch as It disliked to do so. At first
only a fow miles were constructed, that
being sufficient to tap tho woods. But as
this nearby timber was exhausted, the road
would be pushed Into tho Hills, little by
little, year by year.
Bo for a long time tho Black Hills & Kort
Pierre was moroly n fuel supply lino for the
Homeetake mines. Later, wood was needed
also for mining construction, and tills In
creased Us field. Then finally the Fremont,
Elkhorn ft Missouri Valley lino built up to
that country, and tho narrow gaugo was ex
tended to Intercept It at Piedmont, whero
tt terminates today,
Tho road cross on the Burlington at Englo
wood, eight miles this sldo of Dcndwood,
and the Junction from which tho spur leads
up Into the' Spearflsh canyon. From this
point tho Burlington will continue to handle
all transfer exchango traffic (rom Its now
The Homestako peoplo havo novcr fancied
their own possession and operation of this
line and have (or years and years tried to
aell It. Whether their previous failure so
to do oa duw to an unwillingness on tho
part ot the railroad companies or to a lack
of sufficiently alluring offers Is not known.
However, several years ago tho taking up
ot this line was contemplated by tho Elk
hrqn, but was nover accomplished. Somo
ay tho Northwcstorn did not havo money
enough to buy It, others that they didn't
want It at any price.
The little road baa now become a great
Mineral lino as well as a wood hauler, the
termor traffic predominating. Many mines
have sprung up along Its routo nnd all are
tributary to It. A great nmount of business
ta dono, the proportion to tho mileage being
normous, and were It not for tho expense
of operating tho road It would doubtless be
big paying property. Owing to tho rugged
and tortuous nature of tho country, how
ever, It la a eostly llttlo road to run. But
tt Is supposed that It Is certainly on a good
paying baHls, or tho Burlington would not
take It over.
By some peoplo this purchaso Is inter
preted as a shut-out tor the Elkhorn and It
will certainly out deeply Into the business
ot 'that road at the Piedmont connoctton.
Omaha officials of this road say they had
many chances to buy It and treat the mat
ter lightly.
Local Union Pnclllo Employes Go
On next Monday or Tuesday tho two
Vnion Pacific railroad men chosen by Mr.
Btubbs as assistants In his Chicago ofllco
will leave Omaha for their new positions.
John M. Scott, now head rate clerk of the
passenger department ot tbo Union Paclflo
at headquarters here, and Charlea M.
Becrlst, chief clerk of the (relght depart
ment, .will go together to assume duties In
their reepectlvo departments under Mr.
This j will leavo vacant two Important
positions at Union Pacific headquarters, and
the successors of tbo departing officials
have now been chosen. T. C. Davidson, (or
.years Mr. Scott's first assistant, will step
Into his former chief's shoes, and Q. S.
'Campbell will tako Mr. Davidson's place.
On the freight sldo P. S. McCormlck will
bee o mo chief clerk following Mr. Secrlst.
Ho once boforo held this same position,
8vo years ago, but received a promotion to
the place of (relght agent (or tho road at
Los Angeles, A (ew months since tho
freight and passenger departments of tho
Union Pacific at that city were consoli
dated And this abolished the position of
(relght agent. Mr. McCormlck was then
called into headquarters and has been doing
Special work here bIuco.
James 0. Amhcrtof, Delia, O., writes; "I
tad an obstinate sore on my fnco which
everything else (ailed to heal, Attcr one
application o( Banner Salve It began to
Beal and attcr three applications It was en
tlrely healed, leaving no scar,
CO Mill A HO,
Ob of the Mast Cliiiriulnw H title In
the Union tor Health nml IMciiniirr.
Ileachod best by "THE OVERLAND
ROUTE." Lowest excursion rates made (or
many years aro now put In effect by tho
Union Pacific, enabling tourists to reach
the Rocky Mountain regions without unties
aary expenditure of time or money. Do not
make a mistake. All western states and
points of Interest reached with least In
convenience via the Union Pacific. New
elty ticket office, 1321 Farnam; phone 316.
Cheaper Than Stnylnir at Home.
The low rate of 13, offered by the Mil
waukee railway for the trip from Omaha
to Lake Okobojl and return, July 21, makes
It cheaper to go than to stay at home. Ex
(client boating and llshlng and the coolest
and prettiest resort In tho west. City
office, HO Farnaiu street.
Bend articles of Incorporation, notices ot
atockholdtrY meetings, etc., to The Bee,
We will give them proper legal Insertion.
Telecbone 2SS.
Dr. Lord has returned. Office, Paxton
black; hour, I to i. Ttluplioue, 33.
Supply of Tcleffrupli Oprrntorn l Un
equal to the Demand at the
I'rcMCiit Time.
Thero Is a scarcity of telegraph operators
In the west nnd It Is said the condition ex
tends allover the United States. At Omaha
the scarcity has resulted In doubling the
work o( overy avnllablc operator and the
demand (or moro men cannot be filled.
It Id said by operators that this condition
has been coming on (or some time; that tho
production o( competent operators has not
kept pace with the demand. Tho reason (or
this Is said to be in the Increased demand
(or good men In commercial lines.
Armour & Co. ofo said to have Introduced
operators In tho conduct o( commercial en
terprises, In many o( the packing houses
of this company orders aro transmitted to
tho heads ot the different departments by
Tho railroads have taken a number of
good men (rom tho key nnd placed them
upon other work, where tho duties nre
lighter and tho pay moro satisfactory.
W. W. Umstcd, manager (or tho Western
Union Telegraph company, said:
"I do not look upon tho scarcity of tele
graph operators ns permanent, although I
am suro It pxlsts. Tho cause of tho scarcity
I attribute to the recent lncrcaso In the
number of dispatches being sent, and this Is
caused by the widespread drouth. All over
the country the business men ot all lines
are at soa on prices, No such condition has
con(ronted the country (or years. Prices
tiro subject to chango without notice and
orders which formerly wont by mall are
now being sent by telegraph.
'Between Omaha and Chicago wo usually
use eight men; today we have work for
doublo that number. From this ofllco to tho
Chicago Board of Trade we formorly op
erated two duplex wires, two men at either
end. Now wo aro swamped with orders.
Kogular grain dealers and speculators keep
tho lines so busy that It Is absolutely Im
possible to perform the work without an In
crease In tho force. This Is not only truo
of Omaha, but of all sections of tho coun
A ndlKhtfiil Mummer Resort.
Mr. J. C. Walker, manager of Fountain
Spring houso, Waukesha, Wis., has recently
sent out an attractive social announcement
(or July nnd August. This delightful resort
Is ouo of the coolest and moso popular
resting places In tho central west, nnd tho
list of amusements provided for guests Is
most complete nnd suited to n variety of
tastes without being (atlgulng. Every
cvonlng has Its special features and tho
program ranges (rom n sedate card party
to tho regular hops and rather pretentious
musical entertainments by n select orches
tra. In tho mornings there are children's
garden parties, short excursions to nearby
points ot Interest and golf contests. Dur
ing the evenings thero aro vaudovllle shows,
fancy dress balls, floral parados and hay
rides, besides tho regular summer resort
attractions such as boating, fishing nnd
bathing. Altogether Fountain Spring
Iioubo Is nn attractive place nnd admirably
fulfills its mission as a pleasant retreat
wherein one may lay aside tho cares of
business and forget tho heat and discom
fort of city life.
Hutnbllnhra Unpleasant Clrcnlt De-
tvteen II n nil Telephone Com
pany nnd Uncle Samuel.
A telephone company composed of Dodco
and Burt county farmers is about to get
Into trouble with tho United States gov
ernment. The line has been established
for somo tlmo and has dono a toll-Una
business without paying a tax of 2 cents
upon each message. The matter was
brought to tho attention of tho local col
lector by one of tho members of tho com
pany, who called at tho ofllco yesterday
to ascortntn the steps to be taken to satisfy
tbo government In the matter of a pros
pective lssuo of Btock certificates.
Tho tax ot. telephone messages was
abolished by the law which went Into
effect July 1, but tho company Is respon
sible for the tax accruing previous to that
date, with penalty of 60 per cent added.
Vln the Mlltrnnkee Ily.
Leaving tho union depot, Omaha, at 8:30
p. m. next Saturday, July 27, the Chi
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway will
run a special train of coaches and sleeping
cars to Lake Okobojl nnd return. The train
will arrive at Arnold's park on Lake Oko
bojl at 6 o'clock Sunday morning nnd re
turning the train will leave Arnold's park
nt 8 p. m. Sunday and arrive In Omaha at
C a. ta. Monday. All day Sunday at tho
The round trip rail rate Is 13; the sleeper
rate la II. CO for a double berth each way.
City ticket offices 1504 Farnam street,
Omaha, nnd G20 Broadway, Counall Bluffs.
General Western Agent:
At Krue I'nrk.
Now pumps havo been Installed to sup
ply tho water at Krug purk and tho sprink
ling wagons aro ageln busy keeping tho
promenade damp. Thla removes the only
Inconvenience niado by the fire, tho last
traco of which has boen removed and not n
feature or beauty of the pretty park Is
lost to tho pleasure-seeker. The attend
ance Is mill on the lncrcaso. Tho "Pas
sion Play" has spread Its magnotlsm evory
whoro and Is drawing larger crowds than
nt tho oponlng. Several now artists havo
bcon added to tho Lorenz band. Under Its
ablo loader, this organliatlon has estab
lished n reputation which It Intends keep
ing nnd when It sees an artist that Is
especially good It finds n plnco for him.
Good music Is enjoyed by everybody nnd
the building up ot a lino band Is a com
mendablo work.
Cheap Summer Uieiimliina Via Illi
nois Central It, II,
St. Paul and return, July 10-31 112.63
Minneapolis and return, July 10-31,... 12.63
Duluth and return, July 10-31 16.95
Now York and return, evory day..,. 43 75
Loulsvtllo and return, August 24-26,, 21.50
Buffalo and return, every day 25.75
Circuit tours via Great Lakes to Buffalo
and Intermediate points. Staterooms re
served in advance, Call nt city ticket of
fice, 1402 Farnam street, for particulars,
or address W. H. Brill. D. P. A., I. C. U. U.,
Omaha, Neb.
Convalescence after a dangerous dlseaso
Is always a critical period. Tho dangers
can be avoided by building up the muscular
system by massngo and Swedish movement'
exercises. Ladles are being recommended
every day by their physicians to go to the
Bathery, rooms 216-220 Beo building. Tele
phone 1716. For ladles only.
Ttenerve llrrtlia Karly,
The sleeping car chnrtB of the Okobojl
special train which leaves Omaha next
Saturday via the Milwaukee railway aro
now opeu nt the city ticket office, 1604 Far
nam street. Those who reserve their berths
early will get the best accommodations.
UKe .Okobojl.
Tbo ideal summer resort. Quickly and
easily reached from Omaha via the Milwau
kee railway, tho only through line.
City office, KOi Farnam street.
BotUw of rigniti Show ai Exciadlnrjj
Ittlthj Fin&noial Status.
Six Out ot IllKht Nntlonnl ItntiltH Show
n .Material Incrcnne In Deposits
Current Stntrmcitt of Affairs
Given In Uclnll.
The statements of the condition of the
eight national banks of Omaha at the closo
of business July 16, all of which havo been
published this week, show a prosperous
business since tho last publication, which
showed tho condition at the close of busi
ness April 24.
Then Is nn Increase of $1,723,065 deposits
by six banks, two showing a slight dc
crcaso. This Increase, It Is raid, comos In
a largo measure from country towns, tho
merchants sending surplus money to tho
city where they do their buying nnd thus
saving exchange fees ns well as receiving
a probably slightly higher rato of Interest
on time deposits than Is paid by tho In
terior banks, many of which earlier In the
season suspended tho payment of Interest
on deposits Indefinitely.
Loans and discounts will surprise somo
who try to kcop paco with business af
fairs, for the figures show that there Is a
demand for money from tho local banks
which has Increased this Item from $14,334,
680 In April to 115,770,1121 In July, a differ
ence of 11,416,141, According to statements
of local bankers much of this money Is now
taking the plnco of eastern money In tho
hands of eomo ot the heaviest dealers In tho
state who havo succeeded In getting gilt
edged paper discounted at as low n rnte In
Omaha as they could In the eastern money
Tho Increase In cash on hnnd nnd cash
items is nearly 11,000,000 to bo exact, $913,
164. Summarized, tho reports on these
principal Items aro as follows, compared
with tho last Btatoment:
Nat. Bank of Comm'co.
Union National ,
Commercial National ..,
United States National.,
Merchants' National
Nebraska Nntlonal
Oinnha Nntlonal
First Natlonnl
July 15.
1 51H.216
April 21.
2.W., 05
, Totals $25,749,059 23,581,OU9
Increaeo In elghty-one days, $2,168,060.
Loans anil Dlscniintn.
Nat. Bank of Comm'ce..! 234,243
Union Natlonnl 50.7,93$
Commercial National ... 1,006,527
Nebraska National 616.236
United States National.. 2.53S.734
Merchants' Nntlonal .... 2,017,tra
Omaha National 4,162,831
First Nntlonal 4,570,489
Totnls $15,770,521 S1I.354.6S0
Increase In eighty-one days, $1,416,141.
Cash on llanil mill Cash Items.
July 15. April 2).
Nat. Bank of Comm'co... $ 103,701 $ .ss,667
Union National S'ri.'KS 246,311
Conimerclnl Nntlonal D14.441 5:7.110
United States Nntlonal... 1,231,160 1,0H,'.79 i
mcrcnuntH national i,;;:u,y'ji i,4..',4ii
Nebrnska Nntlonal 1,118,619 801,011
Omaha National 3,487.017 3 238,553
First Ntltlonul 2,601,097 2.430,227
Totals .$10,801,318 $9,85?,15l
Increase in elghty-ono days, $943,164.
Drertta I) nil il ruff, Which Causes Fnll
lnK Ilnlr and Finally Dalilness,
Prof. Unna, Hamburg Germany, European
authority on skin diseases, says that dan
druff is as contagious as any other malev
olent dlseaso and that one common source
of tho spread ot dandruff Is tho uso of the
same hair brush by different persons. The
way to avoid catching dandruff or any other
disease from another's brush Is to Insist
on tho uso of Nowbro's Herplclde. It not
only kills tho dandruff germ, but It Is also
an antiseptic that will prevent the catching
of any disease whatever through contagion
of another's brush.
Sylvan I.nke, S. D.
Tho following telegram was received from
Sylvan Lake, S. D., Thursday by General
Passenger Agent Francis of tho Burlington
"Temperaturo at Sylvan Lako at noon
past ton days registered from 55 to 68. To
day noon 63 above. S. F. ELLIOTT."
On tho same day the mercury stood at
105 degrees In Omaha.
Sylvan Lake Is not only thn coolest place
In the western states, but also tho most
picturesque an Ideal resort for n summer
vacation. Board and lodging $14 to $20 a
Only $22.40 Omaha to Dcadwood and re
turn. Stopover allowed at Custer, S. D.,
for thoso going to Sylvan Lake. Return
limit October 31.
Express leaves Burlington station 9 p.
m. dally; arrives Custer 3:10 p. m. noxt
Tickets, 1502 Fnrnnm street.
Cotil Minnesota.
Do you rcnllzo how cheap tho round trip
rates aro? Loss than half faro. Via North
western line August 1 to 10.
Omaha to St. Paul-Minneapolis, $9.83.
Omaha to Duluth, Superior or West Su
perior nnd return, $13.85.
Two fast trains dally.
A night train nnd n day train scrvlco.
"Tho best of everything."
Why stay nt homo In tho heat? Go to
Minnesota, Fish nnd hunt and batho.
Northwestern Lino ticket ofllco, 1401-1403
Farnam street.
Vln the Milwaukee Hallway,
July 23, 24 nnd 25, Omaha to Chicago
and return, $14.75.
July 20, 21 nnd 22, Milwaukee and return.
Low rates to summer resorts.
City ticket ofllco. 1604 Farnam at. Tel. 254.
To keep cool, keep well. Itenstrom bath
treatments for ladles only. Tho Bathery,
216-220 Beo building. Tclophoua 1716.
Publish your legal notices Is The Weekly
Beo. Tclephono 238.
April 21. H
$ 23S.553 !
464.F5I M
0C9.7S2 !
C93.2IJ1 H
1. 75,673 B
3, tM I, K 6 I !
4,305,463 H
Dries Quickly
But tho SherwIn-WllllHrnn Paint dries
nulc c enough anytime. This Is tho paint
that's nil ready for uso, No thinning or
thickening, Just stir up nnd sprend on.
Half-pint enn Knmtly Pnlnt J6e
Half-pint ran Varnish Stain 'Mc
Half-pint enn Scieou Paint :oo
Quarter-pint can Knnmol Pnlnt 2 c
Quarter-pint can Blcyclo Ennmol 25c
Hnlf-plnt can Buggy Paint :5e
Half-pint enn Huthtub Knnmrl COc
You enn buy "Bathtub Knnmnl" for half
this price but If you uso It you'll wish you
had bought Hherwln-Wllllnms'.
Half-pint can OH Stain Ifc
One-pint cun lino Vurnlsh .. , 40o
One-qunrt bottle Saunders' Huby Floor
Oil 'Oo
One-pound enn Shlnnn Floor Wax Wo
Call tor color curd.
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go,
"The Drug Storo on the Cornor."
Prisoner Are I.uiik on Leisure nml
Unto IMcntr ot Ice
Prisoners In the county Jail aro not ex
actly enjoying the hot weather, but they
aro much more comfortable thnn men with
out tho leisure to lay down and keep cool.
Tho men behind tho bars certainly belong
to tho leisure class, and they aro In ono
respect, nt least, moro fortunate than thoso
who are compelled to work for a living In
hot as well as cool weather.
"This ain't no summer resort," was tho
remark of James Callahan, the Jail's most
distinguished guest, when asked how he was
pulling through the hot weather, "but I
guess it's better than hoofing it up and
down Farnam street In tho sun,"
"You see," continued James, philosophi
cally, "wo tako It pretty easy In here and
we don't get no sun on us. If we'd hap
pen to got out chances are we'd get full o'
beer nnd walk around In the sun uutll we'd
drop. There's somo satisfaction In beln'
In Jail, after all."
None of the prisoners In the county Jnll
havo been overcome by tho heat nnd there
Is no sickness among them. They are sup
plied with plenty of lco water from a big
cooler, which the sheriff has considerately
placed behind tho bars with them.
Accused Dairyman Snyn Milk Inspec
tor Hutton In Tryluii to I'lny
liven with Hint,
P. IC. Young, the dairyman who was ar
rested for selling milk which Is supposed
to contain n preservative, alleges that Milk
Inspector L. K. Hutton Is nttemptlng to
settle nn old score by making him trouble.
The milkman admits that he was having
trouble with his milk and that It was
stringy, but ho attributes this to tho fact
that he fed his cows too much sugarcane.
Any ndverttaed dealer Is authorized to
gunrnntcu Banner Salvo for tetter, eczema,
piles, sprains, scalds, burns, ulcers and
any opon or old Bore.
50 NEW
In all varieties of woods,
$175 at $5 Monthly
$225 at $6 Monthly
For One Week Only
These aro good, now, substan
tial upright pianos, usualy sold
from 1275 to $300 nnd Include
several eastern makes. We will
allow full nmount paid within
two years, toward any now
OEB. PIANO. If you wish to
save $100 on your piano pur
chase, call or write at onco
for catalogues and prices.
New PJanos tor rent, Flno
tuning and repairing promptly
dono. itK ,
Steinway & Sons Repre
sentatives, 1313 Farnam St., Otnnlm,
Telephone 1G25
337 Broad wny, Co. HI tiffs.
Telephone 378.
An Old Soldier Says About Cram
er's Kidney nnd Liver Cure
Not u Single Pain Since.
Omaha, July 16, 1000.
Albany, N. Y.
Gentlemen: I have boen afflicted for tho
past flvo years with kidney troublo nnd
tried every remedy that could bo found,
with no permanent relief. My cane was
getting serious. I could get no sleep, was
restless and nervous. My strength was
leaving mo and I had no desire to work.
I felt bad nil tho tlmo In fact, waB so dis
couraged to think there wns no relief for
mo whatever I did, and had no faith In
medicines; seeing so many good testi
monials from Omaha people about Cramer's
Kidney Cure, I called on ono and asked
what ho thought. Ho told me that It
was the Ijest medicine In tho world, and
advised me to try It, I bought a bottlo
and after taking about ono-half of It begun
to feel hotter and etronger and after tak
ing four bottles I nm today a woll man,
and I cannot say too strong words for this
wonderful medicine, nnd should I ever
again bo n sufferer from kidney troublo I
wouldn't ho without It If I had to pay $50
a bottlo for It.
If you will send your address to the
Cramer Chemical Co., Albany, N, Y they
will send you a sample bottle, tree,
Cramer Chemical Company
Albany, N. Y.
This is the Age of
Specialists. We are
Specialists in Cameras
This Is our sole lino (photo sup
plica). Wo nro therefore best nblo
to ndvlto you Just what you want.
Consult us free. Wo have n beauti
ful lino ot cameras mado specially
for us by tho Rochester Optical Co,
with all late Improvements. 4x5
Telephoto Special, list, $14.00, reduced
to $11,00, 6x7 Telephoto Special,
list $18.00, reduced to $15,30. AH
other good makes of KODAKS AND
Developing and Finishing by first
class workmen,
1215 Farnam Street.
Exclusive dculers In Photo Supplies,
City Treasurer Letca an Hnrrovrs,
Corn Mlit-Urm nml Other Thltiicn
for IlellmtutMit Tnxcs,
City Treasurer A. II. Hennlngs has levied
upon twenty-ono corn shelters nnd nine
teen harrows belonging to the Abraham
Ellwood Manufacturing company of DeKnlb,
111, Thts company owed tho city taxes for
tho yenrs 1S97, 1S9S nnd 1001 nnd Ignored
nil efforts of tho treasurer to make col
lections in hunting through a storago
houso for goods belonging to nnothcr com
pany, Mr. Hennlngs happened upon ma
chinery belonging to the Illinois company
and levied upon It at once. His claim
against tho company amounts to $7S.
On the MIlHiiiikcc ltnllrrny.
For n short or a long vacation tho beau
tiful lake offers tho most economical yet
delightful outing that Is available tor
Omaha people.
Quickly nnd easily reached from Omaha
via the Milwaukee railway, altitude almost
2,000 feet, air ulways cool and Invigorating,
A beautiful, clear, deep lako with high
shores picturesquely timbered with hard
wood trees. Excellent fishing, boating and
bathing. Moderate-priced but good hotels.
This Is a list of advantages not to bo equaled
Full Information cheerfully furnished nt
the Milwaukee- railway city office. 1C04 Far
nam ttreet. F. A. NASH. O. W. A.
Dr. It. D. Mason, rectal surgery, Drown blk
You Know Kicks?
llo says vo will have rain Friday, the
20th, una wo believe ltlm, but If It don't
ruin on that date then we nre going to
order a rnln-mnker nt once, 'cause we're
Betting short of water and we need that
In our business.
Jl.W AiiHinn Hair Tonic Wo
60c Gem Catnrrh Powder COe
$1.00 West's Urnln and Nerve Treatment 17c
$1.00 Meeker's Cusearllla 60c
$1.00 Undo Sum's Tobacco Curo 60o
Soa Stuart's Ulnckberry lJnlsom 20o
$2.00 Cotton Hoot Tansy nnd Pennyroyal
Pills, Karl Cramer's genuine $1.00
25c Goodman's Vegetable Cathartic
Pills 10o
25c Carter's Llttlo Liver Pills l5o
&c Cnstorln, genuine L'ou
$1.00 Cramer's Kidney Cure 75o
$1.00 Pcruna 76o
5c Laxative Hromo Qulnlno 15c
Iter's Mult Whiskey 75c
2tc Ilvllaitoutiu Plustcr, 2 for 25o
OUrSAErtK O Drug Store.
Tel. 747. S. W, Cor. Kith nnd (JMumo.
Goods delivered FUSE to anr part of city.
The Medicine Man
That's right. Shrader Is known as the
mcdlclno man, for ho makes Fig Powder.
No other man has boon known to com
pound anything that nets so wonderful on
tho human system ns Fig Powder. No
doctor, no chemist, can prepare a medi
cine that will provent nppondecltls, curo
constipation, prevent headache, remove
gall stones, regulate tho kidneys, drive nil
system poisons out through the stomach
nnd bowels. Ask the doctor, chemist, drug
gist, nurse, If thero Is anything better, and,
If they aro honest thoy will toll you Fig
Powder Is a wonderful medicine. It's good
for tho young and old. Wo eend special In
structions to doctors how to use It. Sold
by all druggists. Address letters to W. J.
Shrader Medlclno Co., Room 10 No. 30,
East 14th St., New York. 1602 N. 24th St.,
Omaha, Neb.
Is Remnant Day in Bargain Room
Over 100,000 yards of remnants of mill lengths, and the accumulation of thousands of yards of
our own stock all will go at from one-third to one-half of their real value. Besides this we will
put on by the yard, several cases of brand new wasli goods, together with our summer stock now
on hand, will make the grandest sale ever in this town.
10,000 yards of gcnulno Glengarrle glng
hnms, In remnants of 3 to 6 yards, only 10
yards to a customer, at 2Ho,
B.000 yards of remnants of 36-lnch per
cales, regular 12i$c goods, at 2'4c
60,000 yards of 25c Imported fine percalos,
36-lncbes wldo, dark and light colors, long
lengths, nt Ec.
35,000 yards remnantB of 10c, 15c, 25c nnd
35c dimities, batistes, organdlcB nnd other
goods, all will go for 5c yard.
10,000 yaids of remnants of wool dress
goods nt 5c to 25c yard.
10,000 yards of fine madras In flno long
lengths, regular 12c and 15c goods, all
will go at 5c yard.
10,000 yards of the genuine Anderson
Scotch ginghams, of the Loralne French
ginghams that sold from 25c to 50c all
will go at 8Uc
By the Yard
50,000 yards of all tho finest wash goods
that sold from 12'c to 25c yard at 5c.
Men's and Boys' 75c
Underwear at 19c
200 dozen men's and boys' shirts nnd draw
ers, In nil sizes, In plain nnd fancy colors,
every garment warrantod perfoct and
worth up to 75c all go on sale nt 19c.
Men's $1 Shirts ai 29c
500 dozen men's and boys' shirts In nil
styles, with collars attached or separate,
somo shirts with two collars and cuffH sep
Special Grocery Sale
Fancy Hed Salmon, per can, 8c,
Fancy Muscatel Ilalsens, per pound, 10c.
Evaporated Yellow Crawford Benches,
10 cents.
California Evaporated I'cars, 3 pounds
for 25c.
Uuby Prunes, 4 lbs, for 19c.
3 largo bars whlto or tar soap, lOo.
3 large bottles assorted pickles, 25c.
3 cans Spring Garden Saner Kraut, 25c.
10 bars laundry soap, 25c.
10-lb, sack white or yellow Corntn'eal, lOo
Mr. Welsh, the
He said 'twould surely rain. It
did, and since he made a hit,
he's weather vain.
Our Furnishing Goods Man
says he can deal out cool com
fort at a very little expense.
He is anxious to sell you and to
sell you right to have you feel
that you could not have done
better, no matter how long you
waited or how far 3011 looked.
During July and August
wo will close our sloro Saturday even
ings at 0 o'clock.
S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler,
1510 Douglas St
75 Cents.
Saturday wo place on sale a
Shirts, pique fronts not ono In
you can tul:o your choice for 75
KUli and Chic
i A
Is Just what ho wants nnd Just what wo havo for him a watch that will
liocp time a wntch of which ho'll bo proud a watch that won't bank
rupt you In buying. Wo show an elegant lino of watches all good tlmo
keepers. Our guarantee with evory one. Can wo show you our watches.
Mawhiiiney 6c Ryan Co.,
Jewelers anil Art Stationers. totli anil Douglas Sts-
WHITE DOVE i,URE uevcrfmls to ilcitruy cw
Ids for tronK dr'nlc, tho nppctlte or wiilcli cannut
cxUt after iiilng thu remedy. Ulvrn In nr.y liquid
with or without knowledge of patient t tnstclcaM 11 at
Fhcnnnn & McCouncll and Kulm & Co., drueglnu
25,000 yards ot all tho finest dimities, or
gandies, Jnconcts and other oods that
sold from 15c to 35c, all go at 7nc.
All tho flue high gradu dlmttlis In Irish,
Scotch nnd French goods. All lao flno Im
ported batistes and organdies '.hat sold
from 35c to 50c, will bo placed In two lots,
nt 8Mb nnd 10c.
T'.Sc full standard prints, at 2',ij yard.
5c shirting prints, nt 20,
10c Shaker flannel, nt 2?ic
25c draperies, at 12',4c
15c and 19a draperies, at 10c.
12c draperies, at CV4c
10c fancy draperies, at 3&c.
10,000 yards of slllc remnants, 15o, 19c,
25c and 29c yard.
Boys' Clothing
Boys' 25c nnd 33c wash pants, at 10c,
Boys' 50c cloth pnnts, nt 15c.
Boys' 75o and $1 pants at 25c.
Boys' wash suits, up to 0 years, 15c.
arate, every shirt warranted full size, and
perfect, worth up to $1, on salo at 29c.
200 dozen ladles' vestB In white, ecru
and fancy colore, regular 15c quality at
I-dleB' 25c stockings at 10c.
All sizes In Indies' and chldrcn's.
Big Wrapper Sale Friday
We have Just 371 dozen summer wrappers
and wo miiBt closo them out. This uale
will add now llfo to our grent July clonr
Ing salo of suits.
Wrappers for summer worth $1, at 85c.
Columbia Brand Bottlo Mustard, 4c.
Good lllo Coffeo, worth 25c lb., on sale
Thursday at 12(4c.
3 bottles Warner's Boot Beer, 20c.
Tea Special
Try our Ceylon Blend Tea for lco drlnlc
only, 35c.
Now sun-dried Japan tea, 38c.
Choice new Daekot Fired Japan, 40c.
Fancy Oolong, Young Hyson or Gunpow
der Tea only 48c.
broken lino of plain white NokIIkco
tho lot worth loss than 91.50. Saturday
They make shirts.
r iihfa nil your symptoms. Itenovntlnittho
ystem N tho only Bafo und suro method of cur
ing all Chronlo Ulsouses. Dr. Kay's llenovntor
Is thoonly perfeetsystem renovator, froonam
plea and book. Dr. II. J. Kay, Saratoca. N. Y.
Boys' crash suits, worth $1, at 45c.
Boys' $2.50 outing suits, at 95c.
Boys' $3.50 cloth suits at $1.45.
Boys' long pnnts, as long as thoy Inst,
worth $1.25 to $2, at 50c.
Men's Pants
Men's $1.25 pants at 55c.
Men's $2.50 pants at 75c.
7Vc extra heavy muslin, 4Wo yard.
8c blenched muslin at Ec yard.
15c towels, ot 7'ic
10c towels at 5c.
71,4c towels ot 2'c.
10c napkins nt Be.
Co napkins at 2&c.
3"o red damask at 15c.
Our ? 1 . S S hummocks nt $1.25.
Our $1.50 hummocks at $1.00,
Wrappers worth $1.50 for 49o.
Wrappers worth $2 and $2.50, for 98c.
Tho nbovo como In lawns, dimities and
percales, elaborately trimmed with lace
and embroidery.
The Big Sale in
Ladies' Silk Skirts
Bought by us nt COc on tho dollar. Is now
In full blast.
Itdlos' silk skirts worth $12. for $5.98.
Ladles' silk taffota skirts worth $15 for
$20 and $25 skirts tor $10.
Meats. Fish
and Cheese
Fancy Family Mackerel, per pound, 12c.
Whole Codfish Strips, por pound 13o.
Fancy Brick Codfish, por pound 7o.
No, 1 California Hams, per pound 8 ft",
j'otted Meats, tumortdd, per ran 3V4o,
Hex Chipped Dried Hoof, lOe,
Milwaukee Ilrlelt Chceso, 10c
Appntttoat cheeso, each 4o,
Fancy California Teaches, per basket, 30u
Choice Missouri Blums, por dozen, lV4c.
Fancy Bartlott Pears, per dozen 15c.