Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Pltnttn of Ntbruka tad KaniM tt Mt
at Eb leott's.
dorrrnnr Savage Appalnts More- fm
Wnrtrn-Mlaaoarl Ilennlsltlon
for Fnrgfrr Case In
(Prom n Btnff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 2t. (Special.) Early set
tiers In tho territory which Includes
Nemahn and Pawneo counties In Nebraska
and the two adjoining counties Just below
the state line In Kansas have formed an
Interstate Old Settlers' association and on
July 31 and August 1 the organization will
have Its first annual meeting. Tho gather
ing will be at Turkey creek. In Bob
Scott's grove, a section which figures prom
Inontly In tho pioneer history of the stato
and which Is eald to have been the camp
Ine pluce of John Drown, the Harper's
Ferry hero. Thirty years continued resi
dence In the territory Is the requirement
of membership, but everybody Is Invited to
attend the meeting.
Governor Savage has accepted an Invita
tion to represent Nebraska at tho gather
Inc. He will deliver an address before the
assemblage on August 1. J. Sterling Mor
toil of Nebraska City, Governor Stanley and
Congressman Bailey of Kansas are also
named on the program.
(J rand Inland Man's Sntrlde.
George Colby of Orand Island, a young
mnn of 25 years, died here this morning
from tho effects of a dose of strychnine
taken cither with suicidal Intent or to re
Hcvo the civlnga of his nerves.
Colby camo to the city on tho early train
yesterday morning from Grand Island. He
registered about 5 o'clock at the Lincoln
hotel and Immediately went to room 643
Ho was not seen until about 3 o'clock yes
terday afternoon, when he camo to the
hotel with a companion In a badly Intox
Icatcd condition. He became abusive and
profane In the lobby In the presence of the
women clerks and was ordered out. His
complaint at that time was that his bag
gage had been lost on the train. La tar,
about 4 o'clock, ha aod his friend csvroa
back and sat down on the urtt aide of ths
hotel. Ths pair of them wer afterward
ejected and told to stay away.
Where he spent the night Is not known
About 8 o'clock thla morning he walked
Into Mann's drugstnro on the corner of
Thirteenth and 0 streets and asked for
cocaine. A moment later he was selzod
with a terrible convulsion and threshed
around violently. The police soon re
sponded and removed him to tho station
Here Dr. Finney did his best to save the
man. His stomach was pumped out, but
tiro doctor thought relief hod come too
Isto. Ho says the strychnine must have
been unallowed a half to three-quarters
of an hour before 8 o'clock.
Just before the pump was applied to
him Colby told the doctor that he lived
at Grand Island and that he had bean
cocaine fiend for a long time. He said
he had been taking from f0 cents to $3
worth of cocalno a day and that for th
last three days he had been on what he
termed a "cocaine tear." During alt that
time he bad not eaten any food.
Conntr name Wardens.
Governor Savage this afternoon appointed
the following deputy game wardens to serve
without compensation:
Moves Allen of Wymore, for Oage county
F. A. Slngplel of Bancroft, for Cuming,
Thurston and Burt counties.
James O'Kano of .Kearney, for Buffalo
C. M. Smith ot Chambers, for Holt county,
W. A. Kimball of Valentine, for Cherry
Deputy Warden Carter yesterday arrested
five men In Cedar Bluffs for Ashing without
a license. They pleaded guilty and were
fined 1 and costs each.
npqnUltlon for Korjrar.
A requisition from the governor of Mis
sourl for C. W. Wilson, who was discharged
today from the state penitentiary, has been
honored by Governor Savage. The man
wanted In Buchanan county to answer to
chargo ot forgery. His conviction In this
state was for the commission of the same
kind ot a crime.
Ogallala Cattle Company.
Amended articles of Incorporation of the
Ware-Costen Cattle company ot Ogallala
were recorded In the office of the secretary
of state today. Tho capital stock ot the
company has been Increased from 150,000
to I2UO.000.
Snea far Rent.
John Bauer, a saloon keeper, has sued M.
Horning for the lease ot a building at Crete,
for which he says he has not paid the rent
In accordance with the lease, and for mer
chandise sold them for which he says he haa
received no pay. In all he seta the In
debtedness at 11,200, but In order that the
case may be tried In county court he waive
claim, to the amount In excess ot $1,000.
Attorney Wanta Pay.
A. O. Greenlee, In district court, asks
tor judgment ot 1500 from Margaret Little
for services as attorney. He says he acted
as her counsel In a 110,000 libel suit brought
by G. B. Oarlock some time ago and In a
suit for title to certain land from Charles
M. Parker, administrator, both ot which
he says he conducted to a successful con
clusion. He says his services were fully
worth the price he asks.
Omaha Company Rnlea' Oat.
An Omaha mutual fire Insurance com
pany which filed artlclea ot Incorporation
with Auditor Weston was not allowed to
Incorporate because the signatures ot the
Insured persons had been affixed by A. O.
Plnk'erton, secretary of the proposed com
pany and attorney tor It. The department
held that each Incorporator must affix his
own name or aupply his agent with a spe
cific power ot attorney. The law requires
risks to the amount of $100,000 and 100 sig
natures ot the Incorporators.
Former Inmate Wanta Damages from
Ka-State Ofloer for Al
leged Cruelty.
FREMONT, Neb.. July 24. (Special.)
Miss Anna Strellner of Ames has begun
action against B. R. B. Weber, formerly
superintendent of the Industrial school at
Geneva, and others ot the Instructors and
managers for 10,000. She allatoa that dur
ing the year IKK) she was an t abate of
that Institution acd that for am alltgtx)
(fraction rf ,the rule she was kept for
seven days and nights la a cell without
sufficient clothing. As a result of ner ex
posure, she says, one ot her arms became
diseased and will probably have to be am
putated. She alleges that Weber caused
her to be so Imprisoned and the othsrs
assisted tn It and are also responsible.
Hound Over for Cattle Stealing.
BASSETT. Neb., July 24. (Special.)
Fred Roblns'oa ot Holt county, who was
recently arrested here on a charge of cattle
Healing, had his preliminary hearing be-
toro County Judg Olson yesterday and wi
bound over to the district court. He has
liven bond. The animal alleged to have
been stolen belongs to a member of the
Keya Paha River Stock association. Sev
ral members of the association, Including
E. Opp, Its secretary, were procnt at the
earing. The defendant made, a vigorous
ffort to satisfactorily account for his pos
erslon of the animal, but without avail.
Each sld had a stenographer and the evi
dence has been preserved.
The sheriff of Keya Paha county arrested
William Hasting of that county yesterday
on the charge of cattle stealing. He whs
given a preliminary hearing today and was
eouni over to tne district court in mo
sum of ll.fiOO, Thli Is the fifth arrest made
n Keya Paha county within the past two
weeks of persons who are supposed to bo
long to the Bingham gang of rustters.
Frank Crawford Trie to fJlve Alarm
and la Fired On by
WYMORE. Neb.. July 24. (Special.)
Thoi west approach of B. Sc. M. bridge No
. ..... . - .!. .,
00, hciurb tuc iiiuc river, huuui u uiv - i
of town, was discovered to be on fire about
11 o'clock last night by Frank Crawford,
While returning to town to give the alarm
He was met by a stranger, who trle.l to gel
nim not to glvo the alarm and, railing in
tho attempt, he fired three snots at 1-ranK,
none of which took effect, however. The
bridge gang succeeded In putting out tho
fire, but not until three spans of the bridge
were burned. Passenger trains Nos. 13
and 14 were compelled to go by the way of
Beatrice and Tecumseh.
IS 1. 1 wn I bw n Wklinnw
Cltlaena of the Cnanty Decide They
Cannot Afford a Conrt-
8EWARD, Neb.. July 24. (Special.) The
proposition which for somo time has been
before tho county, asking for a new $80,000
courthouse, was defeated yesterday at tho
special election; 704 yos, 1.030 no, This
la a great disappointment to the people of
Bcward and to many old county residents,
who tor thirty or forty years havo been
launiuny paying taxes, a large amount oi
wnicn na gone to pay rent ior rooms now
used as a .-.ourtnouso. Tne dry weatner
was tke principal cause of Its defeat.
wi. tmm viui a-i.s.
FREMONT. Nob.. July S.-(Speelal.)-
Deputy oame warden carter yeatemay naa
unanes ueaion ana A. w. iiurna arrested
for fishing In the Platte river with trot
lines containing more man nvo noons, i ney
claimed they did not know anything about
thjk nnw I a ur anrt wfM tt off with thn
lowest fine. A number of Saunders county
hvi whr. .r. fl.hinr in h. rivr w.r.
- - -
rr for nnt h.vlnr Tliul.. emtntv
llr.n Th. thv w.r tn R.nn.
dera county and wore released on procuring
... . I
TlnflvA rnttntv p.niAl tn flah I
w ..v--.- ......
Tt- Klntiari hr a. rTnl.
HLK CREEK, Neb., July 24. (Special.)
ine lti-year-oio son oi w. v. Keltniey, uv-
ing nve miles soutnwest or town, was teas-
ing a colt. The colt kicked him' tn the eye,
rendering Dim unconscious. He was brought
to town in a nuggy ano taxen to ur. Kons
omee. It was round necessary to take six
stltcbea to close the cut. The eye was not
seriously nuru
" r ' w"",p I
. . l . I
WTMORE, Neb.. July 24. (Special.) The
followlnr narty left for El Reno. Okl..
Tueiday: George Humphrey, r. Roberts.
Walter Cutshall, Alvln Cutshall, George
Cutshall, Nelson Morrla, Walter Brown. J.
Ilrlatnw Paul hraraW R. Tnwm.n
Louie Burkhalter and,. Charles Neff. c-
CniITU n&lfrtTA AMn WYnMIWri
------ a"IW r nill Vl I WIIIIIIW I
Barltnsiton Bnya Another Iload.
LEAD. S. D., July 24. Thero Is now but
little doubt that 'the Burlington Railway
company has purchased the Black Hills &
Fort Pierre Railway company's line ot
road between this city and Piedmont. It
Is owned by the Horacstake company and
Is the oldest piece of railroad In the Black
Hills. It Is asserted that most of the sec'
tlon men of the Black Hills road have
been laid off Indefinitely and that the em
ployes of the company at the roundhouse
here have been ordered to make a record
ot all the stock preparatory to turning
things over to the Burlington the first of
August. I What the terms of tho deal are
la mot known,
Heavy Demand for nindlng Twine.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., July 24. (Special.)
An unusually heavy demand for binding
twine Is reported by dealers In all por-
tlons of the state. One Sioux Falls Jobbing
house has this year handled 2,100,000 pounds
compared with 1,000,000 pounds last year.
Another house has bandied 150 carloads
each containing about 30,000 pounds, or an
aggregate of about 4,500,000 pounds. Deal
ers at Interior points make good reports.
One dealer at Scotland, who last year sold
18,000 pounds, has already sold 25,000
Looking for Oil Near Laramie,
LARAMIE, Wyo,, July 24. (Special.)
Local capitalists will form a company to
bore for oil on the Laramie plains. Some
ycara ago a well was sunk on the MasOeld
ranch near Laramto to a depth of 655 feet.
Gas was struck and tho well also passed
through a stratum of pure salt. Work
was stopped owing to lack of funds. Tho
local company proposes to subscribe 110,-
000 sad slak the well to a depth of 2,000
feet. Expert opinion has It that a. flow ot
oil will surely be struck In the well.
Clergyman Injured.
HTJHON, S. D July 24. (Special.)-
Word comes from Jamestown, N. D., that
Rov. O. II. Roubotham of this city, a
Methodist minister, was severely Injured at
that place recently. While stepping from
a Northern Pacific train It suddenly started
and Mr. Roubotham tell between the car
steps and the depot platform. His Inju
ries are such that he will ask damages
from tho company.
Plata of Mloux Extension,
PIERRE, S. D., July 24. (Special.) The
Soo road has filed In the office of the cam-
mlssioner of school and public lands plats
of Its line now being extended which crosses
state lands In the northern part ot the
state. It la very likely that one ot the new
towns to be located in that part of the
state will be on state land.
wool industry nrovra.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. July 24. (Special.)
About M.ftOO nannds of wool have been
shisfltd from the town of Hecla durln the
last two ws-ks. Ths- growth of the wool-
producing industry tn that part of the state
has bsas wonderful. A few years ago
there were but few sheep In the county
Shipping Cattle In Sonth Dakota.
PIERRE. S. D.. Julv 24. (SneclaM Inrtl
citlnna nnw mrt tht ratta aMnmanta rrnm
.vi i.. .ni i i.. i , . . ,. .l .
iu.a fuim ix-rmi cniij- iu rtURuoi ii me
Intense heat moderates. The grass Is dry
and beef la hardening rapidly, putting the
stock In good shape for shipment soon.
Announce Spanish Program.
MADRID, July 24. Premier Sagasta has
announced tne government s program, wnicn
. . . .. ...i
will tnr-tllla Ik. r, nt .V.. ..
me Miaousnmeni or oases ror naval opera
tions and the construction ot an arsenal on
a vast seals.
Cimm BnlUtln 8hwi Qriat Incruit ii
Iti Maiufaoturti.
rh DepnnttK ot ,ron nnA nuppnrlt of
Petroleum Warrant More Trn im
portation Facilities Howe
Starts fur ,1irnka.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Julv 24. ( Tele
gram.) The census todoy Issued a bulletin
coverlne Wvomln manufactures, in this
bul etln Director Merrlnm palls nttontlon
to th fart (hat th Inrron.n In th numW
of manufacturing establishments In Wyo-
mlng since 1870 Is nearly tenfold and adds:
"This would seem to Indicate a marked",
,lv,lnnn.nt In th mm.fa,!.,rln m.
' " .n ....
cnanlcal Industries
past thirty years.
chiefly a stock-mis
n nianuiaciures are almost entirely
muucu iu tnosc prcmicis wnicn are ior 10cm
vuiinuinpiion. increiore me increase in inc
number of establishments has beeu chiefly
In the neighborhood Industries which are
carried on in small snops ami tne copuai
invested, wages paid and value ot products
havo not Increased In the same ratio. Rich
deposits ot iron ore navo teen exploited
and abundant supplies or petroleum dla-
covered in recent years, but tne lacK ot
irnn.nnfl.Hnn farllUI... ha. n
rlous handicap to their rapid development
Bnd consequently to the development of
manufactures which aro closely allied to
Thn hullntln aho that 19.0 ner cent of
the manufacturing establishments are in
, ,,.i f r.hnnn nn.i i..mi. nnd
that ,hellc establishments have more than
40 pfr cent ot tht. cntlre captal Invested In
u.i Th- .nn.t mv..n,t n.
Lordinc to the hulletln. Is J2.411.433. as
.an., ,.. nni. Ihtt, nmoiint In tho census
0, 1S80i , act tno wnoIc coraparatlve
.ummarv Hhows that Wvomln has doubled
ot only Ug W8K0 earncrg but tho value of
. Droalle,. ovcr ten years aco.
Thn ,h, mamifaetiirlnK
establishments Dr countlos as follows
Loramto, sovsnty-elght; Sheridan, forty
tbJpf ti,nl. thlrtv-one: Carbon.
.wentv-four: Weston, twenty: Big Horn.
ninetMn: Converse, thirteen: Fremont,
tu,iv-. iah,. twelve; Crook, elaht. and
Natrona, eight.
' ' .
. . r
Hon. Church Howe, formerly United
Rtatea eonaul at Palermo. Italy, and
now Lat nned In Encland. Who nas
been In thla cltv several davs on leavo from
his consulate and who has concluded hl3
. . . ..... . . . . . . .... I
--. . . - . .
for Nebraska last nicnt.
TOStmaBlerS appointed:
... ... I
I a..ih iioVntn Wnvnrlv Civtitlnvlnn
. i.i.r Phnln.
wvnmlnr nie Horn. Sherman county. T.
, Conlev.
Rural fre6 deUvery will bo established
September 2 at Carroll, Carroll county,
i The route embraces 184 square miles,
containing a nonulation of 2.825. Fred
Meyer, Lincoln Farroll. Merrltt Winter, W.
j. winter and W. H. rowell are appointoa
nivii aarvton examination la to DO neid
August 31 for clerk and carrier In the post-
office at Clarlnda, la.
Ira A. Williams, S. W. Deyer and Wll
Ham Clinton of Mount Vernon. Ia., are ap-
pointed assistant geologist, in me geuion
Ical - SUrVCY.
A postofilce is established at Bruce, Fre
mont county, wyo., wun aiic v. masou
, .,M... UM.nn r n m m nni,ml V
I 1 HO USIUIUUVO ah ..tll...., WH.".t wwmw.,
Neb., and Linden. Lincoln county.' S. D.,
are ordered discontinued; mall to Ceryle
and Canton respectively.
Robert Gross Is appointed substitute
clerk In the Council Blurts (la.), poitomce.
Cenaua Dnrenu Shovra Up the Manu-
fnctnrlnst Conditions In Idaho,
NeTadn and Wyoming.
Washington, July 24.-Tho census bu-
reau today gave out a statement showing
h ennrlltlnn nf the manufacturer Indus-
tries of Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming.
Idaho showed a gain In 1890 In the value
OI proauct wnicn wan -t,iu,oj.;. ivyuujiut. a
product was ,4,l.iu, a gain oi i per cent
over 1S90. The manufacturing proauct oi
Nova,ia WBg $1,643,675. This Is a slight lm-
provemont over the showing of 1890. The
principal manufactured product of Idaho in
1900 was lumber. The principal Item In
both Wyoming and Nevada Is the output of
the railroad repair shops. Referring to tho
showing made in Nevada, cnier Statistician!
North of the census bureau says:
"A comparison with the censuses of 1880
and 1890 shows a general decrease In the
manufacturing and Industrial conditions of
the state between 18S0 and 1890 and an In
crease between 1890 and 1900. It Is prob
able, however, that this Increase during
the last decade Is only apparent and la due
to n closer canvass In this sparsely settled
region in 1900 than in 1890. This general
decline In manufactured products Is a di
rect result of tho decrease in the popula-
tlon a decrease which began about 1S50
continued to the present time."
Secretary Ttoot Will Have Board of
Investigation Created to Learn
All Abnnt Them.
WASHINGTON. July 24. Secretary Root
has directed tho preparation of an order
creating a board of array officers to tn-
vestla-ate the whole subject of changes in
the military noats throughout tho country.
This board will consider proposed changes
In headquarters, the establishment or
abandonment ot military posts and also
the proposed establishment of four promt-
nrnt posts for military maneuvers. It is
expected that Instead ot four camps of this
character only two will be established,
namely, Fort Riley In the west and an-
other somewhere In the east. The board,
however, will only make recommendations,
as congressional action will be necessary
ror such establishment and changes.
of the Mate during the Mad(1' , (uat of
Wyoming, howover, IiL.imj' v. ..., .",,. ',,, ,
Ing and mlnltiK region i..,, M,innT I. ,m in h.v.
Hagan won his suit to set aside the sale
War Sarvlrora nemembere by
Oenerat O.rarnm.ut.
WASHINGTON, July 24. fantelal.) Th
toiiowing pensions have been granted:
issue or July 6:
itaYti-t. . T?.?i"Sna.1.-J5.mee Rltcheson,
Iowa: Increase Henrr I). Wnirnar n.
, t.iiD.o, ash. in i uiiiB, ucomo, s.
i Moines, 110. Reissue nnd Increase Inrnm
IJ. Taylor. QUthrlo Center. IS O Met rial
5!,low"v eto. (Special accrurd. ' July 8)
gfff, Vnoonesoorofa.SM,nfS' ,S: 'Mary J'
Colorado: Increase-l-Albert a Amr.i
Canon City. H. War with Soaln (original?
?uAKn,ke.r' Snver'. l ...
Galesburg. 6. -......, , r.m.
I 'V""1""!! unmi-jonn r . Denton,
1.... t t i . . . i
I Uliruon, 0.
iiv.1 cwr-isimisnv jmapp,
St, Loula Grta McDowell.
WASHINGTON, July 2.-Joha. or. as he
Is sometimes called, Louis McDowell, ar
rested last week for an alleged fraudulent
attempt to secure Jewelry from eevoral
firms, today was turned over to tho St.
Louts authorities on a requisition and
sent to St. Louis this afternoon.
Parties Who Formerly Knew the
Murderer In City to Identify
the Prlsnnrrn,
DENVER, July 24. The persons alleged
to be members ot the Bender family, tor
whom, according to a dispatch from Topcka,
Governor Stanley has Issued requisition
papers on Governor Orman of Colorado,
are Mrs. Frank Ayres nnd her mother.
known as Mrs. llecd In Fort Collins, where
they reside, nnd Will Baker of Loncmont,
Mrs. Ayres was formerly the wife of
varies uamont. wno is serving n lourtccn
W&T lp"D. in prison lor criminal nsjauil.
- V1" fnc,s. . i l-on)
sho m1a"',J ,ran AyreB n"J 'hf ,lvcJ
. ' . I V, , ,,.
W ip lony ihhcd i.rai run vu.m.a.
oxcnlmcj on coranK faco to face with Mrs.
Ayrc.. "Why, you're Kate Bender
Th oIPinniatlnn was made n tho ores
eneo 0t Avres. who later went to Kansas.
disguising himself as a woman so that his
wlfe COuld not trace him. and at Cherry
Valo told the officers o: -lis suspicions ro
gnrdlng his wife's family.. He declares that
Mrs. Heed 1b In reality Mrs, licnder nnd
that she has separated from her husband,
who Is living In utan, and mat win liaKer
I. vnlino- Ilon.lrr
Mrs. Ayres denies that sho Ii Knte Den
der and declares that she will prove nn
nllbl. She Is afc-out years old. it is
said that Edward L. Durton. a lawyer of
... . . , .
Uswego, Kan., togeimr wun nn oui rem
dent of Galena, who knew the Benders, are
at present In Fort Colllnrf for the pur-
P ot making a posit yo Idcnlincntlon of
tho Pe"on suspected. If possible,
Governor Orman Is out of the city, but
his secretary says tho requisition papers
mentioned In the Topcka dispatch have not
been received.
It a mor that Ita Headquarter Will
e at Knnsna
KANSAS CITT, July 24. A now depart
ment In the army to bo designated "The
Department of Kansas" and to include tho
commands at Forts Lcnvonwnrth and IMlcy,
Kan.. Jefferson Barracks, Mo,, Forts Reno
and Sill, Oklahoma, and Fort Logan II
. . . . , i . -. . -
uoois. Aransas, wua nimu.nmrirra m nau
sas City, may bo created In tho near fu
lure, HCKoruillK lu u man irfiii luriiiiuuu
with military affairs, who le quoted by the
'tnnana fttv la rflrtnln anva ihla nn
w. ... ...(. w.,u
., ,. . . ... ... ...
luorny, m no wici-iou n n khhi iiuuh.
- .... 1. 1 1 ..V. ... . . I . . . lit. 1. A
ior wio csiumnwuirui m win iiiiiiiui.y utuu
nnarters under a nrobablo new allehnmont
of the denartments. but will not succeed
In having tho headquarters of the Depart
mcnt of the Missouri removed from
Local color Is given to the story by the
recent visit to Forts Leavenworth and Riley
nf Secretary of War Root and narty. Kan-
gBs City has for some time agitated the
Question of removing the headquarters of
th nuiurtmrirt of the' Mlasnurl to Kansas
Large Marketing ot Ildsa na Itennlt
of Long Continued
CINCINNATI, July 24. (Special Telo-
irram.) Tho Price Current says: There
has been large marketing of hogs tho last
week. The total western pncklng Is 525,-
000, compared with 460,000 tho preceding
week and 365,000 last year. Since March
1 the total Ib 9,360,000, against 9.010,000 a
your ago. Prominent places comparo as
Chicago 2.520,000
Kansas City 1,515,000
OMAHA 970,000
St. Louis 715,000
St. Joseph TSS.GOi)
inuianapous itu.j
Milwaukee 2S0.000
Plnnlntl nni ftAA
s v " srboo
Cedar Rapids lSl.OftO
Lst. Paul 206.000
severnl Persona Injured, but Xone
Serious Gnongh to Go to
TIFFIN, la,, July 24. A passenger train
on the Rock Island railroad ran Into
another which was going on n side track
noro tnis morning. A sleeping car was
knocked over on Its side and several pas
scngers wore injured, but none of them
Following aro the names of thoso hurt:
C. D. Relter, East Orange, N. J,
Two children.
Frank L. Adams. Dostoa. t
J. E. Dunreap, Denver.
A. M. Collins, Lebanon, Kan. '
J. A. McGrenr, Chicago.
E. Bumpson, Chicago, porter.
All the Injured pabsengers proceeded to
their destinations.
first day to reunion
Over Fifteen Thonannd Expected nt
naptlat VonnK Ieople'a
CHICAGO, July 24. The eleventh annual
convention of the Baptist Young Peoplu's
union began In this city today. Over 15,000
delegates and visitors from all parts ot
the United States and Canada are expected
to be present at tho meetings, which will
oe concluded baturday niglil
loony was spent in iniorraai reunion. A
praise service will bo held tonight nt the
Second Baptist church, when Rev, William
Lawrence, D.D. of Chicago. Thomas Irqu
hart of Toronto, Canada and J. n. Cranfll ot
Dallas, Tex,, will dollver addresses.
Tho conferenco will open formally at the
coliseum tomorrow.
St. Louis Theatrical Mnn.
ST. LOUIS. July 23. Oliver L. Hagan, a
well known theatrical man, died here to
day after a long Illness. Recently Mr
ws Magan opera nouse, wniun was cougnt
I. - K i. W.vlln inrl . V. .. ........
chanstd to the Imnerlal. At one tlm
Mr. llm.n was manarer of Pone's theatur
In thla city.
Former Consul to Pern
PEORIA. III.. July 24. Anullla J. Dauch
I ...... i,.. nt rvat, .v..
" '""'"" -'v. u iuo
F"ln district, died tonight at Maquoketa,
wnero D0 03,1 been for 8lx weeks In
a sanitarium as a result of a stroke of
paralysis last January. He was 69 years
old and had served as consul to Callao,
ieru, and two terms In the legislature
I. S, Sheppard of I.oup City.
LOUP CITY. Neb., July 24. (8peclal.)
I. S, Sheppard, a Jeweler of Loup City, died
typhoid fever last evening after being
1 ----. v a.
Twit vpara ncro n fntnllv from Kiinsnci named
(Continued from First Tage.)
quences arising from their course while
members of the board.
Tho court of Inquiry will probably not
proceed with Its work until fall. Secre
tary Long today said that It would bo un
fair to nsk a court of Inquiry to convene
In Washington during tho present ex
tremely hot weather for the prosecution
of an Inquiry which promised to be quite
Tho order for the court of Inquiry will
not' bo Issued until tomorrow.
Text of the Letter.
Admiral Schley's letter Is as follows:
aitHAT NECK. Long Island, N. Y.. July
22. IDOL Sir. Within the lnt few tlnVK .1
serleH of pre comment hnvo been sent to
me from various parts of the country u. a
dook entitled a innory or tne Mny
written by one Edgar Stnnton Mncl '.
From these reVtewM It ntmenrs thnt 'hi
edition Is ii third volume, of the said his
tory extended to Include tne Into war wltli
Spain, which the two first volutnex did tt t
contnlii, nnd wore In use na text booko nt
the Naval academy.
2. From excerpts quoted In jorae reviews,
In which the page nnd par-igrapli lire given,
there l such perversion ot facts, nmc.m
ptructloti nf Intention, xucli lntemitera e
nbuse nnd defamation of myself which tin-
jeeis .ir. .Macuiy to action in civil law
While 1 admit the rlqht of fair critic sn of
every public ulllcer I must protcft ugnli st
the low lllngs and abuflve laiiKunge of this
violent, partisan opponent who ha lnfued
Into the pnnes of his book so much of the
malice ot unfiilrnc5s ns to make It unworthy
the name of hIMory or of use In :iny
reputnble Institution of the country.
3. 1 have refrained heretofore from nil
comment upon the Innuendoes of enemies
muttered or murmured in secret, nnn
therefore with safety to themxolves. I
think the time has now come to take xtlch
action ns may brine this entire inn t "'
under discussion under the clearer nnd
calmer review or my brothers in arms, end
to tills end I nsk such net. on nt the hand '
of the department thnt It mny bo thou ;ht
nest to neenmpusn mis purpose.
4 Hut I would express the requat that
In this connection that whatever the mat
ter be, tlint It occur in vt namtigtoii, wncre
most of my pnpors nnd dntn are stored.
Very respectfully. W. S. S (.MILKY.
I Ttonr Aitmlrnl I'. S. V.
To the Secretary of tho Nncy, Wnshlnc-
ton. D C.
Secretary Long replied to Schley
as tultown:
July 21, 1901. Sir; I am In receipt of yoiiM
or tne sm lnsi., wun reierence 10 tne rrui
clsm upon you In connection with th" Span-lull-American
wur nnd hcnrtlly approve ot
vnnr nrtloii. under thn circumstances. In
nsklnB nt the hands of this department Ml h ,
itcuuil tin iiiiiy miuK iinn I'litttfr iiiuiii
under discussion under tho clearer and
calmer review of nnd by brothers In arms.
The department will nt once preo,I In
accordance with your request. Very re
spectfully, JOHN D. LONG.
To ueur Anmirai w . o. ocwry, u. a, e.
Mnriny nnd Hnmpann Talk.
NfiW YORK. July 24. Kdgar S. Moclay,
who criticised Rear Admiral Schley In a
hUtory of tho United States navy, said to
day: "It 1h tho proper courso for Rear
Admiral Schley to demand a court of In
quiry. It Is his only means of vindication.
After this court has determined upon his
case ho can bring suit. It is need
less for mo to comment further upon Rear
Admiral Schley's record."
110STON, July 24. Rear Admiral Samp
son said today: "I am glad that Rear Ad
miral Schley has asked Secretary Long for
nn Investigation. I hope It there is nn
Investigation It will be n thorough one nnd
that not a detail ot anything that has been
In dlsputo will bo avoided by the Investigat
ing board.
"This wholo business Is Inspired by mal
ice, but now, perhaps. It may be all Investi
gated, and It It Is tho people ot the United
States will know all tho facts."
For Mnelny'n Itemoval.
WASHINGTON. July 21. An effort has
been made to secure tho removal ot Edgar
S. Maclay, the author of tho history of
the Spanish war containing the criticisms
on Rear Admiral Schley. 'Maclay 1b a clerk
In the Drooklyn yard. Representative. Syd
ney E. Mudd ot Maryland, a member ot tho
committee on naval affairs In the last
house of representatives, called on Secre
tary Long today and represented to hlrn
tho Impropriety ot Maclay continuing un
employe of the government, in vlow of
the language he used In referring to Ad
miral Schley. Tho secretary promises to
give tho matter his attention
Ilnll Destroyit Crops,
ST. PETERSnURO, July 24. A hailstorm
In tho district of Schlatzk. government cf
Tnmboff, July 12, destroyed tho crops ovcr
a wide area. Three men nnd many cattlo
were killed, whllo an entire Mock of sheep
and two shepherds wcro carried off by the
flood. Some of the hailstones weighed
three pounds.
Every one of the grocers in
town and suburbs can sell Fels-
Xnptha soap and return the
money if anyone wants it
costs him nothing.
Fols & Co., makers, Philadelphia.
Cures Qulokly.
It boa long been a household f&rortte
for CouKhs, Colds. BronctiltU, Pneu
monln, Asthma, Whooping Cough and
all other Thnat and Luiir,' Troubloa
It Is prescribed aepecirlc for Onppo
Mothers endorse. It an un infallible
remedy for Croup. Children Mm It.
rtnareH liv F.. O, OiWII fin.. nhloanA
patlon. liver and kldnevs. lies . tonic, laxative,
blood purlnor known for all chronlo diseases,
.morales and Invljorates Uie wholo systbtn end
euros very worst eases. Get trial box at once.
If not satisfied with It notlf r us. we tAii JefTmrt
motley by return mU. Write vour sraDtnm.
for Free MedlcsUdvioe, sample and proof, sj
sto at driUu. Dr. It. J. Ksy. fearstoosi ! if.Y.
! I
'm tn4 It iht ibort- . liSfWuSSf, a2
y citllneto "SWaMM1 Yti
$ buffalo " , J3
H ilnp-onri given JP jttftM'jS w
tjJJ Iff PWrlyll. S.ll.f, Kl ta ll .,ail Im4
SBJ tlik.l Af ar 4lr-i Dixl
;S e. i. cm t.i,ii tui'iMii i.Mit, rt tocts. Jjvl
Cured of Catarrh of the Stomach
by Pe-rtt-ii8.
a-a-a-a. aa -a-a. a-a. ,- ( )
if ll
m mm
k t
Delegate to Congress from Hawaii. J
Hon. Robert W. Wilcox. Delegate to I
Congress from Hawaii and tho Sandwich
Islands, In n recent letter from Washing'
ton, I), C, writes;
"I luive used I'crtmn for dyspep
sia nnd I cheerfully give you this
testiinonitl. Am satisfied If it is
nscd properly it will he of urc it 1
nenclit to our people. I can con
sjlcntlous'y recommend it to any
ono who is .sulT.-riutr with stout ich
We do not treat all diseases, but euro nil we treat. Wo treat MEN ONLY,
and cure them to stay cured. We have recently treated scores of stubborn casos
for some of the best citizens ot this city nnd vicinity, and not n single fntluro
nor an unpleagant result has been reported, What wo have done for others we
can do for you. There Is absolutely no crro of NEUVO-SEXUAL D5JIIHTY,
that wo cannot euro safely, quickly and permanently. Ily our Treatment wo also
euro completely and forever men who havo SEMINAL WEAKNESS, LAME HACK,
NESS, LOSS OF AMI1ITION or almllnr symptoms o! physical nnd mental weak
ness. Our counsel Is free to patients. If you ennnot call nt our nfllco today, wrlto
fully, and wo will give you an honest and scientific opinion of your cnao free.
LEGAL CONTRACT given to each patient to hold for our promises. Wo rofer to
best banks and leading business men ot this city. Ofllco hours S to S; Sundays
10 to 1.
nnwcni TATinw in person ok
1308 Farnam St., Bet. 13th and I4ih Sis,, OMAHA, NEB.
:r ruy
nnut mnrui.
A. Mayjr Co.,
Phone 171s
Re-No-May Powder
Not only rsllsves, but positively cures all
disorders of ths feet, stops odorous perspi
ration, cures teadir, sftollsn and painful
Pries 50 Cents.
For Sale by all Druggists
and Glove Dealer
Consultation Pree from 2 to i.
When ordering by mall add 6 cants lot
P.s-No-May Skin Food for facial maaiags,
Re-No-May Cream sotisas and wailsju
Um basis and faca.
If he only touches the high spots
when hn dusts, if your windows huvn
a brunette complexion and your wush
bowel Ib crusted with the soot iind
grime of tho month bufore Inst. He
probably Ih overworked and under
paid. Anyway Uh too hot to be ugly.
Hut If you would Itko to conduct
your buKlneus In u clenn, cool, Heht,
lmndsomn otllca where you can do
moro work with less worry, wo can
show you a few very cholco ofllces In
various parts of
R. C. Peters & Co.,
Rental Audits,
Uh l!ll fur unuktur)
lrrltatlon or slcerstlooa
oi muooui mtirbrnt
., ' rtinlrtt. ant not Mtriw
eEva.'SChewIcjIlOo. fnt or poUoncns.
sioia oy Drntiruia,
or itnt In plain wrsrosr.
Otrssaai stat ob rsajsati.
JTt 1 la 1 4tl
ASSaaw Qariu4 SL
mM bm u tirltftir.
rrtf-aii Cbi
or cntiirrlml troubles," U. W.
All ovcr thla country nre hundreds of
people who are suffering from catarrh of
the stomuch who are wasting precious
time, nnd enduring needless suffering. Tho
remedies they try only temporarily pnlllate
thn distress, but never ctfect a cure. Rem
edies for dyspepsia have multiplied tu
rapidly thnt they nre becoming as numer
ous ns the leaves of tho forest, nnd yet
dyspepsia rontlmics to flourish In spite of
! them all. Thl Is duo to the f.ict that tho
) cuuso of dyspepsia Is not recornlied ns
If them Is a remedy In the wholo rnngo
of medicinal preparations that Is In every
I particular adapted to dyspepsia, that remedy
lis l'cruna. This remedy is well nigh Invlcl-
' ble In these cases. Dr. Hnrtman, President
of the Hnrtman Sanitarium, Columbus,
O., rays:
"in my latgo practice and correspondence
I havo yet to learn of a single enso of
atonic dyspepsia which tins not either been
grently benefitted or cured by Perunn."
No ono stifferliiR with catarrh of the
Btomach or dyspepsia, however slight, can
V. rt ...nil nf l.n.K.i. tf la th,, ndii.n nt an
,,.... '',,,. ,,. ! i.
most ureaneii disease, rcruna nets im-
mediately on the seat of the trouhlp, thn
Inflamed mucous membranes lining tho
stomach nnd a lasting cure Ii effected.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from tho use of Perunn,
write nt onco to Dr. Hnrtman, giving n
full statement of your case nnd ho will
bo pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis,
Address Dr Hartman, President of Tho
Hartmnn Sanitarium, Coltnubus, O.
Men Only
OfUec open coiitlaaonaly from H a. sa
to 0 p. m. Snnilnys froa
U a. in, to B p. ns. ,
(Dr. McOrrw at Ae (13.)
In tha treatment nf all forma of Dls
mica nnd Dlaordera of Aim Only. 24
rears' experience, IS yean In Omaha,
A permanent cure guaranteed In last)
than 10 days, without cutting, pain or loss
ot time,
CTU1PTIIQC curod In less than 6 days
Oi n!ul UllL without pain or hlndranos
trom business. A ported and permanent
cure guurauteed.
QVDHII K' and all Ulooil Dlneanrs cured
OlrillLIO by a treatment which Is far
more satisfactory and successful than
litln, Dni'lnn." trantm.nt nrtA lit In,,
iliu, lji ...,.. m ....... ....u ... i'na .....
h.-ilf thp All breaking out nnd Iirns
of the dUeaun dlsayeur ut once. A curs
that Is guaruntvtl tor life.
IHCD flfin cases cured of nervous
UVtll ZUiUUU debility, loss nt vitality
and MANHOOD, banhfulness, Oleet and
ill unnatural wenkneate? ot men.
Uarea Gunrantord. Cu.iaultnt Inn Fre.
Treatment sent sverywhere frss from
saze. P. O. ilox 7W. OrTics over 215 SoutH
UUt street, bstwsen Karuam and Douxlaa
StTMUU oiiXHA, MKli.
str.3,-11 yet sasll , k
organ i, loll eowr or kiBin
culu,cur VouamOrfnPtf ilopor
will rHor you without drug or
leotrlcltyi Btrlcturv nU VwlooceU
r,rninuilr ourtd lo 1 to 4
J4.Q00 U ui not on fallurtt ool
oua rtlurntdi enact ImiuodUtti na
71 O.O.D. fraud l wtln for fr vrtlo
5?fcSrf?Ti ltr, nt if ftltd ID ulkln tnTtlopa.
XCUirPlltNCE CO. lit Thin Bit. Uilmieilli, 1st,
RENOVATOR Inrlgorates aud renovates ths
tritom; purities aud enrlrues tho Mood; cures
too worst dykpepsla, eom.ttn.Uon, tinndache,
llvorand kMueyt. 25o and $1. ut drugglUB. Vtti
Faaa. advice. Sample and bOOk. aanaa.
m Dr. II. J. Hay, Saratoga, N.Y, P'am