SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement a for llirae cntnmna will he taken audi 13 m. (or (he renin edition mid nntll H.HO p. la. (or morning anil Sunday edition. Itatea, 1 l-2o a rrnril flrat tnaertlon, le a word thereafter. Nothing tnken (r leaa tlmn 3no for the flrat Inaer (lon. Theae fid Tertlacmerita moat ba ran consecutively, . Advrrtlarra, Ir rrqneatlnaj a nnm tiered eh roll, caa hare answers ad drraard to a unmliered letter In ear of The flee, Anarrera ao addreaaed will ba delivered am presentation mt tmm atieek only. SITUATIONS WANTED. -WANTED, situation by young lady, fa miliar, with abstract work, typewriting C and shorthand; best of references from present employers. AddresH C 4!. lice, A-M40O 2o i-WANTED, by refined, educated lady, pol- tion as companion or chaperon lor youn " ay'' .w"Ula leiivo city; best refer n.o. C 60, Uee, A US 21 WANTED MALE HUM'. VANXED Wo have stcudy woik lor u few good nusllers ut 4uuu imuiu unu upyeur r mice. U. F. Auums v.o.t Iwj liuwuiu at. BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short Unit', catalogue and ptrlicuiuis true, Weaiern u.Uueia' luatlluie, uinullu, teu. . u 3o ' WANTED, housewreckcrs to lllo bids en tnusicui icHtiv.ll tumour material, giuvel, etc., ui.ljtu und (.upilul.rt.vu. inquire J. A E. iinowic, superintendent. Haiui BRIGHT young man to lake a shorthand sciioiursiiip in beal scnooi mm puy lor u When OOa. e 1m IiIIUIIlii una pujiuuii cured. Ariures C vi, wee. Hito -j WANTED, men to learn burbur trade, only eight Wuckd .uiiuircti, tools preaciiieu; wuhCH ouurduya; positions gutiruniecu; ajit-uial inducements now; eutaiub-u iiiuiieu ircc. .uuier Burner College, 1' Ul III11I1 SC. U ij. C'B WANT a representative In every laro city, good wusts; uouguiiui worn, i-or piirliuumra write to milium Oplegiuvu, UOX iJl, JJUUlUur, (UlO. ilMJVJ M' .WANTED Hlmo salesman. NebrusKu Uu'.Tiing company. Ji .u UOOD oread maker ut Smith's bakery, Hv2 Finn' uvenuu, i-ijiiin.il uiuus. i. ibi WANTED, men by tho hundreds lor South ,,, ,, .ft, M ' r, t ? ' I ' 1 -I - r- - WANT15D., nrBtclas'Sbiirlier'at''fJraiid' ho-' tel. Cci'ncll Uiutts. ' il iUW ill A ANTED, bur porter; stato reference. Lower olilcu. J. u. tierrlcK, Uncom, Nuj. 11 loU I'j' WANTKD, experienced soap Bulemnani re ply, BiatlnK ue, (.xperiBiiee, ruieroticen, aaiury uxpecteu. Adurean O 67, Jlee. b-MVJ2 I'ilYHICIAN wanted for Nebraka; a'ood nuiiiry or pereuiituKo imiu t)puciuiint lor uilicu pructicu; reiei-eucun reiiulreu. jint ln .Medical HiHtltute, bneiuon lilK., l.ln - colli, Nob. u jUiyi v4. ' WASTIH)-t'iiAl,J 11KH'. WANTED, aoo jjlrls. 1CH Dodge. Tel 876. , C Soo "WANTED, girl for general houHework, fuih lly of tniu. Mi, auneral, ati N. ith , Ave. VlintX glrla, all kinds work. Cunadlan omce, v-ni BJUQllT younir lady to take a shorthand fcchoiarxhlp in the best school una pay for It when course U llmsned iilid Dual lion socureu. Auureas j 4o, aiiie. i ' C-i'SI 25 WANTED young ladles to learn hair dreHainjj, manicuring -or mussuge; 'com plete oourse gtvea in lolir- Weens: 'oVfcry tavuntuge oi thorough training oficriu: position!., htiuraiuevu; tools presenieu! Bpeciar aavuntugerf to applicants iron! jibtuncoi cuiuioKUe mulieu iree. Moier College, l&U i'Utimm si. C M31U WANTED, upprentlco girls to leurn thi nilillnery buaineH. j. u llranueis Hoiib, uoston atore. C lsj "j AltU ladles who have tried others say Satin bkin powder Is tho best, because It a in visible, adhesive, harmless, unly I'oc. . C MtW 25 OOOD washerwoman wants to go out by tho day. Address 193S Ho. 20th Bt. O AUS9 23 FOlt HKNT-IIOUSKS. IV YOU want your houses well rented nlaco them with Benewu U Co. D 307 TO MOVE right, got Omaha Van Storage Co., ottlce lail'A i'arnam, or tel. loia-sw. D m HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city ilrenuan-Lovo Co., 32u South Uth. street. D-3"9 HOUSES, stores. Uemls, Paxton block. ' D-310 SEE HENRY IS. I'AYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE D-3U HOUSES, etc F. D. Wcad, lUt Douglas. D-312 HOUSES and flats, lllngwult, Darker block. D.-Jll , HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block. D 3H 1217 CUMINQ, S-room house, all modern ' except lurnaco; rent, J0, OMAHA LOAN i TllUST CO.. 16th and Douglas. D 03 l-HOOM brick houso, modern, 2717 Jackson. Tclophone A. Traynor, 4U1 or L 2&M. om FOIl RENT, 2102 N. 29th ave house, newly pupered and painted; six lino large rooms. See N. L. Trimble, 121S l-'arnan" : D-.M103 FOR RENT, 10-room, east front, brick houso, 3US N. 22d st., near Davenport. Inuulro next door. DM2i FOR RENT Houso and barn: nil modern 2137 South 33d St. Apply iOi Merchants' Nutlonal llank Uldg, D 3uti 7-ROOM flat. 617 SouthTeth. Clark Powell. 311 New York Llfo. D-475 6-ROOM furnished cottago for the summer! no children. 802 Bo.30ih Bt, D 152 2t HOUSE for rent, seven rooms, 2532 D.v enport St. D 151 :6 VOll UENT rUIlMSIIliU HUO.MS. DEWEY, European, hotel, 13th and Fncnam. E-319 THE THURSTON, cool, airy rooms. E-3M THREE rooms, light housekeeping. 1112 South Uth. E MS DOU.HLE parlor for two gentlfinen. 1308 Cuming St., (second Door. E 206 SOUTH rooms, 190tJ Capitol avc. -U2 2t CHOICE furnished rooms, detached house, close In, lawn and shade.' 2215' F.irnam st. 1 .:..,.:,.. .,u .sliS'.u Housekeeping, rso'm Mup.. KaScIarys. COOT., largo front room with two beds, bath, closet, board If .desired; gantlemen preferred; reasonable. 3615 Howard street. E-.MW 8 rURMSIIKD UOOMS AD UOAlll). UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F 323 OL.ENCA1RN, transient, tl.26 day, 160U Dour. F-023 THE MeTrlam, summer resort, 23th & Dodge. F-321 TWO large front rooms, with board. 1906 Capitol Ave. F-M9 DESIRABLE rooms. The Pratt, 212 S. 25th at. F-326 DESIRABLE rooms, flrst-clas 'board. 2551 . Harney. F-M3M iMKuta nurvesi lleida; Mini .dui, i-i '"'VVJ-Wrandl. J koh iii:.VT-L.ruii.isnr:u rooms. DLSIC room space, Ji par month, ground floor room In The Bee building, facing Karnum'ntreet, no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. It. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Uee building. U 113 I OH ItK.Vr SlOllEJi AMD OFflCEM. lOR RENT Storo In Ilrst-class location: rent reasonable. Apply R. c Peters a Co., ground floor, liue lildg. , 1-201 FOR RENT The building formerly occu pltd by 'lhe jJee at Via 1'arnam at. It has' ivui Biuriea unu a uuseiueui wnicil vua lonntny used us The Bee press room. This will be rented ery reasonably. It lnietested upply ul once to C. C. Rose- u.l.r u.ior.. r .. ti ...... tri tf.... ft... II. II.... ' M . . UVb. blU. ; , UV1U ,VJ AJ . W UUIIUIUH. 1-2(11 FOR RENT, olllce, with vault, and pirt llrst tlout or all lop Moor. Uil-H Jiarney st. .Midland Uluss it I'alnt Co., Hlv llnrney st. 1 t3J AUU.M'3 WA.MliU. WANTED Cunvussliig ugents in' overy .iiiilil to buiiul auuBCiiiHiuii lor 'lilt; TWliu'lliiti Lc.tluni i'.v"lt.li.-.H aim tho ..i ClCl.Ul'LDlA OF 1.1SE bl'OCiv und CUJlt'L.iiiL. aTOClC DOv. TUU. 'lluii spieliuld oouK cuillallis 1,1W Impel lal ucluvu pages, jiia ubjeul-leacliilid elibiuviugs unu ia uiu only uouii on II hluch uvvi pouiUlied adapiud lu mu every' uuy, pi.iciit.ui, iiiuuey saving uke ol user lumiei una aiotii owner, aicuuy einplu) liielll Willi ubaurcil tuod lliculile.' AKCilis In the' country Willi nurse una buggy es ptiiluli) UvalivU. uluuaaela inUKu easily J lu ill per iiiuutli. Address, Ceii.ur funnel boueiluis' JjJie.iu, Uvu bul.ulng, Oiiiuhu. J If! WANTED Agents to' sell our sensible tn Uovvmuut policy; cull or auctions C. U. Looeck, .lgr. leutuBku IJepl. the -security Lilu unu buiings ins. Co., bit) .n. X'. Lite; oniulia. J M 143-J y -2s AOiNTS wanted for Drumniond's lightning lemeuies lor rliuuinutlsin; 1jvJ tor uu in culuuiu Case; reaiures stilt Joints, uruwn .uiub unu hardeluu imiBCiea. it jojr dealer lias nul gol meso retneules we will tenu tnu tuil iiiuutli b treatment ut two luige bulllnu'uu leeelpt ot o. IJruiumoiid oleuicltit co m ftussuj st.. New XurK. JM'jvi AH) WANTED, two hustling llgellts; good prop, osltloil. 1IU S. lblll hi. JMii3 2. WAVl'ED TO HEM'. 1 WANT to rent ti good stock form 111 NebrusKu. Aduress, iwo New Voik Lllo mug., uinalia. . li-Misl-si STOHAUL. PACIFIC Storage und WurWouso- cT....8l Jlurr Jouesj beiurul rfvuiy ui 'g'w:iuHigi- STUltAOEyllouseholti' goods and.- btrhOr' utlleies stoieu.ul low .rutCa. J. j.'Dciigui' ce Co., Ul Furnulu ol. 'lei. 062 iljj FOlt SAl.li I 'Ull.M'l'tllt;. CH1CAUO Fuililturo Co., HM Doilge. , Tel. v.v. iNeW oi .ullunu luiiuiute uuubm. Hulu. excliuiigeu. o iu( ULii your lurnlturu ut Euterprlso Funil. lUlO UU. 0 11UVU pUlCllUBLU u.uig Uuiin. 1UI( BlUCK UIIU Will UIOBU II UUl .J pVl' vkiil uiacuuut. a. mn. Mel. 2i'Ji. O .MooU Ju0' 1' URN1TURE of "-room Hat, elegantly tuuippeu, line locution, cheap rani,1- luif geiuiLiiien ruuniers; puiiy ivu.lng city; u uuigum J, it. jolniauii, N. Uu.'.. U-2a FOll SALIC-IIOll.SUb, VEHICLES, tJ'I'C. QUICKEST and best repair work on ve hicles 11. Frost, Uth und Leuvenworth. 1-2V7 KOH SALE' MIMCMLLANKOlS,' SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry and hog fence. !J1 Douglas. Q--S30 2DHAND safo cheap. Delight 1119 Farnam. SAFES, standard nukes. sold, rented, 111.13 Q-333 BIG line of secondhand wheels, $3, 15. t$s (10. Omaha Dicyclo Co.,. 16th and Chicago His. W-331 TRADE your old wheel In on a new one. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th and Chicago fits. Q-:s7 60 PIANOS, 50 each, 60 cents per' week. Schmollcr & Mueller, 1313 'Farnam 3t. -M.H!) 27 FOR SALE, thrpe very flno Great Dane puppies, pedigree stock, very choice; don't answer this add unless you want line stock. B. F. Wum, 14U Farnam st. Q-MUS 27 CIGAR AND NEWS STAND, with soda fountain, lino furniture of 3 ro'omi, good laundry package business, good location party going to Buffalo; sell cheap. J. 11. Johnson, Sll N. Y. Life. ',. , Q M1T0 SECOND-HAND Knabo piano for sile. C 66, Bee. Q MIPS 2G CHESAPEAKE bay puppies; finest retrlev its on waterfowl; reasonable prices. A. J. Hayne. 3S21 North Twenty-third street. Q-MI8U 30 FIRST class fresh milch cows for sale. ::o3 Burt Bt.' Q 165 26' OliAUlVOYAAiTS. MRS. FR.1TZ, medium. 819 North 16th. 8335 MME. GYLMER hus returned and resumed business. Parlors, 315 South ,15th street. S 665 PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superfluous hair removed oy elcctricty. R. 12. Fienssr block. U-337 VIAVA, woman's way to health: rational, wholesumo homo treatment, ms Bee Bldg, U-3M SUPPLIES for nil .machines: machines for rent. White Sewing Machine, lUM Doug las. Tel. 223i. U-333 ' PRIVATE hospital for ladles . before and during, confinement; babies udopted. 230 Grant St. V-3U FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; r)a orders solicited. Omaha Pleating Co., 1521 Douglus. , U-312 WE RENT sewing machines for 75 cent's per week. Wo sell parts for and repair every sewing machluo manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, Corner Uth and Harney Sis. U 12 Jy29 M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect ac-. cordlon pleating plunt lu (lie nest:' mall orders solicited. Bulto 200, Douglus lllnck. U-3U SHOE Repairing. M. SperiTuto, 81S N. 16th. U C6S-A-5 WE rent sewing machines for 75 cents per week; wo repair and soll'-needles and fmrts for every machine manufactured hone 1CC3. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 15th nnd Humey. W-137 A13 MM E. S mItH. baths, 113 N. lDthT U "ttoor, room 7. ,U ti7 3) UAVTQ apply Satln-Skln Cream and Pow der to preserve lovely complexion, satin skin. 25c. U Mt&O 25 MOSRV TO I.O.VX-RUAL ESTATE, MONEY to loan .pn improved OmaKi real ,es,tate. Drennan-Lov. Co... lib .SoutlI-13)li.' WANTED, cityloan. bonds nnd .wamilts. George iSc. Coropahy, 160ri"srnam streut:. W-3I8' WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., .702 Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. W 313 MONEY to loan at 4W and 64 per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Meikle, 401 fl, sth. j W-351 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 DoiibIhi W-K3 6 AND 6H per cent loans. W. II. Thomas, First National Bank building. Tel. 161s, W-316 MONEY TO LOAN on' Improved res! estate; 6 pr cent Interest; no commission; privi lege of paying tlOO or inord before ma turity. Northwestern Mutual Life Int. Co., John W Otsh, special loan agent, 214 First Nat'l Baqk Bldg.; Omaha, Nrb, " .W-SM THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MOXKV TO LOA.V-HEAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. v. L. W 353 ..-AfLD, city loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith & Co., l;J Farnam St. W-3J7 4W TO 5 1. c. money. Bcmls, Paxton ulk. J50.OCO SPECIAL fund; loans W0 up, lowest rates, no delay. Garvin Bros., 1613 Far nam. W-M922 t30), J400, JoOO private money to loan: 1, 2. 3, or 5 years. W. L. Selby, Board of Trade D'ug. W-2:9 310.M2Y TO l,OA.-CHATTEl,S. DO YOb NEED MONEV. We loan iu unu up un luiiiuuit, pianos, noraes and oilier cliallela. dAUUU lUA.SS. without nioribugu iu pcup.B nuiding pcrma. Iicul positions, lou can gel luu iiiuuey in a lew nuuis utter muitiiib appueutiuu anu luae 1, i, 4, t, j, o Hiuiillia ul' iiiuiv'lll WHICH lu iuy u ua.cn, unu uu Htm nut puy tui It unu uuy luugui' tiiun uu niep u. We CIiuibu iiulli.iia, tor pupvib aim uu giu yuu me luu uuluunt in eaaii. iheru .ire uu luwur lulea inun oui'a, uur le.uu ut lliu cuaiKBl, our Uusilluaa la CUIillueluiui una uur uiullu is uy lu pleuse. UJIAIII JUJIl'lUvUli LUrt.l CO. lU xiuuiu ui iiuuu uiai. . ltd, iij, iLaluUliaUkU IjJ. vu b. n,u, at. Jw oa CONFIDENTIAL LOANS, on housu noiu luiniluiu, piuuua, horses, waguiia, etc., In ivtu uouia , tune; ulsu lu ku.aiiicu peuplu un their pium nuies, vviin uul KKCutiiy r.aalil puyiueiila and low est rules 111 Uluu'llu l il.alo lillvrvieiVilu ruuiu. jvnuricitii L.OUU Cu luuin 4i iiiu. u.ukK, cur. ibin una uuutias ciu., eniiuuvs uu lulli nl., uppusilu 1. ,.ii. jv. tiug. LAUUKUT BUSINESS IN LOANS TO blAivlED Iilercliuiiia, teuiii- Bleia, Uuaidlllg UJUses, ulC, Wllliuui se uul.iy. euaiiial terms; J unices m ilucipal cities. 'luiuiuu,,nu uuuiu ul Huuu mug, -V joi LOANS UN SALARIES, FURNITURE live alucK, etc. wuiCK aurviuu and luteal lules (tUui.uulued. j, v-. lAluui, oil llop Ihourj i-UaIuii uiock, nui'lliuuai cut'nur lulu unu r'u.i.uiu, .miaiiL uu utn Blicel. V wi2 MONEY loaned on pianos, furiillure, Jew ciiy, liulata, cuwa, ntu. c. F. ileuu, 4iV o. U. V wIM MONEY loaned un pianos, furniture, huraes, cuwa, juvteuy, unit urevii, it. s,.iuiner uu A M l,W).W TO place tiuick. M. J. bull, aulle 3i, iiruMli ulocK. Kennurd uc X 366 WE LOAN money to sulurled people on men iiutu ui lunuai ruieaj Btricuy conn uelillui; puy iveeKiy,. .euuil-iteeKly r or inuiitliiy. nuotn 'M. I'axrOit uiucA, cd hour, Relluuiu Credit Co. " , .-. " Xr-tfi. ' llbit.L3s' CllAAOliS 1 AM offering fdr sulu xny e.ntlrfc' business' wuuu, coal, teed Hiiu gtuCei'iua, alsu uuud Hits unu iui. Fur puiuouiura muJlru uf Thus, iiialuuii, "ailm vat uruadvu, coun cil 11 1 una. 1M.Wj WANTED Ludles of ability to iiiunage bruncn unices; must have sumu tuait tu cover cost ul remeules. Tliyiuid-iyiiipii Co., 30u lite uldg., Omuhu. Y tiol a-j FOR BALE or trude, half or whole interest In drug store; ham woou Moor, A'.atthuws gas machine, soda louniuin, eic, in u lively county seat. Thyiuiu-Lympn Co., tw noo Bldg. Vi FOR BALE, New York racket store; good business in good town of Z.bw; invoice mom l,luu; oest of. reasons lor telling. Address C 2s, Bee. , Y Mttthl 2t GET ONE In tfmc Get restaurant before carnival; nice one ut halt price; cheap at 1i3ai; will sell lor fW cnoii or on time; luoK ut it. inquire lul Curtis street, .Den ver, Col. Y M4e3 2j rUlt, SALE OR EXCHANGE Milliner Btuok; invoice K0. what have you Will consider well located raw laud. T. M. Cllne, 123i w street, Lincoln, Neb. , ' t Y-M1.&30 FOKEVCIIAMIE. TO EXCHANOE FOR LAUD: Threo'-story. briqk block, .6, stores,- 10. Hats, corner," 'on car line, rental value 3,WW; property clear; price. 27,6uu. , D. V.. 8HQLES COMPANY, Telephone 829. 31t N Y. Life Bldg.. Z-M19J 7 FOll SALE-HEAL J2STATE. RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Paclllc Railroad company. B. A. McAIIaster, land commissioner, Union Paclllc Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-367 FOR SALE, 3i0 acres of land at a bargain, In section thirty (3UK in Holt, county, Neb. Address F.' J. Neasham, Ottumwu, la. RE-.M930 'Ji HOUSES and lots in all parts ot city; a.so ucru property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 652, Bee Building. RE-370 IRRIGATED LAND FOR SALE. In the rich Valley of Loup river I can offer for sale many tarms ut reasonable prices. This land Is u rich sandy loam and pro duces elegant nrops. Tho fanners are last putting their land into ulfulia, which brings7 them lino returns, three and four crops u year being harvested ut little or no expense, netting as high as 130 per ucre Income each year. Most of this land Is under u line Irrigating canal, with a steady And reliable How of water from tho Loup river. 1 will name a tew pieces. 210 acred, 1 m.ie from county seat; 2o acres meadow, balance pasture Und. Price, $760. CM acres mile :rom county seat; good &, room t.ouse, orchard, lots ol tinnier, SO acres can bo Irrigated, 20 acres line al falfa, 116 acres pasture. Price, H.cvJ. 16o ucies, house, windmill, orchard, so acres pasture, so acres farm land, to ucrcs Irri gated. Price, $1,650. 32u acres, loo undsr plow, balance pasture; house, windmill, burn. Prl'.e, Jl.loO, 100 seres, line place tor stock, irame house, orchaid. Darn, plenty of wiiter und Um ber. Price, a0o. JW acres, 75 acres plow land, balance pas ture, on good clay sell. Price iij per ucre. 160 ucres, 2i ucres cultivated, )5 per acre. 160 acres, 60 icrtj cultivated, t per acre. 170 acres, with fenced meudow that will cut 60 to 75 tons hay, small frame housu i and stable, good stock farm. Price, Jl.loo. Many others that aru good bargains. Alt this land will produce the best ot alfalfa, with a good market and ready sale at good prices, being near the cattle ranges. Write fat particulars. 11. A. S teWaut, Taylor, Loup County, Neb. RE-675 CORN LANDS and stock ranches In th i.uiji uvu vuunii, tvuiti lur my uau W. 11. Clemetitt, Lyons, Neb. RE (66 .HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also nro insurance, ucmis, raxion isik. RE-J71 3 COTTAGES nnd lots for sale cheap; So. inn si., --iu.'. inquire in uricK uousj in roar. RE-MJ6 27 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. RE 372 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. RE-'6S FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. KA well built S-room, all modern house, In good repair, at No. 2216 Burt St., near uusiness center oi city, ttlgn scnooi . Crelghton college, etc.; lot 36x132. alley In rear, permanent stdewnlk nnd pavement all paid -for; owner Is anxious to sell nnd will uccopt one-halt In smaller houso and lot, vacant lots or western lands; look It over and make us an ofter. Price, 13,500. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Main Floor N. Y, Llfo Bldg. . RE-MI94 29 .WE have a number of cattle ranches for 'sale, in Lincoln county, Nebraska, with an ,. ftb'unilanco 'bT pdstnre, hrty 'and water; prices funge from, $500 t'o $50,000; ' corre , spondonco solicited. .Ductmiuin & . Patter son, North Platte, Nebraska.., ' ' R-Mt90'30 ' OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 613 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1661; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Old. E. JOhnsun, Osteopatblst, Mgr. -374 DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tel. 13J7 -375 A. T. HUNT, D. O., 205 Karbach Blk. Tel 2351 -37S MRS. JOHN R. MUS1CIC, D. O.. osteo pathic physician, Douglas block. r-32-A-19 FURNITURE RUPAItUNU. TEL. 1331. M. 8. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. -Mi MEDICAL, V1RTUAMA cures lmpoirncy, resulting from Indiscretions or debility; gives vi tality, vigor -CBtorlng lestrcs, umhltlons, asplratloni of youth, lualth, lining tor success, happiness in business, profes sional, social, married life; $2, or 3 for K. Sent anywhere prepaid on receipt of price The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, HI. American Olllce, retail, wholesale, Myeta Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M A, Dill in, South Omaha, Diwls Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full line legitimate rubber goods. LADIES! Chichester''-English Punnvroynl Pills aro the besti Safe, reliable Take no other. Send 4c stamps tor particulars. "Relief Jot Ludles," In letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Cnlchester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. OLR iipw book sent free, scaled, fully Illustrated, treats of all conditions of men telM how to attain "Perfect Manhood Should bo In the hands of every male adult. Addresi Erie Medical Co., "Book Dept.," Buffalo. N. Y. LOST.' LOST, Auditorium brick No. 4a. Reward It returned tu umahu Duliy News. Lost-261 LOST, about Manawn, silver matchlox. Under leave it at Paxton huUi m.d re ceive $5.00 teward trom FraiiK Iier hey. Lost 156 2 1 MIORTilA.MJ AMI Ti i'KU Itl'I l.Mi. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. ail BOYLES' Cultecp. court reporter principal, Bee Bldg. Wi NEB. Business &.Shurthutld College, Boyd's Thiuter. , Jin GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug STAMMlllllMl AMI STUTTEltlAU. CURED. Julia. Vaughn, 4J0 Rnmgu Bldg. XII LAU.NUKV. OMAHA Steam Laundry; stilt u, 7c; cullars, it; cuffs, 4c. lau Leavenworth, lei. tli, 3s6 UOII.UIt MAKERS. OMAHA Uoller Works, steam boilers, tanks, stacks, etc. Tul, 13j9. 12lhund Izard bti, 31 .. ,.;'..v.vS'i('t!t'!ls,. " EAGLl-J Loan Olllce, relltibl accbmmOddt lug; all business .contiaL'nrral., 1301 Douglas, FISIII.VO AND PLUASUItE REMORT. IF YOU wnnt good bass and croppy fishing go to Laugdon, Mo. Very .liesi of hotel uccommodutluns. Plenty of bouts und nunnews. '.Yrltu R. A. Dlttmur tor rates. -374- Jt.MC. DO NOT sell your Junl; before you get prices of the Ureal Western Junk House, 612 Douglas, Omaha. 'Phone 21t5. A. Forcr, proprietor. 234 A15 ACCORD10. PLEATING. ACCdRDION pleating: 'cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A, C. niurk; .'1. E. Cor. 17th und Farnam. ' ' PATENT. WILL BUY any good ,'fnvcntlon or patent. Address Lock Box 760, .Dos: Moines; ia. - i y jm MASON, FENWICKl IAWRENCE, $5 THIS nrlvertlscment lft'ood'for'$5. Sues & Co., patent uttorneyvUde blag,t Omnha,' Neb. No teo unlesd sliccessrui; ' -JM29I A1S SATIN SKIN SPECIALTIES. - i ' t" BEST for you, because .beat made.' Satin Skin Soap. Cream and Powder. Use is proof. 770 ERUPTIONS, blotches, ;mi-frcck!e, all skin, nllllctlpns, yield tn those magleul twin beautlflers,. Satln-Skln Cream and Powder. i jk M 4 APPLY' Satln-Skln Crpam, rub off, apply. Sntln-Sktu Powder; result, a beautiful complexion. 25c. ' -M497 25 REWARD. $75.00 REWARD offered for the arrest and conviction ot the party .who 'entered and stole shoes from the store of II. Meier at Elkhorn, Neb., the nlglifof Juno 27. Citi zens Cum., Elkhorn, Neb. 117 29 CARPENTERS AM' JOINERS. '' ' ' ALL kinds of carpenter work arid repairing promptly attended to; J.'T.TjchlUree, iiuth anu luko ais. .... . 370 I11CYCLES.- PRICES that will surprise your must clear' out the btock of new ttnd second-hand bicycles; second-hand wheels from W.oo up; new ones, $12 up., Louis Fletcher, 16J2 Cupliolave. 762 MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa mrma at a per cent; uorrowers can pay $lol or any multiple; any Interest date; no deluy, Brennuu-Love Co.. awj a. 13th St.. Omuhu, Neb. W-347 nilKSSMAICING. IN famlllos. Miss Sturdy, 2576 Harney. 10 A1U PIANO TUNING. PIANOS tuned, $1.60. F. Lessentln; Mandal burg's Jewelry Store. Paxton blk. 'Tel. 169D " '-m Jy 2i ' WANTKD TO BORROW. WANTED, to borrow, $700 on a 7-room 1H starv modern nnttn tw... ,rii,A,i..A- . ....:..i J. C 6f, Bee. " ' """b" rsY Take Oxygen Gas. for painless extracting. No danger. Can bo taken 'by the most dellcata person. You know nothing about the tooth com ing out. Gold Fillings 11. M up. HUH33 09 Bniloy the Dentist , Third F.loar Paxton Block. : 'phoneys..,!;: ( Basket Phaetons How pretty they are: Hoy stylish! So many used back eastl Comfortable, cool seas. Will wear forever! W m a w aaiinra t ai n .1 Aal mia urummona uarnage go.. lam anu iiarney oia, JULY 25, 1901. i:XI'i:il'l ACCOt TA.T. LESSON'S In bookkeeping, etc.. day or even ing. H 15, Com tot. Bank. n. It. ttathbun. I'OSTOFI'ICIJ NOTICE. (Should be read dally by nil Intercitcd, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending July 27, 1MH, will cloe (PROMPTLY In ul t.isss) at the general .ostnlllco us follows: Purees post malls close one hour earlier than cl"9 Ing time shown below. Parcels post irtnln tor Germany close at 5 p. in. Weunesday Regular nnd supplementary malls close at foreign branch half hour later than closing time shown below. Tritiis-Atlniitlc Mnlls, THURSDAY-At 6:20 n, m. for Et'ROPE, per s s. Columbia, via Pl mouth, Cher bourg and Hamburg (mall for France must b directed "per s. s. Columbia"); nt 7 a. in. for FRANCE, HVITZERLANn. ITALY, SPAIN, lORTl'(AL, Tl'RKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO .MARgl'E',, per s. s. La Gas ccigne, via Havre (mall, for other parts of Europe must bo directed "per s. t. La Oascoit ie") SATt'RDAY-At 7:30 a. in. for NETHER LANDS direct, Per s. s. Rotterdam (ma.l rtiU'.t, bo directed "per s. 5. Rotterdam"); .it 9:30 n. m. for SCOTLAND tit cot, pr s. s. Ethiopia (mall must be dlrectid "per s. a, Ethiopia1'); at I) .30 u. m. (supple mentary 11 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Lucanla, via QucenHiGwn. PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls s'.-nmcr, takes Printed Mutter, Commercial Pa pers and Samples for Germany only. Th; .same class of mall matter for other parts of Europu ulll not be sent by this ship unless specially directed by Jut. After the closing of tho supplemental y Trans-Atlnntlc malls named ubtivc addi tional supplementary malls arc opened on the' piers of the American. I- mllsh, French and German steamers und remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing ot steamer. lci tin fur' Siiutli'ntiil Centrnl Amrrlcn, Went Indies, Etc. THt'RSDAY At 0:30 p. in. for JAMAICA, per h. h. Admiral Schley, from Bos. n. FRIDAY At 11 p. m. lor NEWFOUND LAND, per s. s. Siberian, from Philadel phia. SATURDAY At 9 a. m. (suppl.mentjry 9:30 ti. in.) for PORTO UlCU l a t'un JUitn), CI llAL'AO and VENi..UEL.i, per i. s. Maraealbu (mall for B iv.in.llu and vitriimst'iiti inuai ou iinvtien i ui r. t. Muractiibo '), ut 9:30 a. in. (supplu.ncntiiry 10:30 u. tn.) fur l-'ORTL'NE iSLaN. , JAMAICA. SA VANILLA and CAUT1IA UENA, pel h. s. Athos (mull for l oitu Rica must bo directed "per s. s. At ho '), at 9:3j a. in. (supplementary W.M u. tn for HAITI nnd SANTA MARTHA, p r s. n Adirondack; ul lo u. m. for ('L'HA. per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; at II tn. Kir ARGENTINE REPL'IILIC, tMtl' GUAY and PARAGUAY, por s. s. Cimtl lan.l!rlnce. at 12:3o:p. m. for MATAN.MS. CAlHAltlEN, NfivVITAs,. OIttAiA. un'i. HARACUA, pr h. ,h: fuiltybti' mtiiltiarjt ,niall imly which' must be tllrccttvb .Vinr' s. a,-Uurltyb.i",);v at lii).,i m'..'..isupp.t3 incittary i:M p.-m.j for BERMUDA, -fer h, a. Irluidad. "Malls lor Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and Ihcucu uy steamer, close "at this olilcu dully at 6:30 p. in. (connecting close hero every Monday, Wednesday unu Saturday). Mulls for Mlutielon, by rail to liOBlon, und Uiencu by steamer, cluac ul this utllcu dally at 6:30 p. in. Mulls for Cuba, by lull to Port 'lumpu, Flu,, and tlicuco by uteamer, closo ul thin ottlco dally (xccpt Sunday) nl 'CM a. m. (tho connecting closes aru on Monday, Wednes day und Sl.turday). Mallu for Cuba, by rail to Miami, Flu., and thence by ctcumcr, close ut this olllce every Sunduy ut 6:oo n. in. MrIIh for Mexico City, uverlnnu, un less specially addressed lor dispatch by steamer, close at 'this 'ulllce dully ut 'Uw p. m. and llaio p. m. Mulls for Costa Ricu, Belize, Puerto Corlez und Guatemala, by l all to New Orleans, and thence by Hteumer, close nt this olilcu dull ut l:3o p. m. (connecting closes hero Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortez und Guutemalu and Tues days for Costa Rica). Registered mull closes ut 6:00 p. m. previous day. Trniis-Pnvlflu Mnlls. Malls ror Hawaii, China, Japan and Phil ippines, via San Francisco, close hero uully at 6:30 p. m. up fb July '20, In clusive, for dispatch per s. s. Peru. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes -via nurope. und New Zealand, which goes, via Sun Frunclscoj, nnd FIJI Island, via Vancouver, close' here dully at. 6:30 p. ,m. after July "0 and up to. July 20, Inclusive,. for dispatch per x. s. Aorangl (supplementary malls, via Seattle und Victoria), closo nt 6:30 p. m. July 21. Malls for China and Japuu, via , uilcojver, closo hero dally at 0:30 p. m. "up to Jaly 23, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Em press of India (registered mall must bo directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for Australia (except West Australlu, which Is forwarded via Suroiioj, New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. utter July 21 and up to July 27, Inclusive, or on urlval of b. b. Etrurlo, due at Now York July 27, for dispatch per s. a. So noma. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Philippine- Islands, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to July t'2S, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Coptic. Malls lor Hawaii, vl San Francisco, close hcru dally ut 6:30 p. in. up to August '3, for dlsputch per s. s. Alameda. Trans-Paclflc malls aro forwardod to port of sailing dally and tho schedule of closing Is nrrunged on the presumption of their un interrupted overland transit. Registered mull closes at 6 p. in. pievlous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postolllcc, New York, N, Y July 19, 1901. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE Stores. Olilco Purchasing Commlssury of Subsistence, Omuhu, Neb., July 1,2, if)i)i, Sealed propusals, subject to tho usual con ditions, will bo received at this olllce until 10 o'clock a. in,. August 1, 1901, ut which time und pluce they will bo publicly opened for furnishing subsistence stores as ful Iowh: Bacon. Hour, colleo. sugur, c.innel goods, etc. Preference will bo ghon to articles of domestic production. Blank pro posals and speclllcatlon3 can bo obtained ut this ottlco. D. B. WILSON, Purchasing CommlKsury. RAILWAY TlMti CARL. UNION PACIFIC-"THM nvi3tt. JVULlifc land Route" General Ofllces, awoUJJfl N. E. Cor. Ninth und Farnam VlFrSi ii streets' '-"y Ticket Olllce, 1224 ruiiiiiiii once i. leiepuonc, 31s, Depot, Tenth und ilurcy Sts. Telephone, 629. Luve. Arrive. The Overland Limited, .a :20 am u 7:30 pm Tho Chicago-Portland Special a 8:20 urn a 7:30 pm Tho Fast Mall a :oo am a 3:25 pm Tho Mull und Express .ull:35 pm a i:a pm The Colorado Special ...ull:35 pm a 6:50 am Lincoln. Beatrice and Siroinsburir Express. .b 4:0.i pm bl2:30 pm Tho Paclllc Express.... u 4:25 pm Tho Atuiuiu Express... a 0:60 am Grand Island Local b 5:30 pin b 9:35 am a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL, road General OlflccB and Ticket Ofllces, Southeast Corner 14th and Dougius Sts. Telephone, 101. Depot, Llilon Sluttoii. Leave. Arrive St. "uuib and Kansas City Express u 10:00 um a 0:25 pm K. C, St. L. Express.. n 10:50 pm a 0:15 am Lenvo from 16lh Webster tRrcots: NebrusKu Local. Via WVeplns Water b 4:10 pm al0:45 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. Hfev I L L I N O I Ruilrou.l-C S CENTRAL City Ticket Ot- urnam .street Tclenhone. 245. Dauot. Tenth and Marcy Streets, Leave. Arrive. Chlcubu Express I'lilpiiL.n Limited .a i:ou um a o;lu mu .u 7:45 pin a ;va am Wllillf.l.ions .v i: . .... Limited :...r...:..'.W;....ft7i48pm a' 85 am. Fort Uodae l,oc:ii irom , .i- Council tjiaffs. .....'..-., b 4:60 pro -a 6:1$ am Fori Dodge Local from Council Bluffs a 6:00 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, Leave, Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express .....a 5:15 prn n 8:20 am Kansus City and Qulncy Local a 7:00 am a 0:00 pm u Dally. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL", road Omaha, Kansas city & Eastern Rallroad-"Tha Qulncy Route"-Tlcket Of fice, 1415 Farnam St. Tele, phone. 322. Depot, Tenth ami Marcy Bts. Telephone, Leave. Arrlv. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express tv 6:15 pm a 8 .'20 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 7:00 am a 9;w pm u Dally. i PO.MTOFFIOi: ."NOTICE. Bl RLINUTON A Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington lluute Uenerui Olllce?, Nurth vsest Corner Tenth und l'urinim Streets, Ticket tinit'i.. lfrj i.'urit.,,,, vtt..t. I Ueieuiii'iiu Burlltigton titailun, Tenth and MiiaJii Stleeis. itiepnoin, 12j. Lrtiuvi.. Arrive. Lincoln. Hustings nnil McCoos. v , io ...a sHj am u 7:23 pm .iiivuiii, i" ' -1. . . ,, , rado, L'tuli, Oaufori.ia.il uti imi a 3:w pm X.ilancu KXivroas . ...ih.-j m u a:w m Montuna, Puget Sound. ui 9;w pm Lincoln Fust Mull t3;v0pm Wymote, Beatrice and Llncol a Si 10 am Denver '""oloradn, Utah and (..ulroriiia 1 1. 1 1 1 J. union """ " . a - " . " u tr.15 urn u 9.17 am bll:53 am a 6113 um fori irooa, ao. iieiiu, . Louisville, i'lattsiii tn.b 3:20 pm bll:0o am Bellexue, i'.attamoulh & Paclllc Junction .......a 7:40 pm a Si20 am Bellevue, P.iittstuouth & I'lttinr Juiiciiun a 3:10 am a Dally, b Dallv except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO- soph council Biuns Railroad "The Burlington Roulu ' 'IVket OlUce, I5v2 Farnam Street. Teletihuno 2i0. Depot, Tenth nnd Mason Streets, Tele- phone 12k. ueavc. Arrive. u 6:iu pm a 0:15 am Kansas City Day Ex.. ..a 9.0 am Kansuj Cll Night Ex..alo:30 pm St. Lulls Flyer, for at. Joseph nnc1 Bl. Louis. a oilo pm all:15 am a Dally. it&Kil CHICAGO. BURLINGTON ljuincy liuuroau i ne Burlington Route" Ticket Olllce, 1602 Farnam Street. TelepboiiH 250. Depot, lenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 121 Leave. Arrive. Duyllght CbUago Spc- cial a 7:00 am al0:20 pm Chicago Vcctll-uled flx.u 4:00 pm a 7:45 um Chlcugo Iocal Express. a 9:30 am a 4;0i pm Chicago Limited u i:50 pm a 7:45 um Fast Mull , a 2:i3 pm a Dally. :remct, elkhorn a Mlasourl V'ulley ItulUoad "The Northwestern Llt.e" General Olllces, United States National Bunk Building, ti. W. corner Twelfth und Fur- Ticket Olllce, 1101 Farnam St. 601. Depot, 15th utid Webster Sts. 'I jiephone, HH. Leave. Arrive. Black lil.U, Deadwood, Hot Springs u'3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Uyumlng, Casper and Douglas d 3:oo pm u 5:00 pro Hustings, Vorl:, Djivld City, supeilor, G-nevu, ett'V und bev.urd....b 3;00 pm b 5:00 pm Nortolk', Veiuigru ;uud ' , ' .. Fteuiouu .v,. ' ....;bj:3am' ,bld Mn 'iidiii ..'..:u i:30 am- ul0:23'am Fremont i.oiuil.......,.,.,t..r:30 am ' Dally, b Dully except Sunudy. c Sun day diiij d Dally except Saturday, o Dally ecopt, Mouday". CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Lino" City Ticket Olhce. 1401 Fainnm St. Telephono, 661. Depot, Tenth ami Marcy Streets. Tele phone, 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chlcugo Spe cial n 7:00 am all:30 pm Chicago l'asFngjr a 4:15 pm a 8:40 um Easti-rn Express, Dca Moines, Marslutllluwu, Cedar Ruplds and Chlcugo al0:55 am a 4:03 pm Eastern Spoclal, Chi cago ami iaat a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm Fast Mull. Chicago to Om..liu t a 2:43 pm Omuhu-Chicago L't'd..,a 7:45 pm u x:oo um Fast .Mull a b:3o um Cedar rapid Pasvngor. a 5:20 pm u Dully, CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Mluncupolls ex. omuhu Rullwuy "Tho North- western Lino" General Ofllces, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster ... ,i., .,.i..i. ... uui .r-urtiutn i. reiepnuue, tiui. uepoi, Uth una Wubsler Sts. Telephone, 1458. i ) Leuve. Arrive. Twin City Passenger..., a' 6:oo um a a:)0 pm Stoux City Passenger. ..a. 2:45 pm .ull:lo am Eincrsun Local i.b 5:3o.pni b 8:30 um a Dally ' SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General unices, United States Natlonul Bunk Building, 8. W. Corner Twelfth 4ii4 i-uiiiniit 3lo, AltJICI uiuce, uui f arnam au xeiepnoue, mi. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Bts. Telephone, 629. Loavo. Arrive. Twin City Express a 6:65 am ul0:23 pm Twin City Limited a 7:56 pm a s:i6 am Sioux City Local a 8:uo um u 3:60 um u Dully. Express a 6:15 pm a 8:20 am , CHICAGO, ROCK 1SL ff an. I'MMe RaiirSid ItUUltJ i (Mtf Ticket Ollice, 1323 Far nam Street. Telephone 8. Depot, Te lit' , u' ,eJ alaroy Atrect- Te o phone. 629. Lcavo. Arrive. 2:00 am bll:35 am a 8:10 am a t:U 'pm u 1:23 jim u 9:35 pm o 6:00 am a 4:16 pm Chicago DayllghLSpo... a 6:00 am w, iiiuiuea unu uaveil- .I'fT' Eocai .a 7:25 am Chicago Express bll;l5 um L)eh JllolnoM Ijiml .... o i-M OHlcutio Fast Express. .a 6:00 pm -t"J .w. iiui-it ii- und und Chicago a 7:40 um ,. , WEST. Rocky Mountain -Lltn.,,a 2:00 am Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., Denver, Pueblo and est n 1.n n Colorado. Oklahoma & P Texas Fiver n c.a. a Dally, b Dally exce'ut Sunday, a 9:60 am w a bash railroad- Tlcket Office, 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone. 322. De pot, Tenth and Marcy sts Telephone, 629. St. Louis "CannOn Ball" Expres a o:io pm a bym um CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Rallway-Clty Ticket Omce. 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone. 24. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone, 629 Leave. Arrive. IMiLWAum, Chicago & Omaha Ex..b 7:15 am li 3:40 pm Chicago Limited Ex. ...a 0:00 pm a 8:05 an. a Dally, b uaiiy ein """""J. Record Voyiga d 0at. 7Houfi. 22 MlnuleTj UUsIUN to LIVEHfOOL tl 0UENS!0iVN Commenwtillh, Twin Screw, 12,000 Ton July 31 NewEnglanil. " " 11.600 " Aug. 14 PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL Vancouver . Aug, 3 1 Dominion ..Aug, 10 Cambroman, .. Aug. 17 Vuncouner .,. Sept. 6 For farther lilsrntlloi.iddrtsi ' I Campsny'i Ollkn, i Dutbora St.. Cblcsr. Ilia. Ulrcot lluute to nmiiim r.xlilbltlon ANCHOR LINE utenuiahipa from Nevr York Weekly for GLASGOW VIA LONDONDERRY. Saloon, (60 und up. Second Cabin, 132.50 and up. Third Class, 26 unu upwards," For Illustrated folder und further Informs. Hon apply lo HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chlcugo, or J. S. McNALLV. 1323. Farnum St.. GEO. E. ABBOTT. 1324 Farnum St.. Omaha. Suirttoir Tours on Uki'Mlohlgariv TH tSAl- MANITOU for pM'anaar rnrlce aiclutltalr. miku trl-WMklr Irln tor Cbarlavolr, HarUnr Hprlnc, liar, Vttw, Pclakerand Matklaaa UUnd connecting with all StMmihlp' LIuim for Lks Haixrlor, iiulna sad 0nn.lln PolnU. RpeoUl llitaa to 1'iui.Amarletn, LEAVIS CHICAOO AB FOLLOW8I Tiu. 10 i, , Tl.ara.lla.nl. Sat. B p. m. Mnnltou 8toamohlp Company, OFFICE U DOCKS, Ruth ant) N. Water Sts.. Chlctto. Plnuiir Onac nt New York. NEW YORK. July 24.-Dr. Doty, health officer of tho port of Now York ur.no J need today that the Illness of Rabvlane, the stoker on the steamer Hnhcnfels, who was sent to Swinburne Island on Monday, has been diagnosed .as bubonic plague. The vessel came from Calcutta, Dr. Doty says the case Is a mild one. Alt of the crew will be hold at Swinburne Island for observa tion and tho vessel will be thoroughly disinfected. BasBBasBBBaeanr-4 nam Sis Telephone. ilWVl Mm 113! mm v 1I1LR THAT WILL KILL A CAT Laotul Fluid Fiddled in Omaha Rifutes to Turn Soar. m COMPLAINT IS FILED AGAINST ONE DEALER Prodncl Sold liy North Omnha De-aler. la Snld to Thicken nnd Acquire Hitter Tnate Effect of Emlinliiitna; Drue Embalmed milk Is on sale in Omaha. Milt: Inspector L. K. Hutton has secured a number of samples of milk which show unmistakable traces of preservatives. In formation has already been filed ngalnst T. K. Young, proprietor of the Golden nod dairy, Twenty-fourth street and Florence boulevard, chnrglng htm with violating tho city ordinance relating to the adulteration of milk. Oihnr arrrsts will follow. Complaints ha'o ceruo to the Inspector several times during the last week con cerning mtlk bought from the Golden nod dairy. One., woman wroto that the Milk sold by Young would not sour nnd said that It was supposed to have caused the death of two cats In Kountzo Placo. Another said that milk bought from Young had a peculiar taste nnd that her dog would not dtlnk It. All the complainants told tho fame story about tho Golden Rod dairy milk. They said that After It stood a white It would get thick and stringy and tho cream would become tough. It was also said to have a bitter taste after standing. Milk ltrfnacs to Turn Sour. Ono woman decided to test a sample' of Young's milk and allowed It to remain In a hot pantry for twenty-four hours. During tho tlmo thero was a thundershower, but It had no effect on the milk other than to mnko It so thick that strings of cream sev eral Inches long would adhcro to a spoon. Samples of milk which Young Is said to hnvc sold to customers July 19 and July 23 were analytcd by the milk Inspector and showed traces of preservatives. Tho section of the city ordinance under which Young will, bo prosecuted Is as fol lows : ' No. thllk'.orV cream shall be sold, offered duallLV. l Vlded by thls.Qrdlnuncc.'nl-.ta which water or any rorcign suhptan.ee. .ot coioting.mat-, tcr, or any preservative has been nded. Any violation ot the milk ordinance Is a misdemeanor and is punishable by a flno varying from $5 to $100. A conviction for violation of this ordinance also operates ns n revocation of any license or certlflcato Issued under tho ordinance. Little (Joes it Long AVny. "Formallno Is tho preservative which Is most used by dairymen In the vicinity of Omaha " said tho milk Inspector. "It Is sold by stores lu Omaha and Is so strong that not moro than two drops of tho preparation are required to embalm a gal lon of milk. A preparation called prcserv ullne and various kinds of acids are also used. "Manufacturers ot this embalming fluid try to make milk dealers bellovc that It la not Injurious to tho health. Iguorant deal ers wero duped by stlck-tongued agents. Dairymen have bad an opportunity to learn of the evil effects ot all such dopes and thero Is no excuse for. their use. Doctors aro nil agreed that milk preservatives harden the casein In the milk and mako It absolutely Indigestible. Embalmed milk frequently' kills children .and le very. n Jurlous to grown persons. "It is .asy to delect milk which con tains formaline. Lot It stahd for a few hours and It will get rubbery. It will also become bitter.. Chemical testa show tho presence Of the embalming fluid. It la im possible for dairymen to escape detection. All the unscrupulous dealers will be caught sooner or later." ' WILLING T0 ASSIST HER Innocent Suaneota nt Union Station Turn Good SuinnrU tnna. Thoso who elbowed their way Into tna crowd which bad gathered In tho waiting room ot the union depot, saw Ave men lined up like n squad ot raw recruits, whllo Officer Morris Fleming searched their pockets. Bcsldo tho officer stood a young woman In ovldent distress. She sobbed softly Into her handkerchief as tho officer prosocuted his task, fnspcctlngthe clothing ot the suspects from their shoes to. tho sweatbands of their bats. The young .woman was Miss Katherlne Sblploy, who arrived yesterday from Florence, being on her way to Millard. While waiting for her train she had gone to tho fountain tor a drink and bad care lessly left hor purse on tho marble coplug. The purse contained all tho money she had 7, and a ticket to Millard. It was nearly twenty minutes later that she missed her property, and at tho same Instant saw thaa flvo men moving away from tfco wator cooler. Her detectlvo In stinct told her that one ot these men must huvo her purse, so she told' tho polccman about it. Finally tho Inst man In tho row stood with his pockets wrongslde out;' tho purse bad not been found. "I'm awfully Borry I put you to this trouble; gentlemen," sobbed tho girl, "but you know" "That'o all right, lady," said ono of tho five. "You have my sympathy 'fully, and I'm sure these other gontlcraen have1 no hard feelings In the matter. And Juat to show you' that wo haven't I suggest that re make good tho amount of your loss. I'll start the subscription with $1.60." But thu young womnn told them It waan't neeeasnry, as she had frlonds In the city with whom she could,, stay until ahe re ceived a fresh supply of funds from home. ELSASSER'S FORTY-FOURTH County Treasurer's Birthday la Prop erly Celebrated at Ilia Home, Tuesday waa tho forty-fourth anniversary'' of tho birth of County Treasurer Fred El aasser and In recognition of the occasion a number of the employe of his office na tembled nt, hla homo, Thirty-fifth atreet and Dewey avenue, during tho evening and sprung ' a; surprise-.upon Mr. Elsasser and his jnerfrtig, farjill jr. "pqfore assembling at his ihrnne ithey had ecurd an elogarit pol ished oakpn easy, chair, In th beaAewaVjoJ which E. E. French actedias'e'pokesmpn for 1 tho party. This' forrrlaltty ,w'as followed by refrcshmonta and rouilc, which only termi nated with the, arrival of midnight. Sev eral of the employes of Mr. Elsasaera offles kero accompanied by their wives. A Ilnlcion Aaoenalnnlat Killed.. A balloon aaconslonlat waa recently killed whllo making one of hla daring trips. Llfo Is too valuable to trifle with In fool hardy adventurea. It la better to employ ourselves In peaceful pursuits where we may be secure. Then' If we take care of 1 our health wo can live to a good old age'. The beat moans ot promoting health la Hoe tetter's Stomach Bitters, This medicine , cures dyspepsia, lndlgeatlon( constipation, flatulency and Insomnia. Be auro to try 1L I iqr eiytvor itcni ror. sale .wiinin. iho city ot Oftrtha-W'lricir.fa tiBl.'ap'. diluted; Impure, unhealthy; MUcjlHey; tioivliotcsomc,, adulter uted. 'or not of tile ritandiird iiuullLiv'tiru-