Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Diminution f ExolUment ia Grain, but
Ucntoiif Witthir AdTanoM FricM,
Wheat Otirna I.nrrer, hot Closes
Htrimajei" Corn Rules AetlTe. nnd,
S Iron a- flood Locnl Drmand
for Ont Prnrlalnna Pull.
CHICAGO, July 24. There was a diminu
tion of excitement in Kruln today, but tlicro
was menacing weather und prices advanced,
wheat closing l'-jc, corn He und outs MIic
higher fur Suptember Provisions ruled
dull and closed Irregular.
Strength at Liverpool and In northwest
ern markets, apprehension over the corn
situation und the dry weather map caused
an opening advunco In September wheat of
lSll'J'ic, sales lining nindo at 7217Jc. A pre
diction of showers In the spring wheat
country and weaker late Induced acllvo
liquidation and September declined to 71ViO.
Damage claim from the northwest and re
pot ts of hut weather In that section en
rolled new converts to the bull faith and
the result was a shurp advance to 72r4c, the
market (.-Inning strong soon after, Heptem
ber nrj higher at 72lic locnl receipts were
25 cars, M of contrnct grade. Minneapolis
and Dili nth reported 14, cars, ngalnst L6
last week and 2Td a year ago. Primary re
ceipts were 1,3I9.m bu,, compared with 774.
OOfl bu. a year ago. Seaboard clearances In
wheat nnd Hour were equal to ttf,CiO bu,
Exporters reported 24 loads taken.
Corn ruled active and strong, Throughout
the heat-stricken growing belt no rain was
In sight, save In Iowa, where some rain was
said to have fallen. The situation In Mis
souri and Nebraska was said to be prac
tically past hope, while It was taken for
f ;ranted that the Kansas maize llelds had
lecn wiped out, These Items, however,
wore not new to the traders, and while the
price level remained well above yesterday's
close liquidation checked the opening ad
vance, the country and local demand being
tilled In this way September opened from
C6o to fj7'ic, sold to 6i"ic and closed ',4i?ac
higher, Receipts were 174 cars.
Country holder of oats sold continuously
throughout the session, offerings being tho
heaviest In days. There was u good local
demand In sympathy with corn and wheat,
but the liquidation depressed prices to yes
terday's low point before the buying be
came sufllclent to stem the tide, Purchas
ing orders from the farms during the aft
ernoon reinforced the bull ranks nnd part
of the decline was recovered. September
sold between 3714c and 3."u! and closed MfWc
higher ut 3iUc, ltecelpts were 76 cars.
Provisions were dull and the trade fea
tureless. Prices were easy at the opening,
but advanced slightly Inter In simpathy
with the grain market. Beptsmbur pork
closed 5o lower at til. lift. September lard
2'Je higher fit IS.73V41f.76 ana September
ribs 8c up at M.014.
Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat,
2j cars; corn, 135 cars; oats, 103 care: hogs.
2Sft) head. '
Tho leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles.) Open. I High.' Low. Closed Yes'y.
July Sept.
71 "1H "0-J 7o; em;
72 73 73 71V4I 72',i 70
74 n'X 74i 7314 74' 7.,
M.RS714 67tf 65. f.Tfc BS.i. i
571fil.SU BiUB4M!i. 67, f6;'
35 3(1 55 30 ihK
3-93714 37K 35 36i
M139U 31)U 3S 39 IH-l
H U KM 14 42H 14 62tf 14 7tt
14 W 14 07!i 14 90 14 !0 14 0,
8 70 8 73 8 70 8 75 72'4
72 8 77ft 8 72V4 8 77 14 S -,2 m
8 60 8 60 8 CO 8 65 8 6;V4
7 97V4 J02W 7 97t4 8 02(4 7 l74
8 024 R 05 1 8 02W 8 05 8 00
7 80 7 82H 7 80 , 7 80 7 77V4
No. 2.
Cash quotations wero as follows:
FLOUR Steady; winter patents. $3.30
S.40: straights, J2.91W3.2rt: clears, J2.C0fi3(ifi:
lfU!to&lMi stra,gh,B'
-U.KATNo 3 PrlK. 70c: No. 2 red,
CORN-No.- 2, UWnttUo: No. 2 yellow,.
OAjfl-No 2 37c; No. 2 white. 0V4c; No.
8 white, 37039c.
RYE-Nn, 2. 66356ic.
21AP.Wn;rF'l,p t0 "hole malting. 4SS?50c.
SEEDS-Prime timothy. J3.25. Clover, con
tract grade. 110.00.
PROVISIONS-Mess pork, ncr bbl., 114. '0
fi714.46. I-nrd, per 100 lbs.. J8.6i4fr8..'i. Short
ribs sides (loose), J7.8"MT8.0f. Dry snltol
whoulders (boxed) J7.50W7.62H. Short clear
Bid's (boxed). J8.350"i.45.
WHISKY-nasIs of high wines. SI. "9.
Following are the receipts and shlpmrntt
for today:
ltecelpts. Shipments.
3H.01O 27VO
6550) 114,0 0
2rK,0 0 69.0YI
Flotir. bbls.
Wheat, bu.
Corn, bu. ..
Onls. hn.
llye. bu '. ioj
llarley, bu 5,(
.203.0-0 1 6 000
, 10.000
T. (Vlft 9 AAA
On (hit Prnrliipn vnlinnn. t a,1 n .. v. - u...
ter market wns firm: crenmerles. 14W
20c; dairies, 13017c. Cheese, steady. SHtl
lOlic Eggs, steady: fresh, 1214c.
'Quotations of tU on Varlona
NBW YOrtK. Julv. 24. - FLOUll -Receipts.
15,529 bbls.: exports. 3.&31 bbls.
Market steady nnd fnlrlv ncdve;
Minneapolis patents. S3.704.10; Mlnne ota
bakers. $2.85713.15: winter p.itonts. S3.C f3.t0;
,Jftrn,."hts' . 3.23ft3.r;o: winter ctr.i
S2.&032,80; winter low grades. J2.30g2.l0; fair
to good. J2.6503.1O: choice to fancy, 3.1Sw
.8.45. Hyo flour, qulot: fair ti good. $2.70ff
3.15; choice to fancy. S3.15-J.50.
RYK null; No. 2 western. 60c. f. o. b.,
afloat; state, &6iS7c. c. 1. f New York, car
HARL.13Y Nominal; feeding. 4Sc, c. I. f..
'York York: m,,lllnB' totle c. t. f., New
nARI'J'iy MAI.T-Dull: western. 6572c
WIIEAT-Hocelots. 411.350 bu.: oxpoits,
(71.923 bu. Root, firm! Kn r r.rf vni-... t
h ufloat; No. 2 red. 7sy0 In elevator: No! !
No 1 hard Duluth. SSUc. f. o. t n float.
Options opened strong'ut.d active en c.ih es,
hot weather talk and foreign damage 1 ew ,
chiefly from Franco and Ilus-da; htavy
foreign buying was nn earlv feature; thj
market closed firm nt Piftimc net advat ce;
July, 7hSic, closing at 78c: Sontembcr, 76i'(
77 13-160, closing at 77yc: October. 77H1f -7Ic.
closing nt 77Hc; Dccombcr. "8!l(!J79Hc, cos
lug nt 79o,
COUN-Recchits. 132,000 bu.: exports, 76.
250 bu. Spot, linn: No. 2. 6)4c In eltvi or
and 69He, f, o, b.. uflout. Ontlnns open d
atrong and much higher on drv weather
reports, better cables, good speculntlvs
buying, the rise In whent and light offer
ings. It reacted for n time under renllr'i g,
cut finally rallied on covering and closed
firm nt tfflc net advance; Julv. r.OiiftfilUc,
closing at 5')Vic; September. f9'4vH4c. cos
Ing at 5ic; October. Ml6c. closing nt tOa;
December, COTl'tfeO'Jlr. during nt tWtic
OATS ltecelpts, 71,100 bu.: exports. M,
199 bu. Spot, steadv: No. 2. 40Hc; No. 3
white. 43V,4lc; No. 2 white. 42c; traek.
mixed western, 4042o! track white, 2!(
4Sc. Options opened strong on crop news
and ruled more nctlve, with wheat and
corn, and closed stendv
HAY Firm; shipping, 7075c; good to
cholee. S7'419'V4c
HOPS Dull: state, common to cholC!,
,HKM crnp, 13iriCc; U99 crop, 10413c; old olds.
Sflflcj Pacific coant 1900 crop, 13C17V4c; 1S99
crop. lltflGc; old olds, 2iRc.
HIDES Quiet; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs.. 18
,mV4c: California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19V4c; Texas
dry. 24 to 2S lbn., 14Hc
IjUATHKR Quiet; hemlock 1.0I0. nuenos
Ayres, light to heavyweights, 24if25c; acid,
PnoVIfllONS-neef. firm: fnmlly, SU 10
012.00; ms, IStWaiOtOO; beef hams. $20 Cow
Jl. 50; city, extra India mess, JRUOfilS 00;
packet, $10.00316 60. Cut meats, firm;
idcklnd bellies. 9.5OJfll,00: plckleo him H.
lers. SS.13H: pickled hams. $11.00N1.60. Lard,
Btendy; western steamed, $9: rertned. steady;
continent, $10; South America, S6.S): rum
pound, $7.00'37.15. l'ork. rtrm; family,' Sia 50
017.00; short clenr, llcMin.SO; mews, $15.50
4fflQ 50,
TALLOW-Btendy: cltv (SS ir pkg.), 44
SeU,ountr' (P'K. t real. 4Tie.
nlrrriCll-Recclpta, 1.66: pkgs.; atrong;
dairy. 14c: creamery, 151f:oc.
. CHEESE ltecelpts. fa.tix pkg$.: fancy,
large, colored, 9',tc; fancy, large, white, !c;
fancy, smull, colored, 9,c; fancy, small,
fhlte. 9Mc,
EQOS Receipts, 6.P3S pkps.: Arm: state
nd Pennsylvania, 16U17c; western cindled,
24fi15c; wertorn uncundlcd, ifSWc.
POTATOES-Qulot: New York. ISO lbs.,
2.252.75: southern, extra, per bbl.. $2.50.
POULTRY Allvo. lower; springers. 14c;
tarkoys, 8c; fowls. 9Hc: dressed, slow;
nrlngers, 14016c; turkeys. 78V4c; fowls,
RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra. 4U
6ic; Jatmn. 44c.
MOLASSEB Quiet; New Orleans, open
kettle, good to choice, 35317c.
METALS A further ds-llne of 1 In the
price of tin In the London market mnkoi
a loss of 12 within four dav, clna'n?
at 121 for spot and 114 2U for futuna.
Local prices declined sharolv. but nt th
present price of I26.62W tne market Is said
to be close to a trading business althougu
It was called up some at the close. C p
per was (s lower at London, with nut
closing at 67 13s 9d nnd futures nt 68
Is 3d. In the local market there whs prn
tlcolly no trading. Prices. howevr, ar.'
nominally unchunged ut 117 for 1-nk- nnd
$16,624 for clectrolvtlc nnd casting. Lend
Is unchanged here at S4.J7U while at I on
don there wns n gain of Is 3d. closing ut
12 2s 6d. Spelter remained at tin
former range of $3.95 to St. At Ijondnri
there was a decline of 6s to 16 5s. Ir n
was quiet. The English markets wer.;
quiet, with Olascow cl jslna nt M nnl
Mlddlesborough at 41s lMid. Local prices
were ns follows: Pig Iron wnrmnlf. IW
1110,00; No, 1 northern foundry.;
No. 2 northern fnundrv, M41CW14.6 : No.
1 southern foundry. .J4.75H 15.25; No, 1
southern soft, S14.75'dlf..5.
Condition of Troilr and iaottlon on
Mnple and Knner Produce,
EOaS Receipts liberal; loss off, lOSlOHc
LIVE POt'LTHY Mens, 6"4S7Hc: yoJiig
and old roosters, 3'i5ci turkeys, SfcSc; ducks
and goese, 6c; spring chickens, per lb., U
"ilt'TTKR Common to fair. 12tJ12Mic;
choice dulry, In tubs, 14015a; separator, Wc.
FRESH Flail lllack bass, lii wh t
bass, ic; bluellsli, 11c: bullheads. 10c; blue
llns, 7c; buffulocs, C4c; catfish, 12c: cod, c;
ciappits, iUIim;; clscoes, 7c; halibut, 11c;
herring, 6c; haddock, 10c; pike, 9o: red snap
per, loo: sulmon, 14c; suntish, 6c; trout, 9c;
whlteflsh, 9c.
PiaEONS-Llve, per do.. $1.
VKALS-Cholce, 89c.
HAV Prlcea quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Hay Dealers' association: Choice up nnd,
S10.&0, No. 2 upland, $9.50: medium, J'.io:
course, U. Rye straw, $6.50. These prices
are for hay ot good color and quality. De
mand fair. Receipts, 2 cars.
OATS-No. 2 white, 44C.
CORN No. 3, 49c.
RHl'UARU-Home grown, per lb., lc.
NEW CARROTH-Per dot., 20c.
CUCUMBERS Homo grown, per dor., 40
LETTUCL'-Per bu.. 20c.
RADISHES Ped doz., I6ti20c.
PARHLE V Per doz., 20c.
NEW POTATOES-Per bu.. 7BS30c.
CA1JHAOE Homo grown, 2Hc
TOilA TUh.6 lexas, 4-busKel crates, 11.60.
ONIONS llcrmudas, per crate, J2.2J; new
California, 2c.
CAULIFLOWER Homo grown, per doi.,
11EAN3 Wax. per half-bushel basket,
$1: string, per half-bu, basket. 75c.
PEAS-Per bu., $1: per half-bu 00c.
CANTALOUI'E-Pcr basket, 75cS$l;
era u s. U.
WATERMELONS Texas, 30fl25c nch.
CELERY Kalamazoo, per bunch, 2530o.
PINEAPPLES-Per crute. $4.00.
RLACKRERR1ES Per 24-qt. case, $2.
RAHPHEtt HIES Per 24-qt. case, $3; red,
psr 24-qt. case, $2.50.
OHEitRHia-Natlvc. per 8-lb. basket, 25o;
Mlsiourt, ptr Si-qt. cace, $1.
PEACH)LS;nfornla. pr boi. 10c; frae
stout, $1.10, cholca Elbtrtoa, 11.10; fancy.
APHlCOTH-CJllfornla, 4-baakat crates,
PLUMS-Callfornla. per crute, $1.2511.60,
OOOBEHICRRIKB-Pcr 24-qt. cae, L
ORANGES Valencies, $5.00; Med. sweets,
LEMONB-Callfornla, extra fancy, $5.50
0.00; choice, Jo.50.
HANANA8 Per bunch, acordlng to aire,
FIUS California, new cartons, 7Co; lay
ers, hsc; Importtd, per lb., luyi2c.
DATES Persian. In 60-lb. boxes. Salrs, 5o.
CIDER Per bbl., por hiif-bbl.. J2.75.
NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 15c; Al
berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., 18'd2oc;
ruw peanuts, per lb., Wiic; roasted, 6V44P
die; llruzlls, 13c; pecans, Wa'Xc.
,.?III.E3r'0- 1 Kr"-'cn, 6V4c; No. 2 green,
6V4c; No. 1 salted. 7Hc; No. 2 salted, 7c; No.
1 eal calf, 3 to 12V4 lbs., 8c: No. 2 veal calf,
12 to 15 lbs., 6c: dry hides. 813c; aheep
pelts, 2;iU,'6c; horse hides, $1,6052.25.
nt. I.ouU Grain anil ProrlslonK.
ST. LOUIS, July 21. WHEAT Higher:
rc' CH"n' elevator. 69c: track, .0vi
Oc; July, 69Hc; September, Wic; Docjrn
ber. 73c; No. 2 hard. 7014c.
Mt?9-ll?l-II,,B!,iri No- 2 Cftn' "c: track.
S74j6Hc: July, 56c; September, 67c; De
cember. 69c.
.AUtA.Tsr.,-,werJ No- 2 c"h. 40o: track.
y,ilc: Mny. 40941c; No. 2 white. 4142c.
RYE Uetter at 61c.
Irl'.,ill Stronger:' new red winter rat-fnJ?-'?'l,:,."5!
ex,rn fnncv nnd straight,
$3.1(Kii3.M: clear $J.75(ft2.90.
CORNMEAI-Stcadv nt $2.f.
bcNSe0dyK8:,cS?hC.kse,sidee.a8t tMCk 730
v&amS: ,,m,,,hy p'-
WHISKY-Stendv at $1.29.
1 1 EM I' TWINE 9c.
.,rOV,,S,CiNS rork- Jobbing,
$15.75. Lard, steady nt SS.52V4. Dry a7t
meats (boxed), steadv to strong; extra
?!1,nr.',s- ?-12'.4: l"tr ribs. SS.37U: o!onr sides,
SS.(24. Uncoil lIlOXi.lll In etmnv
extra shorts, J9.W; cloar ribs. S9.3714; clear
M ETA LS Lead, steady, $4.304.40. Spel
ter, steadv at S3.W.
, POULTRY Dull; chickens, 614c; springs.
10c. turkeys, 5c; young, 124c; ducks, Fct
springs, fic, geefe, 3c; springs, 4c.
Ill !TT 13 It Firm; creamery, 1602014c:
dairy. 13(T16c. " '
EtiUS Stendv: nearby. 7c: southern. 6c.
RECEIPTS-Flour. 3.0o0 bbls.: wheat. 201,
000 bu.: corn. lS.OX) bu.: oats. 42.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Fliur. 9.000 bbls.: wheat.
103.0CO bu.; corn, 67.0CO bu.: onts. 34,(00 bu.
Liverpool Ornln nnd ProTlslons.
firm: No. 2 red western winter, lJd;
No. 1 northern spring, 6s 914d. FutU'C".
steady: September. 5s 9d; December, Es lid.
CORN fenot. firm: American mixed, nrw.
is i-j,a; American mixed, old. 4s 7d. Fu
tures, quiet; July, nominal; September, 4s
7d; October, 4s 7Ud.
i'iAJUH-st. ixjuis rancy winter, dull,
7s 7d.
PEAS-Cnnadlnn, Arm nt 6i U;d.
HOPS At London, Pacific coast, steady,
4 .,s(E4 10s.
PROVISIONS-Reef. Ilrm: extra Indlt
mess, 6ls 9d. Pork, firm; prime western,
inoMH, ti-'s u'i. iiuniii, Miori cut, it to lii inc.,
firm, 633. Lard, dull; American re
lined. In palls, 4.!s 3d; prime western. In
tierces, 41s 6d, Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26
to :m lb.. steady, 44h 9d; short ribs, Ia to
24 lbs.. 41s 6d: long clenr middles, light, 28
to 30 lbs., steady, 16s 3d: short clear uuck ,
16 to 20 lbs., Ilrm, 61s Ud; clear bellies. 14 to
16 lbs.. Arm, 51s 6d. Shoulders, square, 15
to 20 lbs.. Arm. 39s.
n UTTER Firm; P.nest United States, 90s;
good United States, 73.
CHEESE Firm; American finest, white,
46s; American Anest, colored, 47s.
TALLOW Firm; prime, city, 25s 6dJ Aus
tralian. In Indon, !T7n
Receipts of wheat during the last three
doys, 114,000 centals, Including 14,10) Amer
ican. Receipts of Amerlcnn corn during the
inst tnrec aays, ioi.mai centals.
Knnsnn City (Irntn and Provisions.
KANSAS CITY, July 24.-WHEAT-.luly,
65Hc; September. C7fl67Hc: December, 6Jij
cash, No. 2 hard, 67,4c; No. 3, 6614c; No. 2
red. 7fiVH4c
CORN-July, 6914c; September. 67c: De
cember. 57!4c; ensh. No. 2 mixed, .9fl60c;
No, 2 white, 69406Oe.
OATS-No 2 white, 4314c
RYE No, 2. 6Sc.
HAY-Cholce timothy, $13.60(514.00; choice
prnlrle. $14.00.
IU'TTBR Creamery, 19c; dnlry, fancy,
EOOS Firm; fresh Missouri and Kansas
stock quoted on 'change nt 714c doz., loss
off. cases returned; seconds, 4c.
RECBIITS Wheat, 168,800 bu.; corn, 40,000
bu.; oats. 16.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Wheat, 14S.400 bu.; corn.
60,400 bu.; oats, 6,000 bu.
Toledo Cirnln nnd Seed,
TOLEDO, July 24.-WHEAT-Actlve and
higher; cash, July and August, 72c; Sep
tember. 741ic: December. 7tHc
CORN Active and higher; cash nnd July,
65c; September, 6Cc.
OATS Active nnd strong: cash, 3714c;
Julv nnd September, 36ic
RYE 54c.
CLOVER8KED Active and higher; Octo
ber, $6.16.
Mtnnvapolta Wheat, Floor and Bran,
71c; September. CPyTOc;
71if711ic; on track. No. 1 hard. 73c; No. 1
northern. 71c; No, 2 northern. 69?ic
FLOUR-Hlgher; Arst patents, H.1O3J4.20;
second patents. J3.9Oitj4.00; Arst clears, $3.00
(33.10; second cleats, J2.35.
1)RAN-In bulk, J13.0013.60.
Mllnankee Grain Market.
ket higher: No. 1 northern, 72i373c; No. 2
northern, 707114c
. nARLKY Steady; No. 2, 66c; sample, 85
CORN September, 56Hc.
Philadelphia Prodnre Market.
Firm: good demand; fancy western cream
ery, 2tc: fancy western prints; 21c; fancy
nearby prints, 21c.
EQuS Firm and good demand; fresh
nearby, 155fl6c; fresh western. lSJIfc; freflh
southwestern, 124c, fresh southern, 12c
CHEESE QJlet but steady, New York
full creams, inticy, small, 9Wc, Now York
full creams, fulr to choice, (s?4tj9lie
Ilnluth flrnlti Mnrliet.
Dt'LUTH, July 24,-WHEAT-No. 1 hjrd,
cash, 74'c, No. 1 northern, ensn, tiw.
July, 721ac; September. 71Tc; August, 2Vc;
December, 72)c; No. 2 northern, 61I4C.
I'eorln Mnrkpls.
PEORIA, July 2l.-CORN-Flrm: No. 3,
OATS Firm; No. 3 white, 3ic, billed
WHISKY-On the basis of J1.29 for fin
ished goods.
.Sprenln tlon Dull mill I'relilr .ftrr Re
cent Excltriiicnt.
NEW YORK, July 24. Thu dullness nnd
the feeble fluctuations In prices In today's
stock market reflected the flagging of spec
ulative Interest which Is usual after an
active speculative movement has expended
Itself and has been followed by reaction.
By this morning the fact had become quite
ouvlous that yestcrduy's recovery In the
prices of stocks had been principally based
on tho relapse In the grain markets, rather
than on any actual news trom tho grain
crops. The consequence of this revised
view of yestcrduy's irlovemcnt wns some
renewed misgivings lest yesterday's pre
diction of rains hnu been overstated. These.
misgivings were accentuated by published
estimates from exhaustive Inquiry showing
heuvy da mace already Inflicted upon the
com crop, 'Iho tendency of stocks to rally
from declines showed the growth of a feel
ing among the speculators that, even con
ceding substantial damage to the corn crop,
the decline already effected In prices in
stocks has fairly discounted this damage.
Money market considerations ngulu loom
Into promlncnco as u factor In the activity
of speculation. It Is realized that the
heuvy liquidation In stocks of the Inst few
weeks had In view nrcnnrntlon to meet the
crop-moving requirements and not renewed
An attempt wns evident to lend an up
ward movement bv bidding un Union Pa
cific and tho Wubashes, nnd there was) some
snow ot nrmncsH among the southern rail
roads and seaboard soft coal carriers. But
the market yielded nt the last to renewed
weakness when the room traders attempted
10 iuhc ineir proms nnn tne lowest prices
for tho grnngers and Paclllcs and prices
wero mnue slightly before the close, which
was feverish and Irregular. At the lowest
the declines were Missouri Pncllic 3"4, St,
Paul 3H, Union Pnclllu 31i, Atchison 2Ts.
Kansas & Texas preferred 2i, while in
the neneral list declines of 1 to 2 points
were very general.
The railroad bond market was dull and
heavy. Total sales, par vulue, Jl, 315,000.
United Stateu new 4s declined U per cont
on the Inst call.
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram mvi: 'rim market
h&Vr been Idle, as much no that dealers fill
ina time ny circulating vague and absurd
minors about a peace treaty being signed
In South Africa this afternoon, all arising
apparently from Lord Mllner's speech of
yesterday, Americans opened unenthuslus
tie mid dropped sharply In the absence of
business. They fluctuated erratically,
closing: midway between the best and tho
worst, but neglected. The bank bought
30,000 gold In bars and sent 46,000 to
Egypt and 23,0w) to Australia. Govern
ment disbursements were slackening.
The following are ;lie closing prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
Atchhlson ....
do pfd
llnttlmorc & Ohio..
da pfd
Canadian I'aclllo...
Canada Bn
Chea. & Ohio
Chicago A Alton...
do pfd
Chi., lnd. & L
do pfd
Chicago & E. 111...
Chlcaio O. W
do Ut pfd
do 2d Pfd
Chicago & S. W...
C It. I. & P
Chicago Ter. & Tr.
do pfd
C. O. C. 4 rft. Li...
Colorado Ho
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Del. & Hudson
Del. U & W
Denver & It. ()....
do pfd..i
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Ot, Nor. pfd
Hocking Valley ...
do pfd
Illinois Central ....
Iowa Central
do pfd i
Lake Krle & W....
do pfd
V. & N
Manhattan I.
Met. Ht, Hy
Mex. Central
Mex. National
Minn. & St. L
Mo. Pacific
M.. K. AT
do pfd
N. J. Cantral
N. Y. Central
Norfolk & W
do pfd
Ontario & V
da 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Bt. L. & S. F
do lit pfd
do 2d pfd
Bt, L Kouthw
do pfd
Bt. Paul
do pfd
So. Pacific
70T4So. Railway
MH do pfd
4Vi Texas Sc Pnclflo ...
93 Tol St. U. ft W..
103 do pfd
t6H Union I'aclllo
41 ! do pfd
3t Wnbaiti
"Hi do pfd
3! Wheel. A u E
C3 do :d Dfd
. 1
. ns
. 21
. 21
. 4014
. SS
. 66
. lK
. 23
82 14
. 1!
. 60
. 63K
Ill Wis. Central
ii do pfd ,
8014 I. C. C. St. I...
m Adams IZx
Dili American Ex
119 U. 8. Ex
lfc',4 Weli-Kargo Kx...
33 Amul, Copper
M Amer. Car & F....
1314 do pfd
41 Amer. Un. OH....
1114 do pfd
157 Amer. 8. & R
21i do pfd
40H Amer. Tobacco ...
9i Anac. Mln. Co
i J5H Brooklyn R. T...,
i 44 Colo. Fuel A I....
, 4S Con. Oas
17! Con. Tobacco ....
i 4H14 do pfd
74 Gen. Electrlo ....
148X Qlucoe .Sugar ...
, 34 Hocking Coal ....
, 73 Inter. Paper
13 i do pfd
,116 Inter. Power
.01'i Lcleda Oas
118 National Dticult
,106 National Iead ...
, 23H 'National Bait ...
, 9 I do pfd
107 No. American ...
, 97Ti Pacific Coant ....
, 21 (Pacific Mall
, 51 li People's Una .....
,159 Preed 3. Car....
,150 do pfd
, 4714 Pullman I', Car.
, i;VilRepubllc Steel ...
, 31'i do pfd
,;' Sugar
. 7
. etii
. 20'4
. 75
. M
. 19
. 40
. 74
. 62
. 17
. 42
,. 851,
,. lSlt
,. 73
, 19 Tenn, Coal A Iron.
. f'lli
. U
. 70',i
. I2S
. 71',,
. 5F1,
. 40
. 6f.i
. 91H
, 74H Union IUg & P
do nfd.
. 40
. 79
. 67 H
. "!!
. 66
U. S. leather .
do pfd
U. S. Rubber ...
do pfd
U. S. Steel ,
do pfd
Western Union
nnatnn Stocka nnd tlonda,
BOSTON, July 24.-Cnll loans, 4414 per
cent; time lonns, 44V4 per cent. OlAclal
I A., T. & S. F....
.. 70S
.. 0"
.. iT;
,.. 40'
.. 2:
.. 0
... 2xV.
,.. ',
West End ,
Weitlngh. Electric
do pin
Amer. Sugar ....
American Tel....,
Iloiton & Albany
Ronton Klevated,
Dnston it Me..,.
N. E. O, K C. S...
Adventurn ,
Illngham M, Co...,,
Anial. Copper
Atlantic ,
t'al. A: Kecla ....
'runUlln ,
umholdt ,
' coola ,
anta Fe Copper..
Utah Mining ,
, 254
, 30
, n
, 17
, 25
, e214
, 61 (
, 614
, 20
, 5SU,
I Dominion Coal ..
I do pfd
j Federal Steel ....
do pfd
' Fltchburg pfd....
illen. Electric ...
Mex, Central ....
N. 17. O. & C
Old Colony
Old Dominion ....
' Union Pacific ....
union I-anu
Bid. Asked.
New York Money Mnrket.
NEW YORK. July 24,-MONEY-On call,
steady nt 2ft3 per cent; last loan at 2 por
cent: prime mercantile paper, 4!4J5 per
tual uuslness In bunkers' bills at 4.s7-fiuf
4.&714 for demand nnd at J4.65 for sixty
days; posted rates, J4.S6 and J4.&S14; com
mercial tills, J4.S404.S45i.
SILVER Bar, eSHc; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Goverenment, easy; state, Inac
tive; railroad, heavy.
'I'll closing lunik ou tiuiids lodav ar
U. S, ref. 2a, rer...
do coupon
do Jl, rev
do coupon
do new it, reg...
do coupon
do old 4a, rea....
do coupon
do 6a, reg
do coupon
D. of C. 3 65
Atchlaon gen. 4a...
do adj, 4
Canada So, 2a
Chea, &. Ohto 44a.
do Ca
C. & N W. c. 7a..
do 8. F. deb. bn.
CMcsgi Ter. 4a,,..
Colorado Ko, 4a,,, ,
Denver A R. O.
Rrl feneral 4a
y. W, D. C. la..
Oan, Rlactrlc (a...
Iowa Central la...
L. & N. unl. 4a ...
M.. K. A T. 2a
do 4a
.1074 N. Y. Central la..
.107',, N. J. C Ken. 5a...
. tUSli No. Pacino la
.tOO , do 4a
137 N Y. a i St I. 4a
.133 IN. & V. con, 4a,.
,111 ;Oreon Nav. la...
.111 I do 4
lfit Oregon 8. U 6...
,10) do conaol 5a
,124 Reading gen. it...
.102?4 Rio O. W. la
S5 ,8t L & I M c. 6a.
,1034'St L & 8 F g. a.
,107 1st. Paul conaola .
,1154 St. P.. C. A P. la
,157'; do 5a
,1221,'f'n, Paclflc 4
at 'n ll.llvtv Km
.. W.4
. 100',,
.. 9IU
.. M
.. 874
.. 94
Mt It. fc T. H,..
Teiaa & Pacific la
, 974
do 2a
Union Pacific 4a,,
Wabaih la
do 2a
Weat Shore 4a
Wla. Central la,..
Va. Centurlea ....
Dank Clrnrlnsjs.
OMAIIA. July 24,-Clearlngs, J917.72S: cor
responding day Inst yeur, 1944,133; decrease,
NEW YORK. July 2(.-Clearlngs, J227.01S.
m; balances, )U,SD8.095.
ST. LOUIS, July 24,-Clearlngs, JB.695.S00:
luilnnces, 3928,817: money, 5ff7 per cent: New
York oxchange, 15c discount, 10c discount
CINCINNATI, July 24,-Clearlngs. JJ.bOO.
150; money. 314tf per cent: New York ex
change. 2146c discount.
BOSTON. July 24.-Clear,lns. J15.081.957i
balances, Jl, 962,776; money, 44l4 per cent.
CHICAGO, July 24,-Clearlngs, fU.0-t7.26S;
balances, J2.070.24S; posted exchange, JlSSfl
4.W14, New York exchnngc, 2c discount
HAlI IMOltE. July 24. Clearings, J3.C59.
773, balances, J427,61; money, 4)Hl4 per
London Stock tluotn tlons,
LONDON, July 24.-4 p. m.-Closlng:
Chea. ,t Ohio ,
Chlcnsv O W....
.. 45H
.. 42
.. Ul
.. 74
.. ee
.. 'ji
.. ti
.. fH
.. rx
.. ff
.. 'A
.. 22
.. 73
.. m
do 2.1 pf.l
So Railway
do pfd
80. Patinc
Union Pacific
do nfd
. 25'i
. VP,
. 8.4
. 571,
. kO
. fn,
. 90
. W.j
. 39
. 70
. 41'.
. 91
. o;
. t'a
. 71
. 9J4
. fl
C. M. Sc St. P
Denver & It.
do pfd
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Illinois Central .,
U A N..
M., K. .t T
do pfd
N. Y. Central ..
Norfolk & W....
Ao pfd
No. Pacific pfd..
Ontario & V
I'e nnrylvanla ....
du pfd
It;. S. Steel
tin pM
do pfd
4pnnlfh 4s
Hand Mlnea
on !, money...,
do account
do pfd
Ilaltlmore & Ohio.
Canadian Pacific...
BAR 8ILVKR-27d per ounce.
MONEY 1Vji14 per cent. The rate of
discount In the open market for short bills
Is 2 7-16(214 per cent: for three months'
bills, 24'it2- per cent.
Gold premiums were quoted today as fol
lows: iluruos Ayres, lJj.'JO; Madrid, "0.05;
Lisbon, 39 W.
.NVtr York Mining Mocka.
NEW YORK, July tV4.-The following are
the closing quotations on mining stock:
Adams Con
Ilrunawlck Con...
Comatock Tunnel
Con. Cal. A Va..
22 Utile Chief ...
40 Ontario
181 Ophlr
13 Phoenix
6'., l'otoil
.... )
... 3
Deadwood Terra 58
Horn Silver 110
Iron Silver 53
ly'ioHIHs Con i
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopes,..,
Standard ,
.... 12
.... Ul
Aool Mnrket.
ROSTON. Mius.. Julv 2l.-WOOI,-Tln
American Cotton nnd Wool Reporter will 1
say tomorrow of the wool trade: The mar- .
ket has continued active nnd strong. Wool
arc tending upward nnd the strength of the
situation is Intensified bv the repjtt that 1
prlcen at tho Ixindon sales have hard"iied 1
still further. Tho present month will pn.c
tlcnlly wind up the season In Montana mil
Indications are that the great hulk ot the
clip will hnvc been purchased outright.
The salts fir the week in noston
nmounted to 6.0M.OOO lbs. domestic nnd 475.-
000 lbs. foreign, tnnklne 11 total of l InO.'UJ. 1
against a totnl of 6.920.00O for tho previous
week und a total of 2.347.001) ins. lor tne
uorreBpuiioiiig weca tasi veui. rii-j
since Jnnunry 1 amount to 12S.3I2.CO) lb.,
ngnlnst 74, 2!2,6O0 lbs. for the corresponding
time Inst yeor. The receipts of wool n
lliiHtnn thU n'plc nmntlnt to 30.7&S bales
against 20.211 bales last week and 16 S07 1
bnles last year. Shipments of wool f r
tno wcck ending juiv -a were a.aio.jii ios.
This shows 11 decrtvise of 6S7.6IW lbs. over
the shipments for the previous week.
BT, LOUIS. July :.-WOOIr-Unchanrfd:
medium Rrades. Ili7c: llrht. fin. U14c;
heavy, fine, state. 11c: tubwainao. lS;4o.
Cotton Makt.
cotton mnrket opened weak and down 4fl8
points under a small stampede to sell out
cotton purchased from 20 to 30 points
higher. Official reports led to tho bollef
that settled weather has nt last como to
thn relief oi the south Atlantic states.
Near tho close tho selling forced near
months Tower, but the new crop n
held close to last night's bids. The
e mar-
kpi mi llimtl run), wiui 'uvea nc. u-
changed to 8 points lower.
8T. LOUIS, July 24.-COTTON-Steady;
sales, 1,175 bales; middling, 1 8-16c: receipts,
38.1 bnles; shipments, 1,96$ bales; stock, S3,
593 bales.
NEW ORLEANS, July 24.-COTTON-Steady:
sales, 700 bales; ordinary, 61-10c:
good ordinary, 6?ic; low middling, 7 9-lCc;
middling, 8 5-16c; good middling, Sll-lGc;
middling fair, 9 15-16c; receipts, 612 bales;
stock, 80,863 bales.
quiet: prices lower: American middling,
fair, 6d; good middling, 4d; middling, 414d;
good ordinary, 4 1-32d; ordinary, 3 5-32(1.
Tho sales of the dny were 7,000 bales, in
cluding 6,400 American; receipts, none.
Coffee Market,
coffee market still kaeos within very nar
row bounds nnd trade Is malnlv confln d
to profeislonal Interchanges. The opening
wns steady, with prlcm unchanged, ma
during the forenooh was Inactive, with the
trade featureless. In the afternoon tie
news was conflicting, statistical charges
were about as expected, while ordera from
the public were aulte In absence. A Into
rise In Hnvre brpuaht on local covering
which strengthened the late month' 5
points. Tho close was steadv. with prlc s
unchanged to 5 points higher. Total sales
wero 16,250 bags. Including: August, 4.75c;
September, 4.80foMj5c: October 4.90c; De
cember. 5.05c; January. 6.15c: March, 5.25c;
May, 5.36c. Spot. Rio. Rtcadv: No. 7 In
voice. 611-lCc. Mild, quiet: Cordova, Sli
Oil nnd Itoaln.
OIL CITY, July 24. OILS-Credlt bal
ances, 31.16; certificates, no bid: shipments,
0.1.009 bbls.; average, 101,395 bbls.; runs,
96.6S0 bbls.: average. 86.068.
NEW YORK. July 24. OILS Cottonseed
oil, quiet; petroleum, firm: rosin, dull;
common to good, 31.40ffl.4214; turpentine,
Btendy at 3G83614c.
LIVERPOOL. July 24, OILS Turpentine
spirits, stendy at 21s; rnsln, common. 42s 3d.
LONDON. July 24,-OlLS-Pctroleum cplr
Its, Slid. Rosin, American strained, 4s 714d.
neet sugar, July. Ps 6d.
SAVANNAH, Oa.. July 24.-OILS-Splrlts
turpentine, firm at 33c. Rosin, firm, quota:
A, R. C, 31.15: D, 3)1.20; E, J1.25; F, $U0; G,
11.35; II. 31.40: I, 31.55; K, $1.90; M, 2.35; N.
$2.70; W, O, 3; W, W. 33.30.
tagsr Mnrket.
NRW YORK. Julv 24. SUOAR Raw.
firm; fair refining. 3 9-16c; centrifugal, 16
test, 4 ;;-lc; moiussos sugar, .1 o-iuu; re
fined, steady; No: ti, 4.S5c; No. 7, 4.45c; No.
8, 4.63c: No 9, 4.60c; No. 10, 4.55c; No. 11,
4.50c: No. 12. 4.60c; No. 13, 4.50c; No. 14,
4.40c; stnndard A, 6.25c; confectioners' A,
5.25c: mould A. 5.80c: cut loaf. 5.95c;
crushed, 5.93c: powdered, 5.55c; granulated,
5.45c; "uhes, 6:70c.
ls 7'Ad.
Quiet: open kettle. 3 3-16ff4e: nnen kettle,
centrifugal. 31M!c: centrifugal vellow. Y
74 9-16c; seconds. 21ii31aC. Molasses, dul.;
centrifugal, 6314c.
CTnimrnteit nnd Dried Frnlts,
APPLES Market quiet but stendy all day.
State, common to good. SHtfje; prime, 51ilf
5?ic: choice, BflfiUc: fancy. 614'f?7c.
stendy and In fair demnnd. Prunes, 2iit
21ic Apricots, Royal, 8012c: Moor Park,
7V-(f!12c. Peaches, peeled, lPffc; unpeeled,
Tirrr York Dry Gooila Mnrket.
NEW YORK, July 24. The cotton goods
division of the market has again been quiet
In all departments. There has been no
moro pressuro than before to sell and
prices generally are steady. Print cloths
Inactive at unchanged prices so far ns Fall
River Is concerned; fnlr demand for men's
wear woolens nnd worsteds In lightweights.
Knnsm City Lire Stock Mnrket.
celpts. 11,000 nntlves. 2 000 Texans nnd 00
calves: native beef steers. 10c lower; io,u
nnd heifers and Texans steadv: stockeri
nnd feeders. 101J2OO lower: rholcj i xpDrte
and dress beef steers. J5.35ii5 75' far ti
good. J4.C6776.2G; stockers anil feeders, J3 00
4.00; western fed steers. 14.4MT4.50: west
ern ranco steers, f4.00?l.25; Texa nnd In
dians. t2.S0tf4.25; Terns rows. IVr,l
native cows. S2.C0ffl.2': helfer. 2.5Ctf .7?;
ennners, $1.75g-2.60; bulls. 2.5fJ4.30; calves,
HOGS-Recelpts. 15,000 head. Market
steady to 5c lower: top. 35 07U: butt f
sales. 5.55fl6.95; heavy. J5.'.'536.07H; light,
5.Of(6 50.
SHEEP AND LA MRS - Receipt". 3,1 0
head. Market steadv; Iambi 4.00gr,00;
wethers, 33 601.00; ewe. 33 250' 75. west
ern rnngo sheep, J3.6C03.SO; stock shoep,
Nerr York Live Stock Mnrket.
NEW YORK. July 24.-nEEVES-Re.
celpts. 2,741 head; slow: steers. lCJ15c lower
except for prime preVs: bulls and cows,
10-625c off; steers. M.S4W.M: bulla. 3.0C
cows, ft.mtra.w: choice ft com. M.ii;
cables steady; shipments, 4,463 quarters of
CALVES Receipts, J. head: 23e lower:
veals, M.0O,I6.76; chnlro and extra, M.871j
7.0M: buttermilks. 3.0O?f1.5O; grassers, 13.25.
SHEEP AND LAMnS-Reoelnts, 8,851
hend; sheep steady, good to choice lambs
In demnnd and steady; sheep, $3.00471,23;
choice wethers, $4.60; Inmbs, $3.2505.35; one
dnck. 35.50,
HOGS Receipts, 3,479 head: mnrket full
and steady; western hogs, $0.25; state, $6.40
St. Joseph l.lvr Stork Mnrket,
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., July 24 CATTLE Re
eelpts, 1,200 head; mnrket 6Jfl0c lower: na
tives. $3.753.80; rows and heifers. $l.tHr
4.70; bulls nnd stngs. $2.(WJ4.75; stockers
and feeders. $2.00aN.OO: venls, $2.flig-4.00.
HOOS Receipts, 2.600 head; 50c lower;
light and light mixed. $3.65B.6714: medium
and heavy, $5.7CK3.05i pigs, J3.0o.g4.50.
SHEEP AND LA MHB Receipts, 1,530
head; market steady; 10c lower.
tattle Kfceipta Oat; Fair, but Beef Etitri
Win Virj fclew and Lomr.
Snpply of nheei nnd I. Botha Kalrly
l.lbrrnl nnd Prlcra nn llarea und
Wethers Were Ten to Fifteen
Loner Mild I.ninba Stendy.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Mommy l,ol2 4,ss
Olllclrtl Tuesday i.iii lo,!;4 lV.ilW
Ulliclul NVeuuesday 2,ii2 l,Vij B,S
Three days this week.. 7.520 26,047 21,8?(J
Haute days mat weeK. . . .lv.MS 3!,li.W 13.3J1
aunie week befoie (,ltJ L.v'iJ I',;tu
aine tin t'u weeas ago.. b.cW 2i,'M i.JOi
ftatne lour weeks ago.... H.jiy l),vl
Dame unyi, lait yLrtr.... u,M 2i,wj
Averuge prlco paid ror liogj South
Omaha tho past soveral days with com
parisons: 1901. l'XiO.l!03.,lS;'i.n37.ISM.lV5
July 3..
July 4.
July 6..
July 6..
July 7..
July ..
July 9..
July 10.
5 74141 6 Oil 3 7341 13 Hi 2 4 '.0
3 7SI
! "j
3 i 8, 3 6d
3 13 3 t
3 61 3 76
3 66 1 3 Si
I 3 78
S 01
4 il
j it.
3 2$; 2 P7; 4 M
s 11
6 13
3 261 2 W
5 832-5
3 32 3 04 4 ill
3 351 2 161 4 76
5 M4!
5 .v61,
6 I'-'S
6 MUj
6 13
3 90
3 961 3 70
3 2a 2 87 4 b3
July 11
o u
6 02
2 94 4 67
4 04 3 73 3 IS
4 0JI 3 82! 3 14
4 i
6 13
I 2 97
4 7a
6 08,
4 03 3 77 3 15
3 W
4 88
4 81
4 82
July 15...
6 77W
6 C4i
3 b3, 3 77, 3 II
3 82 3 20
4 01 3
J 05
3 07
I 97
Juiy is..
July 17.
July 18..
Juiy 19..,
J'Jly 20...
July 21...
July 2.'..,
July 23 .,
July 24..
6 02
6 EMJ 4 94
5 534 4 87
4 16 3 82
2 4 M
u bJ'n 4 9'J i 4 28) 3 89, 3 32
' , 4 b'J
97) 4 91
6 6ST4
4 981
4 19
3 861 3 !
3 81 I 3 38
5 0
4 21
4 34
5 67H
5 7tA.
3 791 3 27
2 l 4 83
5 15
3 82 3 i'J 2 8.1, 4 81
5 6jHi 6 151.4 36 3 36 2 92 4 "6
Indicates Sundav. Indicates holiday
The official number of cars ot stock
drought I.i today by each road was:
Cattle. Hons. Sheeo. H'r's.
u., .m. & si. I', uy
O. St St. j. Ry. ,
Mo. P. Ry
U. P. system
6 1
31 It
60 1
37 2
1M 5
... 12
C. & N. W. Ry.
F., E. & M. V. It,
. '. & i: ity
C St. P., M. Ik. O. Ry 19
II. & M. R. It. R.... 33
C, U. & Q. Ry. .. 3
K. C. & St. J 6
C, H. I. & P., east.. 3
C, R. I, ft P., weat.. S
Illinois Central 1
Total Receipts ..100
The disposition of the day's receipt was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the. num
ber of head indicated:
Cattle, nogs, sneep.
Omaha Packing Co.
Swift nnd Company
Cudnhy Packing Co
Armour & Co
176 2.313
Swift & Co.. K. C 60
R. Reckcr & Degan .. 81
Vnnsant & Co 11
Lnbman & Co 66
W. 1. Stephen 76
Hill & Hunzlnger 32
Hamilton & Rothrchtld.. 30 19
II. I.. Dennis & Co 24
It. F. Hobblck 39
Other buyers 161 204
Totals 2.4J7 9.956 3,0 3
CATTLE-Thcre was not a very heavy
run of cattle hero today, but as the re
ports from other points were unfavorable
to tho selling Interests a very slow, weak
market was experienced nt this point. Not
many cuttle changed hands until tho morn
ing was well advanced, and It was late be
foro a clearance was made.
Chicago reported choice cattle nearly
stendy nnd others 10326c lower, and that Is
Just about the way buyers started In hero
on tho beef steers. Sellers of course were
not willing to take off that much, and na
a result It was lato before much of any
thing was done. The few cattle that did
change hands were easily 10tfl5c lower, and
that was a good deal the way the most ot
the cattle sold. It was a very slow, draggy
market, but still prices here wure well In
line with the way cattle sold at other
Tho cow market did not show sd much
change, as there were only live or six cars
on sale. The quality of the offerings was
very Inferior and for the most part the
kind that packers do not want. Anything
good sold at right around steady prices,
but aside from those tho market was un
even and probably lower. The kind of stuff
that Is neither killers nor feeders Is tho
hurdest to well and sellers have to take
what they can get for them.
Hulls, calves and stags were all rather
scarce this morning, but still the tendency
was to buy thcin lower.
There was quite a sprinkling of stockers
and feeders this morning and buyers
seemed to want a few of the better grades.
Onod cattlo sold at very close to steady
prices, but the undesirable kinds were slow
and weak. Representative sales:
No. A v. Tr. !:.
1 m 3 00 20...
i ioio 3 ;f it...
1 1160 4 00 39...
(1 1031 4 10 40...
11 1000 4 10 40...
1 762 4 i 19...,
64 393 4 '0 17...
19 997 4 45 It...
2 $95 4 iO 34...
(1 1101 4 50 21...
1 1074 4 60 3...
17 1101 HA 37...
20 1015 4 10 33...
At. Pr.
1152 4 M
1091 4 it,
1135 4 96
ll.vl 4
1315 5 )
1001 5 .M
1252 5 no
1380 5 10
13U 5 13
1311 5 15
1304 i to
1158 5 HO
1261 S JO
1403 6 40
1535 6 43
1175 6 5
1377 6 65
65 1148 4 70 II...
103 1170 1 so :o...
46 901 4 6 I...
50 1211 4 65 32...
43 1097 4 30 id...
15 614 3 "0 2 ill
4 25
t 1001 3 00 It...
2 650 4 10 23...
....1001 3 00
.... 650 4 10
.... 340 1 00
..1065 4 75
..1236 5 15
1 1000 1 76
1 1060 75
17 m 3 55
.... HO 1 W
.... 90 1 .V)
....looo i ;o
.... (,07 1 50
.... 920 1 50
.... 650 2 IX)
...,10i.' 3 O)
.... 6J 2 25
.... 870 2 j5
.,.,1030 3 35
2 1105 3 (
.1300 i 00
..10St 3 00
.. 935 3 10
.. 690 3 10
..1350 3 10
..1170 1 ;o
..1100 3 -ih
760 2 15
..1370 3 33
1120 3 40 3 1WJ 3 :5
1105 3 60 2 1065 i 40
11C0 3 10 2 1225 3 45
320 2 M 4 1017 8 it
1050 2 i. 6 1000 3 (5
60 2 (5 1 900 3 (5
360 2 70 1 1100 3 71
1110 2 li 1 Iu60 3 75
1023 2 (5 4 12(5 3 55 Elto,
7 660 2 ID 6 SU 3 M
1 760 3 50 1 (80 3 .V)
17 692 2 l5
1 1600 3 35 1 ICC0 n
1 Mil I ii 1 1090
3 "J
1 950 1 35 1.
i 1740 2 50
.1730 4 CO
15.., 617 3 50
1 PWfl 3 35 IS...., Ml 1 50
1 464 2 i0 1 10SO 3 SO
( 666 3 60 1 1110 3 M
16... .
953 1 16 2 125
4 00
. 806 2 3D
1 100 J 00
3 '.0 1....
170 5 75
2411 2 73 1
120 3 50 t
170 4 00
1170 4 60
160 4 35
123 I 50
555 2 00
too 3 no
912 3 15
. . 644 2 mi)
.. 720 2 23
.. 4M 2 M
. . 627 3 60
..533 3 75
..687 3 ID
. . . 833 3 00
. . 5f) 3 Oil
. . 9U 3 CO
. . 671 3 t"0
31 .. .
740 3 1J
, (93 3 15
5VS 3 20
, 401 3 70
. ! 3 :o
. m 3 "i
. 723 3 25
. 660 3 V)
6)0 I 20
IIOG3 There was another liberal run nt
hogs here today, and In view of that fact
packers started out bidding considerably
lower, but they failed to get thn hon.
They mioh raised their hands, sa thy
seemed to have liberal orders, and
Just about fcteady prices for tho good to
choice heavyweight. The less del able
the hogs the harder they wore to dispose of
and the genernl market could be nuotd
steady to 6c lower, the greatest drcine
being on the common and lightweight stuff.
It took choice hogi to brlngover $5.70, bu
ns hlch as $5.8214 was paid. The cnod mlxerf
hogs sold at 15.6714 nnd J5,7n. or a shide
lower thun yesterday, and the light stuff
was left until the last nnd sold from $5.65
There was not enough change In the last
half of the market to mnko much differ
ence. Just In the middle the feeling was a
little weak, but later on the market fok
on more life and closed up In good shape,
everything being sold In good senson. Th?
bulk of all the hogs today went at 16.67(4
and $5.70, Representative sales:
No. Av, Bh. Pr. N. Av. Rh. Pr.
160 Itl 120 6 40 ti 226 120 I 79
.183 ...
.173 ..
1(4 120
5 Ml
i 60
5 16
5 60
73 ,
..213 8) I
. W It) $ 70
..Ui i) IU
.210 120 i 70
0 I M'i
..226 120 5 70 11
6 O
SI 12 200 i ii
6 .0
70 13 40 6 J
81 137 20) i (3
..230 240
3 ,0
6 ,0
.315 1M
. 20 80 5 65
. 214 240 6 65
. .i 10 6 95
..1M 110 3 ft
..213 110 5 63
5 70
84 6 70
... 5 70
44 6 70
.221 164 u )
0 25 120 3 (5
6 M l 2vv 6 15
..2it 40 3 70
Ml 3 70
IS 162 10 3 4714
87 179 10 6 f?i,
(0 114 ifti 3 C7't
..273 111
73 20
17 ri 120 3 70
71 123 44 i 0
79 213 6" 6 70
72 271 10 5 70
70 2J4 2S0 3 74
67 2ii 24) i "0
83 214 54 3 ,4
52 Ml 80 6 70
76 224 I) 6 74
(9 241 510 5 iO
77 2i) 4 i .0
62 234 40 5 70
7S 251 () 5 74
64 257 SO 3 70
67 225 ... 5 70
59 117 34 3 -214
61 116 (0 6 721a
227 124 8 !',
23 247 120 5 "1H
36 22) ... ft 72' 1
63 Ill 120 6 721,
66 214 40 3 "21,
65 245 124 3 7."t,
76 268 120 3 7iJ
73 22 3 4 0 5 72',
17 264 164 6 -2',
77 Ul 40 3 72',
131 23S 124 5 i'3'a
. 211 IN J 6,H
..Mi 100 6 '7(i
..107 120 i 7't
71 ....
ZJ7 50 1 67 'j
J 251 160 5 67ij
4) 3 17U
211 164 3
4 S4 5 fT,
. .245
40 5 67H
40 6 67'.,
.. 6 1.71!
... 5 67U
49 3 CJH
...ta 124 r. 7',
..241 10 I 17)
..203 164 6
..I'M 164 I li',
..187 ... 3 67H
.114 120 6 t7t
70 213
66 K
iD i n
m 1 67u
.121 240 6 C7't
....212 SO 5 fT'i
... 21 120 3 4"i
....191 144 &?'
....203 SO 1 67H
....311 124 & I7H
....111 ... 67,
...,:;c 124 6 ;
tn s ,o
....2' 204 3 70
71 233 240 3 '2'i
...lit ... 3 13
...220 1M 5 73
...266 ... 3 11
...263 ... 3 75
4t 223
30 5 ,4
II 223 160 6 :0
..221 ... 3 75
76 136 120 1 ,'0
71 244 1 20 6 ,0
66 208 124 t 70
... 214 1 5 75
.. 6 76
... i 6
64 5 '5
.. 6 75
SO 5 774
80 6 77H
. 3 64
to 6 ;o
... 5 6)
.. 6 10
.223 124 3 70
63 273
62 270
223 40 6 ,0
311 160 5 70
23 "0
S46 4-) 6 74
80 5 74
.. 285
5 70
..MO 244 6 70
. .2(6 44 3 70
47 294
61 293
. . .203 40 6 ,4 61
...342 80 5,70 fS,...
.. 237 40 I ,0 63....
...321 49 i :o f.1 .
.211 164 5 "IH
.216 40 3 11',
80 & ti
SHEEP There was nnlln n run of sheen
and lambs hero today, nnd ns the Chicago
market wnu reported weak nnd mostly lov
15c lower on sheep, prices here eafed off a
little lluyers did not take hold very ficely
of the ewes and wethers, and thofe that
were sold were generally 10015c lower. It
wns Into before many bunches had changed
Inm!s, on the contrnry, moved fairly
well nt fully steady prices, as compared
with yesterday. As high as $4.85 was paid
today, which was fully as much ns they
would have brought yesterday.
feeders are still very' slow ssla and shonp
re nclllnr largely from 12.60 to $3.00, and
lambs from W.60 to $3.90. As will be notM
from thus quotation, there I tmt little
dlrrertmce In the price of sheep and larnbj.
Quotations: Choice ytarllng.
fair to irood yearlings, ja.4VV2tO.GS; anolre
wether. JU.WfM.76; fair to good wathers,
3.36TjJ.e4: choice ewes, $J.16t;3.26: fair to
food ewes, J2.6Ofl3.0O; choice spring lambr,
4.662)5.00; fair to good soring lambs, I4..5tr
4.65: feeder wethers, J2.M03.OO; feeder Iambi,
w.whj.du. uepresentative sales:
$2 10
3 00
3 00
3 41
4 fO
2 75
3 (0
3 01
3 15
3 60
3 00
4 00
4 75
4 85
10 cull ewes
20 cull lambs
60 western ewea
130 western wethers
40 western lambs
206 sheep
16 Idaho ewes
48 Utah ewes
.. 105
.. 61
.. 1(3
.. 90
.. 61
.. 71
.. 16
.. 103
16 natlvo ewes
1 utan wether
425 Utah wethers
11 native Iambs
643 Idaho lambs
658 Idaho Iambs
Cattle and nnara Are: Lower Sheep
Rrmsln Stendy.
CHICAOO, July 24. CATTLE Receipt a.
34,200 head. Including 300 Texnns. Market
slow and 14(R40c lower; good to prime steers,
J5.35S5.95: poor to medium. $I.OOtf6.25: Block
ers and feeder, J2.4OJJ4.00; cows and heifers,
J2.40tf4.75; canners. Jl.60tf2.25; bulls, J2.25W
4.40; calves, J3.7596.00; Texas steers, t3.Wft
HOGS Receipts today. 35,000 head; tomor
row. 29.000 feitlmated). Market opened 6ff
10c lower but closed firm: mixed and
butchers. $5.65?f6.10: good to choice heavy,
$S.90(i6.2O; rough heavy, $5 65716.85; light,
J5.75fi5.f0: bulk of sales. JS.Soi1.00.
SHEEP AND LAMHS Receipts, 1B.000
head. Market steady: good to choice weth
ers. J3.Rv?M.25: fair to choice mixed. 3.rBfJ!
3.80: western sheep. $3.30114.00: yeirllngs.
$4.0004.60: nntlvo lambs. J3.0fiG.35; western
lambs, J4.40ft5.50.
St. Louis I.lre Stock Market.
ST LOUIS. July 24.-CATTLE-ReeolptP.
5,700 hend. Including 2.600 Texans. Market
steady to a shade easier; native snlpolng
nnd export steers, J4.f65T5.fB: dressed b?rf
and butchers, J4.25SCi.25: steers under l,f0)
lbs.. X5.10ifS.SS: stockers nnd feeders. JI.'O
415.10; cows nnd heifers. J2.0OH4.50; ennnera,
Jl.252.75: bulls, J2.35ff3.25: Texns and In
dian steers, 13.254.00: cows and heifers,
HOGS-Rccetpts. 6.900 hend. Market
steady; pigs nnd lights. JR.761I5.85; packers,
J5.70fJ5.85: butchers, J5.H0I16.15.
SHEEP AND LAMBS - Receipts, 2.100
head. Market steady on sheen, lower on
lambs; native muttons, J3.CAff3.75; eulla and
bucks, J3.00g3.25; Texas muttons. J3.00fi3.60.
Stock In Sight.
The following table shows thn recetpts of
cattle, hoes nnd sheen at tho five nrlnelnal
live stock market Julv 23:
Cattle. Hoes Sheen
South Omaha 2.272 10.f5 .'62
Chicago 34 200 35W 15 no
Kansas city 13.000 lf.o 0 3.600
St, Ixiuls 6.700 6.900 2,100
St. Joseph 1.300 2.500 l,.r."0
.66.472 70.2S5 2?.9!3
No. 9348. Mlttlestadt & Co. against Gan
non. Error from Madison. Reversed ana
remanded. Commissioner's opinion, depart,
ment No. 3. Opinion by Duffle, C.
1. The defendnnt sold 160 acres of land
to one W. and executed a contrnct of sale,
agreeing to convey the same on the pay
ment of tho purchase price. W. assigned
mis contract to secure to tno piaintina
the sum of $133.80. After such assignment
W., the vendee, obtained possession of tho
contract and the defendnnt, the vendor.
mano a new contract to w., who ournea
tho first contract at the suggestion and
request of the defendant. The land at this
time wns worth not less than 33 000 ana
there was due on the contrnct not to ex
ceed $2,200. The defendant knew at the
time that thn contract was burned thnt It
had been assigned to secure the plaintiffs
a debt due them from W Held, that on
these facts they wero liable to vne p'atntlfts
In an action for dnmago for the amount
of their claim for which the contrnct stood
as security.
No. 9S54, Johnson ngnlnst Pulver. Error
from Saunders. Affirmed. Commissioner's,
opinion, department No. 1.
1. Payments by administrator of debts of
deceased not nllowed agntnst the estate
are unauthorized nnd administrator Is not
to bo credited with them In settlement or
his account Huebner against Serftemnn.
3S Neb , 78.
2, Consent to such payments by one heir
and good faith on the part of administrator
no defense against the objection of another
heir to allowance of such claims In settle
ment of administrator's account.
3 Tho fact thnt payment had not been
ordered by probate court and creditors not
paid In full will not relieve administrator
from being required to pay Interest on
funds retained In his own bank while Ills
roport was unnecessarily delayed.
No. 9S5S, Cobb against Hndley county.
Error from Roono, Affirmed. Commission
er's opinion, department No. 3. Opinion by
Ames, C
1 Errors of law alleged to have occurred
nt a trial In tho district court cannot be re
viewed here unless they have first been
brought to the attention of thnt court by
a motion for a new trial,
No. 9807 Adams ngalnst Weliberccr.
Error from Doutrlns. Affirmed Comm s
sinner's opinion, department No, 3. Opinion
b Ames, C
L. In an action against an officer taking
Insufficient security upon a bond In re
plevin In a suit pending before a lustlre
of tho peae the plaintiff peed not allege In
hla petition, although he may he rqulfd
to prove upon the trial, that he has prose
cuted the sureties upon the bond to Judg
ment and execution without obtaining satis
faction, 2. An officer who takes security upon a
replevin bond In nil action pending b 'furo
a Justice of tho peace guarantees absolutely
that the surety Is sufllclent at the time ho
ri accepted. In an action upon tho bnnd
of such officer for dnmnges for tnklng In
sufficient security It Is not necessary to
allege that Ir so doing the defendant acted
wrongfully or negligently nnrt It Is not a
defeiue that the latter acted In good faith
nnd with the exercise of diligence.
3. When In an octlon on thj bond of nn
ofllcer for taking Insufficient security upon
a replevin bond In a suit pending before
a Justice of the peace It hns been proved
that the suretlca upon the latter bond have
been prosecuted to Judgment nnd execu
tion without obtaining satisfaction nnd
that the Judgment remains In force and
unlmpeached by the parties to It, It 1
Immaterial whether the justice d d nr d 1
nut exceed his Jurisdiction in ronderlni
Judgment In the replevin suit.
4. The function of expressing the juiblli
will Is entrusted to the legislature but no
to the court nnd to this principle It I
the duty of the latter to give practical fore,
as well as theoretical recognition.
No. 938. Leigh against Green. Appeal
from Knox. Reversed, with direction
Albert. ( Department No. 3.
1 Where service li had by publlcattot
Jurisdiction attaches, although the nllldavP
for service Is sworn to before tiling of thi
petition, provided the tnterval between thi
two acts Is so brief that no presumptlot
can f itli ly arise of n change In the Juris
dictional facts set forth In thn affidavit.
2. An Interval of two days held too short
to give rise to such presumption.
3 Where facts required In nn nflldavlt nn
of such a character that positive knowledge
on the part of nillnnt Is Impossible such
nttlduvlt may be made on Information and
4. An allldavlt for services by publication
Is not for the Information of the party tc
be served, but to enable the court to deter
mine whether the uctlon Is one In which
Jjnsdlctlon mny be acquired by such serv
6. When such allldavlt Is sufllclent to
enable the court to determine whether th
action Is one of which Jurisdiction mny bt
acquired by service by publication, service
unsed thereon Is valid.
7. Allldavlt examined nnd held sufllclent
to give the court Jurisdiction,
8. An attaching creditor held not to be nn
owner within the meaning of section 4,
article v, chnpter Ixxvll, Compiled Statutes,
9. The holder of a tax lien may bring an
action for the foreclosure In n state court
and prosecute the same to a decree and
sale of the land notwithstanding the pen
dency of an nctlou between other parties
In tho federal courts, wherein such lands
have been levied upon undor nn order of at
tachment. No, 9mU, Sloan against CltUons' National
Hank of Des Moines, In. Error from
Douglas. Affirmed. Klrkpatrlck. C. De
partment No. 1. (Not reported.)
1. Where tho verdict returned Is clearly
right, and Is the only one warranted by tha
evidence, tho Judgment will be affirmed, al
though errors mo nave Intervened nt tha
trial. United States School Furniture Com
pany ngalnst School District No. 8f, Lancas
ter cojnty, 56 Neb. 615,
No. 9865. Kellar et al ngalnst VatiHrunt
Error from Nuckolls, Affirmed, Oldham.
C. Department No. 2. (Not reported.)
1. A verdict for plaintiff In nn action In
replevin In which tho plaintiff has tho pos
session of the property nnd claims a spo-
rtlll nwnerHMn tlntrnln ! nnl ",.,.,....... .
I law' becauso such verdict does not find tho
viiiue or tne pinintifi h ownership or tho
value of the property.
3. Alleged errors In the admission and ex
clusion of evidence not called to the at
tention of the trial court In the motion for
a new trial will not bo considered on review
In this court.
No, 0S22. HI.-ick ngnlnst Webber. Error
from Red Willow. Affirmed. Hasting. C,
Division 1. Unreported.
1. A mero unsworn certlllcato of a phv
slclan that defendant Is proatruted trom
th effects ot la grippe and rheumatism, not
able to be out, and that nr xpou e would
be oMgcrous, together with aflldnviia or
tjie prt.v nnd bit non that ha la unahlo ti
tit up and ban te ha naolstud from his btl
from such cans, Is not such a show. tig a
indlcatos abuse of discretion In overruling
a motion to continue for that cutue n fore
closure, already ponding more than two
years, especially when no reason appears
why defendant's place cannot bo ful y sup
plied. 2. No error to refuse permission to go
Into new matter on cross-examination.
3. Exhibits sufficiently Identified by marVt
of notnry and testimony of wltners who
saw them used may be considered In con
nection with deposition though not attached
ns recited,
No. 0902. Colby against Maw. Error from
Gage. Alllrmed Sedgwick, C, Division
No. 2. Unreported.
1. The district court after entering a Judg
ment not supported by the evidence In nn
action tried bv tho court mny at tho ,nmn
tenn set nslde such Judgment nnd en'or
tho proper Judgment without again hearlni
the evidence.
2. If nn order on a third party Is taken
for a pre-existing debt and a receipt given
therefor reciting that It Is received '.n
payment In full," It will not
operate ns absolute payment unless thi
party receiving it expressly agrees 10 su
receive It nnd at his own risk.
No. 9931. Stelnkamp against Gnebet. E ror
from Cass. Reversed and rcmnnde I with
directions. Pound, C, Division No. 2. Un
reported. 1. An attorney at law emplnyod to bring
and prosecute nn action has no author ty
to dismiss such action contrary to hi
desire nnd over tho objection of his client.
2. After his employment had been term
inated an attorney who had been emrloyed
to bring action dismissed It contrary to h a
client's desire. Tho statutory porlo.i of
limitation for actions of that nnture h d
elapsed pending suit. Held, that a motion,
mado at the same term, to set aside the
order ot dismissal and relnstnto the case,
should have been sustained.
Settle Clnlnia of Converts.
NEW TORK, July 24.-A dlapntch from
Pekln says that boforo leaving for Pao
Ting Fu, tho provincial treasurer nnd com
missioner for tho settlement of missionary
claims, was cntertnlnod at dinner by tha
American nnd English missionaries. Ihi
occasion was the settlement of nil claims
of converts.
INSTRUMENTS filed for record Wednes
day, July 21, 1901:
'Worrnnty Deeds.
Somerset Trust company to Leo Coun
cillor, lot 8, block S, Brighton add....J 100
Benson Land compnny to J. W.
Straight, V4 lot 2, block 35, Benson.. 1
E. A. French to J. J. Monell, Jr.. ot nl,
executors, lot 17, block 2, Lakovlow
add 1
S. T. King nnd husband to E. A.
French, same 600
Aug Kaiser and wlfo to T. A. Lucke,
n 47 feet lot 10, block 1, Millard Place 3,200
W. L. Selby and wlfo to O. S. Cross-
man, lottt 13 and 14, block 4, Lincoln
Place KK)
Quit Claim Deeds.
F. L. Hempsted nnd wlfo to M. E.
Weekly, undivided V4 of n 24x35 feot
lot 1?, block 1, C. E. Mayne's 1st add
to Valley I
Same to same, undivided H lota 16 nnd
17, block 4, same 1
Sheriff to E. R. Hume, lot 3, block D,
Mulford & O.'b sub 40
Same to Robert Telfer, e 30 feet of w
60 feet lot 28, Millard A C 's add 1,000
Same to J. O. Hume, wH lot 3. block 1,
Parker's add 1,000
Same to Union Trust company, trustee,
nV4 of n'4 lot 6, block S, Improvement
association's add 850
Totnl amount of transfers.
. $0,694
Summer Specials
$25.75 Buffalo andreturn daily.
$21.50 Louisville, Ky. and return
on sale August 24 , 25 and 20.
$24.75 Cleveland, 0. and return
on saio September 7 to 10.
Ilomeseekers' Excursions
On saio first and third Tuesday each month.
Summer tourist rales to all resorts, allow
ing stopovers at Detroit, Niagara Kalis and
Buffalo. For rates, lako trips, Pan-American
descrlptlvo mutters, call at Omaha &
Bt. Louis Office, No. 1416 Farnam streut
(Paxton hotel block), or write Harry E.
Moores, O. A. P. D. Omaha, Neb,
Teaantioar lOIMa,
Boyd Commission Go
fUccOMfi to Jam Uojr Ca..
CHAIN. PUlVIMO. A.VD STOCK?.. of Trade nnlldlnB.
Direct wire to Chicago and Now Tork.
:orteporidcnttf. Juhn A. Wuireu & Co.
!oiie Will r.nru II I v Monthly Itatiirna
Tho Inveatdr'a Fund Pays Scml-Monthly.
The oldeal established In America. No
certificate-holder over lost a cent. Pay
ments innde to all subscribers every IS
days. Ino trouble. No delay. Money
refunded on demnnd. Write today for
particulars, free to nny address,
C. 12. MAC IV I, t .t CO.,
Hudson llulldliiK, Nevr York.