THE OMAHA DAILY JVR.E: TV ESP AY, JVLV 2H, 1001, COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL A Wildl EnlHih Dtj in the Ortia Fiti Again. BAD REPORT FROM NORTHWEST Impelled liy Hopeless Tour of Ilpporta from U'ruti Corn nml Out Score Srnsiitliinnl Aihnni'r nml Close Strnnir I'rovlslons Active. CHICAGO, July I2.-In the Kraln pit th's was wildly bullish day. Impelled by t..e hopeless toiio of advices from the pinched prairie west, corn mid onts scored sensa tional advances nnd closed strong, le rpeetlvcly 3ftc, 4?o and .TO.ItnC hlKher for Heptcmber. 1'rovlslons- cloyed higher In sym pathy, Heptembcr pork advancing 35c. Wheat opened with n demand lor Heptetn hcr from Wic to Tu'ie. an ndvnnce of vtf W to a1 Tlc due to hlKher cables, in.her bullish statistics, sympathy with corn, bu to n Krcnter degree to reportH of heat and drouth In tho northwest, coupled With mes eases, claiming damages had alte ids reached u serious stiiK". In the Dnkotns nnd Mlnnexotu many llelds were to liavo been Hhrlvcled hy tho dry, scorcnlng wlndft, HcnllzlTiR largely by tho local pro fcsslnnul Interest!! mused nn early d op to K1imlttv. Thin selling movement iu of considerable welKht, hut buying ordcts nr cumulated fast and after a few nviincnt'j of depression tho market hecamo wild again and shortly after noon Septimbr was bid up to "3fc. Realizing sales again exerted great pressure, nut the muKci yielded stubbornly and the e'os,-" was ox cited nnd strong. September 3!c over The visible ' supply decreased bushels. World's shipments last wtolt were 7,fil5,fwi bushels, while the epinntlty fiflnnt alinu'nil fi flnprenso flf 1.9II.I0I btlSh- els, Primary receipts fcggrcg.itrd E.tlS.'tO bushels. .Minneapolis and inuiun rcporio i 434 ears ngulnst 17 1 Inst week nnd 569 a y .nr uro, local receipts were 2d cars, 111 of contract graoc. .... , , , The hulk of corn handled changed handi nt prices at least 3 cents better than Haturday's level. Thorn was a demand so frantic that It would have seemed almost unreasonable had It not been that trader u-orn niruln ronfrontfil with unlimited r norts of withered crop thrnUfchuut tl o corn belt and n weather forecast promla (nff tin rviinf. ftrntetiihr.r orient ri ivtlh f chorus of bids from S7e to 5:c. Helling li local longs Influenced an early rencyon to 6Sc. but here the sweenltiB demaru from llio rminlrv ;i well as Inral c.nllKht til market and kept It ndvnnrlng until ffl'fcc had been paid for n small lot. Th! rlne wim wirntiL'. 4ie hlchcr at WHTIBOHc, rine nf i lie rennrts which was, Influential said a railroad was corrylnB back to Kan sas 200,(i0 bushels of corn from Mlnntsotn. It wns said there were 6t,000,0w bushel more, of the Kansas Brown corn awaiting re- shipment to the drouth-fltricKcn (linnets. lleeelnts wero 2110 enrs. The oats market advanced actively 'n sympathy with cnrn It was a wild mar krl nil day and dllllcult to trade In as sellers were few ami fnr between save at the best figures of tho day. An enormous business was transacted, both for tho local nnd country account. Hccelpts wero 91 enrs. September sold between 3CV,c. nnd SSUo. nnd closed 3fl3Uc blither lit 35IJ3SWC Provisions were moderately active. Thcro was a sharp demand for Jnnuary largely In rympathy with September. September jiorls closed at J1I.B7V4. September lard 5c up nt JS.7H and September ribs 10c up. Kstlmnted receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 60 cars; corn, 300 cars; oats, Hj cars; nogs, JS.nno Head. The leading futures ranna an follows: firmer; stato nnd Pennsylvania. ltVaiTc: western, candled, Hftlfic; uncandkd, Sft liVlC. HICK Steady, domestic, fnlr to extra, 4V iy'-4' , uiipnu, .Aii.1'.lu,iH-.tJul0t! Nt'w To. ISO lbs., (S.MjL'.idj southern, extra, per bbl., J2.50. MUNASSMS Oilet : New Orleans nnen kettle. Bond to choice. a.'.f i?p. I'pUhtlty-Allve. lower; sprlncers. He; UrkcVS. lc: fowls. !Ur l,...un,l lnu.-- ntrL"Avr turkeys, 7QSHo; fowls, AtETA 1.8 There was a sharp break In the price for spot tin In London, owing to manipulation nnd the closing price of 1:126 i li. . """"Hi iiccnne or J-i, forward deliveries, however, closed with only 15s iieciine. or ut ills 10s, The local market J c,' nominal, with the bid price a trlle hlBhir nt J27.G3. Copper ruled dill und nominally unchanged hero, with lake 'I"0,1.1:'' t 1" nnd casting nnd electrolytic ... ....u.tsu, j iie i.onnou maraei wns us in lower with spot closing at i&S 3s Od und futures at JCGH 12s C1. The local lend mar ket wns dull and unchanged, with J4.37Vi emoted, and London unchanged at 12 Is hi. wpellcr was djll here at .90 to J3.05 .mi i.uiiiiiiii wiooo at uncnangea prices and closed at j:ir I5d. The local iron market w.'.,7..,l,lll "Ii'sbow closed nt Ms 7d and Mlddlesborough closed ut 45s, The closing local prices wero as follows: 1'Ig Iron war- ir"i fci$i!Ww4 F"' f f"u,1'",y northern. jl.i.innilft.SO: .No. 2 foundry northern. Jlt.oo-ft ij.ov: ip. l foundry southern. Sll.iivwis as- foundry southern, soft, J14.758 15.2S. .No. 1 OMAHA WHOI.KMAI.K 31 AH K I IT. Condition of I'm do iiikI Oiiiitxl..... nn Mlnpli- mill Knnry I'rnilucr. u Un rJ.1"' 3!,6ci Vlrla,'"' Mc: ducks nnd HrTTriiil'llr.,nK' r,,lcl",'is. ti" . liU5c. Articles. Open. I lllgh.l Low. I Close. I Sat'y. 'hent July Sept. Dec. rnrn July Sept. Rec. O'ltn July Sept. May I'm k-- Sept. Jnn. X.rd-- Sept. Oct. Jnn. IUli- Sept. Oct. Jan. I ! B1 7UJI C7U C3'..70VJ 73 ITH72S'"-6,H'"li 72 75V4I 72 ( 74?ilT01?4 574 M I BOW B7' T3H r,7 j?r.3 6nTi r.7 3)if(H55 mi 5814-OU COVil MV4 691 5V4 ill 37 3S; 37 37'M 3l't 3fl','33S SOiUSHf'S ?5fc SDfllO 41 j 33, 10ViWl 3S 14 274 It (I7VJI II 27J4 14 574 II 52 14 K5 15 15 I 14 M(j 15 01 I 14 70 I I I I R R2V4 S 75 I 8 M14 70 8 W 8 G.-. 8 77 65 8 72',4 8 63 8 47 8 72! 8 4i',4 8 65 8 42 I '7'S-i R 07'r 7 F5 'l 8 CO I 7 !) 7 90 8 07 7 90 8 02 7 00 , 7 67 7 02 7 67 7 ?5 1 7 62 68',ic: No. 2 yellow, B7',JC? No. 2. Cash nuotatlono wero as follows: FLOUH-Steady: winter patents. J3.30iR 3.40: straights. 2.00ii73.2O; clears. 2.G0fl3nn: spring speclnls. J3.WI.00; straights, J2.70g) Z.M; linkers. J2.10,ii2.SO. WI I HAT No. 3 spring, CBffCDc; No. 2 red, 71Wl7ZC. COUN-No. RCIlo OATS-No. 2. 39IOc; No. 3 white, 30 3e. KYK-No. 2. 67c HAIlLHY-dood feeding, 43c; fnlr to choice malting, 4S1j50c. SRUDS No. 1 llax, J1.55; prime timothy, $5 25. PHOV1SIONS Mess pork, ner bbl., M4.45 C14.50. Lard, per ICO lbs.. H.02j8 63. Short ribs sides (loose), J7.9'fi8.05. llry sa ted phoulders (boxed). J7.FO7.2. Short clear sides (boxed), 8.40fJ8.00. WHISKY Hnsls of high wines, J1.27. Vollowlng aro the receipts nnd shipment for today. iiccelnts. Shipments. ZI.IKO 1(."0 Flour, bbls Wheat, bu., Corn, bu..., Oats, bu...; live, bu...., Harley. bu. ..313 0O ..253.0 0. ..131.000 .. fi.Of.O .. 6,000 is',0'0 16S.00 7,01 0 nn h Prniiiiep exeliiince today the nut ter market wns firm: creameries, 1410o; dairies. 1310c. Cheese, firm, 95J11c. Kggs, steady; fresh, 12c. NEW YOKIC GBXEIlAIi SIAIIKKT. Qnotntlnna nf the Dnr Conimoilltlca. on Varloim NKV YOUIC. July 22.-FLOUR-necelpts. 25,!)PS bbls.; exports. 15,309 bbls.; dull nnd held 10c. higher; Minnesota pnt cnts, J3.6.r)ri3.90; Minnesota bakers, J2.8j S.lh; winter patents, J3.05h3.80; winter Htralghts, J3.255(3.45; winter extras, J'.'.UMp 2.S0; winter low grndes. J2.3WZ40; market quiet; fair to Bood. J2.65Jf3.10; choice to fancy, J3.15fr3.l5; rye Hour, llrm: fair to good. J2.70Si3.15; choice to fancy, J3.13W3.15. COnNMUAI-Strong; yellow western, 11.12; Hrnndywlno, J2.702.90. HYK-Strong; No. 2 western. 67-V, f. o. b. nlloat; state, Mi54o o. I. f. New York car lots; red western, 02c f. o. b. nlloat. KAHLKY-Dull: feeding, 4Sc, c. I. f., Now York; malting, 5MU(lic c, I. f.. New York. BAflLHY MALT Dull; western. G572c. VHHAT-Itocelnts, 301,109 bushels: ex ports, 208,077 busliels: spot strong; No. 2 red, 79;c, f. o. b., alloat: No. 2 red, 77l4c, elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth, 79?ic. f- o. 1)., nfloat; No. 1 hard Duluth, 87c, f. o. b., afloat, Options experienced sensational nd vnnco, covering the entire day on n brond cnlng trade. The public, foreign houses, local shorts nnd professionals all bought. Offerings were light. Bullish crop news from Haropo and tho northwest, higher cables, tho strength of corn and big clear ances all helped the advnnce. Closed strong nnd 2f3Uc higher; July, 76ift78ic. closed 77Te; September, 74i1i777c, closed 77c; October. 5HifiSc, closed 774c, De cember, 76Mi79ic, closed 79e. COHN Hecelpts, fiTi.OOO bushels; xiorts, t9,SW bushels: spot strong: No. 2, 62c, etc vntor, nnd tilV'. alloat. f. o. b, Option market was excited nnd much higher on renewed bullish crop news, strength abroad, general speculative demand and email offerings. Closed strong at 37ifflc ndVancc. July, 6ofllic clfmerf- Slic; Sep tember, 60&'Uc, closed iJ2c; October. binifliaUc. closed C2o; December, MW 62S.C, closed 62Sc OATS Retolpts, 123,700 bushels: exportB, 4,974 bushels; spot very strong: No, Ho: No. 3. 40Uc; No. 2 white. 4l4lc; No. 3 hlte. 4313c: track mixed western, lO'iW 42c; track white, 42i4Se; options nctlve stronger on corn outlook, HAY Firm: shipping, 70075c; good to choice. 87U92e. HOPS Weak; state, common to choice, 19' crop. 130 10c; H99 crop. 10jl3o; old olds. 2di0c; Pacific const 1P0O crop, 2H'tc; 1S99 crop. llfTt 15c; old olds, ?f?ie. HIDKS Quiet; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs., 18 fflSc: California, 21 to 23 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. 24 to JS Ibr.. 144c. LKATHKH Quiet; hemlock sole, tlucnos Ajres. light to hcnvywelghls, 2l?25c; acid, " Rp'viSlONS-Flrin. steady; fnmlly.Jll.50 Crl2.0O; mess. JD.JOiJjlO.oi); beef hams. $i.50tD 21,50; city, extra India mess. Jlii.(Mf 18.00; packet. JIO.ojjt 10.50. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, J9.5Oflll.0O; pickled shoul. ders. J7AHi7.25. pickled hams. Jll.(Wtl.5t. I.ard, llrm: western steamed, J9.00; rcilned, firmer; continent, J10.00; 3. A.. JiI.CO: com round. S7.nC4fT.IA. Pork, llrm: family. J16.50 Sh'' lorl clear, JIG.00f(i7,50: mess, J15.50 aii.60. Tallow, steady; city, WQWic; country. -4;if(Co. lll'TTKH-HecolptH, 10,642 pkgs.: firm: faciory1'i,itflRc,U4ci crcamer'- CHRKSK-It'ecelpts. 8.101 pkgs.: tlrmer: fnnev large, colored, 9ic: white, Oc; fancy mall, colored, 9?ic: white, O'lc. Edas-necclpts, 7,f5l pkgs.j market CIIO CO dlllry. In tubs. tlfltSn! im arnlnr. i!le 2I Sfc?!i,,lL"'.n',,, ,Ic! liullhends, 10c; blue ! . : 1,l''7aloes, Kc; cattish, 12c; cod, 0c: fil.,!'rw .'Wl"ci clscoes, 7c; halibut, 11c; ; nl 11 M'i haddock, 10c; mackerel, .c, pikc, jc; red snapper, 10c; ultnon, lie; sun llsh, Sc; trout. Ue: whlli-iliih. 'Jr. ,V?AI.S-Choico, WrlOc. tlay IJPnlerM' Ill.nnlnllnHi fVir.l lit. n.t.l Jlo.bO; No. 2 upland, J9.60; nudlum, $.i0; coarse, J.S. Hye straw, J9.60. These prlc8 are for hay of good color und iiualliy. De mand fair. Hecelpts, 11 cars. OATS-No, 2 white, 40c. COHN-No. 3, 43c. HHAN-J12. VKOKTAHLK9. gjl', HAHH-Hnme Brown. pr IK, Ic. NEW CA K HOTS-rcr dot.. IOc. CI'CU.M1IKH8-Homo Krown, per doi., 40 HI MIC. LKTTPCl-Per bu.. 20c. KADISIIKS-Ped doz., 16Q20e. PAHHLUY Per doz.. 20c. Ninv POTATOKS-Pcr bu TSOc. CAHllAOH-Homo crown. 2c. TO.MATOKS-Tcxas. 4-bnsket crates. J1.E0. OMONS Kcrmudas, per crate, J2.25; now v.iuiiornia, 20. CAl'LIFLOWKIt Home grown, per doz, 75c. HHANS Wax, per hnlf-hushc! basket Jl: string, per hnlf-bu. basket. 75c. I'KAS-i'cr bu.. Jl: per hulMiu., dc. CANTALOUPK-l'er basket, 75C3J1 crates, J2. WATI3HMELONS-Toxas, 30055c each. FRUITS. PINKAPPLKS-Per doz., J1.60Q1.7G; per HLACKIIliUmiKS-Per 24-nt. ease. J2. HASPHKKH1KS-Per 21-qt. case, $3; red, per zi-ui. ense, s.o. CHHHHIKS-Natlve, per 8-lb. basket. 2Cc Missouri, per 24-nt. caBC. J2. PKACHliS-Callfornln, per box, 90c; free- sione, ti.iii. APHICOTS-Callfornla, 4-baskct crates, PLUMS-Cullfornla, per crate. Jl.25ffl.50. aOOSKHKHHIKS-Per 21-qt. cose, Ji. THOPICAL FitUlTS. ORANOKS-Cnllfornln seedlings, ("0; rye, 433,ooo hu., a decrease of 104.CM); bar Icy, 341,OW,bu., 11 decrease of W.OOO. K 11 ns it City KANSAS fSrnln nnd l'rorlslons. KANSAS CITY, July 22.-WHK AT-September, ih'c; December, 69'4c; cash, No. 2 hard. 64ifi.scj No. 3. 66f?c; No. 2 red, , ireuipin, i.T) cars. COH.N-July, sip September. 59c; De cembcr, 53sc; cash. No. 2 mixed, C006.'c "'"S-So ! white, 41c. U K No. 2. flfie 1 IAY-Cholco timothy, J15; choice pralfle 111 TTKH-Creamcry, ISc; dairy, fancy, 11 II IOC. KUOS-Steadv. Fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock ituoteis on 'change, 7c doz.; loss on, cases returned; secomls, 4c. . IlhCKIITS-Whent, 316,000 bu.; corn '"'V.' '"'-j "t8i 17.00") bu. SHIPMldNTS-Whcnt. 173,60") bu.j 2.i,6i)i) bu.J oats, 3,000 bu. .Mllnnulit'r fSrnln .Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis., July 22. WHEAT Illghcr; close, No. 1 northern, 72cj No 2 northern, 70ft71c: September, 72?c. HYE Hlcber! No. I. R&v HAHLin Firm; fin. . Uirt sntnnln VSh en... - 'v' COHN-Scptember, 59c. Ililliitli Urulti Mnrkrt. DyLt'TH, Minn., July 22. WHEAT iitff"' l- 1 'lani, 74c: No. 1 northern o; .iNo. nortnern. 61'ic; July, 72io oeinemocr, n"j,c; ueccmocr, iZC. COHN 55Uc. OATS-SSWfJSSc Promt Mnrkrt, PEORIA. July 22.-CORN-Hlcher: No uSfiwOo. 10-nigner; rso. a wnuo, ssc, niiicu inrougn. WHISKY-On the basis of J1.27 for fin isucit goous. Eltilii Iltittrr Mnrkrt, ELOIN. III.. July 22. HtlTTEH-niitlnr nuvnnceu ic toiiny. only forty tubs wero offered and they were sold n 2ie. The ouiriai price is mc. uutput for the week oi.,nj pounds. M!V YOltlC STOCKS AMI HO.ND.S Mrd. sweets. U. LEMONS-Callfornla, cnoice. .i.i'.i. J3.75; extra fancy, J5.50; 1IANANAS Per bunch, acordlnir to size. J2.(Mi2.50. FIGS California, new cartons, 75c; lay ers, n.ic; iinporun, per 10., lutfi.c. DATES Persian. In 60-lb. boxes, Salrs, 5c. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Halloween. 5Vto per lb. CIDER-Pcr bbl.. J4.50; per half-bbl.. J2.75. n v i a I'.ncnsn wa nuts, ner 111.. iise: ill berts. per lb., 13c: almonds, perlb.. 185i20c raw peanuts, per lb.. 6fi3Uc: ronstcd. CUti c, itruzns, iac; pecans, ltxo.'c. HIDES No. 1 crcen. 6VAn! No. 2 irrnen 5c; No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 2 salted, 7c; No, 1 vcai cnir, to I2i4 lbs., So: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 8tl3c; sheep liviia, M'liiu, liurnu I11UCS, l.dVlr..O, 69C! No. ieptember, Mt. I. oil In (irnln nnd Provisions1. C M. A.,., f ...... nn .....n . m ol. ijuuio, Jiny a. w jit.A.1 iiicncr No. 2 red cash, elevator, 6SW0: track. CSJl iv'u. uiiiv. ujc: neiiirniiier. iiiifae: ornmnur iou; iu. . niirn, mji'tfiuc. CORN-IIIcher: No. 2 cash. E9i 2 track, 6fi'u00c; July, D9c: 59Tc: December, 60Uc. OATS H eher: No. 2 rnsh. 41n trn-V. iujMic; jiuy. iiftc; aeptemocr, sa'.ic," No. : Willie, iivilivse. HYE Higher at 61QC3c. SEEDS Flaxseed, no market: timothy no trading. FLOUR HlKher. Ited winter nn fonts J3.GCf(i3.tK); extra fancy nnd straight, J3.10 ,; vieur, .. iU'ci-.w. COHNMEAL Higher nt J2.83. iillAN-Scarce nnd h cher: sacked, east tracK. son; tnis side, 82c. IIA1 StronE! In demand: t mothv. J12.B0 dfii.iiu; top ror oin prnirie, jii.iojio.oo. iiiniv 1 aieany ni ?i..'i. IRON COTTONTIES-J1.15. hagcjino ca;v.c. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS Pork. stenilv 1nhllnir. flo.,5. Lnrd. better. S3.47U. Drv mi If menta iiMiAi-u), nmei; extra snorts, swo; clear ribs. J8.2.1J clear sides, J8.62. Ilacon (boxed), iiihiiLi . UAtiii niuii iM. 2:1.1m: r nnr rmq J9.37: clear sides, J3.50. METALS Lead, firm nt It.arVfiJ in Bnl. tor. higher at J3.R3. POULTRY Dull: chickens Rr- .nrlnc. 10c: turkeys. 5c: voiitiir. 12U0? ilimw- r. springs. 6c; geese, 3c; springs, 4f6c. ' ' Miun Hteudy: nearby, 7c; southern. 6c. RECEIPTS-Flour. S.nnn hh 3C9.0O0 bu.: corn, 70,000 bu.: oats. 43.000 bu.' SHIPMENTS F our. K.IWI l.lilu . ,.,1,.,, 86,00") bu.; corn, 28,000 bu.: oats. 13!ooo hu. ' Liverpool Ornln and ProTUIona. LIVEHPnnT.. .Tiilv r wnrATi.Q,. No. 2 red western winter, steady, 5s 7d; No. 1 northern spring, stendy. 5s M: futures, stead v: Knntemher Ku si ' ,1 . rinl cembcr, 6s 'd, ' ' ' n0,?1.1;0''. "t,aly: Amerlcon mixed, new, 4s 2d; Amerlcnn mixed, old, 4s d: il,Mr.t'MtonK:. J"-l' nm'""l: September 4s 6d: October, 4s 6d. ;,!'?.l-n"'u"nn' "rrn, 6s lUd. FLOUR St. I.nnln fnnnv ,.1.,.., .I..II t ..... null, la ni PI-7A.1 Ln"lon, Pacific coast), steady, JL4 DS'LlJul lOfl, 1'HOVISIONS-Ileef. firm: extra Tnrlln mess, ifla bil. Pork, firm; prlmo western mess, tiM Cd. Hams, short cut. 14 to 16 lbs., llrm, 53s. Lnrd, steady; American re. lined, In palls. 43s 3d; iirlme wester", fn t erces. 43h 6d. H.ieon. f(nml,nrin,i oi to 30 lbs., steady. 41s 9d; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs.. 44s ImI: long clear mltl.n l, ,.,. 33 to 10 lbs., llrm. 45s 9d: short olen'r i,rlV IS to 2i) lbs., steady 4Ih; clear bellies. 14 to lb lbs., llrm, 51s 0d. Shoulders, so li are. 1 to 20 lbs., llrm. 35a 9d. ' "UTTICR Firm: llnest United States. good rnlted States, 73s. ' .i .i'.ai'.-iirm: American llnest, white, 45s il; American llnest. colored, 16s fid, TALLOW Firm; prime, city, 25a Od; Aus. trallan, In I.oih1')ii, 27r. Tho Imports of wheat Into Liverpool Inst week wore 60,5(0 ouarters from Atlantic ports, none from Pacific ports and 74,000 iiiuii iitiii:i iiii in, Tho Imports of corn from Atlantic ports were 40,500 qunrtcrs. Ti I e do TOLEDO Ornln nnd Seed. rOLEDO O.. July 22. WHEAT Higher; ah and July. 73c; September, 73ic; De g'her; Septemlwr, C0ic; Decom- cash and July, 37c; Sep. cu, cei i ber, s;c, cember. 75?ic. COHN-Hlgl OATS-Actlve: irniiier, c HYE-S5e. SEEDS-Cloverseed, October, J6.0i). cash prime, jo.50; IMilliulelplilii Prniluvr Mnrkrt. PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. July 22,-Hutter, ",n'.v,;?0,l 'lpinand; fancy western cream ery, .0!4c; funcy western creamery, prints, KOas Firm: fresh nearby. 15c; fresh s,C7,u,,1,415lfr,,5,?i,2frh -'"-estern, 12c fanrVWff.8 KCW Yrk ,,,U Creams' Mliinriipolls Whrnt, Flour nml Hrnn, MINNEAPOLIS. July 22, WHEAT '0Te?' SntPtnber. 6D?tc: Decjtnber. i0ic: on track, No. 1 hard. 72Uo: No. i luirthern. 70Uc; No. 2 northern, tMHc. KLOl'R-Flrst natents, JX7W3.SS; second patents, J3.55i3.6..: llrst clears, J.tt3iH2 75. second clears. J2.0."., ' ' URAN-Hlgher; in bulk, J12.6oiiJi3.00. VUlldr Supply of (irnln. NEW YORK, July 22.-Tho visible supply of grain Saturday, July 20, as complied by the New York Produce exchange, Is ns fol lows: Wheat, 27.6SI,0i.i0 bu a decrcaso of 29J,oop; com, 13.242.M'0 bu.. a decrease of 825,000; oats, 6,341,000 bu., a decrease of 80,- Spcctilnmr Mlml lnsettlcd When Mnrkrt Opens with llnil ,rns. NEW YORK. July 22 Th unsettled eon dltlon of tho speculative mind was clearly manlfett when tlm Block market opened this morning with a fresh batch of unfavorable news reitiirdlnir tint corn ernn nnd affecting also the chnncin of the spring nut-Hi crop. 1110 grangers ana rncmcs anu Southwcsterns were all acutely depressed and heavy blocks of shares of ench of tnose roads wero thrown upon tho market opening sales reaching ns high as 10,000 shares for Union Pacific. Conditions were much like those of last Monday and tho trailing contingent was Inclined to look for such effective support to tho market as was offered Inst Monday by the pow erful capitalists who have a paramount In terest In kerning tin tho prices of Jhelr in uptimes, ine selling on tne snort sido aner me. opening nip was therefore con ducted with signs of timidity nnd caution. 1 here was, In fact, effective support of- icren at tne opening low level. Hut tho Incipient rally wns checked when tho corn market opened and the excited conauion ot nrrnirs thcro was observed, iho present market Is" largely Inlluenced by tho closo proximity of the brokers In stocks and Brains, tho Stock exchange being In temporary quarters on a por- iii'u ui 111c i-muucu exennngo uoor wun only half u wall dividing them. Not only nrc the proceedings In one exchange to be seen from tho lloor of the other, but brokers are constantly passing frorh one to the other and operating on both. This personal contact exaggerates the sen timental effect of the grain market on tho stock market. There were occasional rallies on the uown grade, due to the covcrliiB of iiimiu mum iieiirs, wno 100K qillcK prollts Tho loaning rate for stocks docs not lndl cate a widely extended short Interest be yond tne In-und-out transactions by the uoaru room traders. The bearish opera tors are in constant apprehension of some maneuver 01 announcement by those In icresicd in supporting tho market which would cause a sudden rally and cost the rimriH neavy iosscj. 'rnero was no ovl dence or any such maneuver today, the i i nnt-i responding easily to every attack A l tno law InVi'l tlin nrnnilu ,,,, u., tiruiiy h prices wero as follows for the lead- SUV" .;. JtoCK '""inu, Missouri Pu clllc. Union Pnnllliv iw:- hi ini n.i.. St. Louis Southwestern preferred. 5;' At chison, 4V4; St. Louis & Snn Francisco sec tion iireierreu, 3',; Kansas ,t Texas pre ferred utid Denver & Hlo Orunde preferred. 3V4 each. There wero many losses of 1 to J points ill otlier nnlntn of tin. Urn n, Haltlmoro & Ohio wns down 1 and New 1 um teiiirai ,ih. -i int uniinri h hImi ut....i stocks moved narrowly all day. The clos ing was quiet nnd steady with a good part of tlu rally maintained. Rnllroad bonds were dull and weak. Total sales pur value. :,sjs,wo shares. United States bonds were nil unpli.uirnH on the last call. Commercial Advertiser's T .niiflmi III.,l i-ttiiicKram: Tne TnnruotR Hr.. ..... ... ih. .1, ,..,..., i .1" hi h i 1 . , l,,u ""lericuii iieparimeut, .. . vri uiih L'uiiaiiierauit inuuenco here, nlthnuch nnflmnnt wnu ,.i.....i.i.. disposed towurU a current rumor that Lord Kitchener Is about to resign his post in South Africa for one In India, his succes sor being General Hlndon Hlood. This Is regnrded as an indication that the end of tne wnr la rapidly iinnroachlnc. Ameri. cans opened "sick" on the wphIhwu in Now York Inst Sntiinlnv Thn.. ...... !'arll' rally for about ten minutes, followed by renewed depression. Then New York camo In an 11 seller, finding few buyers here, nnd the e nun wna at n.n i... . .: the disappointing crop rumors nnd vuguo Btatement that a rather Important Wull street houso was In trouble. Homo mil. way dividends continue a depressing fac tor. Tho market Is now clear nt edness to tho bank. Paris ex The followintr nm .h rinnim. ' the New York Stock exchange: " 0 Atchison , da pfd ,,, Italtlmore & Ohio da nfd , Canadian raclflc. Canada So ChfB. & Ohio Chicago &. Alton., ilo ptcl Chicago, Ind. & do pfil. 69X So. I'aclflo 91 Bo. Hallway M'i do pfd 90V4 Texas & Pacific. 10lTol S. L. & W. WW do pfd 43',i Union l'aclllc KS',4 do pfd .... (o .wahash L,. 31 I ilo pfd U3 Chicago & E, HI, Chicago O. W do 1st pfd da 2d Dtd Chicago & N. W, C.. H. I. & P American t-niciiRo ier. & Tr.. Il.4 U. 8. Ex do nfd C. C C. & St. Colo, Southern. do lit pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson., Del., L. & V... Denver & 11. a. do pfd , Erie do Ut pfd do 2d nfd , Ot. Nor. pfd..., Hocking Valley no pfd 1W. & Ijlkd ri 123 1 do 2d pfd S2 Win, Centiul f"'4 do pfd 4Ii P. C. C. & St. It. 190 Adams Ex Ex 199 S t3!i SSH 82 3Mi 19 rru KVS 19 S7 n 29 !l 40 74 170 Jiti Welln-Furno Ex 140 ' ;L Amal Copper utfj ,. 12 Amer. Car & F 2e-. ,. 4 1 do pfd 82 -H 'Amer, I.lneed Oil, 23 .l"6 Amer. fi, & n t & do nrd mill. 39 Amer. TohH (.nr. HV4,Anuconda M, Co., 3i Ilrooklyn H. T..., .. 4"',5 ..173 73 Illinois Central 16 Iowa Central do pfd I-ike Erie & T'... do pfd ,. & N Manhattan !.... 31 .117 Colo. Con. Con. do Ocn. Fuel & Oa Tobacco,, pfd Electric. Iron. Olucoso Sugar, Hocking Coal li.ter. Paper do pfd Inter. Power 1W. Iiclede Oas 117 Nntlnnnl Itt.nol, Met. Ht. Hy 108 National Ix-ad Mexican Central.... 2H, National Halt Mexican National... RJi do pfd.. . . Minn, it St. L 100 No. Amrl-nn Mo. Pa Itle., M K & 'P.... da pfd N. J. Central.. N. Y. Central.. Norfolk & W. da pfd N. PaclHo nfd Ontario & V. vnnirlvanla . Iteadlnir do lit pfd.... do M pfd.... St. L. & S, F.. do 1st pfd,.,, no 3tl nrd 91 U I'aclflo Coast . 1 ra'lllo Mall . t: People' Oas.. ,157 Pressed S, Car. .U9?i do pfd 4! fiillman P. Car . SHj Public Sicel . 93 1 do pfd , . ti bugur niv 7nn. Coal & iron.. St4 ' J!,. Union nat I' U5, .. ' . 10 . "-4 u. h. leather. . Uli do pfd . 77 U. S, itubber.. do pfd 4'J',4 . 7.. . 9i .213 . 6.1 115 .33 . 53 . 19 . 20 . 75 . 95 . 91 . 40 . l(n,i . 41 . 7JV4 . OS . 02 . 37 .112(4 . 4) , (3 203 , 13 1M New York exchnnge, 25c discount bid, 3iM timcoiini asKed. CINCINNATI. O.. July 2J.-Clearlngs J4,oi4,i50; money, 3'4 to f. per cent; New 'rK exchangH nt 10c premium and par . P MILADin.PHlA. July S2.-Clcnrlnes. 12,G,,.ltii balances, J2,427,fi2l; maney, 4l(ls per cent. ClIICAao, July a.-Clearlngg, $2i!,80J,5S3; balances, J2.659, ijj ; posted exchange, Jl.Sftff I.SS's; New York exchange, 16c dlscojtit. Xrrr Yurk .Honey .Mnrkrt. NKW YORK, July 22.-JIONI3Y-CIOSC. on cull, stendy at 2I4 to 3 per cent; last '"""t 2'4 per cent; prime mercantile paper, '"If. "ill. Si KHLINO KXCHANOK Firm, with no ttlal business In bankers' bills at I.S'Vs for demand and at J4.SI for sixty days; posted rates. ll.85j4iiri.Ms and I.S.Sj4.oSl,4! com- iiiviuiiii ihiii", I.SIUQi l.sii. , HILVKH-Iiar Bllver, 5S4o; Mexican dol lars, 4(j'.ic. HONDS Government, steady; state, In active; railroad, weak. The closing p.,1.,., tl, ponds todv ar at follows: u. b. rei. .s, rrg ..or,n x. T. Central lsts..lCIi mi coupon io,i, N. J. c. gen. t 12914 An 3. r.n .a.,, ... , tn . - ' ....IU3J4 .11, 1-HClUR JB,, ,1 do coupon im i do In .. ..m do new 4, rfg....lJ7!l.v Y. C A Ht 1. j.'i.ti: ...1.1!t,N. A- w. con. 4....102ij do coupon do old 4s, reg uo coupon do 6s, reg do coupon D. of C, 3. 6;... Atclilson gen. 4s. do nilj. 4s Canada So. 2d.... Ches. & Ohio 4'.s..l07 do us , 113 c. ei n. w. c. 7..n;i; do S. V. deli. f.s..l'.2(i t-nicngo l or. is "j Colorado So, 4s flsij1 i.rnvrr i(. tl. Is. ,102 Erie general Is. Ht: F. W. & I). C. l..lfii Oen. Electric Cs ioo Iowa Central Is. ...1154 L. & N. unl. 4s inn: M.. It. & T. 2i si do 4s ,,,,, . .113 .Oregon Nav. Is lojii .1!3 do 4s 101 4 ii;i urtcon n, 1, os al .10J do consol Ss US Heading gen. 4s 9i .103U'IUo O, V. It loui . fS!i St, U & 1. M. c. js.lICi.i imin. l- v n. r. g. M.iij SI. Paul consols 113 t P, C A P Is... 121) So. Pacific 4s So. Itiillnay 6s.,. It. T. Cs iTeT, A Pacific 1. do 2s L'nlon I'aclflo 4s.., Wabash Is do 2ds Went Shore Is...., Wis. Central 1... Va, Centuries ,,,, .117 .. 91 ..:ic ..IIS',4 ..10414 ..IIS ..112 ..IIJ',4 .. ST'.i .. 91 London .stork ((tiotntlnnn. LONDON, July 22.-4 p, m.-ClosIng: Cons., money, do account., Anaconda ,,,, Atchison do pfd Haltlmoro ft Ohio. CatiaUInn Paclfta .. Cites. A Ohlrt Chlcaiti) (1. v Chicago, M. . H, V Demrr ft. II. (I.... da pfd Erlo do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central A N M.. If. A T.. do pfd .92 IMS Norfolk A V.... .92 ilo pfd.. .... 9 No. Paclllr. pfd... .... 71 Ontario A W '.C'til'innsylvanla .... 4i"t Kesdlnir 104lai dn 1st pfd :; do id pfd N. nuuway N. Y. Central. P. 1(2 . . 4114 ... 9Z14, ... rr. ... fHV ... m ...I.MiJ ...1!)J ... SV, ff'il ...l.M'j del pfd. So. l'aclllc Central Pacific. .. do pfd C H. Steel do pfd Wabash do pfd Spanish 4s Hand Mines . 4Ti, . 9) . 93 . 31'4 , 3i . 19 '4 , 35 1 3.'. , 2 n , 34 , 99 w; it 99 20 39 W, 4), SILVKR Har. SiVir: monev. 1U',ll.v: n..r cent. Tho rnte of discount In tin:' open market for both short and three month' bills Is 2V5214 per cent. Gold nremliims are quoted today as follows: linenn Ay res, 130.50; Madrid, 38; Lisbon. 30.50. Ilnstriii Stock nnd Ilonds. i2. Call loans. 4tf4V4 per cent, ROSTON. July cent; time loans, closing: 41)5 per Otllual A.. T. A S. F 9",4! do pfd 9.'V .American Sugar 14l',i Mnencan Teiephon'!lW Hoston & Albany... 2i7 Hfwton Elevated 1S3 I lost (ill A Me 193 Dominion Coal.. do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd General Electric Mexican Central. N. E. O. A C... Old Colony Old Dominion.... Rubber Union riiclde.... Union Land ...114 .. 21 .. 6 ..105 .. 2J .. 19 .. 90 .. 3 West End 93 Wcstlngh. Electric. M N. E. (J. A C. js.. 5!.t't Adventure ?ilx dllngham M. Co 21 lAmal, Copper 111 Atlantic i..... 37 Cat, A lleclft 7S0 Centenlal 2fu 3"!. Franklin 17 T Humboldt 2 Osceola 12 Parrot , M'4 "Qulncy 169 Santu Fe Copper... (ii lamaracx 342 Utah Mining 29 Winona 2'i Wolverines t0!4 mU LITE STOCI MARKET BufSUtn 8ld Abiut SUarlj Tdaj and Cowi a LittU Strtagir. HOGS STEADY TO A SHADE LOWER Slirrp Cnn He limited Ten to Fifteen Cents Higher 11 lid Lnntbs Mtruut: to 11 Dime lllKhrr Tlinn nt the Close ot I, nut Work. SOUTH OMAHA, July 22. Hecelpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen uuiciai .Monday 1,012 4..M bumo day lust week 3.1W o.uw aaino week before. l,w 2,ulU bamu three weeks ago.. 1,'Jll 4,4Pj Same foul weeKs uuo... 'i.iYi Sumo day last year 2,310 2,loS Aeruge price puid lor nogs ut Omaha tho past several days with pdrlsons: oil E.t;i i'.l.'tj S0U111 com July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July Juiy July July July 3.... 4.... 5.... 6.... 7.. . S.... !.... 10... 11... 12... 13... 14... 15... Hi,,, 17... 15.. .1 VJ. 20. 21. I IDOL 1SOO.UW.1S'J$.1SD7.1S36.14'JA 5 74V4 5 7314 5 ; 5 S32-5 6MVj 5 SoU 6 U2?, 5 04 5 HoUi 5 02 5 o5M 5 13 . D US 5 77',i 5 61 b 654 5 5S',S 6 6)U 5011 3 7j I 3 21, 6 OSi 3 7Si 3 6l 6 lti 3 s3 3 W 3 2b U At 6 67Hl 9J I 70 J 4 'Ji 4 51 3 hi, 3 ibi 3 -'Si 2 'J5 3 ittil 3 S 1 1 3 321 3 Oil t '.'1 , 3 7! 3 3j t l'U 4 76 3 90 ,3 2S 2 Si, 4 h3 & Ht J ij - . VI Hi 4 VI) 3 73, 3 lSj , 4 73 4 3 82 1 3 14, 2 97 4 7s 4 Oil 3 771 3 15l 3 OUl 3 W, 3 77, 3 lit 3 I iS I 3 iZ 3 2U 3 Ul t 91 4 Oil I 3 35) 2 U7, 4 82 4 871 t 16, 3 S2i I 2 W, 4 M 4 9i, 4 28 3 5'.i, 3 32i 4 J 4 191 3 86 3 35 2 07 i 4 91 4 21 3 81 3 38 2 9Si 4 341 3 "'Jl 3 27 2 to, 4 S3 5"i o u 6 02 4 III 4 9i 5 0: Indlcntci, Sundny. Indicates Holiday, Xne OlllClnl tlllmlifif. nf nnru tt mtn. uiuusiii in iouny by each road was: C. M. & St, Mo. Puc. Ry Cattle, lluirs. Sheen, lt'r's Hy 3 Union l'ac. System... 11 F K. At M. V. H. K,. 19 S. C. & I. Ry 3 C St. P., M. & O. Ry lti H. & M. II. It. R e C, li. & u. Hy 2 K. U. & St. J t C H. I, ft P., east... 6 C H. I. fic P.. west.. .. Illinois Central 1 Total receipts .... 69 The disposition of Iho ituv'u rnxolt.ta as lollows, each buyer purchasing the nunv i"-i ul ueuu iiiuicuieu; Cattle. Hogs. Shep. 8 13 1 3 3 1 1 20 6 7 1 1 1 68 19 "5 302 553 1,951 1.5SI 4.450 Moil Hid. Kx-dlvldcnd. Cotton Jtlnrkct. M. 1.. foutnestern 27 IT. S. Sleel do pfd JGi;1 An i.r,i St Paul IMH Weiteni ITnlnn do pfd 1S1 j i:i 7714 IMi C'.",4 31 S7U 9U Bid. Xrw York MlnlnK Stnnka. NKV YORK, July 22.-Tho following nrj the closing quulatli.118 on mining stocks" Adams Con 124 Alice is llreece m Ilrunswlck eon 12 Comstock Tunnel... li Con, Cal. & Va U) Deadwcuid Terra 10 lorn Sliver 135 ron Sliver 55 .eaihllle Con 5 Little Chief .... Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potol ISavagp Sierra Nevada.. ISmall Hopes..,. IStandard .. 1! .. .. o-'i .. 9 .. 5 .. 7 .. II .. JO ..110 llnnk Clearing., OMAHA, July corresponding day trctiin', i,if. !2.-Clearlngs. 1.010 "SO; Inst year, $1,016,812; de- 7niViYiOK,C' J."lyt.,v '-xohanges, JU4, 71,331: balances, $3,5S5.5S2. IIOSTON. .MitHH.. lull. 01 1 ll8.lRfi.0ti0: balances,' JI.506.141. hniini.. Vi?i,rM. --UlenrlnKs. J7.0I9.1I9; balances, ,1,124,717; money, tftij per cent; NEW YORIf. Jlllv 11 PnTTOV-enflnn had nn Irregular moyement all day. Nows was conflicting. Reports of light showers to hard rains In nnrlM of the cimtrni nml western belt created distrust In bull circles nnd prompted bcarlaelllng for a small turn. The closo was uulet. with prices iicL puiiiiH niKoer-10 points lower. NKW YORK. JiiH-im mrrnv. quiet; middling upland. 8 7-16c; inlddl n; K"ii. . ii-iuc. nines, i.zvt Dales. NKW ORLKANS. July 22.-COTTON Kasy: sates. 950 bales: orrilnarv. f.iie: irnnrt ordinary. 6 13-16c: low mlddllnc. 7e: mid dling, 8c; good middling. Sc: middling 11111. iiL-, nominal. iieccinLS. imins! oiui'H, o,oui luties. 01, iAjui, juiy 2Z. cotton nun; no sines; miiiiiling, s4c; receipts. 3SS biles shipments. 1.8S0 bales; stock. 65,625 bales. UALVKSTON. JU V 22. COTTON Nn m '- nai at Mic. LIVKRPOOL. July 22.TCOTTON-Spot moueraiu ousiness, prices uncnnngeii: American middling, 4 19-32d. The sales of he day were 7.000 bales, of which GOO wern for speculation nnd export, and Included 6,200 bales American. Receipts, 3,300 bales, 1111 .rtinuricuu Coffee Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. July 22,-COFFEE-Heavi ness was 11 prominent feature of today s coffee market and closing prices showed further concessions on tho part of sellers. ine opening was steady with prices un changed to 5 points lower. For tho rest of tho day business wns on a basis about points under Saturday s closlnir. Heavy Rrnzlllan receipts and unfriendly European market nows and weakness In the spot market caused room operators to take a bearish view of the situation. Tho mnrket closed with prices net unchnnced to points lower. Total sa es were 35.000 bairs. including September at 180F4.S5c; October, 4.90c; December. 6.05fi5.10c: January. 6.10c; March. 6.25fi5.30c; May. G.35c: spot Rio, uun, iu. 1 invoice, u ii-iuc; mini, quiet. Sngnr Mnrket. NEW YORK. July 22. SUGAR Raw steady: fair refining, 3 9-16c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4 3-ibc; molasses sugar, 3 b-ioc; re fined, steady; No, 0, 4.85c; No. 7, 4.45c; No, . i.eoc: no. v. 4.wc: no. w. i.ooc: no. ji. .50c: No. 12. 4,50c: No. 13, 4.50c; No. 14, 4.40c; standard A. 5.25c; confectioners' A, ,25c: mould A. G.80c: cut loaf. 5.9oc: crusneu, b.voc, powdered, b.uoc; granulated, 45c: cutics. 5.70c, LONDON. July 22.-DEET SUOAR-July, 9s 7Ud NEW ORLEANS. July 22.-SUGAR Quiet; open kettle, 3 3-16f?4c; open kettle nentrirugar. sttfMMc: centrifugal yellow. liar I 9-Ific: ncconds. .iw31Ac: molasses ugar, dull; centrifugal, 6Q6uo. Neiv York Live-stock Mnrket. NEW YORK. July 22,-ni:EVES-Rc- celnts. 4.255 head: steers, stow: irood steers. steady; medium and common, 10c off: cows. bnrely steady: steers, $4,505.55; bulls, H.00 8i3.w; cows, $2,2j1h.10; cables, steady; no shipments today. CALVES Receipts, 3,993 head; veals, weak, 25ri-50e off; choice nnd extra, 7.25tff) 7.37!4: culls. JI.COOI.SO: western calves. J4.1214. Slllii;!' ANll LAJHIH Hece nts. 3.fi93 head; sheep, l.V!T25c lower; lambs, badly demoralized, selling 605175c off; sheep, J2.50 (B4.25; choice, J4.50; culls, $2.00iff2.25; lambs, J3.60fiB.riO; culls, J3.O0(fl3.25. tiuuH uecetpts. 7,193 iieao; nigner; west ern hogs, J.15(iJ6.2,'. Oil und Itosin. OIL CITY. Pn July 22,-Credlt balances, Jl.2.1; certificates, sale of l.ono barrels cash oil at J1.30; shipments, three days, 352,451 barrels; average, 101,169 barrels; runs threo days. 197,271; average, 26,649. NEW YORK. July 22.OILS-Cottonseeil oil, steady; petroleum, dull but llrm; rosin, dull: turpentine, quiet. LIVERPOOL. July 22,-OILS-Turpentlna spirits, steady. 21a; rosin, common, 42s 3d. LONDON. July 22,-OlLS-Culcutta tin. seed spot. 6ts 9d; turpentine spirits, 26s 3d, ANTWERP, July 22.-OILS-Petroleum, 17 francs, 75 centimes paid nnd sellers. SAVANNAH, On.. July 22.-Splrits tur pentine, llrm, 3Sc; rosin, llrm, unchanged. Ximv York Hry dnnili Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. July 22.-DRY OOOD8 Theru was 11 poor nttendanco of buyers to day In tho cotton goods division and busi ness has been Indifferent again. There has not been any chnngo In Iho tono of tho market and prices are maintained In all departments, Including print cloths, Amer ican Woolen company opened now lines of light-weight dyes at 6c to 12',4c per yard lower than n year ago. I! vnporn tnt 11 net Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. July 22.-DRIED FRUITS In dried fruits business was ihore active, with sellers entertaining steadier views. Lvaporatcd apples, state, common to good, 3Hf5c; prime. 6V405c. California dried fruits. Steadier lo tnnn hilt not ollnlnhlv iiiKiur. iTiines, ifn'iyitic; 0U1.V, .iour j'arK, ,e; Apricots, Royal, 7VM12C Poaches, I. fifilOc. peeled, lltfl2c; unpeeled, fifilOc, Wool Mnrkrt. ST. LOUIS, July 22.-WOOI-Steady; niedlum grades. lK?H7c; light line. UGHc; heavy line, 9llc; tub washed. 121f24c. umana packing Co 151 9S1 Switt and Company 1st 1.012 Ciidaliy Pucklng Co 4S5 1.552 Armour Ac Co 380 1.11c It. Decker ei Degan 61 .... ausant & Co n Lobmnii A: Co 41 .... Hamilton & lintlixrhlM so Other buyers 61 Total 1,463 4 66l CATTLK Thrn u.,.. day 8 supply ot cnitln n tiiia mn.i,.. day, utthough southern markets were mi ,. ilcfir" w.oru l'ultu "l,erul I'uyers and as u result prices were imiv 1,. ,:,w.i us they were at um closo nf in.i n.." Receipts this morning Included Just about f.'.'i ..,fi HV'1 sU'HrH aml on anything l till ITOOd tin tmirWi tenet r.iHi.. .. . 1 . " and just abojt steady. The commoner grades were of courso more or 1 iieglccted. but still everything was sold In lairly good season nr whm i..i,.,.i . about steady prices with last week. There were only about a dozen loads of cows and hellers on sain iminv .i, murket ruled lalrlv nniu n,,,i 1 f."8.0"1" lnst wcpk " anything at all tood. 1 hero were several loade of western range cows 011 sale today nnd they alio i! oKootliSiro,1B ,rlLC8' As hfgh as W.Jo was paid for mute a string, which T2?.i "n'Jout.tedly futle more than the? u,?, . h?ve urouRht last week. As tho supply of cow stuit was quite limited, tho "m1nerS.Slcarcd l,.nrly ,he morning. Hulls, calves nnd stugs did not show cmoUsCe'oCfhY,fs,t0wee'k,.y a8 CmParCd W,,h There were scarcely enough stockers and fecuers In ho yards today to make T u list of tho market. Tho few that were orrcrcd bt ought fully steady prices, bit owing ho continued hot and dry weather yard traders were u little mmin,,. T,...1 a.r" mund irom the country today was llnilted Representutlve sales; a ,,n,H-U, HEEF STEERS, wlilch was a good advance over last week quotations Iherii were only n few buncutn or rwes, and tney also brought more money mini ine same kuui soiii lor last wcea. There were no strictly choice lambs of fercd, but still as high ns JI.75 was p-ild 1 rices uki not improve ns niiicu on lain 1 ns they did on sheen, but still the marxo could be quoted strong to n dime hlcher, Everything nt nil desirable wns sold In good season. There were quite 11 few feeders offered today and the market was lower, as tin1 demand from tho country Is very light and prices In Chicago and other markets have been going down nt i rapid rate. Com mission men sny that anyone wlu can use teeners nt tno present time can get inem worth the money Quotations: Choice veurllncs. JS.CSfi3.J5 fair to good yearlings, J3.IOti3.6); choice ur to good wetheu. is. 3.ir4(3..5: fnlr to good ewes. J2.6njf3.00; choice spring lambs. ll.6Sii5.oo; fair to good spring lambs. J4,2i5' wethers, J3.651iS.75: fal J3.35Si3.; choice ewe? good ewes. J2.6OJf3.00; 1 JI.65fI6.00: fair to cood 4.65; feeder wethers, J2.75'f3.00: feeder lamb.', J3.00fi3.75. Representative sales: No. 82 Wyoming wethers. 12 Wyoming ewes.... 2 bucks 1016 Wyoming wethers. 656 Idaho lambs........ 7 Utah ewes S Utah ewes , 28 L' ewes 41 Utah ewes 43 Utah wethers 74 Utah wethers 9 Utah lambs 156 Utah lambs 65 Utah lambs 123 Utah lambs 13 culls, mixed lm western ewes , 7o western ewes 131 Idaho ewes li") cull lambs , 135 Utah wethers , 963 Idaho wethers 21 native lambs , 216 Utah lambs , Av. Pr. 96 tl 75 87 3 W) 215 3 50 113 3 75 71 4 76 95 J2 00 95 2 00 102 3 I") 91 3 W 85 3 75 SS 3 75 58 4 60 67 4 60 66 4 60 71 4 W 72 2 75 So 2 90 98 2 W 111 3 10 59 3 40 93 3 50 HI 3 75 57 4 374 Oil 4 60 13'Jftff litmus CHICAGO LIVI3 VniOK MA1IKUT. Cntflr Heiulj- to Stronger Hoks Sternly to Loner. CIIICAnO. .tllll- ? CATTI.l'-Ila.nlnl. 21.014 head, including 611 Texnns. Stendv to stronger. Oood to prime steers, J.5.45H6.20: poor to medium, J4.35(i3.35; stockers and feeders. 10: COWS anil helrnrs J5M 4.; canners. Ji.65fri.35; bulls, J2.50iii.50; oalves, J.1.75iji.rxl: Texas steers, JXunfi 1. 60. iieceipts today. ;is.vm head, estl-'""-Ud for tomorrow, 24.000 hend; left over, 3,-56 head; steady to 6o lower; mixed and butchfrx. L5.75.iMM! rend tn rdnln h)ii' JJi-U';,h iivy. .r.vf,5.55i light, M.7iVfr. 90; bulk of r Jm, 5..n5 95. SljnBP AND LAM H8 Receipts, l(!.iX) choice wethers. J3.9O-J4.R0; fair to choice iiuxen, .(.tirfiii.yi); western sheep. II.1S4; .yearlings, JI.0iVnl.65; natlvo W.TO!if4.50; western lambs, J4.I0JJ6.30. Kunsita City Lire Mnek Mnrket. K ANHAH C1TV. tnli. n ATTt ts Texiins, l,0O0 hend calves. Todnv reenlnla v inn iiiMit-ni 111 loe nisinry or tnr market. Nntlvn beat bi,.pu i'.T,Jn i Toxilll. Stendy to lRn lnn.-er- linof nnii stoeiters, steady; otlier cattle, Oi?25c 1- ia . ' url H" 1 lrrss ueer steers fu.iviiu.wi iiur to good, ;i.7&'( 4.25! Tex.n riSM "V1"9' J3.Z0(ff3.90: Texas cows, m."'. iifiiiif I' hi. jz.ryirn.i r.i MDirrti. . rjv. i.i., tiiiiiii-in, ii.ioxu.iu; mills, K.mtl calves. J2.50(.i. u notiH Here nts. fi.floO tnnn.l. r,.,i, steady to 10c lower; top, Jfi.05; bulk o sines, .wii.ti: lienvy. J5.9ifi6.05: mixed IVV.'-'J1'' o."l'H.l.w; llgnt. Io.30SlS.8o! nlirs l.00ff.i.2.i. " " Mlill'.l' AN' l T.AMI Qn..l,,l. n eaa I, ....., . . ----'-'' l,LVUI),,D, , , -.1 in.,.., iiiui nn Mieaay; lamus, Jl.oojjo.OO; wethers. J3.2R(fi4.f1f nxui.a iu:n!t, ....i NKW SYSTEM IX PHILIPPINES Corbli and Ohiffi Agrei en Ohiajei In Armj'i Dispoiition. EXPECT TO ACCOMPLISH LARGE SAVING CiiiiiM-iiti'iitliiii of All Troops nt Ttirp Hlrtrrcnt Points Will He t)ne Way of Reducing; Hvpenses. St. I. mils Mvr Stock AInrkrt. HI. LOUIS. Jlllv 11 PATTI.l' n.ll. i.i-i nend, me Udlng l.soo Texnns, Market imiivc. steamer for Texans. Na xio snipping nnd exports, Jl.60fi5.60 dressed beef nnd butcher steers. J3.6Ofiu.50 steers under 1.000 pounds. J3.(HXH5.20; stock, ers and feeders, J2.rff3.S0; cows nnd helf. ..r?'.i,iVlK",': canners, Jl.25ff72.75; bulls,; lexns nnd Indian steers. J3.2.')W ': cowb and heifers. J2.S5fia.fiO. nuti iieceints. 4.900 Vn.Uni numm. riLN linn noni vr,r . m. n.i.... J5.755?5.90; butchers. J.VOOfi'fe'ir ' ot'llll. .lllirKei srenilv l.ntnh tt nnnr. nr.. 1 RO1" an,, buck,' "-"ffLOO; stockers, J1.00 No. 1 1 3 S7 20 1 SI 61 37 13 53 19 4 E 4 1 1 4 1 SI 13 1 :: 1 1 4 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 2.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 3.... 2.... J::.i: 16 Av, .... s;o .... SM .... (SO .... S6i .... 877' ....140') ....1244 ....10)2 ....1374 ....1454 ....1119 .... 993 .... 737 Pr, 2 50 2 75 4 W 4 15 4 13 i '' Z 10 4 a 4 75 4 13 4 0 4 '0 4 90 ..1026 .. 890 .. 7S0 ,.im .. 935 ..1000 .. 963 .. 803 ..1016 .. 943 ..1140 No. 19 2 72 21 36 iS U 71 37 38 1 31 29 COWS. 21 3 19 to: 22 1 Av. ... 93S ... 840 ...1174 ...1140 ...1133 ...1193 ...1143 ...1391 ...1313 ...1143 ...KM ...1458 ...H34 Pr. 4 90 4 1-0 4 W 5 13 5 20 5 20 5 20 5 23 S .'5 5 a 5 6i 6 rs 5 1: 2 00 2 00 2 CO 3 10 2 13 2 23 2 ti 2 55 3 rs 2 73 2 75 HEIFERS, 2 CO 2 2 30 2 3 00 1 BULLS. 2 35 1 3 50 1 , 2 M 4 2 63 1 2 76 I CALVES. 3 iS 2 4 50 STAGS. 3 23 lti STOCK CALVES. 190 4 75 1 90 4 75 1 110 5 00 2 120 5 GO STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. .. 540 .. 047 .. 780 .. 7sa ..1300 ..1180 .. 970 ..1330 .. 330 .. 130 ..1311 .... 973 ....1070 .... 50 ....1003 ....1026 ....1080 ....1000 10S5 11S0 ....1173 ... 710 ... 660 ... 710 ...1160 ,..1400 ...1410 ...1670 ...1610 2 80 2 80 2 90 3 IS 3 1.1 3 25 3 10 3 So 3 75 3 (C 3 5 3 0 3 (i 3 00 3 ?i 3 oO 3 '.0 3 in 130 i 00 ...1250 4 70 :oo ISO 80 5 0) 5 (0 6 W 1 00 1 75 : 01 2 15 i 20 2 20 4'J0 160 380 1030 910 ....... 693 STOCKERS 740 2 50 490 575 580 966 786 1 1.... 3.... 11.... 1...., 330 930 486 ... 593 ...1130 2 40 2 50 3 63 2 .0 3 00 ! fO 2 75 3 10 3 10 3 15 26 cows., Tolland & . 914 2 90 AND 20... 19... 1... 3... 4... 60... FEEDERS. 741 , 76S , 520 , 846 , 942 523 1020 J61 11 steers.. 6 feeders 3 feeders.. fOO 11 feeders.. 773 1 feeder . . SOU 1 feeder... 790 WYOMING. Co Wvn. io i)i stg.1133 3 3 20 3 00 3 tO 3 M 3 63 4 00 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 2 50 COLORADO. 4 00 1 steer. 62 cows..., 1 cow,. ... 1 cow...., 1 cow...., 3 cows.. .. . 751 .100 . sro .1170 .1UJ 2 60 3 3) 3 30 3 30 3 30 2 60 4 (0 usual but 11 steers. ..ltttJ 4 00 1 steer fc90 HOUS There was no mnr.. Ihnn n Monday's suiuilv of Iioch he as the feeling was weak ut other markets iiuvrin mru 111 ihkr on a Utile Ot this point. The market could best be describe I by calling It steady to a shade lower, with the bulk of cood mixed hoirH unllinr ,.t J5 67145(5.70. Tho quality of the hogs offered was nomine extra, so that on tvinnr i,,. sales looked lower than they reu'ly are. The better the hogs tho nearer they camo in iillllKlUK nicmijr puces. ine IrtSl nrl of the market was very slow and a little weak, although It was mostlv t)m light weights that were left until the lust. Any thing on tho pig order wns very hard to dlfpose of, and that class of stuff sold at a low llgure. Representative sales; No. 1IJ... 87... 92... 66... 9. Av. Ml. ....137 ...177 ....163 ....187 ....199 77 195 ..183 190 206 198 201 193 169 191 87 200 .190 87.. 73.. 80 83..., 81..., '.0..., 82..., 81..., 4..., 77.... 86..., 61..., 83,.., 64... 67.... 70.... 68, ..202 ..205 ..210 ..20T, ..193 ..200 ..221 ..182 .,214 ..202 ...232 ..219 ..214 .219 73 226 80 200 160 40 ISO 80 80 200 120 150 iso 40 40 120 200 120 80 40 120 120 200 160 160 120 120 IT. 5 10 6 2i 5 57li 5 r-7!J 5 CO 5 W 5 CO 5 10 5 i.'t 5 6 62 ! j 5 62Vi 5 f.V, 5 62 1,4 5 l2V, i C2Vi 6 63 I 63 3 05 5 d 5 63 5 (3 3 a 5 63 I a 5 A3 5 67Vi 5 671 4 5 "i7'4 O 61' j 5 5714 No. 86... 85 .. 78... 77 84 78 03 74 76 78 63 71 67 45 71 52 62 64 (9 64 77 54 61 48 60 62 63 47 ...197 ...219 ...210 ...22S ...196 ...205 ...241 ...226 ...223 ...221 ...243 ...221 ...233 ...224 ...210 ...249 ...242 ...253 ...251 .242 .219 .231 .232 .267 .2.19 .262 .256 .267 .261 60 287 Av. Sh. Tr. 5 ,17U 5 67V, 3 I.7H 5 t.71,4 5 W, 6 i.7!4 3 6i4 5 67t4 5 70 3 70 3 70 5 TO 6 "0 5 TO 5 TO 5 70 5 TO 5 70 5 TO 5 "0 5 70 6 72'i 5 i2V4 6 T3 5 T5 5 75 3 75 5 73 5 73 6 65 SHLhP There was a fair run of Bhecp here today, but packers wanted the sturt nnd prices Improved KG 15c on sheep. West, ern grass wethers sold as high as J3.T5, St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket. HI. JUNKIMI. Mn . .III! i- nl.,. 1 cv , , . ,"" ' " , ' ' ' " 1 ' M 1 1, 1 , 1 " 'V iic-tiu. in; iuwit: nniivnn sj itfiA, . oo ... ""(Lhclfc"' l-254.So; bulls nnd sings. J2.1 o,,,rti-i;i iiiui leeners. jj.ww.lo an T 1 . . r r. iiuun-iiece nts. K.,no hn, it..i,. S-V-'t A" 00 'ower. i.ignt and light mixed "'". "ie lorn ami nenvy J5.6nfi6.05 ,;r;.,vv;.w1',;.'"um nl saies. jo.n.vn5.!M. nrir,ii,i- anl LAM IIS Receipts, 5.900 nnml .......... , r. , - , . . ' . "i"" i"uoo nigner nnu I.IUDVU ..VlllVUI, Stock In Slirht The following table alinu-u tlm ri..,. cnttle. hogs and sheep nt tho live prlnclpn live stock markets July 22: n, n . CftUL"- H"srs. Sheep yv'" wuifiiitt i,,iii Chicago 21,014 Kansns City 25,500 St. Louis t.ooi) St. Joseph l 000 4.2XS So.fiOO 6,50) 4,900 5.700 4.997 16.000 3,600 000 5,!XK) Totals 73,026 9I.3S8 30,997 INDIANS MAKE FINAL FIGHT Former Oirnrm of Sen Country Want Injunction to Prevent Any Settlement. KANSAS CITY, July 22 A special to the star from El Reno, Okla., says: Tie final struggle of Lone Wolf nnd Judge William M. Springer, attorney for tho disgruntled mown, comancho and Apache Indians to prevent tho opening of tho now country to settlement, was begun In tho supreme court at tl Reno today. A petition filed ask for a temporary Injunction restraining Wll Ham A. Richards, assistant commissioner for tho general land office, and tho register and rtcolveii of tho land offices hero and nt Lawton from proceeding In any way to carry out tho provisions of the proclama tion. Tho petition asks further that upon final hearing tho Injunction be made per peitial. The substance of the petition Is that the act of congress ratifying Iho Jeronto treaty, upon which tho president's proclamation was based, Is void, tho claim being that that treaty was obtained by rraud. The hearing will take plnco at EI Reno next Saturday. Judgo Willis Van- deventer will probably coino from Wash Ington to reprcsont tho government. Commissioner Richards said today that nothing short of sending him to Jail would Interfere with the work which he has been sent hero to do. .Men to Co n duet Ilrnwlitir. WASHINGTON, July 12. Tho secretary of the interior today announced committees to supervise the drawing of the lands of tho Klowas and Comannhes as follows: Ex-Governor Richards ot Wyoming, no chairman; cx-Chlef Justlco Frank Dale of Oklahoma and cx-Unlted States District Attorney D. P. Dyor of St. Louis. This committee has been Instructed to rcnort at El Reno not liter than Ju y 26 range details for the drawing to July 29. to ar begin Henry I.aimir nnthter. PARIS, July 22. The French zoologist, Henry Lneazc born In 1821. Duthlcrs, is dead. Ho was TetepHaae Mlfln. Boyd Commission Co Successors to James K. Iloyd A Co., OMAHA, NKD. COMMISSION GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS. Bar4 of Trade DalldlBg, Direct wires to Chicago and New Tors, Correspondence, John A. Wairen & Co. OI.IIKSTI SAFKST! tllTNTt WALL STREET Money Will Kuril III Monthly Itetnrns The Inveator'a Fund Pavs Seml-Monthlv. The oldest established In America. No certltlcate-noiuer ever lost a cent. Pay ments inailo tu all subscribers every 15 days. No trouble, No delay. Money retunucu un ycinana, write ioaay particulars, ireo io any uaareas. C. E. MACKKV v CO., Hudson llulldlns, New York. for MANILA, July 22. Tho conferences be- tween Adjuiant-dcneral Corbln and General Chaffee, recently held here, will probably result in radical cconomlcnl and adminis trative reforms in the army of occupation. It Is estimated that the total cost of maintaining the American nrmy In tho Phil ippines can bo reduced by 60 per cent in tho course nf ono year. Tho principle change will bo the reduction of tho present forco to between twenty ami thirty thousand men. The abolishment of tho present army districts Is contemplated. nnd three brlgndes, with permanent hend quarters at Manila, Degupnn and Hollo or Cebu, will bo Instituted In their stead. Tho troops will be concentrated at threo points selected, abandoning nil minor posts. Thesj cnanges will result In an enormous saving In tho transportation of supplies and tho paying of rental for barracks for the ot- illcrs. At present, In most towns the troops nro quartered in churches, convents and nuhllo and private buildings, for the uso of which consldcrablo rents are paid. In tho majority of other cases, whern lhc troops do not occupy public buildings, it is be lieved rental should bo paid for tho sol diers quarters if their occupancy Is contin ued, since these regions are pacified and their Inhabitants have Bworn nltcglauce to the United rw. Some I.arsre 5a v I ;. Adjutant-Oeneral Corbln and Oenernt Chaffee have decided upon tho construction of barracks nt the pumping station (about six miles from Manila) nnd the source of tho city's water supply, to nccommodate threo regiments of Infantry, ono of cavalry and eight batteries of artillery, as well as a general commissary nnd quartermaster's Morchouso to cost $100,000. Tho erection of this latter building will reduco expenses by J20.000 a month, being tho rentals paid for tho commissary and quartermaster store houses In Manila alone. An electric rnll way connecting tho docks on the rlvor and tho new storehouse, will be constructed, Generals Corbln nnd Chaffee liavo also decided upon ono slnglo general military hospital to replace tho seven military hos pitals In Manila nnd vicinity. Ono of tho latter buildings will bo converted Into a hospital. Tho reduction of the great flee of govern ment launches and small government steamers has already begun. Permanent barracks havo been erected nt Dagupan to accommodato alt tho troops necessary to northern Luton. Oevornmrnt vessels will carry supplies for tho southern brigade from thn United States direct to Hollo without change at Manila. Tho Insular constabulary, Is now being organized. It will be maintained by tho Insular government and Is expected to bo amply nblo to preservo peaco and enforce tho law. This constabulary will as n gen eral rulo bo armed with rifles, but Its members have been given 5,000 shotguns nnd 2,000 pontes relinquished by tho army. Tho telegraph system throughout tho archipelago, established by the signal corps has been taken over by tho civil government. Much wheeled transportation formerly be longing to the nrmy has nlrcady been dis posed of. IHpct Directors Toiiny. NEW YORK, July 22. Tho statement was mado unofficially today that If a quorum can bo secured, the new directors of tho Northern Pacific will be formally elected tomorrow. It Is doubted, however. If Prcoldcut Mellcn will reach this city beforo Wednesday. $5.00 A MONTH SPECIALIST in All Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years In Omaha VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE cured. Method new, without catting, pain or lots of time. CVDUII I tt cored for life and the poison r ni Uiatho?(lllhl rlaniil Trnm the system. Soon every sign and aymptom disappears completely acd forever. No "IlltliAlCINQ OUT" of the disease on the akin or race. Treatment contain no danieroai drug! or lnjurlovo mralclno. WEAK MtNfrom Kxceases or Victims to NBiivous Ufculi.rrr or Eiuahstiok. WARTIMO WBAIUfMS rlth KAHLT DlCCAT In YOUNO and MluriM! Aqeii. lack of Tim. vlirnr and strength, with orgt-ci Impaired and weak. STRICTURE cured with a naw Horn. Treatment. No pain, no detention from bnel' nets. Kidney and madder Troubles. CHARGES LOW . Coiiifltatlon free. Tretimtnt by Mall. Call on on or address 1 19 So. 14th St. Dr. Searles & Soarles. Omaha, Neb ILCOX TAIMGY PILLS Monthif Rtgulater. Dai'e and lure. Never Fall. DrujflllU or or Mall. Prlet, 12 Send lor Woman's Safeguard (free). WILCOX MED. CO.. 321 N. 1 6th 81.. Palls.. Pa. old by Unarm an A McCuonell' Drue Oev w Fine Vehicles Low Prices. Rood combination, eh? nUCKBYK and WOODMULb grades- world's best. Wo can suit you. -the KINGMAN IMPLEMENT GO, lOTII A.MJ lH..M Out iiiui. HTS. hmm la l u & 4n i. e.l fpkciiiONNiTi, o. ipSSJ CURE YOURSELF t U lllnO for iiuniturtl dlchr'i,lnlinmnlous, irriistioni or lccrii0D4 i io itrtatir. . oi mooiitti mrirbrant iu o.uiIm. - itinn ItVI-SUHlYiCUCO. fii. and not aitrlA f tat or r-olionoui. old br Drna-arlalaV pr sent la plain wrapper, by ainraii. trspald. iai w, ui ootiiea, ai.7x FREE WEDICALADVlOE. Wrlteus , all your symptoms, ltenorntlngtho lystem la tho only aafo und sure method of cur log all Chronic Disease. Or. Koy'a Itenarator Is tho only perfeotsystem renovator. I'reosam Bleu and took. Dr. li. J, Kay, Saratoga, N. Y.