Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Eirdhud and Eqntw Fliad Quittj of Mar
laughter to Get Freadom.
Itelmur I'rolinlilr f.naf Clinptpr In
torj- of llrrr I'nrly nt Miiliritni,
In Whlrh Tito KIIIImk"
Old man Blrdhcad, bowed by the weight
of his ninety-one years, and his squaw,
Takee-the-I'elts, whose footsteps totter un
der nature's burden of eighty-six years,
Mere llboratcd from tho county Jail after a
year of scrvltudu Monday and yesterday
Joyfully boarded a trnlu for their home
in tho I'onca reservation. Their long In
carceration has been Inflicted at tho In
stance of tho government pending their
trial on a charge of murder for the killing
of a young Indian named Perry Larvlor.
Tholr tragic story was recounted a short
tlmo slnco In The lice. It was given In con
nection with the trial of Adam and John
Forester In the federal court. The Fores
ters, father and son, operated a brewery at
Niobrara and they were charged with the
operation of a peculiar slot machine by
meaiiN of wheh ono who found himself
nffllctcd with a thirst for beer could shove
J3 Into a pigeonhole In tho side of a house,
whereupon a keg of beer would roll out.
Hovel In IViitlU' llretv.
On tho last day of April, 1900, four young
Tonca braves Peter Hlrdhcad, Perry Lar
vier, Horace Warrior and Running-After
Arrow, or, as he Is otherwise often known,
Ulack-Halr-Horsc smote this Improvised
rock with six coins of the realm and caused
tho hidden fountain to gush forth two preg
nant kegs of the stimulating amber. Load
ing their treasure Into a wagon tbey re
paired to the banks of a stream about two
mllcr. away and emptied one of the kegs of
its contents, putting them whero they were
calculated to do the most good In doing
harm. Then they traveled onward toward
tho homo of Hlrdhcad, upon reaching which
tho other keg was drained. There were at
that tlmo a number of other Indians In the
party, somo of them squaws, and all par
ticipated In tho forbidden feast.
Young Hlrdhcad and young I.arvler .had
boon bosom friends and constant compan
ions but under tho stimulus of the flowing
bowl they became Involved In a controversy
over tho ownership of a hat or some other
garment equally useless In tho economy of
tho Indian garb, as a result of which Lar
vler whipped out his revolver and shot
Peter IJlrdhead, killing him Instantly, In
stead of fleeing from the consequences of
Ms crime, In the deepest contrition and
stricken Into a condition of awful sobriety,
he approached old, Takcs-thc-I'clts, tho
mother of the murdered man, and handed
her hla revolver, with tho remark: "I
have killed my friend; now you kill me, so
that I may go along with htm."
S!iitv MnkfN llooil.
Taking him at his word the old woman
took tho revolver and 'shot him twice, In
flicting two wounds, either ono of which
was sttlTlctcnt to have sent him to tho
happy hunting ground along with hla mur
dered companion. Then old man Blrdhrad,
bent nnd blind with age, seized ah ax
and chopped a nuinbor of holes In young
Larvlor's head. The old people were ar
rested and brought to Omaha, whero they
havo lain In Jail ever since awaiting trial.
Meantime tho paternal Forester, who sold
the slot machlno beer, has' been tried In
the federal court and sentenced to servo a
year In tho government penitentiary nt
Bloux Falls and pay a fine of $200. The
younger ono received a sentence of four
months In Jail. Doth navo appealed and
Are now out on bonds.
"When arraigned "'tho decrepit culprits
charged with tho mufder of Larvler pleaded
rot guilty and filed objections to the Juris
diction of tho federal court, claiming that
tho killing wan committed off tho rcserva
tlon, and that It wok therefore an offense
ngalnst tho laws of the state. For some
tlmo past a movement has bcon on foot to
securo their relcaco owing to the general
conviction that thoy had been sufficiently
punished for tho offense, under tho peculiar
circumstances tiurroundlng It. Tuesday
afternoon their attorney, Mr. Barnhatt
canio to town and during tho afternoon
their caso came up quietly before Judgo
Mungcr. Thoy withdrew their plea of not
guilty and entered a pica of guilty of man
slaughter, whereupon at the Instance of the
government they were released, upon bonds
of $500 each to appear at any time thtlr
presence may be demanded by tho courts
for sentence. It Is probablo that owing to
their extreme ago and, tho Intense provoca
tion under which their offense was com
mitted thoy will never be sentenced.
DIpcpaton In Granted by City Cnn
ell nt a Npeclnl
The city council held a special meeting
yesterday morning and passed an ordinance
which excludes block 11, Kountte & Ruth's
addition, from the. fire limits. The block Is
bounded by Nineteenth, Twentieth, Pierce
and Mason Btreots, The passage of this or
dinance will allow McCoy & Olmsted to
continue the moving of frame dwellings
which stood on the auditorium site. McCoy
& Olmsted purchased the bulldines with
ihe intention of moving them to the block
mentioned In the ordinance, but tho mayor
?'efused to allow the old fire limit ordinance
o be, violated, and tho passage of the
amendment was necessary.
White Man Tnrned Yellow.
Great copsternatlon was felt by tho
friends otvM. A. Hogarty of Lexington, Ky.,
when they saw he was turning yellow. Ills
ekln slowly changed color, also his eyes,
and. he suffered terribly. Ills malady was
yellow Jaundice. He was treated by thu
best doctors, but without benefit. Then ho
was advised to try Electric Bitters, tlw
wonderful stomach and liver remedy, and
he writes: "After taking two bottles I
was wholly cured.'' A trial proves its
matchless merit for all stomach, liver and
kidney troubles. Only f0c. Sold by
Additional Aonanimodntloaa.
On account of the very low rates made to
Colorado points
bis placed In service another through Pull
man sleeper on train No. 3 for Denver,
leaving Omaha at 4:25 p. m. dally, and con
tinuing until September 10.
This service affords passengers the very
best accommodations with the greatest possible-
Reservations should be made as far In ad
vance as possible.
New city ticket office, 1324 Farnam street
Tel. S16.
The Erie lines with their Improved Pull
man service ts the only route to Lake
wood, on Lako Chautauqua, Jamestown,
Cambridge Springs or Sagerstown, without
change of cars. Special Lake Chautauqua
excursion July 2, $14,00 round trip, thirty
days limit. Also special to New York and
other eastern points.'1 For particulars' ask
your ticket agent of write to
II. A. nnANOH, T, P, A
605 W, U, Building, Chicago, III,
Publish ymir treat notice Id The Weekly
Bte. Telephone III.
llcnl Uxtntr Uiclinhnr Will I'rolinlilr
Tnke Vncnllon tintll Cooler
At the regular weekly meeting of the' Heal
Estate 'exchange ywterday President Greene
announced his Intention of asking a leave
of absence until Soptember 1, as, he was
going away, which brought out a proposition
to forego the meetings of the exchange dur
ing the heated term. Owing to the picnic,
however, It was decided to hold another
meeting next Wednesday, after which thcro
will probably be no more until September.
A leavo of absence was granted the presi
A commlttr o comprising, A. P. Tukey and
E. A, Benson reported upon the communi
cation of City Trrasuror Hennlngs recom
mending the abolition of personal taxes,
saying that with the limited time at Its
command It had been Unable to digest the
many valuable suggestions made In tho
treasurer's communication relative to the
radical reform, It fully agreed with Mr.
Hennlngs that a radical reform In' tho
method of raising revenue for city expenses
Is of vital Importance to the welfare of cit
izens and the prosperity of the city"; but the
treasurer's communication suggested such
radical changes In the taxation laws that
the committee felt that the exchnngo ought
not to commit Itself until It had given tho
subject a more thorough Investigation. It
recommended that tho communication bo
placed on file with a view of Its referoncc to
a special committee which Can give It the
time and Investlgaton It deserves.
Arrangements for tho annual picnic at
Arlington today havo been completed
MoillflcAtlon of Inn-rnnl llr-. c'nwe Till:
.Vrrr-filtrvtr Mlil-Vrnr Iteport
nnd Other AilJnMnienia,
Collector of Internal Revenue Stephenson
finds It necessary to make an annual re
port at the middle of the year as tho ru
sult of the chango In tho revenue law which
went into effect July 1, and the force is
now engaged In work which would ordi
narily come six months from this time. -The
principal business affected by the' change is
the manufacture of cigars, upon which the
tax was rcduced'from $3.'60 to $3 per 1,000.
This report which Is made1 annually In
cludes tho stock In tho hands of each
dealer, the number of stamps' on hand nnd
the number of clgnrB manufactured A re
port Is 'required 'at this time so that the
commissioner may know whether any oVcr
lap which. Is shown In tho personal accounts
of tho manufacturers at the close of the
year occurred before or after July 1, at
which time the change In' the rate of tax
went Into effect.
The" work of redeeming stamps Is drag
ging along slowly, nnd the great part of tho
redemption Is being made through the
banks. An order has been Issued which
prevents banks acting as tho agents of
owners for the redemption of stamps, the
commissioner recommending the purchnso
of the stamps outright by the banks and
their final redemption as bank property.
In many cases this has been done, but many
of the banks have not yet called In their
stamped checks. For this reason Collector
Stephonson has requested the banks to de
lay filing claims until tbey havo secured
all outstanding stamped checks from de
positors nnd purchased all stamps they de
sire to have redeemed, so that they may
make one claim and havo that settled In
order to avoid a multiplicity of claims from
one Institution.
For quality, purity, boquet and healthful
neis thero Is no wine as good as Cook's Im
perial Extra Dry Champagne.
County Attorney Makes Kornial Com
plnliit A-fnlimt Alleged Assail
ant of Mary Marks,
The county attorney haa filed Informa
tion In Justice Shoemaker's court In the
caso of Edward Morgal, charged with
criminally assaulting 13-year-old Mary
Marks Juno 19, and, to conform with the
lotter of the law, the Justice has Issued a
warrant for Morgal's arrest on that chargo,
though Morgal Is now In the county Jail.
The suspect will be arraigned at 0:30 Fri
day morning, after which tho day of trial
will bo set. It Is generally believed that
Morgal will plead not guilty.
The sla-iltf- anticipates no trouble In
getting tls prisoner to the Justice oourt
and back to Jail, but to be on the safe
side oeveral armed deputies will accoru
pany him.
A Sore' Care tor Diarrhoea.
Coming, as it' docs, In the busiest season.
when a man con' least afford to lose time.
a euro and quick cure for diarrhoea Is very
desirable. Anyone who has given It a trial
will tell you that rthe quickest, surest and
most pleasant remedy In -Wse for this dis
ease is Chamberlain's? Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. There Is no loss of
time when It Is' used as ono or two doses of
it will cure any ordinary attack. It never
falls, 'not even In the most severe and
dangerous cases. For sale by all druggUts.
Via Rock- Island Ttonte.
On Tuesday, July 23, the Rock Island will
sell tickets to all points In Oklahoma and
Indian Territory at one .far, plus 12.00 for
the round trip, good for return for thirty
days'. This will bo the last excursion beforo
tho new lands In the territory are opened
for settlement. In. order to secure a homo
you must register on or beforo July 26.
Train will leavo Omaha 5:20 p. m. and
arrive "at EI Reno the following noon with
out chango of cars. For further Informa
tion call at or address Rock Island city
ticket omce, 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb, EXCJUHSION HATES.
Via the Milwaukee- Railway.
July 23, 24 and 25, Omaha to Chicago
ana return, $14.75.
July 20, 21 and 22, Mllwaukee' and return.
Low rates to summer resorts.
City ticket office. 1604 Farnam st. Tel. 284.
Cheap Excursions,
116.75, Milwaukee and return, July 20, 21
and 22.
Chicago and return, $14.75, July 23. 24, 25.
Very low rates to the Buffalo exposition.
City ticket office, 1401-1403 Farnam street.
Spirit Lake Cake Okonoll,
conveniently reached via Illinois Central
railroad from Omaha, The only road hav
ing both morning and evening service to
above points. Low rates. For particulars
call at city ticket office, 140 Far,nam street
Lake' Okottoji,
The Ideal summer resort, Quickly and
easily reached from Omana via the MUwau
kee railway, the qnly through line.
City office, 1604 Farnam street,
Bead articles of Incorporation, netlcea. of
ptocknoldere' meetlags, etc,, ta The Be,
W win give tnem prefer legal Issertlsa
Ttltpfeoae til.
EmbarrtEiinp Remit f Ipiaking in Ufa
Language la Dark litem.
In the flloiiiii 1 Looks nn Tlionuli
(irornc 1'itrtrlilKC SiiUe Illsre
Miectftilly or 111- lltvnl nnd
There In n Fight.
From points brought out In connection
with a case In police court yesterday
It would seem that the sign language, such
as employed by deaf mutes, has Its limita
tions. It works all right In ordinary busi
ness transactions, but when a loving couple
would bespeak their tender cows they must
forego tho advantage of twilight's glamor
and turn the lamp Up to a point consistent
with a clear understanding. Bccauso a
young couplo of the pantomime school of
discourse out on North Twenty-fourth street
failed to do this the other evening they
have become embroiled In all sorts of em
barrassing trouble.
August Kortlang had been arrested on
complaint of George Partridge, charged
with assault. It seems that both young
men were suitors for the favor of Miss
Emma Banks, and that both called on her
the same evening, Partridge arriving first
and getting the situation well In hand by
tho time Kortlang put In an appearance.
Tho latter assumed the rolo of a wall
flower. From his oorner ho watched tho
Volapuk of gestures with languid Interest,
The room was In half darkness, lit only by
a reflection of a gas lamp In the street,
nnd Miss Emma couldn't always catch tho
remarks of the nimble Partridge; 3he had
to keep wlg-wngglng a "beg pardon" every
minute or two, and to Kortlang It seemed
that Partridge bad rheumatism In hla Voice.
Wants to Sluiul In l.lne.
Finally Partridge flashed a heliograph
message about Miss Emma being extremely
popular, and suggested Hie expediency of
her suitors standing in lino to await their
turn. Thero was a pause. Tho reserve sig
nal corps In the corner pouted.
Then came the unfortunate remark, tho
awkward consequeucej of which the pres
ence of u light in the room might have
prevented. Partrldgo wanted to refer to
the weather, so ho made use of some such
idiom of Dclsartc as this:
"Do you think it will rain tonight?"
A perfectly harmless nuerv. nroDcrly
understood, but it happens that In tho
genesis of the' sign language the signs for
"Do you think It will ralrt tonight?" aro
almost Identical with those' for, "Do you
think ho will stay all night?" nnd,- of
course, Kortlang understood hlB rival to
say tho latter. It happened, too, that
Kortlang Is Impetuous. To him It ap
peared that the occasion called for vlolenco
and, without sloping to think that tho
other might havo an impediment In his
calisthenics, flickered a digital insult In his
face and a moment later they wero In the
back yard, fighting it out.
Miss Banks testified In police court yes
terday that tho assault was wholly un
provoked, and as Kortlang was penitent nnd
willing to plead guilty, he was given the
minimum flno of $1 and costs. The Judgo
gave a lecture on the Inexpediency of hasty
Judgments and told Partridge to either Im
prove his enunciation or light a lamp.
The Trrmt Problem.
To a thoughtful mind, the trust problem
is one of serious Import. It must bo firmly
grappled with, for it creeps upon society
beforo you are aware of Its exlstcnco, In
this respect much resembling the various
disorders which attack the stomach, such
as constipation, indigestion, .dyspepsia, bil
iousness, ltvor and kidney troubles. Hostct-
ter's Stomach Bitters Is the one reliable
remedy for all such ailments. Be sure, to
five it a trial.
Chinese Divinities Will Be Admitted
to Llbrnry Mnsenm Free
of All Duty.
Tho collector of the port of Omaha has
received Instructions to permit tho Chlng
Foo company, the owner of the Chinese
gods at tho custom house, to turn them
ovor totho Omaha city library board and
the Llnlngcr Art association, and to per
mit those bodies to make free entries of
tho Importation.
This action was taken on the recom
mendation of the surveyor of tho port, wlio
found that the duty, storago and cost of
sale would more than exhaust the value of
th.3 gods. Tho company which made- the
importation was willing to get out of the
deal In this manner, ns the gods were found
to be unsalable In this country, no ono
destrlng to purchase at tho prices de
manded. In fact, no one would take them
as a gift until some way was found whereby
tho government could 'wafvn Its claim for
duty, ' 4
i Cool Itetrent in Colorado.
The exeeislve heat of July Is driving those'
who caro a bit for comfort to tho 'cool
mountain retreats of Colorado.
Thero they will remain till the end of the
summer, freo from heat and dust, taking
life' easily, going a-pl6nlcklng today, playing
golf tomorrow and whlpptng a trout stream
tho next day.
Join 'them. If you cannot spend a month
away from your business, take three weeks
oven a fortnight. It will do you a world
of good.
The cost of the trip need not stand in
your way. Only $19 to Colorado and re
turn via tho Burlington the shortest line.
Good to return till October 31.
Tickets, 1502 Farnam St.
Cheap Summer Excursions Via 1111.
nols Central It. R.
St. Paul and return, July 10-31 ,$12.65
Minneapolis and return, July 10;31.. 12.65
Duluth and return, July 10-31 16.95
Chlciigo and return, July 23-25 14.75
Loulsvllld and return, August 24-26.. 21.50
Buffalo and return, every day 26.75
Circuit tours via Great Lakes to Buf
falo and intermediate points. Staterooms
reserved in advance. Call at City Ticket
Offlce, 1102 Farnam St., for particulars, or
address W. II. Brill. D. P. A.. I. G, R. R.,
Omaha Neb.
Dr. Lord has returned. Office, Paxton
block; hours, 2 to 4 Telephone, 33.
Dr. R. D. Mason, rectal surgery .Brown blk
Direct from
the Importer
We have lust received a large IMPORT
DERS, nnd shall be pleased to receive or
ders from DEALERS or tho public.
Eau Toilette Violet de l'arme Met
Kau Toilette Violet de Parrne II. M
Eau Tolette Peau de Espngno 11.00
Enu Toilette Vera Vloletta ....... ....,,.11.00
Extract ttrlito) Violet do Purine,. $l, ii.3.1
Extract Triple Vera Vlolettn, ,,$1.25, $1,50
j.t.U ,4" i.iiti.v i,wui iiutw, ,.(,,,,,
Rumemuor tlioso. nro tho genuine Roger
& Qallnt goods,
n, St O. Violet Soap C5c
R, & O, Hnndal Hon p. tea cntie, hox.v, ,,,)c
R, & O, New Mown Hay, 35a cake, box tWo
R, ft O, Toilet Ppwder,.(,,,,,,,,,Hp. 35o, J5c
V sell l,noo kind of jiBrfunitw All In
spection or me aoova una is noiioiieu,
Sherman & McConneil DrugOa.
The Drug Store pn the Cprn,
Shirtwaist Snlia, Waists and Skirts to
Match nnd Other Summer flood
Shirt waist suits made of thin summery
material, flounced skirt, alt colors, $1.25.
$3.00 shirt waist suits, made with largo
pique surplus and sailor collar, embroidery
trimmed, separate flounced skirt, protty
summer materials, $1.95.
$4,00 shirt waist suits, made of lawn,
chambray and percale, with corded and
tucked waists, sailor and stock collars,
ruffled skirts and flounce effect, all popular
colors, cholca $2.90.
$5.98 shirt waist suits, mado In pretty
summer stylos, of dimity, lawns, etc., In
sertion and lace trimmed, nil In one lot, at
$1.60 shirt waists In taws, percales, etc.,
owing to thero being only size 36, on salo
In basement at 21c.
$2. CO nnd $3.50 shirt waists, odds and ends
where thero aro only one or two of a stylo,
sizes 31, 36, 38, 40 aud 42, on main floor, 98c.
$1.00 whlto lawn shirt waists, with rows
of embroidery and tucking, all sizes, main
floor, 39c.
J. L. Brandels & Sons, Proprietors.
Selling Rogers, Pect & Co. Men's Clothing.
Ornnmentntlon nnd I.ocntlon of Fed
eral IltillrtliiR- Outlets Are
Arrnnircd For.
C. H. Rloch, manager of tho C. W. Oln
dele company, Is In the city to mako ar
rangements for tho changes In tho west
ern pnrt of tho federal building author
ized by tho government. This change re
lates to certain ornamentation nnd ar
rangement in western doors, and has noth
ing to do with the plan to place a cor
ridor between tho northern and southern
wings of the annex above tho first floor.
A Week Anionic the (ieyners.
Join tho Burlington's personally con
ducted excursions to Yellowstone park nnd
spend tho happiest week of your llfo among
tho geysers, boiling springs, lakes and
canyons of the nation's playground. Noth
ing like It on earth. Tho air Is cool and
pleasant; tho scenery magnificent and the
150 mllo stago rldo through the park a
novel and exhilarating experience.
Leaves Omnha Tuesday, August 20. Back
again on tho morning of the 29th. Less
than $100 covers ovcry ' expense railroad
fare, sleeper both ways, meals enrouto,
hotels and, stage In tho park.
Information on application to J. Francis,
gonerat passenger agent, Burlington Route,
The I'nsslnu I'lny.
Tremendous crowds nre flocking to the
Krug park these warm evenings. Tho
freo attractions have launched tho pretty
family resort right into tho fore place of
success. The "Passion Play is common
talk everywhere. Everybody seems bent on
seeing tho fine moving plcturo reproduction
of the great religious drama. Tyler's dogs
aro making a hit. Crowley, the champion
high diving dog,, nnd the only monkey
parachuto leaper, Mrs. McGlnnls, nro good
attractions and make a big addition to tho
free offering every afternoon and evening.
Tho Lorcnz cpneert band has the addition
of four now mem and Is rendering better
music than ever, which Is saying a good
deal. The car service has been much Im
Balloons WiH Be It
When Mayor Moores gets 16th street fenced
in witn nis uhuai rKKiis wauu iuu
will have to gctjw balloon to get Into the
business dlstrictoof-' Omaha, 'cause this is
where the business Is. So. get your orders
In early. Mr. VFranck. of the Midland
hotel, across the street, will take cure or
lilt balloons while you are buying your
drugs at the Deutcher Apothelter s at tnc
lowest prices at which genuine goods can
be sold. For examole:
$1.00 Peruna ;'..... 75c
J1.00 Cramer s Kidney and Liver cure. 75c
S1.00 Temptation Tonic "5c
$1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine (Wyeth's).. 75c
3&e castona (genuine) aa
35c BlacKberry Balsam (for summer
complaint) : 2oc
25c Carter's Little. Liver Pills 15c
25c Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne 15c
$1.00 West's Brain und Ncrvo Treat
ment 17c
11.00 Hu-Can Hair Tonic "5c
60c Gem Catarrh Powder (all you want) ISUc
25a Hire's Root Beer (genuine) lKc
25c Tooth Preparations, any kind 19c
$2.00 Tansy Cotton Root and Penny
royal Pills $1.00
Rubber Ooods, all kinds, lowest prices.
OUnACrrn O Drugstore.
Tel. 747. 9. W. Cor. 10th and Chicago.
Goods delivered FRSE to any part of city.
The seini-nimual clearing sale of over $100,
000 of ladies' ready-to-wear garments now at
its height. Every garment must be sold. The
newest styles and best qualities in ladies' suits,
capes, waists, jackets, skirts, wrappers and un
derskirts to be sold out at one-half to one
tenth the original price.
Women's silk eton jackets; most
regular $15.00 values;
closing price
Women's serge, cheviot and broadcloth skirts,
perfect lit and haug; worth C ff
$10.00, at U.UU
Women's silk skirts worth if 12.00; : Qg?
closing price vJ v kJ
Women's silk skirts; imported models; worth
$30.00 and $ 10.00; closing price
$15.00 and
it r , , .
Ladles' dresses worth up to $2.50, on salo
at 60c, 3Dc, 29c and 19c.
1 lot nil wool rainy-day skirts with 23
rows of stitching and flounce, worth Jfi, for
only JUS.
women's suits worm up to $25.00; the best styles; Q AD
closing prices only OaO
08 sample suits wrth up to $50.00, sale price l O ECi
now only IZ7,DJ
Women's silk waists $5.00 quality; closing price J 50
Specials for Thursday
Women's wash waists at only 7c
Women's $1.00 percale wrappers at . 35c
Women's fine $2.00 wrappers at . .98c
Special on Lndios' Stockings
All thr ladles' fancy and black utooklnif
that sold for 15a and 20e, on sal at lOo,
All tho ladles' Blockings. In black aud
fancy eolori that oold for 55o, on sale at
Hayden Bros, sell tho Stetson shoe for menj tho Ultra and
Brooks Bros, shoes for women, nnd tho Alerrlam sheen for
On the Milwaukee Hallway.
For a short or a long vacation tho beau
tiful lake offers the moat economical yet
delightful outing that Is available tor
Omaha people.
Quickly and easily reached from Omaha
via the Milwaukee railway, altitude almost
2,000 rect, air always cool and Invigorating,
A beautiful, clear, deep lako with high
shores picturesquely timbered with hard
wood trees. Excellent fishing, boating and
bathing. Moderate-priced but good hotels.
This Is a list of advantages not to be equaled
Full Information cheerfully furnished nt
the Mllwaukeo railway city offlce, 1504 Far
nam street. F. A. NASH, O. W. A.
Is Your Want
in This List?
Ladles' bathing suits, $4.75.
Ladles' whlto waists, $1.00.
Ladles' thin dress Bklrts.
Ladles' new walking skirts.
Ladles' tnffcta silk skirts, $12.00.
Ladle' flnotdlmlty suits, $8.60.
Ladles' summer outing suits, $15,00.
Ladles' dressing sac'ques.
Ladles' wash petticoats, 63c,
Ladles' wrappers, $1.00.
These nro tho goods we nro doing
business on Just now, and when you
see tho superior styles and learn
our low prices you won't wonder that
wo sell so many.
lf.lo DoukIiis St.
Value and Price
Much has been said since Sorosls opened
for business about value and price. It Is
the value and price that has made Sorosls
Sorosls are $5.00 values.
The price Is $3.50 nlways.
It means you save $1,50 on ovcry pair
of women's shoes and get tho latest up-to-date
shapes and styles.
No matter what leather kid or patent
leather, any weight sole, for street or
dress, all the same $3,50 price.
Sorosls aro the custom made shoes all
but tho prlco. Sold only In that cxclustvo
women's shoe store In tho Karbach block.
Sorosls aro hard to Imltntc.
Sorosis Shoe Store
203 South 15th Street,
Frank Wilcox, Manager.
Send for catalogue.
From the
Living Rock
Through ages and
ages there has
been' streaming
from a fissure In a
cliff of white rock
on the banks of the
Fox River, near
Waukesha, a rivu
let of water that Is
the most Ideul
beverage in the
world. This water
White Rock
For sale In 'cases
of pints or quarts,
Delivered in tho
Myers-Dillon Drug Go.
10th und l'nrnam Sts.
Greatest Bargains
of ail Thursday.
stylish made;
CO stlk capos worth 3.B0, for $1.25.
1 table of Indlos' waists, mado of flno pr
caloa, dimities and ginghams, worth 1.B0,
for HGo.
All iho ludifa' WaoW and faney colored
stocklnHH ihtu told for JSq and So, on salo
at 18c,.
AH ladles.1 flue Halt thread stockings
In black and faney eolora that sold for 7&o
and fi.on, un ijMq t ?j,
tain this essential quality after hard sor
We stand behind every garment you buy.
Single Serge Coats ...$2, $2.50, $2.75, $3.50
Striped Flannel Coats and Pants $4.75,$5. 25,$5. 50
Blue Serge Trousers $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.
Thursday in Bargain Room
Our grand clearing sale is now in full blast. Everything
must go at one-third to one-tenth of its regular value. Wash
goods, prints, percales, boys' clothing, summer underwear and
hosiery. THESE bargains must be seen to be appreciated.
Wash Goods.
Over 200,000 yards of wash Roods.
2Hc percales, 3G-lnch wide nt 2V4c.
lBc seersucker, In black and white, 2V4c.
10c dress ginghams, 2ic.
"He flno standard prints, 2V4c.
10c Shaker flannel, 2c.
12V4c flno draperies, 3V&C.
10c fine batiste, fast colors, 3c.
2!ic dimities and lawns, 7c.
12',c batiste, fine goods, Cc.
25c and 3oc dimities, Including Irish,
Scotch and French high grade goods, 10c.
50c Austrian high grade cotton grena
dines, In new pink, blue and other colors,
CO.000 yards of high grade remnants of
goods, from 19c to 00c yard, all go on
salo at Ec yard.
6c extra heavy muslin, utibleached, 3c.
7Hc flno bleached muslin, 414c.
10c crash, 3V4c
10c towels, slightly mussed, 2c.
10c napkins, lc.
10c napkins, 2Hc.
Furnishing Goods
25c suspenders, 1214c.
Hoys' bathing suits, worth 30c, at 10c.
Ladies' and odrons ose, worth up to
35c. nt 10c.
Men's work shirts, wwth COc and 75c,
all go at 29c.
Men's laundered shirts, separato collars
and cuffs, 29c.
Full line of ladles' and gents' underwear,
worth 39c, at 15c.
Ladles' 15c vests, 6c.
Fancy California Plums, per basket, 30c.
Dartlctt Tears, per dozen, 15c.
The oldest and ono of tho most rellahlo
paint houses Is still furnishing tho host
grndo of goods in tho city. Wo soil J. W.
gallon, $1.50.
Cherry, oak, mahogany, ebony, rosewool,
walnut V4 pints 20c, pints 35c, quarts 66c.
Floor oils, per quart, 35c.
Floor wax, Dutcbors, 50c can,
Floor varnish, per quart, $1.00.
Warranted not ' to crack or turn whlto
with water.
Good paint brush, 25c.
F0LLER ,3 CO.,
14th uiul DutiKln Ht.
D. V. 8.
OfflcA, 18th and Lt?ti worth Strfet.
Robertson Stab).
OarrtcpoDdcoce solicited.
Is Now Being Made From Fins Cuban Tobacco, Crop if 1900.
F. R. RICE M. C CO., Manufacturers, St. Louis. UNION MADE
The features that character
ize special medium priced cloth
ing are in evidence in our serge
suits. We offer them to you with
the assurance that nothing has
ever been produced to equal
them at 25 per cent more than
our price.
$4.75, $5.75, $10.00
Scants are sown with ptitv dye silk, and
the stitches have just tho proper tension
to avoid breaking, the seams are taped,,
and stayed. .Not only is the fabie'
shrunken before cutting, but in the pro
cess of tailoring the shapeliness of the
garments aro hand ironed in, so as to re
Boys' Clothing
25c wash pants, 10c.
39c wash suits, 15c.
23c wool pants, 15c.
39c corduroy pants, 25c.
(1.00 crash suits, 45c.
12.50 outing suits, 95o.
J2.50 wool suits, 93c.
$5.00 wool suits, $1.45.
lloys' blouso suits, worth 50o, up to 4
years, 2Gc.
$1.50 boys' flno blouse suits, soiling a'
Dress Goods
lBc half wool dress goods, 5c.
25c nil wool dress goods, 10c.
4 yards of $1.50 cropon, $1.98.
4 yards of 59c crrpon, 9Sc.
75c all wool chnllls, in dark and Ugh
colors, 1214c.
No remnants full pieces.
Silk strlpo challls, In dark and tight
colors, 12V4c
Grocery Spocials
25c can cocoa, for 1214c
Assorted plcklos, por bottle, 8 l-3c.
Condensed milk, per can, 6c.
4 cans oil or mustard sardines, 25c.
10-lbs cornmeal, 10c
lO-lbs. graham flour, 19c.
Health coffeo, 3-lbs. for 25c,
Sugar cured Santa Clara prunes, 5c.
3 pkgs. hasty Jellycon, 25c.
California evaporated peaches, per lb.,
S l-3c.
No. 1 Sugar-Cured Hams, 12e.
No. 1 Sugar-Cured California Hams, Sc.
Bacon, sugar-cured, 1214c.
C pounds pure Leaf Lard, 62c.
Fresh new nolognn, 514c.
Itox Chipped Dried Beef, 10c
Imported Summer Sausago, 25c
The Chicago Record
hml of Ikue Typ
writer la dally ui
If you want typewriter, why sot
come first wher you can
WRITER In Its best form!
of all kinds for all maoalBM.
New Century
The fined catalogue
ever Utued It
yourt for the atklnf.
United Typewriter and Supply Co,,
XU14 Faruam ., OnaJia.
are precious and should re-,
colvo tho best caro you pos
sibly can glvo them con-
a dentist. Our work all guaran-
Gold Crowns $5,00
Good Set Teeth ....$5.00
Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms
1517 DoiikIiih St.
WORK to Make a Good iOc CIGAR