Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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t "
Advertlaeraanta tow the eolntnn'a
will b taken nntll 13 m. (or ho
venlna; edition anil until H'.nO p. ta.
tor moralna; and flontlay edition.
Hatea, 1 l-3o nurd Aral insertion,
la a word tharenfler. NothiaK taken
(or leas thnn 2(Ic lor the flrt. Inser
tion. Thrae 1 ve'rtlaomen ta mail be,
b eonaecutlvelr
Adrertlarri,' by requesting a nnm
here check", can have mnri ad
tfreaned to a numbered letter la ear
at The llee. Anatrera addreaaed will
b delivered praaeatatlaa taa
haak amir.
WANTED We have steady work for a few
Rood hustlers of good habits and appear
ancc. C, 1''. Adams Co., l&o; Howard tit.
1IAHI1ER trade taught thoroughly In short
tlmcl.- catalogue and particulars free.
Western Harbors' Institute, Omaha, Neb.
II 301
- 1
vvmmilw. ii.ousewiTCKcrs to'' file bids, on
musical festival lumber material, gravel,
etc., at 15th and Capitol ave. Inquire J.
3. Know Irs, uuptrlntendenv U M527
MEN wanted to learn barher trade! kooiI
wages paid our Kraduulc; special Induce
mcnta to uppllcantK Worn olstancu; two
months romnli'ti . Antilv hv mall. .Molcr
Uarher collegeCH I'mihui, U-MwO 13
MAC11IN1HTM. 1 iiallprlllrtftV.'rt). rimilldblM.
bbllermakcrs, jlnckmith, brass si
unu iiiiijiiiuru can ueuuiu sicuu vi"i"u-
ment at wages D o IS per criit ' hlglief
than paid In east, In the cities of. Seattle,
Tacomar Ever-ttt. Whatcom, Kalrhaven;
Olympla and IJallardi state of Washing-
ton: dellichtful .climate: cost of llvlnir no
hlahcr than eastern cilia, uf. nnifi.tituvi.
Apply,to. V. W.'Mltchell, secretary lk.Hllc
Coast Metal Traded' .association, Seattle,
sn. it MWi u'
Ucaifeatin7rromnM t"S a dlv eaX s'e'lllnS
tho' 8auonmNffu?M t'aS!m"JSSn
IViltiT llllir",rnll , iit , rtnfa' If ttllUn tAr'
water llllarsrcmlltut mnce: If tulks tor'
Itself; agents wanted In Uniahfl, Hotlth rT Van Slnr" l-i nUu. vi,'rn T.,j iuq tn'
Omaha and Council Uluffs; we are general ul"1' an 8tor-'. r" 1SM -'ff"' ?el.
auentH for Nebraska and Wvomlnir. An... . v
uacn uiiig.. yrt)na. ntt,
WANTEt),s bbokljtm'r, mustbT Il7t-ras
iinisner ana ruier. Carrol in. UUI1H
Uook Co. , ' 1 -J J-MHI vr
0(6li brciui mnkdr'ni'"Srhlth'8 bukcry,
11U2 Fifth avenue. Council mutts.
II M M 19
, I, , , ., i,, j
WANTED, n cook, understand-; ment 'ifn'1
pastry; wages JIO per month. h. )t.
Chase, Mgn 'i)gall houses Kxirt' -Dodge, IH.
WAltTlill-KEMAI.'li' HKtr,
1 1
WANTED, 1U0 Blrls.
IMt-Uodge. U'el"t):I
C 300
1 n '
COMTETHNT glrf lrt' family of two. Apply
1015 Ucorgl:lV"Mrs. W.' J.'DurgesS.
1 IS I
io jearii ..nair . ,jrcsins:
manicuring or
ro.ein,i ."Tiiassage; " splendid
Wn'es; paid .grndHiiteerr qrlly our weeki
renlilr(l wlth"-t'he.'',hrlvnlititfi fr..r.H
tools' preehted$ dlplbmw4'1flW;nrilc'd;' 'l9
clal arrangement!) for 'l applicants from
msiance as wen as city. Apply by mall.
Moler College, 1623 Kurnatn st.
c M93I l&
housework; small
Apply 3221
(J iS3 I
COMPETENT cook, 604 8. 25th ave.
J -v ' " 0 M2C3 l'J
FIFTY girl;,, ttii kinds work.cvCrihiinlh'n
office. ' .i?.5rf'
? YOU-WAnt yoyr,hpijsc'wll,ri9Btedpince
them with lieriewa ;' Co. D 307
Co., ornce
MOffBttB?1'foK'Vcri't"lri alrTphr'ts''6f ifie'-ofty:
Orennan-Eove Co., 320 South. 13th.'lret,n
r.'-M- w -t fttrw.r D 310
SEE HENRY BflVX.Vti&.'"0t)'-Ht- Y? Etl'E.
.fA'i.itZit "
lintlfUCB. tft.'.;F.v"T).: Wead.tlTU Unuirlis. A
HOUSES and flats. :ninKwatt. Jlarker block.
HOUSES wanted.--..Wallace,-Drown block.
) . I 1 ' .
9-ROOM 'house; botM 'and -closet, 3Slh and
Monroe & Co.. Ml N. 16th St
,i " D-315
1217 CUMINQ, 8-roorn,, all rnbdern
except lurnaco; reui. .u.
16th and Douglas. .
J-IIOOM brlc.1t h.ou5, .inodcrn, 2717 Jack:
Tclephono A. Trtiyrtor, 491 or'rjZSSO."'
MODERN 7-rqom hodv ner'1l'okr.t ,1W3
so. 2sth,.i:jr
TO small family, a rourtroomVhbuM, .axH
uionuo, rJ perrnoiyn
.Appll 8L
VOTl RENT. 210? WL 29tl
i,flve..',fi6lsej newly
papered and palnte,d; six llne' largo rooms,
7-ROOM flat, 617 South. 16th. Clark Powell,
311 New York Life. r D-375
UNEQUALEd' central, all modern 'seven-
room nouse, nvp-room pat. tour-room nat,
three-room cottage, uuara, 321 no. zttn.
9 D-M217 20
FOR RENT RfrSTTIPnco. No. 1623 Dodite St..
11 rooms bath, range, itwqiosels; lately
puuured and tcalnted." r jv iDr-249 Ut .
- , .
FOR ltBNTr-4roorit basement, wlth, .r
without barn. 193X South 12th St.
' ... 1 i 1 r, 1 . h "
FOR RENT, 10-robm.",fa'st front, b'rltlt
nouse, ana jn, a si., near uavenpon.
iiupjirn next- noor, u-,m:is
r- r.n--'
DEWEY, European hotel. 13th atid Farnitm;
. . . ti ai'J
THE TliURDTON, cool; aliy rdomw.
. . ' E-220
bouth 11th.
DOUBLE parlor for two gentlemen. 2306
Cuming St., second floor. )Er-206 '
103 8. 2)111 ST. -Furnished roops.
BOUTH rooms. 1906 Canltot ave.
E-M267 20
FUR.MSHEp.yibqsrs A.Vi IIOAltl).
UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St.
QLKNUA1RN, lifunsJent, Jl;a dsy.-loott Dog,
THE Mcrrlam, summer resort, Uth & Dodge.
I' J.i
TWOMirge front rooms, with board: 19(
Capitol Ave. F-M91I
rr-Rui nt i." r,,oi Th Pruit "i" "5tb
hi rooms. The I rait, .l- b.. pin
"v i.
t '
DKSKroom space, ti per month, .ground
flnnr rnnni In Thn Tiro bulldlllR. faclltU
Famam fctrecl; no exnenso lor ligni. neat
or Janitor service.
ce. It u. reters v v-u.,
Rental Agents, llee building.
ti uo
FOR RENT, unfurnished lloor; private
bath; hojao modern. 2612 Harney. ,,
,lj .tinwu
TWO room for .light- housekeeping. 1611
Leavcnworiu m. , ,. ...u.jj jit
WANTED, girl for ganural housework, fnm- l1" your furniture at Enterprise Kurnl-
lly of three. Mrs, Sluieral, aid N. 2Sth tulB -- " o huvu purchased a Ulfc" Lank'
Ave. . C 22? rul'1 "lock and will close It out at L'per
'- , cent dist'ount. 1U2-1 ti. lith. Tel, Xftd.
OIIIE to nslst In COoklnfi'nnd do ueneral O MboO JvaO
Rrvt. keu, Omaha Vivrtv 8targe
Kim r.arnam.jor.toi. ,tin3,t(3. .
,-cnworth St. . ;VU-U20 2i MONEY Id loan-ut hi and '5Vi. per cnt on
,.,rK"i.'Trr, .'" ' " ' t"inTtl' Omahu property. W.'ll. Melkh-, 401Hi5lh.
RENT, unf limited Toom, 'sliltiibie, a . w36iv"
light houekeepi'ig. Avllhtieli: AvM', r .
for light liouneKeeplng. "Willi
lug, 16th und Harney. See, Jan
' ' '';'.:.'
Fon RENT 8lore lit Mlrif-cluIottftn':-
rent rciiionaljlu1UulK jL,,y,' 'ijoters .4.1
Co., ground Tloor. uee Biag; -i-26
FOR RENT-TIm building formerly , c-ccu-
1itu uy mt nee at yio rurnnra on n mis
tour stories nnu u basement whicn who
forrht.riV jx Th Ren nrem room".
Thin will be rented very reasonably, jr
-iniercsivu u,ppiy at oncu 10 u, 17. nose
Watar, secretary, roum lOCr. Iiee building.
1 .01
ahe.ntj waKthd. ,
WANTED Cunvasslng agents in every
county to solicit suoscipiioiis tor win,
Toil. This snlendld book contains l.wo
Imperial octavo paxes, M object-teaching'
engravings and is thu only cook .on live
slock ever published adapted lb the every
day, practical, money saving use of evert"
lurtntT una siock owner, sieauy employ
ment with assured good Income. Agents
In iho country with horse and buggy es
pecially liesifed, iHiivurtfcts make easily
yji to $lw per month. Address,' Cen'.ury
Funnel (solicitors' bureau. Una build uif,
Umaha. JM
WANTED Agents to sell. our sensible .n-
dowiiiunt pulley; call or address C. U.
Lobeck, Mgr. NeimiBku Dept. ihcHccurlty
I-IIU and bating!. Ins. CO.. B16 N, V. I. lie..
Omaha. J-MIM-Jy-2
. " : - -
aobnib wnnteu tor urummond's lightning
teinedlos' tor rhuumatlsnl! vx for an In
curablu case; restores Btlff Jotnta, uruwh'
kords nnn harduncd muscle, 'tit vouf
dealer huh not got these .remedies "we wf
sctia tiiu tun months trcktmenti-of two
larxe bottles 'on receipt ot j. Urllinmona'
Mculclnc Cof, M Nujluaj lt, NeWi'orK.
" - J-M-Vtiv Aid '
. " ' ' ' ' ,
W.TEO-TU tK.T. t
vnftvrr - ,J. .7 j 'TiT r v.
0"y 7,".",,wo.u'(,,"llke, i'0?.ra- "O"?!
''UAL''" i'1? '"'wrcd.. Must be within
.f,'"1., u'l,,c() ,l 'J",'SB'' cenie'
Htatu rates. Aimrrifa. n :vj. it,....
, K-ICtJ ill
- 'AClirtC Storage a.lQ WarOhouse.'Co., 912;
li Jon,:- "V1 rage,a)id'n,r,rJlnB.,
. . I - .-
aTOltAUE. - IIouchold g9ods . an'd other
articles iltoruu at lov rates. J. J.JJengnt
u 11111 "i"a at'
WA.NTHli TO , lV.
WANTED, tb purcha-c, controlling Interest
ur mi ine siuck in a uana in eablurn INr
brudKu ot 'Western lowu; curretKindeiiUe
cuiiiiueiiiiai,' luuress u zo, ucu.
' '"N MWl 11'
HAY WANTED. If you HaYo hay to ship
write A.-C Chesterheld Coint 'Co,i Kansdd
cit1, Mo. -iL sJ
WANTED I(H feather beds. 3 Tiu.y tha
highest prirt! lur did feathers. iil stay
in your city a week, dur-.-ss, 1.' iiarou;
Ueneral Delivery, Omaha, Nebf, ana I
will' cull noyour hotne. N-Z73 21'!
1 '
WANTED, tlrkt-cla.s' rubber-tlrod'phactorU
dlscrlbo and give price. vO ti.'lJec.
- nfp .viayj'js
I'OH S.lbH-KUll.Mi'UltE.
CillCAQO Furniture Co., 10 Dodga.- Tel;
"Ifl'll. N'HIV Hi flhiltlll flirtllturM lutnun .......
exchangcu. ' , O'-WJU '
;' r . . . S'. , .. . -i. . ..
QUICKEST' arid best: repair wbr ofV X
5nd LeaVo;
'nicies.' xx. r rvaii itii
PfjR'SALE cheat), a 3i.lnch wairbn 'aear.
wun i'lncn. tires; out uuie. useu, u. M.
Hart, iwt Jones ai. ., i tis
FOIt SALE, buggies. phaetorw,;Burhit
runabouts, road wagons, marktt -wagoiin
una farm wagons, itctaiiea at whbiesalo
prices. F. A. iiuelow, Uli 'Junes 'St. '
r-M967 19
I FOIt SALE cHean. a fine drlvlns- he'rsc.
gentiu anu not airaia oi anytning, also
i tiariiftsjt' and'surr.ey, .utmost newt 'MVamtiy
leaving city tor summer. Apply mu;
jJougiai'Ht;, orfpnotte'iSM. 'm
1264 10
BAWDOaTj' cheapest posts, poultry arnlftoif
'"feWCei S0l DQUglAE.
ItEPAIIlS and suDDllca 'for. all- mtfkpd at hi
' cycles, umaiwiiicyclc Co;, nth ChUaKO;
x Q-.331
2DHAND"safe cheap; Berlghtf 1119 Ftnarn'.!
I ,
SAFES, standard makes.'sold.rented, 1HH--H
I3IfJ line of secondhand wheelsi.IJa.W," $W
umnna uicyciu uo., luui anu unicttgo .-ib,
EEAUTIFUL square pianos', "fully" 'g'udran.
teettj .t, wa ana up. tuaiy .payment!)
Hclnnollur & Mueller, 1313 Famam sU -
- -. v , i q mim :a.
WltKStt .Tirsv ,rn. .12.1 N, ..17th ilrl.
MRS. FntTZ; 'me'dlumV' $19 North Qg.
MMKi OYLMER has 'ret'Oriicd and reUmiV
bUslne.ts, 1'artors, 3ltf South- 13th' stroel.c
DR. ROY. chiropodist; corua and s'ucerfluW
hulr removed ijy electricty. ,1(, li, Fienxer
Otocn. u
RUPTURE , cured; no , knife, .no pitln, '.iio
danger;, send tor circular,,-Empire .'.itupA,
lurtt.-uure,' w n. J. jiio uunuing. u"iu
I ! 11,1
VIAVA. woman's way io,- hialtU;f kaUbnal
niuittavMtv. iiuiiio -(yi'uiM f UWI v-sw
SUPl'lJES for ail 'machine: 'tuaohlifea'l?
rent. . Wh te Sew ng M,chn y. JIW DdJIg
las'.' Tel. 2231. - " .' "' , - V-m
iIirVATI''ii',unll!l'l 'for .Indies .'.before Jtid
tmring cunnnvineiii , t nuwnsuviiivii.c '
orders' solfcltcd. Omaha Pleating .co( tu.-t
WE RENT sewing machines', fpr 76 elunUJ
per w
( IMtt iin.l Iflrnu'v Kta'
-.-.- , . J
MV Q OLD MAN &. CO.,' onVrcrfexsr'ad
corfllon"pleatlng plant ' in tni'Mves'l-; ihtr
orders solicited. r8ult4 DougfaB BI0CIt;"i
S1IOE Ifepnlrlng, M. SpcrtUto..&)S N. 16th.
WE rent sowing, machfites f6f''15 cents' p'e'r
wcok; wo repair anu sen nvrdlt-s ,jini
iinria ipr every mncnine manutaqinroy...
Phone 1663. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 15tftinnd
v I' rtia
MME. SMITH, baths, J18 N. ISth,' 1 floor,
I MONEY" to loan on Improved Omaha real
t,tfei itrenhun-Lovo Co., 309 South 13th.
I V11.f
LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western
lowa 'arms at 5 per cent; borrowers can
pay lu) or any .multiple; any Interest
date; no delay. Ureiiuau-Love'Co.. 309 S,
13th St., Omaha, Neb. W.-S47
WANTED, city loans, bonds and 'warants,
ueorge company, iwi i srnam b treat.
WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds
anil warrants, it. u. i-eiers oc jo., .iit.
Farnum-Bt,, lleo-JJIdg. V.r3IS
i WUVATB money; Kv D. ;Waad, 16C4-Iouelas
'I ( f 'WSiil
4 r'VATE won. y. - Bherwood 837
"'.': ..n - 't.. .;!
6 AND bt oer ccntiqjtn..w. H.J nomas,
fUflnaL tttiijuuojOf,. t-i t . low.
MONEY TO LOAN on Improved reaj estate;
o per cent interest, no commission, privi
lege -of paying llwi or more before ma
turity. 1 Northwcsu'nr Mutual hire Hi.
Co., John V Ush, sptclul loan agent,
211 FlrBt-Nat'l Utinir Hldg., Omaha, Neb.
WANTED, city loans .ami warrants. W,
rarnum smitn a: o., iko t arnam si.
V4 TO 6 P. C, money. Ucmls, Paxton ulk.
.'iO.OOO SPECIAL fund; loans VH up. lowest
rnics, no delay, uarvin uros., ibi3 km
nam. W M922
We loan J10 and up on furniture, pianos,
norses ana oilier cnaiieis.
without mortgage to people holding perma
nent positions, you Qiii get tnc money in
a few hours after making application and
take 1, X A. 4, i. b month-,, or more In which
tc. pay it back, and you ;iced not pay for
It one day longer than yovl keep It. Wo
charge .nothing lor papers ami wo give
you the full amount in cash. There are.
no.Iowr tales than oars; our terma are
the Easiest; oUr business Is confidential
and our motto is "try to please."
Ill 'Hoard of Trade Hid. Tel. :m.V
Established 16'.'. J M S. ISth St.
' . i' ' , ' Vl.l l
oh house -hold' (urAlture, pianos, horses,
'block,, cor. '16th 'and Douglas Sts.; entrance'
-oh Ibth riti, jVpoillt- Y.-M. C. A. lildg.
.V .100
- SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team
sters, uoaruing, etc., witnout se
curity! easiest' terms; lu oltlces In principal
cities. Tuliuan,- 410 Ijourd uf. Trade tildg.
t t, ;.' X-V361
nvu viuvn, w u - aim lowest
ratm guaranteed. .J. WTAY'LOE, 6J3 Ctou
ttloor) 1'axtoji block, nprthiia'st corner 16m
and Fa.'tiam; entrdiico tn 16th street.
MONEY' loaned on .pianos, furniture, Jew
elry, norscs, cows, etc. u. v. iteoa, ivj a. 13.
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses,
cows.-jcweiry. uuu ureen, it. s, uarKur blK
- M v . . . ..'?HW
M;00O.W'TO 'iU&n 'quick. M. J. 'Kehnar'd &
bon, suite 310, .lirown block. "X 366"
WE LOAN money to salaried neo'nlc on
. nneir note at luweai raiea, airiuiy eonn
'"dentlal: pay" weekly, semi-weekly or
'monthly. Room 303 Paxton blqcki 'id ttoor.'
Reliable Credit Co
nitANO'.lIOTEL furnlshlncs and four-year
lease for sale for cash only; thirty-live
t newly furnished rooms; the best stand In
the state; is a uargaiu. 11. 1: namiin.
-Hurtington, Neb. Y-M252
I' AAto'ftfIng' for alo my entre business
, mgK..jind 16L .For partlcul.t,rs Inquire of
i nv.-Itifiiitun, ivu west u;uuuwy, coun
cil Uluffs. Y-M105
WANTED Ladles of, ability to manage
branch omces; must nave some cusn to
cover cost of remedies. Thyroid-Lymph
Co., &00 Ucc llldg.. Omaha. Y-601-A-2
FOR SALE or trade, bait or whole Interest
In drug store; hard wood door, Matthews
I gas Mnacnnic, soua lountain. etc., in u
' lively county neat. xnyroia-Lympn wo,,
BOO lice llldg. . Y'2
von sale, best fruit, confectionery, to
T bacco and Ice cicam business In 'a good; sales, J1.000 pe.r month; reasons for
, Selling, other business requires . all. .my
(time., C 19, Hee. ' . Y-M921 13
VOn SALE, New York racket s,tore; good
. bus moss. in. coou town 01 z.&uu: .invoice
J io(Qut.l,loo;.,,bcat.tof. reasons for sellings
1 Auurcss u .3, xee, , . , i.i?m o-
FQjn SALE,, a, nice, .clean stock pf general
' merchandise, consisting of dry goods,
..'groceries And shoes';, located In central
1 Nebraska; town 'of 2.&00 population; .'jvlH,
.Invoice from rj,000,to 16,000; the. best toca
410' lrt town.' 5,2Uq. "T&-MaC9'19
I'OIl SALE-r-Stocki of.( merchandise from
jl&Xi.up. l(i'you ,wlsh to -buy or; sell. -write
?,. .. V Y-2Mt22,
FOR SALE,. Racket store. Ashland, Neb.;
' Invoice, (1,500; Mc-on dollar; cheap tent.
UOX SID. ', 1 2D1 il-
W'ANTED, partner, or will sell small Job
printing plant, ncany new, electric nower,
city. Aoxiress u iiee. -i .usai is
FOR-, SALE. JS.000 stock of eencral mer-
chnndlse, In line condition, 'doing good
business; will glva discount; as hIock must
tc .-soliu l' or particulars auuress a. j
Newman. York, Neb. Y M27S 21
.RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the
' Union Pacific Railroad company. U. A.
idcAiiaster, lauu commissioner, union
rucinc iieauquartcrs, umaua, eu.
, . , RE-367
FOR,'8AEE. cheap, my residence, 2137 S. 33d
st.t, ali;'jnodurn. Apply. F. Itichardson.
MeTcbaUu' National bank. Q. W. Mu-
geajn, .,, ,,,iiis himu
FOR. BALE; 3.0 acres of land at, a bargain,
in section thirty (3oj, in' Holt county,
Neb. Adctresa J.- Neanam. Qttumwu,
Ia.. ' llk-M930 a
-HOUaESand lota inall parts uf city; a. so
ucn; property and furm lands. The O. F,
litl.. iirthn, rr. i,ua iinll.llni
..... i , . - - .
i?hnMnii'. 'xEnTiAsiCA.
FOR, .SALE, acre.' property adjoining the
i city. in tracts or irom a acres, to w umw,
Aisp uuatneaa anu resiuenve mu, ay mtu
ardKeene jfc"Co.; RE-M7.S 21
,CORN 'LANDS and stock ranches In tha
worn . ucn country, write tor my imu
w. vl u'jemenu, Lyons, nco.
. , . RE 166
HOUSES,. lots, farms, ranches, loans; also
lire umuruiice, jueiuis, I'uxtuu iiik.
. , RE 371
liininATRn t.ANn vfin. SALE.
In the, rich valley ,of .Loup river. 1 can offer many tarms at ruueuiiauiu ii,,.c
This, land is a rich sandy iloum and pro-
i duca -elgant props, 'iho farmers are tast
i tuning -neir. "anu into auauu, vvuitu
irlngu them line returns;, three and four
crows ail-ear belni:. harvested at little ur
no -axpense, .netting as lilgh as JJO per
ucre-Income each Moat of this land
Is under a Hue Irrigating .canal, with a
steady (rd!.ryl.tutile flow, of water from
the Louti river. 1 will name & tew pieces.
210 acres, 1 mile from county scat: 2o acres
mcaJuwrbalance pasture -land., Price, liao.
wo neres v nine from coumj seat; guuu o
rooni house, orchard, lots ot tlmpcr,
acrns 'can ne irrigateu, iv wcres uno
falfu..ll& acres pasture. Price. Jl.iXJ.
ltio acicM, house, windmill, orchard, W acres
pasture, ou acres lurm lanu, mi utita m.
gated. Price, Jl.GW).'-, '
32u ucros.iltM undv illow. balance pasture
' house: wludn.lll. burn. 1'rtt.e. Jl.loo.
1W aores, ntiu pl.tco tor stock, frame houre
orcnaru, uarn, plenty ot"warer ana tun
uer.- i-nce, iy.
200 actek. 76 acres dIow land, balance pas
lurei-ou cuod clav xnll. I'm-.. Eli nur acre
1U) acrrfs, sa acres cultivated, K per acre,
ltaO acres. 0 icrtA cultivate) u m-r a -re
170 acrtS. With feilPHil mwnrlnu.- I hill Will
cut CO to 73 tons hay, small frame house ,
and stable, good stock farm. Price, l.m
""J! owners mat are good bargains. All
this land will produce the best of alfalla,
with u good markut and ready sale at
good prices, being near the cattle ruuges.
rue ioi particulars.
H. A,
his wart, Taylor, Loup County,
CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam St.
SOU SALE, 2 good houses to be removed.
A. P, Tukey & Son, Uoard of Trade.
RE-M212 19
l.OOO ACRES cattle ranch for salo or trade;
the ranch is In Dawsun county; Farnam
U the muni of tho rnllroad town; 7
miles to the ranch; 2 good Wolls and 2
good wind pumps; good stable and other
outbuildings. Any person wishing to dee
mo cun find me at the hotel In Famam,
Neb, T, J, McCall. RE-M237 !&
. . . .JI0U3ES-FOR BALK,
il.376 KpR; rqom house, good enst front
,)ot, t'iti' water, se.wcr,! payed street and
jierm4iieat ldlWHlk; -on car Hue, three
t blitc-ks west wl: llltli school.
4U5 for J.iiiom, same locatlQii, with
all.nwclal Improvements.ln mid paid for.
-VUEpltuE M CP., Farnam St.
v " RE-M2 21
.wagons, ;eic.i in two nours time, also to
'alarlyd peoplc'on their plain notes, .with
'jodfecur'ty 'Easiest payments und low
.est rates In Omaha Prlvat?' Interviewing-
"YAnm. Amerlckn l.iinn ,Cflf.. mom :il lirntii,
ntTTHIris, the acknowledged Irnfllnri ae
claim In dlseiues of women In Onmna.
would cilH the at,tentloti 1 Caurrerlng ladles
to his unsurpassed accommodations be
fore and during confinement, and his
Ireutment for Irregularities, no matter
what ratise Call it nddrcss, with stamp,
Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodge St.. Omaha. Neb.
DR. EC DUE'S Female. Regulator, posi
tively warranted to cure wie mon stun
botn cases of monthly stoppages. Irregu
larities, obstructions and suppressions
brought on from whatever abnormal, un
natural diseased or pathological cause; II
a package, 01 3 for $3! ent anywhere pin.
paid on receipt of price. Ihe Kldd Drug
Co., Elgin, III. American ctllce, retail,
wholesale, Myers-Dillon Drugx Co..
Omaha; M A. Dillon, South Omaha,
Davis Drug Co., Council muffs. Full line
jf legitimate rubber goods.
LADIES! Chichester's English l'otinyroynl
fins are tnc nest, saie, rename. rKC
no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars.
"Rollcf for Ladles," In letter by return
malL Ask your druggist. Chichester
Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pn.
Ot'R nrw book sent free, sealed, fully
iiiustraien, treats or an. conditions 0 men,
tclH how to attiiln' "Perfect Manhood:'
.Should be. In the hands of every mnIO
ndult. Adilrrss Erie Medical Co,, "Rogk
Dept.." HuffttlO.. N. Y.
JOHNSON' Inatltutn, MS N. Y. L llldg. Tel.
iiuw; ajico uunnson, u. u., moiex- tiepr.;
Gld. E. Johnson, Ostcopalhlst, -Mgr.
DONOHUE, Ostcopa'th, Paxton Rlk. Tel. 1361
A. T. HUNT, D. O..-303 Karbach Rlk. Tol ZXA
IF Y'OU want good, btss, and croppy fl'hlng
go to Langdon, Mo. Very best of hotel
accommodations, -ficniy oi ooots urai
minnows. Write R.A. Dlttmar for rates.'
LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even.-
ing, ll a, torn, isut. nana. it. ltainnun,
LOST. AiHlforium brick No, 423. Hcward,
, , Lost-261
A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Llfo.
IIOYLES' College, court reporter principal,
uee liiug.
NEU. business &r Shorthand College, tfoy&'a
Thmcr. au
GREOQ Shorthand. Om. C. Col,, 18 &. Doug
BEST for you. because best made. Satin
Skin soap, cream anu rowacr. use u
proof. 770
WILL BUY any good invention or patent.
Address lock lio.x 700, ues xvioincs, la.
Washington, u. c. h. j. cowgui, ngent.
315' Itamec block. Omaha. Neb. 556
-3 1
175.00 REWARD offered for ,the arrest and
conviction or ine pany.-TYno enieroa anu
stole- shoes from the store of II, Molcr, at
Elkhom, Neb..,the.tilght.of June 27. Cltl
leiis.Com., Elkhorn.vNeb.-i . ' -H17.29-
ALL kinds' of 'carpentewdrttiArid repairing
promptly atienaea 10. j. -i: 3cninroe, zuttr
and Lake Hts.-; r -rr-,,-, "370
niCY.CLEH, n y
PRICES that 'iton, Surprise yijtt; njuist' clear
nut 111a Rtoc.K ot .new. nnu, secona-nanu
bicycles'; second-Hand wJwels from' .BO
up; new ones, 112 up. Louis., Kietcner, 1032
CapltoLave, . T . . ' -762
DO KOT sell- your junlolbeforo you got
prices of the Ureut western junK House,
K12 ' Douglail. Omaha. '.'Phono 2105. A.
Ferer, proprietor. 23s A15
PIANOS tuned. I1.C0. F. Lessentln, Mandel
borg's Jewelry Store. Paxton blk. Tol. 1699.
' 260 Jy 'iM
ELLA DAY", 1920 Dodge. Mh. "M'd. Thlir, Sat.
1 ' 15 Jy 23
CURED'. Julio.' Vaughn. 430 RUmgi llldg
'.'"- . -331
i '1
TKL..'lS3lTM., jS. Ayalklln. 2111 Cqmlng St
OMAHA Roller Works, steam boilers, tanks.
stacks, etc. ' Tel. 1359. 12th 'and Izard Sta.
IN, fnmlllns; Miss Sturdy, 2576 Harney.
- - t - 7$6 A10
EAGLE Loan Ofhce. reliable, accom'moda't
-Ing; allbus,lncss conlldentlai. 1301 Douglas.
... , 3S3
OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts; 7c; collars,
2c; cuffs; ':: 1760 '.Leavenworth'. Tel; S47.
1 MM ' s .-i 386
rAccoitnio; im.eatixo.
ACCORDION plqatlng; chcapMt. best,
quickest. Mrs. A.-C. Mark, S, K, Oor, 17th
anu rarnam.
lb not a luxury, it l a neces
sity. nYour health, comfort ii.ud
good looks depend largely oiv
the condition in which your
teetlnaro kept. Gold crowns
Bailey the Dentist
TUlrrt Floor I'atoii Ulock,
mi TiniMinia and Bui ding .Materials,
Department-of the Interior, Olllco nt Indian
Affnlrs. Washington, D. C. June 28. 1901.
Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals for
Buildings, Genoa, Nob.," and addressed to
the Commissioner of Indian AffalrA, Wash
ington, D. C will be 'received at the in
iUan omce until two o'cloek n. m. of July
29, ISOI, fo furnishing and utiliverlng the
neceesary materials and labor required to
construct and cumplrto, at the Genoa In
dian School. Nebraska, a brlck-achool build
ins and a frame hospital building, Includ
ing lwatlnc and electric lighting system, In
strict 'accordance with plans, specldcatloiui
and Instructions to bidders, which rnay be
examined nt this OflU-c. the ollli'e- if
The Hee," Omaha. N'eq, the ''Nebrnsktt
State Journal," Lincoln. Nib, tho 'Jour
nal," Sioux CltJ, lOWa. the 'Tillies
Herald,' Chlcngu,' HI., the !ulller und
Traders' Lxchange, Omaha. Neb,, Ihe
Uuilders' and Trailers' Exchange, Milwau
kee, Wis., the Northwestern Man Jlactut-t-rs
AniK-latloti, St. Paul, Mum., the I
8. Indian Warehouses at Mj Howard street,
Umaha, Neb,, 2.U Johnson street, Chicago,
111., and 77 Wdoster street, New York, N.
., nnu nt tnt- icnooi. eeiiieu pro
ponals. endorsed "Proposals tor lluiluing j
.M.Hei ials. ' and addrexsed to W. II. Win.-.,
low, Ui-noa, Neb., will be received at the I
liidlnn school until two o'clock p, m. til I
July .'). 11V1, for lurnlshtiig ami tiellxci'lng !
ut ine scuooi, an requireu, auout i;,wj ject
of lumber, assorted; 02,000 shingles, 30 win
dow sush, 2o,mM brick, 25 barrels lime, some
sand, rails und hinges, us per list and
specltlcations at tho school. For further
Information apply to W. II. Wlnslow, Su
perintendent. Indian School, .leno.i, Neb.
W. A. JONES. Commissioner.
Omulm, Neb., July lfl, HOI. SeaHd pro
posal. In triplicate, subject to the
cpliilitlofis, w'.ll bo. received her.1 until
o. clock p, m., July 31, 1901. and then opened.
In the presence 61 attending blddeis, (or
two liundrcd apd llfty-two (232) ArtUUry
llor. for delivery ftt 1-Mrt Riley, Kansa1.
or prominent rnllroatl point". V". H, rcferves
rlglit to' reject any or nil proposal, or any
part thereof Ul-itllt forms for bidding and
circular giving full Information lu.d r-1-tniltemenf!
will le furnished on application
to, thlii orttce. ' Envelope:) coiH.llning pro
posals should be marked "Propomls lor
Jlorses" ilnd.nddrejtcd'to JNO. ', PJM.I.'
MAN, Chief (.r. July 17-JS-29-;W
-(Should be read dally by all InteraMod, as
changes my occur, ut any tlmo.)
l-ori.-lgn malls tor the week ulidtiiK July
,20. 1M, Will close iPHOMPTLY'ln al cases)
nt the Hcueritl postolllcd us follows: P.ircvis
post malls clou ono hour earlier than dot
ing time shown below. J'aicoli pout hiutis
lor Ucnnany close at 3 p. m. cdncdny,
per . Filedrleh der Orosse, via I)iemi;i).
Regular and tupplumcntnry mailt close
at lorelgn branch luilf hour- later than
closing lime, shown below.
Trmm-.Vtlnntlu flails.
THURSDAY At 7 a! m. (or FRANCE,
QUEi, per s. 15, l.'Aq.ltalne, via, Huvro
(mall for.pthor parts, of Eurojio must be
directed "por, s. s.' L'Aqtiltallle")) at. k:30
n. in. for AZORES ISLANDS, per . s.
Marco MlnKUctti (mall for Italv must bi-
directed "per s. s. Marco Mlngheltl").
8ATUUDAV At S:30 a. m. for EUROPE.
ptr.s. h uinurin, via yiicenstoivn; at 7
.a. m, fut AZO'.tKS ISLANDS, per s. s.
Stiartaii Prince; t 7 a. m. for DEN
MARK direct, per s. s. Island (mall must
bo dlrertud "per a. s. Island', ); ut 7:30
a. 111, for NETHERLANDS direct, per
s. a. Maasd.-tm (mall must bu directed
','pei n, . Mansdam ); at fi u. m, , for
, ITALY, per s. s. Travo (mull must
bo directed "per s. h. Travo"): at 0:30, 11.
m. lor suuiuifii;, per , s. i-urnessiu
(ninil .must b,o directed "?r s. s. Fur-.
.nesslii ').
PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls s'.iumer
taiu-s 1'rinieu Ai.itier, uommercial Pa
pers and Samples for Goxmony only. Tha
sumo class of mall matter for other narts
of Europe will not be snt by this ship
unless sncclallv directed bv her.
After tho closing of the supplementary
1 raiis-mianiic mans uaincii anovc aitni
tloual suppli-mcntary malls aro opened 011
thu piers of the American, English,
French and German steamers and remain
open until within ten minutes of tho hour
of sailing of steamers. ,
MnllN fur South mill Ccntrnl Ainrricn,
Went Indies, Etc.
THURSDAY At 12 m. (supplementary 12:30
pi tn.) for NASSAU, QUANTANAMO and
SANTIAGO, Per s. s. Saratoga; at 12 m,
for YUCATAN, per s. s. Rnvensdale, via
Progreso; at 6:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per
v. Admiral Sampson, from Boston.
FRIDAY At 10 tt. m. for HAITI, per h.
i'rlna Wm. IV tmail for Curacao, vene
xuela, Trinidad, British and Dutch Guiana
must be directed "per a. s. Prlns Wm.
SATURDAY At 8:S0 ft. m. for BRAZIL, per
s. s. Wordsworth (mail for Northern Bra
zil, Argentine Republic, Uruguuy and
Purnguuy must be directed Mper s. s.
Worusworth"): nt'8:30 a. m. for ARGEN
AG U A Y, per sis. .CorOnda; ata-u. in", for
PORTO RJCO, -por H. s. San Juan, via San
Juan; at 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a.' m.)
for VENEZUELA anil CURACAU. iwr s.
s. Zulla (mull for' Savantlla anil Cartha
genu must hi directed "per a. a. Zulla");
at 9:30 a. ,111. (supplementary lo:3o a. m.j
TOWN, per s. s. AJeue (mull for Costa
Rica must be directed "per h. s. Aleno");
at 10 a. ,111. for, .CUBA, per s. . Morro
Castle, via Havana; ut 10 n. m. for Mex
ico, per s. s. Niagara, via Tnmplco (mull
must bo directed "per s. s. Niagara").
'Malls for Newfounuland. bv rail to North
Sydney, and thence iy steamer, close at
this oltlce dully at 6:30 p. m. (connecting
close hero every Monday, Wednesday and
Saturday. Malls fcr Mlquelon, by rail to
Boston, and thunco by steamer, closo at
this clllco dally at 6:30 p. m. Malls for
Cuba, by rail to Port lampa, Flu., and
thonco by steamer, closo at this oltlce
dally (except Sunday) at 6.W a. m. itho
connecting closes are on Monduy, Wednes
day and Sl.turday). Malls for Cuba, by
rail to Miami, Fla., and thence by steamer,
close at this otllCe every Sunday at ii:W
a. m. Aiaiw lor -Mexico vity, ovenanu, un-
Icsb specially addressed for dispatch by
steamer, close at .this nfllcu dkl! nt l:iO
p. m. and 11:00 p. m, Mulls far Costa Rica,
Belize. Puerto .Cortcz und Glial, -iiialn hv
rail to New Orloans, -and 'thence by steamer,
closo at. .this olllcii dally at 1:30 p. m;
icqnueciing ciosus nere-aionuays lor Heme,
Puerto Cortuz and Guatemala and Tues
days for Costu Rica). 'Registered mail
closes at 6;0o p. m. previously.
Trnnw-PMclHo Mnlla.
Mails for llawall, vlb San Francisco, closo
nc re uany at t.u p. m. up 10 July "it-, for
dispatch per a. 'a. Zcalandla.
Millla for China and Japan, via Seattle,
"close here dally at 6;30 p. m. up to July
17, Inclusive, for dlspntch per b. . Kuga
Maru (reglsterud mail must bo directed
"via Seattle")!
Malls fur Hawaii. China, Japan and Phil
ippines, via 8an Francisco, clusc here
dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to July 20, In
clusive, for dispatch uer s. s. Peru.
Mails for Australia (oxcopt West Australia, aue via i-urope, anu now, .uuittJHl,
which goes via. San Francisco), and FIJI
Island, via Vancouver, close hero' dally
at 6:30. ),. m. after July "4 and up to
July ,20, Inclusive, for dlspotch per s. s,
Aornnul (supplementary mallH, via Seattle
and Victoria), close atJ;30 p. m.- July 21.
Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver,
close here dally at '6:30 p. m. up to July
23, Inclusive, for dtspatch per s. a. Em--proHS
of India (rdglstored mull' ihust be
(ltrectcd "via Vancouver"). ' "
Malls for Australia (except West Australia.
.which' Is foriVrtrded Via EUfope). Njjw'
eainiiii.n iji, oainua anu Hawaii, via rilin
Fruncl.tco.rWIoie here dliliy 'lit 6:30 p. m.
after July 21 and up to July L'7, Inclusive",
or on. urlvnl of s, s. Etrurla)"due' ut New
York July 27, for dispatch per s. s, So
noma, t -Malls
for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil,
limine islands:- 'via flan Franolsco. flbin
here dally up to July 2S, inclusive-,' for
aispaiun per s. s. uopiic.
TrniiH-Parlflc malls lire forwarded to port
of sailing 'dally nnd tho stihedulo or closing
h arranged an tho presumption of their un
interrupted overland transit, T,,,Reglritercd
mail closes at 6 'pj in. previous day.
Postolllce, New Y'ork, . Y., July 12, 1001.
land Route" General nrnr-V
N. K. Cor. Ninth allil Kurnnm
Streets. City Ticket Oltlce, 1324
.lSVt'WW.Fj T.,ll, ..n.l 'f...
1 amain oireei. itiieonanf. ais.
7" Telephone, C29.
Tlie Overland Limited. .a b;ZQ am a 7:30 pm
A' iii. ciiir-imo-l'ortlanii
a:i v u. Arrivn
Special aVt?.'m a ':30 pm
The Fan Mall a fc:5o am a 3:26 pm
h... vtoii riKnress .all:35 nm a 4: um
The Colorado Bpeoiai... all :35 pm a 6:50 am
Lincoln, ueatriuo aim
Stronisburs Exprs..b 4:05 pm bl2:39 pm
The Paclllc Express. ...a 4:2o pin
The Atumit Express... a 6 50 am
Grand Itland. lxical b S:J pm b 9:35 ara
a Daili'. b t"aly except Sunday.
road General Oftlccs and
Ticket OHlees, Southeast
Corner 14th and Douglas
Hts. Telephone, 104. Depot,
Union Station.
mafF Leave. Arrive.
I'V,. .t Kansas
'...'.:u,i..X7. a 10:00 um a 6:25 nm
K. C., St. l ExprCsj..a 10:50 pm a 0:15 um
LenVo from 15lh and
Webster ntnas!:
NebrasKU i.ocal. v la
Weeplnc V) aier,,...,..!) 4:10 pm nl0;45 am
a Dally."1 t Dally except Sunday,
iiailvVav time cuin.v
lit RLINliTO-S' & , Mis
souri River Raitruad
" tile Jlurniitun iti-uie
General unices. North
West Cvriiei Tilltll and
tainam streets. l'iCKel
unite, 1j-j2 l aru.itn atuvl.
Teupiii-ue v- uuiilngluii aiutluli, Ttiliin
uhd ilauull Sttiets. Teli-pnoiiv Us.
leavt.. Arrive.
Lincoln, llahtluss and
McCouK - -l S:' am it 7:3j pm
Lllicoln, Uener. t.oio-
rado. Utah, ,Cuiifon.u,it j;2i pm a 3;oo pm
mm,,,,,... Kvnresa a I;;j inn u ;:u mu
Lincoln it IHack Hills. .a U:w pin u 6:lu urn
Montana, l'uget Sound., a 'j;w pm u t.lj i,m
Lincoln Fast Mali b 3iiv pin u li;ll am
u'v in,,! iv llL-afrlce and
Ltncoli a M40 am bll:33 am
Denver foloradii. Utalt
and t .ulforiiia a bilu am
Fort t'rook, So. Rend, ,
1,oulsvllu j'lattsm lli.b 5:20 pm blLOjiim
HelleVliu, I .Hltiimoutll iVs
Paclllc JunctUt a iM pin u t:20 am
llcllevuo, l'.attsmouth &
Pacini Junction n 3:10 inn
a lully b Dally except Sunday.
seph' ,& Council Iiltirrs
iiauroau ine i-iiriingiii
Route" Ticket Oltlce, ISui
Pai'tiam Street. Telophune
ZK Depot, Tenth and
Mason Sticeis, Tele
phone lib.
Leave. Arrive,
Knnsas City Day Ex . a v.m am t: :il pm
Kansas f !l Night Ex..alo,30 pm a 6:13 am
St. Klyci. fwr lit,
Joseph anU Ht. Louis a u:10 pin ull.'L- am
a Daily. "
a tjuiucy iiniiroHii "tiiu
V Ulirllligton Rulltu!' Tlc-UCt
Olllcv, 1502 Fanium Street.
Telcpl'onii 250. Depot,
'lejilh and hlaaon Streets.
Telephone 125.
Leave. Arrive.
Dajilghl Chliago Spe-
clal ..... .-.. a7:00nm nl0:20 pm
Chicago W.tlbulii 'Ex. a 4:0J pin a 7:45 him
Chicago,Exrest.a u:3o 11111 ti 4:03 pm
Chlcagu Limited a 7;W pm u llliam
Fast Mall a 2:45 pill
a. Dally.
Missouri Valley Rallioad
"Tho Noi'tlivwsiein
Line Ucncial Ulllvet,,
United Stales National
lianlc BulldhiK. S. W.
Corner Twulllli und Fut-
nam Sis. Ticket OIUCc, ltul Furnaiil St.
Tclephoiic, ,:n;i, Duput, ISlli and Webster
sis. Meirphuuc, IM.
Leave. Arrlvu
Black IH'.Im tV:i,Kvnni!.
Hut Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm
Wyoming, Casper und
Douglas d 3:00 pm e S:00 ptu
Hastings, ioil!, uavlu
IMtv. tfliceilor. G--uua.
Exeter and Seuanl....b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pui
Nuifutk. Vuiuiutu. ana
Fremont b 7;30 am bJ0:2a am
Lincoln, 'A at.oo & Fre
mont b 7:30 am blO:25 am.
Fremont Local....... ...... 7;30 am .
r. Dally, b Dally except Suudii. o Sun
day -oul d Dully except Saturday, e
Ualiy except Monday.
western Railway "Thy
Northwestern: Line"
City Tlckut Oillee. nul
Farnam St. Telephone,
61. Depot, Tenth, umt
Murcy directs. Tele-
phonu, 629.
Leave. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago Spe
cial a 7:00 am all:30 pm
Chicago Piisscngr a 4:13 pm a b:W am
Eastern Express, Des
Molnec, Marsballtuwu,
Cedar Rapids and
Clilcago ulO:f.) am a 4:05 pm
Eastern Snoclal, Chi
cago ami .cast a 4:55 pm a 4:03 pm
Fast Mall. Chicago to
Omaha, .- a 2:45 pm
Omaha-Chicago L't'd...a 7:15 pm a s:vO 0,111
1-UEt .Mall a biUO um
Cedar raplcU u 5U0 pin
u uauy. , , 1.
' Minneapolis Ac Umuha
'ltallwny "Tho N'or'h
Western Lino" General
Unices, Nebraska Divi
sion, 15th and WuDstOr
Hts. City Ticket Oltlce.
U01 Farnam SL Telephone, 561. Depot,
15th and Webster SU. Telephone, 145s.
1 'uc .:: -vx , Leave. Arrive,,
Twin City lasfepgcr...,u S:w am a t)0 pm
Hfo.ux City Passenger.. .a 2:45 pm all:10 am
Emerson' Local b 5:30 pm b ij:30 am,
a Daily. A ,
Railroad "The North'
western Line" General
Ulllces, United Status
National lianlc Building,
B. W. Corner Twelfth
and Farnam Sts. Ticket
uiuce, noi i--arnnm SL Telephone, Ml. De
pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone, tttv.
1 ' Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Express a 6:&6 am alo,-25 pm
Twin City Limited i'a 7:55 pm a 8:15 am
Sioux City Local a S:tw am u 3:50 pm
a r.aliy.
Express , a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am
iiaiirouu uity Ticket Of
fice, 1402 Farnam Street.
Telephone, 215. Depot,
Terith and Marcy, Streets,
Leavt), Arrive.
a ':ouam a .i:lo m
Chlcagu Express.
unicago Liiuitcu.
,,, 7H5,pm u b:v m
aui '
Exurest .1
..1..b 7:00 am b 9:40 nm
Mmiicapolle & St
a 1 :45pm a 8:05 am
Fort Dodue Local from
uounctl iiiuria.. (;.:.. ..d i:ao pm a 8:15 am
council tiiuiis ;,..,3 g:oo am
ft, Dally, -b Dally except Silnclay.
' Leave. Arrlv
St. Louis Cannon Ball
. .Express, a C:15 pm a 8:20' am
oeai ;...;, i:w am a 3:00 pn
CHICAGO, nnn.- iur
' "li.i pnoino Railroad
-ihti .Groat Ror.k
.' .,14 - "UUIl! LltV
Ticket Omce, 1323 Fr.
nftm "'reel. Telephone.
Marcy. Streets. Tele,
'phone, C9. .
PAs ' Leuve. Arrive.
nHlc,? i I)nV1fcht.6l'e,"a C:f nm h 2100 am
port Loca'.... a.7i25 am hii
Chlcngb' Exiireas...'.....i)ii 15 am rs-u ?S
De? Moines 'Looal.,, ., ,a 1 20 pm I i-t
Dis Mollies. Rock lai- . ' ; '
and and Clilcagur.w.a 7:40 pm a 3:35 pm
Rocky Mountain Lim!,.o.' 2:00 am a e-oo an,
Lincoln, Colorido Spgs.. 6,w m
Denver, Pueblo and '
CoUado:-Okiihomil"iia l!W Pm ft 4:15 pm
'Icxas Flyer.' a B:20 nm
a Daily. b,Dally exceutndw'.
Ticket 'Ofrioo, 1115 Farnurn
Leave. Arrive.
Bt. Louis "Cannon Ball"
road Omaha, Kansas .'lly
Si .Eastern Railroad "Tha
Qulncy Route" Ticket Of
fice, 1415 Farnam St. Tele,
phone. 322, DtiPOt, Tenth
und Marcy Sts. Telephone,
629. "
, Leave, Arrive.
r . t n,,t. r.onrnn Hall
" Express C:15 pm a 8:20 am
Kansas City and uuincy
Local 7:01 am a 3:00 pm
n Dally.
CBCfor & Bt. ? I way-City
IMlLWAUKFEj Street. Telephone, "at.
'S'STpAtl I Depot, Tenth and Mason
Leave. Arrive
Chicago & Onvihft Kx..b 7:15 am b 3:10 pm
Ch tea Limited Ex a 6:00 pm a 8:05 an.
a Dally b Daily except Hunuay.
Hecofd Vows i Om. 7 Hours. 22 Mlnulu.'j
Commonwealth, twin Screw, 12,000 Tom lull 31
Ne England, " " II, 600 ' Aug, 14
Vincounr ... Aug, 3 1 Dominion t,.,.u-rIO
Cambroman, j Aug, 17 I Vancouver ... Sejl.fJ
For larttirlaltiraatlM.aMrtia
Ctmpan'sOtflccl. itMarpsra St.. ChUat. HU.
Obeosfs" BiTii' Ken' for I'lioti tn Norlhiin
' Fio'fic Frd. ' '
Mnl.i-M 1111tn111tTMiPi1t In t-'iiriunl Let
ter to tlir l-'inir flrratr( lutrr
( Itn ol rd Hill 11 ml
lliirrliiiiiu Ini-liidcd.
NEW YORK, July 17. J. Plerpont Mor
gan announced this morning that J. J.
Hill, E. 11. Ilnrrltnnn, It. McK. Touibly,
William D. ltoekcfellcr and Samuel Ilea
would be elected to the directory of tho
Northern P.-irMc Hallroml eompuny to flit
vacancies to be created.
Tho announcement was made by Mr.
Morgan In a formal letter addressed to
Kiihn, Loeb & Co., .1, P. Morgan &. Co..
E. II. llarrlinan and Jaiucs J. Hill, In
which he says lie submits tho nam given
above In accordance, with a memorandum,
signed on My Rl. under which ho says
tho composition of the uoard was to bo
left (o hltu. Ho suggests that tho now
directors iiSEuiuiR their duties as soou as
posslblK. At the conclusion Mr. Mor
gan says:
VKvcry Important Interest will havo lt
representative, who will ho brought Into
cfosc touch with tha situation as 11 wliolo
and lliere should be no illlllrnlty In reach
ing a conclusion that will ho fair and
Just to all concerned and tend to Iho es
tablishment of permanent harmony among
tin rilfteretit lines. To this end I .shall
bo glnd 10 co-operate In such manner
will seem desirable.''
At the offices of J. P. Mprgun & Co.
and kulin, Icb & Co. It was stated that
the matter was mutually satisfactory ,'
nnd that Mr. Morgan's letter hm been
given out as a result of an agreement; '
Mr. Morgan's letter also contains this
statement: "It Is my opinion that 11 board
thus constituted will contain within Itself
tho clcnientB best adnptnl (or tho formula
tion of the plan referred to In said mom
nraniluin In connection with W. K. Vnn
derblll, named therein 11s referee."
The memorandum rrferred to wng not
made public. Tho dlrertoratc of the North
ern Pacific consists of fifteen men and tho
iisi Riven out was as follows; Edward It.
Adams, (leorgo F. linker, llobort Bacon,
uumoni ciarko. Ilbbrrt M. Callaway., Dray
ton Iv.e.-t, D. . Willis. JnjiicK, John S. Ken
nedy, Daniel S, Iimont. Charlos S. Mel
len, Walter (!. Oaknmn, Samuel Spencer,
Chnrlrs Steele, John Stlllman and Kbcu
is. Thomas.
Eater In. the day the memorandum re
ferred to ns of Mny 31 In Mr. Morinm's
Jotter was given out. II reads;
An unncrstantiing has boon rrnched be
tween Northern Pacific nnd Union Pacific
Interests, under which the- composition of
tho Northern Pacific hoard will bo left In
tho hands of Mr. J. P. Morgan, certn.Ui
names having already' beon suggested, hot
now to bo mode public, which especially
will bo recognized ns representative of thn
common Interests. It Is asserted that com
plete and permnncnt harmony will result
by .tho plan between nlMntercsts Involved.
It Js agreed that tho foreirolnc slmll h
given out for publication as expressing tho
hgrcomrnt of tho parties."
m mi coMESrTO' complain
-l .1
MIsKtuirl , RnllroHil tomrtilsaloiicrH
llnyc fiqinl Excise for DroppliiB;
4 luveatliratloti of. CnnaolMatlon '
Kansas city, "iuiy' n- Tim state
Board of Ilallroad and Warehouse Cdm'
mlfcBtciners loUiiyj-abanllbVcd. its, 'in'vostlga
tloji pf th'e conRpIldaUon of -the 'Frlsco and
Memphis rallroaaK' and retur.nod, to'effer-'
son City. The board .earnest) ere fast Mop
day. .wl(h,,tlao. bellpf" that, Indignation ex
isted because of the, proposed combine, but
no shippers'1 ajipared to protest. Tho
bp'ard, met at Harrlsonvlllo. Mo.,-yesterday
and still no one camo to protest. Tho
board was to have met here again tomor
row, but abandoned tho entire Investigation
because of the Indifference displayed about
tho consolidation.
Conalltiitlonnl Provision for the Snc
cession 'of tlie'ut eniin t (,'ov
erilAr in' Ofllrr,
.OMillA, July 17. To the Editor of Tho
Bee: Will you please answer In The -Evening
Bee this question: WhCn, Jiovv and .un-,
dor what clrcumstnncos, does tho lieuten
ant governor of Nebraska become 'governor, -I
would ,llke tho exact, language ' of Jho
constitution, Thanking you In nrtviinso I
Section 16, arttclo V of the constitution
of Nebraska reads as follows': "In enso pf
the death, impeachment and notice thereof
to the accused, failure to qualify, resigna
tion, absence from the stato or other dis
ability of thp governor tho powers, "duties
and emoluments of the offtco for the residue
of tho term, or until thp disability shall bo
removed shall 'devolve upon the lieutenant
, ,1 1 1
Indiana on Omnhn near-rrnllon En
' iiikc In Their Oirn Pecnllnr
James Allan has returned from a trlrt to
the Omalia agency and reports the' annual
pow'-wow of tlie tribe in full awing. Tlie
nieetlng 1b being hold" at tlo farm of SIIsb
Woods, and pra,9llcnlly the entire popula
tion rif. the reservation is tn attendance.
Generally tho pow-wow rosulta In an In
creased number of ' "boo'tlrggers"' In the
Douglas county jail, and the harvest of tho
United States marshal will probably begin
next week.
Tho Indians have begun harvesting wheat
and the grain Is said to bo ob good as bo's
qver Jiecn harvested' or) the reservation,
having been practically uninjured by the
hot wenther. " '
A Poor 'Mllllhnnlra
Lately starved lu London because he could
not digest his food. Early use of Dr.
King's New Life 1'llln would have saved
htm. They strengthen' the stomach, aid, di
gestion, promote assimilation, Improve ap
petite. Prlco 25c. Money bock If not sat
isfied. Sold by Kuhn & Co., druggists.
Dlrrel Route ta fllasarn-r nalilbltlan
itrnmalilya from Nevr York Weekly fut
Saloon. $50 and up. Second Cabin, 132,50 and
up. Third CUbs, 26 and upwards.
For illustrated folder und further Informs,
Chicago, or
J. 8. McjNAIXY. 1322 Karnam St.,
GEO. K. AKHOTT. 1324 Farnnm Ht Omaha
-- ' 1 a .i a ; a , a
Summir Tourt on Likf Mlohlgana
lot P-Mlt' rtUe ielulli, jVMrl-wl
Irlw for Crlnlr, Markar Sprltat. BafVltw.
tlo.kfi anj MarMaa Ula eonaaclli Kltn J
Itoraihlp Mum (or IM Hiipatler,' EuUrn and
C'niilln Polntt. fl.ill RsIh to Pn.AniMlcn,
TM. 10 a. m. ." TJj irr,t - M- .. ai.
Mnnltoti StoamahlP cpmponyi .
OFFICE a docks. Hutu ana n, wai