Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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    TUja OaiAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, J.U1.Y 17 11)01.
Telephones 694618.
T.ni1lp' Viifh Lmvn SnnniiOH.
tractive garments in every way, all this season's manufacture,
at greatly reduced prices. Those who do their own sewing as
well as those who do not cannot help but appreciate these values.
Sizes from 8Ji to 41 bust measure.
$1.00 nnd $1.25 Sacques, reduced to 75c
$1.50 and $1.65 Sacques, reduced to $1.00
$1.75 Saeques, reduced to $1.25 each.
$2.25 Barques, reduced to $1.50 each.
$2.50 Bacqucs, reduced to $1.75 each.
We clone f-nttirdnra 1 P. m' rtnrlnir Jnlr nnd An rant.
Thompson, Beldem 2, Co.
v. m. c. a.;, con. hith a.vd iiouolam sts.
New SjiUra - Adopted for Expsdlting
Hted'inf f Freight.
Frmeiit Cumbrous Mrthotl of I'nlond
liiK Cargo In InilUrrtinlnittc I'lle-M
U' Ilcctlfleil, kinliiw' Vt- ,',
ntctmnrr. Trucking. .
At the- semi-monthly meeting of tho
Local Freight Agent' association of Omaha
held yesterday afternoon It was unani
mously agreed by tho members that, com
mencing hot .later than-July '20, nil freight
billed for certain districts will be received
only at specified door's or stalls of tho
freight, houses. ,
This plan Is Already In operation In many
large cities and has glvaii great- satisfaction
both to tho shippers nnd tho railway com
panies. The chief object of tho contem
plated change, Is to hate the frolght un
loaded from tho wagons' as near as possi
ble to the cars for which It Is Intended.
In this way much unnecessary trucking
Is saved. Tho enr stands nt the door on
tho track sldo of the building and tho
goods nro dumped Into tho door Just op
posite, Instead of nt thn other end of the
building. Loading Is thtis expedited; thcro
Is lees hnndllng of the freight and all
blockading or congestion of trucking Is
avoided. Guides from tho freight house
will be employed In connection with the
ncwsystem to direct the drivers to tho
proper doors. ' ,
Tho meeting; was held In the office of
J. J. Sherlock, 'local .freight agent of the
Union Pacific. Honda w'cro represented as
follows: H. S, Jayneq ,of tho. Northwest
ern lines, J. W. Dletrick of the Illinois
Central, Michael Loftns of the Missouri
Paclfla'and James Anderson of tho Bur
lington.. - 1 ' i
Tho members of .he .Omaha and Council
muffs Passenger bureau mot in tho United
State National Rank building yostorday
morning. , Itoprcscntatjvqa from all roads
wore present. Tests of tho passenger
market were reviewed and tho agents wero
solidly' of tho opinion that It was In a
good, healthy condition. ,
Pre I dent of llaltlvyln Locomotive
Wnrke . l)ttirll Ilia Invention.
Union Pacific officials held session last
night. Sixty of them from Omaha and
many points on' tho system gathered at tho
Omaha club at 7', o'clock and monopolized
the place from then until near inldnVjht.
The occasion van 'the presence In Omaha
of W. 8. Vnu Clalrr of Philadelphia, pres
ident of thi natd'w'ln Locomotive workV.
The function Itself was an entertainment,
To .assist digestion, relieve distress
after eating or drinking too heartily,
to prevent constipation, take
Hood's Pills
, Sold tvery whew 25 cents.
006000000000000000000000000000 00000000 a
Omaha Bee. Single Coupon.
A Summer Vacation
For the most popular younj lady.
m ot for Mill .
Works for .
CUT THIS OUT.-Dtpoilt it Bee office or
000000000000000000000 00 00000000000000000
o o
o o
o Omaha Bee Subscription Counoti o
A Summer Vacation
For the most popular young- lady.
O '
O inn tonaon. 11 attorapsmea oy a cam
O THE BEE. counts IS rotes for ea.h lie paid,
.Votes for Miss.
Works for
lead Bit 1o (natma).
N. . This coupon must bo cotmtarslfnad bf The Bio Circulation Department, o
r the town acent to whom the lubscrlplloa money Is pall Deposit or null to o
"Vacation Contest Dept." Bee, Omaha. Nek. O
Connterslfnet! by
Bro, July 1C, 1901.
Special Sale of
Ladies' Dressing
dnintilv in ruin find trimmed, at
$3.00 Sacques, reduced to $2.00 each.
$3.50 Sacques, reduced to $2,25 each.
$4. CO Sacques, reduced to $3.00 each.
$5.00 Bacquts, reduced" to $3.50 each.
$6. do Sacques, reduced to $4.00 each.
On sale Wednesday morning.
half social nnd half business In nature,
given by President Hurt to the thrco sc6re
Union Pacific men present, In honor of Mr.
Vau Claln.
A dinner was first on tho program, after
which came the real business of tho even
ing. This consisted of two lectures, with
stcreoptlcon Illustrations. Tho first was
by Ur. Jonas, chief surgeon of the Union
Pacific railroad. He spoke on "Phllan
tropy nnd Ilnllroadlng," applying It to
'his department of the work.
iJr, Jopas dwelt at length tin both Jlio
sentimental nnd tho practical sides of the
pensions and other financial aid given per
manently or temporarily, disabled railroad
employes and on the retribution, mndo to
patrons Injured In accidents. Ho showed
how a 'pToper mean might bo established
and maintained between the two.
Mr. Vnu Claln spoke on his own- pet and
hobby nnd Invention, "The; Compound tin
glno." Having personally projected, de
vised, planned nnd built this, new style of
locomotive, tho lecturer was well calcu
lated to elucidate to tho Inst degree every
feature of the engine In Its construction,
Its urc, Its powers and Its possibilities.
Tho Union Pacific road has recently put
Into use several of these compound engines
nnd to those In the operating nnd modvo
power departments, who come. In direct
contact with them, tho explanation was of
especial application.
M. U. O'Conndl, .NolleUor of the'-Trenn-nry
Depnrtninit, Loo It In on
CANTON, O., July 16. Hon. .f,J T). O'Qon
ncll. solicitor of ,the Treasury departraqnt,
was one of the callers upon.' President Mo-
Klnley today. He tils way back,
to Washington after a visit, to his home nt
Fort Dodge, la. Ho -Raid his call hore
was entirely devoid of official significance
Tho president. -was to .have touched c
biKton to, start tho organ, In the Rpworth
lcaguo convention at San ifranclaco, but
as the tneotlntc did not open 'till 8:15 .thrc,
whtelii'tO:ia'Tiere'ho tttd'inbt oare t"o
to, ,tbe telegraph .oflFlqa. at tjjat .Into hour
ana. sent a telegram -or. greeting tnsicati.
Thonc of lotrn, Imllntin, nnl Illlnoli
IVrfeetlnrc a He-errt Trofedtlve
CHICAGO, July 1G. Tho. tbroahers of
Illlnola,aro being organized into a prntectlvo
association, and already 3,000 men have
Joined the secret organization-, .which has
tor Its object tho maintenance of prices
Tho, body, Is known -as the 'ThreahV.' Nn
tlonal Protective association. The or
ganization Is botng perfected through Iown
Indiana and Illinois' nri'il'wlll be extended
to ofher states as rapidly as poslb)e.
After Vlftltlnw It the Secretiiry 1,'riini
lr thnt linprovcnirntK
Up Mude; ,
-: ,
JUNCTION C.ITX .Kan?. July 16. Secre
tary Hoot Inspected Fort niley early this
morning nnd rajido .himself conversant with
Its needs. He announced that tho original
plans for the improvement of the ipoat
would be carried out.
mall to "Vacation Contesl Department."
payment on a new or old IBttlcrlptlOB to O
100 totes for each dollar paid, ate ' O
Kama.- : 2
' 8.
Town. litat. ?
; O
1 O
. Q
a o
.Afcnt O
Amateur Eninf Aiieoiatio Hm a Iso-
mufnl Regatta.
Ooulitr NciiIIh Are Left Cnileelilcil
tth SI mix City, uttunmu nnd
Dubuiiiie Unt il WltinliiK
a Ilcut.
The Iowa State Amateur Rowing asso
ciation nt Its seventeenth annual regatta
nt Lake Munawn Tuesday afternoon served
to all lovers of sport a genuine feast. Not
thnt nny state records went a Klitnmcrlnt;
or any very remarkable exhibitions of the
rowing art were given, but for close
finishes, clean and keenly contested events
nnd, above nil, the thorough spirit of good
sportsmanship thnt characterized every
thing, Tuesday was memorable to the fol
lowers of sport for sport's sake.
The Junior crews of the association fur
nished the sports of the day and the
winning crews of Tuesday will entr tho
senior events of this Afternoon.
Promptly at 4 o'clock the Junior Tours
wero called from their respective quartets
nnd in a few minutes were at their p.'stt.
No one felt nnywhero near certain of the
outcome of this race nnd each crew hod
plenty of supporters.
At tho crnck of starter McColloiiKh s
pistol Dubuque caught the water llrst nr.d
.took a stroke that made a fnvorahlo Im
pression. Sioux City, however, s"t the
paco down to tho turn nnd left the turn
ing Mag with a good two-second lend. The
Ottumwn on rumen made the turn second
nnd immediately took the pace thnt landed
them winners from Dubuque by a nice,
long, luxurious length. In this heat Sioux
City shot Its bolt In the first quarter and,
while tho Council niuffs lads showed they
were staycra, they were never serlntifly in
the race. However, Dubuque had shown
a strolco of speed that made things look
doubtful nnd, while Ottumwn had ev.iry
reason to feel confident, Dubuque was ex
pected to ptrt up a pretty strong argu
ment in tho following rnce.
All Onti'H Wntpr Together.
Tho Junior doubles were colled out for
their first heat. It looked like a pretty
even thing as the boats took their places
at their flags. A fine getaway was made
In this event, nil the crews catching water
nearly together. Sioux City took a fast
stroke nnd maintained It throughout tho
race, making the first-turn and holding Its
lead throughout, finishing n length nhead
of Ottumwn, with Dubuque a close third
The Council 1) luffs double wns several
lengths In tho rear.
Tho single shell race wna next on tho
program. This event had but two entries,
Dubuquo nnd Ottumwn. On the call Ot
tinnwa refused to cuter, wishing to snvo
Its single sculler, Brow, for " the more
Important double scull contest. This left
things easy tor Dubuque nnd Its single
sculler, D. I'. Myers, took tho medal aftor
rowing over tho course twlco In no very
record-bronlclng tlnio.
Then came the call for the four-oared
boats to. make their appcarnnco again.
Most everyone expected otthor Dubuquo or
Sioux City to take this heat..
. . Ottnmvfn llnutiil .to Win; .
4 p'lft 'ticy reckoned without fhelr host, for
the sturdy oarsmen from Ottumwa, flushed
'wl.h tholr first victory, had- sworn to end
the' medal" argume'nt rlght'on tBfc spot, and'
'iSo?v-llft'Y'Wpf6,,frV.bttumJft few
other- fojks that Its ,tip',jvas" t'6et kind.
tfcatJ'feaVey'W'ddutl bi Its ibm'ty" as n
winner.., Dubuquo, however, had come out
with Its war paint on, caught the wnter
right with the pistol, and took a stroke
that itfiule' things' look 'very Interesting.
This simply luado the Ottumwa "aggrega
tion more pager, and U19, way triey went
dftcr tho water was a caution. They took
tho turn first nnd showed' whntf a fast
stroke and'n crew of stayers could' do to
n little foun. oarjed shell. ...
It was, after tho .turn was mud p that
Dubuque Kot(down to Its clov.ercst work.
Tho way Its. men chnsed Qnptalu Kllby
nnd charged down the line was n caution.
1'lnlxli Clout 11 nil Hxrlllnsr.
The finish In this race was tho uvent of
the afternoon, for' 00 closo was It thnt no
one except those on "the Judges''boat,' could
tpll whoso "boat did put Its .point first
across the line.. Ottumwa took It, however,
by about five feet and with It the medals
for tho four-oared Junior race of 1901.
In tho two following races by "tho double
oared boats Ottumwa took tho first and
Pubuquo got the second on n foul by Ot
tumwa. Ottumwa crossed the line first,
but lost Its position by a foul on tho turn.
This gave a first to ench of tho. four crows,
except Council Bluffs, which finished sec
ond In the third race.
Owing to the fact that It was getting late
and the crews wero tired 'the rubber rvas
not rowed, but will bo the first event on
today's program. This final race will bo
one of the hardest fought, contests of tho
regatta. Today the senior crews wlli be
In tho boats and It Is expected that some
of Iho. close finishes , of .last year will be
duplicated. Yesterday weather conditions
wero mo3t favorable and If tfday is like
wise tavored this afternoon Is likely to
furnish somo events that will go on
flu ninry.
Junior Four First hent: Ottumwn won,
Dubuque second. Slqux CUv third. Council
Hluffs fourth Time: 3:10 3-5. Second hent:
Ottumwa won, Dubuquo second, Sioux CUv
third. Council Wuffa fourth. Time: 3:0i 3-.
Double ScuIIk First hent; flloux CI'V
won, Ottumwn peeond. Dubuque th'rd,
Council Bluffs fourth. Time: 3:26 a-S. Sec
ond hent: Ottumwn won, Dubuque second,
Sioux City third. Council Wuffs fou t'i.
.Time: 3:24. Third hent: Dubunue won,
' Council' DIiiffH fecond, Sioux. City third.
I ottumwn rourtn. 'Jirae; s::i.
At tho olectlon at tho Boat club yesterday
aftcrnuon the Iown State Rowing associa
tion elected the following olllclals tor thn
ensuing year; President, J. It. Lindsay,
Dubuque; vice prcsldont, II. Z. Unas, Coun
cil Elluffs; secretary-treafiuror. W. H. Mc
Collough. Cedar Ilnplds; commodore, E. C.
Currier, Sioux City; ensign, aeorge Itup
prccht, Ottumwa; executive committee,
It. A. Balding, Des Moines; K. S. Phelps,
Burlington;, J. It. Bush, Waterloo. . ,
Aftor the election of officers resolutions
wero adopted thanking tho Council Ilulfs
Itowlug association for the hospitality ex
tended to tho visiting crews.
' Color or le Crew.
ThO colors of We crewa aro- Dubuque,
blue , and god; Sioux .City, maroon and
white; Ottumwa, light bluo and white;
Council Bluffs, red and blue.
At tho meeting of tho exocutlve, com
mittee of the statu association yesterday, at
the Grand hotel the following officials wero
appointed for, the, regatta:
Uoferec, E. S. Phelps of Burllngtou.
Starter, V. H. McCollough of Cedar Bap
Ids. 'Judges at finish, Eramot Tlnley, H. B.
Haas ot Council Bluffs, J, H. Bush ot
Judges at turn, John'T. Stewart, second;
Fred Empklo of Council Bluffs.
Timers, Oeorge S. Wrlsht of Council
Bluffs, U, 0. Puracll of Sioux City.
The four-oared shell of the' Council Bluffu
cub and the single shell of Ottumwa were
damaged and put out of commission Tues
dy night during the windstorm. Dubuquo
loaned Council Bluffs one ot Its shells,
Tho course was altered yesterday and
tho start and finish wero In front of tho
Orand Plata Instead. t the boathousct. as
previously mapped, out. This gave, each
boat 150 feet al'tbe turn.
ftiitrlrn for tli Itnor-i.
These were the entries for the races y-
terday attfjr.pcon:
J'ii!vMnt! vnittin
DuhuniiP! Holcht. Weight.
Porker, bow..,., ., 6
5 Id'
iturr, No. ik...
Myers, V. It , No. 3.......
6 7
5 11
5 6
5 7
6 9
Myers, Joscpli, troic.
Mloux Cltv:
Livingston, bow
nose. No. 2
Orcen, No, 3
Morgan, ntrokc
Kllby. bow S 7 HO
Steck, No. "...., 6-8 J3U
urnnnm. .No, 3 o 10 16.1
Itupprccht. stroke 6 7 115
Council Bluffs:
Treynor, bow 6 S 145
c?t'uvut:i ,, .,,.,.....,.... , iv jiu
lhinchctt, No. 3 6 1 100
Iloblnson, troko....i 5 114 162
Height. Weight.
Lnngworthv. bow
..5 7
O'Neill, Hmmott, stroke
& 8
5 10
5 11
aioux wiyi
Blood, bow t
Ashley, stroke..
Brown, bow t 5 r.
Cooper, stroke.,t 6 9
c-ouncn u urts:
Kecllne, bow 5 lfH
Dynr, stroltt.' :' 6 914
Dubunue: Holcht. Welulit.
Myers, D. It , S 8 150
Brown, George 13 5 6 140
Wins IMueWntrr StnUrn lo l'rc e
He In Still All
CHICAGO, Jtily M.-Abe Frank proved
what a wnniWful 2-ye:ir-old he li todny by
winning the Udgewnter stakes almost In 11
gallop from the, best youngsters nt Wash
ington park., with tho exception ot Un
durance by ninht. When Abe Frank ran
away three miles on Inst Thursday ne the
result of his jockey falling off nt the post
It was reared by irwny that the- colt wiis
seriously nnd ,perhi).t permanently Injured,
Today ho showed pone of the effects .of his
accident. He wns" ridden by Bnllmmi, who
laid behind Charles-Wl Meyer In the enrly
part of the content nnd then came on nnd
won with case from i'ontccoet und Oliver.
ino otner rcnture or touny m racing was
the handicap Ht'a mfle nrtd-an eighth, which
wns won ,bv Advance Guard. 'Dip latter
run one of his tcncuUonal rnccs. laying far
out or it tno tlrst half-mile and then coming
with one 'of hh sensational rushes In the
Ktrotch. l')iihvlle made the turly p.ue
but wns pnsecd successively by Atnlny and
Advance Ouatd. Tho latter wan a three to
one 'shor, Cavlfir being the favorite. Tho
latter whs never prominent. The r po. t
that the 2-yoar-old colt, llrnuulgan. wan
dead 1 a mtstttke. The colt Is sick, hut
N still alive. 'Wcnther clear, trnck fust.
llesujts: ,
Firm race, live furlongs, purso $600: Ap
proved won, Irhtnr second, Wins Dnnto
third. Time: liOl 2-5.
Second race, onet mile nnd a furlong,
purse 6iX)i Ito Newell won. Odnor second,
Alaska third. TlmeT 1153 3-5.
Third rnce, the RdgtHvnter stnke.. S2.H0
ndded, five und 11 half furlongs: Abo Frank,
125 (Itullmaii), 3 to 5, won; Pentecost. 123
(Dupee), 0 to 1,, second: Sir Oliver. HS
(Knight). 9 to 1, third. Time: 1:07. Chnrle
W. Jleyer, Flora Pomona and Arlnn nl?o
Fourth rnce, one mile and a furlong,
purne J1.800: Advnnco Guard won, Malay
second, .Spvclllc third. Time: 1:52 2-5.
Fifth race, six .furlongs, purse C00: Sly
won, Shnrp Bird .second. Burnli! Uuntoii
third. ' Tirne: 1:13. '"
Sixth nice, oUo imlle, purse t'V)0: Scotch
Pluld won, San. Andres second, Fnntnsy
third. Time: U4p3,5.
Sonic u'r the " JloMt .o(cil Shotit
Aiuri;i;t nt lin
C Trap.
.-. -'!- o'v! J
NEW TOmS Jflf?' i i Tho s'ecoh'd annual
lnanlra-jttn.iaire'-toracttcll Khootlnir ht'tlm
Interstate rjnaOiUatlon, bejrun nt Interstutn
park1 nt QueenSri.','!., today with over 10),
of th'o best Mng shots In America' at 'tho
traps, xfterf! wero tcirovents set rorvtouay
:lt tlftccji, -and .twenty 4 blue rocks each.
Thirty men' with scores' ot twelve und bet
ter got" Into 'the' motley In "the- llrst event
nt fifteen targetn ench. Thosc with straight
scores of fifteen, were: Franklin Stearns,
Richmond. Va.; CharleK Wagner, Syracuse,
nnd D. W. Garvth, Gardner; MnsH.
Seenty-elght men contested In the sec
ond event nt twenty bluc-rocks, and the
following broke twenty straight: C. V.
Dudley, New YojJc; W. W. Pool, Baltimore;
W, A. Hammond and Frunklln SlearnH,
Richmond. Vu;'- 1'Black Bird." Lancaster,
Pn ;ind John J, IlolloweIl,; Phlliujolplihi.
Out of the thirty entires for the' third
event nt llftecn 'bluo rocks n: doftn hail
utrnlght scorcft of tlftccn ooaIi. ..Thefto were:
F, .Steams, Itlchmond. Vn.;, C. ,F. Oudluy,
New York. F, II. Show, Brooklyn, O,; K, D.
ooiirtis, Hoiioken,' n J . It. c. onmths,
1'jinookK, It. I,, AtuVI. Tnllmun, Mill Brook,
' ' ' 1
V'terii rjIriMiU'i Flrnt Onjr ,lr fairly
Sueecntiil, with. Twenty-Five- .
IlnnllfOd AdnilnnlniiH.
DHS MOINIJS. July 16. The opening day
of the Western Circuit rnccs' here was
fairly successful, about 2,500 person -.helng
In attendance. Tho weather wns cool and
comfortable and tin? track fast but rnther
dusty. Hesults:
2:4'J trot, purso $000: She won In straight
heats. Time, 2:lS'i. 2:16. 2:114; John Audu
bon, second; Annie Blpley, third; Van
meter, fourth.
2:25 pacing, purse $600: Dr. Mnnlcnl won
llrst, fourth and fifth heats, Time. 2:Ui,
2:13. 2:20, Major Mason won second heat
ln.2M)9'li. Third heat was tlend between
Dr. Monlcal and Major Mason, Time,
2:09';. Bovlno wiiis third. Ed M. Jessamine,
Maynla nnd Itoy Day- nlso started.
2:16 pacing. 'purte $800 diminished): Loin
Mix won first and second heatH. Time,
2:12Vi. 2:12',. Chnrles Dewey won third and
fourth heats; Time. 2:134, 2:13;. Androse,
Dell. Klttlo Powers and Kona W also
Tncht liner nn I'rle.
PUT-IN-BAY, O.. July 10. The nnnual In
ter lake yacht races began off this Island
today. The llrst contest was to hnve com
menced nt 10 o'clock, but owln to a break
down of tho engine of the Judges' boat .It
was nearly noon when tho stnrt signal was
flnnllv given: In tho forty-tlvo foot class
tho Silltnna waa tho llrst to cross the
starting lino, followed closely by the City
of the Straits of Detroit. The Sultana was
tho favorite.
In the forty-foot clftss the Juniata of To
ledo wu flrst to cross the, line, followed one
minute Inter by the Shnmrock of Cleveland,
tho Viking of Toledo third. Juniata wns
plaked an the winner.
In tho thirty-five- foot class Eva of San
dusky was llrst to cross, followed by tho
Meteor of Cleveland, twelve seconds later.
Thirty fqotrrH. Mlnervn of Detroit first to
cross: Luclndn of S.indiiRky next, followed
by Tattoo of Bnhdusky, Donning of Detroit,
Grucle, Nvll. Y. Y.. Typhoon, M, it. Y. C.
Onkdnlc Win.
PLAIjivhVw. Nob., July 16.-(Hpec!nI..)-OaJodnlet
dofented Plalnvlow In a clot-e nnd
exciting patno of tinse ball here "yesterday
afte'rliOon. Fpr the llrst four Innings neither
side scored. -Oakdnh- scored the first run
In the fifth' and Plalnvlow Scored three
runn In tho next Inning. The linn! Fqor
was 6 to 5 .In favor ot Oakdnlo. Stcuok
out: By Lothtiby, 14; by Cheatwoml, fi.
Batteriesi'Oaltdnle, Lotheby and Galloway;
PlainvJcw, Chcatwood and Alberts.
Jlntllson Dcrentn Wlnaltlr
WINSIDE, Ncb July 16.-(Spuclal.)-An
Interesting game of ball wan played here
today between tho Junior leagues of Mad
ison und Wlnsldo Score;
Madison 2 5320022 1-17
WlnMde 3 2 3 4 0 1 1 1 0-15
Batteries: Mndlson Wheeler nnd Billing.
Wlnslde Stnyton nnd Uamsey,
A rutin llt'ttta Slirnniiiltinh.
SHENANDOAH. In., July 16.-(Speclal
Teleurnm.) Tho Nebrnnka City Argos won
another game from tho Shonandoah Ma
roons today. A to 6. HntterlCH: Arsoe.
Deerlng nnd Perdue; Mnroons, Wax art
81ms. Tho pitching on both side was good.
Attendance, 400. I'mplru, Patterson.
.llt'Cpnk IlnrllnKtoK" Win.
M'COOK, Neb., July IS.-tSpeclnU-Ttlft
Burllngtons defeated Ipdlanola here today,
li to 11. Hits: Burlington, 12; Indlanolu,
11. Errors: Burlington. 5, Indlanolu, .
Batteries: Burlington, Hngenberger, Jones
and Beed; IndUnola, Murry, Gravt-s and
Wianer of Autograph Quilt Donates It te
Grant Belief Corps.
AntiiftrniiliM of .More Tlinu 'I'ltitf II1111
ilrcil .Men unit Women A re
work til In'ltrtt on Mil).
Four Stiunrt'fi.
IJ. Roscwnter, editor of The Omaha Bee,
was the winner of the Handsome and unlquo
autograph quilt mndo by Farragut post No.
10, Woman's Belief Corps of Lincoln, and
rallied by It Inst spring. Tho quilt 'wns
lcllvered to Mr. llosowntcr Inst Friday
by Mrs. Julia Rnusch, president of the
Lincoln corps, and yesterday the winner
donated tho prlzo to U. S. Grant Belief
Corps, No. 104, of Omaha, of which Mrs.
Frank Brynnt Is president. The local
corps will again . rafTtc the quilt at tho
bazar to bo given by "It early In December.
Tho quilt Is quite lnrge, belug made ot
sixty-four white muslin squares, set to
gether with nnvy blup. On tho squares
and worked In red aro tho autographs of
over 300 men and women, many of whom
nro kuowu throughout tho country. The
Lincoln Belief Corps was engaged In se
curing the autographs and making thn quilt
for n period of flvo years.
The autographs on tho sixty-four squares
of the quilt aro of the following mimed
men and women:
Sara Strntton, H. Genisldc, T. A. Stratton,
Eurl Stratton, Mrs. It. II. Stratton and '..
Stratton, 17t),' O. V. I.
II. W. Brandon. Mrs. Hill, Ollle Jones, 8.
S. Boll. L.. C. CI. Morton. J. 1. McKlnstay
;tnd S, M,cKlnstny.
uavui H. uooK, .Minnie ueu, urma nun,
Mnry'C'ook, Clara AVory nntl llngh Avery.
Paul O. Hunger, Ella M. Hunger, E. Hun
ger, Fannlo Hunger, Millie l'ui ker and Ben
jamin l'urker, .
Mrs. J E. 'Mcnzlo.'W. If. Bessorman, U.
C. Miliar,. J. lU.Mcbonel, Mrs. W, A. Ar
chnrd and Grofton Nlto.
ChnrloH Llckllghter, Miss Ala Fonrot, Miss
Solum Anc, Mrs. Anfui' Iilckllter. John W.
Llcklltor; Company E, Ninth O. V. C. find
Jacob IV Parrot t, Company K, Twenty
.cluljth N. Y. I
Gertlo Gratton Dim. J. C. Hagenslck', Lot
tlo Gratton-lttmilcy,-Mrs. J. C. Hagenslclr,
Cyrus A, Gratton and Mrs. llnttle A. Grat
ton. .
Mm. T. Y. L'tdicr, Daniel Toby, T. Y.
t'sher, Mth. It. L. Itehlandor and Mrs.
ltottn, Hrooks,
Edith Lord, Vrlmji S.mlth, Anna M. Toby,
Hatty llobey, daughtt-rs Of United Stntes
James Brown. Elizabeth Frankforth. Dr.
u. ji. i ratiKrortn, i.oren A. Frannfortn, u.
A. Frankforth und Lewis It. Frankforth.
Albert Smith, Boston; Mrs, E. Levens,
Medford. Miixk,; Mrs. 11. Hill, Mcdford,
Mnss. ; Sirs. Gourge Bird, Medford, Mrs,
Mary Furland and Miss Jennie Ituuu.
Besulo H. Davis, Gertrude P. Davis, Joel
Davis, Olive Davis, Julm F Plnnter, Cap
tain v. iiicru nun saran Kieru.
Josle Lewis. Uarrle ri. Graham. Mnsey
Albery, AV. C. Newell, Harry S. Groove nnd
r ratiK urnnnm,
Emma Callahaiu Mrs. C Vunllom. Med
ford; Mrs. C. E. Wude. Mcldoii: Mrs. O.
Thomas, Wlnthrop; Mrs. (.'. F. Fltzhenry
and Mm. I. Yanllorn.
Hurley Connut. Company G; Sheldon
Jonas, uomnany l : l . v.. Nowell. comnany
H, Iowa cavhlry, and If. Ilurd, Thlrty
Mevcnth Illinois, '
Mrs. It. II. Burtllrk, Miss Olla Oyler. Will
Olycr, H. II. Burdlck, Thomas Oyler and
.Mrs. Kate Oylor.
J. M. Cook: Mrs. Mattel? Cook. It. W. Eld
man, John Fcsner and Miss Lizzie Fcsner.
Uaptiilu l), K, Crawford, J. W. Howun,
f u 1.- ill........ r- it t ttt...,.,. 1 li
Perry, Company 1). Seventy-Hlxth. Ohio, and
Company E, Ono itundred anil Fifth Penn
If. OMortlnnd. Saroli A. Gatcly. Mrs. J
M. Luke, Sarah J. Mundruff, A. E.; Ford
and Caroline E. Coulter,
'Agnes Plercy. J. T. 'Wieemnn, Llbble
.Plercyi ;W. KyucluvJ. L. Hoiiulie antl
K. Lwls. ... . ..
W. M. Balrd, Jra Moss, M. I: Stew
d. 1.
Claud Mojss, Josle: Stewart nnd iWelM fro.
rence.. j
V. B. Bentley. C, 13. Wcldnuxn. Mrs.
ueorgo Bnrtlett, lassie llortinuu, Mnt. C,
c. wetamnn una 'Mrs. it. w iionmnn.
Mrs. G. JJ. Frulil, .1. F. Dudgeon, W. F
Dudgeon. Mr. Lldln (Jood, Mrs. F, M
Good and It: B. Dudiroon. '
Willie Newell. Dllllo Nowell. Fred G.
Newell, Jessie Nowell and Clay Newell.
.lames A. Gardner, Mrs. M,argaret -Gurd-ner.
Mrs. J. E. Gardner. James Gnrdtier,
Kllon Gardner and Iiruce Gardner.
Alls. Iteckhnm, Mrn. J. D. Jones, Mrs. D.
II. Heagy. Mrs. Frank Patton, Mrs. M, E.
Huhhard nnd James Ileagy.
Oileb Edom. Nellln Illy, Carrie Chapman
Catt, Knsan U. Anthony, Birdie Blue und
Meg Moloney. ...
Bessie, Pratt, Harry M, J'ratt, J.IUlc Pratt,
Edith Pratt, Lin M. Pratt, army nurse, 'and
Sldnoy Pratt, Twentieth Connecticut ' In
fantry: -
Ben Day, Fny Foss, J. AV. Bush, E. Allen,
It. J. Logan and Itoblrt A'nn B.
Mrs. George Shcldom Georgo Sheldon,
(Jt-rnld Garner, S. Thompson, Company K,
Twelfth Indiana cavalryt Mr J. D. Gar
ner and,.J D. Gamer, Company' 0, Fif
teenth Illinois Infantry.
Floyd M. Sishon,. Daniel Orawv Bosscy
& Co.. Frank E. Graw and -Peter J. 4J.
O. Owohs, B. Otvens. 'L. Owens, W.
Owens, Elizabeth Valentine hnrt' James
AV. F. Luddcn, Fifty-third AA'hcons'.n,
F. S. -V.r W; M. Salisbury, Company E,
Finn Nebraska, U. S. A'., and Bcrnlco
Downing Ulysses.
Thomn3 J, Majors. Genernl Gage, James
Stevenson, Mrs. Bellq .NewelJ, Mrs. Abble
A. Adums and Mrs; Emily O. Dlllworth.
"M. L. AVhlto. M. AVhcnton O. E. AV.,
T. E. II., G. E. II., Jame.1 Sperry nnd L.
Tosallo B. Condon, Susan B. Dyers, Mrs.
L. O. Gngo. Mrs. H. S. Stratton, M.h.
J". AV. Bowen nnd J. AV. Bowen.
It. B, Sutter,- II. Hope, G. Blddlg, O. P.
Dill. G. It, Mathews and W. J. Bryan,
Amanda C. Boss, Adelaide A. Barber, "Edna
Barber. Arthur N, Bnrber; Estello E. Gafeo
and Abble, A. Adamn.
Frod Bolstell. M. A. Bolstell, Mrs. J. M.
Scott, J. M. Scott, Margaret Barnhnrt nnd
Bowen B, Barnhart.
George E, DlHen, Sarah L. Dlsen, Bruce
B, Barnhart, Buso Barnhnrt, Merit lllgley
nnil M. Dobson.
Mattle M. Marton, Emily Dlllworth,
Sodclln M. Itupcpcr, Mrs. Alice Dlllworth,
Mrs. Lillian Alexnnder nnd 'Mrs. L. E.
Mrs. nosn AV. Hoffman, C. E. Eaton. AV.
H. Fry, Lillian Hawthorn, It. E. Flnloy
and Sojihla Flnloy.
Mrs, L. Schurmnn. E.. Hards, Company
K. One Ilundroil and Thirty-ninth Illliiqt.v,
MrH. JnmPK Tylor. James Tyler. Nellie
Hnrds and F. F. Coberly, cnptaln Company
D. First Nebraska volunteers.
AV. J, Neely, Vlnney 1'. Pulov, Juliet
O, Howe. John A. H. Stem, Snrn Shield nnd
Julia S. Brown.
Mrs. Nancv Jacknnn. Clarence FrnnX
fqrter, J. AV. Frnnkforter, Mrs. It. J, F nnk
fortor, E. AV Bhykert and Mrs. D. A.
Ithykcrt. army nurso,
lohn Smith, Jennie Tlce, Nell Blnnoy,
Daisy Dean, Peter Plndor and Samuel
Snodil. , .
J. M. nuttier. Lou Buttlor, Jopho Ttoo,
Company B. First Nebraska volunte-rs;
Nettle L. Eaton, Newton AV. Eaton and
Dr. Forest, Company 1), First Nebraska
Bruce Mncy. Lohmnn. Peters, Fred Cook,
Sherol Hall, SpanlKh-Amorlcan war.
Mrs. AV C. Forbes, AV. C. Forbes. F.
Parish. Daisy Gnrrlson, Agnes. Pnrrlsh and
Mno Baldwin.
Flossie Ilnrrop, Boberfllnrrop. Hoy Hnr
rop, Currlo Harrop, Carl F. Bush mid Mrs.
Carl F. Bush.
Mlnnln Dyboro, Illrtlle Algord, Hn'tl-
Itegnn, Ellen Ilermlnghnulf, Blanche Ens'ow
and Julia Bnuermnunn.
Torrance A'nn Andell. AV. C. George.
Blincho. Mrs. AV. C. nnd Mnrgarot.
Norn Porklnn. AV. E. Klsor. C. W. Erwln.
Nettle Klsor, Mrs. Mury Erwln uniV, Olive
Fryphenn Mclay. Mary Bell. John H.
Mclny, Snrnh ltedlsh A. C. Bedlsli. Cap
tain C. W. Bell. Tenth Indiana cavalry.
.P. A. Nowell. Third Iowa cavalry; W. II
Hone. Third 'Iowa cavalry: D. C. Pedttt.
Third Iowa cavalry; D. II. More. Third
Iowa cavalry, and Leon Newell, Third Iowa.
Mrs. Frod A. Miller, Mrs. Jessie Berdlck,
'.00 Miller. Mrs. S. E. Miller, Mrs. F.
Prouty find Frod. Miller.
AV. J. M. Smith. Fifth Iowa Infantry;
D. II. AVoodard, Company F. Ono Hundred
nnd Forty-tlrht regiment, Illinois; Mary A.
Mrs. M. E. Parish, W. M. Parish and
W. A. Henry, Forty-first Iown Infantry,
Company G.
Thomas Hnrrop. Miss Annie Hnrrop, Boy
Harrop, Nellie Ornco Ilnrrop, Mrs. Bltta
Harrop and John Hnrrop.
John Madsoni Mrs. John Madson, J. H.
Barwlck, Mrs. Bnrwlck, O. S. Ward and
Mrs O S, Ward.
John A7 Crawford, F N. Cowoll, J O,
AVest. George Itynn. A Knlttol, Company
D, Forty-llrst New York Infantry.
maclIa'bees -'DROP BOYNTON
NMI(e Oltl ' .tnilfiitliiii b Ahnllsliltiit
OHH'f.tif SiiMfi'inr Atlvlsnf,
Vltlfh lie- llfltl. -
POUT HURON. .Mich.. July 10. The first
session ot the eleventh biennial meeting of
tho supremo oiUuers of tho Knights of
Maccabees ttnd' J.ndles of the Maccabees
was hold here CodaY and was marked by the
closinc of a.BtrugKlo which has been pend
ing Blhrc the' last session, two years ago,
between Un' ..Ala'rkcy and the Boynton fac
tions. S'ipreme council abolished the of
fices of suprenlo udvlser, which was hold
by Major S.N. Bpynton nt a salary ot
$3,000 per year. Boynton was tho founder
of thd order and herd the office of supreme
commander until defeated by D. II. Mnrkcy.
Tho offices of supreme medical nnd dis
trict medlral examiners wero abolished nnd
n board of medical examiners composed of
three, uhj'alclans will bo established nt ft
salary of 'j000 each. Dr. E. C. Moss of
this city will, ..bc, phalrman, The salary of
suproino commander wa3 raised to $7,500
si year' nnd that of supreme record keeper
to $6,000. D. M. Mnrkey will be re-elected
supreme commander and George J. Salglo
wipreniy recorder- tomorrow without oppo
sition. r.
Thcv;suprem hlvo Ladles of the Macca
bees elrcteil olllccrs -as follows; Com
mander. Lilian M. Holllster. Detroit; lieu
tenant' commander, Mrs. Helen it. Downer,
Chicago; record' keeper, Miss Ulna M.
AVesti Port : 'Huron finance keeper, Mrs. A.
Loulso lAleyors, . Port Huron; chaplain,
Mrs, Orirto E. Meredith, Wabash, lnd.;
medical Oxnmluer Dr. Susan Fisher ltoso,
MeadvlU'e. Pa.', sergeant, Mrs. Tlrzah A.
Nelson, Mftrshnlltown, Pa.; mislress-nt-
arms, Mrs. NelilO' k. l.niuPson, uregon;
picket, Marfh Bi Abbott, Grocley, Colo.
nntt ProfrHslonnlN
Ten'"'' n'woritstnUen
NEAV 'YOttK'rJiily 16,-Tcn iwecpstiiken
events were shot oft today over the Inter-
tatt" park trupa near Queens, L. 1.
ifThlsja-ftH'thft opening iluy 'Of the Interstate
itf.oclatlo'!r;pc.cdn(I grand .American hand
icap tournament ntiinanimato targets ana
ii, itiMjorlty'.nf tho'-best professional-.and
taimtvtir; trap shootfrx in tho country took
part i.None of- tho prgfosslgnals luid
iinv shun of tho munov nrlzes and shot. for
inrgeis .ouiy, o. wini ine amaiuuis nu
't-ern successful 'in ' securing " n' sutflclent
niimbor 111 iirtinKsf-'in ofieft ovoiifwere re
warded with fnJrly substantial sums of
money. Of the ten events flye wero at
llftven targets cu'eli and, tho other live at
twenty tnrgets each.
The best aggregate score of the day was
mado by Slmofi Ulover of- Bochustur, N. Y
who brvkc, 107 out iff a possible 175. The
next host xOiIm nia'do'bv W. U. Crosby of
O'Fallon, III. the- champion target shot of
tho world, who broke 100. Fred Gilbert of
Spirit Lake, la., with 101, wa a close third
and. A. H. Winchester of Philadelphia was
fourth with lill breaks. Winchester had
tho credit Of maklnpr the host run ot tho
day, iib,Jie made sevcnty-llvo consecutive
kjlls. from the second to tho llfth event.
The principal event on tomorrow's pro
grant will be the preliminary handicap, open
to nil. 100 bluo rocka tier man, unknown un-
Igles, $7, ojitruucev wlUi $100 ndded to the
jiurpc, iiunuicaiii ironi luutice-ii to iHt-inj-UVe
yilrds for AtliWh thcro aro sevonty-two
men entered. 4,Wiere-wlll be rlvo- swoop
stakes evunts nlmilur to those decided today,
Following nro the utrnlght scores made In
tile ton -ovciitHi'dccldcd today:
fitrnlRht Monrr.
First event. (If teen birds: E. Banks, New
Aork;"J. S, Fanning. Jersey City; Franklin
Sterns, Illohmund, A'a.; C. AVnguer, ayra
ctise; D. ,.AV. Sawln.. Gardiner, .Mass,, and
J. J. .HaUowcll., Philadelphia, llftpen inch.
Second' bvent. twenty birds! Simon
Glover,- HocltesWr;- C F. Dudley, New1
York; -AV. Hood. IAalllniore: AV, A, Ham
mond, .Illclimnnil, A'a.; JF.. Slrnrn?: C. AV.
I'nellfs'.'-CiTiflnnMI: J. Blnctthlrd, Lnnfc.istcr,
lVi7j-)nd: Ro,McCcrl,r ltochcster, twenty
'Third event, flftecjt blrdsr'anninBrDUd
loy, J, A. Mitlon'o; Baltimore; Stearns,
Arlnciicster," F. li. Snow, Brooklyn. O.;
Bnac Tallmann. Mill Brook, N. Y. ; E. D.
Collins, lloboken. nnd E. C. Griffiths,
Pnscoug, B. ' I., fifteen each.
Fourth event, twenty birds: .Glover, J.
M, Hawkins, Baltimore; AVInchcster,, Burke
nnd Lawrence, twenty, each.
Fifth event, fifteen bird: Glover, Crosby,
Fannms:, Ei II. 'Storr, Baltimore; lyroy.
Cumuttllo, .Muss. ; Winchester. Ed Fulford,
Utlea. K. "Y;. iSd Griniflis llfteen euch.
Sixth crenir'Fwtnty birds: Glover nnd
Crosby twentyfiMiich. .. ,
t .Seventh eventi..llf toen birds: J. Hoffman.
Jr., ..New Geniuiiitown, N, J.; Gilbert.-
Bhnker, T EllHon. Blchmond. Va.;
Loroy," Winchester; Bhellls, Tallmann and
.Sitwlti. lift (! each, , .
Eighth uvent, twenty birds: It. O. Helkes,
Crosby, Banker nnd J. Mink, Philadelphia,
twenty tnch. '.". 4 1
. Nlith voitrHf-t'en birds: Burke, Phlllls,
.Colonel CvUFtru?3?,".iiyracu?c. N. ,Y.; Kclscy
nnd Captnln -Money fifteen ench:
. Tenth vvemY twenty birds: S.-'SSnuler,
lncinmUl;. AV;rHopklnB,...AquedU6tp N. Y
,VvcnM Xcll9"- tr V ,
wfte.r opIinlfyifMiiltsucerrnmUcn to
ji llrst .Constitution nnd
- .. - "til
, rfEWPORT, IL ,L, July 16.-tndepqndcnce
stilj swings nt its moorings Insldo Brcnton's
covti for thousJi,U topmast waB llnally
stcpped.'and rlpKe1 today the fog waii so
thick iiat li wn' deemed too hazardous
to start .out.-" , . , ,. 1 .
Mr. iJiwsoti said, he had been Invited to
onter'Indcpcndenco In' the.'cvents'ot August
2 und 3 und that ho had'afcCeptod. He sold
by lhau time the yacht- would bo In flno
Hharie.. Ho nxprpsised. the .utmost. conndpnee
In defcatlhg totn the Hcrreshoff yachts.
' . City Officii
1401-3 FIRN1M ST.
a -
s 14,75 1
JULY 23, 24, 25 i
-r - :
Sleep for Skin Tortured Babies and
Rest for Tired Mothers, la
Warin Bath with
And a. single application of Cuti
cura Ointment, purest of emol
lients and greatest of skin cures.
This Is the most speedy, perman
ent, and economical treatment for
torturing, disfiguring, itching,
burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted,
and pimply skin and icalp hu
mours with loss of hair of infants
arid children known.
Millions or 1'r.ori.K usi:CtmcttnA SoAr,
arsUlcdby ClTlruitA OlM.Mf.Vrl for brautl.
tying 'tlio akin, ,for cleansing tho erjtlp, nnd
lliu, stopping of. falling; half, for sOfteulpg,
.'.whitening, and sotilhlng red, rough, nud s'oro
lindu,und for 11 tho purponesof tho toilet,
I1MI1, and nursery. Millions of women n 0 0t
TIcnitb'OAPlnbnth orantioyliiglrrllnttoiU,
Inlluminatlons, nii'd cliaflnge, too free Or oltcn.
tlvo'pcf'fplr.-ulou, 111 washes for nlccratlTO
wcalinoAtes, ami. for many snnaliro ntjllseptlo
.purposes which rtMidllysuggoiitthoinsrlTua.
Complete Treatment for Rvtry Humour.
CuTicun Soap, lo t-leanne tho skin or criiM
mnil scale;, CunctmA OlSTitr.NT, to Instantly
alliy itching, and soothe and heat, and Cuti
cun ItcsoLVENT, to cool and clfinso the
Md Ulronithotit tS. worlil, nrttlih I). Pol I F. Nl-
T k Hour. tl3IChtrtprhou,c Pq., lDilda. l'OTtm
lmu asu Ciitu. Coir., Solt I'ropi.
' . Ot,lhe Son thr,ows. drl(,i,hadow on.,
the ea'tth. to it Is with the human Mdy;
-wlv;n.di5ir.hutj'txjt the Jlghtol hMltl
nd hipplntJ. 1 ' ' ' '
Inn antidote, for ill diseases which ittscb
the Kidneys, 'Liver, ;$tomach or Bowels.
It drives out constipated conditions, restore
functional 'activity and regularity,
MAKU..M . .
Pure Blood,
. Strong. Nerve and
Cood Digestion.
People who have used It say It Js thtlf
main reliance .for, keeping the fxxiy healthy.
frtce, Sl.oa
rwtAL VCTITlMI, lk IwiHWI'Wll"
IB . mm Mrt It M .m4 . 4rtk. 'II to Mt tolV "
' MttMj. uir ,i.mmi w um.
nut mm.
A. Mayer Gx,
Pktnt Ul
Re-No-May Powder
Not only rellaves, but posltlvoljr euros all
(borders of tho feat, stops odorous perspi
ration, cures tender, twolltn aud painful
Price 50 Cents.
For Sale by all Drulsts
and Glove Dealer
Consultation rreo from 2 to 4.
When ordering ly tnall udd S cants fol
1 Ke-.No-May Skin Food for facial massar;
1 Re-No-May Croara softem aid wbituai
.41m haeda, auod face..
TttNO VATOH ln hit-rate and renovate the
aytem, ptirltloa nnd enriches tbr lilood! ourea
Um rrurt dytipepsU, cunstlpatlon, hendaetae-,
llvrruutl Ulrtncja. -.oorulll atiltUfulitrt l-'rc-e
R advice, sumpln und liuok. hb.
Dr. 1). J. Kar, Surato, K Y,. B
Tel. IWJta
S. M HUAH I'rusente
''"'"""'-THE PLUNGER,
CommencliiK Thjrndily Nlpht
Prices 10c, 15c, 20o und 25c.
Thii coolest ilnco In Oinrihii. Jt'ST UK AD
ovH i.iht ok n-rtni-: at t 1 1 a i"n o n h kou
TODAY! 'i;ho "PASSION IM.AY," the Mnry
of the. life of Olirfkt, TYLUIt'S woiiderful
DO(! nnd'-MONKUy SHOW. I.OHIJNK celo.
t'KNSIUNK hy frof Kanchcr, uud u itun
died other free features.