THE OMAHA DAILY J3EK: "NVEDiN ESbAY, JULY 17, 1901. 11 V ( SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for Iheae rolumm will li taken until 12 ni. for the evening edition unci nntll KslNI p. ni. for moraine and Sunday edition. Itate, 1 1.2a n irord first Intention, He a rrorH thereafter, Nothing tnkrn far leal limn ar.c for the Ilrat Inser tion. Then advertlaetuenta ninat be conneentlvelr, Advprtlaera. by requesting a nm tiered check, can hare nnawera ad dreaied to a numbered letter ta cars f The Her. Anarrera ao addreaaea will be delivered oa reaentatloa mt taa hack aalv. WASTED-MALE HELP. WANTKn-tt'c have steady work for n few good hustlers of good habits and appear ance, v. r. Auams v.o., iva uowaru hi. B-aoa UAHHUH trade taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue and particulars free. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. 1J aui WANTED, housewrcckers to fllo bids tn musical festival lumber material, gravel, etc., fit 15th and Caiiltol ave. ltuiulru J, a. Knoww-s, superintendent, u am "WANTED, a young, man for olllce work. State exiicrlcnce and salary wanted. "V, uee oince, oo. umuna. u va i WANTED, a reliable, energetic man at once; can mnko big money. I-ock llox 301, Sioux City, la. U-M331 WEN wanted to learn barber trade; good wiil'oh mild our craduntcs: sneclul Induce ments tn iinnilciints from dlsfince: two months comnletes. Apply by in.lll. Moler Barber college, 1C23 Fariiam. U-M in ItAf'IIINISTrt. Kuttprnmnknr. moilltlers. DollcrmaKcrs, blarktimitln, brass s and llnlalitra cun securu steudy employ ment at wages 25 to 33 per cent higher than paid In east, In the cities of Seattle, Tacoma, Everett. Whatcom, Falrhaven, Olympla and Hatlard, Mtatu of Washing ton; delightful climate; cost of living no higher than eastern cities of same ciuss. Apply to F. W. Mitchell, secretary Tacltlc Coust Metal Trades' association, Seattle, Wash. JJ-MW2 19' WANTED Young men and young women enn cam from U to $5 a day easily selling Hie yutlon Natural Stone, germ-,)root water inters; tall at once; It talkM for Itsolf; itgcutH wanted In umaha, South Omaha and I'otir.cll Hln fTK ; wu'nre general ugonts for Nebraska and 'Wyifmlng. A. O. v McAuslund Co., mfgrs. aguuts, 415 luir bach bldg , Omaha. Neb. B ,M3 19 WANTED, traveling salesmen, sldd line for retail grocer and drug trade In Iowa and Nebraska. A. Jhcobven. Co., brokers, lu lieu bldg., beforo U .1. m. 'dully. 11-212 ! WANTED, bookbinder, musl bo llrat-cluss llnlslier nnd ruler. Carroll (In.) Illailli I lJtiok Co. U-MI4I 2i) GOOD brend maker nt Smith's bakery, liwi t-iuu avenue, council lliurrs. f U-M 27 19 WANTED, baker, at once, gnprt second hand; will give good wages.- Address E. ' U. Ivauffmaii, Ilaker, Nurfolk, Nebraska. LINEMEN wajited by tho Twin-City Tolc" phono company, Minneapolis, Minn, I Steady work. WANTED, flrst-cluss drug und prescription clerk, who Is wllltiu: to work: uood waves If competent. Sherman & JlcCoruu-ll Ding V.O., uiiiunu, 11 mmh 11 WA.NTBU-FBMALU HELP. WANTED, '."CO, girls. 1321 Dodgo. Tel 876. C-303 ltELIAULE Iielp, Canadian oftlce, 1522 Doug ' C-300 WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. A. G. Gilbert. 3.(9 Scott St., Council Uluffs. C-M9I6 17 COMPETENT clrl In fumllv of two. Aindv 1015 Georglu uve., Mrs. W. J. Iiurgess. C-Ml 19 LADIES wanted, to learn hair dressing, manicuring or facial massage, splendid wages Paid grudufitpa: only four weeks required with the advantages offered; v clal l7mtnKriiw ' from x distance; .m well its city. Apply, by malt toois presonieu; uipiomuH awarded; sp? .MoleC College, 1623 Furnam st C M994 IS v. . : ' ' WANTED, house-to-house canvassers, ladles as well as ucntlemcn. for the cltv nnd'Hll over the states of lowu and Neb. A. Jacobsen 'Co., brokers, 105 lice bldg.,. uciore j a, m uuiiy, ' U 213 16 'ANTED. girl for general housework, fam Uy' of ,thr.ce. Mrs. Slmerul, 970 N. ,2Sth Ave. (J .4( IiADY .stenographer; must. Iwi rapid nnd operate Smith I'remlcr machine. Call niter y a., ni.; salary jt wuoK o Blurt W, F. Rankin, 410 j.'nxton bldg. . C-M2IG17 . 1 , . . ., . 1 WANTEIJ-Fotlr. fiidles for convlnc nrlnts nt home at leisure hours: experience un necessary. Apply personally. Dent, lilO uuvenpori sireei. , u il i4( 1J GIRL to nsslst In cooking and do general housework; Hmall family. Apply X'2l i.eavenwortn. v C 253 17 COMPETENT coolc. "604 S. 25th uve. T C-M2H3 !) IT LESSENS defects, Intensifies attractive ness.' These nnd more merits are Incor porated in Hatln-bKln I'owder; 25c. C-M20-J 17 IF YOU want your housefTwcU rented plncc lltvm TTtvii i ta. v a OUf I'O MOVE right, get Omaha Van Storage Co.. oince 1511H Farnum, or tel. 15T.3-S63. D "aQS HOUSES for. rent In nil parts of tho city. AJl U 1 1 Will i--4V V aiv uvutll Ptl.vki . D-309. HOUSES, stores, llcmls. Paxton block. D-310 8. W. Corner 30th and Hurdctte streets. t 013 SEE HENRY H. PAYNE, 001 N. Y. LIFE. C 311 HOUS12S, etc. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. V U 31. HOUSES and flats. Rlngwult;' barker block. u 31 HOUSES wunted. Wallace, Brown block. U 311 8-HOOM haute, bath and closet, 26th nnd' diaries. .Monroe at uo , mi im. lutn st. D-315 S217 CUMING, 8-room house, all modern except furnace; rent, i.u OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., ' ' 10th 'and Douglas. D-OfiO 8-ROO.M hrlck housed moder.n, 2717 Jackson. Telephone A. Truynor, 191 or L25S3. FOR .RENT, 10-room. enst front, brick house. 308 N. 23d Ht... near uavcnpori, Inaulro next door. 1 TEN-ROOM brick modern house. 522 N. ith St.. its. , Nine-room modern house .and Jarge barn, 2c PoppletonAve., 140. r.U-gant houfle 'nnd lurgo barn, 1S24 W Irt 12-room houso and twa barns, S'JQil N.. lth St 125 ' Elgh't-robtn modern house, '2K7 N. Nth St., lis. . . .v 8Hc"?om ,,0,,"e'' cUy' "lier', N' J7th BRENNAN-LOVE CO., 30? South 13th St. . i 1 f ij yw n- MODERN 7-rObm liOUse. nenr I'urk. 1509 80. 2Sth. ' D-225 J-23 ELEGANT nimrtment In Winona or A'l- CnpunyTr Duo H TO small family, a four-room house, 2f04 uioiwo, ri per monin. Appiy wiLii .'y FOR RENT. 2102 N. 29th ave.. house, newly papered ami painted; six line large roouin, uee s. ij. inmnie, i:ia i-urnam. T-M19 7-ROOM flat, 617 South 10th. Clark Powell, 311 New York Life. ' D-575 FOR, RENT A fourteen-room dwelling at CoO Flrtt ave., Just back of the federal hnllilliir: all modern, steam heat, gas stove und ranges go with the houfc; two bath rooms, all In good "repair; well suited for roomers, which Is now In demand. See Ohio Knox, Shujart block, Council 111..... IV MIU7 17 FOR RENT HOUSES. UNEQtALED. central nil modern sevon- III room house, live-room Hat. tour-room, naii three-room cottage. Tliard, 221 No. 21th D-M21J 2u FOll Nn. 1R23 Dndcn St.. ll rooms bath, range, two tnosets, miciy .,.,.,..,..,1 .....i .!... .r iv l'u't:ii uiiu uiiucui " J FOR HUNT 4-room basement, with or without barn. 193$ South 12th St. . d-:5:-i; SIX-ROOM furnished cottage for the sum mer, no children. 802 S. 30th St. D-251-21' FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY. European hotel, 13th nnd Far nam. , fa ai . I THE THUItBTON, cool, airy rooms. B 320 THHEE rooms, light housekeeping. South lllh. E- 1112 si: pai 1508 Cuming St., second floor. E-200 W9 8. 20T1I ST. Furnished rooms. E-MC2S SOUTH rooms. ;l!W6 Capitol nve. E-M207 20 l'tlt.M.SIIED ROOMS AND IIOAIID. UTOl'lA. 1721 Davenport St. F-322 01.ENCA1HN, transient, 1.25 day, lew Doug. THE Mcrrlam, summer resort, 2Jth &. Dodgo. r a: NICE south room: The Pratt,- 212 B. 25h St. TWO large front rooms, with board. 1909 Capitol Ave. F-M9I7 DESIRABLE rooms, flrst-cluss board. 2SSI ll-irney. F-M9J5 17 l-'Olt ltE.T-t.FUHMSIIKU UOO.MS. DESK room, space, $5 per month, ground Hour mom In Thn lieu bulldlltt:. facing Furnam street; no expense tor light,- heal or Janitor service. H. C. l'eters & Co., Hcntul Agents, Hec building. u Uli FOH IlENT, unfurnished fhiorf . private bath, iiujsu modern, '.bix.iiaruey. G-MSOfi TWO rooms for light housekeeping. IfiU ix-avcuworin at. , a- FOll HE NT, unfurnished rooms;' suitable for light houseKccpuiK. witntieii build ing, loth und Harney.,: See Janitor. . 0 :UM2tt.l8 I'till HHNT-8TOIIE8 AND OKFlUB9 FOR IlENT Store In llrat-elaia ..location'. l-nnt r.-iiHOiiHlili.., Anmv. 11. u. l'eters Ac. .... 1 1,.... - 1 it 1 1 v.11,, bl uiim. nuui, unu ifi-JJ,. - ' I prilt tll'VTThn lillllitltil!' fnrrAprt 'nfirtl. pied uy me tiee at viv iarnutn ni. it nus luur siuriL-t. utiu a uunuiuviii vinyji .ua fm-mhrlv iisncl .is Thu. Ilea, nresa room. This will be rented very reasonably. It nliiiK lit nnp,. tn ( 17. Tlnsc- wuler, secretary, room 100, Ueo bulld)ng( 1 ' ' - - - FOll IlENT Utoro. 2403 Leavenworth. I &BO jyii AUBXT3 VSITEi. WANTED-Canvusslng agents In every county to solicit Huoscriptioui for tub; TWHMTIHTll IJENTIlltY b'ARMKft Hllli the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK nnd COMPLETE STOCK DOC- TOH. This splendid book contains 1,400 imperial octavo pages, bOO object-teaching engravings und is tho pnly book on live stock ever published adapted, to the every day, practical, money Buying use 01 avory farmer und stock owner. Steudy employ ment wun nssuruo goou tngvfme. eius 111 the country with horse and buggy es neclally desired. Canvassers make easily 160 to ICO per mouth. -Address, Century Funnel taoucnors- jjureuu. uee uuilding, omana. jvh WANTED Auents to aell uur sensible en. duwment pollcv: cull or nddressi c u. Lobeck, Mgr. Nebraska Dept. the Security 1,1 it.- nnu savings ins. wo., em in. I. L.lte, urnana. , . j amw jy-a A'T.lTl.iSSrnr8!! lJlJJ .?; curable case; restores stiff Joints, drawn lords .and hardened muscles. It your (Lulf.r has not isot these ro.merlle vja will send 1110. iuu monin s- treatment or 'two 1 largo bottles on recelpfof 15. Drummond Medicine 1.0., si Nassau si., rsew York. J 3W60 A10 sTOIIAtiU. tlAfiltrr dtfimti'A nnrl H'n.akm,.. rA Al-9- dii Junes, general siorgy.jina'iowaruing. OiW t. I ' '. ' OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511V4 Farn. Tels. 1569-S63: STORAGE Household gVods and other 11 1 11 j " - ' - urtlrles stored at.-low rates., J. J..Deright,l Ac Co.. 1119 Furnam St. Tl-U-353 WANTilll-TO'1 lil)Y. WANTED 100 feather beds.- I pay the hiuhest tirlces tor -old. leathers., Will. stay in your city u weeK, r city u week. Addrvss, L. Huron. ucnera il Delivery, Omuliu.', Nol) aid 1. will cli ii ut your. nome. n soJ-, i .. cu -j: j-L WANTED, to purchase. dontrolIttlK- Interest or an iuu atocK in a uaiiK in ensii-rn nc DrnsKu or western iowiij .coxreponUence lonlldeiltlul. Address C-iti, JJcf. W MS91-22 HAY WANTED. If yoif 'have hay to-'shlp write A. C. Chesterilfcld-Com. Co.. Knnsua City, .Mo. M244 i2 YOUNG than would like" room and Gont'di private iitmiiy preterred. -ftiust bexwithtn Sftft'"! teul8 Wress' 0 1 W?',3' ar' Bttlto ,uteH' Address, U iJ? Uee. ' N JSg-U FOll SALE F.L'Il.NITUHE. CHICAGO Furniture C., 1410 Dodgo. Tel. mm. New .-i -uhana furniture bougnt, sdla, C.VI1UI1KI.-U, ' U orj BUY your furniture nt Enterprise Furnl i Co. Wo have purchased n, big bahlc. ture rupt slock und will ciotu It out ui 23 per cent discuunt. 1U2-4 S. 14th. Tel. 2290. P-M630-Jy30 FOR SALE-HOUSES, VEHICLE!!, ETC, QUICKEST and. best repair work on ve hicles xi rrusi, i-iiii uiiu i.cuvuimuriu, P-297 FOR SALE cheap, a 3-lnch wagon gear, witn 4'incu iires, uui nine uscu. u, m. llnrt, 1307 Jones St. P 416 FOR SALE, buggies, phaetons, . surrles, runabouts, road wagons, inarKst wagons und farm wagons. Retailed at .wholesale prices. F. A. Huelow, 1311 'Jones' 8t. . n e. P-M907 19 FOR SALE chenn. a linn ilrtvlnir hr.te. genuti and not airani or anything, a.eo harness tind surrey, ulmoflt new. Family leaving city for slimmer. Apply' i13u2 uougias St., or -phone 1SI4, M26I 19 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAWDUST, chenpeaf po!)(s, poultry nnd M9 fence. '901 Dpuglai). t.. .. . ,"0,-330 REPAIRSnd stinpllel for nil roaHes 'fjf'bli' cycles, umana uicycio t,o., lotn at i;nii;ago;' '"V . . " t)-331 2DHAND sufo cheap. Derlghlttup Fiirnartw - .vu SAFES, standard makcs,i)oId, rented, '114 H.'IV O Ml BIG line of secondhand wheels; 13, 15, IS, 110. omana mcycio co.. lutn nnu uuicaco hih. Q331 , BEAl'TIFUL squaro plnnos, fiilly guaran rMuTWrn l v-r teed; 125. m nnu up. Easy payments FRESH Jersey, cow. 323 N. 37th street. ' J M.X lb ' " - CI.AI11VOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. 819 North lSth. S-S35 MMR. GYLMER has returned and -resumed business. Purlors, 315 8outh 15th street. S-6C5 PERSONAL, DR. ROY", chiropodist; corna and superfluous nair removed Dy eiectnciy. it. jz, i- r'rjr VIVVIV. " ' 1'EIISO.VAI li'TVRU cured; no knlfi, no pain, no it .,tr; send tor circulars. Empire RUP- I... ..ure. 932 N. Y. Lite Building, Otnahu.. L-340 V1AVA, woman's way to health; rational. wiKusomu Home treutmeni. a" ure SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent, white Sewing Alacnine, irai uouB. IUB. 1CI. '.'211. PRIVATE hopltal for ladles before anl during, eonltnemcnt; babies adopted. ot I urant at. " ... FRENCH Afrmininv PLEATING: mall orders solicited, umahu Pleating ut ioji Douglas, u jij pniVATE hum. i.f,,ro u.t durlim confine- ment! babies adopted. Mrs. Hurgot, ." liurdelte. U-34I WE HUNT, sewing machines for T5 cents per wcck. nc sell pans lor uiiu every sewing machine manutiictured. NEHHASKA CYC1.K COMl'ANV. corner mil and Harney bis. U l.'l JySJ M. GOLDMAN ft CO.. only perfect ac cordion pleating plunt In tne west, mall orucrs soncilcu. suite .w, uougius inutn. u at i SHOE Impairing. M. SpcrdJto, SIS N. 16th. UWW 1 1 u -1 WE rent sewing machines for 5 cents per week: wo 'renalr ilnd sell needles nnd parts for every machine manufactured. i-iione iij'aI, iseo. uyciu uo., uor. i.un aim Hurney. n-137 Aia MME. SMITH, baths, US N. 15th, 2d Moor, ruum ! u .u. A LADY with Just a "kiss" of Satln-Skln ruwder, to taiic away Is l wle,i; u m attractive. I'iUmIit. tn lii.ii. nviiv Mint "Mhlnv" looil. iac. L m.wj u'l OxYIXlN'nn rpvrmna thn cnmlltlcniK India. I pelisnule to the rise and progress in uis- eases und establishes the conditions of hen I Ui bv cati.lnir the body tn attract and absorb oxygen and - eliminating mseuso naturally, without the use of imms and electricity. Oxvdonor will cure iho.nmu- tlsm. buy fever. Insomnia, neuralgia, 1 asthma, catarrh. KrlPiie. bronchitis, sciat- ien. (lVMictisia. indiiresiion. an rema c uis- i orders and many otherB. The Is 1 invited tir can-or write tor lurtner-inior i inatinn to ur. ll. buncnu t uo., room Ueo bldg., Omaha, Neb. I'-Mffid 17 M0M:Y TO LOAN ll UAL. ESTATE. I MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. ureuuau-ivu 1.0., auum uui. W-3li LOANS on eastern Nebraska und western Iowa, lurms at t nar cent: borrowers can 13th 'St., Omaha, Neb. W-317 WANTED,, city loans, bonds and warants, Ueorge 4t uompany, iwi rarnam sireei. ' I ... . ..n.n ' - , ... 1- .....1. 1 cll u,lu lurm luana, uiiu. uuiiui Famiim St., Uee Uldg. W 319 MONEY to loun ut 4V4 and 5$ per cent on omana property, w. u. aiciKit, 401 a. .0111. W-301 .PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas V A) J PIUVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. L. LMONEY TO LOAN on lmnrovcd real cstuto: & per cent interest; no commission; privi lege ot paying iw or more ueiure inu turltv. Northwestern Mutual Life inn. Co., John W, Glsh, special loan agent, 214 First Nat'l Dank llldg., Omaha, Neb. w iSM . Avn eu nt.T cent 'loans W. H Thomas 5 $2 iaflonai Bank building Te . 1W8 1 Mm Qtlonnl uanK ouiiaing. W-3M WANTED, cltv loans and warrants W. I arnam mun & uo., u-u r arnam 01. W-337 (U TO B P. C. money. Bemls. Paxton ulk. vy mo-jo J50.000 SL'ECIAL fund; loans 1500 up. lowest rates, no ueiuy. uarvm uroa., itu tor- nam. w My. M05EY TO LOAX CHATTELS. DO YOU NEED MONEY. We loan 110 und up on furniture, pianos, horses una ottier cnatteis. HAUAUX i.u am ts. witnout mongugo 10 peupio iiuming penna- nent nnsltlons. You can iitt the money In a few hours ufter making-application and take 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 months or more In which' to pay It back, nnd you need not pay for It one uay longer man you Keen 11. we charge nothing tor papers and wo give you the full amount In cash. There are no lower rates than ours: our terms are the easiest; our business Is confidential and our mono is "try 10 piease." OMA11A MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 119 Hoard of Trado JJldg. -Tel. 2295. (Established li92.) . 3ui 8. 16th St. X-35S CONFIDENTIAL LOANS. on house hdld . furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc., in two hours time; also to nuiunuu . i - ...v.. i'.u.i., mi,.-i out security. Easiest payments und low- . . i r .. i. .. ii.i,.H,A i.i i , I esv rules 111 umunu, l iivaiu lllicrviuwillg V-inJ!:2K 3U Brown .entrunC0 room. American i.uuu i,u., ruum block; cor, I6tn ana uougiaa tjts on 16th-St.. opposite T. M. C. A. Uldg. X'iuO LARGEST -BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIEU j-Eui'Lt;, morcnunts, team sters. boarding nouses, etc.. without se curlty1, easiest terms; 40 olllces in principal Cities, loiman, itu uouru oi iruuu iliug. A Jul I.OAVS ON SALARIES. FURNITIIHE live stock, etc, Quick service and lowest rates guaranieeu. j, w. iiuj,ui,, ujj (iuu (Iloor) Paxton block, northeast corner lSth and l-a.nauii cmruuvu .u ioui sirect. X-3C3 HONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew- , elry, horscb, cows, etc. C. F. iiceu, ai9 a. u. A. 3oJ MOMK.Y loaned on nlanos. furniture, horses. cows, jeweiry. uuu ureen, n. s, uarxer oik A 11,000.00 TO place quicK. m. j. Kennard ic Son, suite 310, Brown block. X-3C8 WE LOAN money to salaried people on their note nt lowest rates; strictly conn dentin); pay weekly, semi-weekly or monthly, itoom mj rax ton uiock, au poor. ltellublc t-'rodii uo. a t23 BUSINESS CHANCES. rsriANn HOTEL furnishings nnd four-year lease mr satu iui ta.u umj , 411111 -nvu newly furnished rooms; the best stand In the state: ih u uurguin. 11, 1. iiaimiu, Harttligton, Neb. i M2oJ 1 AM offering for snle my entire business- wood, COUI, leeu .-iuu Krucuui:", uioo uuuu Ings und lot. For particulars Inq-Jlre of Thos. Rishton, 2400 Weal Broadway, Coun cil Bluffs. Y-MI05 wuv. Wvnmlnir Cnttle and Investment com pauy is now out-nun a 11111111.-U umwuui ui nt stock for snle ut nar. This Is the safest and nest paying Investment on the mantel, it you nave money 10 nivcsi, either In small or largo amounts, uauress, 1015 Howard St., care Union Printing Co. I Wll wanted Ladles of ability to manage branch omces; musi nave some casn 10 cover cost 01 remedies, niyroni-i.yinpii Co,, bW uee Uldg.. umann. x 001 a-j HAVE 14,000 to 15,000 (o Invest- in estab ' llslied hardware business lu western Iowa or eastern Nebraska. Address P. O. Hox 843, Shenandoah, la. Y-931 16 FOR SALE or trade, half or whole Interest in drug Btore; hard wood Iloor, Matthews gas machine, soda fountain, etc., In a lively county seat. Thyroid-Lymph Co., w lieu .t, a - " RAREST opportunity to buy nn excellent established grpcery; reason, sickness; rent chenp; man with money can strlko big bargain; trade guaranteed, c 33, lice, Y-M245 17 'for SALE, best fruit, confectionery.- to bacco ana ice neam nus ness in a cooa town; sales, 11,000 per month: reasons for selling, otner nusincss requires hii my time, u 19, uee. v Ji9:-i u FOR SALE. New York racket store; good business In good town of 2,500; Invoice vuout 11,100: best of reasons for selling. Address c 28, nee. v M9 26' FOR SALE, a nice, clean stock ot general merchandise, consisting of dry goods, erucerles and shoes: located In central Nebraska; town of. I.tHX) population; will Invjlce from 15,000 to lO.OOu; the best loca tion in town. u'.Tt, Bee. x mvw w FOR SALE Stocks of merchandise from 1600 up. If you wish to buy or sell write T. m, cune, u-as u ut., Liincoin, .-sen. lit SIN ESS CHANCES. Fcm gLE, Rncket start:. Adhlantl. Neb.! invoice 11,5"); Wc on dollar; theap tent. tiox 3ih Y-J5J 21 rem sale real, estate. RANCH AND FAPM lands for1 itild by the Union Puelrtc italiroad company, ii. A. McAllaster, land commissioner, Lnlon l'aclllo Htudquuricrs, omaha, .Neb. 11 r?- 7ti7 FOll SALE, cheap, my residence. 2137 8. S3d St.; an modern. .ppiy hiubiusuh. .Merctlaliti)' iNutlonul uuiik. j. . . geath. llh-MoSO FOU 8AL.E. 310 acres of land at u bargain, in vectlon thirty (3u;, in iiuu couiuy. Neb. Aduieus . J. f.easnam, Otiumwu, la. HE-iMSW HOU8E8 and lots In all parts of city: also acre property und farm iiuius. i no ,u. r. uavu i.u., nuom ui, ueu .uiiuiuh.. V'tlVlriMT V.'lllt AHIv A. FOU SALE, acre 'property adjoining tlio city in ii'.icim ot ifom o ihjikb iu vi ut.a. Also uustness and resldencu lots, by Klch ardu, Keenu t Co. HE Mi 7V 21 COHN LANDS nnd stock,. ranches In th Corn lieu country, write, mr my iuu . ii. iieineiu, i)ou, -vu. no iW HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also tiro tnsurunce. llmlu I'lLXlUll 111K. 11E-571 lllltlilATi;n t.ANll KOK 8ALE. In the rich valley of Loup river 1 can offer iur suit iniinv iiirtiiM ul reuauiiuuiu ii.iuva. This lund Is a rich sandy loam und pro duces elegant rrops. llie farmers ure tawt nutting null- lunii Into iiliilltu, wnicn iirltisu thm tin., n.tiirns. tlireu und fnur crops u yeur be ng hurvesieu m miiu uv i.n.. Ii.i oun. ..i.i ii ..iir. Most ot tills land is under u line Irrigating cauai, wun u steady ml rvllablc now of water from the Louti rivt-r. t v. Ill name a low ulceus. 2W acred, 1 niliv from county seat; 2u acres meadow, balance pasture land, rrieo, iai. ju uercs W mile :rom county seat; good s- room house, orchard, lols of tunnur, su acres cun be imitated, '.v actus, una al raiiu. n:, unrpn imsture. l-rice. h,wj, liiu act es, house, windinllj, orchard, W acres pasture, w acres furm lauu, iv ucri;s.'u-n gated, t'rlcu, Jl.tiU. 32u acres, lw undar plow, balance pasture; nouse, wiuuu.iii. Darn, i-ri-.e, i,iov. lw aires, lltiu place tut' stock, mime Iiuueo, orcnuiu, uurn, plenty 01 wuier uiiu 11111-be-r. 1'riei". smni. 2C0 acres, 75 ucres plow land; balance, pas ture, qu guou ciay soil. 1 rite too per ucru. 10j ucres, --j ucres culttvtvted Jj per acre. 10) ueris, 60 ' tcrtj cultivated, l per ucre. 170 acres, with fenced meadow that will cut w to ,j tons hay, small iramu Jiuusn nnu niuuit, good hiock zurni. 1'ricu. i.w StftSft?iS&'Err fc"",B . a'lK vaiw. Tavlor. Loun County. Neb. .KE-573 " - . SEE HEN'KY U. PAYNE 601 N. Y LIFE. 11E-8W CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnum St. HE 68 FOR SALE, 2 good houses to bu. removed. a. i'. ru Key Ac aon, lioaru ot Trade. HE-M2I2 19 1,000' ACHES cattlo ranch for sale or trade; the ranch is in uawsom county; t-arnum Is the iiamn of the railroad town: tnlleH to tho ranch; 2 good wells and 2 .MiK2?ahi . 1 0.1, : 3 K22i.? Ll,t.,i ?. I . '.SWi 1 1 o ,0 good wind putntis outbulldlnuB. Auv mn cun ilnd mo ut tne hotel in l-urnnm, ICO. T. J. .MCU'illl. UK AU7 15 HOUSES FOR SALE. 11.375 FOR 4-room house, good east front lot, city water, sewer, puveu street una permanent sidewalk; on car line, three blocks west of lllch school. 11,775 for 7-room house, same location, with an special improvements in and paid iur. RE M2J6 21 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the. acltnowlc'dg'ed leading apo- ciuilBl 111 uiscusca ui,. v9ii;ii 111 uuianu, would call the ladlea Kf t i vj uiieuiHiiiiii fu "ff mwiio a. foro and during confinement, and nis treutmeni tor irxcguiacmeB, .no matter what ruusc. Call or uddrss. with HtamtJ. ur. 'ries, uu uoage .wy.,- .umanu, jncd. V li; V . S30 KlwU OONOVA Is ? French treatment for mal ana lemaiq, lor me positive cure 01 uon orrnoea,.uieej. unnatural uiacnarges, in flammations. Irritations" and Ulcerations ot the mucous membranes. An' Internal remedy with Injection, combined, war. raniea 10 cure wujbi i-usaa 111 -one ween; e pur iavnaiiQ ui mu iui oem ,iuiy- where on receipt of 'price.) The Kldd Drug ,I.-Ip1n III.' Im.H.lin' limn. It wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. A. union, Houtn umana; uavis urug Co., council uiuns. -run line ot legiti mate ruDuer guoos. OSTEOPATHY. jnilNBON Institute. M5 N. Y. L. Bide. Tel. ibui; Alice Johnson, -I. Or. ladles' dept.; um. ii,. jonuson, usieonainisi, iugr. ... . . v ' -v..,,. n . 1 T- I r-irrrrr: DONOHUE. Osteopath; Paxton Blk. Tel. 1387 . , m A. T, HUNT, D. O., iOj.Karbach Blk. Tel 2352 .1 OIU FISHING AND PLUA Sti HE RE SORT. IF YOU want good bass. and cfoppy fishing so 10 laiiKiion. iuo. very ueai or notei accommodations. Plenty 'of. DOuts and minnows, '.vrito iw a. uittmar lor rates. 7&- JD.NK. 1 DO not sell your. Junk before you got prices or tne ureal western JUnK house, sia uougian, umanu. -iiono ziui. a. Fcren. prupnotor. 23S A15 BICYCLES. pniCES that will surprise you; must clear out tho stock of new nnd second-hand bicycles; second-hand .wheels from 12.50 up; new ones, 112 up. L,ouis r ietcner, 162J uapiioi ave. it.' EXPERT ACCOUNTANT, LESSONS In hookkeenlnc etc.. day or even ing, 11 13, um, .vat. uaiiK. u. 11. Jtatnoun, LOST. LOST, Auditorium brick No. 425. Reward 11 returned 10 umana uany jnows. Loat-tll LADIES' gold watch and pendant: engraved at. k. ii." itewura. jiiss iiugcrty, iuu Aruor. iosi Alibi 11 PIANO TUNING. PIANOS tuned. 11.50. F. Lessentln. Mandel. berg's jewelry Store, 1'axton Dig. toi. IC99. .w jy -a- SATIN SKIN SPECIALTIES. BEST for you. because best made. Satin MKin uoap. ureum ana i-ow(ier.: j t;sn is prooi. iu A IX1VEIA' comnlexlan commands Hdmtrn. lion. improve yours umuk magical Hatin-HKin cream ana rowaer. uniy zsc. -M2I1 17' CARPENTERS A Nil JOINERS, ALT. kinds nf rnrnenter work and reualrlni? promptly nuenueu to. j. a. ucniuree, zuth and Lake Sts.' 370 ACCORDION PI.KATINO, Arrniininv nlentlnir: cheapest, best. quickest. Mrs. A. C. .Mark, H. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam. 3.' ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY, 1920 Dodge. Mn. Wd. Thur, Sat. lap jy .j- sTAMMERING AND StUTTEtUN'O.' CURED. Julio Vaughn. ISO Ramge Bldg. mi FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. 8. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. W llOII.EIt. MAKEII5. OMAHA Holler Works, steam boilers, tanks. stacks, etc, rei. iirm ana lzarn his. 3M nitnfMAKI.Nt!. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 2576 Hnrncy. iSli AIU" I'AW.MtllOlCEUS. EAGLE Loan OHlcc. reliable, accommodat. Ing; nil business coniidcntiai. un uougias. -3S1 HEWAItD. trsno tlRWAIttJ nffrrM for the arrest and conviction 01 ine pariy wno enivrcu nnu stole shoes from tho store of H. Meier at Elkhom, Neb., tho night of Juno W. win xcnB Com., Elkhom, Nod. 417 29 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; curie, He. iiuo ieavenworm. iei. oil 5Mi 1MTBXTS. WILL HUV any good Invention or patent, Address Lock Box 760, Des Moines, la. 373 MASON, FENWICK & LA WHENCE, Washington, D. C. II, J. Cowglll, agent, 315 ltamge block, omaha. jseti. yw yilOHTIIA.M) AND TYI'KVVIHTl.VO. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Llfo, -371 UOYLES' College, court reporter, lice Hide. ' NEU. lluslncss & Shorthand College, Boyd's utiuicr. 01 j GHEGG Shorthand, Om. C. Col., 1C& Doug 340 POSTOFFICB NOTICE. (Should be read dally by all Interested, as changes may occur nt any timc.j Knreii:n mans ror inc wcck enainK juiy 20. lsxll. will close (PROMPTLY In nil cases) at tho general postonico 11s ioiiows; rarccis post malls close one hour earner man, cius Inc time shown below. Parcels post mall! for Uerinniiy cioso nt 5 p. m. Wednesday, per b. s. Friearich dor urossc, via iiremen L lleculur' nnd cunlilomentUry mall.4 close at foreign branch half hour later than Closing lime shown dciow; Trniin-Atlaiitlc Malls. WEnN'KHIlAY At 6:30 A. m. for EimOPE per n. s. St. Louis, via Southampton (man (or Ireland must uu uirccieu ' tier s. s, St. Louis"), nt 8:30 n. m. (suonletncntary 10 u. m.) for EiJiiui't-;, per s. e. Majestic via uueenstown: at iu u. m. ror Jiii.1. G1UM direct, per h. s. Frleslund (mull must bo directed 'per . b. Frlesland"). THUHSDA Y At 7 n. m. for FHANC'E SWITZEHLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. I'OH TUOAL. TUltKEY, EGYPT, GHEKCI3 HKiTiaii kmjia nna i.uiu-..-nu mah QUEZ, per s. s. L'Aqultnlnc, via Havre (mall for other parts of Euroue must bu directed "per s. s. L'Aaultalne"); ut 8:30 n. m. tor azuiush ihiiAkuh, por s, s. Mnrco Mlnghettl (mall for Italy must be directed "per s. s. Marco Mlnghettl"). 8 AT U R D Av A t 6:30 . m. for EUHOPI l'r n. s. Umbrln. via Qticenstown; at n. m. ror asm n no iauiiua. per s. Mmirtnii I'rlnce: nt 7 a. m. for TIEtC MARK direct, per s. ', Island (mull must bo directed -per s. s. isiana' ); nt 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. ainasunm tmnu musi dc directed nor s. s. Alnnsdam ): ut 0 a. m. to ITALY" direct, per s. 8. Travo (mall mus bo directed "per b. s. Travo '): at 9:.w a m. for SCOTLAND, per s. b. Furnessla (mall must be directed "per s. 8, bur nessia j PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This F'.Samer taKea I'rmiea Aiaiter, i;ommcrciat iiptm nnd Samnles for Germany onlv. Th, same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will, not be sent by this ship .i.".c,i,' i.i r ...n..r,nn. unless specially uirecieo. ay ncr. fter the closing of the SUOtili Trims. Atlantic malls named above mldl tlonal supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American, English, French nnd German steamers and remain open until within ton minutes 'of the hour of sailing of steamers. Mail for South and Central America, Weat Indlea, Etc. WEDNESDAY' At 9:30 n. m. for 1NAGUA und HAITI. tier s. Hclvernon; nt 10 a. m. for new i ou inijiainu direct, per s. s. Silvia; nt iz m. lor uuija, yijua TAN, CAMPECHE, TAHA8CO und CHIA- I'Ab, per s. H. aiontcrey; via. Havana nnu Progreso tmull for other parts of Mexico must bo directed "per a. h. Monterey");' at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 n. in.) for NASSAU, per s. s. Antllla (mall must be directed "tier h. s. Antllla"). THURSDAY At 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. III.) for NAHbAU, UUAJSTA-NA.MU nhll SANTIAGO, per s. b. Saratoga;' nt IV m. for YUCATAN, per H. 8. Rnvcnsdalc. via Progreso! at d:S0 p.,m. for JAMAICA, per s s. Admiral Srtmnson. from Hoston. FRIDAY At 10 a. m.' for HAITI, per s, PrinH Wm. IV Imall for Curncuo. Vene- zuela, Trinidad, llrltlsh and Dutch Gulnnu must bo directed "per s. b. Prlivs, Wm. BATURDAY At 8:30 . m. for UHAZII.,, per s. a. Wordaworth (mall for Northurn nni- zli, Argcntinu itepuuuc, Uruguay nnu Pnmguiiy must uo directed "per s. s. Wordsworth"); at s:30 a. hi. for ARGEN TINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY and PAR AGUAY, per 8. s, Coronda; at 9 n. m. for PORTO RICO. per-, s. Han Junn, via San Juun; ut 9 u. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. in.) for VENEZUELA and CURACAO, per s. s. Zulla (mull for Savanlllu and Carthn genu must bu directed "per 8, s. Zului"). at 9:30 n. in. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SA VANILLA, CARTH AG EN A and GREY TOWN, per 8. s. Aleno (mall for Costa, Rlcu must bo directed "per s. 8. Alenc"); nt 10 11. m. for CUBA, per s. s, Morro Castle, via Havana; ut 10 a. m. for Mex ico, per 8. b, Niagara, via Tamplco (mull must be directed "per s. s. Nlugara"). MallH for Newfoundland, bv rail to North Sydney, und thence by steamer, close ut this otllco dally nt 0:30 p. m. (connecting close hero every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Mulls fcr Mhiuolon, by rail to Boston, una tnt-nco uy steamer, ciose ni tlilH ottlco dally at U:3Q p, m. MallH for Cuba, by rail to Port 'lumim, Flu., and thence by steamer, close at this olllce flallv (extent Sunday) ul 6.00 a. in. (the connecting closes ure on Monday, Wednes day una hiituruay). itiuus lor uuua, uy rail to Miami. Fla.. und thence by steumer. close ut this olllce every Sunday ut 0;W a. m. .viaim iur .vu-xico, overiuuu, un less specially nddressed for dispatch by steamer, close Ut this olllco dally ut 1:30 p ni. una 11 aw p. m ivuuis iur uostu uicu, Belize, Puerto Corlcz and Guatemala, by rail to New orienns, nnd tnence by Hteumer, close ni tnis oiucu unuy ui p, in. (connecting closes hero Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortez und Guutemala and Tues days for uosiu iticu). "itegisterea mull Closes ut o:w p. in. previously. Trunn-PncHlo Mulls. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here daily at tiiJU p. m. up to juiv "i&, for dlsuatch ner h, b. Zealandla. iliiils for China and Janan. via Seattle. close here dally ut 0:30 p. m. Up to July H7, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. b. Koga JIaru (reglsteted mall must bo directed 'via Keattie ). Malls for Hawaii, China. Japan and Phil ippines, viu can i-rancisco, cipsc hero dally at 0:30 p. m. up to July "20, In clusive, iur iiiaimiuu iur s. h. i-eru. Malls for 'Australia (except Wi-Ht Australia, Wlllt.ll h"-n vii UUI anil uw viii,i,iii, which goes via Ban Francisco), and FIJI Island, via Vancouver, clone hero dully nt 0:30 p. m. after July G and up to July 20, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Aoningl (supplementary malls, via Seattle and victoria), ciose ai u;j p. tn. July "21. Malls for China und Janun. via Vlincoj ver. close hern dally nt G:30 p. in. up to July 23, Inclusive, for dispatch per o. a. Em press of India (registered mull must be directed -via Vancouver ) Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which Is forwarded vln Europe), New Zealand, i-iji, sanioa and Hawaii, via Han Francisco, close here daily at 0:30 11. m ufter July 21 and tin to Julv 27. Inclusive. or on nrlval of s. s. Etruria, due at New yorn juiy n, tor aispatcn per s. s. mo noma. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phll Innlne Islands, via Han Francisco, close hero daily Up to July "JS, Inclusive, for uispatcu per h, b, uopiic, Trans-Puclllc malls are forwarded tn nort of palling dally and the schedule of closing Is arranged an tne nresuinpt on or the r un interrupted overianu tramm. "itegistorcd mall closes at ii p. m. previous day, I'UH.Nisi.iL'tr vain uui '. I'ostmaster. Postollice, Now' Y'ork, N. Y., July 12, 1901, GO VERNM ENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR SCHOOL AND HOBPI BulldtnRS and Building Materials. Department of the Interior, Oftlce of Indian Affairs, Washington, u, c, Juno 25, iwi, GOVERNMENT NOTICE. Sealed proposals, endorsed "1'roposals for llulldtngs, Genoa, Neb.," nnd addressed to tne commissioner 01 Indian Anutri, Wash ington, D. C, will bo received at the In dian Olllce until two o'clock 11. 111. of July T3, 1901, tir iurntshlng and delivering tho necessary materials and labor required to construct nnd Citnnlete at the Genoa In dian School, Nebraska, a brick school build ing und n triune hospital building, includ ing heating und electric lighting system, In strict accordance with plans, specincntious and Instructions to bidders, which may be xnmined at mi umce, tne ouices ot Tho Ueo." Omaha. Neb., tho "Nebraska Btato Journal," Lincoln, Neb., tho "Jour nal," Sioux City, lown, the "Times- Herald,' unicngo, 111., tne uuuuers- nna Traders' Exchange, Omaha, Neb., the llullders' and Traders' Exchange. Milwau kee, Wis., tho Northwestern Manufactur ers' Association, St. Paul, Minn., tho U 8. Indian Warehouses at Sl Howard street, Omaha, Nub.. 235 Johnson street, Chicago, 111., and 7, Wooster street, New Y'ork, N Y., and at the school. Sealed pro posals, endorsed ."I'ronosais tor uuiiding Materials," and addressed to W. H. Wins low, Genoa, Neb., will be received nt the Indian school until tun o'clock 11. ill. of juiy .-, r..'i, for furnishing and delivering at the school, an required, about 42,1X4 feet 01 luniuer. assorii-11: EiL-.uu Hiuniries. win dow sash, 25,wo brick, 25 barrels lime, some sand, nails and hinges, as per list and speculations at tho school. For further inionnaiiou appiv to w. it. winsiow, su- perinienneiu, inuian Hcnooi, uciioa, iseD, W. A. JCNE8, Commissioner. St. RAILWAY TIJII; CARD. UURL1NGTON & MIS sourl River Railroad "Tho Ilurllngton Route" General unices. North west Corner Tenth and Furnam Streets. Ticket Olllce, 1502 Farnam Street. Telounoiiu tw. uuningioii oiaiion, ienu und Muoon Streets. ieiepnotiv i. IXUVb. Alllltli t imhiIh itnntlnifl und ' . ' , J.1,1 n 71t lint AICUOOS. .-" " " ' Lincoln. Denver. Colo- rude. Utah. UUIIlUHUi." l. ym i .w I'm Alliance Exuress a 4:2o pm a d:oo pm i.lnrnln A- lllack H1IU..U 9:W pin u 6:43 am Montunu, Pugel Bound. .u 9;00 pm n 6:45 am Lincoln 1- ast siail.. u o;w pm a v.ii um lv'i..t.itri lli.nlrli-u nnu l'hu-oln ii 8:10 am blt:55 am n..nv.T. folarnitn. Utah and California o;w um t.i. friwiW. Sil IlL-lld. Louisville. Pluttsm'th.b 3:20 pm bll:03 nm 11nl1..ttm !.n!tai..lltll A: Paclllc Junction a 7:10 pm a S:20 am Uellevue. P'.uttsmuuth Ac Paclllt junction u .i:iu nm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO .enn & council ii tins Railroad "The Darlington Iloute" Ticket Olllce. 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. uepot, renin nna Mason Streets. Tele phono 123. mavo. Arrive. Kansas Cltv Day Ex..., a 9 yM am u 6:05 pm Kansas City NpoH'.'nl0:W pm a 6:15 "m 8tjosphlSand St. LouhV.'a o:10 pm ail:13 am a Dally. CHICAGO. RURL1NGTON & (juincy iianroau "inc Ilurllngton Route" Ticket Olllce, 1W2 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot, Tenth und Mason Streets. Telephone 123. ijcavc. Arrtvo. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am al0:20 pm Chicago Vectlbule-a Kx.u 4:00 pm a 7:43 um Chicago Locul Express. a 9:30 um u 4:03 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm u 7:43 am Fast Mall a Dully. a 2:45 pm FREMCrnT, ELIvHORN & Missouri valley Rullroud "The Northwestern Lino" Genernl Olllces, United States National Bunk Uuilding, H. V. Corner Twelfth und Fur nam Sts. Ticket Olllce, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, 5fll. Deuot, 15lh und Webster Sts. Tclephune, 115S. Leave, Arrive. Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyomihg, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hastings, York, Duvld City, Supeilor, Geneva, Exeter und Seward. ...b 3:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, v'eiumro ana Fremont b 7:3o um b 10:25 am Lincoln, wauo & i re-. mom b 7:30 am bl0:2o am Frnmont Local t 7:30 am c Dally, b Dally excopt sunu.iy. c Sun day only d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Rullway "Tho Northwestern Lino" City Ticket Ofllce, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, LCI. Depot, Tenth and Murcy Streets. Tele phone, C29. Leave. Arrive. Duyllcht r'hlrnirn Kne- clal a 7:00 am ull:30 pm Chicago Passenger a 4:16 pm u 8:40 am uustern Express, Des Moines, Murshulltuwu, Cedar llaulda and Chicago al0:55 am a 4:05 pm Eastern Special, Chi cago und rJaat a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm Fust Mall. Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 pm Omahu-Chlcugo L t'd...a 7:45 pm a s:oo um I-ust Mull. i , a b:30 um Cedar rap Ids puingar. u 6:30 pm a .Daily. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL Minneapolis & Omaha Rullway "The North western Line" General Olllces. Nebraska Dlv! slon, 15th und Webster His. Ultv Ticket umce. 1401 Furnam BL Teleuhone. 561. DeDot. lain unu weuster aia. Telephone, im, Leave. Arrive, Twin City Passenger'.... a (i:ou um u 9:10 pm Sioux City PuKseiiger..,a 2:45 pm ull:10 um Emt-rson Local ....b 5:30 pm b 8:30 um a uuuy SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad -The North western Line" General Olllces, United Stutes Nutlonul Bank Bu lid ng, B. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sts. Ticket uiuce, -uui Farnam hi. Teiepnone. Mil. uo pot, Tenth and Murcy Sts. Telephone, UUI Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express a C:55 am alo:25 pm Twin city l.tmitrd a pm u 8:15 um Sioux City Local u 8:00 um u 3:50 pm u j.auy. Express a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am ILLINOIS CENTRAL Itallroad-Clty Ticket Ol flee, 1402 Farnam Street, Telephone, 245. Depot, Tenth nnd Murcy Streets. Leave. Arrlvn Chlcugu Express. u l:w am a j.iu pm a 7:15 pm a s;oi um i-uui , b 7:00 Utll b 0:40 nm (jnicugo i.unueu. .Minneiuious .v. 1. Minneapolis 4 St. Paul l.llnlli-il a 7:4oDtn u 8:03 ntn Fort Dodge Local from Council ljluriH u 4:00 pm a 8:15 am Fort Dodge Local from council mints n u:oo am a Dally, b Dully excupt Sunday, Leave. Arrlvn St. Louis Cannon Ball Express u 6:15 pm n 8:20 um Kansas City and QUlhcy i-iocni a t:w am u 9:00 pm u Dully. CHICAGO, ROCIC ISL. and jt Pnclllo Railroad -'lho Great itor.k Island Route" uay Tlckot Olllce. 1.12.1 Woln "tr-'ut- Telephone, s; Dl'1',"' Tamil un. Miircy Streets. Tele phone, 029. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Daylight Spc.u 6:u) um a 2;00 am .Des MoIiich and Daven- port Locn a 7:25 am bli:35am Chicago Express. 111:15 am 11 8 10 am Des Moines Loeil a 4;20 pm u 4-43 m Chicago Fast Expres...a 5:0j pm a 123 S Des Moines. Rock ll- "J '"" und and C'hlcago.a 7:40 pm u 9:35 pm Rocky Mountain Llm'...a 2:00 nm 11 0:00 am Lincoln, Culorndo Hpga., Denver, Pueblo und cKdo, Okiahoma' liM pm a 1:15 p,n a Dally b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL-road-General Olllces and Ticket Olllces, Southeast Corner 14th and Douglua His, Telephone, 104. Depot, Union Station, Leave. Arrive. 8t. Louis fcnd Kansas City Expruss 11 lusW am a 6:2,1 pm K. C, St. L. Expiesa..u 10:50 pm u 0:15 urn Leave from 15th und Webster directs: NebrasKa i.ocul. Via Weeplin; .ur b 4:10 pm nl0:45 am u. Dull. v Dally except Sunday. ' a nAlLWAT THtn CA1UJS. UNION PACiriC-'THEJ OVER l5ni, loute"-Goneral Offices. SV K Coi.NI2.1h, Ma fatnhm Streets. City Tlckot Ofllce, 1324 ff Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sis. !IJtVM A .pl. The Overland Limited.. a j;io am a 7:30 nm The Chicago-Portland Special ... a six im a 7:30 pn The Fast Mall a S.Stf am a 3:25 tim Tho Mall and Express .alius pm n 4:16 pm The Colorado Special ...ull:35 pm a ti:50 um Lincoln, ueairico nnu Stromsburg Express.. b 4:05 nm bUAi nm The l'aclllo Express. ...a 4;25 pm Tho Atlantic Express... n j.jy nln Grand Islantt Local b S0 pm b 9:35 am a Datiy. b vnuy except Sunday. W ABAS H RAILROAD Ticket Ofllce. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone, 322. De pot, Tenth and Mnrey Sts, Telephone. ss. i.eavc. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Hall" OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL-road-Omaha, Kansas City fc Eastern Rallroad-'The Qulncy Route "-Ticket Of llce, 1415 Furnam 8t. Telei phone. 322. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone, Leave Arrive. Louts Cannon Hall Express ......... Kansas City and Qulncy I .oral a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm a Daily. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE St. Paul Railway-City Ticket Oince, 151 Fnrunm Street. Telephone, 241. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tclrphone, 629 fcsias mwAun C.ilcagoT'omahn . Bx. .b 7: am b 3:40 pm C'l'cugP,.1-l",'.'ll1vXexcept Sunday. 1.OIIV0. Arrive. Direct Route ta Glasgow exhibition ANCHOR LINE Jtraiushlus from New York Weekly fof tlLVStiOW VIA LONDONDERRY. Baloon 150 and up. Bocond Cabin. 132.50 and mi Third Class, 126 and upwards. Korliustrated, folWr tft&tol$?S$& tlon apply to HENDERSON J.Ca1CMc0NArLY. 1S2S Farnam St.. GEO. E. ADliOTT. 1321 Farnam St.. Omaha. Summr Tours on Likt Wli"a.n: KBTMBH.P MANITOU l-il.lii-f Miit Jiaeklii 1IbiI roiinctl xlth ll HtV.ohfp Tin" for le arlor. Ewt.rn amd LEAVM OHICAOO AS PO1-1-8.' atnnmniilrj Comnnnv. OFFICE (I DOCKS. Ruth and N. Water St.. Chicago. ENCIL PUSHERS TO THE FRONT Joiirnnllt Loud Their l'lnnid AVIum'U I'rrpnrntory to Flight Over the Line. Charles E. Verity, until recently traveling representative ot tho Western Newspaper Union with headauartcrs nt omana, nos been transferred to Oklahoma City, whore ho becomes runnagcr of a bratich of the union. Ho Is now In the city and telle IntercHtltig tales of tho "boom" of govern ment land in tho Indian reservation soon to bo opened upon tho borders of tho ter ritory. According to Mr. Vorlty tho pioneer in habitants of the new land are not to re main unchronlcled, os at least twenty news paper plants are now packed and ready for shipment to the townsltcs In tho reserva tions, so that wllhin a v. ecu rroin ins opening of tho land nccounts of the event hv nartlclnants will bo given to me worm through papers printed upon the land. Tho tnn-nsltn boomer" la responsible for tno presence of so many prospective Journals In the land of promise. Many companies havo been formed to develop cUHsi which will bo, probably, as usual, many years ahead of tho development of tho surround ing country. The editor, who Is generally to be the printer nnd reporter, has been subsidized by the company. If ho Is par ticularly fortunate he has been "let In on tho ground flnor" and has In his pockets ut tho tlmo many certificates, each of which will bo exchanged for a town lot when tho company has succeeded In get ting a patent from tho United Stales for tho land on which tho town Is to (tnnil. In other cases tho company has advanced tho first payment on tho plant of the pros pective office nnd If tho town succeeds tho newspaper mnn mny pay the other install ments, or the paper may go Into tho hands of a man with tnorp capital nnd lefs ex perience In frontier nowspnpor work. Thoro will bo a raco among tho Journal istic champions of the several pror.pcctlvo cities to see which slinll first print a newspaper on the site of tho "future great," and many men will claim this honor. The future historian of the new country may bo reduced to taking Into account hourn and minutes, if not seconds to determine this weighty question, but tho history makers and not the history writers nro now busy and nil nro resolved upon mak ing "our town," tho first In tho country. PLEADS GUILTY TO THE ACT James Donnelly, Under Arrest, AI niltn Mint He la a I'li-eliuir. James Donnelly, a confessed firebug, was arrested yesterday by Detectives Sav age and Dunn und Special Officer Carey of tho Ilurllngton system. Ho ndmlts having set flro to the wooden bridge over tho II. & M, tracks at Nineteenth street last 1-ri-day and having burned nn outhouse In the vicinity. He is suspected nlso of having sot several pthor fires In tho neighbor hood within thu lust few wcekB. About midnight of July 12 n trackwalker discovered that tho timbers of tho Nine teenth street bridge wero on fire. Aftor having curried water and extinguished the blaze ho made au investigation and found that a switch lamp bad been propped up underneath tho timbers In such a way that the flnnio from thu wick would cat Ita way into the wood. At the sanio tlmo a small shed a half block farther east was rcen to be on lire. Flames from this woro com municatcd to a frame dwelling a few yards away and both buildings woro almost en tirely destroyed before tho flro depart ment arrived. In the charred embers of the outhouse wue found a switch lamp Ilka the 0110 that had been placed under tho bridge. In tho ofllce of tho chlot of' police yester day Donnelly admitted having stolen the switch lamps and having set both fires. He'Euitl he did it because ha Is accused of everything, that happens In that neighbor hood, "and If I'm going to havo the name," ho added, "I yant, tho game." Ho says bo Is being persecuted In the neighborhood because ot his religion, Tho bridgo flro might easily have been the causu of wrecking u train, Special Officer Carry, says, and thereby resulted se riously to human lite, Among other llrcH of Incendiary origin which havo occtirrod lu this neighborhood was that of tho night of Juno 28, when a stublo and dwelling on Twentieth street near William were burned. Two horaea wero burned to death tn the stable, Jumes Donnelly U 23 years old, very slight ot figure, anil with a great shock of fiery red hair. He was urrosted once beforo about u year ago, charged with com plicity In a "daylight breaking" Job, James U. Amhcrtnf, Delia, O,, writes: "I had an obstinate Bore on my face which everything else failed to heal. After one application of Banner Salvo It began to heal and utter three applications It was en tirely healed, leaving no near. J8m naSrii V 1