10 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JVJjY 17, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Sharp Ball in Grali Boansi ef No BilUf in Markid Orop Rilitf. WEATHER THE POTENT FACTOR IN WHEAT Jlrnvy Trndc In Corn Title to Report of Itnln Onts Moderately Aotlte Provision null and Heavy, CHICAGO, July 16. A belief that no tnarkcd relief had come to the crop situa tion caused a sharp rally In tho grain mir kcts today mid September wheat closed lc, September corn l'.Vill'ie and September ats ifl'l(C higher. Provisions closed oo to 10c lower. ,, The weather remained tho nil-potent factor In wheat today, although at tho opening weak cables and reports of belter weather In the northwest wer Intluontlal In cotiHlderublo liquidation of wheat, Sep tember opening to otitic lower, at C6f(Bo-)4c. Aggressive local support and re ports that New York Stock exchange trad era woro buying stemmed the tide almost Immediately. During the rest of the day reports were received Knowing that the situation in the spring wheat territory is radically unchanged. Some claimed eon pldcrahlu In South Dakota. The olllclal weather forecast gave slight promise of lettcr conditions. Commleslon houses soki with considerable liberality on small bulges, but tho market easily handled all offerings, Hcptcmber steadily advanced to 67ic. The close was llrm, lc higher, at 6ilV(l6Kc. lExportcr reported twenty-three loans taken. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour were equal to 910,000 bu., while primary receipts were 746,000 bu., compared wltii. 731.0)0 a year ago. Iocal receipts were M ,lrn. i.rafll.. MlnlU'.tllO IS and Duluth reported 290 cars, against Ji lust month and 202 a year ago. llradstreel s reports of the world's visible showed a( decrease of l.lOO.ooo bu. , There was a heavy trade in corn. Scat tereil reports of rain, the appearance ot clouds or of cooler weather resulted In a rush of sales at tho start, September open ing H'u-Vc lower at 49C to 4Sc. Numerous other reports, showing that considerable damage had been done already and the climatic condition generally were still ngalnst an ordinary crop of corn and the heavy run of hogs, Indicating n fear jimong farmers that they would be unable to feed their swim,, caused a rally to Mif50jkc and the close was strong, 1'iljUic higher, nt 504H50'NiC. Receipts were 608 cars. Oats were moderately active and dis played a linn, Independent strength. Local nhorts covered and buying for the country continued, hot wenther being tho chief Influence. Hecelpts were 104 cars. Septem ber sold at 30iaf311lc and closed TUc higher nt 31SiC. Provisions were dull and heavy, owing to the heavy run of hogs and a drop In prices nt the yards. Fluctuations were narrow, closing prices being about as they were at tho opening. September pork closed mc lower at 114.10; September Inrd 6c lower nt $S,55 and September ribs 10c depressed at Es'tlmntcd receipts tomorrow: Wheat. 200 cars; corn, 1D0 cars; oatB, SO cars; hogs, ES.OOO head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Urtlclcs.l Open. 1 Ilgh. lw. Closc.l Ycs'y. Wheat I 014 COW 64H BS4t 67?i 65. C7-T4S16S ca',4 67-, 471411 t 7 43li49 C0)iTi 4S KIW'i 61i 4ST 29H 3015 2914 30141 31i 3d4 33?i 35 33i 14 00 H 17V4 14 00 14 05 14 15 14 06 8 BO 8 65 8 471 8 4714 8 63 8 47l4 8 2714 8 30 8 2714 7 82W 7 S74 7 S2Vi 7 85 7 874 7 82V 7 47V4 7 60 7 47k July.. 65,4 , Sept.. Deo... Corn July.. Sept.. Dec... Outs- 4ST4 47H 19 491s ,60',4Ji. 1 1H Dl July.. Hent. .ttUI.Klliffitt 311 May.. 34', 31 (tfls Fork Sept.. July.. JUrd- Sept.. Oct... Jan... filbs- Scpt.. Oct... Jan... 14 10 14 15 8 55 8 65 14 17V4 14 25 8 60 8 60 8 32V4 7 95 7 93 7 6214 8 274! 7 83 7 83 7 47V4! r No. 2. Cash Quotations wero as follows: FLOUR-Htendy: winter patents, $3.30 3.40; straights. $2.9003.20; clears, 12.60W3.O0: spring specials, $l.0(xJpU0; straights, $2.70$) lUl. l.r.tr...o M irLflfl fJt WHEAT No. a spring, rac; no. red, CORN-No. 2, 49c; No. 2 yellow, 48V;i?48V4c. OATS No. 3 white, 31833V4c. RYE No. 2, 60(352V4c SEEDS No. 1 tlax. $1.88; No. 1 northwest ers, $1.88; prime timothy, $1.95(00.00. Clover, contract grade, $9.50. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl $14.00 14.05. Lard, per 100 lbs., $8.47141(8.50. Short ribs sides (loose), $7.7507.93. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $7.6007.75. Short clear Hides (boxed)!1 $S.30Q8.40. WHISKY Hasls of high wines, $1.27. Following arc the receipts and shipments for today: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls.j. 30,000 15,000 Wheat, bu 219.000 124,000 Corn, bu 419,000 27,000 Oats, bu 180,000 322,000 llyo, bu 8,000 Barley, bu 12,000 On tho Produce exchange today tho but ter market was firm; creameries, 14019c; dairies, 12016V4C Cheese, firm nt 94il0c. Kggs, steady; loss off cases returned, 12V4c. KKW YORK GENnilAL MAHKFX (luntntlon of the IJity on Various Commtidltlpa, .NEW YORK, July 16.-FLOUR-Recelpts, ES.ROO bbls.; exports, 34,502. Steady and fairly active. Minnesota patents, $3.0503.90; Minne sota bakers, J2.&03.15; wlntor patents, 3.5503.SO; winter straights, $3.3503.60; winter extras, $2.6002.80, winter low grades, $2.3U0 2.40: market qulot; fair to good, $2.6503.10; choice to fancy, $3.150 3.45; ryo Hour, steady. CORNMEALQulct; yellow western, $1.02; Ilrandywlne, $I.6u02.7u. RYE Weak: No. 2 western, 65ic, f. o. b afloat; stato, 5253o, c, I. f., New York carlotR. 11 ARLEY Normal; feeding, 48c, c. t. f.. Now York; malting, 480 52c, c, 1. f., Now York. RARLEY M ALT Dull: western, 6507.'c. WHEAT Receipts, 271,100 bu.; exports, 180,514 bu.; snot, llrm; No. 2 red, 75ic . o. t., atloat; No. 2 red, 73?ic, cluvator; No. 1 northern Duluth. 75UC, f. o. b., alloat; No. 1 hard Duluth, 834c f. o. h., atloat. Options opened weak under bearish cables and cooler northwest weather, but quickly turned llrm. The strength lasted all day, being helped by Wall street buying, active covering and good southwest demand. Closed very firm at He net ndvnnec, July, 71 13.1607314c, closed nt 73Vic; September, 71 7-ltV0'72Tic. closed nt 724c; October, 720 73c, closed at 73c; December, 73i074c, closed at 74c. CORN-Recelpts, 126,000 bu.; exports, 101, KO bu.; spot, llrm: No, 2, 5IV4c, clevntor, and 54Vc, f, o. b., ntloat. Option market opened weak under rnlns and lower cables. Thero was a later rally, however, on fear that rain had been light, tho rlso In wheat imd covering and tho close was llrm at i01c net advance; July, GIVMiMHc, closed nt 62Hc; September, 5ni0o34c, closed nt R3Hc; October closed at 634c; December, 6206l4c, closed at Mc OATS Receipts, 132.0iK) bu.; exports, 26, WVl bu.; spot. Ilrmor; No. 2, 36V4c; No. 3, S6o; No. 2 white, 37Ho; No. 3 white, 37H03Sc; track mixed western, 3603714c; track, white. S61.042C. Options opened easy, but later rniueo wiin oiner marKcts. IIAy-Hteady; shipping, $10.00010.75; good to choice, $8.6009.00. HOPS Qulot; stato common to choice. 19 crop, 1401So; 1M9. 10013c; Pnclllc coast I90i) crop. lMiiSc: 1S99. 11016c. HIDES Quiet: Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs.. 18018Hc; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19V4c Texas, dry. 21 to 30 lbs.. 14Vic LEATHER Quiet; hemlock solo. Buenos Jkvres. light to heavy welclits. aifie PROVlSIONS-rieof, quiet; family, $11.50 ffflivi); moss, $9.60010.80; beef ham. $20,500 Sl.fto; pncKei. jiu.imfjuo.no; city, extrn India mess, $16.00018.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bolllos, 9V4jllc: pickled shoulders, 70J!ic; pickled hams, 11011V4C Lard, easy; western uteamed, $S.77H; retlned. easy; continent, $8.85: South America, $9.60; compound. $7.00 6i7.1iH. I'ork. easy; family, $IO.OO016t;O; Short clear sides, $15.2617.00; mess, $15,2o 16.25. BUTTER Receipts, 14.2S5 pkgs.; firm; etato dairy, 1401414c; creamery, 1501914c: factory. 1301514c. CHEESE-Recelpts, 20,231 pkgs.: steady; fancy,largo, colored and white, 9Vlc; fancy email, colored, OHo; fancy small, white, 81,c. EddS Receipts, 12,666 pkgs.; Irregular; state and Pennsylvania, 14016c: western, cnndled, 12015c; western, uncandled, 8012c, TALLOW Steady: city ($2 per pkg.) 4T4c; country (packages free), 4MMc. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 4K ff?61ic: Japan, 44c POTATOES-Qulet; New York, ISO lbs,, $2.2502.75: southern, extra, per hbl $2.50. MOLASSES-Steady; Now Orleans, open kettle, pood to choice, 33042c, POULTRY Alive, weak; sprlngors, 16 18c: turkeys. 8c: fowls, lie; dressed, qulot; eprlngerB, 17020c; turkeys, 70S4o; fowls, 801014c. . METALS The London tin market has settled down to something like a normal Mls. Buelnets thero waa moderate, but the market was In the main steaay. Spot closed at an advance of 7s 6d for the day at 133 7s 6d, while futures were 15s lower, closing at 116. 'the local market was quiet, but Hbout steady at $27,60527.80. Copper In London closed with a net loss of 5s, with spot standing at 67 17s 6d and tuturcs at 6S 6 3d. The market here was djll and unchanged, with lake at 17u and electrolytic and casting ut $16.i4. The production of copper for Junu was 2J.101 tons, making a total of this year of 163.3&1 tons, against 134,577 tons tor the same period last year. Lead was dull and unchanged both here and abroad. Spelter was dull and unchanged, while London closed 5s higher at 16 15s. Iron was slow; the Engllsn markets were dull. Glasgow closed at 52s d and Mlddlesbor ough at 44s 6d. The local price for pig iron warrants was $9.fiO01O.Oy. OMAHA WlIOI.HSAl.K MAIUCBT. Condition of Trade 11 ml Huolii t Inns on Staple mid Fiim-j Produce, EOtlS-Recclpts liberal; loss off, 1001014c LIVE POLLIRV-Hens, 1c, young add olu roosters, uhjc turke, base; uuoks ulid geese, 606c; spring chickens, per lu., llfjlof. UUTl till -Common to lair. 120U14c; choice uairy, in tubs, 14015c; separator, lc FRESH FISH-Uiuck uass, UcJ white buss, sc; bluellnh, lit., bullheads, 10c; b.ue Una, 7c; buffulos, be, catlisli, 12c; cod, 9c croppies, 701UC; clscoes, 7c, halibut, 11c, herring, tfc, haddock, 10c; mackerel, Jc; pike, lie, red snapper, 10c; salmon, 11c; aun. ilsli, 6c trcut, 9c, whltellsh, 3c. I'lOEONS-Llve, per doz., $1. VrLS-Choice, liylOc. I1AV i'rlces quoted by Omaha Wholesale liny Dealers' association: Choice upland, .5v; No. i uplund, medium, ta.&o; course, r.6u. Ryu straw, $(j.5o. ThOBe prices aro for nay uf good color and quality. Demand iuir. itecuipts, E cars. UATS-No. 2 white, 32c. CORN No. 3. 4jc. 1JRAN-$12. VEdETAULES. ASPARAOUS-Nutlve, per d02., 35040c lUlLBARU-Home grown, per lb lc NfciW LAKllU'i'S-Per doz., 20c NEW TUJtNII'b-Pcr doz., SOC ULUuMUUlla-iiotliouse, per doz., 50c LETTlCE 1'er bu., 20C JtADlSHLS Per do., 15020c i-itaii i'ur Uoz., Ltlc iNi'iv j uJ'AI liKi'.-pcr bu., 75c CAUUAtiE-llome grown, 114c 'Ki.U.viuL.'i-Ttxus, 1-uaskei crutcs, $1.60. ONIONS llerinudus, per crate, $2.25; new California, 2c. CAULIFLOWER Home-grown, per doi., " BEANS Wax. tier half-bushcl basket. D0c: string, per halt-bushel busket, 10c x-ina rer uu i; per li uu., uc CANTALOUPE Per basket, 7JC0J1; crutes, J. WATERMELONS Texas, 30035c each. FRUITS. PJNEAPPLES-Por uoz.. $1.5001.75; per ci'Ule, fj.2.. BLACKUERIJIES Per 2-qt. case, $2. RASPHEKRlEb-Per 21-qt. case, $3.00; ted, pet 24-pt. case, $2.60. Clll.lUUj' . Nutivi. iii-r 8-lb. lia.lUot. 45c; Missouri, per 24-qt. case, $1.7502.00. I'EACHES California, per. box, fic; free stone, $1. Al'RlCOTS-Callforula. 4-baskot crates, $1.6U. PLUMS-Callfornla, per crate, $1.2501.50. GuObEULitUlhS Per 24-qt. case, 2.(W. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Culltornla seedllncs. $3.50: Med. sweets, $!.(). ijfj.MUNa California, extra toncy, zo.w; choice, $1.75. BANANAS Per bunch, according to size. $2.0002.00. lM, ! rnllnprtln rtnv,nnu "7K Ini.it,, Coo; imported, per lb., 10012c uai'isb- 1'ersiun, in w-n. uoxes, Bairs, &c MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Halloween, 514c per lb. CIDER-Per bbl $4.50; per half bbl., $2.75. NUTS English walnuts, tier lb.. 15c: Al berts, per lb 13c; almonds, per lb., 18020c; raw Delimits. ier lb.. trir54c: roasted. 6Wm 714c; Brazils. 13c; pecans, 10022c. itiuiitj iio. 1 green, Uftc; no. 2 green, 514c; No. 1 salted, 714c; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 1214 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, u 10 ja 10s,, oc; ary nidus, sjfuc; sneep pelts, 25075c; horse hides, $1.5002.25. St, I.ouln CJ nil 11 und Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Julv 16 WHEAT Lower: No. 2 red. cash, elevator. fflTio: track. 6,"i 0E5c; July. 01c: September, 6li0j414c; De- ccinoer, ocac; no. 2 hard, 04V"a;ic. 1'IUIV lll,,l,... Mr. O ,.uVt r.11n. tnrtt. CO05114c; July, 60T&c; September, 51Uc. UAta tiigner; no. 2 casn, 34c; track, soc; July, 3114c; September, 33',4c; May, J5?4c; No. 2 white, 40c. RYE-lllgher at 51c FLOUR Steady for new: natents. J3.25(a 3.40; extra fancy and straight, $2.9503.15; gieur, t.wa.'.su. BRAN Stronir: unsettled: sneked. enst track, 70c bid, with 75c asked. HAY Scarce; higher for timothy, with pralrlo at ruling prices; timothy, $14.5O01 15.00. new: $9.50016.50; old prairie, $12,600 H.oo. WHISKY-8tendy nt $1.27. IRON COTTON TIES-$1.05. BAGGING 60714 c. HEMP TWINE 9c- I'RO VISIONS I'ork. stead v. firm? 1oh- blng, $15.65. Lard, higher at $8.33. Dry salt meats (boxed), lower; extra shorts, $8.00; clear ribs, $s.23; clear sides, $8.60. Bacon (boxed), lower; extra shorts, $8.3714; clear ribs. $9.25; clear sides, $9.3714. Mt'TA! a I ....,1 ln. .. .,01, in Spelter, quiet at $3.8214. POULTRY Dull: chickens. 6Hc: snrlncs. 100'llc; turkeys, 5c; ducks, 6c; springs, 60 BI'TTER-Stendy; creamery, 1502014c EGGS Steady: nearby, 7c; southern, 6c. RECEIPTS-FIotir. 7.000 bbls.: whent. 161.438 bu.; corn, 58,000 bu.; oats, 49,000 bu. Diiii-.-iur4 i t lour, t2,ijo DDIs, ; wheat, 111,000 bu.; corn, 21,000 bu.; onts, 27,000 bu. Liverpool tirnln find Provisions. LIVERPOOL, July 16.-WHEAT-Spot, dull; No. 2 red, western . winter. 5s, fi'.4d; iso, 1 nortnern spring, &s tju; no. 1 caii- 5s 6il; December, 5s 6;4d. CORN spot, steady; American mixed, new, 4s 2',4d; American mixed, old, 4s 314d. Futures, quiet; July, nominal; September, 4s 24d: October, 4s 3!4d. PEAS-Canndlan, firm at 6514d. FLOUR-St. louls fancy, winter, dull at 7s 9,1. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), steady at 2 l.ri3 5s. PROVISIONS-Becf. firm: extra Indiu. 68s 9d. Pork, prime mess, western, firm at 6is. Lard, steady, prime western, in tierces, 4Js 9d; American rellned, In palls, 43s 3d. Hums, snort cut, li to u, ius urm at bis. uacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to 34 lbs., steady, 44s 6d; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs., firm nt 47s 9d; long clenr middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs., sternly, nt 46s 6d; long clear middles heavy. 55 lo 40 lbs., fctendy at 15s; short clear backs. 16 to 20 lbs., steady nt 44s; clear bellies, 14 to 16 los., llrm at 51s; shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., firm nt 3Ss 9d. BUTTER Firm; tlnest United States, 90s; good United Status, 73. CHEESE Firm; American finest, white, 45s; Amfrlcan finest, colored, 46s. TALLOW Firm; prime, city, 25s 6d; Aus. tralliiu, hi I-oiHlmi, 27s Receipts of wheat during the last three dnys, 253,00o centnls, Including 163,00) Amer ican, Receipts of American corn during the Inst three duys, 107,100 centals. KitiidiiH City Grain ,-nd Provisions, KANSAS CITY, July 16,-WIIEAT-July, 61c; September, f2i,c; December, Wsl f44c; cash. No. 2 hard, 6114062c; No. 2, 610 62o; No, 2 red, fi24jtUc; No, 3, 6114062c CORN-September, 5114c; December, 5114c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 53i05lc; No. 2 white, 54055c; No. 3, 53Hc. OATS No. 2 white, 4O01113C RYE No. 2, 62c. HAY Prime timothy, $13 00016.00; prime prairie. $16.00017.00. HUTTER-Creamery, ISc; dairy, fancy, 15c. EGGS Weak; fresh Missouri nnd Kansas stock quoted unchanged at 714c doz., loss off, cases returned; seconds, 4c. RECEIPTS Wheat, 125,600 bu.; corn. 27,200 bu.; oats. 9,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 123,200 bu.; corn, 31, 200 bu.' oats, 10,000 bu. Cliiuigr In Arrtlliible flnpplles, NEW YORK. July 16,-Speclal cable and telegraphic communication to Rradstreet's show- tho following changes In available oumiueH irom mo last account: HEAT United Stntes and Canada, cast of Rnekles, decrease, 1,820,000 bu.; afloat for nnd In Europe, decrease. 2,600,000 bu.; total supply, decrease, 4,442,000 bu. CORN United Stntes nnd Canada, east of Rockies, decrease, liS.OoO bu. OATS United States and Canada, east of Rockies, decrease, 1,787,000 bu, Among the more Important Increases re. ported o nradstreet's nre those of 184,000 bu. at Joliet. 86,000 bu. at Cotenu nnd 62,000 bu. at St, Joseph The leading decreases Includo thoso of 3Sl,0o.) bu. at Chicago prl vato elevators and 69,000 bu. at Portland Me. ' Phllndrlnhln Product Mnrkft. PHILADELPHIA. July 16. BUTTER Firmer: fancy western creamery, 20c; fancy western prints, 21c; fancy nearby prlntN EGOS Firm: fresh nearby, 14c; fresh western, 1414015c; fresh southwestern, 12l4c; fresh southern, 12c Mlnnrupnlla Wheat, 1'lonr and llrnn, MINNEAPOLIS, July 16,-WHKAT-De-maud was excellent: rCsh, 66c; July, 63o; September, 6j'.4065i4c: No 1 northern. lHc over September; No. 2, 62Ti064c; No. 3. 610 62?ic. FLOUR-lilBlitr; first patents, J3.7503.S5; sCond patents, $3.5503.65; first clears, $2.65 2.75, second clears. 2.(i6. BRAN-In bulK, I12.Oi1012.DO. Toledo ftrnln nnd Seed. TOLEDO, O., July 16.-WHEAT-Actlve, higher; cash and July, 6i4c; September, 65Hc, December, 71c CORN Moderately active, strong; cash and July. 49c; September, 60c. OATS-Dull, higher; cash nnd July, 304c! September, 3tl4c RYE-Slc. CLOVERSEED Cah, prime, $6.50; Oc tober, $5.70. MIIiTnnUcr (Irnln Mnrltrt. MILWAUKEE, July 16.-WHEAT-Flrm No. 1 northern, CS06SHc; No. 2 northern. 66067c September, 67'4c CORN-September, OlWc RYE-Ensy; No. 1, 61061J4C R A RLE Y Steady; No. 2, 5414 0 53c; sample, 450 57c. Peorm Mnrkrf. PEORIA, July 16.-CORN-Easy; No. 3, 37c OATS-FIrm: No. 2 white, 33c, billed through. WHISK Y-On tho basis of $1.27 for fin ished goods. SUW YUIIK STOCKS AND BONDS. Reports of Itnln llnvp lnlluenee In Advntic of Corn-Ciirr j Iiik Itomln. NEW YORK, July 16. There was a show of strength In the early stock market to day, but It was mostly dlsslpitated before the close. Tho attention to the crop news nnd the reports over night of rains wero a strong Influence In the advance of the corn carrying railroads, which extended to from 2 to 2 lu tho most prominent members of the group, Atchison leading. The sharp rally In the corn market lato In the day nnd the language of the weekly government crop report depressed the corn roads again and Just before the close St. Paul fell to a shnrp fraction under last night. Tho gov ernment cotton report was considered fn vorablo unci was reflected In tho compara tive llrmness of some of the southern lines. Tho United Steel stocks were apparently pegged and their unyielding support dis couraged mere raiding tactics oti the part of the bears, but the Insiders who bought the stock hud to accept a continued stream of liquidation all day. Thero seemed to be Inllucntlal buying also of tho Paclllcs, grangers and southwesterns, but Jt con sisted In tho acceptance of offerings rather than of active bidding for stock and not much resistance was offered to the late re action. Thu banks show no evidence of a de sire to foster renewed speculation and are asking rather higher rates for tlmo money. Call loan rales receded, but without re Milting in any actual pressure of money to loan. New York exchange nt Chicago rose again to 23c premium from 3c premium yesterday, day. Among usually Inactive stocks wldo ad vances worthy of notlco were, in Chicago k Eastern Illinois, 6)4; Texas & Paclllo Land trust. 8; General Electric, 5 (afterward lost; Lnclcde Gas. 6; Des Moines & Fort Dodge, 4?4i Consolidated Gas, 314, und North American, 3. The railroad bond market was quiet and Irregular, with a narrow range. Total sales par value, $1,433,000. United States 3s, tho olds 4s and thu fives advanced 14 and the new 4s declined J per cent on the Inst call, Tho Commercial Advcrtls.T's London financial cablegram says: The stock mar ket today was more cheerful and the natural reaction after the slump nnd de moralization of the Inst few days was en couraged by the Cape premier's strong speech on the war. In consols the bear. scurried to cover, causing a rally of to 92, but there Is more talk of a fresh war loan possibly 100,000,000. The new Indian loan of 3,000,w0 proves a fiasco, only 1,000,000 having been subscribed. The loan has been withdrawn. Tho foreign markets wero more cheerful, but coppers were weak. The Increased stocks of the metal Is 652 tons and the supply Incrensed only twenty seven tons. American stocks opened hnrd, but business was confined to two or three hands. Iyondon bought slightly, but most orders from New York were feverish and fluctuating. Attention wns malniv cen tered on Atchison, Union Pnclllc and South ern Pacific United Stntes Steel was com paratively steady. Paris cheques, 25.17; Her. lln. 20.l01i; Berlin discount, 2T&. The following nre ;hc closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchison , do pfd Ilaltlmore & O , do ptd , Canadian l'uclflc . Canada Southern . Clies. & Ohio Chicago & Alton..., do pfd , a. u, & Q Chicago! I. & L... do pfd. .:.,. Chlcaeo & K. I...., Chicago at. W do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Chlcngu . N. W..., a, n. i. & p Chicago T. & T... do pfd C, C. C. & St. L. Colo. Southern do let pfd do 2d pfd I)fla. & Hudson... Del.. L & V Denver & It. O do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2.1 pfd Ot. Nor. pfd Rocking Valley ... do pfd Illinois Central ... Iowu Central do pfd U 15. A W do pfd Louis. & Nash Manhattan L Met. St. Hy Mex. Central Mex. National .... Minn. & St. L Mo, Pacific M., K. & T do pfd N, J. Central 71 So. Paclllo 9.1,i So, Railway rj',i do pfd SI Texas & P 10C14 T., St. I.. & W 0 ' do pfd 42?4 Union Paclllo ?6Vi do pfd 73 Wabash 19114 do ptd SI 14 w. & u i: W do 2d pfd 'JM Wis. Central , 2214 do pfd 81 P. C. C. & St. L.. 43 Adams Kxpress .... 133 Amer. Kxpress 14014 U. S. Express 19 Wells-Purgu Ex 37 Amal. Copper 13 Amer. C. & K , 12',i do pfd 4S Amer. Lln. Oil . 2t) I do pfd J66 Amer. S. & U ,51914 do pfd , 41 "Am. Tnhacco . IM14 Alia. Mln. Co . 331. llrk. Hap. Tr , C5'4 Colo. y. & I , 49 Cons, (las , ,17414 Con. Tobacco , 49 do pfd , IZ'i General Electric ... ,HSVi aiucosR Sugar tl'i 21i fs.",4 3S 20 2 si H14 19 30 17'.5 2fb 20 40 7714 170 US b0 140 11214 2"'l. f-3 25 60 (1 M4 128Ti 4-114 16s tU',4 214 t414 115 '.15 54 , 19 ' 2014 76 , COM, , 941, , 4114 , If',, , 43'.4 7f, ,100 , 02 , 30 ,114 , 40 . f214 ,206 , IS , 724 .-.$74 , o'f3 , :ti4 , 70, , 12?. , 17 . 151. . 67H , JS . SH , 10 . 224, ,1341, . :s'. . 93, , .5 Hocking Coal . 72J Int'n'l Paper . 54 I do pfd .115 InfnU Power 103 Laclede Gas .117 National Illscult .. .166H National Lad , . :: National Salt , . 9H do pfd ,lti" No. American .164 'Pacific Coast . 2514 Pacific Mall . C2U People's O.ls , .155 .Pressed Steel Car., .154 do pfd . 411401111100 Pal. Car.. . S8 .Republic Steel . 95 do pfd , . 30 Sugar ,H3 Tenn. C. & I N. Y. Central... Nor. & West do pfd No. Pacific pfd... Ontario & w Pennsylvania .... Reading do 1st pfd do 2-i pfd St. L .V h. V,... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. U S. W do pfd St. Paul do pfd Manhattan I. .... U. S. Steel do pfd N. Y. Central... . 3714, Union II. & P. . 74141 do pfd Co. . 4V,alU. m, learner . 41V do ptd . 77 U. S. Rubber , 9 do pfd . IS U. S. Steel . 59 "do pfd .13414 Western Union .... lit 'Chicago Ut. W .lUUSt. Paul . SSli Atchison. . kShlHalttmoro & O 1501s, Trust receipts Ex-dlvldend. Now Yorlt Money Market. ( NEW YOBK, July 16.-MONEY-On call, easier at l-4 per cent; last and ruling rate, 2 per cent. b'lEULING EXCHANGE Easier, then firmer, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.S71i'u4. 1)714 for demand and at jl.SBMjM.Sllj tor sixty days; posted ratcn, $1.!3!4 and $I.SS; commercial bills, $4.S31:'ij 4.84. blLVER-Uar, 6S14ci Mexican dollars, 1014c. nUNDS State, easy; governments, Irreg ular; railroad, lrregulur. Thu closing h,l- o.i nuuds todat ar at follows: U. S, ref 2s, reg. do coupon do 3s, reg do coupon U.7'4"N. Y. C. Is .tll'4 "N. J. C. b. 5s.... .104". 125 . 72' .1034 .VJ714 .I'lSV No. Pacltlc 3s. ,103 U7 133 11244 n:; 107, ,1W ,116 ,10314 do 4s "N V C k St L 4s, N. & W. c. 4a do new 4s, do coupon reg. .lull, .M .WiK .130 .1104 . 9114 .101 .ll',4 .133',, .;,3 .120 .1164 . 91 .416 . 6J'i .US', 4 .103 .H434 .117 .112 S'i . 9'.'4 do old 4s, reg do coupon do 6s, reg do coupon II, of C. 3, Us Atch. gen. 4s do adj. 4i Canada So, 2a C. & O. 4 lis do &1 C. & N. W. c. 7. do S. P. d. 6s... Chicago Ter. 4s.... Colo. So. 4s D. & It. O. 4 Krle general 4s F. W. & V. C. Is.. Oen. Klectrle 6. la Central Is L Sc N. unl. 4s,.,. M.. K- & T. 2s do 4s Ore. Nav. Is do 4s O. S. L On do con. 6s Heading gen. 4s It. (J. w. i 9 St L & I M c. Cs .10314 "St L S K g.6s, ,l!4"3t. Paul cons.... .119 ,"St P C A: P Is.. UJ141 do 5 ,1221, So. raclrtc 4s , S.'li So, Halt ay 5s M "ri. It. A T. 6... 10H4 Tex. Paclllo Is.. , KVt do 2s ,102i. Union Pacific 4s... ,2u0 itVahath Is ,119 do 2s ,101 '"West Shore 4s.... , S4 Wis. Central Is , 9I!4 "Va, Centurlts ... I Ex-Interest. "Hid. Offered. tt York MiuliiK Stoclta. NEW YORK. 4uly 16. Tho following nre the closing quotations on mining stocks; Adams Con 25 Little Chief .... 12 ....9:3 .... 60 .... 10 .... s .... 2 .... 12 .... 41 ,...325 Alice 44 Ontario Ilreece Ilrunswlck Con . Comstock Tun... Con. Cal. & Va.. Deadwood Terra Born Sliver Iron Silver Leadvllle Con... ...145 Ophlr ... II Phoenix ... 6HPotos ...175 H.ivage ,. 10 Sierra Nevada ...135 Siiiall ilupea ,, ... 59 Standard ... i I lln nk Clearings. OMAHA, July, 16,-Clearlnss, $1,063,570; corresponding day last year, JfOti.fW; in- crensc, o,,l'Jl use, Wi.wi IT LOUIS, July 16.-Clearlngs, $8,96, ; balances, $l,ul,0S7. Money, 45 per it. New York exchange, 10c discount HI KI7; ccn bid. car nske,t CINCINNATI t.U- 16 Clenrlnes. $2.9 950; New York exchange, 23c premium. .Money, jft'gt; pcr ccnt cent. CHICAGO, July 16.-Clcarlngs, $27,241,189; BOSTON. Julv I'd -'Ex'ehnnires. 130.S91.. isi; balances, $1,79J,5S1. Huston Slucka nml llonils. BOSTON, July lrt.-Call loons, 4jS per cent; tlmo loans, 4U114 per cent. Olllclal closing: A., T. & S. V do pfd Amer. Stijar Amer. Telephone Hoston & Albany. Hoston Klevatod . Hasten ,tt Me Dominion Coal ... Mo ptd , If. S. Stel do pfd ritchburg pfd ... Oenenil Clectrlc . Mex. Central N K. (1. & C. ... Old Colony Old Dominion ... Kubber Union lind West Knd . 7214 . 9.V, .1314 West, HUctrlc ... Atchison 49 N. E, O. & C. 6s. .. 6 ..102 .. f .. 244 .. 22'4 ..1I2'4 .. 31 ,7M .. 27'4 .. 17 .. 23 .. S'J .. 32 ..173 .. 6!4 ..310 .. 1!"; 24 .. IS .135 .2.16 ISI .191 lAdvcnture jltlng. Mln. Co Atrial. Copper .... 'Atlantic Cal. d Hecla ICentennlal Ifranklln Humboldt Osceola Parrot Qulncy .115 1(4 .24T'4 . 21 . C',4 .:cs . 29' 4 . 11 . 3 Sanfa V Copper Tamarack Utah Mining Wlnotm Wolverines . 95141 Hid. Lou lion Stock (Itiolnt Ions, LONDON, July 16.-4 p. m.-Closlngi Consols, money . do account.... Anaconda Atchison Canadian Pacific St Paul .. 924 Che. & O .. !'. Chicago Gt. W.. .. SH Denver Si H, 0. .. 7fU ,lo nf.l 4314 22 42 92 23'4 5t'4 43 xuj 3214 3S1 2.1 2! "4 SJ'i ft" 4 M 19 7C.4 ..iciiiiM., li. a r Ml no pm Nor. A West.... Uric ... 37H ... 67 ... f.,iu . 151 ...103?; ...73 do 1st pfd. Pfd. do nfd do 2.1 Ontario A W.... Illinois Central Hendlng 1st pfd. do 2d pfd.... Ho. Hallway .... do nfd Liulsvlllc Pennsylvania ,., Heading So. Pacific V S. Steel do pfd Atchison pfd Ilaltlmore A O.. ... lf'i ... li'nlon Paclllo ... r.3' do pfd .. Wabash ..1IHM, do pfd.. .. !!4 Spanish 4s l'orrljtn riiinncliil, IONDON, July 16. Americans opened Ir regular, then became fairly steady and later hardened, especially on thu receipt ot New York's opening and finished strong. The feature was Atchison at f.54, Grand Trunks were strong. Canadian Paclllcs Im proved to 103, The Hank of England today announced the withdrawal of the issue of 3,00o,oii0 In Indian 3 pcr cent stock, owing to the Inadequacy of subscription. Too notice of the Issuance of this stock was given by the Hank of England July 11. It wns not redeemable before October 5, 1002. The price of the Issue was 9X. Dor silver quiet at 26!jd per ounce. Money, 2JJ2U per cent. Cotton Mnrltet. NEW YORK. July 16,-COTTON-The market worked lower today under frequent waves of liquidation and bear sclll K prompted by Indications of rain In the western belt nnd by a better weekly crop weather stntement from the government. The close wns quiet, with prices Cf7f 10 points net lower. Spot closed quiet, l-lfic lower; middling upland, Sl-16c; middling gulf. 8 ll-16c; sales, 1,000 bales. ST. LOUIS. July 16,-COTTON-DuIl: no sales; middling, sljc; receipts. 9:'3 bals, shipments. 1,420 biles; stock, 67,973 bales. NEW ORLEANS, July 16.-COTTON-Steady; sales, 1.230 bales; ordinary, 6c; good ordinary, 6 3-16c; low middling, 7,4c; middling, 3c; good middling, Sfte; mid dling fnlr. 9c; receipts. 1,319 bales. GALVESTON, July 16,-COTTON-Markct llrm nt Sc. LIVERPOOL. July 16. COTTON-Snot. dull: prices 3-32d lower; American fair, 5 3-32d; good middling, 4 27-32d; middling, 4 10-32d; low middling. 4c; good ordinary, 41id; ordinary. 3T4d. The sales of tho day were 6,000 bales, of which 500 wero for speculation and export, and Includtd 5.10) American, Receipts, 1,100 bales, nil Amer ican. Revised spot quotations: Amcrlran middling fnlr. 5',4d: good middling. iTSjl; middling, 4141: low'mlddlln'g, 4 13 22d; good ordinary, 4 5 32d;t ordlnury'f 3 29-32d. (Ill h'tyl' Hnslii. OIL CITY, Pa., JljUie.-OIL-Credlt bal ances. $1.03; certllleates. -no bid; shipments, 101.775 bbl?.: average, 94,530 bbls.; runs, 117,498 bbls.: average. 87,316. bbls. , LONDON. July 16.-OIIS-I,lnseed. 32s 4',4d. Petroleum srilrlts. 814c: American re fined. 5 11-11. Turpentine spirits. 26s lOltd. NEW YORIC. July 15,-OILS-Cottonseed. dull; prime crudo. nominal; prime yellow, 38c Petroleum, dull; retlned, $6.90; Phi n delphla nnd Ilaltlmore, J6.S3; Philadelphia nnd Baltimore, in bulk, $1.30. Rosin, quiet; strained, common to good, $1.15. Turpen tine, tlrmer nt 27&3714. LIVERPOOL, July 15.-OIIy-Cottonsced. Hull retlned, spot, steady nt 32 6d, Spirits of turpentine, 27s 5d. Rosin, dull nt 4s lljd. Petroleum, refined, steady at 6d. Lin seed, steady at 34s. CHARLESTON, S. C July 16.-OILS-Turpentlne, firm ut 3214c Rosin, firm and unchanged. SAVANNAH. On., July 16,-OILS-Splrlts of turpentine, firm, ,H14c Rosin, firm and unchanged; quotations: A. B. C, $1.03: K, $1.10: F, $1.20; O, $1.30; H. I. $1.53; K. $1.!0; M, $2.33; N, $2.70; W G, $3; W W, $3.30. CofTce Mnrltet. NEW YORK. July 16.-COFFEE Heavy "switching" of the nenr to the far months was engaged In on the local coffee exchange today. Prlocs loBt considerably, with senti ment bearish at the close, Tho market started steady In tone with prices down 5 points In keeping with the unfavorable market reports from Europe and Brazil, and under heavy crop country receipts. During the balance of int. ses sion the tendency wns always downward, with supporting orders few nnd far be tween. Liquidation nnd the switching above referred to were tho features of trading. Tho close was steady, with prices net 5TilO lower. Total sales reached the unusual fig ures of 72.500 bags, Including July at 4.85i 1.90c; September, 4.91fi5.O0c: October. u.OOiy 5.03o; November, o.Ole; December. 5,15i33.20c; February, 5.30c; Marrh. 5.33c; May, 5.431c 5,50c; June, 6.53c. Spot Rio, dull; No. 7 In voice, 50. Mild, quiet; Cordovn, S'.43121jc. Wool Auction Snlrs. LONDON, July lfi.-Tho offerings nt tho wool auction sales today, which numbered 13.69 bales, Included a good selection of superior Tnsmnnlan and Victorian stock. Competition was good and prices realized wero full Superior scoured Merlnoi sold well, while medium cross-breds were In re. quest. Cape of Good Hope and Natal of medium quality sold nt full rates. Ameri can buyers purchased good grfasy moder ately. Following are tue'snlcs In detail: Now South Wales. 5,001 bales; scoured. 4d?)ls 3'4d; greasy, 2171014d. Queensland, SOo bales; scoured, 9H.iyis l',4d; greasy, llafiS'd. Victoria, 2.900 bales, scoured, 3)4 1171s 614d; greasy, 2f(lld. Tasmnnln. 2,300 bales; greasy, 2'4dff Is lHrt. New Zealand. 2,200 bales; greasy, 241. Cape of Good Hope and Nntal WO bales; scoured, ll!4dftls 2d: greasy, 2(U34d. Wool Slnrkrt, BOSTON. July 16.-WOOL Tho situation In tho wool market this week Is Improved. There has been a better demnnd for wool and the market Is showing more htr.'Ugtli and activity. Territory wool, tlno medium and line scoured staple, la quoted at I3ftllc and the strictly staple article Is selling at 46T47C. Fleeco wools aro quiet, with prices on many grades nominal. Territory wools, scoured basis, Montana, fine medium and line, 131(14e; scoured, 40t(43o; staple, llf(15o; scoured, 451147c; Wyoming nnd Idaho, tine medium nnd line, 13'nl4c; scoured, 40fj43c; staple, 14W14Vc; scoured. 4lff46c. ST. LOUIS, July 16 WOOI-Unchnnged; medium grades, Ufil7c; light. 9014; heavy lino, 9911c; tub washed. 15fi24c. Sncnr ttnrkrt. NEW YORK. July 16.-8UOAR-Steady; fair refining. 3 9-16c; ceutrlfugnl, 96 test, 4 3-16o; molasses sugar. 315-16c; refined, steady; crushed, 6c; powdered, 5.60c; granu lated. 5.50c. NEW ORLEANS, July 16,-SUGAn-Mar-ket quiet; open kettle, 3 3-16fplc: open ket tle, centrifugal, .Hilf-Psc; centrifugal, 414 4 9-16c; seconds, 2H1Ic. Molasses, dull; ccn trlfugnl, 61J15c. LONDON, July 16.-HEET SUGAR-July 9s 3d. NEW YORK, July 16.-SUGAR-Raw, steady; fair rcllnlng. 3 9-lGc; centrifugal, 96 test, 4 3-16c; molusses sugar, 3 5-lCc; retlned, steady. Dry Goods) .Market. NEW YORK, July 16.-DRY GOODS Thcre has been no chnngo In the character of the market. Spot business has 'been llmltrd In all departments und only a mod nrniK demnnd comes forward otherwise). Thero has been no alteration In prices of either staple or fancy cottons. Export de mnnd slow. Print cloths steady nt 2c for regulars, sellers of 3S-incn m squares ai 3 15.16c. MANCHESTER. July lfi.-CLOTH-nuy-ers and sellers arart. Yars quiet and unchanged. urtiiii.MURK, July 16. Clearings, jj,, i4; balances, $!0J,16b. Money, 5 per cent. PHILADELPHIA, July 16.-Clearlngs, $22,135,051: bnlanoes. $2,271,195. Money. 4 per i. . uiiiiuiLi-.i, jj.i'tsi.wj. l'osteu exenange, i. .ai; rew York exchange, 2oc premium. NEW YOIIK, July 16.-ExchanKes, $316, lflS f'll' hut,, i-,,io nr. OMAHA LITE SIM MARKET Okclcs But Otttli Abtut Btiti; and Cthirs lltw and Tudito; Lawtr. HOGS TEN TO FIFTEEN CENTS LOWER .Hlierp Hecelpts I'nlrly l.lhrral, lint Driiiiind Wns Sutllclent to Tnkr Wliitl Wits OITcrrd nt Just About Steady Prices, SOUTH OMAHA, July 16. Receipts wete ; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oiiici.il .uoiiuuy 3,117 t,W)J 2,ult Oiuclui 'l'uesa.iy .,, 4,11 ls,,r.i b,ul Two diivs this week.. 7.641 23.40 k.WiS Same days last week.... 4,oim lO.iol Isjii oainu week oetore 4,si6 11, iJ u,blt oiituu tlllee Weeks agu... e,vJ VMl 4,14 duiiio lour WeCKH llbO.... 3,411 It, 113 Muliiu duy lust year o.uit lj.uit i,$u Average price Jiuld ror iiogs ai Co..th Oiuull.i thu past several du) wit li eo.n- I'UI IfiUUS 1901. i'jt.io.iiy.''j,ivji.,i;.,: I t Wtil 3 Wi a 6 t 261 i. i.u., r. iV i ,.,. t tt lj.,13. June 24.. JUIilW 2 9.1 4 4 2 V7 tl J 9tl I 1.1 ' 1 1 'J, , 2 OS) 2 4 63 2 Vj 4 H 2 9i 4 70 4 84 2 97 4 M 2 9S) 3 04, 4 SI 2 Wi 4 76 2 " 4 t3 2 9I 4 67 , I 72 2 97 4 78 3 W 3 OS i 4 !S 3 0i 4 Si Junu 2o... June 26.. JtltlO i, ., June 28.,, June 30... -uly 1.... July 2,.,, JUiy 3..,, July 4... July 5... JUiy 6..,, July 7... July July a.... July lo. , July n... July 12... JUiy is.. July 14.. July 15.. July lu... Indicate!! Sunday. Indicate holiday. Tho official number ot cars of stuck brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. C, M. St. P. By O. & St. L. Hy 4 8 46 56 's 51 4 10 3 6 1 h CI 4 65 4 21 63 7 Missouri Piicltlc Hy Union Pacific System.... C. & N. W. Hy I' ., E. & M. V. H. R S. C. At 1'. Ry C, St. P.. M. At O. R'.. li. A: .M. H. It. It B. ,i Q. Ry K. C. & St. J C. R. I. A: P.. east C , R. 1. & P., west 6 Illinois Central Total Receipts 193 262 !J Ti... .Hb,a,.iii.,i, nr tlic iIav'm rprtlots was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- uer ui iieuu uiuiuiiii'u .Cnttlc. Hogs. Sh'p. Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co. 591 617 3.112 1.01 1 2,577 6,500 6,729 1,365 1,516 963 .1,(09 . 826 . 49 Armour at lo Omaha, from K. C f,,,li,l,i 'rn,, I.' M 71 "70 15 70 123 '76i Swift Ai Co. trom country 471 l.DUMHlll AC McCrenry Ai Clark Hamilton Ai Rothschild.. I. . llllHZ North P. & P. Co Other buyers 321 Total 4,505 18,252 5,183 CATTLE There was n generous run of cattle here today, and, as advices from other points were nono too favorable, tho tendency on the part ot packers was to buy thelt supplies lower than they did yesterday. They did not succeed In all cases, however.. There was something over 100 cars of beet steers on sale this morning, and, as several of tho trains wero late In arriv ing, the market was slow In opening. Buy ers wen' around and picked up some of the moro desirable bunches at good, steady prices, but thero were not many of what might be called choice cattle on sale. They did not take hold lu very good shape of tho other grades and it was late before much of anything was dono and when they did buy them they got them, In a good many cases, for u little less money than tho same kind sold for yesturday. There wcie 2.V or 30 cars of cows In the yards this morning, but they wero mostly on the- commonish- order, Thu few good to choice dry lot cows and; heifers offered brought good, Mendy prices, but the others were slow sale and lower all around. Hulls brought about steady prices, If they were at all good, but they were slow and weuk If common. Tho same was true or calves and stags. There were a good many Blockers nnd feeders In the yards today, but tho reports of rains In some sections gave a littlo nettcr tone t tho trade. Several commis sion men had a number of orders to buv cattle, so that prices did not show so much change. The good kinds In particular were steady and the less desirable grades could bo quoted steady to a shade lower. Rep resentative sales: BEEK 8TEER8. I 5 Jlvi W 3 Oil 3 62 I I t 87HI 5 11 3 65 3 (3 1 61) a ljjj 'j'j. , !,, j Uv, 4 , I I 5 Oil 3 6S 3 55 3 21 I & 8914! 3 73 3 6l 3 18 I 5 8J; 4 921 ' 3 bl 3 l! 1 1 7I1, 5 Ul, 3 7S 3 21 I 6 7314 6 08 3 7S 3 66 I 6 79Hi 5 16, 3 8J 3 66 3 2l I 6 111 3 Slj 3 76 3 2e ,5 832-5 -i 86 J 7i 3 32 I u 8314 5 13 13 7S 3 3o I 5 6ot 5 131 3 901 13 2j I 0 92 k 5 01 3 96 3 70 I .3 Uj',, 5 ir.' I Oil 3 731 3 18 I 5 ,5"s 6 13 4 Ojj 3 82! 3 II, 5 0S 4 03 3 77, 3 15 I 5 771,1 I 3 99, 3 77 i lf I o lu 5 02 3 82 3 20 No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. 4 882 2 35 25 1144 4 70 IS 727 3 35 24 1160 4 70 4 745 3 u 21 1137 4 78 84 960 3 75 32 10S4 4 75 22 ! HO 41 1242 4 75 41 743 4 (0 CO 1219 4 73 11 834 4 00 20 1200 4 ?0 11 843 4 13 31 ,1096 4 80 2 835 4 25 45 1292 4 5 43 1000 4 23 42 1309 4 U 18 1001 4 M 38 1315 4 ST, 13 913 4 10 36 1316 4 S5 23 1021 4 40 15 1264 4 83 22 988 4 40 36 1277 4 S3 14 1003 4 4') 47 1203 4 W 52 1580 141 12 1195 4 18 1174 4 45 41 1272 4 S 10 11M 4 .'.0 CO 1211 8 00 19 1161 4 65 23 1230 3 05 43 1005 4 70 33 1327 i 10 17 1107 4 7.) 117 1460 8 20 .18 1370 4 70 20 1136 3 1 V) 1091 4 70 41 1280 S 34 21 1159 4 70 STEERS TEXAS, 90O 3 .U STEERS AND HEIFERS. 76 4 42. '64 4 40 COWS. 8 1 5 n u'.'.'.. i 2 7 5 1 7 1 1 2 9 2 1 10 1 6 13 I 1 . 758 . 790 . 958 . 913 . 880 . S.V) . 963 . 857 .1036 .126.1 . 93'i ,.1010 ,.1010 ,. 915 ,. ?0J . 9J5 ,.1170 ,. 913 ,. 910 ,. ;io ,. 893 . 6K . 70) 1 M 1 73 18.1.. f.o'.'.!'. 20.... ):.... 915 2 15 1010 2 75 2 i3 2 i) 1 ("0 1 80 1 80 2 '.) 2 10 2 l 2 25 2 J3 2 b5 2 33 s h 2 ::. 2 40 2 40 2 ri 2 65 2 63 2 63 , 1100 , 895 861 tVK 2 S3 2 S3 , 1160 3 U0 1130' 3 00 80.) 3 if) 1066 3 00 1013 930 110) 11) 870 930 3 iK) 3 l.) 3 V, 3 'J, 3 J', 3 30 113.) 3 50 1141 3 . '-) 1230 1130 3 .'3 3 '5 3 hi 2 63 3.... .1340 HEIFERS. 2 30 1 3 50 5 HULLS. 2 23 1 910 , 890 4 ' 4 )0 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 S 6 ....1153 ....133.) 3 80 .... 660 3 nl ....1400 3 75 ....1150 3 i.) ....lloo 2 ;o ....1U) 2 65 1 1 ....1420 ....1300 .... 3.10 .... 213 .... 196 .... 203 ....14(0 z ;s i 3 01 CALVES. 3 u0 1 4 Jl 2 I 50 1 8 U0 STAGS, 3 75 200 2(A) 120 5 00 6 25 3 30 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 6K0 1 33 6u5 2 M 360 1 40 600 2 I) COO 2 40 840 2 JO STOCKERS 770 2 (0 10... 1... 1... 2... AND 2... 614 2 60 , HO 2 0 960 2 V) 370 3 M FEEDERS. .t 690 3 28 17.... If.... 70"!!, 23 4 t.'..'.. 1 462 616 M0 767 2 00 2.... 2.... 1.... 8.... 7.... 2.... 3.... 1.... 670 3 25 2 25 2 Jo 565 3 2.1 3 25 30 3 i0 649 3 'J 773 3 00 561 3 30 72J 3 10 4M 3 10 770 3 00 476 3 M 730 3 10 3 CO 350 3 :& 670 C. W. Thornton Neh. S feeders.. 1015 3 23 9 feeders. .1001 3 25 2 75 3 f 0 2 40 1 feeder... 660 2 ;a i teener... 1OI0 Erlckson Neb. 3 10 29 feeders.. 869 2 50 7 feeders.. CS3 M. 18 feeders.. 79S 3 feeders.. 613 HOOS There was tho heaviest run of hogs hero today of any day so far this year, and, in fact, this wns one of the big days of tho year. July 31. 1K94, holds the record, when there wero 20,684 hogs on sale, so that today's supply Is not far behind the record. Other markets wero weak and a dlmo lower nnd owing to the big supply hero buyers took off fully a dime. The long string sold at $5.i2i with the hulk going i 1 from $6.6214 to $5.6714 as against yesterday's bulk from 15.75 to 15.80 so that tho market to. day might boquoted KHtlrc Jowr r. Puckers took noin in goon snnpo and tno nrst i&q loads changed hands at a rapid rate, but after that they did not seem very anxious for moro hogs and for a time not much was done. Tho last half of tho murkot was certainly no belter, though the bulk of the hogs was sold In goou season. The close ot the markets was weal: and It took good hogs to bring $5.6214 on the last end. Representa tive sales: No. Av. 8h. Pr. 101 ,13 SO i 4) HO 1)4 M i)i 9?........K1 f i tf 9 201 160 5 V) :t us m s fo 41 in 1M S fO T2 194 249 1 (11 (2 M 40 5 M 32 !35 80 I (0 S7 iI ... 5 1.0 72 2tl lf 6 1 74 2IS l.M t'O 73 220 !2 S 6') M 214 l) 1 oVi 1$ SIT 160 i 01'4 77 Is ... 5 62 V, i 207 IK 5 Vi M M ... I 23 si m to $ is'-,, 61 222 ... I 2',4 El 216 210 5 ics s:: im i ',y- 72 IS7 W 5 UVi Jl ZC2 fti f C2'i S3 m 1M i Ul, ;3......,.:.', 40 i is' V, 203 ... I t.'15 PI 241 ... I C'4 C; 21) ... 5 ut, e? iw 40 s r:' 72 213 V0 i i'2, S3 2VJ ICO 5 '4 63 231 1(0 s ';;'t 63 2J ! i MV4 i 219 80 l t2, 77 212 161 5 U' 7s 212 120 5 M'j 63 234 120 5 2y, 71 21s 40 S "l'i ta ,.204 S 5 (-S 82 IW !'! 5 2'3 M 218 40 i t'5 TJ 213 2.1 J ti 70 j:4 40 i c; 62 ,263 160 5 Jo f,2 2ii ... :. (9 211 40 5 t; f$ 223 ... 5 t! (2 231 80 5 i3 , 72 232 M !5 70 2.".2 160 5 IT, Vt 160 1 C5 h 2is io 5 or, : 210 80 3 15 73 220 $3 3 '.1 lo 2(9 ... J 'w : 2M ... 5 03 78 233 80 5 ti 61 2.V. 10 J u' 55 21S ... 5(8 74 231 ... J v M ..... , . .VO'J 160 5 ti H ,191 SO 8 71 26S W i -, 71 231 12i f. ;,. 2ii ... r, 3 72 221 2W 5 74 2JS ... 8 63 C9 2SS tO 5 M 72 223 M 65 70 2.U - 8'J 3 6i 72 2JI 12) 5 M 74 J27 ... I ft! 09 236 80 I 65 67 243 2(0 I 63 72 276 2f0 5 fS SS 23S 40 5 5 132 S-1T 164 i M No. av. Sh. Pr. 64. ...... .280 2t) 5iS C7 Zil 11) j Im M 22, W w li 213 M 5 63 tV 311 40 i li 80 '.2i Ml 5 (S CC ill ... i C3 U 24t 0 3 ti 71 u ij it; 81 V2J M 8 15 CI. ...... ,24.! ... I CI IS 2,3 40 i t's 6.'. 241 3J) 3 63 ' Ul 40 i 13 81 Vol lw) 8 13 " 22 110 8 U 72 241 IM 3 (5 80 2.U 1(0 3 i5 84 2i. ... 5 56 Ui ... Ik 12,1 1t 14) i tl K ;1J luO 5 Ci 70 22 1 120 8 Im til 2.U ... 8 10 7( Ul in Z MA 81 iti U0 5 M 6J l.i ... i it-i 51. '.!i lul 5 u 110 2J'J 20 a tu 19 ill 40 i Ml .'J L'u i fci 34 2, ltJ i li 1'.' 211 ;u ,i 61 60 213 !U & t'J 81 :Ij to 8 H s. ..... . ,2.2 ... 5 t.1 32 ui 90 5 '3 14 iln 100 i li 38 2U' 'M o m Si 286 40 3 H 51 2,2 ,t0 5 fei t4 til I'M i 'it 72 '.M'J IW I tn to 241 :w 5i,5 5t 247 ... 3 lu (4 .41 ltiU i Id 65. 223 ... u Im 64 1") S'J v 6.'., t'.' 219 il 8 6 1, it iil ... !,', U 12o vi' 'i.'. 2'.t ... 3 6ivy 71 iuj lc.) 6 l'i',.. I'l HI to 8 el1., U it Mi 5 t)it4 Is ...:..i '.) a tm 7J 2'7 120 5 6i'i 7 219 ... 8U',i ,ti Ul Mi 5 h?',, 72 236 40 3 ili 4) 802 160 3 lit, bO Si ... 5 111, 67 2t9 lu 5 671, 80 3 i,7', IJ 292 120 I li'.i 150 40 I 'fill H 2'H SI 5 iV,i 10 236 tO 6 Im'4 49 2S5 40 8 70 W 306 240 8 10 43 291 80 3 70 78 262 120 " 72 228 ... 8 70 111 309 60 5 .2', U 30? 0 I ti li 3U ... li'' and lambs here today, nnd although -ni-cago was reported weak and a dime lower the market nt this point ruled nctlvc and Just noout steady all nround. Idaho grass wethers sold at $3.65 and Idaho ewes brought as high as $3.25 and Idaho Inmbs nold up to $5.(. The common and hall fat stuff was, of course, more or less neglected, but aside from that everything was sold In. good season. ., The reports, of rains In various sections with the prospect uf moro made feeders move a little moro freely nt nbout steady prices. Quotations: Choice wethers, $3.753 90; fnlr to good wethers, $3.25jj3.65; choice eives. $3.43.23i fair to good. $2.5033.(0; unolce spring lambs, $3.6035.75; fnlr to good spring lambs, $5.X&6.li0; feeder wethers. $2..5a) 3.00; leeder lambs, $3.50(3-1.00. Representa tive sales: No. Av. Pr. 1 goat 110 $2 75 19 Wyoming ewes 104 3 ft) 633 Wyoming grass wethers .... Ill j 667 Wyoming grass wethers .... 109 3 So.. 516 South Dakota yearlings and wethers 72 3 lo 396 western lambs , 66 4 4 16 wesUrn lambs ,, 72 5 50 5 bucks .V.. 151 2 10 3 fed ewes...., W 3 00 192 western yrlgs and wethers.. "7 3 10 4 western ewes 105 3 25 203 western ewes 113 3 25 40 western yearlings 85 3 70 9 western ycaiilngs 86 3 M) 26S western yearlings 87 3 80 217 fed lambs 66 4 25 CHICAGO LIVE STOCIC MABKET, Cuttle necrtpts Mnlluni llrnry He , prints of Host "brrp. CHICAGO, July 16. CATTLE Receipts, 4,750 head, Including 1,675 Texans; slow, steady; good prime steers quotable at $5.25 J6.15; poor to medium, $3.50ti5.00: stockers and feeders, dull, $2.o0ii4.25; cows, slow, steady. $2.75W4.5o; heifers. $2.40114,90; cali pers, $1.5002.10; bulls, $2.(WfM'); calves, bulk lower, fancy steady, $3.7586.50; Texas steers stonily. HOOS Receipts, 26,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 42,000; left over, 6,000; slow nnd lOo lower; mixed and butchers, $5.60Ti6.05; good to choice heavy, 15 936.15; rough heavy, $5.60(fi5.80; light, $5.S01i5.90; bulk of sales, $5.84j6.96. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 15,00) head; sheep steady, lambs sharply lower; good to choice wethers, $3.90ft4.60; fair to choice mixed, $3.l0ff4.00: western sheep, $3.754.00; yearlings, $4.10tfj4.65; native lambs closed 251140c lower at $3,601(6.76; Washing ton range lambs, $5,70. Official receipts and shipments for Mon day: Receipts Cattle. 30.6S1; hogs. 43.S45; sheep, 27,669. Shipments Cattle, 6,579; hogs, 8,746; sheep, none. St. Lnuls I.lvr Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, July 16. CATTLE Receipts, 7.800 head. Including 2,000 Texans; market steady, but with fow good natives hero; native shipping and export steers worth $5.00(36.00; dressed beef and butcher steers, $1,0015.50; steers under 1,000 lbs., $3.55lj4.SO; stockers and feeders, $2.60(?4.35; cows and heifers. $2.004.75; dinners. $l.r5'!f2,"5; bulls, $2.50Sj3.00; Texas and Indian steers, 3.10'u 4.40: cows nnd heifers. $2,301(3.70. HOOS Receipts, 12.400 head, market 10 15c lower: pigs nnd lights, $5.sO(Tj5.86; pack ers. $5.75(f5.85; butchers. $5.90fi6.15. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts, 7.200 head; market 25c lower on lambs, steady on frheep; natlvo muttons. $3.Uy3.5l; lambs, $3.75Ti6.25; culls ,nnd bucks, $2.0uS4.00; stock ers, $3.00. Kniisms (My Live Slnrk Mnrket. KANSAS CITY, July 16.-CATTLE-RO-celpts, 8,500 natives, 500 Texans nnd 4i) calves: market generally 15ff"2ic hlher; choice export nnd dressed beef steers, $5.00 (T6.80; fair to good. $l.55ff4.95; stockers and feeders, $3,004.25; Texnn and Indians, $3.00 4"i3.90; Tcxnu cows, $2 60ti3.00; native cows $2.601j4.10; heifers, $2.25571 75; dinners. $1.5) 72.JO; hulls, $2.25513.75; calves. $3.l0.1i6.25. HOOS-Recclpts. 31,500 head, the heaviest day's receipts In the history of the market; 5'i710c lower; top, ?5.95; bulk of sales, $5.rs) f(5.85'; heavy, $5.83175. 95, mixed packers, $3.50 (i55; light, S5.30&5.70; pigs, $4.4lV(i5 25. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 3.600 head; mstrket steady; Inmbs II Won, 0; wethers, f3.1'5'iva.75; yearlings, $3. cft'o "; ewes, 3.003,0; stock sheep. $1.60fr2.'.5. JVcvr York Mvi htook Mnrkrt, NEW YORK. July 16,-REEVES-Rc- i AC 1. .1 nrtnilnnllii at ni .1 f tl Til PR r"lj'ln iH J ) 1 it ' i i lliillllinilij a .. quoted live rattle tlrmer nt llfil214e. Top, U'UCJ , vlllK."'1 k v l" '" hlpmentR, 4,86() quartets of beef; tomor row. 4,ltv quarters of beef.- CALVES Receipts, 2oS bend; slow nnd lower; ion calves unsold; medium to choice veals, $6.0)17 0'); culls, $4.5i); iiuttermllks, Illllll,,,., , SHEEP AND UM11S-Recelpts, 10,207 lieniP, sheep steady, lambs 15f(25c off; sheep, $3.(s74.M; lambs. $5.25fi6.5n. liuun ucceipis, neau; nominally steady. 5t. .loneph 1,1 ve Stock Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH, July 16.-CATTI.E-Rc ceipts, 1.283 hend; market strong on best, others stendy to wenk; natives, $4.101J6o; cows and heifers, $l.AOTf4,75; bulls nnd stnps. $2.25114.90; stockers and feeders, $2.25ff 1.33; veaK $2.( "7(6.25. HOGS-Recelpts. 17.500 head, market lOff 15c lower; pigs. 10c lower; light and Hunt mixed, $5.55'ri5.75; medium and havy, $1.70 ijj.): pigs. $3,9074.90; bulk, $5.6015.8 1. SHEEP AND LA MI1H Receipts 045 head; mnrket 26160c lower on spring Inmbs, sheep steady to 2fic lower, mostly 161i25c off; top, spring lambs, $3.50, Stock In SUM. The following table t-hows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep nt tho five principal live stock markets July 16: Cattle Hogs s'h o South Omaha 4.634 1S.761 6,154 Chicago 4,750 2S,0 15.000 Kansas City 9.0ifl 31,600 3.500 St. Louis 7.800 12,400 7,W) St. Joseph 1,383 17.5U0 915 Totals .27.367 103,161 33,599 Kvniiornteil nnd Dried Fruit. NEW YORK, July 16.-DRIKD FRUITS There wns a quiet trndo In dried fruits, but no marked chnngo in tho general sltua. tlon. EVAPORATED APPLES-Stato, common to good. 3!i?i6c: prime, 6!j1i5c; choice, r.'rf 6i;c; fincy. 6H7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'lTS-Market steady, but quint. Prunes. 2Hlf:'iic. Aprlrots, Rovnl, SS12c: Moor Park, 7'412c. Peaches, pceltd, 11912c; uupcelcd, C'ulOc. MORE IOWA LEAGUERS COM Trite RociiTM Thim with Tin Thonund Othtri Ttrndiy. GREAT CONCERT GIVEN AS PRELIMINARY Visitors llenr Chorus of Two Tluin- nnil In .Mrclinnles' Pnrlllnn, rlth ArcompnnlJiicnl on Ihr flrent Orusn, SAN FRANCISCO, July 16. Nearly 10, 000 delegates to the International Epworth League convenilon, which convenes next' Thursday, were received and registered by tho lo;sl committees today. They came from tho east, north and south. The first dele gation nrrived nt break of dawn and from that hour throughout the day trnlnliwih were set down nt the city's gatrs at regular Intervals. First came a special train from Phila delphia with 250 Pennsylvanlans. Then enmo the Wisconsin special nt noon. Four hours later cntno i special carrying nearly 600 from Chicago nnd Ksns.is City. An hour and a half later tho slate, delegation of Kansns nnd Al.ib.ima, numbering In nil 200, arrived. The big special from lown, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas and Tennes see arrived nt S o'clock tonight, followed by the Indiana special. Although the convention Is not to ha formally opened until Thursday It wua prnctlially begun tonight with a concirt nt Mechanics' pavilion, the features of which were a chorus of 2,000 voices and the grcnt org.m built for Stanford university. Fully 10,000 people attended the concert. From tonight until tho ortlcliil commence ment there will bo constant meetings In tho church and clsnwherc. Dr. Joseph F. Herry, general secretary uf the league, said today: "I have attended all the conventions held by the Epworth League nnd I am able to say that never be fore has such preparation been made for the entertainment and comfort of the del egates nnd never have matters been moro nicely adjusted to Insure the complete suc cess of tho program. Thero scetns to jj nothing lacking. "It is my prediction that the coming convention will be the greatest both In Its achievements nnd In every regard pertain ing to tho general enjoyablllty of tho ses sions." . EXPORT OIL & PIPE LINE CO. OF BEAUMONT. Incorporated Under the I.nvrs of Trill CAPITAL - - - $2,000,000 Divided Into 2,000,000 Klinrcx or tho Pnr Ynltie of Ifl.OO Enoli. I'ull Pnlil and iVoicAssesmnhlc. President ....Hull, Clmrlrs A. Towne Of New York City nnd lleuumont, Texas. Ieiolliirlen. AMERICAN NAT. BANK Heaumont METROPOLITAN NAT. BANK HOHtolt PURITAN TRUST COMPANY Uoston Registrar nnd Trimmer AkoiiI. PURITAN TRUST COMPANY....uBos(on J. P. Withers. President. Geo. C. O'Hrlon, Vice-President. AMERICAN Tom Everheart, Vlco-Prcsldent, F. P. Clements, Cashier. NATIONAL HANK. of Beaumont. Beaumont, Texas, Juno 15, 1901. Hon. Charles A. Towne, Pres't. Export Oil A Plw Lino Co., City. My Dear Senator: Relatlvo to the holdings of tho Export OH & Pipe Line Co.. It Is my opinion that you have some vnfuahlo properties that comparo favorably with uny companies to day In tho Held. I will say that It Is after consideration of the assets and prospects of tho company and the personnel ot thu olllccrs nnd directors thnt I decided to Join with you In the enterprise. It being con trary to my policy to take part In matters not connected directly with the bank. In tact, 1 will say up to the present time I have declined to be associated In any man ner with any oil company other than your own. Your prospects seem to be favorable to success, and with the character of as sociates you have 1 feel that you have u very excellent foundation. Very truly yours, (Signed) J. P. WITHERS. R. Oliver, IV Murphy, President. Cashier, THE CITIKKSS NATIONAL HANK. Capltnl stock, $100,000.00. Beaumont, Texas, Juno 14th, 1901. Hon. Charles A. Towne, Pres't, Export Oil & Pipe Lino Co. My Dear Senator: I desire to congratulate you on your rmrchase of tho tract of land In lyit Five, Hock Thirty-Eight, from the Hogg-Swayne syndicate. This property will certainly give the Export OH & Plpo Lino Company a gusher. Situated as It Is, bounded on one sldo by tho Hcywood No. 2 and Bealty gushers, and on the other by tho Hogg Swayne gusher. It Is certainly within tho spray of the big wells. There Is no ques tion as to tho value of this property. It Is second to none on Splndle-Top Heights, and In my opinion you am as certain of a gusher ns though the well was now drilled and spouting oil. Slncorely yours, (Signed) V. T. CAMPHELL, 2d Vlce-Pres. For tho purpose of developing the prop erties of the company n limited amount of tho capital stock Is offered for subscrip tion at 60c PER SHARE par value $l.u0, full paid and non-assessable With Tcxno oil It Is always true that ns soon n.i the well "comes In" the stock disappears from tho market; tho only tlmo to seciir it at any price is beforn oil Is Tho Export Oil Sc Pipe Line Co. Is now sinking a well on Its Spindle-Ton land, and tho work Is progrelng favorably. Send for Illustrated prospectus, mailed promptly on request. Subscriptions should bo forwarded either lo the Company at Beaumont, Texas, or to Its Fiscal Agents ns below, with checks or drafts payablu to tho order of WALTER O. Jll'DSON it Co. WAi.Tiiii n. lirnso.v ,v co 342 Stock Exchange Rulldlng, Rostnn, Mass, Members Heaumont Oil Exrhnngo and Hoard of Trade. Tetrpfiane lOJtfi. Boyd Commission Co Successors to Jsmts K. Boyd & Co., OMAHA, NEH. COMMISSION (iltAl. PnOVIt4IO.3 AMD STOCKS. Board of Trad llallsllna;. Direct wires to Chlctco and New TorH. Correspondence, John A. Wan-en Co. OO VIJHN.M I'lNT NOTICE, CHIEF OF A RTERM ASTER'S OFFICE Omahn, Neb., July 16, 1501 Sealed pro posals, In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received her until 2 o'clock p m.. July 31, 1901, and then opened, In the presento of attending bidders, for two hundred nnd fifty-two (232i Artillery Horses for delivery at Fort Riley, Kansas, or prominent railroad points, U, S, reserve right to reject any or nil proposals, nr any part thereof lilmk forms for bidding and circular Hiving iuii iiunrniiiiion an r qulrcments will be furnished on application in this otllce. Enveloue.i oontnlnlni: nro- posajs should be marked "Propo.-ais for Horses" nud nddrcsicd to JNO, W. PIM.l. MAN. Chief Q. M. July 17-1S-23-SO