Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Advertlarmrnta for thrne coltunna
trill he laUeu until 1- '. (or t lie
venlng edition nml until 8 .10 p. m.
tor niornlnu nnd Dunilny edition.
Itntea, 1 1.2c a word Aral Inaerilnn,
lo rrorrl thereafter. Nothing tnUcn
for leaa thnn !i!c (nr the flrat Inicr
tlnn. Theae ndTrtllarmtuli uiuat be
ran coaapcatlvcl?.
Advertlarra, by rriincatlnic n R m
fcererl check, can hnre nnatrera !
tfreaaed to a numbered letter In care
of Thf Ilrr. Anarrera nililrraacd frill
be delivered oi preaeatatlua ( the
' fc.aek aalr.
W A .N T I : I S IT I AT I () .V .
YOUNG man, stranger In city has had 1!!
yearn experience us bookkeeper, corrc
Bpondent (English, Oermnn, Frenrh)
seeks n position of any kind; In not afrit, d
of work. C 37, Hue, A-22S 15'
.WANTED We have steady work for a few
good hustlers of good habits ami appear
ance, C. Adams Co., 1603 Howard Ht.
H 303
UARUER trade tnught thoroughly In short
time; catalogue and particulars frtc.
Western Harbors' Institute, Umahn, Neb.
WANTED, housewreckers to file bids on
' musical festival lumber material, (travel,
etc., at 15th and Capitol avo. Inquire: J.
12, Knowlcs, superintendent, 11-.MG27
WANTED, a young tnun for oltlce work,
t Statu experience and salary wanted. "D,"
lleo olllce, So. Omiihu. 11 929 lti
"WANTED, a rrllabTe, dlct-gello man at
once, can make big money. Lock Uox
364, Sioux City, la. R-M931 17'
MEN wanted to learn barber trade; good
WHK''a putdtotir 'gruduate4Miptictal Induce,
mcuts tn iiDtrilcuriU from distance: two
months completes. Apply by mall. Moler
Rarher culteBtV 1CJ3 rarnutn. U-SIJS5 W
MACHINISTS, patternmakers, mo'ul'dVrs,
liolicrninxerH, nmcKsmltn, imtss mull no s
anil llnlftncr.t Can secure ntciidy employ
ment at wages 25 to 35 per cent higher
than paid In east, In the cities of Seattle,
Tncoinu, Everett. Whatcom, Fulrhavcn,
Olympln and Hallnrd, state of Washing
ton, delightful cllituite, cert of living no
higher than eastern cities of same ciusn,
Aiiply to F. W. Mitchell, secretary Paclllu
Coast Metal Trades' association, Seattle,
Wash. 11-M992 19
WANTED YoUng men and young women
ran earn from J.I to : a day easily selling
the Sutton Natural atone, (term-proof
water lllters; call at once; It talks for
Itself; agents wanted In Omaha, South
Omaha and Council llluffs; we are general
agents for Nebraska and Wyoming. A. (5.
McAusland Co., mfgrs. agents, 115 Kar
bach bldg , Omaha. Neb. li M3 l'J
WANTED, an Al experienced bookkeeper;
oni) who- Is acquainted with city accounts
preferred. Apply at olllco J. L. Hrandcis
& Sons, Roston Store. D 100 15
The phenomenal Increase In the number of
umoken! who smoke the famous I'rlnco of
Omaha cigar Is due to the fact that thu
quality always remains the same and our
ulm Is to-give our trndo tho best that can
posslbiy be Into a 6e cigar. Always
aak fcr a I'rlnco and you will bo sure to
get something good for u nickel. Manu
factured by Tho XV, F. Stoeeker Cigar
Co. U-M114-I6
WANTED, traveling salesmen, sldo llnu for
retail grocer and drug trade In lowu and
Nobrnskn, A. Co., brokers, IUj
Rcu bids., lieforo ! u. m. dally.
11-212 1G
WANTED, bookbinder, must bo first-class
finisher and ruler. C.rroll (la.) Illank
Hook Co. H-M144 2"J
WANTED. .man to travel and nppolnt
agents. J100 per month and all cpennes
to right party. Secy., 002-3.-.6 Dearb rn
street, Chicago. li MH2 lti'
WANTED, a young mun having three years
experience In dnig business. Henry Harth.
Lincoln, Neb. It MIDI Hi'
WANTED, bright office boy for permanent
noslttnn! nn "xnhnnl vnniint."
Pply; glvo references.
C 36, this olllce.
Address Box No.
U-229 16
HUSTLTNO up-to.datQ men and women-to
iiiuim Kt-neiiii unu local agents on sal
ary for our publications and specialties;
very attractive to those who can get re
"Ults. Address Manager. 10 W. Saratoga
St Haltlmore. 11 M236 3 6.
99.9P t.1c.'l(, nwkcr a't' Smith's bakery?
1102 Fifth uvenue. Council Bluffs.
B-M 247 19
WANTED, men and women for Charles
Hcriuncra tjons books and magazine. 1735
So. 29th St.
2.12 15
WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 Dodge.
Tel S78.
C 303
! RELIABLE help, Cmadlan olllco, 1522 Doug
C Xi
..WANTED Girl for general housework.
J Mrs. A. Q. Gilbert, 339 Scott st.. Council
Bluffs. C-M9I6 17
' COMPETENT girl In family of two. Apply
1045 Georgia avo., Mrs. W. J. Burgess.
C-All l'j
LADIES wanted to learn hair dressing,
1 manicuring or facial massage, splendid
wages paid graduates; only four weeks
rcnutrcd with the ndviintnirpa ,ifr.rri-
tools presented; diplomas n warded; spe
cial arrangements for applicants from
iiisuuicu iiH wen as city. Apply ly mall.
. Moler College, 1623 Farnam st.
C M994 IS
WANTED, housc-to-houso canvassers.,
ladles as well as gentlemen, for tho city
and all over the states of lowu and Neb.
A. Jacobsen Co., brokers, 105 Bee bldg.,
before 9 u, m dally,
C 213 16'
WANTED, Irfidy to travel and appoint
agents, $100 per month and expenses to
right party. Treas. 903-356 Dearborn stru-t,
Chicago. C M143 16
WANTED, girl fur general housework, fam.
Uy of three, Mrs. Slnicral, 976 N. :Sth
Ave. C 227
WANTED, good girl for general housework"?
no washing; good wages to good girl. Ap
ply 2321 Harney C 231 15'
LADY stenographer
must bo rapid and
lor mni'hlnn. Cull
iiperaie anmii rremlnr machine.
,Vui, J,"- ."' 'mry w week to start.
. F. Rankin, 410 I'axton bldg.
C-M246 17
WANTED Four ladles for copyln j prints
nt homo (it Ulsure hours; experience un-!
. .-nil J . M'l" lt'l9Ullll'. UCllt, 1110
Duvenport-'tilrect. C M ;4i 17
ANYONpiwuntlng- satin fitlri, lovely, clear
complexion: Mhotild npply Satln-Skln
Crvuin und Powder, beauty brlngors. 2.",c.
C M230 16
koii. uij.vr not m:s.
IV YOU want your houe well rented placo
them with JJenowa Co, D 307
TO MOVE right, get Omuha Vnn Storage
Co., olllco lSu'.i Farnam, or tel. 1539-Sttt.
HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city.
Brennitn-Lovo Co., 320 South 13th street.
HOUSES, stores. Bemls,
Paxton block.
8. W. Corner 30th and Burdetto streets.
HOUSES, etc.
K. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas.
HOUSES and flats; Rlngwalt, Barker block.
D 31J
IIOUBES wanted.
Wallace, Brown block.
9-ROOM houto, bath and closet, :6th and
Churies. Monroo & Co , 811 N. 16th St.
D 315
$217 CUJfTNG, S-room house, all modem
except furnace; rent, $20.
16th and Douglas.
I S-ROOM brick house, modern, 2717 Jncksan.
Telephone A, Traynor, 491 or L23S3
D 399
FOR RENT. 10-room. east front, brick
house, 30S N. 22d St., near Davenport.
Inquire next door. D 930
roit iiii.vr houses.
TO small family, a four-room houe, 2f04
lllondo, J per month. Apply 607 X.liSt.
FOR TtENT.TlW NTlSth avc.,house, newly
papered and painted; six tine large rooms.
Sea N L. Trimble, 1218 Farnam.
D M199
MODERN 7-room house, near Pork. 1V9
So. 2h, D-223 Jy23
ELEGANT apartment In Winona Tr, Al
bion; Immediate possession. l'ayrie-Knox
Company, main door N. V. Life Illdg.
-DUO 13
TEN-HOOM brick modern, house, 622 N.
lath St , (15,
Nine-room modern house and large barn,
2tX Poppleton Ave., $40.
Elegant house and large barn, 1421 'Wirt
Ht , $10.
12-room house and two barns, 2206 N. ISth
St., 123.
Eight-room modern house, 2027 N. 20th St.,
Seven-room house, city water, 2010 N. 27th
St.. $15.
UltENNAN-LOVE CO., 309 South 13th St.
7-ROOM flat. 617 South Idth.
311 New York Life.
Clark Powell,
VOll HENT A fourteen-room dwelllnp at
txj ririt ave., just hack of trie reuerai
building; all modern, steam heat, ga
stove and ranees go with the hourc; two
bath rooms, all In cood' repair; well suited
for roomers, which Is now In demand.
See Ohio Knox, Shugart block, Council
llluffs. D-MUI7 17
NEW S-room house, northwest corner, 30th
and Jackson Sts.; strictly modern, de
tached, corner, south and east front,
nwnlngs for all windows; only 30. Bomls,
I'axton Hlock. Pw7
6-HOOM furnished cottage for the summer.
No children. R02 S, 30th St. D-9 15
EOIt IIENT, U-r. house, barn, modern,
Dundee," 130.
4 rooms, baHeritcnt, 2722, S, Wth. ,
I rooms, 40th' tinil Leneoriwdrthr.-'JIW'-
5 rdoms. 07 N. 2tith, W.' & ' '' '''
W. Ii. FELY, '
jioaru or l rauo uiug., pnon', iuiv,
1'OIt HiN'T, nlt.j 0-room rotr'tge, ndwIV
napoTMi, wiU' l-ranklltt St., tw
I'. Tukey ,Vt Son, lid. Thide.
tW per iho.. A.
rNEQl'ALED, rentral all modern eevem
room house, live-room flat, folir-rnom flat,
wiree-room conage. Tiz,iru, zil no. sun.
' D-M-J17
DEU'EY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam.
THE TIIUHSTON, cool, airy rooms;
TIIHEE rooms, light housekccpln
.iniiiii inn.
DOUHLE parlor for two gentlemen. IS08
Cuming St., second lloor. 1320(5
609 S. ami ST. Furnished rooms.
SOUTH rooms, 1006 Capitol ave,
M9W !
UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St.
GLENCA1RN, transient, $1.23 day, 1609 Doug,
THE Merrlam, summer resort, 25th & Dodgo.
NICE south room.
Tho Pratt, 212 S, 25th St.
TWO large front rooms, with boor'd. 1909
Capitol Ave. F-M9I7
DESIRABLE roomsTnrst-class board? 25S4
Hirney. F M935 17
FOIt llEXT I'M F L'll X 1 511 ED ROOMS.
DESK room space. $5 per month, ground
lloor room In The Bee building, facing
Farnam street, no expense for light, heat
or Jftnltor service. It. C. Peters & Co.,
Rental Agents, Bee building. G 416
FOR RENT, unfurnished floor; private
bath; house, modern. 2612 .Harney.
TWO rooms for light .housekeeping. 1811
T,eaVchvorth St. ' Cl-230 21ff"
FOR RENT, unfurnished rooms. Hiitinbtn
for light housekeeping. Vlttmo'll build-.
Ing, loth and. Harney. , Sc'o, janitor.
- n iii' lo
FOR RENT Store in first-class location;
rent reusouuble. Apply . R. Oi Pctrs &
Co., ground lloor, Bco Bldg. 1264
FOR RENT The building1 formerly occu
pied by Tile Beo at 916 Farnam St. It has
tour storleM and a basement which was
formerly used as Tho Beo press room.
This will be rented ery reasonably. If
Interested apply at once to C. C. Hose
water, secretary, room 100, Beo building.
2103 Leavenworth.
1 iGO J y 17
WANTED Canvassing agents in every
county to solicit subscriptions tor THE
TOR. This splendid book contains 1,400
imperial octavo pages, &uo ouject-leucnuig
eiignivlngs and Is tho only book on live
block over published adapted to the every
day, practical, money saving use of every
miner and stock owner. Sieudy employ
ment with assured good Income. Agents
in me country wun norse ana buggy i
peclully desired. Canvaksurs maku easily
$60 tc $loo per month. Address, Century
Funnel Sullcitors' Bureau, Bee building,
umana. J iM
WANTED Agents to sell our sensible- en
dowment policy: call or address C. o.
Lobeck. Mgr. Nebruska Dept. the Security
Life and Savings Ins. Co., 616 N. Y Life,
unwiu, j Aim- jy-jj)
ALiENTS wanted for Drummond's lightning
remedluh tor rheumatism; $J00 for un In-
curumo case; restores stiri joints, drawn
corns unu iiaruencu muscles, it your
dealer has not got these remedies wo will
send the full month h treatment of two
largo bottles on receipt of $5. Drummond
Medicine Co., M Nassau st., New York.
J M9o A10
WANTED, ten experienced canvassing
agents, with good references. WrKe to
day. John Wunamuker, Dept. lti'A, Now
York. J-2J1 li
PACIFIC Storuga and Wurohouso Co., 912
911 Jones, general storage and turwardlng.
OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511& Kufll.. Tejs. 1539-J83.
STORAUE-Houiiehold. goods .. and utlvarl
uriiries storeu at. luw rates. J, J. Ucrlgru
A; Co.. 1119 I-arium St. Tel. 333 -M3JS
WASTEll-TO ' Mf ,
WANTED-100 feather bedl.r I 'pa'y tho
highest prices tor urn feathers. Will stay
In vuur cltv il week. Aitilr.j:i I ii....
General Delivery, Omu(ia, Nfrb.,' and 1'
will can ui yum nome. xs WS 16
WANTED, to purchase, controlling Interest
or all the stock In a bank In eastern Ne
braska or western Iowa; correspondence
coulldelltlal. Address C 26. Hee.
N M99I 22
HAY WANTED. If you have hay" to sldn
write A. C. Chesterlleld Cor.".. Co,, Kunsas
City. Mo, N-M241 22
CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel.
2020. New & 2uhand furniture bought, solu.
exchunged. O 329
BUY jour furniture at Enterprise Furnl
turo Co. We liuve purchused u lilg bank
rupt stock una will close it out at 25 per
vent discount. 102-4 S. Ukh. Tel. 36.
t t--Al6JO Jy30
QUICKEST and best repair work on ve
hicles 11. Frost,. 14th. uud Leuvenworth.
FOR SALE cheap, a SVlnch wagon gear,
with 4diich tires, but llttlo used. O, M.
Hurt, 1307 Jones St, P M
FOR SALE, buggies, phaetons, purrlcs.
lunaboiits, road wagons, market wagqns
und form wagons. Retailed at wholesalo
prices. K. A. Buelow, 1311 Jones st.
P-M967 19
SAVVDUST, cheapest posts, poultry and ho?
, : e. Wl Douglas. g 330
HEI'AIHS and suppllei for all makes of hi-
cycif s. umana isicycie to., ittn at cnicago.
2DHAND safe cheap.
Derlght, 1119 Farnam,
SAFES, standard makes.sold.rcntcd, 111 H. 13
UIO line of secondhand wheels, 3, 3, S, J10.
Omaha Ulcycle Co., 16th and Chicago Sts.
CONCESSIONS-The sixth annual picnic of
me umana District i.og itoiung associa
tion, M V. of A., at Hennlngton, Neb.,
August 10, 1901; lOAfl people expected.
For Information address W. C. Kramer,
secretary. q M222 10
UEAUTIFUL squaro plano. fully guaran
teed; J25, J35 and up, Easy payments.
Schmollcr & Mueller, 1313 Farnam st.
Q-M176 20
FRESH Jersey covvT3.,3Nr37tli street?
MRS. FRITZ, medium.
819 North 16th.
MME. OYLMER has returned nnd resumed
business. Parlors, 315 South 15th strcot.
DIt. ROY, chiropodist; corna and superfluous
hair removed ty electrlcty. H. 12, Frenzer
block, U-33?
RUPTURE cured; no knlfo, no pain, no
danger; send tor circulars. Empite Rup
ture Curo, 932 N. Y. Llfo Ilullding, Omaha.
U J 40
VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational,
wholesome homo treatment. 348 Bee Bidg.
U 3Ji
BUPPLIES for all machines; machines for
rent. -White Sewing -Machine, 1C20 Doug
las. 'Tel. 2231. U-333
PRIVATE hopltal for ladles before and
during contlncmeut; babies adopted. 230S
t,. IT 111
Oram St. U-311
orders solicited. Omaha Pleating Co., 1624
Douglas. U-JI2
PRIVATE home before ancf durlng confine
ment; bablia adopted. Mrs. Uurget , 2M0
Uurdette. U-341
WE RENT sewing machines for 75 cents
per week. We sell purta for and repair
every sewing machine manufactured.
Corner 15th and Harney Sts.
U 121 Jy29
M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect ac
cordion pleating plant In the west; mall
orders solicited. Sulto 200, Douglas Block.
SHOE Repairing.
M. Sperdjto, 818 N. 16th.
MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15th, 2d lloor,
room 7. U 910 16'
THE Prince of Omaha Is sold strictly for
6c; no six fot a quarter. U Mil!) 16
WE rent sewing machines fi 75 cents per
ween; wo repair aim sell neeqics aim
parts for every muchtno manufactured.
Phono 1663. Neb, Cyclo Co., Cor. 15th and
Harney. U-137 A13
IF beauty Is but skin docp, then beauty In
inc ski ii iteep using Datin-OKin cream
and Powder. 25c. U M240 16
MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real
estate. tircnnan-Love co,, 309 boutii is.n.
W 316
LOANS on effstcrn Nebraska and western
Iowa (arms at 6 per cent; borrowers can
pay $100 or any multiple; any Interest
date; no delay. Brannau-Love Co., 3i S.
13th St., Omaha, Neb. W-347
WANTED, city loans, bonds and warants,
George & Company, 1601 Farnam street.
WANTED, city and furm loans; also bonds
and warrants, R. C. Peters & Co., .702
Fumum St., Beo Bldg. W 349
MONEY'. to loan at i and 3& per cent on
Omaha property. W. B. Melkle, 401 S. i3th.
PRIVATE, money. 1!". D. Wead, 1524 Douglas
XV Si:
PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 037 N. Y.- L.
W 333
MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real estate;
5 per cent Interest: no commission; privi
lege of puylng $100 or more before ma
turity. Northwestern Mutual Ltfa Ins.
Co,, John W. Glsh, special loan agent,
214 Firm Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
AND &s per cent loans. XV. H. Thomas,
First National Bank building. Tel. 16-iS.
WANTED, city loans and warrants. V,
Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Furnum St.
iV4 TO 5 P. C. money. Bemls,
I'axton oik.
$30,000 SPECIAL fund; loans $3(0 up, lowest
rates, r.o uciay, uarvin uros., u,u rar
nam. W-M922
Wo loan $10 and up on furniture, pianos,
uorses anu oilier cnaticis.
without mortgage to people holding nerma
tieut positions. You can get tho money In
a few hours after making application and
take 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6 months or more In which
to pay It back, and you need not pay for
It one day longer than you keep It. We
churgo nothing lor papers ana wo give
vou tho full amount In cash. Thorn arn
no lower rates than ours; our terms are
the easiest; our business is confidential
unu our motto is - try to pieaso.
119 Board of Trude Bldr, Tel. 2203.
(Established 1MJ2.) 306 S. 16th St.
on house hold furniture, pianos, horses,
wagons, me., in iwo nours time; also to
salaried people on tneir plain notes, with
out secui-tty Easiest puyments and low
est rates In Omaha Privato Interviewing
room. American Loun Co., room 313 Brown
block, cor. loth and Douglas Sts.; entranco
011 16111 til., opposilO X. M. U. ., Ulilg,
X 360
SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team
sters, buurdlng houses, etc., without se
curity; easiest terms; 10 olllces In principal
cities. Twlman, 410 Board of Trade Bldg.
A. Ml
llvu stock, etc. Quick survlco and lowest
rates guaranteed. J W. TAYLOE, 63.1 (ion
(floor) Paxton block, northeast corner 16th
unu ra.rium; emruucu tii juui street.
r f V Innnml nr rtlnnnn ft i rn 1 1 n rt (...
elry. horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 3l9 S. 13,
A 363
MONEY" loaned on pianos, furniture, horses.
cows, Jewelry. Duff Green,. R. 8, Barker blk
-V ov4
$1,000 00 TO place quick. M. J. Kennard &
Son, suite 310, Brown block. X 306
WE LOAN money to salaried peoplo on
their note at lowest rates; strlctlv confi
dential, pay weekly, semi-weekly 'or
mommy, iiuum juj i'axton block, 3U lloor,
lieuaoic i-reuii c,o. x 623
OllAND HOTEL furnlshlnes and four-vcar
leaso for sale for cash only; thirty-live
newly furnished rooms; tho best tand In
the state; is a uurguin. Ji. p. Rankin
llartington, ieo.
I AM offering for sale my entire business-
wood, coal, (ceu nna groceries, also build
mi?s and lot. For particulars Inquire o
Thos Rlshton, 2406 West Broadway, Coun
Ull P(UI0, .UIVJ
THE Wyoming Cattle and Investment com
pany Is now offering a limited number of
bhaves of stock for sale at par. This Is
tho safest and best paying Investment on
the maricei. u you nave money to Invest
either tn small or Urge amounts, address,
1615 Howurd St., caro Union Printing Co
X 66 1
WANTED Ladles of ability to manage
bruuen omces; must nave some cash to
cover cost ot remeoies. Tnyrotd-Lymph
Co., 500 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Y-601-A-3
HAVE $4,000 to $3,000 to Invest In estab
llsned naruwaro uutinesa in western low
or eastern Nebraska. Address P. O. Bo
fcu, snenanaoan, ia. xszi i
in ii.m:ss 4 iiAt i:s.
FOR SALE or trade, half or whole Interest
In drug store; hard wood floor, Matthews
gas machine, soda fountain, etc., In a
lively county scat. Thyroid-Lymph Co ,
SCO Hee Uldg. W3
RAREST opportunity to buy an rxcellcnt
established grocery; reason, sickness,
rent cheap, man with money can strike
big bargain; trade guaranteed. C 3S, l!ee.
Y-M2I5 17
FOR SALE, best fruit, confectionery, to
bacco and Ice ticam business in a good
town; sales, J1.W0 per month; reasons for
oeltlng, other business requires all my
time. C 19, Uee. Y-M921 23
FOR SALE, New York racket store; good
business In good town of 2,D'0; Invoice
luout Jl.leo: best of reasons for selling.
Address C 23, Hee. Y-M9S3 2C
FOR SALE, a nice, clean stock of general
merchandise, consisting of dry goods,
groceries and shoes; located In rentral
Nebraska; town of 2.5W population; will
Invjlce from JS.uOO to $0,000; the bent loca
tion In town. C 29, Uee. Y M9C9 19
$7o MONTHLY and expenses to two re
liable men to manage branch olllce; must
carry $1.7) sinplo stock. Address Manu
facturer, 3)9 Hroadway, Council llluffs.
Y-M205 10
WANTED, an cnersctld man with about
$1,000 In cash to lake a fourth Interest In
a big paying business. Address F. S.,
Bee office, Council llluffs. YM 191 16
FOR RENT-Planlng mill nnd machinery;
good condition, good locution. Address,
C V, Uee. Y-M162-1G
Tho Homo Co-Operatlvo company will buy
you n nome in any locamy ami give you
sixteen years and eight months to pay for
It at $5 .13 per month; Investigate: solic
itors wanted; fi per cent com. Branch
ofllce, 40S Paxton Bldg. Y-233 15
DO YOU own a patent pr territory In one?
i navo tor exenange unincumueren reai
estate, cash valuation $3,000, to exchange
for part or all of a good, saloWo patent.
Olvo full description with price asked.
Address C. E. .Ncwton, 67 Ruggery, Co
lumbup. O. Z-M951 16
ilA.uu dau tvuiJi lamis lor saie oy me '
U1I1UI1 A. .L.liU J htllll v'..l,'lll, 1.
McAllaster, land commissioner, Union
Puclllc lleadquartcis, Omuha, Neb.
FOR SALE, cheap, my residence, 2137 8. 33d
St.; an modern, Apply J?, uicnaruson,
Merchants' National uaiik. O. W. Me
geath. RE MJW
'OR SALE. 3L0 acres of land nt a bargain,
in suction thirty (30;, In llolt county,
Neb. Addresa K. J. Neasham, Uttumwu,
Jo. RE-M9J0 28
HOUSES and lota In all parts of city; a o
aero property and farm lands. Tho O. F.
uavis Co., iioom 5S2. uco uuwuing.
OR SALE, acre property adjoining the
city in tracts of fiom 3 ucres to 10 acres.
Also business and resldcnco lots, by Rich
ards, Keene & Co. RE-A177S 21
CORN LANDS und stock ranches in the
corn Ben country, write tor my list
W. II. Clements, Lyons, Neb.
HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also
uro insurance, ucmis, ra.xion uik.
iniitnATicn lanmi ran SALE.
In the rich vulley of Loup river 1 can offer
tor saie many tarms at reasonuuiu
This land is a rich sandy loam unu pro
duces elegant crops. The farmers ure tust
putting their tand Into altalfa, which
brltie-s them tlno returns, three und four
crops .a year being harvested at little or
no expense, netting as high as $30 per
ucro Income each jeur. Most of this lulid
Is under u line Irrigating canal, with a
steady and reliable iluw o water trom
tho Loud river. I will name u low pieces.
240 actes, 1 mile from county seat; 2u iicies
meadow, bulalicu pastuio 'land, nice, jv.
20o ucres mile from county seat; good i-
rootn bouse, orchard, lots oi timuer, ou
acres can be Irrigated, 20 acres lino al
falfa. 113 acres tiaature. ''Price-. $4.0W.
16o acres, bouse, windmill,' orchard, 80 acres
puBture, au acres lurm luna, -iv acres rii-
32u acres, loo undsr plow. -.balance pasture;
nousu, winuii.iii, burn, 'rice, i,ioo.
100 acres, tlno place for slock, frame house,
orcnuru, ourn, plenty of , water unu tim
ber. Price, ssoo.
2C0 acreb, 75 acres plow lurid, balance pas
ture, on good clay soil. FrJco $33 per acre,
loo aero 2b acres cultlvutcd, $5 per acre,
lw acres, to icrci cultivated, $4 per acre.
170 ucres, with fonced meudow that will
cut w to 75 tons hay. small frumo house
and stable uood utopk farm. Price. SI. 100.
Many others that aro good bargains. All
wiiH taiiu win produce tnc best oi uuaiia,
with a good market and reudy sale at
good prices, being near tho cattle ranges.
W rite for nartlenliim. " -
H. A. faTEWART, Tuylor, Loup County,
Neb. RK-575
C1IAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam St.
FOR SALE, 2 good houses to bo removed.
A. P. Tukey ii Son, Board ot Trade.
RE-M212 19
1,000 ACRES cattle ranch for sale or trade;
inu ruuen is in uawsun county; i-arnam
la tho name ot the railroad town; 7
miles to tho ranch; 2 good wells and 2
good wind pumps; good stable and other
outbuildings. Any person wishing to see
mo can tlnd mo at the hotel In Farnam,
Neb. T, J. McCull. RE-M237 1S
rn, PRIES, the acknowledged leading spe
cialist in diseases oi women in uumna,
would call the attention of suffering ladles
to his unsurpassed accommodations be
fore and during confinement, nnd his
treatment for Irregularities, no matter
what cause Call or uddrfSB, with stamp,
Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodgo St., Umuha, Neb.
DR. LE DUE'S Female Regulator, posi
tively warranted to curo tnu most stub
born cubes of monthly stoppages, Irrcgu
lurltlcs, obstructions una suppressions
brought on from whutcwr abnormal, un
natural diseased or pathological cause; $2
h package, o 3 for 15: tuixt anywhere pie.
paid on receipt of price, Tho Kldd Drug
Co., Elgin, 111. American trflice. retail,
wholchiue, Myers-Dillon Drug Co.,
Omaha; M A. Dillon, South Omaha,
Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full lino
of legitimate rubber goods.
LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal
1'ius are tne uest. hare, ruuuuie. rune
no other. Send Ic stamps for particulars.
"Relief tor LaJles," In letter by return
mall. Ask your Chichester
Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pu.
OKU new book sent free, sealed, fully
Illustrated, treuts of all conditions of men.
tells how to uttaln "Perfect Munhooil."
Should bo In the. hands-of every male
adult. Address Erlo Medical Co., "Book
Dept.." Buffalo, N. Y'.
JOHNSON Institute, M5 N. T. L. Bldg. Tel.
luoi; Alice jonnson, u. u., luuies ucpt.;
Old. E. Johnson, Osteopathist, Mgr.
DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367
A. T. HUNT, D. O., 305 Karbach Blk.
Tal 2332
LOST, Auditorium brick No, 425. Reward
If returned to Omuha Dally News,
$76.00 REWARD offered for the arrest and
conviction of the party who entered and
stole shoes from the storo of II, Meier at
Elkhorn, Neb., the night of Juno 27. Cltt.
zens Com,, Elkhorn, Ner. 417 29
PRICES that will surprise you; must clear
nut tho Ktnrlc of now and scconiLhanil
bicycles; second-hand wheels from 12.60
up; new ones, $12 up. Louis Fletcher, 1622
Capitol ave. iu
I.KSSDS'H in tiookkeenlnc. etc.. dav or even
Inc, It 15, Com. Nut. Bank. O. It. Ruthbun,
PIANO8 ttrned?7l.B0. V Lessentln, Mandcl
berg's Jewelry Store, Paxton blk. Tel. 1699.
'.'OP Jy 23
BEST for you, because be?t made, Satin
Skin Soap. Cream nnd Powder. Use It
proof. 770
NO Tndy can do without powder, but Vuy
the best. It's Satlu-Skln Powder, Mesh,
white, brunct tints. 23c. 241 16
ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing
promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th
and Lake Sts. 370
ACCORDION pleating; cheapest, best,
quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, S, E. Cor. 17th
and Farnam. 3S2
OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tanks,
stacks, etc. Tel. 1339. 12th and Irard Sts.
IN families. Miss Sturdy, 2578 Harney.
-786 A10
EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat
ing; alt business confidential. 1301 Douglas.
ELLA DAY. 1920 Dodgo. Mn. Wd. Thur, Sat.
-I3 Jy 22
IK YOU want good bass and croppy Ashing
go to Langdon, Mo. Very best of hotel
accommodations. Plenty of boats and
minnows. Wrllo R. A. Dlttmar for rates.
Julia Vaughn, 430 Ilamgo Bldg.
ruit.MTt 111
1331. M. S. Wulklln, 2111 Cuming St.
DO not sell your Junk beforo you get
prices of the Great Western Junk house,
812 Douglas, Omaha. 'Phono 21ti. A.
Keren, proprietor. 23S A15
OMAHA Stcnm Laundry; shirts, 7o; collars,
2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 647,
PATENTS No fee unless successful. Sues
& Co.. Beo Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Advlco
free. 15S Jyi5
WILL BUY any good Invention or patent.
Address i.ocit uox iw, uos aioines, in,
Washington, u. c. II. J. cowgui, ugeni
315 Ramgo block, Omuhn. Neb. 956
A. C. VAN SANT'S school.
717 N. Y. Llfo.
BOYLES' College, court reporter principal,
uee uiug. Ji5
NEB. Business & Shorthand Collego, Boyd's
Theater. 3i
GREGG Shorthand.
Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug
H I B B a B
o Beautiful Teeth
rtrn the result of euro nnd the
Dentist's work, High grado ot
work nt reasonable prices. Best
vubbcr plate $7.50,
Bailey tho Dentist
Third Floor Paxton Ulook,
ii m
(Should bo rend dally by nil Interested, as
changer may occur nt any time.)
Foreign malls fnr the week ending July
20, 1901, will closo (PROMPTLY In all canes)
at tho general postofflco as follows: Parcels
post mulls cloxi one hour onrller than clos
lug tlmo shown below. Parcels post malls
for Germany closo at 6 p, in, Wodnosday,
per b, k, Krledrlch dor Grosso, via Bremen,
Regular and supplementary malls closo
at foreign branch half hour later than
closing time shown below.
Truna-Atlnittlc Mnlla.
WEDNESDAY' At G:30 a. m. for EUROPE,
per s, s. Ht, Louis, via Southampton (mall
for Ireland muht be directed ' per s. s,
St. Louis"), at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary
10 n. m.) for EUROPE, ier s. s. Majestic,
via Queenstown; at 10 a. m. for BEL
GIUM direct, per s. s, Frleslnnd (mall
must be directed 'per s, s. Krlesland").
THURSDAY' At 7 a. m. for FRANCE,
QUEZ, per s, h. L'AnultuIno, via Havre
(mall for other parts of Europe must bo
directed "per s. s. L'Anuttalnu"); at 8:30
n m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per B. s,
Marco Mlnghcttl (mull for Italy must bo
directed "per s. s. Marco Mliigliottl").
SATURDAY At 5:30 u. m. for EUROPE,
per s, s. Umhrla. via cjueenstown; nt 7
a. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per s. h.
Spartan Prince; at 7 a. m. for DEN
MARK direct, per s. s, Islnnd (mall must
bo directed "per h. s, Island"); nt 7:30
a. m. tor NETHERLANDS direct, per
h. s. Muusdum (mall must bo directed
"per s. s. Mausdam"); ut 8 it. m. for
ITALY direct, jier s. s. Trave (mall must
bo directed "pT; a. s, Trave"); nt 9:30 a.
m. for SCOTLAND, per s. s, Furnessla
(mall must bo directed "per s. b. Fur
nessla"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. Thin steamer
takes I'rintcn .Mailer, uommcroial ra
pe re ami Samples for Germany only. Tha
ttnmo class of mail matter for other parts
of Europe will not be hent by this ship
unless specially directed by her.
After tho cloning of the supplementary
Traus-Atiantie minis namcci above addi
tional supplementary mulls are opened on
thu piers of tho American, English,
French and Oermnn steamers and remain
open until within ten minutes of the hour
of balling of (steamers.
AIuIIh for Hutith mid Central Amerleii,
AVcxt Itidlex, Etc.
TUESDAY-At 9:30 a. m. (supplementary
10.39 n. m.) ror central America
(except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PA
CIFIC PORTS, per h. s, Alllancn, via
Colon (mall for Guatemala must bo di
rected "per h. n. Alllanca"); at 12:30 p. m.
(supplementary 1 p, m.) for TURKS
per s s. New York; nt 12:30 p, m. (sup
plementary 1 p. m, for ST. THOMAS,
and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Pro
torla; nt 6:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s.
s. Admiral Dewey, from BoBton; at 11
p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. h. Urnnlu,
from Philadelphia.
WEDNESDAY-At 9:30 a. m. for INAGUA
and HAITI, per s. s. Holvernon; at 10
a. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND direct, per
a. s. Silvia: at 12 m. for C17RA, YUCA
PAS, per s. s Monterey: via Havana nnd
Progresu (mull for other parts of Mexico
must bo directed "per h. s, Monterey");
at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for
NASSAU, per s. s. Antllla (mall must bo
illrerted ''tier B. 8. Antllla").
TirURSDAY At 12 rn. (supplementary 12:30
K, m.) for .namhau, uuAtvrAjsAMU and
ANTIAGO. per s. s. Saratoga: at 12 m.
for YUCATAN, per s. s. Ravcnsdale, via
Progrcso; at 6..10 p. tn, for JAMAICA, per
s. s. Admiral Samnon. from Boston.
KRIDAY At 10 a. m. for HAITI, per s,
Prins Wm. IV (mall for Curacao, Vene
zuela, Trinidad, British nnd Dutch Guhum
must bo directed "ter s. s. Prlns Wm,
SATURDAY At 8 30 u. m for BRAZIL, per
s. s, Wordsworth (mull for Northern Bra
zil, Argentine Republic, Uruguay and
Paraguay must bo directed "per s. a.
Wordsworth' ); at S:M a. m. for ARGEN
AGUAY", per s, s. Coronda; at 9 n. m. for
PORTO RICO, per s. s. San Juan, via San
Juan; at 9 a. in. (supplementary 9;3o a. m.)
for VENEZUELA and CURACAO, per s.
s. Zulla (mall for Savanllla and Carina
genii must bo directed "per s. s. Zulla.");
ttt 9;30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.j
TOWN, per s, s. Alone (mall for Costa.
Rica must bo directed "per 8. s. Aleno");
at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro
Castle, via Havana; at 10 n. m. for Mex
ico, per s. s, Niagara, via Tnmplco (mall
must bo directed "per s. s. Niagara").
Malls fop Newfoundland, bv rati to North
Sydney, and thence by steamer, closo at
this olllco dally nt 6:30 p. m. (connecting
closo hero everv Mondav. Wednesday and
Saturday. Malls fcr Miquelon, by rail to
uoston, ana tnenco by steamer, cioso iu
this clllco dally at 6:30 p. m. Malls for
Cuba, by rull to Port Tampa, Flu., and
thence by steamer, closo at this olllco
dally (excent Sundav at coo a. m. (tho
connecting closes aro on Monday, Wednes
day and, Saturday). Malls for Cuba, by
rail to Miami, FU., and thence by steamer,
closo nt this ofllco every Sunday at 6:00
a. m. .miu in tor .Mexico city, overiauu, un
less specially addressed for dispatch bv
steamer, closo at this office dally at 1:30
P. ni. aim n:w p. m, .Minis tor costa iiica,
Belize, l'uerto Cortex and Guatemula. bv
rail toisow Orleans, and thenco by steamer,
close at tins omco aaiiy at i:;) p, m.
(connecting closes hero Mondays for Belize,
Puerto Cortcz and Guatemula and Tues
days for Costa Rlcu). 'Registered mall
closes ut 6:00 p. in. previously.
Trnna-Pnclfln Mall.
Malls for Hawaii, vlfc. San Francisco, closn
hero dally at 6:30 p. m. up to July 15, for
aispatcn- per s. s. zc.uanaia.
Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle,
closo hero dally ut G:30 n. tn. nn to July
17. Inclusive, for dispatch nor s. s. Kaxa
Maru- (registered mall must be directed
"via scattio ').
Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan nnd Phll-
dally at 6:30 p. m. up to July "20, in
clusive, for dispatch per s. h. Peru,
Malls for Australia (oxcept West Australia,
which goes via Europe, und New Zealand,
which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI
Island, via Vancouver, close hero dally
ai 0.30 , m. after July 6 and up to
jtuy "iu, inclusive, tor (iispatcu per s. s.
Aorangl (supplementary malls, via Seattlo
anu victoria;, cioso at u:2u p. m. juiy " -i
Malls for China nnd Japan, via Vancouver,
closo here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to July
23, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Em
press of India (registered mall must bo
directed "via Vnncouver").
Mulls for Austi-ulla (except West Australia,
which Is forwarded via Europe), New
Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San
Francisco, closo hero dully at 6:30 p. m,
ufter July 21 and up to July 27, inclusive,
or on arlval of s. s. Etrurla, duu ut Now
York July 27, for dispatch per s. s, So
noma. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil
ippine Islands, via San Francisco, closo
here dally up to July "28, Inclusive, for
dispatch per s. s. Coptic.
Trans-Pnclllc malls ore forwarded to port
of sailing dally and the schedule of closing
Is arranged on tho presumption of their un
interrupted uveriuud transit. Registered
mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day,
Postolllce, Now York, N. Y, July 12, 1901.
tul Buildings and Building Materials,
Department of tho Interior, Olllco of Indian
Affairs, Washington, D. C, Juno 2S, 1901.
Sealed .proposals, endorsed "Proposals for
Buildings, Gcuou, Neb.," and addressed to
tho Commissioner of Indian Affairs., Wash
ington, D, C, will be received at tho In
dian Olllco until two o'clock p. m. of July
29, 1901, for furnishing nnd delivering tho
necessary materials and labor required to
construct and complete ut the Genoa In
dian School, Nebraska, u brick school build
ing and a frame hospltul building, Includ
ing heating uud electric lighting system, In
strict accordance with plans, specifications
and instructions to bidders, which may bo
examined ut this Office, the ottlces of
"Tho JJee," Omaha, Neb,, tho "Nebraska
Stnto Journal," Lincoln, Neb., tho "Jour
nal," Sioux City, Iowa, tho "Times
Herald," Chicago, 111., tho Builders' and
Traders' Exchange, Omaha, Neb., tho
Builders' and Traders' Exchange, Milwau
kee, Wis., the Northwestern Manufactur
ers' Association, St. Paul, Minn,, the U.
S. Indian Warehouses at S15 'Howard street,
Omaha, Neb., 235 Johnson street, Chicago,
111., and 77 Wooster street, New York, N.
Y"., nnd at tho school. Sealed pro
posals, endorsed "Proposals for Building
Materials," and addressed to W. H. Wins
low. Genoa, Neb., will be received nt tho
Indian school until two o'clock p. m. of
July 29, 1901, for furnishing and delivering
at the school, an required, about 42,000 feet
of lumber, assorted; 52,000 shingles, 3o win
dow sash, 25,000 brick, 25 barrels lime, somo
sand, rails and htnges, as per list and
speclilcations at tho school. For further
Information apply to W. II, Wlnslow, Su
perintendent, Indian School, Jcnoa, Neb.
W. A. JONES, Commissioner.
Notice to sell one hundred nnd thirty (130)
shares of the capital stock of Motz
Brothers Brewing company.
In the, county court for Douglas county,
In tha mutter of tho estate of Frederick
Mctz, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that In pursuance
to nn order mado by tho county court for
DougluB county In the ubovo estate,
wheroln It Is ordered by said court that tho
executors of the Inst will and tostament of
Frederick Metz, deceased, snail sell per
sonal property belonging to said estate,
to wit:
One hundred nnd thirty (130) shares of
stock of tht Metz Brothers Brewing com
pany for tho payment of certuln debts
ngnlnst snld estate; that tho undersigned
executors nforesald will, nt tho east door
of the court house In tho oily of Omuha,
Neb., sell at public sale to tho highest bid
der for cash, ono hundred und thirty (130)
shares of the capltul stock of tho said Metz
Brothers Brewing company, said ale to
take place ns aforesaid on Tuesday next,
July 16. 1901, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Executors of tho lust will and testament of
Frederick Metz., Sr deceased.
Kniiaiia City, St. Jimcplt A; Council
Ioavo. Arrive.
Kansas City Day Ex.... a 9:20 am a 6:05 pm
Kansas City Night Ex..nlO:30 pm a 6:16 um
St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm a1l:l5 nm
IlurlliiH ton Mlanourl River.
Nebraska Express aSilOnm a 7:35 pin
Wymore, Hcatrlca and
Lincoln a S:40 nm bll:65 nm
Denver Limited u 4:20 pm u 3:0) pm
llluck Hills and Puget
Sound, Denver Con
nection u 9:f) pm a fi:4. nm
Lincoln Fast Mall 3:00 pm a 0:17 nm
Fort Crook and Platts-
mouth b 3:20 nm hll:05 am
Rcllevuo & Paciilo Jet.. a 7:40 pm a S:20 am
IJcllevue oi Pacific Jet. .it 3:10 am
ClileiiKii, lliirlliiKtoii A- (liilncy.
Chicago Spoclal a 7:00 nm alO::o pm
Chlcaitn Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 nm a 7:45 urn
Chicago Iieal u 9:30 am a 4:0.j pm
Chlcugo Limited a 7:60 pm u 7:15 am
Fast Mall a 2:15 pm
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday.
Fremont, KILliom A- .tlUaoiirl Valley
Leave, Arrive.
Illack Hills. Dendwood,
Hot Springs a 3:00 pm n 6:00 pm
Wyoming, CnBper and
Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm
Hastings, York, David
City. Supcilor, Geneva,
Exeter and Seward. . ..!. 3:00 pm b 6:00 pm
Norfolk, Lincoln nnd
Fremont h 7:30 am bl0:26 um
Fremont Iocal c 7:30 am
Mlaaourl Pnelflc.
Nebraska Local, Via
Weeping Water li 4:10 pm al0:45 am
(,'lili'iiuo, ht, l'nnl, Mlniit-npolla A
1'wln City Passenger... .a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm
Sioux City Passenger. ..a 2:45 pm all;l0 am
Emerson Local b 5:30 pm h 8:30 am
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun-
day only, d Dally except Saturday, e Dally
except .uonuay.
tin In n Pnelflc.
Leave. Arrive.
Overland .Limited a 8:20 ant a 7:30 pm
Fast -Ma" .a ant a .i:.o pm
Mall and Express ntl:35 pm a 4:25 pm
Colorado Special nlt:35 pm a 6:50 am
Llncoln-Stromsberg Ex.b 4:03 pm bl2:30 pm
Pni'lltc Atlantic Ex... ii 4:23 tun n 6:60 nm
Grand Island Local b 0:30 pm b 9:53 am
Illinois Crutrnl.
Chicago Express.... a 7:00 am n H:10 pm
Chicago, Minneapolis e
St. Paul Limited n. 7:45 pm a 8:03 nm
Minneapolis & St. Tfttll
Express b 7:00 am b 0:40 pm
Fort Dodge Local, from
Council Bluffs..., a 6:00 nm
St. Louis "Cannon IUH"
Express ,...a 6:15 pm A 8:20 am
Clilcnuo, Rook Islnnd .ft Pnelflc.
Chicago Daylight Spc'l.. 6:00 am 2;00 am
Des Moines and Daven
port Local a 7:25 am bU:S5 am
Chicago Kire. b!I:l5nm a S;10 nm
Des Moines Ical it 4:20 pm a 4:45 pm
Chicago Fast Express, .a 6:00 pm a 1:23 pm
Dcs Moines, Rock Island
and Chicago t 7:40 pm a fl:35 pm
Rocky Mount'n Limited 2:00 am 6:00 nm
Lincoln, Colo. Springs,
Denver, Pueblo nnd
West a 1:30 pm a 4:13 pm
Colorado, Oklahoma nnd
Tcxns Flyer a C;20 pm a 8:50 am
UhlcnKo, Mil nakpc St. l'nnl.
Chicago Limited a, 6:W pm a 8:ft& m
Chicago & Omaha Ex..,b 7:15 am b 3:40 pm
Mow City A Puclllc.
Twin City Express n, 0:55 am 8.10:25 pm
Twin City Limited u 7:55 pm a 8:15 am
Slotu City Local a 8:00 am a 3:50 pm
Omnlin A St. I.unla.
St. Louis "Cannon Xlntr'a 5:15 pm a 8:20 am
Kansas City and Qulncy
Local a 7:23 nm a 9:00 pm
Missouri Tnclflci.
St. Isolds Exprass nl0:00 am a :I5 pm
K, C. & St. I Express. al0:50 pm a 6:15 am
CltlcnK" A- North .vvatcrn.
Chicago Special ...
Chicago Passenger
Eastern Express ..
Eastern Special ...
7;00 am nll:30pm
a 4:16 pin a s:40 am
.....al0:fO nm a 4:W pm
a 4:55 pm it 4:0.1 pm
a 2:45 nm
Knst .Man
Omuhn-Chlcago 1t'd. ..a 7:45 pm a 8:00 um
Fust .Man a um
Cedur Rapids Passenger a 5:30 pm
u Dully, b Dally except Sunday.
Direct Route to (llmicim nxtilbltlan
tenmslilpa froiu New York Weekly tor
Saloon. $50 and up. Second Cabin, $32.50 and
up. Third Class, $26 nnd upwards.
For Illustrated folder und further Informa
Chlcauu. or
J. S. McNALLY. 1323 Farnam St.,
GEO. E. ABBOTT. 1324 Farnam St.. Omaha.
Record Voyige d Dsyt. 7Houn. 22 Mlnutot.j
Commonwaalth, Twin Screw, 12,000 Tom Jul 31
New England. " " 11.600 " 4ug. 14
Vancouver Aug, 3 1 Dominion .Aug, 10
Camuroman . Aug. 17 I Vancouver . Sept. 6
For lurtber lofortnitloo, aMreni
Company'! Olllcti. o Dtirbora SI.. Cilcifo. Illi.
Summer Tour on Lake Michigan.
T ,E 8Ktlnbth,p MANITOU
for cMnrr norrlcr loluilfolr. mak trl-wMkli
Irli'i for f hrllr, Harbor Springs, liar Vlcu,
1'rloikrr unit Marklaao Ulanil connecting with all
BtMtntMp Line for Luke Huporlor, KaaUrn and
Canadian Points. Rprotal Hatea to Ftn-Amtrtran.
Tun. 10 a. . Ttinra. J 1 a. a. Sat. 6 p. at.
Monltou Steamship Company,
OFFICE & DOCKS. Ruth and.N. Water Sli., Chicago.
Scei-etnry limit I'nyn nn omolttl
Visit to JclTcraou
ST. LOUIS, July 15. Secretary of War
Root today mado thorough Inspection of
Jefferson barracks, the Important post of
tho regular army Just south of this city
on tho Mississippi river. Ho reached hero
last night In o special car, which was
switched onto nn Iron Mountain sidetrack
at tho barracks.
It was fi o'clock when tho secretary and
his party started out. Tho drlvo was com
pleted In two hours und the secretary and
his party returned to tholr car, which was
drawn to Tower drove station, whero It
was attached to tho regular Missouri
Pacific train for Kansas City. Tho post
at Fort Leavenworth will bo Inspected
At tho conclusion of thu Inspection Secre
tary Root said: "Tho War dopartmont la
aware that In Joffcrson barracks it has a
post that, with llttlo trouble, may bo mado
one of tho finest and most efficient in tho
country. I am not proparod to say what
the department will do In tho way of im
provements, but R expects to utilize tho
post to its full capacity. Tho manner of
the utilization will bo decided upon when
I return to Washington. The object of
this Injunction was to gather data that will
enable tho department to mako this deci
sion Intelligently."
On Where It In Cool.
To Yellowstono pork, whero the air Is
cooled by breezes fiom snow capped moun
tain peaks, whuro lakes and rivers and
waving plucs greot tho cyo In every direc
tion. No better opportunity of visiting this
greatest natural wonder ot the continent
will ever present Itsulf than that of August
20 when the llurlliigton will run a per
sonally conducted excursion party to and
through Yellowstono park. Nine days
thero und back. The cost less than $100
Includes every expoiisn of tho trip rail
road faro, sleepor both ways, mcalo
enrntite, hotels and stngo through tho
Dooklct , .tig ,full information furnished
In about n Meek ou application to J,
Francis, gcnoral pasaeugor' agent, Burling
ton route, Omaha.
Ileaolnllnn In VlrKlnln Convention to
Fix llrrtvy I'ennlty for
.Unit Violence,
ItlCHMOND, Va., July 16. The constitu
tional convention ot Virginia was In ecs
slon but twenty-ono minutes today. Tho
most Important resolution Introduced was
that otfered by Mr. Pcdlgo (ropubllcan) of
Henry ccuuty, which alms to prevent lynch
ing. It provides that the governor shall
oftor a roward of $500 for tho arrest and
conviction of every person who shall en
gago In tho offenso; that tho crime shall bo
murder In tho first degroo wbnro tho hang
ing or lynching Is accomplished and that It
shall be the duty of the governor to pay
$1,000 to tho heirs of any porson lyuched,
the money to coino out of tho stato treas
ury nnJ bo chargoablo to tho county or city
in which the crlmo was committed.
It In Coolrr In Colorado.
Leavo Durlington station, Omaha, at 4:25
this afternoon and tomorrow morning you
can bo In Colorado Springs or Monltou,
whero tho thormomctor docs not, above
76 degrees a half do?cn times during tho
summer and grate fires aro welcomo In tho
Only $19 to Colorado and return vlu tho
Durlington. Good for return till October
Tickets, 1602 Farnam St,