THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: TUESDAY, JIVLY 1(5, 10U1. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL Davis ell drugs. Stockcrt sella carpets rind rugs. Williams mokes 14 photos for J2. Tine A U C beer, Neutnnycr's hotel. Victor hcates. IJIxby A Son, agents. Wollmnn, scientific optician, IW U'way. C. K. Alexander & Co.. pictures and (ranies. Tel. CC1. Miss Caroline Tent Ilohrcr In vtMUng friend! In Creston, la. 1 J. Day nnd family havo gone to L.ukc OkoboJI for the summer. Dr. Htllcr Is home from a visit to his old home at Portsmouth, O. Mis O. II. I' Mlkcsi'll left last evening to visit relatives In Stanton, Ncu. Mrs. V. Ii. Williams of 625 Atlll strcst Is homo from u visit In Creston, la. W. T. Graft, undertaker and dlxinfcctor, 101 South Main street. 'Phone 606. Get your work done at the popular Eagle laundry, 7:'l liroadway. 'I'hone 15V. County Attorney Klllpark .oturmd yc ttiday trom a week In 8hi!W county. Wanted, boy with horse, for carrier on lleo route. Apply at olltcu, 10 l'cnrl street. nom. to Mr. anil Mrs. llirry t'..!drr of Kast liroadway, yesterday, u ten-pound ms. fill, (limn Vn 1. N'l'UtlllOP; llf America, will meet tonlsnt In tha Mctriun block. The reaiilur meeting of l'alm Grove ll bu tonlKht. ltefreshmentH will bo rervud at the closu of thu luumerJ session. A marrlHKO IIcpiisu has been. Issued to J. U. Jarrell of Klllott, la., iik-J and .NM tie Haldwin of I'ottawattimlu county, mb'.w 30. Gabriel floodmnnHon of lull South Kltv cnth street was reported to the )f Health yesterday as Murtvrli.B from diph theria. Mrs. Inland and dauRhtor. I'alth. who have been tfucsts of .Mrs. I'- R LiiKHsh o' Klfth avenue for a month, wilt turn to Uunlap, la., today. Tho Ladles' Aid society of St. Jnhn'r UnK llsh Lutheran church will meet edni'May afternoon at thu home of Mrs. N. .1. Swan son, Mu Franklin avenue. John D, i'nllycr, nn employe of the AVcst InRhoiise company, hud n rlp stolen at the Northwestern city depot yesterday morn ing wlillo waltlntc for a train. William Cheyne, rnoord clerk of tho dis trict court, was handing cigars around In tho courthouse yesterday with a lavish hand In honor ot thu arrival of u little daughter at his house. Two brothers named Smith enlisted yes terday at tho recruiting olllce In the fed eral building. They chose the cavalry and, having passed tho physical examination will bo sent to Fort Meade. The case against John Achats: nnJ Jcnnli Kvans, charged with niuliitni'iliu a dis orderly place over the Sou Omaha salo.m on liroadway. opposite the postotllcc, has been continued lit police court until Mon day. The case against Jake and Nate Unthers, charged with assaulting younn girls Sunday evening after the service at thu Kpworth Methodist church, was continued In polite court yesterday until Saturday They were released on VM bondH each. Word Is received of tho il"iitii of .liflgo 13. Itosecranz at his home. Tin Iowa Villa," Long Houch. Cat. lie as 71 years of ago and lived In Council lilunu Mom ISftS to l&S", during part of which lime he was superintendent of the old street rail way. Jumna N'. Pimmlv. Ir.. will vestordav an- riolntcd receiver or (lie property invoivru ii the live foreclosure cults brought In tho pointed receiver of the property Involved district court bv Hie C -dar ltanlds and Trust company, ns receive" for Mia Acme Savings association of r'edir Hnplus Ills bonds In thu aggregiie of J1.7W were filed and approved. John Mergen, sr.. who had been critically III several mouths, died early ycstcnlay morning at his home, 710 South Sixth street, lie was 02 years of use. Death was duo to cancer of tho tongue, lie had bctn a resident of Council Illuffs over forty yonrn and recently retired from active business. Ills wife and three children survive him. Tho children are John Mergen, jr., Mrs. Jacob Krug of Omaha and Miss Lena Mer gen. The funeral will be Wednesday morn ing at It o'clock from St. Francis X.ivIit'h church and burial will be In thu Catholic cemetery. N. Y. Plumbing Co., telepbono 330. SUES HIS FORMER PARTNER JbuoIi Miiis Seeks to HrNtraln U. Illniu'linnl from Ualnif Olil Firm Xante. S. Jacob Sims, a membor of tho Pottawat tamlo county bar for tho last twenty years, who recently Joined tho law Arm of Gov ernor Shaw and C. F. Kuehnlo at Dcnlson, secured a temporary Injunction In tho dis trict court yesterday from Judge Wheeler restraining O. S. Dlanchcard from using tho Arm namo of "Sims & Hlanchard" and transacting any business under such firm namo. Mr. SimB was formerly In partnership with W. E. Balnbrldge, who became as sistant secretary of the United States lega tion at 1'okln. On Mr. Ilalnbrldge's ap pointment Mr. Blanchard became connected wth Mr. Sims In the law business. According to Mr. Sims' petition the part nership with Mr. Blanchard was "solely as a matter of favor" to Mr. Hlanchard and "without any consideration or benefit" to Mr. Sims, who asserts that tho agreement was to bo terminated at his will and pleas ure. Ho Btates that on December t ho informed Mr. Hlanchard thai tho partner ship was terminated and that ho declined further to allow the huslness to bo trans acted In tho namo of Sims & Hlanchard. in support of his application for tho re straining order Mr. Sims asserts that Mr. Hlanchard Is still using tho firm namo for his own particular benefit and Ib receiving tho mall addressed In tho firm name and has oven gone so far as to notify the post master to deliver all mall addressed to Sims A nianchard to him. Mr. Sims still retains his resldcnco this city. In, Gravel roofing. A. II. Itoad. 541 Broad'. Count)' llonril Dlsensnen lloniln. Tho Board of County Supervisors met In adjourned session yesterday afternoon. Lit tle business putsldo of road matters was transacted. Tho ucbtl(iii uf tho advisability of fur nishing transportation for W. M. Wetzel, a county charge at Avora, to his home In Germany was discussed nnd referred to Supervisor Brandos and Ovorscer of tho Poor Buise, J, P. Hess, ns guardian of Fred Hartlng, insane, asked that tho board allow Mrs. Itebocra Hartlng H a week for his sup port and care. At the tlmo of his appoint ment ns guardian Hess sold property be longing to his ward, from which ho realized f 1.50S.3O. This has been exhausted in the man's support. Tho application was re ferred to tho county attorney. At today's session tho board will arrange about tho trip through the state to In spect poor farms, Davis sells painu Davis sella class. Iowa Steam Dye Works 304 Broadway. Make, yotu old clothes look Ilka nw. Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing;. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director (Successor to W. C. Estep) 'S PHAIIL STIIKUT. Pno 7. FAR M LOANSSl'g? Negotiated in Eastern Nebraska and Iowa. James N, Casady, Jr., U Main St., Council Bluffs. BLUFFS. DEADLY TOT RIFLE AGAIN FiTi-Year-Old Girl Din ai Kult of Play nate'i Folly. LAD rOINTS WEAPON AT HER IN SPORT llullet ami Striken Her In Hip Abdomen Dentil t'ollovi a Mulit of SufferliiK I'nrenta Are Heartbroken. Iola, tho 5-ycnr-otd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Myers, who llvo on a farm near Missouri Valley, died at 4 o'clock yesterday morning at tho Woman's Chris tian Association hospital, where ho was taken Sunday night, from a bullot wound Inflicted by a playmato armed with a 11-callbcr rifle. The lad who is responsible for tho death of tho little girl was visiting the Myers family. Tho girl went out of tho house to Join him when tho boy In fun pointed tue rlllo at her, saying: "Look out: I am go ing to shoot you." The rlllo wa discharged and the child fell with a bullet In her abdomen. She was taken to this city and placed In the hospital, whom an operation was per formed, Tho bullot, howovcr, bad pene trated tho Intestines In a dozen places and death ended tho little one's sufferings at 4 o'clock yesterday morning. Tho heartbroken father took the body of the llttlo ono homo yesterday morning. The name of tho boy responsible for her denth is not known here. STATE BAR ASSOCIATION l'rrsltleiit tnry from Oiiliiiiiuo him! Sccro froin 1'iitmi Welcome the Arrivals. Tho opening session of the sixth nnnual meeting of tho Iowa State liar associa tion will be at 10 this morning In tho Dohany opera house, when 200 lawyers from all parts of the state aro oxpected. Members began to nrrlvo yesterday after noon and by evening tho Grand hotel, whore headquarters have been established, was full. President J. J. McCarthy of Dubuque and Secretary Samuel S. Wright of Tipton wera among the early orrlvals and opened tho headquarters ot the association In parlors on tho first floor at the Grand hotel, where they were called upon by Flnley llurko. president of tho Pottawattamie County Bar association, and Colonel C. G. Saund- ers, cnairman oi ine locai commuieu uu Drocram. and other members of the local bar. Secretary Wright has with him L. M. Hull, court reporter of the Eighteenth Judicial district, who will assist In report ing the proceedings of the sessions. Judge II. M. Hcmlcy of Anamosa of the Eighteenth Judicial district was also amfang tho early arrivals, as was State Senator George Hall of Iowa City. C. W. Hlngham, a prominent member of tho bar of Cedar Itaplds, reached here yesterday and so did J. II. Quick of Sioux City, until recently mayor of that city. Among tho callers on President McCnrthy wore the members of the rowing crows from Dubuque. The session this morning will open at 10, when Itev. Father Smyth of St. Francis Xavlcr's church will deliver the Invocation and Flnley Hurltc, president of tho Potta wattamie County Bar association, will de liver tho address of welcome, which will bo responded to by L. M. Kean of Sioux City. Following rollcall will come the presentation of petitions, communications, memorials and other papers to be referred or disposed of without dobate, after which Secretary Wright and Trcasuror Honry of Dcs Moines will present their reports. After tho admission of new mombers Charles A. Clark of Cedar Haplds will read a paper on "Tho Law Reformer" and J. C. Mabry of Albla one on "What Salary Should Our Supreme Judges Kecelve?" At the opening of tho afternoon session President J. J. McCarthy will deliver the nnnual address on the topic "Perjury in Judicial Proceedings." This subject, he says, has never been treated at tho meet ings of tho association and In preparing his address ho has given It deep study. Tho balance of the afternoon session will be devoted to tho reports of the standing nnd special committees and tho nomination and election of officers. In tho evening nt 6:30 will be the annual banquet of the State association at tho Grand hotel, at which President McCarthy win bo toastmaster. A numbor of the district court Judges from throughout the state are expectod to attend the meeting, as they will have a special session Wednesday nfternoon nt the county courthouse to discuss the recom mendation of the commlttoo on law re form of tho State Bar association that tho salaries of district court Judges bo raised from $2,500 to $1,000 a year. It Is prob- ablo that tho Judges will form at this meet ing n permanent organization for mutual benefit. Several Judges of tho supremo court aro oxpected to bo present, ns Associate Judges H. B. Deemer of Red Oak, Erall McClaln of Iowa City, C. M. Waterman of Davenport nnd Scott M. Iidd ot Sheldon havo signi fied their Intention of nttondlng the meet ing It possible. It Is hoped to havo Chief Justice Given of Des Moines present also. The election of n president nnd other olllcors Is a very dignified proceeding with tho State Bar association and Is utterly do vold of nny canvassing on the part of nny of the members, Tho annual address to tho association will bo delivered Wednesday morning by Judge Smith McPherson of tho Unltod States court. Wednesday afternoon tho vis iting members of thu state association will be the guests of tho Council Bluffs bar at Lake Manawa. Iteiwird for Arrest of lolinaon. Tho arrest of Alva Johnson, wantod In Missouri for killing a man named Paxton, will make Detective Smith, who captured him, $200 richer. Word was received yes terday from Sheriff Hnrtreadcr of Nevada, Mo., that there was a reward of $200 for thu capture of Johnson. Shorlff Hnrtreadcr Is expected here this morning to fotrh Johnson, who Is willing to accompany him back to Missouri without requisition pa pcrs. The quarrel, between Johnson and r-axton wnicn led to tho killing of the lat ter is said by Johnson to have been the re sult of nn alleged attempt on tho part ot Paxton to poison a well on Johnson's mother's farm. llenrliiK n .Holihery Charixe, The preliminary hearing of nobert Ste venson nnd Charles Jones, charged with robbing Will Davis on tho public highway at Twenty-first street nnd Broadway a few nights" ago, was partially had In police court yesterday morning. During the testl raony ot unvis no Klentinea tne money found on Jones ns being what he had with him that night after he bad been placed on the car bv Officer Smith. Kvldonco . was Introduced to show that neither Jones nor Stevenson had any money earlier that night when In company with two young women, Tho hearing was continued at tho request of the defense until Thursday. Stevenson and Jonea aro still behind tho bars at the city Jail, having been unable to furnish the required $500 bonds. Smnshen 111" MelKhlior'a Face. A dispute over the possession of ac creted land near Crescent City, during which George Morrison Is said to havo broken tho Jaw of and otherwlso injured Delvcrt Carver, led to the arrest ot Mor rison yesterday on a charge of assault with Intent to kill. The Information on which tho warrant was Issued was filed by C. F. Carver, father of tho young man In jured. Morrison gave bonds In tho sum of J300 nnd will have a preliminary hear ing before Justice Fcrrlcr Friday. Mor rison Is said to havo struck young Carver with an ax. It ml Katnti' Transfer. These transfers were filed yesterday in the nbstrnct, title and loan olllce of J. W. Pqulre, 101 Pearl street: Elizabeth L.-e und husband to F. H. A. It. Crocker, lots 1 to 5, block lfi. Hughes' and Doniphan's addition', w. d J 1.5W Amanda L. lck to l-oulse H. Lock, s'i sVi, neU se', 8-7.V43: w. d 37J Christina Schroder to Hans H. Schro der, swU sw',4. 12-76-1 1 i W. d 1 Three transfers, total... fl.STo ATTACKS FELLOW OFFICERS Seeretnry of Modern llrotlierhooil .n Tipton .Mini anil Others Cnuseil n Deficit. SIOUX CITY, la., July 15. (Special.) A special meeting of tho supreme lodgo of the Modern Brotherhood ot Amerlcn, an Iowa fraternal Insurance organization. Is to bo hold In Sioux City In October to investigate charges of alleged misconduct ngatnst supremo officers. There Is said to be n deficiency of $9,000 In tho general fund of tho order from which operating expenses aro paid. The supremo secretary hus filed accusations charging other board olllcors, Including T. B. Hanlcy of Tipton, In., with causing this deficit by extrava gance and wrongful expenditures. Usurpa tion of power is also charged. Local members of tho order havo llttlo to say about the trouble, but friends of President Hanley say that his skirts will be fully cleansed and that spite prompted tho nccusation. Tho Modern Brotherhood has had a rapid growth in Iowa since Its organization a few years ngo. AUDUBON MAN IS DROWNED Ilont NvrnmiiN AVIille He and Tito Conipanlons Are CruaslnR Wall I.nUe. AUDUBON, la., July 15. (Special Tele gram.) Nels Sorcuson of this city was drowned yesterday In Wall lake. In com pany with Hasmus llassmusscn and Jens Kelgore, also of Auduban, he uired a small row boat and started across tho lake, Tho boat being too small for the three, filed with water and sunk In about fifteen feet. Rassuiusscn managed to swim to tho shore, but Kelgoro nnd Sorcnson wcro unable to swim. Snrenson pulled Kel goro under twice and then Kolflorc freed himself and grasped thu boat and was saved. Sorcnson's bodyi has not been re covered yet. SWEDISH EPW0RTH LEAGUE Itev. C. A. Senberj? of Dayton lOIccted President for the Invrn District. BURLINGTON, la., July 15. (Special.) The Swedish Epworth lcaguo of the Iowa district concluded Its session last evening. Tho now officers aro: President, Rev. C. A. Scaberg. Dayton; first vlco president, F.dwln S. Dahl, Ottumwn, la.; second vice presldtnt, Rev. P. J. Berg, Burlington; third vice president, Miss Anna Carlson, Dcs Moines; fourth vice president, Miss Anna NordqulBt, Red Oak; secretary, Rev, J. P. Scaberg, Sheldahl; corresponding secretary, Joe Hansln, Keokuk; cashier, Rev. C. J. Mellberg, Boxholm. The mem bers of this cnblnct were Installed In their offices for tho ensuing year by cx-President John Sims. I.m n.lnK Still IloantM of Its Pearls. LANSING, la., July 15. Tho pearl fish eries hereabouts maintain an enviable rep utation. Last week no lees than three finds of pearls, selling from $300 to $500 nplecc, wore reported, besides many smaller ones, but today the climax was capped by tho largest gem yet discov ered being found by Mrs. Fillmore Fetrow, living on Round Island, four miles below this city. It weighed 139 grains and Is tho size and shape of a chocolate drop. Tho owner refuses to put a price on it. Slonx City Soldier Dead. SIOUX CITY, In., July 15. News has been received of tho death of James P. SAhcel' ? Sl0U CU,y' a, e"ber? ' n"ery A, Fifth artillery, in the Philippines Sheely served with tho Fifty-second lown In tho Spanish war. He Is tho first Sioux City soldier to die in the Philippine!!. CONVICT ARMENTA AT LAST KIiibt of WyomtiiR Cattle Thieves Fulls Dunn When He Tries It on Sheep. CASPER, Wyo., July 15. (Special Tolo gram.) Manuel Armonta, king of tho cat tlo thieves, was convicted hore of steallug sheep. This man has been tried six times In Johnson county, four times In Fremont county and four times In Nntrona county for larceny. In trials he has cost the dlt ferent .counties of the state $100,000. Ho nnd his followers drovo tho range cattle business out of this section. Ho Is a halt breed Mexican nnd makes his homo Just south of the Hole-ln-the-Wall country. Cantrnet for Cavalry HorxcN, STURGIS, 8. D., July 15. Tho govern ment has officially informed C. A, Martin that his bid for furnishing 225 hend of horses for tho Thirteenth cavalry at $107 per head has been accepted. The horse owners on the ranges are sending In word that they can easily supply tho entire numbor needed. Headache Food doesn't digest wellr Appetite poor? Bowels con stipated? It's your liver 1 Ayer's Pills cure all livei troubles. 35c. All drug gliti Wml your mouiucbe or bcnril a beautiful crown or ncn diuki men mo BUCKINGHAM'S DYEtt ors f taert. of 0mnnTt. o B. P. Hut Co.. hAiwa.M.H. THIS CHAUTAUQUA QUITS Aneablj Loin Moitj Again aid Addi to Its Debtt LAURENS MOB 1ARS A WIFE BEATER South African Heputillt'iin Solicits lovtitnn to Aid the llocrs Picket llrlttaile Prepare to Cap ture .Milwaukee, (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, July 15. (Special.) Tho Chautauqua management announced today that tho nsscmbly hero, which closes to morrow, will bo the last. Tho association was formed six years ngo and of the as semblies held but two have paid expenses, the first one and tho one of last year. In other years there have been deficits. Tho deficit this year will be butwecn $1,000 and $1,500 and the debt of the association In curred previously was about $4,000. Under the circumstances the association has re solved that it will go out ot business, pay tho debts nnd lot others attend to the ed ucation ot the peoplo In tho Chautauqua groves. Trent a .Man HoiikI'. A mob of forty Indignant citizens called at tho city Jail In Laurens last night dur ing the absence ot tho night watchman and mnrshal and broke Into tho steel cago where A. I. Puis wus confined on the chnrgo of choking nnd beating his wlfo Iat Fri day morning. The mob took tho prisoner out to tho Rock Island and Northwestern railway crossing nnd there nppllcd a roat of tar ami feathers and ordered the man to leave tho country. Working for the liners. H. D. VUJoon of tho South African re public wns In Des Moines today making ar rangements for meetings to bo addressed by himself nnd another representative of tho South African republic In Des Moines July 23 nnd SO In the Interest of tho Boers. Thoy arc holding meetings In vnrlous cities of lown and report that tho people tnko great Interest In their work. They aro rais ing funds for the help of the Boers and to enro for tho prisoners of war. They speak hopefully of their cause and declnro that In tho end tho British government must give up the notion ot conquering tho two republics. Picket IlrlKndc. In view of tho fact that Iowa has one of the two candidates for grnnd exalted ruler of the Elks a largo number of Iowa Elks aro preparing to go to Mllwaukco next week and attend tho grand lodgo. C. E. Picket of Waterloo Is the Iowa candidate and he has ono opponent, a California man. The Iowa Elks aro having prepared a number of striking badges with fenco pickets as the central figure. The Denver Elks have do signed a walking stick In tho form of a picket from a fenco and the Salt Lake City Elks havo picket hndges made of natural wood. Tho Iowa people are enthu slnstlc In support of Mr. Picket for head of tho order and bcllevo he will be elected. .w Corporntlotin. Tho Clinton Grain company, with a cap ltal of $100,000. has been Incorporated, with K. K. Llquln as president nnd N. D. Pat terson secretary. The Wlllard-Mlller Lum ber company, ot" Waterloo Is a' new corpora tion; capital, .jzt.uou; rnuip Minor, pres ident; Wlllnrd Eastman, secretary. The Buchanan Grocery company of Cedar Rap Ids, with a capital ot $10,000, has been in corporated. Thu i 1c"' on-Graff company of Waterloo, with $25.0o0 capital, will manu facture candy and Ice cream; leafs N. Dick son, president; Henry Graff, secretary. Trnck I.tiyluir linn IIi'kiiii, Track laying commenced today on the new Iowa Falls railroad to Dos Molnej, the work commencing at Iowa Falls, where con nectlon han been made with the Illlnol Central. Inasmuch as tho yard conncc tlons and sidings have been made volunta rlly by tho Central in connection with the now lino It Is surmised more than over that tho new lino will be used by tho Illinois i Central for un entrance Into Dcj Moines. The right-of-way work Is now practically all done. Slew Xorthwentern Depot. The plans and specifications for the now depot of the Chicago & Northwestern com pany In Dcs Moines wero filed with tho city engineer today. The structuro will cost upwards of $75,000, will be 190 feet 9 Inches long and tho tralnshcds will ex tend 140 feet more. The building will bo ot brick and stone and will have a towor 152 feet high. The old fielght depot on East Fourth street has already ten cleared away to make room for the now structure. Keep your system in perfect order and you will have hcaitn, even in tne inos sickly seasons. Tho occasional use o Prickly Ash Bitters will Insuro vigor and regularity In nil tho vital organs. PK.NSIO.NS KOIl WKSTBin VRTKHANS War Survivors Iteiuemliered by tlie General Government. WASHINGTON. July 16. (Special.) Tho following wostcrn pensions have been granted: Trhiio nf .Tun 27! Npbraekii: Orlclnal Thomas B. Whit tlosev. flmnhn. is; Nicholas Nelson. Belle vuc. $6; Phillip Funk, Funk. $0; Charles ijoriz, men . 4iiiiiiiuniii joiiii ' l'ncpr Prnssur S?. !lisliratlon nnd ad ditloiiul-Charli's Davis (deud). Red C oud $10. IimrfiRO- Valentine F. U'nncn Omahn. 17 Be ssuii and Increase Allien N. Hall. Avt. $S Original widow, etc Mlnnr nf i?nnii V. Smith. Omaha. SIS. Intvii! Orlirimil--Charles Flunliran. Sol dter.V Homo. Marshalltown, $8; Allen Rob erts. Uivlltn, JO- Increase Harvey D Oarr Aknm. !,: Zlha T. Wilson. I.e f.'lnlrH. JIO! Snmufl T. Adams. DrnkesvUlo, $12; James A, Hnrper Miusenn. $S. Eiwln Darling, Vnll. $10, Christian JSwnn. Mun Avr. J12: llenrv (. Wheeler. Webster City IS: William .l.-nkins. Mystic. $12; John Ray Soldiers' Home, Marshnlltnwn, $12; Isinc D Mnllett, Oilman. Jl; Jonn i. iiion, i"un Pleasant, $H; Samuel Y. Relslngnr. Con rod, $10; Anthonj sioooy, kpoih, j, a bert. 9. Runner. Keokuk $17: Jamas I Grubb, Bedford, $10. Original widows, etc Tnbllha J. Smith. Ilonevllli', $S Wni with Spuln, orlglnnl-Wllllnm S. Anderson Medorn, $8. Montana: Original Elza Copple. Bozo man. Sii! Henrv SleddV. Hutte. Jt. Colorado! Orlglnal-Wulter S. Ditto Gunnison. $6; John Carver, Hllverton. Additional Richard Humphrey. Deltn. St lvl A Mansfield. Pueblo. $10. IncrcnrO James W. Coleman. Wetmore, $S; I'lysses llnyden, P.igosn springs, urigimi widows, etc. Mary v . itanKin, Colorau Snrlncs. 5S. South Dakota: AddltlonnI John II. An derson, Sioux Falls. $10. Increase William II. Thorn. Herla. $12: Daniel 8, TenoycK Emsley. $10. Original widows, etc. Mlror of .Tnhn W llrnlul. DesniPt. Ill North Dakota: Original -Clnrles Mai Wahpcton, $6; Oliver Kins, unanee, j Selenee Saves Animal. JAf'k'SdN. Miss.. July 15. During th first week or two of the charbon epidemic in tho ileltn more man w per cent tho unlmuls affected died, but since supply of tho virus for Inoculation was nroeiireri thu death rate has been ma terlally redjeed. Tho disease Is spreading nil over this vicinity. File Another Cnvent. NEW YORK. July 15.-A third enveal against udmlttlng the will of the Intc Jacob S. Ronrers to probate was tiled Paterson. N. .1.. today by Flora A. Rogers. a nleco of tho deceased millionaire and sister of Mm. Westerflcld, who filed a caveat on Saturday. SMOOTH SAILNGAT EL RENO Asslstnnt Commlanlnner Meiiort Hck- lalmtlnn Proeeeillnic In Orderly and Expedition Manner, WASHINGTON, July 15. Telegrams rr.- elved by the Interior department today trom Asslstaut Commissioner Richards, who s at El Reno supervising the arrangements for opening tho lands, report that every thing Is proceeding in an "orderly and ex peditious manner." Tho total registrations Saturday, as of ficially reported, were 27,839 at both El Reno and Fort Sill. No unregistered peo plo were at El Reno Saturday night desir ing registration. EL RENO, Okl., July 15. All records wero broken here today by tho registration Icrks, when 10,087 persons wcro given apcrs entitling them to numbers In tho great drawing which will begin July 29. This makes a total registration of 31,015 t El Reno. At Lawton there wcro 7.S00 persons registered In four days ending Saturday vcnlng. Today thero are more than 10,- 000 people In El Reno and tomorrow's rowds will likely double this. Everything quiet nnd there Is no suffering, not withstanding the heat Is Intenso during tho day. If you havo no appetlto for your meals something Is wrong with ytur digestion. liver or bowels. Prickly Ash Bitters leanscs nnd strengthens the stomach, puri fies the bowels and creates appetite, vigor nd cheerfulness. NOT QUITE SO WARM TODAY Ucenslonnl Showers Are Possible In ,clirunkn anil It Will nt Least He Partly Cloudy. WASHINGTON, July 15. Forecast for Tuesday nnd Wednesday: For Nebraska nnd Kansas Partly cloudy Tuesday, probably thunder showers In east ern portion; Wcdnesdny, fair, except prob- bly thunder showers In southeast portion; nrinblo winds. For Iowa Partly cloudy Tuesday, oc casional showers nnd not so warm; Wednesday, fair In western, probably bowers In eastern portion; variable winds. For Missouri Partly cloudy Tuesday, oc casional showers nnd not so warm In west ern portion; Wednesday, partly cloudy, probably showers In rantern portion; vari able winds. For North Dakota Generally fair Tues day and Wednesday; variable winds. For South DakotaPartly cloudy Tues day, probably showers and cooler In past ern portion; Wednesday, fair and warmer; vartahlo winds. For Colorado Partly cloudy Tuesday, probably thunder showers In eastern por tion; Wednesday; fair, except probably thunder showers In southeastern portion; variable winds. For Wyoming Fair Tuesday and Wednes day; variable winds. For Montana Fair In eastern, showers In western portions Tuesday and probably Wednesday; variable winds. For Arkansas Partly cloudy Tuesday, probably showers, northwesterly winds; Wednesday, fair; vsrlablo winds. For Oklnhomo and Indian Territory Partly cloudy Tuesday, probably thunder showers and cooler in afternoon; Wednes day, fair; variable winds. For Now Mexico Fair In southern, prob- ably thunder showers In 'northern portions Tuesday and Wedncsdny; variable winds. For Western Texas Fair Tuesday, except probably showers and cooler In the Pan Handle: Wednesday, partly cloudy, prob- ably showers- 'in northern portion; south erly winds, becoming variable. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU OMAHA. July 15. Omaha record of tem perature and precipitation compared with tne correspouuine uay ot uic insi uirco years: Maximum tempernture 1301. 1900. IKKi. im. 97 81 S2 S3 Minimum temperature 77 67 IB 6S R2 76 71 76 Mean temperature .... Precipitation , T .17 1.29 .00 Record of temDTnture nnd nrt'CMiitntlon at Omaha for this day and since March 1: Normal temnernturo i7 Kxcubs for the day 10 Tnlnl exresH since Mnrch 1 a'J.I Normal precipitation 15 men Ilcnclencv for the day 15 Inch Total slnro Marcli l ll. as incites Deficiency since .March l &.s incites Deficiency for cor. period, 1900.. 5.22 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 1SS3.. 2,53 Inches IWiiurla front Station nt 7 1. M. STATIONS AND 8TATH Or WEATHfiR, S3 b a 3B 3 PS : t If Omaha, clear ... 5Tj 92 Tin 98 84 96 North Platte, clear Cheyenne, cloudy .00 T .00 T .08 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 T SO halt uik?, cicht 92 Hapld City, part ciouay... fc2 Huron, clear Wllllston, olenr CIiIchko. part cloudy 84 82i SI 9S W 94 102 80; 7S! 82 90, 8S 9S .St. Lotus, ciouoy St. Paul, clear Davenport, part ciouuy... Kansas City, part cloudy. Helena, cloudy Havre, clear Hlxmnrck. clear -l4 B 751 SI .00 80 81 Galveston, cloudy T Indicates trace of precipitation. I., A. WELSH, Locnl Forecast Oillclul, LOVE Lives only In the present. ' Nature throws a glamor around youth and maiden, so that although they saw misery and mar riage walking hand in hand in every home in the world they would fondly helieve that they could marry and defy misery. Young women should be taught to prepare for mar riage. They should understand how to preserve their womanly health through the func tional changes of maternity. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the most effective med icine for the pre servation of wom anly health and the cure of womanly diseases, It regu lates the periods, dries enfeebling drains, heals in- the womanly or ganism for maternity anil makes the birth hour practically painless. "Favorite Prescription" contains no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine, nor other narcotic. "My wire waa afflicted with uterine trouble for everl yean," writea Mr J C. Day, of Little Britain, Lancaster Co., l'a "and In Novfinber. 1S9I. tlie docter ald ulie had a mlKarrlane. He treated her for about two monthi or ao, but there wn but little Improvement. I wrote you after ahe had commenced to take ' Favorite Pre scription ' and you told u to get ' Oolden Med. ical I)licoverjf aluo. She took all or aeven bcttln of ' I'avorlte Trekcriptlon 1 and two of 'Oolden Medical Dlicovery' and got out of bed and wa able to attend to her household work," Dr. I'ierce'a Pleasant I'ellets cure biliousness. A) ( flaininatioti a n cl W9mJi J ulceration, and cures femnle weak- nets, It prepares An Excellent Combination, Tho pleasant method and bcncllcinl effects of the well known remedy, Sritur or Flos, manufactured by tho CAi.ironitiA Fio Svnur Co., Illustrate tho vnluoof obtaining tho liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to bo medicinally laxative: nnd presenting them in the form most refreshing to the tnstn nnd acceptable to the system. It is tho una porfoct strcnthcnlnp lnxa-tl"-, clcatislii? tho system effectually, dispelling colds, headnches nnd feverr jrently yet promptly and enabling ono to overcome habuunl constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality nnd sub stance, nnd its actlnc- on thu kidneys, liver nnd bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it tho ideal laxative. In tho process of manufacturing Ops uro used, ns they nro plcnsnnt to the tasto, but thu medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna nnd other aromatic plnnts, by a method known to tho Oamfoknia Fio Syiicp Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember tho full niimo of the Company printed on tho front of every pneknge. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAH FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. 1CV. MEW YORK, N. T. VtorasJebynll Dmgflsts. Price too pcrbotU Cool Retreats REACHED Union Pacific Lowest Rates Ever Made Now Placed in Effect Via This Line. Round Trip Rates Betwaen Oniiha and Denver -,....$15 00 Colorado Springs 15 00 Pueblo 15 00 Glenwood Springs 25 00 Ogden 30 00 Salt Lake City 30 00 Tickets on Sale August 1 to 10 Inclusive; September 1 to 10 Inclusive. Denver - $19 00 Colorado Springs 19 00 Pueblo 19 OO Glenwood Springs. 31, OO Ogden .... 32 OO Salt Lake City 32 00 Tickets on Sale July 10 to 31 Inclusive; August 11 to 31 Inclusive. GOOD FOR RETURN TO OCTOBER 31. 1901. NEW CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 Firmn St- Tiliphim 316. Union Station, 10th ind Mircy. Tilipbom 629. FREE ADVICE by our Physlcfans and a FREE rnedlclna also Pfma Mnma Tr.nlmnnt a 110 ni describing symptoms and cause ol diseases receipts and proscriptions In plain lauguage, saving you lieavr doctor's bill, ask for U. Dr. Kay's Cures the very worst canes of uynpopsta. I.lver and Kidney diseases and 0od rcsulli or i,auriine. ena lorprooi oi it. Write us about all Tour svinotomH. Sold by drugglsta, don't accept any rubatttute but seuu un 2Scts. or 11.00 and wo will sfzA Dr. DR. B. J. KAY MED CAL &&&&&&&& 6 ft it; iit it Twelve t Western It it it )t it it it it it it it it Ju it Mj 0 it iti it it it) it it iti The Bee hns a trent in store for twelve wentern girls who earn their own living. It intendn to nend them on the twelve best trips which enn be planned nnd pay nil of their expenaes, including everything. Not only this, but ko that they can enjoy tlie vacation to the fullest limit, railroad ticketn will be provided for whom ever they choose to go with them. Who they shnll be is to be determined by the rend ers of Tlie Bee. Everyone should save their coupons nnd it may help some girl whom you know to be par ticularly deserving of a vacntion to win a place. Such a trip they could probnbly never take otherwise; surely not without n great deal of sacrifice nnd saving. To vote, cut. a coupon from page two, fill it oat properly and deposit it at The Bee office or mail to Vacation Contest Dept. The Omaha Bee. Omaha, Neb. 3333 DR. McGREW y. sn. Saanara twm a- as. t B y, m, (Dr. MeOrew mi Amm (19.) TUB MOST SUCCESSFUL SPECIALIST In the treatment of all forms at Til eases and Disorder af Men Only, 34 fears' mnerlence, 15 ream la Omaka. VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE X permanent cure guaranteed In Us than 10 days, without cutting, pain or lest of time. OTDIPTIIDC cured In than I day 0 1 nib I UllL without paltt or hindrance from business. A perfect and permanent cure guaranteed. CVDUII IC and " Mood Dlseeeei cured Oirnii-lo by a treatment which Is tar more satisfactory and successful than "Hot Bprlngs" treatment, and at les than halt the cost All breaking out and signs of the disease disappear at once. A cure that Is guaranteel for life. DVfCD On nnn cases cured ot nervaita UVtn ZUiUUU debility, loss of vitality and MANHOOD, baihfulne', Qleet and all unnatural weaknesies ot men. Curea Unarantaed. Cunenttatlna Prea. CHARGES LOW Treatment tent rerrwhere free from rase. P. O. Box It. Oftlce over 214 South Ith street, between r'arnaa and DoajlM Street. OUAllA, NEB. . VIA THE UMIILf . a llflpace Tuustrotad rook with best treatment, also msny valuable Renovator Constipation. Headache. Palpitation of llnirt Kuy'K IltnoTator by return mill, Addrau, CO., Saratoga .-spring, n. t. 'ft 9) m ? m m m m Girls m m (TV ft 9939199 999393'