Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1901, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1901. a A Bridegroom's Letter He Writes About His Honeymoon. NEW Y(M A SUMMER RESORT Interesting Description of mous Hostelry. a Fa- A Siuthertier of BOclal prominence In ft city i.ot n thousand nillcii away lias writ ten nn Interesting letter to the friend who nc'td nn boU man At his recent wedding, which hlntj nt the happiness of the ncwly-mnrricd pair, find nlso Announces n chance In the plans for their wedding trip. The friend, by the way, Is to marry tho lady who acted as bridesmaid at the same wedding, ntul It already planning tho trip which Is to follow his own wedding in September. Hence tho words of advice mid Information from the bridegroom to the lirldegroom-to-be. Tho Hen violates no confldenco In publish- In? the subjoined extract from this letter, having obtained permission to do so, For obvlout masons, names nro withheld, but the frlrnd.i of tha ncwly-marrled and of tho engaged will have little difficulty In Kucsilng their Identities. The letter fol lows New York, June 30, 1801. My Ivor Tom: W'.'ll, hern wr arc, safe and sound and happy. '.Vo reached New 'York Tuesday of last week, and are stopping, as you will rice, at tho Hotel Majostlc, Seventy-second s're.ot and Central Park West. We did ex pect to go on to one of the nboro resorts after a short flay In Now York, but Helou is so cheruied with everything here thnt I imaglno we rhull remain here until August. Wees her! she shall stay as long na sho wants to. Sho Is the dearest cron turc In tho world, Tom, and 1 You askod mo to tell you about New York, and to look up a good hotel for you when yotj come this way In September. "Uoll, hero goes. New York Is worth com ing to see. It Is the Ideal summer resort if one wants coolness and comfort. You muy smllo, if you will, at tho Idea of New York as a hummer resort, but It's true, Tom, You huvo no Idea how delightfully comfortable lt Is up hero right by Cen-J tral Park. Wo got all tno breezes mat blow. Helen is wild over tho stores. Fancy mo shopping, If ycu can. Yes, I've been "do ing" the stores with Helen. We run down on tho elevated or tho trolloyB, which wo take a block from tho hotel. It only takes about fifteen minutes to reach tho shops Wo'veJ seen several good things at the the- nters, too, but they havo such delightful concerts every ovfnlng here at the hotel that both Helen and I nre content to socle a (lulot corner of tho grand foyer and "llston to tho bnd." Warm evenings wo follow the orchestra to tho beautiful plara garden on the roof, nnd I'm afraid, be- havo Ilko two moon-struck people, as wn surely nro. Yes. old chap, you must come to New York by all means on your wedding trip nnd stop at tho Hotel Majestic. You'll be cured of your eternal bragging or tde Ht, Chnrles. This Is a unique hotel In more ways than one. Thoro's the grand foyer, a fcaturo borrowed from tho Hotel Metro- uole. In London, I am told, when wo ar rived hero, In tho evening, we wero qulto fncited out with our day's ride. But when wo entered the foyer, which you do dl rectly from tho street, Helen whispered, "nil '.inrk. this is the nlace for us." And that Is lust how I felt. Tho foyer Is the center of the social life of the hotel. Here ladles nnd gentlemen sit nnd chat aud receive their friends. Hero tho orchestra plays Its evening con- rrrt. nxcontlne on warm evenings. Here it was. the second evening we were here, thnt I run across our old frclend Joe Ealtlns. of Louisville. You will recall him. lie. Is the editor of the Financial World and looks well and prosperous. Through him aud his charming wife. Helen and I met a number of delightful people from Southland Milton . Dargan and Mr. and Mis. Edward R. Doyd, of At lnntn. Tho Rovds came originally from Columbia, Tcnn. We also met Gen. T. M Logan, of HowaiMsvllle, Va.; Dr. H. A Mandovllle. of Keller, On.; Mr. and Mrs F. M. Mlkoll, of Morton. Gn., and Mr. and Mrs. Trozevnnt. of Dallas, Tex. They toll mo a good many Southerners come hero Thoso I havo mentioned spond tho greater nnrtinn of tho year at tho Majestic. t nn.iran l cnOH WlthOUt SnVlllK that thn -nimoiiitmpiitH. tho cuisine and the service nre perfect. Dut it Is. the tnnglblo nlr of refinement that appeals to me i, ..,111 iii-nW nnnpnl In VOll. Tlicro 1 restraint save that Imposed by one s good breeding. And there Is nothing of the shoddy In guests or garnishments. Kvery i. in nvmiUlin triHtn. Helen said Inst evening, ns we sat In the foyer enjoying tho utrnlns of the orchestra, "Jack, one reason I llko tho Mujestlc so much is one !...., .nn nntlrprt thnt nil the decora pntfl nn nnnnnun iv in niiu un o .,.,...., n,hiin thou nrn Hnh. nro simple nnd subdued and so restful: there is nothing v' " ...i.i. , iint " flnil. Tom. to CIUlll Willi .in.-- ,w..v. - ,.. thn, llba n wnmnn? Speaking of the orehl-strn. you will enjoy t'.io t.oncerts when vou come. Victor Sor- lln. tho Jeniler, is a -rcno eoinini ui mm-, 1 t.nrn. i.,r.t.,i.,n vnnr dnrrnr of bark rooms snd of tires, I know you will approvo of tho Mnjestlc. There Isn't n bnck room In nil of Its ftV) rooms. This Is eooompllshed liv the unlnue nlan cf the building. Its system of lnlcttlng courts bringing light ' . m , ... 1 1 .1 I ... d nh- nnn itir to every mom, "ti"ih i" flrn.nrnnf. There isn't enough In tiiimmnliln mnii-rlnl in nnv one nlnce to start n respectable blaze, nnd even If there wore It would ilio or lis own iiurmiiK. r,vcn thn Iron nlllnrs unci brums are thickly stir rounded with Are-proof material, so thnt thn Hi-reest tiro could tint warn thorn Under sepnrntn cover 1 nro sending you nn lllustrnted booklnt. which will give you n fnlnt Idea of the heauty of tho. Orntld Vover. the I'onipctlin Cnfe. tho Kmplre Dliilng Salon, the Winter Onrdrn and Palm nnnf. the nnnf Gsnleti nntl n numner o other ptrturesoue features of the Mnjasttc, I would mtvlKii vnu to send on ono ot two of your horses when you come, nnd tnv h.r a couole of months nt least. The tinted not only overlooks Central Park, but ii u itcnt ut the beclnnlnc of tho W es Btiin nvaiom of drives. The nark drives are nt tho door; Riverside Drive Is only ft llttlft wnv nt tne enu or n"vrniy-c"ini emr. nnd h quarter of an hour's drive brings you to the Hnrlem River Speedwny. You may think Sventy-seronn street is pruy wen up toWn, but It ISM l, inn incmcrs nnu nii"i' nr.. mill' tn or ..ftren minutes nwny Tim tintnt In lust far enough uptown to es cape the rattle and roar of the business part or tno cur. . , .... , A.i.ithnr imtnllo thllll? flbOIlt tllO Male tie-there hns never been even the breath of scandal here, I wish you would tell Col, ii tiio fnr m. He nskcd mo to look up a hotel where he rnn bring his daughter next winter. leu nun nu'j imjnu In,.nl,l hnm ffir VOIlnC lieODlC. slVlng d.inCO especially for them and their friends every siitir.inv nvnninir diirlnc the season. Don't Imagine from nil have told you of the Sfc-lnl side or lire nero mat tin i,,'i nn mn nlnrn tn snenil one s honey mnnn tnv It u Dun mnv be n perfect re niii.. ' if h,. n'niiia iii lie t heard a good story' yesterday of two ladles who met and tiecamo greuiiy nnneneu in nn-ij "'" Los Angeles, und "ho rllscoyereil. to thel surnnse. tnnt iney noin iiii mi lU-Ini- nt thn Mntnstln over klnce it iVQ opened. Tho social element Is hero to .jnjoy, If you cure for li; but there is no compui rlon nbnut It. .... 1 think 1 hne. told you enoush. old chap, to mnke you want to bring your bride, hero In September nnd live out rour hnnovmcon nt the Majestic. Just ns if one eoutd llvo out it honeymoon! I telXITeleii that Is Im possible, and she quIteAgreos with me, Imposi-Uilo for us. at least: all our lives Plmll be ono continuous honeymoon, Uy which vnu will see that I am ns deeply In bu with my wife ns I well can be. Write me, old chnp, nnd tell me all the home news. Helen hegs to be rem'tn bered to 131lth. and sends her best wishes to you, In which please Include those of Yours, In X'arndls, JACK. NEBRASKA'S STATE TAXES ToUl Vftluttitn fr Aummiit is Nmriy Thiei Mlllloi Uert. YEAR'S FIGURES COMPARED WITH LAST Ili-Sreretnry Purler Demur to Stnte Stilt Savings llnnk I'rntinsltlon fur Sutllcmem Spnrrotv Mrcpa in llntnitidck ntul Kile Awny. (From a St iff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July 15. (Special.) The total valuation upon which state taxes will be nisessed this year against taxable prop erty in Nebraska will be approximately 1171.432.000. or t2.CS5.000 greater than the assessed valuation of last year. These, fig ures have been computed from tho ofilclal reports, received from eighty-nine of the ninety counties. Wheeler, whose report has not been received, had a total assessed vnl uatlon of 1238.237.40 last year and It Is bo Hevcd there will bo no material change In tho figures this year. The State Hoard of Equalization met this morning to complete the assessment of property, but adjourned without transacting business to tomorrow morning. The Wheeler county report .will probably bo In the audi tor's olllce by that time and If so the work of equalizing will bo commenced at once Following Is s comparison of the assesseu valuation of property for tho two years 1!WI0. 1001. Adams 1 2.:mX03.C8 1 2,71'iiiW.p' Antlope . Banner ... lllnluo .... Hoone .... Uox Uutte l.r,770.5fl 25S.M0.lO itasie.73 1,713,20120 Sll.S0O.2O l,t.;2.7S1.00 WvKlV.IU 21fi,3S2.20 l.fdl.Wi.OO 70.73l.l) Iloyd 161,291.00 r,0.451.47 G&0'.1.HI llrown 7Cti.25.0 lluffnlo 2.7ty,M2.37 2.707.725.3G I.784.2M.07 nurt 2.M5.ioo.:n muier ;.2M,(6:.ij 2,225.2'H.SO Cass 4,tl3.1GS.f:. Ccdnr 2, 107,34 1. 00 4,iia,(4n.5J 2.792.21 7.0vl Iumh fijs,4a ) 65:i.-J!(i.eO 1,5'J3.H2.0) 2.413.17S.2.1 Cherry l,3UH1.3J eenne i,.i.u,3jjii iv 2.I12.1U2.W Colfax 1 MR, 114.20 Cuming 2,2j4,au.r,7 2.(i4.907.00 2,217.070.00 UUSIer J.Jl.'.i-v; m Dakota LCSO.S-JJ.JS Uawcs l,,ll.Dl Dawson 1.7B8.3TJ.02 2.41 .39 .8 l.ti'jR.r' l,02S,50o.'.0 1.C7I.0O3.21 Deuel r.i.167.W U Dixon I,&5').2r6.til 1,729. 1'JJ.46 3,152,70l.r0 22,331.7f2.0S Dodgo S.JSinTS.M Douglaa :t,';4i,97.'.til Dundy Oil,332.. lo-' 2.2V.. 173 11 r liimoro j,-jt.,r.ti i "rnnKlln i,ir,s.i3.i) l.liC.519.09 1,087,45'J 00 l.Sr.i.fSO.OO Frontier 1.1"4,39.20 urnns l,S40.0io bi Ongo 6,3)2.733.37 OiirHcld 247,r3.'SO E.S.iS.uyi.22 234.V4.M 753,lf.'J.30 47l.270.''6 9V). 1.11.00 2,660.037.00 l.SlVi.OlS 00 1,28,1,4!7.03 448,3411.00 Gosper 011,23s 2) urant ii,i.a ureeluy IUII .',U,.,'Jlll.W inmllton i,f,5il,00 Harlnn 1.3U1.!S5.(M laves P,3..(y) Hitchcock S3il.7S7.20 soi.araii lolt 2,3SI,0l.So looker 124,000.50 lownrd 1.3U0,lS0.iiO 2.327.520.31 144,9ti9.73 tO'Mi elTerson Z.B13.0I8 S3 2,551,081.01) 2.1C-.,110 33 Johnson 2,m,m?r, Kearney l.r.10,180 iw 1,:j,!i19.I2 Keith 7X..3D3.O0 Knyn Paha 4ll.030.u0 Kimball Knox 1.S01.0O1.2O wi.ois. 438. 177.00 C27.AVI.R1 1,854.217.0) ancastcr 9.2;o.S3S.)7 S.S15.375.01 Lincoln S,(V4,77l.ol Logan 22i,bS-2M Loun 160.K?.) 1.957.1M.S8 23i,W0.2f lSi.140.0) 2,302.718 M 131.7 19.MS Mndlson 2,2M,S)6..V! Mcl'hcrson 121.032.00 Merrick 1,811,119.51 Nnnce 1,2G7,5C0.U l,8i4,40n.0O l,2il,ll.C0 Ncimiha 2,77,370.3rt Nuckolls 2.2t7 570.00 Otoe 4,070,030 2J J.TCr, 177.S3 2.237.745.50 4.841 033.00 2,64l,i.'2.00 'nwnco 2,o01.176.01 erklns t3,6!rt.60 'hclns 1.307.1 1S.5,'I Nl.fi5N.ll l,2Sn.2!M,43 Pierce 1.518.315.30 Platte 2.3?7.63').77 2, 14i?.0( 9.10 ok 1.219.239, lied Willow 1.2IS.245.W Hlchnrdson 3.3:7,ii3.S7 1.263.710.73 3,333,40. 0) 6X1.39S.S1 2.490.714.Si3 ItOCk 570.427.50 Saliuo . 2.4GS.214.30 Hurpy 2,20').235.77 Knunders 3,443,715.25 Heott.i Bluff 451,93l.i 2,279.759.50 3.413,278.09 4CS.131.51 Seward 2,591,576.92 Sheridan l,3:i3Sft.25 3.C08.SS1.8S l,177,700.l) Sherman Sfl.078.91 7.74S.f9 Sioux Stanton 118,0' 2.78 1.4X4.245.16 2.2.VV-U.79 1-V.9?C..07 E43.S&3.47 9,4i0.&0 2.XC.I.8IR.3I 612.347.00 1.473.I2R.91 Thayer Thomns 2,375,100.00 181.943.51 Thurston .... C5G.lS.-).00 999.553.40 Valley , "Washington 2.SJS..123.17 wayne 1.901.7J0.CO Webster 1.&W.2SS66,! Wheeler 29.237.40 :9-;,237.40 2,299,621.00 York .... 2,319,541.14 Totals $171,717,593.41 $174,432.S70.30 Porter Dcintir to State .Suit. William F. Porter, cx-secretnry of stato this morning demurred to the suit ot the state Instituted to recover tne $923 which be retained as a member of the Marks and Brands Commission during his tenure of of (ice. Porter declares that tho petition of th attorney general shows on tho face of It that the funds never belonged to the stato and denies that tho state has any right to th amount. He claims he collected It I obedience to the act of the legislature, not as sccretnry ot state, but its a member of the Brands and Marks Commission. HI duty, he Insists, was to collect the money and he declares ho believes the state ha no cause for action and all suits begun for the recovery of tho money are unjust end should bo dismissed. Wesleynn L'nierttr Debt, This morning tho bonrd of trintees of Wrsleyan university met and tabulated th contributions made tor the liquidation ot tho $72,000 debt against that Institution. The time limit for fixing up tho debt ex pired this morning, but the trustees de-l elded to take lmmedlato measures to raise tho $9,000 necessary to eliminate the bal ance of the debt. They began soliciting this afternoon. I.luooln Savinfia llnnk Proposition. The new settlement proposed by certain stockholders ot the Lincoln Savings bank will be the subject which Judge.) Frost and Cornish will Investigate In district court next Thursday. This morning a part of the stockholders submitted an offer agreeing to pay $30,000 to the receiver on the condi tion that thoy bo rolleved from si I liability. As the outstanding claims amount to over $150,000 several of tho depositors wero on hand with emphatic protests. After argu ing the matter nearly all tho morning, the attorneys for tho claimants raalD'atnlng that fully $100,000 could be realized from the claims,, the question ot allowing tho settlement was sat for hearing next Thurs day when the lawyers from both sides will Indulge in some legal oratory to sustain tho positions ot their respective clients. Can't Hold llnnk l.lnblc. Judge Frost this morning decided that the city ot Lincoln could not hold the First National bank liable for the injuries sus tained by falling through a detective coal holo In front of the Carr block on Ninth and P streets. A woman sued the city for $4,000 and secured a favorable verdict. Theu the city sought to hold the bank but could not because the latter had only owucd tbo property two weens anu taoro was no ovi dence to show that the now owner know anything about the condition ot tbo side walk. So there was nothing to luttmate active negligence on the part of the de fendant bank und Judgo I'rcst decided ndverscly to the city. innrrovr Vanishes from llnioiitoclc. Archibald Sparrow, wbo c.unn to Lincoln about a week a so from Grand Island to live with his brothar-tn-law, V,', II. Howors, disappeared from the residence of t'lu lat ter at 1023 P strict last Saturday evening and no trace of him hns sinco been ills covered. The young man was In tho hnblt of sleeping in a hammock In front ot the house nnd retired ns usual nbnut 11 o'clock on the evening ot his disappearance. A bulldog, usually tie constant companion ot young Sparrow, returned home this morn ing, bearing knlfo wounds about the head and body, Relatives declare that there was no reason why Sparrow should leave home nnd entertain fears of foul play. Th? police are Investigating tho matter. CITIZENS NAME A TICKET Dnkotn County Choline Ciitnllilntrs iVttoin IteimbllentiM Will Indorse. DAKOTA CITY. Neb.. July 15. (Special.) Thrco hundred citizens of Dakota county responded to tho call for the citizens' maso convention nt this place Saturday after noon to nominate a county ticket. The meeting wrts presided over by A. I. Davis nnd M. A. Schmlcd was secretary. The fol lowing nomlatlons were made, all by ac clamation: For clerk, Gcorgo C. Illlle; for treasurer, John Holer; fcr sheriff, John F. Sides; for Judge, J. J. Klmcrs; for superin tendent, George J. Boucher; for surveyor, Joseph Scedons; for coroner, H, F. Saw yers. Messrs. Holer, Sides and Elmers arc at present serving their first term In of fice for which they were again nomlnnted nnd this Is the fourth nomination for Mr. Ulllc nt tho hands of tho citizens. Tho democrats had their county conven tion on Thursday nnd pnrty lines nro now drawn. The populists, If any are left, will not hold n convention, but will ally them selves with either tho democrats or citi zens. Tho republicans, as has been their custom for six yenrs, will hold their con ventlon and Indorse the citizens' cnndl dates. STARTING NEW INDUSTRY Itnnoh .Venr O'Neill In Unit County to Trnln Vi'iitiR HtintlnR Clou. O'NEILL. Neh July 15, A new Industry has lately been started tn Holt county which tho Frontier as yet has not given any attention. Omaha parties arc operating n dog ranch about two miles north of O'Neill and have In training about fifty hunting dogs. Young dogs nro shipped in from Ouaba and other points nnd taken to tho "racch," where with great care nnd Job llko patience two men start them In train l.ig over tho prnlrles. Birds are plentiful und 11 pec-wuc Is n3 good as a chicken for a dog learning the "setting" process. They take four dogs nplece nnd stnrt out to Jcvelup the young cautno Instinct In Its natural sphere of usefulness. Every few day3 new dogs are brought on and when "broke" will be returned. They havo a wicker-covered wagon, In which the dogs nre transferred to nnd from tho shipping point. Takes lit More Territory. NELIOH. Neb., July 15. (Special.) Tho Grand Array reunion closed Friday, although a largo crowd stayed over until Saturday to witness a balloon ascension and the final game ot baseball between Oakdale and Crclghton, which was won by tho latter, tho scoro being 8 to !). Tho gamo tho day before was also taken by Crclghton, 7 to 8. Batteries: Llchtcy and Oallaway, Gallaway and Gallany for Oakdale, Feather3tone and Henffsmlth, Cheatwood and Carroll for Crclghton. Tho attendance at the reunion was Immense throughout. At a meeting ot tho encamp mont tho by-laws wero changed so as to Increase tho district by all tho territory north of the Platte nnd the reunion was located at Nellgh for next year. "Wood lUver'a New I'osenmster. WOOD RIVER. Neb.. July 15. (Special.) Early this morning a change took place In the postofflco at Wood River, S. A. Sherrcd retiring nnd W. T. Spelts taking possession. Mr. Spelts hns appointed James RIesland as his deputy and the loca tion will remain as formerly In the First National bank building. Mr. Sberrcd made a good postmaster and turned tho office over to his successor In first-class shape. The new men at the helm, W. F. Spelts and James RIesland, nro popular, young buslne33 men and will doubtless handle Uncle Sam's business In a satisfactory manner. lYcbrnnlcn nnd XebrnsUnns. Arcndla people nre making an effort to secure water works. Holt county promises to have the. largest crop of hay In Its history. William M. Wheeler hns sold the Wake field Repuhllcnn to F. L. Shoop. Tho Grnnd Island Democrat has icle brntcd Its seventeenth birthday. The Luihernns havo purchased n let In Pierce nnd will erect n church. County Clerk StcvenB of Alma fell from nn ollico stool . nd dislocated his shoul der. Hurwell Is talking of putting on mctro polltnn nlrs nnd constructing a system of wnter works. Monroe votes on July 29 on tho ques tion of issuing bonds for the erection of a new school liulldlns- James Cameron of Stockham was found unconscious In a whent field, where ho had been overcome by heat. NellBh will vote on tho question of issu ing $3,000 in bonds for the Improvement of tho wntor works system. Tho new crop of wheat which Is coming to market In tho southern part of the state is generally of first quality. The white scale has nttneked the mnple trees nt North Plntte nnd mans ot them ar dying from tho effects. Tho Schuyler Sun lt among tho oldest nnd most prosperous papers in tho state. It hnB Just celebrated its 31st birthday. Pnrtlcs to the authorities unknown set fire tn th tnwn lockun of Ilavennn. but tho Mro wns discovered nnd extinguished before nny Ecrlous damage wns done. John Deson of Imperial mixed up a bar rel of dope to kill grasshoppers, but somo of his cattlo beat tho hoppers to It. Six of them died, but the others recovered. Ashland han a thief who ccrtnlnly knows the renulrements of the season, Twlco during the Inst week he hns stolen n wugon- load in ic xrom me nouso 01 n iochi neuter. Hooper people proposo to build a dam ft the mouth of nn old channel of the river nnd make a lake which would glvn them a line body of water for fishing nnd boat ing. Tho D. & M. railroad is prepnrlng to sink nn eight-Inch well at Unvenna to proaure pure water for its oiiglnes. It Is expected thnt the well will be at least 1,000 feet, at which depth n flow is expected. Frank Llcrmnn. who lives near Hecmer. was cutting weeds with a mowing machine when his 4-year-old boy run In front of the mower. One foot wns cut oft tyid the heel from the other before the malhlno could bi stopped. Tho thirsty at Uroknn How shipped in a largo quantity of liquid refreshments the day before the Fourth. The sheriff swooped down 011 the depot during tho night and confiscated nil of the stuff nnd Broken Bow thirst wns unquenched on that duy. A young couple came Into North Hend ono day recently nnd was In a hurry to get mnrrlcd. They were compelled to go to Fremont to secure a marriage license, and so great was their anxiety to h.ivo the Job done In a hurry that they drove a horao to death, A tramp who gave the name of John Fleming was riding on the trucks of a Union Pacific train and when near Sehylnr was thrown oft In some manner. Ho fell clear of the wheels, but tho trnln was going so rapidly that ho was seriously bruised, Peter Bring of Lyons was SO years old Juno 20, nn which date sixty-five members of his family gathered In the Peterson grovo for a family reunion. Mr. Hrlng wns born In Sweden nnd came to tho United Stntes in 1873. Ills wife, who Is still living, 1 6l years of ngc, Tho Ilt'iUrlco Dcmocrr.t demnrks that we have had hot weather In Nehrnska und many people have sonn to some other stato In search of u better climate, but they generally come buck to the land of milk and honey with 11 horseblankct amendment to tne ftai 01 meir pants. The dealers of Dodgo had a largo num ber of firecrackers left over from tha Fourth. Ono evening last week someone started to touch 01Y n few of them and toon n bnttlo royal In tho nolt,e-proilucer! was 111 iirogrrnn. u uw not enu unir an the crackers In town had been dWpot-cd of, nnd the men who purchased them are won. dertng If the denlcrs had nnyUilnc to do In starthic the furor. BRIAN ON OHIO PLATFORM , Plunks Don't Suit Him at Snbititnti for KniisfS Oitj. OBJECTS TO THE USE OF HIS NAME uyn the Catir Oulit Xot to He Mnilo to llenr .Slim of Individual Xe lirnsUa Deiuoerntt Show Muiin of Activity, (From n Stnrt Correspondent.') LINCOLN, July 15. (Special Telegram.) W. J. Bryan today gave out a statement relative to the proceedings In the Ohio democratic convention. Ho makes It plain In his discussion of tho platform that ho does not npprove of It as a substitute for the silver and Kansas City platforms. "The convention not only failei: but re fused to realllrni the Kansas City platform and from the mnnner In which the gold ilcmcnt has rejoiced over this fcaturo of tho convention one would suppose that the main object of tho convention was not to write n new platform, but to repudiate tho one upon which tho Inst natloual campaign was fought," says Mr. Bryan. "General Flulcy was right In Insisting upon a voto on his resolution endorsing the Kansas City platform, but ho made n mis tako In Including In his resolution a com plimentary reference to Mr. Ilryan. Mr. Bryan Is not n candidate for any office and a mention of him might have been con strued by some as the naked proposition to endorse the platform of last year and then no one could have excused bis aban donment of democratic principles by plead ing his dislike for Mr. Bryan, Tho causa ought not to be made to bear tho sins of an Individual. Mr. Bryan will endure without complaint any punishment which tho democracy of Ohio might sco fit to nd minister to blm, but be docs not want his named used to the Injury of n good plat form. Open f'olil More Courncoim. "Tho gold papers assumo that tho con- ventlon refused to adopt the Kansas City plutforra because it contained a Bllver plank, ir so It would have been moro, courageous to havo declared openly for tho gold standard. If the gold standard Is good It ought to have been endorsed. It bad It ought to havo been denounced. To Ignoro tho subject entirely was lncxcusa-, blo. 1 "Tho money question Is not yet out of politics. Every session of congress will have to deal with It. Republicans declare that It Is dead, but they keep working at It. If tho reactionary Influences succeed In Ohio or elsewhere It simply means an other gigantic struggle such as was witnessed tn 1896. Tho democratic pnrty cannot bo made a plutocratic pnrty, even If there was room In this country for two such parties. Thcro was a time under tho Cleveland regime when the pnrty leaders used general and ambiguous phrases to do eclvo the voters, but that scheme cannot be worked again. "We cannot expect voters to have con fidence In the party unless the party has confldenco In the voters nnd If tho party hns confidence In tho voters It will stata Its position on all the Important questions beforo tho country and Invite Judgment." Dcmocrntlc State Committee to Meet. Chairman P. L. Hall announced tonight that he will call tho democratic stato cen tral committee together on somo evening during tho first week In August for the purpose of arranging for the state nomi nating convention. "I havo not determined upon the exact date, but will do so when I hear from Chairman Edmlstcn of the populist commit tee," ho said. "I don't know whnt tlmo ho favors, but I havo decided that our meet ing will bo held In the first week In August. Mr. Edmlsten has been corresponding with his committeemen as to tho advisability ot determining tho time and place for the pop ulist convention by referendum voto or by tho committeemen at a general meeting. I havo heard nothing from blm direct, but I wrote to him a few days ngo nnd expect n reply tomorrow or next day. It Is likely tho threo fusion committees will meet simultaneously." Chairman Hall has alrendy expressed himself ns not fnvorlng an early convention. This sentiment seems to bo general among democrats and It Is believed that tho tlmo will be fixed in tho last week In August or the first week in September. KfTortx nt fusion. There is undoubtedly a disposition on the pnrt of tho lenders of tho democratic nnd populist committees to do all tn their power to bring about a fusion ot tho partlos, Bryan, C. J. Smyth, W. A. Poyuter and several other fusion stalwarts went on record on this subject at tho Peter Ccoper club banquet In Omaha two months ago and tho former was especially outspoken In demanding the co-operation of democrats, Donullsts and free silver republicans In tho fusion cause. Some ropullsts aad dem ocrats may make an effort to break up the old nlllanco. hut If so they will en counter bitter opposition from the fusion ring which has been directing tho political movements of tho parties for somo years past. ClnalnK of Atkinson llecelvcrslilp The attention of Secretary Royso of tho Stnte Banking board has been called to tho closing up of tho receivership of tho Exchange Stato bank of Atkinson. This bank was owned by Hartley and was closed In May, 1807, by tho fusion administra tion. Samuel n. Howard of O'Neill was appointed receiver of tho Institution nnd a few months ago ho was discharged by Judgo Wcstover. Secretary Itoyse has been notified that there Is no final report of the receivership on ftlo In the district clerk's office, but nevertheless the order made by ludgo Wcstover says that such a report has been filed and by the order both How ard and his bondsmen aro released from nil liability. Individual depositors were pntd 75 ccnta on the dollar, but tho stato re covered only $8,000 on a deposit of $56,000. The wbolo affair la looked upon with In terest nnd It Is Intimated that an Investi gation may be made. Tho Jouvennt law passed by tho last legislature requires nil receivers of stato banks to report regularly to tbo secretary of tho stato board. This Is why the case ha6 been cited to tho at tention of Secretary Royse, who Is also asked to look Into tho claim that assets of the bank wero sold by Howard to pollll- cal friends at a low prlco and that tho Interest of tho state wero not well pro- tccted. Howard was a candldato for stnto treasurer on the fusion tlckot last year. ILry Its beneficent influence makes child bearing a pleasure, as it relieves all nervousness, headache, pains and nausea. JJ? " A t.itoracr. hM wif. uid ' Moih.i't Fni1.' itvl thit It lh hid to ga 1' thrrl th tc'ln,"") but four tottltiv.f. tot cbtllned.ndlh.coil t Uule, U ould hut iMm. GEU. LAYTON, Piugitti. Otyioii, P. J"j Sa by tiftcu plldrn rtrtlct of mice, 81 per bottle. mother!, entitled ' Motherhood." nulled f 'irm Ihitmr mil" .not plan reception for howe Alilmrii I'ltlrrn Meet tn ArrnttRe rinnl llctnlls of (lie ()ecnlnn. ALBURN, Neb., July 15. Those Inter ested In tendering a reception to Consul 1 Howe upon his return homo met last Wednesday evening nt the office of Dr. D. A. Meesn and decided to hold thoi reception on Tuesday, July 30. This will give Mr. I Howo tlmo to get his business In tho cast ! transacted nnd arrive in Auburn. Addl- ' ,lnnl ...,, 1 1 1 . nrn timmltltn.t tn an. Ituuai Wlillll llivi e, "i, ,. ,,. , w , , range for tho reception and other commit tees will be appointed Inter on to make final arrangements. Ths transportation committee Is Irving to nrrango for a spcclnl H. ft M. train from Beatrice to arrive In Auburn about 10:30 that morning, and nlso to arrange for con nections from Pawnee City nnd Tnble Hock to meet this special nt Tecuraseh. Sterling peoplo will nlto be nrrnnged for to meet this extra nt Tccumseh. The through morning freight train from south on thfc Missouri Pacific that arrives In Auburn about S:30 will be allowed to carry pas sengers on that morning to accommodnto nil who whh to come up from Itlchnrdson county. One fnro. for tho round trip Is nlso being nrrnnged for. Tho Pawneo City nnd Tccumseh hands havo been engaged. Consul Howo will ar rive In Auburn on the 12:20 p, m. passenger from Omaha on the 30th and the arrange ments aro to meet him at tho train and es cort him home. Thon, nftcr dinner, nil go to tho city park, where tho general rccrp tlon will bo given. Oovornor Savage, Con gressman Hurkctt, Senator Millard and other prominent state officers ore expected to ho present on this occasion, to which every one, regirdless of political affiliation, Is cordially Invited to be presont and tako part In this reception to America's repre sentative ut Sheffield, England. Grnml Islnntl Full of Cnrrrnt. GHAND ISLAND. Neb. July 15. (Spe cial.) The Grand Island Gas company Is erecting a line of poles and wires for fur nishing electric light, both nre and In enndescent, nnd expects to be ready to fur nish tills light, alongside ot gns, by Au gust 1. It Is adding $15,000 to its present Dlant. Tho Grand Islnnd Electric Light. ic0 nn,i cold Storage company also contcm plates Improvements In Its plaut, n distill nR machine for the purification of tho water and an overhauling of tho entire nno adding about $10,000 of Improvements Asldo from this the city council proposes to put In a $3,500 plant nnd Grand Island ought In tho futuro to bo well supplied with electricity Youth Arrested for Horse Stenllnjr, HARRISBURG, Ncb July 15. (Special Telegram.) L. L. Shoe was arraigned be foro Judge H. P. Hinds Saturday and bound over to tho next term of the district court nn tho chnrgo of horse stealing. Shoo Is years old nnd camo to this country scv eral months ago from Iowa, Ho haa been working for Mr. Barfoot. n prominent stockman here, but Was discharged Tues day. Wednesday morning Mr. Harfoot dls covered that ono of his horses was gone and Immediately notified the sheriff, who caused a reward to bo offered. Thursday evening Mr. Shoo was apprehended at Sid ney. Neb., with tho ralselng horse In his possession. MeCnnl Junction Clinimcn. M'COOL JUNCTION. Neb.. July 15. (Special.) William McFadden, postmaster, has sold his stock of general merchandise to Charles Declus, who took posesslon to day. Mr. Declus was formerly a merchant of McCool, but moved his goods to Fair mont a year ago. Slnco then ho haw tried York nnd Utlca and has nt lost decided to return to old friends and customers, who will bo glad to see him back. Georgo Henry and Mr. Wallcn havo bo como proprietors of the McCool hotel. It will be managed by Mr. afid Mrs. Wallen, who formerly kept the restaurant nnd who nro favorably known to tho traveling peoplo. SHIFTING THE SUPERVISORS Government Itenrrnnues Its Ofllclnln In the Indian Schools Service. WASHINGTON, July 1C (Special Tele gram.) September 1 there will he n general shitting of supervisors In the Indian schools service In the western states. A. O. Wright, now attached to the First district, includ ing Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Kansas and Oklahoma, will be succeeded by Frank M. Conser. Mr. Wright goes to tho Third district, which Includes Nebraska and South Dakota. The Fourth district, now under Conser, Is to be given to Charles It. Dick son. This district Includes Wyoming, Mon tana, Idaho, Oregon nnd Washington. Mr. Dickson vacates tho placo to bo filled by Mr. Wright, These rural freo delivery routes have been ordered established September 2: Nebraska: Nebraska City, fltoe county; route covers 117 square miles, containing 2,000 population; C. T. Leigh, F. H. Mc Lcllan, S. U. Tipton nnd F. L. Thornton are appointed carriers. Postofflco at Dover Hill discontinued. Iowa: Imogeno, Fremont county, addi tional service; area covers thirty-four squaro miles; population served, 6?.5j George T. HetelBdorf appointed carrier. Lenox, Taylor county, additional service; area cov ers thirty squnre miles; population ssrved, D00; B. H. Clayton appointed carrier; Mount Ayr, ntnggold county; area covered forty- eight square miles; population served, 620; B. n. Whlto appointed carrier. Secrctnry Accepts ItcHlRnntlon. WASHINGTON, July 15. Secretary Root has directed tho War department to accept tho resignation of Captatn Putnam Dradlee Strong to tako effect Immediately. Captain Strong will bo notified by telegraph and he will not sail for Manila on the transport Grant tomorrow. The acceptanca of tho resignation precludes nny action by tho military authorities against Captain Strong Hoot ConnlrierliiK Stroii' Case. WASHINGTON, July 15. Tho caeo of Captain Putnam Ilrmlleo Strong Is In the hands of Secretary Root, who will dotermlno whether or not Strong will sail on the transport Grant tomorrow. The department has been In telegraphic communication with tho secretary on tho subject. Porto It Icon Kinhczilct Cnnfilit. WASHINGTON, July 15. A cablegram ro- celved at tho Postofflco dopartmcnt today 1 from San Juan announces the arrest on July 10 of Rlcardo Navarez Rivera, assistant postmaster at Marineycs, Porto Rico, for I emhciillng letters containing valuables. dome doon 10 oe riomers ORIX AND B1!AR XT and others huve months of peace and comfort passing throujh the weary tlmo before confinement. Tho latter attain this case by usliiic externally the unique liniment, timM-4U Bock for e xpcctul irrc. TIIE IIHAIIFirLO RKCl'LATOU CO., Atlanta, Cm. nor' niton i tm tr" 1 Dtur gUti, NERVES GAVE WAY ?! Miss Aseneth Brady, Cor. Sec. noW Woman's Alliance IUI If all the tired women nnd alt tho ner vous women, nnd nil the women that need ed n tonic would read nnd heed the words of theso two ladles who havo spoken right' to tho point, how many Invalids would bo prevented und how many wretched lives bo made happy Perunn restores health In a normal way. Peruna puts right nil the mucous mem branes of the body, nnd in this way re stores tho functions of every orgnn. If It Is the stomnrh Hint Is out of order.' and the digestion Impaired, Perunn quickly' makes things right by restoring the mil- cous membrane of the stomnch. Tho nelvlc organs nru also lined with mucous mcmbrann wiucn in tne lemnie sex la espcclniy unnio to derangements. Poruna, Is nn nbsolute specific la theio cnifes. "THERE IS SCIENCE IN NEATNESS." BE WISE AND USE SAPOLIO nilUCATIONAL. hp Wenfworth Academy Id OoTfrnmtnt Biirervldon smi equipment. HOWARD-PAYNE COLLEGE yette For litislter cduention of Vounic Wont en 11111I Girls, Modurn und progres Ivo, Preparatory nnd college courses, music, art, elocution, physical culture. Fifty-scv entli unnunl session begliu Sept. 12lh, 1901. Send for illustrated catalogue. . Ill HAM . nitOVHS, President. .V HARDIN COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY FOR LADIES ivUJ.A.!9th yenr. Unprecedented proaucrlty. 23 Profehhors from H Util- mmwmmi nn ConirrrMnry. resent in person during 7 JOHN W. MILLION, THREE FAST TO' COLORA VIA Leave Omaha.... 1 :30 p.m Arrive Denver.... 7:45 a.m. Colo.Spgs.7:35 a.m. Pueblo 9:10 a.m. LrAvn OMAIIA SiOO A.M. Ansiris DEJrVKn..itlfS p.m. COLO. SPGS..4;aO r.M. MAXITOU..G:00 r.if. CHEAP EXCURSION Sua L CITY TICKET OFFICE: DeWgffs Little Early i son's The famous ISttlo pSIis B'or IiiliouericfiH, Torpid Liver, Conitl patlon, Slclc Headache, Dlzriness, m--tcatlnal Obstructions, Jaundlco aud all other LlYor and Dowel Tioublea DeWitt'8 LiTTLK Early Risers aro unequalled. They act promptly aud never urlps. They are so small that thov can be taken wlthotitany trouble. fWpurod by E. i. OolVit'. He. O?.. Otilcpgo $5.00. A MONTH SPECIALIST In All Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years In Omaha VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE cured. Method new, without ciittlnf, pain or loss of time. CVDUII iccuredforllfeancttlupoLion OT rrilUI thoroughly cleansed from th system. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely and forever. No "URE AKING OUT" of the Mines e on the skin or face. Treatment contains no dangerous drues or Injurious medicine. WEAK fVlEN from Excesses or Victims TO NKItVOUH UKBILITY Or E2n AgSTION, WABTISO W1AKHES8 with KAHUY IUG'AY in Yavxn and Middle Aged, laclt of rlra, vigor and strength, with organs impaired and weak, 8TRICTURE cured with a new Rome Treatment. No pain, nn detention from bust tress. Kidney and Uladdnr Troubles. , CHARGES LOW, CMSiltltlon free. Treatment by Mill. Call on on or address Q So. 1 4th St, Dr. Searles & Searles. Omaha, Neb .NO CURIi, NO PAY. ftrN.If you lirtve iroall, weak ortranii, Joit power or weakenlnr dnlcn, o!Y Vacuum Organ Pe. eloper will retlot rm without druse or electricity Stricture and Varlcwelt rerturnttr cured In 1 to I weeki, t&.ofto In u. k not nnv failure, not onereturnli effect ImmndUtei no CO li, t-audi wtlta for free parfau- lam. .nr .alcl Iti ulnln anvelona lOCit APPLIANCE CO. 136 Tnaro Ilk.., Int. RESULTS TELL THE HEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS. si Had tlctiriachc, Backache and Se rious Indigestion Pc-rti-na Cured. Miss A. Brady, Corresponding Secreta ry, Illinois Woman's Alliance, writes from 2725 Indiana nvetue, Chicago. 111.: 'Lust year from contltnioil strain in literary wurU, I became very much oxhiitistcil, my nerves seem ed to nlve wav, ami I lnul h.tckaclie, lioiulnolio anil serious imtli;estion, 'One of, mv friends sasuc-ted that 1 try ueru'na. It certainly acted Hue in.glc on my system. t.VV'lt l.'l.. ..... .1..... t f .It llf,. i MIIIMH IUII Illlle I ,W, IIVI, 4 I and health iiven tne, and by 1 11 k i itiK an occasional uoseolV and on, 1 1 wnen I leel extra tired. I Keep my 4 j system in perfect order." -Aliss A. liradv. Mrs. Funny Klnvudatscher. of Summit!' vile, N. Y . writes an follows: "It Is not necessary to suffer when a bad caso of pelvic entnrrh can bo cured wltn two bottle of Peruim. From my own ev perleuce I can recommend It to every one. "For three mouths 1 suffered with pain In the bnck nnd In the region ot the kid neys, ntul n dull prersltiK sensation In tho nbdotnen, nnd other symptoms of pelvic ea tarrh. Hut after Hiking two bottles of Peruna 1 am entirely well, better than 1 ever was." Mrs. Funny Klnvadntscher. Everywhero the people, especially m women, are praising Perunn ns n remedy , for nil forms of cntnrrhal dllllcultles. Hond for "Henlth und lleuuty." written espe clnlly for women by Dr. S. II. llnrtman, President llnrtman SnnParium, Columbus, O. Oldest and Urtest mllltsrj school In central west. Army nflWr detailed. Trepan-n for lliilversltlin, Tersltlr nnd Jl ICurnprnn Coiiirrrntorlri. lcrinnn-Aliicrl- t ill. II. llnrbrr, Mualcal ICiMinlurr, May. Litrest. Cheatest, Hcjl. Address, l'r., 43 College Plnco, MI2XICO, MO. TRAINS DAILY Leave Omaha.... 5:20 p.m. Arrive Denver.... 1 1 :00 a.m. Colo.Spgs.10-35a.rn. Pueblo.... 1 1 :50 a.m. RATES ALL SEASON. 1323 FARfJAM STREET. Registered A. Mayer Co., 220 BEE BUILDING OMAHA. NLB. Phone I7I Re-No-May Powder Not only relieves, but positively curea all disorders ot the feot, stops odorous perspi ration, cures ttader, swollen and painful itet. Prici 50 Cents For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealer Couiultatlon JTroe from 2 to 4. When ordering by mall add b cent tot postage. RfNoMay Skin Food tor facial massagtt Ra-No-May Cream aoftttna aad wfclUM t bastla aad faoa. f ALL.Y at both polnu on II tUkeu, I. Dff t1h IMIW, SM.I. M. Mtl .e MMMl I IM ...l, atieM. 0. a. (tilt. Cat rail aa4Tl.k.l lnl, BT CURE YOURSELF t lias IIU ' (or unnatural dUctiursea,ltidamniatli)rje, toieid WL. irrituttona or uiccrnuona .t a,i.,... nt niucQlla realQDrnura rroaaii Coiuilei, ' I'alnlc.i, and nut uilm ..8UHEU .CtlCo. Kcu' or poimnoui. wot a nr ItruEKlsU, or sent In plain wrappaf. I, oipreei, pr?;a(d, tot Sl.'n, or 3 bottles, t3.1V Jtreular teot on itutjta.'. t Trie WABASH ', Mat in own rail. 'fl'alBL 1 buffalo -Vi'!iBR I 1- m lift ts i CS3 r.aliHUt