Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1901, Page 7, Image 8

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    THE OMAHA DAILY: T5EE: MONDAY, JttLY 15. 1001.
Arirertlarmenla for tliene column I
will he taUrn nntll 12 ni. lor the,
evening edition nutl nntll N..HI . tu.
fur iniiralnc and Sunday edition.
Itmei, 1 J -an a word Itril Imertlon,
lc vrarA thereafter. jVotlilnar tnken
for lea than USc for the Aral Innrr
tloa. Theme adrrrtlirmcnli unit be
ran ronsecntlvel jr.
Atlvertlaera, br requesting anm-
hered check, can hne anawera ad- !
4reaaed to a tinmhcrril letter In car
of The tier. Anarrcra ao addressed will
be delivered preaeatallaa of ta
k sal?.
VA.Ti:iJ-.MAI.i: HELP.
WANTED-Wo have steady work for a few
Kiod hustlers of good habits and appear
unco. O. F. Adams Co., 103 Howard St.
HARHER trndo tnught thoroughly In short
time; catalogue und particulars fret.-.
Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb.
WANTKD, houscwreckors to tile bids en
musical festival lumber material, gravel,
etc., nt 15th and Capitol uvc. Inquire J.
12, Knowles, superintendent. B M027
ANTED, a young man for otlleo work.
Statu experience and salary wanted. "I),
nee oiuee, wo, wniumi. ji j.j i'j
WANTED, a reliable, energetic mnn at
once; can make big money. Lock Hox
361, Hloux City, In. -M'J3n;
MEN wanted to learn barber trade; good
wanes paid our graduates; special induce
ments to applicants from distance; two
months completes. Apply by mall. Molcr
Harbor college, 16a Farnum. B-M993 P'
MACHINISTS, patternmakers, moulders,
bollcrmakers, blacksmiths, brass mou!de 8
and flnlshcra can secure steady employ'
ment at wages 25 to 33 per cent higher
than paid In east, In thu cities of Seattle,
Tncnmn, Everett. Whatcom, Fulrhuvon,
Jlympla nml Mallard, state of Washing
ton; delightful climate, cost of living no
higher than eastern cities of snmo class.
Apply to I. W. .Mitchell, secretary Paclllc
Coast .Metal Trades' association, Seattle,
Wash. B-M992 19"
"WANTED-nti!!g men nnd young women
ran earn Hum J.l to Jo a day easily selling
the Si tton Natural Stone, gcrm-orouf
water IllturH; tall at Once; It talks for
Itself: agents wanted In Omaha. South 1
Omaha and Council HlulTs; we are general I
agi'iits for Nebraska anil Wyoming. A. (1.
McAuslaud Co., infers, agents, 115 Kar
bach bldg., Omaha, Neb. H-M3 19
"WANTED, an Al experienced bookkeeper;
0110 who Is acquainted with city accounts
preferred. Apply at olllco J. L. llrandcls
& Sons, lionton Store
H-1W5 15
The phenomenal Increase In thu number of
flankers who smoke thu famous Prince of
Umuha cigar Is due to thu tact that the
quality always remains ttie same and our
aim Is to give our trado thu best that can
posslbiy bo put Into a Cc cigar. Always
ask fr n Prince anil you will bo sure to
get something good for a nickel. Manj
fjmttired by The W. F. Stoecker Cigar
(-fl- U-M 111-16
WANTED, traveling salesmen, side line fori
retail grocer and drug trade In Iowa and
.eurusKa. a. jncousen uo., nroKers, 10o
Beo bldg., before 9 a. m. dnlly.
H-212 16
A ANTLD, bookbinder, must be llrst-class
finisher anil ruler. Carroll (la.) Illank
Hook Co. II Mill 20
WANTED, man to travel nnd nnnoint
agenth. J100 per month and nil expenses
to right nartv. Sccv..
Wl-TC, Doarb ra
street, Chicago.
H-MH2 16
W AN ri'.D, a young man having three years
xperlenco in drug business. Henry Harih,
l.lnciiln. Neb. U Mini 16
SALK3MEN making "small towns" and
country stores to sell sldo lino staple
floods to merchants; liberal commissions;
exclusive territory. Address, with refer
ences, Manufacturer, 115 Mo. Ave.. E. St.
Louis. 111. M17S 15
WA-XTi:i-fc,i:MAi,)E iu;i",p.'
AVANTED. 200 lrls. 1521 Dodge.
Tel 876.
C 303
11ELIAULE help, C-inadlnn ofllce, 1522 Doug
C 306
WANTKD Gli! frr general homework.
Mrs. A. G. Ullbert, 3J9 Scott St., Council
niuffc. C-M9I6 17
COMPETENT girl In family of two. Apply
10J5 Georgia ave., Mm. W. J. llurgess.
C-AI1 19
1,ADIES wanted to learn hnlr dreslng.
jnaiilcurlng or facial massage, splendid
uagts paid graduates; only four weeks
required with the advantages offered;
tools presented; diplomas awarded; spe
cial nrrnnucmcnts for applicants from
distanco nt well as city. Apply by mall.
Moler College, 1623 Farnam st.
C-M931 IS
"WANTED. house-to-house canvassers,
ladles as well as gentlemen, for tho city
ami ull over the states of Iowa and Neb,
A. Jacobseu Co., brokers, 103 Bee bldg.,
before 9 u, in dally.
C 213 16
MEN and women everywhere who wrltu a
plain hand to copy letters for us nt home;
Mtendy work thu year round; by working
an hour or so evenings will nut you to to
46 per week; write for full particulars
enanling you to start to work; incloso
stamp. Union Advertising Co., Toledo, O.
"WANTED. Lady to travul and appoint
ngents. $100 tier month nnd expenses to
right party. Treas. t-03-366 Dearborn stro 't,
Chicago. C M1J3 16
WANTED, competent litter to take full
charge of our Indies' fitting room; nono
but experienced in such jioMtiou need
apply, steady position. Nebraska Cloth
ing Co. C-9IS 13
er I.?- jl." 1 '. ..!- . 1 -
I'Olt 1 1 11 XT 1 1 ( L s i : s .
IF YOl' want your houses well rented placo
tlK'Hi with Ileiiewu & Co. D 307
TO MOVE iilit. got Omaha Van Storage
Co., olllco 15HV4 Farnum. or tel. 1359-863.
HOUSES for rent In nil parts of tho city.
Hrunnan-Lovu Co., 320 South 13th street.
1IOUBES, stores
Hemls, Paxton block.
S. W. Corner 30th and Uurdetto streets.
I) -311
HOUSES, etc.
F. D. We.ul, 1521 Douglas.
HOUSES and tints, Rlngwalt, Barker block.
HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block.
" D-311
0-ROOM houo, bath and closet, f6th and
Charles. Monroe & Co , su N. 16th St.
D 313
11-ROOM modern house, 2413 Capitol ave
nue. Tho O. F. Davis Co.. 532 Bee Bldg.
TO small family, a four-room house. :ro4
Blondo. $9 per month. Apply 007 N. 19 St.
v D M97
FOR RENT, 21P2 N, 29th ave,, house, newly
papered and painted: six, lino largo rooms.
Hoi N L. Trimble. 121S Farnam.
MODeTiN 7-room house, near Park. 1503
so. ssti. ?r!r5--y
S!17CUMINO, S-room house, all modern
except furnace: rent. $20.
10th and Douglas.
D 960
8-ltOOM brick house, modem, 2717 Jacksjn
Telephcno A. Traynor, 491 or Ig5J!)
TEN-ROOM brick modern house, 522 N.
19th St , $45. , ,
Nine-room modern house nnd largo barn,
26T Poppleton Ave., $10, Ml ., 4
Elegant liouso ami largo barn, 1S2I Wirt
12-ro'om house and two barns, 2206 N. ISth
St., $23.
Elght-rubm modern house, 2027 N, 20th St.,
Seven-room house, city water, 2010 N, 27th
hren'nan-lovi: CO., S00 SouOi "j1-
10-noOM modern house for rent Atmust 1.
2902 Dodgo. ' D Mi 15 .
run itK.vr-iiot si:.
7-ROOM Hat, 61" South 13th. Clark IMweU,
311 New York Life. V-oU
ELEGANT onartmrnt In Winona or Al-
blon. Immediate possesion. Paym-Kliox
t'limtintiv. mnln iim.r .N v. I. wo 11 lilt. .
-DUO 16
FOR KENT A fourtcon-room dwelling nt
0t) Flnt ve Just buck or th? federal
building; nil modern, steam hint, gas
stove nml ranges bo with the homo; two
bath rooms, nil In good repair; well suited
for roomers, which Is now In demand.
Seo Ohio Knox, Shugart block, Council
uiuffs, Hr LiL
NEW S-room house, northwest corner With
and Jncksun 8ts.; strictly modern, do
tuched, corner, south and enst front,
nwnlngs for nil windows; only ISO. Uemls,
I'axton Block. D-9)7
FOR HE NT. 10-room. east front, brick
house, 38 N. 22d St., near Davenport.
Inquire next door. D-950
G-ROOM furnished cottage for the summer.
No children. J.02 8. 30th st. D-905 15
FOH KENT, 9-r. house, barn, modern,
Dundee, $3n,
1 rooms, basement, 2722 S. 20th. $7.
I rooms, 16th and Leavenworth, $10.
5 rooms, M7 N. 20th, $9.
W. L. 8 EL BY.
Hoard of Trndc Hide., 'phone, 1310.
D-M21I 16
FOR RENT, nlco G-room cottngc. newly
papered, 31)17 Franklin Mt.. J10 per mo. A.
1'. Tukcy & Son, Hd. Trade. D-209 15
UNEQUAI.ED, ccnrml all modern seven
room house, live-room Hat, four-room flat,
three-room cottage, lizard, 221 No. 21th.
D-M217 20'
DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and
THE THURSTON, cool, nlry rooms.
THREE rooms, light housekeeping. 1112
South 11th. E-845
DOUHLE pnrlor for two gentlemen.
ruining au, second tloor.
S03 8. 20T1I ST. Furnished rooms.
WANTED, gentleman to take room tn now
modern house, private family. C 25, Hoc.
K-M&53 15
,.-. . ,, , .,
"OXjTH rooms, 19C6 Cupltol nve,
'1JJt' 1,1
UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St.
7T.Tr- '" " "
OLKNCAIRN, transient, Jl, 23 day, 1009 Doug,
F 323
THU Merriam, summer 'resort, 2Jth & Dodgo.
NICE south room. Tho Prutt, 212 S. 25th St.
TWO lurge front rooms, with board. 1909
Capitol Ave. F-M9I7
COOL rooms with board; modern; 2612 Har
ney St. F MS07
lESIRAHLE rooms, llrst-class board. 2JSI
Harney. F M933 17
ROOM with board, prlvuto family. 2316
Davenport. F 661 13
DESK room space, $3 per month, ground
lloor room In Tho Bee building, facing
Farnam street, no expense for light, heut
or janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co.,
Rental Agents, Hue building. G 116
FOR RENT, unfurnished floor; private
bath, house modern. 2612 Harney.
FOR ItK.Vr S'l'OII lis AMI 01
FOR RENT Store In llrst-class location:
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters Si
Co.. ground lloor, Ilea Uldg. 1-265
FOR RENT The building formerly occu
pied by The "Bee at 916 Farnam St. It has
four stories nnd a buscment which wus
formtrly used .is The Bee press room.
This will bo rented very reasonably, if
interested' apply ut once to"C. C. Rose
water, secretury, room 100, Hco building.
FOR RENT Store. 2403 Leavenworth.
1-&60 Jyl7
WANTED Canvassing agents in every
county to solicit subscriptions for THE
TOR. This splendid bonk contains 1,400
imperial octavo puges, bOO object-teaching
engruvlugs and Is the only book on live
stock ever published adapted to thu every
day, practical, money saving use of every
farmer nnd stock owner. .Steady employ
ment with assured good income. Agents
in tho country with horse and buggy es
pecially desired. Canvassers make easily
$60 to $1W) per month. Address, Century
Farmei Solicitors' Bureau, Ueo building,
Omaha. J 187
WANTED Agents to sell our sensible en
dowment pulley; call or address C. o.
Lobeck, Mgr. Nebraska Dept. the Security
1-1111 aim savings jus. wo., bit, rs. 1. 1,1 re,
Omaha. J M443 Jy-29
AuENTS wanted for Drummond's lightning
remedies for rheumatism; $o00 for an In
curable ease; restores stiff Joints, drawn
lords and hardened muscles. If your
dealer has not got these remedies wo will
Mend the full month's treatment of two
large bottles on receipt of $3. Drumtnond
Medicine Co., SI Nassau st., Now York.
J-M960 A10
PACIFIC Storogo und Wnrchouso Co., 912
914 Jones, general utorage and forwarding.
OM. Vun Stor. Co., HIV, Fum.
Tols. 1559-863.
STORAGE Household goods and other
articles stored ut low rates. J, J. Dcrlulit
& Co., 1119 Farnam St. Tel. 333 -M32U
WANTED-100 feather beds. I pay the
highest prices for old feathers. Will stay
111 your cuy a ween, -vuur'.'ss, 1. unroll.
General Delivery, Omuhu, Nob,, and I
win can nt your nome. ws 16
WANTED, to purchase, controlling Interest
or all thu stock In a bunk lu eastern Ne
braska ot western Iowa! correspondence
counueuiiui. vuuress - .0, uee.
N-M991 l
2020. New 2Uhund fumlturu bought, sola,
UAWiiUllljl-U. U JZit
UVY your furnituro at Enterprise Furnl
turo Co. We Iiilvu mirf hnm il u blir Ii.miU-
rupt stock unit will close it out at 2j per
v.b Mir.uuit iv--t o. itiii. x el. -zytj.
O-M650 Jy30
'Oil .NAI.U lll)UM;s, VISIIICI.KS., etc
QUICKEST and best ronalr work nn vn
htcles II. Frost, ltth and Leavenworth
FOR SALE cheap, n 34-lnch wagon gear,
witn 4-incn tires, uui utile useu. u M
lturt, iMi Jones at. r 418
FOR SALE, buggies, phaetons, surrles
runabouts, road wagons, market wagons
und farm wagonr. Retailed at wholesule
prices, r. a. tJueiow, jail Jones st.
P-M967 19
SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry and ho?
teuce. wi uouHiaa. y 330
KKPAIRS and Jtintillei for nil makes nf hi
cycles. Omaha Btcyclo Co., 16th & Chicago
2D1IAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam
g 33.
SAFES, stnndonl makes, sold.rented, ill S. 13
14 .Tai
BIG line of secondhand wheels, $3. $5. $4, $10
Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th und Chicago Sts
W 334
CONCESSIONS Tho-sixth annual nlcnio o
the Omaha District Log Rolling itfHocIn
t on. M v. of A., nt lienn tiuton. Neb
August 10. 1901: 10.1W neonle expected
For Information address W. C. Kramer,
secrotary. Q M222 16
BEAUTIFUL square pianos, fully gunran
teed $.'5, 35 and up. Easy payments
scnmoiier a itueuer, uh t-arnam t.
y-M176 10
MRS. FIUTZ, medium. S19 North 16th.
MMK. GYLMER hns returned nm! resumed
business. Parlors, 31o 3outn loin street.
o ii-w
DR, ROY, chiropodist; come nnd superllu us
hair removed by elcctricty. It. 12, Fienier ,
block. U-3JI
RUPTURE outed; no knife, no pain, i.o
dungtr; send lor circulars. Empire Rup
ture Cure 32 N. Y. Life Building, Omaha.
VIAVA, woman's way to health; rotlotul.
wholesome, home treatment. 3ls Bee. Hidg.
SL'PI'l.lES for nil machines; machines for
rent. White Sowing Machine, 1620 Doug
las, lei. 22)1. U-33-J
PRIVATE hoepltul for ladles before and
during conllnemcnt; babies adopted. 2:106
Oram St. U-3ll
orders solicited. Omaha Floating Co., lu.'l
Douglus. U 312
i'RIVATE home before and durlngconnnf
ment; bublcs adopted. Mrs. Uurget, 2-V
Uurdette. U-34J
WE RENT sewing machines for 75 cents
per week. Wo sell parts for nnd repair
every Bewlng muchlne manufactured.
Corner 15th und Harney Sts.
U 121 Jyil
M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect ac
cordion pleating plant In tno west; mall
orders solicited. Sutto 200, Dout'lasjllock.
SHOE Repairing. M. SpcrdJto, SIS N. 16th,
1MB. SMITH, baths, US N. 15th, 2d lloor,
room 7. U 910 16
THE l'rlnce of Omaha Is sold strictly for
oc; no six for u ijuurter. u Mllo lb
WE rent sowing machines for 75 cents per
wecK; wo repair nnd sell needles ami
parts for every machine manutuctured.
l'hono 1663. Net). Cyclu Co., Cor. loth and
Harney. U-137 A1J
AlONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
' estate. lSrcnuun-Lovu Co,, i
309 guuth 13 1 11.
W 316
LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western
Iowa farms nt 5 per cent; borrowers can
pay $100 or any multiple; any Interest
dute; no delay. Brennun-Lovu Co., 309 S.
13th St., Omuha, Nub. W 317
WANTED, city loans, bonds nnd wnrunts.
ueorgu ac company, iwi rarnum streui.
WANTED, city and farm loans: also bonds
and warrants. 11. c Jt'uters u uo,. .ie.
Farnam St., Beo Bid. W 313
MONEY to loan at 4 and 6H per cent cn
umana property. , u. aicikiu, 401 s. uui.
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas
V 3o2
PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L.
MONEY TO LOAN on Imnrovcd real estate:
o per cent interest; no commission; privi
lege of paying $llw or more beforo ma
turity. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins.
Co., John W. Glsh, special loan agent,
214 First Nat'l Hank Uldg., Omaha, rteb.
w 301
AND 5H Per cent loans. W. II. Thomas,
First National Hank building. Tel. 1G1S.
WANTED, city loans nnd wnrrants. W,
farnum amitn & uo., liM far nam t.
4Vi TO 5 V. C. money. Hemls, Paxton ulk.
$50,000 SPECIAL fund; loans $300 up, lowest
rates, r.o ueiay. uarvin liros., 1B13 Fur
num. W-M922
We loan $10 and up on furniture, pianos,
norses ami otuer caatteis.
without mortgage to people, holdlnc nerma-
nent positions, 1011 can get 1110 money in
a tew nours niter mailing application unit
,. 1 . . . . n 1 t C C. n. ..... a . . w. . I . 1, I I.
II1AU . U. I, '. V IIIUUL1..-I n inula ill w IJIW1
to puy It back, and you need not pay for
It one dav longer than you keen It. Wo
charge nothing tor papers anil wo give
you the full amount In cash. There are
no lower rates than ours; our terms ure
the easiest; our business is confidential
and our motto Is "try to please."
11!) Board of Trado Bldz. Tel. 2295
(Estubllshed lb','2.) 3u6 S. 16th St.
on house hold furniture, pianos, horses.
wagons, eic in iwo nours time; also to
salaried peoplo on their plain notes, with
out sicur'ty Busiest payments and low
est rates in Omuhu Prlvuto Interviewing
room. American Loan Co., room 312 Brown
block.'cor. 16th und Douglas Sts,; entrunco
on 16th St., opposite Y. M. 'C. A. Bldg.
X 3W
SALARIED peui'i,k, merchants, team
sters, boarding houses, etc., without se
curity; euslest terms; 40 otllces In principal
cities. Tolman, 110 Board of Trade Bldg,
live stocK. etc lJuicK servlco nnd lowest
rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE. 033 (top
(floor) Paxton block, northeast corner lbtn
and Fa. nam; entrance cn 16th street.
X 362
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew
elry, norses, cows, etc. v. f. need, 319 s. 13.
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses,
cows, jcwoiry. una ureen, 11, s, uurKer blk
$1,000.00 TO pluc quick. M. J, Kennard is
Sou, suite 310, jirown biocK. X 366
WE LOAN money to salaried peoplo on
ineir nuiu 111 luwum iiui'Hi niricuv eonu
dentlul; pay weekly, semi-weekly or
monthly. Room 303 Paxton block, 3d floor,
nellablo Credit Co. X 623
GRAND HOTEL furntshlngs und four-year
leasu for Bale for cash only; tlilrty-IIve
newly furnished rooms; tho best stand In
the stuto; is a bargain. II. 1'. Rankin,
llartington, Neb, Y M252
I AM offering for sale my entire business
wood, coal, feud and groceries, also build
ings and lot. For particulars Inquire of
Thos Rlshtou, 2406 West Uroadwuy, Coun
cil Bluffs, Y-MI03
FOR SALE or trude. half or whole interest
in drug store; hard wood lloor, Matthews'
gas machine, oda fountain, etc.. In a
lively county eat. Thyroid-Lymph Co.,
600 Beo Bide. Y- v
THE Wyoming Cottle and Investment com
pany is now offering a limited numbor of
shares of stock tor sale at par. This Is
the safest and best paying Investment on
the market. If you have money to Invest,
either in small or large amounts, address,
1613 Howard St., care Union Printing Co.
WANTED Ladles of ability to inunage
brunch offices; must have somo cush to
cover cost of remedies. Thyrold-Lymph
Co., 500 Ueo Bldg.. Omaha. Y-601-A.2
FOR SALE, best fruit, confectionery, to
bacco and Ice -learn business In n good
town; sales, $1,0W per month; reasons tor
gelling, other business requires all my
time, C 19, Uee Y-.M921 23
HAVE $1,000 to $5,000 to Invest In estab-
lisneit naraware Business m western town
or eastern Nebraska.
i!3, Shenandoah, lu.
Address P. O Hox
Y-931 16'
FOR SALE. New York racket store; good
business In good town of 2,500; Invoice
tuout $1,100; best of reasons for selling.
Address C 28, Bee. '-.M93 26'
FOR SALE, a nice, clean stock of general
merchandise, consisting of dry goods,
groceries und shoes; locuted In central
Nebraska; town of 2,50) population; will
invjlie from $5,000 to $0,000; the best loca
tion In town. U 29, Bee. Y M'.09 19
$70 MONTHLY und expenses to two re
liable men to manage branch oillces; must
curry $150 staple stock. Address Manu
facturer, 319 Broadway. Council Bluffs.
Y-XI205 16'
WANTED, an energetic man with about
$1,000 in cash to take a fourth Interest In
,1 big paying business. Addres F. S.,
Bee office, Council Bluffs, YM-191 16
FOR RENT-Planlng mill und machinery!
good condition, good locution, Ail(ln3,
C 13, Bee. V-M162-16
i'ii it kxciiamsh.
DO YOl own n patent or territory In one?
1 hae for ex- hunge unlncumbired real
estate, cash valuation $3,wo, to exchange
for part or all of a good, salable patent,
(.live full description with price asked.
Address C E. Newton, 47 Buggery, Co
lumbus, O, 7.-M9M 16
... ..
RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by th
Union Pacific Railroad company, ft. A.
McAllaster, land commissioner, Union
Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb.
FOR SALE, cheap, my residence, 2137 S. 33d
st.i ull modern. Apply F. Hlcharjlson,
Merchant' National bank. G. W. Me
genth. RE Mtoo
FOR SALE. 320 acres of land at n bargain.
In section thirty (3o. in Holt county.
Neb. Address F. J. Nenshnm. ottumwu,
Iu. RE-M930 2S
HOUSES nnd lots In all parts of city: a so
acre property and farm lunds. The O F.
Davis Co., Room 552, Ueo Uullding.
FOR SALE, acru property adjoining the
city in tracts of from 3 acres to 40 ncres.
Also business und residence Hots, by Rich
ards, Keeiiu & Co. RE M77s 21
CORN LANDSnnd stock ranches In the
Corn Belt country. Write for my lUu
W. H. Clements, Lyons, Neb.
RL 166
HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches. loans; also
lire Insurance. Hemls, Paxton Hilt.
In the rich valley of Loup river 1 can offer
for sale many tntms ut leusonablc prices.
This land Is a rich andy loam nnd pro
duces elegant crops. The farmers are fast
putting their land Into ulfulU, which
brings them line returns, three und four
crops n year being harvested at llttlo or
no expense, netting as high as $30 per
acre Income each year. Most ot this laud
Is under a lino Irrigating canal, with a
sternly nrt reliable ilow of water trom
the Loup river. I will name a few pieces.
210 acres, 1 m!!e from county seat; 2o acies
meadow, baluncv pasture land. Price. $7o0.
200 acres 1 mile .'nun county SOUt: good t-
room house, orchard, lots of tinnier, NO
acres can bo Irrigated, 20 ncres fine at
fulfu. 115 acres imslure. Price. JI.W.
I1V1 rnn. hnuaf. ivlnilmlil. orchard. SO acres
pasture, fcO acres furm land, 40 acres Irrl-
gaieu. t-rice, i.imo.
32o acres, lw undir plow, balance pasture;
houte, windmill, barn, l'rl'c. $1,150.
100 acres, Hue placu for stock, frame house,
orrhuid, barn, plenty of water and tim
ber. Price, $s0o.
200 ncrrt,, 75 acres plow land, balance pas
ture, on good cluy soil. Price, $33 per acre.
100 acres, 20 ucres cultivated, $3 per acre.
160 acres, 50 icrta cultivated, $4 per acre.
170 ucres, with fenced meadow that will
cut 60 to 73 tons hay, small framu house
nnd stablt, good stock farm. Price, $1,100.
Many others that are good bargains. All
this land will prodtlcu tho best of ulfalla,
with 11 good market und ready sale nt
good prices, being near the cuttle ruuges.
v rno lor particulars.
II. .A
STEWART, Taylor, Loup county,
RE 372
CHAS, E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St.
DR. PRIES, tho acknowledged lending ape
claim in diseases of women In Omaha,
would call the attention of suffering indies
to his unsurpassed accommodations be
fore and during conllnement, und nis
treatment for Irregularities, no matter
what cause. Call or address, with stamp,
Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodge St., Omuhu, Neb.
VIRTUAMA cures tmpotency, resulting
from Indiscretions or debility; gives vi
tality, vigor -estorlng icsires, ambitions,
aspirations of youth, health, fitting for
success, happiness In luminous, profes
sional, social, married life; $2, or 3 for $5.
Bent nnywhero prepuld on receipt of
price. The Kldd Drug Co., Elgin, III.
American Ofllce. retail, wholesale, Myctn
Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. M. A. Dillon,
South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council
Bluffs. Full line legitimate rubber goods.
JOHNSON Institute, 815 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel.
1661; Alice Johnson, D. O., ludlcs' dept.;
Gld. E. Johnson, Osteopathia, Mgr.
DONOHUE, Osteopath, I'axton Ulk. Tel. 1367
A. T. HUNT, D. O.. 303 Knrbach Hlk. Tel 2253
LOST, Auditorium brick No. 425. Keward
If returned to Omaha Dally News,
TAKEN UP, red cow. medium hIzc, Call
25th und Jackhon Sts. Albright, South
Omuhu. Mike 1'opp.
Found-J17-24 Jyl-S-15
MIOHTHAM) AM) T Y 1 E 1,V It IT 1 , G .
A. C. VAN SANT'S school.
717 N. Y. Life.
UOYLES' College, court reporter principal,
Bee Hldg. y,S
NEB, Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's
Theuter. ,)79
GREGG Shorthand.
Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug
PIANOS tuned, $1.50. F. LesBuntln, Mundol
bers's Jewelry Store, Paxton blk. Tel. 16U0.
260 Jy Vu-
OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars,
2c; cuffa, 4c. 17o0 Leavenworth. Tel. 547.
PATENTS No fee unless successful. Sues
& Co., uec lildg., ornaua, ob. Atlvice
tree. la jyia
WILL BUY any goad Invention or patent.
Address Lock Box "60, Dos Moines, la.
Washington, D. C. II. J. Cuwglll, agent,
315 Ramgo block, Omaha. Neb. 956
PRICES that will surprise you; must clear
uut the stock of new und second-hand
bicycles; t.cconii-haud wheels frum 2.o0
up; new ones, $12 up. Louis Fletcher, lO.'J
Capitol ave. 761
HEST for yuU. because host made. Satin
Sklif Soap Cream und Powdtr. Use U
proof. 77o
$75.00 REWARD offered for tho arrest and
conviction of the party who onttred und
Bine iiiuw iiui i iireiiiui.u 1. jueier in
Likhorii, Neb., the night of June 27. Cltl-
vua uiii., xviniiuiit, -.vm. hi .j
ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repulrln
promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, xut
unu i-iiKo his.
ACCORDION pleating; cheapest, best,
quickest. Mrs. A. C. Murk. a. E. Cor 17th
and Furnum. 332
OMAHA Uollcr Works, steam Hollers; tank,
stacks, etc. Tel. 1353. 12th and Izard Sts,
LESSONS In boolil.'ceplng, etc , day or even
lug, R 15, Com. Nut. Uuitlt, G. R. Rathl an,
IN fnmlll". Miss Sturdy. 2576 Harney.
-7S6 Alo
EAGLE Lonn Olllce, reliable, accommodat
ing, all business confidential. 13ul Douglas,
ELLA DAY, 1920 Dodge. Mn. Wd. Thur, Snt.
-15 Jy 22-
IF YOU want good bass nnd croppy fiJhlng
go to Langdon. Mo. Very best of hotel
accommodations. Plenty of boats and
tninncws. 'Vrito R. A. Dlttmar for rates.
Julia Vaughn. 420 Ramgo Bldg.
Fi:it.MTi:itE UEPAIRIXtl.
TEL. 1331. M. S Walklln. 2111 CumlllgSt.
l.l'.tlVI. XOTK'I'.S.
Statement of tho condition of tho
of Otnah-i, Neb., on the 29th day of June,
First mortgage loans $23I,R77.20
S ock loans M1??'
Real estate 1, 01 1.2.
Cash 7.S17.0I
Dollnq.lent Interest, premiums nnd
To till
Capital stock paid up
Reserve fund
Undivided prollts
... 5.349.31
. . . 6.429.M?
Total $:UVI9.I7
Recelnts and exiiendltures for thu year
ending Juno 29, 1901:
Balance on hand July 1, 1900
Interest and premiums
Loans repaid
Membership fees and hues
Real estate sales
Loan fees
Warrants cashed
Interest on wnrrants
Stock redeemed
Cnsh nn hand
Cash dividends
Warrants bought
Intercut on withdrawals
Reserve fund
Real estuto account ,
.$ 493.11
. 120,20(1 12
. 21,392.65
. 10.SI0.I1
. 2,321.29
. 5,959.76
. 7,273.13
. 30.tn9.13
. 7.K17.04
. 8.226.99
. 5,'J.V.I.76
Total $1C.,527.77
State of Nebraska. Douglas County, ss.:
I. George F. Gllmore, secretary of the
above named association, do solemnly swear
that the toregolng statement of the condi
tion of said association, Is true and correct
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
(Seal) GKOItaE F. G1LMORE.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
3 day of July, 1901. E. N. HOVELL,
rvotury public.
Approved; JOHN F. FLACK.
Notice to sell one hundred nnd thirty (130)
snares of tnc capital hiock ot .itetz
Brothers Brewing company.
In the county court for Douglas county,
In the mnttcr of tho estate of Frederick
Metis, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance
to nn order mndo by the county court for
Douglas county tn tho above estate,
wherein It Is ordered by said court that tho
executors of the last will nnd testament of
Frederick Met., deceased," Khali sell per
sonal property belonging to said estate",
Ono hundred and thirty (130) shares of
stock of tin Metz Brothers Brewing com
pany for thu payment of certain debts
against snld estate; that the undersigned
executors aforesaid will, at the east door
of the court house lu the city of Omaha,
Nob., sell nt public sale to the highest bid
der for cash, one hundred and thirty H3o)
shares of the capital stock of the said Metz
Brothers Brewing company, said sale to
take placu im nforesnld on Tuesday next.
July 16, 1901, ut 2 o'clock p. m.
ExecutorH of tho Inst will nnd testament of
Frederick Metz., Sr., deceased.
tnl Hulldliigs and Building Materials.
Department ot tho Interior, Olllco of Indlun
Altalrs, Washington, D. C, Juno 28, 1901.
Seuled proposals, endorsed "Proposuls tor
Buildings, Genoa, Neb.," und nddressed to
tho Commissioner of Indlun Affalri, Wash
ington, D, a, will bu received nt thu In
dlun Olllco until two o'clock p, m, of July
29, 1901, tor furnishing and uellverlng tho
necessary materials una moor required to
construct und complete ut the Genoa In
dian School, NchrusKit, a brick school build
ing nnd a frtme hospital building, includ
ing heating and elect! to lighting system, In
strict accordance with plans, speclllcatlous
nnd Instructions, to blducrs. which may bo
eXumlncd at this Ofllce, thu olllees of
"The Uee," Oinann, Neb,, thu "Neuruska
Stuto Journal," Lincoln, Neb,, tho "Jour
nal," Sioux City, Iowa, thu "Times
Herald,' Chicago, 111., the Uullders' and
Truders' Exchange, Omaha, Neb., the
Builders' and Trailers' Exchange, Milwau
kee, Wis., tho Northwestern Manufactur
ers Association, St. Paul, Minn., the U.
S. Indian Warehouses at Mo Howard sireut,
uniaha, Neb., 23o Johnson street, Chicago,
ill., and 77 Wouster street, New YorK, N.
Y., und at the school. Sealed pro
posals, endorsed "Proposals tor Huilulng
.Uuteiluls, ' und addressed to W. II, Wins
low. Genua, Neb., will be received at the
Indian school until two o'clock p. m. of
July 29, 13vl, for turnlshlng and uellverlng
ut the rchool, an required, about 42,OiX) feet
ot lumber, assorted; W.uou shingles, 30 win
dow susli, 2o,ti) brick, 2o barrels lime. Home
.sand, rails and hinges, as per list and
speclhcallons at the school. For further
information apply to W, H, Wlnslow, Su
perintendent, inalun School, Jenoa, Neb.
W. A Ji'NES, Commissioner.
soul 1 River Railroad
"The Burlington Route
General unices, North
west Corner Tenth und
Furnum Streets, Ticket
Olllce. 1502 Furnum Street.
llllkilll ,.u -
Buiilngluii station, Tenth
and .M.ijjII nilceld.
iciepiioiiv nt.
Jtrfiavi., Arrive.
Lincoln, Hustings und
McCouii a ;40 um a 7:35 pm
Lincoln. Denver, Colo
rado, I'tuli, California u :;2o pm u 3:oo pm
AldaiTU cxpiuss .. . .a 4.-j pin u aioo pm
Ltlncoiu & Bluck Hills.. u 9:00 pm a 6:15 um
Monuiou, Puuvi Bound,. u 9:aj pm a 6:13 am
Lincoln Fust Mull b 3;v0 put u um
Uymuic, Beutrice unu
Lincoln 11 8:40 um bll:53 am
Denver Colorado, Utah
und California a 6:13 am
Fort Crook. So. Bend,
Louisville Platiflm th.b 3:20 pm bll:03 am
Bciievue., t-,attsmouth &
ueiievue. P.uttsmoutii "ic
Paciiic junctiuri a r.w pm a a:.u am
jacitu junction a 3:10 um
a Ualiy. u l)aly except Sunday.
bfph a Council Blurts
Rullroad-"The Burlington
Route 'Ticket Olllce. 1502
Furnum Street. Telephone
cm. uepui, ieuin unu
Musoii Streets. Tele
phone 12S.
ueuve. Arrive.
Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 9:o am u 6:03 pm
k'mt rit Mii: it ii ,uio;oo pm a 0 jo um
l Kt 1.01.1s Fivci. for "l.
Joseph and St, Lould.u s:10 pm all:l5 um
a Daily
fL (juincy itaurouu-"Tliu
Burlington Route 'Ticket
Ofllce. 1502 Farnam Street.
Telephone 250. Depot,
'tentn mid Muson Streets.
Telephone 12s,
Leave, Arrive.
1 im llflu l'lj!.iu:u Sue-
cial a 7:00 nm al0:20 pm
r-hii-.n-i. '.'1 -'Ibuie". ."Cx.a 4:00 nm u 7:43 um
Chlcugo IxjcuI Express. a 9:30 am a 4:05 pm
Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:45 am
Fast Mail a 2;i3 pm
11 VII, W. 11.11 1. i.ttlDS.
FRE.MCrl, ELIvlt01',N"X
M.sojri valley uuuio.u.
the Northwtsui a
Llhu General t.iIKt.
United Stales Nati'ii.n
Lank Building, S. t.
Corner Twelttli and ! ui'-
bam Sts. Ticket Olllce, llul Farnam SI.
'lelephul.c, M. Depot, l&th unit cosier
Sts, relephollc, 145s.
Leave. ArrUc.
Black Hills, Deadwood,
Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:oo pm
Wyoming, Casper und
Douglas d 3:w pm u 5; CO pm
Hustings, ork, David
City, tupe, lor, G newi,
Kxeterund fceward....b SiTO pm b 5:00 pm
Norfolk, emigre unit
Fremont b ":3o urn bl0;25 am
l.lncoin, 'A a:.oo & Fre- ....
tiiom b ?;34 am blO;23 am
Fiemcnt Local c 7.30 am
c Daily, ti Dally except sunuiiy. c toUH
day otu d Dally except Saturday. 0
Dally except Monday
w -stern Ruilw.i-"t'he
Northwestern Line '
City Ticket Olllce, 14vl
Fin nam St. Telephone,
ltd. Depot, Tetllll aiui
ilaro stieuts. Tele
phone, 6:y.
I a ave. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago Spe
cial .. .J. . . . 7ao am ull;3o pm
Chicago Passeug r a 4;l."i pm u ;4i am
Lasteri. Express, Dea
Mulnes, MarsKiiltuw 11,
Cedur Rapids and
Chicago al0:55 um a 4:05 put
Lustcrn Special Chi
cago and -L.ast a 1:55 pm a 1:03 pm
I'll L1 .Mail.
c tllCUBO tu
Omaha a 2:1j um I.
OmuhJ-Chlcago L t u..:u 7:15 pin a 5.Vo fun !
I' list .Mall u .Ju um
Cidur rapid) i'UL-cngev.
u ii;M pin
u unity.
Minneapolis v omah.i
tialliMiy - "The Noiti;.
western Lille '
Cilices, Nebiaska illu
sion, i.itli mill nci'.-it.
Mn. City ticket Ollive.
1401 Furiiam St.
'telephone, iiil. Deput.
lath uiiu Webster Su.
leiephone, ll,
Leave. At rive
. .a 6;uo am a v. to pm
a 2:4o pm ali:lo am
. .b o..J pm b .3u um
Twin Passenger .
Sioux City Pusseuger
Emerson Lulu
u Daily
Rallrnail "The North,
western Line" General
unites, United Ululci
National Hank Huilulng.
ts. W. Coiner lweltili
,ii,l l.'arim 111 sih TlL-kei
Ofllce, Hul Furnnm St Telephone, 561. De
pot, 'lentil mid M.ircy Sts. lulupiiuiie, u.'j
L,cavc. Amve
Twin City Bxprcss.
Twin City 1. mined.
Sioux City Local .
11 Tally.
, . .11 0..o am alo:2o pm
...a 7:53 pm 11 ,S:1j am
..a b:W 11111 11 m.5'.i pm
...a 5:13 pm n.s:20 am
Railroad City Ticket Ol
llce, 1102 Furnum Street.
Telephone, 213, Depot,
Tenth and Mitroy Streets
Leave. Arrive.
CliRugu Express.
..11 1. no um u j.tu ii-n
Cllicugo Limited..-.. a 1. to pin aun
Mlnileiuiolis At . raui .
EAi.rei -h :oo um b D:iO pm
Miin.eapollE iV St. Paul
Limited a 7:13pm u i:03 am
"Fort Dodae Local from
Council fluffs b 4:30 pm a 11:13 um
Fort Dodge Local from
Council Bluffs 6:00 am
u Dally, b Dully except Sunday.
I.cave. Arrive.
St. Louis Cannon Ball
Express a 6:13 p:n a S:20 nm
Kansas City and Qulncy
I-ocul a 7:00 um a 0M pm
u Dally. '
nIif?.. i'uelllc Rallrou!
lhu Great R01.I1
Island Roliii." .'I..
Ticket Olllce, 1323 Far
n"m sireut. Telephone.
ji8. Depot. Tenth ami
Marcy Streets
Phone. 629.
EAS7. Ll'UVC- Arr,Ve'
Chicago Daylight Spe...a 6:00 am n 2:00 nm
1 IHH l,i hnc ,1,1,1 C. . "Ill
Jiort Locu
...a nm b;t;35 am
...bllilo am u 8:10 am
...u 4:20 pm n lus pm
i..u 5:oo pm n ua pm
Chicago Express.,..
iJes .iioines Lorn u 4:20 pm a im,
I) Mnln. XX T.Y. '"" " U'"
mid nnd Chicago a 7:10 pm n U:D3 Dm
Itocky Mounlnln Llm...a 2.1X) um u 6:00 am
firmer, I'qei'lO alllJ
Colorado.' Okiuhoma' it
Texas Fiver. . n r..
a 1:30 pm n 4:15 pm
a Dully, b Dally excc'nt Sunday
20 pm n 9:50 am
iniul Route"-Oonernl nmXLl
&rk,M '.''"nam
Streets. City Ticket Olllce i Lr
'arnum Street. 'lvi..i .Z.J f.'iv
Depot, Tenth and Mnrfcv- ?i
Telephone, 629. '
LeUVP. A I...
The ChlSkgoh'Sr"tan,iia "'n n 7:30 Pm
Special a S:20 -im a 7-30 n,
special a S:20 -im a 7-30 pm
:SS SiJiVi S!,uI,axnKf:Sl!iSS,n, a f frg g
he Colorado Hpeciul ..ull;25 pm a o:o
Incoln, Beutrice and ra
'i 110 i.'iim, .Aim.. . n v-r.i, . 7-
aironiBuurg E.xpre;s. .0 :P5 nin hf-ii
The Pacific Express.... a 4:25 p.n P
Tho Atuniu. Express... tft
Grand IManil Local b 6.30 pm b j-v.
a Daily, b Dally except Sunilay. "n
cnw-w , rt " ' IIAIIIIOAD-
TOil Ticket Oltlcc. 1415 Farnan;
f WVRM SUVet' telephone. 222. De-
$ VHi I'Ot. Tenth nnd Marcy Sll
W---' Telephone, 625
Leave. Arrive.
Bt. Louis ''Cannon Ball"
road Omaha, Kansas city
Si Eastern llallrnud "The.
gulucy Routu ' Ticket Of
lice, 1415 Farnum St. Tele
phone. 322. Depot. Tenth
und Marcy Sts. Telephone,
Leuvo. Arrive.
St. Louis Cannon .
Kansas City and Qulncy
Local ,-w "-w
a Daily
roadGeneral Otllces and
Ticket Ofilces, Southeast
Corner 14tli und Duugias
bis, J'elejihonu, 101. Depot,
Lnlon btuliou.
t ., ' I I'.i A.rlu.
St LuiiiH and ivuusus
City Express u lu:u0 um a 6:25 pm
K. c', Bt. L. Express.. a 10:50 pm a 6.13 am
Leave from 15lh and
Webster Streets:
Nebrasita i.ocal. via
Weeidnc Water b 1:10 pm nlO:45 am
a Dally 'i Daily except Sunday.
& St. Paul Rallway-Cliy
Ticket Offlce, 1504 Farnam
Stieet. Telephone.
Depot, Tenth and Mason
StreetH, Telephone. W9
Leuve. Arrlvt-
Chicago & Omaha 1.X..0 - i"
Chicago Limited Ex .. u 0.00 m a s.oj an.
a Dully b Dally except Sunday.
Ulreot Home im r.ihlliltlon
tcni!ilill tr.m Xer York Weekly for
Saloon. $50 und up. Second Cubln. $32.50 and
up. Third Cluas, 6 und upwards
For lllustiulvd folder und further Informa.
Chlcugo, or
J. S. McNALLY. 1323 Farnam St.,
GEO, E. ABBOTT. 1321 Farnum St.. Omaha.
Summer Tours on Ukt Michigan.
for p.iir xnice loluiltalr, puke. trl-wMkl;
ru for t"irlrulr, IUrlir hjrlsai, IU lcw.
I'rlokrr ami MarLlmu-Ulaml CDiiimctlnu wltu all
Htumnhip Li""" fr Lka rtur-erlor, f.atlarn and
Canadian 1'oUti. Bpaolal Until to I'an.Aniarlean,
Tm. 10 a. m. Tr. 1 1 a. m. Hat. 5p-m.
Mnnltou Stonmohlp Company,
OFFICE fi DOCKS. Ruin and N. Water St Chlcigo.
Profeamir Zcno, Acronniil, Drop Tivu
Hundred Feel, First Aseeimloii
After Mnrrliiur.
SPRINGFIELD, O., July II. Paul Hague,
known ns Prof. Zcno, an aeronuut, wa
fatally Injured this afternoon nt Island
park, fulling 200 feet. Ills parachute
failed to open, Hague was married last
Thursday to Mabel llrandou, also an
Meit Intircstinp Historic Strr.ctnri In th
Ualtsil Bum.
A Hello of ll"tir l)ns nml Pcsple
Ailtiptcil to Modern Xerils
Its II11I11 of Auo nml
One of the least known yet most Inter
esting historic structures lu the United
Slates Is tho governor's palace nt Pallia Fe.
Unlike Mount Vernon, the Old South
church nml similar buildings In the cast,
which I'lire were centers of historical In
terefct. hut ate now only museums, tho
goseriur's unlace hns never ceased to ho
tho stnt of authority in New Mexico since
the time when the territory wns n crown
colony of Spiln. It hus also been the homo
of the xecutlve cftlrer of the toirltory,
whether ho wna culled viceroy, cnptalti
general, department cnmmHiidcr or governor,
nnd whether he presided over a kingdom,
a province, n department or a territory.
As the oldrM home continuously occupied
u "'. "
posicssrs a distinct domestic Interest.
This old palace is n long, one-story build
ing, bounding one side of the beautiful
plain, which occupies the renter of Santa
Fe. It hns a deep pt.rtlco In front, after
ths fnfhlon of srml-troplcal cllmittM. anil
the tlr.gglnc beneath thU portico forms tho
favorite promenade of tho clt. It Is built
of ndobe, like all the old houses of New
Mexico. American women going to the ter
ritories soon learn to appreciate the good
qunlltlik of ndoho hoilfcs. Thoy are warm
In winter nnd cool In summer ami by all
odds more crmfrrtaMe to live In than the
fen wooden houses which one now begins
to see scattered through the territory.
Ex -Governor and Mrs. Prince, very wealthy
and cnlllvntrd people, who have traveled
nnd mingled In the bent society extensively,
live In nn adobe house In Simla Fe.
t.'liurimi of the Interior.
Tho palnce. like nil the better class of
ndobe houses In the city, plvcs no hint ot
Its Interior In Its outer atileet. Tho visitor
Is Hurprtsrd at the spacious and elegant
rooms, Immensely Inrge nnd each with tho
quaint, threo-cornered llreplnce, c-pled
from the Pueblo Indian dwellings of the
southwest. In fheso fireplaces are burned
plnon logs. The plnnn. a low. bushy ever
green tree, grows profusely over tho moun
tains nnd emits a peculiarly clear, bright,
beautiful light. These open fires add great
beauty and pleasure to the house. Tho
must familiar and characteristic strret
scene of Santa Fe Is tho burros, landed with
burdens of plnon logs, so vnst that nothing
but the animal's legs nnd htnd con bo seen.
Thus laden, the Mexican nnd Indian boys
drive, them from door to door to soil fuel
to the hoinewlves.
In the year I6S0 thu native Pueblo In-
dlans of New Mexico rose against tho
Spnnlnrds nnd drove them from the coun
try. The Spanish garrison was massed
In the governor's palace, which was fortl
lled for a sleae. On the 19th of August
In that year from this palace wnH given
tho order to execute forty-seven Indian
prlsonem In tho plaza before the house.
Hut the very next day a council of war
was held In the council chamber nml tho
ovneuntton of Iho city wns decided upun.
Great was the triumph of tho Pueblo chief
tains when they obalned possession of tho
governor's palace, .from which tho com
mands for their government hnd so long
heeu Issued. They burned the church
ornaments and tho Spanish nrchlves In onu
vast bonfire, but they preserved tho palneo
nnd madu It tho rosldencc ot their chiefs.
Tho Pueblo Indlnns always built their
houses In two or more stories. They had
no outside doors, but ascended to tho root
of each, and then descended nnother lad
der through n hole In tho celling, This
was an extremely ancient precaution
against Invasion, as when the resident hnd
retired to his roof nnd drawn up his Indder
I rcureu 10 11,8 ronl nna urnw" ",s 'unuer
I nfter him ho had plainly tho advuntugo
f i.t, Inlv.iflnf U'hnn Ihn j.Mnfa InnV tin
their residence In the governor's palace,
w"n tne unreasoning conservatism of tho
vltn the unreasoning conservatism ot tno
, I'1-!1""' VT1 ""m1"0 "r8; p,hc
I lnu(lcrB nKa'nst tho walls, and cut a holo
through tho celling for an entrance way.
Tho hole Is still there, In tho form of u
Historic Associations,
At this house In 1807 Lieutenant Plko
was brought beforu Governor Aloncaster
as an Invader of Spanish soil. Hero in
1822 the Mexican standard, with Its eagle,
nnd cactus, was raised In lokon that Now
Mexico wiib no longer 11 dependency of
Spain. Here on August 12, IS 10. Captain
Crooke. tho American envoy, was received
by. Governor Armljo nnd sent back with
a message of defiance. And hcic, flvo
days later, General Kearney took formal
possession of tho city nnd slept, after
lila long and weary march, upon tho car
peted adoho floor of tho palace.
Mr. Otero, tho present governor of. New
Mexico, prefers to occupy his own residence.
which Is nenr hy. So the palnce, during
the lust year, has been tho home of Mr.
nnd Mrs. George P. Wallace. Mr. Wallace,
a resident of Cnnton, O., was appointed
secretary of tho territory by his old
friend, President McKlnloy. When I vls-
Uud the palace last winter Mrs. Wallace,
who wns Interested In every historic featurn
of tho territory, showed mo tho "Hen Hur
room," whoro General Low Wallace, who
was governor of tho territory In 1879 and
1SS0, wroto .t Inrgo portion of his famous
novel of the limn of Christ. Of this Gen
eral Wallace says:
"When In the city my habit was to shut
myself In tho bedroom of tho executive
palnco proper nnd write till after 12 o'clock.
Tho sixth, seventh and eighth books wore
the result nnd tho room has over since
been associated In my mind with tho
crucifixion. The retirement, Impenetrable
to Incoming sound, was as profound as a
Ono can appreciate tho silence of which
tho author spenks when he obscrvos the
thickness of the mighty walls,
The very excellent collection of the Now
Mexico Historical society now occupies n
portion of tho palace, tho ultlmnte use of
which will probably be an a repository for
tho wonderfully varied nnd Interesting
storo of antiquities which Is furnished by
Now Mexico.
In Norway girls are required by law to
become proUclent In knitting, baking and
spinning beforo they uro eligible for mutrl
moiiy. A Sciantin (Pa.) girl dropped a dime
down a young mon'6 buck at tho theater
mid he turned uround und married her,
This Is tho latest style of tabloid romance,
A New York mnn who believed ho was to
marry in heiress with $20,0i0,00o has been
taken to Hollevuo hospital. This Is ap
parently one form of Nowyorkltls.
Mr. nud Mr. Clement C. Cole, he &8 years
old and she f0, urn ttie champion married
lialr of Iowa. They wero horn In Vermont
and have been man and wlfo almost sixty
two yeurs
Another romance of the siege nnd relief
of Pckln came to light in Des Mollies Inst
week, In the announcement of the engage
ment of Miss Iiura Conger, daughter of
Major E, II, Conger. United Htntes minister
to t'lllnn, to Lieutenant Frederick E.
Bushan of Troop K, Third cavalry. Llou
tenant Buthan. who Is a son of W. J.
Durban, n well known lawyer nnd poll
tlclan of Kansas City, Kan,, was In tho
expedition that relieved thu besieged legu
tlnnnrs last summer and he very natural
wus looked upon us a hero.