TO THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: EE ID AY, JTLY 12, 1901. YOUNG WOMAN A SUICIDE ITillia Deed; Eecomcs Disponent and Endi Her Own Life. DIES DY ASPHYXIATION IN A HOTEL Leave I.pKpm Which Indlcntr- I)lni Iiiilnliiii'iit In l.nvc A (Tn I iM mill Ills iirceiiicnt tilth Home Fulli Coroner Takes (In; Hull-. Nelllo Doody wrote two letters of fare well, ono to her rrother, tho other to her eweothcart. Then pasting stripe of paper over tho keyholes of the doors In her room at the Midland hotel, sho turned on tho gns nnd lay down to die. When tho porter found her nt fi yeslcrduy morning thero was evidence tbot tho had heen dead three or four hours. Her despondency, which was of hrlof duration, scorns to have been due to two causes; first, her mother, she said, had tin Justly accused her of improper conduct, nnd second, a belief that hor sweetheart had slighted her. Letters to theso persona were found In her bosom yesterday. The first wan addressed to "My Dear Mother nnd Sisters," and goes on to say that "I have always been nn honest, hard-working Klrl and have nover doito anything to dls graco you or the family. So 1 can't stand It nny longer nnd nm going to end It all to night." Tho note closed with some In structions as to the distribution of hor offcctB among her sisters. Tho second was addressed to Archie Adams, an employe of tho Union Pacific shops, with whom she had kept compnny. It nays In part, "I fetl that you hnvi, slighted me, so thought 1 would do this. I want you to bo one of my pallbearers. My mother thought I bad gone estrny, but i haven't. I want you to know, dear, that you are tho only man I ever loved." Worhcil In Iti-Mniirnn t. Tho deceased had been employed slnco March us a waitress In tho Cozy restnurant, fiOfi North Sixteenth atrcH, where sho was held In high esteem. Her reputation was good. Sho lived with :ior mother and sis ters at Twenty-third -Hid Iznrd Btrcots. Tho last person with whom sho talked was l,ury Srhutt, another wait! ess. Miss Schutt tells tills story: "About 10 o'clock Wedncf day evening sho came to tho restaurant hero, and I noticed that sho was looking bluo. I asked her what was tho matter i.nd bIio said Hint If I would take n walk with her she would tell mc about It. Then she said sho had quar reled with her mother. She had been writ ing a letter and her mother had como and tnken tho lamp away f:cni her and hot words hail followed. Sho wanted mo to go with her to tho Midland hotel to get a room, I Invited her to sleep with ;no that night, but she refused to do so. Sho got the room and paid for It, then sent for a pitcher of lee water and some writing ma terial. As I started to go nway she called mo back nnd asked mo If I wasn't going to kiss her goodbye. She said nothing nbout her Intention to commit suicide. The last thing she said was for mo to leave a call nt tho hotel office for her at o'clock In tho morning, which I did. It wns nbout 11 o'clock when I went away." MKht Clerk MiiUpn Dlxrovrry. At C o'clock yesterdny morning the night clerk, Harvey Ilurgcy, went up to call hor, nnd as thero was no response to his re peated knocks nnd as tho door was locked nnd tho key on tho Inside, ho gnvo tho nlnrm. Tho door was forced open. The girl wns found dead, lying across the foot of the bed, fully dressed save for her shoes and hat, which sho had removed, Sho had taken extra precautions to pro vent tho gns from escaping from tho room, ns tho keyholes nnd all other nporturcH were closed. Tho body wns sent to tho undertaking rooms of tho coroner nnd the family of tho deceased was notified. The suicide was a comely woman, nbout 22 years of age. Those who are familiar with her nffnlrs say fcbo had no occasion to feol that Bho had been misused by Adams, ns ho hnd always treated hor kindly. An Inquest will be held In tho enso today. MASTER WORKMAN IS COMING A. V. HnrrvIeU Will Aildrms I.oiIki iiii'ii of (lip Oritcr Over Which He. Presides, This morning A. C. Harwlck, supremo master workman of tho Ancient Order of United Workmen, will nrrlvo In Ouinhn on a trip to tho Pacific coast. Tho members of tho order In this city have Induced him to remain hore for twenty-four hours and tonight will tender him n reception at Workmen temple. In enso thnt hall Is too small to hold the crowd tho meeting will bo ndjourned tu Washington hall. Mr. Harwlck will deliver an address on tho subject of tho order of which ho Is tho head, Thomas W. Carter of Ashboro, N. C, had kidney trouble and ono bottle of Foley's Kidney Curo effected n perfect cure nnd ho Bays thero Ib no remedy that will cotnparo with it. l.AKU OICU1IOJI. On thi- Milwaukee HullwHy. Far ii short or a long vacation the beau tiful lnke oners tho most economical yet delightful outing that Is avnllablo for Omaha people. Quickly and enslly reached from Omaha via the Milwaukee railway, altitude almost 2.000 feet, nlr always cool nnd Invigorating. A beautiful, clear, deep lako with high 6boreB picturesquely timbered with hard wood trees. Excellent fishing, boating nnd bathing. Moderate-priced but good hotels. This lo a list of ndvnntnges not to bo equaled Full Information cheerfully furnished at tho Mllwaukeo railway city ofllco, 1501 Far nam ttrcct. F. A. NASH, G. W, A. Dr. Lord has returned. Ofllco, Paxton block; hours, 2 to 4 Telephouo, 33. ' 12Jc, 9c and He lots. Wo have a handsome line of allover embroideries, laces, tuck ing and bolero goods for shirt waists and yokes. Pretty black and white skirts Toe, 1.00, 1.25 and $1.50 Wash skirts as low as 50c. Another lot. of Avhile shirt, waists just in. Handsome linen or llax colored waists and mercerized colored linen, 1.25 up. lleiueinber we have made a big cut in nil percale waists. iiosto.v sroiti: hum.vaxts. CIcnrliiK Out All .Summer (liiiidi "e All Wool ALIIATKOSS AND NUN'S VEILING, 15C These como in ovenlng shades, pinks, blues, creams, etc.. all double width, excep tlonally fine all wool niaterlnl, In lengths from 2 to 3 vards. but many pieces to match, ISc yard. 75C ALL WOOL CHALL1S, 15C. Wo aro clearing out all of our high grado challls, In lengths from 2 to 6 yards, light nnd dark grounds, many pieces to match, 15c, ItKMNANTS nP 25C DIMITY AT IOC. Theso ore nil fine quality dimities, light nnd dark grounds, floral designs, etc., 10c yard. All odds and ends of .ladles' shirt waists, 12.00, $2.S0 and J3.00 values, one or two of a kind, bo nt 98c. $1.00 and $1.50 shirt waists, one, two nnd three of a kind, In Inwns, dimities, etc., all new styles, nt -15c. ItKMNANTS OF SILK. Short lengths of silk, worth from $1,00 to J2.00 yard, bo at 43c and 6oc yard. Short remnants of silks, i yd., Vi yd., V4 yd. nnd ono yd., at lc, 2c, 5c, 10c. 16c 1 and 25c. i Remnants of all kinds of wash laces nnd Insertions, worth up to 25c, In all widths, I go nt HSc, 5c aud Sc yard. Remnants of embroideries and Insertions, flno quality, worth up to 50c, go nt U4c 5c 1 7c und 19c yard. FRIDAY IS HKMNANT DAY. 25c dimities and fancy printed lawns, 2Wc 00c plain Mark India linen, 3Wc 25c fine ginghams, short lengths, 3 Vic. 15c white India linen, GV&c. 40c fancy while goods, nil kinds, 10c. Prints all grudes, 3Hc yard. Flno 25c dimities, long lengths, 10c. Fine 3fi-lnch percales, 8Vc ynrd. 25c Scotch gingham, long lengths, 10c. 25c covert cloth remnants, 10c yard. Fine 15c Scotch glnghnm, GVjO ynrd. 7Hc npron ginghams, 314c yard. And hundred of other remnant bargains In basement. IIOSTON STORK. OMAHA, J. L. Hrandels & Sons, Proprietors. Selling Rogers, Peet & Co. Men's Clothing, COMMISSARY 0FFICER BUSY New .11 rn In Dt'tuirlinoiit 31 a ken It .Ni'd'HMiry to Illumine Sturm, Tho chief commissary officer of tho De partment of the Missouri mnkes n quarterly estimate of tho amount of food required nnd contracts aro made on such basis. Tho estimate for tho coming quarter was al most complcto when orders camo for tho transfer of certain troops of tho Thirteenth cavalry from Fort Asslnabolno to Fort Roh luson, nnd troops of tho Elovonth cavalry from Fort Ethan Allen to Jefferson bar racks, bringing several hundred men Into tho department whose subsistence was not provided for. The chief commissary officer, Colonel D. R. Wilson, wns required Imme diately to start nncw his estlmnte of stores nnd tho forro In his ofllco Is now bus mak ing changes. HxcerilliiKly I.imv flute HxcuralonM (o (ho Illnck lit Mm. Dates Sale: July l to 9, Inclusive. Rntes; To Hot Springs from Sioux City and Missouri Vnlley, la., nnd Omaha, Neb., $15.00 for the round trip. From Ltncoln nnd Superior, Neb., $14.00 for round trip. Proportionate rates from Intermediate points east of Long Pino. Minimum round trip rate, $10.00. To Deadwood und Lead, S. D., $4.50 higher than to Hot Springs. Transit Limit: Going trip, fifteen days; return trip, continuous passage. Final Limit. October 31. Stcpover: Stopover will be allowed at any point on tho F., E. & M, V. It. R. west of Stanton, Neb., within the going transit limit of fifteen days from date of sale. Don't miss this opportunity to visit tho wonderful Mack Hills. Proportionate ratos based on the above will bo on sale at stations cast of tho Mis souri river. Ask your nearest agent for full Informa tion and bo sure your tickets read via the North-Wcstern lino. J. R. DUCHANAN, General Passenger Aucnt, Omaha. Chcnn Summer KxcurMnim Via Illi nois Central It. It, St. Pnul and return, during July nnd Augist $12.65 Minneapolis nnd return, during July and August 12.C5 Dulutb nnd return, during July nnd August 16.95 Chlcngo and return, July 23-25 14.75 Louisville nnd return, August 24-26.. 21.50 Buffalo nnd return, ovory day 25.75 Circuit tours via Great Lakes to Uuf fnlo and intermediate points. Staterooms reserved In advance. Call nt City Ticket Ofllce, 1402 Fnrnam St., for particulars, or nddrcss W. II. Drill, D. P. A., I. C. R. It., Omnhn Neb EXCURSION IIATUH. Vln (In- Milwaukee llnllwny. July 23, 21 and 25, Omnha to Chicago and return, $14.75. July 4, 5 and C, Cincinnati and return, $22.50. July 5, 6 and 7, Detroit and return, $22. July 20, 21 nnd 22, Mllwaukeo and return, $16.75. Low rntes to summer resorts. City ticket ofllce, 1504 Fnrnam st. Tel. 2S4. ON Til 13 NOIITIIWKSTHIIN I.INU. Client) Kxcnralonii. $16.75, Mllwaukeo and return, July 20, 21 and 22. Chicago and return, $14.75, July 23, 24, 25. Very low rater to tho Huffalo exposition. City ticket ofllce, 1401-1403 Farnum strcot. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Heo. We will give them proper legal Insertion. Telephone 238. MRS. J. BENSON. Sale of Embroideries Wo have put these goods into lots 19e, 12Ac, 9c, 5c. In our 19c lot the material is from 1 to 10 inches wide, with embroidery from 1 inch to inches Insertions to match Especially handsome patterns in this lot for skirts. We have equally good bargains in our CALLS C0CNC1LMEN Mnit Go en Eecord if Thiy Wnt to Violate n Ordinnc. MOVING OF BUILDINGS MAKES TROUBLE IIiiIIiIIiik Inspector Inmien nn Invnllit Permit Ileeuunc Con lie 11 Members I'l'iimlvc to Ml ntul Uy Hint Jliijiir Stops the Work. Mayor Moorcs thwarted an attempt by members of tho city council to violate an ordinance without going on record. The old buildings which stood on tho Auditorium site have cnused the trouble and tho courts will probably be culled upon to settle tbo dlfllculty. McCoy & Olmsted purchased threo of tho old houses which stood on the Audi torium site. They hnd it vacant lot at tho northeast corner of Pierco and Nineteenth streets, to which they wanted to rcmovo the houses. Building Inspector Carter would not Issue a moving permit becnuso tho now location Is within tho flro limits. Tho failure of tho purchasers to removo tho buildings embarrassed tho Auditorium company nnd pressure' wns brought to bear on tbo council. A majority of tho council men called upon the building Inspector and assured htm that they would Btnnd behind him it ho grnntcd tho permit. Mr. Carter finally yielded. After persons living in tho vicinity of Nineteenth nnd Pierco streets heard that tho old houses wcro to bo moved they filed complalntB with tho council nnd the Inspector. Finally they brought tbo mat ter to tho attention of tho mayor. Mayor Moores Immediately ordered the moving stopped. "If tho members of tho council want to vlolnto tho city ordinance they must go on record," said Mayor Moores. "I will nover snncttnn tho location of theso frnmo build ings within the flro limits. Tho council may pass n resolution over my voto, but tho members cannot permit this removal in an underhnnded wny. Everything must bo done open and nbovo bonrd." All of the threo houses which nro causing the trouble havo been moved from tho Audi torium site. Ono of tho buildings Is located on tho lot nt Nineteenth and Pierce Btroots. The other Is In tho street adjoining Its pro posed location, nnd tho third Is In tho street n short distance from tho Auditorium site. The permits for moving the buildings aro said to bo Invalid, ns they were issued In vlolntlon of nn ordinance and without nny authority from tho mayor and council. TAKES TIME FOR EXTENSION Street Itnllwny Compniiy I'M ml Sev- crnl OIinIiicIch (ii He t Overcome. In snltn nf thi fact that nil lec-nl illfu- cultles In tho wny of tho opening of Thirty-third strcot between Cnss nnd Cum ing streets hnvo been dono nway with, tho Omnha Street Itnllwny compnny believes tbo street car line nlong thnt thoroughfare will not bo constructed until next spring. Secretary Goodrich made a trip over the proposed routo Wednesday evening nnd yesterday reported that tho work which must bo dono by tho city nnd tho residents before tho lino can bo built will occupy tho time until cold weather. In view of this report, Manager Smith said yesterday that tho best tho com pany could expect would bo to have things In shape for the construction of -the lino early In tho Bprlng. Ho stated that the company, as soon as tho grading was done and tho houses on tho lino of the "street were removed, would placo tho material for tho now lino on the ground nnd wait until spring opened before starting to lay rails. A Sure Cure for lllnrrlioen. Coming, ns It docs, in the busiest season, when a man can least afford to lose time, a suro and quick cure for diarrhoea Is very desirable. Anyono who haB given It a trial will tell you that the quickest, surest nnd most plensnnt remedy in uso for this dls easo Is Chnmberlaln's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Ilemedy. Thero Ib no loss of ttmo when it Ib used as ono or two doses of It will curo any ordinary nttack. It never falls, not even in the most severe and dangerous cases. For sale by all druggists. Additional Accnm mortal InnH. On account of tho very low rates made to Colorado points THE UNION PACIFIC has placed in service another through Pull man sleeper on train No. 3 for Denver, leaving Omaha at 4:25 p. m. dally, and con tinuing until September 10. A tourist sleeper will also bo attached to this train for Denver, July 6 o 13, in clusive. This scrvlco affords passengers the very best accommodations with the greatest pos sible comfort. llescrvatlons should bo made as far In ad vnnco as possible. Now city ticket office, 1324 Farnam street. Tel. 316. Painting An Iron Fence Is not a hard Job but It requires different paint from that used on wood. SHEHWIN-WILLIAMS CO. make, this kind. It Is called "ROOF nnd BRIDGE" paint. It ADHERES to any kind of metal nnd forms n permanent protection. Sold In nnd 1 gallon cans, 5-gallon tin buckets and 50-gallon barrels. No matter WHAT you want to PAINT, wo sell tho palut properly nduptcd to THE PURPOSE. OUR SPECIALTY IS THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS MIXED PAINT FOR THE OUTSIDE OF HOUSES, but wo have S. W. Co. paint In -plnt lotB and HUGE BARRELS nnd canB, for every pur pose from painting n baby carriage, blcyclo or bird cago to tho painting of a "brown stone" front or nn elevator. ASK FOR COLOR CARD AND TELL US WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO PAINT. Sherman & McGonneil Drug Go. "The Drug Store on the Corner," SIXTEENTH AND DODGE ST., OMAHA, A Big Reduction in Prices On Runabouts, Bikes, Traps, Stanhopes and Pneumatics. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. We hnvo n lurj;o variety und this Is the opportunity of your life. KINGMAN IMPLEMENT CO. 10X11 A.D FAH.VAM ST. U I. CAllTMH'S STOCK SATLIIDA V. """Ion Store lluyn (he Hnllre SlneU KnriilnliliiKi nnd lint FORMERLY 1304 DOUGLAS STREET, AND PUTS IT ON SALE SATURDAY. Just to show how cheap we will sell this stock, to dispose of It all In ono day, wo nnntlon a few of the prices. AH Carter's 12Hc linen collars, 2Hc. All Carter's 25c linen curts, 5c. Alt $1 sldo clastic Jean drawers, 25c. All Carter's 50c, 75c and $1 underwear go s nt 25c each. AH Carter's 76c summer negligee shirts, 25c. All Carter's $1.25 shirts at 60c. All Carter's 50c neckwear at 15c. Everything In the entire stock goes tho sanio way. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L, Brandels & Sons, Proprietors. Selling Rogers, Peet & Co. men's clothing. SURVEYING ELECTRIC ROUTE Foree HcrIm AVork on cv Trnetlon Ciiiiiiiny' I ii it n Linen. Tucsdny morning Chnrles O. Carpenter and a force of surveyors will start from Crcston, la., to survey tho route of tho New System Traction company from that place lo Wluterset. Tho work will require nbout two weeks nnd then tho work of lnylng the track will begin. Lyman Waterman returned yesterday from Crcston, whero ho met somo of the Investors in tho compnny, nnd they express much satisfaction with the progress made, Corning, la., now desires a branch of tho new electric line, to tap tho Creston-Wln-torset llco near Spauldlng. Vllllscn Is also nn applicant for a branch of the lino, nnd tho managers of the company state thnt the inducements offered by Villlsca, In the light of tho better grades to thnt plnco, Incline them to build to that point rather than to Coining. Tho building of tho lino to Corn ing or Villlsca, however, Is a matter for Inter consideration, as the company will construct nnd equip tho Creston-Wlnterset lino before starting any other. A WOMAN'S OHATITIIIIB. A Montana Womnii Wrltm In I'ralne of XrwItrn'H Herplelile. BUTTE, Aug. 26. Newbro Drug Com pany, City Dear Sirs: For sovcral years I have been troubled with dandruff, causing me much annoyance, and my hair became very thin. I havo used Nowbro's Hcrplcldo for a month and tho dandruff has entirely dlsnppcared nnd my hair Is becoming much heavier than formerly. New hair is grow ing where there was none, and I am very thankful to you for tho benefit I havo re ceived from Newbro's Hcrplcldc. Very truly yours, MRS. C. B. FOSTER. No. 985 Utah Avenue, Butte, Mont. Publish your legal notices In Tho Weekly Bee. Telcphono 238. One Hundred and Two That's what Welsn said the weather was yesterday nut that's nothing to compare with our comer cot so hot the morcury Jumped clear out of tho glass bulb In nur thermometer all owing to tho ren-noi Drices xo. nrn now mnklnsr on drUEB but you can keep coot If you drink a glass of our delicious lco cold soda 5c. Gicni Cntnrrh I'oinler .10e Temptation Tanla 7rie WcsCm Ilriiln mill Nerve Trentincn(.17o Stuart's Blackberry Balsam, 35c slzo .... 20c au c uentrltlces , ivc 25c 4,11 White Rose Glycerine Soap .... 12c 25c Carter's Little Liver Pills 15c 25c Vcgctablo Cathartic Pills 15c . uouon nooi, j.nnsy(uiq I'ennyruyiu 26c Hire's 'Root 'neer Vckfiuino)".'. lHo SI Cramer's Kidney nni(, Liver Curo .... 75c 9i rcruim (special price iiy uuzunj .... ilk; 35c Cnstorlu (kind yon have always oougnt) ac SCHAEFER'S Cut Price' Drug Store. Tel. 747. S. W. Cor. lUth and Culcaico. Goods delivered FREE to any part of city. HELPING THOUSANDS WILL HELP YOU. Suffering Peop!e Get Well. DO NOT CONTINUK TO SUFFER WITH YOUR KIDNEYS THERE IS A CURE FOR YOU. CRAMER'S KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE WILL BE FOUND JUST WHAT IS NEED ED IN CASES OF KIDNEY DISORDERS IT STANDS THE HIGHEST FOR ITS WONDERFUL CURES. It is scientifically compounded nnd al ways acts like mngic. Ono bottlo will surely give relief, even In tho most obsti nate case. Do not wait until your caso bo coracs chronic. If taken In time ono bot tle will suro suffice to CURE ordinary cases. FREE SAMPLE FOR ALL. If you will send your nddress to the Cramer Chemical Co., Albany, N. Y. they will send you a samplo bottlo, free. Cramer Chemical Company, Albany, N. Y. The umbrellas wo show havo tho most exquisite handles known to umbrella art while our cane stock could not bo better so lected, Every Jtylo ono could Imagine Wo don't ehargo extravagant prices for theso goods ond we'll take pleasure In show- mg you theso goo is. Muwhiiuiey & Ryan Co., Jewelers and Art Stationers, 15th and Douglas t About Shirts! Good Shirts!! ' Wo want you to try our shirts nnd et shirts thnt fit. Wo are cranks on wnn'l hnnrlln II A fthlpf'R 11 Khlrttt get ix. .mn(, n.ll . It A nlill'a i, dlllflti only the best know better. A shirt ono that does not nt. Kith and Chicago Streets. During July and August 0f wo will closo our storo Saturday evon V iligs at 0 o'clock. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 15 1U Douglas St. WILL HOLD HIM FOR A WHILE I J. 1". Cnrpenler ItclHirl Wonderful Cnlelt of l-'lntt nt I.nhe OUolinJI, J. F. Carpenter nnd son hnvo returned from n visit to Lake Okobojl and the for mer repbrts startling success In fishing. "I took the boy nnd rowed out upon tho lnke," snld he In reporting to tho angllug club at tho auditorium meeting. "I first fixed un a lino for tho bov nnd Wnr ! could get my own Into operation ho had caugni tnreo nice percn. Wo cast anchor In about forty feet of water and after wo had been out nn hour nnd a half nnd had caught about fifty fish I noticed that tho bout was moving and concluded that we had caught enough. 1 accordingly pre pared to go In and when I pulled up the anchor chain found a thirteen-pound pick erel clinging to tho anchor." Vlint Ttio I'enlN Will Io, It will bring relief to sufferers from asthma or consumption, oven In the worst cases. This Is about what ono doso of Foley's Honey and Tar costs, Isn't It worth a trial? I, like OkohnJI, Tho Ideal summer resort. Quickly ond easily reached from Omaha via tho Milwau kee railway, tho only through lino. City ofllce, 1604 Farnnm street. GOOD PIANO NEWS. Tomorrow wc plnco on sale tho following new, slightly used up right and squnro Plunos and guarantee to save the purchaser the prico of ono year's music lessons given by n competent teacher Ebony finished upright, fe full size, only 0 I 0 Hosowood case, upright, f llfl 7 1-3 octaves, only .CIIU Mnhogimy, upright, 01 3 O good as new, only . . .dlOO Beautiful new sample piano worth $3'X, only. 9100 Antique oak I'oiise COQQ piano worth ;ix, nt .. VfcvO 75 used square pianos, all guar anteed, nt $25, $3S, J49, oi5 nnd up. New Stelnway. Vose, Emerson, Stock, A. U. Chnso nnd Stegor pianos uro offered at greatly re duced prices. Old pianos taken In exchange. Wo send plnno.s for trial in your homo even though you live 500 miles away nnd guarantee' satisfaction or piano Is returned to us at our expense for railway freights both wiivh. Cntalouucs nnil a per rain' letter fontalnliig special prices nnd full description of our eiiuy payment plan lurnisneu free upon application. SCHM0LLER & MUELLER, THE LEADING PIANO DEALERS IN THE WEST 1313 Farmi in St., Oinaliu. Telephone 1025 337 Hroudway, Co. Muffs. Telephone 378. Don't Wish You Had Taken a Kodak . . . BUT GET ONE NOW. Nothing will givo you so much pleasure afterwards as looking over pictures of places visited on your vacation. A beautiful folding 4x5 POCO CAMERA with CARRYING CASE, $6.50. Wo carry all good makes and can advise whnt Is best suited for you. Samplo copy of Photographic Month ly free. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Furnitiu ritrcut. Wholcsalo a-id retail dealers in photo supplies. Every Day Prices Shrader's Fig Powdor 25c Shrader's 10-Mlnuto Hcadacho Pow- 'ier 10c and 25c Br. Bill's Special Summer Cough Curo 25c Dr. Bill's Toothach Drops 10c Shandon Bells Soap i0c Victor's Tonic Lotion for Freckles.... 50c Chamberlain's Cholera Curo 23c Shrader's South African Diarrhoea Curo 25c Cudahy'a Extract Beef .15c Shrader's Sunstroke Drops 15c All Cc clears, C for 25c All 10c cigars, 3 for 25c lco Cream Soda 5c Ice cream, pint 20c lco cream, quart 35c Wo sell more lco cream than any two drug storen In tho clt,v, because wo havo tho beet. Follow tho crowd to W. J. Shrader, 1C02 N. 24th. corner Soward. Umbrellas and Canes If pleased to tell your friends where to k shirt (It. If a shirt hasn't a reputation I HflV milllV nnnnlft. hilt tlinRn tlinl n'Pflr Uni? .rift.lV h.nnlfl l,,lt llinan 1. n n.nn. tint fits correctly will wear longer than KELLEY & HEYDEN They mako shirts, t 1 MEN'S IUCYCLE SHOES, $1.25, soft, smooth stock, ball bearing, soles, all sizes, A GOOD WEAK1NG, COM FOliTAMLE SHOE. , MEN'S LOW SHOES, oxfords or southern tics, colt skin, $1.00 vici kid, comfortable and durable shoes for the hot months. MEN'S ROX CALF, VELOUK CALF and VICI KID SHOES, the S2.50 values, ANY SIZE, ANY STYLE, $1.90 I. Friday in Remnant UAVfflriT Day in Bargain Room HAY UCRS Ovor 100,000 yards of Ono high grado r omnants bring tho accumulation of tho Immenso eastern stocks that wo hnve been selling during tho past week besides the rcmnnnts wo will sell nlco clean now ruor chandlso nt nbout hnlf what other houses nsk for mussed up remnants. HERE'S A LIST OF I'HICKS THAT NO OTHUIl HOUSE IS CAPABLE OF (1IVINO. 10,000 yards of rcmnnnts of line Sfi-lnch percales never som tor les man loo,, z'tc IO.Oik) yards of lino Qlengiirno dress ultiL'hum.s. recular lUc coods 2V4c 10.000 ynrds of remnants of tho finest 15c ehambruy glughnms, nil lengths.. 6c 20.U00 ynrds of tho very finest .Lie nnd 40c French und Scotch ginghams, S'i Inches wide the very finest and swoll est shirt wnlst styles S!4c 60,000 yards of the regular French per cnles always sold at 25c ynrd, long lengths 6c Remnnnts of lf'c ernsh 3V4c ltemnnnts of "oe tine sateen, all colors, and 19e crgandles and batlsteH, all will go on sulo nt Do ltemnnnts of l.'o long cloth Ec ltemnnnts of "3o rrepons, I yards In remnants, for entire pattern , 9Se ReninniilH of $1.0o crepons In 3V. to 4 yards, for entire pattern T J1.98 By the yard from our great eastern stocks. 50,000 yards of 12'ic lino batiste, extra special tor Friday 3Hc 23,1)00 yards of tho llnest Olenco Durndo and Kilmenla dimities, regular 15c aud 19c goods 5c 25,ii0 ynrdB of Uunifrlos batistes, Cow Blip dimities, Tu Ip dlml les nevr sold for less than 1'oc "c 50.000 yards of Ituyul Irish dimities, Scotch dimities, French dimities, Ori ental batistes, Arlal batiste, etc., com prising nil the new and most fashion able shades of light blue, pink, hello, navy, black and white, etc 10c Full standard prints 2c Shirting prlntB 'JVici 15c bl.lck Bnteen 5c 12c black organdies , 50 Boys' Clothings Here arc prises that inaKes them all squeal Boys' 25c crash and wash pants 10c Hoys,' wash suits, worth Sac 5c Hoys' $1.23 crash and other suits 45c Hoys' $2.50 lino outing suits 9"c Hoy's extra made line material and nothing solij by other houses as good at 3.50 90o Boys' extra finished linn wool suits, no other house scils anything llko It nt $5.00 $1.43 Special on Croquet Sets We will closo croquet sots now nt one- half price. I The Greatest Hi y OlS Cleariug Sale of Men's and Boys' Clothttig In the History of Omaha. This is wh it we call real marking down of prices. All our men's suits that were $15 now $7.50. MtSriiNtuicuCa 50e to $2.50, now 15c, -15c, 75c Two Specials for Men. MEN'S 75e NIGHT f 5 OWNS AT 39c. 100 dozen men's fine muslin gowns, made extra long and full, size, regular 75c quality everywhere, on sale at 30c. .MEN'S $1.00 GOWNS a( Ii)c gowns, made extra long and full regular price $1.00, on sale at 19c. Shoe Knowledge There is as much knowledge required in buying good shoes ns there is in buy ing good books. Tho chatT must be sep arated from the grain. You take no chances when you come here for your shoes. MEN'S SATIN CALF LOW SHOES, wide plain toes, tho kind the old gents like for the hot weather, a good solid shoe, all sizes, 0 to 11 1.25. Furnishing Goods We am Headquarters in Men's La dies and Children's Furnishings 1. ndles' 20c nnd 25c vests Co 200 dozen of ladles' Jcrsoy ribbed sleeveless vests In whlto or ecru-all Nlzes, nt ;0 Men's 10c colored handkerchiefs 2V4c Mun s nnd boys' 75c shirts 2Uo 2. W dozen colored shirts In all stylos, dark and light colors nnd blnck nnd whlto stripes, front colored, laundered 2lo iw uuzuii sinris wiin separato collars nnd cuffs, every shirt warranted pcr feet fitting nnd full elze, worth $1.00 all go at ji0 Men's BOc shirts i3a Men's 39c utiilerwcar 150 DO dozen men's, ladles' nnd children's ribbed hose, worth 25c "V4c Men's 75c underwear, plain und fancy all sizes j30 Special on Hammocks Wo nre now closing out nil our Ham mocks at greatly reduced prices. Grocery Specials Largo bottle, mixed, sweet or sour pickles S 1-3q Full pint fancy catsup 8 l-3o 4 pounds whole California rice 25(5 4 pounds pearl or flake tapioca 25c 4 pounds ao 2c 10 pounds rye . our 19c 10 pounds rye flour 19c 10 pounds graham flour 19a Snntn Clara prunes, per pouhd Go Largo fancy prunes, per pound 8 l-3o Fancy California peaches, per pound ..8 1-3c Hartlett evaporated pears, per pound..81-3c Health Coffee, 3 pounds for 25a Good whole coffee, 2 pounds for 25c Hot Weather Luncheon Lunch blocks, per pound 10o Minced ham, sliced, per pound 12Vc Cooked compressed beef, per pound .... 15c Fresh new bologna, per pound io Potted meats, per can 4Ua Veal loaf, per can loo American Club Hnuso cheeso 3flo Green cheese, ench 7c Appetltast cheese, each '. 41ie Wisconsin brick cheeso (.'hipped dried beef, vcr pound 15c Fancy largo bananon 12Hc Peaches, Cnllfornln, per dozen 1214c nncy gieen apples, per uozen wo Fresh dressed chickens on sale Snturday, BROS All our Stein-JJloeh men's suits that were $18 and SliO now 10.00. All our men's suits that were 7.50, now $3.75 All our men's suits that were $8.50 and $10, now $5.00. All our men's trousers that were $3.00, now $1.50. All our men's trousers that were $2.50, now l)5e and $1.25. All our men's odd suit pants that are worth $1.50 to $0.50, at $2.50 and $3.75. All our men's outing llannel suits that were $5, $7.5(1 and $15, now $3.75, $5J)0 and $7.50. All our men's odd outing flannel pants that were $3.50 lo $0.50, now $1.50, $2.50 and $3.50. All our young men's long odd pants (hat were $1.50, $2.50, $3.50 and $5, now 05c, $1.50, $2.50. Hovs' washable knee pants suits that were and i)5e. 100 dozen men's line cambric size, with or without collai BROS.