THE OMAHA DAILY JJJSK: TILVUSDAY, JL'LY 11, 11)01. MILLERS WIN BT SLUGGING Hatting Bally li th Hiath OItii Qaai t MiutapiHi. POOR JUDGMENT MAKES IT fOSSIBLE Itoarkeltra Do n. I.tttle Mint-head Witrk JiiKt nt thn Time the Vlnltora Take Up Their Hitting Streak. Uy astoundlnc exhibition of poor Judit mcnt at critical points In the pa mo Omaha lout to Minneapolis tho second gamo ot the BorlfcB, thus iiitiklnR today's contest the rubber. Klglit to (.even wan the final tcoro I ho benlnnlriK of the ninth Inning It was 7 to 3 In favor of the locals. Hlghl at thlu juncture, however, tho visitors rapped out five hits off Herman, two of tbvm doublet and it meant five runs In a bunch. The Omahas were unable to do anything to retrieve themselves when thy finally camo to bnt again by making the two runs necessary to win or oven the one Which 'would have tied the same. .This avalancha of runs and tho con Hfijiinnt defeat Is traceable dlicctly to any one ot three mistakes. Most strongly of all It points to poor judgment In leaving Her man In the box when oven as far back na the sixth ho had hown every tflgn of be ing done for thn day. Till then hn had al lowed only four hlu, hut rlrht thcro throo more came and one was a double, fltlll ho wt left to r'o on and though they only took ono each In tho seventh and eighth the fatal batting .of the ninth was duo solely to Hdrfnan'H condition. Two other pitchers were warmed up, but nevertheless h was allowed 10 continue the gamo. Fntnl niiinilrr nt l'lclilliitf. Eten so tho gamo might yet havo been won but for an unfortunate piece of work In that same Inning. There was one out. with two men on bagi, when Congulton hit t popup out behind Stowart. The cap tain, Renins and Letcher ull went after tho ball, which was a high one, yet It drop ped safely to the eurth, with tho trio stand ing within a few yards wntchlntt It. It was probably Oenlns' ball and Stewart and Letcher thought so, so they stopped, but Oenlns also stdppcd about tho same tlmo with tho Idea that ouo of the othora had It nailed and so It was a lilt Instead of an out and thero were three men on bases. Then Law followed with IiIb double, bring In In all throo and llaldcn did likewise, scoring Law. That mado four, when It might havo been only three, which would have made tho score 7 to C for Omaha, And thu next man up, Cockman, went out, mak ing' what should have been the third, but ,was only the second, so that McConnell got a chance to bat In Uoldcn, the eighth and whiultig run. Tha other plnco. where tho winning tally or two might havo been killed was In the sixth, when Low mado Drst base on Mc Androw'fl error and Delden arrived safely nt second because Toman dropped a ball that was thrown squarely to him. Doth men scored later. Dad Clark' Gloom. Pitching probably lost the game, but It by 'up means won It. "Dad" Clark was far from enigmatic, or even puzzling. Eleven hits, with a homo run mixed in, made' him feel badly and he had gono to the wagon In despair at the end of the eighth when his partners took tho hitting hunch and called him back to pitch once more. The" batting was easily tho feature of 'the day, aside from the errors. Calhoun made twd' tingle and double; Stowart two singles and a home run,, the. latter with the 'bases empty. But tho visitors did tho slugging, nrashear and Delden each took (our safe onea out of Ave times at bat and one of the lft fielder's was a two-bagger. Cockman also had two singles and a dou ble. Oordon will pitch for Omaha today and Ferguson for Minneapolis. Score: MINNEAPOLIS. AD. U. II. OY A. 12. McCrecdle, rf 3 1 0 2 0 0 ItohC, 3b 0 0 0 6 1 Congulton, cf.... ...5 1 1 I o o lirnehear, 2b 6 r t 2 5 1 Law, lb 5 2 1 14 0 0 llatden, It t 2 4 2 0 0 Cockman. us... 5 0 2 3 3 0 McConnell, c...... 5 0 1 2i 1 0 Clark, p 5 0 0 1 2 0 Tululs ' 1 i i 1 . OMAHA. An. n. II. O. A. E. Fleming. If 3 12200 Toman, as 3 114 2 0 Oenlns, cf, 5 1 1 3 0 0 Letcher, rf 4 2 1 2 0 0 Stowart, 2b 4 1 3 0 2 0 McAlulrcwH, 3b 6 0 0 2 3 1 Calhoun, lb 5 1 3 8 0 0 Iiuckley, j 2 0 0 3 2 0 llornutn, p 4 00040 Payne, It , ...1 0 0 3 0 0 Totals 36 1 U 27 li 1. Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 5 8 Omaha 1 1 1 0 3 0 1 0 0-7 ...Canted runs: Minneapolis, 4i Omaha, 4. Home run: Stewart. Two-base hits: Cock man, Law, Delden, Cnlhoun. Sacrifice hits: Toman, Uuckley. Utolon bases: Letcher (3), Stewart (2), Cockman. Double play: Cock man to Urnshear to Law. llnses on balls: Off Clark. 4: oft Herman. 3. Hit by pitched ball: Uy Clark, 1. Struck out: Uy Clark, 2; by Herman, 4. Timet 1:50. Umpire: Car ruthcrs. Kansas City la I.onar on IIIU. KANSAS CITY. July 10,-Long hitting characterised today's came, three home runs, five triples and seven two-base hits being scored. The batting of Miller nnd McHale were features. Attendance, 700. Score: It H F Kansas City .. OB3031 3 S -is'22' 3 Denver 3 1 1 1 0 3 0 1 0 9 IB 4 lUttartaa: Kansas City, Kwlng and Mes slttl Denver, Butler and John Sullivan. St. Joseph in Strong- nt Bat. ST. JOSEPH, July 10. The hard hitting of, St. Joseph and the poor fielding ot Colo rado Springs were the features of the game today. Score: 11. U.K. Ht Joaeph ..... 61010100 9 in 7 Colo. Springs ... 01110001 2-6 6 S Batteries: St. Joseph, McFadden and Dooln; Colorado Springs, Ream and Done hue. Urn Moines Takes NIukkIiik Matoh. DES MOINES, July 10,-Des Moines had away the best of tho slugging match today. In that they could make hits with men on bases and St, Paul could not. Attendance. TOO. Score: Dea Moines ... 03004020 9 16 3 St. Paul 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0-il It 4 Batteries: Des Moines, Butler and Klolnow; St. Paul, Hogan and Wilson. Western Lenwae atnudlOK. Won. Lost. P.C. Kansas City 40 22 .ts Omaha 33 ,S5u Minneapolis 31 2S .525 St. Josephs 32 ft) . St. Paul 31 .11 .500 Colorado springs zs 32 ,118 Dch Moines 2.". SI .423 Denver 21 35 ,3i Three-I I.raBur. At llloomlngton Bloomlngton, 10; Evans vlllo. 1. At Rock Island Itock Island, 5; Cedar Itnpfds, 3. .At Terre Haute Decatur, 9; Tcrre Haute, "At Rockford-rllockford, 7j Davenport, 2. NATIONALS PLAY A WONDER l'ittastartT Detraia Hoatoa tine Nothing; on a Wild Throw tu the Twelfth. PITTSUURO, July lU.-Today' National same wu on of the most remarkable of the aeason. .Boaton lost .In the twelfth In ning by. two wild throws, the flrat by l.owo, thu other by Dlneen, letting AVagnrr score. Dlneen pitched a magntftcent game, while Chesbro was saved only by his team's sen sational fielding. Attendance, 1,600. Score: HOSTOtf. 1 1'ITTSUUnU Il.H.O.A rj R.1I.O.A.C. Long, ft. ...1 a 1 t OCIarkc. lf...O 14 0 0 Nlenol. cf.. 0 0 1 0 0 lltaum't, cf. 0 1 1 0 0 Murphy, If.. 0 3 3 0 0!mvI. rf....O 0 a 1 0 Di-mont, 2'j. 0 3 4 & 1 liramt'd, lb 0 1 11 0 1 Crollui, rf.. 0 2 ) 0 0 Wanner, lh, 1 0 3 3 0 Moran, lb... 0 0 12 I 1 niter,?)-, 2b. 0 1 S 10 !), )li,,., 0 4 0 2 1 Carr, 0 0 ! J 0 Klttrl.lpi., e. 0 0 0 0 CIV, r 0 0 2 4 0 Olon, p... 0 2 ft 0 rzimmer, r... 0 0 4 2 0 IChmbru, p.. 0 1 0 1 0 Totuls .. 0 H'JI 12 4) 1 Total .. 1 UU 1 zMurphy hit by battfd ball. Ono out when winning run was scored. 1'ltlautirir 0 0000000000 1-1 Boston 0 0000000 000-fl Two-basn hit: Demont. Sacrifice, hits: Clarke, Beaumont, Crollus. Stolen .bases: DavlK, I.onir. Doublo plays: illtchey to Hran.inVlil, Itltchey to Ely to Drnnlleld (2i. Morun to Demont. rirrt base on balls: Off Dlneen, 2. Hit by pitched ball: Carr. Struck out; By Chesbro, 6; by Dlnccu, 7. Time: 2:10. Umplro: Nnsh. ttt. I, (Mild llllllOllFM IIIlS. ST. LOUIS, July 10. St. Ivouls Natlonnh bunched hits, with Brooklyn's errors In tllo first and second Innings, making three tuns, whlrh brought them victory, llnrmer utid llughex both pitched lino bull. Attendance, Score. 8T. LOUIS. 1 MtOOKLYN. lt.H.O A IMI.O.A.E. tiurkatt, If.. 0 1 2 0 0 Kelly, lb..., 0 0 G A 0 HtUrlck, cfO 1 fl 0 OKcelcr, rf... 0 ! 3 ' 0 MrOntin, lb. 1 2 11 1 0 ftheokard, If 0 1 3 0 0 l'Hdclcn, 2b.. 0 0 8 2 0 Daly, 21.... 112 11 Wallace, m, 1 1 1 1 Unhltn, ... 0 0 4 3 0 Kruijer, 3b.. 0 0 2 0 O.Dolnn. cf.... 0 2 3 u 0 ltyan, c 0 0 2 1 OMcOulrc, c 0 1 2 1 C NlohoU, rf.. 112 0 O.Onttnx, 31).. . 0 0 0 1 0 Harper, p... 0 2 11 0 IIukIick, p... 0 0 1 3 1 'ItltUon .... 0 0 0 0 0 Totals .. 3 i 27 15 1 Totals ..1 7 24 t 2 Batted for Clntlns In tha ninth. Ht. Loulh ,1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -3 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 o 0 1 o 01 Ea-ued run: St. Louis. Left on bn-us: St. Louis, fl; Brooklyn, 4. Three-base 111. McOnun. Double pUy; Dahlcn to Duly. Buses on bulls: Off llugheH, i; off Harper, 1. Stolen basos: Krtigur, SherkArd, Keeler, Heldrlck. Wnllucc, Struck out: By Hughes, 1; by Hnrpcr, 2. Tlmu: 1:42. Umpires: bchi Iver and Cnrsey. I'lilluilfllihlii Wlni nt Start. CHICAGO, July 10,-The Philadelphia Na tionn h won In thu oponlng Inning today, Jumping on Waddell for two singles and two triples, thla hitting with tin error yield ing four runs. Attendance, G"0. Score: CIIICACJO. rillLABBLPHIA. H.II.O.A.K. U.1I.O.A.B. Itnrtnel, If.. 1 2 0 0 C Thomas, cf.. i 1 1 0 0 Orecn, cf.... 0 2 3 0 0 Wolv't'n, lb 1-0 - Hester, 2b... 0 0 1 0 2 Hick, rf 112 0 0 Chance, rf.. 1 2 2 0 0 rvlah'tv. If. 1 2 3 0 0 Uoyle, lb.... 0 til 1 o JIcKnrlM, c. 1 2 2 1 0 Itnynnr. 3b. 0 2 2 3 OJciin'gn, lb.. 0 0 IS 1 0 Foreman, 3. Hit by pitched bait; By J'.ore man, 1. Struck out. By Leo, 2, by Fore man, 2. Left on bases: Baltimore, 6; Wash ington, 6. Wild pitch: Foreman. Time. 1:10. umpires. Sheridan and MnnassaU. I'lCM-CllllIll I.IISIN AkiiIh. CLEVELAND, July 10,-The Cleveland Americuns lost again today. Dowilng pitched good ball to no purposo and Cleve- I to Increase the score materially. Attend ance, ew. score: UKTHOl)'. i CLEVELAND. K.II.O.A.LV Il.U.q,..E. Cawy, 2b.... 1112 O'l'kker'g. cf. 1 J 1 0 0 llolmen, rf.. 112 0 O.McCsrfy. If 1 0 1 0 0 Barrett, ef.. 1 2 2 0 OO'Dtkn. rf.. 1 2 5 0 0 Olrafon, lb.. 1 1 7 3 2lllflc, lb 0 2 0 4 2 Klberfil. m. 1 1 2 1 I'LtClTuf. lb. 0 1 11 1 0 Nance, If.... 10 0 0 O.llradley, lb, 1 0 1 0 Mc.Mi'r, lb 0 lit 1 OWood, C 0 3 i 0 Iluelow, C... I I 3 1 O Phelbeek, ss 0 0 1 2 0 Miller, p.... 0 0 0 2 0 Dowilng. p.. 0 0 0 2 0 Totals ..7 27 12 3 Totils ..I 12 2112 I Dotrolt 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 2 07 Cleveland 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 21 Two-base hits: Pickering, O'Brien. Three base hits: Elbcrfcld, Huelow, lilt: Shelbt'ck. Molen b.ises: O'Brien, l'lckor mg, airusoii (2i, Nance. Double play: Olcnson to McAllUter, First base on imlis; Oil Dowilng. 5; off Miller, 2. Hit by pitched onll: By Mllltr, 1. Struck out: By Dow ilng, 6; by Miller, 2. Pursed bull: Huelow. Time: l:uo. Umpire; Haskell. American LuiiKue StimitUiK. P.C .Ml Oil. .56.! .uhl .472 .416 .:io .3'J Mct'or'k, m. 00 1 t 1 Kllng, o...., 0 0 3 2 0 Waildell .... o 0 0 X 0 llallm'n, 2b. 0 0 2 5 0 CrOFK, m.... 0 0 17 0 Donahue, p. 0 0 0 0 0 Totals .. 2 9 27 13 21 Totals .. 0 7 27 2) 0 Philadelphia I 0000020 0-6 Lhlengo o 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 02 Loft on bases: Philadelphia. 5; Chicago, !!; 1 wp-bnsc hits: Orcen. Chance, Fllok. riireo-basu lilts: Wolverton, McFnrlund. Homo run: Hattsol. Sacrlllco hits: Dona hue, Hallman. Stolen base: Thomas. Double Plays: CrosH to Hnllman to Jen jilngs. MoFnrland to McCormlck to Doyle. Struck out: u Waddell, 5; by Dotmhue. 2. 5y"p,'rl Vul ?! . u' K11"K' J- Une n bnlls: prt Waddell, 4: off Diinnhue. 1. Hit with ball: uy Wuddell, Cross. Tlmo: 1:45. Um pire: Cunningham. .i-W York .Sliuta Oct t Cliiclinintl. CINCINNATI. July lO.-Tuylor had tho Cincinnati Xsutlonals nt his mercy toduy nn.l .11.1 nt.n... . . . , . ,.,.. w.w .tub ti iituii vu Bt'L' 1111IU UUSC, and only one man reached Hccoml. Hahn, Inn un ..rn.,l.. 1.... ...t.ll -.....-.I ..vv....v. ,1I1JIM? I.UUI1LCU against him. Attendance, 2,001). Scoro: naw ioiik. CINCINNATI. n r n x i? i r, ti n ........ II....V.AII.. Vsnlt'n, cf.. 0 2 3 1 0 Dobbs. cf.... 0 0 4 1 0 8elt)a.fh, If.. 0 0 0 0 OHnrley, If... 0 110 0 Mc Uriel?, rf. 0 1 3 0 1 HaU-rer, lb. 0 0 8 1 0 rtavl. m A 1 1 t A r ......... In n n r. anl, lb.. 1 17 3 lMaftoon, s.. 0 0 15 0 oiihiik. ju... i v o u 1'ieiz, LI,.. O 1 Z 7 O Huelow, 2b.. 0 0 1 2 0 Irwin, 3b.,.. 0 0 0 0 1 Hnwer'n. C. 0 1 R ? A ftallmn A A 1 A Taylor, p..,. 1 110 0 Ileum, c,.,. 0 1 1 o Iiiunii. p..... v l v l v Totals .. 0 4 27 16 Now York 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 13 clnclnnntl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 T.'il t-t-1 ml wiinM. X .. . vAt n C 1 v. . . .. . ". . u . . . ...... AUilV. . OIUICU UUBCSi ynnHaltren. Double plays: Vanllaltren to """i uuciuw iu uaia to uanzei; I' Hiiherer, Base on balls: Off Taylor ,3; off Huhn, 3. Struck out: By Hahn, 4: off Tay lor, 6. Time: 1:50. Umpire: Behle. National League Standing. Won. Lost. P. C. Pittsburg 38 St. Louis 37 New York 12 Philadelphia 35 Brooklyn 34 Boston 29 Cincinnati 28 Chicago 22 25 20 26 30 32 31 16 47 .603 .6-0 .551 .539 .515 .43 .437 .319 Boston Clilruiro Detroit Baltimore ... Washington Philadelphia Cleveland ... Milwaukee .. Won. .. 3S .. 42 .. 36 .. 32 .. 26 ,. 2." .. 21 .. 22 Lost. 21 21 29 25 29 35 39 43 City. Southern Lriinuc. MEMPHIS, Tcnn., July lO.-Scoro: R. 11.12. Memphis 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -3 5 2 Bttltlia 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 02 6 0 Batteries: Memphis, Marobb and Arm stronK: Sclma, McAfco nnd Farlow. BIHMINOHAM, Ala., July 10.-8core: It.H.E. Birmingham ..0 0004320 -o 9 4 Littlo Hock....O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-4 5 6 Batteries: Birmingham, Brundt nnd Cul ver: Little Hock, Popp nnd Lynch. CHATTANOOGA, Tvnn., July 10. Score: U.H.E. Shrcveport ...20 0 2 0 1 1 1 -! 17 1 Chattanooga .0 100010 0 G 7 9 4 Batteries: Shrcveport, Kcefe and Mc Utilrc; Chattnnoogn, IJoliitul nnd Both. NASHVILLE, Tcnn., July lO.-Scoru: - U.1I.E. Nashville 1 7 0 1 0 0 0 0 -9 10 2 New OrlCRne...3 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-6 10 5 Batteries: Nashville. Sparger and Bui luntlne; New Orleans, Kreoland and Abbott. ICrnrney Defrnts MlmlJu. KEARNEY. Neb.. July 10.-(Speclnl.)-Kcarney ilefeatcd Aflndt-n on tbo homo grnuiid.4 this afternoon, 10 to 0. Tho fea tures wore the fast Holding nnd buttlnit of tho locnlx, who knocked Hodtnoml out of the box In tho llfth Inning, Bliss succeeded htm nnd fared littlo butter. Broken How Loses n Onmr, BROKEN BOW, .Neb., July 10,-(Speclnl.) Tho game of base ball played here today between Aneley and Broken Bow was won by the visitors, 12 to 8. It Is the llrst Kama the Broken Bow team has lost this senHon. Two of their best players wero out of the city. Western Association. At Columbus Dayton. 10; Columbus, 5. At Wheeling Fort Wayne, 11; Wheeling, 0. At Indlunapolls Grand Rapids, 10; Indian apolis, l. At .Marlon Marlon, 6; Toledo, I. AMERICANS' TEN INNINGS Mllwnnkee'a Long' Fight Ended by Chlcairo'a Three flnoeeaslve Singles. MILWAUKEE, July lO.-After fighting for ten Innings against strong odds Mil waukee Americana succumbed in the etoventh, the Chlcagos ntnklng three singles In HUccesBloii. The visitors oat but ted the home team three to one, but sharp neldlng Srovunted a high scdre. Attendance, core: CH1CAQO. , MILWAUKEE. U.H.O.A.K.I II.H.O.A.E. Hoy, cf 0 2 10 QGeler, 3b... .001 30 Jones, rf.... 1 1 0 1 0 Gilbert, 2b.. 1 0 8 10 Merten, 2b.. 0 0 1 5 0 Hallman. rf. 1 0 1 0 0 lebell, lb.... 2 3 It 2 OAndera'n, if 1 J l o McFarl'd, If 1 2 t 0 OConroy, si.. 0 0 8 5 0 Bbugart, . 0 1 3 llDonohue, lb 1 16 11 llurke, 3b... 0 1 2 2 2 Duffy, cf,,,. 0 0 2 0 0 Bugtlen, c... 1 4 1 1 Maloney, c. 0 1 4 3 1 Callahan, p. 0 0 0 2 T Bparks, p... 0 1 1 2 0 TotaU .. 5 IS 33 III 4' Tqtals ..4 5 J3 10 1 Chlcugo 2 001000100 1-5 Milwaukee 1 000021000 04 Earned runs: Chicago, 3; Milwaukee, 2. Two-base hits: Jones, Sugden (2), MoFnr land, Donohuc, Sparks. Homo run: Ander son, Biiso on bulls: Off Sparks, 3; oft Cal lahan, 3. Stolen bases: lsbell (2), McFur land (2). Jones. Passed ball: Mulonuy, Wild pitch: Sparks. Struck out: By Sparks, 3; by Callahan, 7. Double plays: Maloney to Conroy to Gilbert. Sliuuart to lsbell. Left on bases: Chlcngo, 9; Milwau kee, 4. Sucrltlco hits: Duffy, lsbell. Mc Farland, Callahan (2). Time: 2:15. Um pire: Cantllllon. Phllndrlnhla'n Luik- Thirteen. BOSTON. July 10.-H. Davis batted hlm- 10.1i,l,.',to.tll.e.chlcf tUxce ln ,h" AmerliMn Athletics' victory over Boston today, with five lilts out of o total of eleven, 'i lie KUino was loosely played. Lewis, who pitched for U'Jf'S",! tLr. fl,!C '"'lines, was wild, and Mitchell, his successor, was easy for thu visitors. Attendance, 4,843. Scoro: PHILADELPHIA. I IIOSTON. It.H.O..E. H.H.O.A.E. Fulti, cf..' .10 10 0 Dowd, f.... 1 2 2 0 0 Davl, lb... 4 5 10 1 OHtahl, cf. ... 1 0 3 0 0 Cro, 3b.... 2 5 I 2 Oi'oIIiji, 3b.. 1 0 1 1 I IJole. lb... 2 3 A OFivenun, lb I 2 9 0 1 Seybold, rf.. 1 3 2 0 0 Hemphill, rf 0 1 1 0 Mrlntyro, If 0 0 0 0 0 1'arcnt, 63... 1 3 1 j 0 I'oweTs, 0... 1 1 0 2 0 Ferris, 2b... 0 0 2 3 0 Dtilan. .... 1 0 3 2 tCrtrer. e.... 0 17 10 rrar, p.... 1112 0 Scbrcck, c... 1 2 1 1 1 .Lewl, p.. .. 0 0 0 2 0 Totalu ,.13 17 27 14 2.McUan ...0 O 0 0 0 Mitchell, p.. 0 0 0 1 1 I Totnli .. C II 27 It i Batted for Lewis In the sUth. Philadelphia 3 0 1 1 0 4 1 2 113 Boston 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 (i-6 Earned runs: Philadelphia, 2; Boston, 2, Two.baso hits; Dowd, Davis, Schreck, Cross, Three-bnsf lilts: Davlf., Sevbold Homo run: Davis. Sacrifice hit; Ferris. Stolen basest Freeman. Ferris. Davis. I n I it. -- r Frnicr to Lnjolu to Davis, Mitchell to Parent to Freeman. First bnso mi balls: Oft Lewis, 0; oft Mitchell. I: off Fruser, I. Hit by pitched ball: Pow'ers. Struck out: By Lowls. 7; by Frasrr. 2 l'ussed ball. Powers. Wild pitches: Lewis Fraser. Time: 2:37. Umplro: Connolly. Baltimore Wins, Five to One. WASHINGTON, July lO.-Foremnn's gilt edged pitching and his team's superb bat ting gave the Baltirnoro Americans today's game. The visitors bunched their hits. Lop Pitched n fair game, but the locals fulled at the bit. Atteudanco, 2,117. Score: IIAI.TIMOIU:. . , WASHINGTON". k.h.o.a.i: IOWA MAN MAKES HIGH SCORE Geta nn Arprngr nt t)7.!I for tho Day nt the Month Omnhn Shoot. Forty-one shooters participated In tha South Omaha Gun club's contest yesterday, some of the best marksmen of Nebra. ka and western Iowa being In It. Holdeu. an Iowa shot, mudc the high average of 97.3, missing only four turgetu out of 150. Tho scores follow: , ' P.ClT t. Llndermnn 12 14 13 14 13.15 13 15 14 15 9J.0 1M Heer 13 14 14 15 14 12 14 14 11 13 McDowell. 14 15 13 It 13 13 14 14 12 14 Beard .... 11 12 13 13 12 13 13 13 12 14 Carter .... 12 13 12 II 12 11 12 13 10 14 Morrill ... 13 13 14 14 15 13 10 14 14 15 t McFariand 13 14 14 15 12 14 13 11 13 14 Bumsldcs. 1G 15 15 14 13 15 15 14 12 14 Tomm .... 13 14 13 13 9 15 10 10 10 14 13 ray 13 15 14 13 15 14 15 15 II 15 Burke .... 12 15 9 13 12 15 13 12 9 12 Townsend. 14 11 15 15 11 12 13 14 13 14 McDonald 12 15 12 12 14 12 14 14 14 14 Dominie .. 14 14 It 15 15 15 11 14 14 13 Holden ... 11 15 14 15 15 15 14 14 15 15 Tripp 11 13 11 14 S 14 13 11 15 14 Kline 14 12 15 15 15 15 14 14 15 15 Stehers .. 11 14 12 12 13 15 14 15 14 13 Marshall . 11 13 10 12 10 12 12 12 12 13 Arno 10 13 15 14 11 13 10 14 12 10 NEVER MINI) THE WEATHER V(RtHn Candidntti Utt VotJS Whilt the un is Shining. HOW THE CONTEST IS PROGRESSING Ineri-nxvx In tin- Miimlliiu of the Cnn illilntfN Arc .Noted All AIiiuk the l.liu l.Hrly Stnte of Affairs Throughout the Country, 1 Nclruku. Vera ICi-niurr, Columbus. , . .".lattto Olive Pntti'mon, Fremont UU.HH Anna (iuhl, (I mini It. 1 11 ml Uthftlil Mayme Graham, David City Uracu Neweu, Hcutrlco LR'salu SnoSvdeii, wturney .... iSoru M. hiffen. Croto Ceita tiulfm.iti, i'otk UoIiiib iirnotviriKH, anu .... Bouu HolSL-l. i.mciiln Lyula liitlriruii, .Sciiruska ouuii .ain, j Halt' Inez Crawford, Aulurn jfiinto Maiitou, lucumseh i.izzlu .uakli jw..... Maty Pn.!ii.n, Wnhoo Soo Cllldijcti, Fremont 'T.ll,i.,UlltBs. -'ni'K I-. B. ThompKon, Hastings .Nlim ltyan, Nellgh Anna M. Hansom, Bancroft Ueitruue Alilt-r, ivcumsclt Mitttlf Gibson, Chndron Mae Webb. Teciimseh Lillian Shryock, l'lattsmoutli iiiauilie iinoKie Fremont Lllzabcth Motllcr, Fremont (Jra U. Cruni, Norfolk Jciiula Brenton, Nullgn Maggie O Connor, Central City.. Annn Hopkins, Auburn Iwlna Batson, Arlliigton Ida Pearlinnii, Plattsmouth Kdlth Foley, Ui&ir Mne McConnl'k Blair Alert Jones, ni.ur Florence Talbot, Brainard Wlltnii Wesley, Brainard Creta Daggett, t'hadron Daisy Thomas, Chndron Nina GIU011, Cliadron Mabel iounR, Auburn Fannie Oot.-ard, Heward , Mae Durlnnd, Norfolk Annn Long, Schuyler Mury Howard, Columbus Miss S. Carpenter, Valley Vlrdeen Welch, Puullllun Miss Huso, Olltnoro Adeline Kuyrs, !)pringfleld Alice Stowart, Auburn Mrs. Fenwlck, Cruli; Maty Craig. Craig Miss Gardnei, Auburn Mury McDougcl, Nellgh Margaret Walsh. Htella Gertrude Boss, Tccumsoh Dora Frlcke, Plftttsuiouth Josephine Murphy, Plattsmouth, Blanche Sullivan. Plnttstnouth... May Petersen, l'lnttHinouth May ICaton, Plattsmouth Antonln Kcsslcr. Plattsmouth.... Clara Battaii, Plattsmouth Anna Helsel, I'lattHmouth Addle Smith, PbHtsiuouth AHre Petersen, Plattsmouth Kdna Petersen, Plattsmouth Madge WHkoii, Lincoln Cntheritiu Wood, Beatrlco Ircuu llyam, Auuurn 17.176 17,iol 11, U IWil lu.UJ.' U,41l U.llli 12, j10 Vi.WJ s:m b.VlO 4,lMl , 2.370 1 2,Wi 2!)4 201 2W 1". 1W 6 2'J i 18 U b Uinnhn. Until- WluniMH. C. W. Hull C lO.OHl Orlllu M. lluttcrUeld, FlcUch- niunii YeiiMt Ca 7,11l Iluliln WcbrrK, lillimtrlek V Co. (I.tlll! Amiindn l.lnillilnil, O. K. Ncolleld Co ,() Iloberto Dworak Stoner . Hlllbcry Crablll . Forkner Schroeder. Edwards . Vosncck .. Organ .... storey S9.3 W. 84.0 8'J.O 90.0 SO.fl 115.3 S0.6 95.3 i1.3 i8.0 HS.8 92.6 97.3 94.8 Dfi.O 8S.6 7S.0 ft.C 87.3 O.'.O tn.o S6.8 94.0 e6.7 uuiil. 1 1111 ft t r I McOraw. Ib. 0 1 1 2 0 Donlln. lb... 0 0 11 0 0 Wlll'm. 5b. 2 3 0 3 0 KeUter, ss.. 1 1 ! t 1 Seymour, rf. 0. 1 1 0 0 Jackson, cf. 1 2 4 0 0 llrn.ll ir.t. o 1 1 A A Kabtnion, e. 1 1 I 0 0 rortmsn, p, 0 1 u v : Karri-ll, cf.. 0 0 4 0 0 Clarke, c... 113 11 Duncan, lb,, 0 0 i 0 0 Oesr, rf 0 0 2 0 0 Foster, If... 0 a 3 1 0 Qulnn. 2b... 0 0 0 2 0 ftniffhlln. ihd 1 s 9 ft lcUnim'11. 1Ho 12 2 0 er, p, ...... V u U 3 B TotaU ..5 11 27 15 2 Totals , 1 3 27 11 1 Baltimore 3 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0-4 Wukhlnuton 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01 Karned runs: Baltimore. 4. Two-base hits: MrOraw, Williams. Three-base hit: Tlrodle. Stolen base: ItoblnKon. Sacrlllco hit: Brodio. Doublo play: Foster to Clurke. First base on balls: OS Lee, 1; oft 14 15 11 14 11 13 13 13 13 14 13 13 14 12 14 14 13 15 15 15 15 14 14 13 11 13 13 13 11 12 13 14 12 13 14 12 12 11 14 15 14 14 15 14 14 14 13 13 15 15 14 11 14 14 13 12 13 14 14 Bnuirhman 12 14 13 11 13 12 Wllklns .. 12 11 11 12 9 13 13 II 13 13 9 13 12 1.1 10 7 12 7 13 8 9 11 14 12 11 11 13 11 14 12 r,n to 19 19 11 7 12 Dowcll ... 8 9 12 12 12 12 12 9 Canlleld .. 10 12 11 12 13 Haner .... 13 14 11 Yount 10 9 8 Harlan ... 11 13 13 15 16 14 Kvans .... 11 13 15 Cheney ... 9 6 10 Kblors .... 11 14 14 Montg'm'y 12 13 II HIndmarch 10 13 14 14 14 Aside from the regular program tolay, which Is ten events of llftcen targets eacn, 310 added money 10 each event, there wl.i ho a match between Frank Dworak of South Opinhn and Bussell Kline of Sp r t Lake, In., 100 tnrgotH a side, for 11 stako of 250 and tha price of targots. FOG STOPS YACHTS TRIAL Three Atiierleun Asiirnnts for He foiulcrxlilii Are Culled In unit Hnec lli-oliireil Off. BATI2MANS POINT, 5:46 p. m. The racu bus been declared oft. Constitution Is being towed back to the harbor. BATI2MANS POINT, It. 1 July J0. Wenther conditions for the third race for nlnutv-foot yachts under th uusplcea of the Newport Yacht Itaclng association aro verv similar to thoso that prevailed tiimi the occasion of the two preceding rnces, Tho wind at 10-.2J u. m. was light troin the southeast, not over throo or four miles an hour, while the same conditions of sea prevailed us on Saturday and Monday. The yachts at tho hour Indicated had como out of the harbor and were hoading to ward tho lightship, together with tho com., mltteo bout. Thin mlstu overaprcud the Tho Judgcu' boat flew the slicnal for a thirty-mile windward and leeward race hi.u 11 beat to the outer mark of tlfteen miles. The ofllclal time of tho Btart was aa fol lows: Constitution. 12;M:(i3; Columbia, 12:55:05; Independence, 12:55:07. 2:20 p. m. Tho thick fog which set In half an hour after the yacnts started still continue:!, and It Is Impossible to two Bren ton's lightship, less thnn two miles off shore. The lightship's tog horn Is ln full operation. Racing ninety-footers under these conditions must be rather dungerous. The wind In the last half hour has dropped on something under llvo knots, and Ue llntsh of the race Is likely to be very light. 3:10 p. m. Tho fog still continues very thick, the wind has dropped oft to less than three knots nn hour and there Is very little chance of tho yachts rtnlshlng unless the breeze should Increase ma terially. At the end of the llrst hour's sailing today the Constitution wus lending Colum bia by fully a quarter ot a mllo and Inde- Eendcnce by half a mile. Tho boata were earing to the outer mark In a seven-knot breeze, enveloped In a thick fog. WrestlhiK Mnteli Tonight. Peter Loqh and John Holden will wrestle tonight at the Omaha School of Athletic Culture gymnasium for 1100 n side, Tho bout will be best two out of tbreo falH, catclwis-catch-can, pin fall only, rolling and Hying falls barred. Both contestants nre locul men. Loch Is well known us athletic Instructor ln wrest line at the school. He weighs 152 pounds, Holden Is a pupil of Oscar Noat, whom Loch threw a, month ago, taking forty seven minutes for the lob. It Is said that Holden throws his instructor with case. Tho dlffercnco In weight will hundlcap Loch somewhat, but with his larger e.perl ence he will counteract this, und u Lot struggle Is expected. Amateurs well matched, will furnish some Interesting pre liminary bouts. Kdlth Spencer, Omaha Public Library Blanche Wiley, W. U. T. Co Alice 1 loader. Neb. Tel. Co May O'Brien, Huyden Broa Ida Wanner. Daueil s Julia KIclYmun, llaarman Bros Curollna Flbcrgcr, Dr. Balloy Luetic Parish. Neb Tel. lii Alice Cnre, J.-1I. Mcintosh Cassle Arnold,- llun.-it Theckla.Wlckstrom, U. P. hcndq'a Delia' ultarntiu, Kelley, fcilger Co. Myrtle Aahjrjft, liiiycleu Bios, a., Nora Fmcri.oi., Adums Express CO ... . JJOI, xiuyucii iiiuB. Lillian Vaneura(. Fi hi, Sanborn & Co. Helen Hlkby. city treasurer's utile. ... Mamie Bird, Schadell's Bertha Clarlte, Postal Telegraph Lizzie Lee, Neb. Coining Co Corn Krebbs, Boston store . Eva Kuley, Country Publishers Jennie Tuunell, teacher Eva MelQUest, Int. Cor. school Ella Simpson, Omaha Pack. Co I Josle Chrlstluu, W. It. Bennett Cc... Ella Poff. Burklcy Envelope Co Blanche Campbell, Mason school Ethyl Thompson, Kllputrlck & Co..,, Emma Meyci, Kllpatrlck it Co Nellie Bennett, Vinton school Bertie Winter, Woodmen of the World Grace Brewlngton, Neb. Cycle Co,,..,. Polly Hermans, Soroniu shoe store.... Agnes Babel, W. It. Bennett Co Sophia Miller,- A, Peterson Bhincht O'Barrlon, Hoyden Bros Anna Peters, Omaha View school..,, N0II 1. Hmirck Selmn Burns, Franklin school Ina Barnhart, Webtorn U. T. Co.... Gertrude. Lnyton. Farrell & Co Corn Battelle, It G. Dun & Co Jessie Blake,. Courtney & Co.... Clarn Yoder, W. B. Melkle Eva Byrne. JIayden Bros Margaret O'Comiell, Secretary Young Woman's Christian association Anna Bennett, teacher J. It. Lmun, Mut. Life Ins. Co Er.tma Quick.' W. B. Melkle Grace Sheely, Blchordaon Dru Co.... Annie Kelley. Hoyden Bro Annie Beechei, W. It. Bennett Co Elvira Howe. Omaha Dally News,,,. Stella Blue, Kllpatrlck & Co Phyllis Hurland, Coleman Mnry Larson, Ora. Tea and Coffee Co. Agnes Mullln. Hnarman Bror Mr. Jennie Brnsmnn, Hanrmnn Bros. Grace Campbell, McCord, Brady Co.. A. L. Hun. Johnson & Goodlett Maud Mahan. Kllpatrlck & Co Ellen Larson. J M. Johnson South Dakota. Norn Harris, I.oihI'J Edna Wet7el. Lead.. 1,718 Muttle M Forney. Sioux Falls 1,191 Murle Knowles, Dendwood 60S Mrs F. E. Martin, Hot Springs 400 Maud Cameron. Dcadwood 2 Edith Blatchford, Terry 2 luanche Crow. Terry 2 Ituby Millet, Lead 2 Margie (ilbbm Lead 2 Maude Conk, Lead 2 Daisy Fowlet, Deadwood 2 Lydla JallU, Deadwootl 2 Uraeo Tarrell. Deadwood i llullio ncunott, Deadwood 1 uola Thompson, Dcadwood 1 Ion 11. Jennie McKlroy. Diiuliip, Wood blue Telephone Cn 2,ft71 l,lle Kenned), Mo. Volley . . . ,a,(S!) Mnyme Crclghton, Soo restaurant, Sioux City 1,547 6.1M fi.WO 4,liJJ j.ij 3,tfli 2,999 l.iol 527 371 313 lb6 liw 121 77 7 .6 7b 4( 30 i 20 19 16 12 10 10 10 7 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i! 11 1 1 1 1 ! 1 Amanda Franke, Manning Anna Toller, Cresion Jean Iteed, Sioux City Miss Sorlley, ilerk, Sioux City Mabel Collomer, Hloux City Pearl MaxHcld. Neola Minnie Bevhtor, Sioux City .i,M Beldlng, Corning Minnie Bennett, WJvdblno Ada Pelktt, AtlantK' Susie Kennedy, Cr"ston Margurlte Ballentyne, Corning JeiJln Held, Corning Council lllun-s. 801 65t 279 234 110 70 60 fx) li 01 111 a iMiiinn, nurse Mamie Aumann, Bltift City Laundry.. lieiiiah tloagl'iud Woodwards Lizzie McCreary, Woodward's Blanche Arkw right, artist J. Mnry Nelson, Christian Home Alary Atc.i, llookkeeper ticox Corn Bcrger, Hustcr's Millinery Vermont Beynoldr, teacher Edylh Thomas, tenchcr Myrtle Brown, Boston Store Soil t li Omnhn. Mnry MarMMit, Omnhn llrlilne at Terminal Ititllirn- Co, 1,127 Jennie Scaler, dressmaker 313 145 W itblnuton. , t.niMi l.iflS w 355 123 j 6.' M 3) 1 1 Eva O'Sulllvan, S. u. High school 38 Clara Adams, Neb. Tel. Co Ellle Oreton, Spoxane Hot weather In Omaha and throughout tho state has apparently made 110 diminu tion lu the effort ot the young women who arc competing for the graud prizes In the vacation contest. They and their friends bellevo iu making votes while the sun shines, as a reference to tho llgurcs will show. One of the successful contestants wtll spcud ten days at the Marlborough In Iluf falo while attending the Pan-American ex position. She will go nnd return via Chi cago. Another will put ln a delightful two weeks at Hot Sptlngs, S. D and live at tho famous Hotel Evan. She will havn all the privileges of the plungea and bathu. A third will have two weeks at the Hotel St. Louts, Lake Mlnnetonkn, going and returning via Minneapolis. One will sprnd two weeks nt tho Garret son house, Lnke Geneva, Wis., going and returning via Chicago with a stopover there at the Ornnd P.iclllc. Another young woman will enjoy two weeks nt tho Fountain Spring houno. Wau kesha, Wis., making tho trip via Chicago, The foregoing aro only a few samples of ths kinds of vacntlou offered by Tho Dee. There are twolvo of thorn all told and not a bad one on tho Hat. Hcference to tho figures published herein will reveal at n glanco a decidedly nctlvs stato of affairs not only ln Onmlia hut throughout tho entire country embraced lu the offer. Do not fall to read the paper every day Watch tho figures, too, for they tell 11 most Interesting story. PENSIONS 1'OU WIISTHIIX vbtkhans. Wnr Survivors Ilcineiiibereil h- the neitcrnl Government. WASHINOTO.N. July 10. (Special.) Tho following pensions havo been granted: Issue ot June 21: Nebrarks: ItestoraMon and Increase James 8. Leonard (deceased), Mitchell, IW, Increase Daniel C. Wcstfall. Humphrey, 8j John L. McDanlel. Saint Edward, $12. Or iginal widows, etc. Emily Bennett, Orleans, S: (special accrued. June 24) Charity A. Lindsay. Elba. SS. Wnr with Spain widows. eto.-Mary A. Doxsoe (mother), Callaway, $12, Iowa: Orlglnnl-Frank Norrls Hecse, Ter rll. JO: Jnmes Todd. Corydon. 6. Additional Benjamin F. Ireland. Annmosa. 12. Be stnrHtlon nnd additional Edwin Chnmbor laln (dead). Persia. IS. Bestomtlon and re issue Joseph Harrell (dead), Peru. $10. Be newal Harrison H. Vaughn, Mason City, 10. Ilencwnl and reissue Sanford N. Wil liams, Des Moines, 3d. Increase Jnmes Tompkins. Clinton, $17; Emanuel B, Greenly. Moravia, $8; Cyrus H. Shaw. Mar nhalltown. $8;, Isaac. High, Jonesvllle, $10; William A. Brlmm. Laurens, 110; Hamlin V, West, Vllllscrt, $10; Abraham Harden, Cusev. $: John Shannon. Lc Claire. $8: Samuel 11. Smith. Jr.. Nichols, $12; William Johnston Efncr, Pferson. $8. Belssue Ben jamin W. Brlles, Burlington. $8. Itelssuo and Increase Abel B. Jennlngfl. Soldiers' Homo. Mnrshalltown, $12. Original widows, etc. Missouri M. Hnrrell, Peru. $S; Jennie M. Chamberlain, PcrBla. IS; Tlachet P. Cole, Murray, $8; minors of Patrick Clnrnhan, Harper, $12; renewal, Nancy A. Faron, Ot tumwa, $12; special accrued, June 17, Nancy Ann Wick, North Bucna Vista, $8; special accrued. June 24, Sabra E. Hawks, Marble Bock, $8. Colorado: Original Hermann Holthuian, Florissant. $12; Daniel Shields (dead), Idalla, $30. Renewal Wllllnm H. Barbour, Pueblo, $C. Increase Levi Todd, Colorado Springs, $12; George M. Lensure, Idaho Springs, $3; Austin Stevens, Aspen, $12; Carl Roberts, Boulder, $10; Henry' H. France. Leadvllle, $8. Orlglnnl widows, etc. Augusta Davison, Idalln. $12; special nccrued, June 24, Martha A. Lawrence. Brighton, $8. South Dakota: Increase Wllllnm II. Striker, Egan, $12; Levi D. Smith, Hot Springs, $8. Orlglnnl widows, special ac crued. June 24 Sarah J. Cole, Huffton. $8. Montana: Orlglnnl, special June 21 Os mond Nercson, Butte, $6. Onkrinle Defeuta HpnulilliiK. OAKDALE, Neb., July 10. (Special Tele gram.) Onkdale defeated Spauldlng today, 15 to 3. Batteries: Oukdnle, Lotheby und Oallowny: Spauldlng, Glnskn, Rhortser and Gllroy. Struck out: By Lotheby, 15: by Glaska. 11; by Shortser. 1. Base lilts: Oak dale, 21; Spauldlng, 1. Two-baso hits: Lot ran. Wright, Art Onlloway. Ernest Onllo way. Three-base hits: Wright, W. Sting fellow. Umpire: MunMleld. Western I.enunc Clinncres, ST. JOSEPH, July 10,-Presldent Hlckey of tho Westtrn league tonight ks,:ed the followlnn btslletln: ContrnctH with Omaha T, F'e'nltir; and H. F. Payne. Beleased, W. J. Reld. Suspended by Denver Elmer Mered li and W. A. Hlckey, for jumping their con tracts. Suspended by Minneapolis Jlggs Dona hue, for Jumping his contract. reunion for 11 Ftinntoit Mnn, ABILENE, Kan., July lO.-Colonel E, C. Little. 'of tho famous Twentieth Kansnn Volunteer regiment, which, under the com mand of General Frederick Funtton, won an enviable record In tho opening campaign In tho Philippines, has been granted a nen plon of $30 a month for Injuries received. Aberdeen Wins. SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. July 10.-(Spclal Telegram.) The llrst of a series of three games betwicn the AberJcon and Slitix Fnlls ball teams was played on tho local grounds today, Aberdeen winning, 11 to 9. Ten inninga wero piayeu. Ipeno Bottle of that best of beverages m EM 1 AN "Ktag el all Dttld Uers." You will find it a delightful table beer light, sparkling, appetizing. The ideal tonic rich in true hop flavor. Ordtr Iron C. R. MAY, OMAHA Onrlln7bokfttMDn"t)oa Ouata Bjpt" trM onrqont. Tk Arlo Hrcwlnc 4., ft, Lnl, M. Buttled nt the Brewery Only. Never Mold In llulL." On Corouutlo IJonch, In liiteudutl for thoso who wnnt to live outtloorfl nil MiiimiiT, who llko to live Rliui'ly nml without rvfitrnliit. Clcnu clio.itL, cou vpiilcnt, comfortable. KurnlHlicd tents (sliiKlc) .fl'J u month. Excellent meals nt n quilt tin- encli. Ice-wnter piped to tents free. Electric llitht In encli tent. Low rnllrond rnten this summer over the Snnlo I'e. Write for piirtlculnrs. Coronado Tent City-California. W. J. BLACK, Orneral Passengrr Agent The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Uy., TOPBKA, KANSA8. DOCTOR Searies&Searles OMAHA SPECIALIST Most Successful and Reliubla Specialist in Diseases of Men. VARICOCELE Are you afflicted with Varicocele or Its results Nervous Debility nd Lost Mttv ho o-l? Are you nsrvoui, Irritable and despondent? Do you lack your old-time energy ind ambition? Are you suffering from vital weakness, etc.? There Is a derangement of tht sensitive organs of your Pelvic 8ystm, aud even though It glvss you no trouble t present, It will ultimately unttun you, depress your mind, rack your aervout lyr.tcm, unfit you for msrrUd lift sad shorten your existence. Why not be cured be fo e It Is too late? WE CAN CUUB TOU TO STAY CUKKD UNDER WR1TTKN OWAR ANTEE. We have yt to see 'the oase of Varicocele we cannot cure. Medicines, nlee Iric belts, etc., will never cure. You need oxpert trratmenL TV treit thousands of teses whero the ordinary physlolan troats on. Method new, never falls, without out lint, pain or loss of time. on. a. v. sEAni,n. bTRICTUfSE Homo Treatment. No anri fi PPT no n,i Infallible ana ULtt l iullcny oured with a nstrutnentn, no pain, no detention from business. Curo auurantued. Urln. Frequency of Uonorrhoea, Kidney ond Bladder Troubles wean xirck, Bilrnln t nir. milky sedlmont on t. Urln Urlnatln tniiK Glee SYPH V$ a Hlzh Colored, or with stnnainx; cured for life and thn poison fhnrnurhlv a;lansal frnm the nystsm. Soon every sign und aynipicm mappeurs completely and forevtr. No "BHKAK1NG OUT" of the dissane on tho (kin or face. Treatment contains no daii rerous drucs or Injurious medicine. Home Treatmen lucceaeful and strictly private. CURES GUAR ANTKKD. CHARGES LOW WEAK MEN (VITALITY WRAIO.mado so by too eloaa Application to business or study; sevnr rm-ntnl strain or urtef; HKXUAL EX CF.SrtKH In middle life or from the effeota ot youthful follies. VKAIC MIN ARK VICTIMS TO NKU VOUU UBBtLITT OR KKHAVBTlON. WASTINa ViF.xfHKffi. INVOLUfiTAltV LOBSKB, with KAHLY DKCAY In TOUNU and M16DLE.AQKD: lack of vim. vlr, and strviiath. with sexual oran laspatrwd and weakened prematurely In apfroaohlnt old nge. All yield rapidly to our new troatment fur loss of vital power. Oca perzonal visit Is preferred, but It re cunnoi can ai my emce, Write us your symptoms fully. Our homo treatatat la Our coumol la free and lacrelly eenBdeallAl. Coatultitlon Prce- Trtittnf nt ky Mil Cult or tvldroas 119 So. Utb Street. Dr. Searles & Swiss, linulia. Neb. PAN-AMERICAN LIMITED TO Chi c a g O Leave Omaha 6i00a.m. Arrive Des Moines lOtOSa.m. Davenport. 2t 3 1 p.m. Chicago. ...6i58 p.m. VIA CHEAP EXCURSION RATES ALL SEASON Direct Connections with all eastern Trains'. ONLY ONE NIGHT OUT TO BUFFALO, NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. CITY TICKET OFFICE I 1323 FA Ft NAM STREET. era HA HAND SAW IS A GOOD THINQ, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." SAPOLIO IS THE PROPER THINQ FOR HOUSE-CLEANINO. A Travel Point Pan-American Exposition THE Pan-American, to be held at Buffalo, N. Y., May 1 to Nov. 1, will be one of the greatest and most beauti ful expositions the world has known. To enjoy its beauties will be worth any effort. The question of traveling to and from Buffalo is one to be carefully considered. You will desire to travel by the route affording the most comfort and interest. The return trip, too, must be considered, as after you have done the Exposition, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and vicinity, you'll be tired and wish to reach home quickly. The Lake Shore and nichigan Southern Railway as the leading line to Buffalo by reason of the frequency of its trains and the certainty and punctuality of their move ment will best meet this requirement. It is the only double track line, and the completeness of its service eight through trains daily among them the only daylight train, places it at the forefront among Eastern roads. The country traversed is the fairest and richest of the Middle States the most interesting on the way to Buffalo. ah iirin; o..r itl. rial iirird ui of tairc.n .llh.r MibtKm CltrtUnat tut w reiuru trip wuniu mail or riewtt. uur "Wm x D.S.ot (r.tonrriuMt, LooUUtirohcirfoll, P. Al. BYRON, G. W. A., Chicago. liiiiTklo. ,'jio .top .1 rhanUuqu.oHj if.iu. ooaiaua. run laiona.tlon. KILL Mice, Cockroaches, Water Bugs, Croton Bug") ond " other Vermin utinj... Stearns' Electric Rat end Roach Paste McU. boi c.l tlnm-cnti ! rroctra or lent limi pniwia. Stearns' Ilootrlo Poata Co., OHIOOCO. IkLa. ' llmlrn1 MiiAtnn In. Every Woman a-rMOH CvtlTHllllil IIUMawttlMui';. oilirr, hut .lid l inline- ran raniniun mnn it iaw4i i Room i.'it '"i 'M;, N V HRNVfc BKAHS aiclrcur Nerrouinr.., ull rnuiuof avliu.n. Maisi niunaaoa. iniu, iQttat. Ill mkrrT .hlllkTtl l.k. K , mmm:.Ji mlt wk oru tod ot rnwn iitorcT. UXI it Ihcrniio McCtnmU 4 Kuba a to. araculiM