Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Frobibli Effeot of New Ordr bj ?itmtr
Giaiul Bmith.
Onlr Aim nt Sixteen Omnlin I'niirm Are
lAUrlr t He IJxcluileit Under
.evr lliilc nncl Tliey Will
Continue I'lililluntluu.
Tho officers of tho Omaha poatoflico are
beginning lu Investigate tho probable ef
fect of tho order which, according to re
port, will noon be Isaued by Postmaster
Ooncral Smith regarding secorid-eluss mail
Tho order has not yet been received, but
thl olllclals arc getting a knowledge of tho
condltlono so thut no time will bo lost In
putting the order Into effect when It comes,
As shown by the recently publUhed report
there haB been a comparatively largo In
crease In the amount of second-class mat
ter entered at the Omaha otllcc, but In
vestigation bIiowh that few of the new pub
lications will come under the restrictions
of thu posttnustcr general.
At this time seventy-nine persons and
publications aro entitled to the privilege of
nailing newspapers anil periodicals as second-clans
mutter; Out of this number a
cursory Investigation shows that probably
sixteen will unino undor thu now rule and
bo excluded, while it Is possible that twenty
others will bo affected. Tho doubt which
exists regarding tho twenty Is caused by
that provision referring to "nowspapers
which chargo but a nominal subscription
.Mini)' Itelliclmm I'liprrN,
A largo part of tho seventy-nine publica
tions lu tho city are religious Journals
Issued weekly or monthly In tho Interests
of some particular church or denomination.
Tho Methodist churches Issuo several such
papers and other denominations Issuo one
or more. Tho subscription price of theso
papers ranges from lift rents to $1 per year,
nnd the question 0f "nominal subscription
price" Is one which i' hard to decide.
An Investigation cf tho list shows that
of tho sixteen pape's which will probably
bo denied Hecond-ulass privileges all of
them will continue publication, as they are
being conducted by solid firms, who, even
with the Increased cost of postage, will find
them still a chenp advertising medium.
For this reason the new order will greatly
Increase tho revenues of tho Omaha post
otllcc, as the postage on each pnper will bo
1 cent, agalnBt 1 cont a pound under the
present rule.
l'cilillliiK CuIiIiukc on a Document
thnt Authorise Nothing but
n MnrrliiKC.
C. Leef, H32 South Thirteenth streot, has
been peddling cabbages, beets, onions and
otliur garden stuff through tho Btreets of
Omaha tor ten days with no authority for
dotng so other than a marriage llconso.
The Uccnre entitles him to marry Kebeccah
Leah, aged 34 years, who, ho swears, Is
"slnglo And unmarried, and not his first
cousin." Tho license cost him $2, which ho
considers a good Investment, as ho has sold
almost $100 worth ot goods on It.
Leef was required to explain the matter
In police- court yesterday. Ho said ho
was Imperfectly familiar with the English
language, as well as with tho red tape
necessary for taking out a huckster's per
mit. He had asked simply for a license and
somoono had directed him to tho marriage
license bureau. Kobeccah Leah Is bis wife,
who helps him drlvo tho wagon, her full
name being, of courso, Reboccnh Leah Leef.
Leef was told that tho marrlago llconso
didn't entitle him to tho prlvllegon ot a
huckster and he was discharged, with In
struction to oxplaln tho caso to the city
clerk, who would give him tho right kind
of a document.
Frank Avery la Arrentel nn C'hnrc
of Trylnir to Shoot IIU
Frank Avery, aged 22, was arrested on a
charge filed against him by bis father, John
D. Avory of 140S Jones street. Tho father
alleges that his sou shot at him twice and
maintains that ho is afraid ot tho boy.
Shortly after noon yesterday tho father
and sou quarreled at their home. The young
man bus been keeping company with ii
young woman whom tho father dislikes.
After a hot exchange of words the son
started downstairs and warned bis father
not to follow. Tho older Avery did not
obey orders and he alleges that bis son
drew a revolver ot 33-callber and shot at
him twice. Neither bullet took effect.
A Sure Cure for Diarrhoea.
Coming, as It docs, In the busiest season,
when a man can least afford to lose time,
a euro, and quick euro for diarrhoea Is very
desirable Anyone who has given It a trial
will tell you that tho quickest, surest and
most pleasant remedy in use for this dls
caso is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. Thoro Is no Iocs ot
time when It Is used us one or two doses ot
It will euro any ordinary attack. It never
falls, not even In the most sovero and
dangerous cases. For sale by all druggists,
Cheap Summer Kxcuraluua Via Mil'
noli Central II. It.
St. Paul and return, July 1-0 9 85
Minneapolis and roturn, July 1-9... . 9 85
Duluth aud return, July 1-9 13 85
Chicago and return, July 3-25 14 75
Louisville and return, August 24-26.. 21 f.0
Duffalo and return, overj day 25 75
Circuit tours via Great Lakes to Duffalo
and Intermediate points. Staterooms re
served In advance. Call at city ticket
office, 1402 Knrn nm street, for particulars,
or address W. 11 Drill, D. P. A., I. C. It.
II., Omaha, Neb. KXCim.SItl.V HATES.
Via the Milwaukee Hallway.
June 12, 13, 14 and 15, Omaha to Chicago
and return, 114.75.
July 4, G und 6, Cincinnati and return,
July 6, 6 and 7, Detroit and return, $22,
July 20, 21 and 22, Milwaukee and return,
Low rates to summer resorts.
City ticket office, 1504 Farnam st. Tel. 2S4
YelltnvMtone I'nrk. Ilxruralon,
If you would like to Join a personally
conducted excursion to ellowstono park,
to leave Omaha Tuesday, August 20, wrlto
to J, Francis, genoral passengor agent,
Burlington Route, Omaha, and receive
about July 20, booklet giving full Informa
Cost (about $90) Includes exery expense
ot tbo trip railroad fare, Bloeper both
ways, meals, hotels and stage transporta
Hplrlt l.itke-l.nkp OkolioJI.
conveniently reached via Illinois Central
railroad from Omaha. The only road hav
ing both morning and evening service to
above points. Low rates. For particulars
call at city ticket office, 1402 Farnam street
Dr. Lord has returned. Office. Paxton
block; hours, 2 to 4. Telephone, 33.
fj, S 1'iiMa nf Iliirfnln Comity necmiies
.Mentnlly- Dernngeil by the
Hut Wcnther,
A dozen or more excited men, who had
alighted from an Omaha and Council Ulurfs
motor car, opposite the Millard hotel, ran
down Douglas street toward the river yes
terday shouting "Stop hlml Stop hlml"
Oeforo a block was passed as many moto
had Joined In tho race. Men were seen
running from every direction, so confus
ing tho situation that It was Impossible to
tell who was to be stopped.
At Ninth and Douglas streots Officer KIs
sano stepped out of the shade and seized
one of tho sprinters by th shoulder. In
stantly tho crowd gathered about them.
Some ono explained thnt tho officer's catch
was Insane from overheating, and that this
was the second attempt ho had mado in the
last few minutes to drown himself in tho
Missouri river.
Just then another sprinter arrived, and,
between gasps for breath, broke tho news
that tho officer had captured tho wrong
man. Tho real lunatic was oven then
speeding for tho river. Tho man who had
been nrrcsted was one of those who had
been trying to overtake the would-bc sui
cide. The now arrival was making this
explanation for the fourth time, and wns
beginning on the fifth, when two deck
hnnds from the Henrietta appeared leading
the quarry between them, Thoy had wit
nessed the spectacle from the bridge, tbey
sold, oml had dropped down under the ap
proach In time to hoad him off. The vic
tim of heat was 0. S. Potts, n farm hand
from Ituffalo county, who had been In com
pany of his friend, John Ostcrman, also ot
Duffalo county. The man tho odlcer
stopped was a Swede named Johnson, who
Is employed In tho smoltcr. Potts was
taken to the pollcb station, wbcro ho Is
being treated by (ho Burgeon.
I'rellmliinry Arrnneiiiciit for Ont-
Iiik nt Arlington on
AuKust 8.
Tho Retail Orocers association le meet
ing with great success In preparing for tho
nnnual picnic of tho organlatlon, which will
bo held nt Arlington August 8. A hustling
committee has succeeded In securing from
tho Jobbers n largo quantity of mcrchandlso
which will be offered as prizes In tho con
tests of skill and strength which will bo
pulled off at the picnic. Somo of tho
unique contests for which good prizes nra
offered are for the oldest man present, for
the oldest woman present, for the hand
somest baby, for tho mothor ot tho largest
number of children, present with tho
progeny; for tho most popular young
womau and the most popular man.
All business connected with the grocory
stores Is to bo suspended August 8. The
commission houses nnd the wholcsalo
houses will close for tho day, so that inns,
tcrs and men may attend the picnic. Gar
deners to the number of over 100 have sig
nified their Intention of Joining the party
and Council Bluffs will be strongly rep
resented. For tho accommodation of thu
Iowans a special train will leavo Council
Bluffs at 7:30 o'clock, leaving tho Webster
street dopot, Omaha, at 8 a. m.
Do you want a sound liver, vigorous di
gestion, strong healthy kidneys, regularity
In the bowels? Take Prickly Ash Dlttcrs.
It has the medical properties that will
produce this result.
Man vrlth Game Appetite and Doloirnn
fa PIB.t.,n nam '
of Lack.
The man with a spring chicken appctlto
Is unfortunato it he has a bologna salary.
He is not likely to havo enough chicken to
founder him.
Twenty-two cents a pound was tho price
which dressed spring chicken brought yes
terday. Monday tho prlco was oven higher,
Chicken dresscra paid 19 cents a pound for
live frys and by tho ttmo the chicks got
Into the hands ot tho retailer the price was
higher than Capo Nomo mining stocks.
Commission men paid 16 cents n pound for
live Bprlng chickens yesterday morning. This
Is unusually high for July. Last year at
this ttmo the prlco ranged from 12 Vt cents
to 14 cents a pound.
It your brain won't work right and you
miss tho snap, vim and energy that was
once yours, you should take Prickly Ash
Bitters. It cleanses the system and In
vigorates both body and brain.
KriiK I'ark.
"Tho Passion Play" Is drawing big crowds
to the Krug park this week. It tells tho
story of tho llfo ot Jesus In an Intensely
Interesting manner and Justly merits the
Indorsement of all. It runs for over throo
quarters ot an hour and during the pres
entation of such scenes as "Mary at the
Tomb," "Peter Denying tho Master," "Tho
Last Supper" and the "Crucifixion" thero
are fow who aro not affected. This splen
did show, which appeals to tho pulpit and
laity, Is given free every evening.
Tho concerts ot tho Lorunz band con
tinue to bo a popular feature.
It would bo bnrd. to And a cooler place
than the park these1 days and tbo short,
pleasant ride makes It 'ft pleasant place to
spend tho evenings.
On the Mllwnnkee Itallway,
For a short or a long vacation tho beau
ttful lake offers the most economical yet
delightful outing that Is available for
Omaha people.
Qulclcly and easily reached from Omaha
via the Milwaukee railway, altitude almost
2,000 feet, air always cool and Invigorating,
A beautiful, clear, deep lako with high
shores picturesquely timbered with bard
wood trees. Excellent fishing, boating and
bathing, Moderate-priced but good hotels,
This Is a list ot advantages not to be equaled
Full information cheerfully furnished nt
tho Mllwaukeo railway city office, 1504 Far
nam ttrcet. F. A. NASH, O. W. A,
Y. 1. C. V, Special CIiIohko to Wi
nona Lake
Will leave Chicago Union station 1:30 p.m
July 21 over Pennsylvania Short Lines and
reach entrance to Winona assembly grounds
where convention will bo held, at 4:30 p
m. Reduced rates for tho special, also for
regular trains over these lines. For de
tails apply to H. R. Derlng, A. G. P. Agt
248 South Clark St., Chicago.
(ioliiu tn HutTalo,
Try tbo Pan-American Special of the
Michigan Central, via Niagara Falls,
Leave Chicago 6:00 p. m., nerving dinner
arrive Buffalo net morning 7:45. There
Is comfort In travel on this train.
Ticket office, 119 Adams street.
Don't forget, via Niagara Falls.
Publish your legal notices In Tho Weekly
Bto. Telephone 238.
1)1 HO.
BALDWIN Kdlth L July 9, 1901. aged 39
years . mourns u uays, who ui juubu
Arthur R. Baldwin.
Funeral from her lato residence. 1723
South Twenty-eighth street (this) Thurs
day afternoon, July 11. at 3:30 o'clock. In
terment Forest Lawn cemetery. Frieuds In
TriDimlitouri Linn Acco mpliib Net Ling a
Chicago Muting.
llnntln of (lie Western Representatives
Arc Tied nnil They Are Power
less to Act Now They Hest
on Their Oars.
Freight representatives of the transmls-
sourl lines succeeded In accomplishing
nothing at their meeting In Chicago Tues
day toward a rc-estnbllshmcnt of tariffs.
This was duo to the fact that the lines
leading up to the Missouri had reached no
agreement, and on their action hinged the
Two meetings were In progress simul
taneously, one of traffic men of tho Chicago-Missouri
roads, the other of trans
mlssourl line men. Tho Santa Fc, which
Inaugurated tho cut set for July 15, belongs
to tho former division, together with the
Chicago Great Western, tho Burlington,
Atchison, Milwaukee, Hock Island and
Northwestern lines.
Tho representatives ot theso roads failed
to arrive at a conclusion and meanwhile tho
transmlssourl roads' freight mon wcro in
session waiting tor them to do something.
Tho transmlssourl lines must base any
action of theirs upon tho line of conduct ot
tho others, so their hands wero tied nnd
they could do nothing.
General Freight Agents Wood of the
Union Pacific and Kuhn of tho Fremont,
Elkhorn & Missouri Vnllev returned to
Omaha yesterday. They will not vent
ure to predict what will result. Tho other
division Is still In session trying to effect
an agreement that will obviate tho cut, but
thoro aro only five days left and thoy will
have to hurry. Meanwhllo tho transmls-
rour! lines rest on their oars helpless.
Weather Continues to lie Frnnidit
with Somewhat Torrid
If Forecaster Welsh could extract any
Immediate comfort from weather Indica
tions yesterday ho cnrefully nud selfishly
kept that tact locked In his own breast nnd
announced to tho general public that they
might be prepared to swelter and broil for
another twenty-four hours unless a proba
bio thunderstorm forms locnlly to rcllovc
tho present conditions.
Whlla not holding out any Immediate
hope ot cooler weather, tho forecaster took
InqutrerB so far Into his confidence as to
announco that ho believed conditions In the
west and north had so changed as to ren
der lmprobublo any higher rango ot torn
puraturc than has already been experienced
within tho last forty-eight hours nnd that
It Is hardly probablo that tho tcmpcraturo
for today would be as high as yesterday,
Reports to Omaha from tho corn and
wheat belt show that Tuesday the average
maximum temperature. In western Nebraska
and eastern Iowa was 102 degrees, but to
make tnls look Uko a summer resort bulle
tin comes the report from Kansas City,
whero twenty-one stations In Kansas and
Missouri show an average maximum ot 104
degrees, with no probability ot rollof within
the next twenty-four hours.
Exceedingly Lun Hate ICxcaralona to
the Black Hllla.
Dates Sale: July 1 to 9, Inclusive.
Rates: To Hot Springs from Slouz City
and Missouri Valley, la., and Omaha, Neb.,
$15.00 for the round trip.
From Lincoln and Superior, Neb., $14.00
for round trip. Proportionate rates, from
intermediate points east ot Long l'lne.
Minimum round trip rate, $10.00.
To Deadwood und Lead, S. D $4.60 higher
than to Hot Springs.
Transit Limit: Going trip, fifteen days;
return trip, continuous passage
Final Limit: October 31.
Stopover: Stopover will be allowed at any
point on the F., E. & M. V. R. R. west ot
Stanton, Neb., within tho going transit
limit of fifteen days from date of sale.
Don't miss this opportunity to visit the
wonderful Dlack Hills.
Proportionate rates based on tho above
will be on sale at stations east ot the Mis
sourl river.
Ask your nearest agent for full Informa
tion and bo sure your tickets read via the
North-Westers line.
General Passenger Agent, Omaha.
Cheap Excursions.
$16.75, Milwaukee and return, July 20, 21
and 22.
Cincinnati and return, $22.50, July 4, 6, 6,
Detroit and return, $14.75, July 23, 24, 25,
Chicago and return, $14.75, July 23. 24. 25.
Very low rates to tho Duffalo exposition
City ticket office, 1401-1403 Farnam street.
The PtttaliurK Special for IMttabnrK
Leaves Chicago 7:30 p. m. every day, ar
rives Pittsburg 7:45 next morning. In ad
dition to vestibule coaches this train car
rlcs sleeping cars Chicago to Pittsburg. Ono
car has buffet serving breakfast, and pas
sensors can got oft train at Pittsburg re
freshed and ready for business. Its coun
terpart, the Chicago Special, leaves Pitts
burg 6:30 p. m. and brings passengers to
Chicago next morning. Arrange with It. R
Derlng, A. G. P. Agt., 248 South Clark
St., Chicago, for your next Pittsburg trip
on this train.
Tho ladles In chargo of tho Chllds' Sav
ing Institute are getting up a "soda water
day," to bo held at Sherman & McConnell's
drug store, Sixteenth and Dodge, Friday,
July 12. The tickets aro on sale at Whlt
more's art store, 1517 Dodge, until Friday,
then at Sherman & McConnoll's. The object
ot tho benefit Is to help tho furniture fund
for their now home.
Dr. R. D. Mason, rcctnl Btirgcry, Brown blk
Painting An Iron Fence
Is not a bard Job but It requires different
pntnt from that used on wood.
kind. It Is called "ROOF and BRIDGE"
paint. It ADHERES to any kind of metal
and forms a permanent protection. Sold in
and 1 gallon cans, 5-gallon tin buckets
and 60-gallon barrels.
No matter WHAT you want to PAINT,
wo sell tho paint properly adapted to THE
have S. W. Co. paint in H-plnt lots and
HUGE BARRELS and enns, for every pur
pose from painting a baby carriage, bicycle
or bird cage to the pointing of a "brown
stone" front or an elevator. ASK FOR
Sherman &McGonneil Drug Co.
'The Drug Store on tho Corner."
W. A. Frnxrr of Onllna Telia of II nil
Crop t'niiitltlon In Ills
W. A. Frasor of Dallas, Tex., a member
of tho board of managers of the Woodmen
of the World, Is In the city attending a
meeting of tho board. He tells a story of
misfortune to the central part of Texns
which Is hard to equal.
"Tho dry weather lias Injured the part of
Texas In which I reside beyond estimation,"
ho said. "Wo lost our wheat and oats and
now the corn Is going. Wo have had few
rains and what wo havo had have come
at the wrong time. Tho smnll grain headed
before tho straw was six Inches high, but
we hoped to save ourselves with tho later
crops. Tho dry weather continued nnd tho
corn Is gone. Feed for stock will have to
bo shipped In nnd much stock will be
sacrificed In order to save It from starva
tion," SCOLKlNCi YOt'll HCA 1,1
Will Remove the Louse Dnmlriifr
Sealea, lint It Won't Cure Daiitlrtirf.
If your hair Is brittle and thinning you
have dandruff. Tho merely scouring of the
scalp of the loose scales won't cure dan
druff, because dandruff Is nothing but scales
of scalp being thrown up by n pestiferous
little germ In burrowing Its way to the root
of the hair, where It saps the vitality, caus
ing falling hair and In ttmo baldness. Now
you can't stop dandruff, nor falling tin I r.
nor prevent baldness unless you destroy
that germ, and tho only preparation that
can do It Is tho now scientific discovery,
Newbro'H Hcrplcldo. In foct, no other hair
preparation claims to kill the dandruff
germ all of them will clean the scalp; soap
and water will do that, but only Ncwbro's
Hcrplcldo gets at tho root of tho trouble
and kills tho dnndruff germ.
Aililltlonnt Accommodations.
On account of the very low rates mado to
Colorado points
has placed In servlco nnother through Pull
man sleeper on train No. 3 for Denver,
leaving Omaha at 4:25 p. tn. dally, and con
tinuing until September 10.
A tourist sleeper will also bo attached
to this train for Denver, July 6 to 13, In
clusive. This servlco affords passengers tho very
best accommodations with tho greatest pos
sible comfort.
Reservations ohould bo mado as far In nd-
vancu as possible.
Now city ticket office, 1324 Farnam streot.
Tel. 316.
Cheap Summer Kxciiralona Via 1111
nola Central 11. It.
St. Paul and return, July 10-August 31,
Minneapolis and roturn, July 10-August 31,
Duluth nnd return, July 10-August 31,
Chicago and return, July 23-25, $14.75.
Louisville and return, August 24-6, $21.50.
Buffalo and return, every day, $25.75.
Circuit tours via Great Lakes to Buf
falo and Intermediate points. Staterooms
reserved In advance. Call nt City Ticket
Office, 1402 Farnam St., for particulars, or
address W. H. Brill, D. P. A., I. C. R. R..
Omaha Neb.
Lake OkoboJI.
Tbo Ideal summer resort. Quickly and
eBl!y roa'ched from Omaha via the Mllwau
keo railway, tho only through lino.
City offle, 1004 Farnam street.
of being baldhcnded when you can get the
latest and moat modern preparations for
tho cara of thc.halr und scalp, nt prices
from 25 to 40 per cent discount. Tho genu
ineness und quality of tho goods quoted
below ure guaranteed:
Money back It you don't lllco thorn
cnuse that's our style.
if 1.00 .cwlro'H' llerplclilc 7."c
$1.00 Alisma for the Hnlr 7oc
i,0Q Hu-Can Hutr Tonic 75c
$1.00 Mexican Hair Restorer 75c
$1,00 Mrs. Gruliam'u Cucttco Hutr
Grower 75u
$1.00 Austin's Hair Tonic 75c
$1.00 Mrs. Graham's Hulr Restorer Toe
$1.00 Seven Southern Sisters 75c
$1.00 Plnaud's Hulr Tonic 7'Jc
$1.0i) Ayer's Hair Vigor 75c
$1,00 Hnll's Hnlr Renower 75u
11.00 Dandurlne , 75c
$1.00 Mme. Yule's Hair Tonic 7oc
$1.00 Crunl Tonic 75c
50c Parker's Hair Balsam 40c
50a Huvs' Hair Health 40c
doc TrlcophcroiiH 40c
wc t-inauu u iiuir u onic c
OUimCraWn O DniK Store.
Tel. 747. 9. W. Cor. Kith and Chlcuo.
Goods delivered FREE to any part nf city,
if so
Try a Pair of HHPs
$3,50 or $5 Pants
320 S. 15th St,
The only exclusive pants house. Samples
sent to out-of-town customers.
A Cool Offer
Our now summer drink Is n big hit.
Vour temperuturo will fall ten de
grees ns soon as you get (nsldo tho
store- thero Is always a cool breczo
and tho fountain Is working overtime
theso warm days.
Atint Freeze
Is a lender this season cooler than
Ico cream soda and contains Just it
gentle hint of the old time popular
touthern drink, "mint Jullp." Try It
once nnd you'll know why a Kentucky
Colonel always takes mint In his
"morning's morning.' It's tho cool
est offer wo have mado this summer.
Myers-Dillon Drug 'Co.,
10th and Furnum Sts.
rai rwii
Is .Now Being Made From Fins Cuban Tobacco, Crop ot 1900.
P. II. RICE M. C. CO., Manufacturers, St. Louis, UNION MADE
1. 1, t'AHTIHl'.H STOCK SUM).
llutlre .Stock riirnlfthlnu; CSooita mill
llnta Kormely nt 1,'IOt Dtnmlii St,
This is one of the newest and best se
lected ctoiks of men's furnishings and hats
In tho city, and carried only the best known
nnd most popular brands and makes. We
bought the stock so cheap that we aro able
to put on prices thut will close out the en
tire stock In ono day anil that's Saturday.
J. L. llrundels & Sons, Props.
Selling Rogers Peel & Co. clothing.
Send articles ot Incorporation, notices ot
stockhblders' meetings, etc., to Tho Bco
Wo will give them proper legal Insertion.
Telephone 238.
These are days thnt try n woman's sole
If tliev wcur MnroslH they nei'dn't worry
The soles are Hint flexible kind with i
plenty oi urea to support me instep nun
iimke wulklng cny, ii" well as Krncefill
no matter wlint thu thermometer says.
No line ot women's) line shoes pays at
tention to nil the little points of comfort
nnd stylo like does.
Sorosls Is worth $3.u0, but costs you $3.50
Sorosls oxfords nro the Ideal summer
50 3.50
Porosis $iioe Pt(
203 South 15th Street,
I'm ii U Wtlcoi, .uiiiiaif er.
Send for cntuloguo.
Tho management of tho "Ouarantco"
counted the pants In stock nnd found on
hand 7,64, Wo doubt whether there aro
thut many In any other clothing stock In
town. In order to reduce them quick It
wns decided to give the cheapest ones away
for nothing In order to treat every ono
nllko they will bo thrown from the roof
when tho postolllco clock strikes 9 Thurs
day morning. On tho Inside you will llnd
tho rest of thu pants arranged on tables
your choice of each 4Sc, fi!ic, 9Sc, $1.23, $1.50,
$1.75, $1.00, $2.50, $3.00 nnd $3.50 tho latter
ones are ns lino as ntiy tailor makes to
order nt from $10.00 to $12.00, Wo ulso ad
vlso you to buy nothing nnywhero In men's
and boys' wenrlng apparel before you see
us ns what there Is on hand If It suits you
goes chenp at the Guarantee's selling out
snle, 1516-18 Cnpltol avenue.
P. S. Don't forget Thursday morning at
fl Is that tlmo when pants are given away
The Chicago Record
h? 61 of these Type
wr.iers In dally ui
If you want a typewriter, why not
eome first where you can as
WRITER tn Its best form?
of all kinds for all machines.
New Century
The finest catalogue
ever Issued is
yours for the asking.
United Typewriter and Supply Co.,
1014 Farnam St., Omaha.
The oldest and ono of the most reliable
paint houses Is still furnishing tho best
grndo of goods In tho city1. Wo sell J. W.
gallon, $1.50.
Cherry, oak, mahogany, ebony, rosewood,
walnut Vi pints 20c, pints 3,"c, quarts 65e.
Floor oils, per quart, 35c.
Floor wax, Uutchurs, 50c can.
Floor varnish, per qunrt, $1.00.
Warranted not to crack or turn white
with water.
Good paint brush, 25c.
Mill mill lloiiullia Sta.
Good Set Teeth $5.00
Gold Fillings $1 50 up.
; Tad's. Philadelphia Dental Rooms
I 1517 Douglas St.
WORK to Make a Giod 10c CIGAR
laTMiaTil " i TTTa TW iam
s k I a vmmmmm
fj are noiicenble to every ono
V and spoil your looks,
m m
M 1
mislead you by its type claim When
we say it, it's so
Men's blue wro coats $2.00, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00
Men's striped tlnnnel coats $2.75, $3.00
Men's blue serjje coat and vest $3.00
Men's blue serge coat and pants $3.50
Men's striped llannel coat and pants $-1.50, $5.50
Bargain Room Thursday
25 moro cases of strictly new wnsh goods
from tho eastern m 111b -nil new, lino pat
ternsnil nudo for 1001. Do not fall to
sco theeo now patterns nt Just one-third of
the prlco that you aro paying for old gcods
or seconds Read theso prices nnd wo
gunranteo that every yard Is ns represented.
23.000 yards of 10c batiste, nil tho new
tdiades, 3',e.
20,000 yards of the fnmoii3 yarrow dimi
ties, primrose lawns, never sold for less
than 15c, all fine colors, 5c.
23.000 yards of all tho 25c und 33c dimities,
lawns, organdies, Jaconets and batlstcn, nil
lino colors nnd designs, nil will go nt "Vic.
50,000 yards of all tho very latest Irish,
French aud Scotch dimities and lawns, nil
shear louths nnd gros. Roiiinn line printed
goods, all new, go in tho bnrgnln room at
7Hc full ctnndard prints, 2',iic.
25c mercerized foulnrds, 7c.
25c eatlns, fine colors, 5c.
23c percales, Cc.
12v4c pcrcnles, 2Vfcc
25,000 yards remnants nt ono-llfth nctual
Men's 10c handkerchiefs, iic.
25o suspenders, 2V&C.
Men's $1 union suite, 39c.
Men's and boys' 39c underwear, 15c.
Ladles' 2oc vests, Cc.
25c crash pants, 10c.
35c wash suits 15c.
$1 crash suits 49c
,2.50 outing suits, 05c.
$3.50 wool suits, 95c.
5 wool suits $1.45.
Special salo on all Hammocks to close.
Croquet sets at one-half prlco.
(In tho Silk Dept.)
50c washable silk, all colors, at 25c.
75c corded wash silk, $1 style, at 39c.
$1 black or whlto silk, will wash and
wear, ot 49c.
$1.25 black Lyon Dyo Jap wash silk, 36-ln.
wide, C9c.
More forcible than ever are our efforts to make thin Julv
clearing .sale llie greatest success in the history of our rloak
The Prices During Our Clearing Sale are Nol 1-3 the Value of the Goods.
Every garment of this tremendous stock mus.t be sold tt?
make room for fall goods which will soon begin to arrive.
35c women's waists, clearing sale
.. .1 .1 ..1, unlit
(Of WOllieil S WSUSlS,' I'luuriuy nun;
L women's waists, clearing sale price . . 25C
?l..r)0 women's waists in colors nnd white,
clearing sale price 59c
Sin women's silk 121 on jackets, clearing sale
11 m m 0
nr ce
sin women's suits, clearinir sale
v". uv.iiwin'u tn I ii ii v mill irnlf
yi n mi iv ii j inmj
nifj mm. i"
110 ivntiimi'a Hill. Mlrirfs
V- ....... ...... ,j....v.., -
ci l .9.. ..1J1. .4..
i?L WUIIH'U n IMULll JiiriUM.-s,
S7f5 women's suits, clearintr sale
UK inniiinii'o uri'irl iil'lnlu I Ofl IM II
ts- ...mi. ,.i !
iit Ml I Jv C1IM', I'll'llllll Mill' HMl-
5 silk waists, clearing sale price
10 silk waists, clearing sale price 2i90
100 dozen percale wrappers worth 1, for 39C
."0 dozen percale wrappers, clearing sale price 9oC
Just received by express -100 silk underskirts to go on sule
Thursday at .?", V(J and 7.n0 wort h double.
Prices less than 4 regular values.
100 do. Ladlon' 1 lain vests In pink, blue, rrd, white and fancy atrlpcn and
checks; nil regular 2oc quality, on nalo at 10c.
CHILDREN'S 25c STOCKINGS AT 10c 200 doz, children' utocklns. full
aeamlesn, double hrel, too and knee, In regular 2fo valued, on sale at Km.
Act vi ad
Value V
If you consider the actual
value of a large selection, we
are sure that wisdom will
guide you rightly when you're
ready to buy Unlike most
places, this store does not
$1.50 black Lyon Dyo Jnp wnsh silk, 36-ln.
wide, S3c.
$1,25 crcpo do chines, all colors, at 69c.
Itemnnnts of blnck tnffeta for skirts
silks that aro worth by the yard from $1.23
to $1.50, go In remnants for $5.90, $6.90 and
$7.90 each remnant contains from S to 10
yards, ami they'ro not In tho bargain room
Grocery Sale
i0 bars best laundry soup, 25c
b) pounds comment, loo.
10 uuunds ryu (lour, 19c.
4 poiiinlh whole Japan rice, 23c.
4 pounds pcurl tapioca. 25c
4 pO.HKls siigo, 25c.
llai tli'lt prnrn, per pound, it l-3c.
San Jose county pearlies, por lb., S l-3c.
Large Mull pencfieH, per lb,, 10c.
Kan In C'lnrit prunes, per lb. 5c.
Luige sugar-cured prunes, per lb., S l-3c.
Cracker Sale
We bnve broken the combination on
Crackers. Wo lire selling Crackers for less
than thu cost to the dealers.
Ginger Snnps, dealers cost C',4c, our
price, 3c.
Sod.i Crackers, dealers' cost 6V4c, our
price Cc.
Oyster Ci ackers, dcnlers' cost CV4c, our
price 6c.
Oatmeal Crackers, dealers' cost 15c, our
prlco 7c.
Grnluim Crackers, dealers' cost 15c, our
price 74c
Arrowroot, deaHrs' cost 25c, our prlco
Lemon Wafers, dealers' cost 25c, our
price 15c.
Vanilla Wafers, dealers' cost 25c, out
pi Ice 15c.
Sand Molasses, dealers' cost 15c, our price
8 l-3c.
Orungo Sweets, dealers' cost 15c, our prlco
8 l-3c.
Assorted Jumbles, dealers' cost 15c, 6ur
price 10c.
Sultnnns, dealers' cost 25c, our prlco 12V4c
Fix Hur, dealers' cost 23c, our prlco 15e.
1-lb. package Soda IHhcuIIh, per package
No. 1 sugar-cured hums 11V.Q
No. 1 California hnins . ...i 8Via
Vrnl loaf, per cun loo
Chipped dried beef 15c
5-puiind palls fresh ,eaf lard E2a
Fancy California Pears, per dos IEq
Choice Lemons, per doz 15c
Fresh Country Butter 12c
l Fancy dairy, a good tnblo butter Mo
Choice separator creamery ,.. ISc
7 $100,000 Goods in July
Shearing Cloak Sale
price. . .Qq
in!nn I it a
inn.;. . M
4. 3U llVfti
qqq mm
nrice. . .fi.QR
Kkivfu. I'lour-
, m
I Oft IK
1 1 w arn
plnfM'itlir nil o MrI
- " - r av.4:vi
.1 ... t.i ti uili
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20. (Ill mM'-t'h
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I AO V-imZA 'Mitel