THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY,- JULY 11, 1901. 1 1 a SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements (or theae eolnrana will h taken nnlll 12 m. for the evening- edition and nnlll H MO . tn, fur moraine and Sunday rdlllnn. ttates, 1 1.3a a until firm Insertion, lei a noM thereafter, nothing; tnkrn far Icaa than ana for the flrat laaer (Ion. These ailrertlaenienta mnat be ran conaecutf rely. Advertlaera, tty reqneatlnaT a nam tiered clieclt, enn have nnertara ail dreaied to a n timbered letter In ear t The Dee. Anavvera ao addreaaed will be delivered on preaentatloa mt tha heek alr SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED, a plaea ns clerk In town of 3,W0 iy lady in dry goods store; havo linn nx pcrl'iico. C 20, Ueo, C-M923 U wanted male help. 'WANTED Wo havo steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and appear ance, c. i'. Auams co., ij Howard hi. 11-303 , BARBER trade tnught thoroughly In short . tlmo: '.-utulngue anil particulars free. western uuruers mm tuie, umuua, ,eu, 1;0I. k WANTED nl once. first-class uoultry unil " general nrfcduco salesman! for western- territory. HUt fully experience, ago and salary crpectoa. a 37, nco. u mi WANTED, hoUsowreckers to Mo bids cn t musical festival lumber material, gravel, etc.. nl l-iln nnu dipnoi uve. inquire j E. Knowlcs, superintendent. D-MC27 .WANTED, llrel-class man for foreman In planing mill. Address 0. a. Collier, Fair- bury Neb. H-MG03 11 I 'WANTED. mcr to learn the barber trade We teach tho wotk In two months, prcs- enl crmnlete OutrH nf tools, grant dlnlo mas and guarantee 112 to 113 weekly' wheil rompotcnt. Tnis is the Dlisy season Thorouchlv eoulnncd. Institutions, oh tab- lluliA,! In HItufrhhtrM In rnnstant oprrHtlorr. 'Catalogue arid ip.irilculartf muiifd irrui .ioicr uurver.- i-uiivxu, ivjo i I'arnam Ha. 11-MG.17 11 WANTED, 'fttistractr. ' AdOross. stntlnc nge, oxperlenco and salary expected,- E. Engleson, Hloux City. In. , II Sol U WANTED, a young man for olllcu work. Htutu xIICrl(jnc nmt H.iliiry wuntwl.' "D," i Ilea office. Ho, Oniului. 11 '.tifl 16 "f i.tmi.r t . . ... ' . ... .... . . . ' Qehman. 'Lyons, Neb, ll-.MUII 12 ji-- .WAN i'i.D, ndvortlslng solicitor. MCAyoy .iSl'"?. 7)iVb" " rV.XA tl "fir! ,l8flJ,""l,,00klfe,"lur hHjio,0!11" - WANTEDj 11 reliable, energetic man ut I once; can mnkf big money. Look Uox '..1.. I ' ""'331 17 , 8ALEKMEN wanted to takojorders for our. I, celubruti.-il .mudc-to-order shlrta and Kcnts' shlrtwalsti, Addrewi W. Smith, lied uiik, ia. 11 MSJS 11 WANTED, (Irst-class cornice makers. Sioux ,, City Cornlcu Wprks, SI04X City, In. , H-M932 13 WATUb-I'liJIALE HELP. WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 . JJodge. Tol S76. ' C 303 i . . .HELIADLE help, C-madlun olllee. lu2i-Dotig I, C Mil IWANTKD,ipjsierlenud titter In dur cloak n- anu sun uepartmcnt. Must uc competent. Nebraska Clothing Qo.. s. C AIiBS 10 'M.ADIE8 In learn halrdressln. tinuilctirliic or massuge. We teach the work In- four weens, iiicui'.o complete oiitllt or tools, i"ViVMV,,-1!-'vi;'a1'B1 naaiv uiiHutu"" a,t,a suj r"v4 naaHVD Wilt; 1 1 I IcWANTKDi. a. flrat'Cluss operator ftn r.uo. dekc -ir. mowing machine;,. sleudv .posl " tlon hrftl guod wages. August Wllllgos, CIIUIIA WIIJ', V. .131AJ 11 tuurhTisNT second girl wan ted.... good -' wagcB-, 241 Lahgdon Court. C- ; 11 3i - :::'j - : ' . " 1 1 . COMPETENT cook In family of two; 3336 Harney.' C-M901 11 G1KL for general housework: family of tuur, r. u. .vuitu, jtut uuugias i C-M9Q0 if t COMPETENT nlrl fnr"' irennVnl 11,., no washing. Mrs. John A. McShan'e. 2(W6 Farnuin. C-M920 12 immediately. Industrious, competent, c vmin, nvnriiii iinuscwmn; reicreuces; good niific, lllllllliu III tqvu o, 01, . ' ' . C-928 12 WANTED Girl for aenernl lim,a....nru ??,rH A' a' allb(,rt. Scott st., Couneli f iimim. . C-.MUlO IT -'A GOOD girl wanted' nt the Creche. 19th, ill "im riuimuf bb, C B11H5 1Z J' ALL the Tiig'e 'with pretty' klrfs, hanilHomo dames and society ladles. S.ttln-Skln vrcuni aim i-owaer are-your best rrlendt r Sac. C-M93)i 11 FOll It I A T 1 1 0 US US. set.,. . IP YOt; want your houses well rented place E'f them With Benewa & Co. "Ii-307 ..111 ,Muvis rigni, got umatia van Storage Co., bfllco 15114 Farnftqi,cor tel. lliM-SO. 1IOU8E8 for rent In all partH of tho city. iirviinuii-Lovo v-u., b,Bomn utii street. D-309 HOUSES. Btureu, Bcmls, 'I'axtOn block. D-3I0 B. W. Corner 30lh and Burdctto streets ) " D-013 BEE HENKiT 11. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. D-311 HOUSES, otc. P. D. Wend. 1524 Douglas. D-312 HOUSES and tlats. Rlngwnlt, Barker block. U 313 HOUSES wanted. Wnllace, Brown block. I D-311 9-UOO.Nr home, bath and closet, ."6th nnd cnaries. Aionroe to., !',, llith t. K, D-315 U-ROOM modern, housg, 2413 Capitol av nuc. The O F, DaVls Co., &S2 Bee Illdg. "I . I .. -li TO small family, a four-roorri hol7Te2rM iiinniin. i.r mnnih. Anniv hot v ia si. T Mm. I-M97 FOR RENT. 2102 N.' 20th avc, house, newly papered ami painted; six uno largo rooms, Sec N L. Tiimuie. 121s l-'arnain; D-.M199 MODERN 7-room house, near Park, 1503 So. 2"ln D-225 JySt 1217 CUMING. 8-room bouse, all modern except turnace; rent, t.-u. 9 OMAHA 1X)AN & TRUST .CO.. 16th and Douglas. D 081 . . i i i. , .. ; l-ROOM brick house, modern, 2717 Jacksai'. tA Telephcne A. Truynor, t or i, i-aw. rfi D 599 FOR RENT. 4 ropms. t7. S. 20th. 4 rooms, 46th nnd Leavenworth, $10. W. L. HELBY. . lloAfd at Trade Ride. 'Phono 1510. j , ,i .. D-M793 U NEW K-room house, northwest corner SOth and Jackson Sts.; strictly, modern, de tached, corner,, spmh und east front; awnings for all windows; only $35. Hemla, , i-axtou uiock, i mi 7-ROOM tint, 617 'Bouth 16th. Clark Powell, 311 New York Life. TEN-ROOM brick modern house, 522 N. 19th St . $15.' ' n Nine-room modern liouso und large bam, 26f Popplctoh, Aye.., $10. Elegant house and large barn, 1K4 Wirt ni , $40. 12-rnom house and two barn, ISO N. ISth- Elght-rooin modern hoiue, 2037 .N. SOth 8t $1S. , Beveh-room house, city water. 2010 N. 2ih, BRENNA'N-LOVB CO., S09"8.q0th Wtfl'.St. U BV 18" i ... I l'l . 1111 I" -I - . ,'l , 1. Tt,,. NICELY furnlfhefi cottnge for rent. Apply At once, z?oi grace rjt. D-5V' W FOR ItE.NT-liOlSHS. FURNISHED house, facing Turner park on aist live., lor summer montns noaru tsKcn In part payment If desired. C 21, Ueo. DM!)H 11 - FOll KENT, elegant S-room hoJse, nil mod ern improvements. ni n. si. D-MOIO 11 FOR KENT A fourtccn-room dwelling at two First nve., Just back ot tna reutrai tiilllrtlnr. ..It ......Urn ., I rta .rt Hbut PUS stovo and ranges go with the home; two bath rooms, all In good repair; well suited for rintTii.r. ivhlfh l nntv til demand. See Ohio Knox, Shugurt block, CJiincil UiUITS. uMJil li FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E 315 THE THURSTON, cool, airy rooms E-320 THHEE rooms, light housekeeping. South 11th. E- DOUULE parlor for two gentlemen cumitig ut second noor. - E-2C6 800 S. ani ST. Furnluhed rooms. KUUNIHIIED rooms; lino location; lawn and snaoc. arnam si. n u 1 80UTII rooms, 1004 Capitol avenue. E-MEOI 12 rtllt.tlHIir.l) HOOMN A.M IIOAHD. UTOPIA,- 1721 Davenport SU QLENCAlltN, trunnlent, J1.25 iiay, 1WJ Doug, THE Merriatn, summer resort, 23th A Dodge. NICE south room. Tho Pratt, 212 S. 26th St. TWO largo- front rooms, with board. 1909 Capitol Ave. . . K-M9I7 THE u aw narney; room; ai a ?. 1'--D',l-'- ItOO.M with board, prlvato famll;.. :.-d6 kacuiun. ; F-(il-13 COOL rooms with board; modern-; 2iil2 Har ney -m, '. I'-r-.-VlWl DESIltAIILE rooms, llrst-class boai-d. 23S1 uainey. f mdx 1. IOII. HE.Vf-t.M'Ull.MSHEIl llo'6.Ms. DESK room space, i per month, ground' noor room in 1 no nee ouiiuing, iocmg Fnrnam street, no uxuciifc tor liKht. hvat or jiiiuior service, it. cv l'eterswv co. itcntai Agents, uec uunuuig: u 110 Voil. KENT, . unfurnished tldor; . ptIVato ".",hi h0J4 modern.' 2012 Harnoj. MS06 run itisN'r-imtitus' ami okkiciIs. fou KENT Store In llrst-clasa. location'; rent reaHouabU-. Aniily.H. C. Peters CO.. ground noor, neu tiiug. - - t oo FOll ItENT The building formerly oceu- lilid by The lice ui tiiu f arnnm i. 11 nits tour stories uud h busemuul which was formtrlv used as Tho Llie press room. This will bo rented very reireonably.- If. lntrriaicii aim v 111 once 10 c c itose- witter, secretary, room 100, Leo building. J 261 FOIt KENT Store, 2103 Leavenworth. i' AfiEVrS WANTED. WANTED CtinvuHulng ugenta iltr cvory county to solicit uunscriutions lur Tilt; Twii.tviii'yni j un.i h.iimiisii nnu. Illd NEW CYCLOl'EDIA OF LIVE stock and co.m'-l'jJi'e stouk joc Toll. This sitlemtld- book contalim 1.400 Imperial octavo' pages, bov objct-teuchmg, t'iiKniiugs iimi'ih inu oniy dook on 11 vo slock ever puoilMitd udapted'lo the overy- ,.l.Y ..'.J3 ,.f....-.V, L'rV.y ment with, assured good income.1 Agents in tho country with horse and busuv. es- tat 11-1 mm niuvi utriivit utnuji VU4JVJ' I I 1 IH1I Tlef . TTl I 111! II . t, flllriikd l'AI1llli fannoi :soucitor3-- bureau, Jieir.bulidmg.i Omaha. J ij 1 ' WANTED Agenta to'-aell our aenalble-ten- Lubcck, Mgr. lScbraeku Dept. thu Security LUo iind biivlnb'b. ins. Uo.. 16 N. V. Llfo. M I.. I' ii-i t.. 1, ' -r-M . . 1. STORAtJE; ! , vit jones, Riymrui'iusnKe aim lorwurumg.. OM.-V(in'.a,tor. Co., leil'urn.. Ts..l6ov9''8.- . y . Jl,. STOIl AGE Household, goods' 'and other aruv.ies siore(iat jow rates, j. j, ue.rignt Ac cy., hid ivnrnum au xcj. juu.. . aibi WA.TE 11 TO 1IVY. wtWii-n i. i.iiv rorii n'nrik 'ht,m. ,.L',i" W AI i I'.u. 10 uuy gooij worn norso, -about 1.400 pounds; state ago ahdHoWeSt cilih price. C 10, Bee. ' N-MitVJ 11 WANTED 100 feather brjls. r pay tho uiKHiBi. iiiiLen iui inu icuiiicrs. will stay 111 viiiii vuy a wi-cn. .1 uur.'sa. 1 ii.'irnti, erv Omaha-" NVh n,i "" ' v'.,",d,. 1 tienerai uouver will call ut your -. . . FOIt SALE FUJtMTUHE, .CHICAOO Furnlfjru Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel, 2020. New & 2dhund furniture bought, soldi I BUY 'your furniture at . Enterprise Fu'rnl. lure lo. ( e nuvu nurciiaseci 11 mir imnb. rupt stock mid will closo It out nt 25 per cent discount. 102-4 S. 14th. Tel. 22&ti. O MSjQ Jy30' FOll SALE HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC. QUICKEST and best repair work on vo- nicies it. rrost, ntn anu L.caveuwortli. P-397 FOR SALE cheap, a 3?;-lnch wagon gear. wun -i-incn tires, out utiio useu. u M, Hart, 1307 Jones 8t. P 410 FOR SALE. 1 riUiimr-tlred buggy, JtV; 1 llgni roao wagon, 2u; i ngnt spring wuuon. iM. wo I avo a tew mnre un. passenger swings loft, F. A. Buelow. uu Jones st. P M7So 13 FOll SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry and hog tenco uougias. tj 330 REPAIRS and sunollo for all makes nf ht. cycles, umuua uicycio co., luin : Chicago. : , : Q 331 WAND safe cheap. DerlgUt. 1U9 Farnam. Q 333 I - ' . ' SAFES, standard makvs.sold, rented, 114 B. 13 W .kb BIO line of secondhand wheels, $3, $5, 18. $10 Omaha ltlcyclo Co., I6th and Chicago 8ta. y 331 FOR SALE New No. 3 Herrick refrlger- niui , ill mow utii ,. niin, 44, JVLUirCilS, FRESH Jersey cow. 323 N. 37th street. W 612 12 TUKEY'8 BARGAINS. For sale, to be moved, 2 good solid houses. yis nun u-t) duciiron oi. i, i: 'jugey & oyii, unu in ui i ruue, y .tivia 1.' CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. PR1TZ, medium. 819 North 16th. S-335 MME. GYLMER haa returned and resumed business. rariors, 3lb south loth street. b Wx- PROP. HOWARD, clairvoyant nnd palmist, .VU7ii9""?J. .S,n. J?,filIi8u,Li;r" ',"."!!",rH of life, love, courtship, Mckness. travels, in sinnsi. snecuiatinns. mwsuits ana divorces, settles lovers' qimrrels, b?tngs separated .togcther,lpcates burled treas ures, advice on wills, deeds nnd mort gages, Hcadln8.fl.. for ladles. 11. for jtenucmen. wun tins au. a atuag 13' PEIISONAL. DR. ROY, cblropQdlsti.corna and superfluaua hair removed by electrlcty, R. 12. Freriew oioca. u i( ituiTURE cured; no knife, no pain, rq ..dapftrj. f nd far 'clrcul(ir.. Empire Riip; ture Cur 832 N. Y. Life Building, Omaha. PERSONAL, VLWA, woman's way to health; rational, icsomo nome treatment. s uec mug. U-3U - r- supplies for all machines: machines for ' rent. Whlto Sew-In Machine. 1620 Doug- Int. Tel. 2231. U-339 PRIVATE hoipltal for ladles before ami nuniis coniinemeni; Dames uuopieu. -ovu tlrant St. U-3U FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mall orders solicited. Omaha rieatlng Co., laSI Douglas. U-312 PRIVATE homo before and during confine- inent; names adopted. .Mrs. uurgci, Uurdette. U-34! WE KENT Hewing machines for 75 cents per weeK. We sell purls tor unu rupair every sewing muchlna manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, corner 15th and Harney ats. U til JyM M. GOLDMAN & CO.. only perfect ac cordion pleating plant In the vet; mall orders solicited. Suite 100, Douglan Hlock. U 311 SHOE Uepnlrlng. M. Sperduto, S18 N. 16th. U VJ3 WH II ME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 13th, Sd floor, room I. u mo ib- YOU cannot guess the ago of ladles using niiiiif.-min cream and I'owder, lor intso Kjvo to all a "swtet sixteen" complexion. JIOMiV T( I.OA.V-HEAI, 12STATE. MO'EY to loan on Improved Omaha real uHiuiu. ircnnan-UQVC co., w coiun win, W-316 LOANS on eastern. Nebraska and western town 'arms at 5 .per cent; borrowers con pay !KO or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay, Urennan-Lovo Co.. 3u!i S. lain Hi.,.()malia, reD. w-iiu WANTED, city loans, bonds and warauts. iteorgo & company, urn iarnam mruoi. W 313 (.WANTED, city and farm loam: also bonds and wurrahts. It. CV Peters & Co., .703 Karnam' St., .Uec Uldg. MONEY to loan at 414 and .hVf per cmt rn umanii property. i . 11. .iciitit, vn a. .0111. W 3oJ f'PHIVATE jnpney. F. D;.,Wead. I5!t Douglas w 'ilIVATE money. Sherwood. 837 N. Y. L w iVIJ MONEY TO LOAN on improved real estate.; i per cent inicrest: .no commission; privi- lege or paying iwi or more uciore ma- turity. isort nwpHicrn .Mutual i.iie ins Co., John W. Glsh. special loan ngent, 211 First Nat'l Hunk Illdg.. Omaha.. Neb. R AND t'4 ner cent loans. W. II. Thomas, l'lrat motional liunK uuuuing. tpi. iuis. w ;iou WANTED, city loans and warrnnts. W, Furnnm smith ft Co., 1320 Farnamsi. w 3j7 'VA TO 5 1. C. money. Uemls, Paxton oik. w-Mor J50.0O0 SPECfAL fund; loans K00 un. lowest rates, no delay, uarvln uros., 1613 Knr- .niiin. w aias2 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. DO YOU NEED MONEY. Wc loan $10 and up on furniture, pianos, norses unu otner cnattcis. SALAIIY LOANS. without mortgage to people holding perma nent positions. 1011 can get mo money in 11 few hours after mnking uppllcatlnn ami tnkc.l; 2. 3. 4, 3, 6 months or more In which to pay It back, and you need not pay for it one dav longer than you keep It. Wo charge nothing tor papers and wo give you. the full .amount In cash. There arc no lower rates than ours; our terms urc the easiest; our business Is confidential und' our 'motto la "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. llfL. tliiivril rt Trniln 111 rl Ta,l (Eatabllshcd 1S92.) S06 8. lGth St, X-338 CONFIDENTIAL j LOANS, n 1. on house, hold furniture, pianos,- horses, wagons, oic, 111 iwo noura time; also -to fciilarled jie'ople on' their plain note, with out security Easlcsfpayments 'nd low cRf rates In" Omaha Private 'Interviewing room. Amc'rlcsn Loan Co.. room SlJUrown block, cor. 16th and Douglas Sts,: entran on 16th St.; opposite Y. M. C. A': Uldg. -X-S60 LARGEST BUSINESS IN L'bANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE; '.merchants, team sters. uuiuuinK iuuscd, eii;., wiinouc se curity) easiest terms: 40 offices In principal cities, luiuiuii, tiu xiuuru 01 xruQo uiag, 'L'OANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE. IfVo stock, etc. Quick sorvlco 'arid' lowest ItilCa (ju.uuil.vv.-. ... Q.M llU '(tloott Paxton block, northeitrit corner'lOth una i' J.nam;.- cmranco on join streqt. LjiONEY loaned oh pianos, furniture. Jpw. ciry. norscs, cow, oic, v.. v . Jteea.ia u. j MOSEY loaned on. idanos. furniture, horses. I m,n lowelrv. Duff Green It. 8 ltnrknr 1.11 1 c0 ' cwelr'' fecn, it, , uarker blk $1,000 00 TO iplac- quick. M. J. Kcnnord & Son, suite 3iv. urown uiock. a. 360 L.WE LOAN money to salaried people on their note nt lowest, rates; strictly confl- 1 dcntlnl; pay weewiy. semi-weekly or monthly ltoom inu i-axton uiocK,,3n noor. Reliable credit co. X-623 BUSINESS CHANCES. FURNITURE of 7-room tlat. elegantly equipped, lino i-jcation, cneup rent, tun gulilleinen roomers, party leaving city will sell at a Bargain, j. 11. jonnson, is Y. Life. Y-04J GRAND HOTEL furnishings and four-year U-asu for sale lor casti oniy; tnirty-nve newly furnished rooms; tho best stand In the stato; is it bargain, n. r. itunKin, llartlngton, eu. y M2! I AM offering for sale my entire business- wood, coui. leeo and groceries, a uu but d- mcs and lot. For particulars lnnulre nl Thos. itisuion, zvM west uroauwuv, coun cu muns. x mioa FOR SALE or rent, my blacksmith shop and wagonmaitcr snop, doing a good iiusi. uess, on account oi my neuiiu. u. c. Walter, NorloiK, xxoD. x .M5ol jy 12 FOR SALE or trade, half or whole Interest In drug store; nara wood noor, Matthews gas maenme, soon lountuiu, etc., in l lively county seat. Thyroid-Lymph Co, boo uce mug. l i,b. WANTED Ladles of ability to manage branch oinces; must navo somo casn to cover cost of remedies. Thyroid-Lymph Co,, uW ueo uiug., umana. l oui A-2 Ti I K Wvomluc Cattle and Investment com KiVfock"? shares of stocK for sale at par. this is the safest and best paying investment on the market. If you have money to Invest, either In small or large amounts, uddruss, 1615 Howard St., care Union Printing Co. Y-667- FOR SALE, best fruit, confectionery, to bacco ana ice r.ieam business in a gooa town; sales, $1,000 per month; renuons for selling, other business requires all my time. C 19, Bee. Y-M9-'l 23 HAVE $4,000 to $5,000 to Invest In estab- lisnen naniware business in wefiern iowa or eastern Nebraska. Address P. O. Box 843, Shenandoah, Ia. Y031 16 MEDICAL. TR, PRIES, tho acknowledged leading pe- ciausi in uiBciiscs oi women 111 timnno, would call the attention of suffering ludlcs to his unsurpassed uccommodutlons be fore und during coniinement, und his treulmcnt for Irregularities, no matter what cause Call or nddrcsu, with stamp, Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. 230 J 2o r.n.-jnvA is i Prnneh trmtmeot fur ms'i. anil female, for the positive c uro of Gon- orrhoca. Gleet, Unnatural Discharges, in . flaminutlnns, Irritations and Ulcerations I ot Hie mucous memticaneB. An Internal remedy -with Injection combined, war ) ranted to cure worst rtasen In one week; I $3 per package or two for $5. 8ent any where on receipt of price. The Ktdd Drug t Co. Elgin, 111. American Office, retail, i wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M. A. Dillon. South Omaha: Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full line of legiti mate rubber goods. LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no other, send 4c stamp for particulars; "Re. lief for Indies" In letter by return mall: aak your drugsist. ChlchcsUr Chemical Co., tWJadelphU, Ps, FOll SALE lti:i,li 1JSTAT1J, ILNCH AND FA KM lands for sale by tho union Pacific llallroad company, u, .i McAllaster, land commissioner, inlon i'acltlc Headdtiartcrs, umahd, Neb. KL obi FOIt SALE, cheap, my residence, 2137 H. 33d an modern. ppi , Jlerchanu1 National bank. O. . Me geath. UE-Mut.0 FOll SALE, 320 acres of land tit a bargain, m section inirty la-Jj, wuunw, Neb. Address F. J. Ncasham. Ottumwa, la. 11L jisso 3 HOUSES nnd loin In all parts of city; asp acre property una larm i"u' - ,'" Davis Co., ltoom S52. lice Uulldlng. HE 3,0 Mitiin it.r t in i?nil SALE. In the rich valley of Loup river I can offer lor saio many tarms ai rei""""-- i; This land Is a rich sandy loam and pro duces elegant crops. Tho farmers are fast putting their bind Into alfalfa, which brings them line returns, lhroc and four crops a year being harvested at little or no expense, netting us high as 130 per ncro Income each year, Most of tills land Is under 11 lino Irrigating ciuuil, with a steady 4iid reliable How ol water from tho lx)uu river. I will name a few piece. 210 acres, 1 mile from county seat; 2o aojes meadow, tmiancc pasture lana, i-ncc, 2(m acres '.4 mile from county scat; good t- room r.ouse, orchard, 101s 01 iiinuer, i ucreH can be irrigated, 20 ucres lino ul falfii. lir. iiitpm unaiiire. l'rlce. H.OvJ. ifi n .... twin... ...i .im.iii nri'hiinl. &.1 nrres pasture, i) acres furm lana, w acres irri- 32o acres, liw .undsr plow, balance pasture; iioukc, winair.111. Darn. 1 riuu, iiiiw. 10O acres, tlno nlaee for stock, frame house, orchard, barn, plenty of water and lim ner, jcticc, v. ICO acres 75 acres plow land, balance pas ture, on good clay soil. Prlco $35 per acre. 160 acres, 2& acres cultivated; V per ucre. 1C0 acres, 50 icrts cultivated.- U per ucro. 170 acres. Willi fniioil meadow that will cut, 01 to 76 tons hay, small frame liouso and stable, good stock farm. Price; Jl.icn. Many others that aro good bargains. All this lund will produce, tho best of alfalfa, with a good market and ready mlc at gooa prices, being near mo caitio ranges, Wrltn fnt tiurtlnttttira H. A. 53TEWAUT, Tuylor, Loup County, Neb. ltE-375 FtlEMnNT. VKHItASIvA. FOll SALE, aero property adjoining the cny in iracis 01 irom a acres 10 w ncrra, Also business and residence lots, hv itlch arils, Keono & Cp. 113 M778 21 COKN LANDS and stock rfitiChus In th Corn Uelt 'country. Wrjth for my Hit'. W. 11. Clumente, Lyons, Neb. HE 4CT SEE HENHY U. PAYNE, WL N. Y. LIFE. KE-5TI CItAS. U. WILLIAMSON, 12U3 Farnam St: HE-IBS HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also llro Insurance. IScmls. Paxtdp Ulk. 7 HE-371 FOU SAIJi Two-atory, residence, with two lots, frontlrtg on Hnrncy street, near S2d street. Price, only Jl.OoO. Apply, Tho Uyron Heed Co., 212 8. 11th St, Ill-i CG6 12 MONTHLY payments: 3-room house. 2 lots, 17th and S streets. South Omaha, J450. payable J10 monthly Another G-room cottage, 17th and Lake, Omaha, $1,100. payable $15 monthly. W. L. SELI1Y. Board of Trado Hide. HE-M79I 11 LOST. LOST, Auditorium brick No. 425. Reward u returned to umuna uany News. Lost-Wl LOST, black horse weighing ribout r,200 lbs.; 1a.11 seen at .vtn unu nuencer. itcturn to W. C. Heaten, SCI!) 19th Ave.' Lost-MM6 11 LOST, between IHyden Bros, and 22d, and Douglas, a smal' package 'uontalnlng silk goods, thread, c'c. Finder please' return to tinyncn uros.- millinery tiept; ' .r.' Lost-927'JO LOST, gold watch, on 80th, orth of Ames avc. iiciurn tor rewaro. to. am no. .IBtp. i - i'Lc-st 9S0 10 A DARK bay horse, 7 yenfi old. weight jjiw puuiius, Htrayea away., jtcturrt to N, J., Nelseni- 61ft and, aroYcr,rei.A Reward. . .TLO"tT-M942 If SHORTHAND .AJjJi TVl'HITkO, A. C. VAN SANT'd achopl. $7tN. y Life. BOYLE8' College', cou?t r'cijprer principal. "rr t Jia NEB. Business & Shorthand. College, Boyd's Theater, GREGa'Shorthand'; Om. C. Col., ,16 & Doug. ' , : aso I SATIN SKIN SPECIALTIES. ... r BEST for you,- because best anade. Satin BKin tioap. cream -and" Powder. Use 3 prooi. -'- i t?o ANY, complexion which want .Improvlrig sl.,,1,1 .... I . On.l ... . . . . .... W auuiiiti uiinj ouiiu-oniii (rcuiii anu row. aer, beauty s soio agents. c. S36 11 si PATENTS. PATENTS No fee unless successful. Bues at uo uee uiag.( umanu, .nod. Advice tree. . . , . 158 jyl5. WILL BUY any good Invention or patent. Auuicag iiOCK dux. iWj lyes aioinqSj in. " 373 MASON, FENWICK & L'AWRENCE wasnington, D. C. H. J- Cowglll, agent oiu iittiiiKU uiock, uinunu, fino, TOO LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Luundry: shirts. 7c: collars 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 847, m OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 815 N. Y. L. Bid. Tel looi ; vuee juiiiisuu, u. u., . ihuicjj uept Old. E. Johlibou, Ostcopathlst, Jlgr. -374 DONOHUB, Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tel. 1361 37& A. T. HUNT, D. O., 305 Knrbach Blk. Tel 235: 3. HIOYC'I.ES. PRICES that will surprise you; must clear out the stock of new and second-hand bicycles; second-huud wheels from J2.D0 up; new ones, $12 up. Louis, Fletchor,- ioii Capitol avc. 762- PIANO TUNING. PIANOS tuned, $1.50. F. Lesnentln, Mandel bvri's Jewelry Store, Puxlon blk. Tel, Ib'j'j, -2W Jy 'io FISHING AND PLEASURE RESORT. IF YOU wanl good bass and croppy rUhlng go to Langdon, Mo. Very best ot hotel uccommodutlons. Plenty ot boatB and minnows. Write It. A. Dtttmar tor rates, -D76- UEWAIIU. $75.00 REWARD offered for the arrest and conviction ot tne party wno entered unu stole shoes from the store of II. .Melur at Elkhom, Neb., the night of .June' 27. Cltl. ens Com., Elkhorn, Neb. 417 29' ACCORDION PLEATING, ACCORDION pleating; cheapest, best, quickest.' Mrs. A. C. Mark,-S, E. Cor. 17th and Farnam. 3S." ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY, 1920 Dodge, Mn. Wd. Tlur, Sat lai Jv EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. LESSONS In bookkeeplng.etc, day or even ing, R 16, Com, Nat. Bank. G. R. Rathbun. -ASi PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all bualneis confidential. 1301 Douglas, DTAMMEIII.MI AMI STtTTKllIMl. CUUED. Julia Vaughn, 130 Itamgo Bldg. j.i I'tUMTtlli; ItEl'AlltlMS, TEL. 1331. M. S Wulklln, 2111 Cuming St. SSI IIOII. Hit MAKEHM. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tank. stacks, etc. ici. ISA', l-in nnu iuru nis, a.11 CAitpr.M-nitH ami Joi.Mins. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly nucnucu 10. j. 1. ijeiuuree, .m and Lnko Sis. -0i0 IlllESSMAKING, IN families. Miss Sturdy, 257 Harney. 7k6 A tO' WA.NTIJD TO IlOtlltOW. WANT to tmrrow $l,tH on ilrst-class Im proved reoldenco property lit Omaha. 22, Dec, 9i 12 THE DIG HYDRAULIC TIRE SETTER Sets heavy wagon tires while you wait. Brinfr on your vhools. Drummond Carriage Company, 18th and Harney. It's Pleusaiit to look nt pcoplo who possess yood teeth, whether tho teeth nro natural or artificial. Aluminum plato ..$15.00 Celluloid plate .... 10.00 Bailey the Dentist Third Floor I'axton Uiock. PHONE 1035. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. fsiinnlrl be read dally by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign mans tor me ween cnumis wuu 13.-1901, will closo (PROMPTLY In all cases) nt tha general postolllco us follows: Parcels tost, malls Closo one nuur,eurin-i iimn li-ntinn-n liplnn. Piircels nost malls for Germany close at 5 p. m. Wednesday. Regular and supplementary malls close nt foreign brunch naif nour later tnun closing time shown below. Tmna-Atlfintlc Mnlla. THURSDAY At 7 a.,jn. for FRANCE, por H. s. 11 Normunuie, via. niiviu viuan i,. lother parts of Europe must be directed ':por s. . La Normandle"); at (supplementary, io a. m.) for LUROPL, 'per s. s. Deutschland, via Plymouth, Cher- !., nn.l Ilmnhlirir. SATURDAY-At 7:30 a. rh. for NETllER- IutNUB airoct, per . . j-oiijuum .vnmii mn.) im illrected "per s. s. Potsdam ')! int 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per In '8. Anchoriit (nnlll must be directed "per s. s. Anchoria"); nt 10:30 n. m. (sup plementary 12 m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Campaniu. via xUCTI"lu""' PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes Printed . Matter. Commercial Pa pers and tsumpies ior jerinuiiy oniy, uu samu class of mull matter for other parts of Europe will not bo sent by this ship ni... unni'hilK- illrected by her. After the closing of the supplcipentury Trans-Atlantic malls named above addi tional supplementary mallB are opened on thtl Piers of the American, English, French and German steamers and remain open until within tenminutes of tho hour of nailing of steamers. THURSDAY-At 12 m. for SANTIAGO, per . 9. cieniugos; uw 1 ", " MA1CA. per s. ,h. Admiral 8chley, from FRIDAY At 12 m. tor MEXICO, per s. s. Seneca, via Tamplco (mall must be di rected "per s. a. Seneca"); at 11 p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per e. s. Corcati, from Philadelphia. SATURDAY At 9 a. m. (Bupnlementary 9:30 1 m.) for PORTO RICO, VBNBS5U. ELA nnd CURACAO, per s. s. Phlladel phla (mail for Savnnllia and Curthugena must bo directed "per s. s. Philadelphia' ); at 9:30 a. m. for ARGENTINE IlkPUB L1C, URUGUAY und PARAGUAY, per s, s. SalluBt; ut 9:30 a. in. (sunplenientury 10:30 u. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA, SA VANILLA nnd CAR'tHA GEN A, per b. s. Altai (mull for Costa Rica must bo directed "por s. s. Altai"); ut 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA, per s. s. Andes; at 10 a. m for CUBA, per b. s. Mexico, k'la Havana; at 12:30 p. m. for MATAN.A8. CAlRARIEN, NUEVlTAS, G1BARA and DARACOA, per s. s. Ollnda (ordinary mull only, which must be di rected "per M. 8. Ollnda")-, ut 1 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for BERMUDA, per s. s, Trinidad. Mull tnr Newfoundland, bv rail to North Svdney. nnd thenco by steamer, closo at this olllco dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting ulose hem every Monday, Wednesday and Mulls fcr Mluuelon. by rail to iinainn unit thcni'i' b- steamer, close ut this clllco dally ut lis so P. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tumpa, Flu., and thenco by steamer, close at this office dully (except Sunday) at 'MO u. m. (the coiiiidctlng closes uro on Monday, Wednes day and lay). Malls for Cuba, by mil in Mi.iml. Flu., and thence by steamer. closo at this olilce every Sunday ut ;( a. m. Malls for Mexico City, overland, un ish Riieelnllv addressed for dispatch by steamer, close ut this ofllee dally ut 1:30 Fin. ami u:uo p. m. .uuim iur uusut iviuu, icll7.e, Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thenco by steamer, ,.iniiu ui this otllce daily at 1:30 n. in. (connecting closes here Mondays for Bellre, Puerto I'ortcz und Guatemala and Tues days for Costa Bleu). 'Registered mull closes ut u;oo p, m, previously. Trnns-Pnclllu Mulla. Mnlls for Australia (oxcept West Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe). Now .(aland, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, oioso nere iiuuy ut nvM p rn. after Juno 23 nnd UP to July "O. In- elusive, or on arrival of s. a. Campania, due at Now York July "6, for dispatch nnr m. s. Klerru. Mnlln for China and Janan. via Tucoma i close here dully ut 6:30 n. m. up to July 11, inclusive, ior uispatcn per s, s, jirue mir. Mulls for Hawaii, Jupan, China and Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, closo hero dally ut 0:30 p, m. up to July 12, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Nippon Maru. Mulla for Hawaii, vlfa Sun Francisco, close hrro dally ut 6:30 p. m. up to July "15, for disputcn per u. a. s.euiuiuiiu. Mulls for China and Janan. via Seattle close here dully ut ii:30 n. m, up to July 17. InclUJtvc, for dispatch per s, s. Kaga Maru (registeieu man must no nirecteu "via Scattlo"). Malls for Huwnll, China, Jupun und Phil Ipplues, via San Francisco, close hero dally ut 6:30 p, m. up to July "20, tn elusive, for dispatch per s. s. Peru. Mulls for Australia (nxcoiit West Australia which goes via Eutopti. und New Zealand which Koes via San Francisco), and FIJ Island, vlik' Vancouver, close here dally at 6:30 p, m, after July G und up to Julv 20. inrluslv. for dispatch per s. . Aoranpt (supplementary malls, via Seattle and Vlrtorla), close ut 0:30 p. m. July "21, Malls for China und Japan, via Vancouver, close here dally ut 6:30 p. m. up to July IS, Inclusive, fnr dispatch per s. s. Em press of India (registered mall must be directed via Vancouver ). Malls for Australia, (except West Australia! I I POST-OFFICE NOTICE. which Is forwarded via Europe). New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Fralicl?o, close here dully at O.JO p m. after Jnlv 21 and ub to July 27. Inclusive, or on urUal of s. s, Etrtirla, due at New i York July i', for dlfpatch per s. s. So- . noma. ' TriiiiH.Piii-lflc molls are forwarded to Port I of sailing dally nnd the schedule of closing is arranged on mo presumption ot tncir un Intcrruied overland transit. Registered mall close at 6 p. m. ptevlous day. CUIlNHLlL'D v.i wiii rostmnsier. Postolllce. Now York, N. Y July 5, 1901. 1 1 0 V E 1 1 N 31 ENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR SCHOOL AND 1I08PI- tal Buildings nnd Building Materials. Department of tho interior, uuico ot inuinn Affairs, Washington, D. C, Juno 2S, 1991. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals for Buildings, Genoa. Neb.," nnd addressed Jo tho Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Wash ington, D. C, will be received ut the In- ill.m (llllt-n until ttvn o'clock 11. ill. ot July 29. 1901, for rurntsliltig iitnl delivering the necessary maturlnls and labor renulred to construct ami complete at the Genoa In Ilan School. Nebraska, u brick school biilbl- lug unu a triune hospital uuuuing, incum Ing heutlng und electric lighting system. In strict accordance with plans, spcclllcatloiM and Instructions to bidders, which may bo examined nt this Ofllee, tho ofllocs iif 'The Hee," Omaha, Neb., tho "NcurasKit Stato Journal," Lincoln, Neb., the "Jour nal," Sioux City, Iowa, tho "Tlm.-s-Herald," Chicago, 111., tho Builders' and Traders' Exchange, Omaha, Neb., tho Builders' nnd Traders' Exchange, .Milwau kee. Wis., tho Northwestern Manufactur ers' Association, St. Paul, Minn., the U. H, Indian warenouKcs nt uu itowarii strcui, Omaha, Neb., 235 Johnson street, Chicago, III., and i7 Wooster street, New York, N. Y., and at tho school, Scaled pro posals, Htidorsed "Proposals for Building Materials," and addressed to W. H, Wins low, Genoa, Neb,, will be received at tho school until two o'clock n. in. of July 29, liVl, for furnishing and delivering at the school, an reoulred. about 42.000 feet of lumber, assorted; n.'W mingles, so win dow sash. 2o,oco brick, 23 barrels lime, some sand, nans ami Hinges, ns per nsi and speclllcatlons at the school, For further Information apply to W. H. Wlnslow, Su perintendent, lnuluii school, uenoa, ncd, V. A, JONES, Comuilssloner, PllOPOSAt-H FOR CAVALRY IIOIlSES,- Chlef QuarteMnuster's Olllee, Chicago. III., July 1, 1901. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received at this otllce until 12 o'clock noon, central tlm. and nt otllcv' ot tho Depot Quartermaster, Portland. Ore., until 10 o'clock a. m., Pacific time, July 13, 1901, ror Turnisnitig nnu delivering -o cnvairy horses at Fort Itllev. Kan.. Fort Leaven worth. Kim., or other nromlncnt railroad points. Proposals will bo onltirtulned for less t nan urn onuro nutnuer ot norscs re quired, particulars anu blanks ror propos uIk will bu furnished oil iintillcntton? Ell vi-lopes containing proposals to, bo endorsed "Proposals for Cavalry Horses" and ad-, dressed to tho undersigned or to Depot Quartermaster, Portland, Ore. E. 11. AT WOOD, Chief .Quartermaster. U 3-1-5-li-IO-llM OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Omahn, Neb., July 5, 1901. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, subject to thp usual conditions, will bo received at this olllco until 2 o'clock p. m central time, August 5, 1WI1, for the construction of ono doublo set of uon-oommlsslnned olllccrs' quarters, brick, and for plumbing and gas-piping same, at Fjort Ci-ook, Neb., Full Information fur nished upon application to this office, whero plans und specifications may be seen. Pro posals 'to bo marked "Proposals for Non commissioned Quarters at Fort Crook, Nob.," and addressed to tho undersigned. JNU. W. .JfULLJlAN. C. W. H. . 6t d July S-9-10-11 Aug, i-3 RAILWAY TIME CARD. BURLINGTON St M1B sourt River Rullroud "The Burlington Roulo" Gencrul Uttlces, North west Corner Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket nilleu. 1502 Furuuni Hlrcet. -Telepuone '). Burlington Station, Tenth and Alubon Streets. Telephone 12s. T.lnnnln ITnnttllirB and McCoia M0 urn a 7:35 pm Lincoln, Denver. Colo- rado. Utah, Cullfornla.a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm Alliance Express u 412a pm a 3:oo pm Lincoln & Bluck Hills. .a 9:00 pm a 6:15 am Montana, I'uget Sound. ,u 9:00 pm a U-.45 um Lincoln Fast Mall I) 3:00 pin a 9:17 am Wympre. Beutrlce and ... , i Lincoln. -. n-b:40 am bll:55 nm IVnvHi- Colorado. Utali .and California a 6:15 am Port Crook., So. Bend, ' Louisville. Plattsm'th.b 3:20 pm bll:0j am Bellevue. i'.attsmcuth & .Paclllo Junction a 7:40 pm a 8:20 aro Bellevue.- J'.attsmouin t I'acltlc Junction -.u 3:10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO aenh & Council Bluffs Railroad "Tho Burlington Houta" Ticket Olllee. 1502 Farnam Street. Teicphona 250. uepoi, xcnin una , Mason Streets. Tele phono 128, Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 um a 6:05 pm KaSsus CIS Night Ex..alo:30 pm a 6:15 am St. Louis Flyer, for at. Joseph Unq.Bl. lumo.n u.iv yiu uu.ia um a uany. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulncy Rullroud "Tho Burlington Route" Ticket OHice. 1502 Farnam Streot, Telephone 250. ' Depot, Tenin und Mason Streets. Telt-pnona IKS. Leave. Arrive. II, i vlli-lit ('W. SDO- V . 7.ftrt .. A, A. ha C1U1 ...... ..... i.w um niu,.u 1'in Chlcugo Vcctil'uled Mx.a 4:00 pm a 7:45 um Chlcugo Local Express. a 9:30 am a 4:03 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm u 7:45 am Past Mail -wo pm a Dally. ILLINOIS CENTRAI Rullioad City Ticket OI. flee, 1402 Far no. m Street. Telephone, 245. Depot, Tenth and Murcy Slrce:s, Leave. Arrive Chiiurlixiircss a i;w am a jay pm Chlcugo Llnilieu'-""" i - -in llllllL'U. IU1IS -. . ...... . - Minneapolis & St. Paul Limited ,..w,,,i u. o.vj um Fort Dodue Local from Council i3tuffs b 4:s0 pm a :15 am Fori Dodge Local from Council liiuu.i.... a d.w um a Daily, b Dally except Sunduy. '"' ' Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 6:15 pm a 8:20 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local a i;w am a :oo pm u Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General otllces and Ticket OIllccs, Southeast Corner 14th and Dougius SIB. telephone, 104. Depot, Union tituiion. Leave. Arrlvo. St. T"iib and KatiBus City Express i iv;uu um a 0:23 pm IC a, St. L. Express. ,u 10:50 pm a 6:15 um Leu v from loth and W ebster oirccts: NobruuKU i.ocul. Via W'eeplii? water u t:io pm alO:45 1 a Dully. K Dully except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC'THE OVER land Routu"-aenorul Ofllces. N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam , cor. iNintn and Karnam ts. City Ticket Ofllee, 1324 am Street. Telephone, 21. t, Tenth nnd Marcy Sta. tiireeis. Farnam Depot. ' Telcnlionu. C29. 1oavo. Arrlvn. The Overland Limited. .a 8:20 am a 7:30 pm Th,. fhieiieo-Portland Special -i a 7:30 pm The Fast Mall a 8:50 am a 3:V5 pm -l'l,.. Mnii noil flxDress. ,all:J5 nm u A:'', mn The Colorado Special. ..ull:33 pm a 6:50 um Llnrolti, Ueuirice unu Siromsburtf Exprest .b 4:05 pm bl2:30 pm The Pacific Express ..a 4:25 p,n The Atiiiiui. Express... 11 6.C0 am Grand Island, l-ocal, ...Iiitpm b 9:33 am u Daily, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAOO, ROCIC ISL and Ac Paclilc lullroud -Tho Great Ror.k iniuiiu iioutn Ultv- Ticket Olllee. 1323 Far. nam Street, Telephone, 42. Depot, Tenth and Murcy Streets. Tele phone. 629. Leuvo. Arrive. EAt1 . Chicago Daylight Spe,..a 6:00 am a 2:00 am Dea Moines ntiil Daven port Local. ., a 7:25 am bll:35 am Chicago Express bll:l5 um a am Des Moines Loci I a 4:20 pm a 4:45 pm Chicago Fast Express., n 5:00 pm a 1:25 pm Dc-s Moines. Jtock IM- und and Chicago a 7:40 rim a 3:33 pm WI'.BT. Rocky Mountain Urn. ..a 2;00 am a 6;00 am Lincoln, Colorndo Spgs., Denver. Pucl-lo and West ,...a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado. Oklahoma ft Texas Flyer a 5tM pm a 1:60 am a Daily, u L-aiiy except aunaay. UAILWAY TIME (.AltUS. FREMONT, ELKHORN & Mibsourl Valley ituluoiid the Northwustei n Lino General unices, United States National Batik Building, 8. W. Comer Twelfth and 1-rtr- nam Sts, Ticket Olllco, H01 Farnam St, TelephoiiO, 661. Depot, 15th and Webster sts. Teicphona, 115s. Leave. Arrive. Black Hl'.ls, Deadwood, Hot (springs a s.w pm a &:eu pm Wyoming, Casper und Douslas d 3.00 urn o 6:00 pm Hustings, York, David city, pupenor, unuva, Exeter and Sewarl....b 3:iM nm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, vciuigro ana Fremont b 7:3o urn blOiSJ am Lincoln, v, (ir.yo & Fre- uioiii , li cjiiam bio: am Fremont Local t ,:30 am c Dally b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day onl d Daily except Saturday, o Dully except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office. 1401 l'iii nam St. Telephone. 5C1. Depot, Tenth ami Marcy Streets. Tele phone, 629. .. Leuve. Arrive. D.iyfilit Chicago Spe cial n T-liO nm iill'IOtim Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a S:40 nm i.iisicrn j.xpress, ues .MulncH, Marsb.illtowii, Cedar Rnpids und Chicago til0:55 am n 4.05 pm Eastern Spoelul. Chi cago nnd iiust a 4:53 pm a t;03 pm Fast Mall. Chlcugo to umahii a nm Omaliii-Chlcngo L'1'd...a 7:15 pm a 8:w am l'tist Mull a s:30 am Cedar r:tpld3 1-ass.cnsar. a 3:30 pm a unity. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, Minneapolis & umahu Rullwuy "Tho North western Llna" unerul Olllccs. Nebraska Dlvl aloii, 13th and Webster His. Ultv 'l'li'U..I llitlK 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, Dtil. Depot, liith und Webster Sts. Telephone, 145ii. , , Leave. Arrive. Twin city t'ut:sengcr....ii C:w am. a,:io pin Sioux City Pussengcr...u 2:45 pm all:10 urn Emerson Local b 5:30 pm b :30 am u Dally SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tim NorUi westeru Line" GcneUt Olllcca, United States National Bank Building, d. W. Corner Xwcirin .ltul tfirnui, hir 'l-lL'... Olllee. 1101 Farnam 8L Telephone, Ml. Do pot, lenlh mid Murcy Sts. Telephone, L29. , .. Lave. Arrive. Twin City iwcprcss a 6:45 am alo:25 pm Twin City Limited a 7:53 pm a S:15 uni Slous City Local a 8:00 um a 3:50 pin CV IAt5.9'' . M 1 ''WAL'K EE &. Sl,.Iilul Riillwuy-ci,.: Ticket Offlce 1601 Purnum hliee . Telophonc, ; n.;l,'0h, ."l11 ,uml Mason btrceta. Telephono. 29 Leave. AtMi-. Chicago & Omnha Ex..b 7:15 am b 3!40 pm Chicago Limited Ex n 6:i0 pm a 8:03 an. a Dnliy. b Duuy except ounuay. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Olllee, 1115 Farnam Street. Telephone.- 3i2. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts, Telophone. 623. Lcavo. Arrlvo. St.. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express "" ; OilAHA ti ST. LOUIS RAIL-road-Omaha. Kansas City Eastern Rallroad;'TI.. Qulncy Houto"-Tlcket Of llee. 1415 Farnam fat. Tote phone. 322. Depot. Tenth Slid Marcy Sts. Telcphoue. Iiavc. Arrive. Tlll St. Louis cannon .. g J5 m a g.2() am Kansas CuVniio:"'Qlnc' -;00 am a 9;0o pm Local n Dally. Direct noote to Oti.sow Bxtolbltlsm ANCHOR LINE ..teauislilpa front New Yik WoUly lo GLASliOW VIA LUJUiu.iuiiiiui. Saloon $50 und up. Second Cabtn.33.60 and un Third Class, $26 und upwards. For Ulijstraled folder and further Informa. Hon upply to 1IENDEJU30N BltOTHERa. Chlcagor rarnam St.. GEO. E. ABBOTT. 1324 Par.nara St.. Omaha, Summer Toun on Lik Mlohli in. THE KLEQANT MANITOU PtaVmihfp Lln tor Lake PHor. "V" 4 Cn.dln Point.. Sr.ol.l Batji t LEAVE CHICAGO A r0,l?'1,,. T. 10 a. m. Trfc it a. . m. Monltou 8tonrriBhlp Oo7?p?,ly, OFFICE i DOCKS. Ru.h and N. Water Sit.. Chicago. Inscoro Votiga d Data. 7. Hturt. 22 Mlnutet.j HnSTOM tn LIVfcNFOfJL vlaOUEENSIOWM New England. " " 11.600 " Juh 17 Commonwetllh, Twin Screw, 12,000 Ton! lul 31 PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL la QUEENST0WN r..k,.... iui 13 DnmlRlon aua. 10 Vancouver luly 27 ( Ctmbroman. .ufl. 17 For fartbtr Ishrsnlhs. sMims C aiT' OHIctt, a Dtareara St.. Calaaft. lilt. STILL HAS MILLIONS TO GIVE Eatlnuittt f Amount Which tho Kx-Ironniiinlc-r llna for Future Henefncllona. NEW YORK, July 10. Mr. Carnegie still has 56,000,000 to give away in public boncfactions. Mr. Carnoglo Is hlmsolf authority for this stntemcnt, which be made recently at Skibo custle to a mcim ber of tho New York Chamber of Cora racrco committee, who Is now In this city, but wishes his nnmo kept secret. According to Mr. Carnegie, he Is still undecided in what manner to dispose of Ms weilth for tho public good. Ho wishes tho public ta obtain tho best results from his futuro benefactions, and for that rea son has not yet formulated any philan thropic statements. Mr. Carnegie admitted that free libraries and other educational Institutions would undoubtedly obtain a portion nf tho mil lions In question, In order that tho" plans he had previously adopted should bo fully realized. HIb hearers Judged from what ho said that he was considering tho ad visability of directing his wealth toward endowing and supporting art gallerloa, scientific museums and similar institu tions. V, (luye Must Explain. At tho last meeting of tho Barbers' union charges wero preferred against L. V. (Juyc, editor of tho Trl-Ctty Workers' Gazetto, churglns him with duplicity In his action toward rival barber colleges and with ac tions unbecoming a member of tho union. Tho trial will bo held Thursday evening. Thu greatest socrecy bus been observed In tho matter and the fact that chargss had been preferred becamo public only yester day aftornoon. A Poor Mlllliiiinlr Lately starved In London because he could not digest his food. Early uso of Dr. King's New Life Pills would have saved him. Thoy strengthen the stomach, aid di gestion, promote assimilation, Improve ap petite, Prlco 25c. Money back If not sat isfied. Sold by Kuhn & Co., druggists, Cold Consignment tn Germany. NEW YOnK, July 10. Heldelbach, Ickel helrner & Co, will ship 1750,000 gold on to morrow's steamer to Germany. When you want sparkling wine get Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Ohampsgne. Its purity and delicious flavor commends It, i:mmw IMILWAUXW V