10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: T'lIt'lBAY, JULY 11, isui. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Opma Higher Tkrongn Icflncnet if Cen Graini. EARLY DEMAND FOR CORN IS ENORMOUS I'rovlslons pn Strndy with Firm I'nilrrtonr, Cnnsril lr DnmnHO to Corn nml tlnls, "" r Ilry Pastures. CHICAGO, July 10.-A continuation of ..iii:.v.y ...uoiTini. v,.trnlnv caused a WVJIIU I t il IJttlUIHlHJ J - , " ....I.... bullish sentiment in the wheat market today. Corn closed Wf"ic mencr. nepie.m bcr wheat cloned He hlKhcr, oats c and provisions 151120c hlKher, Inlluenrcd by prices In coarse Brain, which opened higher, the whent tnarket continued to rule linn throunhout the du. Trade was modetale, tho crowd contlnulnK to favor corn and oats, as promising net-ti-r results to buyers under exIstinB hot weather conditions. Demand was mostly by shts, while commission hnjscs wero the principal sellers. September opened Wa Un hlKhcr at 64t,Wc and advanced txnilllv. plnnlm- 'in hlcher at BIC. tho llltth point of the day. Heaboard reported 10 boatloads taken tor export and clearances of wheat and Hour wele equal to 3,1, cvo bushels. l'rlrnary receipts were 710,0(0 bushels and northwest receipts were 1!'3 curs, aKHlnst IBS Inst week anil 165 a year nno. Local receipts were 66 cars, with 27 contract. Kxceedlncly hot temperature over a largo tectum of tho country crrnted excitement In the corn pit at the openliiR. There was an enormous demnnd, both local and on outside account, early, and It was hard to execute orders, ns scarcely nny corn was on tho tnarket, and what was for sale was held by those wnltlntf to take prollts. Heavy reulltltiK on the advance caused a sharp decline, but on renewed buying prices ral lied URaln. September opened tjc to W'f Jc higher at I!i-ir50c, declined to lV4$f 19V:. rallied to 50c, held Mt,l9?ie. rallied to thc. held tlrm and closed at 40ic. Local receipts were It's cars, with 2 contract. There was about as bin a market for oats as for corn and the opcnliiK was strong and hlfther. it was reported that S.OOO.ftuo bushels of lotiK stuff were unlondcd on tho market today, bjt the offering were, readily absorbed and prices remained strong. Outsiders continued Rood buyers nnd local shorts covered freely. Longs and levator people supplied the demand, Weather conditions were the bull Influence. September ranged between 304jC and 31VsC, i losInK fciu higher nt 3lc. Local re ceipts were 4S cars. Provisions, opened steady, with a firm undertone. The damage, to corn nnd oats by heat and the drying up of pustures had a stimulating effect. Offerings wero light, with a moderate demand for Investment ac count. September pork ranged between 114 and J14.4216, closing 60c higher at J14.40. Sep tember lard sold between R62V418.6j and .70, closing 15c higher at $S.6!4. Ribs sold between J7.!2& and J8.0G nnd closed 16c higher at .O2i,is.05. Kstlmatcd receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, l0 cars; com, 265 cars; oats, 60 cars; hogs, 2f..r head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close.l Yes'y. Wfent July Sept. Deo. I'.irn July Sept. Dec. Oats July Sept. May I'oik July Sent. Lard July Sept. Oct. Rlbs .Tuly Sept. Oct. ' I I I fi.1H 63!i 3W K1T4 63Ti 6jt;w f.ii; elf? wj kit? &i('iti. 66?, c.v my, tan I ?!(, 4S'i 474 -7i 47, m 49i 48S 40 4SH L ,m mi WT ar'i 9Ti SOV431U aisj MVi 3Ii?30ff(4 33i4 3IH 33t 31' "sai? U 20 14 ?o 13 70 ! 14 00 14 42VS 14 00 14 40 13 fO 8 674 S B2H g 67J4 8 60 8 47U 5 'V.. 8 "n 8 1X5 8 8 r.2U , 8 62W 87W 8 62 W 8 ft". 8 50 i 7 M 7 95 7 92UI 7 92V4 7 83 7 02! 8 0.", 7 92$ 8 0?. 7 90 7908O21J 7 90 I 8 00 7 12U No. 2. ??h..1I10tn"ons wcr follows: -ir?iHPti?SX4 winter patents. M.BOTW.GO: strnlghtH. 3041 40: ; spring patents. il.CSfi 3-5 ii"prliFhi?- 2 "3 00; bakers, Jl.S(Kf2.50. WiK spring. 61HS3c; No. 2 red, o?JJ?-.3l.'7cS No- 2 yeow. 47yc. nvM0'2.249V4c?! NO" 3 Wh,,e WVWtc tl5P.KP8-N'' i flax. J1.8S; prime timothy, t: clover, contract grade, $9 60. ,"ul"y PROVISIONS-Mess pork per hbl.. J14.20 14.30. Lard, per 100 lbs.. JS 6714S8 60. Short I1'" i2ldPS ''oso). J7.838.0o. Dry salted shoulders (boyerf). J7.2S07.5O. Short clear sides (boxed). J8.35lgfi.45. L,ear WHISKY-Basls of high wines. Jl.27. fortodayn:K nre th recel,ts and "hlpments winn, t.ki. Receipts. Shipments. p lour, bbls 38 m 22 000 JV heat, bu 210 ooo sM'Soa Hurley, bu "I": b.OOO ToOO tAS aaTcr?adrnyer! MKW VOniC GBNBHJkb MAIIKET. auolntlnns of the Day on Various Conmolltlet, iiWK' JV'y W-IUR-Recclpts, 40 450 bbls.: exports, 21.4M bbls.; active and ??BA.oll..,,r,c!!i Minnesota patents. W.6ojJ3.80; Minnesota bakers'. J2.85(33 15 M,?vgStS?ten.t": 3M3.80; winter Sot5: fJ.35H13.60; winter extras. J2.602.80; winter low grades, J2.30fi2.40. Rye flour dull- fair to;good. J2.7W3.50; choice to finely, few CORNMBAL Firm; yellow western sfie- UYh Firm; No. 2 western. 55e t o h "Moat; state. M53c. c. i. f "now 'ofk. car'! BARLEY Dull; feeding. 48c e I t Yo?k.Yrk! ma,M"". c.l.Cf., New u-VrvAn? MAt1TrDu.n.! wtcni, 654?72c. . J.,JvATRec-,IPtl'. 18.670 bu.: exnnrts l17,1;""!-. &,01:,,lrm: N- 2 red.' 73!4c.P f. a h., afloat No. 2 red, 71',ic. elevator- 'A i northern. Duluth. Sic anbat. OptfonJ 'opened firm, with corn and on actlvo covering and wtE: nJ.Ttmb'V 69,a70 7-lfic. cliVa, "at 7?fe?cC1,0cb.ed,a8r723. Decembor' CORN Receipts, !"fi,0 bu.: exports iw 47 bu Snot "rrn: No S. sWo. levator Kd 5-c. f. o. b., afloat. Option market was strong ngaln early on continued heat In tho Hotithwest an.l no relief probable tomor row. Tho country was a big buyer, but later took prollts, causing a depression. Tho close was firm, with wheat, at K'dc net advance. September. 6252c, closed at 62Ho; potoher. 52i,i(f52o "closed nt Kioi December. 62M&2HC closed at 62Hc OATS-Rerelpts, f.9.700 bu.; exports. 12,439 bu. Spot, f rmer: No. 3, 3Jc; No. 2 wh tc. v0, OT;.c: tr,,ck m,xert tester,. .j(i3bc. Options nctlvo and strong on crop LfA&-.vrwo. ppi nK- w5 to 2Cc; l'acinc Cf.nst. 1KJ crop. ICilsic- U9 crop. WSMc; old olds, 2Cc. ,-,!i.'.,)l:t!ryuluti Oalveston. 20 to 25 lbs.. IS SilS'.ic; California. 22 to 25 pounds. "9 to; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., ItitllVic. I.UATHISU-Qulit; hemlock sole, nue a"" a'clTOiiTKe.11 ,0 heavyw,VBht. 21 IMtOVl'sloNS-Heef. steady; family. JU.50 (12.00, niesH. J9.5Wfl0.lX); beef hams MM 21.00; packet. Jl0.oliflll.rb: city, extra India mess, JlfiOrtftlSOO. cut meats, steady: pickle 1 hollies. fM.5041.ll.t10; pickled shoulders, J7.W ,"2j; pickled hams, ilO.r-0'y 11.00. Lard, weak vyestern steamed, JS.W; refined, firmer; con tinent, J9; South America, J9.t!0: compound, 17 Pork, firmer; family. J15.60lTlfi.00: short clear. JI5.95tM7.0O; mess, JlC.OOrrfiij.50. ' TALLOW -Weak; city (Jj per pkg.). 4Tic; country (pkgs. free), 4HfflTc. ,,,CI':rQ'J'nt!,.domt'st,c' flno to extra, 4K ffii'io; Japan, 4c, MOU8Si:S-Qulet; New Orleans, open kettlf. good to choice, 3T4:o. POTATOES Qutet; New York. ISO lbs., $2.2.t2 75; southern, extrn. per bbl J2.50. ni'TTER-Recclpts. 13.330 pkgs.; market steady: dairy, state. 14(fjlSHo; creamery, 15tf 19'ic; factory. I317tf5Uc. CHICKSK-Rerelpts. 5.S42 pkgs.; market steady: fancy large colored, 9c; fancy large wl-.ltf, 9c; fancy colored, S'.io: fancy small white. 939'ic. HOClS-Recelpts. I2,3lt pkgs.: irregular; stiite and Pennsylvania, UHlBc; wesiern cundled. 13i!jl6c; western uncandled. 9iil24e. MHTArj?-Tlie feature of the metal mar ket today was the heavy decline of 12 In the prlre of spot tin In London, the closing llgure being 12S. Futures declined i'2 to 115 5n. This greut break In prices for spot tin was due. It Is said, to the miscalculation of the cllnUH as to the nccctsltlc of biot buyers. Thers was no demand for spot tin. The local market was Inlluenc 'd to some extent by the market abroad and the price at New York was marked down "3 points, with the closing price standing at J27.2.'fi27.76 nnd weak Copper nominally unchanged, with ltke Superior eiuoted nt 17 and casting and electrolytic nt JI6624. The London market was 3s 5U lower, fu tures closing nt 67 5s 6d. L"ftd In the New York market waa dull at Jl.37',4, while Ion don was Is 3d lower at 12 6s The Amor Iran iron markets ruled dull and nominally unchanged, with pig Iron warrants quoted nt JI5, Pig lions dull. Spelter ws dull and unchanged nt J3.!W.!)3. London de clined 2s 01. Omaha viioi,i:s.!,n MAltlCIVr. Condition of Trade nnd ((notn t Ions on Xtnide nml Fiiney Priiduor. KGOH -Receipts liberal; good stock, firm. L1VK POl'LTRY-Hcns, 7c: young and uiu roosierf, ,1, turkeys, u'usc; uuckh aim l-. M(i. j'ji,, ( pi,K ehickcus, per lb., llliliic cholct ilalry, In tubs, 14ifl5c: separator, ISc. , FRESH FISH-Ulnck bas-a. lsc: white bass, he; bluellsh, 11c; bullheads, 10c J b ile llns, 7c; buiTalos, l,c; cattish, 12c; cod, 9c i croppies, 7yuic, clscoes, 7c; halibut. 11c; herring. c, haddock, 10c; mackerel, c: ac, reu snapper, ic; saimoii, iiv;; a"" fish. 6c trout, Uc; whltctlsh, Sc. PIOEONS-Llve, per doz., Jl. EAi-.S-Chuief. !iM10e. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland, J9.5o; No 2 upland, J9; medium, J8.50: coarse, J7.60. Rye straw, Jii.fji. Thfse prices are for hay of good culor and iiuallty. Demand inir. lieieiuis, j cart. OATS-No. 2 white, 29c. CORN -No. 3, 43c. HRAN-J12. VEGliTAULES. ASPARAOfS-Nallvc, per dot., 353 40c. 1UIL 1IAR15 Home grown, per lb., lc. NEW CARROTS Per doz., 20c. NJJW Tt.'RNH'S-Per doz., 20c. CICI'MHERS-Hothouse, per doz., 60c. LETTUCE Per bu,, 20c. RADISHES-Pcr doz.. Il,g20c. 1'ARBl.EY Per doz., SOc. NEW PUTAIUE.'.-Ptr bu., 75c. CAHRAnE-Homc grown, H5c. Tii.MATuL.S-Timi.s. 4-baket crates. Sl.Wi. ONIONS-Rerniudas, per crate, J2.25; new wnnioriiin, -c CAULIFLOWER-Hnmc-grown, per dni., 60o. UEANS-Wax, per half-bushel basket, 40c; string, per halt-bushel banket, 30c. PEAS Per bu.. Jl; per V5 tu., Wc. CANTALOUPE Per basket, 75cJli crates, jx WATERMELONS Texas, 30335c each. FRUITS. PINEAPPLES-Per doz., fl.S0gi.73; per crute, f,t.2."i. RLACKHEltRIES-Per 24-qt. case, t2. RASPIIERRIES-Per 24-qt. case, J2.76; red, pet 24.pt, case, J2.60. CHERR1KS Name, per 8-lb. bajket, 45c: Missouri, per 24-qt. case, Jl.7SiiJ2.0O. PEACHES-Callfornln, per box, 85c; free stone, Jl. APRICOTS California, 4-basket crateo, Jl.60. PLUMS-Californla. per crate, J1.23ai.50. OOOSERERRIES-Per 24-qt. case, J2.00. TROPICAL FitUlTS. ORANOES California seedlings, f3.60; Med. Hweets, J4.0. LEMONS California, extra fancy, J5.00; choice, JI.75. RAN AN AS Per bunch, according: to slzo, J2.fK?;2.60. FIO8 California, new cartons, 75c; layers, foe: Imported, por lb., 10fil2c. DATES-Persian, In 60-lb. boxes, Salrs, 5c. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Halloween, 6V4c per lb. CIDER Per bbl., 14.50; per half bbl.. J2.75. NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 16c; fil berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., 183.20c; r.Hc; No. 1 salted, 7Wc; No. 2 sal 1 1 1 n n I Pll, O n ILH n... n . . 12 to lu lbs., Cc: dry hides, 8013c; sheep pelts, 2575c; horse hides, J1.60&'.25. Liverpool -firaln and Provliloii), r.lVPIIllOAr. T..I.. ft miTK.m dull; No. 2 red, western winter, 5s 6d; No. 1 northern spring. 6.1 6d; No. 1 California, 5s 9d; futures, steady; September, 5s 5d: December, 6s 6d. CORN-Spot, American mixed, new, firm. 4s 2d; Amerlcnn mixed, old. steady, 4s 3d: futures, firm; July, 4s Cd; September, 4s 2,4d; 1'kas-Canadian, firm, 6a 3Wd. FI.OIITl St. I.nnlu rnnr.ii mini.. J. .11 "l.iivi, uuii, 40 HOPS At London, Pacific coast, steady. 3 16sW4 4s. pnnvisman. t.,i. mess, nsa d. Pork, firm; prime mess, "west ern, 6s. Lanl, steady; American refined, 43s bd. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., steady. ton iu, dhuiii, uinuurianu cut IT to Ilia iln4V ilui all A . m wiui no, ouui i riu, in 10 24 IDS, steady, 7a 5d; lonp clenr mlddleH. lieht, 28 In It lhtz firm Aim fL.1 . -1 . . . .1 . heavy, 3o to 40 lba., firm, Uh Cd: short clear ! iu loo. nieaay ias ea; clear ucl- 1 1 11 in 1rt fl-m m 0,1 ol - . w ... .... i-.- mi. oiiuuiuers, square, 11 to 13 lbs., steady, 37s 6d. uuiit,K-oiu)ii iiiie.ii Amoncan. 90s: good Amerlcnn, 71s. CHEESE-FIrm; American finest white, 45s; American, finest colored, 46s. TAT.T.OW I'lrm nHn. 1... oe- rA. . .. trallan. In London, 27s. Rccelptaof wheat during tho past three days. 213.000 centals, Including 212,000 Aroer lean. Receipts of American corn during brlgiit 8 47,900 cenU'8, Weather, St. I.onU Grnlu nnfl ProTlalona. RT T.nTTTQ T..1.. 1A tiiiim . . "iife'yvWLfaJMKo; Decern- w.... ..n,,v. , .iu. trttiii, ,c; iracK, 60c: July. 49c: September. 49H-49T4c. OATS-Hlgher; ko. 2 cash, trick, 34 35c July. 32Hc: Sentemher. .fi. tJn white. sm30c. " ' " RYE Higher at 62c. trading. iomy, no ..-S"161: Patents, J3.10ffl3.26; new. :.2SiZ; ola; eira rancy and straight. rtS8?i!ft.J!r! -?W3',!i.l'W! clear? t2 66 PiIJA-NfllBne.r.! SI,cked. "st track, 674c prairie. $u-0Oli.E0. ,U' wiunai-Mteany at 11.27. BAGOINO-Hlgher at 6H(S7V4c HEMP TWINE 9c. 'lu'c' PROVISIONS-Pork, Hteady; lohhlncr. " ,u" a,a-J. ury salt meatP. firm, unchanged; hoxrd lotsextra Dry salt IS.62H. Bacon, firm, unchnnffed: hoxed lots slde-s: t9.60. ' ' t,tU' r,U:, ,J""W clear METALS Lead, steady, $1.3034.40. Snel ter. stendy nt J3.R21J. Bpel ' ""titn. oc; springs, 6ii?7c: geese. 4c: springs, 435c. d BUTTI3R Steady; creamery, 14320c; UU,-.T,,irj"y,:. npnrbv "id southern. 6c. vA t- " " u,n.?v tints.; wneaii "i-'M "!.. .ooo hU. . """it o r iiiiir, 1) ins. ; wneat. 34.000 bu.; corn, 17,000 bu.; oats, 21.000 bu. Knnsna City Orntn nnd Provisions. JA,I5ASCITT' J"'y 10.-WIIEAT-July, aftaAeA September. 5Sc; December. COvi red. IVte; No. 3, 69J?59V4c. ",wv-' CORN-July. 41JW41sJc; September, 51,c; 8A.X8"r.No-.2 white, 33o. n I r. . o. t, U-'C. ir a V rimiA iimAti... pju... M. . . Jiorjiwil.on: ""0,'-w: prairie, RUTTER-Crenmery. I55jl7',4c; dairy, 1481 .lGa-uWr,nk: fre.fih Mlssourl nnd Kansas stork, ..Ac dozen, loss off. cases returned: bloats' 5.Vburnt 1,0'(W"': "rn. 21,600 RIIIPMRVTS-U'li.o, hoaa t.. . 31.400 bu.VoatS, o;tt bil: C0Tn Toledo firnlii nnd Seod. h.'nfrf. cash and July. 63?ic; September, ui'.c: Decemler, llSc. CORN Aftll'n nn.l .rnnn.. 1. . ...... Sentembe ric: ' Ju,y nn" ill Vi flic. beCr617'i"SEDCa"h, Prlm,' ,CB! 0c, Mlniirniiolla M'lient. I'loiir nml llrnn. MINNEAPOLIS, July 10. WHEAT 1si,p: on trnck, No. 1 hard, 6C;i" N'o 1 northern. 6i'ie! Nn ! J CJffi 40, 1 FLOl'R-Lower: flrst pntents, J3.53fi3.fi5' &Sat "rst It AN In bulk, J1O.75Q11.0O. MIlTriinKer Ornln .Mnrl.rt, , MILWAUKEE. July 10, WHEAT Mar. ket steadier; No. 1 nor hern. HiWMuS" No. 2 northern. 63fiS4Hc: September 6lSc CORN-September. 4ni(ri50i;c ' RYE-Rtendv: No. 1, 1suc. R A RLE Y Steady; No. 1 4SUC; No " 55c sample, 35g53V'c. n ' 1 - &sc' Peoria .tfnrket, (PEORlA. July 10.-CORN-Flrm; No. 5, AiM7lrnAi X.Z' 3 white, 32c. delivered. HI&K-On tho basis of J1.27 for fin ished goods. Coffee Mnr:;rt. NEW YORK, July lO.-COFFF.E-Futures opened steady, with prices unchanged to 5 points lower, under liquidation. Follow Ing the call the market ruled dull, with th bear contingent In cpntr I MHday bids were net unchanscd to 5 points lower, iw iit'uuiiis, per in., wfaw, roastca, B544C 7Hc; lirazils, 13c; pecans, lo22c. HIDES No. 1 green. 6Wc: No. 2 crorn. Ited. 7c: No. with the market quiet nnd easy Total sales up to tint hour were 5.5J bags. In cluding September at 6.03o; October, 5.10c, November, 6.15c; December 5.30c, January. 6.36c; May, 6.55c. Tho spot market was nominally unchanged. Santos quiet Ooo l average Santos, 4e. Receipts, 2,1 hug'! stock, 449,w butts. Hamburg opened un changed nnd at 2:30 p. m. was net 'jfMspfir lower. Sales, S ooo bags. Havre i pt ned 'jf lowoi; at 12 ni. declined Uf nnd nt .1 p. m. wns Irregular. Rio steady; No. i Rio, lc. Exrhnnges. llf,c. Receipts, ir.,oii bags. Cleared for the I'nlted States. 3.0 0 bugs. Cleared for Europe, 2.(00 bags. Stock, 31fl,ono b.igs. Coffee- cloed unchanged to Uf net lower. Sales, IS.OnO bags. M1W YORK STOCKS AM) IH)M)S. Mqttliliillon In l.urne Volume lin cnslnrs (lipr I'll In re Money. NEW YORK, July 10,-Wlth call loan sales yielding to a lower llguro It was nevertheless apparent today that unenslncs'i over the rnurc of the money market was the principal cause of the renewed weak ness In stocks, The larger part of the deal ings and the most notable price move ments were In the same slocks us for sev eral days past, notably St. Paul. Rock Island, Atchison, Union Pacific, Missouri Pacific and Louisville, but tho list was generally affected, the eastern trunk lines sharing quite fully In the dny s weakness The gold export was the most Important factor In causing the feeling that money conditions might be worse before they nro better. Tho fact that interior banks nre already reeling tho demand for money from the agricultural centers Is an Indica tion that that demand on New York will coma unusually early this year. The net declines In the market lenders reached s.ich figures ns the following: Rock Island, S; St Paul. r.'i: Atchison, 5; Union Pac lie. fii; Missouri Paciilc, 4; Kansas Texas preferred, 4; Loulsviilo Nashville. 4f-,; Iowa Central. 5; Iowa Centrnl preferred. 7H; Chicago & Eastern Illinois, b. In other prominent active stocks, Including some of the eastern trunk lines nnd lending specialties, prices were be tween 2W nnd 4 lower on the day. The steel stocks are about 2 points lower. Tho reports from the corn belt nnd un effort to discount the expected unfavorable showing of the government's monthly crou report were elements In the weakness of the mar ket, but were not sufficient to account for the general weakness shown. .(.. e.ria,lron'1 VonJ mnrket was fairly ac .n"(tJ0WfLr.rl'Sa. To,nl neH Pif value. MlrH!-' UnB' Slnles refunding 2s dc cllned per cent on the Inst call. nJn'I,"i ,Coinnyrclal Advertiser's London 25i."B. .B"vu: ""! was ,, ..'. ""- i": vmerirnn ( e. Pnt?tm pn,. wbloh was more active than m .uy,i iTh5. "treuK'h nd buoyancy ex hibited In Now York yesterday decidedly demoralized the benrs and today there was son'0 "LCXi- tl!M',' Particularly In At?hl" tSni?i.Sii1-ori5,.V".y,?.?yS.?l ry boost flnlsn".- Lo,,lsdlleU ft'vllle 'JftnS it i. T , "lu "" consoi issue, but It Is expected money will be cheap Part fxclmnge. 25.17: Herlln. 20.39U. l"enI' 1 nrls thVNew York's toVk exenng pr,ctfl on Atchison (In pfd lUeltlmore & Ohio.. (In pfd Canadian Pacific... Canada So Ches. A Ohio Chlcngn A Alton... do pfd C 11. A Q Chi., Ind, & U do pfd Chicago A 11. III... Chicago O, W do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Chicago A N. W... C. It, I. & V Chicago Ter. & Tr. do pfd C. C. C. A St. I..., . 77T4 Ho. Pacific 110'.4 So. Railway M do pfd J"' Paclflo 102 To!., St. U A W... tl I do pfd I 4314 Union Pacific ....!! . 40'.4 do pfd . "T'S Wabash .13!i do pfd ' ' . 1 .Wheel. A I., n....;; '0 I do 2d pfd IK. , Wl. Central 22 do pfd . 4Hi Adams Ex , .150 American Ex .HOUir, s. Ex....;... .. 21 Wells.Farco Ex....! 40H Amal. Coppr 8"U Amer. Car A F . !4 do pfd.........:...' Amer. Lln. Oil . 21 do pfd .." L Amfr- S- R do pfd Amor. Tobacco ... . M lAnao. Mln. Co . 3SH Ilrooklyn n. T f' loI' J-'uel A Iron..! . 64 Cor. Oas ,1i,'Co- Tobacco ! .60 do pfd 74U Gen. Elcctrlo .3H Qlucose Sugar ...... . -I Hocking Coal t2't JO. S4U I!4 10 3514 W,i 89 ',4 1J SS-T l 3iH 20 V4 43 78 1S vn to HO',4 11s 20 4 83W 2H 62 6'!4 101!i 1J3'4 4 7714 103 118 C!4 U7H 254V4 64 i 21 21 ti 90!i S3 40 lf4 44 ; 9 65 ::.4 H5T4 4 J 14 84 ios isi 73 1M14 62H 73 13 77 20 lV, 43 91 Colorado Bo do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudion Del. L. A W Denver A II. O do pfd Erie , do 1st pfd , do 2d pfd Ot. Nor. pfd Hocking Valley ... do pfd Illinois Central .... Iowa Central do pfd Lake Erie A W.. do pfd..... U A N Manhattan I Met. St. Ry Mex. Central Mex. National Minn. A St. li Mo. Paclflo M.. K. A T do pfd N. J. Central N. Y, Central Norfolk A W..0... do pfd No. Pacific pfd Ontario A W Pennsylvania Reading- do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. A S. F do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. It. Souther do pfd St. Paul do pfd , M I do n dT" Inter. Power ! Iaclede Qas Jntlnnal 11l...t. Vflllnnnl T 1 vr' . .. . -4 .lAIIOUll tsaii W do pfd ,0 No. American ! ,1"4 iPaclfto Coaat . W Pacific Mall , . US People's Oaa , Pressed S. Car 1'A do nfd 41 .'Pullman P. Car Ilpubllo Steel ' do pfd , iSugar Tenn. Coal A Iron.. . K . 33 .14S14 . 4i4 . ; . H . 44W . 7J . 69Vi . SI union mg a P do pfd , U. S. Leather do pfd , U. S. Rubber , do pfd U. S. Steel , do pfd , Western Union . ',4i .lH Mi Trust recelptfl. Offered. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, July 10,-MONEY-On call, steady, af 4SJ6H per cent; last loan at 4 ner rent! rilllnir rata & rx-- mercantile paper. 4J4V4 per cent. aotual business In bankers' bills nt 11.57 iKi.oc.a iur iiemana nnn ji.mvwi.ss for sixty dia;8L.Pi08t?do,;R,,ia.V.-,S6 nml -s8'.i: commcr. cial blllH. J4.S4H4.84. SILVER-Bar, 5S4c; Mexican dollars, 46:4C. HONDS Government, weak; railroad, weak; state, Inactive. Th cloaliiK pritKk un nonda todav ara at follows: U. S. ref. !, reg.,, do 2, reg do coupon do new it, res.... do coupon do old 4, rec do coupon do 5s, reu do coupon D. of C. 3 65s Atchison gen. 4s... do adj. 4s Canada So. 2s Chea. A Ohio 4V4s.. do Cs 107U1 IN. J. C. gen. 6s... No. Pacific 3s ..131 .. 724 ..103!4 ..IO714 ..103 ..107 ..103 ..130 ..1I64 .. MS ..I0H4 ..117 ..13314 ..1M ..120 ..1IH4 .. 924 ..118 .. 60 ,.11S'4 ...03 ..10414 ..11814 ..114 ..ill .. s:vi .. 0f.!4 ,10? 10S4 do 4s N Y. C A 8t L 4s. 131. 1124 112i 109 109 1W 101 i8 110 108 KO l!2'i 13214 M S9 10954 tor, 200 11s 10H4 8114 9TTi N. A W. rvin. .. Oregon Nav. Is... do 4s Oregon S. L. 6s.. do consoi t Padlnc cen. 4s... Illo O. W. Is St I. A I M c. 8s.. St I. A S F ft. 6s. St. Paul consols . St P. CAP Is... C. A N. W. c. 7s... do 8s do P. F. deb. fa.. So. Pacific 4s Chicago Ter. 4s Colorado So, 4s So, Hallway 5s.... a. H. A 1 . 6s Tex. A Paclflo Is.. D. A R. O. 4s , Erie general 4s do 2s F. W. A I. C. la. Union Pacific 4s... Oen. Electric 8s..., Vt abash Is Iowa Central Is I A N. unt. 4s M.. K. A T. 2 do "4s. N. Y. Central Is..., Mo 2i jWost Shore 4s Wis. Central 4s... I'Va. Centurlea ... Offered. Lonilnii Stock t'tnntntlona. LONDON, July 10. I p. m.-ClosIng: Cons., money 9 !1M6N. Y. Central .. . f3 .Norfolk & ... CV do pfd . S4"i No. Paclflo pfd. .10114 Ontario A ... .1PI14 Pennsylvania ... .10514 Ileadlnc 47 do pfd .. 2I do 2.1 pfd ..112 So. Hallway .... . 4'il4 do pfd . !'7i Kn. Paciilc . 42 il.'nlon PnclDc ... . "IV do pfd . Mi.j U. S. Steel 1.156 I do pfd HWWsbash . MV. do pfd . 61 'Spanish 4s ..P.9 .. 51 4 .. onj .. Pf!4 .. 3-., .. 754 .. .. 3? .. r, .. 23'4 .. SI' 4 .. 57', ..107TJ .. W4 .. 47, .. ffli .. 2H, .. 425, .. 70i do account Anacond.i Atchison do pfd t Paltlmore A Ohio Canadian Puclllc. Ches. A Ohio Chlcniro O. W St. Paul Denver A It, CI... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do S(l pfd Illinois Central ... Iyiulsvllle ,,,, M K A T do pfd RAR SII.VER-Dull, nt 2fi 15-l(!d per ounce. MONEYl81',4 per cent. The rate of dls count in the onon market for ulinn i.m ,.".s,'i525. Vr co,1,i for 'bree months' bills. 2 7-1W02 9-10 per cent. Cold prcmlrm rrJ liiuivii iii iiiiiiiwni iiiienos ,yros. 137: Ala drld, 37.97; Lisbon, 39.75. ' New York Mlnlim Stock. NEW YORK. July 10,-The following are the closing quotations on mlnln? stocks; Adams Con 1 15 (Little chief 11 All-e ; 44 Ontario 91: llreece w Ophlr TO llrunswlck Con IS Phnenlx ,,,, 8 Coinstork Tunnel... 514 Potosl ., r, Con. Cal. A Vn 215 Savage 7 Deadwnml Terra , M Sierra Nevada 15 Horn Silver 110 Small Hopes 41 Iron Silver 6) standard ,,,, ',10 Iadvllle Con 6 1 lln nit ClenrliiKK. CHICAOn. July 1rt.ciearlngs, J24.171.407; balances, 11,115,.0; posted exchange, tl.&e! for sixty days nnd HJ'j on demand; New York exchange, 10c premium. M , OMAHA, July 10. -Clearings, t. 022.433. 7?, 1 orrr jpouiilng day last year, Jl,16i.l1"l.ol, ueerenp. Jl.tl.iwZ.24. Un. t ....r. ...... . r.Cjl l,m,.n H. ... .A nfltil , .,",, vj, ,,-2(tj irfi 1,,.. PHILAUELPIIIA, July lO.-Clearlngs, J17.S75.400; balances, $2,619,700; money, l per cent. IIALT1MORK. July lO.-Clcarlugs, t3&2. 015; bnlnnces, t",4,C73: money, 4ls(?J5 per cent. ROSTON, Julv lo.-CleitrliiKs, I25.WMIS; balances, Il,71l,w7. . NEW YORK, July lO.-Clcnrlngs, $3.l..ll. 2SS; balances, 116,799,475. llnstiill MucUn nml llnnils ROSTON. July 10,-Call loans, 4f; Per cent; time loans, Jlstl'-I1 per cent closing; Oltlel.il A , T. A S. V do pfd Amer. Sugar American Tel I!oton A Albany noston Elevated , f , It. A Q Dominion Coal ... d pfd V S. Steel do pfd Fltchliurg pM Oen. Electric .... N H. (1 A C Rubber 1'nlon Pacific Vnlon I-ind ....... West End . 7" Wesllngh. Electric 6'.4 ,YA 'Atchison 4s ..lI .ue'i N. H. O. A C. 5s... f.7'4 .154 'Adventure 23 till lllng. Mining Co.... 22n .1 Amal. Copper HTi .194 AtUntlv 37 . 39 Cnl. A llecla TP.". .114 'franklin K'i . 4314 llumbolilt . 1.1 .Osceola M .111 ll'nrrt.t 5.1 .C57 Oulncy I'OH . " Santa Ke Copper.... C14 . M'4 Tumarni k 315 . :ns,l'tnh Mining 19 . :iiiWlnona 3'4 ,. 91 'Wolverines 19 titndltlini of the Trensiirr. WASHINGTON. July PX-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the Jl5O.fmu.O0O gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available rush balance, I176,lii,OS2; gold. J101,854,S74. Cotton MnrWel. NEW YORK, July 10. Much of the ad vance recently scored In cotton futures was wiped out today. The market opened on the locnl exchange easy, with July 3 points higher and other months 1117 points lower, 'lhese were the best of the day, while at the bottom the net loss wns 11817 points, with July lending the downwnrd movement. The dominating Influence wns n report that another West Indian storm htid struck Clulveston and was breaking up the drouth which has held Texas so long. This storm caught tho local trade and tho southarn and foreign Interests pretty well loaded with new crop options. A scramble to dump tnis siapie ovcruoarei resulted in r pro nounced break In price throughout the list. Tim early English market wns about ns ex pected, but when the rain reports reached there the sensntlonnl brenk began, reach ing a level 55i5V4 points under the last night's closing. Tho only nfternoo.n bulls directed attention to the fnct that the weather forecast did not point to general rnlns In Texas tomorrow, but Indicated continued drouth over the rest of the cen trnl and western belt. Moreover, a storm was said to be approaching the south At lantic coast, where dry weather Is fow much needed to save the crop from grass and lice. Rut the room wns skeptical ard refused to take the bulls' Idea, preferring to nwnlt tomorrow's cables and wenther map. The close wns easy at a net decline of 10 19 points. NEW ORLEANS, July 10.-COTTON Easy; sales, 1,250 bales; ordinary, tiltc; good ordinary. C13-16c; low middling, 7Hc; mid dling. S-Hc; good middling. $c; middling fair. 9c, nominal; receipts, 2,317 bales: stock, 91,805 bales. Futures, quiet and steady; July, 8.17iTi20c: August, 7.87iif7.SJic: Septem ber, 7.4Sfi7.t9c; October. 7.S3fi7.3tc; Novem ber, 7.K11t'7.34c: December, 7.32ifi'7.33c; Jnn unry, 7.3407.35c; February, 7.30f7.3Sc. ST. LOUIS. July 10,-COTTON-Qulct; middling, 8Hc: sales, 725 bales; receipts, 1,219 bales; shipments, 1,606 bales; stocks, 69,450 bales. LIVERPOOL. July 10.-4 p. m.-COTTON Spot, moderate business, prices un changed; American middling. 4 ll-16d. The sales of tho day were 8,000 bales, of which 500 were for speculation and export and In cluded 7.500 American, necclpts. B.OOO bales. Including 1,400 American. Futures opened (iiilet nnd closed feverish. American mld elllng I. m. c: July, 4 34-64d; July and August. 4.12-6lff4 34-54d; August and Sep Sfl1, 12i-6,l12S.(Hd, buyers: September, 4 27-64 K4 28-64d. buyers; October, b. o. c, 4 17-fi43M 18-ftld, buyers; October and No vember, 4 15-C4d, buyers; November and De cember, 4 13-64(1. sellers; December and January. 13-6HZ4 14-64d. sellers; Jnnuary and February. il3-64CT4 14-64d. buyers; Feb ruary and March. 4 14-64d, buyers; March and April, 4 14-644 15-64d, buyers. iuurcn Wool Market. BOSTON, 'Jtlly ift.-Tho, American .Wool, and Cotton Reporter will say tomorrow of the wool trade: JThe markot haa been less active the last -week. The principal featuro this week la tho. firmness, of territories. In dlcatlons aro that these wools will bo cleaned up ns clearly as they have been In Idahos. Tho sales for tho- wook In Boston amounted to 3.i70,500 pounds domestic and 21?ii??LpoundfL forclm. making: a total of 3,8S2,,00 pounds, against a total of 6,195,000 for the previous week and a total of 1,316.000 pounds for the corresponding week last year. The sales, since January 1 amount to 114,852,000 pourids. against 70,272,600 In the corresponding tlmo 'ast year. The receipts 0.f-.W0P',,n Boston this week nmount to 14.843 bales, against 17,774 bales last week nnd 15,952 bales last year. The total re ceipts since January 1 have been 269,885 bales domestic nnd 77.587 bales of foreign, against 166,071 bales domestic nnd 102,915 b?'?8Jfor!Rn for the corresponding; period of 1900. This Is an Increase of 93.814 bales domestic and a'decreflse of 25,380 bales for eign. Shipments of wool for the week end ing July 8 aggregate 3,723,121 pounds, a de crease of 663,598 pounds over the shipments for the previous week. ST. IXDUIS. July 10. WOOL Slightly lower and quiet; medium grades, lll6Hc: light flne. ll14c; heavy fine. 9llc; tub washed, 624c. Wool Auction sjnlea, LONDON, July 10,-The offerings at the wool auction sales today numbered 17.153 bales. American buyers purchased a fair share of superior Merinos, Including New South Wales, Victorian and Tasmanlan greasy. The supply of scoureds and cros breds sold ready. Falkland Island and Punta Arenas were In demand nt un chnnged rates. Following are the sales In detail: Queensland. 46 bales scoured, lis Id. Victoria, 1,400 bales scoured, 6?4dls 6d; greasy. 4dfls. South Australia, 400 bales scoured, Is 'd; grpnsy, 6V4d. Tasnia"la, 100 bales grensy, Sdfils Hd. New Zealand, 2.900 bales scoured. 9dlTls Bd; grensy. 5tf.Xd. Cape of flood Hnpo nnd Natal, 1,50 bales greasy, 4S9d. Falkland Islands, 1,700 bales greasy, 21f55d. The arrivals of wool for the fifth series of snles closed todnv with the following nmountn: New South Wnles, 81.143 bales; Queensland. 9.731: Victoria. CS.551: So"th Australia. i:i,tnii; west Australia, l,9?fi: Tas-. mania, 1,556; New TIenlnnd. 102.545. Thirty five thousand bnles of Australasian ard 14,500 bales of Cnpe of flood Hope and Natal were forwarded direct to spinners. Oil nml Rosin. OIL CITY, Julv lO.-OILS-Credlt bal ances, $I.0T: certlllcates, no bid nor offer; runs. 110,552 bills.; average, S6.S14 bbls.; shipments, 87.618 bbls,; average, 97,703 bbls. NEW YORK, July lO.-OILS-Cotlonseed, easy; prime crude. nomtnnl; pilmo yellow. 38c. Petroleum, quiet; refined, J6.90; Philadelphia and Raltlmore. $6.85; Philadelphia nnd Raltlmore In bulk, 54.3ft. Rosin, steady; strained, common to good, J1.45. Turpentine, firm nt 37fi37'.4c. LIVERPOOL. July lO.-OILS-Cottonseed, Hull rollned, spot, stendy, 23s Cd. Linseed, 34 3d.. CHARLESTON, S. C, July 10.-OILS-Turiientlne, firm nt 32V4- Rosin, firm nnd unchanged LONDON, July 10.-OILS Linseed. 32s; Calcutta Unseed, spot, 53s 4Hd; turpentlno spirits, 27s 3d. SAVANNAH. On.. Julv lrt.-OIUS-Spirlts turpentine, dull. 34s. Rosin, firm. Quote: A. II, C. $1.15; D, $1.2-1; E, $1.25; K. $1,30; C5. $1.3,-.; IL $1.50; I. $1.55; N. $2.70; WO, $2.9o- Kvn porn fed nml Dried I'rulta. NKW VOUK, July 10,-UVAI'OnATRD APri.KS Business In dried fruits was along conservative lines, though buyers made no effort to obtain concessions, No new features were developed; state, com mon to good, 3Vv?;3o; choice, 6ff6Vie; fancy, e'sfc. CALIFORNIA OltlRD FHUITS-Un-chnnged. Prunes. CTlSc per lb., as to size and (iillty. Apricots, Hoynl, 8fl2o; Moor I'nrk, 7W12e. I'enchcs, peeled, lKi12c; un peeled, 6 10c. Sinrnr Mnrkrt. NI'AV ORLEANS. July 10.-SUOAH-Qulct; open kettle, 33-16ffJlc; open kettle, centrifugal, 3Tsfr?4'sc; centrifugal yellow, I'i filSic; seconds, 2H&lc. Molasses, dull; cen trifugal, 61M5c. NKW YORK. July lO.-SUGAU-Raw, steady; fair refining, 3 9-16c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4 3-16c: molnsses sugar, liinctlve, 3 5-16; retlned, firm; crushed, 6c; powdered, 5.6fe; cranulated, 5.50c. LONDON, July lO.-RKUT SUOAR-July, 9s 3d, ee York Dry Oooris Mnrkrt. NI3W YORK, July 10.-There hns been no IncrcHso In the demand for stnplo cottons today In any description, but the tone eon. tlnucs firm and the previous prices are held for. Print cloths are Inactive, but stendy. Prints quiet. No change In gingham. Worsted quiet, tlrm In staples; fancies Irregular. 1 nr.c net 01 i.i.7i in, juiy iu. e ii'iu iiiwi "i Inlnncrs, 17I.2.0H; money, 5'I7 per cent; New Ynrk exchange. 15c discount bid, par asked, CtNCINVA rf inle. Id Clearmirs. M.Ww.. OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET Cattle Market Verj 81w and Tmdeicj Lowir n All Grade, HOGS ABOUT TWO AND A HALF HIGHER Very l.lirhl Receipts of Until Sheep nnd l.initliN nnd U thins inre-l Mild Kiiily nt Mt I) tei 11 IHinc lllher Price-.. SOUTH OMAHA. July 10. Jtecc pis wero: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 2 0 " -loiuliiy i.wm s.iis 5.UI O lie 11 l uesday 3,2:fJ 7,15 2.9-XI Ulnclul Weilliosday 2,1 ?j ,,U4:' j,.,. Three days this week.... 7.140 17,0,3 "TiToi Harno days hist week.. 6,.iui 2i,2Sl Hamu week beloro v.,119 lli.oy? Sainu three wi-eKs ago .. 6.456 21. W0 U.7W hum.; four weeks uko.... ;'Ji, a.uj huinu days Inst car. .. .13,072 -U.W7 16,9,11 Average price paid for hogs at fco .tli umuha tho past several days with com parisons: IJ901. llt-OO.lU'JJ.W. lS97.,lS91.a0. June 15 June 16,, Juno 17., J lie 1,4. . June ID. JUIlu M.. June 21.. Juno 22,. June 23., June 11 5 SC:, I yy 5 vu.l 3 6(1 1 .1 t'2 3 W, 3 tUi a 6JI 3 32 2 IU' 3 221 3 101 3 1i S (8j .11 M! 1 lil 3 02, , 2 !, 3 15' I 4 41 4 44 4 41 4 41 4 ij 4 37 . - " , I I 1 ! .V. Il IX) 1 a ,u I S S-'l 5 06 1 64 3 71 2 80, 3 69 3 81 3 eul 3 72 5 SI 4 )M 6 ei-! 5 Ool I 5 131 5 931, 5 99',), 5 171 .1 21 3 02 I 10 4 40 3 631 3 72, 3 21 3 021 3 62 3 6 i 26' 3 00 Juii,. , June 26,', Jlllln -. . I i k9, 3 I3 Z 9il 3 63 I 3 .5 2 97 3 61' 3 62l 1 3 96, 4 46 4 tt 4 1 4 M I 5 yje,, 5 101 I 91 Vi 5W I E S7HI 5 11 June 8., Juiiu iu,. Jutio 30.. -uly 1... July 2... July 3... July 4... July 6... July 6... July 7... July 8... July 9... July 10. 3 tw 3 tV1 3 61 1 xSI 4 srJi I 5 Oil 5S9U I 6 M(il 4 921 I 74Hi 5 Oil " I I 5 73H 5 (IS C "9, 5 16 J J V,, 3 .1 2 !)l 3 6SI 3 55 3 731 3 61 I 3 61! 3 7SI 1 3 21 2 9S 3 IS 2 96 4 63 3 IS 2 9 4 I HI I 3 21 2 95 4 70 I tm 4 83 3 281 2 97 4 1 3 7S 3 661 I ' a 11 .15 832-51 I I 5 M4i 5 131 I 6 Mijl 5 13 3 M 3 761 3 2 2 PS) 3 3 87 3 321 3 01, 1 3 781 3 351 2 9t'n 3 90 I 3 2E! 2 S71 4 91 4 76 4 ta Indicates Sunday. Indlcntes holiday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each rond was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen.H'r't. e., m. & st. i'. icy O. & 8t. U Ry 2 Missouri Pncttlo Ry.. 9 Pnlon Pacific System 21 C fk N. W F-. 13. & M. V 32 S. C. & P. Ry C, St. P., M. & O.... 20 C. R. & Q 4 11. & M 21 K. C. & St. J 5 C. It. I. & P., east.. 2 C R. I. & P., west.. 1 Illinois Centrnl 3 4 1 3 23 1 30 n 7 8 13 1 n 3 Total receipts 123 101 Tho disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber 01 neau inaicatea Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co.. .sn 1.J1U ... Swift and Company 663 1.351 Cudahy Packing Co 712 Armour & Co 505 Om. Pkg Co., from K. C. 87 Cudahy, from K. C 74 Armour, from K. C 85 It. Decker & Dcgan 59 Ixbman & Co 32 llenton & Underwood.... 48 Livingstone & Schnller.. 27 11. U Dennis & Co 37 Other buyers 96 2,236 1,214 2,114 Total 2,763 7,011 1 214 CATTLE There was not a heavy run of came nere touay, uut packers seemed to have the Idea that they have been paying too much for their supplies here as com pared with the way cattle nre selling In other markets and as a result they tried to pound the market all around. Sellers were not willing to take off much and as i result the market was slow In opening and It was rather late before a clearance was made. There wero about 75 cars of beef steers included in the receipts today and packers started In bidding 10015c lower alt around. Sellers held out for better nrlces and thn morning was well advanced before much of anything was done. "When the cattle did begin to move toward the scales the ma jority of mlcs did not look over 610c lower ana in many instances tney looked pretty steady. It was a slow, draggy market though an It took some time for buyers and sellers to agree on terms. There ware only a few cows and heifers In the yards th's morning and anything good brought Just about steady prlcen. The common stun was 01 course neglected, and Dartlcularlv was that true of csnnrra. Sellers found R difficult to dispose of that ciass 01 stun, out sun mere was not so much chango In the prices paid. A ship ment of South Dakota range cows arrived this morning and the quality was good and they sold for 13.60, which wns considered a very satisfactory price an compared with the way other cattle are selllnr. Good to choice bulls brought about steady jue:ea, uui uiiicru wore sioev ana weaK and the same could be said of calves and stags. There were not many Blockers and feed ers on sale today and Just about steady prices were paid for anything at all de sirable. The common stuff, however, was slow sals at any price. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS, No. I. .. 1.., 2.., .., 8... 1... 7... 13... 31.., 16... 3.., 33.., 29... 22... 13.., 1... II. ., 39.., 23... 23.., 20... 22... 17.., 43... 22,., SI... Av. Vr. No. Av. Pr. 730 1210 725 326 906 1000 loss 906 S79 911 sso f3 993 1149 1070 970 1174 1057 1040 9S8 1131 1137 10S3 1120 1205 1119 3 09 3 23 3 '3 3 60 3 63 4 14 4 23 4 " 4 10 4 43 4 50 4 50 4 33 4 60 4 CO 4 60 4 60 4 65 4 70 4 75 4 73 4 'S 4 So 6 00 6 00 & O) 20 1 141.... 22 (9 20 1 21 17 22 5 47 19 39 22.. , 39.'.'... 25 10 32 20 1 17 23 29 , 29... ... 2 , ....1113 ....1160 ....1290 ....1149 ....1236 ....1174 ....1170 ....1160 ....1210 ....1270 ....1332 ....1292 ....1291 ....1472 ....1227 .11.1419 ....1140 ....1434 ....1235 ....1311 ....1110 ....1121 ....1399 ....1637 ....1202 ...1603 STEKRS AND HEIFERS. 6 SCO 3 93 23 1213 .1 OS 23 791 4 49 8 1107 3 10 21 Sti 4 60 6 946 5 10 IS 9S6 4 TO COWS. I S97 1 f,0 11 S49 3 :s 7 905 1 ISO 2 1160 3 ti 2 1070 t 50 1 720 3 13 2 1023 1 i 1 1020 3 2.1 1 740 2 10 S S7S 3 75 4 M0 2 M 1 110 3 25 1 60 2 .0 12 1124 3 ii 2 i 730 2 75 1 lli.) 3 4 1W 2 25 6 751 3 2 5 S62 2 50 13 1010 3 SO 3 SCO 2 50 6 1190 3 7t3 5 S96 J P0 1 1340 ;i 30 2 775 2 .'0 1 10CO 3 .0 2 SC3 2 10 1 1060 3 30 1 1270 2 '3 2 tii.,0 71 O 1 12S0 2 73 2 ;-X 3 t.0 1 !'40 2 73 IS 1000 3 63 1 7S0 2 75 1 1300 3 73 7 1022 2 S3 4 1137 3 73 3 733 2 S 3 1 1100 3 -0 23 911 2 5 1 1210 3 0 1 1120 3 00 3 1240 3 !-0 4 9S3 3 fO 1 1220 4 00 1 1030 3 00 2 1033 4 10 13 M 3 10 3 1170 4 W 6 1SS 2 -,0 2 990 I 40 3 1064 3 20 4 1240 4 73 HEIFERS. 1 '.. 30 2 60 9 57C 3 90 1 625 2 90 1 ;oo 4 00 5...., 540 2 ti 1 ICO 4 CO 1 1120 3 CO 21 876 4 23 44 MS 3 10 1 963 4 iO 2 635 3 rO HULLS. 1 SSO 2 '-5 1 1340 3 .'5 I .1330 2 35 1 H20 i 3S 1 1390 2 30 1 1430 3 31 1 1330 2 73 1 12S0 3 75 1 1100 3 '0 1 i, ,,.1220 4 00 1 1140 3 "0 1 3S0 I 00 1 11S0 3 li 1 1670 4 n i 1460 3 :; 1 1S0 I 10 1 1210 3 16 BTAQS. 3 1166 3 00 13 1609 4 75 1 1660 4 10 16 1112 4 SO CALVES. 1..., M 5 00 1 154 4 50 1 230 3 ii 1 162 y) 1 21) 4 eo 1 320 4 30 1 90 4 60 3 220 3 M 1 130 I 50 1 290 3 23 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 S10 ,3 OS 1 730 2 73 1 1020 1 10 1 790 2 15 1 700 2 JO 1 530 2 10 3., (93 3 60 6 666 3 10 5 1020 3 50 11 729 3 15 1 1070 2 65 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4 467 2 30 10 666 3 23 30 74S 2 40 1 740 3 40 6 Ml 2 S3 7 S14 60 1 400 3 00 IS 162 3 ti 1 720 3 14 2S S47 3 71 7 721 1 03 1 910 1 SO ;a m 3 ri 3: 713 3 M : so -i n Cutpeiiter A C'nrsoii S. D. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Vr. W rows. . . 1KI7 $3 60 HOC18 -There was rather a light run of hogs here today and the demnnd on tho part of locnl pncker.4 being In good hnpc, the market ruled strung to 2ic higher. Uuyer.4 started out bidding mostly !.. -S1. but they fulled to get the hogs, nnd :is .1 result they raised llielr bids to mostly $5.5. Thnt v,ns where the long string landed, with the choice heavyweights going ff m thnt up, and the lighter loads from J5.S2V4 down. Aftet buyers and seller got to gether on the price It was an active mar ket, nnd It wn not long before th bulk was out of first hands. The last end of the market was ful'y its good hh tho opening, so that the gei.e al market todaj W right around 2'fcc better than yesterday. A clearance was mmle nt an early bout, and the advance carrlei th1 average price to tne nigiiest point reacntu since juiy 1 iiepreifcuiuiive rules No. Av. Hh. I'f. No A. Hh. Vr. n.. 171 5) 5 10 71 . "2 67 72... 7... 1.1... C9... 63... 50... f,o. . . 7!... Jl... 71... 61... 63... .in SO 5 3 n w 2l o in; 73 :io 40 i M Ml SO i ri ...201 ICO 5J ...2H 2S0 3 S3 ft) 5 fc2j 0 5 .n, 40 5 Hit, ..221 215 40 3 :. ;) M i'o ;, , 61... 67... 69... 6S... 74... It... .217 MO ICO 5 ..211 73 ... i .231 SMI ii itJ .827 0 S J so ; 21 1 n) 1 24 h so f, s. .243 ... .:i9 m .235 ... .l.V, 12) 5 M 5 3 : ?5 6 5 0 !3 is Tl 212 K0 J A! l 177 l0 5 ej'i 73 27 AO ( Si's Z10 ... f, Hi, ii 23$ fti b .., :io ko 5 v, ?o cot 40 s si 2 Sir, KO i S i 24-) IhO J '5 43 711 I.M i ..... 23'J 21s .. 3 i SO 3 3 CI : 71 .233 100 5 vj . 233 ICO i 1.1 234 SO i io 232 40 i K. 23i 300 3 231 SO i S7'4 239 ... bn. 70.... 61.... 72 ... 70... 60.... 61.... 61.... "!.... 12.... 10.... S3.... 7S.... 1 V21 ;o u5 ::i CS 213 so b y ... Sti ...244 ...236 ...275 ...234 . ..230 ...260 ., 4 S7V .. 5 -7'4 ,.. S S7' M 5 S74 .. S J7li .. St7l., :; s m 1 6 231 200 I si CJ 213 IM 3 5 tl 221 120 3 2M ... .263 1C0 3 W'4 143 220 110 7., 230 ... "i 212 ... 5 ii i s5 i ii i ..254 12.1 r, :, 67... ... 77... 71... M... 62... JO... ....!M3 120 i i7, ....:) 240 3 S7',i 6S I4f 7S 227 41 !70 3 Hi .. .) 40 i $5 SO C xS ...212 ...319 ...233 ...301 SO i K' ... 5 J7H SO S S7V, 10 3 7' 211 71... 63... 33 ..249 120 !fi SV. 277 W 5 ti 62 M....1. 6; 60 31 71 67 SS 30 f.6 M 41 46 26 to t S7', 61... W... 12... tl... ... J... 10... JO... 253 160 5 13 .210 160 5 ."71, 0 40 i ' lit 3 7t. ....21 ... S S3 ... 5 ti 10) 6 S3 ... bib ... I Si ... i u HI i H.', SO 3 tl .241 2M .. 3 17 H .. $ n74 so i s;. ....230 ....237 ....204 ....145 ....222 ,...2S0 200 .2f5 200 .1 J4 .271 40 1 90 .314 S 13 64... .270 .319 S 'rf) f, JO SO M 40 324 50 3 .V, 1 M it. 351 160 i ti .311 160 it ...212 ... Stt bll LLP-There was a very light run of sheep here todaj. and ths market was strong and active, with everything ffered out of first hands In good season, Limbs sold at 15, but taking quality into con sideration It was a good, strong prl e. N ethers reached J3.40, or a nickel more than yesterday's best price, and ewes s Id at 53.10, or a dime, better than yesterday, The general market could best be described by calling it Mrong to u dime higher, the greatest advance being on the sheep. Quotations; Choice wethers. J3.35fl3.50; fnlr to good wethers, 13.153.30: choice ewes. 2.,W(J3.10; fair to good, J2.50tf2.75; choice spring lambs, J4.75o.uo; fair to good sprln lambs, J4.oVa4.75; feeder wethers. J2.7o 3.00; feeder Iambs, J3.50Q4.00. Iteprcsciitu- live paies; No. 217 Idaho grass ewes 64 Idaho grass wethers 94 Idaho cull lambs 839 Idaho grass lambs A V. 117 90 6S 64 Pr. J3 10 3 40 4 25 5 00 CHICAGO LIVI3 STOCK MARKET. Cattle Oenernlly Ntrndr Slow lings Higher nml Firm. CHICAGO, July lO.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 17,000 head. Including SO.) Toxuns; choice stendy, others slow; butchers stock nnd Texans steady to slow; good to prime steers, 55.156.30; poor to medium. ;3.!0W 5.10; stockers nnd feeders. J2.25V4.40; cowi and heirers. KAb'tlb.w; canners. jj.mnr. w, bulls, J2. 404.35; calves. J4 Of.CO; Texas steers. J3.25fi5.20; bulls. J2.ryvfj3.40. HOGS-Recelpts, 22.000 heHd: estlrrn cd tomorrow. 18,000; left over. 2,000; market 6c higher, closing firm; mixed and butchers, J5.,OJ16.15: good to choice, heavy. J5.90'" 6.20 ; heavy, $5.i5iH5.SD; light, JjJW.OS; tu k of i sales. J5.95g6.10. , ' SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 15.000, head; strong to 10Jfl6c higher; good to, choloe wethers. 3.604.35; fair to choice mixed. J3.00fl3.F5; western sheep. J3.30Ji4.45;1 yearlings. Jt.tOft4.60; native lambs, J4.0C 5.75; mutton lambs, J3.60ji6.50; tpring Iambs, i J5.75. Kansas Cltr" lire Stock Mnrkrt. KANSAS CITY, July 10. CATTLE Re ceipts, 10,300 natives, 2,900 Texans and 900 calves; good killing and feeding cattle steady; common, slow to 10c lower; export and dress beef steers, J5.2tvgfi.75; fair to good, J4.50fiS.OO; Blockers and feeders. J3.40W 4.50; western fed steers, tl.254f4.50; Texans and Indians, J3.S0SI4.25; Texas grass steers, J3.003.75; cows. J2.8W4.0O; heifers. J3.00W 4.60; canners. Jl.75iii2.75; bulls, J2.50fi 3.50 ; calves, J3.50O6.O0. , HOGS Receipts. 25.000 head: market opened steady and closed 2V45o higher; top. J6.0G; bulk of sales, J5.80f6.92V4: heavy, J3.95ft6.05; mixed packers, J5.70fJ5.95; light, J5.6nffS.72V4: pigs. Jo.30f5.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 3.300 head; market active and strong: supply too light to meet requirements of trnde; lambs, Jl.50fj6.10; wethers. J3.25f3J.90; yearlings. J3.80f4.40; ewes. J3.00fl3.7u; culls, J2.00fU.00; Texas grass f heep, J3.25fJ3.80. St. Lonla Live Stock Mnrkrt ST. LOUIS. July lO.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 4.800 head. Including 1.100 head Tcxnns; market steady: native shipping and export steers, J4.90fto.86: dressed beef nnd bjtrher steers, J4.00f?5.40; steers, under 1.000 lbs., i rzRl r. tr.r.lfri .mil feeders. 12.75).75: cows and heifers. J2.0OfJI.75; canners, J1.25fJ 2.85; bulls. J2.5ofJt.OO; Texas and Indian steers, t3.40(?4.75; cows and heifers, J2.50fj 4.00. ' HOGS Receipts. 8.300 hend; market stc.-idy: plgK and lights. $5.75fj5.85; packers, t.i.S0fin.9"i: butchers, t3 OVftil.lO. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, '-'.SOO head: mnrket 25! higher: native muttons. J.I.Sftfa.KO: lambs. J3.75fi5.23: culls and bucks. 51.50i.7.50; stockers. J2.00ff2.35; Texas nheop, J3.00ff3.5O. Nrvr York Live Stock Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, July 10.REEVES-Receipts. 6,MS head; active; steers, tlrm to Ac tive. 5c higher! bulls nnd cows, generally 10c higher, all sold; steers, Jl.SJfl6.ftO; hlnns, trt.S0ffl.tW: bulls. J2.75S3.75: cows. J2.101i3.76: choice fat cows. $4.15ff4.2.". fables, steady! shipments, m.i neiia cattle, ,o ncnu sneep nnd 4,1jo qunrters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 4,250 head; active de mand, nrlces J5f5"50o higher, all sold; culls. tl.OOfi-1.5.). SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, 6.171 head: sheep, firm: Intnbs, excited nnd 2."ifr r,0c hlnher on continued scant receipts, all fold; sheep. J3.OOfj4.30; Inmhs, J6.K0't7,50, ono car, J7.8T4- St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrkrt. ST. JOSEPH. July 10, t'ATTLE--Re ceipts, 2,182 head: market steady to I no lower; natives, tl.'-5f5.;i0; cows and heifers, II 5W1 .90. bulls and Ktucs. J2.40fl5.ftO: stock- ers and fee-ders, J2.IOf I.Sl; veals. J3.5ij'6.25, I tout Receipts, ti.NS'i neau; ninruci steady to Ec lower; light and light mixed. J5.iOfi1.82iA; medium and heavy, J5.75fi6.o5; pics. Jl.0ffi5.nn: bulk. J5.72'4'ii5.8:.. biiuki' a.mi i.A.Mim iieceiptH, iianena; mnrket stronger: snring lamlm. I69i25c higher; top, W.40. Slock In SIkIiI. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep nt the live principal live stock marKoiB juiy io; Cattle, nogs, nneen. South Omaha 775 7.042 1.211 Chicago . 17.000 .13.201) . 4.8f1 . 2.482 2?.00o 25.H00 S.3ii 6.886 15.001 3.301) 2,501 175 Kansas Ity . St. Louis St. Joseph .... Totals ..40,257 69.22S 2,489 Tetep'noue 102IH. Boyd Commission Co Successors to James K. Hoyd Co., OMAHA, NED. COMMISSION (JHA1N PROVISIONS AM STOCKS. Iluar ot Tnule nullrflnu. Direct wires to Chleigo and rew York. Correspondence. John A. Wuiren 4k Co. EDWARD C. Now wwmmiaiiwn men un An 1 5. IN, PROVISIONS, STOCK". IIONnsAISO COTTON. 230-338 Lo 811 at . ri busloMS Mlislinl. Corr.rx.n4.c. Inltd. Ilsllj n4 pstlsTmsrs.tUiUrs muS PrlfU Wlr t. .11 Is.,.,1.,1 f..u Cst 4 Wt.lV GOVERNMENT CROP REPORT Acmg6 of Coin Fl&ntcd It Lest Thun a Yar Ago. CONDITION IS BEST IN NEBRASKA 1 Winter nml .tprhur When! An Unlit Ininriivi-il-Oiitn Miimv .slirlnlnne llnrlej nt ll llent Itjr Miffl lent Sev'l Polnloes Poor. WASHINGTON. July 10. Preliminary ro turtis to the stntlsltlclan of tho Depart ment of Agriculture mi the ncrcsiso of corn planted Indicate a reduction of 100,000 ncrc.t, or 5 per cent, from tho nrea planted Inst year. Of tho tweutytwo states hav ing 1,000,000 ncrcs or more of corn In H'OO twelxti aUovyn ilocrensu of 1,300.000 nctei, while In the remaining ten nn Increase) of about 900,000 acres Is shown. The average condition of the growing crop la SI. 3, ns compared llh S!'.C nn July 1, 1900; SO. 5 nt the eorrespondltig date In 1899, nnd a tcn-lcar average of CO. 3. The condition In Ncbrnskn Is 88; In Illinois and lown. 87; In Kansas, 74; iu Missouri, 70, and In Texas, 01. In each of the twenty-twn states above referred lo, except In Mississippi, Virginia and South Dakota, where the conditions, represented by SS, 92 and S9, respectively, correspond with their ten years' aversgo, their cou dltlon Is more or less below such average. Winter Whent, Tho condition of winter wheat Improved during June, being SS.3 ou July 1, as com pared with S7.8 on June 1, 80. R on July 1, 1900, 65. ! nt the corresponding dote In 1899 and a ten-year average of 80.2. All the Important winter wheat states shore In this Improvement except Pennsylvania, Ohio and Maryland, In which tho condition declined during the mouth 3.2 and 5 point! respectively. Spring: Whrnt. The average condition of spring wheat also Improved during the month, being 95.6 on July 1, ns compared with 92.0 one month ago, 55.2 on July 1, 1900, 91.7 nt tho corresponding date In 1SU9 and a ten year average of 85.6. Tho condition In Ne braska Is 89. Iowa 92, Minnesota 96, South Dakota nnd North Dakota 100. The condition of spring and winter wheat combined ou July 1 wns 91.1, against 69.8 on July 1, 1900, nnd "6.2 nt tho correspond ing date In 1899. The amount of wheat remaining In the hands of farmers on July 1 Is estimated nt about 81,000,000 bushels, or tho equivalent of 5.85 per cent of the crop of 1900. Ontn, The average condltlonof the oat crop Ii 83.7, as compared with 85.3 one month ngo, 85.fi ou July 1 1900, 90.0 at the correspond ing dnto In 1S99 nnd a ten year average ol 87.7. Ilnrlcy. The averngo condition of barley Is 91.1 ns agnlnst 91.0 one month ago, "6.3 on Julj 1, 1900. 92.0 at the corresnnndlnir .lain la 1899 nnd n ten year avi rage of 87.1. Winter llr. The average condition of winter rye II 93.6, ac compared with 89.6 on July 1, 1900, 83.3 at the corresponding date "In 1899 nnd a ten year average of 89.2. The average condition of spring rye Is 89.3, ns compared with 69.7 July 1. 1900, 89.7 at the cor responding date In 1899 and a ten year average of 873. u Potatoes. There Is an Indicated decrease', of some 60.000 acres or 2.3 per cent In' the overage of potatoes, with n condition on July 1 of' 87.4, as compared with a ten year average of 93.1. Srrrrt Potatoes. The sweet potato reports are rather un favorable, a majority of the more Important producing states showing conditions mora or Ices below their ten-yenr averages. fobneco. The condition of tobacco Is one point above the ten-year average In Ohio, four la Virginia and seven In Maryland. On the other hnnd It Is two points below In Ken tucky, three In Pennsylvania, four In North Carolina and two In Wisconsin, while In Tennessee It corresponds with the ten-yearN average for that state. Hay, Reports on the hay crop are, In tho main, unfavorable, there being a decline from the condition as reported on tho first of last month, from a majority of buy-producing states. I'untiirnKc. Tbo majority of pastures have suffered Impairment during the pnst months and several Important states are consider ably below tho ten-year nvcrages. In some states, howovcr. Including California and South Dakota, the condition Is excellent, being six and elpht points nboye their' re npectlve ten-yenr averages. Apples. I'eiiuutN, (,niirs.x While there hns been n general decline In the condition of apples nnd peaches, as compared with last month, almost, every Important peach-growing state hHS tho promise of more than nn averngo crop, but In tho apple-producing states thn crop will bu generally poor. The condltlou of grapes Is excellent. Wool. The wool report indicates the average weight per Hoece ns being (i.lTi pounds, us against 6,1" pounds In 1900. Summer Specials Buffalo and return, daily. 13 50 St. Louis and re turn, 2;:,2oJ,"y llomeseekers' Excursions On snle tlrht und third Tuehduy each month, Tourist intct, on snlo dally to all HUimnor , rcforts, allowing slop at Detroit, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and other points For rutes, lako trins, I'un-Amerlcnti descriptive mat ter and nil Inform. itlou, call at City Ticket. Ofllcc, 1115 Furiiarn St, fl'iixtdn Hotel i ntnek) or write Marry L Monies, C V. A ' L 4 t ..... V V -1. ... I. UlllUIIU, IICII, fii.nnsTi swnsrt " iiusti ' WALL STREET Stnury Will Knrn llltf .Monthly Return The Investor's Fund I'ayb Semi-Monthly, Tho oiliest established in .merlc.i. No certificate-holder ever lost n rent. Iny. rnents innde tu all subscribers every 15 days. No trouble. No delay. Money rtfunditd on deinnnd. Wrllo today for particular, free to any address. C. II, M.tl.'iii', I L CO,, Modioli llullilliiif, ,.vr York. HEEMAN with CHICAGO,