THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 0, 11)01. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlaeiuenta for these eoltitnm will lie taken antll 12 m. far the evening edit Inn and nntll H;H0 p. m. fur tiinrftlna; and Sunday edition, Rates, 1 1.3c a word first Inaerllon, la a vrorit tlierrnfter. Nollilnu taken for lese than 3Bo fur the II rut Inarr tlon. Theae ndvertUvmenta moat ' Vaa cnnaecntlvclr. Advrrtlarra, hjr requeuing a aom kered check, can have ananera ad slreaaed to a numbered letter In car f Tha flee. Anarrera ao aildreaaed will be delivered on areaeatatloa mt thm heek antra W.l ST K I-S I T I, A T 1 0 X. WANTED, a place to work at housework. Mrs. .Mary Hansen, ivn uraco m. A-7S8 S W ANTE D M A M i II 12 LP. WANTED Wo have steady work for a few good Hustlers ot good nanus aim uppuui ance. C. F. Auums Co., Idn Howard St. 11300 UARHER trade taught thoroughly In short limu; catalogue una paniciuiw i;"" Western Burners' lnatltuie, Omaha, Neu, WAN'TRn ni (infp. nrst-class noultry anil general produce salesman, lor western territory, fstate fully experience, ago and salary erptclcd. A 31, nee. i WANTED Young men and young women can earn irom u to 5 a day easily selling ih Mutton .Natural Stone, germ-proot water nltrs; call at once! It talks tor itault. agents wanted In Umaha, Houtli umahu and Council Blutts; we are general audits tor Neuraswi and Wyoming. A. G, McAusland Co.. mlgrs. agents, uu rvur- bach uldg., Umaha, Nob. B-.MU33 w WANTED, applicants as salesmen or ad. vertlsers; catli tmliiry sure. Trlumpli, uauus, lex. iv- WANTED, housewreckers to lllo bids on musical festival lumber material, gravel, etc., at litli and Capitol avu. lixtulre J. B. Knowies, superinieiiucnt. u VANTED, first-duns man for foreman In planing mill. Auuress u, U. Collier, Fair- T . Dury. neu, H-M05.J 11 WANTED, men to learn tho barber trade wo teucn tno worK in two monins, prca ent cotntilete outllt or tools, grant uiplo man una guaranteo Hi to 1j weekly wnen competent, 'inis is me .uusy seasun Thorougniy equipped institutions, estab Ilahcd in 1S9J. sixty cnalrs 111 conslaii oueratlon. Catalogue and n.irtloulars mailed tree. .Moier Barocr College, IdjJ Farnam Sa. . u-mimi li' IT IS a pleasure to any man to smoke a Prince of Umaha cigar, it is Just what u Mtnokor wunla these hut duvs. It Is a sweet, cool smoke and only 6c each. Manufactured by (he W. F. Stoecker Uigur Co., him uuugius si. save ine uanus oi mo Bioecner cigar. u mim -j WANTED, abstracter. Address, stating age, experience and salary expected, tv ungieson, bioux city, la. u ui u WANTED, a competent bookkeeper. Apply mcnarusou Drug uo. u jusuy a TEN carpenterH. Umaha. Armour & Co.. South B-M7W lo WANTED, a eapublo solicitor for street car advertising; salary to begin with t per mnnin, wnn quicK advance ir mer ited. Furay i McArdlc,' rom 21. 1011 Dodge. 11-M7U5 10 A WELL educated, energetic young man who Is ambitious and of high standing can secure a uood nosltlon In the eollec. tlon department In our ollice. He should be 26 to 30 years old and have had some experience m correspondence, rnls post tlon will nay a good salary and afford ad vanccment If nccentablv tilled. Address, giving age, experience, salary wanted and, rox -a, umana. u mwu io FOR GENERAL store, clerk capable of laKin cnarge miring temporary aosence or proprietor, must be wen versed in dry gooas; position permanent to rignt party a. it. .Merrill, uougias, wyo, u jiiwj v WA.NTUO FUSIAI.U 1IULI. WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. ,Tcl 8T C oM RELIABLE help, Cinadlun ollice, 152-' Doug u sou WANTED, experienced nurso girl: refer ences required and good wages paid. Mrs, Thomas E, Casady, bAl Sixth uve., Coun ell uiuns. u iviiwo WANTED, an experienced girl to do gen eral housework. None other need aniily Wages 4 per week. Address It Uee omce Council bluffs. C MS a WANTED, experienced fitter In olir cloak ana suu department, musi uc competent, Nebraska Clothing Co. ' C MUJU 10 LADIES to learn halrdrcssing, manicuring or massage, we leacn tno wortc in lot weeks. . Include comnleto outllt of tool: grant diplomas and pay good wages whe competent. Call cr write toda. Mole College. 1623 Farnam St. C-fM6o6 11 WANTED A good, reliable girl for general housewqrk. Will pay V per week. Apply ui uni'u iu .inn, iv. a. yiicux, .iuv win ol C W! S WANTED, a felrl In private family; good wages, wuu on ao,i;otn uve. u MTi'J LADIES' clothes Ironcr at City Steam laundry." 211 So. Hth. C-790 H WANTED, experienced lady cashier-In large dry goods store; state positions held and s-lury wuntcd. Address C 15, lino. , C-191 9 WANTED, a Urst-clnsg operator on Luo dcko fur sewing machine; steady posi tion and good wages. August Willlgos, Bloux City, la, C MS03 11 OIRL wituted a nice complexion; aho got It, applying Satln-Skln Cnani and I'uw dT. i-c. C-M796 9 COMPETENT second girl wanted, good wages; 2241 l.angdon Court. C M902 11 COMPETENT "cook'tn 7amllyf "two; 3536 Harney. C-M901 11 OIRL for general housework; family of four; F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas C-M900 11 FOR RENT HOUSES. IF YOU wunl your houses well rented place them with Bcnewa & Co. D3J7 TO MOVE right, get Omaha Van Storage u uiiiue wn:! arnam, or tel. 19-tKvl. D 308 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Brennn-.Love Co., 320 South 13th street. D--309 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-310 W. Corner 30th and Burdette streets. u 013 8KB HENRY 11. PAYNE, 601 N, Y, LIFE. D-311 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead. 1521 Douglas. D-312 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block p 313 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block. an l-ROOM house, bath and closM, :6th and manes, .-uonioe k lo,, bii .-. mn si. D-315 MODERN 7-room Hat, 24th and Farnam it, is, iiranam. u-Jit 11-ROOM modern house. 2413 Capitol ave nue. The O. F.. Davis Co,. 55J Uee Bids. D-317 TO smiill family, a four-room house, 2t04 wioimo, per montn, Appiy wi n. i t U .MSSI FOR RENT. 2102 N. 29th nve house, newly paperen auu painieu; six line large rooms, see .-i. inmoie, isi i-arnam. I-M199 MODERN 7-room houso, near Park, 1503 So, 28th. D-225 Jy23 3217 CUMING, 8-room house, all modern except furnace; rem, .u OMAHA LOAN & TRU8T CO.. lath and Douglas. P 96J FOIl ItK.NT-IIOl SES. ROOM flat, 617 South Hth, Clark Powell, 311 New York Life. D-5T5 OR house, .good neighbor- noou, w per montn. Appiy on ire-. rearioja tiees ai " ROOM br ck house, modern, 2717 Jacksgn. kr.., ..,, i": ,in Tcletihcne A. Travnor. 191 or L2583. RUl'Tl'RE cured! no knife, no pain, no iciepncne a. irajnor, u. u danger; send for circulars. Empire Rup- OR RENT, 4 rooms, 17, S. 20th. rooms, 46th and ucavenwortn, V. I.. 1'.11I1. ... Hoard of Trade Uldg. '1'llDnej11-5j'n FOIl Hi:.T-Ft'It.lIIEU ROOMS. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th nnd Farnam. THE THURSTON, cool, airy rooms E 320 HREE rooms, light housekeeping, li: South 11th. L 45 1113 ft?.' Cuming second lloor. E-2vS iou S. 2GTH ST. Furnished rooms. E-MC2S L'RNISHED rooms: fine location; lawn and shade, 221o Farnam St. U-era-W DOtfRLE parlors, 2 large bedrooms, batlu coiinected; kitchen If desired; first floor. 2.03 l' L-Mi6i9 SOUTH rooms, I5u6 Capitol avenue. IV S1WJ1 u- I'L'll.M.HIIF.I) IIOO.MS AMD HOAHU. UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-C22 LENCA1RN, tranelent, J1.2S day, 1600 Doug. THE Merrlam, summer resort, 2ith &1D0e- NICE south room. The Pratt, 212 S. 25th St. TWd larco front rooms, with boftrd. 1009 uapnoi Ave. f-w" .. r tlfti, THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; rooms and board. ROOM with board, private . famll'. 2316 Davenport. F-641-13 OR RENT, rooms with board; house mod- em. -imz Hartley at. vmvu Foil iii:.T-L.Ftn.Miii:D rooms, DESIC room space, Jj per month, ground noor room in uie i.c ounuing. iul-uih V;'"' ,.r"ui ' . " . "'-"n.' Vi'h,'.h';i? or Janitor sMVlce. R. C. PetcrS Co;, TWo. three or four; modern; H block .from car. facing Hanscom naric. aw wooi- worth. FOR RENT, unfurnished rooms suitable tor llgni nouscKecping. v nnneii iuk., . . . . . . ; . ...... ,. rnrn,,. IKtK iin.l llnpnnv IJ TS 'J I FOR RENT, unfurnished floor; prlvato batn; nojse modern. :ei: iiarncy. j .novo FOIl 11EXT STORES AMI OFFICES. FOR RENT Store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply it. c. 1'ciers at uo., gruuuu uour, ucu uiujt. i tlnt lll.-KJr Th. V.ttll.llr rnrmHv nooll. I ti cii hv I no live, at uiii I'urnnm hi. it nas tour stories and a basement which was rnrmcrlv used as The Ree Dress room. This will be rented very reasonably, it interested apply at once 10 j. nose- wuicr, secretary, room iou, uee uuuuuig, i -ui FOR RENT Store. 2403 Leavenworth. 1 J yn AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions ror the, TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER nnd tho NEW . CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK and COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1,400 Imperial octavo pages, 800 object-teaching engravings anu i.t tne oniy.uooK on uve stock ever nubllshed adapted to the every- day,, practical, money saving use of every farmer and stock owner. Steady employ ment with assured good Income. Agents In the country with horse and buggy es ncclally desired. Canvassers mako easily ico to (100, per month. Address, Century l urmci solicitors' uureuu, uee buiiuiug, omana. J 14; WANTED Acenta to sell our sensible en dowment policy; can or address u. v. Lobeck, Mgr. Nebraska Dept. tho Security 1, ire nnu savings ins. io., his m. x. une, umana. J mhj- jy-j STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 012- uii J ones, general storage anu lorwaruing. ' .W OM, Van Stor. Co., 1511V. Farn. Tels. 1509-SC3. Mi STORAGE Household goods and. other articles stored at low rates. J. J. Derlght Co., 111 Farnam at. Tel. 3oj. mszs WANTED Tp HI! V. " WANTED, to buy good work horse, abouO 1,400 pounds; stale uge anu lowest casn price, u m, nee. .msw ir FOIl BALE FUIINITUIIE. C CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodce. Tel. 2020. New ik. 'Juliana furniture bought, sold, exenungeu. u 3B HIIY vour furniture at Kiiternrlne Furnl. ture Co. we nave purcnuHcu a tug uuiik- rupt siock auu win ciose 11 out aio pur cent discount. 102-4 S. Hth. Tel. 2200. ' U MliJO JV30 FOR SALE HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. QUICKEST and best repair work on ve hicles it. rruai, tun uuu euvenwor(n. P .'97 FOR SALE cheap, a 3Vlnch wagon gear, with 4-lncn tires, oui nine used, u, m. Hart, 1307 Jones St. P 416 FOR SALE, gentlo driving horse and buggy and harness, nearly new; aiso sneti.uiu pony; cheap ior casn. Address is. Dia mond. Atlantic, la. P-MCS1 I VOU SALE. 1 rubber-tired buggy. 165: 1 light road wagon, Kit; i ugni spring wagon, $50. We have u few more, two passenger swings left. F, A. Buelow. 1311 Jones st. P-M7S5 13 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry and hog fencu. iJi uougias, asu REPAIRS nnd supplies for nil makes ot bl- cycivs, umana uicycie uo., min c unicago, Q 331 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. Q 333 SAFES, standard nukes.aold.rcnted, 114 fi. 13 VI .3 BIG line of secondhand wheels, J3, t5. tS, 110. umuua uicycie ui mtn anu unicaga sts, Q-331 FOR SALE New No. 3 llerrlck refriger ator; in oniy a weeg; w. Address, C 1, Bee. Q-tll6- FRESH Jersey cow. 323 N. 37th street. m til; is" PIANO BARGAINS-Ono square, J65; one Hallett .t Davis upright, 412; one' Ivers & Pond upright, Jltt. Pcrtleld, Bee Uldg., room (, teiepnone uu. w-aini 9 SQIIARE PIANO," cheap; jsos N. Twenty" sixth street. Q-MSOS 10 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. PALMER, medium, la located at 2621 j stret'i, oouin umana, teiepnone cwi, and will bo there during tho street fair, S-lSi9 MRS. FRITZ, medium. 813 North 16th. S -335 MME. GYLMER has returned (ind resumed business, rariors, jio oouin lam street, S-603- P Ell SON A L, DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superfluous hair removed by electrlcty, R. 12, Ftenzer block. u-Mf MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N, 15th. ti floor". room 7. u-bm runso.NAi.. VIA VA, woman's way to ''eaVS.'nM1' Itsome homo treatment. 343 Bee Uldg. .t-.tC.-ZTT- - "'Sft.'."' c"'. '.'hi'ni" isVn"nni e- Tel 234 U-333 ture Cure P32 N. Y. Life IJulldlng, Omaha. L J HI PRIVATE hospital for ladles beforo and during connnemeni; Daoies auupieu. Grant St. U-311 FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mall orders solicited, omana rieaung o., ; uougias. ijiu PRIVATE home before and during conflnf. mcnt babies adopted. .Mrs. uurgei, .v liurdctte. U-341 WE RENT sewing machines for 75 cents per weeK. Wo sell parts lor ana repuir every sewing machine manufactured. JS tiUKAHKA CYCLE COJIl'AM, Corner 15th and Harney Bts. U-424 Jy29 SMOKE the Prince of Omaha and don't take any other kind. It Is essential to good health. To smoke something good In the way of tobacco, and you get It In the Prince of Omaha, for 5c. The W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co. Save the bands of tho aioecger cigar. u .mioo yot'NO man about 35, refined nnd of good utandlng, would be pleased to correspond or meet ladv about 20 to 30: trlllers need noi reply; object matrimony. Aouress u 14, Ree. U-0 M. GOLDMAN & CO.. onlv nerfect ae coroion pieaiing piani in me wesi; mu orucrs solicited. auiic jw, uougiaa nu'cn, u on I SHOE Repairing. M. SperdJto, SIS N. 16th U WV-A-0 ALARASTER clear skin, soft, supple hands secured using Hatlu-HKin uream and row tier. izc. u aiis YOUNG lady plann player, experienced, would ukc poiuion in vauueviiie tneaier, XI. Sweaney, S22 N. I4th, South Omaha. U-MWI 10" .MONEY TO I.OAX-UEAL ESTATE. MONEY' to loan on improved Omaha real eatuie. itminan-Lovc Co., souin ui LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at a per cent; borrowers can pay ihfi or any multiple; any Interest uate; no delay. JJrennun-Love Co., IM b, 14111 Ol., WIUUIIM, .-WU. . wi WANTED, city loans, bonds and waranta, "crgo Company, 1601 larnam street. WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and wuirants. n. u. reiers at to., -iv. Farnam bt.. wee illdg. Jia MU - MSi to loan at .4'S.unq i t i per .cenion iitnnnit iimnpriv. v. 11. aipikip. a. ,:iii ... " v PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas V oo; PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 337 N. Y..L ooo MONEY TO LOAN on Imuroved real estate 5 rer cent interest; no commission; pnvi ifuf ni nviii jiu,i fir mure unum mil' turuy. forinwestern .Muiuai iaic iii Co., John W. Ulsh, special loan ugent, 'Ml l,'lri N'nt'l K.itiK lilriir.. Omahil. Neb V '! r. and RV4 nnr cent loans. W. II. Thomas, Nminniii i.nllrlinir. Tel. 1(HS w 3M WANTED, city loans and warrants. ."arnam Bmiin co., inv t arnam oi. 4V4 TO 5 P. C money. Ucmls. Paxton ulk. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. no YOt; NKED MONEY. Wc loan 410 and Up on furniture, pianos, norscs anu oincr cnaitcis. SALARY LOANS. without mortgage to people holding perma nent uos t 011s. you can get tne money 11 iy lew hours 'after matting application and tukts 1. 2. i. 4. d. u months or more In which ,'to, pay It back, and. you need not pay for 11 one uay longer uuiu you Keep 11. wo charge nothing tor papers ana we give you the full amount In cash. There are no lower rates than ours; our terms uro the easiest; our business Is comluentiai and our motto la "try to ploase." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. ll'J Hoard ot Trade Hid-. Tel. 2295. (Established M2.) Svti S. 16th St A OOS CONFIDENTIAL LOANS. on house bold furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, otc, in two nours' time; also to salaried people on ineir piain notes, wun, out security. Easiest payments and low est rates In Omaha, Prtvutu Interviewing room. American Loan Co.. room 312 Brown block, cor. 16th and Douglas Sts.; entrance on lbtn Mt,. opposite x. .n, u, a. uidg, X 3oO LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO salaried fiiui'LiK. niercnaits. team MtL-rs. buardlng houses, etc.. without so i curlty; easiest terms; 40.ottlces in principal cities, iuiman, iw uouru 01 .raue uiug LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE live stocK, etc. iuick service anu lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 6SJ (top (lloor) Paxton block, northeast corner 16tn and I'u.iiuui, c-itiiuiic uii iQiii mreei. X-362 -1 a v C V lsinetki-l rr nlnnrta iirnlfn r- (am clry, nurses, cows, eic. kj i , ueeu, sis o, ij, v...J- MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses. cows, jewelry, uuu urceu, n. o, -tamer dik ' X 34 H.OuO.OO TO place quick. M. J. Kennard & son, suite oiu, urovra uioch. a wo WE LOAN money to salaried people on their note at lowest rnies; strictly conn dentlal; pay weekly, semi-weekly or monthly. Room 303 Paxton' block, 3d floor. Reliable Credit Co. X-623 BUSINESS CHANCES. FURNITURE of 7-room flat, elegantly equipped, linn location", cheap rent, full gentlemen roomers, party leaving city; will sell al a bargain. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M3 GRAND HOTEL furnishings nnd four-year lease for sale tor casn onii, iniriy-nvo newly furnished rooms, the best stand In tho state; is a bargain. II. P. Ifankln, Harllngton, Neb, Y M2a2 I AM offering for sale my entire business- wood, coal, ieea anu grocerien, uiso uuuu lugs and lot. For particulars inquire of Thos. Rlshton, 24W West Broadway, Coun cil Bluffs. Y-MI05 FOR SALE or rent, my blacksmith shop and wagonmaker shop, doing a good busi ness. Oil UttUUlll 111 111 . ,o. Walter, Norfolk. Neb. Y-M5al Jy 12 FOR SALE or trade, half or whole Interest In drug store; hard wood floor, Matthews gas macnuie, ooa uiuiuuin, -i... n . lively county seat. Thyrold-Lymph Co. 500 Heo Bldg. Y 563 wAvrv.n Ladles of ability to manage branch ofllces; must nave some ensn io cover cost of remedies, Thyroid-Lymph Co., 600 Bee Uldg., umana. x wi a-. FOR SALE, a good paying restaurant and coniectionery in county seal, town oi i.ow, doing good business; reason for selling poor heulth of wife and must get out. John Segln, Hebron, Neb. Y-M630 lo THE Wyoming Cattle and Investment com pany Is now offering a limited number of shares of stock for sale at par. This Is tho safest and best paying Investment on the market, If you have money tn Invest, either In small or Urge amounts, address, 1615 Howard at,, care union printing co, Y-667- THREE stocks of groceries, from 1450 to ii.uo; wen located anu doing goou nusi ness. B. It, Ball, 626 N. Y. Life. Y-739 8 FOR SALE OR RENT, one 20-room brick hotel; all furnished new. Address Box 33, UO-ad, .eu, Y M803 10 FOR LEASE or sale, one of tho best lo cated restaurants In the city; apply C 6, uee omce, i-.ii y FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE. 4S0 acres of fine Keith county, Nebraska. land; also acre1 southwest Iowa; fine Improvements, one mile from county seat, for dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, Jewelry, pianos and organs, uive particulars first letter, T M r-llnn IMS n St I InoMn Kh Z-M7CS 9 for sAt.n-nHAii kstate. lo-ROOM house, all modem, near 30th avc. and Pacinc sts.j largo recepiion nan. imo staircase, different hardwoods, excellent furnaces, electric buttons for lighting gas, large butter pantry, asphalt paving, nil paid, permanent sidewalk and driveway, verv largo porch, nlec lawn nnd shade. This house was Just listed with us and Is one oi tne very oesi nnu mosi sun-u.m-tlallv bjllt houses In the Hanscom nark district. In good repair and Just as good as the day It was built, inis is an excel lent opportunity for some one to purchase a home. Further Information call upon R. C. PETERS & CU., exclusive agents. llli .I75i 9 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Pacific Haliroau company. 15. a. MeAllnster. land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. lit; mi OR SALE, cheap, my residence. 2137 S, 33d Bt.; an moucrn. Apni r. mennruson, Merchants' national nanK. u. w. .Me- gcath. HE-M5S0 OR SALE, 320 acres of land at a bargain, in section tnirty (sui, in 11011 county, Neb. Address F. J. Ncasham. Ottumwa, la. RK-M930 28 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; a'ao acre property and farm lands, -rue u. r Davis Co., Room 652, Ilco uulldlng. . RE-370 iiminATnn land for SALE. n the rich valley of Loup river 1 can offer tor sale many larms 111 ri'ununuuie 111 This land Is a rich sandy loam and pro duces elegant nrops. Tho farmers are fast nutting their land Into ulfalfa, which hrlM.K thum rim returns, thrpn nnd four crops a year bolnir harvested at little or no expense, netting as high as $30 per acre income each year. .Most 01 intS'iann Is under a. tine Irrl.atlnK canal, with u steady and reliable flow of water from tno Loun river. 1 win name a tew nieces. 240 acres, 1 mlie from county seat, 2o acres meadow, balance pasture hum, I'rice, 200 acres H mile from county scat: itood 8- room house, orchard, lots ot timber, w acres can bo Irrigated,, 20 acres fine al fulfa. 115 acres pasture. Price. St.OOO. 160 acres, house, windmill, orchard, 80 acres pasture, so acres farm iana, -in acres irr gated. Price. S1.650. 320 acres, 100 under plow, balance pasture; house, windmill, burn. Price, 11,150. 1C0 acres, line place for stock, frame house, orcnaru, oarn, plenty 01 water aim inu ber. Price, iswo. 200 acres, 75 acres plow land, balance pa- lure, un gooa ciay sou. i'rice i.u per acre, 160 acres. i acres cultivated. S5 per acre, 160 acres, 60 acres cultivated, it per acre. 1111 acres, -wun fenced mcauow mat win cut uo to 75 tons hay, small framo House and stable, cooil stork farm. Price'. 51.100. Many others that are go6d bargains. All nun iuiiu win produce me pest 01 aiiaiiu, with a good market and ready sale at good prices, being near the cattle "ranges. Write for nnrtfcnliir. II. A. STEWART, Taylor, Loup County, Neb. RE-675 FREMONT, NEBRA8ICA. OR SALE, acre property adjoining the city In tracts of from 3 acres to 40 acres. Also business and residence lots, by Rich ards, Kecne & Co. KE-M77S 21 CORN LANDS nnd stock ranches In the Corn Bolt country. Write for my 1UL W. H. Clements, Lyons, Neb. SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. L IT .17' CIIAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. itts w HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also lire insurance, uemls, l'axton uik. RE-371 FOR SALE Two-story resldonce, with two lots, rroniing on jiarncy sireei, near .'Q street. Price, only $4,V). Apply, The Byron Heed Co., 212 S. Hth St. RE-666-12 MONTHLY payments: 3-room house, 2 lots, 17th nnd S streets, South Omeha, ItdO. payable J 10 monthly. Another 6-room cottage, 17th and Lake, umana, ii.iuo, puyauie lis mommy. W. L. SELIIY, Board of Trade Hidg. RE-M79I 11 LOST. LOST. Audltoriumr brick No. 425. Reward it returned 10 umana uany mws. i.i - Lost 261 LOST. one. cow., anotted i.nld add white. 1 ! I 'I f weignt i..w pounus; ucnorneui nuavy wmi enlf. Liberal reward. ''Ed. urbach. 40th and I Sts. i -lu lost 789 LOST, twp spotted 'ponies, ,'lleturrt to 5016 uauiurniu, oi, unu reuitvi' rcvvnrii. uuihi Hi Harte. Lost-792 8 LOST, lady's brown purse,- contaiiilhg' fl6 cnccK on commercial "Pfaiionai oaiiK, at'bank8, Patten: 'loii-MM MEDICAL.1 R. L.E DUE'S Female Regulator, posi tively warranted to euro tho most stub but n cases ot monthly stoppages, irregu larities, obatructlons and .suppressions brought on from whutcver' abnormal, 'un natural diseased or pathological cause; 12 a package, 01 3 for &: sent anywnere pre Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full lli) of legitimate rubber gooas. nn. PHIES. thn nrknnwleil.ed lendlmr sne- cinllst In diseases of women" In Omahh. would call the attention of sulTerlng ladles to nis unsurpasacu accommodauous oe fore and during confinement, and nis treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, una uouge si., umana, iseu. , - 230-JSi OONOVA Is a French treatment for nia! nil female, ror tne nosiiive cure oi lion. orrhoea. Glee;. Unnatural 'Discharges, In flammations, Irritations and Ulcerations of the mucous membxanes. An Internal remedv with Injection combined, war ranted to cure worst cases In one week; 13 per package or two iotjo. seni, any where on receipt of price. Tne Kldd Drug r.a.. Kl-ln. 111. American Office, retail. wholesale, Mydra-DUIon Drug Co., Umaha; 1, , a, i, w it . , . ....... k , ... viu! Co,, uouncu iiiuns. run line or legui- mate ruuoer gooas, LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal PUla are tne beat; aate, rename; taxe no other, acndHc stamp for particulars; "Re lief for Ladles" hi letter by return mall: ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. V. Life -377 BOYLKS' College, court reporter principal, NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Tncater. an) GHEGO Shorthand. Om, C, Col., 16 & Doug. 3SU IIICYGI.F.9. PRICES that will surprise you; must clear bicycles; second-hand wheels from 12.50 up; new ones, $12 up. Louis Fletcher, 1622 our ttin Htni'K or new unu seconn-iiunii uapitoi ave, 'its SATIN SKIN .SPECIALTIES. BEST Skin proof, LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, :c; cuffs, 4c. li'M i.eavenwortn. Tel. t., OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Yr L. nidg. Tel. 1664; Alice jonnson, u, u.. laaies- aept.; Old. E. Jonnson, usieopamisi,' mht, . -3t4 DONOHUE. Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367 A. T. HUNT, D. O., 305 Karbach Blk. Tel 2333 ,t PIANO TUNINO. PIANOS tuned. 11.50. F. Lessentln. Mandel- berg'n Jewelry Store, Pnxton blk. Tel. 16S9. iig) jy to furniture: repairing. TEL. 1331. M. S Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. 4 paid on recciwi. ui imcu. nm iviuu " " - -i--,r"",i' ,.A.T,-. ; Co., Elgin. 111. American olJlce. retail. per s, b. St. Paul, via Soutfiamptotij at wholenalc, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., 0 n. m. (supplementary ll a. ni.) for Omaha: M. A. Dillon. South Omaha EUROPE, pur s. s, Cymric, via Queens- PATENTS. PATENTS No fee unless successful. Sues Co., lite man., omana, Neb. Advice free. -1SS Jyl5 WILL Ht'Y any good Invention or patent. Atiuress lock uox v, uvs .Moines, in, 173 MASON, FENWICK LAWRENCE. Washington, v. c. il, J. cowgui, asent, 315 Ramge block. Omaha, Neb, f'56 KIMII.(! AND PLEASURE RESORT. IF YOU want good bass and croppy fishing go 10 .anguon, .no, very uvui 01 notei accommodations. Plenty of boats and minnows. Write II. A. Dlttmar for rates. -976- SATIN SKIN SPECIALTIES. ANY complexion not satisfying Its owner can be beautified, using Satln-Skln Cream nnd Powder. 25c. 79S 9 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating: cheapest, best, quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, S. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam. 3S2 REWARD. 175 00 TlKWARD nfMrrd far the arrest and conviction of tho party who entered and stole shoes from the store of H. Meier, at Elkhorn, Neb., the nlgnt of Juno 27. cm ions Com., Elkhorn, Neb. 417 29 ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY, 1920 Dodge. Mn. Wd. Thur, Sat, -lio J Si PAWNIlllOKEHS. Ing; all business confidential 1301 Douglas. j EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. LESSONS In bookkeenlnt:. etc.. dnv or even Ing, R 15, Com. Wat. Bank. G. R. Rnthbun. .wo UOILEIl MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tanks, stacks, etc. Tel. 1309. 12th and lzam his. 531 CARPENTERS AND JOINEIIS. ALL kinds of enrpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 80th and Lnk -te Sts. -370 ST A M M E n I N ( AND HT UTT E II I N G CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg. Mi DRESSMAKING. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 2576 Harney. 7S6 A10 WILL TAKE a Klondike to fill your teeth when all are decayed, but if you let us do tho work In time tho cost will not be great. Small gold fillings also. Bailey the Dentist Third Floor 1'nxton Block. PHONE 10S3. POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read dally by all Interested, as changes may occur at nny time.) r oreign mans tor me 'ween enuing J"i) i 13, 1901. will closo (PROMPTLY in nil cases) at the general postoftlce as follows: Parcels nost malls close one hour earlier than clos- :T Oermany close at 5 p! m7 Wednesday. rteculur nnd supplementary malls close nt foreign branch hnlf hour later than closing time snown ueiow. Triina-Atlnntlc Malls. TUESDAY At 7:30 n. m. (supplemental y fl n. m.. for IHEL.ANU ( ctter malt oniy) per s. n. serviti viu wucvuaiuwu iiiuii i. otner pans or tiurope must oe oircuieu per a. s. aorvia ). town (mall must be directed "per s. r, Cymric"): at 10:30 a. m. for ITALY', per b. s. Duchessa dl Genoa, via Naples (mail mint he directed per s. h. Duchessa dl Genoa"); at 10 a. m. for BELGIUM direct. per s. s. y.eeiano (mail musi dc uirecieu "iipr a, r. 2eeland"). THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, per llUllpUAl'-lM u 11 ' vil 1' v 1' s. s. La Normandle, via Hftvru (mall for other iarts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Normandle"); at 8:30 a. m. (.imnlementarv 10 a. tn. for EUROPE. per s. s. Deutscniano, via riymouin, uner- hnurir and Hamnurg. BATiihnAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER- i.ANna direct, per b. s. l'oisoam ma must bo directed "per s. s. Potsdam"); at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Anchorla (mail must be directed "per s. s. Anchorla"); nt 10:30 a. m. (sup plementary 12 m.) ror EUROPE, per s. s. Campania, via Queenstown. imliMTPn MATTRIl. RTf!. Thin uteiinier . n i.n urin,ri ninrrer. I'nmmerrifti hai pers and samples ior uermany oniy. Tin same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship uniPHM specialty a recien oy ner. tViA clnlnr nf (ho nunnlmQhtai V I tu n jl i nni tr mniia namin nnnvn anni tlonal Hitpplf meniury mau are opnni on the pier of tho American, English. French nnd Gprman ateamera nnd rumaln open until within ten minutes of the hour .fll-.....v.w of sailing of steamers. Advance), at 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for CI'RACAO and MARACAIBO. per s. s. HUdur (mall for other parts of Venezuela. Savanllla nnd Carthagena must h directed "ner s. s, liuaur"): at fiiao n. m. for JAMAICA, per s, s. Admiral Farragut. from Boston; at 11 p, m. for iamaica. ner s. t. Barnstable, frcm PMimlrlnhift. WEDNKSlM x Ai a. m, ior ijrtiui and HAITI, per s. s, .ill. vrrnon; ai io a m ror t , 1 1 ir. . . s uv ami i i-iii-Hii,i. per s, s. Grenada; at 12:30 p. m. for BRA ZIL, per s. s, Eastern Prlnco (mall for Northern Brazil, Argentine Republic. Tl A Hf ' A ranca, via Havana and Progrcso (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. h. Segurnnca"). . Itnaton. FRIDAY At 13 m. for MEXICO, per s. s, Seneca, via Tampico tmau musi oe ai r,rr..,i " s. s. Seneca"): at 11 I), m. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per s. s. Corcan, from Thllfldelllhla. SATURDAY At 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:) a, m.) ror ruiviu iuu, vrawu Rf.A and CURACAO, ner s. s. Phlladol- phla (mall for Savanllla and Carthagena must be directed "per s. s. Philadelphia"); at 9:30 a. m. for ARGENTINE REPUB LIC, URUGUAY ana I'AIWUUAI, per s. s, Sallust; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for foiitunb ja' MAICA, HAVANILLA and CARTHA (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for BERMUDA, per s, s, trinioaa Mnlla for Nnwfoundliind. by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, closo at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting closo here every Monday, "Wednesday and 3uinrrinv. Malls fcr Mlnuelon. by rail to Hnntrm. and thence by steamer, close at this cfllce dally at 6:30 n, m. Malls for Cuba, vy rail to port lampa, i ia., ana TUESDAY At 9:30 a. m. (supplementary chituutrv.xi)ress a .w 16:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMBRIf'A. cii Cuko Limited a 7:43 except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC ".ollJ Hi .. -"l PORTS, per s, s, Advance, via Colon (matt K.reir...?; - fnr nnnlrmala must be directed "ner s. . m,,,, ,...,,r,n. k. nt. Paul Uruguay nnu rarnsuay must oe wrucieu per s, s, Eastern Prlnco"); at 12 m. for CUBA. YUCATAN. CAMPECHE, TA- nnil CHIAPAS, ner s. s. Segu- fiv'v a nor r. ai. a mi i man ior itirtiu i Rica must be directed "per s, a. Altai"); The Mall and ibxcVVsa'all's. nm 5 4 f m at 9:30 a. m, (supolomentary 10:30 a, m.) ff.Sa SDeSlal all-15 SS S I i5 vm $A a-d Havana 0ratCH!30VvPOm8'for T'acfllcVxreri'a" 1$ bU m aRma'' TA bne ft! aaaDi,?a1,Cya,eVep6nPdTy.b9:l5fl POSTOFFItE NOTICE. thence by steamer, close at this ollice rinllv (exveut Hnnilnvt nt ".111 n. 111. (the connecting closes are on Monday, Wednes day ana HMunmy). Jialls for .uoa, oy rail to Miami, Fin., and thence by steamer. Close at this olhce every Sunday at '6'W a. m. .Mans ior .Mexico city, ovenanu, un less specially nddressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this office dally at 1.30 p. m, and 11:00 p. m Malls for Costa Rlcn, Bcllie. Puerto Cortex nnd Ounteniala. by rail to New Orleans, and thence by stenmer, close nt this otllca dally at 1:30 t. tn. (connecting closes here Mondays for lietltc, Puerto Cortei and Guatemala nnd Tues days for Costa Rica), 'Registered mall closes at 6:00 p. 111. previously. Trniia-PncHIc .Malls. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which is rorwardfd via t.urope), fiew Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. after June 2J and up to July , In clusive, or on arrival of s. s. Cnmpanla, duo at New York July M6, for dispatch tier 8. s. Sierra. Malls for China nnd Japan, via Taeoma, cioso ncre, dally nt s:au p. m. up to juiy 11, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Brae nmr. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ippine islands, via aim t-rancisco, ciopo here dally at 6:30 p. m. Up to July '12, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Nippon Mnru. Malls for Hawaii, vis San Francisco, closo nere nauy at 6:o p. m. up to juiy "is, tor fllsiiatrh Per n. a. Zenlilnftln.. Malls for China and Jnimn. via Seattle. cioso nere nauy ut :m p. m. up 10 juiy 17, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Kaga Moru (registered mall must be directed "via Seattle Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan and Phil- dally at 6:30 p. m. up to July JO, In clusive, ior tusiintcn per s. s. l'eru. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, tiiiiii kwb Hi- l.uruiie, uuti irw .i'i,i,iii., which goes via San Francisco), and FIJI Island, via Vnncouver, closo here dally at 6:30 p. m. nfter July "6 nnd up to July 20. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Aorangl (supplementary malls, via Seattle aim victoria), close at u:w p. m. Juiy -1. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver, closo hero dally at 6:30 p. m, tin to July 23, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Em press of India (registered mall must bo directed "via Vancouver"). Mails for Australia (except West Australln, which Is forwarded via Europe), New .eai.imi, i-iji. amoa and unwaii, via sail Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. tn. after July 21 nnd up to July 27, Inclusive, or on nrlval of s. s. Etrurla, due at New iorK juiy .7, tor dispatch per e. s. so noma, Trans-Paclflc malls are forwarded to port Of sailing dally and the schedule of closing Is arranged on tho presumption of their un interrupted overland transit, Registered man c oses at u n. 111. previous day. CORNELIUS S VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postoftlce, Now York N. Y July 5. 1901 GOVERNMENT NOTICE. OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. -Omaha. Neb,, July 5, 1901. Scalod proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received nt this office until 2 o'clock p, m.. central time, August 5. 1101. for the construction of one double set of non-commissioned ofllcers' quarters, brick, and for plumbing and gas-piping same, nt Fort Crook, Neb., Full Information fur nlshcd upon application to this office, where plans and specifications may be scon. Pro posals to be marked "Proposals for Non commissioned Quarters nt Fort Crook, Neb.," and addressed to the undersigned. JNO. W. PULLMAN. C. Q. M. 6t d July 8-9-10-11 Aug. 2-3 CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. HORSES WANTED. Wanted, five horses for fire department. Must bo sixteen hands high, sound, from 6 to 8 years of age, weight from 1,300 to 1.400 pounds. Horses must have good action, Horses offered will be received at Englna house, ISth and Harney streets, Wedne. day, July 10, at 3 o'clock, for veterinary In spection. BOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE COM MISSIONERS. P. C. HEAFEY, M. II. COLLINS, J5 dGt mfet Committee. RAILWAY TIME CAHD. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River lullroud "Uhe Burlington Route" General unices, North west Corner Tenth und Farnum Streets. Ticket umcu, 1502 Furnam Street. Teleuni'ue taw. Burlington Station, Tenin and Ma.on Stfeota. Telepnone 13. ieave. Arrive, Lincoln,. Hasting uno , McCooa ....... ......a '0 am a ' Pm Hustings und .1I1CU1I1, ieiiv, lu'u rado, Utah, Cahforiilix.a 4:2o pm a 3:00 pm Allluuce Express a pm a 3:oo pm Lincoln & Black Hills.. a 9:00 pm u 6:15 urn Montana, PUgei uouuu..u, a;w pin u o;a um Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:U) pm u b:l7 am Wvmnre. Ileulrlce and Llnaplii a 8:40 am bll:55 am n.nvwr Potnmtln. Utan and California a 6:41 urn Fort Crook, So. Bend, Louisville, ?laltsm'tn.b 3:20 pm bll'.Oo am Bellevue, P.ttsmouth & Pacltlo Junction a 7:40 pm a 8:20 am Beiievuc. r.uusmouin & Pacific Junction a 3:10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, KANSAS CITY. ST. JO aenh & Council Bluffs Kallroad "The Burlington Kouto" Ticket Ollice, 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason HtreuU. Tele phdne 123. Kansas City Day Ex.. ..a uuu ...,i u b:uu pm Kansas Clt Night Lx..alo:io p. . u 6:13 am st. Louis Flyci, for St. L.CUVU arrive Joseph and St. Louis.-o:lu pm n a Daily. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & uuincy iiuiiruuu "i ne Burlington Route" Ticket Ollice. 1502 Farnum Street, Telephone 260. Depot, Tentn and Mason Streets, Telephone 12s. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chl-ago Spe- ciai - i.vium uiuuv pm n rfle , v Li:iu cu r.A.H -.w um u. un -nicago iAicai .iiicDa.n , -m u tivii um Chicago Limited a 7;50 pm a 7:45 am Fast Mu.ll . 2:1j pm a uuy. re-. yjJ-TX 1 T f r A I fl ntm., . SKst luu.nwio ji i fZ&vBtf Kuilroud City. Ticket (jt- $SK530Bt nce "2 Farnam Street, ri f Telephone, 245. Depot, Leave. Arrlvo. um a o:lo pm pm u a:uj um am b 0;4O pm Limited a 7:43pm a 8:05 am j,-ort Oodae Local from Council iJluffa b 4:i0 pm a 8:15 am r0rt Dodge Locul from Council B uffs a fi:oo am a Dally. t Dally except Sunday. Leave. Arrive, I fit. Louis Cannon Ball Exnress .a 6:1s nm a 8:20 m- nansas uy anu wuuicjr iocbi a t:fi um a 3:00 pro a. Dally; MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL-road-General Ofllces and Ticket OHIces, Southeam Corner Hth and Dougias Sts. 'Jolephune, 104. Duuut. Union atulton, I . fflffr' ...,,, St. .ouis and K an a s Leavo. Arrlvo. Leave from 15lh and Webster utrctta: NclirasKa Local. Via l'ri '.Is rZl'.lV'VJ'-ZS'-l0 ,m Bl: am uii. - .u,ijr vi.uijl ciufiuay. UNION PACIFIC.-TIIT.- nvwi, i5n,i- """'""rOeneral OfTlces, N. E. Cor. Ninth nn,i ' Streets. City Ticket Office, ml Telephone, 629. ' Luava. A rrlA The Overland Limited, .u 6:20 am a 7:30 Dm Tho Chicago-Portland v "" special a s:so am a 7:30 pm a o CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway-city riis- m ' ILWAUh "" v"!hi ivJ r arnam htreet. Telenhon- , Dopot. Tenth and Mason" ovisio. ciciinune, ej Leave. Arriv,. Chicago A; Omaha Ex..b 7:15 am b 3:40 pm Chicago Limited Ex a 6:00 pm a 8:03 an. I Chicago a Dally, b pauy excepi ouuuajr. m RAILWAY TIME CARDS. gffl3 FREMONT, ELKHORN , Missouri Valley Katlro.i The Nortlr -istet . Line" General ..Mice United States .NhIioi.u Hank Uulldlng, S. ,S. iMrnur Twelfth and tar- nam Sts. Ticket Ultlco. 1101 Farnam St. Telcphoi.o, 561. Depot, 15th and Webster sis. 'iciepnune, 110s. . Leave. Arrive. Black Hl'.ls, Deadwood, . Hot Springs a 3:00 ptn a 5:00 pin Wyoming, Casper and . Dougla d 3:W pm e 5:(M pm Hustings, York, David City, supetior, ueiiuia, Kxeter and Senard....b 3:00 tm b 5:00 Pin Norfolk, emigre and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:35 am Lincoln, v;nr.oo & Fr- ..... nioni ....... ........... .0 i:so am nw; nm Fremont Local t 7:30 am c Dally, b Dally except Mummy, c sun- day only d Dally except Saturday, o Dally except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "Tho Northwestern Lino" City Ticket OHlce. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, 661. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Tele, phone, 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago 8pe c al a 7:00 am all:S0 pm Chicago Passengjr a 4:15 pm a 8:40 am eastern express, lies Moines, Marshalltowu, Cedar Rapids and Chicago al0:55 am a 4:05 pm Eaatcrti Spoclal, Chi cago and A'ast a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm Fast MalL Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 pm Omaha-Chicago L't'd...a 7:45 pm a 8:0) am Vast Mall a 8:30 am Cedar rapids Pa.scuccr. a 6:30 pm a Dally. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & umaha Railway "Tho North, western Line" General Offices, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th unci Webstar Sts. City llcket Ollice. 1401 FartiBin St. Telephone. 561. Depot, 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone, 14& Leave, Arrive. Twin City Passenger.... a 6:w am a :10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. .a 2:45 pm all:10 am Emerson Local b 6:30 pm b ts;30 am a Dally. SIOUX CITY PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General Utllces, United States National Bank Building. 3. W. Corner Twelfth nd Farnam Sta. Ticket Ollice, 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, 561. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. ;rclcphami, t-'J. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Express n 6:55 am al0:J5 pm Twin City Limited a. 7:55 pm a 8:15 am Sioux City Local a 8:uo am a 3:50 pm a Dally. CHICAGO. ROCIf IHI.. ,r" nnd & Paclfle ltatlrnn.i r',"rh. .9reat. nr Island Route" city Ticket Office, 1323 Far nam Street. Telephone. 428. Depot. Tenth anj Marcy Streets. Tele phone, 629. BAbl. ' Arr,Ve' Chicago Daylight Spo...a 6:00 am a 2:00 am Des Moines und Daven port Local a 7:23 am bll:3S am Chicago, Express bll:15 am n 8:10 nm jjea monies i.omi a 4:20 pm a 4:45 pm Chicago rust Express. .a 5:00 pm a 1:25 pm and and 1 hlcago a 7:40 pm a 9:33 nm Rocky Mountain I.lm... 2:00 am a 6:00 am Lincoln. Colorado Spgs,, uenver, l'ueblo and WeSt I'M nn r. l,t! Colorado. Oklahoma & v v VSSiS,V'.V 5:w Pni a 9:50 nm .. mi- except aunaay. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Offlce. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone. 322. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Sta Telephone. 1K8. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 0:10 i,m u o.-v mn OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha, Kansas '"Uy & Eastern Railroad Qulncy Route" Ticket Ot flee. 1415 Farnam St. Tele phone. 322. Depot. Tenth und Marcy Sta. Telephone, 629. . . Leave. Arrive. BExpr0ess Gann.." .""'-a 5:15 Pm 8:20 am KL?caS G!!?.h-.".n"'tt 's am a a:C0 P"1 a Dally."" Direct Ilonte to aiaasow Bxhlbltlon ANCHOR LINE uteauialilpa from Now Woeklr ot ULASUOW VIA LONUONUEHRY. Saloon, 60 and up. Second Cabin. 132.50 and up. 'rhlrd Class, 2tt and upwards icnr illustrated folder and further Inform Hon apply to HENDERSON UROTHERB. J.Cs!CMbcNALLY. 1323 Farnam St;, GEO. E. ABBOTT. 1324 Farnam St.. Omaha, Summer Tours on Lakt Mithljan. THK ELEGANT ?CiN8TH,P MANITOU er larflce aieluiltalf. ra"J'i?V!f 8TEAM8H for pMtenii u'f -r? w .rrr air!iifl T-.. 10 a. at. Thar.. 1 1 a. at. P- Manltou Stofltnshfp Company, OFFICE al DOCKS. Ruth and N. Water SI.. Chlcsae. Record VoTiae i Dm, 7Heuf. 12 MlnulM.J BOBTOh taLIVtRPOOL la OUIENSTOWN New England. " " 11,600 " July IT Commonwealth, Twin Screw, 12,000 Tom Jul; 31 run ILAND to LlVErlr'UDk via uuecnaiunn Cambroman lul 13 I Dominion Aua. 10 Vancouver luly 27 Cambroman. .Aug. 17 For farlttrfoforaiftloa.adrtta C ipany's Ollloi, M Dtartera St.. Okata. Ilia. .AB0R MAY ERECT A TEMPLE ChlenKo Trnilra Ortcnnlsntlnna Talto (lie First hlcp In That nireotlon. CHICAGO, July 8. First steps toward the founding of a labor tcmplo In this city wcro taken by the Chicago Federation of Labor, when a resolution empowering the executive commltteo to consider tho pro ject was adopted by tho delegates to the assembly. Under the terms of the resolu tion tho committee Is required to report at as early a date as posslblo whether the proposed labor temple should bo leased, purchased or hullt. It Is tho purposo to mako tho "temple" a homo for all tne Chicago labor unions, a place whero thry could hold meetings, have their offices and devolop in addition, through clubs and Lennvqlent societies, tlio social side of life that Is now too often neglected wholly In trades organizations as at present con ducted. The resolution, which waB Intro duced by President Otto Noyak of the United Metal Workors' union, recited some of the leading arguments In favor of the labor temple. BREWING COMPANY SOLD Property of Mnrjlnnd HrrwInKr Com pnny Solil I'nder .MortarrtKe liy lliu Receivers, BALTIMORE, July 8. The property ol the Maryland Browing company was soM at public auction here today to the Oottlleb-Strauss-nauernschroldt company for $3,600 000. Tho salo was made by tho recelveri of the company, under order of court lssue In proceedings to forocloso the mortgage, given to secure the payment nf the bonds of tho defunct company, upon which the Interest was defaulted In April ot this year, Sixteen breweries are Involved In the tran saction and tho purchasing company wat organized for the purpose of taking over1 the property and conducting It In the Inter eit of thn holders of the Junior securities of the arylaDd Brewing company. ? ilsffllHRTi-i V