Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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Eicilltnt Crop Frcspecti Eztrt
Influesc an Whitt.
ainnnnri to Ailvimce Itself IMrr
UlKhtlii Ilefiire Hie C'limltiK '(),
Too, fieri Illuhi r Altitude
1'ruvlsluiin I.tmrr.
CHICAGO, III., July 8.-f.ower cables and
excellent crop prospects were the bear fac
tors In tho wheat market today and tho
September delivery closed an even cent
under the final tlBurcs of September. Sep
tember corn closril c hlnher and oats were
V'c hlKher, while provisions closed weak
ujnl from 5c to 30c lower.
Tho heaviness of domestic receipts, the
downward trend of foreign markets, to
tether with weather of the most perfect
character, all combined to riiui-o u weak
opening In wheat. The trading was lawly
for local account anil without any partic
ular feature. Tho bull Influences were the
decrease on passage of 2,VU,j bushels nhd
small world s shipments bushels
lutnlnst 7,(O0,0"0 bushels last year but their
effect was scarcely noticed. September
opened U-Sc lower at 64c nnd weakness
prevailed durlnK thu entire session. The
low point was reached at tmftIUc, which
flKures marked the close, with a losn of
1 cent. The visible supply decreased I.IOj,
OW bushels and seaboard reported U) boat
loads taken for export. Clearances of wheat
ami Hour wtre equal to nusneis.
I'rlmarv rece nts were I.Wm.iW bushels
against i,Kn,H bushels a year ago, North
western receipts were 35.1 cars; compared
with dm cars last week ami uj a year at.
Local receipts were Kl cars, with 21 cars
contact Grade.
Corn was fairly active early In the ses
sion and the opening was firm. The bull
factors were the dry weather throughout
the southwest, with still higher tempera
tures to follow. Another strengthening
frnttire was the weakness In railway slocks.
September opened Vi'V' I" V'iV' higher at
i"c to ISc, and ranged between i'lHc and
4fcUc, -losing S,c hlghi r at lfW8Uc Profit
taking by local longs caused the en fly de
cline. Local lccelpts were 170 cars, six of
which were contract grade.
Oats wero affected by the aamo Influences
that are nperatlu In corn, but there Is
much better speculative confidence In the
former, Inasmuch us the crop Is practically
made and the price Is relatively lower than
corn. The opening was strong and the
uirly strength continued throughout the
day. Outsiders were the best buyers, while
the selling was scattered by local longs,
who took profits. September ranged be
tween Jfljic and 30ic, closlnt; 'Va'de. higher
at 30c. Local receipts were 61 cars.
Provisions were weak and did not appear
to take any advantage from the strong
market In oats and corn. Packers were
against the prices, although receipts at the
principal western points were less than the
corresponding day last year. September
pom som ociween i3.i anil jh.oU, closing
Sue lower ut (14.
ranged between
S.57V4Tis.m nnd JS.C5. closlnn SSfiWc lower at
old, between J 7.05 nnd
tl.wm. closing 7140 lower at J7.05.
Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
130 cars; corn, 310 care; oats, 110 cars; hogs.
The leading futures rnngnd ns follows:
Artlclcs.l Open. I lllgh.l Iw. Close. Safy.
July... Sept...
July... Sept...
Joi It
July... Sept...
Ribs- I
15143 ?4
i i
64 ?4'AflU C4'.4,fJ!i 66Vif?li
66STitCi; CS f6H
46itfH 42S
48 IfiU 43
47'.;fli 444
30 126
3241 29't
13 97HI
13 9741
13 70
11 00
14 68
14 75
It 3
II 30
14 00
8 CO '
8 57 4
8 55
8 60
8 57'
8 r.741
8 fi."
8 624
8 60
S 674
8 674
8 60
7 0 '
8 024
7 93
8 55
7 90
8 024
7 65
7 f5
7 95
7 874
7 85
7 95
7 874
8 CO
8 124
No. 2.
Cash nuotattons were as follows
FLOun Kasv: winter natcnts. i3.50TT.X60!
straights. J3.30fl3.40; spring patents, fcl.CM
.a; sirnigius, yi.iuya.w; DnKers. ji.wrz.&o.
WIIKAT-No. 3 spring, 6igC3Ue; No. !
red, 641j6o',4i,.
COIIN-No. 2. KV.C. No. 2 yellow. 46c.
OATS-No. 2. 30;n314c; No. 2 white, S24C!
jo. ;t wuiic, oi'iiuic.
riYK-No. 2. 4ic.
Si:i:DS-No. l flax. Jl.SS: No. 1 north
western. Jl.SS. Prime timothy, $4.40. Clover,
contract grade. $9.60.
PHOVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., $13 75
qiu.wj. iarii, per iw ins.. .s.&uj( km. anon
ribs sides (loose). $7.75ff7.&6. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed). $7.25(37.50. Short clear
sines (Doxcdj,
WIIISKY-Ilasls of high wlneo, $1.27,
Following tiro the receipts nnd shipments
lor louay:
Kccelpts. Shipments,
Flour, hbls 43.000
Wheat, bu 202.000
Corn, bu 296.000
Oats, bu 228.000
7! ye. bu 3,000
Darley, bu 9,000
On tho Produce oxclinnce today tho but
ter market wn steady; creameries. 14(h)
Wic; dairies, I4ruic. encese, steauy, 9lfioc,
ggs, Bteady, 104(S114c
of the Day on Various
Until mnilltlea.
NKW YORK, July 8.-FLOUR-Recclpts,
26,312 bbls.; exports, 14.837 bbls.; weak and
MtlOe. lower nil around; Minnesota patent,
$3.6oTf3.80; Mlnnesotn bakers', $2.X53.15;
winter patents, $3.65if3.S0; winter straights,
$3.30(ff3.W; winter extras, $2.50'0,2.S0; winter
low grades, $2.3(ti2.0. Rye Hour, easy;
fair to good, $2.70'ja.6O; choice to fancy,
CORNMKAIv Firm; yellow western, Mc;
city, 92c; llrnndywlne, $2.45fi2.53.
RYK Kasy No. 2 western. 55c, afloat;
tatc, 62flf3c, c. I. f., Now York, carlots.
IiARLHY.-Dull: feeding, 48c, c. 1. f..
New York; malting, tei62c, c. 1. f New
DARLEY MALT Dull; western, 63fl72o.
WHKAT Receipts, 278.250 bu.: exports,
199,685 bu.; spot, weak; No. 2 red, 72c, f. o.
b., afloat; No. 2 red, 70c, elevator; No. 1
northern. Duluth, 72ic. f. o. b., nllont; No.
1 hard, Duluth, S14c. f. n. b alloat. Op
tions, generally weak and heavy nil day;
liquidation, especllly In July, was a fea
ture, nupiilcinentcd by bearish homo crop
nowH and lower cables; closed wenk and
lW2ie not lower; July, 70Vi714c, closed
nt 70U! September, 7045770 13.16c. closed at
70c; October, 70Willic, closed nt 70e;
December, 72V4JJ73c, closed at 72V4C.
CORN Receipts, 87,100 bu.; exports, 333,
783 bu.: spot, llrmer; No, 2, 504c, elevator,
and 52c, f. o. b alloat; options opened
Jlrm and wero well sustained all day by
bullish home crop conditions, owing to
Jieat, general covering, higher cables and
large clearances; closed ilrm nt Vic net
ndvnnco; July, 60fGOc. closed nr60e:
September, 60l;y5Uic. closed ut 5Hic: Oc
tober. 6rti0514e. closed at 5IUc.
OATS Heeelnts. 21.100 1m ,.vnr.ri mi.
C84 bu.; spot, stronger; No. 2. 314c: No. 3
aic; No. i white. 3i4c; No. 3 white, 344c;
if. .wt,a.,,"". 5'354c: trn?k:
on crop u (lv I com anU with corn.
chnYlV413oc.8h,,,,,lnK 7W5ci KOoa
JU01S-Klrmjt state, common to choice.
JS!? cr?,1'' ."W"0: lsys crop, iodise: old o a
2(fjbc; Paclllc coast. 1900 crop, 16U184c- lssi
crop. ll15o; old olds. 286c. ltt""'c' lsw
t Qui
nos Ayrcs, light
sac; nciii, 24250.
dull; family
12.00, mess, $9.50?f 10.00; beef hams. $20 ff
12.00: mess. S9.fiil 10.00: beef liniA-' twrm
21.60; packet. $lo.ixmil.00; city, extra Indlu
mess. $16.00.1118.00. Cut mentsf ensy; Plekleil
bellies. 9.50! 11.00; pickled shoulders, $7.25
pickled hums. $11) COffi 11.00. Lard. ensv:
western steamed, $8.80; refined, steady; con!
ttnrnt. $8.90; South America'. $9.iB; ' con -pound.
$7.00. Pork, steady: family. $15 60ff?
koo; short clear, I5.70lf.6o; ,n"9s, $15:75
TALI.OW-Dull; city ($2 per pkg.).
RICL Q.ilet; domestic, fine to extra. 4i
(fiOiie: Jnpan. 4sic. ' '
MOLASSKS-Steady; New Orleans, open
Vettlo. good to choice, KN2e. 1 "
POTATOUS-Qulet; New York. ISO lbs..
$3.2MI2 ,5: southern, extra, per bbl,. $2.50.
ni'TTKR-P.rclnts. 12,667 pkgs.; weak;
mate dairy, 14tftS4c! creamery, 15ffl94c;
factory. 13(U154c.
CUKKSK-Recelnts .1.082 pkgs.; fancy
Urge, colored and white, 9o; fancy small,
colored ami white, W9c.
KaaS-Recfipta 11,904 pkgs.; Irregular;
statu nnd Pennsylvania, 14Sl(4c; western,
candled, 130144c; western, uucnnilled, Vtp
i'etALS Since last Wednesdav there
vas an. ndvanco of about $ In prices for
spot tin In the London market. This was
duo entirely to local causes, the available
stock on spot being controlled by une
niui.0 yuioi; ualvestoii, 20 to 25 lbs.. IS
(TM84C; California. 22 to 25 pounds, 19UC
Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs., llffflVc
LEATHER Quiet: hemlock" snln iin.
concern. The general trend of the market
abroad seemed to be Indicated ty a do
i line of l.i shillings In the price for fu
IKK8' Tne finores In London closed at
1113 and spot closed at 13. The advance
In spot tin abroad did not have the slight
est effect on the New York market. On
"iilrary, prices hnye fallen away
about 1 cent since Wcdacsdni. nwlnir to
ii. tT""! finite free offerings, with
he closing lone weak. Tne loial closing
prlci. Is K,.(y27.V. Tho London copper
market ruled
Mlj.llfflf , , I. n t .. i . I.
.. .. . . in tut: iHJar.
.n.i f. . ."""" tinner, spot closing at 67 Cs
?5 iVr,'s ,nl ,H- Copper was dull.
nuL n imarlfets nt h,,"c "" abroad were
u'.rn "KrV(l h.cru' wn"" m London prices
rw v .1'',t,'r, closings nt JC1S
JiCW lorU c osed lit Ll.nn?a!IY Iron
werV .V.n?hnn,5e,.I rhe KuKllsh markets
were nulet a, owcr rjlasgow closed at
.uiuuiesnorough closed at 43s 7(id.
(''"ill I (In ii f Trmlr mill diinlnt Ions on
Miiile mill I'niii')' I'rodiiee.
fS-Hecelpts liberal; good stock, firm,
iiiHV" '''Ot-V'TnYItrns, 7c; young an I
" " "r. 3ICo; turkeys, Moe: ducks nnd
i it -i.4'.' i.r1"1" hleketiH, per lb., U'ftlUc.
ei J . , c.0Mml,l" 1,1 falr. KVUMd
K inilrV.,.i,.1,lu,' l".3c! separator, isc.
h , "J uiiii n miss, isc; WllIlQ
MtlPlUh llrv i,llll...n.1u 1. ,
I : , - 1', iw , IJ tu
i'"'' t"vv, cisrots. 7c; halibut. .1.
ji,;. "li nauuocK, luc; mackerel, 7c
, .nc, run snapper, we: salmon, lie: sun
1 1
,, ... ink...!...!,
jk. Hiniiu , rj. r u . .. . . .
r,,iH m of Rolor "ni1 'luailty. Demand
V..,..Vv,;V1l"!'' - cars.
white, 29c.
v T.i
SAf,,A.P.!iTr,,e grown, 14c.
.I.9.M.A.!PI"t' Texas, 4-basltct crates. fl.7fi.
uisiuiNS-ucrnniilas. per crate, J2.25; new
California. 2e
sJ'AI'I'II'LOWKH Home-grown, per dcz.,
"-ANS-Wnx, per half-busliel basket, Woj
1MiI -uiisiici onsKei, sue.
W'dkil ''S.!'" pt h '" mo.
crates, Tu. VK l'" bnHke,( 75ciTl!
N ATl'.HMICLONS-Texas, 30U35c each
r 'ViW ''iS-IVr doz., Jl.5031.75; per
45e: Missouri. n,r "Lni ncn firr.wiri
l'KACHUS-Callfornfa, per iioxi f5c"; free
stone, II.
Al'ItlCOTH Cnllfnrnln U...I.I
I'Lt MS-Cnllfornla, per crate, $1. 25711. 50.
OOUHKUi:HniK.S-ier Sl-nt. cnsc. tl.75.
OHANORH-("nllf.irnl.i a.lll.,..., i nr.
Med. sweets, J3.50. " '
choice' mfCallfornln cxtra fnncy- ixr
I-ViL'&iiS'AS Per 1,ncMl according to size,
.If.'J!H-C,allfornla, new cartons, 75c; layers,
toe; Imported, per b.. 10W12e.
DAIKS-I'erslan, in 60-lb. boxes, Salrs, 5c.
IIONIJY-Hallowcen, 64e per lb.
I,I?nlaT.,'c,;,h.lj'- ,4.-5: Per half bbl.. J2.75.
o r.iiKiiMi niiinuis. ner id., mr: in
.St. I.oiiIh
(Srnln mill Provisions.
rrs. .Tuiv r witir!iTT ... . xt
red. cash, elevator. niUn-
61c: July. G04c; September, 61Kc; Do-S-(imri,,!!,.1;:
Na 21mrd 62fj24c; receipts,
RYE Hlirher nt r,ln
MPi,,!5li,?ler!.I,at?n,s' W.2Sig3."35. new;
JrM'ri'' 0ll, extrn fancy nnd straight
G28S1 oKl neW; t3-m3-li- oId- clear, $2 65
trackAtSc hlehcr: ""eked. .nst
HA 1 Timothy, steady at
lJAaOING-Hlgher at 67c.
PROVISIONS-Pork, weak; jobbing, $.75
Lard, lower at $S.35fl8.374. Dry salt meats
FLAXSEED-No market.
nrmLJA$;f8"2".I4m,,' "rm' iM"0- Spelter.
i9U.I'T"iY-stc,n,(,': chickens, sc; springs.
12R15c turkeys, 10c; young. 15c- duets
daTTlWlTcSlCn1y: crcnm.- H920C;
EGGS Steady; nearby, 7c.
RECEIPTS-Flour. 8,000 bbls.; wheat
SHIPMENTS li'lnnr S V .'
eO.000 bu.; corn. 15,000 bu!; oats, 18,000 bu. '
I.lverjiool Grnln nnd Provisions.
,i.!n.VRP,001." Ju,J' S.-WHEAT-Spot.
t 2 re1'. westr" winter, 5s 5d; No
Lno? "?rn "Pr'nsr. 6s 6d; No. 1 California
nere ,,,., .V,YC8RV.ean : September, 5s 5d:
. CORN Spot. American mixed
i American mixed, old, stendy, 4s 3d
9d I,,0UlS fa"Cy wln,er' d"'l. 7
j-J1- London. Pacific coast, steady,
mBsi MK'h5wf' flrrn.! oxtrn India
, 'r 9i- ,.ork nim: lir'nie mess, west
fn nntiS" iha?V. stP1ail': American refined,
s nms. sho'rt cut. 14 tb 16 lbs.. itVadv."
n.H ii.'. ; ""ucriand cut. 26 to 30
IDs., nulet, 44s; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs
? CnVyiV 18 ?.1: lons clear middles, light. 21
he1lvlhv,,ilr.m,.4,3 2d! clear midd oh.
heu, .1.1 to 40 lhs firm, Us Oil; short clear
!ek?4 1,, ,l?fi::',",8-,?lcaiiy 3 ""ar beY
lies H to 16 lbs.. Ilrm. 4n i;,i ui,,.i.ii
'iuar!),ll to 13 lbs., steady, .rm
HUTTER-Stendy ; finest Am
good American, 71s.
American, 90s;
45h: American n,',; "rt','l."'i ".'i1 wn8.
V. I 1 l,L,,t V II III " .A .-..I."..... .. ,1 . ..i i.
Amnr Mi. , 1 .
American, finest colored. 4Cs.
TALLOW-1-lrm; prime c y. 2is
triilian. In London. 27s.
I'he Imports of wheat Into Live
!os 6d; Aus-
week were:
,,Y.'om Atlantic ports, 117,700
uarlers: Paelile nr?; "'.'- .".'i!1"
4.000 quarters. The InUnV,' u "c.r ""SJ
Vt nntl,. t.npt. r-.J ""'
for last week wore 35,400
KnnnitK City Ornln 11 ml Provisions.
57(.c; Ceptember. 68i(ifeu'Cj DfcembeT. fOc
No8h3: riil?'5j!4hcnrd' bmMc- No- 3' " A
CORN July, "Mc; Setitcmber, 47c; Do
N;,U2Cwh.' 49c:n8": 2 ml"t5'
Y..iP-Zr"- - white, 3333'4c.
RYU No. 2, 4Sff49c.
HAY Choice tlmnlhv. 111 Knmo m.
pralrle. $10.00. " "
n"l5e.TKUCrenmery' 150170 ! dalrj'' tany-
nu -Zl V(a'.tve,l'h Missouri and Kansas
Tulriln Grnln nml Sppil,
TOLKHO. O.. Julv s iviiPA-p .........
cembe'r.UCS.i"ly' KC! So"te'""e-. Hc; Pe
Sepienni7ril'"c'Str0nB; nS"' ite' J,,J'' KVtC'
S,uKH1' S'r0nK; Cn8"' JU nd
RYU file.
CLOVi:ilSKKD Cash. tirlm s rn. ,
bcr. $5.55. ' ' v' uuv' uulu
D11 1 lit Ii Crnln Alurket.
Dl'LUTH. Minn.. Julv S lVlir.'ATr..v.
N'o. 1 hard. 6191c: No. 1 northern, 6l?:c; No'
2 northern, WJc; July, Gl-c; Sepiember,
I'lillmlelpliln I'rodiiee Mnrkrt,
1'HILAnnLPIIlA. Julv s miTTtfti
Klrm; prints. 14c hlisher: western cream.
cry, l9V4c: western prints, 20c; western
nearby prinU, 22c.
EGGS Dull and unchanijedj fresh nearby,
i!lnhivul,i. ' "imensn, vc.
). hALH-c hnlce, &nlOc.
iioV. ir.'7,c".s 'luoted by Omaha V
. (ttliein mnn nnriti f l,filA ....Lit,
.ll. lllll.'tlul. tun.! iim lu
i('iiiA.!Virs.TNn"ve. per do., 35f?40c
i..i.l..1'':,lI5l,,""e Brown, per lb., lc.
LICTTI ( i:-cr bu , 20c.
i'Alisi.i.:vi.. .1,,. w.
CKHK!UtIES-Ier 21-nt. roue 5.
ItASI'llKimiliS-l'er 5l.nt. r.i.n t?TS?
red. ner nu to v
berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb.. 18ii20c:
raw peanuts, per lb.. 53.-.4c; roasted, 64
.4c; nrazlls, 13c; pecans, lttt-2c.
m,HR':S7No; a, Breen, 6e; No. 2 green,
54e No. 1 salted. 74c; No. 2 salted 7c- No
J-Vi5' r '(li u ;'-, ?c: No. a veiiVnir; lA Jr -VC(': ArY "Ides. S(fjl3C; sheep
pelts, 25&76c; horse hides, $1.504J2.23.
i-n jiT.i !.,KIlcJ! ,2 "f1""' Wi track,
4'n r:aJl ' September, 4)ViisCi,
OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 32c :'r trrfck
P'ic: July. 32c; Septcniber, 31Ue: MayI
31Ue: No. 2 white, 354&36C ' ' r
T.V.. . ' i.i "" iio 1111, cases returned
nvri ' ivtA ), cn:MJ,np,,-. He more
4i (iv; iLVTiSUh'at' Ks-m bushels; corn,
.. FJ,".1 ,M,l'" TS-Wheat. fil, bushels; corn
2,400 bushels; oats, 4,0 bushels. ' '
isvwmc; rrcsn western, 134gile; fresh
ruV,,',r,V2lAr",i. ""4. soutnern, isc.
CHLLSE--Las er: New York full creams
fancy small, t4A9Ue; New York ful
creams, fair to choice, SHtOe.
.tlMtnukep Crnln .MnrUrl,
' l, horthern, bgfic; No. 2
fSAiiv "' l ' lul Wi4-'; aeptemtier, ci'ic
ItYE-Steadv; No. 1, IHc
43HC1 lyi No" :' 5,ci nmPle' KW
I'eorln .Mnrkot,
I'KOniA, July S.-COHN-Hlghcr; No. 3.
OATS-Hlgheri N'o. '! white, 314c track,
JHISKY-On tho basis of $1.27 for fin
ished goods.
i:ilu llntler Mnrliet.
KLOIN, ill.. July 8. nUTTKH Firm
l!c; ofTerlngs today, 78 tubs; no sales.
IliMiieiii'eil liy l,nri(e I'liiun
t'lnl OiieriitliniN.
NLU 'VORK, July 8.-The action of prices
In today's stock market made It evident
that very large llnanclal Interests were
conducting some notable operations. Ihe
effort was made to have It appear th it
some occult maneuver was going on, de
signed to Inveigle the public Into putting
with their stocks at declining price for the
benefit of the Inrgc llnanclal Interests .who
seem to be themselves selling stocks with
great Industry. The final action on the mar
kct left little room to doubt that urgent lli
nidation was being effected, Great caution
must be exercised to Judge correctly how
far the liquidation was Influenced by the
Itnmedlatu developments of the day and
how far by a general sense of disquiet and
distrust which has been gaining force In
the market for t-everul weeks nasi. The
episode of the Seventh National bank fall -
lire and of the bank failures In UtHY.ilii
nave become sultlclently clear to Indicate
that they are not of prime Importance In
the Immediate losses Involved, nr in the
immediate collati-rnl i.ff., l.nt ,,u .,
slide vymptom of general conditions they
vn i u imiiius niieuiion. 1 ne accu
mulation of doubtful securities hns always
proved a consequence of n period 01 pros
perity, and the general credit which Is
iiicreoy caused. Tlie actual present con
dltlon In Germany bears striking test!'
llliinv to tills ernn mlr !,.. Tl... u.........i.
National bank episode has tiniloubtedly in
a general ovei hauling of collateral
.v i"- uiiiiHH 111 uie wan sirect district.
Not u little 1 quldatlon has been immed
iately Indulged as n result. In the stock
market there have been large speculative
hold I1KS. which worn ultl,l,.,l.l ..,1..
only by large syndicates and mottled In
ttircsts. Ihe Indications were that a consul
erablo part of this support was withdrawn
1 .". V"',lur?e nounngs were dislodged
b the decline in prices which was allowed
to UCCUr. The n.f Iti.- --....I i
character. 1 p i f XXU."r"
few stock exchange houses who have often
acte.l for western capitalists, some of whom
...... inoiniueni in tne steel trade
before the formation of the L'nlted States
Steel corixirntlou nnd have been relegated
to tho background since the rise of that
corporation, The selling attributed to this
source was enrirmntm nr. ... .
Lnltcd States Steel stocks themselves, but
2m. th? rnllr,"(1 flocks which led the slump.
Ihe immediate cause of the weakness of
; .. .fc" "ur. . . re lu"ed announcement
b the Atchison authorities that freight
rates w-ould be reduced In tho Chlcngo-Mis-
nouri rrver territory July 15. As the rail-
. T ,"""s, lorrnory comprise tho prin
cipal railroads supposed to have been
brought Into the community of Interest,
anil us there has been a large speculation
hLmiVJ? i.olln,,e(1. 11,18 supposition, the
ll'illlHT 1 1 HI 111 IPNIPII 111 n illltllllrr nr
mnilo them pecullnrlv vulnemi,!,. -n,.... i.i
decllno nil day with only occasional
;gllntr rnllles uti r.r.i.., 1... ,
traders. In the llnnl hrenk si Pm, cn
extreme 104. MImFi t....i,i o .
h 7&Vr$ Vnlted'-s'tates
points under very heavy ofTerlngs. While
the general market was less acutely affected
wcru "ojne very sharp losses re
corded among the New York nubile utilities
1110 most prominent Industrials and the.
.-..oiciii irunn lines nntl coalers. Tho de
clines In these rnm-r.,1 tr.m n . r ....'r.
In tho nr c .ml An; An.i 'J""."!?
closed In ti seml-demorullzed conditio The
call loan rate was offered down foni I
i.v. triii in wie morning to 2 per cent at
the close, without relieving the weakness
Of the Stock m.irlrnt Ii,,U,.' "SS
dimcultles could imt Ik- traced to any re-'
: , :,v v...... tiu nun? dc learned
to Justify them. Growing .
expressed over the renulrementf. or th
money mnrkct for tho coming crop and n
doubt whether thorn n.n.,i.i .. "!:..".."
sldcrnble rellux In funds to New Y9ork
prev ous to the crop movement.
The Commerrlnl A ,1. .,.!. ... ....
financial cablegram says: This was a day
ncss. American stocks were flat on New
n?J?rZnnl?$r .i0m, Htnrt t0 nl"h. Tho
.M?;i5um.or of. tnc dny ws nbout the rate
cuttlnt' by the Clilcngo Great Western
The iiurposo was said to be a desire to ho
JfiKS P1.,"?11. b5ethe road Is in a Po
sltlon to Interfere w Mi nihi- ,t;.i
ison, on the renorted rnte war" fell' heavllv
K !l ) . k- "erlln" then came 'o
n.. ' .. " iv-"cr 01 SOCKS,
A ru-
iiientitv ;.v ,.,i.i"'.r".'V' uc '"'in
vealed, was ,i,wm Germ "fa SM, "ot...Le;
......... i.iu and
finally it the close rr i..iV,V.S
tncre was
that another nw "vnTV .8lrcut
pended.. Tho net result wn'7h, au..?"s-
lions c osed iLt th. . ...7: .M"""!-
frightened ut s ha ii o ws" A u s t r 1 a a n d o er
many are lnqulrliig' for goicK "tnhr a
5?n i?,?.(11PK. l?alcrs in American stlUS
were called
uorore thu Stock evphu..
C.r.ltter. 'Sr. tulll a rmal holiday'
20.39. v.imiiBe is i'&.n; Berlin,
t.Thi, folliwlntr 'r tYi ctoiinK prleo t
lh New York Stock exch.n:
Atchison ..
do nfj,.
".i)iSo. Hallway"
if,? a . . .
.. f4(l
.. 31'i
.. 5
.. 41V4
.. 2)
.. M
.. S'l'.i
.. 20"
.. 4"H
.. U
.. SHi
.. 21
.. 41
.. 74
.'. f7
naltlmore &
Ohio. .ion
UU 1UI1.
do Pf'l 51 Tex. & Pacific.
Canaiia Southern ,. (SM T., St. L & W
Ches. A Ohio 4 ,l0 p(
Clitcago & Alton.... 12 Union Pacini"!
do pfd 78 'i Jo pfd
C. H. & Q 107 Wat.ah .......
Chicago, I. & L.... Clli ,0 pfd
do pfd TOiJ W. & U. B
Clilcago & B. 1 125 do pfd,,
Chicago at. V KKWIs. Central "
do 1st pfd 81 do nfd
do 2d prd.. 50 1'. c. C. & St
Chicago & N. W....1M Adams Bxpress
C H. I. & I' W Amer. Kxi,re
Chlcairo T. & T.... 21V4U. S. Bxures.. . .
do pfd
4I' V.'olls.Fllrrn
C. C, C. & St. L.
Colo. Southern ....
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Del. & Hudson
Del., U & W
Denver A Rio a...
do pfd
Amal. Conner ...
... K'l'i
... M
... f)
... 63
... 5,','i
... 4r.S
... 7'H,
... f,
... M14
... fi'l
... 43
... Z0IJ
... 41
... 73
... flliii
... 3
... 41
... S3
... 1!?i
... 71
H Amer,
51 do
C. & p,
Lin. Oil.
H. & H..
. ,!
... .I7i Anifr. TnLnn.n
. K'W Ana. Mln. Co....
... fffi ilrk. Hap. Tr...
... -J Colo. v. & I.,,,
...153 Cons. Oaa
... M'i Con. Tohacco .
... Jlli do pfd
... M General Blectrlc
... i Olucose Sujfar ..
... f2 llncklnjr Coal ...
'IS Int'n'l Paper ...
tce do pfd.
R7'; Infn'l Power ..
...1W Ijicleilc Qas ....
... National Illccult
' National Iad ..
...liiS'j National Salt ...
...1'J4 do pfd
... io No. American ..
... M Paclflc Coast ..
...IW I'aclllc Mall ....
. .1M I'tuple'ii Ha, ...
... So rretned S. C
SS 1 do pfd
...U0 ll'ullman I'. C...
... Htpiihlio steel .
... 23!i do pM
. ..HH'j Siu;nr
. . 4)' Tnn. C. & ....
do 1st pfd...
do 2d pfd...
C.t. Nor. pfd....
Hocking Valley
do pfd
Illinois Central
do pfd
U B. . W
do pfd
Louis, fc Nash.
Manhattan I.
Met. St. rty....
Mex. Central ..
Mcx. National
Minn. & Ht. I.,
Mo. Pacific ....
M.. K. & T, ...
do pfd
V. J. Central..
N. Y. Centrat..
Nor. A Went . . .
do pfd
No. Pacific
do pfd
Ontario A V...
l'ennsylvunln ..
do 1st pfd...
do 2d pfd...
St. U. H H. V..
do lil pfd...,
do 2.1 pfd...
St. L S. ...
do rfd
77i ;
... utt.unlon H. A I
.,. tih, do pfd....
4i U B. leather
do iiM.
C. 8. Rubber...
do pfd
I' H. Steel
d- pfl
St. Paul
do pfd
Wetern Union
Trust receipts.
Xev York 11 1 ii lint Stockn.
NEW YORK, July S.-The following are
tho closing limitations on mining stocKx:
Adams Con
. 13
. 4)
. Ii
. C
. M
. 1
. 6
Little Chief ,.
Flerra Nevada
Hinall Hopes ..
... 13
... SO
... 9
... IS
... 4".
Ilrunlck ion ...
Coinstock Tunnel.
Con. Cal. A Va...
Deadwood lerrn .
Hum Sliver
Iron fillver
Le.ulvlllo Con
Hunk Citt.irliiRs,
OMAHA. July 8. Clearings. $l.lC7.o;S; cor
responding day last year. $1,130,429.01; In
crease. $37,548.34.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Julv S. Bank rlpnrlnt-s
$S,912,366; balances, $1,397,233; money, Siil per
cent; hew York exchange, 15c discount
uiu. pur nsKCtl.
CHICAGO, July 8.-Clenrlngs. $21,917,329:
balances, $2,331,820; posted exchange, $4.SiVS'
4w4j Niw York cxcliniuc, par,
PHILADELPHIA, July S.-CToarlngs, $11.
I9l,t'.6, balances, $U62,9S8; money, 4 per cent.
HALT1MORE, July S.-Clenrlngs, $2,818,933;
ualances, 417,459: money, 44ffS per cent.
IIOSTON July S.-Exchanges, $19,227,387;
balnnces, $1.57s.tiV).
YORK. July S.-Clearlngs, $110,.
M1.224; balances, JKi.107.971.
CINCINNATI, July 8.-Clcnrlngs, $l,217,.).
Xi-iv York .Money Jlnrket,
NEW YORK, July S.-MONEY-On call
eady at 258 per cent; Inst loan, 2 pet
ruling inte,
6 per cent; prime .mer
cantile paper. 4fi4tt 1)c.r cent.
SrhRLINO EXCHANGE Easy, with ac
tual business In bankers' bills at $I.S7Mf
1.8. for demand and $I.RS4 for (V) days;
r.?,,,'l.r?.tes' -B.884s commercial bills,
SILVER-Certlficntes. nominally, 60c; bar
l yor, IW: Mexican liollnrs, 46c.
HON D Government bonds, strong; ntnte
bonds, strong; railroad bonds, weak.
I'lie cluslnt: puce, u 1 i : arf tl
It. S. ref. !s, reg.
do coupon
do 3s reg
do coupon
do 4s, rg
ilo coupon
do old Is, res....
do coupon
On in, ttK
do cnupon
..1074 N. Y, C. In t04"i
..lOJ'k '.V. J. C. g Sd !;i
..108, v I'selllc U "
..Mi, do 4s 1041,1
..!!. .V. k W. c. Is n.
...U!4 'Ore. .Vnv. Is iu;
..1124 Mo 4s iu2i4
..'M Oregon R. I,. 6 12i
..IMV Mo con. r.s tl7U
..'.:e lltcndlnir gn. Is ... n. st 1. & 1 m c. S.S..11J
.. 5J I. it H V K. 6..t52U
..1"P "flt. I'nul cons vo
.1074 "St. P. C. & p. l,. n,)
..'CO 1 Mo Us mi.
D. of C. a. K
Atch. uen. 4'
Ui mil. In
I'unnila Ho. 2t..,,
& O. 4js
do Ss
C. & N. W. c.
1124 So. t'nclllc In Dl"i
Mo S. I', d la....lU So
Hallnnv Ss.
Clileuno Ter. Is.
V.. & T. C.
. M
. 7j
. 91
Colo fio, 4s
n. & it. o. 111
S! Tex. A Pa-lflc In.
.l',2i; "Jo 2s
. ; t'r.lon P.iclflo 4s..
Kt Wahnnh Is .:
.200 1 do Si
.imU'West Shore 4....
.lfili,Wls. Central Is...
. f-0H'Va. Centuries
i:rle Kfneral Is....
! 1'
W. D v. 1.
1 Oen. nieetrlc fis..
l0WH Central Is....
. M., K & T. 2s
11U 19
niu. Offered.
London Stock Unotntlons.
LONDON, July 8.-1 p. m.-ClosIng:
Conols, money.
do iiccounl...
do pfd
11. A O
Can. Padllc ....
Ches, A Ohio....
Clilengo Ot. V..
St I'aut
Denver A It. O..
do pfd
do 1st pfd..,,
do 2d pfd....
llllnoli Central
Txiulsvlllv .,
M K. A T
do pfd
... OVi N. Y. Central....,
.. MV, Nor. A West
. TJ, do pfd ,
Nor. lMclftc pfd...
..10 Ontario A West...,
..ICS 1'ennfylvnnla
..IW Heading
.. do 1st pfd
.. T4!4 do 2d pf,l
.."" Southern Hallway..
.. CI do pfd
.. fV,4 So. Pacific pfd
.. 41J, Union I'aclllc
.. 7M do pfd
.. M C. 8. Steel
..'.56 I do pfd
. .110U Wabash
.. SCUl do pfd
.. tf, ISpanlKh 4
. 01
. 5
. 71 J;
. 2.1
. 40
. 28
. .1.1',
. $1
. 5!)
. 91',
. 41.):
. s;,
. 53
. 43H
BAR SILVKR-Hasv. nt 27ri tier nnunn
MONKY lQl'i per cent; the rate of ills
count in tno open mnrket for short bills
2.f(2 4 Per cent; for three months bills
?V'2: per cent. Gold premium nt Rome
Ronton KtnekH nml nnnil.
BOSTON. July 8.-Cnll loans. 3HcFi5 per
vut. , unit iuuii i t?s jicr cenii umci.1i
A.. T. A S. V 61 IN. E. O. A C.
do pfd .....lWi Adventure
Amer. Huar 13314 Hlng. Mln. Co.
Amer. Telephone ...13 Amal. Copper
Honton A Albany.. 231 lAtlantlc
Ss... t
23 '4
Ilooton Blcvnted
.1SI Oil. A Recla.
,. 3')!i Centennial ...
.llJ'.i l'innklln
. 4! 'Humboldt ....
. 0314 Osceola
. ID ll'arrot
. U'j Qulncy
Dominion Coal .
do pfd
U. S. 'Steel
do pfd
Mex. Central ...
N. K. O. A C.
Old Dominion ..
. S'V.i Santa Fe Copper..
; -iiiiinn .iininc
. S3 (Winona
. t Wolverines ..
.10 I
West Bnd
Westlnch. Elec.,
Atchison Is ....
PorrlKn rinnnelnl.
LONDON. Julv 8. Mnnev won In nlllnl
iiuumuu luuuv arm supplies were reduced.
On tho Stock exchange operators resumed
Dtlslness today, but not vlirorouslv. There
was mucn ironic snouting of "holiday."
Consols were dull, which wn nttriHnt...i
to the forthcoming 'demands ot the money
.in.. ic 111 cum Kinion w n inn iipw initn.
etc. Americans 'opened cusy and InnctlVe.
pending Now 'York's opening, nnd closed
Gold nrenilumn nrn nunt.l na fnUnn.u
Ruenos Ayres, ffl.90: Madrid, 37.70'; Calcutta,
uinFeii, apoi, ujs ,vsii turpentine spirits.
PARIS. JulV S Prices nn Ihn Imuran In
(lay opened Irregular. Industrials reacted.
inicrnauonais were- Ilrm. Lntcr there was
an nil-round deel ne. Arcentlnes. Urn.
ziiians. 1110 iintos and Industrials, par
tlcularlv closed wenk.
Three ner cent rente 1iYl frnnxa C7i
iiiiif'n iiir uiu cuu ni nxpnnnirfl nn intinn
25 francs 17 centimes for checks. Spanish 4s",
BERLIN, July 8 The feellnir nrevnlllnir
on the bourse today was crenernll
reassuring. Hnm fundx irnr.. inlmnl.,!
linn were consiuernmy narder. Interna
tionals were quiet, but prices were main
tallied. Argentines nnd Snnnlsh 4s m.nin
a good recovery. Banks were harder.
Excliunce on I.nn.lon "ft mirti to
lor cnecKs. Ulscnunt r.itoa. aunrt i.ifio
11. nun. . 1. .. . I. ..
v . . K minima uiiitf, j ner cent.
day at 78.20; gold was quoted nt 3S.90.
Coffee Mnr:;et.
NEW YORIC. Julv 8 Trado n
day In the coffee market nml Hm n
puua in iiuciuniions were unsatisfactory
to both sides. The market opened steudv
wim nnces unelinnLreil in r. i.ninta u,,...
una iur me resv 01 me lorenoon was In
nctlve and featureless, with the room con
tingent Indifferent and tho public quite un-
....... . ,r .uiiicuu mnrnct news
wns disappointing, while Brazilian advices
n:it .mum in une wun general Ideas.
Later thero was u rallv tn wrin...
(lay's final bids on absence nf unllura n.i.i
light room demand, with the market finally
lull and net unchanged. Total sales were
win i.m u,ii,b. iiiuiuuiiig aepiemner at 5.16u
nnd Februarj' at 5.43c.
futures onened steady with prices un
changed to o points lower under light Ho.
nidation following' tho declines In foreign
markets. The markets, after the half week
holiday, were barely active with transac
tions limited to a few professional, ex
changes Light foreign buying aftor tho
call held prices up to the opening basis
most of the forenoon, but the market nt
best was a featureless one. Midday bids
showed values to bo net unchanged to 6
points net lower, with tho undertona steady
bales to that hour wero 4,. "00 bags, Including
September at 5.15c, February at 5.7c.
beptember moved slowly and was steady
in prices. Santos was steady. Good ave-
1MB() bass9' 4: rcccl,ts U'000 ,aKf,i ptocli'
Hamburg opened U pfg. lower. At 2:30
p. m. mnrket was net unchanged to H pfg.
l0"I?r,' " compared with July 3. Sales,
5,000 unus.
Hnvro opened irregulnr, Uc to ic
lower. At 12 m. unchanged. At 3 p.
m. September advanced He, others un
changed. Rio, steady; No. 7 Rio, 7c; ex
change. 11 B-6e; receipts. 15.000 bags; cleureil
lor the United stntes. 5,uOO bags; cleared
fr hurope, bags; stock, JJJ.OOo bags.
Coffee closed UQWf net lower. Sales, 14,000
N13W YORK. Julv
Tho cot
ion mnrKct opened stendy. de n te n He-
.-Him oi Diis points, tno latter hclng in sym
r,nwU , w,t" .Pronounced weaknes In tho
niiKiisii niurKci Tne initial ugurcs proved
to be about the bottom for the day as soon
nf ter the call southern Interests and Liv
erpool nrhltrage houses becamo moderate
buyers and bid prices up quite steadily 'nr.
Ing tho rest of the resslon. While receipts
at tho ports wore larger than expected,
clearances for export were phenomenal y
large and fully offset the arrivals at ilio
senronst. Southern spot markets remained
Ilrm. though quiet, and reports from eutton
goods centers were decidedly encountering.
But next to tho cables In Influence wire re
ports that nn rnliu of consequence lud
mndo their appearanrn over the dro it'i
Ktrlcken district of the southwest. Tho
weather forecasts from Washington gave
no hope of a break In the drouth for ihe
next two days at least. The room centln
gent was favorable to a higher market and
cordltlons favored higher prleis, but the
nbsenee of outside Investment buylrr
mused the professionals to uwalt develop
ments. Toward the close prices ensrd off
under protlt-taklng, but few tinders had
the courage to nttack the market.
NEW ORLEANS. July 8.-COTTON-htcady;
quotations revised; fciles, 1.,'HJ
boles; ordinary, fildc; good ordinary, 313-l':c;
low middling, 7"ie; mlddllm, fcc; g .nd
middling. Sc; middling ta.r. Pc; reeili .s,
5,1.3 bales; stock, ias.i.13 hales.
ST. LOUIS, July S.-COTTON-Quirt: mi l
dung, sue; no uales; receipts, l.Sfii b les.
shipments. 1,007 bales; stock, W.334 bale,
Ll VERrOOL. July 8.-COTTON - Spot,
modenito buslnees; prices unchanced;
American middling. 4 21-32d; the inles of the
day were 8.0fO bnles, of which CO) were for
siwcu atlon and export, and Included 7JIU0
American: receipts, 4,000 bales, Including
3,iU0 American.
JULY 0, 1901.
Choio Htj Wsight CttU Fttllj fcudy,
but Qthiri Blow,
I.lbrrnl lU'eelptn of ltiinKc .iceii and
l.nntbs, hut .Mnrket Ruled Aclhc
anil .liiNt About Steml)
All Around.
SOUTH OMAHA, ju.j i.
Receipts were:
Uallle. iiufeu. dntep,
uiuciui .Mutidu; 1,Im
oaiiiu uuj mmi eeK WJii
Uallli. UcUHD
aiuu tiiree weeitb ago.. l.Wut lour ueeks au,... nvj
aaiue u.i iul juu
.vMiUfac pnie pmu iOi .ioBs ..1
otiuilia tuu imsl bekvrui uu)j With
t ul'uuiit).
I IM. l'.M'J.Llli.ibJj.,lJJi.,l.,llJ.1l5yj.
- lillU io j 6l,it I uj, u Oi, u 1., - J., . J.1 ll
JUliB 10... , i 4 U i W 3 !W J lu '
JUIIU i;... i ti;, ( J Ul, 3 0 i 16, i 1-9, -i 14
- o .., a iX.a, w i3, 1 ov o -1 w -i
JUlie in. ,. u ii-ui 6 t( i W 1 i U i 4 41
June .1. ., a ti i , iW, J bj( J ttl, i lb, 1 4 .,
uuo .J... 1 u e.j.1 11 uii J lui d 1.1 o l, J v- I 4i
Juiiu 1 u wj J j J a, U 2l 3 UJ
JUlie 5 yj4.i iu.,J oji m .o, J W. 4 40
JUIIU -J... I o ill!,!,, u lii 1 '4 Wt 4 M i 'Ji 4 10
June iu..., 0 JVl 0 luj 3 ui; i j ;j yj 4 m
J ultu
V.V4, d vJI J bl, .1 OJ, ' , J UU,
2tf... 5 ll 3 tu, 3 Ul 3 tl
, a j;i!, I IV, .J u u,, m .
i , i. nil :t .. :i .v., :i 'ii.
! S "
, Hj 4 Cl
, -i i.
: Lm, 4 tO
-Uly b , a J J 0l 3 lSl
JUI u iiiui 4 (J.!l i J OH J lSl
" J .., ) Hill UUll 9 id ii ill
JUly 4. ... ,
July J...., 5 73'.4i 5 OSi 3 7.M 3 fill
I 4 hi
J in 6 ,!.),, 3 Hi, a !U 3 Co, 3 VMj
U 2 K.i h
juiv 7 i , r, u. i nil :i ,t., j
JUly S. . , .3 SSJ-oj , i 4b, 3 ai 3 32, 3 U4, I HI
Indicates Sunday. Indicates holiday,
lliu oihciai iiuiuuer ot cuts of smuK
bruiiidit In lounv li iaeh mail was:
Cuttle. Hoes. Sh'p. H'ses
O. .i St. L. Ry 1
Missouri l'aclllu Ry... 2
I nlon I'aclllc system. 7 1 20
C. ci N. W. Ry 1
V., E. & M. V. Ry.... 15 lti
S. C. k 1 Ry 2
C. St. 1'.. M. O. Ry. 5 2
U. fi M. R. R. R 13 S 1 28
c, b. & q. Ry i i
C, R. 1. & P., enst.... 2 4
C, R. I. Ac l' west 1
Illinois Central 3 1
lotal receipts 51 34 21 33
The dlsnosltlon of tho day's receipts wa
as follows, tacit buyer purchasing the num
ner of bead Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha Packing Co...
Swltt and Company.,
uudahy Packing Co..
Armour & Co
R. Decker &. Degau..
J. L. Carey
A. S. Mawhlnney
S. & S
171 77 47
419 71S 1.-443
Ul 33S 1,199
213 900 2,299
Other buyers
1,050 2,533 5.673
CATTLE Thero was a light run of cattle
nerc touuy, as tne receipts above win snow
Good cattle, were In active demand, sn 1
wus not long before tho yards wer cleared
or that class of stock.
Packers all seemed to want the good to
choice heavyweight beef steers this morn
ing, and they started out and bid ful.y
steady prices for them. They began moving
toward uie seines nt an eariy nour, unu
were soon all out of first hands. As hlg.i
as $5.70 was paid, which was fully us much
as uie siimu Kind ot came soio ior iasi
week. The common und half fat stuff was
of course, neglected today, the same us
usual, and packers did nut seem to care
whether they got any of that kind of stuff
or not. Sellers, for ihut reason, found the
market very slow on anything on tho com-
monisn order, out still tne prices pain uiu
not look so much different from those In
force last week.
There were scarcely enough cows ana
heifers In the yards today to make a test
oi tne innrKci. tho ueticr graues were
In good demand ut fully steady prices,
while the common stuff was neglected and
sold unevenly, tho same us hns been the
case all alonir.
nuns, calves and stags cnangeu nanus nc
orhnl InnlnH tr. ht. nrn nt tfn 1 1 v utpnjlv tirlpes
Tncre wero omv a iow siocKers unu iceu-
crs In the yards today, and tne cattle
showing weight and quality were picked
up at stendy to stronger prices. There
wns no Improvement, however, In the de
mand, nor In the prices paid, for the le
desirable grades, und particularly for the
lightweight sturr. ltepreseniauve sales
UJSlif st Julius
No. Av. l'r. No. Av. IT.
1 SJO 4 00 S 1091 S 20
1 1GC4 4 13 S 1125 5 25
11 10U 4 :.' 6 1136 I 25
10 1052 4 : 19 1297 I 31
2 843 4 Co 3S 1292 5 39
33 1037 4 60 31 1329 5 23
1 1110 4 SO 39 11S1 5 40
20 9,3 4 60 12 1203 C 4)
49 OSS 4 70 23 1331 & 43
2 12M 4 73 24 1230 5 43
30 1033 4 SS 40 1373 6 35
1G 1129 4 90 29 1420 & fO
20 1331 4 93 1 1440 3 CO
33 1015 4 93 21 1459 & 70
C? 1210 S 10
....1063 I fO
....1211 4 95
.... 003
.... 783
.... 700
.... "30
.... S30
.... 606
.... 003
2 M
... 880
... 970
... 960
... 961
... 970
3 25
3 25
3 45
3 45
3 ro
3 IS
3 li
2 .'.5
3 35
3 70
3 75
3 SO
3 90
4 10
4 20
: :s
2 73
2 75
2 73
2 73
2 75
3 to
2 t0
3 00
3 00
3 25
3 T.5
3 23
3 25
3 25
2... i
3 25 3
3 30 2
3 t0
3 60
4 JO
16 ,
1 13S0 2 f5 1 mO 3 35
2 12', 3 1) 1 1330 3 13
1 17C0 3 CO 1 1020 4 00
1 1C00 3 M 6 1640 4 15
1 1430 3 85 1 1370 4 13
1 13S0 3 S3 1 1004 4 23
. 170 5 ?o 3 134 3 75
18 13M 4 10 1 1C20 5 (0
2 745 3 !0 2 923 3 75
32 743 3 23 26 92.. 4 13
HOGS There wus a very Ilcht run of
hogs here today and the mnrket opened
nignei. ino ouik ot tne hoax uniri
nt $5.fe2V4 and $5.d5. Packers seemed to want
a ruw nogs ann as 11 result 11 wns not
long beforo the bulk of tho offerings was
out of first hands. Along toward the last
end, however, Chicago was reported weak,
and for that reason the close nt this point
wns hardly as good. Sellers were Holding
for the morning bids, so that the close was
little slow and weiiK. Tno ucritivelchts
sold from Jo.KVi down, but anything at nil
good In the morning would bring liMV, and
No. AV. 8h IT. No. Av. Sh. IT.
HI 197 1G 5 fO 20 257 fO 5(21(1
M 179 120 S M Kl 244 ... S J5
86 HO 120 8 M 73 23C 40 6 "8
71 229 1 20 3 824 M 223 ... 5 Hi
70 216 120 5 K2i 31 3M 100 5 K
SO 219 120 5 h2Hi C2 245 80 3 ,V.
63 2(3 SO 3 3$, 67 23S 2R0 3 fS
r1 209 ... S S3'.i 37 231 fO 5 H
77 221 210 6 524 71 231 240 5 M
78 210 ... Sf2' C3 2(6 80 5 S5
59 225 ... 5 f2 76 229 SO IIS
f.9 ISS . . 5 f2i a 272 SO 5 85
111 230 P)0 6 f2H 77 200 120 & V
73 23.1 Ml 5 if, fl 2'.9 SO 5
67 230 . . 5 S2i 77 224 10 I K5
f.3 m SO 3 Si S8 203 I2n 6 ?6
76 227 ... S .2'i 64 2U 200 3 1
U 27.1 . . 5 1Vi
SHEEP-There was the heaviest run of
sheep here today thnt has nrrlver In i-everal
weeks, but the demand on the part of
puckers was fully equal to the occuslon.
They started In early and bought up every
thing offered at spoil steady prices. With
the cxceptlo.i of about one cur of f.d
yearlings, which sold nt $3.40, nearly every,
thing was grass stuff. Grass lambs --old
as high as $l., and grass wethers reached
$3.20, nnd ewes J2.i5. Taking everything
Into consideration It was 11 good, steady
and nctlve market all around.
Quotations: i-lioien wethers,
$3,25(73.40; ,
fatr to good wethers, $3.10fi3.:5; cho ce evces,
$2.fn2.9i); fair to cood, $2,2512.60; choice
spring lambs. $l.50f4,75: fair to good spring
lambs, $I.2jH4.50; feeder wethert. $2,75'
3.0), feeder lambs, $3 2o(4fO. Rf.rf scnta
tlvo siile.:
No. . .M. l'r.
bUCKS !) Jl V)
buck no i go
Idaho rrass ewps., joi 2
Idaho crass ewes 100 2 75
cull wetners r.l 2 go
cull wctherJ B7 0
grass wethers 70 3 10
grass wethers 76 3 10
"rnss wethers 73 .1 m
Idaho (;rass wethers , pr, 3 jj
(53 Idaho uracil wethers li7 z
a 15
3 15
3 15
3 15
3 15
3 20
3 40
2 75
3 20
3 20
4 65
4 10
4 8
Finn to Slim-Hun f.trnl
Sheep Active.
CHICAGO. 111., July 8. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 22.0m) head. Including 1,400 head
Texalis, Good to choice cattle Ilrm, others
slow; butchers' stock steady to slow;
Icxnns stendy, except rnuners; good to
prime steers, $5,20i't;.l0; poor to medium,
flfln.10; stockers and feeders, wenk, $2,35V
4. Iii; cows, S2.Mi4.5j; heifers, $2 5"'m.90; win
ners. $2ju'.ij, bulls, iholce ilrm, .-Ihers slow,
J." KtJN oil, calves, olow, $I.J..i(rt.2.; TeMis
steers, $.J.4."i5.2o; Texas bulls. ji.&nM.SU.
HOGS Hi'i'.-ii tM today. .s.Ko tomor-
SHI0i.i AND I .A t ll.t!,.,.,,.tc
III iltl i
lead; sheep and lambs. Hie higher, active;
('alio raiiLiu lanihM. uti t. r, 'io i.
ell.) ee wuthern. $.1 10n 1 1 : 1..
unxeiii .i'(i.u,.i; western slicep. $3.;iSil.l5;
yearlings. U.Mj I .Si, native lambs. $!'!iu.25;
western minus, $3.755.30.
.w York Live Stock Mnrket,
NEW YORK, July S.-UEEVKS-Recelpli,
4,3:7 hend; 3o curs on sale; active; prices
steady to shnda higher: steers. $l.5nfci,.s:,:
slags, $1.75; bulls. $33(1; cows. J2fll. Cables
quoted live cuttle steady ut 10Hl2c per
pound; sheep easier. Shipments today. 121
cattle, tomorrow. i72 entile, 1,570 sheep nnd
4,tVi quarters of beef
CALVES- Receipts, 2.3CI; nctlve for nil
sorts; veals opened $1 higher, some late
sales $1.2.1 higher: buttermilks, 75c higher;
few unsold; veals, $KU;.5o; buttermilks,
5- i,'fJ3.
SHEEP AND LAMUS-Recelpts. 9.S27
head; Ki earn on sale; market brisk on
. . oiievi". jec in .nc nignei, lamus,
! r. lti. !.... .... . I . ...... I .n.. 1 1111 iuii Kiiiiiun, nnnil KulUvS,
to Ji higher; sheep, $l((il.40; lambs, $M(7;
culls, jl.i.vm.50; few yearlings. $4.50.
IIOOS-Recelpts. 6,W7 hem); 2j cars on
sale, market 2oc higher; western hogs, or
dinary, $6.15; statu hogs, $.45ac.55.
Kuimus city l.lrr .stook Mnrket.
KANSAS CITY. July S.-CATTLE-Ro-eclpts.
S.1UO head natives. 3,S0i) head Texans,
lw head calves; mnrket generally steady,
a few Inferior grades shade lower: choice
dressed beef steers. $5Hj5.80; good. $l.8jf
5; stackers and feeders, $3.40fc4.75; western
Pd Hteers, $4.50((5C.50; Texans and Indians,
$44.f); Texas grass steers, $3Hj4; cows, $:.S5
4p4.2o: heifers. $3fi4.90; canners, $1.75ff2.75;
mm. 4.ujiu i,iu; calves. Mit.
Ply; iitilck market; strong prices; Inmbs,
Jli'Wl'5.10! wethers. $3.Wif3.90; yearlings,
f. """i -; icxas grass sneep
St. Louis Live Stork Mnrket
ST. LOUIS. July 8. CATTLE Rccolpfs,
6.1OO head, Including 3.000 head Texans; mnr
ket steady to a shade lower; nutlvo ship
ping and export steers. Jl.tsifG; dressed beof
nnd butcher steers, $4 J'3.75; steers, under
l.ouo pounds, $3,494(4.75: stockers and feeders,
$2. 1 011(4.50: cows and heifers, $2Jf4.SO; can
ners. $1.2$J2.S5; bulls. $2.25Q4,75; Texas and
Indian steers, $2.75 1.85; cows and heifers,
HOOS Recelnts. E.10D brail? mnrlnf inu-
steady; pigs nnd lights, $3.7Sf?5.S5; packers,
$5.Tuj!"f.90; butchers', $.".90((i;.12.
SHEEP Receipts. 1.20U head! murWnt
strong and active; native muttons, $3.5(W
3.2o; lambs. $; culls and bucks, $2J3;
St. Jonepli Live Stock Mnrkrt.
Receipts, 2,90j bend; murket steady to 10c
lower: natives. $4.40i7l.l."! enwu nml tinif..,-u
$1.5005.10; bulls and stags. $2.7o1?-3.10; stock
ers and feeders. .73iri.4.An; m r.rv.?e.
1 1 i. 1 . . . . , : . . ' . 1.
iiuun iicceipis. ;i,ais neno; marKet strong
to 5c higher: Ilcbt and llfht mlv.l t: rn
ijjo., , iiii-uiuiii unu nenvy, j.VafrB.oo: Dies.
$3.9W4.9(i; bulk, $5.7&nfl,90. '". I"B.
oaiiiii iicceipis, .'i ncad; market firm.
Stock In
The followlnir tnhln shnivs thn rrmlnii nf
cattle, hogs and sheep at the four principal
live stock markets July 8:
South Omaha. 1.00s
Chicago .22,000
Kansas City 8,l00
St. Louis c.700
Totals 37.t$ 42,946 28,174
Wool Murket.
LONDON. Julv 8. Thn nfferlnss n.t h
wool auction sales fnrlnv numh.irel 14 Ml
bales. There was keen competition for
cross breds and merinos. Cano of Good
Hopo and Natal sold freely. American
buyers purchased superior merinos and
medium irrensv cross breds. A eonri hnmn
and continental demand prevailed. Follow
ing are tno sales in detail:
New South Wales. 4.9ifl hnlenr nnnirril.
4dfTls 3Wd: creasv. SdGMOHd.
Queensland. 1.4U0 bnles: scoured. 1- imi
5d: creasi-. (Aidfrod.
Victoria, l.fwo bales; scoured. 3d(Bls 4d:
greasy. 4HdSflld.
South Australian. 500 bales; scoured, 4VJd
ffls Id; greasy. WSSHd.
wesi Australia, 100 Dales; greasy, 3)4d
Tasmania, 400 bales; scoured. Is Id:
greasy, 4d(BllUd.
isew iieaiand, 4.700 Poles; scoured. 3d
Hd; greasy, lVjdSd.
Cape of Good Hope and Natal. 600 bales;
coured, 7d(gls Id; greasy, 44d7d.
Oil nnd Rosin.
OIL CITY. Pa".. Julv 8 OIT.S Credit
balances, $1.00; certificates, no hid or offer
ing; runs, three duys. 240,502 bbls.: aver
age. 83,527 bbls.: shlnmrnts. three ilavs. bbls.; nverage, 96,612 bbls.
NEW YORK. July 8.-OILS-Cottonseed
oil. stendy; prlmo crude, nominal: nrime
yellow. 38c. Petroleum, nulet! reflnml
. AA, I , J , . 1 , . . . . . . '
":a:l iiiniueipnia una tsnnimore, r.sf:
l'niinriciphla and Baltimore in bulk, $4.30.
Rosin, steady: strained, common tn miui.
$1.45. Turpentine firm at 36V437c.
LIVERPOOL, July S.-OILR-Linseed oil,
34c 3d.
SAVANNAH, (la.. Julv rTT.RSnlrlta
of turpentine, firm at 34ic. Rosin, firm
nu uucnangca.
CHARLESTON, ft f?.. .Tuiv 8 nn a
Turpentine, firm nt 32!.ic. Rosin, firm and
LONDON, July 8. OILS-Llnsoed, 23s Gd.
Turpentine spirits, 70s uV4d.
Krniinrnteil nnd Pried Fruit.
APPLES While thero was some Improve
ment In demand, tho mnrket for dried
fruits showed no chnne of Imnortnnee.
Quotations follow: Stnto, common to good,
;iV4c5(.)c; prime, bwusc; cnoleo, md'Ao;
fancy, GVMf7c.
with a fair scattering demand; quotations
follow: Prunes. W.diUKa ner lh.. nn in
size and quality; apricots, Royal, 8ff("12c;
Moor park, 7H'i?12c; peaches, peeled, Mf
12o; unpeeled, iVrflOc.
SiiKiir Mnrkrt,
NEAV ORLEANS, La., July 8.-SUOAR-Qulet;
open kettle. 3 3-UV0"'4c; opon kettle
centrifugal, 31-IV4c; centrlfugul yellow,
4V.i?i-ls,4c; seconds, 2Sfflc. Molasses, dull;
centrlfugnl. 7ftl5c.
NEW YORK. July S.-SUGAR-Raw. nom
lnnl; fair refining, 3 9-16c; centrlfugnl, 90
test, 4 7-32c; molasses sugar, 3 6-16c; refined,
firm; crushed. Co; powdered, 5.60c: granu
lated, 6.50c. Molasses, steady; Now Or
leans, open kettle, good to choice, 3Mf 12c.
Visible Supply of Griilu.
NEW YORK, July 8.-The visible supply
of grain Saturday, July 6, ns compiled by
the New York Produce exchange, Is ns
follows: Wheat, 29.CSS.000 bu., decrease,
1,105,000 bu.; corn. Il,3i2,0(i0 bu., decrease,
7Sii,0o0 bu.; oats, 9,19,COO till., decrease, 1,
6S2.00D b'j.j.rye, 509.OJ0 bu decrease, 110,000
bu.; barley, 393,000 bu decrease, 41,000 bu.
imt York Ilrj- Goods .Murket.
week opens with 11 quiet mnrket In ull dc.
nnrtniMnll nt rlrv i.nnilu llnril'i. lirnu'll
cnitons and coarse colored goods show
chaiiKC, but some medium srades of
bleached have advanced 4c. nnd low Grades
c per yard. Print cloths nro Inuctlva
rnwiRn n
210 Idaho grass wethers ,.
675 Idaho grass wethers
25 Idaho grass wctll and yrlgs,
2M Idaho crnKf weth. and yrlgs.
679 Idaho grass weth. and yrlus.
325 Idaho wethers
100 fed yearlings ,5,,
6 Idaho grass ewes. . ..... .......
1 buck
116 Idaho grass lambs.............
221 Idaho grass lamb's
4iZl Idaho grass lambs
1!2 Idaho crass lambs
row, ir.hjv UH..11 csiimaie.i; leri over, i.okj
head. Steady; top, ftl.lj; mixed and
butchers, J.V.ei0.K. good to e'.inlce heavy,
Jf..S'(it!.l5; rough heavy. $... Tints. SO ; light.
$jiM-!i.); b.llk of sales. .Sfi ..!.-.
iiyuD-ziecciiHs, neau; mnrliet strong
to i 5c higher; ton, $'V4; bulk of sales, $:..i.i
f0.9i; heavy. $5.WKf(6.02W; mixed packers,
$o.f.oi(...&o; light, $5.70((; pigs, $5y5.r-,.
SllKEP-lleofdiil. i .inn hiA- .moll
Your bu.l, ll.l,.a Ctorraji-ndaa- I..U.J. InhlairViStStSmk
I'rlrau Ulr.. I. nil Ima.rl.iii l.l,u ., W raU "H, on '"
antl unchnngeM. Prints In quiet demand
nnd ilrm. Olughnms also Ilrm. White
goods In steady request for season of 1902,
I Condition of the Tremors-.
I WASHINGTON, July S.'-Today's state
ment of the trensury balances in tho gen
eral fund, exclusive of the $lfo,ooo, gold
reservo In the division of redemption,
shows; Available cash balances, $17S,S1I.
4'H); i?o!d, $101,469,D7C.
I Wool
ST Lnt:is. Julv S.-WOOr-Quiet:
steady; medium grades, llj17o; light fine,
n.?',,ci r"v' "!'. 9llc; tub washed, 1
llnniui unit Others Meet In Mor
KRn's Ottlre to Cnnslilor Pro
P 0 neil Consolidation.
July S. -Sennlor ltauna,
rrcsldent Cnss.ttt of the lVnnsylvimla rail
road and C. A C.riscom of tho American
line cnlled at the oltlce of J. 1'. Morgan &
Co. today. Senator II anna said that ho
called simply to pay his respects to Mr.
Morgan and thfit no conference was held
concerning the reported coal combination.
It was said In Wall street that no formal
coiisoiuiaiion 01 me iiiiutuinnus coal Inter
cbih is imeiy 10 ue announced for soma
months, but that there Is a movetnont In
that direction.
Tho Mall and Express says It Is likely
that tno railroads which haul bituminous
coal will divide the control of tho mines
among themselves Just nn lias been dono
lately In thu nuhracltc regions of I'cmmyl
. v,ni. "
Tliiiiugli tSeiieioslty Her Mler-ln-I.imv
Declines to Tnlir One
llnlf the I'lirlune.
CINCINNATI. July 8. Mrs. Philip
mour of Clilcngo through her attornoy
day declined to take one-half of thn estate
or her brother, Frank Ogden, who died re
cently in Cincinnati. Mr. Ogden left an
estate which by his will was to bo equally
divided between his wife nnd his tdster,
Mrs. Armour, tty tho latter's generosity
the whole estate will go to tho widow.
If your brain won't work rli?ht nnd you
miss tho snap, vim and energy that was
onco yours, you should tako Prickly Ash
Rlttcrs. It cleanses the system nnd In
vigorates both body and brain.
INSTRUMENTS filed for record Monday.
July 8, 1901:
Wnrrnnty Herds.
K. C. Rarton et nl to O. ,C. Rnrton,
ots 21 nnd 22, block 4, Orehnrd Hill;
lots fi. 7 und S, Hart's sub $ 1
L. C. Graham and husband to Uenja-
mln Jones, lot 11 and e 6 feet lot 10,
block 15 Walnut Hill 1,750
William Hrown and wife to Michael
Maloncy. w AC feet lots C nnd 7, block
8, Cote nrllllante 100
II. D. Reed nnd wife to W. L. Selby,
lot 8. block 3, Shcrldnn Place 1
J. R. Tlngley to same, lot 1, block UC.
Dundee Place 2S0
v. A. smith nfcifwlfe to H. D. Trons
et nl. lots 9 iifcil 12, Grlmn ft S.'s add 1
H. A. Oolrlch to same, lots 1 und 2,
block 8, Redlck's sub of J. I. Red
Ick's ndd 1
Same to same, lot 12 and accretions
to government lot 1 In 12-15-13 and
other property 1
J. P. Sackott nnd wife to C. A. Hogle
et nl, lot 29. block II. Orchard Hill..
"W. O. Gilbert to A. D. Delaware, lot
2, block 1. Hoggs f. H.'h ndd
Omaha Realty company to Minnie
Hoye, lot 18, block 20. Wilcox's 2d
J. W. Gnrmong to Sophia Gnrmong,
e SO feet lot 1, block C, Hnnscom
L. P. Smiley to E. J. Ilonner. sU lot
32. Clark's add
South Omaha Savlncs bank to Mary
Stybor, lot 22. block 3.. Potter & C.'s
Cathnc Toft to H. 13. Prentzcl. sub
lot 5 In tax lot 17 In 22-15-13.,
R. R. Heller nnd husband to E. R.
Duffle, lot 6, block 16. llunfcom Place
G. W. Smith to Jennie D. Lyman, lot
1 nnd 2, block 14, Highland Place....
Sheriff to E. M. Wlllard, lots 9 and
10. block 24. Walnut Hlfl ....
Master In chancery to J. 8. llrynnt,
lots 1 to 4 nnd 20 to 24, block 2, Moe's
Total amount of transfers..
Summer Specials
$OC75 Buffalo and
u return, daily.
$1 50 St. Louis and re
1 turn, ?3" aW'1'
Homeseekers' Excursions
On Bale first and third Tuesday each month.
Tourist rates on snle daily to nil summer
resorts, nllowing stop at Detroit. Niagara
Falls, Buffalo and othor points. For rates,
Jake trips, Pan-American descriptive mnU
JX, and Information, call nt City Ticket
onice. 1415 Karnam St., (Paxton Hotel
Block) or write Harry E. Moorea. C. P. A
T. A., Omaha. Neb.
ITi Big a for unnatural
Irritation, or lcrrtlou
coi w luiniun.. . of mucuua meirbrsnu
rretlnu OouUilaa- r.lulffjiji. and nnl jialrln
iTHEEvi-sCHt.ftiiOo. ffat or no'ouuui.
I " my nruKsta
acirtnt Id pUIn wrsppwr.
ll.on. or S bottle), $1K
QtrcuUr nt on iVjiii'.
f (1 n 1 1. cri E 11 IP...
Bsmtt. aovioe. sninple and book. .
Dr. U. J. Kay, Saratoga, N.Y. V
imniniir naguitior, sit ana surt, Niver
Fall. OruoiiaU er a Mall. Prlc, 12
Sandlnr Wuman's Siltouard ((raa).
WILCOX MED. CO.. 328 N. 15th St.. Hklla.. P.
old by Bhannan It ldcOvonall Drutr Oav
ifliuur 1 0.111.
Boyd Commission Co
Buccessors to James K, Doyd ft Ca.,
Iluf.r2 of Trade tlalldlnic.
Direct wlrss to Chlcnco and New Teh.
jnei;iondence. Juhn A Wan on ti Co.
Mouey Will Kuril Illtc .Montlil, luturii.
ino invesior a i und I'ays Scml-ilonthly.
The o uust estn 1 nlieii in .1 '"if
frltnoaln.lml.lj.r V,- i.." - "'"V "
tnents made 10 nil subscribers every 15
! da7s-J No fouule. No delay. Money
refunded on demund, Write today tor
particular, freo to any address.
1 V, Ii. MACIvHk .t CO.,
Mud. 011 llullilliiaT, fter Vatic,
RENOVATOR Invigorates nndreooTntej the
mtem: purines and enricbes the blood; euro,
tho worst dyapepsln, conntlputlon. hnndaehe..
liver ana nilneTS. 26onndl .