Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Davit cells drugs.
fitockert sells lace curtains.
Williams mnkc SI photos for 12.
Fine A li O beer, Neutnayer's hotel.
Victor heater. Blxby tt Bon. amenta.
Wollmuri. scientific optician. 400 ll'way.
C. K. Alexander & Co., pictures and
frames. Tel. 366.
Wanted-"! bcrryplckcrs at 131 taat
Ilromlwny at 7 a. m.
The regular meeting of Excelsior Masonic
lode will lie this evening.
V. K. Oraft. undertaker and dl-lnfccter,
101 Bouth Main street. Thone V.
Get your, work done at the popular EatfU
laundry. 2 Hroadwny. 'I'hone 157.
Wanted, hoy with horse, for carrier on
Ilei route. Apply ut ofllco, 10 fenrl street.
The rcKiilar mecUng of tthe Hetall Clerks'
union will bo held this evening In Labor
Mrs. U. K. UnKey and daughter. Tulare,
left ymterday for a. visit with friends at
lllnlr, Neb.
Miss Zarn of Leavenworth. Kan.. Is vis
iting her aunt, Mrs. George Oerner of
Olcn avenue.
City Clerk I'hllllps was back at his olllce
yesterday, feeling much Improved from his
recent Illness cnutcd by the heat.
CoOnty Attorney Klllpuclt, accompanied
by his wife and daughter, left yesterday for
a week'H visit with relatives at Harlan, in.
Mlssea driice Oadd and Jessie Scott of
Cornlnit. la., arf guests of the Mljwj
Kmma and Klsle Crjwdson of North Hrst
Miss Trances Wright of the kindergarten
department of the rlty schools will leavo
today to spend tho summer anions the
Colorado mountain resorts,
Miss I Initio Furrier of tho city schools
and MImh Human! of Atlantic, ta.. left
yesterday for California, where they will
spend tho summer vacation,
A motion on behalf of the plaintiff for a
new trial In the suit of M. J. lllgslns
against tho flmlth Itcllnlng company was
Hied In the superior court yesterday.
M. T. DrHsbnch, local manager of tho
Urn nil L'nlon Ten company, loft last even
Ing.for Denver, Colorado HprlngH, Salt Iike
City and other polntu on ti vacation trip.
nmrleh T. Officer, administrator of tho
estate of his father, Thomas Officer, Hied a
supplementary report In the district court
yesterday approving claims aggregating
over JloJ.Cn.U of creditors of tho dertinot
bank of which Thomim Oillcer was tho
senior rnetnbcr.
Tho ease against John lllatt, charged
with shooting holes through tho windows of
the olllce of the Frelo rrew on Main
street, was dismissed In police court yes
terday on payment of tho costs by tho do
fendnnt, who, while denying his guilt, de
elded It wiim cheaper to do this than om
ploy uu attorney to defund him.
An Information wan tiled yesterday he
ioro Judge Ayleaworth charging Jake, and
Nato Hetllera with assault and battery
on Jtlllu Culver, n little girl. Julia and her
two elder sisters attended Kpworth Meth
odist clurch Hunduy uvenlng and nfter
the service tho IlcthcrH boys Insisted on
accompanying them homo. The girls pro
tested nml In a sculllo that ensued tho
youngest was, It Is charged, roughly han
dled by the two Ilethers.
Olo Ooldberg of 1317 Third avenue wns
lined $5 nnd costs In pollco court yesterday
on complaint of his wife. According to
Mrs. Goldberg, her husband had sold his
Suuday-go-to-mectlnt; clothes, most of her
wearing apparel and tho greater part of
au potatoes from their garden to secure
money for drinks. Goldberg said ho hurt
simply hid his wife's clothes to prevent
her going to a dance. Judge Ayleswurth
ordered Ooldberg to produco and rcstoro
to his wife her clothes.
13 road way at the Junction of I'earl street
is almost blockaded by the operations of
the motor company, which Is replacing Its
rail and switches with heavier steel. Tho
paving between the tracks In torn up for
the distance of half a block and there la
barely room for teams to pass on the
north side. Tho south side of the Btrect
la complouly. blockaded, All cars to Lake
Manawa are being run via the Oak street
loop. Tho company expects to complete
tho laying; of tho nw rails at this point
Thomas p. Itejcap of Omaha nnd Maude
M. Jeffries Of. Lies' Moines were married
yesterday afternoon In the office of the
cierx or. me unmet court by nav. John Y.
Altchlson. During tho coremony a friend
of the brldo was takon suddenly' 111 and
Deputy Clerk Balrd waa called upon to
administer ouch relief as was nvallablo.
Tho young woman, who wn evidently suf
ferlnir from the efforts or th hn n,n .
cltement. recovered sufficiently after a
nun wnne io oe note to take tho car
back to Omaha.
I'ddle Powells, thn runnwnv Inrflnn ln.1
from tho Oneida rpanrvntlnn nf nmn rinv-
Wis., was turned loose by tho police yester
day. Eddie said he would try to reach
tho reservation ft Kansas City, where he
had a aweotheiirt, n full-blooded young In
dian squaw named -Elsie Heels. Uefore
Uavlng Eddie took the precaution to get a
lettor from Chief Albro. stating that the
agent at the Oneida reservation did not
want him back When last seen the boy
who making trncks for tho Burlington
yards, where h said he hoped to board a
freight for Kansas .City.
N. Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 230,
llenl IXate Transfer.
Thcso transfers were filed yesterday In
tho abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Mads C. Nlelson to Christen Nielsen,
lot 10. block 9, Meredith's add to
Avocn, wd I 225
II. I), llarlc and wife to W. P. Cnbler,
lot 14. block G, Jeffries' sub, wd 1160
J. I.. Iljorkman and wife to Karatl
lljorknuiii. lot 10, block 9, Village of
Underwood, wd 300
Silas Lotto and wife to K. J. Day, part
of lot 3, block 9, Eubnnk's 2d add, 2C. 20
Total four transfers $1,693
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed .were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Name nnd Itesldence An
William Clark. Omaha .39
Mary Bowman, Cincinnati, 0 26
Thomas F. Began, Omaha n
Maud M. Jeffries, Des Moines, la, jg
Eye -Glass
Your physician may dislike to
toll .you where to go for your
glasses, but wo know he will feel
satisfied If you com to us.
We feel complimented In that
we enjoy the contldeuco and good
wi'i or evey reputaoie pnysician
In this locality.
After n trial of our glasses and
our methus we shall expect to
enjoy your vontldcnce to an equal
Graduate Optician,
IMA BIIOADWAY - - Council UluRa.
Iowa Steam Dye Works
301 Hroadwuy.
Make youi old clothes look tike new,
CUinlng, Dyeing and Repairing.
Funsral director
(Successor to W. C. Batep)
88 PGAHL STUICKT. 'fhaa 07,
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. Jamea N, Caiady. Jr.,
U4 Main St., Council Bluff.
Oily HoHcitor FrtptrM Petition Asking tbt
Otnrt to let.
Resolution for Itrfnmlliifr Kilty Tlion-
nnd Dollar In lit, ml a ta I.nlil
Over In nn HfTort to .Secure
n Lower Ittatc
At tho meeting of the city council last
night City Solicitor Wads worth wns called
upon to glvo his opinion as to the status
of the Lock damage suit nnd settlement.
He stated that hi) hall prepared a petition
arlilng tho court to sot asldo the Judgment,
but declined to make public tho grounds
on which ho bnscd the petition before It was
filed, as he was sure that litigation would
result. Ho declined to expresH uny opinion
nt that tlmo as to the validity of the
mayor's veto.
The city council decided to retain all tho
electric light towers, believing that a
greater area could he Illuminated by them
than by placing the lamps at street Inter
sections. Some of tho aldermen were In
favor of dispensing with the tower on the
courthouse, but'the majority decided on Its
retention. The electric light company was
Instructed to Install the new lamps on the
towers as soon as possible.
At the request of Manager Nichols tho
light company was allowed half tlmo for
the towers which have been left dark at
the orders of tho city council pending the
testing of tho towers at Onklnnd avenue
and Fifth avenue and Twenty-first street,
this allowance to cense on July 15 if the
tower lights are not Installed by that date.
Considerable discussion' was had over the
method of tho motor company In relaying
tho granite paving between Iti tracks and
ono foot outside- and Alderman Brown en
doavorcd to have the council Instruct the
engineer to notify tb company to relay tho
blocks on the edgo Instead of flat, as It
is now doing. Ills motion, however, failed
to carry, as the opinion of the majority
of tho aldermen wns that a more even pav
ing was secured by tho blocks bolng laid
flat and that it was equally serviceable and
Tho city engineer was authorized to ar
range with tho motor company to lay, nt
Ita expense, nrtlflclnl ntono crossings at
tho Intersection of Pearl nnd Broadway In
exchange for the gran I to paving blocks
Arc lights were ordorcd Installed at
Eighteenth nvenuo nnd Eleventh street and
Twenty-llrst avenue and Ninth street. At
the suggestion of Alderman Lovott the
electric light company was ordered to re
port dally to tho city clerk nnd the chlof
of police the installation of new lamps
so that tho patrolmen can watch the out
age. Tho resolution providing for the refund
ing of $50,000 Intersection paving nnd grad
ing bonds was laid over again for another
week at the suggestion of Alderman Bnyer,
who gave , It, as his , opinion that tho bond's
could be refunded 'at a lower rate than 414
per cent Interest
The final resolution1 making the assess
,ment for the paving on Seventh and Sixth
avenues bstween Main and Sixth streets
was passed.
Alderman Boyer's ordinance making a
boulevard out of Avenue B between Thlr
teenth and Thirty-seventh streets was read
a second tlmo and then laid over under the
G. F. Spooner presented a petition ask
Ing that the paving on Glen avenue be
changed from two courses of brick to con
croto base with top of vitrified brick. He
explained that alt the property owners In
terested, except two, had signed the petl
tlon and that an arrangement had boon
reached with the contractor, who wns will
ing to permit tho change for an additional
charge ot 10 cents a yard. Action on the
petition was postponed for one week to en
ablo the city attorney to Investigate and
report as to the sufficiency of the petition.
A petition from residents on' Avenue C
asking that the width ot that thorough
fare between Thirty-second nnd Thirty-
seventh streets be changed from seventy to
sixty feet was referred to the committee
on streets and alleys and the city engi
neer. in a communication J. V. Sadowakl noti
fied tho council that on July 3 last be had
been Injured by a fall caused by a defective
sidewalk on Seventeenth street between
Fourth and Fifth avenues, tor, which he
expected the city to pay hlra $500. The
communication waa referred to the Judi
ciary committee.
Tho resolution providing for the grading
of Avenue H between Eighth and Tenth
streets and Ninth and Tenth streets be
tween Avenues G and H was adopted.
Pay Now
And save 6 per cent on quarterly water
bills. Office open Monday and Wednesday
until 9 p. ra.
Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, B41 Brosd'y.
Knm for Bnnk'ii Creditor.
John M. Oalvin, as special' administrator
of tho Thomas Officer estate, began suit In
the district court yesterday against Julia
R. Officer, Receivers Bereshelra and Murphy
of the Offlcor &. Pusey bank and the Emp-kle-Bhtigart
company to recover Into the
Ofnctr estate and for the benefit of Its
creditors 120 shares In the Empkle-Shugnrt
company of the par value of $100 each,
which are claimed by Miss Officer as her
The petition covers much the same ground
as was contained In the report flled a few
days ago by Mr. Oalvin when be was au
thorized by Judge Wheeler to bring suit
as special administrator. In tt thn court
Is asked that Miss Officer be restrained
from selling, atelgnlng, transferrin or In
any. way disposing of tho 120 shares of
stock and that the Empkle-Shugnrt com
pany be enjoined from transferring the
stock to anyone else and that at the close
of the case, If the court finds that the
stock is not the property of MIsb Officer,
the Empkle-Shugnrt company be or
dered to transfer on Its books the stock to
the administrator of the Thomas Officer es
tate. Funeral of Dnvld DrVol.
The funeral of David DeVol, one of the
pioneer business men nf this city, oc
curred yesterday afternoon from the family
residence an South First street nnd was
attended by a largo gathering of relatives
and friends ot the deceased. The floral
tributes wero many and beautiful. Rev.
W. S. Barnes, pnetor of tbo First Presby
terian church, conduced the service and
burial was In Falrvlsw cemetery. These
were the pallbearers: Charles Green,
Louis Green, William Green, George Green,
Paul DeVol and William Roy DeVol.
Look I, Ike Amatenr Counterfeiter.
The counterfeiting outfit found In a cu'
vert under the tracks of the Omaha & S
Louis railroad waa turned over yesterday
by the police to Secret Service Officer
Webb. Mr. Webb gave It as his opinion
that the outfit belonged to amateurs in
the business who had started out to coin
bogus dollars and half dollars, but had be
come scared. He oald that profeislonn!
counterfeiters would never have started out
to make the coins with Babbitt metal atone.
The police have been unable to nnd whore
the ladle and clamp were purchased.
Mbrnry Trustees Aim to Provide
Hnol llint Slinll Benefit
thn Mind.
Millard F. nohror wns unanimously re
elected president at the annual meeting
yesterday afternoon of tho Board of Public
Library Trustees. Mrs. Mary E. Dallcy's
services were rewarded with an unanimous
re-elcctlon ns librarian as wero her two
assistants, Miss M. B. Sherman and Mrs.
B. K." Black. President llohrer said he
would announce tho standing committees
for the ensuing year at tho next meeting.
Mrs, Dalley was also re-olccted secretary
of tho board.
Tho tax levy for tho maintenance of tho
library was fixed at 1 mill on the dollar
of tho assessed valuation, this being the
limit allowed undir the law now that
Council Bluffs takes rank with cities hav
ing n population of 25,000 and over. Previ
ous to the recent census when this city
did not enjoy tho distinction of having
a population up to the 23,000 mark the
board was at liberty to levy up to 2 mills
to maintain tho library, but with the In
crease of population this Is now cut down
to 1 mill.
The reduction In the levy for 1P01 will
materially reduco tho Income of the library
and will be barely sufficient to pay run
ning expenses without leaving any margin
for the purchase of new books. Tho
levy for 1900 was 1V4 mills, from
which tho llbrnry derived an Income of $4,
949 this year. The l-mlll levy for 1901,
which will bo available In 1902, will on an
estimated assessed valuation of $3,715,391
bring In $3,715.33. a decrease ot $1,234.09.
At the Jauunry session nf the trustees
It was decided to levy 3 mills toward
creating a fund for the purchase ot a site
and the erection of n building for thn
library. This lovy was certified up to tho
city council at that ttme.
Mrs. Dalley, tho librarian, reported In
formally that tho room recently opened for
small children wns well patronised and
that tho tittlo folks were making free iish
of the books placed specially on the sholves
for their benefit.
The report of the librarian for June gave
these statistics: Number of visitors during
month, 4,467; registered booktnkers, 9,-
530; hooks tnken, 3,574: books In circulating
library. 1S.073: In government denartment. I
5.4C9; money paid for rented books to July
1, $169,39; received to same date for rented
books, $122.46.
The rcnort of the finance committee
sbowed $2,552.34 In the library fund on July 1873 was mauo n 'n'bcr of the capltol com
1. Bills to the amount of $484.6$ wero i mlBiB'on- H WB Bon ner selected ns hu-
audlted and allowed.
Itectnt purchases of books for the library
show that the board Is endeavoring to
raise tho standard and Is not pandering to
the popular demand for fiction of a tight
order. The monthly "reports of the librarian
indicate that three-fourths ot the books
taken by patrons of the llbrnry are fiction.
Talking on this yesterday President Rohror
said: "White tore must provide some Action
for our patrons,, stilt we are endeavoring
to raise the standard and are spending
most of our money for books which will
Improve the mind of the reader.
Davli sell patnu
Fined for Itnllcr-nned I.nnch.
Judge Aylesworth yesterday morning
banded down bis decision In which Ed Rey
nolds waa charged with violating a city or
dinance by conducting a street lunch stand
without paying a license. He hold that the
city had the right to Impose tho license
and fined Reynolds $12 and costs. His at
torney gave notice of appeal.
Reynolds resisted the payment of tho li
cense, which Is $F0 a year, on the grounds
that It was excessive and that the city
bad not the right to tease tta streets (or
tho carrying on of any kind of business.
Pay Now
And save 5 per cent on quarterly water
bills. Office open Monday and Wednesday
until 9 p. m.
Davis sells glass.
Mnmhalltown the Permanent Head
quarter for Central
MARSHALLTOWN, la., July 8. (Special.)
The Central Iowa Spiritualist association,
which has been holding Its annual camp
meeting here, has decided to make this city
permanent headquarter! and will buy a
tract of land near the city limits, where
the annual cnmpmeetlngs will be held. The
association comprises all of central Iowa
people Interested In spiritualism.
fir re tie County Institute Open.
JEFFERSON, la.. July 8. (Special.)
The Greene county teachers' Institute
opened for a two weeks' session this morn
ing. The Institute Is in chargo of Prof.
E. D. Y. Culbertson, late of the Ames
schools, with County Superintendent Wil
liams In general charge, assisted by a
corps of Instructors. The first day's en
rollment reached 160.
(lamt Kxpert It by Acelnmntlou.
JEFFERSON. Ia., July 8. (Special.)
The senatorial conventlcn ot tho representa
tives of the counties of Greeno, Carroll and
Sao will be In this city tomorrow, The
convention Is In the nature of a ratlnca-
tlon meeting and Senator Garst of Carrotl
county will be renominated by acclamation,
he being the only candidate In the held.
Clirl Harm Reported n Sulfide.
SIOUX CITY, la., July 8. (Special Telo-
gram.) TelegTaraa from Ute report that
Chris Harms committed suicide. Harms
wns accused of alienating tho affections of i
tne wile or a prominent citizen ana disap
peared. The telegrams say bis body has
been fully Identified.
Jaynawkerm llnve n lint Time.
TOPEKA, Kan.. July 8.-At 10:30 o'clock
today the weather bureau reported this
mercury as standing at 103 degrees, tho
hottest day of the year. At 2 o'clock It
dropped to 101, with clouds appearing.
The color of seventy years
in your hair? Perhaps you
are seventy, and you like
your gray hair ! If not, use
Ayer's Hair Vigor. In less
than a month your gray hair
vill be rich and dark.
tl. AUfrsffUU. J.t AYE3C0.,UvtU,Mais.
Prsmoten Working Hard for Another
School Farthsr East
Upnnrth LciiKurrn I.eiivi' for 'I'rlsoo
Mexican Money 1'nssert by Swind
lers In Mrverul Towns .v
Corporations Cliiirternl.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, July 8. (tspeclfU.) A de
termined effort Is to bo madu next winter
to have tho legislature establish another
school for the deaf and to locuto tt In
eastern Iowa. DeCourcoy French of Daven
port, a deaf man, who conducts a private
school for the deaf, Is securing signatures
to a petition to the Irglelature to have an
other school established.
In the petition tt Is stated that there
aro upwards of 1,000 deaf persons of school
age In Iowa, many of whom arc In the more
populous eastern counties' ot tho state.
A great number are too poor to pay the
expense of travel to and from tho one
school of thn stute In Council Bluffd and
am consequently deprived of tho privilege
of obtaining nn education. The petition
stntes that of the 1.000 In the state thero
are 300 crowded Into tho school nt Coun
cil Bluffs and the remainder arc not be
ing educated, honce. It Is desirable to es
tablish n school In the eastern part of tho
Prof. French states that ho has about
29,000 signatures to his petition already
and he has visited only the northern part
of the state. Ho obtained about 4,000 sig
natures In a fdw ot tho counties In the
northern tier, about 400 at Sloux City and
COO In and about 'Fort Dodge. He has been
at work on the petitions slncn tho first of
April and will contluim until In August.
There will bo a convention of deaf por
sonu in Dubuque in August, when resolu
tions will be passed favoring a now state
school. The towns favored for location are
Waterloo and Cedar Haplris. The move
ment, however, will he vigorously opposud
by many persons who believe tho one school
IlrnOi of Capitol llulliler.
Kobort S. Flnkblnc, builder of the Iowa
capltol, died nt an tarly hour this morning
from parnly3ls. He had had two similar
attacks before, but of late had been In
comparative good health. On Saturday he
attended the base ball gamo. A few min
utes after returning home he was taken HI
nnd died this morning. Ho wsh born In
Oxford. O., seventy-three years ago, movod
to Iowa City In 1S50 and engaged In building
and contracting. He was twice elected to
the legislature, from Johnson county and in
perlntendcnt -of construction and super
vised the entire work from tho beginning.
Ho was a man of strict honesty. There
wns never a question about tho kind of
work dono for the state on the capltol. He
afterwards jienitd as a member of the Board
of Public Works of Des MolncR. He was a
wealthy manind wns Interested In a num
ber of companies. The stato oxecuttve
council tenlrerefl1 tho family tbo use of the
state capltaWor the funeral, which will
be held tomorrow. His wife and four eons
survive hip. .
u Acv Corporation. ,
The .incorporation of tho Brechwald Bros.
Co. of Ida jGrovn, "with a cnpltal of
$0,000, hag been effected. The Sloux Grain
company of -Jefferson, S. D., has compiled
with the Iowa laws and wilt transact bus
iness In Iowa.! Tho Fidelity Land company
of New York hub filed articles with the
Iowa authorities, with a capital of $25,000.
The Western .Electrical Construction and
Fire Alarm company of Des Moines, capital
$60,000, has been Incorporated, with J. H.
Wlndson president and H. E. Jones nccrc
tary. The N'prthwcstcrn Land company of
Algona has Incorporated, with $10,000 cap
ital. Four PnrolrH Granted.
Governor Shaw has granted paroles as fol
lows: Arthur Moor, from Marshall county,
convicted of burglary; Harvey Owens, Davis
county, convicted of larceny; William
Voshall, Iowa county, larceny, and James
O'Brien, Bremer county, assault on a
Austin Flint Medical Aanoclntlon.
Tho program for tho Austin Flint Med
ical association summer meeting at Clear
Lako July 16 and 17 has been Issued here
and Is as follows:
July 16. 2 n. m. Address of welcome
Dr. J. C. Wright of Clear Lake; response,
Dr. C. 8. Chase of Waterloo: "Pernicious
vomiting of Pregnancy, Dr. Paul E
Gardner of Hazelton: "A Case of It vs.
terectomy," Dr. A. It. Braekett of Charles
city: " Tbo enre or tne consumptive," Dr,
J. W. Klne of Fort Dodge.
July 17. 9 a, m. "Puerperal Eclnmnsla,"
Dr. J. W. Plnlayson of Armstrong: 'Ur.
nemla," Dr. J. D. Morton of Nashua:
"The Diagnostic Value of Pain In Intra
Pelvic nnd Abdominal Diseases," Dr, D.
8. Fnlrchlld of Clinton; "A Beginner's
Experience In tho Practice of Obstetrics,"
July 17, 2 p. m. "Medlcnl After
thmilzhtfl." Tlr C A. lTnr.1 nf JipIIul-.i
"Important Points to He Home In Mind"
In . the Treatment of Hernia." Dr. A. J.
Ochsncr of ChteoKO, III.; "Appendicitis
Its Medical Treatment." Dr. J. O, MnAlvIn
or i, runny uenier: a rnner, ur. I), W.
Wick of Cedar Fnlls, Karlv Diagnosis
of Interstitial Nephritis," Dr. E. J. Wnddy
of Waterloo.
Working tin" Mrxlonn Money,
Complaints come from various cities of
tho state of efforts being made to pass
Mexican money. Some tlmo ago two per
sons were arrested In Des Moines for swin
dling and were found to have a largo
nmount of Mexican coin In their possession.
They had been paeslng It at Its face value
on unsuspecting porsons. Now the same
pergons r(J , osknloosa, where they have
neon working the mmo game. Tlicy also
hawt Mexican bank bills, which they work
off at face value. It Is reported they have
distributed a large amount of Mexican
coin nnd bills about the state nnd And many
persons who do not know that It is of do
prcclnted value.
Knworth I.enKnor Start.
The excureton party of Epworth
lenguers left Dcs Moines today, about .'00
being In the party. Thoy will go through
to San Francisco In about eight days to
attend the national meeting of the Epworth
league. Most of tho delegates from this
part of the state started today, but a num
ber will go tomorrow.
Connty Clerku' Contention.
The convention of cunty clerks to or
ganize An association will be held In Des
I Moines July 11, with the following papers
aud addresses on tho program: "Relation
of Clerks to Practicing Attorneys," C C.
Hugh. Adel; "Collateral Inheritance Tax,"
John 8. McQulston, deputy stato treasurer,
"Needful Legislation." John H. Merkens,
Fairfield; "Clerks Beards of Supervisors,"
A, W. Miller, Mt. I'lenjnnt; "Experiences
of a New Clerk." J. O. Marncr, Iowa City;
"Collection of Collateral. Inheritance Tax,"
M. E. Lowttier, Centcrvillo.
ltecovery Not Uprctrl.
Anthony F. Seeberger of Chicago, who
came to Des Moines about two months ago,
on account of the death ot his brother,
to took after the estate, Is not expected
to live. The brother, J. D. Seeberger, left
nn estate valued at $500,000, and as he had
no children tho brother came In for a good
share under the law. But he made over to
tho widow a deed conveying alt his right
and Interest in the Inheritance. He was
here looking after the estate and It
planned he should reorganize the business
and bead a company to handle the big mer
cantile affairs lelt by tho deceased brother,
but he wns taken sick and probably will
John Cownlc, member of the State Hoard
of Control, a former resident of Iowa
county, Is also tying at his home critically
IMatutlnflt'd with President's Htiiml
on Opening New Indian
OKLAHOMA, Okl,, July S. Notwlth-
standing the fact that (ho provisions of
tho president's proclamation opening tho
Klown-Comanchc country to settlement
were gcnorally known beforehand by rea
son of published reports In advance, thero
wero much Interest nnd some excitement
among the largo number of homesteaders who
have been waiting here for the opening to
take placo nnd who had counted on making
a run. Today when tho first mows ot tho
proclamation appeared, hundreds of people
grouped nbotit the streets reading tho pa
per and discussing Its provisions. The fact
that registration cannot be made at the
public land ofTlco here causes much ills
fcatlsfnctlou, There are 5,000 peoplu at this
place who will register.
t'ltlrf of Police HckIkiis.
HT. JOSEPH. July S.-Jolln Broiler, who
has been chief of poilcn of .St. Jo;c h or
twenty ycnn, resigned today bemufe o.
old age nml friction In thn deparim n .
Colonel Hroder Is known through" it t -e
t'nltcd Stntcs as a br.ive nnd olllcleitt chief
of police.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Wear Signature ef
5m FacSlmll Wrapper Utlow.
Tavy Basal!
f . I oauvvswa MiMtawtuiitAty!.
$5.00 A MONTH
All Diseases and
Disorders of Men
10 years In Omaha
Method new. without
catting. prJn or loss
of time.
CVDUII ictcnredforllfeanatbepolson
T rniLla thoroughly cleansed rrom
th system. Soon every sign and symptom
disappears completely and forever. Ho
"BREAKING OUT" of the dlseas on the skin
or face. Treatment contains no dangsrons
drngs or injurious medicine.
WEAK MEN from Excesses or Victims
to nchvous DaniLrrr or Exhaustion,
Youno and MiDDLr. Aged, lack of vim, vigor
and strength, with organs impaired and weak.
STRICTURE cored with a new Home
Treatment. No pain, no detention from bust
nets. Kidney and Blsdder Troubles.
CaMdtltlat frrt. Trtitmtat by Mill.
Call on on or address 119 8o. 14th St,
Or. Searles t Searlas. Omaha, Neb
Not in Nature
for anyone to always feel tired, There
Is no need to drag out an existence
without ambition.
Weak nerve are responsible for tan.
guor, depression, debility and varico
cele Diseased nerves, whether due to over
work, ovcr.lndulernce or any other
cause, cnti be made strong as fctccl by
the use of
They tone aud Invigorate every organ
of the body, soothe nnd strciifttlieu the
nerves ana transform broken down
men nnd women Into strong, healthy,
vigorous, ruddy-cheeked pertous, If
you find tills Isn't to, you get your
money back.
$1.00 per box ; 8 boxes (with guaran
tee), M.00. Hook free.
r sale by Kulin & Co., A. Dillon,
fuller i'ulnt & Drug Co., OmrUia. and
........ i . . . rA , I nii.n. r
TSio famous lEttlo pilis
For Hlliousness, Torpid Liver, Contiti'
patloii, Sick Headache, I)!z7lnesB, m ,
toutlnal Obstiuclinnrs, Ja.uidlcu aufl
sdl other Liver and Bowel Ttoublej
DEWrrrs Little Kakly Kisi:hs are
unequalled. Thoy act promptly and
never gripe. They are so small that
thoy can w taken wlthouVnny trouble.
Prepared r-;'C.R.OcVI.t'Oo.. Ohlr.ino
, 10a.
Genuine itnmpcd C C C. .Never sold In bulk
Ocwtrc of the dealer who tries to n I
aonuUilnj "iuit oo4
An Excellent Combination,
The pleasant method nnd bcnclfcial
oftx'cts of the woll known remedy,
Svnur of Ii'iob, manufuotiirod by the
Cai.U'Oiihia I'to Syiiui Co., lllustrnto
the vnlnoof obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxntlvo nnd pre.icntmtf
them In th form most refroHlihitf to the
tastn and aeoeptiihle to the system. It
la tho one ported .strengthening la.xa.
tl, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling1 colds, headaches nnd feverr
gently yet promptly and enabling ono
to nvorrumc habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality nnd sub
btance, nnd Its acting on tlie kldneya,
liver and bowelti, without weukcni'tig
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In tho process of manufacturing tigs
arc used, as they are plcnsant. to the
taste, but tho tr.adieinal qualities of the
remedy arc obtained from tcnnn. nnd
other 'aromatic plants, by a method
known to the OAi.iFon.NtA Fig Sviuji'
Co, only. In order to get it.t beneficial
effects nnd to avoid imitations please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every paclcngc.
Foraalehyull LukkIs'a I'rlco&Oc oorbotU
Is Your
Office Hot?
This is pleasant weather com
pared with what wo will prob
nhly hove In August. Aro you
KoIiik to swoltor this summer
as you did lafct? Hotter movo
The Bee
Is hullt to bo fool In summer
and warm la winter. You
spend over a third of your llf
tlmo in your odlco, why not he
comfortable. We havn oao or
two particularly dnilrablo offi
ces to show Just now.
Don't wnlt too Ions.
Kent il Agents.
Oroniiil I"our, lice IlulldlnK-
fr Prlp(l 1 attar, 1Im, t4 Mil M
Tltkal AJtMl, t
Rats, Mice and all other Vf rajln
cannot live where
18 UnED.
Srncriiti and drawn, 6o. a box.
OMioaao. tut.
untro Dr. Kay's Jtenovator
tiif-nrn i!vnrMiik1.i. romhti.
nation, Uvcr nnd Itldnoys. Hcst toulo, laxative,
blood purltlor Unown for nil chronto disease,
renovates umt Invltforute.s ho whole syr trim nnd
euros very worst rases. (Jet trial box at once.
If not satisfied with It notify uu, we will refund
money by return malt. Wrlto your Ryinptoras
for Krro Medical Advice, sample-und proof itt A
60c at drunclsta. Ur. n. ,t. Kuv Siirntng ,v v
Every Won
. irt Id Interest,! an IkiiouMlnow
iv :VgL.tA,l,l about Urn nonrterrul
il mmi Whirling Spray
Ut'cs. C-tftV, "" :v"r '
S.iJSt-5 Sf '"'iVZjl ItlltlMMlaMut!;,
i.k jonr irujjl.l fr It, '(
other. Imtrend rtami'i
luitrateit Mk-,ld.
full parumlansiii II
ilimtjlelolMltMi. t,
V.'MITE DOVE '.E ueverfmii. to iletrur cmv
tne f"r itronc dr'r.U, thn appetite for which ronnut
exist nfter uilnc trmi-ily I, hen In u-.y lliulJ knowloditeut pMlent i taktelcwi II at
Slicnniu ii Mci.'onnrll and Kuhn &. Cu. Urueirliil
to trm
I the WABASH t'iSk I
M Iti own ru y ' .'.'WiMmUk
'M and j ih thoft- . , , XSfHC W
BUFFALO 'i&jjKr jf
VfJ fr Parlp(l latter, tain, 14 II M fgjH
frr It- V,. Jv77T7
DOte open rantliaaoaalr (ra B aw am.
to B p, m. Samdar Iraaa
8 av. a. In fl p. saw
(llr. Mcnr-TT at A 53.)
In the trrntinrut of all form of llla
rmn nnd Disorder of Mm Onlf. '24
enra' expcrlrucr, if, yrnr In Omufc.
A permnnnt cure Runrnnterd In lca
than 10 days, without cutting, pain or loss
ot time.
PTO PTIIDl' curfd In less than S days
0 I IIIU I UllL without pull) or hlndrnno
from business. A perfoct and permanent
curr KUsmnteed.
' CVDUII IV and ull lllood Dltensts cured
0Tri1ILo by a treatment which li far
more satisfactory and successful than
"Hot Sprlncn" treatment, nnd at losi thn
half the cost All brenking; out and sla-n
ot the dlti'Hse disappear nt once, A cur
that !( guarantied for life
I nVCD Ofi nfin cc curd of nsrvoua
.UVtn ZUiUUU debility, loss of vitality
and MANHOOD, bashfulnesv, G'.tot and
all unnatural weaknesses or men.
(Jure (.uarnntnvii. Consultation Pre.
Treatment went evorywher fr from
enre. O Jtox 7M. Office over SIS Oouth
14th street, between Karnam and Doualaa
streets, OMAJIA, NK1.
MKIt.-lf you "Jr
orfftiif, to.t pnwr or wrkmln4
drum, ot!l Voruum Oriitn Itrlor
wlU rttort you wttbaut druf
eltctrlrllji ttrletuii, mil VmIoomU
rrniii)llr run,) In 1 to t "fL
;j.0W In um not one fillurai sot
ono rtturnul rT(-t Imniwl'.Ui no
ti.O P, fmud i writ for trtt rrt'i
Urt. .n tftlcd In DUtn tnraloM.
10CAL APPLIANCE CO. 13a Thifo lit.. lOliniMlU. Iti.
A. Mayer Ox,
Phone 171
Re-No-May Powder
Not only relieves, but positively cures ll
disorders of tho fast, atop odorous peripl
rstlon, cures t eider, swollan and paUtul
Price 50 Cents.
For Sale by all Druggists
and Glove Dealer
Cousultatlon Free from I to i
When ordering by mall add 6 cent tot
Ile-No-May 6km Food tor racial msaaaia.
Ra-No-May Cream aoftana and wUtaM
tfc hands and faca.
rnbla nil your nymptoms. Itenovatlnctbe
ystom is tho only ante and sure mcthtKl of cur
tnrt all Chronlo Dlscnses. Dr. Kay' Henovator
Is tho only perfectsystem renovator, rrooianv
pics nnd book. Ur. 11. .1. Kay. Saratnra. N. Y
SSrr5cVh2.Hotel Victory,
'1 be world' largest Hnramer Hotel.
Put-in Bny Island, Lake Erla, O.
It It renowned for the social atandlni ef Ita
natrons, for Ita dimensions and miinlflctncc,
for lis superb cuisine and sdmlrible scrvlca,
for the lavish provisions for amusomcnt f Ita
Ruests, for Its superb Brass Band and Orchestra.
U la unlyeMslly acknowledced that It possesses
the attributes that appesl to particular ptoplo
nndoubteJ luxury snd comfort, and superior sp.
rolntmcnts and location. To the pleasure lovlai
""" luunsi it stints ror ail mat is sooat
Open from June 20 to Sept. 15
Itatoai 11.(0 to es.coarar. 110. M tolM.OOal
kooi. Chetp Uttea (nr rntntllts. I
Send for Our Handsome Souvenir Folden
T. W. McCREARY, General Munarar.
vul"nTnMo. 724 Monro St., Tel,do.O.
Alt Hal roads enUrlrs etmlt, Mleh,, Toledo,
O.. Bnndnsky, O , rnd t levela-d, O .raakselns
dally ateuiotioat oonuectlonii for I'ut-in-Hay, I),
Ilns nearly 1000 feet of veranda llkn the above.
A hleh-claaHrctldenttal, tourl'itatut transient
hotel on the lal;e Miore, tJO outside rixim.
bath rooms. Moot dctl(:hf.ul abld'ns; place In
summer or wlntcrln the West, 10 minutes by
III. Central exp, from theatre and shirpplnn
illitrlit of Chicago. Finest hotol on armatures
with Rolf, tennis, boatlntr, l);ithln?at)d nshlnr
fjent1 'or h.mrtsom nr'- tn-stratcd booxli
3Xi fl irom tliu Main Uiitruucc to tho Ex
$7 a tl -ill t'er lodelne, breakfast
i. anu $i,ou 0nd ov. dinner. Kooma
with bath extra. Bend for free mapa and
folder, trlllnir about our Guaranteed Ac
llie "Comstock Process'1
Is the most succeaaful method for reducing and relieving
palu lu nil liloda of dental operations that has yet been
prcbcntcd to the public. It fans bin a used by loading dan
lists of tbo east fur nearly two yenrs, and has been pro
uounced by them to bo "Ttlrely satisfactory. Our patient
Kre dellxhtud with the results It prndti.'es, If you are
ucrvrius and your tuutb ar sunltlvo w will bs pleased t
explain It to you.
. ..Telephone 145
H. . Woodbury, D. D. S-, Council Bluffs
30 Pearl St, Grand Hot)