10 TILE QZMAIIA DAILY J3EE; TUESDAY, JULY i), 1301. TRAIN KILLS SLEEPING LAD Albirt Fttttnou Bin Dowi bj a Union Puc.fio Freight Near ValUj. HAD BEEN WANDERING FOR TWO YEARS Sled llrnth When Almost In Mglit of lIomc-wIriivpK n Widowed Mother Coroner Will Hold nn Inquest. Albert PAtteraon, 19-year-old son of Mrs. J. C. Patterson, widow, 2224 Pacific street, uxs killed early Sunday morning by being run down by a Union Pacific freight train near Valley. The body, which was horribly mangled, was brought to Omaha late Sun day afternoon by Undertaker Dodder, from whoso rooms tho funeral was held yester day afternoon The coroner has empaneled a Jury and an Inquest will bo held this morning. Young Patterson had been away from homo for two years, working on farms and ranches In Nebraska snd Colorado, and was within a few miles of Omaha on his roturn trip when tho accident happened. H' was In company with Walter Jonis, a young man whom ho had met on tho way. Jones plvos this account of tho affair: "Patterson fell In with me at Grand Island and told mo ho had been working on tho 'Uox J" ranch near Crook, Colo. Ho had a check for $60, but no money. Ho tried to cash tho check, but couldn't do It becauso no ono In Orand Island know him. "From Grand Island wo worked our way to Fremont, nnd there I'.itteraon mailed hls check back to tho 'llox J' people and asked thorn to send him tho money In plnca of It, to his address In Omaha. Then shortly nfter dusk Saturday evening wo started to walk to Omaha. When we were about two miles west of Vnlley wo sat down on tho rails to rest. Wo wero both very tired and sleepy and must have fallen asleep within a few minutes. Tho next thing I knew I awoke with n start nnd hero was tho pilot of a loqomotlvo not moro than four feel away Trom me. I barely had tlmo to Hop over nnd roll down tho bank, when tho train went by llko a Bhot. FIlliU the Mnimlr.l Hoily. "I got up nnd rubbed tho dust out of my eyes and began looking around for Patter son, but ho was nowhero In Bight. It must then have been shortly after midnight, nnd very dark. Walking down the track a 1 It- tlo wnys I Haw blood on tho rails and tics nnd then I know that Patterson must hnvo bocn killed. About 300 yards farther on I found his mangled body. It was lying right In the middle of the track. "I saw a man passing In a buggy, and hail ing him, told him what had happened and asked him to tako me to Valley to report tho caso to tho authorities, but he whipped up and drove on, shouting back at mo that ho was In a hurry. Then I had to walk to Valley. I told tho marshal about it, and when No. 5 passenger train pulled out about a half hour later wo rodo out on It; I showed tho crew where tho body was and the train backed Into town with It. So far as I was able to learn tho crew of tho freight train that killed him knew nothing of the accident; at leant they made no ro port of It when they passed through Valloy." Tho funeral was held at 2 o'clock yester day afternoon, Interment In Walnut Hill cemotcry, Council Bluffs. Deceased was one of a family of seven brothers, nearly nil of whom ars grown. Walter Jones, who Is on his way to his home In Milwaukee, will remain In the city until after tho inquest. The Same Old Starr. J. A. Kelly relates an experience similar to that which has happened In almost every neighborhood in the United States and has been told and ro-told by thousands of others. He saysi "Last summer I had on attack of dysentery nnd purchased a bottle of Cham berlain's Collo, Cholera and Dlnrrhoea Rem edy, which I used according to directions and with entirely satisfactory results. The troublo was controlled much quicker than former attacks whon I used other reme dies." Mr. Kolly is a well known oltlien of Henderson, N. 0. For sale by all druggists. FEUD AM0NG YOUNGSTERS Quarrel Over Paaneiialon of a. Nickel Leads to the Police Court. Frank Reedy, 612 Plerco street, and Joe llarrigan, 809 Pacific street, both 14 years old, fought for the possession of a nickel and young Harrlgan was worsted. Then the vanquished told his brother Charles about It and Charles, who Is IS years old, way laid young Reedy on tho street and gave him a sound threshing. As a sequel of these incidents Frank Reedy appeared in police court yester day and swore out a warrant fy the ar rest of Charles Harrlgan, charging as sault, and an officer Is now searching for him. Whether or not this will end the feud remains to be seen. It Dnssleit the World. No discovery In medicine has ever created one-quarter of tho excitement that has boon caused by Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption. . It's Bovorost tests havo been on hopeless victims of consumption, pneumonia, hemorrhage, pleurisy and bronchitis, thousands of whom It has restored to perfect honlth. For coughs, colds, asthma, croup, hay fovor, hoarse ness and whooping cough It Is tho quick est, surest cure In tho world. It Is sold by Kuhn & Co., who guarantee- satisfaction or refund money. Large bottles 50c and 11.00. Trial bottles free. Twice Every Tiny to Clnclnnntl mill Louisville. Mornings and evenings 10:00 a. ra. nnd 8:40 p. m. Is when through trains leave Chicago for Louisville and Cincinnati, via Pennsylvania Short Lines. Morning trains have vestlbuled cafo parlor coach and Pennsylvania Standard coach. Night trains havo vestlbuled conches and compartment Bleeping cars tho now kind In which pas urngers enjoy tho seclusion of private rooms. Ask H. R. Dcrlng, 218 South Clark St., to reserve space for your next trip In that direction nnd enjoy the comforts of first-class trnvollng. On nt ChlrnKO, Off nt Y. 1. C. V. Con vention. Trains from Chicago over Pennsylvania lines stop nt station at entrance to Winona Lake Assembly Grounds where Y. P. C. U. convention will be bold. In addition to regular service n special train for nccom modatlon of delegates and friends from the west will leave Chicago union station 1:30 p. m., July 24 nnd nrrlvo Winona Lako 4:30 p. m. Reduced fares over this route. Write H. R. Derlng A. G. P. Agt, 248 South Clark St., Chicago, for desired Informa tion, To whom It may concern: This Is to notify you that I havo never been treasurer of tho Tontine Mercantile, association, for nierly of Lincoln, Nob.; that I never had any of tta stock, and havo no financial of other Interest In It In any shape or mau ner. A. J. DURLAND, Norfolk, Neb. WOMEN ATTACK CONSTABLE ElTort to Itemove Hurl PreiltucMkr'n lluuacliolil (iodiln Henultft In Trotililo. Constable McOlnnis of Judge Crawford's court appeared upon the scene Just ns'Con etablc Ferguson of tho Altstadt tribunal was removing Doris Predmetsky's house hold goods and loading them Into a furni ture van. A great crowd of people had gathered about the Predmetsky home. Twenty-fourth and Mason streets, In the hope of seeing some excitement. Each con stnblo had a writ of attachment. Ferguson's writ was from Sam Newman, who wanted to collect J180, nnd McOlnnis' authority was from Predmetsky. who sought to replevin the goods from the rcplcvlner. Upon Its face the situation looked like n clash of two Justice courts, but It wasn't. Tho constables were amicable, though they took pains to have the crowd believe other wise. Ferguson protested vigorously when McOlnnis began to unload the goods aud carry them back Into the house. Finally, emboldened by tho friendly pres ence of McOlnnis, three women of tho Pred metsky household leaped upon Ferguson, backed him Into a corner and began pun ishing him with backhand slaps. Ho trlod to break awny, but they held him firmly, and In th struggle the officer's shirt was split down the back and his collar was torn off. Then he drew a big 44-plstol and thrust it In tho faces of th trio, but they laughed at him. Tho weapon had no terrors for them. It Is Impossible to say how the scrimmage would have ended If McOlnnis hadn't como to the rescue, nnd oven as It was Ferguson's face was bleeding from several ugly scratches, attesting the vigor of tho assault. DEFINES TAX ON FLOUR Cninmlmlnner of Intcrnnl Itrvciiup Makes Derision of Interest to Onmlin Millers, A decision of tho commissioner of Internal revenue In rrgnrd to tho tax upon mixed flour Is of considerable Interest to Omaha as there are a dozen or moro firms tn the city engaged In tho business of preparing and mixing flour. Tho decision Is rendered upon tho applica tion of the collector of Internal revenue nt Kansas City for n construction of tho law which became effective July 1, nnd If to tho effect that no mixed flour Is subject to tax unless Its principal constituent Is wheat flour or unless tho compound Is sold as whent flour. Tho causa for tho decision was a caso where n milling company making a self rising flour gnvo ns Its constituent parts, wheat flour 47 per cent, other material 53 per cent. In this caso the commissioner held that, ns the amount of wheat flour was less than CO per cent and tho com pound was not sold as wheat flour tho pay ment of tho tax was not required under tho new law. Thero was tho greatest confusion In Omaha under tho old law. Soveral firms pnld tho tax and stamped their goods whllo others making almost Identical mixtures, placed the goods on tho market without stamps. RATCLIFFE WANTS HIS LIBERTY Prisoner on Charge of Contempt In stitute! Habeas Corpna Proceedings. In tho United States circuit court yester day morning Thomas Ratcllffe gave bond In tho sum of $500 for his appearance Mon day before Judge Monger, when proceed ings In habeas corpus will be heard, In volving the right of Ratcllffe to his lib erty. Ratcllffe was a witness In a civil suit pending in the United States circuit court and last Friday was brought before T. K. D. Madison, a notary public, who was to havo taken his deposition. He refused to testify nnd was committed to Jail for contompt of court. A writ ot habeas corpus was then applied for to test the power ot tho notary to Imprison for contompt ot court, NEW SCIENTIFIC PnOCESS. A Preparation Discovered thnt Will Destroy the Dandruff Oerni. For Borne time It has been known that dandruff Is caused by a germ that digs up the scalp Into little whlto flakes and by sapping tho vitality of tho hair at the root causes falling hair nnd, ot courso, finally baldness. For yonrs thoro have been nil kinds of hair stimulants nnd scalp tonics on the market, but there has been no perma nent cure for dandruff until 'the discovery of a preparation called Nowbro's Herplcldo, whloh destroys the dandruff germ. Destroy the cause and tho effect will cease to exist. Kill the dandruff germ and you'll havo no dandruff, no Itching scalp, no falling hair. Additional Accommodations. On account of the very low rates made to Colorado points THE UNION PACIFIC has placed In service another through Pull man sleoper on train No, 3 for Denver, leaving Omaha at 4:25 p. m. dally, and con tinuing until September 10. A tourist sleeper will also be attached to this train for Denver, July C to 13, In clusive. This service affords passengers the very best accommodations with tho greatest pos sible comfort. Reservations should bo made as far tn ad vance as possible. New city ticket office, 1324 Farnam street. Tel. 316. I.nke OknlioJI. Tho Ideal summer resort. Quickly and easily reached from Omaha via the Milwau kee railway, tho only through line. City office, 1604 Farnam strcot. Wanted A general nnent for Nebraska for Capital Stock Accident company. Ollt edged contract. Address tho Union Acci dent Btock Co., Donvor, Colo. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tho Ilee, Wo will give thorn propor legal Insertion. Telephone 238. Dr. Lord has returned. Office, Paxton block; hours, 2 to 4. Tclophono, 33. WE ARE GUTTERS OF DRUO PRICES No matter how many local or foreign combinations tire Instituted wo cut drug prices to suit ourselves. Wo Gem Cntnrrh Cure 'JOc 1.00 West's Nerve and Drain Treatment 17c 2Sn Mennen'H Talcum Powder lf0 11.00 Log Cabin Snrsaparllln tile Largo slio Hurnliam's Heef, Iron ami Wine 49c 11.(0 Kirk's Hair Tonic 40o 50c Fablun Florida Water wo 50o Malted Milk 40c nosers' nnd Qallot vioiei soap c 25c Kirk's Juvenile Soap 8c Jap Rose Sonp o Qtmrt bottle flno Port, Claret or Sherrv 33c 10-pound snck Medicated Sen Salt ...... 25c Pint bntle Crude Carbolic Acid 25c Dig bottle Household Ammonia 5c Sherman & McGonnefl Drug Go. "The Drug 8tore on the Corner." SIXTEENTH AND DODGE ST., OMAHA, BOSTON STOKE CLEARING SALE Tht Moit fcwieoing Riductioai oa Prieta Ever Known ii Oroaht. GREAT MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITY I he lleiluetloun Wc Ilnvc Mmle on All Summer (foods Arc Startling Cnll Tomorrow nnd Sec What Money Vim Can Save. On salo on our main floor all ot our 25c Imported dimities, light and dark grounds, plain color.) and floral designs, nt luc yard. Jl quality Imported wash drees fabrics, elaborately embroidered batistes, striped, open worked suits, tn dress goods depart ment at 3'Jc yard. COc mohair brllllantlncs In black, only 19c. 7uc Imported challls, light and dark grounds, stripes, polka dote and floral de signs, ISc yard. . Jl and (2.50 shirt waists nt 45c and 9Sc. Men's $10 light weight suits, (3.90. Men's $15 nnd (20 summer suits, J8.SS, Uoys' (1,50 linen coats at 25c. Hoys' 75c all wool knee pants, 19c. Uoys' wash kneo pants, 49c. Men's 75c negllgeo shirts, 25c. Men's 50c summer underwear, 15c. Men's 25c summer suspenders, Gc. Men's COc silk neckwear, 15c. Men's (1 silk neckwear, 25c. Men's 25c silk neckwear, 214c Men's 25c belts, 6c ?1 bolts, 25c. Roys' waists, slightly soiled, 15c. Men's nnd boys' 50c straw hats, 15c. CLEARING SALE OF LINENS. 30c table damask, fast color, 15c yard. 35c all linen, CC-ln. tabic damask, 19c yd. COc German tahlo damask, 64-ln., 29c yd. S3e linen table damask, cream, silver- bleach and full bleach, C2-ln. and 68-tn., 49c yard. (1 linen damask, Gennan, Scotch and Irish, 72-ln. wide, 69c yard. (1.50 tnblo damask, Including tho cele brated embossed, full bleached, 85c yard. (1.60 napkins, Inrgo site, nil linen, lSc doz. (2 napkins, size, all linen, (1.25 doz. (3.60 napkins, oxtra heavy, nil linen, (1.9S dozen. CLEARING SALE IN BASEMENT. 26c Scotch nnd domestic dimities. 10c yard. 7c quality of prints nt 314c yard. 25c plain whlto goods, 10c yard. 10c apron checked and chnmbray clnc- hams, 314c yard. English long cloth, worth (1.25 bolt, at 60c bolt, or 6c yard. 26c German and Scotch organdy, 5c yard. 40-lnch India llnons, at 10c yard. 26c morcorlzed foulards at 714c yard. 26c dress Swiss, fancy and printed, 714c yard. 40c plnhead dotted whlto Swiss, 10c yard. 36-lnch sllkollno, worth 16c yard, at 5c. 26c all silk ribbons, plain nnd fancy. 5c yard. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. Brnndels & Sons, Proprietors. Selling Rogers Peet & Co. Men's Clothing. lake: oiconoji. On the Milwaukee nnllvrny. For a short or a long vacation tho beau tiful lake offers tho most economical yet delightful outing that is available for Omaha people. ' Quickly and easily reached from Omaha via the Milwaukee railway, altitude almost 2,000 feot, air always cool and Invigorating. A beautiful, clear, deep lako with high shores picturesquely timbered with hard wood tress. Excellent fishing, boating and bathing. Moderate-priced but good hotels. This Is a list of advantages not to bo equaled Full Information cheerfully furnished at tho Milwaukee railway city office, 1604 Far nam street. F. A. NASH. O. W. A. ON THE NOnTHWESTEIlX LINE. Cheap Excursions. 116.75, Milwaukee and return, July 20, 21 and 22. Cincinnati and return, (22.50, July 4, 6, 6. Detroit and return, (14.75, July 23, 24, 25. Chicago and return, (14.76, July 23, 24, 25. Very low rates to tho Buffalo exposition. City ticket office, 1401-1403 Farnam street. Cheap Summer Excursions Via Illi nois Crntrnl II. It. St. Paul and return, July 1-9 ( 9 85 Minneapolis and return, July 1-9.... 9 85 Duluth and return, July 1-9 13 S.i Chicago and return, July 23-25 14 75 Louisville and return, August 24-2G.. 21 50 Buffalo and return, every day 25 75 Circuit tours via Great Lakes to Buffalo and Intermediate points. Staterooms re served In advance Cnll at city ticket office, 1402 Farnam street, for particulars, or address W. H. Brill, D. P. A., I. C. R. R., Omaha, Neb. North 16th Street Holes aro u disgrace to any well regulated city llko Omahn We've been working hard to net these holes repaired and for tho past week we've borne down so hard on tho pav ing companies thnt wc now reel sure we vo accomplished nomo good and tho holes ure to do citncr mien up or tanen oui ana now holes put In nt nny ruto wo'ro going to have them fixed If we don't lay up a cent this summer. Oi'iii Cntnrrh Powder 110c Teiuntntluu Tonic. 7fto AVeWt's llriiln mid Nerve Trent men t,17o All 25c Dentrlflces 19c 25c 4711 White It.iso Glycerine Soap .... 12c 25c Carter's Llttlo Liver Pills 15c 25c Vegetable Cathartic Pills 15c $2.00 Cotton Root. Tansy nnd Pcnny- royal Pills (1.09 25c Hire's ltoot neer (genuine) ikc $1 Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure .. 75c $1 Perunn (special price by dozen) .... 7oo 35c Castorla (kind you havo always bought) 25o uooa 'loom jjrusn tor , oc Better ones for MOKE MONEY ace SCHAEFER'S Cut Price Drug Store Tel. 747. S. YV. Cor. Kith and Chicago. Goods dellrerod FREE to any part ot city. The Chicago Record bl of these Type writers in daily YOST It you want a typewriter, why not come first whers you can EVERT OOOD SORT OF TTPD WRITER In Its best form! TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES of all kinds for all machines. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED. New Century The finest catalogue ever issued Is yours for the asking WriteorCall. United Typewriter and Supply Co., Vmaumm. it 0;aa, WATERMAN'S ELECTRIC LINE MnnnKrr of .cir Trni-tliin fMciu Looks Alter Ills AfTnlrn ., In Iihvii. Lyman Waterman, general manager of tho Now System Traction company, lift last night for Crcston, la., where he will hold a conference with stockholders regarding the stops to be tnken In the construction of tho electric lino from Wlnterset to Couutll Bluffs. The financiering of the lino from Crcston to Wlntorset has been successfully accom plished and the survey for the grade will begin Wednesday. The work of construc tion Will bcsltl nhntlt AucUSt 1. Cnnlrnnta for rolling stock havo not yet been made as It la hoped to let these contracts for the Cieston-Wlntersct nnd the Wlnterset Council Bluffs lines at the same tlmo. Nothing can exceed tho care with which Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne Is made. Hxi'cpiIIiikI) l.mv llnti' i:eur.iloim to the Illnuk 11111m. Dates Snlo; July l to i). Inclusive Rates; To Hot Springs from Sioux City nnd Missouri Valley, la., and Omaha, Ncb (15.00 for the round trip. From Lincoln nnd Superior, Neb.. (11.00 for round trip. Proportionate rates from Intermediate points cast of Long l'lio. Minimum round trip rate, $10.00. To Dendwood and Load, S. II, $1.50 higher than to Hot Springs. Transit Limit: Going trip, fifteen days; return trip, continuous passage. Final Limit. October 31. Str.pover: Stopover will ba allowed at any point on the P., E. & M. V. It. R. west of Stanton, Neb., within the going transit limit of flfticn days from date of sale. Don't miss this opportunity to visit the wonderful Blnck Hills. Proportionate rates based , on the nhove will bo on sale nt stations east of tho Mis souri river. Ask your nearest ngont for full Informa tion nnd bo sure your tickets read via the North-Westcrn line. J. R. BUCHANAN. General Passenger Agent, Omaha. SUMMU.Il KXCtlltSIO. It ATIJM. Vln tin MIHvnukrr It ill I way. Juno 12, 13, 14 and 15, Omaha to Chicago and return, (14,75. July 4, C and 6. Cincinnati and return. (22.50. July 5, 6 and 7, Detroit and roturn, (22. July 20, 21 and 22, Mllwaukeo and return, (14.76. Low rates to summer resorts. City ticket office, 1504 Farnam st. Tel. 2S4. Ji :scoriELD CuW&SUITCO. Wo want to tell about tho Albatross and Crepe do Chcne waists, both lined and unllncd, In whlto and colors, that we aro showing Just now. - Women going to mountains, seashore or lakes will find these waists Just to their liking, in design, quality and price, and tho corroct weight for such resorts. ;SC0FIELD OAk&SUITCO. lmli llouirlaa St. Wood' Violet Tho daintiest perfuma of all. Mado by Rich ard Hudnut, famous manufacturer of flno perfumes and toilet preparations. Ask for freo souvenir copy of his book 20th Century Toilet Hints. Contains a hundred toilet sugges tions, recipes nnd timely hot weather hints on complexion, health and beauty In general. Myers-Dillon Drug Go,, lGth nnd Farnntn Sts. BOSTON Closing Out Your choice Children' 8 and Misses" Shoes almost half price. It Takes GOOD TOBACCO and HAND THE Is Now Bains Made From Fine Cuban Tobacco, Crop of 1800. F. II. RICE M. C. CO., Manufacturers, St. Louis. UNION MADE WILL TOOT JHEIR HORNS t'lilini .MukIi'Iiiiii Will l)iiiln- Their , Tnl rut lit South Omnliit Tumidly. i Tills morning nt 9:30 o'clock Omaha I Musicians' union No. 70 will tnko a band I of over 100 pieces to South Omaha for the 1 purpose of showing the Street Fair asso ciation what it missed lu falling to con , tract frr tho genuine "blown lu tho bottle" ' union btand of local music, i The officers of the union promise to , make the people of South Oranha forgot all noout tin- band from iorK, which Is play ing nt the street fair. .Spirit I.ilUe l.uUf OKiiImiJI, i conveniently reached via Illinois Central , railroad from Omaha. Tho only road hav ing noiii morning ami evening service tn nbovo points. Low ratt's. For particulars call at city ticket olllcc, 1402 Farnam street. Publish your legal notices in The Weekly Bee. Telephone 228. HOT WEATHER SHOES The woman whoso feet hurt her during this heated spell Is not wearing Sorosls. Sorosls wearers hnvo thnt beautiful com bination of comfort and Htyle. it is a hard combination to find outside of Sorosls anil when you llml It they usjnlly cost you $j or (tJT-SorosIs are J3.50 always no mutter how henvy or light. They, are In fifty dif ferent stylcs-nl $5.00 values all cost $3.50 per pnlr. Sorosls Khapes are hard to Im Itatu. 3.50 I !- O.50 ' ns is v !aoe v tore 203 South 15th Street, I'raiiU Wilcox, iliiuiiiter. Send for catalogue. There aro good and bad fountains, tidy nnd untidy operators. Somo of the foun tains look very handsome In their inarblo and silver plated llttlngs, hut tho syrup cans and other features screened from pub lic view aro not so inviting. Lots of the cans aro never cleaned from tho beginning of the season to the end. A dozen foun tains examined by a newspaper reporter for ins paper, reported that could the smil ing customer have seen tho Inside of tho fountain before which they sat, their glass of soda would have been left untouched. IF YOU COULD ONLY SHK INSIDB! Our new 20T11 CENTURY FOUNTAIN needs no Insldo Inspection. Everything about Is ex posed to full view; nothing to conceal; com uarlson for cleanliness, neatness and beauty Is asked with any fountnln In the city. Our ORANGE nnd LEMON, mado from tho fresh fruit ,1s extra line. FULLER 3 GO., inn ana uouizlim sts. Poor Teeth are noticeable to every one and spoil your looks. EXAMINATIONS FREE. Good Set Teeth (5,00 Gold Fillings (l.so up. Tail's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St. STORE Oxford Ties of On Main Floor and in Basement. C ALL tho ladies line Oxford Ties in our entire stock at 75c,98c,$1.50 $1.59, $1.98 This includes every ladies' oxford in our entire stock, (except the one New York line which we are under contract not to cut in price). No matter what we have been sell ing them, and we sold them up as high as live dollars. Men's Summer Shoes reduced in price. WORK to Maka a Good IDo CIGAR xcursion You get a round'trip ticket with every article you buy at this store, It eiv titles you to your money back if you are not satisfied, Men's Negligee Shirts. $2,50 and S2.00 kind $1,45, $1,50 and $1,25 kind, 1,00, $1,00 kind, 75c, 75c kind, 45c, 1 I $100,000 worth of goods going at 3.1 l-3c on the-dollar. The greatest slaughter of ladies' up-to-date ready-to-wear garments ever known in Omaha. Extra salespeople in the Cloak Depart ment to wait on you. j Women's wash waists, made of excellent quality material, on Eale for only 10c. Women's wash waists, newest stylo; tho 75c quality, for.cach, 25c. Women's wash waists, $1.00 quality, for only 39c. Women's flno wash waists, worth up to $2.00, for 49c. Women's percale wrappers, the $1.00 quality, reduced for this sale to 39e. Women's $1.50 wrappers, on salo at 69c. Great Sale on Millinery We are closing out all summer millinery nt less than half i regular prices. ITats cannot be carried over. We are disposing of fine stylish up-to-date headwear at the most astonishingly low prices. Call and see the styles and the prices. HAYDEN BROS. &JWiEM' flflf UfcElS For the past senson wo havo fully dem of giving such flno clean new merchandise HOUSE IN AMERICA to duplicate theso prl Strlctlv nil wool cliullls, no seconds, no short lengths, only tho regular ioo grade, 1525CoC"nnd S3c dimities, lmtlstes and organ- d25c toCMo Imported Irish, Frenrh nnd Scotch dimities, batistes and orgnndles, all go on this Kale. luc. 10c Glengarlo ginghams. :ic 10c cordi'd dimities, M4c. 10c lino batiste, 3Uc. 12c batiste nnd dimities, be. 6c shirting prints. 214c. 7V4c full standard prints, 2'.4c. li'Ac black sateen, lie. 15a percales, 36 Inches wide, 2V5c 25c Imported liereales, 5c. 3.1c mercerized foulards, ic. , . 65c Imported St. Gull linen colored Swiss, 10c. Silks Specinls on silks. Ono lot worth 23c, for 1214c Ono lot worth 35c, lor 15c. Three lots worth 50c, for 25c. Five lots worth 75c and 51, for 39c. Boys' Clothing The greatest sciiHatlon of tho age. 5c pants, for 10c. 25c brownie overalls, 15c. 60c pants, for 15c. Hoys' blouse wnsh suits, 15c. $1.00 crash suits, 45c. (2.50 crash suits, 90c. Furnishing Goods Men's 50c gingham shirts, 15c. Men's 35c suspenders. 12'Jc. Ladles' 25c vents, "4c. Men's 75c work shlrls, 39o. Mens lino dress shlits, scparato cuffs and colars, 29c. The Big Sale on Silks IS IMiACINO THE FINEST KINDS OF K1LKS TO YUU AT Vl'.Jli J.UHHH1' I'IMCKS. Hundreds of black taffeta skirt lengths ..... lrt tVitit irlM in nt unmn tirlrfH. fe and 10 yards In overy piece, the nuallty Is best, worth up to Il2.cn and $15.00. go at per pattern. ti.w, j'j.j uiiu i.ir. Dig silk sale, for two hours Tuesday morn in.. Onm 'i tn it n'eloek ullk taken from blg'milT purchase, 39c. Heavy black and colored taffrtn, wldo ullls ulrlnnti nli.Mu ll'fiiih mULtu thouhand of pieces go lu this sale. Rem nants OI line uihck isreiimiiii'u lur iinn- Cn.U.M I,. litnr.U' nml nnlnrH. Tt ulll pay yuu to Invest and keep till fall, none iold before 9 o'clock ami after 11 o'clock nt this price, each 33c Each customer lim ited to ne dress pattern, Remember this 1 hour silk file takes place Tuesday morn ing Watch our big July silk salts. hay En Juiya Clear- ing Sale. 200 suits on salo for tomorrow. Suits formerly sold at $15.00 and $18.00, reduced to $S.9S. Women's tnllor-mndo suits, very stylish garments, worth up to $35.00, reduced to $9.00. Women's silk cton Jackets that sold nt $15.00 to' $20.00, sale price $4.50. Women's silk enpes, the $4 quality, reduced to $1.98. Women's rainy-day skirts, all wool materials, In all colors, worth $4.00, for $1.48. Women's rainy-day skirts with 22 rows of stitching In ths flounce, tho $5.00 (junllty, for $1.98. 100 storm sergo skirts, tailor-made, tho $12.00 quality, re duced to $6.00. Women's silk taffeta skirts, elaborately trimmed, a $12.00 garment, for $0.96. Women's $30 silk skirts for $12.76. Women's black and colored taffeta waists, the $6.00 and $8.00 qualities, In ono lot for, each, $3.00. Women's silk waists, corded taffetas, the $4.00 quality, for $1.90. 25 sample suits, worth up to $70, salo price only $25.00. Children's wash dresses, tho $1.60 quality, for COc. TUESDAY IN THE BARGAIN ROOM onstated that no other house It capable nt tho prices wo do. WE DEFY ANY ces. Grocery Sale 10 bars best laundry soap, 25c. 10 pounds cornmtial, 10c. 10 pounds rye flour, 19c. 4 pounds wholo Japan rice, 26c. 4 pounds pearl tapioca, 25c 1 pounds fin go, 25c. Bnrtlett pears, per pound, Sl-Sc. San Joso county peaches, per lb., 8 l-3c. I.argo Mulr peaches, per lb., 10c. Santn Clara prunes, per lb. 5c. I.urgo sugar-cured prunes, por lb 81-Sc. Cracker Sale Wo havo broken the combination on Crackers. We aro selling Crackers for less than tho cost to tho dealers. (linger Snaps, dealers' cost 614c, our price, 3c. Soda Crackers, dealers' cost 6Hc, our price 6c. Oyster Crackers, dealers' cost 64c, our Irlco Cc. Oatmeal Crackers, dealers' cost 15c, our prlco 714c. Oraham Crackers, dealers' cost 15o, our prlco 714c Arrowroot, deahrs' cost 25c, our pr)co 12Hc. l.ernnn Wafers, dealers' cost 25c, our price 15c. Vnnlll.a Wafers, doalrrs' cost 25c, our prlco 16c. Sand .Molasses, dealers' cost 16c, our prlco 3 l-3c. Orango Sweets, dealers' cost 15c, our prlco S l-3c. Assorted Jumbles, dealers' cost 15c, our prlco 10c. Sultanas, dealers' cost 25c, our prlco 1214c. Fig Har, dealers' cost 25c our price 15c. ML. packago Soda lllscults, per packago 6c. Low Prices on Meats No. 1 sugar cured Hams at 1114a Now round Ilologna 614c I'otted Ham, per can, 4c. Chipped Dried Ileflf 15c. Tickled Figs Feot 4Hc Big Sale on Plums. FANCY CALIFORNIA PLUMS 4o per dozen; per caso 11.15. Fish! Fish! Codfish, per brick, CWc. Fancy fat K K K K Norway Herring, 10c Family White Fish, per pound, 6c BROS.