THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: 31 OX DAT, JULY 8, 1P01. 0 BREAKS EVEN WITH OMAHA , Dm Molnei Nail Lait Oami of tbt Serin of Six. GRAHAM GIVES WAY TO COONS EARLY Captain Stniirt Convinced of i Jiceil of ShirtliiK I'ltelicm by Home CiihIIj- Willi Thrown lu the 1'lr.t ItmliiK. (Krom a Staff Correspondent.) DK8 MOINKS, July 7. (Special Tclo gram.) Des Moines broke even with Omaha by caDturine the last o: iw series ot six names Sunday, the xcoro etandlng 5 to 2. l'ltchcr Damman, for tho midgets, lato ot Indianapolis, was Invincible, allowing hut flvo hits, but had It not been for Graham's wlldness the score might have been In Omaha's favor. Notwithstanding he pitched t Friday's game, Graham was used for "raana. Thiol, tho first men up, drew a pars. Ho 1 was advanced to second and third by flacrl- Ikes by O'Lcnry and Warner. McVlckcr was given four wide ones and Wcrden fol- , lowed with u slnglo, scoring Thiol. Hlncs was glvor. a base, O'Conncll singled, iieor- lng McVlcker and Wcrdcn. Colo singled J nnd lllncs scored. At this Juncture Captain Stewart took Graham out of tho box and Coons was sub stltuted. Dainman went out on the first ball pitched by Coons, tbo pitcher getting the assist, retiring thu side. Tho romalnder of tho game wns a pretty contest between pitchers. Coons allowed but five hits and only In tho soventh Inning did he fall to keep them scattered. In this Inning, with one out, Warner secured a i:lean hit, reached third on Letcher's muff of Wer den's skyscraper against tho sun and scored on Hlncs' single. Oninliu (icin Into the Gallic. For Omaha the first score was secured In tho seventh, on a stnglu by Toman, a gift to Genius and tho outs of Letcher and Stewart on fielder's choice. In the ninth, with two out, Omaha filled tho bases and a little batting rally would havu won tho game. Stewart smashed a grounder be tween Werdcn's legs, McAndrews got a scratch hit on fiy, under which Hlncs fell down, nnd Calhoun sent an easy groundor to O'Conncll, who throw wild to catch Mc Andrews at second, allowing Stewart to score. Gondtng struck out, retiring the side. Cote's hand was Injured by a foul In tho fourth and Klclnow succeeded blm. Des Moines has roloased Pitchers Froo man tu.d Schmidt and has signed Pitcher Dubser, who retired three years ago, aftor achieving a reputation In the National league. Attendance, 2,000. Score: DES MOINKS. All. It H. 0 1 1 0 o. 1 1 ft 3 8 3 O 3 4 0 A. K. Thiol, If 0'I.cnry, hh.... Warner, cf MoVlcker, rf... Wcrden, lb lllncs, 2b O'Conncll, 3b... Cote, c Kle I now, c Dammnn, p.... 0 o Totals 30 5 OMAHA. 8 27 An. n. II. I 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 o. 1 1 1 1 A. 0 3 0 0 3 2 Fleming, If Toman, ss Genius, cf 1-etchcr, rf, Rtewart, 2b McAndrews. 3b.. Calhoun, lb Gondlng, o Coons, p Graham, p 12 I Totals 32 2 5 23 13 1 'Damnum out, Interfered with batted ball Des Moines 40000010 -5 Omohn OuolOOOO 12 Left on bases: Des Moines. 8: Omaha. C. First base on balls: Off Graham, 3; off i.ooiib, .. i in uy punned nan: uy uam man. 1. Struck out: By Coons 1: by Dam man, 6. Paused hall: Gondlng. Tlmo of game: 1:40. umpire: McDcrmott. .nrllicrn NclRliliom Ilnlue. ST. PAUL, July 7. Nearly 10.0CO pcop'e. aw at. raui ami .Mimienpolln play a iloublu-hi'iuler at Lexlnutnn nark thin n't cmoon. The locals won tho first game In hollow fashion, but In tho second Minne apolis knocked McGill out of thn hox and. nsslHled by errors on the part of tho homo iciun, won oui. Aiienuance, ,uw. acore First game. ..... n. h. k. HI. I'alll 32000000 05 6 Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 02 9 Batteries: St. Paul, Cogan and Wilson! Minneapolis, Hwormsiodi and .McL'onncl. Second game: It. II K. Allnnenpqlls . 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 4 10 12 St. Paul .... 100032 0 00-CK Batteries; Minneapolis, Wadsworth and McConnell; St. Paul, ftlcGIU, Chech and iniumer. Twfnty-Hnp It ii n k Off DenVcr. COLORADO SPRINGS, July 7.-Denver tried two now pitchers today and tho locals pounded them mini, McNecly was also hit hard, but kept bis hits more scattered. Condition of grounds aided materially In run-geiting. Bcore: n. ii. ! Colo. SpgS.. 2 5 0 2 5 2 1 1 321 32 4 uenver fi 2 1 2 0 3 0 0 011 20 Batteries: Colorado Snrlnirs. MpMwIv nnd Donahue; Denver, I'nrott, Glado and James Buiuvaii. Hi. .lor IlruiiN It ICarl)-. ST. JOSKPH. Mo.. Julv 7. Krrors hv thn St. Joseph Infield In the fifth inning gave Kansas City today's game. Maupin was in line form, but his support was positively vile. Attendance. 2,500. Score: n.H.u. Kansas uny ..o o o u & o o l 17 9 St. Joseph 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 04 9 Batteries: Knnsns City, Wolf nnd Mes- sin tu. josepn, aiaupin and uooin, Um plre, Tlndell. Wcitern Iienguc StnnilliiK, Won. ...31 ...32 Lost. 22 26 P.O. Kansas City Omaha .f33 .551 Tim Ormsby Says: As Tim Ormsby entered tho station, two hours late, tho desk sergeant reprimanded hlra for not having supper on time. "Well, I'm payln' my respects to some friends In South Omaha," hu answered, "A great town, South Omaha has that rich, beefy flavor. Yes, I'm takln' n course 0 treatment over there In their rest euro tMiuturluru, that they calU a bull fight." "Shocking spectacle, 1 dare say," re marked the sergeant. "Shoekln'7 Say, I gets so many shocks over there that I don't mind '0111 any more. 1 can play Annie Rooney on a harp strung with live wires now an' never blister my tongs." Being asked to describe the fight as It appeared to him. Tim appropriated a cob pipe belouGlng to 0110 ot tho prisoners aud filled It with the emergency officer's to bacco. "It's a pippin of a show," he began, "about as exciting as a gamo o' chess where the players only move at meal time, but It's a great place tar folks with nervous dtieases, an' all they needs Is a spring spoutln' mineral water In th arena and some one to call you In tlmo for tho latt car to have a first-class health resort. It's played with a lot 0' Don Mlguels called 'ncreendors,' 'trapdors,' 'sldedors,' and 'family entrances' on one side and a mooley milch cow on th' other. Th' cow Is asleep In tho shado and th' point Is tn see who can run around th' ring th' most times without wakln' nor up." "That doesn't sound to mo Ilko accounts I've read ot tho Spanish bull fight," said tho sanitary officer. "No, but this Is a South Omaha bull fight," oxpUluod TUu. "You see the bsi f 27 20 29 3H 34 33 .m 60S .451 .V 3S Colorado HnrlnRs ' Dos Moines Denver .23 .21 LIVELY DUEL OF NATIONALS ,cn Vurk Jlnkra fltroiiK lllil for Vic tory, tiut Chteliinntl l.rniln hy n Hutu CINCINNATI, July T.-Two, bases on ImllB, a micrlrtce, Phillips' double nml Ileckley's single allowed the Cincinnati Na tional to pull the came out of the lire t thu eighth InnlliK. Phillips pitched a steady Kitme. Doheny was erratic at times. WW York made u Ktroni; bid for victory In tho ninth and had two men left on thu bases after scoring unc run. Score: PIMl'IKS'ATI. SUW YOHKi K.K.O A.B. I it.ii.o.A t: l)olbs, cf.... 1 1 3 OVanh'fn, cf 2 3 10 0 iiKrify. if... i o 1 o Ofeitmch. if . o o o 0 iif.-kiry. iti. 1 a 0 0 Mdlride, rf . 3 0 0 Crawford, rf 0 3 1 0 0 Hlckmun, s o j Mniroon. .. 0 o 4 u uanni, iu.. u l'lett, lb 1 0 3 3 0 Duvln. 3li... 0 0 0 Irwin, 3b.... 112 1 0 Pining. 2b... 0 1 1 Itericen, c... 0 1 4 0 0 llowcnn'n, cl 0 3 lMlllr, n... 1113 1 Dolirnv. D... 0 1 0 'Warner .... 0 0 0 0 TotnU 6 10 !J II 1 ; - ! Totals .... 6 24 17 Uatted for Doheny In the ninth Cincinnati 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 -' x:w York 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 10 Warned runs: Cincinnati, 4: New York, 4. Two-base hits: VanHaltron, 'jjc'j""' s'm ?;, '' "t rhWim. 3 iyohtVy. 4. Htl by pitched ball: Phillips, I; Doheny, 1. Struck out: Phillips. 2; Doheny, Time: l:K. Umpire: Cunningham. Itroiiklyn llMt mirm ClilcitKO. CHICAGO. July ".-The Uiooklyn Na tional team won easily by perfee; fielding, daring base running and lucky hitting, WnddcH'M itlfts and wild pitches liming them mnterinllv. The locals CO J 111 do but llttlo with Kltson's delivery when hits wcro needed. Alicnaauce, t, iw. ticoro: MlOOKiYN. I CHICAGO. IUI.O.A.E. IUI.O.A.E. Kelley. lb... 11110 Hart-el, If.. 1 3 0 0 0 Keeler. rf... 1 3 1 1 0 oreen, .... 1 1 a v u 0 0 Chance, rf... 0 0 2 0 0 u 0 Jtaymer, lb. 1 1 12 2 0 2 0 Chllils. 2b... 0 10 4 0 0 0 McCor'k. nJ 1 i I 1 0 0 Hoffman, 3b 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 Knhne, c... 1 1 J 1 4 O.Wiuldell. p.. 0 0 2 2 0 8hwknrl, If. 0 0 5 Duly, 2b 2 2 1 DnliUn, us.. 2 1 3 McCroery. til : : Outlnn, 3b... 0 2 1 Kartell, c... 117 KtlKOh, p.... 0 0 1 Totals .... 12 37 Ol Totals .... t 9 27 14 2 Brooklyn 0 0 2 0 2 1 1 0 2-8 Chicago 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 0-5 Iuft on bases: Clilouuo. 3: Drooklyn, 9. Two-baso hits: Baymcr, Hartsel. Kahoc, McCormlck. Three-base hit: AleCreery. Lt,.... , . . n t,.l.. Qnl,l.. Itltu. Iiiilllu iiiun. .111:11, ivai. iii.c. Keuler (2), Sheckard. Stolen bases: Ilorf man. Gatlns, McCrocry, Keeler, Daly, t Dulilcn, rarrcll. Struck out: Hy wad del, 7; by Kttson, 0. lUiso on balls: Off Wnddcll, 5j off Kltson. 1. Wild pitches: Waddell, 2. Tlmo: 2:10. Umpire: Nash. Tiatlonnl Lciikiic StnnilliiK. Won. Lost, P. .cro .55(1 .545 .W2 .S23 .619 .412 .318 Pittsburg 36 fit, Louis 2& New York 30 Philadelphia 33 Brooklyn 33 Boston 29 2S 2o 29 30 23 31 45 Cincinnati 27 Chicago 21 SHAKEUP IN AMERICANS lUlhvnnkcr Kind a Choline Works Well nml Ilnslly Shut Out Cleveland. MII.WAtTKIIE. Julv 7. The Mllwnukeo American team received a shaking un to day and the change worKeu wen. iieiuy niched a masterly game arm, oacKeu up ly good fielding, shut Cleveland out. J cits" Donohuo n ayed his Mrst game lor Milwaukee, covering first base, where l.e made a very good impression, llesldes the pitching of Beldy and Scott, n beautiful stop by Donohue, which cut off a two-base hit, and a fine catch by lachanco of a lly were features. Attendance. 4,800. Score: SIILWAUKBE. I CLEVELAND. n.II.O.A.E.1 IUI.O.A.E. Oflfr, cf.... 113 0 Orickcrlng, cf 0 2 2 0 0 Frlel, Sb 0 0 1 0 McCarthy, ir a u 0 u u Bnllman, rf. 0 1 0 0 OO'Ilrlen, rf.. 0 0 10 0 Anderson, It. 0 .1 2 0 0 Heck, 2b 0 13 2 0 Conmy, ss.. 0 0 4 3 0 Lachnnce, lb 0 0 13 U 0 Donahue, lb. 1 1 11 0 0 Ilrndley, 3b. 0 0 0.2-1 Ilurke, 3b.... 0 0 3 2 2 Wood, c 0 a, 2 2 .0 Maloney. c. 0 0 3 0 0 Shelbcck, 11,0 1! 1 i Iteldy, p 0 0 0 4 oscott, p 0 0 1 : Q Totals 2 4 27 13 2 Total 0 5 21 13 3 0 0 0 0 10 0 1 -2 0 0O 0 0 0 0 O 0-0 Milwaukee Cleveland Kurned runs: Mllwnukeo, 1. Two-baso Hallman. Three-base hits: hits: Anderson, Donohue, aclcr. Sacrifice hits: Anderson. Iteldy, McCarthy, Lachance, Scot:, ilaso on balls: Oft Beldy, 1; off Scott. 3. Stolen buses: Maloney. Geler. Struck out: Uy Scott. 1. Double plays: Frlel, Conroy, Donohue. Left on bases: Milwaukee, 5; Cleveland, 6. Time: 1:23. Umpire: Can tllllon. Detroit Hunches lilts. DETROIT. July 7.-Tho Detroit Ameri cans bunched their hits on Patterson In tho third Inning today and scored live runs, which gave them a victory over Chicago. 8 to 3. Cronln was hit hard early In tho game, but the sensational fielding behind htm kept the score down. The feature of tho gamo was a great running catch by Elbcrfeld. Haskell was lato In appearing and Slevcr and Callahan umpired tho first two Innings. Attendance, 4,200. Score; ' DETHOIT. CHICAOO. IUI.O.A.E. IUI.O.A.E. Cnney, 3b.... 2 3 2 OHoy, cf. 0 2 1 HolmtB, rf.. 0 0 3 llnrret, cf... 1 0 2 Qlcaton, 2b.. 114 Klhurfeld. 1 2 3 Nance, If.... I 1 3 McAH'S'r. lb 1 2 2 Sliaw, c 0 18 Cronln, p.... 1 1 0 Jones, rf.... 0 1 3 1 5 6 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 9 3 0 3 ol 01 Merles, !b77T 0 1 Ishell, lb,... 1 2 Hulllvan, 3b. 1 1 Jluignrt, un, 0 0 Mcl'nrl'd. If 1 0 -Jngdeu, c... 0 1 'attoifon, p 0 1 Tolal .... S 11 27 7 Total! .... 3 9a 13 4 Nance out; hit b oatted ball. Detroit 0 1 5 0 0 0 2 0 8 Chicago 0 0 2 I 0 0 0 0 0-3 Two-base hits: Casey. Hoy. Home runs; Nnnce, Sullivan. Sacrifice hit: Holmes. Stolen bases; McAllister, Shaw. Bases on balls; Uy Cronln. 3; by Patterson, 1. lilt by pltchor: Sullivan, First bnso on er rors, Chirrtgo, 1; Detroit, 3. Left on bases: Lnlcago, 9; Detroit. 2. Struck out: By Cronln, 0; by Patterson, . Double play: Hurrett to Sluiw. Wild pitch: Pnttcrson. Time: 1:10. Umpires: Slevcr, Callahan nnd Haskell. American League MtnnilliiK. Won. 37 40 31 9 ?t 21 24 Lest. 20 21 29 23 2G 31 37 41 P.C. .r.19 .625 Boston Chlcugn Detroit Baltlmoro Washington Philadelphia Cleveland ... Mllwaukeo . .539 .517 .60) 413 .393 .319 to make some changes In th' rules before th' humane society chapa'll sign th' IiuIIb. When the raanagor o' th' Don Mlguels ad vertises th' mill Mr. Huinano Society sends up his card and threatens to turn an In junction loose In th' ring. "Well, th' Mlguels ain't been trained to fight no hamstrung Injunction with blood In his eye so thoy asks a few questions. " 'Wo can't stand for nothln' crooel,' says Mr. Humane. Society. 'Our bulls must bo protected at any cost, an' If you don't pull off a gentle, goodnatured fight, with nets to it tor th' bulls to tall In, we'll have to spring a procrss of law from chapter umpsteen, section leventy, revised statootcs (Smith vs. Jones, S. C. D., Custer county.)' "Th' Mlguols told him th' bulls wasn't oxpected to do no llyln' trapeezo turn, nnd don't need no net, so they compromised by uavln' th' cellardoors an' screendoors stump around th' arena with their legs In gunny sack an' sofa pillows on their spearheads. "'An' you'll bu Mud to th' bull?' says Mr. Humann Society. " 'Colonel,' says Don Miguel, 'thin Is a fat stock irtiow, like tho county fairs have, only wc advertises It as a bull fight cause we needs th' money. It'll cot.t every man, woman an' child a buck to got In an' 13.50 before ho gets out, and 15 cents extra for a cushion to set on. An' we'll hire n messenger boy to hold an umbrella over th' bull an' feed him watercresi between actB.' " 'An' soino one to keep the files off'n hlra?' " 'Cert, an' to tie a blue ribbon around hli horns, an' they'll bo a choice selection pickpockets in thu crowd that'll let i0 dirty man cscapo,1 i'ST:SEi BOSTON BOAT HAS HOPES EittD bit Not Cist Down is Lnwton'a Indepindinoo, CHAMPION CONSTITUTION IS SATISFIED HcnlRnittlon HcIkiis mi ColiiniMn Duncan llrllcvri ntiirilny's Itnce Settles the filtiintlon Second Contest Is on Today. NEWPORT, R. I., July ".It was a day of satisfaction on board the new yachting champion, Constitution, ot resignation on Columbia and of contemplation but still hopefulness on Independence, so badly de feated In yesterday's race. On shore every one discussed the race from all sides but principally tho unexpected showing ot In dependence. It seemed to be the general opinion tfmong thoso yachtsmen who watched tho race closely that the sluggish ness of the Crownlnshlcld boat wns duo to some extent to the uncertainty of tho wind some little time utter the start nnd that the true, worth of tho yacht was not brought out. On board the Uoston boat not a man was cast down, tho overwhelming defeat being attributed solely to hard luck. Said one of those on board: "Wo know that Independ ence, enn sail and call fast, for wo have seen It do It and believe that yester day 111 luck attended It from the very start." Captain Haff is quoted as expressing similar views to Mr. Lawson when tho latter came aboard last night after the race, nnd tonight all hands on tho Uoston boat are looking forward eagerly and con fidently to tomorrow's contest over n tri angular course, when Independence Is expected to show Its great racing pow ers, providing of course, there Is nny kind of a breeze. It was also pointed out that under tho America's cup conditions, yesterday's con test would have been declared no race, tho usual time limit ot flvo hours nnd a half having been exceeded, but thoso on Inde pendence did not make any excuses on that basis. Diincnii Snjs It's Settled. Ono of tho most Interesting comments on tho race was mado this afternoon by W. nutler Duncan of Constitution, who Hummed up the contest by saying It Becmcd prac tically to end tho situation and that Independence could not hereafter bo con sidered a possibility as a cup defender, Mr. Duncan further remarked that one ot tho most gratifying Incidents of tho race was tho excellent work of Constitution's crew In handling satis and tho manner In which all hands pulled together, lie was fully satisfied with tho showing of Con stitution and the result was a great relief. Coming back to Independence he said a yacht that could not show speed In light weather would be unlikely to do better under heavier conditions of wind nnd sea. Tho yachts will have their second con test of the Newport Yacht Racing associa tion's series tomorrow over a thlrty-mllo triangular course, of ten miles on a side, it being provided as usual that ono leg, probably the first, shall bo a beat to wind ward. It Is thought suc'i a contest will glvo Independence Its best chanco at de feating tho two Herreschoff yachts, as two of tho legs must be made by broad reaches. Tho start If posslblo will bo from Uron ton's Reef lightship nnd It Is likely that almost as large a fleet will accompany tho racers as on Saturday. OrlKtnnl Win In Moth. The game of ball at Vinton park Sundny nfternoor. between the Originals and tho Uniques was one of tho best amateur games seen In Omaha for some time. Up to the ninth Inning the game wns In tho hands of tho Uniques, but In that Inning Pltoher Rcnf went to pieces nnd on a muff by Sago nnd two bases on balls nil tho bases wero filled. A three-bagger nnd two singles brought In four men and the game was saved to the Originals. Score by Innings: Originals 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 5-7 Uniques 00020000 02 Two-baso hits: Scully, Lynch, Hnll. Three-baso hit: Foley. Struck out: By Scully, 8; by Renf. 6. First base on balls: Off Scully. 1; off Renf, 3. Hit by pitched ball: Rent.. Umpire: Shannon. Sniip for ArKOH. NEBRASKA CITY. July 7.-(Speclnl Tcl egram.) The gamo this afternoon between Argos nnd a team from Lincoln re sulted in an easy victory for tho locals. There was n largo crowd present. Score, eight innings: Argos 0 1 3 0 0 2 0 06 Lincoln 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1-3 Batteries: Argos, Faulkner und Ervln; Lincoln, Tobey nnd Herman. Umpire, Hearn. Tlmo: 1:30. nietc Temu Hips Up Dlnlr. The C N. Dletz ball team visited Blulr yesterday and won 11 gamo from a team there that was clearly outclassed. McCon nell nnd Hathaway composed tho battery for Dletz and Taylor and Matthews for tho Dlnlr team. Score: R. II. E. C. N. Dletz.. 4 3 005702 223 21 3 Blair 0010210004 7 8 KxcIiiiiikp lllllon the Soldiers. FORT CROOK, Nell., July 7. (Special Telegram.) The Omnhu Produce exchange nine defeated tho soldiers In 11 well played Kumu on tho fort grounds today. Score; Exchange, 5; Fort Crook, 3. Batteries: Exchange. Davis and Lunger; soldiers, Troby and LovoleB.s. Too Svtlft for l'lntte Center. HUMPHREY. Neb.. July 7,-(Speclni Tel- pcnim.i Platte Center met defeat In a ui-ir tnm nf l):tl I here tndav. Score Humphrey, 11; Platto Center, 6. lilts: Humphrey, 13; Platte Center, 6. Home run: Olaskl. Thrco-baso hits: VanAck- I'm Takln' a Course o Treatment in That Rest Cure Sanitarium That They Calls a Dull Fight. " 'An' they won't bo no bloodshed?' " 'No official bleedtn' 'cept at th main entrance, un' th' man that takes th' coln'll 'tend to that.' " 'An' nothln' to exclto th' bull?' "'Excitement? Say, colonel! They won't bo enough action In that arena to blur th' plate of a amateur photygroft, but th' blokes that sells lemonade, In th' crowd has got th' short change racket down till they don't know nothln' else.' "So tho articles of agreement Is signed and to show that bis heart Is In tho right placo Miguel goes out and makes th' trapdor dilute th' bottlo o' beet Julco that ho breaks In th' last round. Then tho ban dngucrlllas plays somethln' an' th' show Is on. "Th' Hrst thing I sees Is a Palan-Chlna bull chewin' his cud over in th' shade o' the fonco an' a little girl In a white dress p.utln' his forohead. Then four or flvo o' these screendorB comes In wcarln' hats mndo out 0' Chinese umbrellas nn' frlngo ou their clo's, an' they go bobbin' 'round th' sawdust on a Joblot o' ringbones an' spavluo from th' stockyards cavalry. "Ono o' tho Mlguels a cellnrdor, so the scorecard says gots off his kayuse, an' workln' up to the hull, Becms to bo tryln' to curry him, when nn awful thing hap pens. The bull switches his tall In th ccllardor's eyes an' thoy carries th' In Jurcd man out on a stretcher. "Then th' reforco o' th' light gets up on a soapbox an' makes a spiel, sayln' that by special request o' certain nervous ladles In th' grandstand th' bull would be with drawn an' a s turfed bull signed in h s placo, Then I goes to sleep nn' when I wakes up I has to borrow car faro to get back to Omaha." ... eren (2). Batteries: Humphrey, Olaskl and VnnAckeren; Platte Center Hoare nnd Hoare. Umpire: Blocdorn, Three. I I, pontic. At Rock Islnnd-Rookfonl, 8; Rock In land, 1. At Kvansville Tcrre Hauto, 9; Kvnni vllle, 6. At Davenport Davenport, 6; Cedar Ran Ids, fi. At Bloomlngton-Bloomlngton, 2; Decatur, Southern I.eiiKiie, ! MEMPHIS, July 7.-Scorc: n H 13 Belmu 0 3 0 1 3 0 0 0 0-7' o' 6 Memphis .... 0O1OO2O0P-3 3 6 Batteries: Selma, Crlbblns nnd Harlow; Memphis, Kerns nnd Armstrong. Western Assoclntlon. At Mnrlon-Whccllng, S; Marlon. 1. , At Columbus Columbus. 5; Indianapolis, 1. At Toledo Toledo, 6; Fort Wayne. 4. At uranu iiapma Dayton, t, uranu nip- 1 Ids, 3. iu::sions for wh.hthhn vuthuans. Wiir .Survivor llcniciiibereit hy the Cenernl tJovernineitt, WASHINGTON, July 7. (Special.) Tho following pensions hnve been granted: Issue of Juno 19. 1901; Nebraska: Orlglnal-Wllllnm Chnndler. Plattsmouth, 16. AdditionalWilliam Mc Danlel, Oconto, $S. Increase Jerry Mor rison, Beatrice. 312; Stephen R. Easley, Alexandria, IS; William T. Murphy, Red Cloud, J10. Original Widows, etc. Mercy Ann Stone, Lincoln, is. Wnr with Spain (original) Ernest C. Glfford, Ord, Jl. Iowa: Original Frank L. Bostwlck, Em metsburg, . Additional Joseph Biles, Muscatine, Jd. Increase Francis M. Dun bar. Linden. IS; Andrew Lockrow, Mur Hhalltown, f 10; John Jehrlng, Davenport, 12; Nathan Whitman, Allien. JS: Bowen B. Brown. Brandon, J10; Frnncls M, Vnn Mrk, Glenwood, IS. Original Widows, etc. Minors of Benedict J. Ashley. Delta, $16; Mary E, Ball, Bond mint, $3; Mary A. ralklns, Wyoming, 12. Special Accrued, Juno 21 Emma (1. lladley. Muscatine, Ss. Montana: Original Philander Hutton, Butte City, Jt'ii Richard Parker, Anaconda, $1 Increase Elbrldgo 8. DeLong, Helena, 18. Colorado: Original Patrick Murphy, Denver, $5. Renewal Bradford Hale, Ol ney, (. Increase Delos O. King. Monte Vista. J12; Edward A. Boyd, Antonito, 312; Benjamin Allison, Rocky Ford, 18. South Dakota: Increase Joseph Wood land, Julian, 312. PICNIC PARTY IS WRECKED MllwnuUee Car .Split hy a Trolley Pole mill .Six I'nsseiiKern Are Hurt. CHICAGO, July 7. Tho derailing of a Mllwaukeo avenuo trolley car, which was loaded with a picnic party, caused a panic among tho passengers, of whom six wero seriously Injured, today. When the car Jumped the track It crashed Into a trolley polo In tho center of the street and was split lu two. Tho passengers wero thrown to tho street In a heap nnd half of the car toppled over on top of them. For a tlmo It was thought n number of persons had been killed, but when the wreckage was cleared away It was found that all but six had es caped serious injury, Tho injured suffered broken limbs and sevcro cuts, but It Is be lieved none was fatally hurt. If your brain won't work right nnd you miss tho snap, vim and energy that was onco yours, you should take Prickly Ash Bitters. It cleanses' tho system and In vigorates both body and brain. Horn Iln- Mlth Fire anil Die, LOUISIANA. July 7.-Donnld Nichols nnd Samuel Taylor, enrh 5 years old, wero burned to death today, locked In un out building. They had been nlaylng und prob ably set fire to n can of conloli. The door was instencd ana tncy were unnuie to escape. Z??e Sunday Bee Story A New One Begins Sunday, July 14. S. R. Crockett's Latest Serial "The Powerful, Fascinating and Full of Lifs. The mitlior of "The Ulack DourIiis," "The Kuiders," "The Lilac Suiiboiinct," "The Stickit Minister," etc., never penned a more thrilling talc than "Tiie Firebrand." It Is n stirring, innstoiiy story, moving In Spain nt tho time when the followers of Marin Christina nnd those of Don Carlos were con testing the rlffht of succession to the throne. The hero, Iilsilr, a lovahle, nnd hot-headed young Scotchman, appropriately nicknamed "The Firebrand," becomes Involved with two friends lu u Carllst plot to abduct the Queen Regent and little Isabella nnd deliver them Into the hands of Oeuernl Kilo, representative of Don Car los. Concha Cabezos, n charming Spanish girl, through her love for Iilnlr Is also drawn Into thu plot, and gives many btrlUIng proofs of n woman's devotion. At tho palaco of Lu (Jraujn, where they hud taken refuge from tho plague which was devastating the surrounding country, Hlalr rescues the Queen and her little daughter from the vengeance of a band of gypsies. He afterwards has some thrilling experiences In freeing his royal charges from General Cabrera, u Carllst leader, who Is bent on putting them to death. In this rescue he Is nobly aided by Concha, his little sweetheart, who rides madly In search of tieneral Kilo to secure his help. Ry accident, however, she ar rives at the camp of General Kspurtero, Comnmnder-ln-Clilef of all the Queen's armies, who comes to the relief of Hlalr and his friends nnd defeats the Carllsts' plans. Hlalr resigns his Carllst commission and Is accused of being n traitor to the cause, lie Is rescued from the rack by Concha, whom he afterwards marries. He Is Dually appointed (Jovernor of Val encia by the Queen In appreciation of his services. "TIIK F1RKRRAND" is all action, and Its swiftly crowding situations In, all of which the hero overcomes every obstacle, wheth er In love or wnr, hold the Interest of the reader to thu very last line of tho lust chapter. PARE YOU FEELING BADLY? f RICKLY ASH BITTERN WILL CURE YOU. A m 11 s e m e 11 1 s IIIK l)n lit Uruu I'nrk. Fully 8,000 people visited Krug park yes terday and enjoyed tho numerous amuse ments there. The park has found a su perior attraction In "The Passion Play," which scores an Immense hit with all classes of people, The scenes depleting Tho Lait Supper, Peter Denying His Mas ter, etc., are Instructive jind Intensely In teresting. Hundreds of church members have witnessed tho play and they aro per haps tho most appreciative of all tho visitors. There was an clnborato display of fire works at the park last night, this pleas ing event having been postponed trom tho night of the Fourth on account ot rain. Lorenz's band concerts, a successful balloon nscenslon by Prof. Fnnchcn nnd a number of exciting bowling contests also furnished amusement for tho big crowd of yesterday. Next Sunday Tyler's dog show, wlU;h Is said to be ono ot tho best on the road, opens nn cngagoment nt the park. All Krug park attractions nro freo and tho liberality of tho manngemcnt Is elicit ing much favorable comment from park patrons. Ferris Stock Coin puny. "The Streets of New York," another of tho good old plays, was put on by the Fer ris Stock company last night, n fairly good audience listening to tho production. The story of the pleco Is the old, old ono of love and villainy Intermingled, with tho triumph of lovo In the end. Tho devious courso through which tho story runs affords many opportunities for Interesting situa tions, und these nro all taken advantage of. Tho parts were well placed among tho company aud a very smooth petformonce wns given. The piece runs until Thursday, when It will bo succeeded by "The Hour of His Need." Mr. Ferris returned from New York yes terday and will bo In tho cast again next week. The .Same Old Story. J. A. Kelly relates an experience similar to that which has happened In almost every neighborhood In the United Stntes and hns beon told and re-told hy thousands of others. Ho says: "Lnst summer 1 had an attack of dysentery nnd purchased a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy, which I used according to directions and with entirely satisfactory results. The troublo was controlled much quicker than former attacks when I used other reme dies." Mr. Kolly Is n well known cltkcn of Henderson, N. C. For sale by nil druggists. Xrnii IteniM from Dundee. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. M. Smith are at Buz zards' Bay, Mass., for the remainder of tho summer. Mrs. W. B. Howard and children nre passing the summer with relatives at Ord, Neb. D. L. Johnson left Wednesday for homo and expects to visit California on his re turn, being gone from two to three months, Mr. and Mrs. Ferry hnve gone on n visit to Cleveland. O., whence they will go to the exposition at Buffalo nnd other eastern points. C. M. Richards, whoso son Is owner rf the Lincoln hotel at Lincoln, died Wednes day morning of heart disease nt the hotel Just after his return from a visit to h s family In Dundee. Mr. Richards wns a pioneer steamboat engineer on western rivers. A tournament of the two fire companies of thu village was held the mornlnq: of July 4 at Flfty-llrfct nnd Davenport Htrccts. after exercises In u grove. The exercises Included prayer by Rev. E. A. .Moore, the rending of tho Declaration of Independence by Henry Lcavltt and un nddress by Judge George Mngney of Omaha. Firebrand" Do Not Miss This Story Publication Begins on Sunday, July 14. $9.85 TO: ST. PAUL AND RETURN July 1 to 9 $15.00 :To: Hot Springs AND RfcTURN City Offices, 1401-1403 Far nam St. Universal satisfaction given by OSWEGO "PURE" for the Laundry, $500 REARDI We will py tho abovo roward for any cms of Iilrer Complaint, Dyxpepsin, Sick llcsdtcha, fcidlgcsUon, Constipation or CojUtoiicji wa eannot euro Tilth Llverltr., the Up-To-DMa Llttlo Liver rill, when tho directions lira strict ly compiled with. They nre purely Vegelnblt, end never foil to give sntlsfsctloi?. 25o boxes contain 100 nils, 10c boxes contain 40 rills, 6o boxes contain 15 Tills. Ilctreveof subiiltuttona snd Imitations. Sent by mull. Stamps Uxa. NERVITA MEDICAL CO., Cor. Cilawn tS Jacksou SU., Chhajro. llu Sold hr p2i bl HuUu ft Co.. 1CU. ud DouiiM BtOmaha, N.b.i Uoa. . Uavli. Council UluBi. low. NO CURE, NO PAY. MEN. If you hiT mll, wk orrant, loit power or w&knlnff draluf, oir.' Vftcuam Orgtn Dartloper will rrftore you ttbout tfrugt cr electricity i btrlcture aud Varicocele permanently curvl In 1 toweekt 75,000 In iinet i.ol one Mlerei not one rerumMi ffect ImmetlUtei no O.O.I). t-ud .1te for tree pn'u Inrs. f-nr leeiM In nlnln enTelooe. LOCAL APPLIARCC CO. lit Tnors Ilk.. lidl.Dt !). Ill, m Stop-over? given at both point! on ill ticket!. for l'ttrltll wt , S.tM, M. Mil m a4it Tlcfctt f rnt. r 4aMft ft c. t. emit. c.'i riit'r . Ticfci irni, n looti. RESULTS TELL THE BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS. Is Your Office Hot? This Is pleasnnt weather com pared with whnt we will prob- ably lmvo In August. Aro you KoIiik to Bwoltcr this Hummer as you did last? Bettor movo now. The Bee Building Ib built to bo cool in eummcr nnd warm In winter, Vou dpend ovor a third of your life time In your offlce, why not bo comfortable. Wo lmvo ono or two particularly dcslrablo offl ces to show Just now. Don't wait too long. R. C. PETERS 6c CO., Agents, fi roil nil Floor, Hv IlulldlnK. ' r in IttJ I T"EVVABASH.& Hat He own relit ' ) $fw!Bp Y and the ebon- '' ' j'BKi v' 'I BUFFALO WKk I a and tub yitt.' ..zgMBK m FALLS. Wjg&BB. 1 i! Stop-over? given Cn ,AlK5Jf-WS Sj n at both point! on WiLlA3mr"!S&SKMi US EDWARD C. HEEMAN Now with COMMISSION flKAI.V, rHOVI10, ATOCKH, MONO. AND mr otuintM aonaiiea. uorre.poooeno ibiiin, iwii too la.ra.i ten PriT.U Wire, la all laaartaat Palate Caat aa WeeU DR. McGREW DBofi open continuously from H su a to O p, m. 5anrti7 front N . ni, to r p. in. . , , (Dr. Mrdrew nt Agr .12.) TIIK MOST StCCHSSlH h SPECIALIST In the trentmnit of nil forma of Tilt rnaea nml Dlaoriler. of .Men Only. UAj rrnri' experience, IR yrurn In Oinnhav. VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE I A permanent cure Kunrimteed In lef than 10 days, without cuttlntc, pulu or lorn lot time, RTRIP.TIMF f.V,rf.'i,..ln i!.,a,?.,r:,'!?;: irUIIl UUOlliron si. orurti ivini iivi iiiiuuiifc lira attrantil CVDUII l( nn n" Dtood Disease, cured OlrniLIO by n treatment which In fur .I...... ....... 1 ...-......-,1,1 lt,nn mnie HilllPluciiu J aim niatcn?! wi 111,111 "Hot SprliiKs" treatment, nnd at Ion than half the cost All breaking nut and .Inn. of the dltease dlinppenr at once. A curs that Ii Kliarnutecl tor llfn ftUCD Ort flfin cnes cured of nervon. UYtH IUiUUU debility, loss of vitality nd MANHOOD, biuhfulness, Gleet and til unnatural wvakhesiaa of men, Cure. Uuuruntrril. Consultation Kre, CHAHGES LOW Treatment ont everywhere free from raze. 1' O Uox 70(1. Offlce over 216 South uth .tree'., butween Karunm nnd Douxlaf treeta. OMAHA, NEB. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS MANUFACTtmED 1JT CALIFORNIA ITU SYUIU' CO., NOTE THE NAME! JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA BR0KFRS. ALEXANDER JAGOBSEN CO., BROKERS AND MANlfACTlMRS' AGENTS. SUITE 105 Bee Bid.. Omaha. Corrc.pondence solicited with lorco deal, cr. and manufacturers interenteil In our method of pcraonnlly Introducing and fol lowing: up the mile of llrt-clasi merchan dise of all kinds TO THIS TKADK In Omtihu, Houth Omnhu. and Council UlulTs Nebraska and Western Iowa. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ! 111. - - I I I. II II 1 Uesfern Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. ailMtrte Wlrtac Belli mad Ou Ueatlat a. W. JOHN8TON Mgr. 1510 Howard 3U Davis & Cowgill Iron Works. MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBER OK MACH INERT. GENERAL REPAIRING A PSCTALT IRON AND DRABB FOUNDERS. UOl. inoa and 100B JncUaoa Str.ot, Oaeahat, Nek. Teil. (MS. at Sabrlakle. Agent. J. B. Cwgill, Urf - ' " , " " ' '-t WALL PAPER. Yoiter Wall paper Co., JOHIIERS WALL PAPER. Lartro, well eslected stock, price. M eaatein bouies latent novelties. Dealer aena for 'aoi oamnle line and torms. '901 oamnle line and torms. f,-!Jts St. Omitlin. iair, COMMISSION. pavid Cole Go.. Fresh Dressed Poultry, Oysters and Celery. 410 So. 11th St. Qsialisj DRY fiOODS. E. Senilh & Co. T importers and Jobkaravf Dry Goods, Furnishing Qooii AND NOITONS. PAIN IS A0 OILS. flaiio..! m a ?m Co. (Incorporated.) MANUKACTUIIF.UM AM) JOIinKRS. Pa nts for all Purposes. Varnishes, eic. 1015 and 1017 Jones St., Tel. 1,21, Omahaj TENTS AND AWNINGS. Omaiia Tent & Awning Co.. OMAHA, Mill. TENTS FOR RENT. TENTS AND CANVAS COOD9. SI2ND FOIl CA TAI.OCI'n M M II lilt 23, Trtrptionr t()M. 3oyd Commission Co Successors to James i:. Hoyd t Co.. OMAIIA, NCD. COMMISSION (RAIN I'llOVISIO.XH AND STOCIC. Duktd of Trnite llnllillnir, Direct wires to Chicago and New York, .orrespondence, John A. Wuiren it Co. MERCHANTS. COTTON. 220-220 Lo Salle St., CHICAGO. Here mall. 4 on reoae.l.