Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Little Liver Pills.
Must Renr Signature f
5m Fac-Slmll Wrapper telosr.
Tor? saall amd a 0W7
to ttke as ragao.
Foa Tonno liyer.
Plackt koit of ths Goed Grupu and Iowm
Say They Am Puckary.
Dflloo open from 8 u ns.
In D i. ni. Nnnilny front
H m. ru. (o ft p. m.
Altoncther Illuea A Co. Are n Moil
t'nlininijr Lot of Pickle Packers
SI t Fonr In the Merrr
DKS MOINES, ta July 5. (Special Tele
gram.) Omaha won a comparatively easy
victory today In a game In which there
was much spirit but a total tack of good
hoadwork on the part of tho local team.
At least two of the Omaha runs might have
boon proented by the exerclso of a
llttlo common sense. Two ot Des Molnos'
runs were given them by the umpire,
Ouinba started run-getting In tho third,
whou Oondlng got 0 alngle, stole to second
and scored on Fleming' single and Toman's
sacrifice. In tho next Inning Stewart and
McAndrcws both put tho ball over tho left
field fence for double and tho former
scored. In thu fifth Ues Moines got two
Mines had struck out, O'Connoll got a scratch
hit. Kloltifiw waited for balls, Schmidt new
out and Thiol wan hit. With bases full
O'Leary mil tho ball over the foul flag and
tho umpire called It safo for two boge. but
il was clear y a foul. Two runs woro iuauo
n tho, sixth Oenlns lid off with a single,
l.otchr fl.w out. Stewart got bulls ana
Oenlns scored on McAndrewV single. Buck
loy flow out and let McAndrows sccr
Gondlng followed with t double but wns
Iff t on tho base. In tho Bevonth Schmidt
zot four balls nftcr Klelnow wns out, Title!
also got balls and O'Leary put the ball over
tho fence near the foul nag ami scnmiut
scored. In tho eighth nines scored, alter
Kolnit to first on choice, balls to Klelnow
mid a two-baso hit by Schmidt. Omaha got
a queer run In tho ninth. Oenlns struck
out, but tho boll had lilt tho plate and
bounced ovor the grand stand. It was
thrown back, but tho pitcher did not go to
his box and Oontns trotted home safely.
Attendance, "30. Score:
AU. It.
t,,t 0
...3 0
I'lcmlng. If
ITomnn, ss
Oonlm, cf
1-oti-hor. rf
Htewart, -i
RlcAiidrcws, 31) 4
(llr. McOr?TV at Ae 5a.)
Buckley, lh..
Oondlng. c...
Graham, p...
Totals ...
to Magoon to Beckley, Hamilton to Kltt
redge. First base on balls. Off Dlneen, 4;
off Case, 2. Struck out. By Dlneen, 4; by
Caso, 2. Umpire: Cunningham.
St. I.otiln Wlim n Lung One.
ST. LOUIS. July 6.-Murphy pitched. ft
sensational eleven-Inning victory tor trie
Bt. Louis Nationals today. Heldrlck nlmon
lost the game for mm witn tnree errors.
McOann's single, Padden's exposuro of Ills
short ribs, a single by Kruger and Dels
hanty's wild throw netted the two runs
which beat Philadelphia In tho eleventh.
Attendance, 3,500. Score:
HH.O.A.E. R.H.O. V.E,
Iturketl, If . . .0 a 0 0 Thorns". cf...l 0 0 1 0
ltel.lrlck, cf. .0 1 1 0 3 Mailman, 2b.O 0 4 10
McOann, lb..l 1 11 1 0 u-nanty, ir...o t v 1
PadJen, :b..,l 0 2 3 0 Flick, rf 1 I ! t 0
Wallace, ss..l 1 J 1 OWv'ton, 3b. .0 1 J 5 1
ICruer, 3b. ..0 3 3 1 0Jnnlns. .0 0 1J 0 0
nyan, c 0 0 i 1 ojsckiiiz, c....j u 1 i
Nichols, rf...O 0 10 0 Cress, ss 0 0 J T 0
Murphy, p....O 0 0 i 0 Donohue, p..O 1 I to
Totals ....Tlltttl 1 Totals J J1 1 '
tinrkeif nut nn Paddon's Interference In
the sixth: one out when winning run was
St. Louis 0000001000 2-3
Philadelphia .OOOlOOOOluu-
Earned runs: St. Louis. 1: PMiaaoipn a,
1. Two-base hits; Wullaco, Delahnnty.
Three-base hits. Flick, Krugcr. Left on
bases. St. Louis, 4: Philadelphia. 4. Hit
by ball: Uy Donohue. 1. rirsi nase un
balls: Off Murphy, 1! oft Donohue, 1.
Sacrifice hits- MrOnnn. Thorna. Stolen
buses: Wolverton, Rurkctt. Struct out'.
Uy Murphy, 5; by Donohue, 1. Time: 2:C0.
Umpire: O'Day.
Lenders Attain Heat AMlrint.
PITTBBURQ, July 5.-Phllllppl .pitched n
good gama for the Pittsburg NutloiiHls und
received excellent support. Phylo was enny
from thu stnrt and his team never had a
chance to win. Attendance, 3.M). Score:
ii.ii.o.A.n.i ii.u.o.A.t.
Exllid Runnri Oit lack Onto ths St.
Louii Coarse,
Lcnves the Public to Oilcan Why the
Hnra Are llemovecl After llcliiB
So Summarily Put in
Hark. If 0
1) niont, cf...l
Davln, rf 1
Il'tflflJ, lb... 3
Wagner, 3b. .1
lUU-hey. 2b. .0
Carr, a 1
.ltnmr, C....0
I'hllllppl, p...O
4 0 OV'H'tren. cf.l I 1
2 S 0 OHi-lbsch, lt.. l 1 i
0 i 0 OMcllrldr, rf..O 1 3
2 7 0 0 Hickman, aa.O 1 3
2 1 0 0Oaml, lb....O 1 7
0 2 3 0 llutlow, 3b. ..0 0 1
2 0 12 Warner, C....0 1 1
1 S 0 Oftrting. 2b.. ..0 0 3
0 0 2 1 l'hyle, P 0 1 2
Totata 7 W 27 6 )l Tolnh 2 7 21 22 2
Pltmhnrir 31000201 -7
N'..w York 000001010
Kanied runs: Plttshurg, 3. Twu-luso
hits; Urnntlleld, WH'ner. Selbarh, l n r.
l'hyle. Three-base hit: llralistleld DoubW
play: Cnrr to Itltchcy to Uranstleld Urst
base on bulls: Oft Phllllppl, 1. Struck out:
Uy Phllllppl, 6. Time: 1:35. Umpire:
.Notional U'sgue StniullnK.
33 6
! 3
U 27 14
in iaf irmnvui mi .ni-iu- . . .,
ram ana uisoraer. i .nen winy. u o'lary, Js
rears' experience, 15 year In Otuntm. Warner, rf.
.McvicKur, ci 1
Wcnlen, lb I
Hlne 2h. I
permanirt cure gunraniocu in (j'tonnou, iin a
.n 10 days, witnoui cuiung, pain or iub Klelnow, c..... .z
Schmidt, p.
, 0
H. O.
.0 2
Pittsburg ...
St. Loui
New York...
Urooklyn ...
Cincinnati ..
, 32
, 24
C , u'PTIIDC cured In less than 5 days
M 11 U I UflL without naln or hindrance
!rom buslnoss. A perfect and permanent
mr guaranteed.
PVDUII l( and all Ulood Diseases cured
MrnlLlJ l.v n treatment whleh M far
jiora atlsractory ana succcsaiui man Moinea, 3: Omaha. 6. Bacrluce' nits: war-
Hot Bprlngs" treatment, and at loss than WTi rtuckley (!), Toman. Double play: Mc-
Jalf tho cont All breaking out and lj;n. AndreWH lo Toman to Buckley. Danes on
t tho dlaonso diaaiiwtur at once. A cure imiia: Off Schmidt. 2: off Graham, rt. Hit
lhat 1 guarantoel for life. ny pitched ball: Ry Graham, 1. Struck
nwen on nnfl cases cured of nervou out: Uv Schmidt, 5: by Qraham, 5. Btolen
UVtH ZUiUlIU debility. loss of vitality bait' Thlel. O'Leary. Letcher. Wild
mil MANHOOD, bashfulneoa, Oleet and pitch Ily Schmidt. 1. Time: 1:50. Um
Total 30 4 7 27 13 2
Omaha ., 0 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 1-4
Dcs Moines 0 u o 0 s u 1 1 u 1
Two-baso hits: Klelnow. O'Leary.
Stewart. McAndrewn. Left on bnors: Des
Moines. 3: Omaha. 6. Sacrifice' hits: War
ill unnatural weakneosus of men
Cure Guaranteed. Consultation Free
Treatment sent everywhere troy from
-. u tt Kw inn nnir nvar Hi South
fith 'stjee'., batT.en'-J-'e.rnttm and Doula
ttreetn, OMAIIA, KB3.
If you bare email,
mvui, Jo.t Kwr or rlinlnj
Urin, oA Vruom Organ R.Tlopi'
wU reitoia J on lttout drui or
rl.otrlcUji Htilcture and VarlcocIt
iipiinaqentir cured In 1 to t wki
IS.OOt1 In tiMi not ona falturat not
nnn returned 1 effect Immediate 1 no
CO 0. Caudt writ for tre rart'n
larv enn icaleit tn lilalp etiTalore.
lOCal APPllANCe CO. 138 Tnars Ilk.. hHliniptlli. 1(4.
ummik fills
Rettoro Vitality, Lost Vigor and manhood
Cure Impoteooy, Night Emlaslont, Loss ot Mn
, orr, hii wnetinH airnos, r
all ollocta ot anlf-abute or
lexceas and Indiscretion.
(A nerve toulo und
lblocd bulldor. Brine.
the pink glow to pa 10
choeits ana icotoroa the
sflre of outh. By mail
SOOo tier box. O lioxes for
SU.BO.vrlth onr bankable ifaurantae to onr
or reruna wio mony iu. tena ior c:rcaui
and Cvyol oar bankable gnarantoe bond.
plro: MtDcrniott.
Kanxua City JLtarely Win
ST. JOSEPH. July S. The first game of
the Kansas Clty-St. Joseph series wn
played this morning. Ewlng. Kansan City.
nnu McDonald, St. Joseph, 'were both
UnnUad nllf 'nf tKo. liny In the Btvlll Thn
nonio icvini auiuniicu nmi nuiuriupa inr vib
(tors, but tho latter were lucky. Score:
Knnsaa City ...1 0 4 0 1 2 0 2 0-10 14 :
St. Joseph 0 0 2 0 0 S 0 2 0 9 17 :
Uatterles: ICnnsaa City. Kw nfr. Welmer
nnd MesKltt: St. Jonenh. McDonald. Huuhes
ana iiooin.
Minneapolis Drfcnt St. Paul
ST. PAUL. July 5. MlnneanolU defeated
tne locals toiay uy opportuno Damns. At
tendnncu. 1,020. Score:
Mtnneapoll 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 1 -6 10 !
fit. Paul 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 11 !
Uattorles: Mlnneanolls. Clark nnd Me.
Connell, St Paul, Chech and Wilson.
Denver Winn on .Sprlnga' Krrora.
COLOUADO SPRINQfl. Jdlv 5 -The local
team wont to plecea In the second Inning
nnd lost the gama to Denver through
bunching errors In that Inning. Itcam and
i;yier om gooa worit. ucoru:
Donver 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 7 3 I
Colo. Springs... 10000100 02 6 1
Ilnttcrles: Denver. Evler and J. Sullivan
Colorado bpringy, uanuerlln. Ream nnd
Western l.enuac Standlnir.
Kansas City
Mlnnennolls ,
St. Joseph
St. Paul
Colorado Springs,,,.
Dea Moines
I.M,ntAl Daalta
PosltWely (raaranteed euro for Lots ot Power
Varicocele, Undeveloped or blirunken Organs,
I'areala, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous I'roa'.ap-
tlon, Hraterlix. Iflta, losanlty. Paralysis and tns
Heanlta of CxcmiIvs use of Tobacco, Oplnro or
Liquor, Bjr mall In plain packaM, 41.00
lini. a fnr iS.OO with our bavnlrahla aruar.
r:vb.itoAdudna0dwor"T HITS OFF T. HUGHES
.. 3S
.. 32
.. 23
.. 30
.. 29
.. 24
.. 3)
.. 31
Ist. P.O.
22 .KM
24 .571
2f. .537
27 .524
25 .5(8
29 .452
32 .3-4
34 ,sn
ChlCMKo Still Uolila to Title, Fore Inn
Detroit to Contribute 11
Fen Per Cent.
TM.-fnntT- ThIv r. neven Innings
Slever kpt the lilts well scattered, but 111
found him for six singles, three doubles and
a triple. In tho third Inning Chicago had
three men on bases and none out. but wcro
retired without scoring. Attenuance, 2.S0O.
II.U.O.A.E.1 1UI.O.A.E.
Hoy. cf 0 4 1 2 OCafey. 3b W J 1 1 u
Jones, rf 0 0 11 0 Holmes, rf...l 3 4 0 0
2 1S 0 llarrelt, cr...u o i u 1
0 10 2 OOleaaon. 2b. .2 1 0 .5 0
2 13 HKlberfeld. .! 3 H 2 0
2 2 4 0 Nance. If 0 0 1 0 0
SSI OlM'All.t'r. lb.O 2702
2 4 1 llluclow. O....0 0 4 2 0
2 3 1 O.SIcer. p 0 10 10
.Shaw 0 0 0 0 0
Totala S 17 17 24 2
1 Totala 4 12 27 11
Hatted for Slever In tho ninth.
Phlrnirn 00010003 4 S
Detroit V14WVVVV u
ir.m mm. TWtrnlt. l! ChleaffO. 7. TWO-
base hits: Sullivan, Callahan, AlcFarland,
Holmes. Three-base hits: Oleaaon, Mertes,
Unxrlllxn Villa. SllULMirt. HulllVILll. UllClOW.
Stolen bases: JicAiuster i), uueiow. i i
buae oh balls: Of! rjiever, a; on uriimn,
3. First on errors: Detroit, 1; cnicago,
Left on bases: Detroit, S; Chicago. 12
ui,,,.u mil. in- Hlfvrr. 2: hv Orlltith. 2
iinni, i ninvH! fllevrr to Buelow to McAlls-
tor. Elberfeld to Coney, Jones to Isbetl,
Slcrtes lo ShilEart. Passed ball: Sullivan,
Time: 1:50. Umpire: Cantlllon.
31llvniikee Pitcher Too Clever.
ST. LOUIS, July 5. The board of stew
ards of the Dclmar Jockey club today an
nounccl a number of reinstatements of
ruled off owners, jockeys and horses. Lewis
Thompson, who was ruled, oft for the bad
race on Irish Jewel some time ago, with
his horses, was reinstated. II. Henderson
aud H. Harshbcrger were also taken back
Into tho fold. The former was put under
tho ban for Irish Jewel's performance at
the fair grounds aud the iatter for a poor
rldo on La Desirous on the same track,
W. E. Wood and horsrj W. J. Kemper,
Chanter and Knchanter which were ruled
off In connection with the Myrtle Van case
last year, were also' reinstated. The horses
Domslo and Silver Coin, which wcro sent
away from tho fair grounds were also re
Instated. 'Just why this action was taken
Is not explained.
A poor crowd attended tho races today.
Favorites, second choices aud outsiders
split tho card equally. Track slow. lie
lrirat nine five furlonza. nurse! HaildrOt
Vr (O'Neill!, tf to 1, won; Phonotlte. 18
(Weilderstrund), 5 to 1. second; Lillian M..
Hfi (Flnncrtyl. 60 to 1, thltd. Time: 1:01.
Doublediiy. Hnry A. Uen Hempsfai.
Captain Foraktr. Kegel und Hydrophobia
also run.
Second race, one mile and aoventyynrd
yelling: Aiimirai ocnoy. ui ineiri
n l rami), 2 to 1. won: Early Hlrd, 104 (Giv
etiH), 2 to 1, second; Kid McCoy, 110 (T.
O'Hrlen). 10 to 1, third. Time: 1:47'4. Jim
Turner, Tom Ollmore, Inuendo and Hunsjm
ulwi ran. . ... .
Third race, seven furlongs, selling: TJoml
nls, 112 (Dale), 2 to 1, won; Lady Curzon.
114 (Vltltoe), 5 to 2, second; lien Frot, 1W
(GlvoniO. 8 to 6, third. Tlmo: 1:S0. Singer,
Oratia, Iimond and Sir Joseph Lister also
Fourth race, one mile, polling: Mnxlmus,
103 (Llndsoy). barred in betting, won; I-a
Dcslroui), Si (O'Neill). 5 to 2. second; Men
ace, 102 IT O'llrlen). 13 to 5, third; Satin
Coat. 102 (Pell). 4 to 1, rourth. Time: l.42)i.
Seething also ran.
Fifth race one mllo and seventy yards.
relllmr: Hello Simpson. 105 ik. Aiurpnyj.
0 to 1, won; Milwaukee. 112 (Dale), 13 to 5,
second. Lamp Glob.-. 1(15 (A. WVhnr). 12 to
1. third. Tlmo: 1:474
fourth heats and race. Time: 2.1514, I'WMi
2 16. Alice Frailer won the first heat n
15l. Sphinx Lasse and Domitian start u.
2.10 nace. Llttlo Sauaw won second, third
and fourth heats and race. Time; 2.IP1
2.ISV4. 2-.I3V Halmy U won the first heat
In 2 13-i. Saul and Mirshall started,
2 20 pace. jacKmont rreer won in wrr
straight heats. Time- 2il4. 2.1i. 2:2l.
Judge Flask, Haron Walcher nnd Lena r
Ilneea nt Tnlile Hock.
TAHLII HOCK. Neb.. July o.-(Sncclal )-
Th races nt Table Hock resulted: . , ,
First race, one-quarter mile. Jenny L.inu
won, Hobollnk second, Moley H third, Hosc-
DUii fourtn. . . ..
Second race, roaci: nose conuun won,
Magpie Murphy second, Molly It third.
Third rare, nnp-lmlf mile. Lallclle won.
Olen Campbell second, Molly H third, Dobo-
unK tourin.
Ulcycle; Al DeWade won, Luther Bowen
second, Frank Martin third,
Hnndpress and Aurca. nlno ran.
race, six ruriongs, selling, jm i
Hogan. 101 (Llndsey), IS to 5, won; Horse-
hoe Tobacco, 1115 (ij.uci, even, scru'in.
Doctor Cnve, 116 (D. Vltatoe)). 8 to 1. tmrn.
Time: U6Yi. Uen Hoy, King's Highway
nd Echo Dale uiso ran.
At Xeiinrt Trnclt.
Mertea, 2b... 1
lahell. lb 0
CnllJhHn, 3b.2
Hliucait, a..l
McFiand, lt.2
Hulltvan, e...O
Griffith, p.. ..3
Clinton tfc Jnckoon Sts , CHICAGO ILI
far aala br Kuhn at Co.. 15th and Douaia
ta.. Omaha, Nub.; Oeo. B. Davis, Council
Biuas, lews.
" DeWIT1''S
Wltei. Hazel
A well known cure fop Piles
Thlssalvo cannot lie equalled wherever
asoothlngaud healing antiseptic appll'
rjit Inn U needed. 1 1 nulckl V cures sores.
cutH, burns and scalas wltliout leaving
jcar. Fur piles, ccrcma and all ekln
diseases It n consiiiereu luiaiuuiu.
Beware off Counterfeit
National of Urooklyn Catch the
Former Omaha Tvrlrler on Ilia
Generoua Day.
CHICAGO, July 5. The first three Brook
lyn Nationals to face Hughes lined out
singles, then the entire team went after
htm and kept up a regular fusillade of hits
throughout tho game. McJamcs pitched
In great form, excepting In the fourth
Inning, when the locals bunched four hits.
Attendance, COO. Score:
R.H.O.A.I5.I n.H.O A.R.
Krlley. lb. ...3 2 3 0 0,HarleI, lf.,.0 3 2 1 0
l z uurem, cr I i 1 1 0
0 0 1 llaymer, lb. .2 2 7 0 0
1 0 OChanca, rf,..l 2 3 0 0
4 llcMI.V.. 2b, ...1 3 4(1
4 0 OM'Crnlck, aa.O 1 1 5 I
1 2 0 Hoffman, 3b. .0, 110 1
a 2 0 Kahua, c 0 0 12 0
0 0 1 Hugtirs, p....O 0 0 0 0
Krtler, 3b, ...1 3
ShfCkarJ, If. 3 4
Delan, rf 1 1
Dahlcn, ia...l 1
M'Crtery, cf.2 3
Oallna, 31 1 3
Farrcll, C....I 3
McJamea, p..o o
Totala ....12 20 27 12 3' Totala S U 27 14 4
Urooklyn 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 5 1-12
Chicago 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 2 0-6
Loft on bases: Chicago. 7: Brooklyn, h
Two-base hits: Gatlns, Dolan. Threc-baso
fTnoernritilnils nerSOnH may OtTer you hits: McCreery, hheckanl. Stolen baaani
-Vwilc. iVi4,,rlnnc 'Pa -notd Kahoe, Chance, McCormlck. Ontlns, Hart-
Worthless linltllllons. lakOOIUJ lllOOr .ei n. nouble n av: McCormlck to Chllda
DisWlTT'a WITCH liASnELbALVB to llaymer. Struck out: By Hughes. 7: by
Praoa'td by E. C. DeWITT . CO.. Chlcooo
V (M aaari.ll. lMI, SUM. M. Mil M MaMal
VB Meant, rNt'iHi tidHiiot, rt Mru.
McJamns. 8. First base on bnllH: Off
Hughes, 2; off McJaincs, 1. Wild Ditches:
llugncs w. rime: 2:1s. umpire: Nasn,
Too Fnt for the IleiU.
CINCINNATI, July 6.-Tho Cinelnmtl
Nationals lost today a game to Uostan 1 y
ragged fielding. Charlie Case wns given a
trial today by Cincinnati and made a good
start. Scor:
n.H.O.A.E. It.H.O.A.n.
Crollua. rf...O 0 3 0 0 Dobbs, cf....,3 2 110
i tlaney. u.,.0 o l
0 Ueckley, lb.,0 0 14
CLEVELAND. July P. Clovelnnd Amer
icans could do notiung witn uusting loaay.
miiUlnir onlv four scattering hits In a many
Innings. Moorn was wild at times, but live
of Mllwaukco'a six runs wcro uuc to errors,
Attendance, 1.500. Score:
It.H.O.A.i:.! R.1I.O.A.E.
Waldron, rf. O 13 0 lri Kfrlnir. cf 1 1 3 1
Orrcr, cf... .1 1 3 0 0 McCarthy, lf.0 0 1 0
Hallmun, lf .1 2 0 0 OO'Hrlen. rf...O 1 0 0
Andcra'n, lb.l 1 10 0 0 Deck, 2b 0 0 4 0
fonroy, s..l 1 2 4 0 Ijil'li'nce, lb.O 2 7 0
Vrl.l, 2b 2 3 1 0 Itradley, 3b.. .1 0 1 1
Hurke, 3b 0 1 0 7 0 Wood, c 0 0 4 4
Malnney, c. .0 0 2 1 0 Hlilebeck, a..0 0 4 3
Ilustlni, p,.. 1 1 4 1 Moore, p 0 0 1 0
Totala 11 27 17 : Totala 2 4 27 10
Milwaukee 200001120-0
Cleveland 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 02
Two-baso hit: Pickering. Home run: An-
ripriKin. Klrst hnse on errors: Milwaukee
1. Sacrifice hits: McCarthy, Hurkc. Stolen
bases; Bradley. Gelr, Hnllninu. Ift on
bacoa; Cleveland, li; Milwaukee, G. First
li.iun nn hulls: Off Moore. 2: olt Hustlnc.
Struck out; By Moore. 2; by Husting. 1
Hit by pitched ball: O Brlen. Maioney. Dou
bio play: Pickering to LaChance. Tlmo
umpire; iihskcii.
Why Atltletloa Lose.
PHILADELPHIA. July S.-McGlnnlty's
Ditching and Williams' hitting won the
unmn fur the Baltimore Americans today
Tho Holding of both teams was clcancut
and tho game Interesting, Attendance,
2.4W). Score:
H.H.O.A.E. H.H.O.A.E,
McOraw, Jb.O 1 3 2 0 Hulls, cf 0 0 2 0
Donlln. U....1 2 3 0 0 Itovli, lb I 0 11 1
veilltama, 2b. 3 3 1 1 OCroaa, 3b 1 1 i 3
Sevmoar. rf..O 1 0 0 0 Ualolr. 2b. ,,.1 3 4 2
Jackeon. cf. l 0 2 1 OHrybold, rf...O 0 0 0
Hart, lb 0 111 0 lMclnljre, lf.,0 0 1 0
Dunn. a 0 2 4 3 1 Powers, C..0 0 3 3
H'snohan, c. O 0 4 0 0 Dolan, as 0 1 0 2 1
McOlnnlty, pO 0 0 0 0 Hroaer, p 0 114 0
Totals 6 10 27 7 3 Totals 3 S 27 IS 1
Baltimore 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0-5
Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-3
Earned runs: Baltimore. 3: Philadelphia,
1. Two-baso hit: Crosn. Three-base hit:
WIlllamB. Homo run: Williams. Stolen
banes: Donlln (2). McOraw, Williams, La
Jolo. Double playn: Fiuser to Davis, Dunn
to Wllliamu to Hart. Left on bases: Bal
tlmore, S; Philadelphia, 3. First baao on
balls: Off McCllnnlty. 2; off Fraser. 2. Hit
by pitcher. McOraw. Jackson, Seybold.
Struck out: By McOlnnlty, 3: by Frascr. 3.
Wild pitch. Fraser. Tlmo: 2:03. Umpires:
Sheridan and Maunassau.
llenticntcrn Win Between Niinss.
noSTON. July 6. Boston Americans won
a sleepy game from Washington today.
Aside from the work of the pitchers und a
running catch by Stahl, tho game wns de
void of features, Attendance, 4,179. Scoro:
II. H O. A E. H II. J
Lunar, Hungarian,
furlongs, selling
CINCINNATI, July '8. Three favorites
imn i 'iivnnrt inniiv. tne remnuiuiK
events going to two second choices and a
long ahot. Tho American Turf congress
has finally sanctioned the return of tho
foreign book to tho Newport track and on
next Monday the betting on outside events
will bo posted. The congress took n tele
graphic vote on tho question nnd a ma
jority of the members voted to suspend the
rule ngainsi loreign nanus un ui.-i mmci
tno jurisdiction oi inn congress. .icwipu
will ue me nrsi io inno unvniuwHc in n.
l'ho rule acalnst foreign books was passed
nt Chicago nearly live, years ngo. V nther
line ana trnCK last. itesoitH;
First race, six runongs, selling: i tying
Bird. 100 (Soter), 9 to 2. won; Assassin, 10J
(W. Narvnez), 6 to 1, second; Nannlo J, 103
(Michaels), 3 to 1, third. Time: l:l5Vi. Pas
chal, Full Dress, Sakchen, King's Pet, Ida
lltnelt, uueruon nna kisic venncr aiso run.
Second race, five furlongs: Finnic Becker,
no (Boauchamp)c 3 toio, won;Tho Widow,
102 (Post). 3' to 1, ' second; Lnthrop, 107
(Hotheraoll). 4 to 1. third. Tlmo: l:02i.
Hoe, Badger. Queen Frleso, Black Death
and j;mria ueucw aiso ran.
Third raee. six 'furlongs:' Helling: Arriba,
100 (L. Jackson), e.vttit.itvon: Trouballne, 100
(Cogswell), 4 to 1, second: Rare Perfume,
10S (W. Watson), f. to 1,. third. Time: 1:15U.
Brown Tnrusn, Kaitn varo, , i- rank fol
lows, Fusion, Allaire nd Jack Willis also
ran. McCarren left at the nost.
Fourth' thco. seven furlongs, selllni::
Fairy Day. Ill (Dado). 10 to l. won: Diir-
rell, 107 (Michaels). 2 to 1, second; Gibson
Aucliendrnyne. Mlcou, Alice Scorpion, Cres
cent uueen nnu rnucna aiso ran.
Fifth, race, six furlongs, selling: Fniry
ue il. 113 (lieaucnamn . to a. won:
Grandma II, 112 (T. Kano), 6 to 1, second;
Luloocan. 112 (T. Jack.son), 4 to l, third.
Time: 1:11VS, Hello Nutter, Mamie Lou.
Jcnraa, Anxious, Duplicate, Llsetta, S aud
incandescent also ran.
Sixth race, oun mile, selllnir: Otieen
Quality, 07 (Cogswell), 4 to 1. won: Klnir
KiKwood, lit (Micnaeis), & to 2, second;
Brown Vnll. 107 (BenUchamn). 10 to 1. third.
Time: 1:43V4. Pantland, Wilson, Zolo, Irish
tioy, ivingiy nnu iiouu aiso ran.
At WttslilnKton Pnrk.
CHICAGO, July 5. The Washington park
track Is heavy and probably will ho in
rather noor condition .for the Great West
em handicap, .which Is carded for tomor
row, in wnicn itooert wanoeu is nssigncd
to carry 122 noands for a mllo nnd n half.
There was no special feature today. Whllo
tnrec luvorites won in succession, negin
nlng with tho third race, the other three
events went to lonir-nrlced outsiders. Tho
best contest of 'the day was tho fourth race,
wnicn iiarrack, tne rnvorite, won oniynrter
a terrlllc atrtiggle with G W W and Ga-
wame. .tiontnmcn was tno favorite in the
snrlntlnK race, which' closed the dav's snort.
but ho rtnlshed last after having set the
paco In the early port. Toah, from Pat
Dunne's stable, ran over Lady Strathmoro
in tho stretch nnd won handllv. ricxiiltH!
First race, six furlongs, purse J6'W: Comm.
drum, IQj (J. Woods). 8 to 1. won by two
ami a nair lengths, r-ieuron. 112 (Bullman)
4 to 1, second; St. Wood, 111 (Domlnlck), ;
to 1, third. Time: 1:181-5. Atmore, Sim W
Emma R and Cora Havlll also ran.
Second race. live furloncs. nurse JMO
Hans Wagner, 102 (J. Woods), 12 to 1. won
by threo lengths; Jordan, 101 (Domlnlck), 2
to 1, second; Doreen, 9i (J, Ransch), 9 to 5,
third. Time: 1.05 1-5. Dodlo S, LaPldus,
Has Gift, Mollle T and Throstle also ran.
Third race, one mllo and ono-hnlf fnrlonar.
purse $&v): Prince Blajes, 111 (Hullmnn). 9
tp 10. won by two lengths; Harry Preston.
101 (Rice). 15 to 1. scconn; Evelyn Hyrd. I'M
(Oormley), 12 to 1, third. Time: 1:54 2-5.
josepnino u, rrangime, Hosl, y.acatosa and
Nettle Regent also ran.
Fourth race, one mile, purse $600: Bar
rack. 105 (Nutt), even, won by n neck; O W
W, 93 (J. Ranseh), 4 to 1, second; Gawalne,
P0 (J. Martin). 12 lo 1, third. Time: 1:402-5.
Leo Newell nnd Sister Mamie also ran.
Fifth race, seven and a half fjrlongs,
nurse I60U: Louisville. 105 (J. Woods), 9 to
10. won by a length; Major Dixon. 100 (Mc
inernnyi. n to j, seeonu. Uhnet, 111 (Hillll
vuni, ii to
niso ran.
LcnRth Ahrnil of Amerlban Cresv in
the llnee for the (iriuut
ChalleiiKC Cutt,
HENLEY, July 5,-To the disappoint
ment of all the Americans at Henley, the
Leandcr Rowing club crew tnis moriine )
defeated the crew of the University it
Pennsylvania In tho final heat for the Gtniid
Challenge cup. 'mere was ungni 8un"
and pufty cros winds blowing from the
Bucks shore, slightly favoring the Len
der's station. The followers of tho British
crew evinced the greatest cotilldouce, and
Leandet money wns everywhere available,
but this confidence never exceeded any
thing beyond even money, lhe Ponli yl
viinlnns' friends picked up several hu
dred pounds and n Philadelphia oecpant
of a house boot Is said to have Inwa cd
500 In favor of his crew.
Tho Pennsylvanlaus readied their beat
house at 11 o'clock, apparently na n. m
nnsMlht. n-hlle lniinv nf the Leai.dcrs
showed marks of tho Intense strain of tl u
Ilnnl mirutes. The crews tripped, chatted
and laughed as coolly us though going out j
for practice. Ellis Ward, the Americuu
conch, placed u miniature Ameit an tag
upon tho rudder of hln bo-it as the cox- ,
swnln came to 'ho boat house und eald to
Smith; . , '
"Keep that aa far ahead, my boy, us
you can."
The following tiro tho names of the two
crews: I
I-anders-C. A. Willis, how; II. J. Du
vallon. W. Dudley Ward, U. M. Maltlrtiid,
rt a. .... ,1 I. .......... ,. f T ..AI.Mll '
It. B. Etheringtoii-Smlth, sttoke; C. A
MucLagan, coxswain.
Pennsylvania R. R. Zane, bow; It. H.
Elscnbray, F. L, Davenport. S. Crowthor.
Jr.. A. 11. Fllrkwcr. G. S. Allyn, . l).
Gardiner, J. P Gardiner, stroke; L. J.
Smith, coxswain.
Both crews, at the start, rhowed no trace
of nervousness and were sent away in
capital style, the Pennsylvania!! mwingi
thirty-three to tho minute and the Lean
dors rowing forty-two. At thu end ct
Temple Island the Americans led hy a third
of a length. At Fnwlcy the time was 3
minutes 21 2-3 seconds, with tho Lcand re
three, feet ahead. From there on It was
a splendid struggle, out of which the Ian
ders gained inch hy Inch The milo was
touched In 5 minutes. 15 seconds, with the
T.eiinilers half n length ahead, which thoy
Increased to three-iiuartcrs of a length. At
Him luihmlnn the Pennsvlvanlatis made n
tle.spcrate spurt, but It was of no nvall, and.
two men weakened percepumy uiiunu ii.n
grandstand. The Loanders won by a length
In 7 minutes 4 4-6 seconds. ......
It was u grand race,-' said uoacn . "
as the leanuers crossed tne unisii un-.
"Wo wero simply outrowed and have no
other explanation to make."
It certainly wns tho best and most ex
citing tussle ever seen nt Henley. There
was scarcely tno kuvuiuuku u. umv tct.
Ill tho Leanderi.' station.
Tho cheering for tho contestants ns they
struggled for tho lead was terrlllc Evon
Henley had never before heard such vi d
upplnuso ns greeted tho Fennsylvanluns
and the Loanders ull down tho course, and
the cheering wna delirious trom tne pmu
sans of tho Loanders as the latter s boat
croascd tho line tit tho finish ahead of the
Pennsylvanlaus. , ,
Tho Americans paddled slowly to tho
raft and took their boat out of the water.
Their appearance Indicate that they hod
had a hard light. Stripping ns ipilckly its
possible, tho FcnnBylvanlans were soon in
tho water for a swim. Stroke Gardiner
smiled as ho greeted a representative of
the Associated press, saying: "o uiu noi
think It, but they were too strong."
Dr. White said tne crew oamo inrouxn
the ordeal iih tine as possible .and Captain
Fllekwer said that. Individually, the crew
did splendidly. "I don't think there was
any ono man worse than another. The
wind was much against us and In trying
to avoii nurry kusih i was mraiu twice
that I might foul Leandcr. Wo wero row
ing aooui lony an tnrougn, ns near as i
could Range. Wo led n bit up to the end
or the island, uiu nt rawinv iney lea uy
a few feet and wo wcro never ablo to re
tain It."
il was aimpiy a matier ot a Dettor
crow, declared hpth Hart and Ward. "Wo
think we nave done netter than any otner
American crew, nno, tnougn neaten ty the
best crew In England, wo did everything
wn expected except win.
Other results wero:
Sliver Goblets Flnnl heat: Balllol col
lege, Oxford, beat the Belgians cosily.
Tlmo. 8.50.
Thames Challenge Cup Flnnl: Trinity
Hall, Cambridge, beat Kingston Rowing
cluo hy ono and a quarter lengths. Time.
Ladles' ChallenKa Plato Final heat: Unl
verslty college, Oxford, beat Eton by two
lengths. Time, 7:28.
Diamond Challenge Sculls Final heat: C.
V. I' ox neat u ashc.
Visitors' Challengo Cur Final heat
Rkllol college, Oxford, beat Calus college,
camurioge, uy iwo lengtns. jime,
Tho Wyfold Challenge Cup Final heat
Trinity hall, Cambridge, boat Christ col
lege, by a length and a half.
Tho following HOUND TRIP KATES may interest
yon. If so, you tuny loam all about routes, limit of
tickets, ot cetera, at any Burlington ticket oflke.
$13, Denver and return
July 1 to 0.
Iteturn limit, October 31.
$15, Pueblo and return
July I to i).
Iteturn limit, August 31.
$35, Buifc or Kelsna ami return
(Same rate to many other Montana points.)
July il to 13.
Iteturn limit, August 31.
$40, Spokane, Was!.., and return
(Same rate to many other points in Northwest.)
July 0 to 13.
ltotuvn limit, August. 31.
Colorado Springs and return
July 1 to 5).
Iteturn limit, October 31.
$25, Olenwood Springs mi return
July 1 to 9.
Iteturn limit, October 31.
$30, Salt Lake City and return
July 1 to .).
Return limit, October 31.
$15, Hot Springs, S. D., and return
July 1 to t).
Iteturn limit, October 31.
$19.50, Deadwood or Lead City and return
July 1 to 5).
Return limit, October 31.
$25.75, Buffalo and return
$22, Detroit and return
July G and 7.
$45, San Francisc? and return
July 0 to. 13.
Return limit, August 31.
$45, Portland, Ore., Tacoma, Seattle, Victoria or
Vancouver and return
Jul;: G to 13.
Return limit, August 31.
$16.75, Milwaukee and return
July 20, 21 ami 22.
Nichols, lb.,,1 I 10
IVmont, tb..l 1
Lone, as 0 1
Hamilton, cf,0 1
KlttrUie, c..l 0
llf, 3b o o
Mumhy, If---0 1
Uln.en, p 0 1
1 Crawford, rf.O
0 Maituon, ss,..0
Oi'leti, :i.... 1
0 Irwin, Sb 0
1 Hfrrcn, c 0, p 0
Totals 4 J 17 11 S Totals J 8 17 17 J
Boston 0120100 0 0-4
Cincinnati I 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0-3
Two-base hits: Murphy, Mchoh (2),
Dobbs. Three-baso hit: Ptcta. iSacrlllce
hits: Beckley, Bersen, liarlay. Stnlei
base; Hamilton, Crawford, Detnont, Dou
ble plays: Dlneen to Long to Nichols, Pletz
Money-back soap is plenty;
Fels-Nnptha, because nobody
wants his money back.
Fels A Co., makers, Philadelphia.
Dowd, If 1
Stahl. cf 0
Collins, JU...0
Freeman, lb.O
Hemphill, rf.O
Parent, ss...O
Ferris, :b....O
Crliter. 0 ... .0
Wlntets, p...l
Totals . ...2
2 2
0 4
1 1
2 IS
3 0
0 I
1 ft
0 Karrell, cf....O
0 Clark, c 1
0 fiungiin, II1..0
0 dsor, rf 0
0,1'oaUr, If 0
PMfrcfr, If 0
0 2
9 27 II
I'sttrn, p 0
.yulnn. 2b 0
Ceughlln, 3b.Q
riincm'n, ss.O
L, p-lf 0
Cnnadn's Cun Defender la Only Olio
to Finish Knee Off
MILWAUKEE, July 6. Tho Canada cup
defender Illinois, In the regatta of tho Lake
Michigan Ynchttng association today, made
the seven and a half-mile course In 1:03:49,
Its opponents, Orion und Minota, were both
compelled to return before they had
finished the first leg becauso of a defect In
their spreaders.
Tho real race of the day was In tho
knockabout class between Colleen, a Chi
cago yacht, nnd Vagabond and Cock Robin,
ooth iiiwaukco uoaiB. woneen won in
MlinnirncU 1 1Vln Again.
TinTI I1!KAY. Firth of Clvde. July 6 In
a fnlr trial todnv In n smart hroeie. Sham
rock 1 heat Shamrock 11 ny over :uu
yards In u three-mile turn to windward,
This Is tho older yacht's moBt decisive vic
tory over the cup challenger.
Totals 1 4 24 12 J
Boston 00100010 '-2
Washington 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1
Earned runs: Boston, 1; Washington, 1.
Two-bnso hits: DovmI (2), Dungan. Thrce
bai'n hit: Clark. Sacrifice htts: Collins,
Parent. Stolen banes; Freeman, Hemphill.
Doublo clay: Farroll to Clarke. Hit by
pitched hall: Collins, Ferris. Htruck
Uy Winters, 5; by Patten, 3. Time:
Umpire; Connolly.
American Leatiue Stnndlntf,
Won, Lost.
Chicago 40
Boston 3i
Baltimore S3
Detroit Si
Washington M
Philadelphia 23
Cleveland 23
Milwaukee 21
Sbelton Win Two Gninev.
8HELTON, Neb.. July 5,-(Speclal.)-Shcl-ton
won from Wood River at that place
yesterday, 10 to 8. Today the Shelton team
playrd at Olbbon and won, 12 to 10. Dur
ing the game Will Weaver of Shelton was
hit by a Xoul ball and his noso broken.
' ''. , u"iii vinqei, 111 (miiiii
10, third. Time: 1:39. Censor
o,H!'Swafe.' flx furlongs, purse JC00: Toah,
07 (J. Walsh), 8 to 1. won by a neck; Lady
Strathmore. ?5 (J Martin), S to 5. second;
Sevoy. ill (Robertson). 4 to 1, third. Time:
1:1b, Montunlc also ran.
Iliiffulo Unmet Kvents.
RFFFALO, N. V., July 5.-Bocond day's
races at Fort Frte Results:
First race, six furlongs; Inkermnn won,
Royal, Salute second. Give and Take third.
iinio: i:id'4.
Second race, four and a half furlon?s:
wiro In won, Tncman- Fecond, Dunsbro
mini, lime: u.di's.
Third raco, srven furlongs: Patlra won.
St David second, Montreal third. Tlmo;
Fourth race, six furlongs; Rldenu won,
Grandeur second. Oconee third. Time; I1I6
Fifth race, live furlongs: Lemuel won,
OcJawha becond, MIm Blarney third, Time;
1 :C2.
Sixth race, one mllo and a sixteenth:
Tl.ll. f. n . . . T.., T .1 - . ' nail
nuiie uuil .u. ., ivauic tieconu, rui
buster third. Time: 1:13.
Unriies ItniTs nt Minneapolis,
MINNKAPOLIS. July 5.-A track five
seconds slow nnd a stiff head wind on 'lie
home stretch contributed toward making
slow time nt Mlnnehnht thl. nfte.nio,
Tho rain of yesterday killed the epeed .f
the track, Results:
2:23 pace, purse $500: Flnrntte Belle won
second, third nnd fourth heats and race.
Time; 2:24'... 2:21. 2:2i',4. Kdlth O. second.
Hal Black third, Fauna aienn four h.
Nelllo Illy, distanced In fourth heat, won
llrst heat In 2:24U.
2:13 pace, purse $300: Tommy Wilton won
third, fourth and fifth heats nnd rare.
Time: 2:21, 2:18. 2:2Hi. Dick Turpln won
first heat in 2:11 and wns second, Queen R.
wurc, Jieu nirnwi tourtn. tineiaan, dis
tanced In second heat, won first heat In
Trottlnir nud Pnqlnsj: at PrUln.
PF.KIN. 111., July 5. The track and
weather were nil that could be desired for
today's races, but the speed was not what
was expected, considering the reputation of
tne Dinners, itemnm;
Cute City Wilts.
The Gate City bowlers defeated
Omaha Bedding company'u team on
Gate City alleys last night. Score;
1st. 2d. 3d.
Sheldon 175 125 170
Hartley 157 1S9 182
Conrad 159 1W 1
Bowman 134 165 1S8
Seaman '. 157 123 169
7S7 f97 2.40J
1st. 2d. 3d.
Huntlncton 147 156 137
Stapenhorst 150 H3 140
Kolls 174 15.) 170
llengle 112 107 133
Yost 122 115 137
...7J5 737 717 2.U9
Ticket Office,
t502 Farimni Street,
Telephone 2SO
Burlington Station,
lOtli und Mason fetreets,
Telephone 128
2:20 trot: Ida IUgwood second, third naiii;U.
Draw fnr Ten n In Doubles,
One of the features of "opening day" nt
the Omaha Athletic association nark today
will be a scries of tennis doubles, eight
pairs starting. The draw last night re
anlti.rl nu fnlfnws:
Dr. LeMalre nnd D. Vaughan, plus half,
15 play.
t! niinltlnuham and D. Pollard, scratch
A. Bennett and G. Vnuuhan, plus half, ;
Clt. Young and S. S. Caldwell, minus 15,
A. M. Tabor and H. N. Ladouceur, plus
hc!' J15 Martin and A, Potter, plus liulf. J
11 nlnv
II Doorly and H. Klumpp, scrntch.
L. C. Sherwood and O. Mclntyre, minus
half, 15 play.
Omnliii Mim Wins nt Freuiont.
FREMONT. Neb.. July 6.-(Spfclnl.j-Tho
races at tho driving park wora Interrupt'id
by tho rain yesterday afternoon. The 2 2j
trotting half-mile race was won by Coin
pctlne Junior in threo straight heats, Tlmo;
1:13. 1:13 and 1:11. Only two heats of tho
next race, gontletiu n'a driving horses, wero
ilnlshed before tho rain came. W. 8.
Brown'a Gamester won both, with John
Mcintosh's Llttlu Mack second in the last
heat, only 11 nose behind. Tho grandstand
waa tlllod and nearly every one succeeded
In getting to town beforo the rain came,
Edson of Omaha won the five-mile bicycle
liandlcup, with uweueuarg second. Time;
Omaha.... 1 :30 p.m
Denver. ...7?45 a.m.
Colo.Spgs.7:35 a.m.
Pueblo 9: 1 0 a.m.
Omaha.... 5s 20 p.m.
Denver.... 1 1 :00 a.m.
Colo.Spg$.IOi35 a.m.
Pueblo.... Mi 50 a.m.
AitutVK DUNVi:it..4il5 p.m. COLO. HPOS..li30 p.m. MA?nTOU..8lOO .M.
73he Famous
Climate, Water, Scenery, Hotel,
Uathi, AmuiementJ, vou wlU find
are all ribt.
The route to this resort l "The
North-Wkstekn Line" with
trains equipped with the "Best of
Tlokat Offlo. 1401.03 Farnam 9U
Dapot. ISth and Webster St.