'JL'JlJfi OMAHA DAILY BEE: SAT'CR DAY, JULY 0, 1901. 1 1 SPECIAL NOTICES AdrprtUrinenta (or these onlnmm will lie takru nntll 12 m. for the writing edition mid nntll K lit) p. in. for moraine anil Mnndar edition. Itntea, 1 1.2o n trlird Itrnl Insertion, In it iraril (hereafter, Nothlnat tnken for less tlinn 2flu lr the first Inaer tlun. These ail ertle mr nt muat lie ran consecutively, Advertiser, by reqneatlnot num tipred check, can linve nnarrera ail drenaed u a nambered teller In care of The lieu. Aiiarrera ao addressed trill lie dellcrad oi presentation ml taa ktok oalj. vanted-mai.h help. ANTED- Wo have stendy work for a few good hustlers of good hublts nnd nppciir uncc. 0. F. Adams Co., 1603 Howard St. 11-303 X. BARBER trade taught thoroughly tti short umu; catalogue iinu particulars iree Western HnrncrB Institute, Omiiha, Noli B-201 WANTED ut once, Urst-class poultry and general uroducu salesman, lor western territory. Statu fully experience, ugo utm nuiary erpecieu. . Ji, nee. i i STEADY, energetic young mutt, compotenl to Keep dookk und tuKc enarge oi general i.lore! state salary expeoteo; ronrence icqulrtd. J. C. UuitiLt, Arupahoo Ag. ney, yo. u Jiivi TRAVELINO men wanted, to carry uh u Hide 'lino samples of ItUliber Finished Art UocdM and establish agencies III western and central Mate, l.luurul compensation und tiut llttlu limn rciulicd. Keith Dec orating Co., Topeka, hull. 11 MiM S WANTUD Hook keeper, rapid at llgurcH and uipuble ot hunuilng urge cuHtomora' Ivusur. Statu age, experience und saliiry expected. A 61, lice. U 5W-7 WANTED l.uuudrymun who understands all woik connected with nil up-to-date Mtcuin laundry. Mutt bu sober. Married man proterrtd. Must como well recom mended. Aildres.i, Ukluncr A: Hmitli, Aurora, Nell. Hox 3Ziu H OAl j WANTED Young men and young women cuii earn fium .i to 6 a day eusliy sulllng the button Natural Hlouu, germ-tirooc uuler intern, tall at once. It talks tor ltselti iiKcntH wuuted In umaha, .South uniuha and Council Uluffs; we uru general ugeiits tot Nebraska und Wyoming. A. U. .McAUHlaud Co., lutgis. agents, ii; isiir buch bldg., Omaha, Neb. U M033 V) WANTED, harncsn makers and harness cutters, steady employment guaranteed. Apply Wallace, Smith & Co., Milwaukee, w la. II -.iiiwj ti WANTED, applicants as salesmen or ad vertisers; cush salary sure. Triumph, uanas, lex. u ait.-j w WANTED, housowrcckcrs to lllo bids on musical testlval lumber material, gravel, eiu., ui loin anu uapitoi ave. juiiuiru J. E. Knuwlcs, suporluielidelit. 1J M627 ANTED At once, linotype operator for one mouth sub work. Mall your recom mendation and state speed capacity. We will lurnlsh transportation. Tlmcs-itc- piiDiicnn, iuarsiiuniown, la. il tils u WANTED, llrst-ulass .man for foreman In mailing mm. AciuruBH u. U. Coiner, ralr- oury. ieo. lI.Miixl 11 ANTED, man, upright character, to nianngo nusiness ol o u-fHtali shed house: salary IS per week and expenses, puyatilu vui'ii neuit oireei irom iieaiuiuariers; ex1 lieiiso money advanced; position permit, nent; reterencc. Htaudard House, 3ijl fax ton Hullding, Chicago. H Maul ( i luLt men io icarn tna imruer trade. Wo teach thu work In two months, nres. cut edinplctii outllt of tools, grant ulplo- mas and guarantee J12 to l.i weekly wlien competent. ThlH Is the busy season. i horoughly equipped Institutions, estab- lisned in hixtv e nilrs In ranimm oiierauon. i;aiaioguo lunl nart nil urn mailed tree. .Molcr Barber College, 12J I'uiiiiiiu nu, u Mliol 11' i ANTED, bright man to trnvel In Ne braska dlntrlbutliig iukI collecting. Salary anu expenses, j'ermaiient. Age over 21 years, ueierences. lieit-addressed ell- vl'iuiiu, cvi i-ouiiau mug., unicaao. III. B MHiS 6 WA.vruu i'kjiai.i: iii:i,i. WANTED, 200 girls. 1621 Dodge. Tel 876. C Sou , . TZTT, 7. ,, . HELLVBLb help, Canudlan olllce, 1522 Doilg WANTED, experienced nurso girl; refer ences required und good wattes iiald. Mrs. 'lliomnb E. Cusaiiy, ui Sixth ave., Coun- rn iiiiiiis, U .MUA) Vi ANTED, girl for general housework In uimiiy or inree; good wages. .Mrs. Sim- erui, mo iMirui iiin Ave, C 212 WANTED, nn oxiierlenccd Klrl to do vim. erui llo'JMoWOrk. Nonu other need mmlv. WngeH H (ier week. Address H Hue olilce, wuuiivii , i, 1 1 , !. Iit& GIHL for general housework; no washing. .v.i oiiuriiiuii live. U AluUo WANTED, a competent girl In u family of two. Apply to lulo Ucorglu ave. .Mrs, w. w Murguss. C .MM2 7 TWO dining room 21st und Cnlcugo. girls. Mndlsun hotel, WANTED, girl wanted for ceneral hnn,.. work; no washing-; good wages to good Kin. Ai'i'iy xiurney. u .M60S 7 ANTED, four young ladles to take orders. Apdy 2:3o p. m. ri6 South Main a i., V.OHIIUH uiuiis, C A1UI6 U WANTED, reliable middle-aged woman, ac- busiumcu 10 inu men room, lor general nouticworu; ainull tumlly. Addressi with tUIUIUIIUD, 1, uuu, U 31621 6 WANTED, experienced titter In our cloak uuu uii oR(iarimciii. musi ue competent. .Nebraska Clothing Co. C J1639 lo WANTKD, girl for general housework In inning ui uiut. no. iiitn street, City. U I.IJ 7 LADIES to learn hiilrdresslng, maulcuilng weeKH. Includu eoinnli.t.. otittti ,r ,,,..u. grant diplomas and pay good wages when competent. Call or urlio toda. Moler Wi,,t(-bu, IU. J 1'lllllUIll 01. u iti.)b 11 COMPETENT nurso for child lii years old; good salary, 531 So. 40th ut. 0-Mti62 8 FOll UENT-IIOUSKS. IF YOU wunt your houses well rented plnoo TO MOVE MOVE right, got Omaha Van .Storage ., otllco lillVi Farnum, or tel. 1659-S63. CO, D-3U8 HOUSES for rent In nil parts of tho city. ureiiiiun-i..uvo iu., m Doutn uui street. D-3U9 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-310 BEE HENRY II. PAYNE, C01 N. Y. LIFE, D-311 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead. 1521 Douglas. D 312 HOUSES nnd flats. HlngwnU, Barker block. D-313 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block. 9 -ROOM house, bath and closet, i'Clh nnd i. mined, .nonruo ,v wo,, 911 10111 i. . . D-315 MODERN 7-room Hat, '24th and Farnam, 11. 11. uraiiam. w-jiu U-ROOM modern house, 2413 Capitol ave nue, ine u. v. uuvia L.O., as uee lung, D-317 TO small family, n four-room house, 2J'l uionao, u per month. Apply 607 n. 19 st. FOH RENT. 2103 N. 29th ave., house, newly I'.iinrru unu puinieii; six unn large rooms. See X, L. Trimble, 121$ Farnum. D .M199 FOR HENT An 8-room ull modern houao wiin me lawn: near west Farnam; com fortably furnished, Including plnno und giis Ktove. Owner will leave city next Monday urn w til rent It for tho summer for M. Shwer ft Chase. 601 Bee Hide. Tel. 1112. D-C15-3. MODERN So, 2itll. 7-rooTi houio, near Park, i3a D2a Jy:"j for rent-holses. AN ELEGANT APARTMENT tn the AL BION, 10th nnd Paclllc Sts., of FIVE ROOMS, Janitor service, telephone, gas ranges, laundry, electric light or gas, think' and awnings, good nolghbors. Wo will also have a SWELL. SIX-ROOM upartmcnt In the WINONA by-Ju'y 1. PAYNE-KNOX. CO., Main Moor, N. V. I Bids. D-3LS 5217 CFMINO, S-room house, alt modern except furniico; rent, $20. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th und Douglas. D-9) MIOOM flat, 617 South lath. Clark l'owell, 311 New York Life. D ji& XV. Corner 30th and Burdette streets. u vis FOR RENT For short time, comfortably furnl8heil nine-room houso wijn snaiipy. luwn, at once. Mrs. N. A. Ivlihn, north- .. . ............ .i.t I Uft Mnrv', eust corner 26th and Bt O GIG 7 FOll HUNT 3-room house, good neighbor hood, It; per month. Apply on premisee, rear 2515 .Keen St. D-8.8-0 FINK 8-room modern house. Inmilrc 1411 d-miuo Vinton. S. W. Corner 50th nnd Durdotto streets. D-613 6 S-HOOM brick IioUbo. mbdern. 2717 Jacltson. Telephone A. Trnynor, 191' or L FOH HUNT. 2032 N. 21th St., 8 rooms, all modern, burn, blautiiui largo mwn mm shade trees, $3o. 3502 Farnam. 6 rooms, modern, $22.50. U-MCW 0' HKST HAHOA1NS IN CITY. 30HS S. IMh, good a-r. brick houses, city water, eloso to H. u. car, oniy unii . 23j Callfornla-S good rooms, well, cistern. Will paper for rnolco tenant, ai oniy s. 1M9 N. 2lth, choice C-rooin, with water, 021G Corbv. 7 nice rooms, city water, full IOt. JH. A nice 7-room, strictly ull modern, liotisc In U'nlillll llll fill' nillV I -11. A KI1HII. In ilanscom park illstrlcl, an 8-r., cast front House, Wltll ail iiitest siyic moueiii eon vnl,.tiru rhnlrn iLt 127.. 1210 N. 2llh, desirable K-r. house, with bath room, sewer, etc., just prettily paperca fi tul nniv l'27i. C2J H. 2.1th live., best 10-r. all modern house for J27.W in city, wnsy warning uisiance, too. . mail l.'iiriinm. n Mlilpndlrl 12-r. lloUHC. Wltll laundry nnd every modern convenience, ii leu condition. To choice tenant at u. Don't fall to bco me. 'liicso uro midsum mer nrlres. HEN HI' 1). FAYNE, C012 N. Y. I.lfC, Gth Moor. 'I'lione 1016. Heal estnto bargains, lowest rate loans, safe tiro Insurance. u 3ii.m FOll ItE.NT FUH.MSIIEII ROOMS. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th nnd Farnam E-31U THE THUH8TON, cool, airy rooms. THHEE rooms, light housekeeping. 111. E 5Ij HOIIUI lit II. DOUBLE tmrlor for two gentlemen. S30S (.uming ai., second noor. x. jju FINE large front room. 1103 So. 9th St. E h)7 6 SCO S. 20TH ST. Furnished rooms. E-MC2S SOUTH rooms, lt.K5 Capitol avcnUo.. l'tll.MailED HUOMS AM) llDAlll). UTOFIA, rrT".7r; " UTOFIA, 1721 Davenport St.. F 322 GLENCA1HN, transient, '1.25 day, IWJ Doug l' ail THE Merrl'im, summer resort, 2oth & Dodge. NICE south room. The Fratt, 212 S. 23th St. F JJo TWO largo front rooms, with board. 1909 UapilOl AVC. I'MVH THIi HOSE, 2020 Harney; roonm and board. F o(i!-.M-Jyl2 NICE rooms with board. 411 N. 25th St. F-301 FOH HENT, rooms with board; house mod. urn. 2612 Harney St. F 451 J FOll HKNT I NFDIIMHIIED HOO.MS. DESIC room space, ti per month, giound lloor room in tne lieu building, lacing ! allium street; no uxpensu tor iixhl, hunt or janitoi service, it.,0. Foteia a Co., Itulitul Agents, II ee building. . U 116 FOH HENT, unfurnished loor; private bath; liousu modern. 2612 Hurucy. u 150 7 TWo, three or four; modern; i block from ear, laeiug iiauscum parK. iutn wooi- worin. (jt,i7 IIOAIID WANTED. WANTED, board for ono week ut time; goou locality within lew btocKs ut lice biug., toi inun iinu Hi to in umalia. on bus- mens, rieiihn iunu answers to iock oux 1Mk, auktoii, h. D. ; l'Oll HEM STOHES AND OFFICES. FOH HENT-Storo in ilrst-claes location; rent leiisoiiuuiti. Apply u. u. 1' ultra u Co., ground lloor, Beo tlldg. ' 1 'M FOH HENT Tho bulldihg formerly occu. picu uy inu mo ui vit, rurnam at. it hub lour stones and a basement winch was lonnu'iy used us Thu lieu press room. This will uu rented very reunoiKibl) . u interested apply at oucu to c. C noso- wuier, secruiaiy, room iw, Uee uullulug 1261 FOR HUNT Store, 3103 Leavenworth. lioo j yli AliENTS WANTED WANTED Canva&sing agents tn every lounty to duiiui suuscrqilions lor Tllr; '1 Ni .."1 1ET1I cE.Mciti l''AitMi.H mivi thu Nf.W CICl.Ul'EDIA UL' LIVE alOClv ami OU.tliiiU STUCK DUL TUit. ThiH s,ueuiild buuk loiitaiuu l,w Impel lal octuo pugcu, iV0 ubjeot-teuchillg uutfi'avings uuu ,c thu only uook on ilvu btucK Bin puuiUheu adapted lo thu every day, practical, money saving utu ot uery lui'inei' uuu sluert owiici', Steuuy employ lliuiil Willi .ib.iuuu good Incuiuu. Ahdila In thu country with hursu anu bugg es pecially uusitud. iaiiNustjcra muku eusliy w to lw jier month. Auurun, Century Funnui solicitors uurcau, lieu bunding, umuha. j ia WANTED Agents to null our senalblu n- uuwmcui policy; can or uuuresd C. U, Lobeck, .Mgr. Nebraska Dept. thu bccurliy i.uu and" o.i lugs ins. Co., 616 .'. v. luo. J-Ml43-Jy-2J AO ENTS Active lady agents to sell our bwuua. uui omipiux oKiri unn waist supporter is a winner. Sull.l readily; none boner on the market. Send 2ue lor suinpiu und turutory.,. Des Moines Skirt und utir set Silts. Co., ,20-2 Uruuu avu., Des Moines lll J- moiiac.i:. PACIFIC Storage and Wurehouse Co., 912- rit wunva, i&v-iiviui niurajiu uuu lOrnUrUUlg. 3,'U OM. Van Stor. Co., 15UV4 Furn. Tels. 155d-SG3, -32 SiURAUE Household goods and other articles stored ut low rules. J, j. Durlgni tv v.u., r oi nam oi. iui, 6oj. -,HW WANTED IO ULV. WANTED, room and boatM In prlvnto turn- uy uy a juuut Keiiiiemuu, t, 1, ttee, N-MO04 FOH SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Fumlturo Co., 1110 Dodge. Tel. 2V.'U. New a 2uhunu furniture bouunr, sold, VAuimiifeeu. u Jy BUY your fumlturo ut Enterprise Furnt lute cu. iu luivo nurchascd a big uaiiK- nipt stuck uuu will close It out in :'j pur ceui umcouiii, iv.-i 0. inu. ill. .ivi. O-MlwO JJJ0 lll.OCLTUIN. ELLA DAY, 5920 Dodoe. Mn. Wd. Thur, Sat. i3 J i uii QUICKEST and best repair work on vc- nicits it. trust, inn anu i.eavcuworiu. F .Hi FOH SALE, light spring wagon, slightly useu, out goou as now, ano ruDDcr-ureu road wagon In guod condition. F. A. Hue low, Ull Jones st. F VJl Jyi FOH SALE cheap, n 3-i-lnch wagon gear, wiin 4incn tires, uut uiiiu useu. u. iu Hart, laui Jones St. F 116 FOH SALE, head of matched pairs and cingio drivers, jonn i.. uurns, nt t'aiuco Staoles, Omaha, .Neb. F-M5iS 7 I'Ult bALE MISCUI.LA.UUUS. SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry and hog fence, uui Douglas. w wo HEFAIHS and supplies for all makes of bi cycles, umanu uicycie i-o., itm At wnicago, Q-531 2DIIAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, 1119 Farnam. Q-332 SAFES, standard makcs.sold.rcnted, 1H 8. 13 ij ij WIHE fence for poultry, Belgian hare, hog, 1.1.1 M'l... l'.(a CI'.' 61 1.1. 1. I1U1U UI lllllil. ItllU MUlAPl Ul O. Qii Q-M37S-Jy7 BIO line of secondhand wheels, 13. $5, $S, 110. umalia uicycie Co., lbtu anu unicngo his. y-33i FOH SALE Cheap; range, gas stove, laun dry stove. 6iu a. 30tn. y 6'js ti- TWO and four'pns. swings and lawn chairs at bargain prices. r. a. uuciow, uu Jones, Q 390 JyS FHESH Jersey cow. 323 N. 37th street, Q-012-5 FOH SALE New No. .1 Herrlck refriger ator; In use only a week; 17. Address, C 1, Beo. Q-01G FOH SALE or trade one-half or nil of good steuin merry-go-round. Address co, ilea. Q-MS25 3 HOUSES to bo moved for sale chenp, Stringer, 6J I'axton bldg. Q JlCdO 6 CI.AIUVOY.VVrS. MME. FALMER, medium, Is located nt 2621 is street, souin umalia, telephone SMl, and will be there during thu xtreet fair. S-61S-9 MBS. FHIT55, medium. S19 North 16th. S-335 MME. OYLMER out of city. July 1. Will return 8 3J6 l'EllSOXAL. DH. HOY, chlroiiodlst; corns nnd superfluous hair removed oy electricty. H. 12, Frenzer block. u-331 VIAVA. woman's way to health; rational wholesome home treatment. 34S Bio U.dg U-31S SFI'FLIES for all machines; machines for rent, w into sewing .Mncnine, iwu uoiu;- las. Tel. 2Sii. HUFTUHE cured; no knife, no pain, no iianger; send for circulars, umpire iin,' ture Cure, UI2 N. Y. Lite JJUllding, Omaha U-340 I'HIVATE hofnltal for ladles before and during contlnemcut: babies adopted. 23U6 Urant St. U-311 FHENCH ACCOHDION FLEATINO; mail orders solicited. Omaha l'lcatlng uo., id Douglas. U-ai2 MME. SMITH, baths, room 7. US N. 15th, 2d lloor. U 561 S' I'HIVATE home before and durlnir confine. incut; babies adopted. Mrs. Burgct, 2b-.0 Jiurdette. u-311 M. OOLDMAN vt- CO.. onlv ocrfect ac cordlon nlcatlng plant In tne west; man orders solicited. Sulto 200, Douglas Uloclt u on WE HENT sewing machines for 75 cents per week. We sell parts for nnd repair every sewing muenmu manuinciureu. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMFANY, Corner 15th and Harney Sts. U 121 Jy29 WANTED, pupils In 8pnnlsh or French Translations from English to either Ian guagb. Ana Moreno. 1310 So. 2Sth St. U-2S5 Jy5 MOMJY TO liOA.V KUAL ESTATE. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. llrcunun-Lovc Co., 309 South 13ih XV 316 LOANS on eastern Ncbrnsk.1 and western Iowa farms ut 5 per cent; borrowers can pay iuo or any multiple; uny intcresi date; no delay. Hrcnnan-Lovo Co., M S iui st., umana, Ncu. v 347 WANTED, city loans, bonds and wnrants, ueorge e company, ltJi f arnam street. W 318 WANTED, city nnd farm loans; also bond anu warrants, it. u. l'etcrs & Co., .71 Farnam St., Beo Illdg. W 319 MONEY to loan at 414 and 6!4 per cent on umana property, w. u. .mcikic, 401 s. .stn W-351 rHIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1521 Dougla AO. I'HIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N..Y..1. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real estute & per cent Interest; no commission; prlvl lego of paying I1W or more before ina. turltv. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins Co., John W. Olsh, speclul loan ugent, 211 First Nafl Hank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. W-355 5 AND 5V4 Per cent loans. W. H. Thomas, First National Hank building. Tel. 1618. W-3W WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-357 5, SV4 F. C. loans. Garvin Bros., 1C13 Farnam. W-351 Jy 7 4V4 TO 5 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton blk. W-M6'J0 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. DO YOU NEED MONEY Wo loan '10 and up on furniture, plunos, nurses nun outer cnaucis. SALARY LOANS. without morlgagd to people holding perma nent positions. 1011 can get tne money in n few hours after making application und take 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6 mouths or more In which to pay it back, and you need not pay for It one day longer than you keep It. Wo charge nothing tor papers and we give you the full amount in cush. There are no lower rates than ours; our terms are the easiest; qur business is contldvntlal and our motto Is "try to please." OMAHA MORTOAOE LOAN CO. 119 Board of Trade Bldx. Tel. 2293. (Established U9.'.) 3oti S. ICtli St, A. J05 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS. on houso hold furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc., in two nours time; niso to salurlert neonle on their nlaln notes, with out SHCurlty Easiest payments und low est rates in umanu rnvaio interviewing room. Amerlcnn Loan Co., room 312 Brown uiock, cor, ibtn and Douglas Sts.; entruttcu 011 iinu m., oppusuo 1. .m. u, A. lildg. X, 360 I.ARUEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO B.u.Aiucu rr.un.ii, merchnnts, tenm slers, boarding houses, etc.. without si curlty; easiest terms; 40 oltlces in principal vinun. Auiiiiati, iiv iiuuru 01 i ruue mug X-361 LOANS ON SALARIES. I-'imNITITHK Ilvo stock, etc. 0-ulck sarvlco and lowest raiea gunrunieuu. J IV. '1 A VL.OK, 633 (ton (floorl Paxton block, northeast corner 16tn and Fa.-iiutn; entrance on 16th street. x 36: MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew. elry. horses, cjws, etc. C. F. Reed, 313 S, 13, X-363 MONEY loaned on nlanos. fumltnrn cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R. 8, Barker blk X 34 J1.0W.W TO plnce quick. M. J. Kennard & Sou, suite 310, Brown block. X 360 WE LOAN money to salaried people on unii nutu u, liiiraj sirietiy conn iiuuiiai, liny wi-emy, semi-wueKly or miinini-. uoom u i-axton niocK, 3d floor, lll'llillJIU I.IL'1111 v-ij, A 62d ACCOHDION I'LEATINfJ. ACCOHDION nleatlnu: cheanest. best quickest. Mrs. A. C. Murk, 3. E. Cor. 17th Fun sale houses, vnincLus, etc anu rarnam. m. lll'SI.MlMS CIIACF.S. I'HNlTt'RE of 7-room lint, elegantly equipped, tine location, cheap rent, full gentlemen roomers, party leaving city; will sell at a bargain. J. H. JohnRon. N. Y Life. Y-51.1 OHAND HOTEL furnishings and foiir-yeur lease for sale ror casn nniy; iniriy-nvo newly furnlshfxl rooms; tho best stand In the state; Is a bargain. H. F, Hankln, Hartlligton, Neb, Y-M2J2 AM offering for sale my entire business wood, coal, feed nnd groceries, also build ings and lot. For particulars Inquire of Thos. Hlshton, 2I00 West Broadway, Coun cil muffs. . Y-MI05 FOH SALE or rent, my blacksmith shop and wngonmnKcr snop, uoing a zooa num. ness, on nccoimt of my health. .B. (.. Walter, Norfolk, Neb. i-Mool Jy 12 FOH SALE or trade, half or whole Interest In drug store; hard wood noor, .viaiinews gas mnchlne, soda fountnln, etc.. In a lively county seat. Thyroid-Lymph Co., 600 Bee Bldg. Y-562 WANTED Ladles of ability to manngo branch onices; must nave some ensn to cover cost of remedies. Thyroid-Lymph Co., 600 Uee Bldg., Omaha. Y-601-A-2 FOH SALE, a good paying restaurant nnd coniecnonery in cuiiiuj' puni, iowii ui i.ow, doing good business; reason' for selling poor health of wlfo and must get out. John Segln, Hebron, Neb. Y-:.1630 10 HOTEL to ilvo hotel man; only hotel In town of 2.&00 people. 111 east central town. Urlck building for rent or lease to suit or for snlo on terms; building Is nicely fur nished; furniture not property of owner of building, but ran be purchased cheap. Cash or terms. Thero 'Is nnd will bo r.o competition. Fine opening for right man. Olve references. Address L, box 7fi, Des Moines. Y-.M6I2 7 FOH MAl.E-llUAl, ESTATE. IHHIOATRI1 LAND FOll SALE. In the rich valley of Loup river 1 can offer iur sale inaiiv larnis 111 reasonaom nriuva. This land is u rich sahdy loam und pro duces elegant erops, The farmers are last putting their land Into ultalta, which brines thorn linn returns, ihrtc nnd four crops a year being harvested at lltllo or no expense, betting as high us h per aero income each year. .Most or tins lanu is under a line Irrigating canal, with a steady nnd reliable Ilow of water trom tno i.oup river. 1 will nanio u row pieces, ill ili'rt.fl. f mil., frnm ennntv ,:lt! 'JO itpren meadow, balanrn nasturc land, l'ricu. ti!. 2lJ ucres ',4 mile from county sent; good !- room nouse, orchard, lots or tlmoer, w acres can bo Irrigated, 2u acres lino al Iillla. Uu acres n.isture. I'rlce. JI.KW. 160 acres, house, windmill, orchard, M acres pasture, !) ncres farm land, 40 ucrcs irri gated. I'rlce, J1.650. :o ucres, luj under plow, balance pasture; house, wlmlii.lll. Imrn. 1'rlrp f 1.1ml. 100 ucrcs, line place tor stock, trame house, orcnaru, uarn, plenty 01 water nnd tim ber. I'rlce. Soo. 20) uctch, 75 acres plow lnnd, balance pas- , on goon ciay sou. iticc j per acre. 16o acres, 25 ucres cultivated, Jj per acre. lb) acres, 60 ucrea cultivated, (1 per acre. LO acres, with fenced meadow that will cut w to ii tons hay, small frame house Und Stable, unnil ulnrWrurm HrlKS. il I'M Many others that am good bargains. All nil mini win produce tile best or nlfaua, with a good market and ready sale ut good prices, being near the cattle ranges. Write for nartteulnrM. H. A. STEWART. 'lavlor. Loun County. Neb. RE-575 FOR SALE, cheap, my residence, 2137 S. 3.W i. ; 1111 modern. Apply i . Richardson, Merchants" National bank. a. W. Me Kpath. HE-M5S0 Union 1'nelflc Itnllrnnil mmSiinv. fl a". In, McAllnster, land commissioner. Union Facllic Headquarters, umahi, Neb. HE-307 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnnm St. HE ''OS HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; a so acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 652, Bco Building. RE-370 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, CM N. Y. LIFE. HE-372 CORN LANDS and stock ranches In the Corn licit country. Write for my list. W. H. Clements, Lyons, Neb. HE-4W HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; nlso fire inaurunee. iicmis, i-axton 1IIK. UK ill TWO stock farms for sale in South Dakota. 230 and 320 ncres; good locntlon; plenty wnter, good Improvements, bottom land. E. A. Carr, St. Lawrence, S. D. RE M601 7 FOR SALE, 320 ncres of land at a bargain. In section thirty (301. in Holt ronntv. Nob. Address F. J. Ncnsham, Ottumwii, ll. hk .miwo A NEW modern residence fyir $2,500, nt 2S21 Davennort St. Wo are offerlnir n new 1;. room house, containing bath, sewer, closet and gas, all llrst-clnsn fixtures, largo porch, cellar bricked nnd cemented, lot ll'fl, lt'I limilt'lll SIUPIVHIK. Tho Byron Heed Co., 212 8. 14th St. RE-621 5 LOST. LOST, Auditorium brick No. 423. Reward u returned to umana Dnuy News. Lost-261 MEDICAL. DH. FRIES, the acknowledged lending spe clnllst In diseases of women In Omaha. would call the attention of suffering Indies to his unsurpns.ccd accommodations be- lore nnd during conunement, und ills treatment for Irregularities, no mnttor whnt cause. Call or address, with stamp, ur. rries, idm uougo m., umana, Neu. GONOVA -It. i French treatment for ma's and female, ror tho positive cure of Gon orrhoea. Gleet. Unnatural Discharges. In ftammatlnns. Irritations nnd Ulcerations of tno mucous memmanuN. An Internal remedy witn injection combined, war ranted to cure worst ensen In one week; 13 per packugo or two for t. Sent any whoro on receipt of price. Tho Kldd Drug Co.. Elgin, Uf, American Office, retail, wholesale. Myars-Dlllnn Drug Co., Omaha; M. A. Dillon, South Omaha; Davis Drus Co.. Council Bluffs. Full lino of legiti mate rupber Goods. SIIORTIIANI) AND T YI'F.WIIITIN'G. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -377 DOYLES' College, court cportcr principal, -378 Bee Bldg. NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd'a Theater 379 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 10 & Doug. 3SO PATENTS. PATENTS No fee unlets succf'Esrul, Bues & Co., Bee Bldg., Omaha, Nob, Advlco free. 165 Jyi5 AVILL BUY any good Invention or patent. auuiisn i.ui:fv uua v, ...wiuun, an. 373 MASON. FEN WICK St LAWRENCE, Washington. D. C. U J. cpwulll, agent, zid itainge uiock, umuua, i-eij, van OSTEOPATHY, JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. L. Hldg. Tel. mil; Alice Junuson, u. u., iauis' dept GUI. E. Johnson, Oateopathlst, Mgr. -374 DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tel. 1387 Jio A. T. HUNT. D. O., 303 Knrbach Blk. Tol 2353 376 DRESSMAKING, IN families. Miss Sturdy. 318 So. 26th St. -310 JyC ACCOnDION and knife pleatlpg; also pink lnir and covered buttons' a snectaltv promptness and lowest rates In ull our work; mail orderB solicited. Des Moines uve., Des .Moines, in. PIANO TUNING. PIANOS tuned. J1.60. F. Lehn-ntln. Mnndcl bers's Jewelry Store, paxton blk. Tel, 16i9, ut) jy WANTED TO BORROW. J2,A FROM a private person; tho best se curity given. Auurcta u i, uee, cis ; I'l-MIINU AM) I'l.EAMUtl: ItF.SOHT. IF YOU want good bass and croppy fishing go io iangaon. .110. cry oest 01 noiei iiccomtnGdatlons. 1'tcnty of boats nnJ minnows- 'Vrilo H. A. Dlttmar for rates. -976- HE WAltl). JTo.fiO REWARD offered for tho arrest and conviction or the party who entered anu stole shoes from the store of H. Meier nt Elkhorn, Neb., the night of June 27. Cltl. zens Com., Elkhorn, Neb, 117 29 FlHMTIItr. HEI'AIHIMJ. TEL. 1331. M. S Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St. -as i LAI NDltV. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. P47. -3J-0 PAWMIHOICUIiy. EAOLE Loan Olilce, reliable, accommodat ing; nil business confidential. 1301 Douglas. -X3 1 " ' U.Vl'UHT ACCOUNTANT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing. H 15, Com. Wat. Bank. U. H. Rathbun. .145 SIDEWALKS. SinEWALKS-Stone. cement, brick. Web slums' Mantel nnd Tllo Co., 3u9 So. 17th st, -512 Jy s STAMMEIIINO A Nil .STUTTEIlINf!. CURED. Julia Vnughn, 430 Hnmgo Bldg. 1IOII, Kit .MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tnnk. stacks, etc. Tel. 1359. 12th nnd Izard st. a.11 CAItrENTUHH AMI .IOINEH5. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly aticniiod to. j. t. ucniurec. qn nnd Lake Sis. -370 A FULL Celluloid Plute-JIO.00. A partial set of rubber $3.00. Uold Fllllngs-1.60 up. Bailey the Dentist 'third I'loor Paxton HlocU, PHONE 10S3. n m m m THE BIG HYDRAULIC TIRE SETTER Sets heavy wagon tiros while you wait. Brlnp; on your wliools. Drummond Carriage Company, 1 8th and Harney, rosTorricH noticd. (Should be read DAILY by nil Interested ah changes may occur at any time). Foreign mails for the week ending July 6, I'M. will close (PROMPTLY In ull cases) ut thu general postolllce us follows: PAR CELS, POST MAILS cloao ono hour curlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post malls tor Germany close at 5 p. in. .Monday und Wednesday. Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign branch hulf hour later than doa. Ing ttniu shown below. Triiim-Alliinllf .llnlU. SATURDAY At 5:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s s, Etrurla, via (Jueenetown; iu 7 u. in. for DENMARK, per s. s. Hekiu (mall must bo directed "per s. s. Hekla"): fit 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct. per rec for (mall at s s, PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls steamer takes Printed Mntter. Commercial Pa pers and Samples for Germany only. Tho mine clnsa ot mall matter for other parts of Europe will not bo sent by this ship uuieha specially uirecieo ny nor. After the closing of the Supplementary rinnsulliintlc .maim iinnuu above, ad ditional supplementary mulls nrc opened on the piers ot the American, English, French and German steamers, and remain open until wttlilu Ter Minutes of tho hour ot baillnu of uteurner. MulU for South und Centrnl Amerlcn, West Indies, litis. SATURDAY' At 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s s. I'once, via san Juan; ut 9 a. rn. (supplementary 8:30 n. m.) for CURACAO und VENEZUELA, per s. s. Hlldur (mall for Bavnnllla nnd Carlhaguna must be di rected "per . s. Hlldur ); nt 9.3 1 u. in. (bupplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTi'NE ISLAND. JAMAICA, SA VANILLA, CAR TIIAGENA nnd GltEYTOWN. nor h. h. Alleghany (mall for Costa Hlen must bo directed per s. s. Alleghany"); at 0:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX, LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, BRITISH, DUTCH and FHENCH OUIANA. per s, k. Kotitabellu (mall for Grenada nnd Trinidad must be directed "per s. s. Fon- luucue ); in iu a. m. ior uuiia, per s b. Morro Custle, via Havana; at 10 a. tn, for MEXICO, per s. s. Orizaba, via Tarn. Pico (mall must bo directed "per s, h. Orizaba'). Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney nnd thence by 'learner, closo at this otllco tinny, at h;m p. m. (connecting close hero every Monday, Wednesday and Satur day). Mulls for Mlquolon, by rail to Bos ton nnd thence by steamer, cloie at this otllco dully nt 6:30 p. in. Mulls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla.. and theu :o by steamer, close at this office as.,y (except sunauyi in j u. m uuu connecting closes are on Mondny, Wednesday and Saturday). Mall.i for Cuba, by rati iu Miami. Fin,, and thenco by steamer, closo ut tills office uvery Sunday at 6 1, m. Mulls for Mexico City, overland, unless sneclnlly addressed tor dls- paten uy steamer, cioke at tins omce ontiy at 1:30 p. in. and 11 p. m. Jla'la for Costa Hlca, Belize, Puerto Cortez tnd Guntemala, tiv rail lo New Orleans and thenco by steamer, closo at this olfieo daily at 1:30 p. m. (connecting closes nero Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cortez und Guatemala end Tuesdays for Costa Hlcaj. Regl8tercd mull closes at 6 p. m. previous uny. Traim-I'iielllu Mulla, Malls for China and Janun. via Vancouver, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to July 2. Incluslvp, for dispatch per s, s. Em press of China (registered mall must bo directed "via Vancouver ). Malls for China and Jnnan. via Seattle, clone hero dally at 6:30 p, m. up to July 3, inclusive, tor dispatcn per a. s. Kama kura Maru (registered mall must be dl rected "via Seattle'), Malls far Hnwall. China. Janan nnd Phllln nines, via San Frnnclsco. close here dally at 6.30 p. m. up to July "I, Inclusive, for ilisputru per b, s. uono. Malls foi Australia (except West Australia which .s forwarded via iCuronei. Now Zealand, FIJI, Sumoa nnd Hawaii, via San Frnnclsco, closo hero dally at 6:30 p, m. nfter Juno 23 and up to July '6. In clusive, or on arrival of e. L. Lamnunla due ut New York July "i, for dispatch per . s. sierra. Malls for China and Jnnan. via Tacoma s. s. stnaieniiiim (man musi uo di- , Kansas City Day Ex. ...a a:.o am a u:uu teu -per a. s. oiauiuiiuum hi s u. m. ifnnsas Cltv Night LX..uiv;-o pm a una u ITALY, per s. s. Allcr. via Nnp.es , a, i.T.i mveiT for Ut. must oe iiirecivu per s. a. Aiier ;; Joseph and St. Louis. a o.iu pm au:u am V W a. m. ior nuuiuinu inrici, per Tviuy s. Astoria (mall must bo directed "per a, Aaiuuu i, i .. lAfiSSuSnTS. , dose here dally ut C;30 p, m, up to July I POSTOFFIt 15 NOTICE. 11. Inclusive, fur dispatch per s. s. Briic mar. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Philip pine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dully nt 6:30 p. m. up to July "i: ! -elusive, for ulsputi'h per . s. Nippon Marti. Mulls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, loe here daily at 6.30 p. m. up to Jiny "i, i"r dlFtiateli tier s. .. XcithttHihi. Mnlls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes ua l'.urope, unu New ..en bind, which gomi .!.". H.m Frnnclsco) and FIJI Islands, via Vnncouvei, close her dally at 6:30 p. m. after July '.i nnd u; to July 20, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. Aornnsi (supplementary mail!', Mi Seattle und Vlcturlaj, close nt 0:30 p. ni. July "21. Trnns. Piielllr mnlls urn forwarded lo Dort of sailing dally and tho sched.tlo of closl is Is arranged on the presumption of their un interrupted overland transit. HeglstMed mall clones nt 6 p. m. previous day. I'UHNr.wll M VAN l ul l, I'tisimnsier Postotllcc, New York. N. Y June 2S. l'.vl. OOYEUNMF.NT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR SCHOOL AND HOS1M tal Buildings and Hullding Materials. Department of the Interior, utnee of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, June 2, lwl -Sealed proposuls, endorsed "Proposals lor Buildings, Genoa, Neb., ' und addressed to tho Commissioner or Indian Affairs, Wiifch Ington, D. C, ulll be received ut the In dian Olilce until two o'clock p. in. ot July 29, 1901, tu furnishing and uetlwrln:! tho necessary materials and labor requited to construct und complete nt the Genoa In dian Mrhnnl. ttplinmun. n lirlek school btlllil- lug and a trame hospital building, inclild-lui,- heating and etectilc lighting system, In strict accordance with plans, specillcatlons and instructions to bidders, wnien may nc exiunlnpil nt this Otllee. the oltlCes ot The Bee," Omaha, Neb., tho "Nehtiiska Stuto Journal," Lincoln, Neb., the 'Jour mil. ' Stnuv Cltv. Iowa, tho 'Tlin'S Herald,' Chicago, III., the Builders' and Traders' Exchange, Omaha, Neb., the Builders' und '1 rimers' Exchange, .Milwau kee, Wis., the Northwestern .ilaiiuliietur- nt-M' AvH.ii.llltittll lt I'lllll. tlllll.. thu I. 8. Indian Warehouses at Mi Howard street. Omaha, Neb., m Johnson street, Cliicngo, 111., and 77 Woosttr sticet. New YolK, N Y., and at the school. Sealed pto ptmals, endorsed "Proposals tor Building Mutcrlals, and uddressed to W. 11. Wins low, Genoa, Neb., will bo leeelvrd at the Indian Bchool until two o'clock p. m. ot July 29, ltK'1, for furnishing and uellverlug ut l he school, mi required, about J2,i) leet of lumber, ussorted, oJ,ou shingles, 30 win dow sash, 2.i,hi brick, 25 barrels lime, some sand, nails and lunges, us per list and BpeclilcuiloUH at the school. For further Information apply to W. II. Wlnslow, Su perintendent, Indian School, .leuoa, Neb. . A. JONES, Commissioner. PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY 1IOHSE3. Chlet Uiiurtertuuster's Olilce. Chicago. 111.. July 1, 1901. Sealed proposals, in triplicat, will be received at tins olilce, until 12 o'clock noon, central time, and at olilce of the Depot WiiartermiiHtei', I'ortlund, Ore., until In o'clock it. in., Pucillc lime, .1 illy 13, 19J1, tor furnishing and delivering 2v) cavalry horses at Fort Hlley, Kan,, Fort Leavenworth. Kan., or other prominent railroad points, Proposals will lie enter tained fur less than the entile lumber of horses required. Particulars and blanks lor proposals will be furnished on upplliatloii. Envelopes containing proposals to bi in dorsed "Proposahi Iur Cavalry Horses' ami iiddt eased to the undersigned or to Depot Quartermaster, Portland, Ore. E. 11, ,T W'UOD, duet Quartermaster. D-3-1-5-6-10-11M CITY OI'I'ICIAL NOTICES. HORSES WANTED. Wanted, live horses for lire department. Must be sixteen bunds high, sound, from to i years of age, weight from 1,300 to t.um pounds Horses must have good n ion Horses offered will be received at Eng lie house, l.sth nnd Harney streets, Widno dny, July 10. at 3 o'clock, for veterinary In spection, BOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE COM MISSIONERS, P. C. H 15A FEY, M. 11. COLLINS, Jo d6t mAe Commltteo. RAILWAY Ti.MU CAHU. BURLINGTON & Mis souri Hucr Hallruud "The Burlington tiuutu" General unices, North west Corner Tenth and Farnum streets. Ticket Oincu, 1602 Farnum street. !. ........ ,.... frit ll.Cfr,!'i u iiiiBWii niu.iuii, and Miuuu Streets. Tulepnoim 12a. lcuvu. Arrive. Lincoln, Hnbtlngs and McCoos. s!:lO am a 7:3o pm Lincoln, Deliver, Colo- rado, Utah, Ciilifornla.u 4:2j pm it 3:uo Pin Alllancu Express a iuo inn a i:w pm Lincoln & Bluck Hills. ,u 9:00 pm a 6:45 urn Montana, l'ugel Sound. .a 'j:w pm u 6;4j am Lincoln Fast Mull b 3:i0 pm u sill urn W yinorc, Beatrice and Llncubi a 8:40 um bll:5j am Deiiv-r. foloraun, Utau and cailturma a 6:15 am Fort Crook, So. Bend, Loulsvlllu, Plnttsm tn. b 3:20 pm bll:0S am npllneu,.. i'.sttsmoutb Sc Paclllu Junction a 7:40 pm a 8:20 urn Bellevue, P.uttsmoutli .Ss Pucillc Junction a 3:10 am a Dully, b Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO 1 sunn Council Bluffs Hullroud "Thu Burlington Route" Ticket Office. 150 Farnum Street. Tulcphouo xw. Depot, iciitn ami Mason streets. Telu phone 123. Leave. Arrive. pm m CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & uuincy iiaiiroaa "Tne Burlington Routo" Ticket Office. 1502 Farnum Street. Telepnono 260. Depot, uenin uuu .nuson streets Telephone 123. Leave. Arrive. iiui'iiiriit r.i-'.. uro fine- cial a 7:03 am nl0:20 pm Chicago Vcstlbuled Kx.u Clrt pm a7:l3um Chlcugo Locul Express. a 9:30 um u 4:03 pm ruilr.iL-n Limited a 7:50 pin a 7:43 am ast .Man '.13 pm a Dully. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket Of fice, 1402 Farnam Street, Telephone, 245. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets, Leave. Arrive. Chlcuh,, express... .w am a o:w pm uniciiBo Limuuu. .......... ... t.... o.v um .Minneu.ioiis m i.. Kxnteiii vu ,,uu u "iio pm Mini.eapour St. Paul Lliniled wiiii a s;uo am Fort Dndce Local from Council tiluffs b 4:60 pm a 8:15 am Fort Dodge Locul from council inuiis o:oo nm u Dully, b Dully except Sunday. Leave. Arrive. St. Louts Cannon Ball Express u 5:15 prn a 8:20 nm iiunsu v.uy unu wuincy Local a 7:ou um a 0:00 nm u Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL. rnau-ucncrai Offices and Ticket Offices, Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas Sta. Telephone, 104. Depot. Leuvo. Arrlvo". St. i.iniiH nnd Kansas City Exnrcss u lu:00 am a 6:2.t nm v, u., oi. u.v,-'ij.'u w.wv tun u una am Leave from 15th und Webster otrce.ts: NcbrasKn Local. Via weep ne water b 4:10 pm al0:45 em a Dally. Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Hallway-idty iMlLWAUh 2. "V ""i1;"! 'w rarnam Street. i ,.if.Tih,T, .,v . w.tv.o. ci,:pnoue, icy Leave Arrlv, Chlcnno f Omaha Ex..b 7:15 am b 8:40 nm unicago Limitea u . pin a b;uo un a Dally, u unuy except ounuuy. UNION PACIFIC'THE OVER land Routo" General Offices, N. E. Cor. Ninth und Farnum Streets. City Ticket Office, 1321 j' amain street, leiennotie, 318, jjepoi, ienin ana Aiarcy sts, leicpuono, uij. lnvo. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited. .a 8:20 am u 7:30 pm Tim f'hlpuiro.Portlund Special a 8:20 nm a 7:30 prn Th.. i.-uut Mntl a 8:60 am a 3:2B nm Tho Mall nnd Express.. all:35 pin h 1:25 pm The Colo.-ado Special. ..all;35 pm u 6:60 am Lincoln, Beatrice una Stromsburg Express. ,b 4:0u pm bl2:30 pm Thn I'urlilo Exuress...,a 4:25 pm Tha Atiautlt. Expreei.-, , f '60 nm Grand Itluni) lcal ....b 5:30 pm b 9:35 am a Dull, u uany except suuuay. ttit.WAV 'iuii: cuius. FREMONT, ELKHORN A Missouri Valley Railroad i tic Northwestern Line General Offices. United Mules National Hank Hullding, S. W. Corner Twellth and Far nam Sts. Ticket Uttlce. livi iarnim aw lelepluf.e, oSl Depot, 13111 Mliu cusic sts. rcicphunc, ha . , . Leave, Arrive, lback Hl.ls. Dcndwood, , . Hot springs a a:w pm .w via Voinlug, Casper and Doimlus d 3:00 pm e 6:00 pra Hastings, York, David Clt. fupoiior, uneNu, ilxeler and Scvwii-q. . . .b 3:iX) pm Norfolk, eiutgiu and Fremont b 7.30 am b 6:00 pm bl0;25 am Llneoin. f. on i 1' ru- iiioiu b J.30 am bl0:25 am Fremont Local v,..30um r t.iil b Dally except Sunday, o Sun day oni d Daily except Satunlay. Dully except .Mondai. CHICAGO & NORTH. -stern Railway "Th Nurthwcstcrn Line" City 'ticket Office. 1401 Fainnin St. Telepnono. Ml. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Tele phone, 629. i.i',ivo, Arnie. Daylight Chlcugo Spe- ,, rial u 7:00 am all:30 pm Chb ago Passenger u 4lU pin a S:40 am Lnstern Express, Dcs Moines, Mnrsb.ilitown, Cedar Ruplds and Chicago al0:55 am a 4:05 pm Eastern Special, Chi cago nnd East a 1:55 pm ft 4:05 pm Fast Mull. Chicago to Oiuuhu Ptn OniuhJ-Chlciigo L'i'd...a 7:15 pm a n:0o am l ust Mall ' JiW ni Ctdnr rupld Pakscugcr. u 6:30 pm a Dally. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL. Minneapolis .v omaha tullwa - "Tho North wi stern Lino ' General Unites, Nebraska Divi sion, loth and Webster Sts. City Ticket Office. 1401 FaniHin St. Telephone. 5il. Depot. UtU and Webster Sis. 'lelephonc. His. Leave. Arrive. Twin dty Passenger... .u 6:uo urn a a:b) pm Klouv City Passenger... a 2:4j pin ulltlu am Emerson Local b OilW pm b t.;30 urn a Dally SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North western Line" General Offices, United States National Bank Building. 3. W. Corner Twclftrt .ind Farnum Sts. Ticket Office, liul Farnnm St. Telephone, 661. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telophono, 629. Loave, Arrive. 'I win City Express a 6:oi am alu:23 pm Twin City Liinueii a 7:55 put u SsIj am Bloux City Locul a i:uu am a 3:50 pm a 1 ally. CHICAGO, HOCK ISL und Ac Pncltlc Railroad "Thu Great Hor.k Island Route" City Ticket Office, 1323 Fur- .it..., Mlr.w.l T.l...,kn.. 42V Dcjpoi. Tenth und Mnrcy Streets. Tele iihouc. 629. Leuvc. EAs'i. Arrive. Chlcugo Daylight Spu...n 6:00 um u 2:00 am Des .Moines unu uuven- port Locu a i :.j am bU:3d am a 8:io am n 4:45 pm Chlcuco Express !j11;1S om Des Mo nes Local n 4:0 pin Chlcugo Fast Exprci.s..tt 3:o0 pm a 1:2S pm ues glomes, iiuuk inl and and Chlcugo a ,:to pm a 9:35 pm Wl'.ST. Rocky Mountain Llm...u 2:00 nm a 6:00 am Lincoln, Loiorudo Sgs., Denver, I'ueuio unu West a 1:30 um a 4:15 nm Colorado. Oklahoma & Texas ! Iyer n 6:20 pm a 0:50 nm a Dally, b Dally execut Sunday. OMAHA ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha. Kansas City & Eastern Railroad "Tha tjullicy Route" Ticket Of lice, 1415 Furnum St. Tele, phone. 222. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon nan Express a u;ia pui .i a;;u am Kansas City nnd qulncy I,ocnl ,...u i.vj nm u v.w pm a Dally. Jfc WABASH HAILRO. r Ticket Olilce. 1113 rat JvSSZxk 'iclephone. r,2S. t Lcavo. Arrl tin" RAILROAD iirnain Do Sts. Arrive. St. Louis "Cunnon uan .a. 5:13 pm a S:20 am Express Tm.ri on Lake Michigan THE EI.ECANT MANlTOU wtnnitoti StonmBhlp.Componyf nFFICE li DOCKS, Ruih and N. WW s.. """ Direct Route to oibskimt nhllltloi ANCHOR LINE , tcnnislilli from New York Weekly ro LASt;OW VIA LONDONUKIUIY. Saloon, $50 and up. 8ocond Cabin. 32.60 and ub. Third Class, 20 und upwards. Flllustruted folder und '"rS'o'.ST.V Hon npply to HENDERbON BROrHLlt, J.Cs'CSfi:0NALLY. 1323 Farnnm St.. GEO. E. ABBOTT, 1324 Farnam St.. Omaha. Record Voge d Pan. 7Houn. 22 Mlnutei. nnSIOH to LlVfcHHODL via OUEEN8T0WN New England. " " 11.600 " July 17 Commonwsalth, Twin Screw, 12,000 Tom Julf 31 PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOAN Csimhrnmiin . . . lulv 13 I Dominion .....Alia. 10 Vancouver .. July 27 I Cambroman. .Aug. 17 3 For farther laleraiatlea. atfdrtaa Compaay'i Olllcte, V) tKarbcia St.. Caltafr. '" SHUTS OUT GIFT ENTERPRISES Amended Ponlnl ItPKiilnllona naus Grrnt Cliunne on Scco.nd Clima Mntter. NEW YORK, July 5. A spoclal to the Tribune from Washington says: t'oai- moHter General Smith hus decided to debar from second-clnsB mall privileges tho large data of periodical publications which do- pcud largely upon gift enterprises, guesji- Ing contests or nominal aubacrlptlon ratos for their circulation. This sweeping ro- form, designed to put tho postal service on a paying basis, Is to bo ordered next week by a modification of tho postal regulation under the existing law. By tho now regulation a vast amount df printed matter thnt now pays for trans mission nt tho rnto of 1 cent will be charged 8 cents a round, Tho necond-claea matter has grown until It now embraces nsarly ttirco-fourttiB of' tho entlro wolgbt of nil mall mntter handled by the govern- mcnt, and yet It brings In a revenue of less than $4,000,000 a year, out of tha entire postnl revenue of more than $110,000,000. While It contains about three-fourths ot all tho weight, It furnishes only ahnut one tlilrtlulh ruvenuo. To "handle nnd carry tin second-class matter costs fully $00, 000,000 a year nbovo what the government receives for handling and carrying It, In tho revised regulations about to be Ivsund tho postmaster general will endeavor tn carry out tho purpose of rnngrcss nnd of tho exrcutlvo by restoring a stricter enforcement of tho law. The new order will not Intorforo with lngltlmato news papers and slmllnr periodicals, but It will cut off tho abuso by which numerous pub lications load dowli tho malls with circula tions Induced wholly by merchnndlss offers or guotslng contests that aro either fraudu lent In character or reduce tho circulation tn nominal rates, It Is also likely to cut nit trial books, which have secured admis sion as second-class mnttor, Though pro mulgated next week, tho order will proba bly not be mado operative Immediately, In order that publishers may have nn oppor tunity to conform to the now requlrcmtata.