THE OMAHA DAILY "B.TCE: IT HID AY, JULY 5, 1001. Hint Ownrs at Tilla-lds, Oolo., Gin In to the Strikers. THREE WORKERS KILLED IN SCRIMMAGE Imported I.nliorer Arc Urlvrn (her the I. Inn nnil AVnrnnl Srvrr ti Kcturn IM Kill lie preen led a !' Orttiinlr.ntloii. DRNVnit, July 4. TIip latent news from Tollurldc, Colo., In regard to the troubtn nt tho Smupgler-Unlon rnlno Is to the effect that no further hloodhed Is feared, ns the company has Agreed to withdraw all men from tho mine except a few watchmen and tnako no effort to resume work until thn utrlko Is anilrahly settled und otHclally de clared off. Three men were killed and ten woundcJ In the battlo which oceurtcd yesterday between fifteen or twenty men end tho force of miners nnd deputies at the inlncs. Tho dead are: JOHN DAKTHKLL, a miner, one of the Hacking party. OHOHOB NICHOLSON, shift boss at tho mine, J. LUJAN, a Mexican, employed as trnm mcr In the mlDc. The men employed In the mine, number ing about fifteen, were driven over the tango Into Ouray county and warned never to return to Tollurldc or Han Miguel county. Mrlke On Hln t .May I, The strlku which culminated In the out break of violence yesterday was ordered by tho Miners' union May 1. It followed tho rcfmal of the mine management to guarantee all miners employed minimum wages of $3 a day. Tho company rcsumo.l operations on Juno 17, with a nonunion force In furtherance of the general desire for nn amicable nnd peaceful settlement ol tho points at Issuo between tho union and tho company, a business men s meet ing was held at Tellurlde Friday at which, It Is said, poHltlvo assurance was given that the union would take no action with out consultation with prominent business men, who had consented to serve as a committee of mediation between tho con tending parties, and they were watting tho return of Mnnagcr Collins to take action when tho outbreak occurred yesterday. Tho ofllclals of the Miners' union de nounce tho uctlon of yesterday, which, they declare, was entirely without the saiictlou of the union. Manager Collins has returned to Tellu rldgo from Denver. At present ho will say nothing regarding the future action of tho Hunigglcr-Unlou company, mora than that tho management will adhcro firmly to tho resolution submitted to tho miners' demand. The members of the National Guard of Colorado are under arms at their armories, ready to proceed to Tellurlde. Governor Orman hopes that the settle ment of the strike will bo put Into tho hands of tho State Arbitration board. President Doyco of tho Western Federa tion of Miners was in conference with Gov ernor Orman this morning. Tho governor says that tho fact that he has not received any additional advices Is a good Indication, Governor Orman received the following telegram this afternoon from Stato Sena tor Huckley, who Is at Tellurlde, In regard to tho situation at tho Smuggler-Union rnlno: "Conditions unchanged; miners In peace able possession of mine. Manager Collins Ik hero. Attempts toward settlement be ing made. Llfo Is not endangered." Governor Oriiimt ReiiNurci1. DENVER, July 4. Tho absence of news from Tellurldo concerning the situation at the Smuggler-Union mine, where tho riot occurred yesterday, gives reassuranco to Governor Ormnn that thero has been no further outbreak nnd no Immediate dan'ger of nnything of tho kind. The governor wired Sheriff Dowtaln thin morning, asking for developments, and up to 8:30 o'clock to night had received no reply. Companies of tho stato mllltla are at tho armories at sev eral towns In tho stato and ready to leave for tho scone without delay If necessary. Cniiiinn' llemniiilN I'rotcet Ion. Tonight tho following telegraphic corre spondence passed between Governor Orman and Arthur D. Collins, manager of tho Smuggler-Union rnlno at Tellurlde, tho sceno of the battlo with strikers yesterday : TEM,I'HIDI3, Colo., July 4.-Governor Orman, Denver: Unprovoked attack mode upon our property Wednesday morning by Hoveral hundred armed, masked men. Val uable property destroyed, two men killed, severul severely wounded. Ilest men driven across range. Desperadoes now have forci ble possession. Sheriff says ho Is powerless to kIvo us possession of our property or protect IIvph of employes nnd has called for troops, which were denied. Without this protection our property must be In definitely abandoned. Will you telegraph mo ndvlcn anil furnish us protection? THIS SMITCGI.ICU-UNION MINING CO., AKTHUIt I,. COLLINS, Manager. Governor Orman Immediately wired ai follows: DHNVEK, July l.-Arthur L. Collins? Manager Smuggler-Union Mining Com puny, Tellurlde: 1'nlawful possession of property will not be tolerated In this state and If property Is not Immediately nurren. (lertll to rluhtfill mvnnm Imtmxll.i in ,.,.H,,,. will be taken by Btato authorities nnd nil iiiiruus implicated severely dealt with. 'IV ( OUl' rut iirs not necn uenieit irnnim JA.MISS II. OILMAN, Governor. Committer to Ailjiixt Trouble. Governor Orman today appointed a com mltteo of three prominent citizens to go to Tellurldo and represent him In an effort to bring about an adjustment of tho troublo botweon tho owners of tho Smuggler-Union rnlno and tho striking miners. Tho com mittee consists of Lieutenant Governor 1). C. Coates, prominent In labor circles and ex-presldent of tho Stato Federation of Labor; Judgo T. Stevens of Ouray and John Murphy of Denver. They left at 9:30 to night for Tellurldo and will arrlvo at their destination at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. They curry with them a copy of tho reply of Governor Orman to .Manager Collins of tbo Smtiggler-Unlon mine, In which tho governor says that tho stato authorities will not permit unlawful possession of property. This messago will bo shown to tho miners and If they still refuse to retire from tho proporty Governor Orman has In Hructcd the commltteo to say to tho men lltat they will bo dlepofsesseii, even to tho rxtont of calling on tho state mllltla to enforce tho decision of tho governor, According to a special to tho Nows from Tellurldo, tho mine was turned over to tho strikers upon an agreement that four or live men should bo allowed to remain and guard tho property and that work In tho mlno should cease. It was also agreed that tho strikers should bo permitted to run all tho men at work In tho mlno over tho range. The mon were then lined up and It Is said some were struck over tho head with revolvers and othcrwlso beaten as they marched to the top of tho range. Thoy wore told, It Is said, never to return to that lido of the divide again, Wlwit Two Ceiim Will Do. It will bring relief to sufferers from isthnm or consumption, oven In the worst jases. This Is about what ono dce of Foley's Honey and Tar costs. Isn't It worth I trial? Ilentli of I'riink .1, l'n tterann. DAYTON, O., July 4. Frank J. Patterson, rice president of tho National Cash Reg ister company, died today of heart disease. Ho Is survived by a widow and thro cbll-Iroa THURSTON SHOWS PRECEDENT Itenilml Kcntiicliliuii (tint Indian nnd Illimt 1'nreil n t'lilimi mill Filipino .Mint. LEXINGTON, Ky.. July A .In an address on "Our Country" at tho Kentucky Chau tauqua meeting today cx-Scnator Thurston of Nebraska said: "I do not know whether tho flag should follow tho constitution or tho cotwtltutlon follow tho (lag, or whether they should pro ceed triumphantly hand In hand; I do not know that It matters much which should go first, but I do know that wherever that flag goes liberty and virtue follow and Its principles nre maintained. It Is not neces sary that the people of Cuba and tho Hill Ipplnes should bo given suffrage until they arc morally and Intellectually lit ted to re celvo It. We have acquired territory In tho past, but hove never given the right of suffrage to the Inlmoltonls of tho territory acquired. In the cnse.1 of tho purchase of Louisiana and Alaska the Indian and the Eskimo were not glcn right to vote." Colli lint I'ntliiinliiNtlr. IIOLOIITON. Mich., July 4. Tho peopl In tho topper district, Hancock, Red Jacket and I.nurlum, celebrated Independence day with their coats buttoned tight and in many lnslaiiro with fur overcoats and wraps. At Hancock tho peopL- celebrated In heavy oterrontK and largo bonfires took tho plaeo of fireworks. Our of the llny'n Vletlini. J'AHIS, HI.. July I. While celebrating tho Fourth with a rovolvr this evening Everett Whalen, 15 ycuis old, shot and Instantly killed Lula Mullcnlx, tho 12-year-old daughter of John Mullcnlx, a wealthy farmer. The victim of tho accident was a niece of Whalen. (Inlet Iln lit While House. WASHINGTON. July I. The president spent the greater part of tho day with Mrs. McKlnley. Secretary Hitchcock was the only caller on business and the day was an exceptionally unlet one at tho executive mansion. Orator Drops I' LAl'OUTE. Ind.. July 4, Ex-Governor Mortimer Nye was stricken with paralysis this afternoon while delivering an Inde pendence day oration at Union Mills. Ho Is unconscious and his condition Is con sidered critical. MORGAN AND JQTHERS RETURN Milliner Drntncliliiiiil lln I'liHurntrer List ' ii (n 1 1 I ii ur .iiiucm of (irt-ut FliiiuielerH, NEW YORK, July 4. I'lcrrc Lorlllnrd, who was a passenger on the steamer Deutschland, arriving hero today from Hamburg, Southampton and Cherbourg, was 111 with nephritis throughout tho pas sage. His friends fear that he may not recover. Other of the Deutschland s passengers were: J. Flerpont Morgan, W. C. Whitney, Jr., W. K. Vnnderbllt, Jr., and Mrs. Vander bllt of Now York and J. A. 11. Wldcner, W. L. Elklns and Clement Grlscom of l'hlladel phla. Click It) Hey. Turkish minister to Washington; Raphael Joseph)', musician and Dr. James H. Wcrmann, United States consul at Munich, Havnrln. A big fleet of private yachts and a num ber of tugs went down the bay to meet tho vessel at quarantine. A tremendous crowd awaited the ship and passengers aboard and It took double lines of police nnd customs ofllcer3 supported by dock la borers to keep the crowd back. J. I'lcrpont Morgan was not disposed to discuss any of the great Industrial deals which he Is planning and financing. "1 novcr talk about ray business dcnls until they are comploted." he said, "and then I say very little. I can't tell you any thing about the threatened strike of steel workers. Tho principal events concerning It occurred while I was at sea and I nm not a mind render. I have to luqulro about things Just as nnyonc clce. I cannot tell you about the Northern Pacific railroad system. The fact Is I don't know whnt tho situation Is. You see I have been away, I cannot say anything about tho Loylam! line. I am going homo today, but will bo at my office tomorrow." A llttlo later Mr. Morgan left on tho Corsair for his summer home at Highland Falls. TEN INDUSTRIAL THEMES Iteport nf the Comni Union linn Meli orate lleuilN mill I'll In Five Hundred I'iiki'.i. WASHINGTON. July 4. Tho secretary of the Industrial commission has prepared an outline of tho review of the commission's work which was authorized at Its list meet Ing. This review Is Intended to cover all tha nubjects treated of In tho testimony taken during tho three years of tho com mission's existence. These will bo under ton heads, as follows: Summary of Progress and Conditions of Industry Generally: Ag' rleulture, Mining, Manufacturing and Gen crnl Iluslnc3, Industrial Combinations Transportation, Uihor, Immigration, Tho Negro Problem and Taxation. Under tho first heading thero will be a dlRcutslon of the general movement of pros perity nnd depression affecting all Indus tries, contrasting tho depression of 181)3-0 with tho prosperity of lSPS-lflOl. Under tho head of Industrial combinations there will be a gcnoral discussion of trusts a history of the dovelepment of such com blnatlons and nr. estlmato of their oxten In this country. A sub-commlsslon will devote tho summer to the preparation of thin review. It ox pects to malco uso not merely of tho tcstl mony beforo the commission, but nlso of authentic information from all sources Tho review will be mado tho basl for th recommendations of the commission. It will not Itsolf contain conclusions ns to contro verted topics, nor definite recommendation for legislation. It Is expected that It will bo printed In a single volume as a part o the (lnnl report of tho commission nnd It will occupy fiom 400 to GOO pages. MORGAN'S LINES CIRCLE GLOBE rnreliiiNe of Tivo .More Stenmslili Co in pn ii I ex Completes Itmite Around the World'. SAN FRANCISCO, July 4. A special to tho Chronicle from Tacoma says: It is definitely announced by Interests closely ."wri'ieu wn mo .orthcrn Pacific rail way that J. P. Morgan & Co. have imp. chased of Georgo II. Dodwcll. Frederick Dodwcll and Hugh C. Wallnco tho Northern Pacific Steamship company and tbo Wash. Ington and Alaska Steamship company. Tho ki io oi inero iiuca was effected In New orK in May by George 11. Dodwell and Hugh C. Wallace, who havo recently re turned. Men connected with tho Northern i.iriuc connrm tnc sale, mil would not per nni. mo uso or tnesr names. It was originally arrnnged that tho an nounccment should bo mado only by Mr. Morgan, after his return from Europe. The purchase of these lines gives Morgan & Co. a comploto transpoitatton system around tho world, with headquarters In New York It comprises tho Leyland lino from New York to London, tho Glen lino and Northern Paclfio steamship lino from Tacoma, and tho .Northorn Pacific, Hurllngton and Eri railroads from Tacoma to New York. iSOTIIER AMERICAN VICTORY Ai1 nirertitj of Penniylrinii Betti Thnraei Sowing Otub, the WILL NEXT RACE THE LEANDLRS Clunkers (ihrn Ovation nn Tliey Glide t'nut (iiiiuilstaiid Close dullest i:. peeled for Grand Cliul leiiKe Cup. HENLEY, July 4. The second day of tho Henley regatta was signaled by another Ictory for the Americans, the oarsmen of tho Unlvertlty of Pennsylvania beating the li.imes Rowing club and thus winning their ecolid heat. As tho Leandcrs defeated the Ilclglun crew, the Pcunsylvaulaus will meet the Leandcrs In the final heat for tho Grand Ch.iIUugo cup tomorrow. Tbo results of tho heats today were as follows: Grand Challenge cup, third heat: Lcander Rowing club beat the Helglan crew by three. quarters of a lensth. Time: 7:08. Grand Challrngo cup, fourth heat: Penn sylvania university beat the Thames Row ing club by three lengths. Time: :22. Thames Challenge cup, eighth heat: Klngsion Rowing club beat the Royal School of Mines by a length and a half. Time: :24. Vlaltors' Challenge cup, second heat: Cuius college, Cambridge, beat New collego, Oxford. Calus arrived alone. No, 3 of tho New college crew broko his slide. Calus stopped, but tho damage could not bo ro paired. Thames Challenge, cup, ninth heat Trinity Hall. Cambridge, beat Worcester college, Oxford, by a length. Time: 7:20. Visitors' Challenge cup, third heat: Rallied college, Oxford, beat First Trinity, Cambridge, by two lengths. Time: 8:14. Diamond Challenge pculls, fourth heat O. V. Fox beat S. T. Ulackstafle. Americans Are Cheered. Th conditions were even better than yesterday, t. bright, hot sun was shining nnd thero was no wind. Soon after 11 o'clock tho Leandcrs, paddling to tho start for their raco with tho Uelglnns, wcro loudly applauded along the course, hut their reception was quite eclipsed by that given to the Americans, who followed fow mtuutcH later. There was only five minutes difference between tho two races and uo sooner hail Umpire Williams sent the Lcnndcrs und Uelglnns off than Umpire Putman's launch took Its piece to start tho Americans and tho Thames crow. Thero was a capital start and tho Pennsylvanlans had threo- fourths of n length lead beforo the top of tho Island was reached. They rowed eleven strokes In the first quarter, twenty-two In the flrat half and forty-one during tho first minute. Tho Amerlcnns went away steadily nnd easily irom that point and dropped their stroko to thirty-eight. They did halt tho distance In 3:30. Their opponents did the half in 3:42. Opposite the Lcander en closure tho Pennsylvanlans were three lengths ahead and although they again cased considerably and tho others spurted, the Thames men were novor able to make up anything. Passing tho grandstand, tho Americans could not resist a llttlo spurt and thoy rowed past with a dozen strokes at n rate of forty-ono to the' minute. Tho Amerlcnns had a very friendly reception. Ellis Ward, the American coach, who was in the umpire's launch, expressed himself as being thoroughly satisfied and confident. Tho Lcander-Rolglan raco was a hard ono, but not to severe as expected. The Leanders got away with surprising rapidity, at tho rate of forty-three, and secured a baro length's lead at the top of the Island. Tho Belgians soon struck a rapid gait and began to como up, but they could not catch tho Leandcrs. Oft Fawlcy Court, which they did In 3:24, tho Leandcrs were again clear. Off tc Gro3vonor club tho Belgians epurted and nearly got up level, A splendid raco homo followed, tho Leandors winning by a baro length. The Leanders finished very strong und it was agreed that tomor row's meeting bctwoen tho Leanders and tho Americans will be u hard race. SHOOTING AT THE LIVE BIRDS Mce Session at .Miss mill Out Meld liy Some I.oenl Un tlinslnsts. Across the river yesterday afternoon a number of shotgun wlelders had a little miss and out session at llvo birds which nrnvnlipil much Interest nmontr thcmselvea. A wurmlni; up hent resulted ns follow: Crablll 1121 1112 1121 2112 ilia Crablll Mil 1111 1121 1211 1201-18 Sun Franek 1122 021 1212 1121 1212-1S Hrucker 1211 2X1 1211 i-s n Townaend 2222 022 nil w Gun Hnrte and John LowIm had a llttlo personal encounter at the rnte of $20 n pldo, loser to pay tor tho birds, which culminated thus: Uurto 222 222 2221 1112 1221-18 Lewis 2122 2022 22U1 1112 221 -17 Next cumo a mlss-and-out match at $1 per nnd It went off MKe tills; Crablll 1222 20 l.cwl.s 220 Painter 0 Sum Franek 1121 Ous II arte 20 2211 2 Tounsend 110 llurko nil 1'ulntcr (re-enter) 2222 1121 1220 Franek and Hurku snllt thn money, and a short rnce came off on slmllur terms, with tins San Franek 2 2 0 1 Towusend o LcwIh 1 Painter 2 Uni te 1 Hurke 2 1 0 Pnlnter und Ilarte divided the money, and another race was gotten up ut once, ending uius: Snn Frnnelt 1 2 0 Townsend 1 1 Lewis o Painter 0 llarto 0 Hurko 2 1 0 1 1 tho Lewis (re-enter) 1 Towiisond and llurko divided and closing event cumo oft In this style F. Crablll 20 Lewis "0 I'aiutcr 2222 Uim llarto o Townsend 1112 2121 1110 11 liurlto v'Vl Sun Franek 20 llarto (re-enter) 2212 2112 11 Uurto nnd Townsend spilt tho pot. Tho wind wan In the right direction lor tho birds and somo nice work was needod to score. Among tho shooters were Mr. Painter of Philadelphia und San Franek of Wuhoo. lovtn State llleyele Meet. HUKL1NGTON, la., July 4.-AI tho Iowa stuto bicycle meet hero today tho principal ovent wus tho tri-stato championship mllu race. It was won by Gamble of ll.irllug ton In 2:15; Dougherty of Rockford, III., second; Duzenbery of Ottumwu, third. Tho llve-mllo handicap was won liy Kop plo of Keokuk In 12:214; Duzenbery sec ond, N'orrla of Burlington third. l'lniuiKiin's Hummer Record. NKW YORK. July 4.-John Flanagan of tho New York Athletic club broko tho world's record for throwing tho H.xtciMi pound hummer In a nine-foot circle. The distance was 173 feet lr. Inches, Tho former record was held by A. Plaw of California. Jenkins Takes Tvin Falls, CLKVICLAND. July 4.-Tom Jenkins of Cleveland nnd Gus Johnson of New York wrestled beforo o.OoO people, at Forest City tinrk today. Jenkins won two straight fulls. The match wna cutch-us-catch-can Htyle, Colored .Mnn Uses'. Georgo Pennington, a colored man with a hnndy raior. unsuccessfully uttempto! to lino H on Captain Her Thursday n'ght when the latter nrrestcd him ut Lleventh and Capitol avenue. Pennington hud been elected from the Midway stloen n short time beforo while trying to start u. rou,h h'-'Ufo and was taking revenge on "vUl llicle George.' a pntrlan hal dnrkey t the neighborhood, when the polUo captain interiereci. COPENHAGEN FLAGS DRESSED Denmark Ileitis the Aniorlcniiii Ccle- lirnte tin il Danish Citizens Cheer for .MelClnlej-, COPENHAGEN. July 4. Tho Fourth of July was celebrated here by the dressing of the flags of nil tho Danish ships In tho harbor. Salutes were fired from tho forts and a reception given on board tho United States training ship Hartford was attended by tho Danish authorities and a number of American tourists. Several Danish war ships when passing tho Hartford played "Tho Star Spangled Banner" nnd tho Hart ford replied by playing tho Danish national nnthem. Tonight the harbor Is Illuminated nnd tho band from the Hartford played at tho Tlvoll garden. When the band finished playing tho crowd cheered enthusiastically for President McKlnley. THINKS DALY HAS HIS PURSE Itanium Atltln Siisprots "llloeky" of Theft nnd linn Him Arrested. "Billy" Atkln, who runs a saloon at the corner of Eleventh aud Dodge streets, was robbed Thursday night at 9 o'clock of $200 cash, a check for $8.75 nnd a draft for $1,200.09 that ho was keeping for a friend. Mr. Atkln had the money and draft In his pocket when ho went Into tho saloon. Shortly afterward he wrestled and scuf fled with somo of tho men around the bar and when ho stopped tho pocketbook nnd c:ontentswere missing. James Daly, known as "Blocky," was Im mediately arrested, charged with the rob bery. Atkln thinks the pocketbook dropped out of his pocket and that Daly picked It up. Governor SmiiKe n COLUMBUS, Neb., July Coliiiiilins. 4. (Special.) Governor Savage delivered tho address at today's celebration. Tho address of wel como was mado by Mayor Ragaty. There wcro 10,000 people present. OMAHA WIIOLii.viK MAItKlIT. Condition nf Trade nnil Quota t Ion nn Staple nnil Fniic.) Produce. EGGB Receipts liberal; good stock, firm. L1VK POULTRY Hens. 7c; young and old roosters, 3Cc; turkeys, CSjsc; ducks and geese, Uc; spring chickens, pur lb., 12'i?13c. BUTTKR-Coinmon to fair. IS'MfWc: choice duiry, in tuns, 14U15c; uupaiutur, ISc. FUICSH FISII-Ulack buss, ISc; white bass, Sc; bluetlsh, lie; buiincuds. 10c; blue tins, 7c; buffulos, Uc; cutllsh, 12c; cod, 2c; crapples, "ftfloc; clscocs, 7c; halibut, 11c; her lift:, lie; huddocK, luc, pickerel. 7c; pike, I'c; led snapper, luc; salmon, 14c; aunllsli, 2c; trout, it; whltellsh, 9u. PIGIiONS-Llve. per doz.. $1. VKALS-Cholee, SiilOc. HA Y Prices nuotfil by Omaha Wholesale Jlay Dealers association: Choice uplnnd, JU.&o; No. 2 upland, $9.00; medium, S.5o; eoariie, J7.D0. Rye straw $C60. These prices aru lor hav of uoo-l color und Quality. De mand fair. Itecclptsi, 2 curs. OATS-No. 2 white. u CORN No. 3, 42c. URAN-$12.00. VEGETAULM. ASPARAGttS NatWc. per doz., 3J310& miUllARU-Homa grown, per lb., lc. NKW CAUROTS-l'er doz., 20c. NEW TURNIPS-Per doz., 20c. CUCUMuEUS Hothouse, per doz, 40y0c. LETTUCE 1'er bu , 20a RADISHES Per doz., 15320c. PARSLEV Per doz.. 30c. POTATOES-OPI, per bu., SOc. NEW POTATOES-Pcr bu., 90c. CAHBAGE Homo grown, IVjc. TOMATOES Texus. l-Dsk. crates, $1.50. ONIONS liermuuun, per crate, 2.25; new California. 2c. CAULlFLOWER-Hnrae-growr.. per doz.. SOc. HEANS Wax, per 14 bu. basket, 40c; string-, per ft bu. basKut, 30c. PEAS-'er bu. 11: 'ber H bu.. 50c. CANTALOUPE Per bsk., 7oc(&U: crates, WATERMELONS Texas, 30S35c each. FRUITS. PINEAPPLES-Per doz., $1.50!fJ1.75; per crate, xi.w. HLACKUEIlRlES-ror 24-qt. cuse, $1,504 i.W. KASPI1ERKIE3-Pcr 24-ut. cuse, $2.50; red, per I'l-qt. ease. si. OltiSHlUES-Cu iforn a. Drr x-lb. box. .m SHouri. ner zi-ut. case. Ji.Tyiu.w. I'UAOiiutt ou rorn a. ner dox. yi-c iree- sioiie, i.w. Ai'iwuoTS oaiiforn ft. 4-oasKei crates. 1'L.U.MS California, per crate, $1.2). GOOSEUERRIES-Pcr 21-qt, case, $1.73. TROPICAL FllUITH. ORANGES-Callfornla seedlings, $3.25; Met I. sweets. Si.M. LEMONS Culltornia. extra fancy. $3.73: ehulce. ii.U). HANANAb Per bunch, according to size. IZ..'Jl-.M. FlUa California, new cartons, 75c; layers, 65c: lmnorted. ner lb.. WilUc. DATES Persian. In fiO-ia. ooxes, Salrs, to MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY California, per 21-scotlon case, per lb.; Halloween, 5:c per id. CIDEK-Pcr bid.. Jl.!.u: tier half obi.. $2.75, NUTS English wuliiutu, per lb., 15c: III bcrls, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., 18U20c; raw peunuts, per lb., MjV4c; rousted, 6u i'.ic; tiruziis, uc; pecans, muji:. HIDES No. 1 crecn. 0V4c: No. 2 green, 5'4o; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, C',4c; No. 1 veal cu f. 8 to iM bs.. sc: rso. 3 vca calf, 12 lo 15 lbs., Cc. dry hides, MilJc; sheep pells, io'auc; nurse limes. Liverpool Grnln nnil Provisions. LIVERPOOL, July 4. - "WHEAT - Spot, dull: No. 2 red western winter, BsCUd; No, l northern snrlnir. 5sCHd; No. 1 Calllornla 5s Od. Futures, quiet; September, Dsijfos Hd; December, ostitis VI. CORN Spot, Meady; American mlxl new. Ih 141(1: American mixed, old. 4s 3d Futures, quiet; July, Is -?irt; September, 4s Id; October, 4s M,ii. l'KAS Canadian. Ilrm. 5s 1114(1. FLOUlt St. Louis tancy winter, dull, 7h "Id. HOPS At London (Paclllc coast), steady, sii r.s'L'.cri. PRO VISIONS Beef, Ilrm; extra India mess, t"As I'd. Pork, Ilrm; primes mohs western. 113m fid. Hams. short cut. I in n: lbs., steady. ISs (id. Lard, steady: Amer ican rellneil, in pans, 4:w in; prime western, In t orccs. 43- 3d. Ha con. steady: cumber. lnnd cut. 20 to lbs.. 4 Is fid: short rlb. 10 to 21 lbs.. 4Ss: long clear middles, llRht, 2S m :il lhs.. 45s Wd: lonir clear middles, heavy 35 to 10 lbs., lb' till; short clear backs, IB to 20 lbs., 13s till; clear hemes, 11 to ju ins., us. K nm 1 pis. H11 lure. 11 10 i.i ns.. ."; w. rniHESR Firm: American finest white. 4.,m: American llncst colored, 4ns, HiTTTiiit uu et: 1 nest united atates. t'us good united amies, tuh. Llieriiool Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL. July l.-COTTON-Spot moderuto business: prices unchnuvted American middling, I 23-32d. The unlea of tho day were 8,ono bales, of which 5TO wero for speculation nnd export and ineiuued 7.000 American: roeelnts. ri bales, nil Amcr lean. Futures opened quiet und closed steady; American middling I. m. c. : July. 4 10-tiid. Julv und August. 4 C8.Wf 4 39-iild, buyers: August nnd September, 1 :i3-i'ji 1 ui-tiid, Olivers; sopttmuer, 4 vi-uigi 4 31-tild. buyers: October, ir. o. 0.. 4 23-Hliii 4 2t-0ld, buyers; October and November, 4 JtMH?H .i-Biii. nuyers: .Mivemocr ana ue comber, 4 lS-Glfa I lti-CId, buyers; Decembor nnd January, l l8-6j I i-riii, buyers; .lan uarv and February. I lfl-tild. sellers: Feb runry nnd March, 4 l!)-titfi4 20-KUI, sellers; .March mill April, 4 ;o-t,iii. seucrs. Loudon StocU (Imitations. LONDON, July t. I p. m.-Closing: ("oni"., money D3 7-1' itn 1st pfd Sl do account 93 Pennsylvania 11 Atchlpon S'i, Itrndlni; Cannrtlan I'ne Ilc....l07 No. iMcllle ptil 55 et. Paul nsi.i.nrand Trunk 10V( Illinois Central ...,1S7 An.ironila 9 Iiilnvllp Ill'4i!Uml Mines 41 1'nlnn Parlllo pfil.. 92V, (I 8. Ktecl N. V. Centr.ll V,Vi do pM 9?i Krle tZVi IIAH per oz. MONEY UilH per cent. The rnto of ills count In the open market for short bills Is j u-itvi- 7-iu per cent: for tnrco monins bills, 'iHWi- I'orelKo Financial. LONDON, July 4. Tho nttendanco on tho miock exenango was small nnu not suiucitini business wiim done to test prices. What with the Henley regatta and tho extended nni-. iwt,itn,v llilll.ii ituun " ' ..... rowed to the smallest dimensions. Amer Icunitoneiieii ni parity, responded to tho uecunc in .cw iorK and closed tucauy. MISSING COLD NOT LOCATED Thirty Ttmuntl DjIUti Shjrt at En Francisco Mint. UNFAITHFUL EMPLOYES ARE SUSPECTED Ollli'lals Sny ,o Outsiders Could time 'I'a I. en the Coin ami Cnsliler'N Hooks Are In Perfect llnlnnee. SAN FRANCISCO, July 1. Concerning the report published yesterdny that a shortage had been dlseoerctl In tho San Francisco branch inltit, the Chronicle today says: Six bags of gold, each containing $5,000 in 0 gold pieces, havo disappeared from tho mint as though spirited nway by magic. No trace of the thief has been discovered, though Superintendent Leach and his force, sslstcd by Director of tho Mint RobertB nd his staff of experts, havo been nt work on tho mystery since Saturday noou, Juno 29, when the shortage was discovered. At first it was supposed that thero was an error In tho books or In counting the bagi, but It was soou found that the money had been stolen. Hooks In Perfect llnlnnee. The anr.jal count of the coin was begun Friday morning. The mint ofllclals, to as- Ist In the work and anxious to havo every thing correct, wont over tho money nnd accounts ahead of the examiners, ntid dur ing the lunch hour Saturday discovered that six bags were missing from the $25,000,000 In gold In the (Mahler's vault. Supcrln- endent Leach was at once Informed nnd he notified Director Roberts of the shortage. The books wero gone over at once In the expectation of finding nn error, hut It was found that tho cashier's books balanced with those of tho other departments and called for the $30,000 that was missing. The officials wero then forced to tho con clusion that somebody acquainted with tho nsldo affairs of tho mint had taken tho money. Director of the Mint Roberts of Wash- ngton made the following statement: "Wo havo been reluctant to conclude that a shortage exists. We havo fought against tho belief that thero Is anything wrong. but after three days' work In checking cal culations and going over tho count wo have still to face the situation of $30,000 less In coin than the books call for. Mint ICinplo;es Suspected. "Thero appears to be no escopo from tho conciliator that ono or moro persons em ployed In tho mint has been faithless to the trust reposed In him or them. Thirty thousand dollars In gold .was not taken nt grab. It was not taken by nn outsider, but by someone who was ablo to enter tho vault. Only one mnn was supposed to have the combination to the lock nnd that was tho cashier, but possibly others did have It. I see no possibility of error In what was charged to tho cashier, for his own books agree with tho other departments, but there Is a possibility of an overpay ment to a depositor. It Is Improbable, however, that so largo nn overpayment could be made." Doth Superintendent Leach nnd Director Dlmmlck declared that suspicion could not point to Cashier Cole, slnco his books were In perfect condition and cnllcd for the amount that has been stolen. WASHINGTON, July 4. A telegram has been received at the mint bureau from Di rector Roberts, who Is in San Francisco, confirming the report of the disappearance of government funds from the mint In that city. It says the cashier of tho mint In that, city Is $30,000 short, but gives no par ticulars of his Investigation and ventures no surmlso as to the causa of tho shortage. As Mr. Roberts Is on the ground, tbo mint officials here decline to speculate as to what course may bo pursued for the pro tection of the government. M'LAURIN FAVORS EXPANSION South Cnrollnn Senator Pleased Tilth the Trend nf Kvcnts Since' Spanish 'Wnr. COLUMRIA, S. C. July 4. Senator John L. McLaurln delivered at Spartanburg today on address In advocacy of expansion nnd of tho acquisition of territory when such ter ritory would add to the markets of the country. Tlr senator raid ho believed Great llrltaln and America would be tho ruling powers in the world and would spread the gospel In all heathen lands. Tho Spanish war had brought Americans together and that alono had paid for all the blood and money expended. FALLS ONE THOUSAND FEET Aeronaut Kou Tniiclow Killed nt Mnske- In Attempting to Fire Cnmion In Air. MUSKEGON, Mich., July 1. Frank Tare low, an neronaut from Grand Rnplds, was killed today whlln attempting to flro a cannon from a parachute, When the bal loon hnd reached a height of 1,000 feet tho ropes holding tho cannon broko and the gun and Tnzolow dropped Into tho lake. Tnzclow's body was found In a terribly mangled condition. Tazelow was an as sistant of Prof. Mlzelow and this was his second nscenslon. Thn accident was wit necscd by thousands of people JliiNictt's Record Crowd. I1ASSETT. Neb., July 4. (Special Tele gram.) A celebration wos held hero today In connection with tho Grand Army of the Republic reunion and the largest crowd ever seen In Hassott was present. Three hundred people got off the morning train from the west, coming from Valentino, Alnsworth and Long Pine, nnd many wero horo from Keya Paha county. L. T. Genung nf Olcnwood, la., delivered tho ad dress nnd It was well received. Tho Women's band of Valentino and the Martial band of Alnsworth furnished tho music In a satisfactory manner. Most of tho day was taken up with sports. Tho crowd was orderly and all seemed happy. Only forty soldiers ore In attendance thus far, but moro aro expected tomorrow. LOCAL BREVITIES. Vleksburg command of the Union Veterans' union will hold n meeting this evenlnir nt Ited Men's hall for tho purpose of electing officers. Peter Lesnlek. a tailor, with rooms at Twelfth and Douglas, was picked up yes terday nflernnon in an alley between How ard and Harney nnd Twelfth and Thir teenth streets by Officer Hussell. Lesnlek wns overcome by tho heat und was taken to Clarkson hospital. V. V. Illxley, a cook In Lewis' restau rant, C17 Soath Sixteenth street, was ar rested yesterday afternoon for nssaultlng his wife. The fight occurred In tho res tan rant and Mrs. Hlxley, who Is only 17 yenrs of age, said she was choked and beaten unmercifully. Too much booze was the trouble. Mrs. Hlxley was held to appear against her husband. SUPREME C0jJRT SYLLABI. No, MI0. Johnson et nl ngalnst Cnrlson. Error from Douglas. Affirmed. Oldham, C. Dcpirtmcnt No, 2. Affidavits failed In Bupport of ri motion for a new trial not preserved In the bill of exceptions will not bo considered by this court. 1. Errors In tho admission und exclusion of evidence not tpcdllcully alleged In a petl- tln In error will hot li r"lrued here It is no ileMise t. a for d.uing'S growing out or the truillc In intoxt. .ttlng liquors to show that others furnished liquors that contributed to the Injuiy, as anyone Vim sold or iurmi"ii minors hi the time nf the Intoxication Is liable fcr titty and nil dnmnges sustained. 3. An tnsttuetion emnonyim: , iiie unm-iuiu above set out. examined and held to n.i been properly given. No. MIS. lleer et ut against Plant, l.rror from Lincoln. Allirmcd. Albert, C. Depart- ""."in order to establish title by adverse possession It Is not stitllcleiu to shaw con tinued occupancy for ten .wars, but It must also appear that such occupancy was with Intent to claim title against the true uwner 2. The slgnuturo of the county Judge Is not essential to the validity of a judgment ttd mlttlng a will to probate. 3. In probate milters the county court Is a court of general jurisdiction nnd, in such matters, its Judgments arc entitled to tho presumption that uttuch to other courts of that character. 4. A devisee may prosecute ejectment, for the lands devised to him. during tho pend ancy of probate iirocceillngs. No. J955. Lincoln t'nlverslty against Polk. Error fmm Lancaster. Reversed und do mniided. Albert. t Department No. 3. Petition examined and held good ns against general demurrer. No. KKiti. Snyder against Anderson et nl. Erior irom Thurston. Reversed. Hastings, V. Department No. 1. In it replevin action over corn, where each party claims title through right to the land on which It was grown, admission of it per mit to reoecupy the land In question tanned to defendant by ono who Is described ns a "clerk" of uu Indian ugent, without any proof of authority from plaintiff or control ot the premises on tho purl of tho "clerk," Is error. No. H9H, Ferris ngalnst Marshall. Error from Phelps. Allirmcd. Duille, C. Depart ment No. 3. .... An Instruction directing the Jury to find for the defendant, In case they found that he rescinded the contract of sale of n wagon purchased by hltn, as soon as he dis covered thai the wagon was not ns war ranted. Is erroneous in the nbsenco of any plea of it rescission of the contract, or of any evidence to support such a plea If The' court should briefly state the Issues made by tho pleadings In Its Instructions to the Jurv. No. WHO. Wiley ngalnst Wiley. Appeul from Cas. Reversed and remanded. Pound, t la partm'ht No, 2. 1 A device of the "use and full control ' of real property during life, where the context shows Hint tho testator Intended the de visee to have iibsotutu control free from Interference on tho purt of the remainder man, gives an estate without impeaciimoni of waste. . . . 2. In such case, unless the control given to tho devisee by the will Is being used wnnt only uneoiibclentlotiMy to the injury of the Inheritance, uu Injunction to restrain wustc should not be grunted. No. Abbott against i.oaics, error from Saline. Reversed with directions. Oldham, C. Department No. 2. 1. The grantee In n sherlff'H deed executed on a confirmation of snle In u proceeding to foreclose a tnx lien may milntuliilng etectment ngalnst nn adverse claimant to tho lands described therein; me proceeding by forcible entry and detnlner being a cumulative und not nn exclusive, remedy for such relief. 2. The olllco of n description In a sheriffs deed Is not to Identify lands, but to pro vide the means of Identification, and It Is sulllclcnt when this Is done. s Kxirlnxlcc evidence, Is udmlssablc to lo- euto hinds conveyed by a sheriff's dcen con taining an accurate; nut generni uescripiiou. Plaintiff in an nction ot ejcciineiu in-ini rely for n recovery on tho strength or nis own title nnd not on tho wnnt of tltlo in his adversary. 4. Where tnc plaintiff s clnlm of tltlo Is rwlA.I n nlinrlrf'R rleert rondo Oil nil order of snle. In u proceeding to forceloso a tux lien and the decree nnd order of s-ilo arc Introduced in eviuenco to buppicuhui. such sheriff's deed, tho decree and order of sale will control tho description of tho property to be sold, and where such decreo nnd order of salo execptn certu n lots In a block, but the sheriff's deed convoys the entire blocit. jiciu, iniii us iois m.--clllcallv excepted In tho decree nnd order of sale, such sheriff's deed conveys no title. . . , . , No. &914. Linton against Janscn et nl. Error from Douglas. Alarmed. Albert, C. Depurtmcnt No. 3. 1. A foreign statute provided for the refer ence, by the court, of a solicitors bill to a taxing mnster, on the nppllcatlon of tno party to be charged and that thn amount taxed by such muster should be binding and conclusive on tho parties, unless set aside or altered. Plaintiffs' bill, ns so licitors, wns so referred and tnxed bj suui muster, at the tlmo of ordering thn refer ence It wns also ordered by tho court that the party to bo charged should W tm? amount taxed by such master within a given time. Held, that tho order of tno court was nflnal Judgment 8" J party to bo charged for the amount founn nnd taxed by the master. 2. Coverture, when relied upon as n de fense, must be pleaded. l.vror No. S917. Watson ngalnst Dym '-rror from Douglas. Affirmed. Hastings, C. Department No. 1. ,.,.. ,i.0.i i, i.Aa nrtni'ni'1,1 Uv wnrranii uem wns decreed Hold, that vendee s ""- failed at the time of the rendition ot won decree nnd the statute of Urn tutlona did not begin to run aga Inst uctlon on the covenant of wnrranty till then. i. No "13. Thayer County bank ngalnst lluddleston. .Error from Holt. A'llrmed Commissioner's opinion, department -N". J, UPi ?" 'V11:' " evamlne.l and i 'YwhcVe plaintiff claims "''"irueoTa ship in personal property by virtue of e ittel niortgigo and the undisputed e i le ceshd?v Bt that the conslderutlon there- f"'- .l'.'...1?,,"f,,nl,T,T, to BUclin- frivolous. tor inu tun 1 1 ; V . 1 , ." n,No:I.nter ngalnst Clly of Norfolk. p rnr Madison. Affirmed. Ames. L. Mine , f ho re use 'exist "thereon, and nl S?tly nf or the completion ot tho wr.rks did In fact, purehufe them. The st.itutn i 'ovl l ei: "hut no bonded debt should be In Lu?n by tho city lor tho construction or p""hae o ! ii system of water works unl.'S.i the " 'me should llrst be .uthor aed by a iVc tAllur vote. So Hiirh vote was Inken and the guaranty contempbiteil by the ordl rance would, ir vtilld. have bound the c y for the payment of a ilxed sum uiuiually for hydrant rentals, Irrespeot yo of a ptiitute which limited such expendlturiH to r,onde. d!"bt nnd the guaranty of Interest payments thereon was In violation of tho No Kn "Kalnst the Provident i I'Mintinnv. Anneal from DouB- Itoversed and dismissed, oldhum, c. liu " h mcM ml Is a personnl privilege which iniiv be waived. .. llrownell ugnlnat . .1 Rinddard. 4'.' Neb., 178, followed. i Where inortgVgors have, had peinonal tvIco und havo answered In u proceed g to foreclose th. lr mortguge th y muat assert wniltnvcr (ieieiiM--n iii.'j '"" such "ult nnd If they fall to do so they will not bo permitted, alter sale to uvn 1 them Milves of any defense which could havo been pleaded and proved beforo the decreo sNviiendefendants In a suit to foreclose a inortgngo nvall theumelveH of the statu tory stay of Judgment they aro esto,iii')d from attacking such Judgment In any manner. we c ut tho time In possession of a third party under a verbal agreement of salo with a prev ous holder of the title, ny ttbicqueSt Htlgutloj, f with vendee's erty wns not therein. lei b IM ' . i'a rYtv by ordinance contracted, vlth a c, rporallon tVT In ""n ,lnh, hitter should construct nnd maintain wiinj" the Telly ( system of water works the city would pay to U hydrant rentals t the union it of no") per. unnuni. and thu in ejso the eompany snouiii i' l" "" iiond" lIdoii Is works the city eleiK wuju 'i or'Ke P n eneh bond n eertltlcate o the efr 'et that In lieu of sue i rentals tho cltj, would i ay to t o trustee or trustees named i the' "nstriimentH minimi Interes upon wild bon is to the amount aforesaid. I I o nnrtny Ihh led hevcnty-llve sucli bond r IL i f enVh. pdyable twent-llvt; years aft dale, with semi-annual Interest at tli rate of f, ner rent per annum, evidenced ti u cresf Coupons' nttnehed. nn.l he elert .Vat1' Wy would 1-y ho ' thereon ns It shojld mature. Held, 1 1. t ' '1 ritht to purchase the works and the proceeds oi u n luunu uu...".. .-w .... o taxable property of the city, as Ij closed by the public assesMnient lecjrds. Held, that the provisions or tho t'r. ihn nnsuiiiiil on of Mie ft EDWARD C. HEEWAN t. Now with ft COMMISSION l'll(iriIO.N,T(l K, IIOSIIMA.MI jjj fill UN. B Your bui fh F" ff " lilt VuUV mm SPECIALIST in All Diseases anil Disorders of Men 10 years In Omaha VARICOCELE and IIYDnOCCLLcured. Method new, without ciittlnc. urdu or los of time. SV null iccnredforlifeanctttiopolfon Y J" Pi I LIS tho-oughly clfHUsed from thr system, Soon every Mgu and ymptui dKippc'us completely and forever. No "llltli AKIN'G OUT"ot the dlesse on the skin or taee. Ireattnon- contains no daugeroui drugs or Injurious medicine. WKAK MEN from Excesses or Victims to .NKiivors iir.nit.iiY or r.xiiAVSTtoM, W.istino WAKN:s with Kni.v Dkoay In Youno and Mtbht.K Aot.n. lack of vim, vigor and strength, with orgHtis Impaired and weak. STRICTURE cured with a new Home Treatmoni. No palu, no detention from busl trt. Kidney and niaddrr Troubles. , CHARGES LOW Consultation I ret. bv V.ill. Call on en or address 9 So. 14th Sti Dr. Searles & Searles. Omaha, Neb $500 REWARD 1 Wo trill pay tho abovo reward for any cum ot Liver Complaint, Pjrepcpsla, Sick lleiuUch. Indigestion, Conntlpatton or Contlvciiens w cannot euro with I.lverlte., tho L'p-To-Dale Llttlo Liver 111 1 , when tho directions are strict ly complied with, They sro purely VcKetible, and never fall to give sBtlsfnetlot .jJo taxes rontaln 100 Pills, 10c boxes contain 40 rills, So boxes coutAlu 15 l'lll'. llcwaroof rithctltiitlca 1 and Imitations, ricut by mnll Mump tasua, NKIIVITA Mr.DIOAL CO.. Ctir. U1UWU o3 Jacksou Su., eMouuo. IIL Sold tv trot sale by Kuliu ft Co., letit &ml Doujeiat Nt., Omaha, Nab.S 00, b. tivis. Council liluttn. Iowa. DR.KAV'S ItENOVATOn Invigorates and renovate ths Ttom! purines aud enriches the bit xti cures tlio worst dyspepsia, constipation, heftdaelie, dver and kidneys. SNsnmUt ntdrugglntn. l'rco Riwiticc. sninpio ann oook. Dr. 11. J. Kay, Saratoga. N.Y. ENOVATQ VHTfc DOVE CM RE ufver rutin lu ilrttrur cmv Inir for ulrong ilr'nk, the-ppetlto for which caimut cxlot nttt-r uilDit tlili remedy Ohea In r.y IMiiM with orwlihuiir knowlcdiiouf entlcuti mtclcmi 1 1 at rlicnnau & McConaell mi Kutia & Co., ilrugilm JOBBERS & MANUFACTURER OF OMAHA BROh P.RS. ALEXANOEN JAGOBSEN CO., BROKERS AND MANirACTlRERS' AGENTS. SUITE J 05 Bee Bl6g Omaha. Correspondence solicited with largo deal ers and manufacturers Interested In our method of personally Introducing and fol lowing, up the snlo of first-class merchan dise of all kinds TO THE TRADE In Omaha, South Omaha and Council llluftu Nebraska and Western Iowa. E.LECTKICAL SUPI'LIES. Uesfern Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. tltttrte WIrtBs Belli aad Ou Llokttig O. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. 1510 Howiird 8u Davis & Cowgili Iron "Works. UANUFACTURSRS AND JOBBBRI OF MACHINEIIT. OKNERAL REPAIRINO A PaCIA.LTl IRON AND BRABB FOUNDERS. 101, in03 mm lrlOS JaeUtoa 8 treat, Omaka, Nab. Tl. BOS. B. ZabrlskU. Axant. J. B. Cwlll, Utt MALL PAPER. Yefter Wall paper GoB JOBBERS WALL PAPER. Largo, well selected stock, price sm as eantein houses latest noveltlns. Dealers iend for IfOl sample lln and tvrma. 121'. "ilt i V . n - St, (Imnlin. COMMISSION. Qavid Cole Co., Fresh Dressed Poultry, Oysters and Celery. ai6 So. Uth St. Omnhn DRY GOODS. E. Smith fk Go. Importers and Jobkeraol Dry Goods, Furnishing Goods AND NOTIONS. fAlrfia AM 01i..i, Rational $ai & PaisvS 60. (Incorporated.) l A.M. FACT I'll i;itH ASI) .lOIIIIKHS. Paints for qSI Purposes, Varnishes, eic. 1015 and 1017 Jones 3t , Tel 121, Omshn. TENTS AND AWNINGS. OmaliaTent&AwmfloCo., omaiia,' m:ii. TENTS FOR RENT. TENTS AND CANVAS GOODS. SKND FOIl CATAI.Otitn .MJMIIlIlt -J.l, Teii1loiii lOSfl. Boyd CommiGsion Co BucceEsorB to James II. floyd i Co., OMAIIA, NKI1. C01V.MISSIOH I.KAIK I'llOVISIONS A.M STOCKS. Ilohrd of Trmlr llullillnif. Direct wlreB to ChlcaRo and New York. wtmes;onder'c, John A UuiTen & Co. MERCHANTS. I COTTO.V. 220-22H LoOnlle Bt., CIIICACO, I .i.i M. i'rlvftto W lrv tm mil inporUut rolul V.uml mud W'tttU B I