Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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An Excellent Combination.
Tlie pleasant method and beneficial
effects if the well Ictiow!) remedy,
HyitUi of Fiofl, manufactured by the
Camfohnia Kin Srnm Co., illustrate
tho valuuof obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants ltnown to bo
medicinally laxative and presenting
them In the form most ref rcBhing to the
tasto and acceptable to the system. It
Is tho ono perfect Ktrcntfthenltip lnxa
tl"n, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and feverr
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habttuul constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
evory objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowclr., without weakening
or Irritating them, malce it the ideal
In th'j process of manufacturing figs
aro used, as they arc pleasant to the
taste, but llm medicinal qualities of tho
remedy are ohtui.jud front senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the Camfoiinia Fio Svncr
Co. only. In order to get it) beneficial
elTcc's and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full namo of tho Company
printed on tho front of every package.
tarsals by nil t"ucKlals. I'rlcetoa per bottle)
Good housekeepers rely upon
"Silver Gloss"
for the Laundry Olves finest FlaLsk
to all delicate Fabrics.
Summer Specials
75 Buffalo and
. ' a
return, UUliy .
$50 Cincitiriatl and
W II 4( frt o.
$0000 Detroit and re-
llomeseekers' Excursions
On sale llrst and third TucHilny each month,
Tourist rutes on sale dully to all summer
. ) ) I..., . . . . . . tnvl.t XIInHnrft
Fulls, IluCfalo u ml other points. For rates,
laKo trips, I'un-Americun descriptive mm
tcr and nil information, call at City Ticket
Olllco, 1116 Kurnum St., (l'axton Hotel
Hlock) or write Harry K. Moorcs, C. P. A
T. A., Oinnha. Neb.
Poor Indeed
are those weighed down by mental de
preolon. Men rle in this world
through buoyant nerve force.
The loss of this force dally drsjts
down In failure some of the worli
m s
brightest niliuls. Such a condition is
commonly known ns Nervous Debility.
Wlien you lose ncu-conuurncc iuu
feel your strength, energy and nerve
force are slipping away, it is high time
you seek sensible aid.
You prefer health and success to
misery and failure.
have no equal as a nerve restorer. A
couple of botes will dispel that heavy
feeling; the unnatural weariness dis
appears ami replaces languor witn new
lorce ana vigor oi nouy una pram oix
boxes will cure any ordinary case of
nervous debility. If not, you get your
tnoiirv tMtck.
$1.00 per bo; 0 for $S00, mailed In
pinm package. hook tree.
ft or sale by Kulin & Co.. M
A. DfllOK.
1'uller l'alnt a Drug Co. umaha;
Uavln Drug wo., council vuurxa, ia-
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Mtanood
Cum Impotoncy, Night Emissions, Loss of Mens-
orv. nil wnstlntr diseasas.
nil eiipcii oi fcu-omifo or
. nxi'a iiiiu iiiMi&utuiiun.
I ' 1 !...! .1....
)-f WA nerve tonlo nd
fcluiooa uuuuer. urines
t r) tho plnlt Blow to pale
mtrtf1 ebco.'is nnd restores the
ErVVftvtlr,. it vouth. llv mall
WilVjft N60o nnr box. O boxes fori
$3.60, with our bankable irnurantee to our
or refund the money paid. Send for circular
and cr; ot our bankable guarantee bond.
Nem aTa ets-SS
Positively cunrantend euro for Im nt Power.
Varicocele, Undoroloped or Shrunken Organs,
l'arc'ls, locomotor Ataxia, Nervous, Prostsn
tlon, Hysteria. Fib., Insanity. Paralrsls and trio
Results of r.xci'3lto Use of Tobacco, Opium ot
Liiqunr, Dy mall In plain pseknen, 81.00 a
box. U for S5.00 with our bankable e-uar-
niton bond to cure In UO days or refund
money pula. Address
Clinton AV. Jackson Sts , CHICAGO. ItU
for sal by Kuhn it Co., 15th and Dousia
Bts.. umaha, Neb.; Geo. a. Uuvts, council
uiuns, luwii,
MKN.-It rou hut in.sll.
orpkni, loit powrr or wtiltstiltif
ilrsutt.oci fcrtiviui urfwi ieYrwpr
will rr.lors rou without drni,oi
ii rritlrlty i Strlcturo nj Vsrlcwi-U
psnnatenll cured In I to fkti
lA.OCO In ui not ono fallurwi not
onrtumedi rfTrrt ImmnlUtM bo
i'.ii i, p-audi writ ror m prt'-a
lsn. .n rstftt In ulsln onvslpM.
LOCK APPIUNCC CO. Ill Tsr Ilk., hslisistlli. I si
NERVa BEAMS autcklreur
N rrtuumr.,, ail rrtuluuf sliais,
Ulllni mauhoud. drslni. losses.
Msrrtril mr n sn.l men Intf ndtnc
to msrry sliouiil lsV s Ikk, sitonUliInz results)
pinait wtialt nuns mid loll rmfrr irslurfu. l.ttist
Sherintn McCoduc!! and Kami ct Co., uruKlii
an your MoipioBjs. itcnovDiink i"
system U the onlv sal? unci sura method of cur
ing uil Chroulc Disease. Dr. Kay's Renovator
la tno only periectsyiitein icnovuwr. r reesira
vies aud book. Ur, U. J. iay, Sarstosa, N. Y.
E aid Hit Fartj Estarn from Their Blick
Hills Journsy.
.Flirnknna Krister to Instruct the
Kllliiliiot Krnml Island llroitines n
'utrwirtli- Home of limit
leuerl ,rr of the Stute.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 3. (Special.) Tanned
knd Invigorated, ciovernor and Mrs. Sav
uko and party returned today from their
trip throuuh the iltack HI1U country. There
were no accidents to mnr tho pleasure of
the Journey and today the Kovernor and hU
fellow travelers entertained friends by de
scribing thu wonderful scenery along the
"We did a little fishlnB, but no hunting,"
Maid the governor. "The fact Is, wo weru
kept too busy feeing sights to do anything
else. From Lincoln we went direct to
Spearflsh without a stop, riding through
the magnificent Spcarflsh canyon. Then
wo went to Dcadwood anil over to Lead City
and on the way back stopped at Custer,
Sylvan Lake and Hot Springs.
"I bavo traveled through most of the
mountain territory of tho west, but I
never saw any scenery so pretty and so
unique as that In the Dlack Hills."
Governor Savage was Impressed by the
general prosperous air of the Dlack Hills
towns. He said all of them were thriving
and apparently growing at a rapid rate.
At DcaiWood the governor and J. H. Agcr
were guosts of honor at a conclavo of
Tonight Governor Savngo left for Co
lumbus, where he will deliver a Fourth of
July address tomorrow. He will return to
Lincoln Friday and on July 10 ho will go
to South Omaha, accompanied by his mili
tary staff, to attend the street fair In that
For TenrliliiK In Philippine.
Superintendent Fowler Is In dally receipt
of Inquiries regarding the qualifications
necessary for teaching In the public schools
of the Phlllpplno Islands. All over Ne
braska school people arc eager to 'enlist In
the government educational service and
many of them have already received ap
pointments. '
In response to the letters of Inquiry Mr.
Fowler has prepared a brief communica
tion, which he Is sending to the correspond
ents. In the first place an applicant, bo
fore, he can be appointed, must demon
strate that he Is a graduate of a Normul
school, or a college or university, and at
the time of making the application he must
bo engaged In educational work somewhere
In the United States. He must bo phys
ically sound and able to withstand a trop
ical climate. He must submit to a con
tract for throe years' service and must
willingly accept whatever position to which
he Is assigned.
"Only thoso who possess the requisite
qualifications and are willing to conform
to the conditions specified should apply,"
says Mr. Fowler. "All applications should
be accompanied by testimonials, statement
of age, graduation, experience In teaching,
a certificate of health from a physician
and all these should be addressed to Fred
W. Atkinson, general superintendent of
education at Manila.
A large number of teachers will be de
manded as soon as the educational system
is more tuny orgamzea ana selections win
id iuui v mil ui puii
bo made from the list of candidates ac
cording tj merit. Tb.e salary., is $75 per
month for twelve monies',.! service eacn
year, unlets otherwise .advised."
In a circular letter Issued by General
Atkinson the climate of the Islands Is re
ferrcd to as follows: "It may be said with
assurance that the climate la a good trop
leal ono. However, It depends to a great
extent upon the Individual as to the matter
of health. The expenses of living are high
In Manila, but moderate In other towns
and cities of the archipelago."
Transportation for Grand Army.
Orders containing Information relative to
transportation to and from the thirty-fifth
national encampment of the Grand Army
of tho Republic at Cleveland, 0., Sep
tembcr 9 to 14, were Issued from the Ne
braska department headquarters today. A
rate of $21.60 will prevail over all railroad
lines from Omaha and ttckets will be on
sale from September 7 to 10, good for final
extension to October 8
The department commander has arranged
for a special train for the transportation
of department officers, delegates, members
of the department and kindred organlia
tlons. The route will bo oyer the North
western road to Chicago and from there
to Cleveland by the Lake Shore. The train
will leave Omaha September 7 at 5 p. m.
and arrive In Chicago at ,7:45 a. ni. the
following day. Departure from Chicago
will be at 10:34 and the train will arrive at
the destination at 7:30 p. m. of the timo
It Is announced that the train will be
decorated with bunting and grain products
of the state. The department of Colorado,
Utah. Idaho, Montana and Wyoming has
been Invited to loin the Nebraska con
Permanent School Fund.
During tho six months beginning January
1, 1001, Treasurer Stucfcr Invested S522,-
767.32 of the permanent school fund, ns
against $289,303.34 invested by former
Treasurer Meservo during the correspond
ing period of the previous year. The re
ceipts of the fund during tho half year of
Stuefer's administration were 70D,i6l.46,
while last year they were only 1365,030.62.
According to theso figures the Investments
as woll as tho receipts were nearly twlco as
largo during the last half year as they
were In the same period last. And still
the fuslonlsts sny that Mr. Stucfer is not
making a good record.
Ntntr llfsrnr at South Oinnha.
Two companies of the Btato's rcscrvo
military force will be on dress parade with
full arms and equipment at the South
Omaha Street Fair on novernor's day, July
10. Permission for tho two organizations
to participate In tho proceedings of the
day was granted today by Adjutant General
Colby. Tho companies named In the order
are L of the First regiment and O of the
Second, both of Omahn. The provision Is
made that the services must bo withuut ex
pense to the state.
Grand Inland a IlanUInK Center.
Orand Island Is forging to the front in the
banking business. Today Secretary Royse ot
the State Ranking board Issued a charter to
the Commercial State bank of that city,
which has been organlted with a capital
stock ot $30,000 by U. F. Clayton, II. I)
Stewart and E. it, Hamilton, respectively
president, vice president and cashier.
So far as the capital stock Is con
cerned this is one of the biggest state
tanks In Nebraska. Grand Island already
had two banks, one of them doing business
under the national banking law, Mr,
Royse says tho outlook for the new bank
Is especially good and he thinks that Its
organization Is a good Indication of the
general prosperity of the city.
Another Institution chartered today Is
the Citizens' State bank of Rattle Creek,
Madison county. It Is capitalized for $10,-
000 and Its Incorporators are A, Rear, F. J
Hall, F. W. Richardson, Charles Fenske,
George Henerman, T. D. Preece, Bert Mapea
and H. Rarnes.
Articles ot Incorporation ot the Farmers'
Lumber company of Firth, Lancaster county,
were recorded In the secretary of state's
office today. The capital stock of the com
pany Is $10,000 and tho Incorporators are:
C. T Anderson, M. Kruegcr, William Kro
ncr, M. Klein, William Groves, J. E. Hem
mcrs, John Kallemcyer, C, T. Springer,
John W. Tenhulzcn, J. Martin, E. Damrow
and H. Sachtleben.
CnKiiey's llortr .Vol to He Moved.
Judge Cornish, In the district court, this
morning gave a decision which will have
the effect of preventing friends and rela
tives from removing the body of Edward r.
Cagncy from Mount Calvary cemetery In
this city, A few weeks ago David McEntea
of I'lattsmouth came here to take the re
mains back to I'lattsmouth for burial. He
Is a relative of the deceased and acted as
the representative of the widow of Mr.
Cagney. Ulshop lloiiacum and Mrs. Fitz
gerald, whose husband was friend and em
ployer of the dead man, resisted McEntee's
efforts and a suit for possession was begun
In court.
Judge Cornish based his decision on the
evidence that the man hud expressed a wish
to be burled In the Fitzgerald lot at Cal
vary cemetery.
CotiKrcnvmnfi l'ntrrtnln Another.
Congressman E. J. Durkjtt today enter
tamed Congressman C. II. Landls of In
diana at an Informal dinner at tho Lincoln
hotel. Mr. Landls arrived In the city this
morning from David City, where he ad
drcstcd the Chautauqua assembly. Mr.
Uurkett spent the morning In driving with
Congressman I.indls nbout the city. Then
he Invited In as many former Indiana citi
zens ns could be found on the spur of the
moment to meet Mr. Landls at dinner.
Thoso present were: Governor Savage, Ed
It. Slzer. T. U. Hunger, J. D, Strode, 0. M
Lambcrtson A. O, Greenlee, William
Clarko, Phil Greene, It. J. Greene. Will O.
Jones and G. E. Toby. Mr. Landls left for
Kansan City at 1:35 this afternoon.
Stnte Deputy llenil Consul,
Italph E. Johnson has been reappointed
state deputy head consul of the Modern
Woodmen of America by Head Consul W. A
Northcott, his commission having arrived
yesterday. His now term expires July 1,
1903. Qeorge E. Jenkins of Falrbury, once
a member of the legislature, has been named
on tho law committee, that being the only
committee appointment Mr. Northcott ap
portioned to Nebraska. A. It. Talbot's can
didacy for head consul to succeed Head
Consul Northcott in 1903, ha having an
nounced his coming retirement, Is meeting
with favorable consideration In all parts
of tho Jurisdiction.
Mbrnry Ilonril Itrnrarnnlses.
The llbrnry board reorganized last night
by electing S. L. Gclsthardt as president
,r,r""HnMr xV-"rl8 V'S!
contract for wiring the new library was let
to the Tower Electric company. Its bid was
$895. Two other bids, one of $950 and one of
$1,086, were received. Messrs. Geisthardt,
Hushncll and Darr were named as a com-
mltteo to revise the by-lawn, It being the
Intention to substitute for the mora com-
mltteo a committee on care of building and
one on employes.
United States Commissioner.
C. C. Marlay of this city was today ap
pointed United States commissioner for this
district, to succeed L. W. Dllllngsby, who
haa held tho position tor many years, hut
whose term has just expired. The duties
of tho commissioner are largely those of an
examining magistrate, beforo whom persons
chnrged with offenses against the federal
statutes are brought.
Mrs. D. W. Patrick nnd Mis M.
Doner Ilecelv Dlplomnn "Pitch
fork" Tillman Speaks.
DAVID CITY, Nob., July 3. (Special.)
At tho Chautauqua last night Thomas W.
u. unristman of Creston, la., delivered a
lecture on "Gladstone." Tho Kccbaugh
band and University quartet occupied the
stage for an hour this morning when Rev.
Mr. Checsenian delivered his lecture on
"Tennyson." An Interesting part of tho
assembly was tho graduating exercises to
day. Two who bavo completed tho C. L.
S. C. course today recolved their dlplomns.
Tho graduates were Mrs. D. W. Patrick
nnd Miss M. E. Bauer of this city. The
exorcises were In charge of Mrs. L. S.
Corey of Lincoln. Mrs. Corey states that
tho C. L. S. C. circle is In Its infancy,
having been started In 1S78 and has over
300,000 branches and more than 50,000
graduates to which diplomas have been
"Pitchfork" Tillman was on the program
this afternoon and tho announcement at
tho morning session that he was present
nnd would fill his engagement was the In
centive for a large attendance. The sena
tor choso for his subject "Blrdseyo View
of National Conditions." He said we no
longer had a free press, that tho demo
cratlc, republican and populist parties wero
on an equal footing In this respect; that
both houses of our national congress were
owned by monopoly and the trusts; that
from 1861 to 1S65 were set free 9,000,000
slaves and we are now trying to conquer
8,000,000 more.
District Court sustains) stnart Board
In It Itefnnal to Grant
STUART, Neb., July 3. (Special Tele
gram.) Stuart, a high license town, never
had but oue saloon and It will remain a
one-saloon town for some time to come.
Gross Ilros. two months ago put in a
petition for n saloon. After numerous
meetings ot tho vlllago board their applica
tion was turned down. They then employed
Hon. R. R. Dixon of O'Neill, appealing to
tho district court asking that the Judge
grant a mandamus order compelling the
Stuart village board to Issue Gross Bros, a
permit to sell liquor. County Attorney
Mullen was employed in behalf of tho town
council and tho case was tried in Judge
Harrington's court Tuesday. Judge Har
rington decided against Gross Dros, tho
costs to be taxed to the rotators.
Fremont Trrnnnrrr ItrslKiia.
FREMONT, Neb., July 3. (Special.) At
a special meeting of tne city council last
night City Treasurer John Knoell banded
In his resignation, to take effect July 13.
As there was no provision In the statutes
or ordinances for filling tho vacancy, an
ordinance wag passed, giving the mayor the
power to fill vacancies by appointment, with
tho assent of the council.
Curbing was ordered laid on the east
and west sides ot the park. Several ex
tensions of the water works were ordered
Smallpox Near llolmrnvtlle.
HEATRICE. Neb., July 3. (Special Tele
gram.) Dr. Brash of this city, secretary of
tho State Hoard of Health, In company with
Pr. Iloe, drove to the home ot Joslah Whll-
taker, two and one-half miles west of
Holmesvllln In this county, where they
found six casee of smallpox. Three more
cases developed here today, two of them In
a family that occupies rooms In the KnlRhts
ot Pythias ball and one on South Ttntb
I.nurrl Crop Are I'rotiilslntj.
LAUREL, Neb., July 3. (Special.)
Grain, grasses and crops of all kinds
promlBo an unusual yield. Tho weather Is
EUtt CoiTtntien tf Stcltliiti Driwi Lu
Thai Tihj DiUfatr.
Committee Appointed Incite Inter
est mill I k tic Cnll for .Viitiiluntlim
Contention to !! ,ll,id lit
As the laws of Nebraska require the at
tendance of 200 delegates and the repre
sentation of two-thirds of the counties to
give a nominating convention a
standing the attempt of the socialists to
put a state ticket In the field yesterday
was a failure.
Less than fifty delegates responded to
tho call for a moss convention of tho
socialists at Washington hall, and thero
were only two counties represented. It
was necessary therefore to forego tno
formality of nominating candidates for
I supreme Judge and State university re
The small attendance, however, did not
prevent election of convention officers, tho
adoption of a platform and the delivery of
several socialistic speeches, George E.
Deard whs elected chairman and A. W.
Adair was made secretary, after which a
commlttco of the three was appointed to
Inclto Interest In the party throughout
tho state and Issue a call for a nominating
convention to bo held some time In Sep
tember. '
The platform, as adopted, reaffirms the
principles of the national social demo
cratic party and makes tho following
specific declarations:
' 1
Flrst-We favor direct employment by
the state of nil lnnor necessary to nn-.iaw
form all public wonts wmiin me suite iwm (
'i nnnosfl tin- nrosent contract
whereby private parties get ineir
Into public funds. , ,
Second Wo favor the stato ownership
and control of all water powers nnd writer
rights anil the construction and operation
of canals for the line of water powers nnd
wntf-r rlgntu and tne employment or moor
to lrrlgnti- the arid lands of the state,
Third Wo favor the state producing all
the material necessary for public purposes
wherever and whenever practical,
Fourth We favor municipal ownersnip oi
street railways, electric light, gns nnd
water plants, etc.
Speeches urging the puoiic ownersnip of
"tho tools of production and the means of
distribution" and a geaeral demoralization
of the capitalistic classes were made by
Messrs. Lcmbeck, Ilowo, Doyco and Mc-
Father of the Youngest BiiRlneer In
the World Die at Lin
coln Hotel.
LINCOLN. July 3. (Special Telegram.)
Henry A. Richards, a resident of Omaha,
died at b o'clock this morning of Brlght's
disease. Ills home was In Dundco Pisco,
Omaha, but for several months he had been
with his son, Frank J. Richards, nt the
Lincoln hotel In this city. Ills wife and
son survlvo him.
Mr. Richards was a pioneer Mississippi
river steamboat engineer. For several
years ho had lived ia retired lite,
his closest companions being his grandchil
dren, May, Louise and "Buster," who havo
a reputation for their prcboclousncss and
the latter a3 the youngest engineer In tho
world. Their pictures have boon published
In leading magazines In tbd 'United States,
England and Franco. "Buster'1 was taught
Lthe principles ot thelsteam!4nglne by bis
grandfather and at the nge' ot 6 years lie
gained newspaper and magazlho.promlnence
by directing the movements ot a Union Pa
cific engine on a rapid flight over several
hundred miles ot track in Nebraska. Frank
Richards, the son, Is manager of tho Lin
coln hotel.
Crop In Knckolln County Shown nisiKer
Yield Tlinn Wan Ex
pected. SUPERIOR, Neb., July 3. (Special.) The
first wheat of tho new crop to bo mar
kotcd In Nuckolls county was sold to a
dealer In Mount Clare yesterday. Thresh
ing Is bringing a surprlso to tho farmers
The straw was so short and tho fields
lotjk&d so Insignificant that none ot them
flgTtred on more than a ten-bushel crop. It
Is threshing out sixteen to eighteen bushels
to the acre and weighs sixty to sixty-one
Charges Asfntimt a Minister.
HASTINGS, Neb., July 3. (Special.)
The Hastings Presbytery held a special
meeting In this city yesterday. Jacob
Rolso of Hastings was appointed Sunday
school missionary tor this part of the
stato. O. W. Winkle, elder of the Glltnor
Presbyterian church, preferred charges
against Rev. A. M. Hendce of Glltner for
alleged misrepresentation and misappro
priation of funds collected for a parsonage,
The case will come up for trial Friday,
Ju,r 12
Wolvesj Worry Concord.
CONCORD, Neb., July 3. (Special.) Sev-
ernl weeks ago some hunters captured four
hnlf-grown wolves near hare. They were
brought to town and penned up. Thrco
nights later they escaped and took up
their abode under buildings and cornsheds
In tho early morning they como out for
chickens and havo taken 200. Efforts were
made to shoot them, but they are still at
Homer McKirlnnd's Ilodj- Found.
STANTON, Neb., July 3. (Special.) After
a search of nearly tour anys tne Douy oi
Homer McFarland, tho young man who was
drowned In tho Elkhorn river Friday, was
found yestorday six miles east of this city,
It had gone twelve miles down the river.
The funeral was held this morning from
the Congregational church, burial being
at Pleasant Run cemetery, northwest of
Wnmnn llrruks n TIiIkIi.
BEAVER CITY, Neb,, July 3. (Special.)
Mrs. T. Hedges, an old woman of this
city, fell down tho ccllarway at hor homo
yesterday morning, breaking a thigh and
sustaining Internal Injuries, which render
her condition critical.
Ineh of Ttnln nl "Wcati-rn.
WESTERN, Neb., July 3. (Special.) An
Inch and nlne-ono hundredths of rain fell
yesterday afternoon and last night. It was
"Strana and hmartv boy. Im It, .
..'' WimmSfm ffAAlfr''1
aVflfsT n V jvw r m iimm !""
The joy of a new arrival in the family Is usu
nllv ovemast bv the shadow of the pain and dis
comfort the expectant mother must bear.
If she knew of and used "MOTHER'S
KVirun'f this would be all dLsnclled. Tell
55 your friends about it, as beinp a simple liniment,
muscles so that paln and suffering
limHlllscnl by tipioi P'H on tecilpt of prki, H.OO per
tie, ere. a t bourM .1 sll i etpnntibl. Prurc Itti. I'oos." Mcinci
greatly needed. Mercury was up to 106
.degrees last week. Crops aro good; wheat
harvest nearly over. Threshing began hero
Juno 29. Tho quality and yield are very
1 good. Some wheat tested sixty-four pounds
i to the bushel. Corn look welt. Oats are a
light crop.
To Secure Stnte A. O. It. W. nnllrlln.
OIIAND ISLAND. Nob., July 3. (Special.)
The finance committee of the grand lodge
of tho Ancient Order of L'nltod Workmen, at
Its meeting last night, decided to have an
architect look over the building offered by
Grand Island for the permanent home of
the order and then go Into n friendly suit
In tho district court to ascertain If the
committee Is authorised to buy the building.
limine County Mortgage Itecoril.
FHEMONT, Neb., July 3. (Special.)
Following Is tho mortgage record of Dodge
county for June: Chattel mortgages,
filed 87, $28,123.15; released 43, $20,199.S0;
farm mortgages, Died 12, $21,700.00; re
leased 23, $I1,S73.39. On city property
eighteen mortgages, amounting to $9,412.50,
were recorded and twenty, aggregating
$10,670, wero released.
I.ntircl Mills Incorporn ted.
LAUItEL. Nob,. July 3. (Special.)
Articles of Incorporation have been filed
for the Laurel Milling Co. Ten thousand
dollars In stock has been subscribed. A.
T. Fortncy, W. T. Graham, Guy Wilson, G.
A. Mlttelstadt and Dan Coburn are tho
board of directors. They expect to have
tho mill completed and ready for busi
ness November 15.
School Proposition la Ilrfrnted.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., July 3. (Special.)
County Superintendent Flshburne has re
eclved returns from nearly all of tho school
districts In the county and finds tho vote
on tho cronosltlon to make an adlunct
1 1 i . . . . .lit. ,L. . . I I- Wl I
m cuniormity wiin uic iiirm bcuuui
to nave oocn ucicaica Dy auoui iiii;
Wllllnm WorUlnR nonnil Ovrr.
OIIAND ISLAND, Neb., July 3. (Special.)
William Workings, arrested on the com
plaint ot tho trustees of the vlllago of
Doniphan on the charge of selling liquor
without a license, was yesterday afternoon
bound ovet to the district court In the
sum ot $.r00. Hall was provided.
Crnlitrre Club Dnnqnrt.
DEATRICE, Neb., July 3. (Special.)
Tho Crabtrcc Forensic club of Beatrice
gave Its fourth annual banquet at the Pad
dock hotel last night. Toasts were made
by Charles Cobbcry, Calvin Emery, J. L
Webb, Italph Weaverllng, R. D. Smith, J.
B. Glbbs and Illchard II. Smith.
Kortj-Foiir Join the Church.
WYMORE, Neb., July 3. (Special.) As
result ot the union gospel meetings la
this city recently thero were forty-four
accessions to the church Sunday twenty
seven nt the Methodist church, thirteen at
tho Uaptt3t and four nt the Congregational.
Six Coitk Killed liy ICnprlne.
STUART, Neb., July 3. (Spcclal.)-
urday night the passenger train going west
ran over six head ot cows belonging to
Owen Hoffstott, a farmer hnlf way between
this place and Newport, and killed thorn.
Pawnee HiiKniri-N I'lnno Inntrnctor.
ELK CREEK. Neb.. July 3. (Special.)
Miss Daisy McCluro of this place has been
engaged ns piano instructor in ino rawneo
City schools. She Is a graduate of the
Lincoln Conservatory of Music.
Culhertann Krn Discontinue.
TRENTON, Neb., July 3. (Special.) A.
W. Suitor anil A. L. Taylor, publishers of
tho Trenton Lender, havo bought the sub
scription list ot tho Culbcrtson Era, which
will bo discontinued.
An aftea-theater thought, a bottle of
Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne and
then "sweet sleep."
Even the Mercury Decide to Get Hp
Early Today In Eastern
WASHINGTON, July 3. Forecast for
Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraska Fair Thursday: not so
warm In western portion; probably thunder-
showers In northwestern portion: Friday
fair; not so warm In eastern portion; vari
able winds.
For South Dakota Cooler and partly
cloudy Thursdoy; probably thundershowers;
Friday fair; variable winds.
For Oklahoma, Indian Territory and Ar
kansasFair and continued warm Thurs
day and Friday: southerly winds.
For Illinois Fair In western, showers
In eastern portions Thursday; Friday partly
cloudy: probably showers; not so warm In
northern portion; winds mostly fresh
For Iowa Warm and partly cloudy
Thursday; thundershowors and somewhat
cooler Thursday afternoon In northeast por
tion; Friday fair; not so warm In wostern
portion; southerly winds.
For Missouri Continued warm and gen
erally fair Thursday and Friday; south
erly winds.
For Kansas Continued warm nnd gen
erally fair Thursday and Friday; southerly
For Montana Partly cloudy Thursday;
Friday fair; warmer In eastern portion;
westerly winds, probably variable.
For Colorado Cooler and partly cloudy
Thursday; probably showers In eastern por
tion: Friday fair In westorn; showers In I
eastern portion; variable winds.
For Wyoming Cooler and partly cloudy
on Thursday; probably showers; Friday
fair In western, probably showers In east
ern portion; variablo winds.
LnenI Itecoril.
miAMA. Julv 3. Ofllclal record- of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
tho corresponding day or tne last tnrco
1901. 1300. 1SW. Wi.
ffivlmiim Ipmnoralure... S5 07 71 77
Minimum temperature.... 76 76 61 60
Mean temperature '6 19 bit
Precipitation 00 .00 .20 .Ul
Record of tcmpTaturo nnd precipitation
at Omana for tnis iiny ann mnce aiarcn i:
Normal temperature 71
Tlntlrlmrv far the dnv 1-
Tntnl excess since March 1 305
I iir.Tlnll.-itlon IK Inch
Deficiency for the day IS Inch
Tntnl hI hit Mnrch 1 11.14 Inclu
Deficiency since March 1 t.O Inches-
Deficiency for cor. period, IKflO.... i.ui incm-a
Deficiency for cor. period, ... 2.42 Inches
Local Forecast Ofllclal.
are unknown.
missis, UPU
F. A. Curtrkht, A. n.. Principal of tho
Georgia Normal and Industrial Institute,
and editor and proprietor of tho "Oeorgla
Helping Hand" writes the following glow
ing words concerning l'eruna, and Its effi
cacy In the cure of catarrh,
Ho says: "Having experienced such ben
eficial effects from tho uso of a few bottles
of your catarrh remedy Peruna, It affords
me pleasure to add my testimonial to tho
long list you must already have Judging
t r a I tin n , . rllffArim, 1 H O T I-API1 . 1 f
- - -
d,;ij u,
Dm. x. d.
Are yo afflicted with VarleocsU or It results Nervous Debility and Lost Mar.
noodT Ar you nrvous, trrltablo lid deapondentl Do you lack your old-tlrae snorgy
and ambition? Are you suffering from vital "weakness, etc.? There ts a derangement
of the sensitive organs of your Pelvlo Systsm, and evon though It gtrss you no
trouble at present, It will ultimately uimtn you, depress your mind, rack your nsrvout
System, uaflt you for married III tad shorten your existence. Why not be cured ba
ANTEE. W have yt to in Um ohm ot Varicocele we cannot cure. Medicines, elec
tric belts, tc, will never cur. Yov d expert treatment. We treat thousands ot
rase where the ordinary physician trsmts on. Mathod new, never falls, without cut
ling, pain or loss of time.
STRICTURE Horn. Trtmt No
iiu ui.Bc Hadlcally cured with s.
Instruments, no pain, no detention from
business. Cure guaranteed.
.PcV uKrurlnrmQuVnoy of
urtnatlnr. Urine High Colored, or wun
milky sediment on standing; uonorrnoea,
e5VDU!l G6 cured for lite nnd the poison
sflrsl'Llw thoroughly ctennaed from
tne system. Boon every sign nnd symptom
llsappears completely nnd forever. No
"BREAKING OUT" of the disease on the
skin or face. Treatment contnina no dnn
geroua drugs or Injurious medicine.
Home Treatment
successful nnd strictly private. Our counsel la free ana saoreaiy connaentiai.
CURES GUARANTIED. Unioltatlon Free Treatment by Mai
nil i nntJO f 1A7 Call or address II So. Uth Street.
nrwics bv our Physicians nnd n FREE SAMPLE
aa of our me
ne also Free Home Troatmont a ifopage illustrated book .
., ni riiMas with iieat treatment, also many valuable
receipts nnd prescriptions In plain language, saving you heavy doctor's bills, ask for It.
Dr. Kay's
MH Cures the very worst cases of Dyspepsia. Constipation, neodncae, I'aipltolion or neon l
Nfl Llrer and Kidney diseases and bad results of LoOrlppe. Send for proof of it. tr
Hfl Write us nbout all your symptoms. Sold by druMtsta, don't neecpt any substitute liut 7-
setm usEnets. or si.w anq we win cna ur.
mm w n, . I
rP Wtnlworth Military Academy
BM- Wm ..raUlna and nanlnmant. Arm? ofllerr detailed. Fn
Wflfti Wetlonel AwltmHw or for llf. COL.
... hi.i,,. dn.niiim nf Ynnnir Women nnd Olrln. Modern and pror.ros'lv
Preparatory nnd college courses, music,
enth annual session l.eglns Sept. Uth.
Dramatic School
KIMBALL HALL. 243 Wabash av Chicago.
Fall term opens Sept. 3. Send for CataloRUo.
Western Military Acadimy.
TT.t alilUhitil r nut at Inn. Thnronahlr
tvjulnrjftd. El.
llAn Uoisllnn fVinvanlant tft Nt. flttli
n l. OwnnJ and
pinnfttteil hr tevlirn ot Ions eipiyUne. who ukv
Ironfti chM-Kft or tho cniei ana wumo ronni
rn) for lh(r onrn '.r! Itiutrarilou. AiW f r
Every Woman
ll Intcrcstc J anil should know
sdoui it wonlf rftil
MARVEL Whirling Spray
Thenow W'lrrls. Injre.
I, on tin., .i.irrvm, llfll par.
csi-:nost uotiTnlnt.
lis T..r SratrUt fcr U.
II h rsnnot stiffly the Vx
Attier. hut rid stsmn fnrtl
lilltnU! book cItm
full pstUruUrsand lirrrtlrnsln. C
noom S2 Times Hide, N. V.
antre Dr.Kaj'sItenoratoi
to pur flvulnvla. riti.ti.
is, contu
, laxative,
diiuh, iiTcr ami uianers. iicsi touic, laxative
blood purifier known for all ehronlo diseases
renovates and InvlKorates 'he whole system and
cures very worst caseb. Oet trial box at once.
If not satisned with It notify us, we will refund
money by return mail. Write your symptoms
for Free Medical Advice, sample and proof, vft A
Mc at druggists.. Ur. u. J. Uay, Ssrntosi. W,Y.
"I was Ipdueed to try rerun by tho
advice of a friend, and certainly believe
that suffering humanity would bo relieved
It they only gave l'eruna a fair trial.
Would that I could framo words sufnclent
to express my grntltudo for the benefits
derived from Its use." F. A. Curtrlght,
Ureensboro, Oa,
The most common phases of summer
catarrh aro catarrh of the stomach and
bowels, l'eruna Is a specific for summer
Mr. Wm. Hcbloy, Duqucsnc, Pa.,
writes: "I mil cured of outurrli of
the Htoiuach of two years MamUup;.
1 Itiul it so bad that I could not cat
anything hnt milk. 1 doctored with
several doctors and they could give
me relief for a short time only. I
saw Portion recom mended nnd
thought I would try It, and 1 now
think 1 am cured of catarrh. I have
worked two months and did not
lose a day."- Win. Henley.
Mr Moses F. Merrill, Columbus, Chero
kee Co., Kansas, Tturnl tloutn No. 3, writes:
"I had been troubled with systemic ca
tarrh, which affected tho lower bowels
especially. I was troubled with running
off of the bowels and troublesome catarrh
of tho bronchial tubes which caused spit
ting of thick mucus. bincc taking
l'eruna my improvement has boon
wonderful. .My howels aro regular
as clock-work. 1 can now eat HUo
other people and victuals digest "
Moses 1 Merrill.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the uso of l'eruna,
write at once to Dr. Hnrtman, giving a
full statement of your case and he will
bo pleased to givo you his valunblo advlco
Address Dr. Hnrtman, Frcsldent of Tho
Hnrtman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Searles & Searles
Most Successful and Reliable
Specialist in Diseases of Men
(VITALITT WBAX).made so by too cloM
application to business or study; sever
mental strain or grief: SEXUAL EX
CESSES In middle llf or from the eftocta
of youthful follies.
Weak mkn are victims to nei
vou8 debility or exhaustion,
wasting weakness. involuntary
nnd MIDDLE-AO ED: lack ot vim., vigor,
nnd strength, with sotual organs ImpoJrsd
nnd weakened prematurely In approaching
old age. All yield rapidly to our new
treatment for loan ot vital power.
On psrsonnl visit Is preferred, but If you
ennnot cnll at my office, writ ua your
symptoms fully.. Our home treatment la
Dr. Searles & Searles, Omaha. Neb.
ivy n ntnoioiw ij romm .u.
0 Qh..Ima n, M0.. SJ V
Oldest and largest
military school la
Central West.
raperrs for Universities,
S W DFOR D S E LIE R 8 . M . A.. Supt.. Lsslnglen, Mo
art, elocution, physical culture. Mfty-sc
P01. 'J j ( iiX"Vt "fS It ii V Awl "vreit I il e n t .
Brownell Hall
InKtructorb Kraduntus o coIIckcc n-cnr;-nlzed
as umonK tho boat in America. (Uvea
thorough general education and also iut
imren for nny coIIcko open to women.
Principal's certlllcato admits to cnllfKO
without examination. I'lnno, MIms War",
threo years a pupil of tho lute Oscur Knit
of lierlln, Oermuny. Years nf ueccsaful
UsichliiK cxpfrlenco. Vocal Music, Mln
Helen liurnliutn, a pupil of Mrs. Cotton
(Mrs. Kountzit) and Mrs. I'liillliiH-Jitnkltis',
Art, Mrs. MumaiiKh, well known here,
now Htudylni; In Kurope. I'liyslcal train
ln adapled to stri'iib'th nf Individual, by
professional Instructor, fipoclal attention
to character bulldliiK. Apply for eata.
loKUe. Address Mlm Macrae, l',.
"tU School Chit makes manly Beys."
A hlf b srd sibonl prnrlnir bor Ucrr.H to II
resra old for business llfn or the fliilrnrsltlts.
Htpsrel firlmol Umim and Dormltorl'S for tl.s
little nojs. vrrrearstm moral and soelsl traimnir.
r nit rears or suocMsruiworx. benamr cauimnic
Rer. Henry D. Keblaioa, Warden, Rsctst, Wl'
of Ilie Dnltrrslty of t.'lilonuo. Bcliv'luatlo
work, music, art, nil of blurt frrodo. For
plr Is. New building: moderate expense.
Write for ntuioBue. WM. I'. MeKKH., Mt. Carroll, 111. Open J Sept. Uth.