1 2 THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JTLV rt, 1901. LET THE CRACKER CRACK Mayor Motni Iuai tht G-Aliud Signal fr Julj 4, UNBRIDLED PATRIOTISM WILL REIGN Onlltiniirc Anliit I'lrr?rork Will lie Snnpi-uilctl I.iiiik llnonuli to (live Yoiiiik Amerlcn llln InnliiK Executive' Proclninntloii. From 6 o'clock the ovonlng of July 3 until midnight of July 4 young America nud lit t-ai-BpllttlnK explosives will reign supremo in Omnba. i Omaha will blosfom out In red, white ' tiud blue ou Indep.'ndeiico day aud celebrate the d.iwn of liberty with a vengeance, If the wlcbos of Mayor Moores aro complied with. "Celebrate properly" la the mandate of the mayor. For thirty hours all ordinances prohibit Ing tbe discharge of firearms and firecrackers will bo suspended. The only restriction on effervescing patriotism will bo that dynamite and cannon flrccrackcts hall not br on the bill of fare. Mayor Moores' proclamation Is as fol lows: To tb Citizens nf Omaha: As our great mitloii.il holiday, tho Fourth of July, draws near It become my privilege to call the mention of our people to the duty which every Itlzcn owes to his country to cele brate properly tln anniversary of our na tional independence. It Is earnestly hoped that every loyal citizen of Ctmnhu will eease labor himself mid glvo hl employes also u holiday on that day nml show his patriotism by dis playing Hags and hunting on his rcsldcnco and on his place of business. The ordi nances of the city of Omaha forbid tho tiring of firearms and llrecruckerM at all times, but thin rule may be sus pended ' the mayor. 1 hereby sin pond the onrratlon of these ordinances, for the evening of July 3 and for all of July I. 1:1. Tho firing of ilvnamtte lire crackers and cannon nrceracKers Ih made a misdemeanor by tho city ordinances and is punlihable. by a heavy tine. This ordi nandi Is not suspended and will be f-trlctly enforced. Tho tiring of fireworks prior to the evening of July a Is also a misdemeanor and the police have been ordered to arrest violators of the ordinance. This order will be followed to the letter, for such tiring 1.4 rlangeiotw and has cuusrd several teams to run nwny, thereby endangering llfo and property. The llrlng of explosives on July 3 and 4 In alleys near barns or other combustible materials h expressly prohibited. Ite speetfully. I'HANK K. MOOKE8, Mayor. il'mmkh t;.vct;;tbio.n kati:s. Vln tlt MIMrnukee Unllwny. June 12. 13, 14 and 15, Omaha to Chicago nd return, $14. 76. July 4, 5 and 6, Cincinnati and return, K2.50. July S, 6 and 7, Detroit and return. $22. July 20, 21 and 22, Milwaukee and return. $14.76. Low rates to summer resorts. City ticket office, 11104 Farnam st. Tel. 214. Tli Senile. Itoulr to California. Don't mako a mistake and aoloct nny other route than the Ilurllngton when you go to California at the tlmo of tho Ep wortli league meeting in July. The Burlington with Its connections form tho Scenic Lino of tho World. It takes you through tho very heart of trj Kockles, past ul the glorloub mountain ccnery of Colorado aud Utah. Come back by way of Portland, Scnttlo, Tacoma and nilliugs. Costa a few dollars extra and It Is worth it. , Beautifully Illustrated folder giving full Information about this, the greatest holi day opportunity ever offered, on request. Tells what there Is to see on the way to the coast, where to stay In San Francisco and the places In California which you cannot afford to miss. Tlckots, 1502 Far nam stroet. Additional AeuomiiiiMlutloii. On account of tho very low rates made to Colorado' points TUB UNION PACIFIC has placed tu sor.vlco another through Pull man alcoper on train No. 3, for Denver, leaving Omaha at 4.25 p. m. dally, and continuing until September 10. A tourist sleeper will also bo attached to this train for Denver, July il to 13 In clusive. This service affords passengers the very best accommodations with the greatest pos sible cQifitort. Reservations should be uiado as far In ad vance us possible. New city ticket of3co, 1324 Farnam street. Tel. 316. Cheap Summer ExvurMlnnn vis 111 I uoIm Central II. It. St. Paul and return, July 1-9 $ 9.85 Minneapolis and return, July 1-9 9.S5 Duluth and return, July 1-9 13.S5 Cincinnati nud roturn, July 4-6 22.50 Detroit aud return, July 5-7 22.00 Chicago aud roturn, July 23-25... 14.75 Louisville nnd roturn, August 24-26.. 21.50 Buffalo and roturn, every day 25.71 Circuit tours via Groat Lake to Buffalo and Intermediate points. Staterooms re aorved In advance. Call at city ticket office, 1402 Farnam street, for particulars, or nd dress W. 11. Brill. I). P. A.. I. C. R. R Omaha, Neb. It In Cool In Cnlormln, With tho thermometer uhovo 100 degrees In Omnha nnd tho round trip rate to cool C"lorado only $16, why do you remain in town? Leave Darlington station, Omaha, 4:25 this afternoon. Arrive Denver 7:10 tomor row morning. Through sleeper to Colorado Springs, ruohlu, Oleuwood Springs and Grand Juuctlnu. Tickets, lr,02 Farnam street. .Spirit l.uWr I. like Okohojt conveniently reached via Illinois Central railroad from Omaha, Tho only road hav ing both morning and evening service to abovo points. Low rateo. For particulars cll at city ticket office, 1402 Farnam street. Publish your legal notices In Tho Weekly Boo. Telephone 333. MRS. Chatelaine Bags. Ileal Seal Chatelaines, with outside pocket $1.00. Extra line fliiish 1.50, $2.00 aud 2.25. Steel Bead Bags $1.75, ?2.00, $2.50, $11.25, 4.50, $5.00, $0.75, $7.50. Pretty Leather Chatelaines, Wo nre Belling quantities of Children's rnrnsols. Prices loo, 25c, 45c, 58c, G5c, 85c and $1.00. We nre giving bargains in Ladies' Pnrasole. Prices from $1.00 to $10.00. New Dressing Sacques Colored and white Shirt Waists. Tim xtiw vonic ckntiiai, In the Nntlonnl llnllrnnil nf Ainerleu, "In the special Issue of postage stamps to advertise the Buffalo exposition the t'ostofllce Department hus done honor to tho New York Central railroad, the great est mall carrier In tho world. Tho 1-cent stamp represents the lake navigation with which tho Central railroad connects; the 2-ccnt stamp, tho famous Umpire State Express train; the 4-cent stamp, the auto mobiles used In the Central railroad cab service; the 5-cent stamp, the Niagara Falls bridge, past which the Central trains dash; the S-cent stamp, the locks at Sault Ste. Marie, through which the Central road steamers pass, and the 10-ccnt stamps, the ocean steamers with which tho Now Yoik Central lines connect and tlckot passen gers to every part of tho globe. This un precedented recognition by the govern ment establishes tho New York Central as the national railroad of America." Town Topics, May 9. Tlic Fourth nt Ivrim I'nrld Manager Colo Is making preparations to give a Fourth of July celebration at tho popular Krug park that will bo a rouser for everybody, from baby to grandpa, and one that will surpass anything of tbe kind ever seen In Omaha. Ha has secured stacks of fireworks, sky high, and will mako the grandest kind of a display. The Fourth will also be the opening day for freo shows at the park. "Tho Passion Play," which runs for over one hour, showing "Mary at tho Tomb of Christ," "Tho Last Supper" and other Interesting scenes, will be pre sented, nbsnlutcly freo to the park patrons. It Is a remarkable production, with tho In dorsement of pulpit nnd laity. Prof. Fancher, the famous aeronaut, who reports to have seen service with tho United States balloon forces In Cuba and who Is famous In Europe, will make his first balloon ascension In Omahn. Fancher promises patrons of tho Krug the oppor tunities of witnessing some of tho finest ascensions over made In the United States. If Von IJiiJoy Company While Trav eling tho congenial parties which gather In tho cafe club car or In tho observation parlor of the Pennsylvania Limited may lurludo some of your friends. If they are partial to highest standard traveling facilities you will surely find them on tho Limited, for this train Is n favorite with the best class of travelers. It leaves Chicago 6:30 p. m. dally on twenty-four-hour run to Nev York. Learn about lt comforts by arranging with H. It. Derlng, A. O. P. Agt., 24S South Clark street, Chicago, for your next trip cast ou this train. SAN KHANCISCO AM) ,Iti:TtIll. IMS. Vln Iloelc Ialnml Itoulc. Tickets on tale July 6th to 13th, good for return until August 3tRt. Cholco of many different routes. Epwortt League special will leavo Omaha July 8th at 9 p. m., otop plug nt Denver, Colo. Springs, Glcnwood Springs nnd Salt Lake. For full Informa tion and Hand Book address or call at Rock Island city ticket office, 1323 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. A riaco to Spend the Summer. On tho lines of tho MILWAUKEE RAIL WAY aro somo of the most beautiful nlaen tn the world to spend a summer vacation, camping out or at thn elezant nummrr hotels. Boating, fishing, beautiful lakes and streams and rool weather. Theso resorts nro all reached easllv from Omaha. A book describing them may be Had on application at tho Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Railway city ticket Office. 1R04 pArnftm attit nmnl.n HnnnJ - hv.k, . U U I. trip tickets, good until October 31, now on saie at greatly reduced rate?. V. A. NASH, General Western Agent C'lncliiuntl nnd nrturu fS front ClalciiKO' July 5th, 6th and 7th, account Christian Endeavor convention. Anybody may got benefit of low faro. Agents of railways In west selling via Chicago will furnish tick ets. Ask for thorn over Pennsylvania Short Lines. Tickets may be obtained In Chicago ut 218 South Clurk strcot and Union Sta tion ticket office. Write or wlro H. R. Derlng, A. O. P. Agt., 248 South Clark street, Chicago, for tickets and parlor or sleeping car reservations. District Mnnaucr Wuntcd. We want a reliable, high-grade man to take charge of n district of ten agencies In Iowa, with headquarters at Jefferson. Ho must bo a good salesman and know how to handlo agents. Give age, experience, present business and references and address THE F. E. SANBORN CO., Mfgrs. Standard Stock Food. Box 25. Omaha. Neb. Attention, Knights of the Mnreabeea! Your aro hereby requested to meet tn a body at our hall tn .Labor tomplo on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'olock sharp to attend the funeral of our late Sir Knight Phelps. Funeral services will be con ducted nt his late residence, 1013 North Twcnty-nlnth street. J. S. VESEY, Com. GEORGE A. OSTROM, R. K Omuha Tent No. 76. Dpeclnl Kicurnlnn Ilntr. The Missouri Pacific will sell tha usual 4th of July tickets on tho 3d and 4th to points within 200 miles. Also on July 2 will sell to points In Kansas, southwest Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, etc. For fur ther Information call on or address com pany's offices, southeast corner Fourteenth and Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb, THOS. F. GODFREY, P. & T. A. Omaha physicians will be glad to learn that their prescriptions for massage treat ments and for thermal nnd massage baths can be filled at tho Bathery In Tho Bee building. Telephone 1716. Graduate mas saga operators. Bend articles of incorporation notices ol stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Be. V will give them proper legal insertion. Telephone 238. J. BENSON. 25c, 35c and 50c. AT BOSTON STORE TODAY Mcit Rtmniktble i'urftin for Mea aid licjj in Hot Weithsr CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS AND HATS Luilleft' licit, t.'ntlrritcnr, Ilnnilker vlilcra, .Mltl, I'nriiMila nml 1,'inlirel lii, .Milliner), .Summer Skirt, Wnlntn, u t Sjieelnl l'rli'cn, MEN'S )15 AND $20 SUITS, $8.83. 3,000 men's tailor, madu new, stylish sum mer suits worth 515 und $20, on sale at $8.88. Men's all-wool flannel and serge suits, $5. Men's black and colored thin coats, 3!c. Men's blue nlnpacn coats, DSc. Men'a bluo sergu coats, $1.3'J. Men's $3 and $4 pauts, $1.50 nnd $1.08. Boys $3 linen suits, 40c. Boys' 76c kneo pants, 25c. Men's $1.50 negligee shirts, 75c. Men's $1 negligee shirts, DOc. Men's 75c summer underwear, 23c. Men's 25c summer suspenders, 12c. Men's $1 neckwear, iiowcst styles, 25c. Men's 25c silk neckwear, 2Mc. 600 styles of men's sample belts, up to $2 values, 10c, 15c, 2ac, 60c. Ladles' $5 fancy silk purasoln and ladles' and men's silk umbrellas, $1.49 and $1.08. Children's parasols, plain and fancy, 10c and 29c. 25c fancy folding fans, all colors and styles, 2!c, Co and 10c. 10c Valenciennes lace, Insertion and bead ing, nil widths, lc, 2c and Cu a yard. Ladles' Jcrey silk mitts, 10c u pair. LudlcH, 25c vests, I'c, 10c and 15c. Ladles' nnd children's 25c full seamless, fast-black ho3c, 10c and 15c a pair. All kinds loo handkerchiefs, plain wblto nud fancy-colored border, lc, 3!4c and Cc each. Ladles' nnd men's 25c all pure ltncu, neatly hemstitched and lacc-edged handker chiefs, 10c each. Ladles' black satin belts, beautiful buckles, 76c values. 25c. Ladies' 60c leather belts, 25c. Ladles' $1 black elastic belts. 49c. Fourth of July trimmed sailor hats for ladles and children, In jumbo and plain Btraw, 15c und 4Dc. Ladles' swell duck hats, plain and trim med, from liOc to $1.50. $5.00 and $8.00 ladles' artistically trimmed hats, black and white, on account of tho lateness of tho season, go at 99c and $2.50. Ladles' pique, crash and duck skirts, worth $1.60 nnd $2.50, nt 15c und 49c. SPECIAL NOTICE Wo will plaeo on sale tomorrow standard American Hags, slzo 5xS feet, at $1.25. This size sells for $2.50 regular. BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. Brandcls & Sons, Proprietor-!. Selling Rogers Poet & Co. Men's Clothing. Timoitnii i,i:i;ri:it.s to cai.ii'ohma Vln IlnrlliiKtnn Iloiite. Through tourist and standard sleeping enrs, Omaha to San Francisco, every day from July 6 to 13. Routo via the grand panorama of the Rocky mountains the scenic routo of the world. Leavo Burlington station 4:25 p. m. Only $15 round trip tickets, July 6 to 13. Tickets, 1502 Fnrnam street. SCOFIELD ciOAiasuiTco.! Taffeta Skirts, Thcro Is nothing miTO comfortnblo for hot weather where a "dressy" skirt Is wanted, thnn a handsome black Taffeta Skirt, unllned. While wo have sold many of them wo add new styles to the line every week. You won't regret looking ut our Taf feta Skirls If you want something pretty ami different from those you've seen. Prices $12.60, $15.03. J1S.D0 nnd ?;0.00. OK SCOFIELD CLOAK&SUITCO. 1..IO UoiikIiim -St. Another Grand Wash Goods and Silk Sale in the Bargain Boom Wednesday m mora cases uireci rroiu mo mills- by any other house In tho west, lOo lawnu, fast colors, HSo. 10c dimities, tlno cord, 24c 12,tO tine printed batiste, 5c. lliVio Hue dimities, 5c. 13o lawns, line styb-H, 5c. H'O Hue dimittes, "VjC. 25c tine dimities, Initiates, nrgandtea nnd nil the llncst printed und piece-dyed wash t,-ood that nre sol i by other houses ut from 19o to 33c, on sale nt ono price, 10c, All tho remnunts of 15c. 19c und 25o wash goods on center table, 6c. All the remnantd of 15c percales nnd other Lace, Embroidery Wednesday the last day of this ui vi . .,. . a.v.(w..ul4 wii,flutij' in uiu mil nil' UL Wlltj JUCQ nUIC. Lot 1 Wash laces und insertlncH. worth 23c, S5c and 50c yard; clearing salt) prlco 10c. Lot 2 15c, 20 und 25c wnsli Inccs and Inser tlngs; clearing sale price 6c, Lot 3 Mo nil silk black galloons, tho most popular lace creation ot the season; clearing sale prlco 10c, Lot 4 75c all-over Incesj Just tho right goods for shirt waists, yokes and fronts; clearing sale prlcu 2So ynrd. Lot 5 Flno white ull-over laces, the very latest, worth 60c; clearing sale price 10c, Embroideries and Insertlngs worth 10c, nt 2Ho. No, 6 funcy ribbons worth 10c, nt 3c. Special Lemon Sale FANCY JUICY LEMONS, at 0c. Picnic Luncheon Sale Rex chipped beef 10c Veul loot, nor can 7,,4o. Potted chicken, per can, 81-3c. Boneless corned beef, pur lb., 6c. Fancy round bologna Cc. Potted or duvlleil ham, per enn, 3Hc. Fancy No. 1 hams at llHc, Cracker Sale Wo have broken tho combination on crackers, Wo uro selling crackers for less than tho cost to tho dealers. Ginger snupa, dealers cost tiVfcc; our price, 3 cents. Soda crackers, dealers' cost CUc; price, 6c, Oyster crackers, dealers' cost, i4ic; our price, 5c. Oatmeal crackers, dealers' cost, 15c; our price 7V4c. Graham cruckers, dealers' cost, 15o; our price, 7l.ic. Arrowroot, dealers' cost. 23c; price, 12Hc, Lemon wnftors, dealers' cos,t, 25c; our prlco 15c. Vanlllu wafers, dealers' cost, 23c; our prlco 15c. Sand molasses, dealers' cost, 15c; our price Sl-3c. Orange swoetB, dealers' cost, 15c; our prlco S l-3c. Assorted Jumbles, denlers' cost, 15c; our prlco I0o. Sultanas, dealers, cost, 23c; our price 1214c. Fig bar, dealers' cost, !3c; our price 15c. 1-pound package soda biscuits, per pack age, 6c. HAYDEN OX TIIM MUtTinVllSTnilX I.ISI1. Chrnp l2ieiiraon, $16.75, Milwaukee and return, July 20, 21 and i2. Cincinnati and return, $22.60, July 4, 6, C. Detroit and return, $22, July 6, 6 nnd 7. Chicago and return, $11.76, July 23, 24, 25. Very low rates to the Buffalo exposition City ticket office, 14011103 Karnam street. Big Bargains for PIANO BUYERS The person who buys a piano at normal prices In these days of the great clearance salo ot pianos Is throwing away hun dreds of dollars. Saving $150 on n slngto Instrument ut our titoro Is not uli exception, Its the rule among the higher grudo pianos. Uprights that nre regularly sold ut $G00 are marked down tj $100 nnd less, for quick selling. Proportlonato Having on cheap er Instruments. No matter what Instrument you want STEINWAY, VOSK. EMER SON, 1VERS & POND. A. H. CHASE. STEOER, STECK, PACKARD, C. D. PEASE, etc. Wo have them here no matter how you want to buy. Wo make terms to suit your con venience, Catalogues and prlcca furnished free on application. SCHMQLLER & MUELLER, THE OLD RELIABLE PIANO HOUSE. 1313 Fnruftm St., Omaha. Telephone 1025 337 Hroiulwuy, Co. Muffs. Telephone 378. Take Advantage While it Lasts- Boys' extra heavy brown checked overalls, ages from -1 to 12, at 25c. Medicated light weight lamb's wool underwear, 75c a gar ment, como two In a box; furnishers' price, $1.23. Moleskin nnd crash pants 48c. Full suits of men's clothes, respectable and de cent, $3.93. Boys' wash suits, ages 3 to 8, only 25c. Brown or tan box, 3 pair for 10c. Men's oxtrn line pants, big lot to choose from, $1.90. Odd coats, 25c. Flno lino of negligee shirts, Including "Monarchs" and other celebrated makes, 48c. Extra nobby pure wool men's sulta, cholco $5.00. Sus penders, 7c. Choice of valises, big or small, 25c. Straw hats and light summer caps, 15c. String ties, ono penny. Light tan sweaters, 25c. Corduroy knee pants, ages 4 to 11, only 35c ask to soo them, thoy are a big bargain. Odd vests, 10c. Russet men's shoes with vesting tops, 75c. Canvus gloves, 5c. Strongskueo pants, 13c. Light wool gray overcoatssutln faclug, for spring nnd fall wear, $4.G3 Thin underwear, 15c. Silk neckwear, choice, Co and 10c each. Walters' Jacket, 25c. "Manhattan" white ahlrts, 75c. John B. Stetson hats, $2.75. Silk finished underwear, 25c a garment. Tiger hats, $1.08. Heavy bluo nnd white plalded Jumpors, 23c. Men's bluo serge coats, 75c. Heavy black working shirts, 25c. Boys' bluo overalls, 20c. Cook's pants, 60c. Pajamas, 45c. Fine suits of clothes extra cheap. Remember that the Guarantee Clothing Co. built up a good reputation by handling good honest goods and that on ac count of Bennett's removal they are com pelled to sell out In order to bo suro and And tho right place. Look for big signs "The Guarantee Selling Out," 1516-1518 Capitol avenue. P. S. Wednesday, July 3rd, this store win ue open until 9 p. ra. Thursday, July 4th, until noon. After that tho closing hours will bo week days at 6 p. m., Satur days 10 o'clock p. tn. HAYDEN 1 S hern urn prices that cannot bo duplicated goo'ds, 24c Bluel.- riatln worlh Me, nt 5c. Shirting prints worth 5c, ut 2'(Jc. Stnndanl prints 3V4c. GRAND SALE ON WHITE dOODS. 10c naiimooka, 5e. 12VJc iuUnsnol(s(,f,V:C. 15c lace mripes, 7Hc loo striped organdy 7!4c. A largo line of remnants of wblto goods, worth 25c, 35c, 50c nnd 00c, ou sale at 10c. Sli-inch India linen, CHc. Ol'JiUlAl SAL.IS OIS HAMMOCKS. and Ribbon Sale tremendous clearing sale. Tho greatest snlo 5 rrnl nice collars at $1.00. Special bargains In linens, towels ana white goods, 40-ln. lawn worth 35c nnd 40c yard, on sale at 13c yard. Organdies worth 35o nnd 60 ynrd, ut 19c Ojjiera batiste, best quality, ut COc, worth Special bargains In towels, worth up to 19c, go at Vic towels worth 23e, go at 15c towels worth up to ffic, go nt lDc. Remem ber these towels are ull linen, iK-lnch blenecd Irish damask, worth $1.00, at iZc. Bl-lneh cream damask, worth 85c, ut 67lc. 02-Inch cream damask ut 25c. 64-lneh cream tlnmuHk ut 30c. Bl-lneh cream damask at 35c. Special Sale on Tea and Coffee A beautiful present given away with one pound of nny of our teas. First crop cholco Japan tea only 3Sc. .Sun cured Japan ten for Ico tea, 33c. English breakfast tea, choice drink, 15c. Imperial Gunpowder tea, 40c. Oolong and Young Hyson tea, 15c. First crop tea HlftiiigH, lTVic. 3 pounds of our superior health coffee, 23c. Royal Saiitoa coffee, 15c. Golden Rio coffee, only 1714c. Old government Mocha and Java. 30c 4 pounds for $i.oo. Mandolins Mocha und Java, 33c 3 poundi for $1.00. Grocery Sale Four-crown muscatel raisin. S l-3c pound. pOUnd. ' "l'l-. 173 lingnt ruby prunes, per lb., 6c. Largo fancy California prunes, per lb O 1-tlC. Fancy San Joso country peaches, per lb., o i-Je, Large fancy Mulr penches, per tb 10c. California pears, per lb., S i-3c. boiir pounds tuplocu, 23c. Jour pounds sago, 25c. five pounds oatmeal, 10c. Ten-pound sack cornmcnl, 10c. Ten-pound sack rye tlour, 10c. Ten-pound sack graham flour, 15c. a hrep bars tar soap, worth 25c, for 10c. Ten bars bet laundry bobp, 25c. how cans mustard or oil anllneH, 2.V. limit V llilll'n.ll. ...un.f.l HI.lt 1 1 .. . . .. - - packages, 81-3c. BROS. " MUN'S BLUE SEROE COATS-$2.00, $2.30, $2.75, $3.50. MEN'S STRIPED FLANNEL COATS-extra good value $2.76 and $3.00. MEN'S SEROE COATS AND VESTS-full line sizes-$3.0u. MEN'S BLUE SEROE COATS AND PANTS-cool, comfortn ble $3.50. MEN'S FLANNEL PANTS-full lino slzes-$2.50 und $3.00. MEN'S BLUE SEROE TROtSERS-$1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50. MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR 25c, 33c, 45c. 73c, $1.00. BOYS' CANVAS SHOES 13 to 2. 80c 3 to 6V4, 90c. BOYS' BLACK LINEN SLIPPERS coot, comfortable 12 to 614, 40c. LITTLE OENT'S SHOES, guaranteed for wear. 10 to 13, $1.25 d sue 4 i Hosiery ) Happenings The Great Hosiery Sale r Will xnntlmin until nVCTV Onlr 13 Sold. tills writing the department Is a perfect hosiery hlve-TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX to a customer. Oood values such as tbeso do not linger long. Do not delay your coming If you enro to take tho ad vantage of this sale. 15c, 20c and 39c. IF YOU'RE GOINO AWAY DON'T FOR GET THAT THIS STORE IS HEADQUAR TERS FOR SUIT CASES, VALISES, ETC. Farnam and Fifteenth Wednesday, July 3 K00L SHOES Men's aud women's oxfords the very newest styles a special arranged sale for Wed nesday only A style display seldom equaled. Tatent leath pvs of all kinds vici kid box and Kussian calf all the new heels and toes $5.00 to $1.00. Wednesday only. CI QQ for t,m)icu of eutive ulaUO stock of men's tan shoes including entire lines !?3.50, 1 and i5 shoes DD all to go in one day. liMUU Wednesday misses' and chil dren's oxfords and slippers, (5c, 85c, 1 and $1.25, worth double. 1515 Douglas Street. Look this matter up NOW DON'T WAIT TILL THE DAY YOU ARE LEAVING FOR YOUR VACA TION, 'BUT GET A Kodak or Camera AND UNDERSTAND THE WORK ING. WE SHOW YOU FREE AND CAN ADVISE YOU THE INSTRU MENT THAT IS DEST SUITED FOR YOU. WE ONLY CARRY FIRST CLASS GOODS AND EVERYTHING IS GUARANTEED. PUT A KODAK IN YOUR I'OCKET, $8.00. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Fnrnam Street. Wholesale and retail denlers. s BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS MANUFACTURED BT CALIFORNIA FIG 8YURP CO., note: toe name. (Dtr MDICAL ADViOE. Wrlteus rlltt all your symptoms. KnnovatlnKtbe system Is tha'only safe und sure method of cur ing all Chronic Disease!. Dr. Kay's Itenovator Is thoonlv perfectaystem renovator. Freesattv pies and book. Dr. D. J, Kay, Saratoga. !J. Y ARE YOU rea: D Are yoi redy for the day we celebrate? The store will be closed all day the Fourth, You had better get what you want while the opportunity presents self. All the wantable things for the Fourth are here in abundance, The Men's Shirts Onco you como hero for satisfactory phirte, you como again. Wo aro dual ing out cool comfort by tho rlozon. Men's negligeo shirts in hundreds of pretty pat tor ns 45c, 75c, $100, $1.45 At k "'-"- I 111 Ml llll ' S HAYDEN You can ffi Stein, Jtloeh SVI ".v '$L?7 SUITS in our ' .uuvi'J. nut COvniOMT icoi IntSTHN-filOCtlCo I. . 7 EXTRA SPECIAL SALE OF MEN'S FINE TROUSERS Too large a trousers stock they have got to move and quickly realizing that low price is the best salesman All ?:5.00 trousers now ?1.50 All 4.50 trousers at 2.50 All 5.50 to 7.50 tlousers now .'.75 Young men's fine odd trousers that sold for 2.00 to 5.00 now on sale at fl5c, 1.50 nnd 2.50. Our entire stock of boys' and children's spring and summer suits reduced to half and loss of regular prices. Big Clearing Sale on Men's Summer Underwear Trices ono-lulf to ono-thlrd tho regular mmlo to sell at 75c, on Hnlo nt H.'c. figures, goods the best nnd most pensonahlo. All the men's baUirlggim shirts and draw. All the nion'B lino Imlbrlggun nnd lisle era In pluin und fancy colom, regular EOo thread shirts nnd drawers In plain and fancy colors that wcro mado to sell at i.2u, on rale ut 50c, All tha men's flno balbrlggan shirts and drawors In plain and faneycolora that were You'll Get Burned As suro ns fnto on your outing on the 4th of July but If you'll uso our Egyptian Lotus Cream, no ono will ovor Itnovy It Ono application removes all tho tan and sunburn and It costs hut 10c a bottle. OHM CATAIMUI POWDUIt Wio TEMPTATION TONIC T5o WKST HHA1.N' AND NKrtVH THHAT- mi:nt ,. jjo All "Sn Dentril Ices 110 2Dc 4711 White Hose Glycerino Soap ... VJa 25c Carter's Little Liver Pills He 25c Vegetable Cathartic) Pills 15c J2.00 Cotton Hoot, Taney and Penny- roynl Pills $1.00 25c Hires' Hoot Heer (gnnulmO ixc $1.00 Crumer'H Kidney and Liver Cure.. 75c $1.00 Peruna (Special price by doxenj .. 75o :sin CuHtrirbi mind you havo always bought) I'Ro CJood Tooth Ilrush for Co Ilcttcr ones for MOHK MONKV-s. u 'cm. SCHAEFER'S Cut Price DrtiK Sto re Tel. T4T. S. W. Cor. Kith nnd Chluuif . Goods delivered FUSE to any part of city. Y? BOYS' CLOTHtNO-stilts at $1.25, $1.60, $2.50. BOYS' KNEE PANTS big lino 35c aud COc. BOYS' .CRASH PANTS cool, comfortable loc. BOYS' STRAW HATS-MI sizes loc, 20c, 25c, 36c. BOYS' WASH WAlSTS-good line porcnlo waists 23c. BOYS' WAISTS. (Mother's Friend) madras aud percales, 45c BOYS' WAISTS (fancy) largo nnd small collars, 75o. BOYS' SATIN CALF SHOES 10 to 13, 95c 13 to 2, $1.10. 21S to 514, ?l -5. BOYS' SATIN CALF SHOES, "Extra" 13 to 2, $1.33214 to ti. $1.50. BOYS' SUSPENDERS-blg line 10c, 15c, 23c. Women's Comfortable Shoes Women's Oxfords, medium weight, operu too, clotli tops, 1.25. Women's Oxfords, hoavy soles, English too, cool, comfortable, SI. '25 Women's Oxfords, black or tan, with or without cloth tuna, 31. 5. Women's Wash Suits Those comfortable, cool, good look ing, good kind, prettily made up in the latest style, for $1.95, $2.90, $4.90 Women's Wash Waists Hundreds of pretty patterns, . 19c, 25c, 45c, 59c, 95c. Farnam and Fifteenth DM WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd have unrestricted choice of all the A: Co. and iJart, hcliauiu'r & .Marx i ,-. 9 i rtritif t tr n tt w r -r i- store for $10.00 A few words to announce a GIG ANTIO -v.vva- i ..II f every worn means a worm 01 prone to you. We will also place on sale about SOO men's tine, stylishly made suits, reduced from 10, 12.50, 15 and 1S, to create lively selliuR we will let them go at the ridiculously low price of $5 and $750 , values everywhere, on s:we ut ac. All tho men's underwear that sold up tc 30o, on snln at 10c. All the men's union suits that sold up tc $1.26, go In this eulo at 80c. Drug Slashes. Trices given below contemplate CASH- OHM CATAHHII CUHK cash Slo Thompson's Wild Cherry Phospha to, 7c a nd lOo Pcruiui Vermont Iloot Heer (makes 5 gallons) Hires' Hoot Heer Castorla Menncn'x Talcum Powder Cramor'b Kldnoy Curo West's Nerve and Hraln Treatment . Oooil Whisk llroom Ncstlo's Milk rood Malted Milk Hlg bottle Florida Water Quart bottle Port, Claret or Sherry llulf-plnt can Kino Paint Pint bottlo Henf, Iron und Wlno ... Velvet Ico Cream Soda 75o llu ISo 25o 15a 75o lOo lOo 40o 40u 250 35o 15u Mo 10a Sherman &MGGonnell Drug Go. "The Drug Store on the Corner." SIXTEENTH AND DODQE STIIEETS.