THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1901. 1 1 SPECIAL NOTICES Atrrrtlirmenli for these column will I. taken nntll 12 m. for tbe renins; edition anil nntll (4.30 p. la. (or morilni; anil Sunday edition. nates, 1 l-2e a nurd first Inirrtlnn, lo a TTorfl therenfter. Nothing taken for lea than SISc for the first Inser tion. These ndvrrtlirincnli mod lie ran consecutively. Advertisers, liy requesting a nnra tiered check, can hnre answers ad dressed to a nnmhered letter In car f The nee. Answers as addressed will he delivered on vreaentatlaa ( Da a akaak anlr. M'AKTUUJU LE UULI. WANTED We have steady work tor a lew good hustlers or good habits and appear ance. C. F. Adams Co., 163 Howard St. D 64J BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue and particulars free. "Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha. Neb. B-S49 WANTED at once, llrst-class poultry and Ktntrul produce salesman, tor wit.irn territory, atate fully experience, aye und salary expected. A 37, Bee. B 21 WANTED, cook or hotel feeding 25 per meal; state experience and wages wanl.-d; permanent )ol. Address L. A. HlocJmb, Aliir worth, Neb. It SO Jv2 YOUNG men, our Illustrated catalogue explains- how wo teach burber trade in eight week, mailed free. Molcr Barber College, 1623 Farnam at. B 397 Jyf THE Prince of Omaha la a cool smoke for hot weather. We keep them on ice. 11-555 Jy3 BTEADT, energetic young man, competent to keep books and -take charge of general store; atate salary expecleu, rc.treticts i tqulrcd. J. C. Burnet, Arapahoe Agnc, Wyo. B .MtiOJ t, WANTED, first-class bookkeeper who la well ucqualnted with city retail trade; must be quick and correct, state refer ences and salary expected. Address A 51, Bee. B-M&34 3 WANTED, Immediately, at Fort Macken zie, Wyo., live tlrst-ciass pressed brick layer. wageB $5 lor eight hours work, three good hodearrlers, j"2.73 eight hour, uIbo three good carpenter, -10c per hour. Thus. 11 O .Nell, contractor. B MJSo 4 TRAVELING men wanted, to curry uv a aide line samples of Rubber Finished Art Gocds and establtsh agencies In western und central states. Liberal compensation und but little time required. Keith Dec orating Co., Topeka, Kan. B-M5S3 8 WANTED Elevator boy; n good, reliable boy, is to 20 yeurs old, to ran elevator. References required, u. K. Scollcid I loalt und Suit Co. li U-: WANTED Bookkeeper, rajild ut flguro und capable ot In. lulling ml go customers ledger. Stute age, experience und salury cxiKCtcd. A 61, Bee. li'Ml WANTED, everywhere, hustler to tack lgns, distribute clrculuiM, mimples, etc., nu cuiivunslng; good puy. Sun AdvertlM lng Bureau. Chicago. II MliC 3 WANTED, repreentutlve t high chunu tcr and (Inunclal reponlblllty to hatmle bolar water heiitcrH, supplying hot water without Uel or tutu l In the house, over ll,Wi ulreudy in iikc AUdriHs, with rel -r-encos, Bolar Motor Co., 1M, Devonshire l Boston, Mass. B MtiJU 3 IVAJTEU-KUIULU HCL,1 WANTE1, 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. i76. C bao RELIABLE help Canadian orilce, 1522 Doug C-.S51 ' WANTED, experienced nurse girl -fer-inces required nd good wuge paid." Mrs. Thornus U. Cusudy, iC3 Sixth uve.. Council L'luns. C-AlMjj WANTED, girl for general housework in family or inree; good wagea. Mrs. Slm elul, DiC North ie.u Ave. C 242 WANTED, un experienced girl to do gen eiiil housework. Nonu others need upnly Wages H per week. Addlesa it, Bee onice Council BiuiTs. C M37fc ' BRIGHT woman to canvass; not necessary to devote all ot the duy to the work, pieasunt aim protltuble; cull between U und 13. 220 Bee bldg. C-M271 Jy3 LADIES, our lllustruted catuloguu explains how wu teach halroressing una munlcur ing, in four weeKa, mulled tree. .Moler College, 1U23 Furiium si. C 3iC Jy4 WANTED, a l-'arnam St. girl for second work. 2510 C 416 GIRL for general housework; no washing. 2U21 filtcrmun ave. C M5ua WANTED, a competent girl In a fumlly of two. Apjily to luij Georglu live. Mr. . J. Bill i;es. C MtoS 7 TWO din 2ist und dining room girls, Madison hotel, md cntcago. C Mbsl 7 WANTED-Competent girl for general housework, &.1 Cuming St. C Sh'-i" WANTED, girl wanted for general house work; no wushing, goou wuges to good girl. Apply i4 liurnvy. c-MV, 7 FOR lKILSUs. IF, YOU want your houses well rented macs them with Bunuwa &c Co. D-Uj2 TO MOVE right, get Omuhu Vun Storate cc, omci luiiv, 'ttrnam, or tel. liM-huir HOUSES for rent In all parts of the cltv Brnnun-l-ove Co., 3iu ssouth 13th street. D-R54 HOUSES, stores. Bomls, Paxton block. BEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 6C1 N. y. LIFE D-i5ti HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. D-457 HOUSES and flato. Rlngwalt, Barker block. D 60S HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block. D-.sis (ROOM house, bath und closet, 35th and Charles. Monroe it Co., tu N. loth St. D-.M534 MODERN 7-.oom flat. 125. li. B. Graham. 24th and Furnam, D-M533 U'-ROOM modern house, 241S Cupltol ave tiue. The O. F. Davis Co., 552 Bee Bldg. D-S02 TO small fumlly, u four-room house, 2floi Blondo st., i'J per month. Apply col North lth t. D-Mta7 FOR RENT, 102 N. 20th ave.. house, newly papered and painted, six flue large room. See N. L. Trimble. 1216 Furnam. D M1H9 AN ELEGANT APARTMENT in the AL BION, 10th and Pacific Sts., of FIVE ROOMS, junltor service, telephone, gas ranges, luuudry. electric light or gas, shades and awnings, good neighbors. We will also have a SWELL SIX-ROOM .partment in the WINONA by July l. PAYNE-KNOX CO., Main floor, N. Y. L. Bldg. D 2SS K17 CUMING, house, all modern except furnace; rent, $20. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. 16th and Douglas. D-950 MODERN 7-room house, near Purk. 15C9 6o. 2Sth: D-225 Jy23 NEW fc-room modern house, walking dis tance, large lot; will be reudy July 1. $22 50. Thi Byron Reed Co., 212 S. 14th st. D 2t NEW S-room house near Park ave. and Jackson ets.. strlo'ly modern, detached, corner, south und cast front, awnings for all windows; possession -July 1; only $35. Bcmls. Paxton Block. D M219 3020 CASS St., h rooms, modern, large yard, $22.60, 2128 Furnam St., 2d floor, 6 rooms, newly papered, $25.00. 2017 North 24th St., 6 rooms and ham, flO.oo. 2129 Farnum St., store room. $20.(O. 1433 South leth St., store room moms above, in ben of repairs, $30.00. 1433 South 16th St., rear, cottage, city water, GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 Farnum St, D-MI$3 3 ELEGANT 8-room house, all modern Inv provtments, 400 North 2Jd street. D-577 3 l'Olt ItLVr-IMU MJS FOR SALE, neat modern ft-roem h-Hise. barn, i if tern, etc., by owner. 3.0 Bur dette D-5T1 Julyl For RENT 3-room house, pood nelghbor hood. ti per month. Apply on premises, rear 2Sli llces St. D 6i-8 7-room fiat, n; south iih. 311 .New York Life. Clark Powell, D-47S FOR RENT, modern furnished honise, mm. walk from postuttlce lor nnt for ummer. Inquire H. B. Puyno, i l N. Y Lire. D-SWS S-Rui'M brick house, modern, 271" JacKSjn. Tcit phone a. Traynor, 491 or L 25S3. 'ROOM cottage, modern, lawn, shade, cis tern . in good condition. 2515 Blnncy st. - D-Mti4 J.' FOR ItL.VI I'LltMhllED ROOM. DEWEY, European hotel. 13th und rurnam. E seU fllE THURSTON, cool, airy rooms. E-SC1 THREE rooms, light housekeeping. 1112 South 11th. E-545 DOUBLE parlor for two gentlemen. Cuming st., 2d lloor. E- 230S 1MJ FINE large front room. IMS So. Hli St. L I'.'i SOUTH rooms, 1W Capitol avenue. . E-joO Jy3' TWO or three furnished rooms for house keeping, 003 Dougc et. L Mjsu i' holt S. 2uth st. Furnished rooms. E-MS78 1 l'lllMMIi:!) ROOMS AM) 1IOA11U. UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. ULENCAIRN.trunsients,$1.25 day. HUS) Doug K & -HE Mcrrlum, summer resort. 23 i: Dodge F--w NICE south room. The Pratt, 212 :125th St. i'-sli TWO laigc front rooms, with board. Vj0 Capitol avt. F M!47 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; rooms und board. F 562 MJyi.- NICE rooms with board. 411 N. loth St. r sui FOR RENT, rooms with board; house mod ern. 2C12 Hurney St. 451 7 FRONT room, first-class board, ISSf Har ney. F-.M.52 3 l'Olt HUM' L.M't!lllCU iUlO.MS. DESK room space, $5 per month, ground tioor loom in The Beo bullulng, lacing i'arnam street; no expense for lifaht, neat or janitor service. K. C. Peter te Uo., Rental Agent', Bee building. U 4H FOR RENT, unfurnished floor; private bath; house modern. 2t12 Harney. G IjO 7 3 UNFURNISHED rooms for light house keeping. 704 So. With St. G itil Jy2 l'UR lllj.NT SlOHKS A.MJ OFFICES. FOR RENT, store in llrst-class locution, rent leUHonuule. Apply it. C. Petera Ac ip., ground floor, Beu Bldg. 1 2C6 FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied uy The Bee at H16 l'urnum St. It ha luur stones and a basement which was tormerly um-u us the Bee press room, 'mi:! will be rented very re-uaonubly. If lnierested apply at once to C. L. itosu water, tccreiury, room 100, Bee building. l-2t.l FOR IltNT, store, 2403 Leavenworth. I 40b Jyl7 AGE.NTS M AATLU, WANTED, culivusslng ugents In every county to solicit suuscriptions lor THE i ii.'l ill in CiiiWi in i-AitMtllt and the NEW CYCLUPliDIA OF UVK STOCK AND COMl'LETE STOCK DOC UOR. This uplcnuid book contulns l,4u0 Imperial octavo pages, ouO object-teach' nig t'ligruvlngs aim is the only book on live stocK ever puulisbea adapted tu the cvery-duy, prucucul, inoney-suving use ot every turmer and stock owner, bteuuy emplumenl wltn assured good Income, .igrma in the country wltn horse and buggy ispccialiy otmireu. Cunvussers wane cubliy W to tiw per month. Ad aiesii Century Fatmcr Suilclturs iiureuu, iiee Building, Omuho. J ml WANTED, reliable agents to sell our sensi ble enuowment poncy, call or uddress C. U. Lobeck, Mgr. Dept. the Security Lite und savings ins. Cu,, 010 N, V. Lite, umaha. J M44J JyTj STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage und Warehouse Co., S12 14 Jones, getieiul siorutu uuu lorwaiiiui-j. boa OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511V Furn. Tcls. 155V-bG3. My STORAGE Household goods and other uitlulc stored ut low rates. J. j. Drright Co., 1U Farnam st. Tel. 353. M 61 MAXTUD TO UV. COMPLETE 2dhund bowling alley; .stngle uiley preiertea. Jus. omuinc.., uuv,d City. reo. S-302 4 WANTED, a good cush register, cheup for cash; rational preteirea. Letjero stating prico unu uesciioing ;iumiier, siyie, eu.. .iuurewt li iee oince, council Blun.. -N Mail 6 FOR S.Vl.i i' I It.M'i I itu. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 -Dodge, 'lei. MM. New a: .uiiaim iai'ullufc Liuueui, suiu, exchungeU. 0it ENTERPRISE FURNITURE -CO.. 102-4 6. dL lei. i. Iww und beuouuhuiij uiiiiiuru uougui, suiu unu excnungcu, l'Olt SALE UOIISUS, V111MCLES, ETC1; QUICKEST and. best npulr work on ve hicles, ii. rryst, iiin una leuvenorta.. P-27 FOR SALE, light spring wagon, slightly used, but (ioou ah new, mcu ruober-ured luuu wukoii in good coudiliuli. l-'. A, Hue . low, nil juries st. P 391 Jyo FOR SALE cheup, a 3i-lnch wugou gear, with 4-inch tires, but illtie useu. u. M. Hart, VmiI Jones St. I' lid bECOND-HAND hlgh-grude top buggy una rubucr-lilea bpeeultig vtugoi,; coup for cuhii. U. -U. liau, luOi St. P-M229 3 FOR SALE, il hcud of mutched pairs and single anvcrs. junn c. iiuins, ut l'uluce bluules, Omahu, Neb. P Mb FOR SALE cheap, high, funcy cut, under -...-, . o----. - ...,'VW.U , Allllll.llAD. rubber tirea, pel feci culiultlotu A u, Bee. P-U(l 2 l'Olt hALU .1IILL:i.L,AAiSOUS. SAWDUB1, cheupest posts, poultry und hog fence. 901 Douglas. y i73 REPAIRS und supplies for all makes of bi cycles. Omuha Bicycle Co., Kith Chicago. U-tM tDHAND safe cheap. Deright, 1119 Farnam. Q-S4 SAFES, standard makes, sold, rented. 114 S. 13 r U-o76 WIRE fence for poultry, Belgian hare, hog lield or luwn. Wire Works. 617 S. 16th St. O-MsJs Jyf BIG line of secondhand wheels, $3, $5, $S, $10. Omuha Bicycle Co., ICth uut1 Chicago Sts, Q-521 rOR SALE, at a Bargain. 1 12-H P. stationary Krlebel engine. 1 6-11. P centrlfugul purpp, 1.2O0 feet 12-lnch castlron water pipe. 240 feet 10-lnchcastlron water pipe, G00 feet l-lnch cast Iron water pipe 3 12lnch Crune Ss Chapman valves, 3 tons of speclul 6, t, 10 and 12-lnch ys tecs htid bends. 1 feed water henter for 100 H. P. boiler. 376 leet 6-Inch wrought black pip. 1,500 pounds pig lead. &00 Mounds heavv brass. Will furnish prices on any or all of -above und will sell at low (Igurcs, J. H. rol- , lock, Plattsmouth, Neb. Q M471 2 FOR SALE Cheap, range, gas stove, laun dry stovo. 646 S. 30th. Q 59S 6 POR Ai.E MISCI.LLAM.Ot 5. TWO and four pss. swings and lawn chairs at bargain prices. F A. Bu', nil Jones Q 3l Jy SET light harness, lajy saddle and bridle. Snyder phaeton, two -Kilos and parts oi harnesses, iheap. Inquire 1WJ7 IJthrop St Q-M8 2 TWO machine lathes, 1 Iron planer. 1 M Incn dt ill tiress, 1 small drill press, 5 steam engines, 1 Root blower. 2 gasoline engines, l Smediey steam pump, pulleys, hangers and shafting. 1 Barnes combined saw. O. E. Carlisle. 26S S. ISth St.. South Omaha. Tel. 1332. Q-MI2S 2 FOR SALE, gns range In good condition i.TJ Davenort St. Q-M6B 4 CLAIRVOV.t.NTS. MRS. PR1TZ, medium. US North 36th. S-S77 MMK. OYLMER out of city. July S Will re rn ' PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chropodlst; corns & supertluous hair removed b electricity. R. 12, Krenxer block. U-i.7 V1AVA, woman's way to health; rational, wholetume hom treatment. 3IS Bee Bldg. U-$sl SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent White Sewing Machln. 1C20 Doug laa. Tel. 2234. RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger, send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, U32N. Y. Lire Building, Omaha. u PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and durihg confinement; bublea adopted. :3u6 Grant St. U-4 FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mall orders solicited. Omaha Pleating Co., 1524 Douglas. U iex MME. SMITH, baths. 11S N. room 7. 15th, 2d floor, t'-SSl S PRIVATE home before and during confine, ment, babies udopted. Mrs. Burget, 2C0 Burdette. U SM) M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect ac cordion pleating plant In the west, mall orders solicited. Suite 2u0, Douglas Block. U-utt ADROIT HAIR BAZAR New location. 1620 Douglas; prlvute booths for hair dressing und manicuring, ladles' shoe shining und massaging. U MliS WE RENT sewing machines for 70 cents per week. We sell parts for und repair every sewing machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY', Corner loth und Harney Sts. U 424 Jy23 A FEW QUESTIONS: Do you smoke? Do you smoke 5c cigars? Are the cigars you are now smoking as good us you should get for 6c? Don't full to try a Prince of Omuhu, as it Is une qualled In uc cigars. It Is a long Havunu filler and strictly hand made that Is what Is essential to a good smoke. Manufac tured by THE W. F. STOECKKR CIGAR CO. Save the brands of the Stoccker cigars. U 556 Jy3 WANTED, pupils In Spanish or French. Translations from English to either lan guage. Ana Moreno, 1310 So. 2Sth St. U 2S3 Jy5 WANTED, by widower, a business man to correspond with woman not under 30 or over 45, who can glvo good references, with a view to matrimony If satisfactory. Address A CI, Bee. U M5S7 4' JIOXEY TO LOAN-HEAI. USTATE. MONET to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brcnnan-Lovo Co., 309 South 13ih W &SS I OANS cn eaotcrn Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent; borrowers can pay $1CX or any multiple: any Interest date; no dclav. Urennan-Love Co.. 3Cfi S. 13th SL. Omaha. Neb. W Ki7 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. George i: Company, 1601 Farnam street: WANTED, city and fsrm loans; also bonds nnd warrants. R. C. Peters & no.. 1702 Farram St.. Bee Bids. W SM MONET to loan at 4H and li per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melkle. 401 R. ISth. W-S92 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcud. 1524 Douglas. W 833 PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 837 N. Y. L. W-S93 MONET TO LOAN on Improved real estate; b per ceni imeren; no commission; privi lege of pijlnc $100 or more before ma turlty. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co.. John W Olsh. special loan agent, 214 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. W-S97 5 AND 6H per cent loans. W. H. Thomas, First National Bank building. Tel. IMS. W-S9S WANTED, cltv loans nnd warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St. W-M511 6. SVa P. C. loans. Garvin Bros., 3C1S Fornnm. W-351 Jy7 4Vs TO 5 P. C. money Bcmls, Paxton blk. W-MS06 MONEY TO LOAX CHATTELS. DO TOU NEED MONET? We loan $10 and up on furniture, pianos, horses and other chattels. SALARY LOANS without mortgage to people holding perma nent nnsttlons. You can cet thn monov in a few hours after making application and take 1. 2 3. 4. 6, 6 months or more In which to pay it back. Bnd you need not pay for tt one day longer than you keen It. We charge nothing for papers and we give you the nm amount in casn. mere are no lower riitcs than ours; our terms are the easiest; our business Is confidential and our motto is -iry in piease." OMAHA MORTGAGK LOAN CO.. us Tloard of Trade Bide. Tel. 229G. (Established 1S32.) 30C S, ICth St. X-901 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 318 R 11 a mii LOANS TO PALARTHD PEOPLE ON PLAIN NOTE. There goes Fritz, coming bnck again to ret lower lates nnd .'aster payments. He says nur rates are lower und payments easier than other ompanle. Cull und be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT COM PANT. THIRD vi -nn nnnM ans. paxton' X29J CONFIDENTIAL LOANS n iiousehold furniture, pianos, horses. wagons, etc . In two hours' time, also to salaried people on their plain notes, with out security Easiest payments und low est rates In Omaha. Private Interviewing room. American Loan Co., room 312 Brown block. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts,; entrance cu ICth St., opposite x. ai. c. a. mag, X-902 UARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO BAl.Aliit.iJ i-Lui'Li,, mercnanis, team hters, boarding houses, etc., without e curlty; easles' terms, 40 ofhees In principal Ciller, xcimuii, iv uouru ui iraae uiag, A 899 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE. live rluck. etc. uu ck service unu lou-est rates guaranteed. J. W. TAVLOE. 6'M (top floor) Paxton block, northeast corner ICth and Furnam; entrance on luin street. X-933 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R. S.Burker blk. X 904 STiORT time loans. Joe Fleasunts, 54 X-WS u , . $1,000.00 TO place quick. M J. Kennard 6t son. suite ai u, iirown nioctc x 90 Ill'SIMZSS C1IAXCUS. FURNITURE of 7-room flat, elegantly equipped, fine location, chfcup rent, 'full centlemen roomers, nartv leavlnc cltv will sell at a bargain. J. H. Johnson, N Y. Life. i-543 GRAND HOTEL furnishings and four-yea lease .Tor sale for cash only; thirty-rlv newly furnished rooms; the best stand In the state: is a Bargain, tt. i: itanuin, , Hartlngton. Neb. Y-M2a2 J AM offering for sale my entire business wood, coal, feed and groceries, also build ing and lot. For particulars Inquire of i nos Kisntcn, 2406 west Broaawav, coun cu eiuns. 1 iioj m sim:..1' ciiAci:f. FOR SALE or rent, my blAcksmlth ship una wacor.maker snop, uing b goou du.-i- tiess. on f. i i(ount or my health li C. U alter, Norfolk, Neb Y-JUM J12 Kf)R SALE or trade, half or whole Interest In drug store, hard wood floor. Matthews gas maih'ne, soda fountain, etc . In a lively county scat. Thyroid-Lymph Co , u") faee Bldg. Y-5! TOR S..V1.E REAL ESTATE. IRRIGATED LAND FOR SALE, h. the rich valley of Lojp river 1 can offer for sale many farms at reasonable prices. This land U a rich sandy loam and pro duces elegant crops. The farmers are fast putting their land Into alfalfa, which brings them fine returns, thn-e and tour crops a year being harvested at little or no expense, netting as high an i dm ucrc nc me each yonr. Most of this land Is under a fine irrigating canal, with a steady and reliable How til water from the Loup river I will name a lew pieces; meadow. bJluncc pasture land. Price, JiO. acres. i-mue irom couniy seat; guuu e room house, orchard, lots of tlirber, W acres can be Irrigated, M acres line al lalfa, 115 cres pasture. Price, J4.0W. 160 acres, house, windmill, orchard. So acre pasture, w acres larm land, 40 acres irri gated. Price, tl.&O. 220 acres, loo under plow, balance rasturej house, windmill, barn. Price. J1.2.J. 100 seres, lino place for stock, frame house, orchard, barn, plenty of wtaer and Urn- ter rrice, jsw. 200 acres, 75 ncres plow land, balance pa' ture. on good clay soil. Price 3S per acre, Ifti at res. 25 acres cultivated, V per acre. lff ncres, 50 ucri cultivated, M per acre. 17V ncres, with fenced meadow thnt will cut W to 75 tons hay. small frame house and stable, good tock farm Price, 11.104. Many other that arc good bargains All this land will produce thf best of. alfalfa, with a good market and ready snle at good prices, being near the cattle ranges. Write for particular. II. A. STEWART, Taylor. Loup County, Ncb RE-W3- FOR SALE, cheap, my residence, 2137 S. SJd st.; all modem. Apply F Richardson, Mcreh.-nts' National bnk. G. W. Me geath. RE-M3S0 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union PaclPc Railroad company. B. A. McAllaster, land commissioner. Unljn Pacific Headquarters. Omuha, Neb. RE-312 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam st. RE-174 FOR SALE, on monthly payments, 8-room modern house on North :4th St. ear line: also vacant lots which will be Improx od for purchaser on moderate payment down. Mutual Loan and -Building Asoclation. G. M. Nuttlagcr, secretary, Bee Bldg. r.e-c:i HOJJSES and lots tn all parts of city; also ucro property nna iarm ;anns. i tie u. r, Davis Co., Room 652, Bee Building. RE-909 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. CC1 N. Y. LIFE. RE-BIO CORN LANDS and stock ranches In the corn Belt country, write for my lift. W. H. Clements Lyons. Neb. RE-I6C RENTS $150. PRICE $3.100 -In good nclgh- tiornooa near .'inn anu Leavenworth, n v room house, bath, gas; city Water, sewer and f-room cottage, city water, 50x122 ft . east front lot. Purchaser cun occupy the cottage and rent the other house for 11 per cent of the entire cost of the property CERTAINLY A BARGAIN FOR A HOME OR AN' IXT.STMI!VT riVVVVlJ MUST SELL. WILL SUBMIT OFFER. ! UAKVIK BROS., 1613 FARNAM ST. RE M537 S CHEAP HOMES: Goorgla Ave., S rooms, good house. $4.2.iO. House. 8 rooms. 22d and Spencer St . $I.W0. House. rooms, good order, 2213 Locust St.. $2.2W. House, fi rooms, 1512 Corby St., $1,200. Good house, 7 rooms, 1514 Yates- St., $2,800. Cottage, 5 rooms, city water, full lot, 3032 Emmet St., $650. Cottage. C rooms. 1503 nurdette St.. 1 1.230. Good house, 8 rooms, big lot, X5th and Ham ilton St., 11 soia now, ii.Tbu. House, 10 rooms. 1420 Dorcas St.. nil In fine condlt Ion. $1,750. Two houses, full lot, 2Mh. and Dupont Sts., $110. Georgia Ave.. 1511, S roflms $4,250. 3124 Mason St., houser',7Vrooms, paved St., full lot, $1,500. . W. T. Graham, Bee Bldg. RE 683 4 HOUSES, lots,, farms, loans: also fire Insurance. Bemls, Paxton blk. RE-M603 TWO stock farms for sale In South Dnkitn, unu a--u acres; gooa location: plentv water, good Improvement, bottom land, E. A. Carr, St. Lawrence, S. D. RE-M601 7 LOST. LOST. Auditorium brick No. 425. Reward lr returned to umaha Daily News. Lost-261 STOLEN, torrell mare, white face, rlcht front and left hind feet white, left Hp branded; piano box side-bar top buggv. black bodv, red gear. Return to 2712 N. lst st. Reward. Lost 559 2 LOST A black wallet containing Jewelry ana papers. Had monogram E. B. on It. Finder will receive suitable reward by returning same to Tl. Brandels, Boston store. Lost IOC J A SMALL gold medal n. J. Mohr on bar. Please return to 1123 N 17th St. Lost 3541 2 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, tho acknowledged leading sne- ciuiin in aiscascs oi women in Umaha, would coll the attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations be fore ..r.d during confinement, and his treatment for Irregularities, nr. matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp. Dr Pries; 1513 Dodge st., Omaha.' Neb. M 230 Jy21 BICYCLE. BIG Are sale while they last; 2nd-hand wheels, $3 up, Louis Flescher, 1622 Cap itol. j WE ARE closing out our blcyclo stock and to qo mis we are mailing special prices, $40.00 wheels.. $30 (0 25.00 wheels , 17.50 10.00 secondhand wheels 6.00 See us before buying a bicycle nnd .we will suvr uu money. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY. Cor. 15th and Harney. 425 6 SMOHT1IAXD AND TYPUwm'ING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -818 BOYLEP' College, court reporter principal. XJCU XJlUg. HI? NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Bovd's i ncaicr. D20 GREGG Shorthand. Om C, Col., 16 & Doug. 921 PATENTS. PATENTS No fee unless successful. Sues &l co., uee i3iag umana, Neb. Advice free. 158 Jyl5 WILL BUY any good Invention or patent 1,1,1.... T nT- -rj ru , ,.t ' M'J2J MASON. FENWICK Ai LAWRENCE, wnshlngton. D. C. H J. Cowglll, agent, 315 Ramge block. Omaha, Neb. 956 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, E15 N. X. L, Bldg. Tel. 1664, Alice Johnson, D.0 ladles' dept.; Gtd E. Johnson, Osteopathia, Mgr. 1 DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tel. 13S -917 A. T. HUNT. D O., 305 Karbach Blk. Tol.2352 M 474 BRIEFS AND BLANKS, THE printing of lawyers briefs In a per fectly satisfactory manner requires training, experience and equipment, The umana Mercury aoes tnu work -just right, Legal blanks, hundreds of forms, for sale, Send for catalogue. 297 JV4 FISHING AND PLKASCRU RESOHT. IF YOU want good bass and croppy fishing go to Langdon, Mo. Very best of hotel accommodations. Plenty of boats and mlnncws. Write R. A. Dlttmar for rates. 870 I Altl'i:,Vi EIlS AMI JOIUIEIIS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to J T Ochiltree, joth tnJ Lake Sts. 370 VI ll.MTt in: Itr.PAlRIXi, TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklin. 2U1 Cuming SL -tii IMAM) Tl'MMI. PIANOS tuned, J1.50. F. Lessenttn. Mahdel brg a Jewelry Store, Paxton blk lei ItfW. 29" J.2i ELOCtrTIO.. ELLA DAY, 1920 Dodge. Mn. Wd. Thur Sat -lsi Jy2." v v.Miitorvi:its. EAGLE Loan Oftlce, reliable, uccommoclit lng; all business conlldcntlol. 13U1 DougU.t. -S27 F.X P I1I1T A CCO t TAXTS. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or ovn ing, R. la, Com. Nat. Bank. G. R. Rathbun. -?23 STA.-llMEItlMS AM) STLTTU1UXG. CURED. Julia Vajghn, 430 Ramge Bldg. D3i SIDE WALKS. SIDEWALKS Stone, cement, brick. Wei khutis Mantel and Tile Co., Ji So. 17th st. -512 Jys BOILER MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tanks, stacks, etc Tel. 135V. U'th and Izard f-is -321 ACCORIMOX Pl.EvTlMJ. ACCORDION pleating; cheapest, best, qulcksst. Mrs. a. C. Mark, S. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam. S26 LAL.Mllll. OMAHA Steam Laundry, shirts. 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Liavcr.worth. Tel. 647. -9-'2 GARIIAGU HAILING. ANTIMONOPOLY Garbage Co cleans cess pools & vaults, removes garbage & dead unlmals ut rcducid prices, ul X. IB. tel. -274 Jy2 Pit ESS. MAKE Its. IN families. Miss Sturdy, 257C Harney. -340 Jy6 itnw.Mtn. $75.00 REWARD offered for the arrest and diun Si hoot, Nebraska, u brick sihoul btul.l convlctlon of the party who entered and ,ng nnd a frame hospital building, ltn luu stoie shoes from the store of 11 Meier a lnir heutlni: and electric lighting system. 111 Elkhorti, Neb,, the r.lght f JunL 27 Cltl- 2ens com., HKnorn, .-sen, u. THE BIC HYDRAULIC TIRE SETTER Sets heavy wagon tires while you wait. Brine on your wheels. Drummond Carriage Company, I8th and Harney. POSTOFF1C15 MJTICC. (Should bo read DAILY' by all interested as changes may occur at any time). Foreign mails for the week ending July 6, 1W1, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the eenernl tiostotllce us follows: PAR CELS, POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Parcels post mulls for Germany close ut 6 p. in. Monday und Wcdncsduy. Becular nnd supplementary malls close at foreign brunch half hour later than clos ing time shown below. Trnim-A t Innt lo Mull. WEDNESDAY'-At C:30 a. m. for ITALY, tier s. a. lximDHruin. via Names (man must be directed -per s. s. mbartiO; I ut 8:30 a. tn. (supplementary 10 u. m.) Ior GREAT BRITAIN. 1REL,ND onidd,. othi. mi'S r n,r FRANCE, ptr s. s. Germanic, via Queens- 1 tbwn (mall for other parts of Europo must be directed "per . s. uermanic ); at iu a. m for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. ICenslngton (mall must be directed "per t,. s. Kensington"). THURSDAY" At 6:30 o. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Fuerst uismarcK, via I'lymoutn. Cherbourg and Humburg (mall for Franco must be directed "per s. s. Fuerst Rit marck"). at 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SW1TZ ERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MARQUEZ, per s. La Champagne, via Havre (mail for other parts tn urope must be directed "per s. . La Champagne"). raTFBDAY" At 6:80 a. m. for EUROPE. per s s. litruna, via wuecneiown; u, ( n m. for dunmajik. per s. s. iiek'a II III. lut ...... o. f. . . I. , (mall must be directed "per s. s. Hekln"); at 7.30 a. m for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. a. Staiitendum (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Stantendam"); at S a. m. for ITALY", per fi. . Aller, via Naples imall must be directed "per s. s. Alter"); Ht 9:30 u. in. for SCOTLAND dlreot. pv,r s. k. Astoria (mall must be directed "per s. s. Abtorla"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls steamer takes I'rintea Mutter, commercial i'u pers nnd Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless sneclallv directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary Ttnnsiitlantlc aiatis named above, ad dttlonul supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American, English, French nnd German steamer, and remain open until within Te- Minutes of the hour of tailing ot steumir. "Hulls for South und CentrnI Amerlcii, West Indies, IRti. delnhla. WI-TiVRSDAY At 7cm for ST. KTTTS. BRITISH, dutch ana fhjjnch GUIANA per s s i uer; at :30 n m. for 1NAGUA and HAITI, per s. s. Lation burg; nt 10 u. m. for HAITI, per s. s . Prlns Mnurltz (mall for Curacao. Vene ruelu, Trlnldnd. British und Dutch Guiana must be directed "per s. s. Print. Muiir Itx 'i; ut 12 m. for CUBA, YUCATAN, CAMPECHE. TABASCO and CHIAPAS, I per s s. Ksperanza. via Havana unu Progreso (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per . . Eeperunza '), at 12 m. for BRAZIL, per h. s Buffon (mail for Northern Brnill. Argentine Re public, Uruguay and Paraguay muH be directed "per s. s. Buffon"). THURSDAY At 8 a m. for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY and PARA Kl'l UL.IC, IIUUIAI unu i -iia riv tier s Alnwick: nt 6:30 n. m GUAY, per s h Alnwick; nt 6:30 p. m for JAMAICA, per s. e. Admiral Sumpson Illllll'l . AHmlrll Ui.mnonn from iioston FRIDAY" At 12 m. (supplementary 12:30 p m.t for NASSAU, Gl'ANTANAMO and SANTIAGO, per s. b. Santiago. SATURDAY At 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s s Ponce, via San Juan; at 9 a. m. (supplementary 6:30 a mj for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per . s. Hlldur (mail for Bavunllla und Carthngena must be di rected "per s Hlldur i; at !:3 h. in. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORT' NIS ISLAND. JAMAICA. S A VANILLA, CAR THAOENA and GREYTOWN, per s. s. Alleghany (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. . Allegheny"); at !:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 u m,) for ST, THOMAS, ST. CROtX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS. BRITISH, DUTCH und FRENCH GUIANA per B. s Fontabelle (mall for Grenada and Trinidad must be directed "per s. s. Fon tabelle"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. b, Morro Castle, via Huvana: nt 10 a. m, for "MEXICO, per s. . OrUaba, via Tam pleo (mall mutt be directed "per s. a, Orliaba"). Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North postui i u i; Mint i. 'Sydney and thence by rtcamer. close at this . otllie dally ut 6 a p tn u ...:;' i ting . ioe i here every Monday. W ednesittty and Sat i- da) i. Mull lor Mlqueloii, li) rati u .Mitus ior Miqueloii, li) rali lo It' tun and thence l summr. i lost at la,.- olilie dally at 6.30 p m Mulls tor Cuba. tv rail to Port Tamps. Fla... and then. by steamer, close at this uttte Oail upt Sunda)) at la in (the .oniir.tliig .. I st-s are on Monday, Wednesday and Satwrdu Malls for Cuba, by rail to Miami. Fla.. nnd thence by steamer, close at this nihil et:y Sunday at ,lS m. Malls fur Mexico City, overland, unless siwclulls addresseu lor ills- i patch by steamer, close at this olllre dall) ai i ' p. in. ana u p in .f ior osin Rica, Relite. l'uerto Cortes and Guatemala, bv rail to New Orleiui.' and thence by steamer, close at this olliec dally at "l.M p. m. (connecting ilttsfs nert Mondays lor it itellse, Puerto Cortex and Guatemala tnd Tuesdays for Cotu Rica, "Registered ! mall closes ut t p. in. previous day. Trmis-Pneilli' Mnllv Mails for rhlna and Japan, via Vancouver, Hose here dull at t.JU p. m up lo July :, miluslve, for dlspiitih per . s. Em press of China (registered ma!', must be dlretted "via Vancouver"!. Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, close hire dully ut C.3" ;i. in 1 t ,' ,1 Ti. Inclusive, for disputch per s s Kan. Kuril Mam (registered 11. a, 1 must la felted "via Seattle';. Mails for Hawaii, China, Japan and Ph.. I -pint, via San Frunclsio, lose her - dai v at t: JO p. m. tip to July "4, Inclusive, tor dispatch per s. s. Doric. Malls fot Australia (except West Australia, which forwarded via Ajronu. New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Ilawnlt, via Suh lYanclsco, close here dally at C.S0 p. m alter June ".".l and up to July . in clusive, or on arrlvul 01 5. s Campania due at New York July "O. for dlsp.itkh per k s. Sierra. Malls fur China and Japan, via Tar mn. close here dully wt 6:3" p m. up to Jo y 11. inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Bruc tnar. Malls for Hawaii. Janan. China and Philip pine Islands, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6.30 p tn. up to July "1. , (lusivc. for i.lsiKitch per s. s Ni,' ,r Muru. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco nri here dally ut 6:30 p. m. up to July l: f -r dlspatih per s. s ra)alidlu. Malls for Australia (except West Austrillu which goes via Euro)i, and New .ea land, which goes .'la San Francisco FIJI Island, via Vuheouvei. 1 S her dully at 6.311 p. m. after July "ii and U to July "20, Inclusive, for rtlspstih pr s. Aorungl (supplementary mail-. m.i Seattle nnd VKturlu;, close at 6:30 p. m July 21. Trans-Paclflc malls are forwarded n of sailing dally and the Sthedjle of 1 1, m ig Is urranged i,n the presumption of thilr un interrupted overland transit "Reglst red mall closes nt 6 p. m previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster,. Postofflce. New York, N. Y., June -S, 1"01 (,'OVi:il.Mi:l' NOTUES. PROPOSALS FOR SCHOOL AND HOM I- , tal Buildings und Building rials Department of the Interior, oltlce vf Indian Allalr. WHshltigtoii, D C. June 2s. U"d - Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals tor Buildings. Genua. Neb.. ' and addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Wash- 1 Ingtoti, V. C, will be revel .'I'd nt the lb dlun Ulllce until two o clock p In of J.i v 29, l'.ni. for furnishing und delivering the . n. cessary materials and labor tciuired 1 ! otistrucr mm complete ut tne , nuu in strict accordance with pinna, speclllcutl ni.t und Instructions to bidders, whlih may be I .'.lmln,.,! nt thl OKI ika .tii,.iid 1 r The Bee, Omaha. Neb, the "Nebrusuii Stute. J.iurnul," Lincoln, Neb., the "Jour nal," Sioux City. Iowa, the "Times Herald ' Chicago, 111 , the Builder' nnd Trader' Exchange, Omuha. Neb . the Builders' und Truders' Exchange, Mllwiiu- kee, Wis. the Northwestern Munutiu tut cr' Asoi iatloti. St Paul. Minn, the U S, Indian Warehouse at M5 Howard strict Omaha. Neb.. 235 Johnson street, ihlcugo. fill, and 77 Woostir strct, New York. N Y 1 nd Ht the school. Scaled pro p.isnla, endorsed "Proposal for Building ' Materials. ' nnd addressed to W H Wins low. Gcnoii, Neb., will be received ut tho .Indian school i.ntll two 1. clock p m ot July 2li i:U. for lurnlshing and delivering till llie ( liooi, no ; i-tiuii c-ti. uuuui -i.,mv of lumber, assorted, 52,000 ililngle. :w win- , dow sash. 25.C.KI brick, 25 barrel lime, some ; sand, nulls and hinges, a per list and , specification at the school. For further ' lnrormutlon apply to W. 11. Wlnslow, su perintendent, Jiiuinn school, ueiion, rseu. W. A JONES. Commissioner. cr'nii'T- MoT" i,tne7- aTvA 1 ST. FALL, Minn.. Juno 6. lien. si,ALL,D ' PROl-OSALS. In triplicate, will be received 1 ( . ...... o rlock a. m.. July 6. 1001. for furulbhlni: such OATS, tIRAN, HAY und STRAW us may be required during tho lisial year com 1 menclng July 1, 1001. ut St. Paul and Fort snelllng, .Minn.; Fort lutes, jv. D; I'ump Merrltt nnd Forts Asslnnlbolnc. Harrison and Keogh, Mont.; Fort Y'ellowstone. Wyo., and Fort Meude, H. D. Instructions rur nlshcd on uppllcutlou here or to the iuiir termasters at the post named. V. S. le Berves the right to accept or reject imy or all proposals or tiny part thereof. Envel opes containing proposals should be marked "Proposal f" Forage and Straw." GEO. E. POND. C O. M. Jc6-7-S-10Jy3-4m PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY HORSES. Chief Quartermuster s Oltlce, Chicago, 111., July 1, 1W1. Scaled propouls. In trlpllcot--, will be received at this office, until 12 o'clock noon, central time, und at oltlce of the Depot yuurtcrmuster, Portland, Ore., until 10 o'clock a. m., Pucltic time, July 13, 1001, for furnishing und delivering 2s0 cavalry horses ut Fort Riley, Kun,, Fort Leavenworth, Kun.. or other prominent railroad points. Proposals will be enter tained for less thun the entire number of hornet required. iPurtlculur and blunkn for 'nTe" proposals win uc iurninea on application, Quartermaster. Portland, bie. 15 u at. nuw cniei quartermaster D-3-4-5-6-10-11M RAILWAY TIMU CARD. BURLINGTON &. MIS t.ourl River Rullroud "The Burlington Route" General Omccs, North west Corner Tenth and Farnum Streets, Ticket Ulllce, lu03 Furnam Street. Telephone iju. Burlington Stutlon, Tenth i and .Mabon Streets, leiepnone ' icuve, Arrive. j-ancoin, iiusiuma iiu McCoof. a s;40 am u 7:35 pm 1 lriln ll.niflf Coin. rudo, Utah, Culiforulu a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm Alilunce Express u 4.2j pm u j:00 pm Lincoln &. Bluck Hills.. u 'JM nm a C.15 am Mumiin. lJugci Sound.. a u:oo pm u 6:45 um Lincoln Fast Mull b 3;uo pin u v. 17 um Wymorc, Beatrice und Llncoli a 8:40 am Ml: 55 am Denv-r. foioruan, Utah and i ailf orma a 6:45 um Fort Crook, So. Bend, Louisville, Planum' tn. b 3:23 pm bll:05 am Bellevue. I ..ttsmsuth ii Pacltlc Junction a 7:40 pm a &:20 urn Bellevue, P.uttsmouth & Pncitb Junction .... a 3.10 am u Daily, b Dully except Sunduy. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO feeph & Council Bluffs Ruilroud "Tho Burlington Route 'Ticket otllce, 1502 Fiirnum Street. Telephone 250, Depot, Tenth und Mason Streets. Tele phone 12S. icave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex ..a. Mum u 6:u5 pm Kansas CUV Nlgnt lix. .uiv-.w pm u ous am , St. Louis Fiyct, is, Joseph and St. Louis. a o:l0 pm all;15 um a Duiiy CHICAGO, BURLINGTON Ai guihcy ilallroud "The Burlington Route" Ticket Otllce. 150J Furnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot, lentn und Muson Stteets. Telephone 12b. Leave. Arrivn. Daylight Chicago Spe cial . .. a 7:00 am al0:20 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm u 7:45 um Chicago Local Express. a 0:30 um u 4:05 om r-hlrniro Limited . . u 7'SO om n 7 il ! Si" ?aK "mlieo u i.w pm a 7.45 um I UBl ;15 pm a Dally. MISSOURI PACII'IC RAIL. road-General Offices una Ticket offices, Southeast C.0"'"' nth and Douglas Sts. 'Jelephone, lot. Deiiot, Union stutlon. Leave. Arrlv, St. Louis und Kansus City Express a 10:00 am u 6:23 pm a 0:i5 am it c., St. L. Express.. u 10:50 pm Leave from 15th and Webster Btrccti: NehrasKa Local. Via Weepln? Mur b 4:10 pm al0:45 am u Dally i Dally except Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD TIC kit Office. 1415 Furnam Street. Telephone, 322. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts Telephone. 625 Leave, Arrive, ism Kf l.onln "fannon Ball" Express a I'm a 6:20 urn mm -- R im v timi: vims. ft. e.mont. elkhor.n u Mis un Valley Ruilroj The Northwestern Line ' General Ulllces, I'nltrd States National Hank llullding. S. I'.irner Twelfth and 1'ar- Ti.ket omcc. 141 Farnam St. Ml Denol. ISth and Webstir . sis. reiepnone, ltn. j Leave. Arrhc I Black Hl'.ls. Doadwood, . , Hot Springs a S:M pm a 5:09 pm W,,mlng. Casper und i Dm i Bias d 3:10 pm e 5:00 pm Hastings. ork. David i'lti. Sunerlot. G"ieu. Exeter and Ser.ard....b S:W pm I Norfolk. Netuisre and b 6:00 pm Fremont b 7.30 am bl0; am Llnco.n, '.'. .1 & Fre- dioni b 7:30 am blO: am Frsmtint iifnl t 7.30 am c Dally b Fatly except Sunday, c Sun day oht d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Mundav. CHICAGO fc NORTH western Railway "The Northw eslerti Line" ;ity Ticket Ortlce. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone. 561. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Streets. Tele UlluIlC. C29. Leave. Arrive. Dn, light Chicago Spe- 1 cini n, 7:00 am all:30 pm 1 Chi ago Passeng.'t a 1.15 pm l SAO am Eastern Express. Dcs I M ilnei. Marshalltow n, Ctdar Rapids und Chicago ul0:55 am a 4:05 pm I Eastern Special, chl- ; cHgo and East a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm ' Fust Mail. Chicugo to Omaha a 2:45 pm Omaha-Chicago Ltd.. a 7:45 pm a i:W am hart .Mall a 8:30 am . Cedar rapids Passenger. u 5;3o pm ' u linllv CHICAGO, ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omahu Hallway "The North western Line ' Gencrul Ollki. Nebraska Divi sion, 13th und Webster Kts. Cltv Ticket Oiilce. ili'l Furnam St. Telephone, SCI. Depot, turn unu webster sis. xeiepnonc, na. Leave. Arrive. Twin v n I'ussengcr , SL' i City Passenger. Local a Daily . .a 6:00 am a 8:10 pm . .u m 15 pm till. 10 tun ..b 6;J0 pm b S:30 am SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General OIllccs, United States National Bank Building, o. W. Corner Twcllth and Farnum Sts. Ticket Olhce, Hul Farnam SL Telephone, 561. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Telephone, 6J9. Leave. Arrive. Twin "' Lxpress a am al0:25 pm Twin City l.imneu . a 7:55 pm u 6:16 um SIjux City Loiu u :oo um u 3:50 pm a 1 ally CHICAGO, ROCK 1SL and ,v Pucllli Railroad The Great R01 k Island Route" City Ticket uillcc, 1323 Far i.uin Strcit. Telephone, h.5 Dejiul, Tenth und Muro Strveib. Tue- phuiie. v e. Arrlva. a 2:00 am hi 1:35 am a &:10 um a 4:15 pm u 1::'5 pm EAsT I'hlcago Daylight Spe.. a 6:00 um i.-i .vi' nt and Duvcp- .) '' Strit v itivrv '-r' - -- Des Mollies Loral u 4:20 jun Lhkugo Fast Express. .u 5:iw pin li.-H .luiuc. Ro:k isl- und und Chlcuso.... ;u 7:40 pm a 9:33 pm Roik Mountiiln LU11...U 2:00 um u 6:00 am Litu 'in, ColorMuo Spgs.. Denver. I'ucblo und West a 1:30 pm a 4:13 pm Culuiudo. okluhomu Texus Flyer a 5:20 pm n D;50 um u Dally b Daily excent Sunday. UNION PACIFIC--THE OVER land Route"-General Office. N. E. Cor. Ninth und Furnam Streets. City Ticket oltlce, 1324 r arnum street, i iiepnoue, sis. Depot, lentil und Maicy Sts. Veiephoue, 62D. Leave. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited.. n. 0:20 um u 7:30 pm n'l... ''ortlancl , special a f :20 nm a ,:30 pm The Fast Mull.. a k:50 am a 3:25 pm Tim Mull und Express. ,all:33 pro u 4:26 pm Tlie Colo.-udo Speclul. . .ull;35 pra a 6:50 am , inPniii Beatrice nnd '''JlV. u iVir.... 1. irftr. t.m Tjie I'aclIlC ixpress-.-.a i ii. TV,,, aii i , .us ! :y urcsa. . . a I'M am Grand Island Local.... b 5:30 pm b 8:25 am a Dauy b Dally except Sunday. Railroad City Ticket OI flco. 1402 Furnam Street. Telephone, 245, Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. iHMy Leave. Arrive. Chicu i-xnress u ,;w am u o.ju pin Chicugo Limited a i.ij pm Minneapolis A: uui -,-b i:u0 um Mi,,i..,.,iinMF A- St. 1'UUl u 8:o3 um b 0:40 pm Limited u 7:45pm a S:05 um Fort Poden Local irom Council fluffs b 4:50 pm a 6:15 am Fort Dodge Local from Council Bluff tt 6:00 am n. Dally, b Dally except Sunduy. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express u 5:15 pm a S:20 am Kansas City and Qulticy Local a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm u Dally. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL road Omaha, Kansas city & Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Route" Ticket Of fice, 1415 Furnam St. Tele phone. 322. Depot, Tenth und Marcy Sts. Telephone. C2U. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 5:15 pm a 6:;o um Kunsus City und Qulncy Locul a i :00 am u 3:oo pm a Dully- CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE tMILWAuKttf htrctt. Telephone, 21. ''StpiUL I Depot, Tenth und Mason Satt- Leave. Arrive. Chicago rbmahu Ex b 7 15 am I. 3:40 pm Chicago Limited Ex a 6.'") pm a b.uj an, a Dally 1 . Dally except Sunduy Summar Tours on Like Michigan. THE ELECANT IkiJ A, MJ I T H 1 1 STEAMSHIP . ,!. r tnlkM trl-wiwklf lr i lor f)k.rlfilr. Ilrl.r hprlBS. fi.V.u,.ht. l.ln for J..k. Hucrlcr. LUrn ud 0u4li. Point. Hf.cll Hate, to I'.n.Anirrlnan. LEAVES CHICACO AS -"OLLOWSt T.m, 10 . m. Tfcnr.. II m. KH.bp.m. Mfinltou Stoomshlp Compony, OFFICE & DOCKS, Ruih and N Water SL.. Chicago. Dlreot Route to Cllsigon nxblbltldn ANCHOR LINE teanislilp from New York Weekly for (iUAM.OW IA I.ONlOM)I"HRY. Saloon. $50 and up. Second C&blti. $32.50 and up. Third Class, $26 and upwards, For Illustrated folder und further Informs, tion apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, or J. S. McNALLY. 1323 Furnam St., GEO. E. ABBOTT, 1324 Farnum St., Omaha. WISCONSIN MEN IN TOWN Tulrt) Vlkttnrs from .Mlliiunkee and Wiitertotrn Mop In Oinulin u route Went, A party of thirty Milwaukee and Wuter town, Wis., business men, headed by Cap tain J. W. Woodnorth of Milwaukee, was In Omaha yesterday enroute to Tres Plcdras, N. M. All of the members oi the party are Interested In a Now Mexico mining propo sition a short distance (mm San Pledras and will spend a weel; inspecting their property "partu of Wisconsin uro suffering from lack ot rain and It seemed good to come Into states that are in as tine condition as Iowa and Nebraska. All crops here Bcera to be In excellent condition," remarked F C, Hartwlg, one ot tho Watertown men of the party. The following men were In tho party: Captain J. W. Woodnorth, Edward Mcrtz, Milwaukee; V. C. Hartwlg, O. Maorzke, John llaliliepner, Fred Wllcowskl, FranU Weber. Fred Ohm, William Prltzlatt, Charles Vaughn, William H. Buerhaus, Watertown. The visiters were shown over the city by City Electrician E, V Schurlg. WW nam Sts Telciih'f,e.