10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEPNESPATfPLY 3, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Whtat Higher on Hprti of Herj Dttnip in Iranoi. CORN MARKET ACTIVE AT THE OPENING Advances on IlnjInK Ity Commission Unuir-Aitlii'i Lovrcr nt first, lint Rises Lntcr I'rm Itilnns Rule Dull. CHICAGO, July :.-Dlwippolntlnc caWr snd excellent crop prospects were the weakening racUire in the wheat market to i.M.,.,Hlr.. irnm l-runce leportlrg damage to ciops thete entirely i,vcro,.me K pte.ni.er cloVcd UfiKc higher Soptcmter corn Vi'"c higher and oats he l"ir 1'rovlslons closed weak and 6c to .-V lower. tiu latter los.4 being on September l'Vkheat wan weak early, on continued de cline" at Liverpool and on lino hurvellng weather un.l Increasing moVJ!mi,,)1l,'',.J, neii wan u complete rally later, on ! rent h .v...... iininmhu li renortlm: that the crop i i....,,. iiiiiir,.,! bv the heat ' ,' I "V.n.l ,r lv e cables announced franco would require W.UWW to WW"" bushels 01 wneai iruiu uuiu..u. mostly a local market, with shorts adding ... .V.r.i. n.,u ..hrK nni liiivltm later oil Hi in,;,, ...... ,. thn reaction. September opened i louir t , higher at Sft5',.c. Uotwccn thciv th. i.rlr.. held lalrly steady. I he :..... ....,.. ....... i.Mnouwi nt ir,-e. low.i i the dose a quick advance, was made to Wic and the clone wan llrm and 'iV5 i.i.!r.. ..! ,iv.ii- Urn, uirrets rcnorted a decriBe In tlW world-M vtidblc of 2.W,o.uOO I,,, mi thrrn was a decrease In co.ltrait utnxitu in rpiiiilar warehouses of 7al,"i bu Beaboari export were 400.000 bu., usalnst tiu. u ynr ago, Minneapolis mill uiiimn r"in. n - cnVs. against cars '.l .wuck.. "Fa" n" ii last year Local receipt weie i3 c,rs 11 of contract grade. morl,, , There was a nervous, active market rt the opening lu corn, with conditions nearlj the reverse of thoi.e prevalent yest rdu. Showers over the corn belt, with reports of no ilamaRo inns iar to wic bioiw r h In regular warehouses or uiwi mi. mrd reported llfty boatloads taken for rt and clearances of wheat and tln'ir equal to 2'il,0X) bu. l'r.tnary riccpt t... i , ....tiu.wt u'enlc nlicnillir Ilia m .- sidcrnblo limit corn came out. beptemb r opened fV to ,i shade over a cent lower than yesterday's clone and later the pr co dropped to 45Uc. Toward the cloe there wan a sharp advance on Rood toninilsnlj n house buylim, together with buying b outsiders, and tho market ndvnnced to 47V. closing Wio higher at 4it Contract ....,!,., I,, menhir wnrchnusi'M increase'! IS.1,000 bu. Seaboard reported ten boatloads I candled, 13314c; western, uncandlcd, lOff 12He l'OL'LTRY-Allve, heavy; springers, 15 He, turkeys, Sc; dressed, weak! springers, 17fffl9e; turkeys. 7&4c; fowls, OfflOc. .MKTAUM-I'ronounceii weaKiieRs in iim Iondon metal market, with free offeringi nnd Rbsence of substantial demand her , caused the market to ease off gcneraliv At the close the ftellng was heavy. Private cables attributed london's weakness to largo offer nits from all primary .poinis. offset to some degree by rtubbornly held spot tin. The New York marKet tor tin closed easy, with $17.70 bid nnd I2S.10 asked. I'lg iron warrants were very nuii, wun bid and SlO asked. Iike copper was veiy dull, with the Mat price ?17. Lead was un- cnangeii at n.;ii'j, wnue speuer ruien vru dull, with W.90 bid and .1.5 asked. Tin In London lost JC2. Spot In Hint markit. however, closed net lfs higher. Copper declined lis 3d to tho lowest figures of ihe year thus far, lail declined Is 3d. while Iron was dull nnd lower abroad. MlddUs borough closed at 41s 7',il, whllo Ola-gow reported spot at lis Id. OJMII.V wIiMmTijI.I.K MAllKKT. Condition of Trnilf nnd (Inntntlona on Mtnple nnd f-'nney I'roituce. EOfJK Itecelpts liberal: good Block, firm. 10eiilffC. IJVIJ 1'OUI.TIlV-lIcns. 7c; young and lid roosters, Siitic; turkeys, GftSc; ducks and geese, t;c, spring chickens, per lb., 12tt13c. HUTTKH- Common to fair. 12WB13C! choice ilalr. lu tubs, 1 111 15c; separator, ISc. KUKSH KISII-niaek basi, ISc; white 1(IH. he, bhlellsh, 11c; btllllicads, 10c: blue IIiib. 7c. bulTulos. 6c. catfish. 12c: cod. aci crapplcs, "jloc; clscoes. 7c: halibut, lie: her ill L'. ic; haddocK, lCc, pickerel, 7c: pike. 8c; led snapper. 10c, salmon, He; aunUsli, tc; trout. ,c, whltellsh. So IMUlCONS-l.lv,;. per doz., Jl. VKAl.S-Chohv. "laiOc. HAV-l'rlces iiuoled by Omaha Wholesale Jluy Dealers association: Choice upland, 9.M; No. 2 upland, $D-.0); medium, J5.50; coarse, J7.50. liyc straw tO.M. These prices are for hav nf i;ood color and quality. De mand rnir. Kecelpta, 3 cars. C ATS No. 2 white, 210. CO I IN No. 3. 43c. UUAN-J15. Vf:CUTAI-',, ASPAUAGUS-Natlvo. per dot.. 33H0c lUIUllAUH-Homn grown, per lb., lc. Miff CAKKOTS Per dor., 20c. Ni:V TCHNIPS-Pcr doz., 20c. CUCCMllKHS-llothouse, per doz, 40S-0C M3TTCCU-Per bu , 20c HADlSHi:S-Pcr doz., 15320c. PAItSKliY-Per doz.. 30c. POTAT(Ji:S-OI I. per bu., Ma. KKW POTATOICS-Pcr bu.. 90?. CAIJUAUK-New California, lc. TOMAToHS-Tcxiim, l-hsk. crates, J1.B0. ON'IONS Ilermudns. per crate. $2.25; new California. 2c. CAUMKI.OU'KIi Hnme-grown. per doz., Ili:AXS-Vax, per 1-3 bu,, 40c; string, per 1-3 bu., 3c. PHAH-Per bu . jl: ner V, bu.. Mc. CANTALOUPli-Pcr bsk., 7;cflU; crates, States nnd Canada, east Hockles, decreased 2,700,w0 bu.; afloat, for nnd In Kurope, de creased 100,000 bu.; totnl supply decrtaiej 12.JW.000 bu, Corn, t'nlted States nnd Cnnnda, east Itockles, decreased 2.260.OO bu. Oats, I'nlted States and Canada, iasi Hocklcs, Increased 2fil,0CO bu, Amone tne more Important decreases reported to Bradstreet s nre those of 179.W) bu. at Depot Harbor, 110.0W) bu. at St. Joseph, 100,000 bu. nt northwestern Interior elevators nnd 6S.0OO bu. nt Omaha. The leading In creases Include those of 1B0,0"0 bu. at l'ort Worth and 60,000 bu. at Cleveland, Phllnilf Ipliln Produce Mnrkrt. PHILADELPHIA. July 2.-nUTTKH-Flrm: fancy western crenmery, 19',4c; rnncy western prints, 20c; fancy nearby pr.nts, IjaOS-Steady; fresh nearby and west ern, 14c; fresh southwestern, 12(ic; ircsh southern, 12c. . .. CHKliSlC-Knsler; New York full creams, fancy small, Sic; New York full creams, fair to choice, UWSWc. Iliiluth firnln Mnrltrt, DULCTII. July 2.-WHKAT-Cash. No. 1 hard. G9Uc: No. 1 northern, (Wc; No. 2 northern. 61Uc: July, C3Uc: September, CO TIN None. OATS-270'-"liC Prorln 111., July MnrUct. 2. COHN Firm; No. inUn fnr f.xnort. whl e clearnnces were 212,000 bu, laical receipts were ail cars, eight of contract grade. oats were active and lower, r sing win other grains toward the close. I'yyvntor Interests nnd commission houses fold Jui freely at the opening. Outsiders wer? r-c buyera of September, resulting In a July discount of half a cent. The Septnmu r delivery sold between 27Kc and ZiWZnvc, closing Ho higher at the high point, C on tract stocks Increased 02,0m bu. Clearances were 332,010 bu. and local receipts were lot Provisions were, dull nnd hcavv. Tho main weakening Inlluenccs were the heav receipts of hogs In the west and tho In creasing stocks. The world's stock of Hint was reported to have Increased 32,() tierces ulnco June 1. September pork ningcil be tween JM.43 and 114.70. closing 22v.c lovar at J14.521,'-. Irfird sold between tt& nni! IS.624, closing 7Vc lower at $S.0. Itlbs ranged between t-i.05 nnd M0, closing 5c lower at iS.07',4. , , Kstlmntcd rcceliits for tomorrow: A lunt, 40 cars; corn, 155 cars; oats, 70 cars; hots, 2S.KW head. , Tho leading futures ranged ns follows: Articles'l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat July Sept. Dec. Sept. Dec. O'llM- July Sept. May I'oik July Sept. Lord--July Bept. Oct. Illbs July Sept. Oct. Gl4 05ifl i i 43"MTII r.iv. C7ft'06 I 4 I7i 45 CI G7iMlVt 4ns,' 44 I I filVi1is. til, G7TitfS I. GI'H F5i G714 27 27H' !7H,i27?i'i1 2'J4 30Vi 45i m 47 IGVif'i 45i 41 h i KM 27 27Hl27!i17i 27Vif l 2fiM I. I II 40 14 70 S fiti S G254 S GO 7 9714 S 10 8 CO II .S 11 70 14 27'.4I 14 45 I I. 30- 14 32Vil 14 52Vt : 8 "i r G2',4 s r.:. x no 8 G2V4 8 53 8 00 8 00 7 071,4 7 D7t5 8 10 8 05 8 (7!4 S 01) 7 05 S 00 29 N 14 r.r, 14 75 8 GO S G7!4 8 G5 S 00 S 12'.4 8 05 traik. No. 2 No. 2. Cnsh miotallons were as follows: KLOl'U-Qulet: winter patents. J3 5033.GO: Ftralghts. $;i.30ii3.40j spring imtcnts, iS.i.'JSli 3.55; slralghls. J2.7njf3.00; bakers . J1.80f2.P0. WIIMAT No. 3 spring, SSQGSc; No. 2 red, COHN-No. 2, 45Hc; No. 2 yellow, 44V4C 'oATS No. 2, 27?ic on track; No. 2 white, 81c: No. 3 white. W'TiSQKc. ltYK-No. 2. 17c. ItAKLUY Oood feeding, 17(1510. SHHDS No. 1 llnx. Jl.SS; No. 1 northwest ern. Jl.SS; prime timothy, J4. 30574.33; clover, contract crude. J0.50. T'UOVISIONH Mess pork, per bbl,, $14.33 ffrt4.40. Lard, per 100 lbs.. JS.rHflS.fcS, Short rllm tides lloose). $7.90HS.10. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $7.25i7.50. Short clear Bldea (boxed). JS.35S8.15. WHISKY Ilasls of high wines. J1.27. Fallowing nro the receipts nnd shipments for touay: Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, Int.... Oats, Int.... Hyc. bu Harley, bu. Receipts, 18.000 127,000 l'iti.000 i07,o:) 3.000 13,000 Shipments 10 (HH) 27.000 200.0 0 372,00) On the Produce exchantie today the but. ter market wn steady; creameries, 14y4f? 15c: dnlrles, 14HrTlGl4c, Checso Bteady at SfflOc. Kgga steady nt 19ff20c. NEW YOHIC Quotntlona GF.NIIHAI, JIARKK'I'. of the nay on Varloim (.'onimoill ties. NEW YORK. July 2. FLOim-llccclpts. ,M4 bbls.; exports, 21,004 bbls.; dull, but fnlrly steady: winter patents. $34E0i3.'A); winter stralgnts. 3.4(kjj3.w): winter extras $2.50fi2.S5: Minnesota bakers. $2,001(3.15 Minnesota patents, $3.70f(3.!K); winter low grades. J2.30fi2.40. Ryu Hour, easy; fair to good. J2.i03.60; etinico to rnncy, JJ.15'(3.4S. CORNMHAIv-Dull; yellow western, 93c; city, 02c: Ilrnndywinc, J2.l55f2.55. RYU null; No. 2 western. 55e. nlloat; tate. R253c, c. I, f., Now York, enrlots. HARLKY Nominal; feeding, ISc, c. I. f Now York; malting, 5!IjG2c, c. I. f., New York. UARLHY MALT Dull: western, G3fi72c. WIIRAT-Recelpts, 161,350 bu.; exports, 152,115 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2 red. 75Hc, f. o. b., nlloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, 73Hc, f. o. b nfloat; No, 1 hard, Duluth, 83ic f. o, b.. nlloat. Options opened steady on tho strong French cnbles, eased off later owing to bearish crop news, larger re ceipts nnd liquidation, hut milled Into on the strength In corn und a large decroaso In world's stocks. Closed llrm at He net ndvnnee, July, 71 15-liM72:!ic, closed at 72-c: September. 7P.ifi71'c, closed nt 717W! October, 7IHHi72Vio. closed ut 72-c; Decem ber. 73 1-lfte. closed at 74c. CORN-Recelpts. 02,800 bu,; exports, 10,017 Im. Spot, llrm; No. 2. 40?ic, elevator, and 60?4C, f. o. b afloat. Option market opened easier on crop news and realizing, but eventually recovered on news Hint showers had not proved sutllclent to restoro the crops. July, ib'ic, closed nt 40Hc; Septem ber. 494rfBOic. closed at SOHc. OATS Receipts, 10.5(h) hu.; exports, 3.C00 bu.; No, 2. 32Vio; no, 3, 3;c; No. 2 white. 83WI334e; No. 3 white, 32;c: track mlxod western, 325(;a'.nc; iracK wane, 3ii,!U37C. Uptlons quiei, out sieauy. HAY Oulet; shipping, 70475c; good to chn ee. Simiwo. HOPS Firm; stnte, common to choice, 1000 crop, lCUISc; 1S09 crop, 10U13c: old olds. iiiCc; Pnclllc const. 1P00 crop, liitilSc; isoa crop. 115T15u: old slds. 21?tic. IIID1JS Firm; Onlvesion. 20 to 23 lbs., IS fiilSHc: t:alirornia, -a 10 ..i pounus, joe.c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs,, llfll44c. l.UATIHCR Steady; hemlock sole. Tlucnos Ayrcs. light to hcuvywelglits, Zia 25u: acid, 2lfi25e. PROVISIONS-Heef. firm! family, Jll.SWf 12,00; mess, JO.fpoyio.Ot): beet hams. $20,504(1 21.50; packet. JlO.UOgi 11,00; city, extra India mess. lfi.oo(rlSs(0. Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies, JO.&MiU.oo; pickled hhoulders. $7.25 7.50; pickled hams, $10.5(XU11.00. Lard, ensy; western sieameu, nn: reiineu, easy; con tlnent. $9; South America, $9.tl5; compound 17. Pork, easy; family, J515.R 4i 1U.C0; hor elenr. J15.OOfil7.0-): mess, ll5.7Mflfi.73. TAl.LOff-Steady; city ($3 er pkg.) 4 6-lt'io: country (pkgs. free). 4T;ii5Uc. RICK Quiet; domestic, fair to choice, Cilc; Japnn, 4Hc. MOlVSSKS-Qulet: New Orleans, open Keuie, goon in cuoice, joih.c. I'OTATOKS-Qulot; New York. 180 lbs., jI.'W-'.is: soutnern, extra, per win., .'.). ni'TTKR Receipts, 14.SCS pkgs.; qulat rrrnmprv. IMtlftUo! fni'tnrv. 12l4T15e. CHKKSK-Rccelnts. 20,331 pkgs.; fancy large, colored nnd white, 9cj fancy smitH, coioreu anu wnue, lie, aaS-Rccelots, 14,242 pkgs,; woatem, WATi:it.Mi:LONS Texas, S0Q33c ench. FRUITS. PINIOAPPLKS-Per doz., J1.75fl2.(; per crate, 1.7. IILACKUKRRIKS-Pcr 21-qt. case. ll.COiP 2.00. RASPniORRIFS-Per 21-qt. case, $2: red, per 21-qt. case, $1.00; per 21-pt. case, $2.50. Clli:ilRi;s-Caltfornla, per K-lb. box, $1.23; Missouri, per 21-qt. case. Jl.75ti2.00. i'kal'iiks California, per not, vk. APRICOTS-Callfornlfi. 4-baskct cratei, n.&o. .. . PLUMS-Calltornla. per crate. . aoOSURKRRlFS-Per 21-qt. case, tl.oQ. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANOKS-Callfornla seedlings, J2.750 3.00; Med. sweets, J3.50. LEMONS calltoniin. extra iuncy, j.w; choice. J.t.W. 15 A NAN AS Per bunch, accoruing ro size, J2.O01s2.riO. , FKIS-Cnllfornln, new cartons. 75c; layers, 63c; Imported, ner lb., 10G12C. T1ATI?U1r.i-alnr III GA.lii tiOXCS. RalfS. 10 M1SCKLLANKOUS. HONKY Cnllfornln. per 24-sectlon case, r... ii. im mii'(.n h'- ner u. "-JL.." '.'...: . . . ". J'. i.i i.ul til! ytUWIl t'er OOI.. t.av; per ii.iii vitTsji.-niriiMh iviiliiiitH. ner lb.. 15c: Ill- belts, per lb.. 13c; almonds, per lb.. 1SG20C: raw peanuts, per lb.. GH5'.4c; roasted, oV4U 710; Urnzlls. 13c; pecans. 10G22c. lliur.u nn. 1 green, ,"";'," 5,4c: No. 1 salted, 7Vac; No. z saueo, u-.s. No. 1 veal calf. 8 to UV4 lbs-. Sc; No. 2 veal calf. 12 lo 15 lbs.. Cc; dry hides, 813c; sheep pells, iiitijc; tiorso inues. Ht. I.onln Ciriiln nml Provisions. ST. LOUIS. July 2.-WIIi:AT-HlBhcr: No. 2 red cnsh. elevator, W'iCiiracK. G3'.4c: July. G2V!c; Pciitember, (.sc; Decem ber, IWC, NO. J num. imi-. , iAiiL ui,,hf vn " rnsh. 42ic: track. 43r: July, 43',,o; hepiemui r. i". OATH lllgncr; ."Ml. - euii. SMiSOijci July. 2Sc: Scptemucr, ac. Willie. 3l'A'!lii',c. IV ;-1 llgncr new. uuc. ,..,. , FLOCR-D11II: patents. $3.43J?3.CO: ex ra fancy and straights, j;i.uik;i.i.i.; cseurs, H-l: COlSNJIKAlJ HIKIII'I. ..- Tii!AVirnmr. in demand: sacked, east track. C3lGIC. nnnn rn. 1 11 iv n'lmni iv stendv. $11.001711.50: prairie, llrm, SS.tUtnfi.BO; old. Jll.OOQll.DO. WIIISKY-S'.eady at $l-27. IRON CO 11 UN rii'.n nAOOlNC.-fii(,7c. HUMP TWINK-Oc. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing. $15.75. Lard, easy, J.VIO. ury sail meais, ensy; boxed lots, extra shorts, JS.12V4; clear ribs. SS.37H. clear sides. $S.fi2V4. Uacon. easy; boxed lots, extra shorts. $9; clear ribs. J9.37V4; clear sides. J0.50. KI.A.XHl'il'IJ iMi niarnei. MUTALS Lead: Steady nt $4.3Ol.40. Spelter: Steady at J3.82V4. POULTRY Market steady; chickens, V5o: springs, 13r"15c; turkeys. Sc; ducks. Go; springs. 81. geese. 1c; springs, ic. I1UTTKU Market steady: creamery, 14 20c; dnlry. ISfillc. KOOS Steady; nearby 7c. RUCBIPTS Flour. 8,000 bbls.; wheat. 85, OOO bu.; corn, 37.WO bu.; oats, 52,000 bu. SIIIPMHNTS Flcur, 11,000 bbls.: wheat, G3,(X) bu,; corn, 10,000 bu.; oats, 15,000 bu. Liverpool (Srnln Mnrkcl. LIVKRPOOL. July 2.-WHKAT-Spot. dull: No. 2 rod western, winter. Gs ,d: No. 1 northern spring, 5sGUd; No. 1 California, 5s 9',id. Futures, nteady; September, 5s 5d; December. 5s C?ld. CUHN spot, sieaoy; merican nnx"u, now, 4sFHd; American mixed, old, 4s 3d. Futures, Ss: July, 3si,4d; September, 4s d; October, 4s Ud. PHA8 Canadian, llrm, on lOil. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, dull, 7s Oil. HOPS At London (Pacific coast), steady. 4 5b?5. PROVISIONS Reef, firm; extra India mess, ftss Od. Pork, llrm; primes mess, western. G3s 6d Hnms. short cut, 14 in ik His., firm. iSs 3d. Lnrd. steady: Ameri can rellned, In rinlls, 13s lid; prlmo western, lu tierces, 43s Gil. Ilncon, llrm; Cumberland cut, -li to 30 ins., us un; suon tids, 10 to .1 lbs., ISs; long clear middles, Itght, 2S to 31 lbs.. 15s Od; long clear middles, heavy. .15 lo 40 lbs.. 41s fid; short clenr backs, lfi to 20 lbs., 42s fiderl3H; clenr bellies, H to i ins., rja. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs,, 26s Gd. CHKKSK-i'irtn; American nnest wnue, los; American tlnent colored, Ids. Hi ITT 15 It Quiet: llnest United States. Ms: good United States, G7s, TAl.i.uvt e irm; prime cny, ;oswi; Aus tralian, In London, 2Gs W. Receipts of wheat during tho last three days, 291,000 centals, Including 2S3.000 Amer ican. Receipts of Amerlcun corn during tho past three days, 05,400 centals, All omcini rccium snows me siock or mm hero to be fi.OuO tierces prlmo western and 2,122 tons other kinds, PKORIA, "'OATS-rlnoctlve; No. 3 white, 2Sc billed ''wI'lls'lCY-On tho basis of J1.27 for finished goods. .Mllvrnukee Cirnln .llnrUel, MILWAUKER, July 2-WHKAT-Mnrket dull; No. 1 northern. G7t?G7'4c; No. 2 north ern. GT.flGGc: July, GIHc; September, Cfcc. RYK-Wulet; No. 1, 4SC. H Alt LKY Steady; No. 2, 5lj5414c; sample, .t7J45c. SIOVISMMM'S IX STOCKS ami IIOXIJS. Smnll Ilnlly llesplle Hot Wrnlltpr untl (ienernl Dullness, vi'ie vnttiv tntv ? Trob.iblv the all- embracing topic of the wen titer Is sulllcicnt explanation tor all that called for notice tmlitv .in thn tn,'W x rlwtnire. The ileal lugs of the board fell to the smnllest of the summer. The recording of transactions of lots of less than 100 shares, was resumed fnr thr, Mrs! tlmi, xlnee Die election last full. London was Inclined to take 11 pesslmltlc view of American arrnirs. especially or ine steel strike. Rut prices did not fall ns far hero ns the London parity nnd there were dull rnllles after the opening. Yesterdny's crop scare rumors were partly onset ny re tinrlH tills mnrulnir nf rains In tho corn belt, but the continued hot wave and tho government weekly report on cotton were ilenri'HHliiL' factors In the market. The fail ure nf another small bank In Duffnlo crented an unfavorable Impression nnd was the occasion of conjecture regarding Ihe nature of tho securities held for collateral bv banks In rrenernl. Tho call money mar ket was distinctly easier than yesterday and tho subtrensury debit of $1,000,000 at this cleiirlnir house wns the result of tho presen tation of the treasury's checks for payment of July iSLVerninent Interest. With Ihe day's business below 200,000 shares and the prospect of continued hot wcalher 'inanlmous approval wns given to a niowmtn' to request tho governors to re consldet their refusal to adjourn tho ex change, over from Wednesday, July 3, ut 3 p, in. 10 .Monuay, juiv s, ai iu a. m, The to ml market shared In the dullness nnd henvmcss of the stock mnrket. Total sales, pnr value, $1,565,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on the call. Thu Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: Tho stock mnr ket today wns 1 J 1 1 nnd whnt business there was In the American department wns com passed In the first hour nnd a hi If. Al though London wns n seller the quantity was small. The whole list rallied an nver nge or 4 point to a full point, Atchison leading In the recovery. The closn wns at the tup. Tlntos were again Hat on forced Paris realizations, hut the sales seem now to be exhausted. The Rank of Hug land has bought 9,000 gold lu bars. Australa Is now beginning to Inquire for gold. Money on call began nt l',4 per cent and llnally be came unloidable. Paris exchange, r.0.1714: lierlln, 20.39i4. The following r tilt, ctoslnr price e Ihe Now York Stock exchnng: balances, $1,763,278, money M7 per cent; New York exchange, 13c discount tun. CINCINNATI. July 2-Clearlngs, J3.530,- On); money, 31J6 per cent; New York ex- rlitincn 1 K.r.l n Mlttfiminr PHILADELPHIA, July !.-Clrnrlng8, I20.7W.W7; balance. J3,pG2,03l. ... iiusruN. juiv j. earings, nvwi balances, J3,52l.0'.i3. . ..., iiAl.TlMUHl;. ju v 2. Clearings, io,.,- 115: balances, J127.W2, NEW YORK. July 2,-Clcarlngs, $3iO,107,- i?ri l,nlnt,nU 11? ill tn UOSTON, July 2.-Clearlngs, $34,319,417! balances, J3,521,093, llnstnii Stneks nnd llnnds, UOSTON, July 2,-Calt loans, 3.40iW Pr cent; time loans, 4giH per cent, uiuciai doing; OMAHA LITE STOCl MARKET Mere Lifo to th Ittir Trtdt Thatt fr Stmt Timt Fait aid Cttadj Fricii Paid, HOGS SOLD CONSIDERABLY LOWER i. .. tonilv! others 10ST15O wolcht hnn nf cnod niialltv nre se tin. nenu; icjw (,m"p - There seems to be a better demand for the i lower. nli,,irA iitrtittvolfttita ihnu thern hns been. and. while they do not sell as high ns slum Vliy A.. T. & 8. 1 00 pfil ,mer. Sugar . do pfd. American Tel. Honton ft All)flny...v.il lloston Klevattil lloston & Me 134 I".. II. & Q 197 Dominion Coal 39 .. SI ..104V 114 ..121 .1W4 do IifJ. V. H. Steel do pfd ritchburg pfd..., Ociicral Klectrle N. E. O. & C". Old Colony Old Dominion ... Rubber Union Pacific ... Union tond J'.i West Knd Wntlnnh. Klec 65 AtchUon 4 iw N. E. O. A C. $.... f",i Adventure Amal. Copper W't Atlantic 3Vi Cal. & Hecla .33 Centennial 30 Kranktln 17 4T Itnmholdt .. Wt Orccola 52 ..114 Parrot 13 ..MS lyulncy 1'4 .. 7 Fnnta Ve Copper.... 7 ..Jul Tamarack 141 .. JPi Utah Mining 3714 .. 72 Winona 3 ..10S Wolverines M Vnlr linn of Sheep Here Today, but Deninnd Seemed Hqttnl to Occasion nn,l the Mnrket Could lie quoted Steady All Around. ..11314 Receipts were Oiuoiai Mommy.. uiuciai 'i uesduy. SOUTH OMAHA, July 2. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 1,911 2,3 1 J 4, nt 0,8-ti Two dava this week.. I.Slti Same days last week 5,5)UC oaine. weeK before J.sii tiame three weeks ago.,. 4.67 J Same lour weeks ago.... t;,:l2 .iame dayB last year 4, obi AVcrnun nrlco ua.d for HOCK Ut Omului the past suvcrul da) a with parlsons; 11,272 J.till 11,11b 14,2ul l,oo 12,6i'0 2.4AI 3,l'.i i.jii 6,31.1 0,5l t;,o: Eoutn com 1901. 1900.,lS39.lS9!.lb37.UW.lVJj( London Stock (Itiotntlnn. LONDON, July 2.-1 p. m.-ClosIng: Com., money.... do account .... Atchison Canadian I'nc... St. Paul Illinois Centrnt Louisville Union Pac. pfd. N. Y. Central .. Krle IS MSi do 1st rf'l--. M! Pennsylvania . MV Hearting ...imv ...157 ...lll'V ... 92lt ...162 ... 4V So. PaWHe pMi Grand Trunk .. Annronda Hand Mines .... P. S. Sleel do pfd .. :i .. lC'i .. 9 .. 4i .. 491, ..100 jUlle 15 June IS. June 17.. J ill m la,. June 19,. June .0,. Junn 21.. June Ti., Juno 23.. June 24... Juno 25... J uue o. .1 6 86'. I 4 Mi 3 ill i Wl 3 321 2 tol 4 44 6 U( I 3 Ui 3 txi 3 1S 3 OS 4 44 a kA,.. r, at, i 3 &0 J .1. J l"l 1 ID t 92i 5 061 I 6I 3 15 3 02, 4 41 b M)r 4 94 3 71 3 t0 'I li A till 'I Mil It M 1 1 A la I ' II & oo 3 63 3 72 3 21 3 02( K 15 rt a 3 T2I 2 21 3 02 2 621 2 6i 3 26! 3 00 4 40 6 171 I 3 69 3 23 2 9,1 4 4 b & 91 5 5'jH G 93 b W!4l Atchlfon SO , do pfd do pfd , 10414 Bo. Pacific lluttlinore & Ohio... 107 So. Hallway do pfd Wt do pfd.... Cnnadlun Pacific... 104',i Tex. & Pacific ... Canada So W Tol .St. L. & W, Chcs. A Ohio 48 do pfd Chicago & Alton.... 44& Union Pacific .., III. do pfd rWnWh do pfd Wheel. A L K.... do 2d pfd Wis. Central dn pfd V. C. C. & St. I... Adams Kx 15414 American Kx & Tr. 23 ,C. . Kx 4r'liiVcllR.KarKO Ex.. ....197 ...r.37J 72 ,i:: . 24 . ti . 51 .19-, 13 do Hid C, 11. ft a.... Chi. lnd. & I. do pfd Chicairo A I Chicago O. W ilo lilt pfd do 2d pfd Chicago d N. W C. It. I. ft !'.. ChleaBo Ter. do pfd C. C. C. A St. L. Colorado So do Ut pfd do 2d pfd Del. A Hudson..., Del. U A W , Denver A It. O.. do pfd Erin do 1st pfd do 2d pfd fit. Nor. pfd llocklns Vnlley , do pfd Illinois Central . Iowa Central .... do pfd Liiko Erie A W.. do pfd 120 L. & N 100M Mnnhattnn L 124 Met. St. Hy 173 Mex.. Central 2 Mex. Nntlonal ICS National Salt Minn. A St. L :U7; do pfd.... .. 23U .,161V, ..237 .. 49 .. 97 A mul. Copper Amer. Car A V. dn pfd Amer. I.ln. Oil., do pfd Amer. S. A II... do pfd Amer. Tobacco . r:v, Anne. Mln. Co.. . 51 li Droklyn It, T.... . 57 Colo, Fuel A Iron..i:i'.j .is, i on. uns 222 . 53 ;Con. Tobacco 6M; . 7Si do pfd 11814 isi'j lien, liiectrio Z60 .ISS . 59; . 33 . 87 . 4I; . 21 . 3SU .lOS'i . mi . 2-JU . 41U . Mi . 32 li . 2H4 . 46 . 74 .170 .192 . 87 .150 .! ... 32i; ... Ss!, ... !t.V4 ... 5S!i ... 5i, ...103 ...136 ... 4 mi UAH SILVICR-Dull at 27id per ounce. MnNM.'.VlU(ri5 tirr rent. The rnte of ills' nnutit 1,1 thn mioti morlfnt for short bills Is 2 5-16'u2 7-16 per cent; for three months' bills, 2?4j-l4 ler cent. Condition of the Treasury. "WASHINGTON. July 2.-Today's state ment of the treasury balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the J150.000.0 ) bo d reserve In tho division of redemption, shows: Avnllublc cash bnlancc, $li2,C'5,6H; cold, 198,311,002. Wool Mnrket. ST. LOUIS, July 2. WOOIr-Mnrket quiet; medium grades. 115717c; Illtni line, 111? 1-lc: heavy line, Dfillc; tub washed, lMf 24'e. . 1iK'nnx. .Tniv 1 wnm. The fourth series of wool auction sales opened today with offerliiRS of 13,012 bates. The selection was not good, crossbreds and medium meri nos predominating. There was considerable hesitation until holders met the slow de mand by ncccptlnu 5ft 15 tier cent below tho fliny average. increnrrer ouiomK was stilrlteil nnil most offrrlncs were sold, American buyers secured a few nood lines of crossbreds. ROSTON. July 2. WOOT. There Is n bet ter tone to tho wool market here this week. I'rices nre stronger. Territory wools are quoted nt 405H2C for line medium and tlno scoured staple, while the strictly staple article calls for 44ff43c. The market for fleece wools Is quiet and quotations arc largely nominal. Fine Australian wools nre llrm nnd costing on the scoured bnsls 70H75c for suners nnd clothlm: crndes. Quotations: Ohio nnd Pennsylvania fleeces X and above. 23fi24c; XX and nbove, 26c; ilelnluc, 2Sc; No. 1 combing, 23c; No. 2 nnd -blood. 23cj coarse nnd braid washed, 23c; lino delnlne. 2.Wi24c. Unwashed medium. etc. Kentucky nnd Indiana li-blood comb ing, .'ic; '5-oioou. Lite; .Missouri i-wood combing, 17c: ?-blond. 10c: braid combing. 17c. Territory, scoured bnsls Montana flue medium nnd line, 13if(llc; scoured, WiiV.n: smptc, nnt)C; scoured, 4',n,c; Utali, Wyoming and Idaho lino medium nnd tine, 13fjllc; scoured, 4C?fl2e: staple, 14(al4hc; scoured, 43014c. Australian, scoured basis. spot prices Combing stipcrllnc, 71072c; gooo, wjiiuc; average, fio067c. Cotton Mnrket. NEW YORK. July 2 nnTTnVrVitf nn had nn Irregular turn today, being steady nil the morning, weak In tho enrly nfter noon nnd sternly during tho last hour. Tho opening was Mendy.. with July 2 points lower nnd other months 15i3 points higher. Tho llrst spurt of buying carried August to Sc and January to 7.72c. When tho govern- mcni s wecitiy wentlinx, statement nppenred It was. nt once sized, up ns less bullish than iiiuicipiiicii. motion uougni in tne morning on tho Idea that a sharp ndvance would follow tho reading of the report was un loaded hastily und prices broke to 8.73c for vugusi. .i ine ciosc me mnrket was finally I 6 93V.I 6 101 3 631 1 3 lb 2 J7 4 M juint -J 1 .1 f. 1 ,-. rrn -i r.n ir,'i 13 Sbl 4 JUfie 2S...I S 87! G 111 3 651 3 03 13 M ' m June 2i... ;, !n.c 4 'Ht . Mi :i li, 3 2ll 2 91 I 5 01 4 92 3 68 3 73 3 K 3 61 3 61 3 24 3 IS 3 lb 2 9S 2 03 2 to 4 63 4 63 Jutiu 30,. uiy 1....I 5 S9Vi July 2....j 5 Ml, Indlentcc Sunday The omclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattlc.Hogs.SIl p.11 ses C M. & St. P. Ry O. & St. L. Ry 4 J Missouri Pacific Hy " - Union Pnclllc system.... 2. 29 12 . .i N. W. Ry 3 V., B. A M. V. R. R 19 M S. C. & P. Ry 2 1 C, St. P.. M. & O. Ry... 11 11. A M. R. It. R 38 22 2 C. U ri Q. Ry 6 b.. K. C. & St. J 7 1 C, R. I. & P., east 6 0.. C, R. 1. & P.. west 1 Illinois central - Total receipts 127 116 14 Tho illxnnnltlnn nf the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber 01 lieau inuicitcu Cattle. Omaha Packing Co 190 hw rt niut company o,s Cudnhy Pncklng Co 712 Armour it Co 732 Omaha Pack. Co., K. C... 97 Swift and Co.. K. u 09 Swift and Co.. country 11. Rccker A Oegan 235 Livingstone A ncnaiicr.... 11 L. V. Husz 24 II. L. Dennis & Co CO Other buyers 138 Hogs. Sheep. 1.736 229 2,502 2,796 2.6S1 248 S21 JS1 559 731 9,715 were held 3,671 fairly about 4) Oluooe Sujrar sr.'.J Hocking Coal .... f,2i, Inter. Paper do pfd , Infer. Power Mclede Clas , National lllncult National Iend .. Mo. I'aclllQ , M.. It. A T.. do pfd N. J. Central N. Y. Central Norfolk A W. do pfd No. l'nclflo .. do pfd Ontario A W. Pennsylvania Heading do lft pfd,.. do 2d pfd... St. L. A S. !' do 1st Pfd 8 do 2d pfd SSH St. L. Southw 3.1 do pfd 1.6V, 120i4 No, American 30 .Pueblo Conut Pacific Mall Vnplc's Oas Pressed 8, Car ... do pfd Pullman I. Car ., Republic Steel .... no pfd Sugar , lenn. Coal A 1... Union Hag A 1'.., do pfd , U. B. Leather do pfd, . 6:'4 .160 .155 . 51 li . S9 .120 . 97 . SCti ,.150H ,. 45i . 71S . 56i! 46Vj 60 .. 23 ,. 23 .. 77'! ,. 95 .. b'l.l . 45 .. 2:u .. 4iH ..10214 .. 6 .. 41 ..1181 .. 4.'? .. 83 ..:o9 .. 2114 .. 7: ..144H .. 70 .. ld'i .. 7214 .. 13H 7S U. S, Rubber 2t St. Paul do pfd.. U. 8. Steel pfd.. .174V4 Western Union 61 4 9SH 92(5 Trust receipts. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 2. MONEY Firm nt 4 per cent; last loan. 4; ruling rate, 6; prime mereniiino paper, iifO'.j. STKRLING UXCHANOK-Inactlve. with actual business In bankers' bills nt SI.S75iGi 4.S7-?i for demand and nt $l.Wiff..i45 for sixiy nays; posieu raies, l.6l,iit.M'2 com merclal bills. 4.8IV4. CICRTIFICATICS-Sllver, nominally COc Dar. i,j'c; .Mexican aonnrs, 47c. iionus state, Innctlvoj government steady; railroad, weak. The cluilnc piicc un nunds toda;. are a. lonun Knnsns City firnln nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. July 2. WHKAT July. 59V4c; September, 59'tc; Dcrember, 61V4c; cash. No, 2 hard. 6WJ62V4C; No, 3, 59061c; No, 2 red, tile. CORN July. 4.ic; Honiemner. 45Vic: caBii. No, 2 mixed, 4Si&49c; No. 2 white, 50c. OATS NO. 2 wnite, 32C. RYK-No. 2. 60c. HAY-Cholco timothy. SU.OO: cholco prairie, J10.00. iiu 1 Ten-creamery, jdcihic; uniry, xancy, lftjlSe, i:OGS Lower: fresh Missouri nnd Kan sas stock, Sc per doz.. loss off, cases re turned; new wnitewooa cases included, ',ic more. RKCUIPTS-Wheat. 45.000 bu.: corn. 4.800 bu.: oats, S.Oipii hu. SIIII'MKNTS Wheat. 6 .000 bu.: corn. 9,600 bu.; oats, 9,000 bu, Toledo fJiiilu nnd Seed, TOLEDO. July 2 WHEAT Plrm. active: cash nnd July. C6ic; August, 66Vsc; Septem ber, iiJsic: December, 6l;c. CORN Dull, strong; cuah, 44',4c; July, 45c; September, 465Jc, OATS Fairly active, higher; cash, 27'.c; July and September. 274if27Hc RYE Ale. CLOVKHSEED-Cholco prime, $6.50; Octo ber, J5.00. Mltiuenpolln Wlirnt, I'lour nnd Ilrnn, MINNEAPOLIS, July 2,-WHEAT-Cash, 64ic; July, 63c: September, C3Sc. On track: No, 1 hurd, Xc: No. 1 northern, 64c; Nn. 2 northern. 62'4c. KLOUR Ktrst patents, 3."OJf3.S0: second patents, w.vma.w; U. S. ref. 2s, do coupon . . . do 3, reg.. do coupon ... do la, reg do coupon ... do old 4a, reic. do coupon ... do 6. rec do coupon ... D, of C. 3. 65a. Atch. Ken. 4a reR.,107 107 W K'S; 139 :.'.9 ..iUVi ..1121'j ..msn ..imt ..1:5 I04H do .mil. 4s 'JS'.i Canada So. 2 '.09 Ches. A Ohio 4Hs...t'"H' do 6a 11914 C. A N. W. c. "..U2i, do S. F. deb. 5s. .1!JiS ChlcnKo Ter. 4s 9Pj Colo. So, 4s SM D. A 11. Q. 4s 101 Erie general 4s 88 V, W. A D. C, Is... 1061, nen. Eectro 5s... 200 Ion a Central la 117 1 4. A N. unl. 4, 102 M.. It. A T. 2s 8H do 4 9814 r. 1. C. 1 irt4i j. i,-. gen. os. ...132 No. Pacific 3s 73 do is ioi N Y, O A St L 4s. ...07V ".v. a w. con. ls..lo;i Ore. Nav. Is (7 do 4b y. n. 1 ts jjai no conso &s 11a HeadlnK gen. 4s 87 Rio O. W. Is 101 Ht L A I M. c. 5s. .117 St I. A H V g. 6a... 136V hi. rain consols. ..180 "Ht P. CAP Is.... 120 do 5s 1171 no. racifie ts 0.1 So. Hallway Sa US 3. 11. A T. fis 62 Tex. A Pacific ls..il8i, "do 2s 103 Union Pacific 4s.... 105 Wabash Is UD! do 2s , 11 West Shore 4s 11: Wis. Central 4 88V Vn. Centuries .... 9114 Ex-lntercst. 'Hid, Offered. H York MIiiIiik .Stock. jsisw lutuv, diuy s. -tne rouowing nro tne closing quoiaiiouu on mining stocks; Adams Con ....... Alice ... Hreeco llrunswlek Con.. Comstock Tunnel .. 20 .. 4.' ..150 .. 16 6 Con, Cal. A Va....;i5 Deartwooil Terra.... si Horn Silver ll iron Silver 60 Leadvllle Con 5 Little Chief .. Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Kavaice Sierra Nevada Small Hopes , Bianciurd 1 . 11 .872 . 8' . 8 . I ,. 7 . 15 ,. 40 .765 barely steady, with jlrlces 113 points net low,p,':; CIoHri11 ,,u,i middling uplands. 8T4cj middling gulf. 9VSc: sales, 2,130 bnles. i.l V r.JU UUJi. JUIV ml nTTn'Hn.i' quiet, steady; American middling, 4 23-32d; tho sales of the day were 7,000 bales, of Which 500 were for sneeiilntlnn nml .wnr,,.. and Included 6,620 American; receipts.' 11.000 bales. Including 7.O00 American. IM'JW UllLKAISH, July 2. COTTON aieauy; suics, two naies; ordinary, fie; good oruinnrv. m ii-ibo: low m iiiii nr mi.i "".,,k -P"so; Koii mKioiing, Kike: mlddllmr fair. vc; receipts, 3.592 bales? stock, 111,127 ST. LOUIS. July 2 fflTTfiV-flin,,!... middling. SUc; sales. 100 bales; receipts. 1.847 ....r. DiiiiiiiiuiiiK, -,uui uuies; siock, Ul,697 u,l,t.n. GALVESTON, July 2.-COTTON-SCS-HC OH nnd Rosin. iNI'JW YUltK. JUIV 2. niT-rnltnr,,ert steady; petroleum, dull; rosin, steady: tur pentine, steady, at 36H5J37C. KJl" S;.'i.l l n- J"'' 2. oil Credit bal ances, $1.05; nn trading; runs, 90,602 bbls.; mil f I1K.-1I in. ill ia'i7 UU1M, CHARLESTON. S. C.. .July 2 nirTi,r. pentlne. llrm. at 33Ue: rosin, tirm nn. changed. ' SAVANNAH. Go.. July 2 OTT Rnlrlto e ,.niii:iiiini, 111 in, at jdjc; rosin, nrm, unchanged. LONDON. July 2. OIT fnleiittn llneH D,ui, umn wi, im jiciuiiin spirits, DS DO. Flrnporated nnd Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. July 2 TCVAPnnATrrn ri-iif.o-uusiness was confined to a hand to mouth trade again today, yet the under tone remaincu sicaqy, witn prices un. ...... ... . vu,,(itwii iu r.u, i'it7,i;. CALIFORNIA DRIED KrtlllTS Mnrltnt dull and not quotably higher. Prunes, 2HW u per iu.. as 10 size nna qunmy. Apric an, noyni. &M12C: Moor Park, 7ii12c. Peaches, peciea, ir(j.ic, unpeeica, oniuc. Nen- York Ury floods Market. NEW YORK. July 2.-DRY GOODS-Tho intensely not weather has again to;a ma terially against snot business) in an direc tions and trade has been of restricted character. The Fall River market Is llrm. Silks are In quiet request at steady nrlccs. Hosiery and underwear without change. MANCHESTER. July 2.-DRY GOODS- tjuici, wun a tair inquiry , inrns, uuu mil steaay. StiKiir Market. NEW YORK. July 2-SIJOAR-Raw. steady to llrm; fair' rellnlng. 3 9-16c; centrlf- itBOl, o test, ta-a.'c; moiasfcs sugar, ao-ioc; rellneil steady. NEW ORLEANS. July 2.-SUOAR-Quet: open kettle, 33-l6Hc; open kettle eentrlf- centrifugal, yenow, win Totals 2,835 CATTLE Receipts or cattle liberal today nnd the market steady and trading' was more active than It has been for some time past, particularly on the better grades. There were about 90 rnrs of beef steers on sale this morning, nnd, although Chicago wan reported ujii anil wciilt. pacitcrs at thin point started out fairly early nm bought up nil the desirable grades nt good stendy prices. The commoner kinds were of course neglected, but still they brought fully ns much us they did yesterday. A clearance was made at a reasonably early hour. The cow market also looked iiiRt nhout steady on tho good cornfed stuff. Thero woro not over a dozen loads of cow stuff on sale, hut still packers did not seem to want tne medium kinds and grassers. Thev claim that the grnsscrs are not killing out ni an wen anti as a result tney do not T." .1 , , Ihnm no ,fin n n l.l.t. . . . . . ... i..... nn imkii ci un hk lit lin en t prices. The wny such kinds sold today i uny em ferirtiuiy no nigner, nno, u any thing, they were a little lower. rnere wus not much change noticeable ln tho prices paid for bulls, calves and stags. Thero were not many feeders In the yards today nnd buyers occmed to take hold a little more freely and paid fully steady prices. The rains probably gave them a uttlo more confidence In tho coun try demand. Representative sales: DEEF STEERS. Live Stork Market. tbe ne.ivywelgnts. still tne margin is eon- a, rMTV Tulv 2. (Special i eiem slderably reduced. r iiVerlnts 800 head; market When the hogs finally did begin tochaiiRO i l TJ' fT beeves, J4.504J5.60; cows hands It was generally on n bnsls of n W(,kl .Vn.10.,,iTe,l V "5511.25; stockers,tind &yi0c decline, with tho long string going nnd bulls, mixed. V..--J , yt.lirHnB. nt J5.S21,. The choice loads sold from r.v.Vi i" J3.W-I .O. caiesi up nnd the lighter weights from .824 U2M.-o. . m . mnrkct 5'ifiCc. down, lu splto of Ihe slow opening about ,lous!"i"'?;K'-v bulk, $3.67t4- KVervthlni? wns old In fair V nood senjion. lower, selling o.tW5J5.io, HUIK, 1 .... ...... 1 1 .. . .. I . I lit. crvtiuiii, I. nuiva. No. 24.. 80.. 71... 73... 66... 51... 0... 2... 12... 60... 66 ;o... Ilo... 71... 73... 80... 3... 85... 4.., 49... 68... 80... 61... 6J.. ucal. 3'4fi4i.,c: 4 9-16c: seconds. 2iaic. centrifugal, iwi&c. Molasses, dull; LEMARS OFFICIAL ARRESTED .. j. Wnrd, Vice President of tlonn: Iliiik, Is CnuKltt nt Jersey City. Xn- No. 1 1 3 1 29 5 1 1 4 3 i 2 17 23...., 6...., 105..., 7.... 6.... 19.... 24.... 9.... 6.... 8.... IS.... 66.... 10.... 17.... 19.... 33.... 22.... 2.... 20.... 1.... 20.... 20.... 2.... 1.... 20.... 39.... 1.... 42.... 112... 43.... 22.... 1.... 1.... 11.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 5.... 2.... 2..., 1.... 1..., 1..., 3..., 1.... 1.... 1..., 1..., 1..., 10..., 1..., 1..., 1..., 3..., 6... 1... 7... 2... 3... 8... 1... A v. ... 660 ...11S0 683 930 , ... 637 ... 950 930 740 .... 837 760 .... 795 .... 190 .... 661 .... 834 .... 730 .... 687 .... 732 .... 870 ...,1031 .... 829 ....1117 .... S33 .... 840 .... 950 .... 842 ....1021 .... 714 ....1005 ....1184 .1154 ....1005 ....1057 ....1071 .... 953 ....10.15 ....1077 ....1045 .... 960 ....1!5G ....1016 ....13(0 ....1074 .1151 Pr. 2 50 3 00 3 25 3 M 3 75 71 3 75 3 75 4 00 4 00 4 09 4 29 4 23 4 23 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 15 4 35 4 10 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 45 4 50 4 50 4 M 4 55 4 60 4 60 4 65 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 30 4 10 4 80 4 n No. 26.... 41.... 32 8 14 30 1 , 16 , 1 23 2 19 , 33 , 1 24 76 20 20 19 19 1 18 17 18 40 31 36 17 21 14 41 30 42 42 53 16 1 16. A v. ...1072 ...1256 ...1060 ...1075 ...1232 ...1220 ...10S2 ...1204 ...1212 ...1180 ...1193 ...1030 ...1156 ...1150 ...1080 ...1465 ...1171 ...1115 ...1220 ...1163 ,...1339 ,...1242 ...1153 ,...1241 ,...1213 ,...1140 ,...1256 ...1161 ....1261 Pr. 4 9) 4 90 4 9.', 4 V, 6 'K) 5 00 5 ro 5 05 5 05 I 05 3 10 5 10 J 19 5 10 S 15 3 15 5 15 5 15 5 15 5 20 5 20 5 29 5 20 5 25 6 S3 5 U S 30 5 30 5 70 .12(04)5 35 .1119 5 ....1215 ....1253 ....1275 ....1284 ....1379 ....1377 ....13S0 ....1367 ....1105 ....135S ....1250 .1457 STEERS AND HEIFERS. WASHINGTON. July 2. Chief Wllkle of tho secret service today received a tele gram announcing tho arrest of Thomas F, Wnrd nt Jersey City, N. J. Ward was vlco president of the Lemars (la.) National bank nnd Is charged with having used tho bank's funds. Ho left Lcninrs In April and was not locnted until two wooks ago, when ho was seen by a former acquaintance to enter tho Jersey City postofllco. He was located today and arrested. Ho Is said to havo signified his willingness to return to Iowa without extradition formalities. closed Its has been nil.,, Ill, viriiir. v-. RRAN-lll bulk, ilO.50. first clears, l2.CuO2.70; Chnnices In Avnllnlile Suppllrt. NEW YORK, July 2Spcclal cable and telegraphic communications to nradistreet's show the following change In available supplies from Inst account; Wheut, United Dank ClenrliiK, OMAHA. July 2.-Cienrlngs. $1,314,509.90; corresponding dny last year, Jl, 164,974.64; In crease. I1I9.83S.26. CHICAGO. July 2. Clearings. J39,t07,333: balance, 13,561,940; posted exchange, H.b6tt 4. Mi'; .New vorit excnaiiKC, isc discount. ST. LOUIS, July 2.-Clcarlnes, $10,011,567; Private llnnk Cloned. BUFFALO, N Y., July 2. Tho Niagara bank, a state Institution, has doors, Tho following notlco posted on the doors: "I havo closed and takon possession of this bnnk. F. D. KILHURN. "Superintendent of Ranks." Upholds Clnelnnntl Trnstces. civrMis.'STATl. .tnlv 5 Thn United States circuit court of appeals today nfllrmed the Judgment of tho district court refusing to compel tho sinking fund trustees of Cin cinnati to specifically perform n contract ivltli Itnlmrta f'n.. linnkerM nf New' ork. for refunding over $15,t),000 of bonds. Tho decision was based on the ract uiai ine ion tract was made without previous advertise ment. 1... 1... 1... 1..., 42... 1... 6... 5... 13... 1... 1... 31... .1074 1022 730 820 730 90) 770 820 1011 690 1010 UW IM 990 930 970 1173 1120 90) 800 1100 1180 1023 1170 1180 670 833 1073 949 840 1049 953 1013 960 4S0 715 540 730 730 620 C70 1240 , 1300 , 1290 1015 , 1460 , 1370 9W 480 t 6) 19... 4 75 23... COWS. 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 "0 1 50 1 10 1 73 2 00 1... 18... 13.., 6... 12... 1.., 9.., 11.., 6.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 2 35 2 33 2 10 3 50 2 3 2 T3 2 73 2 73 3 (0 3 90 3 U0 3 i0 3 00 3 00 3 ''5 3 OS 3 05 3 10 3 !3 3 1.1 2 3 15 3 25 HEIFERS, 7... 6... 1... 3... 1... 29... 1... 4... n -,, 1... .10.i7 1021 990 1090 1141 1003 974 819 1150 1174 1110 1250 1018 910 1070 1260 800 1115 1230 928 1224 1320 1160 mo 870 1130 1177 1220 1190 1210 .1074 ,1280 .1190 5 33 5 40 5 10 5 fO 5 50 5 30 5 59 5 50 3 50 5 iZ 3 60 5 rs 4 80 5 73 3 25 3 30 3 35 3 '0 3 40 J ro 3 10 3 50 3 60 3 60 3 CE 3 75 3 75 3 73 3 75 3 85 3 J 3 M 4 90 4 09 4 ') 4 00 4 00 4 .0 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 13 4 "5 4 23 4 40 2 5.1 2 73 3 ro 3 33 3 M 3 :o 1.. 1.. 1... 3... 2 (0 2 71 3 00 3 (0 3 25 3 23 3 35 3 '.5 3 DULLS. I!!!!! i .. 6(0 .. 640 .. 63S .. 610 ..1070 1460 1380 143) 1049 836 850 1700 2140 1620 3 75 4 ro 4 13 4 25 4 li 3 85 3 F5 3 (0 4 00 4 f0 4 ro 4 25 4 K 4 35 .1570 190 201 ,v ,...m ....180 ...,2f0 ....2fl ....211 ....231 ....229 324 219 209 ....256 .239 ...216 ...233 ...203 ...203 ...200 ...241 ...203 ...202 ...m ...217 ...223 ...200 ...234 61 66 89 74 63 60 63 86 51 75 79 70 69... ..213 ..229 ..214 ..217 ..210 ..220 ..237 ..236 ..227 ..291 ..213 ..232 .330 .249 1 219 r,8 283 40 160 M 40 40 80 'so 160 160 120 40 2M 240 200 1 20 160 4) "ih 4) 160 80 SO 120 130 80 240 If,) 80 160 80 80 64.. 63 67 82.... 67 68.... "5. . . . 66.... 69 Si 19. 58. ..263 ...226 ...217 ...225 ...363 ...211 ...236 ...24.; ...234 ...226 .20) .259 .343 73 319 87 22 70 253 60 231 73 342 72 22) 237 '.'.'...263 323 232 245 244 364 343 .,203 . .238 74... 68... 57.., 72... 03.. US.. 6.1.. 69.. 43.., 91.., 66. 4 5 77H 5 80 5 40 3 80 i 80 5 50 5 0 5 SO 5 SO 5 SO 5 80 5 80 S i I 80 5 SO 5 !0 5 ) 5 80 5 JO S V) 5 M 5 SO 5 '2i,i 5 Pi 5 824 5 S2i 5 824 5 ST 5 824 I Ki 3 82 V, i 2'4 5 22'4 5 874 5 (24 5 874 S 824 3 821, 3 824 S 834 5 924 5 834 5 824 5 824 5 424 5 834 3 S34 5 924 5 824 8 524 3 824 5 24 .1 S24 I S24 t 82 v, 5 824 5 M4 5 824 5 824 1 124 5 824 J 824 5 834 3 8S4 5 814 S 824 3 S24 5 24 I !i24 5 124 No. 61.. 64.. 73 82 61 64 60 G3 6.1 39 71 76 56 47 92 66 65 68 i:s.... 53 41 64 II 62 62 to!!!!! 73 64 80...., 28...., 69...., 56 71...., 41...., 6.1.... 62.... 67.... 69.... 66.... 63.... 65!!!! S3.... 73.... 6't.... 60.... 70.... 61.... 1. 59. 70. 75., 81. ,...262 ... 225 ....2.U ....231 ....241 ....36$ ....U4 ....231 ....274 ....2(9 ....234 ....276 ....264 ....229 ....233 ....360 ....225 ....254 ....277 ....341 ....221 ....27.1 . . .257 ....253 ....240 ....233 ....367 ....237 ....3(1 ....186 ....253 ... .331 ...210 ...275 ...231 ...260 ...247 ...213 ...369 ...311 ...338 ...261 ... 2fl.1 ICO 160 SO 40 120 160 80 200 40 160 80 'so 40 120 40 240 120 SO 120 130 16) 67 73 67 73 79 74 63 57 50 6.1 67 64 64 r.s 63 10 ..22! ..361 ..2(4 2.40 278 264 262 235 21.1 230 ..231 ..2(3 ..2(5 ..213 ..234 ..245 . .253 ..279 ..291 ...2(2 ..231 ...313 ''5 ..299 ..211 ...321 80 160 "v 120 80 "so 160 160 16) 160 120 240 Pr. 3 824 3 824 5 924 5 824 5 834 i 624 3 314 5 624 3 824 3 824 5 S.'4 5 824 5 824 3 824 5 824 5 834 5 61 5 85 5 1 3 fS 5 S5 5 85 5 !5 5 63 5 15 .1 S5 3 8.1 5 85 5 85 3 85 5 S3 5 SI 5 85 3 8.1 3 81 5 1 3 !3 5 rS .1 81 5 8.1 5 5.1 u 1 5 S3 5 l3 5 83 6 85 S 83 5 83 5 1 5 8.1 5 83 5 85 3 13 5 ?5 6 83 5 SJ 3 S3 3 15 6 85 5 874 5 814 5 S74 5 S74 5 J74 5 474 5 74 5 47 Vj 5 87 4 6 974 5 374 5 90 ovi i Am SUPREME C0UHI oiuuo-. No. 9779. South TrVomSl)ougrn-n ngalnst Levy. Appeal from uo m Com. versed und remanded. d,y,' No. 2. mlssloner s opinion. force ostiro. Is ii .eVeniidlrr'asric "cn.'.'l;;. .T,:;! ably rendered. .. , an uetloil will He frtuVnct have . U been cotniiN ,1 line iv i.V. m.h vendee, und the icgn o "Ult ol 'Vi" . i.., ioV.nl 1 lie to the mnrt- glgorVwio ho dstlk. legal title to Uo mori: bSS?5 ' "ir lnc& am! sucii m"i ir. . " u or ,u,y part or t '".'Vlog against RoggS; from. '''',.rnIlJ,e!n So, X or oin- under tho . ... ..nii!itinii in li IjreC OI UrRl-lll '"' Inulll. circumstances nini co ns - ,."-" .: , H Ulion oi nun" .,,. tooryes Htrninl of four, .i.uu fr nn:iri. Of 01UO other motive man uucuuuu may. raise suumk " V""" "1 ,-.., tins is nn " v -.1,...., lallon ol Hons iniiuenceiii.n .n. - - , , r V"c relation Jm slsled for a long time 1,11,1,' I 111 VI,,,,., . .. ... strong tlon IiVii . influence, nnd ln so. doing Ion in question Is not unjust or unnai unl. 4 The burden ts upon the cot estan s o SHEEP Th,.r wns n nmro liberal run of sheep hero toduy thnn there has been for several days, but the demand on the part of packers seemed to bo about enu.il to tho occasion. The market wns not particularly active, but still about steady prices were paid, A string of grass wethers sold nt 13.15 and a bjnch of wethers nnd yearlings, mixed, brought $3.25. Lambs also sold at what looked to be steady prices. A bunch of fed lambs sold ns high as $1.30 nnd spring Inmbs brought $1.50. Quotations: Choice wethers, $3.35ii?3.W; fair to good wethers, $3.00'(f3.25; choice ewes, $2.75i(f3.10; fair to good, $2.25512.75; choice spring lambs, $1.7535.00; fair to good spring lambs, $l.50-(f4.75; feeder wethers, $2.75i( $3.00; feeder lambs, $3.25if4.(W. Representa tive sales: No. Av. I'r. 41 culled ewes S3 $1 50 57 culled ewes 81 1 50 221 culled ewes M 2 25 100 Wyoming grass wethers 91 :t 00 240 Wyoming grnss wethers 100 3 1 5 21 Wyoming grass wethers 91 3 15 600 Wyoming grass yearlings nnd wethers 91 3 25 2 bucks 275 2 00 1 buck 170 2 50 298 feeder yearlings 53 2 85 127 native yearllnga 79 4 30 5t Wyoming grass wethers 101 a 15 CHICAUO LIVE STOCK MARKET. STAGS. 5 (0 1 1476 4 49 CALVES. 4 M 1 130 5 23 6 0) 1 160 5 75 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 104! 2 CO 9 794 2 75 395 3 20 6 450 3 CO 1I6U 3 25 19 649 3 33 830 3 50 21 931 3 75 974 3 '0 6 S35 3 90 STOCICERB AND FEEDERS. 7 52-1 1 75 10 673 4 CO HOOS There wan a liberal run of hogs here today and an other markets were quilted lower trading at this point started out about -Vac inner, un ine siari u lew inn mm cnangeii minus in uuu .s vt. out Vinfnm sellers hnd tlmu to cut loot-e the market weakened and packers wero bidding tjflOo lower. Sellers were of course not u.iiiitif. tn tnWn off that miifli and ns a result the market wns very slow and It was late before many loads had changed hnnds. There Is one feature to the trade at tho present time which shippers should tuku note of. and thut Is thu way 'Isht- )!.,. li,,. ,Miiiirii- iUwcH will Kro ?Sl"i.lwil."iSo M;poll.osls of lis h uv ng bfi-n obtained bv undue Influence, It piusi .Vih ,w i thn they arc Inconsistent with a Smiley. Hastings, Steers Weak llos Slotr Native Slierp Itnle Weak. CHICAOO. July 2. CATTLE Reeeints. 500 head. Including 900 Tcxalis: native and Texas steers weak, butcher stock steady to slow; good to prime steers J5.20(h.2; poor to medium, JJ4.10ft5.10; stockcrs nnd feeders, wealc, at $2.&oyi.Bo; cows, jj.wip 65: he frrs. $2.65fi5.00: canncrs. s.'.ooiis ro; bulls, $2.50ftl.50; cnlves, steady, at 4.(WU' 6.40; Texas fed steers, $4.2Vti6.25; Texas grass steers, $3.50l.l5; Texas bulls, $2.C0&' 50. HOOS-Recclpts, 18,000 head; estimated tomorrow. 30.000: left over. 6.000: slow: ton. $6.20; mixed and butchers. $5.S0Ji6.15: good to cliolce neavy, jo.iiowo.si; rougn nenvy. j.sofiD.oo; light, j5.fc.oia6.io; num or saiea, 5.95f 6.07(4. SHEEP AND LAMnS-Rocelnts. 13.(X0 hend; good native sheep steady, wrsternH eak. Hiirlnc lambs steady to strong, cboice tcadv. others slow: good to choice wethers. $3.504t 1.10; fait to choice mixed, $3.C0W3 75; western sliccp, wrwai.vr, yenrnngs, w varp 15: native lambs, $3,257)5.10; western lamus. $4.00S6.10. Not York Live Stoek .llnrkct. NEW YORK, July 2. nEEVllfe-Recelpts, none, nnd untiling doing, reeling stenny. Cnbles iiuoted live cattle higher at 10V4?f 12c per lb.; refrigerator beef stendy at S3i5r 9c per lb. Exports, 7o0 cattle. l.Otl sheep and 4,560 quarters of beef; tomorrow, l,Ml) quarters of be,ef. UAUVrJH Iteceipis. itw nenu; iu on snie. market flat, almost no demand; few good ea s sold at $5.00: tmttermilKS nominal; nearly 700 calves unsold. SHEEP AND LAMRS Recclnts. 5.005 head: 33 ears on sale: sheep dull and barely steady, cholco and Australian lambs nbiut steady, otners nnrn 10 sen, nm nnm wanted, more than 20 cars unsold; me Hum to good sheep, $3.00U3.50; medium to choice lambs. $5.37l,!i76.25; one car extra, $6.60. HOGS Receipts. 2,345 head; ono car on sale; weak to 10c lower; western hogs, $6.30; state nogs, js.w; enpico ugiu, o.iu. Kama) City Live Stock Market. ifANRAH CITY. Juiv 2. CATTLE Re ceipts. 9.000 natives. 1.300 Texans and 400 calves; choice beef steers, steady; other cattle- ctendy to a shade lower; choice dressed beof steers, $5.25ftu.7S; fair to good. $4,855(5.20; stocKers nnn teeners, w.wfii.io; western fed steers, $4.50g.M); Texans nnd Indians. 11.15W&.20: Texas grass steers, (TiiMV, cows, $2.8.HN.25: heifers, $3.0034.90; ennnors. $1.75Jj2.75; bulls, $2.63ft'-l.50; calves, $3,005'4.75. . , , HOUa ueceints. zj.iwj neau; nmuri 10c heav Unlit . , . . 1 - . - . 1 , . . ...... w JJ. BIIBE1" Arsl) liA.Mlin JMJCCllHB, w.'iw head; sheep, steady to 10o lower; lamns, 105T15C lower; lambs. $4.235.10; wethers. $3,254(0.90: yearlings. $3.76f(4.40; ewes, $3.0flf 3.75; culls, $2.00j3.00; Texas grass sheep, $3,254(3.75. 81. Louis Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. July 2.-CATTLE-Rocelpts, .MX) head. Including 300 Texans; margci stendy for natives, loo lower for Texans; native shipping nnd export steers. fj.W 6 00; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.Mfcfl 5.40; steers under '.000 lbs., $3.40(( l,75: stock ers nnd feiilers, J2.55Jj-l.45: cows and heif ers. $2.O0fH.8O; canncrs. $1.252.S5; hulls. $2., 5 13.bo; Texas anil inuian sicers, w.&wt.w, cows and heifers, $2.404H.15, HOOS Receipts. 11.200 head: market Ec lower; pigs nnd lights, $5.85fou.95; packers, $5.85115.95; butchers. $5,951(6.20. HJIIJEl' AriU liAJMlia Iteceipis, b.wi hend; mnrket dull and slow; native mut- nnM MOfKf3.50! lambs. $3.505.50: culls and bucks, $2,004(3.25; stockers, $2,254(2.75; Texns sheep, $3,254)3.50. Stock In SlKht. TUa f.iinix.liii' tnlilo shows tho receipts of cattle, hogs anu siieep nt tno luur priiiuii" IOOS necelpts, 23.000 head; mnrKet wv lower; top, $6; bulk of sales, $3.754io.&a; ivy. $5,904(6.00; mixed packers, $j.8x4i.ftj; lit. $5.704p5.85: pigs, $5,004(5.63. .r.v ",Mr,' t A Xf till llnnAlntn T. flftft 1.... 1 COlliriirj ni"'""7' ,i, illrv Pn i 1 nrlent evidence to sustain a verdict. even though there be a scintilla 01 eviueuj-o there 011 which was admitted without ob- JlNo"li7SS. Rlvervlew Investment Compnny ncnlnst Merrill. Appeal from Douglas. Ar flFmed. Sedgwick. C. Commissioner's opln- tlWStt. of this court that a purchaser nt tax salo can maintain an onion to foreclose his lien without giving notice to redeem are auncri-n m. No. 10015. Zimmerman ngalnst Error from Jefferson. Afnrm . n.inplitiimf TCn. 1. A mother, pending nn fiction upon a lluuor seller')! bond, under section xvl, chap ter 1, Compiled Stntutes, brought on ner own behalf and that of her minor children, has no authority to settle and comprise, their rights without tho ntithorlty and ap proval of the court. No. 10037. Lancashire Insurance Compnny against Klerstcud et nl. Appeal from .Madi son. Reversed. Dullle, C. Department No. 3'ln nn nction to foreclose n mortgage tho petition contained the usual allegations of no nction nt law being hnd for the debt. The answer contained a general donlul nnd no proof of the above ullcgittton of thn petition being offered, held, that n fore closure should hnvo been denied. No. 1W.S. Mnclagan & Pierce against Wltte. Appeal from Knox. Alllrmcd. Hast ings, C. Department No. 1. 1. When n sheriff's return shows n salo to "Henry Musgravc, assignee of the de cree herein," objection that the return shows no purchaser In tho absence of any showing thut Henry Musgravc Is a llctitloua person is not won laiten. 2. Tho fact that no money was paid, not . available ns un objection where thu salo was to the assignee of the dceruo nnd ItH confirmation Is urged by plaintiff. 3. Objection Hint order and notice of fain make- no mention of the assignment of tho decree not nvutlablc ln thu ubsenco of any showing of prejudice. No. 10012. Dafoc ngalnst Kopllnger et al. Error from Sheridan. Reversed and dis missed Oldham, C. Department No. 2. 1. An action on a covenant against In cumbrances In 11 warranty deed Is not nn nction Involving thn title to enl estate, and when tho amount sued for does not oxceed $200 a Justice of the peace has Jutlsdlottou of such action. 2. Under hcctlnn 9S3 of the Code of Civil Proccduro 11 Justlcn of the pence Is au thorized lo set nsidc a verdict of a Jury obtained beforo him, where by motion It Is mndu to appear to his satisfaction that such verdict was obtained by fraud, par llnllly or undue means. Provided, such motion Is filed and proper notlco given thn opposing party and Is acted upon within four days of the rendering of such verdict. No. 10014. Hcdell ngalnst llnrblne Rank of Fnlrhury. Error from Jefferson. Ames, C. Department No. 3. 1, If tho payee of a check drnwn upon n bank In this state Indorses nnd delivers It to 11 bnnk ln a neighboring town for collec tion nnd accompanied tho act with n 10 qucBt that It bo not Immediately presented for payment nnd agrees that It may bo sent for collection through a distant bank Mt uated outside tho state, tho Indorsed will not be liable for tho consequence of the delay necessarily Incident to tho courso adopted nor for tho default or negligence, of thu bnnk chosen to make presentment for payment. 2. If tho payee of a check drawn upon a bank In thlB stnte Indorses It to a bank In a neighboring town for collection and tho lat ter, witnout tne Knowledge or consent of tho l.avee. sends It fnr enllertlnn tlirr.ii, dlstnnt bank situate outside tho Btate, thereby consuming three days for making a prce.ntment for payment which might havo btfcii mndo In one day. the Indorsee' will lm liable lor tho consequences of such delay and for nny default or nealiirnnnn nf ih bank close 11 to make thn collection. Thomas W. Carter of Adhboro, N. C had kidney trouble and ono bottle of Foley' Kidney Curo effected a perfect cure and ha says there Is no remedy that will comparo with it. 2,315 3.500 10,300 7,S00 Hogs. 9,826 18.000 23,000 11,200 Sheen. 3,190 13,000 6,000 S,500 Hi.,, Binrk markets July 2: South Omaha Chtcogo Kansas city .... St. Louis Totals St. Joseph Live Stock Market ST. JOSEPH. July 2.-CATTLE-Hecclpt, 1 ua head: market nctlve und steady to 23,945 62,026 29,690 nuuo , '. i..,;, i,.j 'tinsnV inn. lower! Km uuu m dlum and heavy. $a. hill ItMrtVM, .y.,l,.'.. I.&04I6.O2V4; bulk. $5.804u.95. LAMBS-Rccelpts, 3.2A! $125,000,000 WAS DISBURSED JULY 1st. This will stimulate a big rise in the stock market. Iluy stocks now and nut nt the top; wo will carry Louisville, Atchison, II. R. T., or nny of tho standard stocks on 1 point margin. They nre a big purchase. hamcim; house op- W. R. VERMiLYE & GQ.. NEW YORK. BOSTON. MAIN OFFICES 52 Broadway, New York. STOCKS, (alt AI.N, ;OTTO,N nml IIK.M OR A HE I.WHSTMIJ.Vr SECCHlTII. Commission 1-16. Four nor cent interest allowed on balances subject to draft in terest charges never ubuve six per com. I'rlviile Wires to lloxtnn A I'II(nIhii-k. Send for our Special Reports Issued tri weekly on uctlvo stocks. Tei eHu nr Boyd Commission Co Successors to Jme B. Boyd Co., OMAHA, NER. COMMISSION GRAIN. ritOVISIOXH AND STOCKS, llimrd of Trade nalldliiK. Direct wires to Culcnso and New Tork. Correspondence, John A. Waiten Co. PM Jluw IUOO Amm lii a oenuine ifetW optd Calnraila COLD Ml SK. Manna inrnt lint (Inn Wet rleh ,tifcA- iNfi lUtln niiiify..'nilrsn j.jiusni'istaiA'jt St)Hn'ilM(ivu. liana iicrernnci't EDWARD C. HEEMAN NOW wun COMMISSION MERCHANT8. 4JRA1N. PltorilrtM, NTOt'KS. IIONimANII COTTON. 326-928 Ln Salle "t., CHICAOO. Yoor biulBM ollelle! (!orn"iiniine loflUd. Ilillr n4 ioiiTusrlii,t lMlr rolUl ou rxiucit. I'rlfaU 4Vlrei I all imftimxi -mi i.i r.i.