Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1901, Image 1

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    The Omaha i Daily Bee.
anttinatioiai Aiiooiauon rrenaen ueniia-
n Machinisti' Btrlka Wei.
Naithtr Blot Nor Bloodshed !i All thi Daji
f th Strnf gk
Jfumbor Btiig Reduced Erarj Pay by Ntw
.Amerlenn Federation of Labor Scud
Urn Check fur FItr Thousand
Uollnri to Itellcre Any
Possible Wnnt,
WASHINGTON, July 2. President O'Con
nell of tho International Association ot
Machinists said today that he regarded the
machinists' Btrlko ns practically won.
"Even If an order should be Indued at
this tlmo directing all men out to return
to work on tho old basis," bo said, "the
Bine-hour day would bo won."
Continuing ho said.
"Tho movement has been attended with
very success and In many respects Is the
most remarkable strugglo on record. Thero
are now only 8,000 men out and agreements
are being signed every day reducing this
"It has not been a strike. It simply has
been a cessation of work. A strike, to
tho mind of tho public, means riot and
bloodshed, Tho machinists have had none
of this. It Is truo there havo been one or
two cases of assault, but these aro liable to
occur at any tlmo and cannot bo charge
ablo to tho machinists."
The first financial aid to bo recolvod by
tho machinists slnco their Btrlko begun
was accepted today by President O'ConnolI
In tho form of a check for (5,000 from the
American Federation of Labor.
JVo Move Made, but ficucrnl Ilellef
Thcro Will IJe Xo Ileal
PITTSDURO, July 2. The second day of
th strike ot the shcot steel and steel hoop
workers of tho Amalgamated association
opened without Interesting or exciting
features. It was evident that neither side
anticipated early developments, a.a there
was no unusual activity about tho combine
olllccs and tho utmost quiet prevailed at
the headquarters ot the workers. As Presi
dent Shaffer remarked, the conditions of
the present strtko were peculiar and no
decided results were expected for ten days
or two. weeks, ily that tlmo tho manu
facturers having all necessary repairs at
(heir mills completed would be anxious to
resume operations.' The strugglo would
then begin In earnest. The belief Is quite
general, however, that the real test will
not como until the close of the hot weather
a d tho goncrnl resumption of business
lb the early fall and In the meantime It
Is thought that tho conflicting Interests
will see tholr way clear to recede from
tho pruscnt positions.
That President Shaffer ot the Amalga
mated association Is preparing for the
rainy day which may como If tho strlko
Is prolonged Indefinitely Is evident from
tho circular mailed to the association
lodges today. The circular directs the
lodges to lay assessments upon tholr mem
bers, tho money to bo used for tho relief
of such members of the association as
might bo out of work. Tho nionoy col
lected by theso assessments of the lodges
will bo forwarded to Pittsburg, where It
will be placed in tho general fund ot thu
association. Tho latter has tor years been
creating a strike fund, systematically and
methodically. This fund Is said now to
nmount to between $200,000 and $300,000.
Kxpcct n .Settlement.
Tho combine officials do not appear to bo
worrying over the situation and say they
do not recognlzo a condition ot a strlko
yet. Somo ot tho otneers Intimate that
there may he a renewal of negotiations at
any time and a settlement effected. In out'
hldi) circles the belief Is growing that the
strike will be called oft beforo It gets
fairly well uuder way.
Outside the comblnu plantH thero Is lit
tle apprehonslnn over tho situation. Among
tho Independent companies In Pittsburg
who havo closed down, but who are ready
to sign are: Zug & Co,, limited, will sign;
the Pittsburg Forgo and Iron company, who
nro satisfied to grant the, mens' demands;
A. M. Dyers & Co. ot the south side has
closed for repairs, but Is ready to sign tho
scalo whenever tho committee waits upon
them, and Ilrown & Co., who are closed tor
An announcement today that the sheot
combination had cut prices occasioned
Mirprlso, as It Is known that all tho mills
have been busy and many orders remain
unfilled. Tho heaviest cut U on No. 3S, the
xtnndard gauge, which Is reduced from
J135 per 100 pounds to $3.10. Tho lighter
pauses havo been cut In price from $1 to $3
H ton. Tho move puzzled tho Amalgamated
officials and President Shaffer said: "It
has been dono merely for tho purpose of
having an effect on the Independent sheet
manufacturers who have signed our scalo."
Tho advisory board of the Amalgamated
Association has not yet been called to meet
to consider the Munition, but a meeting
will be held soon If the American Sheet
company shows no disposition to reopun
negotiations. President Shaffer says tho
call for another conference not como
from tho Amalgamated Association, as tho
ultimatum of that organization was given
at tho last conference.
Mioii IIiiiiiU Iliitlf)- Anreemcnt lit-,
hii'cn Chairman IloKcucr anil
President llnrr.
READINO. Pa.. July 2. The Reading
railway striking shop hands today ratified
the agreement between Chairman Doscher
nnd President Daer and It was decided to
return to work Friday morning. Over 1,
200 men were present at tho meeting.
Cnunlldntlon of the Manufacturers
May Itenult In n II I k Let-Out
III Mlunriipolli,
MINNEAPOLIS. July 2. As a result of
the plow consolidation It Is expected that
nearly 100 northwestern traveling men will
be forced to look for positions, rifty of
Uicic travel out of Minneapolis.
Huntington lt, "'her Torrn's En
gines, but i'l,'ill to Hum
Itself , ''
HUNTINGTON, V. Va., July .
raged In the heart of the city fro-. L
o'clock this morning until 6 o'clock this
evening, resulting In a loss ot $200,000.
The flames started In the Adelphla hotel
from an electric wire on tho fifth floor
and had gained great headway before being
The hotel was crowded with guests, many
of whom were women. Of these a number
fainted when tho alarm rang through tho
halls and It was with great difficulty that
they were removed from tho building.
Many attempted to leap from windows,
but wero prevented from doing so. There
was not a gallon ot water In the city
reservoirs when the fire broke out and
all the Are engines In the city are out of
repair. Rapidly the fUmes spread and
soon halt a dozen residences were aflame.
The brick annex to the Adelphla hotel, on
tho opposite sldo of tho square, soon caught
Are and was destroyed. This, as well as
the hotel proper, was handsomely fur
nished. All Is a total loss, together with
a llvory stable and a number of private
offices, fruit stores, barber shops nnd doz
ens of smaller structures. The Arc en
gines that were sent hero from surround
ing towns soon broko down and tho flames
spread rapidly and unhindered.
Prostrations among ihe firemen were nu
merous, but nono will result fatally, C.
W. Yost of Catlcttsburg was struck by a
falling wall and his skull fractured. He
Is In a serious condition. There Is still no
water to be had In the city and alarm Is
felt over tho possibility of another fire
breaking out.
Arlnonn Town Tlurn.
WILLIAMS, Ariz., July 2. A Are which
started this morning In Fleming's general
merchandise store completely wiped out the
main portion of the town, two entire blocks
and a portion of another. A conservative
estimate ot tho loss Is $1,000,000. The In
surance covers only a small portion of the
loss. There was no loss of llfo so far as
known. Thero waa virtually no water sup
ply and no Are department.
WILLIAMS, Ariz., July 2 The principal
losses so tar as known aro estimated as
follows: T. A. Fleming, $3,000; Tolfro ho
tel, $35,000; K. M. Twttty, $3,000; Ocorgo
U. Young, Williams News ofllce, $12,000;
J. Johnson, $3,000; M. Salzman, $100; M. A.
Ranney. $25,000; J. Waltzler, $6,000; Totz
loff, $3,000; Hen Swcctwood, $10,000; Capt.
P. Smith & Co., $10,000; J. C. Phelan, $1.
000; Poison Bros,, $50,000; Ocorgo Matthews,
$3,000; C. E. Royco, $2,000; Williams Drug
company, $10,000; Hnyward hotel, $12,000;
L. Schay, $3,000; Simpson's opera house,
$8,000; Nat Skolskl, $7,000; A. U. Brunor &
Sons, $3,500; W. W. Dodleon. $6,000;
George W. Martin. $7,500; J. Walsh, $1,000;
II. Layb, $2,500; II. F. Shurtz, $2,500; But
ton Furnlturo houso, $5,000. ,
Iloaton Stable and WharTfu.
BOSTON, July 3. The stables and
wharves of the Metropolitan Coal company
on First street, South Boston, wore burned
this morning. A dozen of tho structures
wero swept away In a half hour. Twenty
draught horses were burned to death. The
loss Is placed at $400,000. Several coal
laden barges wero burned. The Are spread
to a lnrge sugar warehouse, adding heavy
loss. Tho Insuranco Is amplo.
Hnmetcail Hotel, Hot SprliiK.
RICHMOND. Vn., July 3. Telegrams re
ceived hero this morning (Wednesday) say
tho big Homestead hotel at Hot Springs,
Va Is on Aro and will bo destroyed. No
loss of llfo and no one hurt. Tho guests
and servants of the hotel aro all 'safely
housed In the Vlrglnta hotel and nearby
cottages. Tbo loss Is estimated at $500,000.
FlrrproofliiK I'lnnt.
NEW YORK. July 2. The plant of the
National Flreprooflng company, near Key
port, N. J., was burned today. The fire
started In a brick kiln and beforo tho
Aaraes wero stopped the works wero de
stroyed, entailing a loss of $200,000, with
an estimated Insurance ot $100,000.
Another It ml One nt Globe.
PHOENIX. Ariz.. July 2. The mining
town of Globe, 100 miles east of Phoenix,
has been almost totally destroyed by Are.
The loss Is heavy. The wires are down
and particulars aro unobtainable at
Dnbnqnc Dully Telegraph.
DUBUQUE, la., July 2. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho Dally Telegraph office was
partially burned tonight. Tho loss may
reach $25,000; Insured.
Untcru nnd Denver CnnltnlUt IlooM
New Line Out of Colorado
DENVER, July 2. A new short railway
line, ouo that will decrease tho dlstanco by
rail between Denver nnd SalfLako City, Is
projected by the Incorporators of the Den
vor & Salt Lake Railway, Tunnel and Min
ing company, that Alcd papors with the
secretary of state today. It Is capitalized
at $5,000,000. The Incorporators are: J. E,
Ratchford of Syracuso, N. Y., and John J.
Rellly, I). W. Hannum. L. N. Cullls and
David J. Kelly 9! Denver.
The company Intends to complete and
uso the Atlantic &. PaclAc tunnel, projected
by "Brick" Pomeroy, which Mr. Hanford
bought at sheriff's sale on March 4 last.
Contltutlonnl Convention Mm ra Into
New Quarter nnil Will Iterenftcr
llur the Door.
HAVANA, July 2. Tho Cuban constitu
tional convention has moved Its quarters
from tho Marti theater to a bulte of rooms
In that vicinity. Tho convention's ses
sions will hereafter be closed to the public.
Tho commission appointed to draft an
electoral law for Cuba formally reported
to the convention today. No action was
taken on tho commission's report.
General Wood is Improved. His doctors
report the fever as diminishing. Gcnerol
Wood has not been at his office for several
days past.
Toil Career, Alius Wllllnrd, Arrested
for Murder of Learner nnd filh
Iidiih 11 Yeur Aro.
PHOENIX. Ariz., July 2. Sheriff Scar
borough and a poBse of Apaches have cap
tured Tod Carver, alias Wllllard, charged
with the murder of Frank Lesuer and
Andrew Gibbons near St. Johns, over a
year ago. Officers have pursued Carver
all over Texas, New Mexico and Arkansas.
Iirada Mixico Oftj'i Ohnrohti to Denounce
Otrtais f rieita,
Itesort to Such Violence thnt Women
Are Frightened nnd Many Arrest
Hccome .N'eccnnnr) Precau
tions New IIcImk 1'nken,
MEXICO CITY, July 2. Tho public mind
Is much excited and the clergy are Ailed
with Indignation over tho result of the
students' anti-clerical demonstration yes
terday. Tho students to tho number of 300
held a public meeting near the statue of
Columbus. Stirring speeches were made,
showing tho Intense feeling of the young
mep and denouncing tho recent Immorali
ties, of the few priests who It was claimed
havo been shielded and not punished. A
chargo was made that former Archbishop
La Bastlda was a traitor to his country,
whllo tho present Archbishop Alarlcf
showed no disposition to punish recreant
priests with that measure of severity de
manded by the nature of their offenses.
A company of mounted gendarmes pre
served order nnd tho demonstration was
witnessed by Governor Coral of the federal
district and by Chief of Police Vlllegal.
Tho students, accompanied by a great num
ber of people from tho lower classes,
marched up San Francisco street and on
tho way the poltco arrested three men for
Insulting women whllo going to mass.
By this tlmo tho crowd numbered fully
3,000 people and made Its way toward the
church of Santo Domingo, where tho
Dominican Fathers officiate. Part of tho
crowd entered during mass when the church
was Ailed with worshipers, mostly women.
Shouts wero raised of "Death to tho
priests!" "Down with the clergy!" and the
priests left tbo altar and sought refuge In
tho sacristy with many worshipers. The
disturbance went no further.
Window flroken, Ininaren Destroyed.
Another part of the crowd entered tho
church of Santa Carlja, arriving during 12
o'clock mass. Windows were broken and
Images hurled down. Tho priests were dis
persed and tho students made speeches de
nouncing the clergy. Thero wero heard
shouts for Father Icaza, who Is accused of
many misdeeds. The women prosont were
terrified nnd the police, made several ar
rests, but many of the prisoners were aftor
ward relenscd, Tho leaders among tho
students had counseled moderation and
against making a disturbance, but tho mob
was apparently bent on showing Its feeling
toward tho clorgy. In tho afternoon people
assembled tor prayer In tho cathedral and
other churches and today tho Catholic
pcoplo aro offering prayer for tho enemies
of religion.
Precautions havo bcon taken to prevent
further trouble, but It Is believed that If
scvornl priests who aro publicly de
nounced in tho press are not punished the
young men may mako an attempt to Invado
the temples. Public opinion Is divided
as regards tho demonstration made by the
students, but the liberals and non-Catholics
consider that the clergy will now be com
pelled to demand the expulsion of tbo
priests who have been causing public In
dignation to reach fever height.
Quartermaster' Division of AndltltiK
Force Accomplishes ti Montrons
Tank for the Year.
WASHINGTON, July 2. The quarter
master's division of tho office ot the audi
tor for the War department closed Its rec
ord of work dono during the fiscal year
which ended last Saturday with a showing
greater In volumo by almost 60 per cent
than that of any previous year In the his
tory of tho treasury. This division exam
ines, re-computes and tabulates all tbo ac
counts and expenditures of all quartermast
er h, commissary and engineer officers ot the
Tho grand total of expenditures thus aud
ited Is $120,061,378, or over 234 per cent of
the cntlro cost ot the government. It Is
divided as follows: Quartermasters' dis
bursements, $73,000,000; commissaries, $23,
000,000; engineers, $18,000,000.
The total number of monthly accounts
settled was 16,481, Involving the examina
tion In detail ot 2,343,000 vouchers. These
covered transactions In tho tael of China,
yen of Japan, rupees of India and Ceylon,
francs, marks and pounds of Mediterra
nean countries, Mexican dollars of tho Phil
ippines and pesos of Cuba, all of which had
to be reduced to the domestic standard and
so stated In respect to each officer's ac
counts that the treasury might know his
exact Indebtedness at a glance.
N. C. Martin, the chief of the division,
was a private soldier during tho civil war
and Seward's nurse when ho was wounded
by an assassin.
CoMBrenilnnnl Enactment of the hnt
Session Spoil Plan of Texas
Organised Grabbers,
WASHINGTON. July 2. The report from
Denlson, Tex., of tho formation of a com
pany to make a rush for tho Kiowa lands In
Oklahoma on the theory that they are now
public lands and subject to homestead set
tlcment, and that no restriction can bo
placed on tholr settlement, Is a reiteration
of n claim that the Interior department al
ready has found groundless, Congress last
Murch passed s low governing tho subject
which supersedes all prior laws and which
provides that tho president In his proclama
tion shall prescrlbo tho manner in which
these lands may be settled on, occupied and
entered and prohibiting any violation of
such provisions. The Interior department
holds unqualifiedly that no one can settle on
the lands In violation of the proclamation
and that anyoue who attempts to do so will
probably subject himself to prosecution.
Financier Ilnck of the Projected
Counnlldntlon Hold Secret Se.
nlou In r'hlciiRO.
CHICAGO, July 2. Negotiations toward
tho amalgamation of tho bituminous coal
mines In Indiana are about completed. Tho
particulars of the deal win be mado public
next week. A secret raeotlng of the finance
and railroad companies having In charge
the consolidation was held In Chicago to
day. It is understood that the Indiana
corporation will bo financed by Chicago
capitalists and that the capitalization will
reach $15,000,000. Progress Is also reported
In the consolidation ot tho Illinois mlneB.
It was given out yesterday that the Chicago
Vlrden company had secured options on
all the mints on the Chicago & Alton rail
road kouth of Wilmington and on ten mines
In the vicinity of Springfield.
Prisoner Arc Ter rilled and Tree Are
Hurled flier lloue MkIiIiiIiik
Dentro) lltilldliiK.
NEW YORK, July 3. St. Agnes' church,
Brooklyn, was destroyed last night by a
flro resulting from a lightning bolt. Tho
los3 was $250,000.
Three firemen were fatally hurt about 1
o'clock this (Wednesday) morning by tho
falling of a part of the masonry of tho
Lightning destroyed nn uncompleted brick
nnd stono apartment houso on Twenty-sixth
street near West End avenue, with loss of
$150,000. The high wind curried tho sparks
to residences In tho vicinity, causing dam
age of several thousand dollars more.
Among buildings destroyed was the famous
old Rlversldo Drlvo hotel.
A tornado struck the shores of the Hud
son river near Osslnlng last night and cut
a path two miles long and several hun
dred feet wide. Trees were uprooted, build
ings unroofed and windows blown In. The
Sing Sing prison was In the center of the
storm's path. There was great excitement
and considerable damage. A roof on tho
water side of tho prison was blown off
and tho rain and yellow mud scooped up
by the wind were scattered through tho
prison. The prisoners had Just been locked
In their cells for tho night and they set
up an nwful screaming. Their terror was
intensified when the windows were blown
In, there was a ripping and roaring sound
by the wind tearing off the roof of tho
administration building. Tho roof of a shop
was also torn away. Trees were torn up
by the roots nnd some of these wero hurled
against houses, crushing in tho sides and
carrying awny porches nnd cavcs.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., July 2. A bolt ot
lightning from n clear sky that struck
eighty Inmates of tho Central Kentucky
Asylum for the Insane at Lakeland, eleven
miles from Louisville, at 3:30 this after
noon, killed James Howard, aged 34, of
Stevcnsport, Ky., and knocked unconscious
Nat Mercer, an attendant, and three other
patients. Great excitement followed among
the Insane persons, who had been taken
Into tho yard for air, but rain enmo and
drove them back to their quarters.
Three KlMhermen Killed nnd Other
Hurt Where They SnnKht
ST. LOUIS, July 2. A bolt of lightning
Instantly killed three men, fatally injured a
boy and seriously Injured a man and a boy,
members of a St. Louis fishing party who
had sought refuge from tho fierce storm
of this afternoon beneath the shelter of a
masBlve sycamore trco on tho bank of Dend
creek at Cahokla, 111.
The dead:
WILLIAM INGHAUSER, 32 years old.
JOHN J. DEORAFF, 18 years old.
LOUIS STERN, 26 years old.
Fatnlly Injured:
Bennlo Egglln, 13 years bid.
Seriously Injured:
Joseph Egglln, 24 years old.
Albert Lctdlnger, 14 years old.
Tbo Ashing party had h'd excellent luck
and big strings of fish wur hurriedly tied
to saplings on the bank of the creek, whllo
tho fishermen sought refuge from tho storm.
Tho point at which tbo men were fishing Is
some distance from tho village of Cahokla
and Instead of seeking a farm house", the
men and boys gathered around a tall syca
more tree 100 feet from where they had
been fishing. Suddenly the tree was en
wrapped with a brilliant phosphorescent
light. The reverberation which followed was
heard for miles. When tho citizens of
Cahokla discovered vho party they found
three of them dead and had much difficulty
In resuscitating the others. Nono of the
bodies waB badly marked, tho lightning
showing Its effect principally In the feet
of each member of the pary. Tho bolt was
of tho proverbial freakish sort. Tho point
ot contact was at tho waist line ot each
Individual, traversing the limbs In each
Instance and escaping Into the earth.
Some I.okn of I.lfc, hat I'artlcalur
Not Yet Obtulned Croim
MIDDLESBORO, Ky., July 2. A violent
storm resembling a tornado wrought havoc
across Cumberland Gap, In Powell's val
ley. A halt-dozen small farm houses were
demolished, together with a largo number
of barns. There was somo loss of life, but
particulars have not yet been obtained.
Perry Smith was killed by lightning. Crops
were Kerlously damaged by tho wind In
various places.
The path of tho storm was along Powells
river, the farming communities being for
the most part visited. The homes ot
Charles Mayhlug nnd John Winston wore
blown down, but the occupants escaped. No
further loss ot Ufa has been reported.
Mump Into Another Motor Disabled
by lilKhtnlnK nnd Dozen Pas
senger Suffer Injury.
CHICAGO. July 2. Eleven children, one
woman and a motormau were seriously In
jured tonight in a street car collision at
Lakeside. The car, which was crowded
with children who had been spending tho
day at a Sunday school picnic, whllo run-.
nlng at a high rate of speed, dashed Into
another car that had been struck by light
ning and was standing on the tracks wait
ing for the wrecking crow. The passengers
wero thrown In every direction and for a
tlmo It wns thought n number had been
killed, but when tho wreckage had been
cleared away It was found that all but
twelve and tho motormnn had escaped.
Tho motorman Is so badly hurt that It Is
believed ho cannot recover. Tho children
suffer from broken limbs and severe cuts
from falling glass. There wero over fifty
passengers on tho car that was struck by
lightning, but beyond a severe shock none
was hurt.
South 0 111 nil 11 Man Fnll to Appear In
Hnben Corona Suit nt Kiiiikii
KANSAS CITY. Mo July 2.-(Spcc!al
Telegram.) The suit which W. F. Travis
of South Omaha began hero for tho cus
tody of his father, John Travis, agtd
81 years, was dropped, as tho youn
young man failed to appear In court whe
me caso wab caiieu, tne ewer Trnv
came from Omaha three vears aza anil h
since been living with his foster daugbte
Mrs. Emma J. Newman of this ell v. n.
contly the old man was given $1,300 back
pension and then trouble began. When
tho son came after his father Mrs, New
man refused to give him up and young
Travis brought habeas corpus proceed
ing, but the case was dropped today,
Wtatber Bureau Dotin't Expect Coolneii to
Last Long.
tin Not Yet Uiiunlcd Those of 181
nnd 11)00, Kxcciit In the City of
Sew York, Where Old Rec
ord In Outdone.
WASHINGTON, July 2. Reports re
ceived at the weather bureau hi this city
from the entire area affected by the In
tenso heat show a continuation of very
high temperature, save In a few favored
localities, where moderate weather re
sulted In consequence of thunderstorms
or other atmospheric conditions. No re
lief Is In sight. Tho rainfall reports how
that there has been precipitation through
out the area varying from less thnn a
hundredth of an Inch to moro than an Inch.
The thunderstorms which have come havo
been what Is known ns "dry storms,"' so
that llttlo rain has accompanied them.
Tho Indications for tho next twenty-four
hours for a largo portion of the heated
area point to cloudy weather, with show
ers, which, however, because of their local
character will bring only partial relief
from the heat. Tho prediction of tho offi
cials here Is that the tempcraturo for the
next forty-eight hours will show a fall of
probably four or flvo degrees, but It
will still climb above the f)0-degroe mark
In most places. The Atlantic coast will
get some relict from a West Indian dis
turbance which Is moving northward.
Phoenix, Ariz., bad the highest tempera
ture today, the thermometer registering
106; Philadelphia, 102; Boston, 04; nt Chi
cago, where over half nn Inch of rain fell,
96; Davenport, la,, 92; Indianapolis, 91;
Kansas City, 100; Llttlo nock, 96; Mem
phis, 94; New Orleans, 94; New York, 9S;
North Platte, Neb., 92; Salt Lake City, 92;
rittsburg, 94; St. LouIb, 96; Springfield,
111.. 96; Vlcksburg, 94.
At Washington tho maximum was 100, but
during a gust In the afternoon tho ther
mometer fell 15 degrees In as many min
utes. Numerous prostrations and deaths
nro reported from tho heat and In many
places Industrial plnnts were forced to sus
pend operations.
Weather Ilurean'n Itulletln.
The weather bureau tonight Issued tho
The hot wnvc which has prevailed during
the last ten or twclvo dnys over Now Kng
IhihI, the middle Atlantic states, tho lake
region, the Ohio valley nnd tho central
west nnd northwest continued durlnc Tues
day, although temporary relief was nf-
rorcicn during mo anernoon ny numnrjus
thunderstorms In Now England nnd the
middle Atlantic states and at Chlcano and
St. Louts.
A yet this warm wave has not equaled
In duration those of 1S81 and 1900. except In
New York City, whero during the present
hot wuvo tho maximum temperatures havo
ranged from 90 to 98 durlnc the last seven
days, exceeding the greatest previous record
ay iwo uuys. tenner nave me extreme
temperatures of tho present wave yut ex
ceeded tho nrevlous I1lche.1t record, al.
though they very nearly equaled thorn.
rne cnsiWHrn movement or another low
pressure nrca In tho 'cxtremi west, rejjr
It Improbable that there will be any lovig
continued relief for tho htull temner.nturrrl
dlntrlclfl now affected, but It Is not probable
iimy win icitcii me previous extreme in ilio
Atlantic states on Account of the Influence
of a moderate West Indies disturbance.
which appears to be moving northwestward
uci uiu ucancr llllllPH.
. . . " K- WILLIAMS.
Acting Chief United States Weather
General Precipitation Come Moat
Opportunely for IHIatered Cltle
Ent and South.
KANSAS CITY, July 3. Temperature at
3 p. m. yesterday was 100 degrees and
thero was llttlo breeze. Four heat pros
trations wero reported, none fatal. A num
ber of horses died on tho street. Tho
prospects are continued hot weather to
morrow and on tho Fourth of July. Tho
highest official temperatures In the United
States today were reported from Kansas:
Hays City, 104; Fort Scott and McPherson,
At midnight tonight thermometers In tho
street registered 87 degrees and hardly
a breath of air Is stirring. Tomorrow will
probably be hotter than any day yet. One
death from heat was roported today.
ST. PAUL. July 2. The weather report
tonight shows a decided Improvement In the
heat conditions over those of last night.
Tho maximum temperature In St. Paul to
day was S4 and at 7 p. m.,80 was recorded.
ST. LOUIS. Mo., July 2. Tho long-de-fcrred
precipitation camo to St. Louis this
afternoon at 4 o'clock. Tho rain was not
of long duration, but It performed Its
duties vigorously and the weather bureau
rain gauge at the end of forty-fivo minutes
showed that .81 of an Inch of water had
fallen. Tho mercury retreated rapidly be
foro tho storm. At 1 o'clock this after
noon tho thermometer registered 97 de
grees and nt 3:30 o'clock It had dropped
only one degree. After the rain the mer
cury dropped to 80 degrees, a sheer fall of
16 degrees. Thirty persons a larger num
ber than were treated during tho entire
summer of 1900 aro nt tho city hospital
suffering from heat prostration. During
the twenty-four hours ending at 8 o'clock
tonight tour deaths and seven prostrations
had been reported.
Start .Many Klrea In Chlcnuo.
CHICAGO, July 2. Two deaths and nu
merous prostrations wero reported In Chi
cago today and two men wero struck by
lightning In tbo course of a thunderstorm
which brought relief lato In the afternoon.
Ono woman who suffered from the heat
attempted suicide. Heat prostrations In
Chicago today wero due to the great hu
midity rather than to the excessive tern
porature. In point of temperature 85 was
tho highest recorded.
During a heavy thunderstorm lato In
the afternoon the lightning struck In fully,
twenty-five different places In various
parts of tho city. The fire department was
forced to respond to seventeen alarms of
fire, all due to lightning.
NEW YORK, July 3. The total number
of deaths from tho heat In tho boroughs of
Manhattan and the Bronx between the
hours of 2 a. m. yesterday (Tuesday) and
2 a. m. Wednesday morning wero 165. Tho
prostrations during tho samo period wero
176. The total for Greater New York was
Deaths, 225, prostrations, 37C.
Tho terrible fatality of the heat was
shown by the large percentage of deaths
among tho prostrated. Out of 32S cases
of prostration reported up to 11:30 last
night 148 resulted fatally. Among the
more prominent victims were Rev. Dr.
Nowland Maynard, the Episcopal clergyman
and lecturer, and Jacob Rogers, the former
locomotive builder.
Tho heat which had worked such havoc
In this city recently was somewhat miti
gated late yesterday by a succession of
thunderstorms, which sent tho mercury
tumbling down ten degrees, between tho
(Continued on Second Page.)
Forecast for Nebraskn Showers Wfdnts
day, Cooler In Western Portion, Thursday
KHlr In Western, Probably Showers in
Eastern Portion; Southerly Winds, De
coming Variable.
" nt tlninbn VcMerdnjf
cu. Hour. licit.
TO I i, 111 Ml
71 a 11. 111 S.
7ii :t i. 111 Ml
7., I p. 111 SS
711 .'. p. 1 l
(I i. in M
s:t 7 i. in 711
-SI ,s i. 111 77
II i. til M
Him r.
II 11.
7 n.
S u.
I) 11.
14) n.
II n.
III in
Some Iteitiiirknhle r.ntrlr Arc .Made
on the Uovcruiiient Ob
server' Record.
Only twice In tblrty-one years has the
mean temperature of June been so high as
In 1901. In 1S71 the average for tho mouth
was 76 and In 1SS1 the averago was 75.
This year the average was 75, three degrees
above tho normal for the month. The high
est tempcraturo ever recorded at Omaha In
June was set down on the 2Sth, when the
mercury reached 100. The mean maximum
temperature for the month was S5.4 nnd
the mean minimum wns 61.
The prevailing direction of tho wind for
tho month was from the southeast and the
total wind movement wns 6,717 miles. On
the 21st tho wind nttatned a maximum ve
locity of thirty-eight miles nn hour from
tbo nortb, which was the maximum for tho
Not only In temperature, but In rainfall
did Juno exceed the average, the total pre
cipitation for tho month being o.3l Inches,
.01 Inch greater than the normal for thirty,
ono years. Nine days of the month were
clear, sixteen cloudy and five partly cloudy.
Rain fell on eleven days.
rinft at Aberdeen FlyliiK nt Ilnlf
Must Kuuernl In He Thurs
day Afternoon.
ABERDEEN, S. D., July 2. (Special Telo
gram.) Senator Kyle's death has cast a
gloom over tho city. Flags aro Hying half
mast. Tho funeral will tako placo Thurs
day nt 3 p, m. A cominlttco from the
senato and houso ot representatives has
been appointed and will bo in attendance.
Mrs. Kylo Is bearing up well and meets
her loss bravely.
WASHINGTON, July 2. The following
committees were appointed on behalf of the
senato nnd house of representatives to at
tend tho funeral of Scnntor Kyle at his
homo at Aberdc:n, S. D. : Senators Gamble.
Hansbrough, McCumhcr, Nelson, Clark of
Montana, Gibson, Penrose, Mallory, Daniel,
Bard, Harris, Dolllvcr and Heltfeld. Rep
resentatives Martin and Burko ot South
Dakota, Marshall, North Dakota; Edwards,
Montana; Tawncy, McClcnry, Heatwole,
Stevous, Fletohox, Morris and Eddy of
Sergeant-t-Arms Ranndell baa been noti
fied thtt the funeral will tako place Thurs
day afternoon, which renders It Impos
sible for an official representative ot tho
senato to reach thcro In tlmo for the cere
mony. On that account Colonel A. 1).
Tlnsley, Senator Kyle's prlvato secretary,
has been requested to act as the official
representative of the senate.
Two of Ten IIo Overcome by Fume
Near I'lttnhiirK Are nun
PITTSBURG, July 2. Ten boys wore
ovcrcomo today by foul fumes In a tunnol
lending to the old Keetlng mine, owned by
the Pittsburg Coal company. A train which
camo upon them crushed two of them to
death. The others wero rescued and will
Tho dend aro:
ANTHONY MILLER, 15 years old.
PATRICK GALLAGHER, 14 years old.
Tho boys had been helping tho men load
a train and all boarded tho train to go to
tho tlpplo at South Eleventh street. Whllo
In the tunnel the train stalled. The boys
became frightened, Jumped to the ground
and tried to gropo their way to tho out
side The fumes ot tho tunnel, combined
with the smoke from tho engine, proatratd
all of them, and two ot them fell across
tho tracks. When tho train finally started
theso lads wero literally ground to pieces
and the others, who had fallen to one side,
were taken out later by n rescue party, all
In an unconscious state, but revived shortly
Tell VlrKlulnna He Would llnthcr
Die FlKbtliiK for Hlulit Thnn
Win for SoniclliliiK I3le,
ROANOKE. Va., July 2. William J. Bryan
wns hero a short time this afternoon on his
wny to Pocahontas, Va., whero ho lectured
tonight. He made a short speech hero on
tho station platform.
Mr. Bryan said ho bad stood for the ques
tions that several years ago dominated tho
Chicago platform and ho still believed in
them, He bad not changed his mind when
tho platform at Kansas City was enlarged
to suit certain conditions. The democratic
party was all right when It camo to addi
tion, but not In substractlon. No backward
step would bo taken, but even If ono were
tnken It would be tho samo with him. Ho
had said tho question was not whether tho
democrats should wlu, but whether they
should do what was right. Ho would du
what was right and abldo tho consequences.
Tho democrats' duty was to advocate prin
ciples. Tho results would be boyond tho
Mr. Bryan said In concluslqn: "I nm
fighting, not so much to win, for I would
rather dlo flRhtlng for right than win fight
ing for something elso."
Former MlehlKiin Stnte Senator la
Struck by LIkIiIiiImr Ncur III
Summer Home,
SAGINAW, Mich., July 2. Hon. George
Davenport, a former state sonator and ono
ot tho mout prominent men In this section
of the state, was killed by lightning at his
summer home a short distance from the
city today.
.Movement of Ocenii Veel, .Inly U,
At New York Sailed Taurlc, for Liver
pool. At I.tvr'pool Arrived Lako Superior,
from Montreal,
At Bremen Arrived Kaiser Wllhelm der
Grosse, from New York, via Cherbourg and
Southampton. Hulled Frledrlch der Groso,
for New York, via Southampton,
At tho Lizard Pasfed Mesalm, from Now
York, for London.
At Dungencss-Passed Northtown, from
Chicago, via Montreal and Sydney, C. II.,
fur UvwnnnL
Iti 'Vanity Eljht and Four Ara Tint In
Intitcolltfiatt Beets.
Ereakini; f Oar Aceountabla for Victiry f
thi Quaktri.
Fonr Ltadin All Beat Old Time in thi
Big EttaU
UnilKcr Oarsmen Fall to ItcnlUc Hone
of Their AmbltloiiH Friend, I'cr
mlttliiH t'oliiiubln to Tako
Second Honor,
POUOHKEEPS1E. N. Y., July 2. Tho
Intercollegiate boat races over tho Hudson
river course were decided today as follows:
Varsity Blent - Cornell first, tlmo
18:53 1-5; Columbia second, tlmo 1S:5S; Wis
cousin third, time l!i;Ut 4-5; Georgetown
fourth, tlmo 19:21. Tho best previous rec
ord for 'varsity eight was 10:413-3. No
tlmo was taken for Syracuso and Pennsyl
vania, who were niuny leagues behfud.
'Vnrolty Four Cornell first, tlmo
11:3!) 3-5; Pennsylvania second, titan
11:15 2-5. Columbia third, tlmo 11:513.5.
The bfst previous record for this dlstauco
was 10:31 1-5.
Kreshmen ltaco Pennsylvania first, tlma
10:21 2-5; Cornell second, tlmo 10:23; Co
lumbia third, tlmo 10:3C2-5; Syracuso
fourth, tlmo 10:11. The previous record for
Kreshmen eight for this distance was PMOVi-
The first crewB In the "varsity eight rowed
tho following strokes during tho race:
lxt. 2d. 3d. 4tli.
Mile. Mile. Mile. Mile.
(Joriioll M 35 35 3
uiiunibiii as as a; v
WIseonMn ;a 33 37 si
Not only was a now record for 'varsity
eight mado but It Is more rcinarkablo that
tho four leading crews In tho race each
broko the old record by many seconds.
Tho raco was rowed In water that was
phenomenally advuntageous and whllo t lit 1
may havo helped tho time, still 11 did not
seem to assist tho freshmen who rowed
uuder almost tho samo conditions.
Tho "vurslty raco wns thu most exciting
of tho day, although tho other two, with
much uncertainty over tho winner, caused
a Hurry. Thu fact that Pennsylvania had
been picked as a suro winner of the four
oared event, but that Cornell beat 'It out,
easily whetted tho appetite ot the thou
sands upon tho shore and observation train
for tho other contcstH. Tbo phenomenal
feature ot tho races Is that had not a
Cornell freshman broken an oar In the last
halt mile Cornell tonight would have three
victories to Its credit.
Loner edn't He Aslinmcd.
Columbia Is happy tonight for Its oars
men havo gone up from a bad last placo
to second placo In a slx-sidcd contest after
giving tbo winners a hard fight. George
town, a new rival for honors and to whom
little attention had been paid, got lnsldo
the tlmo record and hung on to tho lead
ers with a tenacity that surprised every
body. Pennsylvania was never In the
raco with Its second crew, and Syracuso
with Its light oarsmen was outclassed.
Tho 'varsity raco was ono of the fiercest
struggles ever witnessed in college aquatics
and had anyone ot the crows In tho lead
failed becauso ot physical weakness tho
tall enders wero ready to tako Its placo and
mako good tlmo at thnt. As It was, al
though tho race was ono ot tho most sovero
ever rowed, thcro was not a sign of dis
tress In any of the boats.
It was a minute after half past flvo
when tho six 'varblty crews lined up nt
tho stnrt, thoro being a slight delay bo
causo ot the breaking away ot Cornell's
stako boat. Tho refereo gavo the others
wnrnlngB and at tho pistol, start was
practically uniform, Cornell having the only
advantage, because It had to mnko a
flying stnrt. It was evident before twenty
live strokes bad been rowed that the paoo
cut out by Cornell, Wisconsin, Columbia
and Georgetown was too much for tho
light Syracuse crow and the second crew
from Pennsylvania, for they began to drop
behind In a second section.
At tho half mile thero was not twenty
fivo feet between the first two boats, whllo
Georgetown had dropped about half a
length behind them. Columbia was dan
gerous at this point. At tho half mile
Cornell was doing pretty rowing and had
about a half length tho advantage. Wis
consin had tried In vain to steal second
place from Columbia and from this point,
although sticking close to Columbia's
stern, nover managed to draw up on It.
Shorr Iteninrkuhlc K ml 11 r mice.
From the mile and a half point to the
three-mile point nt the bridge It was one
ot tbo most remarkable feats ot endurance
and skill ever witnessed. Cornell, rowing
a low strtko to the mlnuto, kept tho nose
of Its shell just a scant half longth In front
of Columbia, which mado desperato efforts to
reach Its rival. Wisconsin, a halt length
behind Columbia, made equally great ef
forts, but they seemed to bo of no avail,
and Giorgetown held on to tho trio of
pacemakers with a tenacity that won tho
plaudits ot the spectators.
These who watched tho terrific pace
lookeq to sue one of tho four leadorn go to
pieces at any moment, but they swopt down
under the bridge without changing post
tlons. Here t was that Columbia madu a
desperato attempt to tako the lead. Its
crew hit vp tho stroke and Its boat lu loss
than live seconds had evened up with Cor
nell and In another fivo had showed Its
nose ten feut to tho front. Krom the ob
servation train went up u mighty roar "Co
lumbia wlna," but there was mill a mllo of
water to cover and Cornell had an unknown
reserve. The Ithaca boat had been pushed
forward at tho lowest stroke rowed by
any of the crows and when thu Columbia
boat riibhud to the front, Cornoll ruined
Its stroke slightly, and taking the lend
again, pnsed toward the finish lino, In
creasing the leud until, when the line was
crossed, they had a length and a quarter
advantage over Columbia. Wisconsin had
found Itself unable to get up any more
speed In the last mile and finished two
lengths behind Columbia. Georgetown had
hung on like a young bulldog nnd tailed
only a scant two lengths behind Wiscon
sin. Syracuse and Pennsylvania were dis
tanced. In Hie Konr-llnreil Iluce,
The four-oared race for the Davidson
Kennedy challenge trophy was called first,
the competing crows being Pennsylvania,
Columbia and Cornell, arranged In this or
der from the west shore toward tho mlddlt
of the river. At the report of the referee's
(Continued on Second Paxo.)