TIIE OMAHA DAILY J3EE: TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1901. if - I t.'l SPECIAL NOTICES ArtrrrtlnrmanU for thrun colnmnt I ?lll It tahrn until 13 m. for tlse vrnliia "Million nnrt until :I10 p. m. or morning and flnndai- edition. Itatea. 1 l-2o n vrord flmt Insertion, In a rrorrl thereafter. Kntlitnir tnken for Ifii than 2o for the first Insrr- tlon, Tlirne ad ertleroent noil be run oonnrcntlvaly. Advertlieri, by renncatlnaj a num bered check, can linTe nnmn ad- f The lire. Anmeri so addresses will lie delivered a presentation ( Uia y keek oaljr. WAXTBU-MALK HEM'. ANTED Wo have steady work for n few gocd hustlern of good habits and appear ance, w. r . Auutni i;o iwj uowaru hi. 11-hlS BAHRER trad taueht thnroilnlil v In nhort 1 1 1 A mtnlnfflla Itnttnlltnr. fr.n I ?' Western UurberV Institute. Omahu, Neb. , 1101 I 11-819 territory. State fully experience, nuc and salary expected. A 37, Ucu. U-2j1 - . : - WiV'TVTi 1. . 1 . , 1 .. .. nr. fyt iui iiuiui K.-VUUIS ' mcui state experience and wuges wunt-iii peimanent lob. Address I. ... n u .. . . , . . , . ,,1 ...... 1 Alnaworth, Neb. II 3"JJ J . . TOUNO men. our Illustrated catalogue ex- pioins now wo leach barber tnulo in clglit weeks, mailed free. Moler Uarh,-r College, 16ZJ rarnam at. uSJl jyi' THE PrJnco of Omaha Is a cool smoko for hot weather. Wo keep them ou lco. R-K6 Jy3 BTEADY, energetic young wan, competent to keep'books and take charge" of general store: state salary oxncctcu: rolerences icqulred, J. C. IJurnct, Arapahoe AB' iicy, w yo, liMMi u WANTED, first-class bookkeenor who Is well acquainted with city retail trade; must bo quick and correct; state refer ences and salary expected. Address A SI, ucc. jj mms 3 bit of -doing 'office workir finh references. Address A it, Jlcc. 13-M1I9 2 HOI wanted, at Hnhn's drug store, 16th' and Fnrnaui. U B7fi 1 ANTED Bright, active young man to tako charge of candy department : one who Is thoroughly posted In the business; who ngc, experience, etc. u o,a 1 COOK wanted In 12 ner day hotel: cood wages, AddrfMH J. u. Dunsiiiorf, Fer- Kuson notci, in a. urovc, la. u .Mow . WANTED, Immediately, at Fort Mackeif lie. Wvo.. live llrsl-clns.M nrvusil In Irk laycra; wages J5 tor eight hours' work; threo good hodcarrlcrs. f.'.75 eight hours; $la. wrvl?0? carl'P"ters, 40c Ier hour. Thos. H. O'Nell, contractor. II M5.S5 p WANTED, 10 carpenters. South Omaha. Armour & Co., u Mob l 3 TRAVELING men wanted, to carry as a sldo line snmplcs of Rubber Finished Art Goods nnd establish dgenclcs In western aim central stairs. 'jibirai compensation mm irai nine nme required. Kcllli J)cc- urcung co., TopeKn, Kan. H-.MSM b W A.N TEH 1'' EJHA1.U 1 1 U LI. WANTEI, 200 ilrls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 874. c m RELIABLE help. Canadian office, 1522 Doug. u sax WANTED, experienced nurso girl; -fcr-enccs required nd good wages paid. Mrs. Thomas E. Casady, o23 Sixth uve., Council WANTED, girl for general housework In family of three: good wages. Mrs Mm. crai, via rsnrin ts.u Ave. c 242 WANTED, an experienced girl to do gen eral nouBcwurji. iiunu uiners need apply. Wages 14 per week. Address R, Bee oince. uuiltil uiuua. W .M.IO BRIGHT woman to canvass: not nMirv to, devote all of the day to the work; pwununt. una prolltfiblo; call between' Ut uhd 12. 220 Uco bldg. C-M271 Jy3 WAfsTfcju, a girl for second work. 3510 f uniura di. C 115 GIRL for general housework; references ruquireu. m iorin situ at. C Mli9 : TWENTY waitresses at Mahcr & Co.'s cafe, v. ikninunu nvc, UUUI UIIIUUU. C M527 2 GIRL for general housework; no washing. v. uuviiliau uvv, C lOUb W'ANTED-Brlght. actlvo young ludy to ...no i.iiaitu Ul CUI1I1 tll-pi. ; UI1U WHO IS thoroughly posted In thu business; sluto fcv, i;imii;inp, ciu. C 57t 1 WANTED, a competent girl in u family ?A lW0- APPW to 1015 Georgia nve. Mrs. W. J. Burgess. C-.M5S2 7 TWO dining room girls, .Madison hotel, 21st ana Cntcago. C M5l 7 FOR 11E.VT HOUSlJS, IF.YOU. wont your houses well rented place hem with llnnnwn ft . - . TO MOVE right. g,et Omaha Van Storage HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. ...... -w,v owuui auiu street. D-W4 HOUSES, storti. Bemls, Paxton block.. BEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE. D-i5tf HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead. 1521 Douglas. D-&37 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barkor block. HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown blook7 D-.v5J r-HOOM house, bath und closet, 36th and Charled. Monroe & Co,, Ml N. 16th Ut. D-.M531 MODERN 7-.-oom Hat, !4th und Furnam, .......... j ll-ROOM modern house, 2413 Capitol uvo nuo. Thu O. .F. Davis Co., 552 Bco Uldg, U NJ2 TO rmall family, a four-room house, :goi Blondo St., 9 per mouth. Apply Co, North mill si. U 31117 FOR RENT, 2102 N. 29th nve.. house, newly I'ni'crru unu iminii'ii,' nix. ime targe rooms. ore i . u. irimuie, liis f arnam. u Mi99 AN ELEGANT APARTMENT In the AL BION, 10th and Pacific Sts., of FIVE ROOMS, Janitor service, telephone, ens CO,, Main iloor, N. Y. L. Bldg. D-2S3 1217 CUMING, S-room hoUBe, nil modern vxrepi lurnaco; rent, y.v. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th und Douglas. D-900 MODERN 7-room house, near Park. 15(9 do. :tn. u 225 jy23 NEW 6-room modern house, walking ills- lance, large lot; win ue reuiiy July 1 22 50. The Byron Reed Co., 212 S. 11th st. ll 'IM NEW S-room house near Park uve. and Jackson sts., strlc'ly modern, detached, turner, noutn nnu cast ironi, nwnings ior all windows: nossesslon July 1: only 13. neiiiiEi, i iixum iiiock. u .iuii) UNEQUALLED central 7-room houso. 5- room flat. 4-room flat, 3-room cottage. Tliard, 221 N. 24th. D-M25S JyS . J020 CASS St., S rooms, modern, large yard, j.i.w. J12S Fnrnam St., 2d floor, 6 rooms, newly D.inered. 125.00. 2017 North 24th St., 5 rooms and bam, '10.00. u.-j cnrnam di,. store room, t.v.iu. 1433 South 16th St., storo room with fi fine rooms above, in ocst of repairs, w.w. U33 aoutn l6tn ai., rear, cottage, ciiy water, 17.50. 1 5: .-Li, h,.Va;Sa Ciatal0RU.e oxl' aln8 WANTUD, canvusslng agents In every WANTED, city louna, bonds and wurrantH. Vm ,l.hli ruHHl.nBiU".u H'oiicur- county to fcollclt subscriptions for THE Lieo;, Company, lwi cuuium ireet. f",fllnLS wSr?m l?,nlled .rC5,-,. 1V.lur '1 WliNTlE'lli OE.MUKl FARMER and 'W-6S9 College, 16.3 turnum St. C-396 Jyf lho njjw CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE r 1 ' ' ..I'nt.' ivn ,1til t.'lt.- Lr.if.i.. ,,.n WA'I Kll nllv m I f 11 r.n Inil.u. ...u.. I I- ranges, laundry, electric light or gus, h 4- nch tlris. but III tU used u m' tt'.aV .ofuv'Vu i , Vit . Vh . 2 teci satisfactory manner requires .hades and awnings, good neighbors. C'ff jJ ! 'XlWZt fflWXUWft We will also have a SWELL SIX-ROOM SECOND-HAND high-grade top buggy and S'iSlSS L'for catkSrCdS f "'""'JX j'Si"' apartment In tho WINONA by July 1. rubber-tlrcd speeding wagon, oncup for uu Mb at., uppuoitu l. M. C. A. Blug. bend for cataloi.ue. -297 Ji 4 GEORGE & COMPANY", 1601 Fnrnam 8t. D-MM S foii nn.vr houses. FOR BALE, neat modern B-roorn house, Mil n, cistern, etc., by owner, zr.u iiur ri.M nK71 JU1V2 ' SEVEN - ROOM house, modern, up to date, I furnlshcl or Unfurnished. 1026 S. 22dst. FOII nENT-3-room hotiue, good neighbor- hood, 16 per month. Apply on premises, rear 2515 Hccs M. D oiS-9 el im i't t.rnnm hniiv nil modern lm- Lprovemcnt.V W XoMhOJ strecT D 77 3 .ROOM flat. 617 South lGth. Clark Powell, 311 New York Lle. D-o.s FOH IlENT, a four-room cottage at I'fith and Hlondo; price, yj. Appiy wi nn. jtn. U UTJ I J)l l ()ll 11IJ.N 1 FLll.MMIEI) HOOM. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. I.-4U rilK THURSTON, cool, ulry rooms, L 461 11 1 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 16 up. 2023 St' ' " . " DOUULE parlor for two gentlemen. M Cuming ti., 2d iloor. E 2w , ...... .mo e ml. u. miSu num. ni a- Fl'RNISIIED rooms, modern, private fam ' w- ou, 25th. li-iw Jt' COOL soulh rooms. JS and 110, six blocks from postolllco. ZXa Doilgo ax. FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; half block from postotllcc. 1U) South inn at. SOUTH rooms, 1!KW Capitol avenue. E 550 Jy3 TWO or three furnished rooms for house keeping, M)S Dodge St. L Mow 3 SiJ S. LMth St. Furnlslied rooms. E-.M579 1M ll.MMli:n 1KIO.MS AMI HOARD. UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport Bt F 8CJ tlLENCAlRN,truiisleuUi,)1.25 day. 1C09 Doug. THE Mcrrlam, summer resort. 25 & Dodge. NICE south room. The Pratt, 212 S.23th 8L ! is TWO largo front rooms, with board. 1M9 .upiuu uve. i aiju THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; rooms and' board. NICE rooms with board. 4U N. 2Sth "BU k0R RENT, rooms with board; house mod. cr, jl2 lluriicy Br. 1" 151 . - . FRONT room, Ilrst-cluss board. Har ney, f-m .5J 3' p'uk iin.T-u.n.VMmji ii.oo.iis. DESK room spac. So per month, g'roumi floor room 111 ino ueo uuuuing, lacing Farnam street- no e'xufcnw fir luht heat orjanUoV'iicrRrc.SrS'1 Rental Agent--, Bee building. U-Hltf FOR RENT, unfurnished Iloor; prlv.ito buth: house modern. 'Ml: llurney. U loU 1 3 UNFURNISHED rooms for light house keeping. 701 so. win at, u om jy. FOU HlO.Vr sTolliSh AH 1) OFFICES. FOR RENT, store' in Ilrst-cluss locution; rem reasonable. Appiy 11. u. 1'eiurs sc uo., ground uuor, lice mag. ' FOR RENT, the building formerly occu- pled by The Bea ut 916 Farnam St. -It has lour Hioucs una a uaHemuni wnicn was lurmerly ustd as the Beu uress room. Tlil:i will bo rented very reasonably. If interested upply at once to C.C Hose- wuier, secretary, room iw, ueo ouuuing. i Ml FOR RENT, store. 2103 Leavenworth. I 500 Jy 17 ' ' " . " 1 AtlE.'l'S WA.XTEU. TOR. This splendid buok contalna. 1.4u0 liupcriui uciuvu iubua, ow oujecvieucn- It, i oni.rn vltiiM mill Im thl. unll HnAlf llvo stock ever puunsnea auuptca to the every-uay, pruccicui, monuy-suving use uuuiloyjnenl witn ussured good' income. - i T. 1 . i . muun ul 1 f liVl tr llkl nr vrtnutH 1,1. dress Century Farmer Solicitors Bureau, ueo isuuuing, umaiio, j u WANTED, rellublo agents to sell our sensl- blo endowment policy; call or address C. aml1tvkngs,fcins.UlCo "bTg "V Ut? &r'nbB L- UGJM4'43J' W.IM'UU TO HEAT. WANTED, good front room and board in prlvutu lainlly tor ono.gciitlenian. A3J, 1Jvo. K-M269 so ONE or two furnished rooms for the num. mer for two gentlemen; southern ox- posuru; jiuiiNcom pura uciguuornood pre tcrred. State price. Address A 62, nee, -4 .M0S9 2 SIOllACli. PACIFIC Storage und Wurehouso Co., 912- mi jones, geueiui siurugu unu lorwuruuij. boo OM. Van Stor. Co.. 15llVi Fa,rn. 'Tela. 1559-463. STORAGE Ho-jsehold goods and other ui titles Bioren at low rules, j. j, Urrlght io., iii ruinam si. ici. uj. ii 31 WANTED TO IIU , COMPLETE 2dhand bowling alley; single uuey preicrreu. jus, oiiruiuca, uiv.u City. Neb. . A 302 t, FOU SAl.l ! l.ll.M 1 Lili.. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodue. Tel. M-u. new oc .uuuuu luriuiuru uougni, bold, excuuugcu. . u au ENTElt PRISE FURNITURE CO.. 102-1 S. Hill bl. Tel. 2290. fiuw unu pccoudliand tuiuuuro uuugui, soiu uuu oxenuugcu. 0-975-Jly3"l FOR s.UiE HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC, QUICKEST and best repair work on ve- nicies, it. riupi, uui aim i.iu t-nwurui. FOR SALE. light spring wagon, slightly ubuii, uui ituuu um uuw; uibu itiooer-tireu road wagon lu good condition. l . A. Buo low, 1311 Jones st. l' 391 Jyi FOR SALE, 9 head of matched pulrs and slnglo drivers, jonu i-. uurns, at 1'uluce Stubles, Omaha, ub. P M5xi FOR SALE MlaCUL-A.NUUUa. SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry and hog fence. 0l Douglas. U-&73 REPAIRS und supplies for all makes of bi cycles, omuna uicyuio v.o,, ioin is unicago. w e.'u JDHAND safe cheup. Derlght, 1119 Farnum. I C SAFES, standard makes, sold, rented, 1H S. 11 Q 376 I wtlltt ttice for noultrv. Ilelslnn hnre. hoc i Held or lawn, wiro worKs. tw.s. im ni, Q-MS78 Jy7 FOR SALE, at n Bargain. i i.H, p. stationary Krlebol englno I i fi.n. I. eentrlfucal numn. j.kk) feet 12-lnch cnstlron water pipe. 210 feet lu-incn ensuron water pipe, ix) feet S-lnch cast Iron water pipe. s i?lnrh Crane & Chanman valves. t 3 tons of special 6, 8, 10 and 12-Inch ys te and.penas. h feed water heater for 100 II, p. holler, 375 feet 5-incn wrougnt niacK pipe, 1,500 pounds pig tend. too pounds heavy brass iWoai.!! i,o.. .. ... i.,TT waaulia, cic . in ivo noun., uiue; uisu tu THE nrlntlnc of lnwycrs' briefs in a nor- CUSIl. u, -l. nan, uvi juni'B ai. X 90 will furnish prices on any or all of above and will sell nt low figures. J. H. Pol- I lock, Plattsmouth, Neb. Q-MI71 a roil SALE MlSCHLL.V.VEOtS. UIO line of secondhand wheels, $3, (5, 18, 110. urnunn iiicycle uo., I6tn nnn -nicagu on, .i. i TWO and four pas. swings and lawn chairs ai uargoin prices. i. . uuciow, Jones. Q-3W JyS REFIUQKRATOR for stile. "201 So. 36th. Q-114 Jl SET light dojbli harness, lady's saddle and bridle, Hnyder phueton, two poles ana KroBt ,nC,"M' thCa"' ''q'-mW FRESH Jersey cow. 323 N. 37th st. TWO machine lathes, 1 Iron planer, 1 52- incn ui 111 press, 1 small unu press, j steam engines, 1 Hoot blower, 2 gasoline engines, 1 Smedley steam pump, pulleys, hangers and shafting, 1 liarnes combined saw. O. E. Curllsle, 2U S. 19th st South Omahu. Tel. 1332. Q-MS25 2 CLAIR VI) '.i,.V'9. MRS. FRITZ, medium. il!) North 16th 3-S77 rlillXU.NAI.. DR. ROY, chropudlst; corns & superfluous naii leiiiuvtxi uy iecirtcujr. it. 1, f ieiixcr U1UUK. u Ji V1AVA, wumau'a way to health; rational, touoieaumu numc ttedtmelii. Jii tiee uiug. u t SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent. White Sewing Muuuiuu, lo:o Doug- lus. rci. tZH. RUPTURE cuted; n6 knife, no pain, no uangtr; senu lor ciruuiuis. uinpiru uup- ture cure, i Is. "X. L.u ilulluuit, Umaiia. R1VATE hospital for ladles beforo and during coniiniineiit; babies adopteJ. Wvti Uram St U-Vst FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mall orders solicited, umaha I'lealing Co., u. Douglaa. u MME. SMITH, baths. 115 N. 15th. 2d Iloor, OOln 7. U PRIVATE home before and during contlne. mem, babies adopted. Airs, uurgei, uu uuruette. u M. GOLDMAN & CO.. only perfect ac cordion pieuung plum in uie west; mull uruern buiicucu. auita .w, uuugias miock. u w ADROIT HAIR UA.AR-New location. 1620 Douglas; private booths for hulr aressing uhd manicuring; luuleit' slioo unlnmg una ( inuusagmg, U-Mil WE RENT ttcwlnc machines for 75 cents per wfcK. wo hen puna tor ana repair every tewing macniuu manuinciareu. rsKllKA&nA Ci CLE COMPANY, Corner lulh und llurney Std. U 121 Jy29 A FEW OI'lOSTIOS Do you smoke Do you smoko 5c cigars? -re inu cigars you are now smoKiiig us good uh yuu should got for bcV Don't fall 10 .iry 11 iTinee.oi umulia. us it it unc-I quailed in t9 cigars. It is 11 loiu lluvuim i"icr ' Tlctiy Hand mader-that is wnut lured8 by l "'"" MunUIac T,u.. w R STOECKER CIGAR CO. 3avo ln brandi) 01 l" StoccKer clgurs U 000 Jy3 WANTED, pupils In Spanish or French, Mruuxiauoii irom l.nsiiHli to either lan guage. Aim .-vioreno, 1310 so. :itli St. WANTED, by widower, a business man to correspond Willi wonuin not under 30 or over 40, wno can give good references, with 11 view to matrimony It sutlsiuctory. SIOM-1Y TO l.OA.V REAL ESTATE. MONEY to loan on improved Oinuha real nreuuuu-i.ovi Co., 3v9 buuiii l'Jiii, Ml LOANS cn eastern NebruHka. -und wMtnn, iuwi lurins ai a per cent; borrowers can Pr ui tir nmiiipiu, any tuoUll?V V Sa7 uaie; uu ueiu. ill villlUll-L.0 V ivin oi., umunu, rseu ""d wuiruiiu. it. c; leter & Co.. liui .. , t cw I c A "iii. euji, i-a.ion uiock. w 9i MONEY to loun at 4Vi and Sfc per cent on I limn ix.l iirnimnv. . It ifn. I . . . . . .. 1 .. 1'RIVATE money. F. D. Weud, 1624 Douglas. 1 o U'RIVATE money. Sherwood, W7 N. i. L. W-i MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real estate; 'SrLU0rB!SM lego of ping iloo or mote beloiu mu- luruy. iioriiivvesiein .muiuui llto Ills. co., joint w, uisn, speciui joun ugnt, XU First Nul'l Bunk Biug., Omaliu, isvb. w yy, U AND 5V4 per cent loans. W. H. Thomas. i'lrm fsriuonal Bank building, lei. itii! W Ma WANTED, city loans und warrants. W. Farnaui Smttn Co., XM) Farnuln St. W-.M561 5. 6V4 P. C. loans. Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnam. W-351 Jyj MO.NE1 TO LOAA Cii.- i ULS. k'e iouu 4lv uuu up on ,iiiiiiuu.c, pianos. DO YOU NEED MUNEY? liuraun una oilier clialleis. SAUlli 1 LUrtWb without mortk,akiu lu peopia holding perma- ueiu puriiiuod, iuu .un bn inu ii.uuey in a lew Homo utter nuwwiib appuLunun and iuku l, i. j, i. j, o uiomiiB ur i.iuiu in wlucu to pu ii uuck, uuu joj nieu nu. uay lor II uuu Uuy lunger uiuu you Kuep it. vo cnurau iiullniik tor papain uuu wu givo uu iliu lun uiiiouul lu cusli, riitiiu uie no lov.ur jutes uiuu our.i; our li:ua aid inu vastest, our uusium. u cuiihu.iiuai una uui' niuiiu ni n y tu uluunu. uMAllA .MOuTCiitUc LU,1, CO., 119 uoulU ui 11 uuu Bldg. lul. s-xh. (Ebuulunvu 1M2.; Jvu ibtn St. -V Vul MONEY louned un olauos. furniture. iw. ii, uii " "i -"- .v.u, uia u. it. A W LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON P-AUS XSUTE. There 'goeb i uu, cuuinu; o.uk again to get I lm.-..- I ii 1 1 . I 111 1 i.iHIi' III i'im.iIiIu . j . lower luit-k aim caaiur payuiuius. n u)a our lulcu uro tuner alia pu.ueui cualer ii. an ui.ici .uintiauivc. uan uuu Lv lliau CREDIT COMPANY, THIRD .292 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS un housuium luimiule, piuuuo, horses, LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO bALAHicu I'bui'bti, mercliuiits, toum- &iei'b. uouidllli. nuuttcu. ulc. uiiiiom &n. curlty; easieat icruis, 4v utuccd In plinclpal tlllt'li. 1 1 1111.111, uu uuuiu ui iiuiii uiug. A. 499 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE. Uv stock, etc. uuicit service ana lawem iute& guuiuntcea, j, w. XAknuK, tf.u (top floor) Paxton uiuck, nortiicust corner Jotu unu i-ariium, ciiiiancu un nui street. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses. I ... ........... I ...v .. . . '.. . A,-9vH SHORT time loans Joe Pleasants, 51 - i liarxer blocK. 906 ii.ooo.oo tu piace ouick. ftl. J. Kcnuurd it Son, Suite 310, Rrown block. X-90 BUSINESS CHAXCF.S. GRAND HOTEL furnishings nnd four-year lenoe .or salo for cnHh only; thirty-five newiy itirnisnen rooms; inn uesi sinna in the stnle Ih n harsaln. 11. P. llunkln. Hartlngton. Neb. Y-M252 FURNITtmE of 7-room flat, oK-gantlv enulmien. Una Hentlnn. ehcan rent, full gentlemen roomer, party Inavlng r.lty; win aril at a bargain. J, ii, jonnson. N, ! .M229 3 CARPENTERS A.M JOllllBHS. X. LUli K frU 111 SIMlS CHAMCE!. roil SALE or rent, my blacksmith shop riiu wanonmaKer snon, aung n goou uusi less, un account of my hiiilth. 11. C. ' -.: - roil SALE, good tea and colTeo route, southwestern Iowa: flrst-class territory For particulars address A 47, Omaha Uee. 1 1UJ1 1- FOR SALE or trade, half or whole Interest In drug store; hurd wood noor, Matthews gus machine, soda fountain, etc., In u lively county seat. Thyrold-Lvmnh Co.. WO Bee Rldg. Y-563 I AM offering for sale my entire business wooa, coal, reed ann groceries, also uuuu lugs and lot. For narttculars lnnjlre of Thos. lllshton, 2106 West liroadway, Coun- . I 1 1 . . .. . . . til i;iuiie 1 .uivv) FOR KALE It MA li 13STATI Tt'KEY'S SPECIAL BAROAINS. We have Just bought u hve-roorn cottage ut 3vl7 Franklin st., that will be hold at a special burgaln and un very uts ur.ns, Indeed. A. 1. TL'KEY ,t SON. 111-115 lloard of Trade. lu: .Ml.i 2 IRRIGATED LAND FOR SALE. It. the rich valley of LoJp river 1 can offer tor sate many tarms hi ruuxonaoiu prices. This land la a ncn sunUy lu.im uiui uru- duces elegant crops. Thu farmers are last 1utnng ineir lanu inio aiiuua, wnicn irlnge them line returns, thrcu and tour crops a year being harvested at Uttlu or uu expense, netting as high as iM Dor acre lucumu each year. Most of this land Is under a him lirlgatlug canal, with u steady and reliable tlow of water trom the Loud river. 1 will name a tow pieces; 2W ucrcs, 1 mllo from county scat; 2v acres meadow, balance pastura land. Price, 1700. 20o acres, Vi-mlle from county scut; good J room house, orchard, lots of tlirocr, M acres cuu bo Irrigated, 2U acres finu at fulfil, lis lLrps miHture. Prlci. ll.OOo. 160 acres, houue. windmill, orchard, w acres puuiic, w un imm ov.tn gated. Price, Jl,(Ui. I U uuicfl, IV, UIIUV1 mu... utiitiuiu imatuiv, I hnnyf. windmill. Imrn. Price. Jl.l.Vil. UJ K.crcs nno place tor stock, frame house, orcna rd, barn, plenty of wuier and tlm- luT. Price. MJ0. Many other places at very low figures. Menu lor iuii i..irucniars. .uarcss, H. A. STEWART, Taylor, Loup County, Neb. ills FOR SALE, cheap, my residence, 2137 S. 33d St.; nil modern. -Mipiy r. Kicnarasou, Merchants' National bank. U. W. Me- geath. UK mw RANCH AND FARM lands for sal6 by the Union Pacmc italiroau company, is. a. MrAllasier, land commissioner, Union raclho Headquarters, umuiiu, rou, CHAS. E. WILLIAMSONi 1203 Farnam st. ltlS 111 FOR SALE, on monthly payments, 8-room modern house on North mil St. car line; also vacant lots which will lm improved for purchaser on moderate payment down. Mutual Loan and Building Asodatlun. (J. M. Nultl.-igcr, secretary, lire uiug. RE 911 HOUSES and lots In nil starts of city; also acre property and' farm lands. The O. F. uavis CO,, uoom us, uco uuuuing. HOUSES, lots, fnrms, lands',- loans; also nro insurance, uciuia, 1 m. SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y LIFE. CORN LANDS nnd stock ranches In the he I'nrn Holt country. Write for n.y Hit. W. H. Clements, Lyons, Neb. RE 160 RENTS' $150. PRICE J3.100.-In good neigh borhood near 20m nno i.eavenwunn, a 11- room house, buth. kus. city wutcr, sewer und 5-room cottage, city water, 50x132 ft., east front lot. Purchaser can occupy the cottucu and rent thu other house tor 11 per cent or the entire cost of the property, CERTAINLY A BARGAIN FOR A HOME OR AN INVESTMENT. OWNER MUST SELL. WILL SUBMIT OFFER. GARVIN BROS.. 161,3 FARNAM ST, RE Mo37 3 i.osl; LOST, Auditorium brick' No. 425. Reward u returned toi.umanarj-iaiiy rsews. t M -1J31 -01 STOLEN, sorreil. marV.(iTt ' faec', right front and left hind feet white, left nip branded; piano bos sldeibar "tup buggy, "C 1C" black body, red gear. Return to 2712 N. 31st st. Reward, ' Lost 559 2 - ' iu. LOST A black wallet, containing' jewelry and papers, iiau monugram r.. u. un u. Finder will tecelve' suitable reward by returning same to E. Bramlcls, Boston ......... I ll 14 DVUlUi .wot IVU O MEUlUAIi. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading spe cialist in discuses of women in omaliu, would cull the attention of suffering ludles to his unsurpassed uccuminodutlous lie tore .rr.d during contlnemcut, uud his treatment for irregularities, no mutter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodgo St., Omaha, Neb. M-230 Jy21 LADIES I Chichester's English Pennyroyal fins are tne ocst; sate, rcuauio; tane no other, send 4c stump for particulars; "Re lief for Ladles" In letter by return mall: ask your druss'st. Chichester Chemical co -rniiaueipnia, i'a. BICYCLES. BIG flro salo while they last; 2nd-hand wheels, i up. l.ouis i'lesclier, 1622 Cap itol. 2M WE ARE closing out our blcyqlo Btock and to do this wo aro making special prices. iw.w wneeis..., jw.uo 25.00 wheels 17.50 10.00 cccondhund wheels 5.00 See us beforo buying a bicycle and wo will save you money. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, Cor. 15th und llurney. 125 6 tUIORTHA.ND AM) TYPE W1UVING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 918 UOYLE3' College, court reporter principal, Beu BIdg. 913 NEB, Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. -920 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug, 921 PATENTS. PATENTS No fee unless successful. Sues & Co., Bco Bldg., omunu, Neb. Advice free. t-15S Jyl5 WILL BUY any good Invention or patent 1 AiIiIvabu 1 isr t- Ui TA ..J TlTrtlvwid In Address Lock. Bok 760. Des Moines, la. .11939 MASON. FENWICK & LAWRENCE, Washington, . D. C. II. J. cowglll, agent, 315 Ramgo block. Omaha, Neb. 956 BRIEFS AM) IILAMC9, LtU kinds of carpenter worx anu repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, ;otli and Lake Sts. 370 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Inntltuto. 515 N. Y. L. Bldn. Tel loot; Alico jonnson, u. u,, muies- dept.; uin Jounaun, uaicupainiair Jicr, 516 DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tel. 1317 an A. T. HUNT. D O., 303 Karbach Blk. Tel.2353 ftl H I'UUMTtllE HBPAIRIXG. TEL. 1331. M. S, Walklln, 2111 Cuming St 823 DRESSMAKING. I IN families. Miss Sturdy. 218,Bo. 26th st. 310 Jy6 FISHIXC. AND ri-KASURB RESORT, IF YOU want good bass nnd croppy fishing rn In T.nnednn. Mo. Very best of hotel accommodations, Plenty of boats and minnows. Writ R. A. Dittaiar for rates , I -911 1MA.MI TIXIM1, PIANOS tuned, 11.50. F. Lcssentln, Mandel berg s Jcwelr Storv, Paxton blk Tel. 19. -.W Jy2S KI.dCLTIO.N. ELLA DAY, 1920 Dodge. Mn. Wd. Thur.Sat. -1S5 Jy22' I'lWMIROIvintS. EAGLE Loan Oftlce, reliable, nccommidit ing; all business conlldentlal. 1301 DougUu. -S27 EXPERT ACCOl M'A.NTS. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or avn lug, R. 15, com. Nat. Rank. G. R. Rathbun, 323 ST.VM.MEIUMi AMI STUTTERI.NO. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 130 Ramgo Uldg. -930 SIDEWALKS. SIDEWALKS Stono, cement, brick. Wei Khans' Muntcl and Tile Co., 3i9 So. 17th st. 512 JyS UOlI.EIl MAKERS. OMAHA Roller Works, steam boilers, tanks. stacks, etc. Tel. 1339. 12th and Izard ftis. -92a ACCUHDUI.X VIA: VTIM1. ACCORDION pleating; cheapest, best, quickest. Mr. A. C. JIark, S. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam. 9.'j I,Al.DHV. OMAHA Steam Laundry; Khlrts. "; collars. 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavcnwortll Tel. 647. -922 4. A It II A 11 1IAI LI.VU, AN TI MONOPOLY Garbngo Co. cleans ress poolH & vaults, removes garbago & dend unlniala ut reductd prlceB. oji r. p;, tel. inv. -271 Jy3 WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED, to borrow JI.OOO; will give a llrst mortgage on 7-room, nil modern house with two 50-foot lots. A 65, Bee. -CIS Jy2 REWARD. $73.00 REWARD offered for the arrest and conviction of the party who entered and Mole shoes from the store of II Meier n' Elkhc'i'ii, Neb., the night of June 27 nil zens Com., Elkhoru, Neb 117 29 O Q ES CSi ' O A Sound Tooth Is worth more than a dlnmond. GIRLS if you want to bo at tractive, care for your tcoth. sa Bailey the Dentist Third Floor Pnxfon Block. PHONE 10S5. !( POSTOFF1CE NOTICD. (Should be rend DAILY by all Interested as changes may occur ut any time) Foreign minis for tne wcok ending .uuy . 1901. will closo (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the gcncrnl postolllco us follows; PAR CELS. POST MAILS clofo one hour earlier th.'iu cluHtnu tlm shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany closo at 5 p. in. Monuuy unu i cunebuuy. llccuhir nnd suniilementnry malls close at foreign brunch half hour later than clos ing time shown below. Trnim-.i tlniide Mull. TUESDAY At 5 n. m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per h. s. Trojan Prince. WEDNESDA Y At 6:30 n. in. for ITALY. per s. a. Iximunruia, via Naples (man must be directed "per ft. . Ixunbnrdla"); nt 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 11. in.) for GREAT BRITAIN, IRELAND and FRANCE, per s. s. Germanic, via Queens, town (mall ior other parts of Europe must bo dlrtcted "per s. s. acrinante'); at 10 a. m for BELGIUM direct, per s, Kensington (mnll must bo directed "per k h. Kennlnirton"). THURSDAY At 6:30 n. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. l-uerst HismnrcK, via i-iyniouui, Cherbourg and Hamburg (mail for Franco must be directed "per s s Fuerst Mlf- mnrck"); nt 7 u. m. for FRANCE. SWITV. ERLAND, ri'AiiV. Mt-Ai.-s. ruiiii iiAi. TURKEY. EGYPT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA nnd LORENZO MA RQl EK, per s. H. La ClinmpaBne. via jiavro tm-ui ior other parts of uropo must bo directed "ner . l.a Chamnuiiue"). SATURDAY- At 5:30 a m. for EUROPE. per H. H. i'-iruriu, via wuccusiowu; in 1 a. m. ior ij...haiiiv, per h. . Hekla (mall must be directed "per s. h. Hekla" ); nt 7:30 n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. s. Staatendam (mall must bo ill rectod "per s. s. Staatendam")! at S u. m. for ITALY, per s. s. Allcr, via Naples (mail must he directed "per s, s. Alter"); at 9:30 u. in. for SCOTLAND direct, per h. s. Astoria (mail must he directed "per g. s. Astoria"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes Printed Matter, uommerciai pa pers nnd Samples for Germany only. Thu sumo clnei) of mall matter for other parts of Europo will not bu sent by this ship iinlens snieclnllv directed by her. After tho closing of tho Sdpplemcntary Transatlantic muim named unove, nu dltlonal supplementary malls nro opened on tho piers of the American. English, French nnd German steamers, und remnln open until within Tor. Minutes of tho hour of sailing of steamer. MiiIIn for South mill Control America, West IiiiIIcn, etc. TUH8DAY At 9:30 n. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except costa jiiciu anu uui 111 i. CI Fit' PORTS, per s. s, City of Wnsh Ingtou. via Colon (mall for Guntemala mint lm directed "ner s. s. City of Wnsh- Ington"); at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMI NICAN REPUBLIC, per s. s. Cherokro; nt 6:30 p. m. ior jasiaiua, per s. n, Ad miral Dnwey, from Boston; nt 11 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Urania, from Phila delphia. WEDNESDAY At 7 a. in. for ST. K1TTS. BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Uller; at 9:30 a in. for INAOUA and HAITI, per s, s. Lauen burg; at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per s, s. Prius Maiirltz (mall for Curacao, Vene zuela, Trinidad, British nnd Dutch Guiana must be directed "per h. s, Prlns Mmir tz"): ut 12 m. for CUBA. YUCATAN. CAMPECHE. TABASCO nnd CHIAPAS. tier a, s, usperanza, via nuvaiiu i.nu Progrcso (mall for other parts of Mexico must be nirccten -per s, w. i-isperanzu 1, at 12 m. fnr BRAZIL, per s, h. Buffnn (mnll for Northern Brazil. Argentine Re public. Uruguay und Parnguny mutt ho directed "per s. s, Burton"), .,.,,.., THURSDAY At 9 n. m. for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, URUOUAY and PARA GUAY, per s, s. Alnwick; at 6:30 p, m. for JAMAICA, per s, s. Admiral Sampson I'osToiM-'K i: ori( i:. ftom Boston. FRIDAY-At 13 m (supplementary 1 ;.i I p in ) fnr NASSAU, Gt ANTA.NAMO .n J. SANTIAGO, per s. s. Santiago. SATURDAY At 9 n. 111. fot PORTO RICO. , pr s Ponce, Ma San Juan, at 9 a m sutmlrnient.'irv !l Jto a in I Inr l RAl'AO . ami VENEZUELA, per s. s. Hlldur iliiall fur Savuiilllu and t iirlhiigfiiii must In dl rccled "per .. s Hlldur i; at ! in. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORT. NE ISLAND. JA.NtAR'A, SA VANILLA, CAR T HAG EN A it ml UREYTOWN, per s. . Alleghany (mall for Costa Rica mut he dlreetcd "per s. s. Alleghany" i; ut '.' M a. m. (supplementary lo u. m ) fur ST. THOMAS, ST. CROiX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS. BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Fontabcllo (mall for Grenada and Trinidad must be directed "per s. s. Fob tiibelle"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s s. Morro Custlo, via Havana; ut 10 u. m, for MEXICO, per r. s. Orizaba, via Tam plco (mull must be directed "per s. s. Orizaba ') Malls for Nowfoundlund, by rail to North Sdncy and thence by Mi inner, close at this olllee daily ut 6:: ji. in. (connecting ilose hero every Monday. Wednesday und Satur day). Malls lor Mlqilelon, by rail to llo- j ion unu mi'iico uy steamer, cinse ai mis olllee dally at il:30 p m. Malls for Cuba, h rail to Port T.unpu, Flu., uud then -o by steamer, close at this ollicu dully (except Sunday) at i u. m. (the connecting closes niv ou Monday, Wcdncsdit) nnd Saturda i Malls for Calm, by mil to Miami, Flu , and thence by steamer, close at this olllee e.er. Sunday at l. m. Mails for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for ills patch by steitmer, close ut this office dally ut 1 30 p. in. and 11 p m I.i".s for Costa Rica, Belize, P'lerlo Coitez and UMtm:it, by rail lo Now Urlcnn.i ami llicnc; by slcatner. close at this ollue dally it t "LHO p. m. (connecting i loses nerc Mondays tor Belize. Puerto t'ortez and Guatemala cud Tuesday fir Costa Rhui. Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. TrniK-l'nclllc .Hulls. Malls for China nnd Japan, via Vancouver, cIom here dully ut ii:JM p. in. up to July Inclusive, lor dispatch per s. s. Em press of China (registered mall must no directed "via Vancouver"). Malls for China nnd Japan, via ScottU close here dally at 6.3u p. m. up t .lull 3, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Kama kuru Maru (registered mail must oi di rected "via Seattle";. Mulls for Hawaii. China. Japan nnd Philip pines, via San Francisco, close here dally at ti-Tj p. in. up to July "I, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. m. Doric. Malls i t Australia lexiept West Australia, who b n forwarded via i'..irotei. New Stc.iiund. FIJI, Samoa and Hawnl'., via San Francisco, close here dally at fi p. m. after June 2J and up to July "' In clusive, or on arrival oi s. s. Camp.'iila. duo at New York Jjly "C, for dispatch per s s. Sierra. Malls for China and Japan, via Taenia, close here dally nt 6:31) p. in. up to July Ml, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Brne mar. Malls for Hnwnll, Japan, China nnd Philip pine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally nt 6:.".0 p. m. up to July "V.. In clusKe, for dispatch per s. s. Nippon Maru. Mulls for Hawaii, via S.i'l Francisco, -lose litre dally ut 6 30 p. m. up to July "15, for dl'ipatcli per s s. .ealiiiuiia. Mnlls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New I'.ca land, which goes ,-la Sail Francisco) and Fill Islands, via Viincouvii . close hero dally nt il:no p. in. nflcr July "' and up to July 20, Inclusive, for illspatch per i. s Aoranul (supplementary hihIIh, v Seattle atld Victoria), close at 6:30 p. in July "21. Tr.mu-P.iclflo mnlls arc forwarded to port of sailing dally und the sched.ilo of closing is arranged on the presumption of their un interrupted overland trinsll. "Registered mall i loses nt 0 p. m. preloiis day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster Postolllce. New York. N. Y., June 2, 1W1. (JOVI2RN.ME.NT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR SCHOOL AND IIOSPI till Bulldlngn nnd Ilulldlng Materials. Department of the Interior, Oillco of Indian Affair, Wushlngton, D C. June 2S, 19ol. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals for Buildings, Genoa, Neb.." und nihil cased to the CommlMdoncr of Indlun Affairs, Wash ington, D. C . will be received nt the In dian Olllee until Mm o'clock p. m. of July 29, 1901, for furnishing and delivering tho necessary materials uud labor required 10 construct and complete at tho Genoa In dian School, Nebraska, a brick school build ing and a tranio hospital building, Includ ing heating und electric lighting system. In strict accordance with plans. HpecltleutloiM and lustructldiiH to bidders, which may bo examined ut this Olllee, tho oluces of "Tho Bee," Omaha, Neb., lho "Nebraska Stnto Journal," Lincoln, Neb., the "Jour nal," Sioux City, Iowa, tho "Times Herald,' Chicago, III., the Builder?' uud Traders' Exchange, Omaha, Neb., thu Builders' and Traders' Exchange,, Milwau kee, Win., the Northwestern Manufactur ers' Association, St. Paul, Minn., tho U. S, Indian Warehdusea at S15 Howard ulrect, Omaha, Nob.. 233 Johnson street, Chicago, 111., and 77 Wooster strict, New York, N. Y . und ut tho school. Sealed nro- posuls, endorsed "Proposuls for Building Materials," and addressed to W. H. Wlns- ' low. Genoa. Ncn.. will bo received ut tho I Indian school until two o'clock p. m. of 1 July 29. 1901. for furnishing and delivering 1 at tho school, us ruuulred. about 42.uvo feet ; of lumber, assorted; 52.000 shingles, 30 win 1 dow sash, 25.CH0 brick, 25 barrels lime, some sand, nans und hlnccH, us ner 1 st and specifications ut the school. For further information apply to W. II. Window, Su perintendent, intuun Hciiooi, W. A. JONES, Commissioner. School, Genoa, Neb. RAILWAY T1M1-J CARD. UNION PACIFIC-"THE OVER land Route" General odlccs, N. E. Cor. Ninth and Furnum Streets, City Ticket Olllee, 1321 Farnam Street. Tclenhone. 316. W Depot, Tenth nnd Marcy Sts. Telephone, 629. lcnvo. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited. .a s:20 um a 7:30 pm Tho Chlcago-Portlnnd Special a 8:20 am n 7:30 pm The Fast Mail a !:Do am a 3:25 pm Tho Mall and Express, .all :3d pm a 4:-5 pm The Culorudo Special. ..ull:35 pm u 6:00 am Lincoln, Bentrlco and Stromsburg Express, .b 4:05 pm bl2:39 pm The 1'ucillc Express. ...a 4:25 p.n Tho Ammlu Express... a 6:50 am Grand Island Locul b 5:30 pm b 9:33 ura a Daily, b Dally except Sunday. BURLINGTON & MI3 bourl River Railroad "Tho Burlington Route General unices, North west Corner Tenth und Furnam Streets. Tlckot Office, 1502 Fnrnam Streol, Telepliono 2W. Burlington Station, Tenth uni .MUb0n Streets. Tulepnone 12S. " eave. Arrlvo. Lincoln. Hastings anu McCoon. a 8:40 am a 7:35 pm 1 Lincoln, Deliver, Colo- rudo. Utah, Culifornla.a 4:25 pm a 3:00 p Alil.mi-.i lOxiiriss u 4:2.) nm U 3:00 I) ni pm Lincoln & Black Hills. .11 9;oo pm u 6:15 am Montana, Puget Buuud..u s;w pm u 6:45 um Lincoln Fast Mnll b 3:W) pm a 9:17 am wymore, Beatrice una Lincoln a 8:10 am bll:55 am Denver, Colorado, Utau and cailforiitu a 6:15 am Fort Crook, So. Bend, Louisville, Plattem th.b 3:20 pm b 11:05 nm Bellevue. Plattsmouth & Puclllu Junction a 7:10 pm a 8:20 am Bellevue, P.attsmouth & PucitlL Junction u 3:10 am a Daily, b Dully except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST, JO seph &. Council Bluffs Rullroud "The Burlington Route' Ticket Olllee, 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone 250, Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tolo phono 123. i.eavo. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex.... a 9:20 nm n 6:05 pm KansuU City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:15 nm St. Louis Flyct. U- -t. .,,, Joseph nnd St. Louis. a b:10 pm nll:15 nm a Dully. riliriAOO. nURLINGTON & Quincy iiaiiroaa 1 no Burlington Route" Ticket OHlce. 1502 Furnam Streot. Telupnono 260. Depot, Tentn and Mason Streets, Telephone 12S. Leuvo. Arrlvo. Mii-llrhf lhlcairo Sne- ' J.m n. nlfl. "A n ( I H I .........U ,W Hill HV,.u Dully. MIS80URI PACIFIC RAIL roud General Offices and Ticket Olllces, Southeast Corner 11th and Douglas tits, jeiepnone, ivi. uopot, union aiaiion. Lcavo. Arrive, h and lvnnsas City Express." .....a 10:00 am u 6:25 K. l, St. L Express,. a 10:50 pm a 6:15 pm am Leave from 15lh and Webster t3trcct: VnhrnnKa Local. Via Wecplne ater b 4:10 pm al0:45 am a uaiiy. w uuu cn-uia auima. Chicago Vcstlbuled Ex.u 4:00 pm a 7:43 um Chicago Local Express. a 9;3J um n 4:05 pm Chlcugo Limited a 7:50 pm a. 7:43 um Fast Mull a 2:15 pm u. f"" R Ml.U I lill. cAUU.S. FRE.MC.Nf, ELKHORN ft Missouri Valley nuiiload - ine .Nortiiwuslern Line General otilces. L lilted btutes Natloli.il iiunk Building, S. W. Lorncr iwelttu and r al lium i. Ticket omce, 1W1 Farnam St. lelephiK.c, old. Depot, 1MI1 und Meostr ets. leicphoiie, Um. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Dendwood, Hot bpiiugs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm yotnlng, casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm o 5:00 pm Hastings, lurk, David c uy. .-Mii'Cilor. G"neu, Exeter und benurl....u 3ai) pm b 5:00 pin Norfolk, Seiuigru ana Fremont b 7:30 urn bl0:25 am Llncoiii, i ut-'-'o & Fre- iiioiu b 7:30 am bl0.25 am Fremont i.ocut t ,'.) um e Lul. u Dally except auiiuay, c Sun day oni d Daily lixcept balurduy. o Dally except .Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Oftlce, 1401 I-ui nam si. Telephone, Uil. Depot, Trntli and Marcy btrecti. Tele- phone, t29. ia'uvc. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe eiul n 7:00 am alliS) pm l Imugo Passeng-'t a 4;li pm a s:to am eastern Express, Des Mullus. MiirshalKOMU, Cedur ltaiilds uud Chicago ul0:55 am a 4:05 pm EuMtciti Sieclal, Chi cago and East a 1:55 pm a 4:05 pm Fast .Mull, Clucago to uimibu a 2:45 Dill ! omaha-Chlcugo l,TU...u 7:15 pm u s:w am ti'-t .Mail a o:jo am Cedar nu lus l'uuens-r. a v.M pm u Dull. CHICAGO, ST. PAUL. Minneapolis .t umiihu Railway - "Thu Nollli WtMel'll LlllQ ' Guiielal Ulllces, Ncbruska Dill sioii, loth and Hcbstor t Sts. City 1'lcUet Olllee. .Iia l uimuii St. Tclephoue, ool. Depot, lolh and Mobster Bis. Mcicphotiu, Ilia. Leuio. Arrive. Twin ins Passenger.... u 6:uu um a 9:10 pm SIuiin Lily Passenger. . .a :.Ij 1'in ull;lo um Lm ron Cocal b 5:Ju pm b S;W um u D.ilij BIOUX CITY &. PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General dikes, United States .National Bank Building, b, W. Corner T well in .in.l Furnum Sts. Ticket office, nui Farnam St. Telephone, 561. Do pot, Tenth and Marcy Sis. 'i eieiihone, 629. ..VllkV. HlllVU. Twin City Lxpress. Twin City l.tmiteii. Slonx ciiy Locul.. u I ally. ...a 6:vb um al0:.5 pm ...a 7:55 pm u b:U am ..a h.vo um u 3:50 piu CHICAGO, ROCK I8L- y.i ,, "iniu iiuuroiid (., '.'I'"" Great Ror.k lcluiul Route" City Ticket Olllee, 1323 Fur nam Street. Telephone, 42!. Depot, Tenth una Marcy .Streets. Tcio plioue, 6:9. ... .- Leuvo. Arrive. Chicago Daylight Spe ..u 6:00 urn 11 2:00 am Deh .Moiih?n ulid Daven- liort l.nca ti 7:25 am 1I1:35 nm Chicago Express blLlj uin n 8:10 am Des Moines Locul u 4.20 pm a 1:45 pm Chicago Fust Express.. a 5:w pm u 1:23 tun DcH Mollies. Rock lul- ' " und and Chicago.... ..a 7:10 pm n 9:33 pm Rooky Mountain Llm. . .a 2:00 am a 6:00 am L.iioin, Culorudo SpgH., uciiver, rut-Din unu West fl 1:.10 nm u 1.1c Coluiiuln. Oklahoma & ' lexas fiver .. a 5:20 pm .1 9:50 um 11 Dully, b Daily except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL. road Oinuha, Kansas City At Eastern Railroad "Tha yulncy Route"-Tlcket Of llce, 1415 Fnrnam St, Tele, phone. 322. Depot, Tenth and -Marcy Sts. Telephone, Leave. Arrlo. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a o:u pm u 8:20 um Kansas City nnd Qulncy Local n Dully. 11 7:00 am u g;co pm CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Rallw.iy-Clty Ticket OHlce, 1501 Farnam Street. Telephone. 2M. Depot, Tenth und Mason Streets. Telephone, 629 Leave. Arrlvn. MlLWAUKl riilcnco .i: omnha Ex..t 7:15 um b 3:40 pm Chicago Limited Ex a 6:00 pm a 8:05 nn. a Dally, b Dally except Sunduy ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rnllnud-Clty Tlckot Of fice, 1102 Furnam Street. Telephone, 215. Depot. Tenth und Mnrcy Streets. 'jgnojJJ' Leave. Arrlvo. MlnneH.iolls c 'aul . m , Minnuapotie ic St. Paul .... . nm Limited - 7:4opm n 8:03 nm Fort Dodce Local from Council Bluffs b 4:50 pm a 8:15 am Fort Dodge Locul from Council Bluffs !i 6:00 nm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. Lcavo. Arrlvo. St. Louis Cnnnon Ball Express a 5:15 pm n, 8:20 am Knnsns City nnd Qulncy Iocal a 7:00 am u 9:00 pm a Dally. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Otllce, 1115 Farnam wuininuv 1 Street, Tcleiihone, 322. do. jim biuiiwhm not, Tenth and iMarcy tsw. U-i. Telephono. 2S. Leave Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a !" Iim a s:- am Summir Tours on Lake Mlohlgan. " STEAMSHIP M AN TOU a 1 ---- .---. ... Li. for .eiij(or rtlce men ibij. .!"" n"" ViVw lor lkiirliolr. lUriior Miirln. "r ." rl fto.Uf r n.l mkim ii "i-"'i' " - j u. 1 n rnr i.nkii naoflrior. i-.w...... CnilMi PolnH. HpmUI Ht J 0 J-"?,"1- LEAVES CHIUAUU o r n,.. lOli.m. TkttM.ll a-m. Hut. a p. m. mm r. h I n . Unjimilhln ComOflnV, OFFICE A DOCKS. Ruth and N. Water Sti.. ChlesgO. Direct Route- o rilnmio nxlilhllloii ANCHOR LINE jtcnmlilp from New luru "'i"7 i:i.ASIiOW VIA LONIloriDERRY. Saloon, 150 und up. Second Cabin, J32.50 and rri.1.,1 fUnau ml iinu'nrfiJl For tllustruted folder and further Informa. tlon apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. Chicago, or J. S. McNAI.LY. 1323 Farnam St.. GEO. E. ABBOTT, 1324 Farnum St.. Omaha. BOSTON to LIVtHKOOL tla QUEENST0 WN Commanweallh, Twin Screw, 12,000 Tom July 3 New England, " " 11,600 " July 17 PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL l QUEENSTOWN Dominion luly 6 , Vancouver .. Jul27 Cambroman July 13 Dominion .Aug, 0 For farther laformitloa, address I Compiiir'a Olllcti. V) Dcirbara Si.. Cblcifn. Ills. J MAJOR MICHIE STILL HOLDS VVUI Coiidinu- nn Ailjiitiuit Genc-ral of the lleiinrlliioii t ut MUnunrl I ndl October. Major Mlchlo will continue as acting nd Jutant general of tho Department of tho Missouri until October. Ho had expected to ho relieved upon tho nrrlvnl of Major Edward J. McClcrnand, who recently landed at San Francisco from tho Philippines, but orders Just Issued grant tho latter officer lenvo of absence for threo months, with permission to lcavo tho United States. Tho arrlvnl of Major McClcrnand, thornfore.wlU ho coincident with that of Ocneral Hates, tho now commanding general, so that tho department will begin tho fall under en tirely now nusplcca. A goneral order has been received at tho department hoaduunrters, conveying tho Information that General Adnoo U. Chaffeo will relievo Gcuernl MacArthur, In com mand of the Division of the Philippines, on July -1. Gonoral MacArthur will Inimo dlatoly proceed to San Francisco. n i ri ii km , iRecord Votaga 6 Out. 7. Hours. 22 Mlnuloi.l