8 TITE OMAHA DAILY HEEt TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Hot Wuthef la Eoutrmist Oaum Wild Ixclttmut in Cora Fit. SCRAMBLE TO BUY AT THE OPENING Wlicnt Slronu Early on lllurher Cnlilcs, hut IVruIiPim l.ntcr Ont .KtrniiK mill Ulcher Provllnn IiOVl PPi rjilCAOO. July 1. -Continued hot weather throughout the southwest ontlu'd wild ex citement In the com pit toilny nt thy open. InK ami n scramble to buy ensued. Ihe upcnln figures on September runted be tween 46lkc nnd ISc. -VfUie to J'tflSSc higher than Haturdny's closc, hut later, on reports of rnln In Knnsns, the market ns scmad n mine rational tone nml the closo wns .c lower. September wheat closed 'he lower; oats were Wic higher, while pro visions were iViilOc lower. , Higher cables Imparled strength to wheat today, hut th early strength was alt lout. Tho special rent urc of the weakness the heuy deliveries on July contracts l,Ooo,(iO bushels r.nd thin was supplemented by reports of iln? crop prospects, rieptem her opened Mfe higher at WMfWit. and after advancing to file early in the session the prlccH weakened, tho low nolnt rcnehe.l at C.1V4C The close wiih steady The l-l-ble supply decreased S.Zll.ouo bu. and thero was a (Vcro.ise on passage of lBS.coO bu. The world's shipments were s.O,'0 bu,, compared w'th lSl,i) bu. last week and CSIM.OOO bu. u year ngo. Seaboard reported 11 boatloads taken for export, while clearance of wheat and Hour were eiiual to 812,i) hu. Primary receipts were R.'iS,W tut., against oTs.ooo a year ngo. Min neapolis and iuiluth reported 511 cars against 130 cars last week and 3:i2 a year ago. I.ocul receipts were CI cars, one of contract. Tho opening In corn war wildly excited, September opening between l'i7c and IV. Continued hot, scorching weather In the southwest was the cause of lh strength. Tho trading was largely on the basis or 1 cent over Saturday's close There was free liquidation nt the advance, and later, on leports oi r.iln In Kansas, the market sold off. September sold between Itpio and 48c, the opening llgures, closing v higher at WifHil'iU. There was an Increase In the amount on passage of 9.V.0k bu. The vls. bio supply decreased a.wfti.iiOO bu. Clear ances were 72S,KW bu. Deliveries on July contractu were estimated at 2,00o,noo hu. 1'rlmary receipts were IIH.riD bu., against US.!,joo bu. a year ago. Local receipts were 222 cars, with only four of contract grade. Twenty-six cars were reported taken for export. Uttts were unchanged to TiJjJ'ic up at the close, after u day of big trading ami a rather sensational upturn In prices early. Weather conditions were responsible for tho strength, together with good country buying-, Profit-taking caused the slump toward tho close. September ranged be tween 27'io and 2Sc, closing W,ic hlglu r nt 27V,iir27:HiC. The visible supply Increased J7P.WM bu. and clearances were 215,01 bu. Deliveries on July contracts were l.ifjO.OuO bu. Local receipts were ltil cars. Provisions opened dull and without any features, Commission houses bought nulla freely early. Easier feeling developed on heavy receipt of hogs, together with local selling, ami the close wiih heavy and lower. Deliveries on July contracts wore vers1 light, September pork Nold betweon JM.72H and JU.H.1. closing 10c lower at $11.76. Lard ranged between js.fi.-. and JS.73, closing 'Ac lower at ts.iiTVi. HIIim ranged between JS.12',i and JH.15, closing Sc lower at $S.12V5, Estimated receliits for tomorrow: Wheat, 9 cars; corn, 2i cars; oats, 155 cars: hogs, 21,(io head. Tho leading futures rungad as follows: Arllcles.l Open. High. Low. Close. Hat'y, Wheat July Sept. Dec. Corn Juno July Sept. Dec. Outs July Sept. May Polk July Sept. l.srn July Sept. Oct. nibs July Sept. Oct. I I I 6B C4H C7'i 65W C7 WW C7fi I 434 45i ! 4fimufla8 44'i IWifilS 48 .tar U-ITV i27;ij2s! 47?i 4 Oil ? I I I 2W 27 I 27';i2"!lfls. 29?l 29 14 55 'l 14 55 ' 14 72!4 14 75 I 2S 28 30VJ M 55 ' 14 85 30 u rs 14 S5 14 km 14 8 05 S 75 S 7214 S (Vi S 17',i 8 10 I. I I 8 C7W S 574 B7.4H 8 00 05 8 071 0214 8 05 8 76 S 70 8 00 ' 8 l(j S 07'.$ 8 7o 8 70 8 00 ' 8 15 8 07,4 8 lj S 1314 8 00 I 8 00 8 10 8 1241 8 05 8 05 No. 2. Cash nuotntlons were as follows: KLOl'H-Qulet; winter patents. 3 503.00; straights, S;i.30:U0: spring pntents, S.l.:,vm 3.55; straights, $2.7ftjT3.00; bakers , J1.80'f?'.'.50. WIIHAT-No. 3 Bpring, fi2yG5',ic; No, 2 red, CflUflWiHc. COUN-No. 2, 44',4c; No. 2 vellow, 4414c. OATH No. 2. 29Wc; No. 2 white, :;0Vt 3U4c: No. 3 white. 23',4T31c. UYK-No. 2 4?fil!)c. nAHLKV I air to choice malting, 4St51c. BIJKDS-No. 1 llax. Jl.SS; No. 1 northwest ern, il.&S; prime timothy, $4.25; clover, con tract grade. J9.50. PIIOVISIONH-Mess pork, per bbl.. $14,55 Iff 14.00. Iird. per 10O lbs.. JS.GOfrs.G254. Short ribs sides (loose), J7.P0fi8.10. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). J7.12Viys.25; short clear sides (boxod). JS.3.riff8.45. WIIISICY-Ilasls of high wines, $1,27. Following nro the receipts and shipments for today: ltecelpts, Shipments, Hour, bbls 2U.O0O lO.WK) Wheut, bu 8S,mx 49,000 Corn, bu lM.OOO 220,000 Oats, bit 208,000 20,UK) Hye, bu Ilarloy. bu 1,000 1,010 On the Produce exchange lotlav the but. tor market was steady; creameries, 17W19o; dairies, 15ftirV4e. cheese, steady at 9al0c. Hugs, easy at lie. NHW YOIIK CJKMOH.W, JIAIIKKT. Quiitiitloiiit of the liny on urlnua Coiiiiiioilltlea, .KVy. yOHK. July l.-KLOUR-Hecelpts, 24,00(1 bhls,; exports, 15,477 bbls.; neglecied and lower, wluter patents, $3.GOfl'a.9; winter straights, fJ.Wit3.to: winter extras, $2.50 2.S5; Minnesota bakers, $2.9Cx3.15; Mlnn sota patents, $3,701(3.90; winter low cr.uloj, $-'.umi2.40. Uyo Hour, dull; fair to ,'ood. 2.7U13.W: choice to fancy. Jlt.lWMJ. COHNMKAL-Dull; yellow western, 93c; city. U2o; llramlywlne, J2.I5H2.55. UVK-D11II, No, 2 western, 55c, afloat; state, 52f(53c, c. I. f.. New York, carlots. UAUl.liY Quiet; feeding, 4Sc c. I. f. New York; malting, 61C2c c. I. f. Now York. UAKLKY MALT Dull; western, G5?i72& WMUAT ltecelpts. 212.250 bu.; exports. 383,722 bu. Spot, easier; No. 2 red. 74's.c, t. o, b. alloat: No, 2 red, 73'c, elevator; No. I northern, Duluth, 74e ulloat: No. 1 hurd. Diiluth, 835ic, f. o, b. afloat, Options opened Ilrm wlUi corn, but soon settled iiuu tie elded w'eukness under liquidation, good home crop news nnd prospects for increas ing receipts; closed weak at 5i54c net de cline; July. 725ii727e, closed at 725c; Sep tcmber, 71Ht'T2c, closed at 71?ic; October, 72(ii3c, closed nt 72f,c; December, 73 7-164J) 74e, closed at 7354c. COUN-rtecelpts, 21S.0OO hu.; exports, 477. 793 bu. Spot, steady; No, 2, 4S4c elevator anil 49&c r. n. h, afloat. Options market had an excited, strong advance on covering, due to extreme heat west, but later eased off on reports of rains; closed easy at 1W Sie net advanco; July, 4sr(1 i;iijc closed at 4S4c; September, 49Kt7tlc, closeil at .0: October, 49'jjKP.4c, closed at 497i,c. OATH-Hecelpts. 120,700 bu.; exports, 21.987 bit. Spot, dull; No. 2, 3254c; No. 3, 32c- No 3 white, 3254c; track, mixed western, 32aic' track, white. 32!437c. Options Inactive ami barely steudy. IIAY-Qulet; shipping. 70J?7Cc; good to choice. H7'-fWc. HOPS Firm; state, common to choice. 1900 ctop, moisc; 1S9D crop. lCKff!3c; old olds 2(ij6c; Paclllc coast, HOO crop, IGUlSijc: imu crop. Uiil5e; old olds, Sfltic. ' ' IIIDKS Firm; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs 18 dllSVsc; California, 22 to 25 pounds, pjuc Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs., 14fri45jc. LV3ATH13H - Steady; hemlock sole, lhicnos Ayres. light to heavyweights, 2)'u 25c; ncld. 24fi25c. PKOVISIONS-Heof. firm; family, ill.Wt 12 00; mess, J9.5n4flft.00; beef hams'. $20.50 21.50; packet. $10 WflU.00; city, extra India mess, Jlfi.OOiflS.Oii. cut meats, firm; pickled bellies. 9.5iVall.ll; pickled shoulders, f7,25ffi) 7.50; pickled hams, J10.50fni.M. Lartl, nisy; western steamed, f),90: rellneil, easy; con tinent, $9; South America, $9.fi5; compound. $7 Pork, steady; family. JlK.5oifiG.00; ghort clear. $15.00ffl7.M; mess, Jl5.75ifjlG.75. TAI.LOW-Sleady: city ($2 per pkg.), 4ic; country, (pkgs. free), 4'4'acii.o. HlC'IJ-Qulet; domestic, fair to choice. 4i (fGVc; Japan, 44c. MOI.SSKS-QuIct; New Orleans, opon CHEESE Itecelnts. 1.857 nkes dull n,,i easy; fancy large, colored and white, 95ic; fancy small, colored, 954o; fancy small, white. 9 vie. EGaS-ltccclpts, 10,051 pkgs.i flrmi west- ruivi-iuiiB-yuiei; mow York. ISO lbs.. $2.2.hi(2 .5: southern, extra, per bbl.. J2.60. llUTTEH-Hecelpts. 13.lil pkgs.; quiet and steudy; creamery, ltJ,fi9i4c; factory, 1254 dfl5c. crn, candied, 135431454c; western, uncandled, lltrl3- I'OFLTHY-Allve, easier; springers, 18c; turkeys, ic; dressed, lower; springers, ISif 21c, turkeys, TJiSc, fowls, sgioc. METALS -The week starts In metal cir cles with business on the whole very light and speculation almost entltely dormant. In London value cased oft 15s jndcr selling pressurf, closing easy In lone nt JCU'S Ids lor spot and i:l bn on futures, while tho local market declined 20 points under simi lar circumstances, but trading In both place was only of n Jobbing natjre, Cop per at New York and In London ruled very unlet and prices were unchanged on tho basis of $17.00 tor Lake Superior and jlt.K!', for casting and electrolj tic und 08 10.1 for futures respective!. L.ird was also un changed both here nnd abroad. Spelter, however, fell oft is at London to mi Ins, and our inurket declined sllghtiy out of sympathy, closing easy ut $3.9i"WJ.'jj, Amer ican Iron markets ruled dull and quite fea tureless at nominally unchanged prices, Pig Iron warrants, J9.niwiu.ou, northern toundry, JH.j.u'l.i.oO; soft southern, JlJ.ioif 15.25. (ilasgow warrants closed nt 62s 3d und Mldillcuborough Us loid. The exports ot copper tor the month of June aggregated 9,428 tons, against U.j'm ions last year. OMAHA WllOLl..tM-; .MAUKI1T. Condition nf Trade and limitations on .Maple nnd I'niicy Produce. EtlOH Hccelpts liberal; Good stock, :lrm. KXUlO'aC. L1VK l'OULTllY-Hens. 7c; young and sld roosters, urkeys, tf'ft-ic; ducks and geese, be, spring chickens, pel lb.. I.'nl3c. HUTTlill-Cominoti to fair, 12VsUT3c; ch..ii.i uuir, In luii. llyljc; seiiaiatur, Ibc. FKtCSH FISll-Iliack bass, 18c; white bass, ic, bluellsh, 11c; bulilieads, luc; blue luib, ic, Imiijlus, oc, cutituh, 12c; cod, 9c; crupplcB. Tiluc; ciscocd, ?c, liallbut, 11c; her litis:, oc, h.iddocK, luc, pickerel, 7c; pike, 9o; led unuppei, 10c, salmon, lie; nunlUli, 5c; irout, c, whltehsh, 9u PIOi:oNS-Llv... per doz $t. VKALS Choice, UyK'C. 11AY Prices iiiioted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers dissociation: Choice upland, !9.i; No. 2 unkind. S9.O0: medium. J8.&0: coarse, $7.50, P.yo straw $0.50. These prices uie tur nav of uoo'l color and uuullty. Du- tunnel lair, ltecelpts, 3 cars. cA'l'b-.No, white, I'JC, CuIlN No. J, 42c. lJllAN-Jli. vugi:taiii.i-4. ASPAHAGL'S-N.itlve. per dor., 33yi0c KHCllAltU-Hoine Brown, pur lb lc. M.W CAHItuTS-Pcr doi 20c. isi.W TCHMPs Per doz., 2oc. CHL'.MUi;Hh HolhuUHc, per doz, 40350c. l.r-i'j LC l'er bu , 20c l.AliatiLS-Pcr ilui., 1j'J2Pc. I'AIlhLL i-I-er doz.. Sue. Pin ATt ma-Old, per uu., 80c. M:V l'OTATOKS-1'cr bu., Wc. caiiuau-.scw California, Hie. '1U.MA TuKS- icxas, 4-bsK. dales, $1.50. ONlONri licrmuuus, per crute, $2.25; now C.iiltotula. 2c. CAULlFLOWKIt Home-grown, per doz.. toe. HF.ANS Wax, per 1-3 bu., 40c; string, per 1-3 bu., uoc. PH.rf-Per liu , $1; per 54 bu., 50c. CANTA LO Ul'U-Per bsk., 75cij$l; crates, $3.W. WATKUMHLONS-Texas, 30350 each. FHUlTa. PINUAPPLICS-Per doz., $1.75LT2.00; per ciatc, .l.ia, HLACKUi:ilRIFS-pL.r 24-at. case. $1.50 2M. KASPHISIUtllSS-Per 24-cjt. case, $2; red, per 21-jt. cade, J4.00; per 2l-pt. case, 2.50. CllLiUllliS Calltornla, per Mb. bo, $1.25; Missouri, per 24-(t. caBC, Jl.75ti2.00. PKACHi:s California, per box, 90C APitlCUiti California, n-basket crates, $1.50. PLUMS California, per crate, J1.25. UOOOKUEUUmS-l'er 24-qt. case, $1.50. TKOF1CAL. FltUITS. OHANOES-Callfomla seedlings, $2.75J 3.00; Med, sweets, fJ.M. LK.MONS California, extra fancy, $3.75; choice, JJ.iAJ. HAN AN A3 Per bunch, according to size, $2.eO(U2.riO. FKJS California, new cartons, 75c; layers. Coo, Imported, per lb., lu812c. DATES Persian, in O :u, boxes, Salrs, So MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY California per 24-bectlon case, per lb.; Halloween, 5V4c per lb. CIDElt-Per bbl., J4.5v; per half bbl., J3.7J. NUTS English walnuts, per lb., 15c; fil berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb lhy20c; raw pcuuuts, per lb,, 53554c; roasted, &Wa ;;.c; xlrazlls, 13c; pecans, 1ck22c. HlDES-No. 1 green, G54c; No. 2 green, 55to: No. 1 salted. 7Wc: No. 2 salted. 654c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 1254 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal 1 calf, 12 to 15 lbs,, Gc; dry hides, 8U3c; sheep pens, -VcJiac; norsu limes. jL.i)Ua..ij. Liverpool Grain unit Provisions. I.1VEUPOOL. July 1. WHEAT-Bpot. dull; No. ?. red western winter, dull at 5s 7d; No. 1 northern spring, 6s G?id; No. 1 California, 6s 9?d; futures, firm; Septem ber, 5s 08d; December, us ?54d. COllN Spot, American mixed, now, firm at 4s 2d; Amerlcun mixed, old, steady at Is 3d; futures, Ilrm; July, 3s 4d; Septem ber, is p,d; October, 4s ytd. PKAS-Canadlan, firm, 5s 1054d. FLOUH St. Louis tancy winter, dull, "S 9d. HOPS At London (Paclllc coast), steudy, .IM 5(& JIB. PHO'ISIONS-Heef, firm; extra India mess, ess 9d. Pork, Ilrm, primes mess, western, CIs Cd Hams, short cut. 14 to 1U lbs. firm, 4Ss 3d. Lard, ilrm; American refined, In palls, 43s 9d; prime western, In tierces, 43s 9d. Hacon, firm; Cumberland cut, 2G to 30 lbs,, 44s 9d; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs,, 17s ml, long clear middles, light, 28 to 34 lbs., 45s 3d; long clear middles, heavy, 33 to 40 lbs., 44s; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., 42s Cd(il3s; clear bellies, II to 1G lbs,, 49s. Shoulders, square. 11 to 13 lbs., 26s Gd, CHEESE Firm; American finest white, 4js; American finest colored, 46s. HUTTEU-Qjlet; llnest United States, Ms; good United Slates, 07s. TALLOW Firm; prlmo city, 25s 6d; Aus tralian, In London, 26s 9d. Following uro stocks of breadstuffs nnd provisions in Liverpool; Flour. 95,000 sacks; wheat, 1,537,000 centals; corn, 403,000 centals; hacon. 13.200 boxes: hams. 4.900 boxes: ghoul. ders, 2,100 boxes; butter, 4,500 cwt.; cheese, 4U.O00 boxes. Lard, prime western steam, G.ooo tierces; other kinds, 3,920 tierces. Following are the stocks of wheat and corn In storo and on ouavs (rallwnv nnd canal depots not Included): Wheat, 1,878,000 centals; corn, in-.wu centals, Nt. I.onls Griiln mill Provisions. ST. LOUIS. July l.-WHKAT-Lower; No. 2 red, cash and elevator, G25io; track, taVc; new, C3V4(ijGiiu old; July. 6254c: September, G35WIG.151C; December, 65tjc; No. 2 hard. 64l.iiil!5c. COHN Higher; No. 2 cash, 43c; track, 41 iou; Jiny, t-',c; ooiiiemoer, 3j'mo',iC. OATS Higher; No, 2 cash. 29c; track, 29ifr3054c; July, 27Uc: September, 2754c; No. 2 white, 3l5ic. II VI.' d,,.., JT.. FLOUIt-Duli; patents, J3.45S3.ro; extra uincy iino stringing, j.w((fj.io; clears, 2.cV Q2.S0. COllNMEAI-Steadv at J2.30. HAY Dull: tlmothv. dull nt lllVrtVSiR no. prairie, new, rcarce. and strong nt 16.tt WH ISKY Steady at J1.27. 1 HON COTTONT1 ES-J1.05. l!Al"!OINO-Gi;if7c. HEMP TWINE-Oc. PltOVlSIONS-Pork. firm: Inhhln tis Uird, higher, J8.45. Dry salt meats, steadyj nV, 1 ' '"'.Si ciear rius, Js.34; clear sides, J8.60. liacon, steady; boxed lots, extra shorts, J3; clear ribs $9.3754; clear sides. $9 60. ' METALS Lead, ilrm, $1.301.10. Snclter firm, J3.S254. r, POl'LTHY-Sleady; chickens. 7Uc: springs, 13!Til5c; turkeys, Sc; ducks, 6c; Hl'TTEH-Stea.iy; creamery, dairy. 131 He. 14Q20c; EOC.S Lower; current receipts, 7c. ItECEIPTS-Flour. S.000 hbls ; wheat. 125.. vw 'u.. v-uiii. ui.'""' till. 1 UillP, IO,tK.tJ nil. SHIPMENTS-Flour. 8.010 bbls - wheat. 17,000 bu.; corn, 10,000 bu.; oats, 11,600 bu. Kiinxiis C'lly (iritln nnd Pro vlaloim. KANSAS CITY, July l.-AVHEAT-July. 59Ve; September. 69?ic; December. ClHo: cash. No. 2 hard. 6ljjC.154c; No. 3, Olfiillc No. 2 red. Gl'iifiil'-.c. COHN July, 4l4c; September. 455j,c; cash. No 2 mixed, !; S'o. 2 white. 4S54W49C. OATS-No. 2 white. 32c. "AX"!"00 l"othy, JU.60S12.00; choice prairie. Jio.oo. HUTTEH-Creamery. 15Q17c; dairy, fancy. 1441 15c. EOOS-Stcady; fresh Missouri and Kan- tumed; now whltewood cases Included, 54c I.,.,. 1 . HECEIPTS-Whent, 193,200 bu,; corn. 13, m bu.; oats, 13,000 bu, PHI I'M ENTS Wheat, 32.J00 bu.; corn. 16 0 bu,, oats, none. Pen rln Market. 1'EOHIA. July l.-COliN-Hlgher; No. 3, 44c. WHISKY On tho basis of $1.27 for fin Ishcil goods. M 1 1 nil ! (irnln .Mnrltct, MILWAUKEE, July l.-WHEAT-lwor: close, No. 1 northern. Oi'.4lj6$o; No, 2 north ern. fiTi'i'til'ie: .IlllW r,rtCP( MMnhtmli... It V E Dull ; No. lT 4S54C. ' " UAULEY-Qulet; No. 2, SIQSlijc; sample, Phlliidelplilii Produce Mnrkrt. PHILADELPHIA. July l.-ntTTTEH- i irm; prims, .-uc; nearuy prints, 2lc, Eaas-Steady; fresh nearby and west- em, 14c; fresh southwestern, 12So; (rest southern, 17c. CHEKSE-Dull; New York full creams, fancy small, SIWjc; full creams, fair to choice. 9l4Q9V4c 'I'oleiln Ginln nnd .Sped. TOLEDO, O., July l.-WHEAT-Actlve but lower; cash nnd July, CSV; September, G7Nic; December, 7o';c. COHN Active nnd strong; cash, 4454c; July, 4"e; September, Wtc. OATS-Dull but steady; cash, 2754c: July, 27c; September, 275ic. HYE-50C. SEEDS-Clover, cash, prime, IC.tO; Oc tober. J5.G0. Vlnlblo .Siippl, nf Griiln. NEW YOIIK, July l.-The visible supply of grain Saturday, June 29, ns compiled by the New York Produce exchange, Is lis follows: Wheat, 30,79.1.(J,i bu.; decrease, 2, 110,000 bu. Corn, 13.15v.k bu.; decrease, 2. 02S,ol bu. Oats, lo.7W) bu.; lucre isc, 179,000 bu. Hye, f!19.0(0 bu.; Increase. On.fHI hu. Hurley. 4wi,000 bu. ; decrease, 4S.0M) bu. .MitUM-ii poll Wlieiit, t'lmir nnd llriiu. MINNEAPOLIS, July l.-WIIEAT-Cash, G1Jle; July, G2Jc; September, itP,tc. I'LOt'H First patents, $3.7ofi3.0: second patents, J3.5oy3.6o; first clears, J2'0(j2"0; second clears, $2.00. HHAN-In bulk, $10.50. KIkIii llntter Market. ELGIN. III., July l.-llUTTEH-FIrm nt 19c; not a pound wns offered for sale to day, the total output of the district being contracted for; sales for the week, 973,u,U lbs. movi:.mi:.vi'.s i. .stocks a.m hoxhs. (nln of Tito to Sl Points In lovta Cent nil. NEW YOIIK, July l.-Wlth the excep tions of higher prices for stocks, which were aroused by the action of the mar ket during tho latter part of last week, promises were not realized today. It is no unusual thing for the effect of July disbursements upon tho money market to be delayed sometimes for n week or two, the looked-for demand for rcinvctmont falling to appear und the rate f.,r money holding comparatively firm. These con ditions held today, although thero was some relaxation In the call money m-r-ket. The tone of tho foreign markets wns quite cheerful and tho occasion of strong opening udvnuces lu-rc. The money mar ket here had to face the action of the Amalgamated Association of iron in d Steel Workers In Inaugurating a .strike in tho steel trade. Olllcers ot tho United Stntes Steel corporation professed to feel little the effects of the strike, but Its effects were manifest upon the price of the company's stockc nevertheless. Tho Independent steel companies were nlso weak. United States Steel, both common and preferred, lost l'i and Colorado Fuel and Tennessee Coal about 3 each. The ex pected dividend nctlon In United Stuts Steel tomorrow wns nlso a feature in steel, the benrs trying to discredit rumors that the common slock would be placed on a I pet cent dividend basis. Feats of damage to the corn crop from droutu In Missouri, Knnsns nnd Texas especially do prested the corn-carrying grangers, which wero more vuineraiuo uy reason or nisi week's strencth. The decline renched 3-i In St. Paul, 3 In Hock Island, 254 In Il linois Central. 254 In Union Pncfilc and Texus & Pacific and 2 In Atchison prc- terrea, 1 nero was noinmc sirengin in me lowa Central stock and In the Now York Central fc St, liuls stocks, their gains extending from 2 to 6 points. Most of the active stocks wero off a point or more during the day and the closing watt heavy and dull. There wns little dolnir In railroads, but prices yielded, In sympathy with stocks. Totul sales, par value, Jl,800,oo0. United States bonds wero ull unchanged on the first call. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says; Business on the Stock exchange wus still restricted, but the week's tradln? began In a cheerful spirit and becamo dull later. In sympathy Willi American siocks, inese wero strong early, thero being many small buyers. There was a fall of 2 points later on New York rumors of other bank failures than the City National of Buffalo and reports of labor troubles In the steel trade. Tho close was Hat nt bottom prices and with few dealings. The Hank of England has bought 75,000 gold In Australia and nas received JC4O.0O0 from Houmanla. On the turn of the half year 20.000.000 Is dis bursed In Interest on British and foreign government bonds. Copper stocks show a decrease of 1,110 tons. Supplies decreased 636 tons. Paris exchange Is 25.19; Berlin, 20.40. Th fbllowlnr re th doling; prlco e lh New York Stock exchanst: Atchison do pfd Baltimore & O.... do pfd Canadian Paclfla Canada Southern Ches, & Ohio Chicago & Alton.. do pfd C 11. & Q Chicago, I. & 1,.. do pfd Chicago & 12. I... Chicago Ot. W.... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Chlcaeo & N. W.. C, It. I. & V Chicago T, & T.. do pfd C, C, C. & HI. L Colo. Southern ... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson.... Del., L. & W Denver i n. Q... "do pfd Krle do 1st pfd do 0-1 pfd Gt. Nor. pfd Hocking Valley ,i do pfd Illinois Central ., Iowa Central do pfd I: K. & S' do pfd Louis, & Nash,.., Manhattan I. Met. St. lly Mcx. Central Mex, National .., Minn. & St. L..., Mo. raclnc St.. K. A: T do pfd N. J. Central N. Y. Central Nor, & West do pfd No. Pa;luo do pfd Ontario & XV Pennsylvania Heading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Bt. Li. & S, V do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. S. W do pfd St. Paul . tf't do pfd .10IH Po. Pacific , .107H So. Hallway . 91'; do pfd , 104iTex. & Paclllc. . . C8V4 T., St. I & W., . 41 do pfd . 415, Union Pacific .., . 79 1 do pfd , .19751 Wabash . 37!t do pfd . 70 flV. & I E .125 I do 2d pfd.... . 2154 Wis. Central ... . 81 I do pfd . fit Adams Express ,157 Amer. Express . .lSSiUl. S. Express... ,. 22!,WeHs.FnrKo Ex. ,. 45ti Amal. Copper .. ..15SVj .. 4'J'.4 334 .. S7 .. 45 .. 2Pi .. 355 ..109 .. 90 .. Ml .. KH .. 2lS .. 3254 .. sm .. 4Si ..170 ..105 .. 87 ..150 ,.122'i .. .. 88?; :! .. m .. 57?; ..103 .. s el; ..112 ..22154 .. 654 ..llS'.j ..504 1 .. 6054 .. 23 .. 22; .. 775; .. w; .. MVi .. '3 .. 22 I'l'.i .. 76 ..iiwi; .. 68 .. 40 ..1174 .. 44 .. 85t,4 ...200 .. 21'.; .. v. ..H45i .. 70 875i Amer. C. & P... . IS do pfd Amer. do Lin. Oil.. pfd S. & It.. pfd . 21 .167 Amer. do . 23H' . 43 Amer. I obacco . Vi'i Ana. MIn. Co.... . 42Ti Hrli. Hap. Tr . 71?4 Colo. P & I . !!. Consolidated Qas .165 C'on. Tobacco ... . 53 do pfd . I5"4 Oeneral Electric .i52?i .Glucose Sugar .. 41 57 Hocking Coal Int'n'l Paper ... do pfd Int'n'l Power .. Laclede Gas .... National Illscult National lad . National Halt .. do pfd No. American .. Pacific Coast ... I'ucia-i Mall .... People's Gas ... 1'reksed H. C... do pfd Pullman P. C... Republic Steel . do pfd Sugar .115 .1CJH ,1U 1.173 1. 25 1. lfrTi ,.10rt ,.1':05 ,. 30T, ,. a ,.160 ,.V.V,i 1. 51 Yt ,. 10 ,.120 .. 07 3CH ,.i;i ,. 4:; ,. 73 ,. ItH ,. 465, ,. S3 Tenn. C. & I.. Union II. & P. Co, 17 7554 mi 7SH 21 6054 4S54 osv; 03 do pfd tr. s. do Irfather... Pfd Hubher.... U. S. do pfd Steel U. S. ,. 33 . 06 do pfd Western Union ..174 Trust receipts. Ex-dlvldend. York Monry Mnrkft. N'RW YOHK. July l.-MONEY-On call, firm at 612 per cent; last loan. 6 per cent; ruling rate, 8 per cent. PHIME MERCANTILE PAPfin-40554 per cent. STjEHLINO EXCHANGE-Easy, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at Jl..s7Vfl 4.87 for demand and ut $4.S55iSf t.b for sixty days: posted rates, J4.S6j4.SSV4;' com mercial hills. JI.S15nft4.e5. SILVEH certlllcates, nominally 60c; bar. 59i(,c; Mexican dollars, 47!ic. HOND8 Government, steady; state, steadier; railroad, easier. Tho closing pi ices un bunds tod art at follows: U, S. ref. 2s, res. do coupon do 3s, reg do coupon do 4s, rex do coupon do old 4s, reg...,. do coupon do 5s, ree do coupon D. of C. 3, 6Ss Atch. iten. 4s do adj. 4s Canada So. it C. & O. 454s do 5s C. & N. W. e. 7s. do 3. V. d. 5s Chicago Ter.. 4s... Colo. So. 4s !. It. O. 4s Erie general 4s... V W. & r. C. Is., lien. Electric 5... "Iowa Central Is.. L. & N. unl. 4s.. M . K & T. 2s do 4s 107 107 m m .130 iso 112!4 11254 108 u 10S). 125 104i N. Y. P. Is N. J, C K. 5s No. Pacific 3s do 4s N Y C & St L 4. N. & W. c. 4i 10454 .132 104't 106T1 .102; Ore. Nav. la do 4s O. S. E. 6s do con. 5s Heading gen. 4s... It. O. W. Is fit T.jf, T f . x- .107 .103 .1:014 llfi'.l . 0; .100 .117'; .136 V4 .IPO .120 .1175; . 01 .111 . .119 . 90 .10. .120 .112 .1I2'4 ,:oo t.3H U'S 1st L & S K k. Cs.. 107V4 St. Paul consols... 11054 "St. P. C. & p. Is. 1424 Mo 5s Mi !fio Pacific 4s 01'4,'So. Hallway 5s... 4 . II. & T. lis ,10l',4,Texas & P. is , M do 2s 107 Union Pacltlc 4s... i'jO !Vabah Is 1174' do 2s .lOJVil'Went Shorn 5C Vls. Central 4... 54 Va. Centuries Ex-Interest. Offered. Government prices nro first call no second call today. Hunk ClenrliiKN. OMAHA. July 1 corresponding day crease, $77,137,10. CHICAGO, July balances. tS.500.0i3. -Clearings, J1.233.ISS.16; mni year, l,Ju,liai; in- l.-Cleirlngs, J27.S74.6I5; Posted exchnnge, JI.Ss, on demand. Now Y rk sixty days; JI.S454 exenange at par. ST. LOUIS. July balances, $1,1C1,122. 1. Clearings, J.72).!f3; Money, 57 per cent. New York exchange, par bid, 15c premium asked. CINCINNATI, July 1 -Clearings, $4,070, 050. New York exchange, 15c discount. Money, 3JJG per cent. PHILADELPHIA, July l.-Clcarlngs, $13,. 156,75. balances. $2,345,f;0. BOSTON, July 1. -Clearings, J18,395,3S0; balances, $2,341,702. NEW YOIIK, July l.-CIcarlngs, $613,210, $97, bnlai'cei , JlO.fih.il'J. HALTIMOHE, July l.-Clearlngs, $1,9IS, 662; balances, $759,311. llosloii stneun nnd llondi. BOSTON, July l.-Cnll loans, 3'iOU4 per cent; time loans, 4l5a per cent. Official closing! A , T. A V.... do pM Anicr. tfuitnr du pM Amsr. Telephone llonton Albany. Itn'ton lilevntfil . Iloslnn ft Me I'.. II. A q fiomlnlnii Cord ... do pfd f. P. ftrel do ptil ritrhhurg pM neutral lllectrlc . Ilex Ccntrnl .... N' B. (1. & C Old Colony Old nonunion .... ltulilier Union l'a.inc .... . J.'Ti Union Innd 3 .101 Went Knil hi .HI iVetlni!li. lilec 61 .1.054'Alclilsnn Is 10J 1S5 N. I!. O. C. 5s... Mi .I'd Adventure 23 13 Illng. MIn. Co 'j .IM Atnnl. Copper 121 .l!"7'i Atlantic 37 . J9 Cnl. llecla '.M HVi rentennlnl 50 . 4 nnnklln 17 . ov; Hiiinlml.lt V, .114 lOscenIn .csi t' 'Pnrnit f.3 . 2'i guliicy l'.sVi . 7' Sanln ft Coppfr.... 7 . 'S ITamarack C4J . 3l'i;i:tnh Mining !2 . !l Winona 2 .1 a lVolrlne!i 5 London Mock ttuotiilioiin, LONDON, July 1 p, m.-CIosIng: ConiiolJ, money... 91 S-lOj do lut pfd 71 ,lo account... '.3.', Prnnsylvunln "1 AU'liliion Canadian Paclllc . Kt. Paul Illinois Central ... IjOUIuvIIIc Union I'aclne pfd.. N. Y. Central Erie itriuinic ::, -I'-'i No. Pacific pfd 01 ivni Orand Trunk ioij :.'7'4 Anaconda f'j 113 lltanil Mlnca II', orSiU. S. Steel 4! tf.2 do pfd 101i 4I, August. HAH SILVEH-Stendy nt 275M. M.ONi:Y-l4ff2i per cent. Hate of ills count In the open mnrkct for short bills U 2?;f?2V4 Per cent; three months' bills, 254 Q2j per cent. New York MIiiIiik Slocks. NEW YOHK. July l.-The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks; Adams Con Alice llrcecc Hruniwlck Con . Conutock Tunnel Con. Cal. & Va.. De.ulwooil Terra Hern Silver Iron Bller Irfadvlllc Con ... .. M ILItlle Chief IJ .. 4.' 'Ontario S23 ..HS Ophlr $J .. P. Phoenix .. I'.i Poto.l I . .510 Favntte J .. '5 filerra Nevada 15 ..Hi Hm.ill Hopes 43 .. SO Hlandard !I5 .. II I Coffee Mnrkrt. NEW YOHK. July l.-COFKEE-Spot. Hlo, dull; No. 7, Invoice, 0 1-lGc; mnrket quiet; Cordova. y;y 1254c Ixiwer prices were bulletined on the exchnnge today. During the latter part of the morning nnd during the early afternoon the mnrket was dull and narrow. The Europenn news was disappointing and receipts In Hlo over topped general Ideas. Tho market was finally barely steady and net 10 points lower; total sales were 21,175 bags, In cluding July, R.oriflB.iOc; September. 5.20 B.25c; October, n.25fi6.30c; November, B.36c; December. 5.4fif6.50o: February, D.COc; March, 5.60c; May, B.'StjS.SOc. Oil nnd flonln. NEW YOIIK, July l.-OI US-Cottonseed, steady; prime crude, nominal, prime yel low. 38c. Petroleum, dull. Rosin, steady. OIL CITY. July l.-OILS-Credlt balances, J1.05; certificates, no bid; shipments, 247. 024 bbls.; average, 00,031 bbls,; rutlB, 27S.S02 bbls.: average. S5.9S2 bbls. SAVANNAH, Ga., July l.-OILS-Splrlts of turpentine, firm nt 33t-4c Hnsln. firm; quotations: A. 11, C, Jl.fO; D, J1.I0; E. $1.15; I $1.20; G. $1.25; If, $1.35; I. $1.50; K. $1.75; M. $2.25: N. $2.60; tY, G, J2.W; W. W. J3.20. LONDON, July !. OllS-Calcuttn lin seed, spot, D2s 3d. Spirits of turpentine, 26s 9d. Kvnpnrntrd nml Dried Frnlts, NEW YOHK, July 1. EVAPORATED APPLES Only Jobbing business wns ac complished In evaporated apples today, but the general tone of tho market was un steady nt unchanged nrlces: common to good. 35436c; prlmo to good, 6i4fl15;c; choice, Dilute; inney, uvwi'.e. CALIFOHNIA DRIED FRUITS-Ruled Inactive and nominally unchanged; prunes, 6TGVic per lb., to sire nnu" auallty; aprlcotts, 8j?12c: Moor park. iiitl2e; peaches, peeled, lljilfic; unpeelca, 610c, Mnseed Oil at Klschtr Crnts. CLEVELAND, O., July 1. Another sharp advance was announced In price for lin seed oil today by the American Linseed Oil company. The wholesale price Is now 80c per gallon In single barrel lots, an In crease of 15o a gallon since June 1. The Jump In prices today was 7c per gallon. The Increase for the last month has been ubout 25 per cent. Sngnr .Mnrkrt. .NEW YORK, July l.-BUOAR-Raw, steady to firm: fair refining, 3 9-lllc; molasses sugar, 3 5-lCc; refined, steady. NEW ORLEANS, July 1. SUOAR Quiet: open kettle, 3 3-16f(4c; open kettle, centrifugal, 3TS454c: centrlfugul yellow, 45494 9-16c: seconds, 2'jgic; molasses, dull; centrifugal, 7015c. ' e TV York Dry Hoods Mnrket. NEW YORK, July l.-DRY GOODS-In-tense heat has again had a restrictive In fluence over spot trnde In all directions. Mall orders of average extent. There has been no chango In general tono In either cotton or woolen goods, or any alteration In prices. Print cloths have been Inactive ut Ilrm prices. H00SAC TUNNEL PIER BURNS In Destroyed, Together vrlth Larife Quantity ot Merchandise Stennicr Snchem Is Saved. BOSTON, July 1. A flro which for an hour threatened to do great daroago broke out on pier 5 ot tho Uoosnc tunnel docks In Charlestown today. Tho pier, which Is the Doston terminus of tho Warren Line Steamship company, was destroyed, with a large quantity of merchandise Tho steamer Sachem, from Liverpool, which wan unloading at the pier, was towed out ot danger before It had suffered seriously. Six freight cars on the dock were consumed. Tho loss Is placed at $200,000. TUG FERN ANDCREW ARE LOST Founders) Off Jungle Itlver, Mich, Yneht Marguerite Reported to He Wrecked. EAGLE RIVER, Mich.. July 1. The tug Fern of Ali:onac, Mich., foundered off here Saturday morning, It carried a crew ot five men, all of whom are lost. Two wero Frank Johnson of this place and Will An derson of Eagle Harbor ana the others are unknown. Tho wreck of tho yacht Mar guerite of Hancock was pIeo discovered between here and Eagle Harbor. Two men are suppposed to have heen lost on It. Tim I Comes to Omnlin. TLATTSMOUTII, Neb.. July 1. (Special.) Germain E, Towl has sold tho riatts mouth Journal and gono to Omaha to ac cept a position on p. dally paper. THIS REALTY MA II KET. INSTRUMENTS filed for record Monday, July 1, 1901: Wnrrnnly Deeds. II. E. Lowe and husband to D. I. Mason el nl. lots :il nnd 32. block 2. Mystic park $ J. P. Gibbons- et nl to Cathno Cullen, n 30 feet of w 102 feet lot 13. block 1, Lake's add E. E. Kalis tn Frederick llerckhelmer, lot , block 11, Hanscom park E. P. Smith and wife to W. H. New ell, n 3D feet lots 8 and 9, block 2, A. S Patrick's add Home Investment company to W. T. Hilton, lot 4, block 9. Patrick's ndd.. J. l). Hurgher nnd wife tn S. J. How. aid et nl, w5a lot S, block 1, Pat rick's add It. S. Fell and husband to T. J. O'lirlrn. lot 10, block 13, West End ndd 2,200 1.200 2,000 1,500 1,200 500 6,00i) Quit CI n 1 111 Deed, J. P. Gibbons nnd wife tn Cathno Cul len, h 6 Inches of n54 of w 102 feet lot 13, block 1, Lake's ndd 2 Herd. Sheriff to Herman Dercum, lots 1 and 2, block 2. Millard Place R.CO0 Total amount of transfers $21,602 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cftttls Vtrj Slow Salt it Friooi Banglig Jrim Btindj to 11 Dime Lowir, HOGS ALSO A SHADE LOWtR TODAY hlieep In l,li;lit Supply Today nml PneUeis Pnld .lust About Mend) Prices for 11 erj tlilnu Hint Wits oncred. SOUTH OMAHA, July 1. ltecelpts were Came. Hogs. omip. oIiim.ii .Monu.o l.jii 1,4W oulne. uu; I.IM week... oiiiiiii u...iK ueiuit! , 1 1 1,1V! J,C'd 2,ul 1,11 ouiiiu ihlee wccn.1 agJ. atuuc i u ill' x.ecHS u,ci. uitlilu uuy uisl yciu.... ',JtJ AVciugu pl.ee p.l.d lor bogs ai Suu.ll Umulm wie pust suciui uu)s w.tn cuui puiiauim; I 1W1. 1 1 Jt-U. 1 lbJJ. 1 JVO. llil'l . ,lviJ. ! 1 "'Jj. . Mite u June it;., Juuu 17., June VJ., JUtlu u, , I U u lt J ,( 3 11 i W, 3 w; 3 imi . I 3 M I I i ill 3 SUj i l4 J M J Uj 3 1. 1 3 Ul 3 2 i t. 3 W 1 3 VJi 3 t3 I 3 0I 3 &' 3 l.5 3 63 i OJ, O IK 3 W 3 Do 3 iJ 3 til, 1 4 I o Cm, 6 j 4 tf-l J Ovi 6 U I 5 17 5 lu j ijji 6 111 M, b U); 3 3 lv J ia, i w, w .1, IMt 3 15 3 02, 1 - i 3 15, t 4 lil, u e. 2 il 3 0. 3 2tj i O), 3 23 2 Ji 3 15 2 V7, . 3 in, 3 CI 1 1 U Hi, m f 3 2I 2 '.'J 1 3 1 2 IM, , 6 k3-, 1 j!si I l Wfc. 1 I o 'Jl , I I I 5 I " to'rci I u i'u'si I ; 14 I 0 Sitsi I J lVJi I I 1 s yj!3, I 44 i 4 48 4 4 i I ill 4 40 I 4u 4 til 4 tl jUlle. H. June June 2J.. JUIIu 24.. Ullu u,. June 2i,. June 23.. illiu .'J.. June 3o.. -uiy 1... I CI Indicate!. Sunday. Tho oluciai niiiiibcr of cms of Mock brought in louuy by each road was: C JI. & St. P. Hy.... O. A: St. L. Hy Mo. Pac. Hy U. P. system J. ..S. W, Hy 1'., E. c M. V. It, It.., S. C. & P. Hv 3 4 4 3 ti C 4 b 4 1 2l lti .. 2 1 2 S 19 12 & 2 1 io 15.. 2 2 SI 62 9 7 C, St. P., M. & O. Hy. 11. Ac -M. it. It. 11 c, 11. Ai y. ity K. C. At bt. J C, H. 1. Ai 1'., etiBt., C, H. 1. Ai P., west., Illinois Central , Total receliits The disposition of the day's receipts was as lullows, euch buyer purchasing tho num ber ut head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co.... 112 E94 Swift und Company... CIS Cudahy Packing Co... 4 Armour & Co 4S3 H. Heckcr Ac Degau .. 116 V'ansant Ac Co 39 Livingstone & Sciialler bS I j. F. Husz 35 11. L. Dennis & Co.... 66 Wolf At M 2 Other buyers i . . 25 1.023 l,2o7 1,490 1.20S Totals l.SU 4,436 2.103 CATTLE Thoro wns not n bnnvv utinnlv pf cattle at this point today, but the mar ket wus very slow In opening and when trading did bentn It was generally on a basis of lower values. Chicago was re ported steady to a dime lower and that was not far from the situation nt this point. There were ubout 55 or U0 cars of beef steers In tho yards this morning, and, while some of tho bettor grades ot heavy cattle brought right around steady prices, packers were bidding on the Brent bulk of the offerings right uround a dime lower. The lightweights and common stuff they did not seem to want at all nnd sellers found It almost Impossible to get a bid on that class ot cattle. The general market could perhops best be described by calling It 3teady to a dime lower. There were only about 11 cars of cows and heifers In the yards besides the usual oddB and ends. The best dry lot stuff and ulso some of tho choicer bunches of grass stuff sold at what looked to bo about steady prices. The less desirable grades, however, were very slow sale and in the majority of cases they sold about a dime lower than at the close of last week. Hulls were also slow sale today and unless they were choice they wero lower. The samo could bo said ot calves and stags. Thero were only a fow cars of stockers nnd feeders here today and the demand was even lighter than the supplyv As 11 general thing the fow that changed hands brought a little less money than tho samo kind sold for last -week. Light stockers were particularly hard to move at any price. Representative sales: I1EEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 1 mo. .3 :5 20 1354 r. 20 42 1045 4 00 5 114? 5 V) 14 970 4 75 1 13$0 5 20 10 1187 4 50 8 12S7 5 !5 IS 1034 4 85 21 1303 S 35 7 890 4 DO IS 133 5 35 38 11M 4 M 47 13V) 5 I0 IO 1132 5 Co 48 1406 I 40 2S 1291 f 05 17 im S 40 36 1232 S 10 109 1293 5 M 45 1106 S 10 69 1S04 i CO 13 l- t, 1.1 1 1680 t 00 STEER8 AND HEIFERS. 4 1080 4 10 SS 1161 4 K 7 071 4 7S 21 1193 S 00 HEIFERS. 1 620 3 00 12 70S 4 20 5 &50 3 W 3 1050 4 30 1 7E) 3 (0 8 102.) 4 33 STEERS TEXAS. M S97 4 25 COWS. 3 W0 1 50 12 1000 3 V) 1 1020 1 00 1 10W 3 23 1 890 2 23 1 1110 3 ."5 4 792 2 ?5 1 1000 3 10 1 1040 ? li 1 1090 3 () 1 640 2 SO 1 1010 3 SO 1 1010 2 M S 800 3 W S 1014 S 05 1 1100 3 SO 4 750 2 75 19 1027 3 .5 2 1700 2 f) 30 1119 3 fO 1 S50 2 80 4 820 3 65 4 1042 2 95 IS 1021 3 30 19 976 2 fO 3 USO 3 fO 1 1570 3 00 7 1085 4 U0 1 970 3 00 2 632 4 OS 1 10' 3 00 1 1260 4 '0 1 1080 3 0" 3 1206 4 15 1 900 3 00 2 1075 4 '0 1 1250 3 10 1 970 4 50 1 680 3 10 BULLS. 1 1510 2 50 4 1490 2 40 2 703 2 75 1 840 3 15 1 720 3 CO 2 1950 3 50 11 1490 3 00 1 1000 3 50 1 1080 3 40 1 960 3 CO 1 1550 3 10 1 122.) 3 75 2 HO 3 15 1 1470 4 15 2 1100 3 15 1 1540 4 25 CALVES. 1 1(0 4 50 4 252 5 00 1 94 4 50 1 155 6 50 1 120 4 50 1 130 5 50 1 140 4 50 1 171 3 75 STAGS. 1 990 3 40 1 1110 4 50 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 1000 45 1 960 3 10 1 600 2 50 1 1000 3 25 STOCKEHS AND FEEDERS. 1 4 3 1 50 6 650 2 50 10... .... M 4 (0 700 3 00 .430 3 10 ,610 3 00 . 539 3 50 9.... 13.... 5.... 20.... 14.... 823 4 20 953 4 50 886 4 25 741 4 5 948 4 40 930 4 10 350 3 75 773 4 CO 11.... 41.. HOGS There was a fairly liberal Mon day's run of hogs here today, nnd as other markets were all quoted lower prices, at this point eased off a trlfl. The bulk of tho hogs sold at $.i.87H and $3.90, with tho long string at $o.90, Tho quality of the offerings us a whole was not what might bo called choice, and as a result thero were not mnny high priced loads, rhe top was $5.95, which was paid for a load weigh ing 376 pounds. The market was not par ticularly active, but still practically every, thins was sold In good season, there being but llttlo change In the market from start to finish. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 219 40 5 90 67 184 85 fO. 191 160 5 55 77! 2.10 40 5 90 73 201 80 203 80 213 40 5 (5 80 5 87 'j 80 5 87 V, 65... 67.. ., to... 50... 82... 69... 72... 63... 61... (1... 76... 70... 60... 51... 60... 61... 71... 61... C9... 57... 51... tl... 236 ... 5 fO 80 5 90 V 5 l0 ... 5 90 80 5 9) 20i) 5 '10 40 6 10 10 6 to .234 .291 .207 .270 .225 .214 71 219 120 S l'7'.i 80 206 1 87'.'. 233 ... 5 mi 80 5 57 V, 40 5 f7'i 10 5 17'4 i 223 CO 263 89 223 70 235 71 208 224 160 5 90 40 5 .S7' 40 5-87H 196 80 5 M .23s 1? 10 5 (0 83 201 1C0 6 f;j 5 ;ifl 70 226 80 5 t7lj 77 189 120 5 87 77 220 80 h i:k 58 1is ICO 6 s;',J 68 217 80 5 00 71 253 80 SH 57 2'5 80 5 M 142 227 120 5 M ..240 160 5 liO ..236 280 5 90 ...230 ...26 ...211 ...2.50 60 5 fO . 10 5 90 5 90 ...268 5 90 280 if.0 5 nl'j 298 240 5 K'i 50.. 63.. .238 m 5 ?0 i:o 3 90 ...1.11 f) i 3J14 ci.... 64.... 62..,. 72.. .. 90..., 65.... .250 120 M M M .' 261 61 256 CI 268 CO 282 51 376 .. 5 92'j .. 5'j.'i., ., 5 9Hi 80 5 92' j 40 5 (5 ..270 ... ..233 120 ..245 ..271 80 5 00 50 5 M 40 S 10 .240 SHEEP Thero was 11 llubl run of slu-nn hire today and packers seemed to want nil that wns offered at Just about steady prices, us compared with the closo of last week, Grassers made up a good propor tion of tho receipts. Five cars of Idaho grass ycarllnss sold at $3.35, which could not be quoted anything but stendy. A I string of fed yearlings brought $.1.00, which , als.i looked not far from stead). There' wero no spring lambs offered. quotations, Choice wethers, $3.3.".fji3.50; . fnir In crimil wntlmrn 1.1 f'M):l.2.'i; rhnle.. pwrs. ' $2 7.Vd3.1o. fair to good, .2.-i2 75; choice sptlng lambs, $1,7516.00, fair lo good spring lamup, i ,ii4 it; leeuer wciners, .'.i.hj w.w, rccder lambs, $3.2&jf4.w. No, 2 ewes and lambs 299 Idaho grass yearlings R9I Idaho grass yearlings OW mixed sheep nnd lambs... A v. sr M Pr. $2 SO 3 35 3 25 3 GO IIICAOO I.IVIl STOPIC .11 A It K I IT. Cuttle nnd Units Wenlc In Steiiily Miei .Simile Cosier. OIUCAflO. July l.-CATTLE-Rccelpts. 2.3U0 bend. Including 7m Tnvima. Market weak to steady; good to prime steers, $8.2 iit;2."i; poor to medium, $I.1!M6.15; stork"rS nnd feeders, $2.7'i'(j l,0o; c iws a, d liclVrs, $2.70Hf..lf,, dinners, $2 00112 65, bulls. ti.Vitt 4.1'); calves, $4.WHM.2D; Texas stiets, $1.1.5; 5.35; bulls. J2.friifll.2rt. HOUS"llocelpts today, 37,(00 hi nil to-1 morrow, lS.Oiio (rstlmutid) ; left e ver. ri."i. Market steady to slow; mixed and butchers, $5.i7iii.l7U; good to eholrc heavy $.vr5'if .2l'i; rough heavy, 5..so,ir.."0; light, $5.noif 6 11, bulk of sales, $r..iNi-(iJ in. " SHEEP AND LAMPS - Hcrelnts, S',l"0 head. .Market weak and it shade ealc. ; good to choice wethers $3 lO'M.O.i; fair to choice mixed, $.lWjj,170, west.rn h e,. $3.3."iTf I.Oii; yenrllngs. $3 wiiil I0: i-atlvo lambs. $3.S0':fi.l0; western lambs, Jl.Wij.ln. Ofllulnl receipts iind shipments for Juno and six mouths of ll-OI: June receipts, cut tle. 211,203 head; hogs, (113.970 he id; cheep, 274XI head Six mouths' teerlpt-: ('.it. tie, 1.IS3.473 head; hogs, 4.W2.1S7 head; sheep, l,72n,!HHi head. Knnmn City I, Up Stool: Mnrket. KANSAS CITY, July 1 CATTLE He celpts, 4,vh) natives. fi.Coo Texans, 7il cale; native steers, steady to 10c lower; Texan. 10il5c lower; stockers nnd feeders, 2MiS!ie lower; choice dressed bef steers, Sf.,Vi i fi.75, fair to good, $4.tl5'(5.2fi, stockers and feeders. $3,25Jil.f); Texan fed steer'', $110 (f5.r0; Texans and Indian, $4 1Si5 27i; Texas grass steers, $3.00'!4,fO; cows. $2.75)1..; heifers, J2.60rf I 75; runners, $1.75t2.65; bulls, $3.Vu"4.S0; palver. $3.frtl6.0. HOGS Receipts. 4f"0 head; pigs a ml lights. 5e higher, others steady In strong; top. $S.10; bulk of sales, $,ri.Oi))ir..35; henvy, $f..ooii.10; mixed packers, $5 (KJti5.); light. $5.701i 5.90: pigs. $5.255 05. SHEEP AND LAMPS - Receipts, head, Market generally rtendy; eastern lambs, St.Soft5.S5. wethers. J3.M; venrllns, J.UKnM.50; ewes, $3.23115.25: rulls. $2 0Of?l.V); Texas grass sheep, $3,2513.75, stockor.', S3.C0 43.25, iv York l.lvc Stock .Market. NEW YOHK. July l.-HEEVES-Hecelpts, 4,572 head; steers, stendy to lflc lower; hulls and cows, 10ii2."c lower; nil soldi steers, $4.&5jiU2b; bulls, $2.7534.00; extra lot bulls, $1.75; cows, $2oivif4.0O; cables, steady, ex ports tomorrow. 700 cattle, 1.611 sheep and 4,560 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 5.89S head: market opend slow nnd 15fr35c lower; closed 251 Son off; large number unsold: veals, $4.') ft 6.00; fancy. $.12M; culls, $3,5013.76; butter milks. $2.7503.50. SHEEP AND IiAMHS-Hecelpts, 1S.371 head: sheep, slow nnd 160250 off; lambs, steady on top grades; others, unevenly lower: 12 cars unsold; sheep, $2.50fM.OO; few choice wethers, $1.25; culls, $1,503(2.25; lambs, $3.00ir8.25: extra, $6.35$0.50; culls, $3.50gi.OO: yearlings. H.WyQiM. HOGS Receipts, 7.431 head; easy nt $6.30 34.55; few choice state hogs, $6. CO. Nt. I.onls Live Stock Mnrkrt. ST. LOUIS, July l.-CATTLE-Rccelpts, 4,000 head. Including 2,600 Texans, Market 6110c lower for Texnns; natives, steady: native shipping and export steers. $5.uc 6.20; dressed beef and butcher steers, $1.10 ftS.OS; steers under l,r0 lbs.. $3.50i?j;..00; btuckcrs nnd feeders, $2.GOfr4.85; cows and helferB, $2.00175.00; runners. $1,2512.85; buds, $2.3604.10; Texas nnd Indian steers, $3.501J 5.00: cows and heifers. $2.50t(4.20. HOGS Receipts, S,2o0 head. Market slow but steady; pigs and lights, $5.f6 00; pack, ers. $5,9016.00; butchers, $6.0"J1j6.15. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 2.CO0 head. Market dull and slow; native mut tons, $3,2513.85; lambs, $4.0036.60; culls and bucks, $2.W(4.o0; stockers, $2.O01j3.oO; Texas sheep, $3.0063.50. St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH, July l.-CATTIE-Ro-celpts, 2.714 head. Market stendy on best, others 61115c lower; natives, $4,4O5j6.O0; cows and heifers, $2.o0ii6.16; bulls nnd slugs, $2.76 Oi 4.00; stockers and feeders, $2.7504.60; veals, $3.7off.50. HOGS Receipts. 4,642 head. .Mnrket steady; light and light mixed, $5.(515 95; medium and heavy. $5.921j16.071,4; pigs, Jl.oo 05.00; bulk. $5,9050.00. SHEEP AND LAMUS-Recelpts, nono. Slonx City I.lvo Stork Mnrket. SIOUX CITY. July l.-(Spoc!a! Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts. 1,000: 10c lower; beeves, $4.9005.76; cows and built, mixed, $2.2504.25; stockers nnd feeders, $3.250 1 20; calves nnd yenrllngs. $3.(004.25. IIOGS-Recclpts. 2,100; market 2',505c lower, $3.i2'405.!7H: bulk, $5.77fc. Stock In SlKkt. The following tablo shows tho receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at tho four principal live stock markets July 1: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 1,971 4.140 2,426 Chicago 2,300 37,000 25.000 Kansas City 9.500 4.500 2,500 8t. Louis 4,000 6,200 2,000 Totals .17,771 52,140 31,926 OPPONENT TO THE LEAD TRUST IIlK Syiidlcnte In Huylnfr. Un Mines nnd I, nnd In Mis souri. Lend NEW YORK, July 1. Tho Herald says: With the passing of a check for almost $1,000,000 from tho Morton Trust company of this city to tho Union Trust company of St. Louis the first definite step on tho part of tho Union Lead and Oil company toward the acquirement of title of all purchasable Missouri lead fields has been taken. More changes of titles for largo nmounts aro expected soon. Under tho name of tho Union Lead and Oil company the Ryon-Elklns-Whitney syndicate Is operating In close conjunction with tho M. Guggenheim Sons Smelting company, which recently becamo part of the American Smelting and Refining com pany, commonly called the smelter com bine. Mr. Whitney, when asked concerning his connection with the purchase of lead fields, and In particular the recent transactions which resulted In the payment ot tho $1,000,000 check, said: "I am In Ignorance as to the details of tho purchases now being mado In tho Missouri lead districts. It Is true that I am In terested with M. Guggenheim & Sons, but their plans are not fully known to me." MINISTERS GEJ OFF FREE Denvrr I'rrnrlirrs Cltril for C'onleiiiit of Court Arr IHsnilKsril with Heprliiinnd. DENVER. Colo., July 1. Jttdgo Palmer of tho dlMrlct court today reprimanded ll-v. M. A. Radcr, pastor of Grace Methodist church; Rev. V. (I. Talmage, state superin tendent of tho AnM-Saloon league, nnd Sec retary Walter D. Wynkoop of the Christian Endinvor society, who wero charged with contempt of court, and discharged them The Judge did not announce his decision on tho qucitlon of continuing permanently tho Injunction In saloon inies, for criticism of which Messrs Under, Talmoge and Wyn koop wero cited for contempt. II ii I'll ! by Hot Grease, WYMORE, Neb,, July 1. (Special.) Tho 4-yenr-old sou of Engineer Lon Archnrd of this city was badly burned Saturday nigb' by upsetting a kettle of boiling grea-e on himself. It wns cplashfd over neurly all his body. Tho little follow Is getting along nicely. EDWAnD Mow coiviryiissioN Oil AIM. PKOVIfclONNTnilKM. IIDMO..IMI I'OTTII.V 220.221 Ln SaUfi St., CHIC AGO. Your baalnf. itotlelt.il. (orro-iiondHntA IutU1, llally sua plnl markMnHnr iiiniti.,1 on rjywt, I'rlralt. Irr to all Impnrtaiit J'oliil. rust nml VI fit. FIGHT THE LOTTERY PLAN i rrotpeotiTC fceUitn to uppofs UOTOrinUll s W7 of Opening Laud. LAWYERS SEE STRENUOUS TIMES AHEAD Similiter' S sleuintle llfforti Will .Menu Counties t.nnnilt for HlKlitn nnd Titles, All to Ho Settled In Court, orTHltin, Okl July 1. The govern ment's protwed lottery plan of ruttluii'.ont of tho Kiowa and Comanche country In to be contested by seltleis who expert tn tiiko clHlnis when the country Is opened. 'I tie plan of contest U the legality ot tho draw ing icheme. Among thorn nlio will ho lend ing plnlnlllfj Is Lewi N. Hointwck of Mlnto, I. T., who has been a novcrniuct t surveyor. He has trtalnnl cinuuel lo make his case. An attorney Irom Toxkj has secured forty clients and will follow the same pjnn. The befct advices show that thousntiitii nro now ready mid prepared to enter the conn try ns eoon ns Ihn proclamation Is pruinul galed. Claims will be staked off by thoau already camped along the borders ntul If -i fight Is to le made along the pro pored lines of contest It will occasion end. less Milts for right and titles In the Ian 1 oillccs and tho courts. The belief of tlm land nttornoj. is that only two legal wnys n'ro open to those who want a claim. Pirst, to settle upon a quarter before some ono else flics. Second, to file before tho other fellow settles. Tho courts, not tho de partments, nro the Inn rpretcrs of tho law, and all questions must be finally pns.ed upon by the courts. Cn ttlei:i en Turned llinui, WASHINGTON, July 1. Secretary Hitch cock has decided that thero Is no author ity of law permitting a delay until October 1 In tho opening of the Wichita Indian repcrvntlon In Oklahoma, us deilred by cer tnln cattle Interests. The tecretary'fi announcement followed a hearing which he had given to representa tives of tho lessees and of companies which hail leaned money on reservation cat'lo owned by the lessees. The enttlcmen have paid the money up to the first of October and Bald an Injustice would be done them If the reservation should be opened at tho date proposed. Thfro was a full and freo discussion, but the secretary did not feel that he had authority to grant tho delny asked for. While he has announced no formal decision In the matter his views are lo the effect staled and preparation will he mado for opening tho lands for set tlement, next month. Drouth nt Xrlann llrokrn. NELSON, Neb., July 1. (Special Tele gram.) The extremely hot weather of the part ten days was moderated and the drouth In this section broken this afternoou. An Inch ot water has fallen and It Is still raining. "West Point Doctor Itesluns, WEST POINT, Neb., July 1. (Special.) Dr. H. S. Summers, tho physician of the West Point Hoard of Health, has tenderco his resignation to that body. Dr. Sum mers has served In this position for manj years. A MAN becomes languid, lrrltnble and de spondent, through loit of nerve vigor, life seenn a mockery. The courage. force, vigor aud action which charac terize full-blooded men, are lacking. hare kindled the light of hope lit many a man's face. They bring vigor to the weak and ambition to the der.wndcut They permanently check the weak ening drains, feed the nerves, enrich the blood and make men over gener ally. Iimn.rlu,. P. 1 fl- fPl .1.1. I . SoOOorder we issue a wrlttt.ii trn.tmi. tee to refund the money If no cm c be cucticu. hook nee. lor sale by Kulin & Co., ii. A. Dillon. FulTe." Paint & urug Co.. Omaha; and Davis Dtug Co., Council llluffn. la, NEEWITII PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Atari hood Cum Impotency, Night Emloalonn, Loss of Men . orr, nu wasting atsausoe, i an orrocis ot seit-UDUfo or loicess nnd indlocretlon. (A nerve tonlo una Iblood builder. Bringt ' tho Dink clow to nolo PILLS I 50 CTS. , cheeks nnd rertores tho sflre of louth. Uy mall SfiOo lifjr linr. O ImiM for $8.00, with our bar.kablo gnurauteo to euro or reiuna uio monoy paiu. nonu tor circular end cpy of our bankable guarantee bond. MonfifaTohlnto extra strenoth iiomia itHiiGid ,: Immediate Remits (YELLOW I.A'.ICL) Positively giinrtinteeil cure for Lo3 ot Powor, Vnrlcooolo. Undoroloped or Shrunken Orgnni, Pnresla, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostin tlon, Hyttsrla, Pits, Insanity, Paralysis nnd tfto Knsulta of KiccmIvb Upo of Tobnrco, Opium or Liquor. By mftll 111 tilnln pnekngn, 81.00 n box, O for 86.00 with our bankable guar antoe bond to ours In OC days or refund monoy paid. Address NERVITA MEDICAL. CO. Clinton'' - "3ACO, IUU i'or sale by Kuhn fc Co., 15th and Douglas HU., Omaha, Neb.; Qeo S. DavM, Council Ulufl's, lowa. MONEY (Refunded. nnteo Ur Kay's Jtcuovator to cum dyspepsia, runstl- n?vs. llfiHt Innlr. l,.vrilli-. nation, liver and kldnej bloo.l fillrttlnr I'nr.wn , blood purifier known for nil chronlodNeui.es; a........ .....,,,,. bllll.lllu rt.t n, renovates nnd Invigorate!. liu wlmlo hrstem ami citrt-K very worst cases. Oct trial box at once. If not sfitUflcd with It notify us. we will refund money by return nsnll. Write jmir svmptoius fori ree Medical Alvlre, samplo und procf. Wo at drui.-tflets. Ur. li. j. Kn-. -nn u; . S V OI.DIISTI Stl'KST! IWiTf WALL ISTREET .llonrj Will l.iirn IIIk ,)lonlil Iteturna The Investor'H Kund Pajc Hemi-Mouthly. Tlx nldn-l mililhilied i" Amelica. No rertlflcaie-holdei ever lost a cent. Pay menta mndo in nl' subscribers every IS days. No trouble No d'iy. Monoy refunded on demand Write today tor particulars free I" any .iddrena. I . I;, i) 'l I.I.. .1' CO., Iluil. on Ilnllilliiu, .Neiv Voile, 'I rli'llDlilii lOII, i-ioyd Commission Co Successors to Jaines E. Iloyd k Co., OMAHA. NKH. CQ&nViibSSGM l.rtAI.N I'KOVIMOX.S AM) STOCK.1. Hum l. ur 'I ill lie lllllldliiu. Direct wins to Chicago and Now Vch Oliespou ten' b, John A vuiren t Co. U. nfcElVJAri t- with merchants. BTtlVMKIL I V m I rrr CTS i.--r r emir