Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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what you
dyspepsia (Seifo
A healthy ntnmuch, cnpablcof digesting a good, square meal,
Is a trrcat, blesslug. Il keepi the hody si ronR by Insuring plenty
of nourishment. In fact, It means perfect health. Dub some
thing must be done when the stornnch Is so tired that It can't
digest what you cat, for undigested food poisons the blood.
W'c can recommend a preparation that completely digests all
cla3rs of foods that Is Konor. 1)ysfkisia Cuiik. It give tho
Btoinach perfect real and allows jou to eat and enjoy the variety
of food that Is necessary for maintaining health. It never
fails to euro Indlgcstlou, after everything else hau failed. It ia
pleasant to tsiko and can be used in all conditions.
"For many years I suffered from chronic indigestion, and it
eecmed as though nothing was going to do mo any good. On
the advice of a friend 1 commenced using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It gave me Immediate relief and I continued Its use, until now
I fool that I am cured." Henry 1 Cramer, 'Wcndclvlllo, N. Y.
Eft Qostf't laeBfs hmt dS g&od
Prcpired by E. 0. DoWItt A: Co., Chicago. Tlio II. bottlo coutalns2K time tho 50c tlia.
Tho favorite household remedy for conehs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe,
throat and lung troubles Is ONE tfilNUYE Cough Curo. Itcuren quickiy.
Eastern Tourist Tickets
LaKe Shore
and Michigan Southern Railway
Pan-American Exposition,
Niagara Falls.
Cleveland & Buffalo Steamers,
Hudson River Boat Line.
Printed matter giving routes and rates for summer tours with full
Information on application to F. M. BYRON, G. W. A., Chicago.
000-foot Manila, 50-lb. bales, our celebrated Q3
Blue Label Brand, on cars at Omaha, per lb.,
Standard, 500-foot, our celebrated Blue A
Label Brand, 50-lb. bales, on cars Chicago, Qv
Get your orders In quickly. Wo guarantee these prices to July 10,
only. Terms, net cash with order, or CO. 13. II prelerred.
Wentworth Military Academy fSra
K HiJ Oorernrnf nt mirorvWon nnil rqulpmsnt. Array ofllcfT detailed. Prepare for Universities,
National Academies or for pr. COL. S A H PF 0 HP SELIERS M. A., Supt.. Uilnnton. Mo.
Fop 111 teller eiltipntlnit of Youiik Women nnil CJIrla. Modern mid progressive.
Preparatory and collcgo course, music, art, elocution, physical culture. Flfty-sev-rntli
nnnunl Rcsulon begins Sept. 12th. 1U01. Send for lllustrnted catnlosuc.
IIIIIAM II. (SIIOVKS, I'ri'nldeni.
Brownell Half
Instructor graduates of colleges recog
nized as among the best In America. Given
rho7ou;haTen",ral education and am.
tinrfB for any college open to wo"1'
Principal's certificate admits to college
without examination. Piano, MIbb
three years a pupil of the late Oscar Rait
of Iltrlln. Germany. Years of 'Wfccssrul
tinrhlne experience. Vocal Music, Miss
lt2len flurXm. a Pupil of Mrs. Cotton
" Kountic) and Sirs. rhllllps-Jcnktns.
Art. Mr? Mumuugli. well known hero,
ioif surtylng in .fturope.PhJVJ cal tr n.
Ins adapted to mrmiKui m """",."'
professional Instructor. Special t''l" !
Vo character build K. Apply for rat.
AHUUM ... - .
"Che Scbool Chat mak$ manly Bov."
k hlch urmln erlinnl tirennrlntr bnrn frnmS to IS
rr "Id f (ir rutnes lldi nr tlw lJiilrerltle.
scimrato Sclinol llooin unit Dormitories (or the
HUini.o;. very cnrouii morui nnil mkmhi iraumiK.
r mjr jrp.irs oi succrcsiui nurs. nimi tut tmiiiuKt.
Rev. llcnryD. Robinson, Warden, Racine, Wis.
Itemoves Tan, Pimples,
rreemts, iiotn ratones,
Rash and Skin ill..
MM ae. and .very
bm Biemisn on beauty.
and defies dues
tlon. It has stool
the teat of S3
jears, and Is so
harmless w. tastt
It to be sura l
Is properly made,
Accept no counter-
reit or similar
name. Dr. u A.
Havre said to a la'
dy of the haul-ton
(a Datiem)!
vou Indies will use them. I recom
mend 'QOURAUD'S CREAM' as tht leajt
harmful of all the Skin preparations." For
sals bv nil Druggists and Fancy Qoods
Dealei-H In the U. S. and Europe.
PRRD. T. IIOflCINS, Prop'r.
(7 Great Jones St., N. T.
Jessph Bnrni Thirsts to Ssts thi Oltj
Wrb7 Dollar.
Lancaster Cnnnty Grtn n
Itnln CliniiKe In Omnhn
nuri Trrnilniil C'oiiiiiiii
Other Stntc .Nrns,
(From n Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 1. (Special.) Joseph
Uurns ot this city, formerly a member of
the It'giDlature, was before the city council
tonlKht with a proposition which, If ac
cepted, will, he declares, result In a saving
to the city of Lincoln of many thoueundi
of dollars a year, lie agrees to supply
tho city with water at a rate of S cents a
thousund gallous, tho same to be pure,
fresh and unlimited.
Under the existing system, which Is
owued ami operated by the city, the water
CoBtg on an avcrago of 15 cents per thou
sand gallons and the receipts of the water
commissioner's office Juit about equal the
expenditures, or, In other words, the water
department Is no more thuu self-sustaining.
Mr. Htirns would havo the city still main
tain tho water commissioners office and
pay tho difference between tho present price
and tho S cento contract price Into tuo
slnldm; fund, and he says that by doing
eo tho cctlro Indebtedness of the water de
partment could be paid off within a fow
"I am simply offering tho city a good
business proposition and I frankly admit
that I expect to mako monoy myself," said
Mr. tSurns, "For years the council has
wrestled with tho water question with no
satisfactory result. They aro divided as
to tho beet course to pursue and aro rent
by factional strife over tho matter. To
day Itsurance companies are at n tre
mendous risk, the water supply threatens
to fall and If a flro should occur there would
be nothing to do but watch It sweep un
moledted ou Its way. I believe I havo a
proposition thut will benefit tho city and I
Intend to do all In my power to get the
council to accept tho plan which I will
submit this evening. I was connected with
tho location of tho Mockctt and Hlco pump
ing stations nnd my Judgment In these
matters Is now proven to be correct. My
well on tho capltol grounds will furnish
twlco ai much water as the contract calls
for and I bcllovo I am right on this scheme
DetitllH of the I'roiinaltloii.
"I will furnish all tho material and labor
necessary to construct a plant ot such
proportions as will give the city an ample
supply of good water at all times, the same
bb that furnished by tho Hlce and Mockett
stations. I will construct reservoirs with
2,000,000 gallons capacity and pump Into and.
out ot the same at all times. I will agree
to furnish and pump Into the city mains
all tho water the city requires for use.
agreeing to keep tho preasuro up to fifty
pounds per squaro Inch for domestic uud
up to from ninety to 100 pounds at the
pumps tor use during a Are.
'I will furnish the necessary boilers and
pumps to do this work. Including all of
the expense of every kind and guarantee
plenty of water as above for a term of
twenty years, at a sum of 8 cents
per thousand gallons so pumped Into tliu
city mains. Tho city shaV put In and con
trol the meter to measure rSa water from
the pumps, tho same as It Is measured
to the consumers. In this way the city
will bo out no expense for Us water sup
ply outside of tho salary of the water com
missioner and clerks In tho water office,
and will receive, without cost, If tho pres
ent rates aro maintained, 7 cents per 1,000
gallons for all the water consumed In
tho city with no money for experimenting
or hunting water. Tho city would, In this,
way, coon bo able to meet Its obligations
against the water department.
Mnyor Wliinett (iohm1.
Mayor Wlnnett Is opposed to the propo
sition submitted by Mr. Burns. He said to
tho correspondent nt the conclusion of tho
meeting: "I am decidedly ot tho opinion
that It would be unwise to accept tho
offer. Distributing wator ts a great deal
like distributing Ice. You start with a
good load, but when you get to the destina
tion your stock has greatly decreased. Un
der the plan suggested wo would havo to
pay for all water wasted as well as for all
water used at fires. Last year the re
ceipts of tho water department were In
creased $10,000 and tho expenses were de
creased $9,000 and I think tho department
is too good a thing to let go."
Fireworki! Order Iteaeliicled.
Mayor Wlnnett said that on account of
tho rain today he would not Insist on the
enforcement of his anti-fireworks order
July i.
Tho acetylene franchise and tho antl-
acetylene ordinances were read tonight and
will come up for discussion Monday.
Two Xerr Lincoln .Hclinnl.
Tho Board of Education tonight awarded
contracts for constructing two new school
buildings to Campbell nroe. of this city.
The buildings are to bo on the grounds of
the Capitol nnd Vino Street schools and
will cost $15,000 each.
Genuine stamped C. C. C N:vtr sold In bulk
Dcware of tht dealer who tries to se I
something "lust t flood
Dramatis School
KIMRVLL HALL, 24J Wntvtsh a Chicago.
Fall term i pens Sept. P. Send for Cataloguo.
i:i)V Altl) DVnilAK, Director.
( I lie inlvrrxlty of lilciimi. Scholastic
work, music, art, all of high grade. For
girls. New building; moderate expense.
wr'te lor catalogue. w.. r
Dean. Ml Cttrroll. ill.
Alice, Cockroaches, Water
Hus, Croton Uukh, and till
ot!ier Vermin .by usinjr...
M mi tloach Paste
acts, a bit s iniTii; nl Kra:ifJ
or nut itlrrv't pril t.
Ctonrns' fe'irctrio Panto Co.
A. May:r Co.,
'Phone 1714
Re-No-May Powder
Nut only relieves, but positively curv-s alt
disorders of the feet, stops odorous perspi
ration, cures leader, snollon and painful
Price 50 Cents.
For Sale by all Druggists
and Glove Dealer
Cousuliatiou Kroe trom 2 to .
When ordering by mail add & cent tor
IM-.No-Mar Skin Food for facial idbsssj.
He-.N'o-May Cream sotteui ud white
the bands and facts.
filr.UiCAL ADViOli. Wriieut
llhE, ull your ymptomn. JtenoTatlnnthe
.yitt'm tho only sale itnd sura method of cur
uiK nil Chronic Dtsessrt. Dr. Kay's Renovator
l inn only perfect system renovator. Frccsam
Vif s iiB5 book. Dr. II. J. Kay, Saratoga. JJ. V
I.niicnNtcr County Im Sonkeil.
Following a rapid decllno in tho tem
perature a good, soaking rain fell all over
Lancaster county this afternoon. At 3
o'clock the thermometer Indicated 01 de
grees temperature, but an hour later It had
fallen to 60 and tho wind had changed
around to tho north. It is believed here
that the rain came In good time to savo
grain in the exceptionally dry places In
the county. It will probably retard tho
harvesting of wheat, but it Is not feared
that It has damaged that cereal.
As a result of tho downpour everybody
In Lincoln and surrounding country is In
good spirits. Reports from rellnblo au
thorities are that both corn and wheat aro
in good condition.
In Lincoln tho rain measured about ono
Inch and In somo portions of tho county
it was still heavier.
Trimty Convict i:cnir.
Convict n. F. Mallory, a trusty at the
state penitentiary, escaped early this
morning nnd has not yet been located. He
was usually sent out to work In the stock
yards. Attired In a uniform of bed tick
Ing he bolted as soon as his itivements
were unobserved. Mallory was sent up
from Hamilton county for assault and
only had the major fraction of a year to
Mntr IlniiMf Wntrr Wnrks,
Tho new water worki system installed at
tho state house by Joseph Hums has been
continuously in action for several dayB and
it is estimated that during this time up
wnrds of 30,000 barrels of water have been
flowed over the lawn. Tho average dls
charge is 100 barrels per hour and the plant
has beon working night and day for nearly
a week, iho water Is pronounced by ex
perts to be excellent In quality nnd ap
parently tho supply Is inexhaustible.
IK'sldes affording wnter for the lawn and
for domestic use In the capltol building, tho
system will undoubtedly prove an expense
snver. In dry weather the average monthly
bill for city water has been $110, and tho
consumption or uso has at no time equaled
tno iiischargo from the artesian well. Mr,
Durns says it will not cost tho atato over
50 cents per day to run the plaut. The
engine will bo operated by one of the regu
larly employed engineers and about the
only expenso attached will be for gasoline
used In this machine. Tho apparatus Is
especially simple and can bo operated by
For tho amount of water now being dis
charged by tho artesian well tho city
charges at tho rate of J 10 per day. This
Is a difference of $9.50 per day In the
actual cost of water.
Omnlin llrhlur nnil Teriulnnl.
The Omaha Bridge nnd Terminal com
pany today filed amended articles of In
corporation In the sccrotary of stato's office.
Tho change Is in the Internal management
of tho company.
Articles of Incorporation of tho Fraternal
Hall association of Valentino wcro
recorded In the secretary of state's ofllce.
The object is the construction of a frater
ual hall, and tho organizers are Masons
nnd Workmen.
The Ulversldo Park club of Merrick
county has been Incorporated under the
laws of tho stntc, by H. Coovcr, A. J. Fos
ter, O. Forscll, J. H. White, S, Henshaw,
II. N, Miller and John Hnlllgas. Another
organization Incorporated today Is tho So
cial Club of Republican clubs, of which
the principal Incorporators nro: L. P.
Anderson nnd Fred 1'. Cox.
Secretary Itoyse of tho Stato Banking
Board today chartered the Bank of Hoi
brook, Furnas county. The institution Is
capitalized for $5,000, nnd Is organized by
J. M. Patterson, S. M. Patterson, Sam Pat
terson, E. A. Patterson, II. O. Miller, J. R.
Cooper, II. W. McFadden.
Ailiipteil ami Clnlina (tin Property.
W. A. Bcntley, the adopted son of Mrs.
Mary A. Ilentley, who died May 26 without
kith or kin, this morning requested tho
county Judgo to set asldo tho last will nnd
testament of his foster mother and give all
tho property, amounting to somo $10,000 or
$12,000, to him. In the will Bcntley Is cut
off with the meager sum ot $25.
Mrs. Bcntley left the major fraction of
her estate to tho German Catholic church
of Lincoln. Bishop Bonacum received $2,000
for a proposed Catholic church urphauuge.
Other friends and church dignitaries re
ceived small tributes of her esteem In tho
shapo of a few hundred dollars. But tho
greater fraction of tho property wont to tho
Bcntley declares that he is tho only
ndoptcd son; that ho Is tho solo relative of
tho woman now living. Ho Insists that nt
tho time she made tho will Mrs. Bcntley
was of unsound mind nnd incapable of
mnklng a legal disposal of her proporty.
Tho church officers also hovered near her,
ho avers, and worked upon her sympathies
and fears, thus securing a generous sllca ot
her property for themselves Ho contends
that they did not Inform the near friends
nnd relatives of tho woman of her condi
tion nnd prevailed upon her to exclude tho
legal heir and tor thoso reasons ho asks
that the Instrument bo sot asldo,
Tho legatees denied all these allegations
and asked that Mr. Bcntley produce the
proof of his adoption. They affirm that
whllo Mrs. Bcntley was not physically
strong she was Intellectually clear nnd
that sho mado the will long before her last
Somo difficulty was experienced In secur
ing the nttendanco of a Miss Sandon who
first signed tho wrll. Sho was Anally
brought Into court, however, and testified
that sho saw Mrs. Bcntley sign the will,
Sho was also very certain that Mrs. Bcnt
ley was sound mentally. Later on she ad
mitted that sho had only mot Mrs. Bcntloy
tho day tho will was signed. Miss Sandon
wan tho only witness examined. Bishop
Bonacum and his attorneys wero on the
scene and will put up a bard fight to sus
tain tho will. Tho hearing will last sev
eral days.
Wlfp Grtn ihn II I vo roe.
When Harry K. Mltcholl began divorce
proceedings In tho district court his wife,
Olllo M. Mitchell, was not caught napping.
In Ohio whore she had gono for a visit sho
heard of tho suit and Immediately returned.
Sho camo back at him with a counter suit
and this morning Judgo Cornish gave her
a decree nnd ndded to it $C0 in excess of
tho costs of tho suit by way of nllmony.
They wero united In marriage In Spring
field, O., In 1882. Mr. Mitchell alleged that
his wife had refused to Mlvo with him
and she mado the counter charge of cruelty
and desertion. From the tangle of crimina
tion and recrimination tho court nt length
awarded the decision to tho woman In tho
cae. Mr. Mitchell is a malt carrier.
Jesnc IloilKrrn In Sinking.
Jesso Rodgers, whom Mike Ktlroy shot
at Raymond a few days ago, ts delirious
and his physicians dcclaro he lsN rapidly
nearlng the end. His brother, frank, nas
arrived from Missouri and now watches by
his bedside. Rodgers has a burning fever
and Is kept continually undor tho lnfluenco
ot morphine.
Mllln nt Nelirnkn Town Ship Hun
dred o' nnrreln to Liver
pool nnil London.
YORK, Neb., July 1. (Special.) A con
siderable amount of wheat raised by tho
farmers of York county Is manufactured
here and ohlpped to all parts of tho world.
The York Wator Mill company has built
storage houses In this stato along tho Fro
mont, Elkhorn & Missouri Vnlley railroad
and has built n large storage house at
Deadwood, S. D., a distributing point for
York Hour.
Tho York steam mills, two of tho largest
In the state, has been shipping hundreds
of barrels of flour to London and Liverpool.
Both mills nre working to their fullest
llllnnlx Mnn Hnii Ovor rnr Clindron
l,y WcKtliound I'lWIiorn l'nn
finiKrr Triiln.
CHADRON', Neb., July 1 (Special Tele
pram.) Fred Williams of Harrlsburg, 111.,
whs struck by No. 3 westbound passenger
trnln four miles cast of hore Sunday morn
Ing and killed. Ho left here on pmoongor
train No, I, castbnund, Saturday night nnd
must havo fallen from tho train and been
hurt, as ho was making a feeble effort to
riso from tho track when tho train struck
him. Tho train was coming down a steep
grade at a high ratoof speed and tho cn
glnecr did not seo him in time to stop.
I'lcm 5uiriiilcrn Around III Xvct nnd
to Iron llnr anil l)le vrltlt
111ft IV ct ItrntlllK oil
tlio Floor,
FREMONT, Nob.. July l.-(Sneclsl.i-
Jnnus Jensen, 21-year-old son of ChrU
Jensen of Ames, committed suleldn bv
hanging In the county Jail hero today
noon. Jensen disappeared from home last
Tuesday and as he had Just recovered from
a severe Illness his parents were anxious
nbout him nnd parties wcro looking for
him all last week. Yesterday he was found
n a demented condition in n haystack
near the Platto river by H. Bailey nnd wns
taken to hla home. This luurulne his
father brought him to Fremont and con
sulted his physician. Dr. Brown, On tho
advice of the doctor, ho was tnken to a
room In tho county Jnll to remain until tho
Board of Insanity Commissioners could
pass upon bis case tomorrow morning. At
:20 his dinner was taken to him by a
prisoner nnd ho then appeared all right.
A while after n prisoner In tho cell under
neath the room occupied by Jensen henrd
nolso and called loudly to tho sheriff.
Mr. Kreadcr wns In bis office and immedi
ately entered tho hall and went to tho
room occupied by Jensen. Ho found tho
boy had hung himself by his suspenders
to nn Iron rod across tho top of tho coll.
His feet were resting on the floor. Physl-
lans wero summoned, but It was too late.
Tho body was removod to Dcngler's under
taking rooms nnd will bo taken to Ames for
Coroner Mnrtln held nn Inquest this nft
ruoon nt which tho fnct doveloped thnt tho
boy had been sick with typhoid fover
for somo tlmo previous to leaving home and
had been nt times out of his head. Ho had
been In tho employ of tho Stnndnrd Cattle
MndlMni Crop IIooiiiIiik,
MADISON, Neb., July 1. (Special.)
Crops In this section of Madison county are
looking flue. There aro somo fields of corn
not advanced to what they should bo, but
the warm weather has been what wns
needed. Most of the flrlds will be plowed
by July 4. Small grain looks lino and Is
ripening well. Harvest will begin next
Sliclton .Ulnlntrr ItrnlKiiR.
SHELTON, Neb., July 1. (Special.) Rev,
L. W. Scuddcr, who has been pastor of th
Presbyterian church at this placo for eov
oral years, has resigned and today preacho
his farewell sermon. He will move to
Norfolk, Neb., to take charge of tho work
at that place.
Ilreiird Week at Mhi-ltou,
SHELTON, Nob., July 1. (Special.)
Tho past week has been tho hottest ex
perienced In this section for many years In
June, Some fields of grain have been cut
but the roost of It will be put In shock
the coming week. Tho quality Is first
class and the yield heavy.
Jumii Jensin Commits Suicide in the
Csnntj Jail at Irsmsnt.
.Vtmihrr of VinltorH nt Hip Ilnvld City
C'li ti u tu tii ti a lt,'iu'lit- $l
DAVID CITY, Neb.. July 1. (Special.)
Notwithstanding tho Intenoao heat, accom
panied by a strong, dusty south wind, tho
nttendanco nt tho Chautauqua yesterday
was larger by far than ou any previous
lay. A conservative ostlmato places tho
number at 6,000. Tho day'a exercises op
ened with an nddresa on "Normnl nnd
Junior Sunday Schools," by A. M. Walling.
Row M. C. B. Mnton. colored, of Cincin
nati preached n sermon In tho forenoon.
n tho nfternoon tho Flske Jublleo singers
occupied tho platform for a short tlmo.
Rev. Mason delivered n lecture, "Somo
Providential Movements for tho Evnngell
zatlou ot Africa." At the close of his
ecturo peoplo extended donations toward
tho evangelization of Africa which
amounted to $100. After tho lecture by Dr.
Mason Prof. W. H. Myers, assisted by a
chorus of 100 voices, rendered a sacred
This morning tho Women's Christian
union occupied tho platform for on hour.
F. Kempo, D. D., dollvered a lecturo,
'Wanted, A Man." In tho afternoon Gen
eral Z. T. Swoeney, ex-consul general to
Turkey, cutortnlned .tho audlenco with a
lecturo, "Tho Golden Ago." Tho afternoon
program concluded with round tublc.
York County t'olltica.
YORK, Ncb July 1. (Special.) Re
publican candidates for county offices are
circulating among their frlcmH nnd ac
quaintances. Tho following are the county
offices to be filled:
County Judge, county clerk, treasurer,
superintendent, sheriff and surveyor.
For county Judgo tho preseni Incumbent,
W. W. Wildman, Is thinking of running for
third term. A. B. Taylor, attorney, Is
u candidate for the nomination.
Owing to tho increase of population thcro
will bo n recorder of deeds elected. Only
ono cnndldato haa announced himself for
this ofllce, J. A. Eckles ot Thayor. Thero
will bo a number of candidates for county
treasurer and sheriff.
KlKht Dnyn of Wind nt Hnrvnrd.
HARVARD, Neb., July 1. (Special.)
Yesterday concluded eight successive days
of Intense heat and wind, tho mercury
reaching 10G nt 3 p. m. A strong wind
provnlled most of tho day. Wheat Is over
rlpo and with tho heavy winds that havo
prevailed somo of It has shelled off. The
crop of spring wheat will bo light, but the
winter wheat continues to promise well nnd
by July i will be In shock and partly In
tho stack, a thing that has never beforo
occurred, Todny Is moro mild, with llttlo
wind nnd considerable Indications of
Siivi-m HIh Klflrt from Fire.
CLAY CENTER, July 1. (Special.)
Spnrks from an engine on an oxcurslon
train yesterday on tho Kansas City &
Omaha set flro to a wheat field of John
Delahunty, two miles east of here. Mr.
Delahunty, discovering the fire, Immediately
plowed several furrows around it and con
fined tho damage to a few acres.
l'lnttiiiioiiUi KnrmcrH Comnlnln.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., July 1. (Special.)
During tho past week tho mercury has
ranged from 95 to 103 degrees and farmers
aro complaining ot tho excessive hot
arrests falling hair.
Cures Dandruff, Brittle
Hair, Itching and all
scalp troubles. Fully
guarntccd to cure or
your money back.
"Coko Dandruff Corn Is
quick, offctlve, hnrmlesi.
"S. J. Hutchinson, M. p.,
"National Home, Wis."
fiosltlcin ncknowlxdgn Coke
landruff Cure to be tho only
Scnuluo rimef!)-. Don t accept
Angerous Irnltatiuui.
Domand Coke.
Como to our Drug Storo for
The HccoiiHtrtutor of Health, Kim Down Systems nnd Worn Out Tissues.
Wo gunnintce it to be the best spring tonic nnd the only one of tho kind
For old people who feci the need of strength and vitality, It Is n welcome friend. It
3ends new blood through their veins, builds them up, bringing them back to n life of
usefulness whore living Is a pleasure and not an existence ot misery.
Don't give up until you Inive tried the discovery which tho doctors hnvc
It Is recommended for children ns well as adults. Invalids can uso It with perfect
safety nnd good effect. It 1b woman's best friend. It has proven valuable lu tho
treatment of La Grippe and kindred allmen ts. It acta on tho Liver, Kidneys and
Dlood, regulates tho bowels. It Is a laxative tqnlc, an unusual combination. Grnpcs
nnd medicinal properties of crushed fruits combined with nature's health-giving
herbs are the basis of Mull's Grapo Tonic, a combination never before thought of.
Indigestion. Stomach Troubles, Sick Headache,
Etc., Quickly Disappear with Its Use.
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The Bee has a treat in store for twelve western
girls who earn their own living. It intends to send
them on the twelve best trips which can be planned and
pay all of their expenses, including everything. Not
only this, but so that they ran enjoy the vacation to tho
fullest limit, railroad tickets will be provided for whom
ever they choose to go with them.
Who they shall be is to be determined by the read-
to fevs of The Uee. Everyone should save their coupons
and it may help some girl whom you know to be par
ticularly deserving of a vacation to win a placo. Kuch
a trip they could probably never take otherwise; surely
not without a great deal of sacrifice and saving.
To vote, cut a coupon from page two, fill it out
properly and deposit it at The Bee ofllce or mail to
Vacation Contest Dept.
The Omaha Bee, Omaha. Neb.
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