10 TIT 13 OMAHA DAILY KEfl: TUESDAY, Jt'LY 2, 1901. GORDON WINS OCT AGAIN Jud(ft Biker Ordiri Writ of Mandamus Agticit City of Omaha. ALLOWS TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED SALARY Court Itolda Unit (Jordan la Still Sen liiK u it the Term for Wfclou. He Wns Klccted in isub. Samuel I. Oordun ti (till serving as po lice judge of Omaha under his election of 1193 and It entitled to draw pay at the rate of 12,500 a year. Such li the dec Idem of Judge Baker, who hu ordered a writ of mandamus to compel the city to pay blm tbo balance of his sal ary for the year 1900 on tno basts of $2,600 per annum The court held, In substance, that tbo law reducing the police Judge's salary from 12, 00 to $1,200 could not operate against Oordon because he was still serving the term to which he was elected In 1S9S, be foro the salary reduction law was enacted. There has been no lgal election of a pollco Judge In Omaha slnco 1303, and Judge Oor don has been holding over because no suc cessor has been elected and qualified. Judgo Daker held that the law of 1897, under which Gordon was elected that year, was repealed by a subsequent act of the nmo session of the legislature at which It was enacted and therefore, tho election of pollco Judgo In 1837 was void. City Attorney Connell will appeal tho cao and the executloo of the writ of mandamus will probably bd surpended while the case Is pending In the supreme court. bmitii ArrtAin oi-' ins tfii'K nualiand Snyn Wife's Trmper Gives Hint Nrrvoun I'rnntriitlon. Bamuol Smith, In a divorce potltlnn, filed In tho district court, says he has suffered from nervous prostration, because of bis wife's habit of losing her temper and mashing furniture and dishes, as alio ap plied vile epithets to htm. Smith says hla wlfo has threatened to kill him and ho Is afraid to live with her Judgo Estelle has granted a divorce) to Huldah M., from Ocorgo V. Wallace, on tho prouud of non-support. Anna has been divorced from Frederick T. Smith, on tho ground of desertion, the decroe being ordered by Judge Kstclle. Gnml Kec for Govr. Judgo Baxter has roado an order allow ing $2,000 In fees and costs to Allen T. Oow, reforeo In tho cases of Frank E. Moores against Douglas county. Two- thirds of the amount Is to be paid by tho county and tho other one-third by Mr. Moorw. Looby Given Hull. Charles Looby, tho one-legged man who has beon In tho county Jail for several weeks awaiting trial In two cases of as sault, has been admitted to ball In tho um of $1,000. PAXTON BELLBOYS ARRESTED Clmrired irlth MtrnlliiK Two Hundred and Fifty-Five Dollnra from a Hotel Guest. Silas W. Hatch and Louis Darnhart, boll- boys from the Paxton hotel, are under arrest at tho police station, charged with stealing $266 from D. A. Mcintosh, a guest of tho hotel. Mr. Mclntcsh, who Is a contractor, from Coon Rapids, la., filed a complaint against tbe boys yesterday morn ing, charging grand larceny. Hatch was arrested onco beforo on a Imllar charge, but was released after his preliminary hearing. In Ilarnhart's pos session was found a grip, which ho ad mits belongs to a traveling man who had topped at the Paxton. Only $D was found on the persons of tho boys when they were 'arrested. It Is alleged that they stole $263 from Mr. Mcintosh's room while he was absent. Peace in the I'lilllpplnea. Peace In tho Philippines Is bound to prove profitable to all concerned, Warrltg conditions, whether they bo In the Philip pines or In the human stomach, are equally disastrous. If your stomach has rebelled, thero Is one authority that will quickly aubdue It. It Is Hostetter'B Stomach Bit ters, and it cures constipation, indigestion, blllousnoss, nervousness and dyspepsia. Bee that a private revenue stamp covers tho neck of the bottle. MUST NOT START TOO SOON Chief Donahue Issue un Order Ilelu , tlve to Fourth of July Olelirntlnu. "The shooting of firecrackers and fire work and the discharge of firearms within the city of Omaha will not be tolerated nre vlous to 6 o'clock of the evening of July 3," miii j'injrur rrmm r.,. .noores. "i nave nn disposition to Interfere with the glorious celebration of Fourth of July, but do not think It woll to coiebrato until tho proper time arrlvos. Policemen have been In structed to nrrcst all persons who begin tho bombardment before tho evening of July 3. "People expect explosions on July 4, but previous to that time thoy will be pro tected. I do not propose to have horses frightened by ovcr-zealoufl boys who can not rofraln from celebrating ahead of time." Remember a pint of Cook's Imperial Extra Charapagno "oftor a night of It" makes tho new day bright. AN INNOVATION. Kxcumtnnn to New York vln Ilnltl moro .C Ohio llnllroud. Bound trip tickets will bo sold from July 1 to October 20, Chicago to New York, at $31 for tho round trip, with stop-over go ing at either Washington, Baltimore or Philadelphia or ut the Pan-American ex position returning, This will enablo you to visit Atlantic City or other seaside re sorts. Send 12 rents for "Guide to Wash ington" and "Reasons Why." For further Information call on or address J. C. Burch, Omaha, Nob., or B. N. Austin, Gcnoral rasBenger Agent, 135 Adams street, Chicago. Momlnar Trnlna front Chlenuo to Lou- iavltle mid Clnulunntl. Over Tonnsylvanla Short Lines have vestl. billed enfo parlor coach serving lunch. They Iravo Chlrogo Union Station 10 a. ra. dally, arrive Louisville 7.10 p, m., Cincinnati 6:05 p. m. No change from Chicago to either rolnt. Night trains with coaches and com partment sleeping cars containing private rooms leave Chicago 8:40 n. m. for Louis- vllle and Cincinnati, arriving there noxt morning for breakfast. Parlor car or sleen Ing car reservations can be orrangrd for through H. R. Derlng, A. G. P. Agt., 243 Houth Clark street, Chicago. Write htm. Bend articles of Incorporation, noticss ot Stockholders' wettings, etc., to Tha Be. !W will give them propsr legal Insertion. TelenhcM ttfc IIO"TO,1 fITOlin llAIIOAtN.") TtlHMIAr, Mill (Irrntrr llnrsNliln from Ihr Mill mill l'Mtiirr ftnlc $1 rrhlu rtui'k and vrnth skirts, 16c. Iiluu aklrts urn! polka-dot skirts, fancy trimmed linen skirts at itc. Undies' $1 trimmed Jumbo sailors, 15c. Children' fancy straw and plain-colored trimmed suitor huts, 16c. 76ii and $1 quality percalo, lawn and dim ity, new waists, whlto and colored, at 25c and f.tfo. Sua laces at 2VJc, Co and So yard. Hamplo ploccs of nllover lucos, half-yard lengths, 60a values Cc and ,12c each. 26o fans, 2Hc, Co anil 16c. DI(1 11ASHMBNT IIAItOAINS. Very fltieit dimity In all tho new pat- torus, pinks, blues, etc., 2Cc valuo at 10c a yard. 16c dlmlty, lawns, etc., 6c a yard, Itcmnauts of best standard prints, 3Vic. India linens, fine white lawns, etc., fancy checked, striped and laco-work lawns, long cloth, etc., worth up to 10c, In long rem nants at 10c a yard. 26c Ocrman organdies -at 6c a yard. Laco-work lawns, 25o and 35c kinds, all now patterns, 10c a yard. Unbleached mualln at 2c a yard. $1.60 pair laco curtains, 25c each. Covert cloth in mill remnants at 10c a yard. 36-Inch percale, worth 26c, at SHo yard. Ten-yard dress pattorne at 10c. Long cloth, worth lOo a yard, twelvo-yard pleco for 60c, Cc a yard for 40-Inch whlto lawn, worth 15c. Siic a yurd for CHc grado shirting prints. 6c a yard for IGo Chambray ginghams. 10c a yard for 25c plnhcad dottod Swiss. SHOE SALE ON" SECOND FLOOn. LadlcB' Oxford ties, $1.50 and $1.08 on bargain squares. Your choice of Immonso lots of ladles black, vlcl kid, patent leather, tan and Ilussla calf, Oxford ties, In light and heavy solus, worth up to $4, go at $1,60, $1.63 and $1.08. SHOE SALE IN BASEMENT. Throe, thousand pairs of ladles' shoes and Oxford ties, worth up to $3, go at OSc. BOSTON STOUE. Omaha. J, L. Drandcls & Sons, Proprietors. Selling Rogers Pcot & Co. Men's Clothing. REVIEW OF THE FESTIVAL Hi-ports ConerrnltiK lleeclpt mid Hi prndlttirrn Are Submitted to Committee. At tho meeting of the auditorium commit tee yesterday a report was submitted allow ing that tbe attendance at tbo musical fes tival during the cntlrn season of concerts was nearly 54,000, of which over 22,000 was during iho closing week. Tho attendance for the last night, which was tho banner night of tho series, was over 6,300. Tho total receipts were ovor $16,300, and tho ex pense, as nearly ns can be figured, with some bills still outstanding, was about $12,000. A lottor was received from Eugeno Mc Sweoney, a newspaper man nt Saginaw, Mich., inquiring concerning tbo auditorium brick proposition, indicating that thoy are about to attempt tho erection of an audi torium there. He enclosed $1 for ono of tho "buttons." It looks as If tho audi torium brick schemo Is Hkoly to rocelvo substantial aid from tho purchaso of sam ples by cities which aro ambitious to build auditoriums, as tho movement appears to be becoming general. Owing to the heat of the last week no subscriptions wcro reported. It UnsElrn the World. No discovery In mcdlclno has over created one-quarter of tho excitement that has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It's severest tests have been on hopeless victims of consumption, pneumonia, hemorrhage, pleurisy and bronchitis, thousands of whom It has restored to perfect health. For coughs, colds, asthma, croup, hay fever, hoarse ness and whooping cough it is tho quick est, surest euro in tho world. It Is sold by Kuhn & Co., who guarantee satisfaction or refund money. Largo bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. It In Cool In Colorado. With the thermometer above 100 degrees In Omaha and tho round trip rate to cool Colorado only $16, why do you remain In town? Leave Burlington station, Omaha, 4:25 this afternoon. Arrlvo Denver 7:10 tomor row morning. Through sleeper to Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Glenwood Springs and Grand Junction. Tickets, 1502 Farnam street. 8USIMEK EXCUUSIO.I HATES. Via the Milwaukee natlTvny. June 12, 13, 14 and 15, Omaha to Chicago and return, $14.75. July 4, S and 6, Cincinnati and return, $22,60. July 5, and 7, Detroit and return, $22. July 20, 21 and 22, Milwaukee and return, $14.75. Low rates to summer resorts. City ticket office, 1604 Farnam st. Tel. 284. Special Excursion nntea. Thn MIhhouH Pacific will sell tho usual 4th of July ttckotB on tho 3d and 4th to points within 200 miles. AIbo on July 2 will sell to points In Kansas, southwest Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, etc. For fur ther Information call on or address com pany's offices, southeast corner Fourteenth and Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb. THOS. F. GODFREY, P. & T. A. Ezenrnlnn Tickets to New York. Commencing July 1 the Lako Shore & Mlrhlirnn Southern railway will sell ro- miepil rate tickets Chleacn to New York and return, good for stop at Pan-American exposition. Low rate BufTalo tlckots aro also now on sale. Eight trains dally. Send 4 cents In stamps for printed matter ana full information. F. M, Bvron, G. W. A., Chicago; M. S. Olles, T. P. A., Chicago. C. 11. Hniite to Clncliiiintl. Pennsylvania Short Lines from Chicago. Morning and evening trains through with out change. Round trip, $8, July 5, 6 and 7. Tickets on salo at offices of connecting lines soiling through Chicago. a)so at 218 South Clark street and Union Station ticket office, Chicago, II. R. Bering, A. G. P. Agt., 24S South Clark street, Chicago, for particulars. Drug Slashes. Prices given below contemplate cash CASH. OEM CATARRH CURE 31c Thompson's Wild Cherry Phosphate, 7c and 10a Peruna .'. 75c Vermont Root Beer (makes 5 gallons) .. Ho Hires' Root Beer 18c Castorja "6c Mention' Talcum Powder 15c Cramer's Kldnoy Cure 75c West'H Nerve und Brain Treatment .... 10c Good Whisk Broom 10c Nestle's Milk Food , 40c Malted Milk 40c Big hottlo Florida Water 25o Quart bottlo Port, Claret or Sherry ,. 33c Half-pint can Finn Paint 16c Pint bottlo Beef, Iron and Wine Wo Velvet Ice Cream Soda , lOo Sherman &McConnell Drug Go. "The Drug Store on the Corner." SIXTEENTH AND DODUE STREETS. ONE PEOPLE IN ONE PLACE lUrr Effort to Establish Bohsmum and Slavs in Ootnmunititi. FIFTY WORKERS LAY PLANS AT CHICAGO Clero men of NntlonntKlon Affected Will Seek In Preserve the Church Alllllut Ion Anionic Inoom Ihk Countrymen. J. W. Doblas, pastor of the Bohemian Brethren Prcsbytcrlun church, has returned from Chicago, where ho attended tho Bo hemian and Slavonian Interdenominational convention. At this meeting fifty religious workers, who aro Interested In Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Congregational and Reformed churches, discussed tho futuro of church work among Bohemian and Sla vonian people. The moBt Important step token by the convention was tho appointment of an Im migration and Information committee, of which Rev. Doblas was made chairman. This committee will keep In touch with per sons who aro thinking of locating lu tbe United State.-! and will endeavor to havo Bohemians and Slavs scttlo where they may attend churches that havo been established by their own countrymon. Tho commlttco hopes to strengthen all existing churches and colonize Immigrants In such manner that additional churches may bo erected. Benefit to IiiuulKriiiits. "It Is our purpose to keep our peoplo from scattering nnd losing their church afilllatlon," said Rev. Doblas. "Thero nro Bohemian nnd Slavonian people In nearly all partH of tho United States. By keep ing our people informed ns to whoro they will find colonics it will bo easy to hold them together. Tho Bohemian population of Omulia and South Omaha Is increasing vory rapidly und tho same Is true of other cities where effort is being made to colonize persons who nro locating In tho United States." Tho convention held In Chicago has been contemplated for ten years nnd a similar meeting will probably bo hold every three years. Delegates attended from all parts of tho United States. Tho Bohemian Brethren church of Omaha will bo removed from Its present location at Fifteenth and William to tho corner of Fifteenth and Hickory streets. Tho build ing will bo enlarged nnd Improved. The Bohemian and Moravian Brethren church, which was recently organized in South Omaha, has purchased a lot at the corner of Twenty-first and Q streets and will begin tho erection ot a church build ing In a short time. STi:uii,i,i:n iiahiieh shop. A Fmnoiin Shop In the Cnrrollton Hotel, Baltimore, Mnr'lnnil. Tho barber shop In tho Carrollton hotol, Baltimore, sterilizes everything It uses in tho shop. Tho sterilizing 1b dono by heat. Tho towels, tho razors, tho strops, tho soap, tho combs and brushes aro all steril ized beforo being used on a customer. Whore thero Is no sterilization havo tho barber use Nowbro's Hcrplcldo. It kills tho dandruff germ and it is an antiseptic for the scalp and for tho faco after shav ing. All leading barbers everywhere ap preciate theso potont facts about Hcrpl cldo and they use It. "Destroy tho cause, you removo tho effect." Chenp Summer Excursions Via Illi nois Ccntrnl It. R. St. Paul and return, July 1-0 $ 0.85 Minneapolis and return, July 1-9 9.85 Duluth nnd return, July 1-0 13.85 Cincinnati and return, July 4-6 22.60 Dotroit nnd return, July 5-7 22.00 Chicago and return, July 23-25 14.75 Loulsvlllo and return, August 24-26.. 21.50 Buffalo und return, every day 25.76 Circuit tours via Great Lakes to Buffalo and Intermediate points. Staterooms re served In advance Call at city ticket ofllco, 1402 Farnam Btreet, for particulars, or ad dress W. H. Brill, D. P. A., I. C. R. R Omaha, Neb. SAN F11AXC1SCO AND HETURN f43. Vln noek Inlnnil Route. Tickets on salo July 6th to 13th, good for return until August 31st. Choice of many different routes. Epwortt Leaguo special will leavo Omaha July 8th at 0 p. m., stop ping nt Denver, Colo. Springs, Glenwood Springs and Salt Lake. For full Informa tion and Hand Book address or call at Rock Island city ticket office, 1323 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Omaha physicians will bo glad to learn that their prescriptions for massage treat ments and for thermal and massago baths can be filled at the Bathcry In Tho Boo building. Telephono 1716. Graduate mas sage operators. All Error Somo of our would-bo competitors nre running ads in certain publications nnd quoting some prices that wcro In vogue beforo the trust was organized. When Hsked why they do it. they claim. Its tho fault of tho printer. How easy it Is to lay tho blnnie on the poor printer. Wo'ro not In this trust, nnd we don't havo to npolo glzo to the trust for tho prices wo quote. OEM CATARRH POWDER 30c TEMPTATION TONIC 76c WEST BRAIN AND NERVE TREAT MENT 17c All 26c DontrlflrrH 190 25c 1711 White Roso Glvrerlno Sonn.... 12c 25c Carter's Little Liver Pills 35c 25c Vegetable Cathartic Pills loc J2.CH) Cotton Root, Tansy und Penny- royal Pills $1.00 25c Hires' Root Beer (genuine) 18c 11.00 Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure.. 75c $1.00 Perunu (Special price by dozen) ,, 76c 35c Cnstorla (kind you havo always bought) 25c Good Tooth Brush for 6c Better ones for MORE MONEY stu 'em. SGHAEFER'S Cut I'ricc Drug Store. Tel, 747. S. W. Cor. Kith nnd ChlcnKO, Goods dcllversd FREE to any part ot city. The Chicago Record hj 61 of these Typt writers la dally u YOST If you want a typewriter, why not come first whera you can sea EVERY GOOD SORT OF TYPHI WRITER In Its best form? TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES ot all kinds for all macblnaa, TYPEWRITERS RENTED. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED. New Century The finest catalogue ever issued Is yours for the asklof. Wrlteo7Ci.il. United Typewriter and Supply Co,, A CAHIJ Of TIIAMCS from the !2niilo)e. of Thompson, Ilcldeit A Co, Sunday morning papers contained a sur prlsn to the clerks of this store In the form of an ad. stating that during tbo months of July nnd August tho firm had decided to closo their place of business at 1 o'clock Saturdays. This morning tbo universal wish was to publicly thituk Metsrs. Thomp son and Beldeu for their kind consideration for the comfort and wolfaro of their em ployes. Such action on their part cannot fait to bind closer together the Interests ,of employer nnd employe. (Signed) EMPLOYES OF THOMPSON, BELDEN & CO. LOW KATES TO 31 A NY CITIES Vln Ilnrllnitton Itonte. Buffalo and return, $25.75. Denver and return, $10, until Juno 30; $15, July 1 to 9. Colorado Springs nnd return, $19, until Juno 30; $15, July 1 to 9. Cincinnati and roturn, $22.60, July 4, 5 and 6. Dertolt and roturn, $22, July 6, 6 and 7. San Francisco and return, $15, July 6 to 13. Mllwaukoc and return, $16.75, July 20, 21 and 22. Chicago and return, $11.75, July 23, 24 and 25. Tickets, 1602 Farnam St. ON TIII3 NOIITIIWUSTIIRN LINE. Chenii Excursions. $16.75, Milwaukee and return, July 20, 21 and 22. Cincinnati and roturn. $22.60, July 4, G, 6. Dotroit and return, $22, July B, 6 and 7. Chicago and roturn, $14.75, July 23, 24, 25. Very low rates to tho Buffalo exposition. City ticket ofilce, 1401-1403 Farnam Btrcot. A I'laco to Spend the Summer. On tho lines of tho MILWAUKEE RAIL WAY aro somo ot tho most beautiful places In tho world to spend a summer vacation, camping out or at the elegant summer hotels. Boating, fishing, beautiful lakes and streams and cool weather. These resorts aro all reachod easily from Omaha. A book describing them may bs had on application at tho Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Railway city ticket office, 1504 Farnam streot, Omaha. Round trip tlckots, good until October 31, now on salo at greatly reduced rates. F. A. NASH. General Western Agent Publish your legal notices In The Weekly Bee. Telephone 238. LKSCQriELD IVCuW&SUITCO. Walking Skirts $5 We havd another lot of those hand some gray unllncd light weight Walk ing Skirts that wont so quickly last week, at $5.00 each. All lengths from 39-Inch to 43-inch. -DK SCOFIELDj CuW&SUITCO. 1010 DoqKlaa Street. YES, IT'S WARM, MIGHTY WARM. 102 in the shade Last Sunday by our big ther tnomoter, hut most of our cus tomers kept reasonably cool by drinking Mint Freeze A new slimmer drink, cool, de lightful, refreshing nothing clso Uko It In the city. HIM Myers-Dillon Drug Co., 16th and Farnam Sts. Bi AffBftti9 V I IPIIa lift I UkflW we promise you some of the most remarkable bargains that you have ever witnessed in wash waists, wash skirts, wash suits, silk skirts, wool skirts, tailor made suits, silk capes, silk waists and silk eton jackets and wrappers. You ore In duty bound to yoursolf to look around beforo you buy and If you nro a customer of any other houso In Omaha d o not buy another garment until you seo what wo have to offer. Theso nro the prices for tho next threo days: All our 35c Wash Waists at 12Hc. All of our Waists, worth t.p fo 75c, at 23c. All of our Wash Waists, worth up to $1.00, at 30c. All our $1.25 and $1.35 Waists for 59c. All or our $1.50 and $2 Waists for 70e. All our Women's Summer Suits that havo sold at $?.00, $10 00 and $15.00. go In this salo at $2.98, $3.0S and $5.98. 100 silk dress skirts, worth up to $20.00, for each $10.00 .m' .m, nton .Tnr-knts. corded all ovor and tucked $15.00 quality, for $1.50. over ana iucfu, u.vv LACES! LACES! LACES! , V2,?cM! Wcdn - SOc Wash Lces 10c Yard This lot contains Wash Lace? i and Insert lngs, worth 25c. 35c and 50c yard. 25c Wash Luces 5c an! This lot contains 15c. SOc nnd 23c Wash Laces and InsertlnBS-all Ko at 5c yard. 50c All Stllc Hindi Galloons 10c U This Is the most l??P?r'(ncjh,"1? u'o'ut season, goods worth 25c to 50c, nil ,o in 10c yard. 75c AH Over Laces 20c uril ThiH in lust the right goods for Shirt Waists, yokes nnd fronts; goods worth 76c to SOo, at 29c yard. SOc AH Over Lces lc urU Fine white all-over Laces, the very latest all go at 19c. Embroideries, Einhroldcrles 5c and 10c Embroideries, 2 Vic. This lot contains Embroideries and In ertlngs worth from 5c to 10c, at 2Vjo yard. $2.50 All Over Einhroldcrles SI. Yd These goods are the cream of the newest Shirt Waist goods-all at one price, $1.00 a yard. HAYDEN Tiiuoinit sm:i:im:hs to ( alu-ohm v In IlurlliiKton Route. Through tourist and standard sleeping cars, Omaha to San Francisco, overy day from July 6 to 13. Rott'o via tho grand panorama of the Rocky mountains the scenic routo of tho world. Leavo Burlington station 4:25 p. m. Only $45 round trip tlckots, July 6 to 13. Tickets, 1502 Farnam ttreet. FINEST FITTING FOOTWEAR A woman's shoo to rank with tho finest fitting must of eotirso bo made right and of tho finest material Sorosls fit tho nich of tho foot, supporting tho Instep properly Tho leather tho finest nnd any weight sole Cnro has bcon taken ot all tho little points of shocmnklng that nro so easily over looked, which, when tnken together, make a fine shoo finer. Sorosls aro $5.00 values, but cost only $3.50 In tiny city In this country. "Soronln fit, nml the lit tells.' Sorosis Shoe Store 203 South 15th Street, Frntik Wilcox. MmiMiter. Send for catalogue. READ Thero nro good nnd bad fountnlns, tidy nnd untidy operators. Somo of tho foun tains look very hnndsomo In their marble nnd silver plated fittings, but the syrup runs nnd other features screened from pub lic vlow nro not bo Invltlnj?. Lots of tho cans nro never cleaned from tho beginning of tho fcuson to thi? end. A dozen foun tains examined by a newspaper reporter for his paper, reported that could tho smil ing customer have Keen the Insldo of the fountain beforo which they sot, their glas of Roda would have beon left untouched. IF YOl' COULD ONLY SEE INSIDE! Our now 20TH CENTURY FOUNTAIN needs no Insldu Inspection. Everything about Is ex posed to full vlow; nothing to conceal; com parison for cleanliness, neatness nnd beauty In asked with any fountain In tho city. Our ORANGE and LEMON, mado from tho fresh fruit ,1a extra lino. FULLER 3 CO., 14th nml DntiBlnn Sta. PERFIELD Weber Pianos BEE BLOC, ROOM 7. NO PAIN to havo a tooth extracted when VITALIZED Ain Is used. Leaves no after effect. Examinations free Good Set Teoth $5.00 Gold Fillings $1.50 up Teeth Cleaned 75c Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Women's Silk Waists, $1.00 quality, for $1.00. Women's White Lawn Waists, tho great est varloty ever shown by any house in this western country, at 75c, $1.00 and up to $10.00. Women's wool Stilts, suitable for travel ing, thn $20.00 quality, now at $9.90. An elegant tnllormado suit, nil wool, for each $5.00. Women's Wrappers, tbo $2.00 quality, for 9Sc, I Women's Wrappers, mado of excellent quality percale, tho 75c quality, nt 39c. entost riearlnS' .lo ever1 sday - TWO UAS MOKE. I (Wl enn f ten SI. SO Venice All Over Laces 50c Yd This Is n tine lot of $1.00 nnd $1.50 Laces for tho very low price, SOc. 75c lll.tck Lice (Lilloons 15c Yd This Is tho llnest lot over seen for Bio to 75c all go In clearing Rale nt 15c. Kcal Hand .Made Luces $1.50 rrnl Cluney Lnces, 29c. Wn secured about H) pieces of real Cluney Laces nt th prlco of maehlno goods, lnces worth $1.00 to $1.50 per yard, go during clearing salo at 29c. All-over Luces, worth up to $2.00 per yard, for 75c. Grand Kihhon Sale R'o nil Silk Taffeta Ribbon, 15c. White nnd cream ribbons, Just what you need, only 15c. lilnck Sntfn nack Velvet ltlbbons, 10 yds. for 35c. Never old for less than 50c. No, 5 Fancy Ribbons, worth 10c, for 3c ynrd. S5.00 Rdnl Lace Collars Sl.00 Wo secured O, Sldenberg's sample line of real Lace Collars, worth from $1.60 to $3.00 each on sale Tuesday 39c, 60c, 75c and $1.00. Get the Dip Front, 23c, BROS. Get R-eady for the Fourth. nnd thoughtful things that lor thu Fourth. While tho prices hnvo beon whittled down, the qual ity has not been reduced ono whit. I 6 W ) i i i .'AJ I ? 1 I ' Hosiery Happenings. THE GREAT HOSIERY SALE Will continuo until every pair is sold. At this writing the de partment is a perfect hosiery hivo Two, Three, Pour, Five, Six to a cus P9 do not linger long. Do not delay your coming if you care to take tho advantage of this salo. 15c, 29c and 39c Worth rtoublo nml many worth throo tltnos tho prlco wo ask you. 0k Women's Comfortable Shoes Women's Oxfords Medium weight opera toe cloth tops $1.25 Women's Oxfords Heavy soles English too Cool, comfortnble EJAVFiEii: Binding Twine. Standard 500-foot Twlno 7c Sisal 600-foot Twlno 7c In 50-pound bales, warranted to bo tho best made. V. O. n. Omuhn. Term, net cash with order or C. O. D. If part pay ment Is sent with order. Summer Goods, lG-lnch Lawn Mower $2.19 Grass Shears 17c Guaranteed IIoso 7c Gasollno Stoves $1.95 Screen Wlro l'.ic Screen Door Springs 7c 22 Blanks 7c Grass Hook 15c Pullmnn Sprinkler 59c Grass Catcher 49c Screen Doom 59c Adjustablo Screens 23c Thermometers fco 22 Blank Pistols 15c Grocery Sale 4 Crown Muscatel nnlslnx, Sic pound. Now York Stuto Ev.itior.itcd Apples, 7',io pound. , , llrlrrlit llllhv PriltlPK. HPT IlOUlld. EC. Liirgo Fancy California Prunes, pound, 8 l-3c. Fancy San Joso County Pearlies, lb. S l-3c Large fancy Miner PcucIioh, per lb, 10c. Calif oi nln Pears, per pound, ! l-2c. 4 poundK Tapioca, 25c. 4 pounds Sago, 25c. 5 pounds Oatmcnl, 10c. 10-pound sack Comment. tOc. in-pnund wa"k Rye Flour. 19c. 10-pound sack Graham Flour, 19c. 3 bars Tnr Soap, worth 25c, for 10c. 10 bars best Laundry Soap, 25c. 4 cans Mustard or Oil Sardines, 25c. Ilnsty Jelly on, assorted fruit llavors, per package, S l-3c. Grand Picnic Lunch Sale Veal l.uaf. run 7Wc Potted Di-vlled chlckm sl-3c Rex Urand Chipped Ileef pic Potted or Deviled Hum 3lic Imported Rummer Sausage, pound 26e Potted Hnm, sllrcd, per pound 12lje Cooked Corned lleof, hllcid, pound .... IV No. 1 Sugar-Cured llains lo'vi- Pickled Cook'H Pig's TunKiies Jiv Pickled Pigs' Feet, per pound 4!se Cheese and Butter Full Cream Cheese. 12'3e pound. New York State Cheese, lie nound. Ohio BwIxh Clieesc. 15c pound Nlco Fresh Country Hotter, 12c. Fancy Separator Crcamory. ISo. Men's Summer Under wear at less than manufacturer's cost. All tho mon's dno balbrtggan nnd llslo mrcaa unirts ami uniwcru in puna nnu j HAYDEN BROTHERS. It Takes GOOD TOBACCO and HAND THE WMI1LP.1WJ11LJ Is Now Being Made From Fine Cuban Tobacco, Crop of 1900. F. R. RICE M. C. CO., Manufacturers, St. Louis, UNION MADE Our Women's Department For Wash Suits, For Wash Skirts, For Wash Waists, Is beaming with bright will bring yon cool comfort The Men's Shirts Onco you come hero for satisfactory shirts, you come again. Wo aro deal ing out cool comfort by tho dozen. Men's negligee shirts in hundreds of pretty patterns 45c, 75c, $100, $1.45 tomer Good values such as those o n Men's Cool Clothing Men's iiluo Bergo coata, ... $2 up Men's striped flannel coats, $2.75 up Men's blue sorgo coat and vest $3.00 Men's blue serge coat and pants $3.50 Men's blue sorgo trousors $1.50 Men's straw hats 25c Men's ono ounce crusher . . 75c Boys' straw hats 15c Women's Oxfords Tllnck or tan with or without cloth tops $1.25 $1.50 Hardware, Stoves m House Furnishings fancy colors that wcro mado to sell ot $1.25, on salo at 60c. All the men's flno balbrlggan Shirts nnd Drawers In plain nnd fancy colors that wore mndo to soil nt "5c, on sale at 35c. All tho men's balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers In plain nnd fancy colors, reguUr 60c values everywhere, on snlo at 2bc. All tho men's underwear that sold us to 39c, on salo nt 19o. All the men's union suits that sold up to $1.25, go In this salo ut 39c. Tuesday in Bargain Room will ho a day to bo long remembered. All theso now wash goods stock bought by us for 30c on tho, dollar will bo closed out regardless of cost. As long ns they last wo will sell 3 cases of Scotch Lawns, nt lV&c. Wo will sell 10c Cordnd Dtmltleo at 2V4c Wo will soil 12V4o Corded Dlmltlos. 3V4o. Wn will soil 15o Dimities, Batistes, Lawns, Blnck Sateens, etc., Re 600 pieces of flno Dimities, flno Cnrdod Batiste, never sold for less than 19c, 7iiC 1,000 pieces of Imported French, Scotch nnd Irish Dimities, regular 25c goods, In any other store, nil will go on salo Tuos day morning nt 10c. Ono chho Whlto Nainsook, worth lOo yard, 30. Ono raso Sfi-lnrh India Llnon, worth lOo, Be Ono cibo Raven Black Lawn, worth 10c, at 6c. Remnants of all kinds of wash goods piled on our bargain counters, nt less than one-third regular value. Hummocks at less than cost Croquet Sets to closo at less than halt tho original prlco. Special on all notions. Thread, per spool lo Needles, per paper ,,. 1 2oc I.aes S'lio 15c Ribbons 3 ',4c Furnishings in Bargain Room. 100 dozen men's cheviot ShlrtB, made with pocket and yoke; every shirt warranted perfect nnd full size; regular 60o values, ut 15c. 160 dozen men's colored laundered Shirts with separato eollnrs and cuffs, ovory shirt warranted perfect and full size; worth up to $1.00 on salo at 29c. 200 dozen mon's and bnye' Shirts and Drawers In plain and fancy colors; Jersey ribbed, regulnr 39c quality, nt 16e. Men's 60o and 75c underwear, In all sizes and colors, on salo at 25c. WORK to Make a Good lOo CIGAR mwesm