a THE OMAHA DAILY JUSEt aiOyPAT, JTLY 1, 1901. GREAT DEMAND FOR COUPONS Interesting Hot Wsithir Scrambl for The. Snndaj Btt. WATCH FOR A CHANGE IN FIGURES ContrHt In .nr nt n Point Whrrc Sur jirUfA Am I.IUcI)- ti Comr nt Any Time I'nrtlif r Aiiiiiitincr iiientK Co in I iik. There Is always a groat domand (or The Sunday lloe, but yesterday that demand was materially Increased. Everybody wanted a Boo and tho dealer who after having exhausted IiIb stock tried to tc.l fomethlng ilse "equally as good" was frowned down In a hurry. ltoason why: Sunday Is n good day for clipping coupons. There's a whole lot of peoplo who don't have to work on Sun day. Th.ey're In luck. A day of rest gives them time to collect votes. The chances aro that there will ho some changea In the t'ontest figures when the next announce ment Is made. These changes may ho surprising- You can never tell what u woman Is going to do next. Tho rcmarkahly liberal terms of Tho lien's contmt. have attracted much atten tion and tho coming week promises to bting forth a great revival of Interest. Votes may be had for tho asking. It Is a mistake to presume that votes cost money. They are absolutely free, livery tluin you get a Uee, you get a vote, for there Is a coupon In each Issue. So banish tho Idea that you am asking your friends to "blow thcmMvcs" when you suggest that you would like to have th'di- mipport lu this content. You are slmplv asking them to clip tho coupon from tho paper which they need in their business and which they would by nnd pay for nny way, even though the vacation subject had never been raised. So thrni you aic a trip from tho vacation editor, and what ho doesn't know about vacations Is not worth knowing. Head The Ben this afternoon. Head The Pee tomorrow morning. Head Tho llee nvrry day and keep posted on how this contest Is going. DAKOTA PREACHER IN OMAHA llcv. II. P. I'ciirHiin of Hut Nrln at Klrst J'rmlij terlim Clmrcli, Kov. II. V. Pearson of Hot Springs, S. D.. preached yesterday In the First Presby terian church, having exchanged pulpits with Rev. Kdwln Hart Jenks. He chose as Urn Uxt of hla morning discourse tho verso, "Inasmuch as yo did it not to ono of theso least ye did It not to Me." .Men were divided by Hov. Pearson Into three classes, the openly vicious, thoso who i.ru vicious In splto of their appearanco tf respectability and men who aro thor oughly righteous. Tho second class, tho men who hldo a wolf's heart under sheep's clothing, threatens to overthrow Christen dom. "Tho professional gambler and tho men nnd omen who are depraved and maku no pretenso to respectnblllty do not threaten tho morals of n community as badly as per sons who associate with reputable men and women but make light of all that Ib parrrd nnd holy. A drunkard does not endanger tho morals of a community as much as an engaging young man who moves among rcspectablo young peoplo and makes light of Intempcraneo and Immorality," said tho preacher. "Tho vicious cloment In any community U comparatively small. Most people want to appear respectable. "Tho example of a man who pretends to servo God nnd flagrantly violates many of Ills laws damages tho cause of His maker worse than the tinner who does not at tempt to conceal his Iniquity with a cloak of Christianity. Such a tuun gives others an opportunity to Ray that they are not In tho church, but that they aro bettor than men who acknowledge Christ as their re deemer. This would bo a poor excuse to offer to God whon tho great accounting comes, but there arc deluded persons who mako tho sins of pretended Christians an excuse for not accepting Christ ns their Bavlor. "Jiutlcc Is the bnsls of tho religion of Jesus Christ. Every man wo meet on the streets lins has the stamp of immortality upon him. Tho blear-eyed drunkard was created In tho Imago of Jesus Christ and mujt be treated with consideration In spito of his degraded condition. Tbo abuse of God's creatures Is beneath men who liavo Imbibed tho true spirit of Christ's teach ings. Let us so govern our lives that when wo approach tho heavenly homo It can bo said of us, 'Inasmuch ns yo did it to one of thoso least yo did It to mo'," REV. J. L MARSH AT UNITY Lincoln I'rrnrlivr Co in or to Uninlin anil DlHCUHNrii 'Fuollftlinrss of tilt' Cro." Rev. J. L. Mnioh, pator ot All Souls' church, I.luo-.iln, spoko at Unity church Sunday morning on "Foolishness of tho Cross." His discussion related to tho place of sentiment In rollglon. Ho said that Christianity lias como down to us as a re sult of the learning and culturo of Grceco nnd Homo, not ns tho product of tho wis dom of the ancients, but rather as some thing representing what tho wise call fool ishness: tho outgrowth of Ignorance, weak ness and superstition; a product of tho emotions, tho sentiments, tho affections of human nnturo, "Theso elements," said tho ipoaker, "havo small part In tho search for knowledge and philosophy nnd men of wis dom placo llttlo utore by truth that conies only through theso avenues. "The gospel which St. Paul announced did not scum to tho wise and mighty of tho tlrao to havo any largo Intellectual or phil osophical measure. It wns a conviction In regard to Jesus which seemed fanciful and personal, a mcro Impression without Intel lectual conviction or npproval, a stumbling block to thoko who looked for a sign, fool ishness to thoso who looked for wisdom. "ComplalntB aro frequent that preaching appeals to tho emotions rather thnn to tho Intellect. Wo boast of our ability to ap preciate truth which is recognized by the intellect. We cravo truth ratlior than sen timent. There never wns an ago when knowledge was nt so great a premium as now, or when men had so great confidence In tholr understanding or when tho Intel lectual teat wna so closely applied to the search for truth. "This la not solely n characteristic of tho present age. Paul found among tho Greeks nnd tho people of Aula Minor thirst for knowledge, n distrust of signs and a doubt iii sentimental appeals. Liberal preachers nre prono to become unpractical In Insisting upon the practical. Four-fifths of the world Is outside ot tho sphere of science and four-llftlro of life Is sentiment. Tho great ages ot the world havo been ages of sen timent nud Its great literature Is tho em bodiment of sentiment. Man is a creature of emotions and Institutions us well as of reason and calculation. When wo ignoro ccntlment In religious appeal wo shut oft tho real moving and moulding power upon which religion depends. The most useful, helpful and needed religion Is that which appeals to tho emotions," Publish your legal notices la Tho Wrokly See. Tole.ohono 233, BULL FIGHT GETS INTO COURT Illinium Soclrtj- roi(ien to Unjoin (lie Spurt of Mm Mrcet , Vn I r. From present Indications there Is every reason to believe that the Humane society will win first blood In the South Omnha bull fight this morning. At 10 o'clock At torney A. L. Sutton will file In tho district court an application for a temporary re straining order, forbidding tho managers of the street fair to proceed with tho exhibi tion. Ho appears for two pastors of South Omaha churches and three laymen. The application Is based upon the allega tion thnt the proposed bull fight Is In viola tion of tho statute which Inhibits cruelty to animals. Tho taking of the evidence for tho perma nent writ will of Itself bo nn Incident of considerable Interest, as It will bo neces sary to ndduco testimony ns to the nature, purpose, genesis and alleged Inherent cus scdness of tho spectacle points on which thero are few In this part of tho world com petent to speak. In this testimony no "opinion' will bo accepted, unless they arc opinion of experts In bull fighting. Tho only y,)erta available arc the matadores, picadors and toreadors Imported from Mexico for the exhibition nnd these will not say that It Is a cruel pastlmo. With them It Is a form of religious worship and their pay depends upon Its being pulled off according to contract. Meanwhile preparations for the fight arc under way as though thero was no prospect of legal Interference. Tho bulls are being carefully groomed, the broncoes hnvc been engaged and tho professional red rag art ists from Mexico nro getting their board free ot a well known restaurant. HOUTZ TURNS OVER OFFICE I'linrr l Mt'iiliiMiRon Tnkcn Hold tin f'olli't'tnr of Intrrnnl Itcrcnnu for .e1irnHkn. Ilefore ofilco hours this morning Internal Revenue Agent Houtz, retiring, turned his ofilco and Its effects over to Elmer Steph enson, tho formal oath of office belug ad ministered to the Incoming agent by Rev enue Agent Fletcher, who came from Wash ington tor tho purpose. An involco of stamps and other valuables was mado and tho whole receipted for by Mr. Stephenson. It was announced that Chief Deputy Ed ward W. North would contlnuo In hla pres ent position. John Hush will he Installed In tho petition of cashier. No further changes havo been announced In the cleri cal force and Mr. Stephenson expects to take time to adjust himself to the new conditions beforo other alterations are made. The duties of tho Internal revenue col lector will becomo much lighter today with tho abatement ot tho stamp act. Thou sands of dollars annually which havo passed through tho olllco for tho past few years will bo cut off, to tho Joy of tho consumer. Checks, telegrams, medicines and other specialties henceforward no longer pay toll to Uncle Sam Tho tongue of tho working world, grown cnllous with constant licking, will bo given an opportunity to develop a delicacy ot sensation. The relict Is be yond tho measure of dollars and cents. The Sixnie U1U Story. J. A. Kelly relates an experience similar to that which has happened in almost every neighborhood In tho United States and has been told and re-told by thousands of others. He says: "Last summer I had an attack of dyscntry and purchased a bot tlo of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used according to directions and with entirely satisfactory results. Tho trouble was controlled much quicker than former nttacks when I used other remedies." Mr. Kelly Is a well known citizen of Henderson, N. C. For salo by all druggists. MUST WAIT ON THE RIVER Friend of Kdna Jordan Keel the Fu tility of AttemiitltiK to Kind Body. Thero was no systematic attempt made yesterday to recover the body of Miss Edna Jordan, who committed suicide Sat urday night by leaping from the deck ot tho Henrietta Into tho liver. Previous efforts along this line havo shown that it Is useless to drag tho river when tho water Is as high as at present nnd It was thought best to wait a day or so and give tho body a chance to lodge on a sandbar. Several young men In skiffs, friends ot the dead girl, put In tbo day searching tho bars below tbo Uulon Pacipc bridge, but without result. It Is thought, how ever, that hero Is tho most likely placo tor tho body to lodge. Tho customs house officers have ordered tbo officers and crew ot the Henrietta to appear before them at 10:30 o'clock this morning and mako a formal report on. tho case. They have Instructions also to bring with them all cyowltncsses of the tragedy. Edward Huss, a well known business man of Salisbury, Mo,, writes: "I wish to say for tho benefit of others that I was a suf ferer from lumbago and kidney trouble and all tho remedies I took gave mo no relief. I was Induced to try Foloy's Kidney Cure, and after tho use of three bottles I am cured," OS TUB ISOIITHWESTISII.N LINE. Chenp Excursions. $16.75, Milwaukee and return, July 20, 21 and 22. Cincinnati and return, S23.50, July 4, 5, 6. Detroit and return, $22, July 5, 6 and 7. Chicago and return, $11,75, July 23, 24, 25. Very low rates to tho Buffalo exposition. City ticket office, 1401-1403 Farnam street. Chenp Mummer Kxuurnlnii Via Utl nol Centrnl It. It. St. Paul and roturn, July 1-9 $ 9.85 Minneapolis aud return, July 1-9 9. S3 Duluth nnd return, July 1-9 13. S5 Cincinnati and roturn, July 4-6 22.50 Detroit and return, July 6-7..... 22.00 Chicago and roturn, July 23-25 14.75 Louisville and return, August 24-26.. 21.50 Buffalo and roturn, every day 25,75 Circuit lours via Great Lake to Buffalo and Intermediate points. Staterooms re served In advance. Call at city ticket office, 1402 Farnam street, for particulars, or ad dress W. H. Drill, D. P. A I. C. K. It., Omaha, Neb. That Trip to California. Only a few weeks to tho Epworth league meeting In San Francisco. Time you derided about your route. Time you reserved your sleeping car berth. Time you made up your mind where you will go and what you will do after you arrlvo In California. Our Epworth League folder Is invaluabla for thoso who Intend to go to San Fran cisco In July. Tells all about rates, routes, through cam, hotels, stop-overs, etc. Ask for a copy. Tickets, 1502 Farnam streot. Send articles of Incorporation notices ot stockholders' meetings, etc., to Th Bet. W will give tbem proper leeal Insertion. Telephone 231. I1ARRIMAN NOT IN OMAHA Rumored Coming of tht BaUrtud Magnate ProTii t Be Unfoundid. PASSING OF PRIVATE CAR STARTS STORY Inxtcnil of Mr. llnrrlinan There Cornea h Slolt I'rlvntc Secretary on Ills Way to the Mountain In Search of Health. After setting tho reporters of throe Im portant cities at fever heat for two days and sending them on a wild goose chase after railroad olllctals In general and E. II. Harrlman In particular, tho report that this traffic magnnto was coming to Omaha to effect a consolidation of tho accounting departments of tho Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, Oregon Short Lino and Oregon Railroad nnd Navigation company has proved untrue. Mr. Harrlman did not come to Omaha, although his special car did, nnd he will not bo present at tho conference of tho nfTlclnls ot the nudtttng departments ot tho roads named, which will bu ho,d today at tho olllco of Erastus Young, general audi tor of the Union Pacific. This fact would apparently bear out and corroborate completely the statement mado by Mr. Young last Saturday that thero would absolutely bo no consolidation, It would nlso Indlcnto that tho Interpretation of the significance of this conference of fered by another olllclal of the Union Pacific nudltlng department was correct. Ho said that It was purely for the purpose of comparing the methods of keeping ac counts In use by tho different roads, each having a stylo of Its own. Thus ono line would become master of tho good points In tho working plnns of tho other. Just that ono department of auditing, tho keeping of accounts, was to be discussed, said tho railroader. I low the Story Stnrted. Tho cause of all tho wild Harrlman stories that floated In from San Francisco nnd Chicago Saturday night appeared In Omnha Sunday morning. It was Mr. Har rlniau's prlvnto car and It camo In over tho Northwestern ot 8:40. Ten minutes later It left over the Union Pacific west bound train No. 101 for Colorado. In this car was H. O. Fowler, prlvato secretary to President Hughltt of the Northwestern rond, who W also very close to Mr. Harrlman. Mr. Fowler Is 111 with a vital organic trouble, and was on his way to the mountains In the hope of bettering hla condition. Ho wns present with Messrs. Hughltt and Harrlman during tho lntorvlow held by tho two In New York city recently and Mr. Harrlman placed a car at his disposal for Ills Journey west. This was tho solo basis for all the stories that Harrlman had started for Omnha. It Is supposed that Chicago newspaper men, lenrnlng that Harrlman's car was leaving, nnd unablo to secure any satisfaction con cerning Its occupants, Jumped at tho con clusion that tho reticence which Is al ways maintained concerning anything con nected with tho railroad boss meant that ho was lnsldo and was out on a big deal. Tho fact that tho auditing conferenco was to bo held did tho rest. During his brief stay in this city Mr. Fowler was attended by Dr. A. F. Jonas, to whom word had been sent In advance to meet the train. Dr. Jonas would mako no stntcment ns to tho condition of tho sick Allen Halvcrson of West Prairie, Wis., says: "People come ten mllos to buy Fo ley's Kidney Cure," whllo J. A. Spero of Helmor. Ind.. says: "It Is the medical wonder of the age." The Scenic Route to California. Don't make a mistake and select any other route than the Burlington when you go to California at the tlmo of tho Ep worth league meeting In July. The nurllngton with Its connections forms tho Scenic Lino of tho World. It takes you through tho very heart of tho Rockies, past all tho glorious mountain scenery of Colorado and Utah. Como back by way of Portland, Seattle. Taconia nnd Hillings. Costs a tow dollars extra and It 1b worth It. Deautlfully Illustrated folder giving full Information nbout this, the greatest holi day opportunity ever offered, on request. Tells what there Is to see on the way to tho coast, where to stay In San Francisco and the places In California which you cannot afford to miss. Tickets, 1502 Farnam streot. DEATIIICE CHAUTAUQUA. Lnn Utiles Via the HnrllnRton Itonte. $2.85 to Beatrice and return; return limit July 5. United States Senator B. R. Tillman ot South Carolina, Rev. Frank W. Gunsalus of Chicago, Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., of New York and Mrs. Maud Balllngton Booth aro among tbo eloquent speakers on the pro gram. Tho Second Regiment band of Nebraska gives dally concerts. Numerous other at' traction servo to corablno a raro Intellect tual treat with an Inexpensive outing. Tickets at 1602 Farnam St., or nt Burling ton station, 10th and Mason Sts. TIIltOl'GH SLBKI'EIIS TO CALIKOIIM.V Via IlurlliiKton Itonte. Through tourist and standard sleeping cars, Omaha to San Francisco, every day from July 6 to 13. Routo via tho grand patiorama of the Rocky mountains tho scenic route of the world. Leave Burlington station 4:25 p. m. Only $45 round trip tickets, July 6 to 13. Tickets, 1502 Farnam streot. A rincv to Spend the Slimmer. On tbo lines of the MILWAUKEE RAIL WAY are some of tho most beautiful places In tho world to spend a summer vacation, camping out or at the elegant summer hotels. Boating, fishing, beautiful lake and streams and cool weather. These resorts are all reached easily from Omaha. A book describing them may b had on application at tho Chicago. Mil waukee & St. Paul Railway city ticket office, 1504 Farnam street, Omaha. Round trip tickets, good until October 31. now on salo at greatly reduced rates. F. A. NASH. General Western Agent. Information that is Valuable Wo note from remarks made by many of our customers who bring prescriptions to bo tilled, that the general opinion of the Gubllo Is that a prescription, when filled, elongs to tho DRUGGISTS who tilled if. In our onlnlon (AND WE HAVE AN OPINION. WHETHER, SOME PEOPLE WANTS US TO HAVE OR NOT) this U wrong. We consider that a prescription belongs to the party who paid THE PHYSICAN FOR WRITING IT. nnd we wish It dcstlnctly understood thnt ANY ONE HAVING A PRESCRIPTION filled here, is PERFECTLY welcome to their PRESCRIPTION aflor we have filled It, nnd they havo paid us for tilling It. Wo nre not afraid that you will take It somo place else- and get It tilled cheaper next time: liny, nny, Paulino; go where you like, ami when yo.1 get tired GOING SOME PLACE ELSE wo will Htlll bo doing business at 16th and Chicago and the new postottlce Is still two blocks SOUTH OF US. Oc Gem Catarrh Powdor f-Oo L5o Carter's Llttlo Liver Pills 15c 1 Peruna 75c CPUIECCD'C Cut ice ObllAfcrClt O Drus Store. Tel, 747. 8. W. Cor. Kith nnd Chicago. Goods delivered FREE to any part of city. CAPTAIN THAYER IS ANGRY Uses llnrh 'Word In SuenhliiK of the (ilrl Her llimhanit l.oved. Captain Ella Thayer of the American Volunteers, Lincoln, widow of Captain Jesse K. Thayer, who committed sulclda by taking poison In Jefferson square Sat urday morning, arrived In Omnha Sunday and Is making nrrnngemcuts for her hus band's funeral, which will bo held from tho ofilco of tho coroner at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Tho body will bo Interred In Mt. Hope cemetery. The funeral services will bo conducted by the Volunteers of America, Ald-de-Cnmp Preston officiating. Tbo Inquest will bo held today or to morrow. Upon Captain Thayer's nrrlval In the city sho wont first to the Klondike hotel and asked to see "the woman who mur dered my husband," referring to Miss Dottle Hashbergcr, with whom Thayer had boon associated for several weeks. Fearing that there would bo trouble, the clerk prevented a meeting between tho two women. "I havo nothing to 3ay nbou .Miss Hash bcrger," snld Captain Ella Thayer, "ex cept this, that If I had ruined a man's life and driven htm to destruction as sho has done I'd stand by him In death. "I'm going from hero to my homo In Monkato, Minn., whero I shall remain for at least the present, I havo no plans for tho future. I shall resign my office ns captain of tho American Volunteers at Lincoln, and mny not re-engage In tho work Whon I horjcwhlppcd my husband for hla Bcnndalous relations with Miss Hashbor ger I did so as an Individual purely and not In my olllclal capacity." Miss Hnshberger was seen at tho Klon dlko hotel. "My brother, Frank Hashbcrger of Schuyler, Is In the city," said sho, "and as soon as tho Inquest Is over I shall go home with him, probably to remain thero. I think Captain Ella Thayer's remark about my deserting her husband In death was 111-adviKcd. I didn't love him nnd I frankly and repeatedly told him so. Still I was willing to marry him. I think that fact ought to satisfy her. I promised him I would marry him as soon as ho had his divorce from her and Bho knows It and then sho talks about my deserting him In death! It Is absurd." SAN KHANCISCO AMI RETlJIt.V I IS. Via Hock Inland Itonte. Tickets on salo July 6th to 13th, good for return until August 31st. Choice of lyny different routos. Epworth League spiXlal will lcavo Omaha July 8th at 9 p. m.. stop ping nt Denver, Colo. Springs, Glenwood Springs and Salt Lake. For full Informa tion nnd Hand Book address or call at Rock Island city ticket ofilco, 1323 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Special Etcnrnlnii Itatc. Tho Missouri Pacific will sell tho usual 4th of July tickets on tho 3rd nnd 4th to points within 200 miles. Also on Julv 2 will sell to points In Kansas, Southwest Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, etc. For fur ther Information call on or nddress com pany s offices, southeast corner Fourteenth and Douglas streets, Omaha, Neb, THO. F. GODFREY, P. & T. A. 7a A.J .lkl the wabash jpzW:4 lit lu wn rilU ' I'J'yS f I ltn ta J - BUFFALO AND THO FALLS, i 5top-vtrt (Ivtn t both polnti oo II tlcktc. ff D,lp4. IMttr, IUIM, IU. Ml) mrt tll M"l r 4rM C I. CStlt. n1 fM.'r m TIU.I lft, BT 10C19. MEN NERVE. BEANS quickly euro Nervoume, ullrcsuUBotabme, falllnr lnliuocl. dralu, Inssea. Marrlrd men mm men InlPiullnir to marry "hould lake a box) nitonUMng rrsulti: mall weak pant and loit power restored, sum at Cberman & McConnell and Kutin a uo onHKliu E9 JBK ! The Bee. Building Is the only building in Omaha having nil night and all Sunday elevator service. Doctors nre not the only people who find this an ndvnntngs, but they In particular find this an nd vantapo to themselvps nnd their patients. Nor Is this the only point In which Tho lino nulldltiR service Is better than other buildings R. C. PETERS & CO,. Rental Agents unucATin.VAi.. Wentworih Military Academy m m vciurai vvcai, nnvramntannrTlBtonn(1 equipment. Army oOWr detail!. Prcrarn for l)nlveraltla. A National Ac-mlfmlra or for II; e. COL. LOW RATE TO .MA X Y CITIES Via lltirllimton Itonte. Buffalo nnd return, (25.75. Denver and return, (19, until Juno 30, $15, July 1 to 9. Colorado Springs nnd return, (19, until June 30; (15, July 1 to 9. Cincinnati nnd return, (22.50, July 4, C and 6. Dertolt and return, (22, July 5, 6 and 7. S.tn Francisco and return, (15, July 6 to 13. Milwaukee and return, (15.75, July 20, 21 and 22. Chicago and roturn, (11.75, July 23, 21 and 25. Tickets, 1502 Farnam St. M M.MiMt i:.ci:iiHOA t;.ri:9. Via the Mllvrankce Hallivay. Juno 12, 13, 14 nnd 15, Omaha to Chicago and return, (14.75. July 4, 5 and 6, Cincinnati and return, (22.50. July 5, 6 and 7, Detroit and return, (23. July 20, 21 nnd 22, Milwaukee and return. (14.75. Low rates to summer resorts. City ticket office, 1504 Farnam st. Tel. 2S4. Omaha physicians will bo glad to learn that their prescriptions for massage treat nientn nnd for thermal and mnssago baths can bo filled at tho Rathery in Tho Dec building. Telephone 1716. Graduato mas sago operators. Drug Slashes. Prices given below contemplate cash CASH. GEM CATARRH CURE 3lo Thompson's Wild Cherry Phosphate, 7c and 10c Peruna 75c Vermont Root Ueer (makes 6 gallons) .. lie Hires' Root Deer ISo Castorla 25c Mennen'o Talcum Powder 15c Cramer's Kidney Cure 75c West's Nerve nnd Drain Trentment .... 19c Good Whisk Hroom 10c Ncstlo's Milk Food 40c Malted Milk 40o Iilg bottlo Florida Water 25c ljunrt bottlo Port, (itirot or Sherry .. S5o Hulf-plnt can Fine Paint 15c Pint bottlo Hoef, Iron nnd Wine COc Velvet Ico Cream Soda 10c Sherman &McGonnell Drug Go. "Tho Drug Store on the Corner." SIXTEENTH AND DODQE STREETS. Registered A Mayer Co., 210 BEE BUILDING OMAHA, NEB. 'Phone 17U Re-No-May Powder Not only relieves, but positively cures all disorders of tho feot, atop odorous perspi ration, curs teader, swollsn and painful (set. Price 50 Cents. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealer Cousultatton Fro from 3 to 4. When ordering by mall add 5 cents tor postage. Ile-No-May Skin Food for facial msesags. Re-No-May Cream softens and whitens tk hands and fact. It VTWO 9UAUTIE3I 75he Famous Plunge HOT SPRINGS SO. DAKOTA Climate, Waters, Scenery, Hotels, Baths, Amusements, vou will find are all right. The route to this retort is The North -Westkrn Line" with trains equipped with the "Best of Everything." Tlckot Offlco, 1401.03 Farnam 3t. Depot, 15th and Wobstor Sts. OMAHA, NED. Bee Building' Ground Floor Oldest and largest military scbool in central west. SANDFORD SELLERS, M. A., Supt.. Ltllngton. Mo. 15c 29c ! r I No such values havo ever been offered by any other house in this section. They aro manufacturers' earn pie?, hundreds of pretty patterns to select from. Don't delay your coining if you want your money to do double duty. ' lill I Ever Held in Omaha. Big purchases just secured, added to our immense stocks now on sale at the most astonishing reduction. July clearing sales begin Monday. .Join the crowds and get genuine bargains at "THE IilG STOKK." ribbon, clearing with satin, More houses in AVe are selling a good one in made and stylish, for only A BETTER QUALITY TAFFETA SKI It T, trimmed better, a fine looking skirt, north $15.00 Special salo prlco only f 0.50. THK CRKAM OF THE MARKET, SKIRTS worth up to $25.00 your choice in tills Spe cial Salo for $12.r0. 400 WASH SUITS, IN NICE FINE lawns, trimmed with laco nnd Insertion and embroidery, tho skirt trimmed with ono, two and thrco rowa of rulllcs, perfect fit nnd nans Special stilo prices only $3.00, $3.98 and $2.59. Women's Wool Skirts Tho variety Includes everything Imag inable. Women's Illack Skirts for OSo each. Women's Rainy-Day Skirts, with llouncc, corded all tho wny, worth $9.00 Specln'l Sale ITlco only $3.98. Women's Fine Black Sergo nnd Broad cloth Skirts, trimmed with stitched bands of taffeta, the $10.00 ciuallty Special Salo Trlco $3.00. Men's and Boys' Clothing JULY CLEARING SALE PRICES. BOYS' WASHABLE SUITS Worth from 50c to $3.00, ot 23c, 45c, 73c, 95c nud $1.50. BOYS, WASHABLE 'IROUSERS-at lOo, 2.1o and 35c. Wo havo a beautiful lino of Men's Fancy Striped Flannol Suits a very large range of exclusive patterna to select from. Fabrics aro of tho most dopendablo kind; tho tailoring Is above reproach nnd perfect fit Is guamnteed. Tho prlcca In this salo will bo $3.75, $4.50, $5.00, $6.75, $7.50 and $10.00. MEN'S BLUE SERGE COATS at $1.95, $2.25, $2.50, $2.95 and $3.60. MEN'S ALL WOOL BLUE SERGE PANTS nt $1.50 nnd $1.95. Great Clearitic: Thousands of pnlra of flno high grade Ox-1 ford Ties and Slippers on salo at nlmost 50c1 on tho dollar, to closo out. I'ositlvely $2, ' $2.50 and $3 Oxford Ties on salo at $1.17. 9SC FOR LADIES' $1.60 STRAP SLIP PERS With turn soles, neat coin toes and opera heels, sizes 214 to 8, per pair 9Sc. $1.97 for LADIES' $3 PATENT LEATHER OXFORD TIES Sizes 3 to 7. widths C, D and E, on salo Monday at $1.97. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS AND SHOES M lso' flno $1.50 Vlcl Kid Turn Solo Strap Slippers, sizes 11 to 2, at $1. Children's flno $1.35 Vlcl Kid Strap Slip pcrs, with turn solea and patent leather tips, slzffl S to 11, at 93c. mm 640 Dozen Women's Sample HOSE Go on Sale today 39c The Greatest Cloak Sale WOMEN'S SILK TAPES, lined with silk and trimmed with silk lace and satin the SH.OO quality- $1.98 sale price. WOMEN'S MAX-TAILOHED SUITS, made in the height of fashion, worth Q QA up to 25, clearing sale price. . VsVU WOMEN'S SILK ETON JACKETS, made of excellent quality corded taffeta, lined lace trimmed, a $4.50 garment for Women's Silk Dress Skirts of them in stock Omaha combined. than all tho this sale, well $6.98 Wash Waists In this department wo lend thorn all. Moro Wash Waists than you over saw. Thousands upon thousands of them. Ono tnblo of wnlsts nt 121c. Ono tnblo of Waists, trimmed with Inser tion and embroidery, nt 39c. All our $1.00 Wnlsts and $1.50 Walt, trimmed with laco and Insertion nnd om broldory In this Special Salo nt, each, 50c. 100 dozen Whlto Lawn Waists, trimmed with Insertion and embroidery, tho $2.00 ".unllty, for 90c. Extra fine lino of Whlto Wnlsts at $2.00, $3.00. $1.00, $3.00 and $i5.00 each. Special Sale Prices on Wrappers 100 dozen Wrappers, mado of excellent finality percales, extra waist lining, extra wldo at tho hips, a regular $1.23 wrappor, at 39c. 30 dozen Wrappers, tho $2.00 and $2.00 quality, at $8c. "icStumBiocmCo Sale on Shoes CHILDREN'S flno $1.00 Vlcl Kid Strati Slippers, sizes fi to 8, at 7"c. MISSES' lino $2.23 l'nt.nt Leather Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, on enlo nt $1.50. OHILUREN'3 flno $2.00 Patent Loathor Shoes, sizes 8 to 10'a, at $1.25, LADIES' fine Vlcl Kid $3.00 Turn Solo ahoea at $1.97. Men's and Boys' Shoes MEN'S lino Vlcl Kid $3.00 "Crown Shoes on rale at $1.91, BOYS' flno Satin Calf $2.00 Shoos at $1.60.