0 CLEAN AND EASY VICTORY ' ... . . Onnb Pifsati Ka-MM City by a Ecore f 1TTU IU UHI GRANDSTAND IS PACKED TO LIMIT Third Ilinrnfnll In Hnnld Succession for the IC:i villi; foltd Story In Iletnll of lion It llnpiirnnl. In the vernacular of the street Sun day's game of ball at the Vinton Street park betv.ecn the Ilourklte and the Kaw- vllle colts wa. not only a peach, but a i whole tree full of tht luscious fruit, and what made It more dell '; P'"-t was tho fact that Omaha took It clean and easy by a scoro of 2 to 1 and administered the . ing of both tenms was excellent. The only lourtn. , , Mr,i .nnr.aiv .irffiif m Tehran's nets. error by Waldron did not llgure In tho Four-oared race: Pennsylvania first, Co third successive defeat lol tncau a pois. j b(jt u f(l8l gecoud. Cornell third. Ono of tho largest audiences of tho sea- fi-lclfnit behind him kept the score down. , ,u""' 8 ",',, "',,li n, nrp.llrtr.l l,v ron was there to see It done, the bleachers' Attendance, 4,fino. Score: These are the rcsul s as predicted by stand and carriage field being about as full , MILWaukkb. . , CLUVELASD. those who are recognized as experts In . , ,,.i,i. nn,i nl. MV hnw that multitude i ,m ....... - did make the welkin ring when In tho Inn ,olf r.f ihr. tilnlh Innlnt? "Satidv" Mc- , .now ... v. . ........ . - ... .. ... .... 1. 1- Andrews swaum ono oi .nr. uu a benders so hard that the ball fairly plowed a furrow in tho ground In Its Journey past the pitcher across second base and ut Into Center Fielder .Ketcham's garden, al- ' Iniln. Si.niMi," Taotrhor tn irnrn thn ' ..... ft., ih.v fr.A ulr.u I v mil nf. . , , . ... ... .M tUnlf ilio grounds wan joyous smucs upon iucir niuiiuiis . .n... uj ....... faces, showing plainly that, not only had -.i ,i1( n .c...,,.-. D """'' ..v,- .o (ilory for llcrninn. T ttnr.nan In rllln Ihn llnn'jl hArP UraUIPy tO I.nl.' IlltlCC. lll Oil DUVI'IS M.I- To Wizard Herman Is duo the lions enarc wauhl! 5 i:leVl.nlll, s, Tlme: 1:30. I'm of tho glory. Ho fanned out eleven of tho pi,. c.intllllor. blue-hotcd heavy sluggers, gavo but two! Urrorn Ulvr. (innir to ClilrnKO. passes and let tho visitors !iavo..bUV.t,r i CHICAGO. June 30.-Cronln s error, fol- nits, woir, too, did cxceiieni worn, sirin-, Ing out eight Kidnapers and allowing but ,,. hH .wo f which however, were uen Jilts, two ot wuic ,n, nowevcr, wu bunched In each of the first and last inn- Iocs so as to allow a run In each case, both of which wcro earned. Kansas City mado Its lonely scoro in tho third by virtue of a temporary lit of generosity on tho part of tho "Wizard," who after Mcsltt had been retired at first donated a pass to Wolf. Ketchatn sacrificed to Herman, but It was not needed, for Hartmau poked the first ball pitched such a Jolt In tho proboscU that It almost knocked a board otf the center field fence. This scored the little tow-hended pitcher and landed Hartman on third, but ho quit there on Miller's strike out. 11 (Mr it llniipcncd. After Fleming and Toman bad been re tired flcnins hit to Hartman and beat the ball to first, stealing second on the next ball pitched. Letcher followed with a long slnglo to ccntor, scoring Genius, but was caught on an attempted steal. In tho fourth, with two gone, Letcher walked. He went to third on .McAndrcws' lung drive to second, but was called out at homo on the return of Meant tt's throw to Lowoo to head off McAndrcws at second. This decision was a questionable ono, the crowd holding to a man that tho catcher did not lay the ball upon Letcher till after he had slid safely over tho base. With ono out .In the ninth inning, Letcher drovo the ball against tho left field fence for two sacks, and scored on McAndrews' safo drive to center. Fully 6,000 people witnessed tho game. Score: OMAHA. AD. It. II. I 0 1 O. A. E. 1 0 0 1 2 U 1 2 1 3 0 0 0 2 0 10 1 0 0 0 0 11 2 0 0 2 0 27 U "i O. A. E. 0 0 0 1 2 1 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 4 ii 1 0 0 12 1 0 0 3 0 25 13 1 Fleming, If 4 Toman, ss 4 Genius, 2b 4 1'tchcr, rf 3 McAndrcws. 3b 3 Calhoun, lb 3 Held, cf 3 Oondlng, c 3 Herman, p 3 Totals 30 2 KANSAS CITY. AH. ... 3 ... 4 ... 4 ... 3 ... 3 ... 3 U , ... .1 ... 3 n. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 II 1 II. 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Kctchnm, Hartman, Miller. If. cf.... 2b.... lb'.'.;! 3b.... Iliashcar, Itohlnson, lswee, ss. llevllln, rf MCFStlt, c. Wolf, p... Totals 2$ 1 Omaha 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 Knnsas City 00100000 0-1 Karned runs: Omnha, 2. Three-base hit Hartman. Two-base lilt: I.etcher. Sac rtflce lilt: Kntcham. First baso on balls: Off Herman. 2: off wolf, 1. Stolen bases Fleming. Genius, McAndrewJ. Hit ly pitched ball: Hy Wolf. 1. Struck out: Ry Herman, 11: by wolf. S. Pusscd ball Gondlng. Time: 1:20. Umpire: Keith. St. I'nul Winn nuil I.ohcx. ST. PAUL, Junu 30.-St. Paul unl Colo riulo Snrlnus broke even today. Tho visit ors won the first gamo by bunching four lilts in tno ursi inning, uoioraao springs played a miserable fielding game In tho srrnnd contest, us (I d St. Paul in the llrst I.lppcrt played a line gnmo In right tlrld for St. Paul and delighted the bleachers by throw ng Tim uonanuc out at nrst on u lilt to right. Attendance, 4,000. Score, first game: H.U.R. St. Paul 02000000 02 !) 7 Colo. Springs.. 30000010 -4 93 Ilatterles: Colorado Springs, Pnrvln and Dniianuc; t. raui, aicuiu and wnson. Umpire: Carruthers. Second gnme: n.H.K, St. Paul 0 2 0 0 1 2 0 0 0-5 9 t Colo. Springs.. 2 00002000 J71 Ilatterles: St. Paul. Check nnd Holmes; Colorado Springs, Renin and Douahuo. Umpire: Carruthers. St. .In xept i Loses .tcnln. DISS MO KKH, Juno 3. Jiaiin n was nn easy mark for the local club today, while immmnnn was n puzzlo to the St. Joseph team. A(iciuin(.(., tjv, ouarc; It.H.K. De Moines ..02030042 11 lfl 0 St Joseph ...000000 000060 Ilatterles: Dos Moines, Dammann and uoie; Hi. josepn, JMiiupin una doom. MluiieilliolU IlltM llinvlly. MINNEAPOLIS. June 30.-Mcredlth wns pounded hard in the fourth and eleven Mln ueapolls players had u chance at bat. Fer guson pitched n fast game. A two. bagger Tim Ormsby Says: "Are you going to church today, Tlra?" aikctl tho desk sergeant, noticing that his frlond was polishing his shoes with the fat prisoner's hair brush. "Not unless they's a coin wavo so I can wear my ulster, I won't," answered Tim. "Theso new fashions for church duds Is comln 'by so fast that the umplro'll cull strikes on me before I can spit on my hands." "Ain't your shirtwaist done up?" "Naw; all my shirtwaists bns got the slooves cut off nt tho shoulder." "Well, what do you think of tho idea, anyway, Tim?" "I think by the time all the women takes off their lids an' nil the gents gets on them sassy calicoes tho congrcgatlon'll look like class day exercises at a female seminary. An' I see all tho sky pilots has come out for 'em, too changed the league rules cUar down tho line, an' cut out them undertaker sulto. Well, I stands pat on tnat ruling. I ain't one that Bays a man must get religion by th' sweat of his slats." "No, you'ro mistaken, Tim," said the emergency officer. "The pastors are not unanimous In favor of tho shirtwaist. Somo still bold out for conventional garb." "Oh, they do? Well, then, I see their finish. Was I tollln' you about what hap pens to th' missionary In ttr FIJI Islands that makes a rulln' llko that? No, I'm nover In th' Fiji Mauds, but 1 boa a friend !Ai?cnadat5!ei.5srcBWr the,r on,iyur; Minneapolis ... 0 0 0 7 t 0 0 0 14 2 Denver 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-162 ' Batteries! Minneapolis, Kcrguson mid i McConticlli Denver, Meredith ami v. suu Wcstrrn l.rnKUp .Vtunillnu. Won. Kannns City .14 Omaha 23 I.oit. 20 2.1 21 I'.O. .R20 ,M ,B2fl .".:s Mi .lit Minneapolis xi Ht. Joseph 2) Ht I'alll 24 , Colorailo Springs 2J Dos Moines 20 Denver 1 27 31 SO .3ii AMERICANS GETBUT ONE HIT DonliitK nt Mllnnukec I'llcltes Strong (innir Annlnst III Old Team mntrs. MILWAUKEE, June SO.-DowlInK pitched V;.nM T .TIs old' 'AerlH teammates today, letting them l wn wit l u',n tlme' t0 1U tlu, rUMIlcr 01U, The Held- . . . '" "V';, ; wnKiron, ri u i i i'ickt g, i 3 a o U 2 3 0 0 1 oiihert. 2b.. o ft ) ll.illman. If. 0 0 I 6 o Muf'arl'y, it i o OO'tlrlen, rf.. 2 AmWs'n, 11)0 0 19 0 0 lloCk, :b.... 1 ... Anilr n : ; t o 2 12 0 0 4 3 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 114 0 C6Moy ,,, 0 j 3 o usch'ce. in. i 0 Ollrmiley, 3b. 1 3 0JaRr, c.... 0 0 0 8hcltck, cs 0 4 O'lJowllnB, p. 0 'I'rcll, cf 0 0 3 U' 3b-c" J J jtuy, J,,,,' o o o Totals ...0 12? 13 l! Toml 7 l o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 1 AIUWHUKCe U Cleveland li ri II 2 1 II 1 O 37 I v - - - - . Karned runs: Cleveland. 7. Two-bafo hits: Hr.idley (2), I'lckerlng. Tl;tee-b. ,Ml- McCarthy. Humo run: Heck. First ba. o ,m balls: Off Hcldy. 1; off Dow In..-, I. lilt y iciipu inn: Anuisrsoii. , iiu ,)-I u. ..... i. t,..l.t. T. i, In ' Conrov to Oilhcrt to Anderson. 1 (,w., i,y t httu similes, uavc ChiU.iKO i day's American game with Detroit. Uotti P'tchcrs were at their best. Callahan 1(jme r(Jn wkh th(, ,ongcst hlt cvor Mla.jtf on tne grounds. Attendance, 12.W). ijcorei OHlCAUu. f DUTUOIT ii n o a. i: It H.O.A.K. Hoy. cf 0 1 0 2C.-ir.fy. 3b.... 0 0 u llultn.-, rf.. 0 0 2 Jonen, rf.... 0 1 1 Mel-ten, 2b.. 0 0 j lubell, ll... 0 0 10 llurtman, 3b 0 1 2 HluiKiirt, is. Q 0 3 M' Kur'U, If. 1 0 2 Hugilen, c... 1 1 J Callahan, p. 2 2 1 2 lHurrctt. cf.. 1 1 0 Glcaion, Sb. U 2 0 Klbcrfeld. n 0 2 0 Nance. If.... 0 MeAlU'r. lb 1 Shaw, c 0 I'ronln, p.... 0 0 0 2 0 C 0 Totals .... 4 5 27 14 3 Totals ....2 7 SI 10 1 Chicago 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 '4 Detroit 0001001U 02 I'tt on bases: Chicago, 3; Detroit. 4. Two-baso lilt: Shaw. Three-base hit". Hartman. Homo run: Callnhan. Sacri fice hits: Hoy, Hartman. Stolen liases: McFarland. Callnhidi. Holmes. Dauble plays: Hartman to Merles. Casoy to Mc Allister. Struck out: liy Cnllalian, 2, by Cronln, 1. First base on balls: Off Cronln. Hit w th ball: Jniics. L'nmlii. Time: 1:55. Umpire. Huskell. Aiuci-lcnn I.vukiiv StnndliiK. Won. Lost. 20 19 20 21 '.'li 32 31 P.O. .iVIS .r.20 .571 .5U W.. ,z .351 Chicago 37 lioston 31 iinlttmoto 27 Washington 25 Detroit 30 Philadelphia 21 Cleveland 13 Milwaukee 19 LEE-GLASS WINS ANOTHER Tnlies a Mnnppv and llxcltlnn: timuc from the .Mlxnourl Volley Tcnm. MISSOURI VALLEY. Ia.. June 30.-(SDe- clai.) The Lee-aiass-Andreeson team of Omaha and tho Missouri Valley team played thu nest and most exciting game, or tnc season hero today, lioth teams played snappy ball from the start to llnlsh. The work of Neff. Snaln and Mcngcdoht of Lee- Olass-Andreesen and the pitching of Hop- Kins were tnc icaturcs or tnc game, acore: Ij.-u.-a. i mu. VAi.L.r;Y. n.H.O.A.13.1 R.H.O.A.B, Lund. rf.... o 110 0 William, 2b 0 I 1 1 0 Spain, Sb,... 0 Scaneld'd. If 1 Drlticol. 3b.. 1 Mtnicc't, lb. 1 Tracy, ss... 0 0 2 4 0 Shutter, c... 0 0 10 0 1 0 10 0 Mtinn, If.... 0 0 0 1 0 110 0 Hopkins, p.. 0 0 0 0 0 1 13 0 1 Mlddle'n, cf 0 I 3 0 0 10 5 1 Hallett. lb. 2 2 6 0 0 race, cf 0 Co, c 0 0 0 0 0 Itcif, rf 0 10 0 1 2 9 2 1 Stevens, 3b. 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 1 O.Irish, is 0 0 2 1 1 Nfff, p 0 Totals .... 3 7 27 12 4 Totals .... 2 623 5 3 Neff out, hit by batted ball. L. Q. A 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 -3 Missouri Vnllcy 01 0. 00000 1-2 Karned runs: Lee-Glass-Andreesen, 2. Sacrifice hit: Mengedoht. Double play: Snaln to Mengedoht. Three-baso hit: Hal lett. 1'ussed ball: Shaffer. First base on balls: Off Neff, 2; oft Hopkins, 2. Struck out: By Neff, S; by Hopkins, 10. Time 1:15. Umpire: Hay Noyes. Colnmliun Pitcher lilt Hard. COLUMHUS, O., Juno 30. Columbus made a great batting rally In the ninth, scoring lour earneu runs aner two were oui. Grand Kaplds' lead was too great to over come, however. Williams was hit hard and the locals fielded poorly. Attendarcs, 1,806. Score: ll.H.K Columbus 00010000 45 8 ( Grand Rapids.. 10010122 0-7 9- Batteries: Grand Rapids, Halley nnd Zaluskv: Columbus. Wl lams and Zlnram At Wheeling Wheeling, 12; Marion, 7. At Fort Wayne Fort Wayne. 4; Toledo. 8. At Dayton uayion, is; inuianapoiis, s. Unique Win from Union l'aclflcia. Uniques went to Council muffs yestcr day afternoon and gave the Union Pacifies of that place a drubbing. Tom Sulllvnn was in the box ror the Uniques anil pltcned a fine game, allowing but four scatter, d nils: score; R.il.l Uniques 0 1 5 1 1 0 0 2 -0 12 4 Union Pacific. . 001000200-346 Batteries: Uniques, Sullivan nnd Henry; Union Pacifies, Nestlebush, " Safelder and Devlne, Next Sunday the Uniques will play thi Originals at Vinton street park. Soldiers Win Easily. The Tenth United Stntcs Infantry t?am won nn eaRy victory at Fort Crook Satur day from the Papllltons by a score of 17 to 2. The soldiers havo played sixteen games this season and lost one, Score: K.H.B. Tenth Infnntry 4 1 1 0 7 3 1 0 '-17 15 4 Pnpllllon 100000010 26 11 Struck out: By Rotliermnl. 0; by Dnup, 6. Batteries: Tenth Infnntry. Rothermal and Kcmery; Papllllon, Doup nnd Pike. that was. He's a French chof of a railroad construction gang out of Chattanoogo, an' ho's been everywhere. Th' map o 'th world 13 all punched full o' shoepeg holes where he's been Htumpln' around over It. Well, he hands mo a bunch o' talk ono day about tho Flfj island modes. Tho native gents don't wear shirtwaists to church down there. No, their glad rags Is a cut away suit o" fig leaves mostly cutaway. "Well, this missionary o' Frenchy's roads 'em th' riot act one day about clo's. Ho tells 'em th' chapel ain't no bathtn' beach, an' thnt their dekolet costooms Is offensive an" unchristian. They must wear plo Jammers or barrels or bicycle skirts or some old thing. At this tho chief's gets on a sassy mooch, and soon as they can build a lire out In tho brush this mis sionary that objects to th' fig leaf dressln' Is served up In frlcaseo dressln', with a light batter o' eggs. "That's why I say I can see their finish. Th' Omaha sky pilot may not be good to eat, but he'll, find It a smicomlsh business to make unpopular rutins' on clo's when the mercury's leapln' hurdles, nn' th' street cars Is runnln' to th' parks. Shirt waists don't spell nothln' to them any how, s'long ns thoy've got pockets In 'em. "Shirt waists is like what the country newspaper says o' Mrs. O'Fallan'a twins they's come to stay. Undo Sam gives 'cm his o. k., and lots the letter carriers wear 'em, and' the aext tblos oa th' bill lilK OMA1TA ALL EYES ON WISCONSIN Expirt Judgment ForecMti Its Winninj tht 'Vanity Race. COLUMBIA IS NOT ROWING SO WELL Syracuse Mny Tiro Out Cornell I'cnn n)lwililll HlJiriMcd to !ct the Four-Onred, with Colum bia Second. 1'OUOHKECI'SIE, N. Y., June JC The 'vntslty race: Wisconsin first, Cornell sec ond, Columbia third, with Pennsylvania, Syracuse and Georgetown fighting for fourth place. Freshman race: Cornell first, Columbia second. Pennsylvania third and Syracuse nuuatics. mere are picniy nero luuuy, many of them men who have wntched the crews train and who believe that they know something of tho relative capacity of each, who will not chango these selec tions. The Judgment as to Wisconsin's winning tho 'varsity race comes from an excellent source and after those pronounc- ing such judgment mm seen tno crew on tho river last night. This was tho prac- .1.. ... ...uii. -..,-...., i.i I. ...... n. nn...t (,i UILU V Ul'il Ditlll 1IU . ..O UUl ftUUU, ,h :,' , " , " ,," ,,,, , vnr attention to the fact that last year no- body knew of the splendid ability of Wis- cousin's crew, while Its coach was con ndimif uihiuuiuhk mc ii nun mo men were not in tno most perreci snapc. WImcoiinIii'm Sti-ndy Work. Watched from the Associated Press boat last evening nnd with unfavorable water conditions, Wisconsin's 'varsity crew kept the boat perfectly trim and sent it nlong at a marvelous speed without n check between the strokes. There nro still those who believe that Columbia, because of Its wonderful time row tho other day, will have a splendid chance for first place nut It Is generally believed, despite protcsta tlons, that It Is a settled fact tho crew Is not rowing as well ns It did a week ago, while both Cornell and Wiscon sin and even Pennsylvania's new crew have all Improved. There Is no heavy betting on any of tho crews mentioned for first place and whero there Is betting no odds are olfercd. It Is believed that for two miles it will be tho hardest kind of a light. FlRht Aiuoiik the Three. Judging from the present condition of the crews and barring accidents nnd sub stitutions it Is thought that Wisconsin, Cornell and Columbia will draw away from the others and light It out for first, sec ond and third places. Tho reasons tho sharps pick Wisconsin as a winner is that it is believed Georgetown and Syracuse, with crews used to rowing two miles, will do tho same ns Georgetown did last year and cut out a terrible pace for tho first two miles, hoping to obtain a lead that will help them to finish well. The result of Georgetown's efforts last year was to ttrc out Cornoll so badly that nt the third mile It was unablo to pick up the stroke enough to keep In tho van. Wisconsin, however, never seems to bother about theso little things and has always had enough reserve force In its boat to do extra spurting in the last mile. For Pennsylvania, It may bo said that Mr. .. . .(. li. ii varu ut mu. CAmi urn. do much toward getting near first place. Syracuse and Georgetown are both rowing very well, keeping their boats on even keel, not splashing and not catching very badly, but so far as can be observed the do not nppear to have the steam for a long raco that Is at present In tho other boats. Cornell Freshmen SniiKiilne. Tho picking of a winner In the freshman race Is based mainly on tho clean And clever work of tho Cornell freshmnn crew. They havo a boat that goes along all tho time and, while Columbia and Pennsylva nia also havo splendid crows, It is said by thoso who havo watched them closely that no freshman's boat on tho river trav els so smoothly and so speedily as the Cornell boat. In the four-oared race Pennsylvania Is put down as a sure winner, although Co lumbia's men do not concede it. Soveral of the coaches on tho river declare that tho Pennsylvania boat will havo llttlo or no troublo in walking away from tho others. Poughkecpsle Is expecting the vanguard of tho visitors tomorrow and the general Idea hero Is that thoro will bo moro people here to witness Tuesday's races than have ever beforo been hero. MOST DAVENPORT EVER HAD Entries for Ilnee Meet Xumlier 1H1 2il7 Puce Starts the Talk. DAVENPORT. In., June 30.-(Speclftl.1- The final entries for the July races of the Davenport Mile Track association, received today, make the total number of horses entered 181. the argest field ever starte 1 here. The dates are July 8-12. with Robert Newton starter. Horsemen are speculating with interest on me resuu or tne s:tH pace, which has Little Boy, Riley B nnd Mnlor Muscovite among the six starters. Thoro nrn twe.ntv-four starters for the 2:40 trot. twenty for tho 2:30 trot nnd seventeen for the 2:20 trot, The 2:23 pace has clglilien entries nnd the 2:13 and 2:10 paco have a dozen each Three! l.ciiKiie, At Decatur Rockford. fi: Decatur. 3. At Illoomlngton Cedar Rapids, 2; Hloom Ington. 1. At Tcrro Haute Torre Haute, 2; Daven port, 1. Dletr. Wins In Third. Tho C. N. Dletz ulna won yesterday from tho Mcrcnimt urowns or i-ouncii minis, Shirtwaists is So a Man Don't Have to Get Religion by th' Sweat of Mis Slats. they'll bo green nnd red striped coppors walkln' their beats hero in Omaha. Thon you cops'lt glvo a fancy shirtwaist party an get wrote up by th' sosslty ed'ters. It'll bo 'Pat Ryan, scarlot waist, with yoke, trimmed with point lace. Frills In front an' necklace o' seed pearls.' " "Oh, I don't think It'll go that far," said the desk sergeant. "Yes, I can seo It now. It'll be on th' sosslty page o' tho Sunday papers, with all th cm cuts o' hot duds from Paris, There'll be Sam Reigleman lookiu' ns beautiful as a fairy queen In a turkols-blue wnlBt, cut low In front with short ruffled sleeves' an a broad sash, daintily looped up behind. Dan Davis will bo sweet In a canary colored shirtwaist with pasameutry an' apollquo accessories. That s th' way tho sosslty ed'tors '11 servo you up. An' Chief Donahuo '11 wear a pearl gray waist, frilled In front, with dimity caught In loops over th' corsage. An', sayl Dan Raldwln 'II be radiant as a June mornln' In n creation o' yellow an' black with gauze Insertion above th' low cut bosom, an1 they'll bo a largo rosette at tho front with loosely caught ribbons reachln' to th' bolt, glvln' th' empire elfect, which '11 bo very becomln' tn Dan's style o' beauty. "Say, Mr. Desk Sergeant; you can count mo In on that shirtwaist party. I'll be In charge o' th' cloak room, nn' check th' gentlemen's wraps for 'em." DAILY DEE: MONDAY, Tho gamo was warm all through. Dletz doing exceptionally line work In the third Inning, mnklng eleven hits, which netted ten runs. The pitching of White of the Dlctz team was good. Score! Dletz . 0 1 10 1 0 0 0 0 -12 llrowns . . .3 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0-7 Unttcrles: Dletz, White and Hathnwnyj llrowns, Hemrlck, Kmerson and Shugart. Hits: Dletz, 15; Drowns, 7. YACHTS READY FOR THE RACE Constitution mid t'oltinililn ICipect to Snll Thirty-Mile Course it Xrvrport, NEWPOItT, It. l.TTiinc 30.-The yachting season for the big ninety-footers and also the llrst of the tuning up races of the In tended cup defender. Constitution, begins tomorrow with a thirty-mile race between the new Herrcfhoff production nnd the champion of l9, Columbia. The two yacms are ueing in nncnor iuimi;iu umiui half a mile of each other and nt 11 o'clock tomorrow win im sent orr tor n iiiiuen mile race to windward or leeward and re turn. A largo lleet of both stenm nnd sal hie vnclitH nn rluxtrreil about tlu' two nicer.-) nnd will no out for the sport tomor row mornliiu. Mr Herrcshoff has made many Improvements In Constitution. 'I he great speed and all-around ability of Co- iiimnia huikc ii Mill a great invunio nmuns those who saw It work off this port two weeks ago. As usual, the start will no mane ai Ilrenton's reef lightship, two miles off Uatesman's Point, nnd can easily bo seen by those on shore. It Is thought the course tomorrow will be thirty mlics to wind ward or leeward The committee has tho option of ordering thu yachts over a tri angular course ten miles on a side. The races tomorrow and tint of Wednesday will be under the auspices of the New York Yacht club. BOAT SHOWS ITS POWERS Independence Covers Sc cut y-Flvt" Mile to Windnnril In i:ili tcen Hours. NEW LONDON .tunc 30. That the lndc- pendence Is possessed of groat capabilities of going to windward was shown today In thn null Irnm Vlnevurrl Miivnii to New Lon don, a distance of seventy-tlvo miles, which It covered In exa tiy elgnteen nours. i lie llrst twenty miles was a dead heat down Vineyard Sound, but the remaining iiuy- 11 vo miles were mado In two long hitches and u short one of seven nines, tne ynciu snlllug nearly the entire distance under three lower sails and working topsail. Tho sen was comparatively smooth, ex cept from Gay iloail to Point Judith, but tno ynciu met ine neavy rouern ui'iwmi "lo it "'nil averaged ten knots, getting up to tw.lvo at times, while thero were somewhat calmer periods. Scrlliner Ii One It mi Sliy. WBST POINT, Neb.. Juno CO.-fSneclal TclegrnniO-Wist Point today tlefeaieii Scrlbncr at the local ball park In an ex citing contest, which It took o even In nings to decide. West Point allowed nil of Scrlbner's runs un errors u the Jir part of the game The work of Uluir, Scrlbner's left llclilcr, was the feature, his lefthandod catch of n fly receiving groat applause. Score: J( West Point 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 1 0 0 1-7 12 't! Scrlbner 3100020000 0-1 3 8 ilatterles: West Point. Chuda nnd Hayes: Scrlbner. Turner, Meyer and Uugan. Karned runs: West I'olnt, o; seriuncr, u. mri;u base hits: Hunker Chada. Two-base hit: Krause. Sacrifice hits: Hill, Krause. lilt by pitched ball: Hy Chada. fi: by Turner. 1. First bane on bnlls: Off Chada. 1: nft ise on nans; un Liuum, i, im. Struck out: Hy Chada, 10; by Time: 2:00. umpire: RedUe Turner, 2. Turner. 9. and Crucliabank. GIiiiIcn Help Ornud Island. GRAND ISLAND. Neb,. June 30.-(Sp - clal Telegram.) Grand Island ncccr.ted Ravenna's 'challenge and played the chal lengers here today, making thirty-llvo hits to their one. score: Grnnd Island 1 1 9 4 1 16 0 1 5-3S Ravenna 0 0 0 o o o o u u v HntterlpR! Grntirt Inland. Hoffmelstcr and Art Olndo and Phil Glade; Ravenna, Kozel, Mekvicku unci J. liurytu. Southern I,cnniie. MEMPHIS, Tenn., June 30. Score: ..... ii. ii.i-.. Memphg 3 'o.o-O. 2 5 C 0 -lB 19 3 isew urieans.. i-iuui-juii o u n s Hatterles: Memphis. Rhoades nnd Arm strong; now unoans, I'rceman ana au bntt. SHRKVEPORT. La.. June 30. Little Rock-Shrevcport gnmo postponed; rain. Victory for Went Ilnd. West Omaha and Hanscom nark played ball at Forty-fourth and Jones streets yes terday. The west umanas won uy me score of 7 to 6. The pitching of both teams was the featuro of the gnmo. Hatterles: West Omaha, H. Hlnzlc nnd Harmon; Hans com l'aric, interne nnu wcunurey. Wr 0 Of Twelve Hit i Western Girls 0 ft to The Bee hns a treat In store for twelve western girls who earn their own living. It Intends to send them on the twelve best trips which can be planned and pay all of their expenses, including everything. Not only this, but so that they can enjoy the vacation to the fullest limit, railroad tickets will be provided for whom ever they choose to go with them. Who they shall be is to be determined by the read ers of The Bee. Everyone should save their coupons and it may help some girl whom you know to be par ticularly deserving of a vacation to win a place. Such a trip they could probably never take otherwise; surely not without a great deal of sacrifice and saving. To vote, cut a coupon from page two, fill it out properly and deposit it at The Bee ofllce or mail to Vacation Contest Dept. The Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. f iij 0 to to to to to to to to to to to 3999999 t" rs, r- ADVICE by our Physicians ami a FREE S : ne aibo Froo rtomo l .i np.prininir svmr nmN una cuusu ui wiovanc E3 receipts and prescriptions In plain latiKuage, sarins you heavy doctor s blllt, ask for It. Dr. Kay's Renovator urea the very worst cnes of Dyspepsia. Constipation, Headache, Palpitation of Heart lvt I.-l.lu ,IU!iGnH nnrl hnil .rrnllltR of F..1 (Jrll.DO. Send for Proof Of It. k4 Lf . . 'SIj cures the verv worst cnes ot Dyspepsia. -fll write us about an your sympio I'rlto us about all your symntoms. Sold by Ml send us25cts. or $1.00 and o will se-.d Dr, rn rto a .1 ir a v M?n nm r Liver Eiin K iinev (Unease ana con .resuus 01 i.iiutii.iic. ncim im in mi u n LEA&PE Tho Original Worcestershire BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, It is highly approved for tho de- Tfciuitnturioierytxntio. licious flavor which it imparts to y .6 . A , Welsh Rarebits, etc. rma iiiQn i,nnm. aiculs. 3TLY 1, 1H01. ANOTHER YACHT LOOMS UP Karlnd it Eajutid to TaV FUci r Shamrock II. OWNER CLAIMS WONDERFUL SPEED Kenneth M. Clnrk Would Curry the CliiilleiiKC to America lllinxclt If III limit I'rotc Iti Worth, ROTHESAY, Scotland, June 30. A de velopment as Intensely Interesting as It wiu entirely unexicctcd has occurred con cerning the challenge of the America's cup, This Is due to the action of Kenneth M. Clark, owner of tho cutter Karlad. Mr. Clark has had three opportunities of racing Karlad against Shamrock I and has wit nessed nil the trials of Shamrock I since It was refitted. His observations have led htm to doubt whether Shumrock II Is the yacht to scud to American waters as a challenger for the cup. Ho has a belief amounting to a conviction that Karlad Is n better boat, length for length, thnn Shamrock II and ho desires to seo this question settled before any yacht goes out as a challenger. When Interviewed today by a representative of thu Associated Press, Mr. Clark said he had no deslro whatever to push himself forward In the matter and had hoped to havo an oppor tunity of resolving his own doubts quietly In the ordlnnry races In which ho expected the two Shamrocks to take part. llellee He ("nn llent Shnturoeh's. "It now appears, however," Bald Mr Clark, 'that tho challenger will only bo tried against Shamrock I. Kvcn If both failed to win, tho result would only show which of the two excelled nnd would give no real proof as to whether cither Is the best boat wo havo available. The contest b an International affair In the fullest sense of tho word and for tho credit of Ilrltlsh yachting and tho good of sport It Is desirable that tho Ilrltlsh sldu ot the contejt should bo upheld by the best avail able boat. I believe that Karlad Is faster than cither of tho Shamrocks. I may bo wrong, but that Is my opinion and I believe I havo excellent reasons for holding It. "I desire an opportunity to enter Knrlad lu thu trials. If this request Is not granted I shall challenge Sir Thomas Llpton to trial races butwecn Shamrock II nnd Knrlad, to be sailed over courses similar to those for tho America's cup, In order to decide which should bo sent ns the challenger." Ctnrk'a Cutter Fills the Mill. When nsked whether Karlad was elig ible and whether ho would carry the chal lenge If Knrlad should prove the faster. Mr. Clark said he had no deslro to go to the United States, but If It should be proved that Great lirltaln had a better chance of success through his boat he was prepared to carry tho challenge through, iSFOBD'B OSWEGO "Silver Gloss" Is unsurpassed for fine Linen Muslins and delicate Laces. &&&&&& m (0 m m 999999 9999935 AMPLE rontmoni "u i"k lilusm ted book . - j mm uni. ..- ...... .... ". ...... Willi vvai t . . T.-..--.- TI.I.I...I TT . Lonsiipiuinn, iiraunc.ir, j-niinui,iuii umii drutfgtsts, don't accept any sub&tltuto t ut I Kay's Innovator ty return man, Auursss, j ' r 1 Nnrainirn nnr men. n. t. SAUCE aumu. - . , JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, Actnts, N, V. mm INDIGESTION AND CONSTIPATION Thfje lie twin evils which weik ieilou mlschiff In the humin body. They sp the itrength, destroy tneify snd Impoverish the Meed, As remit of these Ailments, the system RrJu lly t'ecomej d.sorJereil nJ the con stitution weakened so tint the body loses vitality nJ Is unfit tosUnd the strain of hud or continuous labor; thus, the victim otters a hlnlng mark lor IdJney disease, lun trouble or the life-crushing; malarial fever. An easy and certain means of warding ofl this condition is wlihin the reach el every one. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS the System RefjuLite-r, !: the remedy. A lew doses whenever the digest.M ll disturbed, or when the bowels (all to move regularly, will remove the diffi culty and stimulate the vital organs to a tetter and more complete per formance of their duties, With vigor and rtjuUilty In th; stomach, liver, IdJneys anJ howeli, there can be no lo's cf strength or energy, the blood v.1.1 oe pure and nourlshlnr, and the capacity of the body tor work thereby maintained at the highest standard. Send for a bottle to-day. Keep It Always In the house. A half wine glassful when the stomach feels bloated, when the breath Is bad, or the bowels constipated, will quickly restore the feeling of vigor and cheei fulness. DRUCCI8T8 SELL IT AT SI.OO. PER . BOTTLE. UOTULS. ISS.Hotel Victory, Ulie world'! Urgent Bummer Iiotel. PuMn-Bay Island, LoK Erie, O. It Is renowned for the social standing of lis natrons, for lis dimensions and magnificence, for lis superb culclne and admirable service, for the lavlah provisions for amusement of lis fuests, for Its superb Brass Band and Orchcatra. It Is universally acknowlcdced that 1 1 poaiettea the atirlbuiea that appeal 10 particular people undoubted luxury and comfort, and superior ap noinlmenlit and fndrtnn. Tn ,h nl,..i. summer touritt It sundt for all that is most ' enioyaDie. Open from Juno 20 to Sept. 1 5 Hates t tt.to to ti.M rt tiny. 110. SO to Itt.CO week. Chsep Kates for Vamlllea. Send for Our Handsome Souvenir Folder. T. W. McCREARY, General Minute I'uUblta OhlrV. 721 Monroe St" Toledo, O. All Uil'rnnda entering Detroit, Mich,, Toledo, O., Hsnrttifky, O,, and ClnreU-il, , makeclnje dully steuaiboat ooooocttons for l'ut-ln-liay, o. Under entire New Mnnnucnicnt. HOTEL GERARD, 4-ttli Nl,, ISenr HrondTVHj. M2W YUHK. Absolutely Flrc 1'roof, modern and luxnrlnuM In nil Un aiilntiiicn.ii. Centrally Located. Auii-rlciui nnu I'.nroieim plan. COOL AND COMFOHT.MII.i: l SI MMKIt HoiiniH Nlnixle nnd eiimilte J. I. Hnmlileii' !, I'roiis, Alno AVON INN, AVON-IIY-TIIU-SKA. (V. J. Mil! nflect renort on Hie .New Jernej Count. THE CHICAGO BEACH Has nearly 1000 feet of veranda like the above. A nlch-class residential, tonrlitand trankletit hotel on the lake shore. M0 outside rooms. 2.'0 bath rooms. Most clcllphMil abldlnc; place In Mimmrr or winter In the West, 10 mlnntCH by 111. fentral exp. from theatre and ahoTipina; alstrletofnilcago, Flncsthotelon (troatlaUes with coif teuniH, tioatlnc.bathlnBand flihtnc KenC "or hanr'Mjrnp "iinnfrcteil boolcU STATLER'S HOTPL liiiri.'A r.r. v. v iincEsr in the world . 300 ft. from tho Main Entrance to the 13x- position. . . , , . . O nnrl 57 "ill i"or lotlglns. brenkfant 5 UIIU Ji.OU an, evu dinner. Itoom with bath extru. Send for free mups and folder, telllnr; ubout our Ouaranteud Ac rommodu lions 1'etepHene IOJSH. ioyd Commission Co fiuccessors to Jamee B. Boyd Co., OMAHA. NEB. COMMISSION (iltAlN IMIOVISIO.H AMI STOCKS. niit.nl uf Trade rttilldlnaj. Direct wires to Chlcaco unci New Torh ,, . ''dm a W j ii en k fo EDWARD C. HEEMAN Now with laJtrtlx-iaLX XC. Jones cfis Oo. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. OUAI.V I'HO VISIONS, STOCICS, flONOS AND COTTON. 220-220 LaSnlla Bt., OHICACO. Your battana MlUllwl, Oorrwod.no. Itlli. Ilallr snd iixol.l rorlit l.ltari nallM oo juHit. l'rlTat WlrM all latMHaal falsta h4 '(, DR. McGREW OSloft open con tlnnonl- from 8 . m, to f) p. m. nndsr from 1 8 a. ui. to n i. ni. (Dr. Jlollrew nl Awe ft2.) TIIK MOST StiCCIlSSrtb SPECIALIST In the treatment nf nil forum of Dlsi ruin nnd DUnrdrrn of .Men Only, -d fenrs' eiirrtrnor, in jenm In Omnhn, VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE A permnnent curr gunr.intird in lem thnn 10 drtyi, without cuttlntr, pain or loss of time, CTQIPTIIDC cured In less than 6 days 0 I nlU I UnC without pain or lilndrnnce from business, A perfect nnd permanent cure guarnntecd. CVDUII 1 a'd ell lllood PMenses cured OlrnlLIO by a treiitmcnt which Is far more satisfactory and succossful than "Hot Bprlngs" treatment, nnd nt less than haJf the cost All breaking nut and sIkiis of the disease disappear at once. A cure that la guaranteel for life nUCD Ofl nnO cnes cured of nervous UVtn ZUiUUU debility, Ions nf vltnllty and MANHOOD. bnshfulns. Gleet und all unnaturnl weakneeses of men. Cores ansranieril, L'niisiiltiit ton Prre. CHARGES LOW Treatment sent everywhere free from gate, I'. O llox Tfiti. Olllce over 21j South 14th street, between r'nrnam nnd Douglas street, OMAHA. NKU. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA DR0KBRS. ALEXANDEN JAUOBSEN CO., BROKERS AND MANIFACUJRLRS' AGENTS. SUITE 105 Bee BIdg., Omaha. Correspondence solicited with larpe deal rrs nnd manufacturers Interested in our niethod of personally lntrotlucliiK and fol lowing up tho sale of flrst-clnss merclmn dise of nil kind TO THE TllADB in Omnha, South Omaha nnd Council lilulTs Nobraska and Scstem Iowa. ELECTRICAL SU1TL1ES. VAestorn Eiecfrscal Electrical Supplies. fclsctrie Wlrlsg Bolls asd Qas LlgatlBi a. W. JOHNSTON. Mirr. 1610 Howard at. Davis & Cowgill Iron ""Works. KANOrACTURBRS AND JOBRBIUI OP MACHINERY. OBNERAIj nKPAIRINO A BPBCIAXTI IRON AND DRASB FOUNDERS, lltl, 1ft OS inoo Juakaam S treat. Oataka, Nab. Tel. BBS. B. Kskrlakla. AganU i. B. Cewgtll, UgS) ELEVATOR SUPPLIES. ELEVATORS Iaapreved Qulek and ICasy Rlalavg Steam, Electric and Hand Power Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATCH GATIS. Sand far catalogue. KIMBALT. DROS.. COUNCIL HLUrFS, It. MM nb Ettust. Telepbgns 111, r H. Davis & Son VsS Abcs 'r the nickm4 SRfelr 0t aad Viva Uoora. Blsrstor Hydraulic and Hsna aHUrstsrs. BleTStor repairing s specialty. Laathet VsIts Cups tor nisrsUrs, Englnss asl Printing Preaaaes. WALL PAPER. YatUr Wall paper Go., JOBBERS WALL PAPER. LArge, well aalected stock, prices same sa eastern houses latest novelties. Dealers send for 1901 s&mplo line and terms. 121f.-'"'" ,''i'- M . Oiiishn, COMMISSION. Havid Cole Go., Fresh Dressed Poultry, Oysters end otia So. l ith st. Omaha DRY GOODS. E. Smith & Go. Importers ans Jobstrssf Dry Goods, Furnishing Good AND NOTIONS. t'AlrtTS AND OILS. National Oil & Paint Co. (Incorporated.) MANOKACTURKUN AND .lOIlMSHS. Pa nts for all Purposes, Varnishes, etc. 1015 snd 1011 Jonea fit., Tel l.2l, Omahsj TENTS AND AWNINGS. Omaha Ten t & Awning Co.5 OMAHA, IVKII. TENTS FOR RENT. TENTS AND CANVAS COODS. .BHD FOR CATAI.OnCi: .MJMIIHIl 2.1.