Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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lian'i Body, Bhickiiglj Mangled, ii Ftund
on tht Tnoki. ,
He Win n l-'nrincr Hctirecn Mlmtcii
uml .Vciiln I'niicri In llln Poekctn
AJTd ill tin- Only .Menus of
Itlon t llluit I loiii
A man, who from papers found on his
person Is believed to be Herman Schncck
loth, ii farmer between Mlnden and Neola,
was run over nnd killed early yesterday
morning by nn custbouml freight train ou
thu Mllwnukeo trucks, two miles east of
Neola. The body was frightfully mangled
ami tho head was crushed to a pulp, mak
ing Idcntlllcatloti almost Impossible, except
for tho papers found In his. pockets.
It was tlrst thought that 111" man killed
wiih a tramp who had been stealing a ride,
but on tho body being brought to Council
Muffs and a search mado of tho clothing,
papers were found which In. Heated that the
iinfortunutu was Herman Schncckloth,
who Is supposed to bo a member of a family
of that iinmi! on u farm midway between
Ml mien and Neola.
Among tho papers wbh a certificate of
deposit for 183.13 Issued by the Farmers'
uml Merchants' bank of Neola. Thcro was
also $9 In cash, Tho man's watch, the crystal
of which was bioken, had Btoppud at 4:30,
It Is surmised that this wus tho tlmo when
thu unfortunatu was tun over. No In
formation could bu secured hero from tho
members of tho' train crew as they pro
ceeded to tho division point at l'urry.
Coroner Troynor was notified by tele
phono and bo ordered tho body brought to
this city and placed In the undertaking
rooms of W. V, Gruff, South Main stroet,
whero tho lmiuest will probably bo held
Ono report whltft was not verified was
that tho man was sitting on tho track ami
wus thought to havo been asleep. It Is
supposed that ho had boon over night to
tho town of Ml mien and was making his
way homo when killed. Tho frightfully
mangled condition of tho body clearly Indi
cated that a number of cars must havo run
over It. Hoth legs wero cut off, tho loft
above tho kneo and tho right between tho
kneo and tho nnklo. Tho right hand was
cut off and tho head was crushed like an
I'ggshell. Kvery portion of tho body was
cut and brulsod.
Uravol rooflnc A. II. Head, 841 Broad'y.
For ii Cycle I'ntli to Munatvn.
Members of tho Owl ond Ganymedo wheel
clubs uro circulating subscription papers
to raise a fund for tho establishment of a
cycle path between the city aud Manawa.
It Is expected that at least f 1,000 will bo
If tho project meets with favor, It Is pro
posed to purchaso or leaso tho right of way.
livery wheelman subscribing 1 will re
celvo a tag to bo placed on his blcyclo end
this will ontltle him to use tho path. Tho
nnriuul dues -will be $r, 'which -will be.used
In' keeping tho puth In 'repair.
Thero Is somo talk of tho wheclmon of
Omaha making n cycle path from tho cast
end of tho motor company's bridge to the
center of this city. It has boon suggestod
to make tho path between tho tracks of tho
motor company on Avenue A. If this Is
done tho path to Manawa will connect with
It, making an almost continuous cycte path
from Omaha to the luko.
Ncuhs Musing Slater.
Mrs. C. Weosncr of 3720 North Senate
avenue, Indianapolis, has written to Chief
of Pollco Albro nsklng him to try to lo
cate hor sister. The slBter left Harrison,
Idaho, to go to Indianapolis nnd was be
lloved to have been In Council Bluffs bo
tweeu June 15 and 20. Slnco then nothing
has been heard of her. Tho name of the
missing woman is Esthor Miller. Mrs.
Weesuer gives a description of her sister,
but omits to suy anything about her ago.
The police so fur havo been unablo to se
cure any truck of tho woman.
City Council Ton lull t.
The monthly session of the city council
Is slated for tonight. Among other mat
ters the final hearing and determination
on tho resolution providing for the grad
ing of Avenue II between Eighth and Tenth
streets, Tenth and Ninth streets between
Avenues Q and II, will come up.
Davis sells palm.
Ctiiitnlii Luuna Is Itobbed.
Captain O. H. Lucas of Oakland avetfuo
discovered yesterday morning that his
houso had been visited by a burglar.
Murko on a window In ft rear sitting room,
showing that It hud been pried open, gave
Captain Lucas the first Intimation that
the house had boon entered. This dlaeov-
for thosn viio disregard Nature's warnings
about their eyes. Vrcmnturo lillnduejs lias
often resulted from carelei suess or delay.
Homctlmt's you can tell, sometimes you
cun't, when there's troublo with your vis
ion. It will cost you nothing to be put on
thu right track by us. After examination
wo enn tell exnetly what you ougnt to lo.
Our charges tor masses uro never exces
Graduato Optician.
ilild II It O. VI) WAV - - Couiioll lllulta.
Iowa Steam Dye Works
U04 Urondwuy.
Make youi old clothes look like new
Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing.
Funeral Director
(Successor to W. C. Estep)
SIM I'UAItl, s T HEIST. Thiin 07
Negotiated tn Eastern Nebraska
uti .Main si., luuncii uiuua.
cry led to further Investigation, with the
result that a gold neck chain, a gold scarf
pin, a revolver and 113 In cash wero miss
ing. Captain Lucas Is of the opinion that
the robbery must have been committed
rrlday evening last, during the absence
of himself and wife from tho house.
Xrir Current from Oinnlin,
The machinery of the substation of the
Citizens' Gas and Klectrlc Light company
Is being Installed and Manager Nichols
expects to furnish light under the new
system by Wednesday. He expects by that
date to furnish the city lighting with the
new current to be supplied from Omaha
aud distributed from the substation on
this side of tho river. Tho company, how
ever, does not expect for somo tlmo yet
to furnish commercial lighting.
On Wednesday night a test will be made
of tho new enclosed arc lamps from tho
towers on Oakland avenue and Twenty
llrst street and Fifth avenue. This test,
which will be under the supervision of
City Electrician Uradtcy, Is for the pur
poso of ascertaining the efficiency of the
new lamps at such an altlttude. The gen
eral opinion Is the new lamps will not
bo effective nt such a height und that the
towers will havo to bo dispensed with and
tho lamps placed nt tho street Intersec
tions. During the night of the test all
the lamps on tho othor towers will be
Davis sells glass,
Caught Worklnw ItliiK flnuie.
James Kellcgher attempted to work tho
old gaino of being forced by "unforeseen
clrcumstnncos over which he had no con
trol" to sell tho ring which hit dear
mother hud given him on her deathbed.
Tho ring which ho claimed was of solid
18IC gold is such as aro sold at GO cents
n gross, Ofllccr Callaghnn spotted Kol
legher In time to spoil the sale, but tho
follow when ho saw tho oftlcor took to his
heels. Detective Weir overhauled him In
tho Northwestern yards as ho was about
to board a freight train.
Shoot (Inly on the Fourth.
Mayor Jennings has decided that the en
thusiasm of Fourth of July patriots will
havo to conform to tho city ordinances and
has Issued this proclamation:
Nnllco Is hereby given that the ordinance
prohibiting the setting off or tiring any
squibs, tlreciiickcrs, toy pistols, gunpowder
or Ilreworks of any kind in any street, alley
or public place, or In uny private yard
within tho city, except on the 4th day of
July, will bo strictly enforced und any per
son violating the provisions of said ordi
nance will be arrested und lined ns In said
ordinance provided.
Davis sells drugs.
Stockert sells laco curtains.
Fine ARC beer. Neumaycr'a hotel.
Victor heaters. Blxby & Son, agents.
Wollmun, scientific optician, 409 U'way.
C. E. Alexander & Co,, pictures and
frames. Tel. 366.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Georgo T. Joslln of
Third avenue, yesterdny, u son.
Wanted, slrl for irenernl housework. Mrs.
A. G. Gilbert, 428 Oakland avenue.
W. F. Graff, undertaker and dlslnfector.
101 South Main stretot. 'Phone 60S.
Get vour work dono nt thu nooular Eagle
laundry, 724 liroadway. 'Phono 157.
Seventy lots In Crawford's addition, 4100
cacn, for .1 few days only;' Johnston &
Kerr. 5U Broadway.
Members of the Owl Wheel club exnect
to tuko part In the races ut Shenandoah
July 4. They expect to go In a special cur.
The smullnox nunrnntlne on the MeKlntio
residence ut 132U West Broadway and tlie
Osborn residence ut 113 ltldge street was
raised yesterday.
Ten dollars reward and no nuesttons
nsked for tho return to Bee olllco of three
silver pepper boxes taken from the resi
dence of Mrs. Horace Everett on Saturday
Twin Brothers onenmnment No. 42. Inde
pendent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet
ionium tor tno installation or ameers anu
work tn the golden rule and royal nurnle
Tho police havo 'been Unable to securo
any truco of Charlotte. Brown, tho 17-year-
old daughter of Ed Brown, who disappeared
irom mo nomo oi Airs. j. is. Miner last
Owen M.. tho Infant son of County Su
perintendent itnd Mrs. O, J. McMunus, died
last evening. The funeral, which will be
private, win bo from the resiuence tills
Itlley K. Gray, charged with cheating by
false pretenses In connection with the nltr-
chrtso of a team of valuable horses from
Henry Bcott of Weston, has waived pre
liminary examination and has given bull
for his nppvnrance before thu grand Jury.
Tho team has been returned to Scott and
It Is said that relatives of Gray expect to
settle the matter so that thero will be no
Tho annual meeting of tho Iowa State
Stenographers' association will be In Des
Moines July 30. An effort will be made
to havo court reporters paid stipulated
salaries Instead of by the duys they are
employed during -tho trial of cases. The
court reporters favor placing tho salary
nt $1,500 a year In lieu of the present per
diem of JO, with the snmo prlco us at pres
ent for transcrliit work.
Agnes Leffert, employed In tho local ex
change of the Nebraskti Telephone com
pany, met with nn accident Saturday night
while driving to her homo In Hazel Dell
township which will conllno hor to the
house for several weeks. She was going
homo to spend her vacation with her
parents nnd was driving In a spring wagon,
A run In thu road Just eust of tho city
tilted the wagon und she was tthrown out.
Ono of the wheels passed over one of her
feat, crushing It nnd breaking several of
tho small bones. She w'as brought to the
homo of a relntlvo In this city.
N. Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 250.
I.tMiKiiern' Sunday .Session.
DENISON, la., Juno 30. (Special Tele
gram.) Tho Epworth league convention re
convened at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Bible
reading was conducted by Miss Morrill and
tho pentecostnl servlco by no v. M. M. Cable.
At 7 o'clock the regular Sunday cvenlug de
votional exercises wero conducted by the
district presldont, O. E. Smith of Shenan
doah, ufter which a sermon wus preached
by Ilcv. Shclton, president of Simpson col
lege. Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
UBod by people of refinement
for over a quartor of a oentury
5500 REGARD!
We will ptf the above reward for any rM of
Iilrer Complaint, Uyipepala, Sick lleidacb.
Indigestion, CunillpaiUin or Co4tlvenon wo
cannot euro with l.lvetlu, the Up-To-Data
Little Liver Pill, when the directions are strict
ly compiled with. They are purely Vegetable,
tnd never fall to give satltfaettoi'. She boxes
contain 10) Tills, too boxes conuln 40 litis, 5o
boxes cnntnln 15 Pills. Uewareof iitbsiltutlooa
and Imlutlons. Sont by malt, btamps takes,
NF.ItVIT.V MKMOAL CO., icr. Cllbtoa u3
Jackson SU., Cbhago, III Sold hv
For sale by Kuuu Co., lath tiU Duuaia
St., Omaha. Nb.; Qo. tt. iiavis. Council
iiiufts. low.
FMlLE iflfiDlCAL ADViOE. Write u
Hfcfc H your syntttoins. Itenovatlpjtbe
system 1. tho only safe and sure method of cur
ios all Chrcnlo Dlteaaet. Dr. Kav's Kenoratoi
ll tno only perfect system renovator. Free sam
ples and book. Dr. U. J. Kaj, Saratoga. X. Y.
Frojtcttd Niw Lines At Not MaUrializinr
EinidlT Ensnrh
Will Omnnlse on Knnsnn I'lnn to Syn
triunt lenll llnnille Kspurt llun
Iiicmh Itrv. lliiiittunn Will De
bute xvlth .lira. Cntt.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Juno 30. (Special.) Tho
building of new railroads, short Hues, ex-
tensions, etc., which was prouilscd last
spring for Iowu, has proved thus far n
disappointment to Iowa people. Only one
railroad Is being built and that one Is
only six miles long and Is a local altalr,
This Is the Manchester & Oneida, built
by merchants and business men of Man
chester, Delaware county, in order to give
connection with tho Mllwaukco nnd the
Great Western railroads and give tho
merchants of Manchester the competition
they felt they did not havo with one rail
road. Tho business men of Manchester
organized a company, put up tno money
and will operate tho road when finished.
They have had opportunities to sell It
out, but refuse to do so. Somo time ago
tho contract for the cntlro work was let to
John Grant, of Faribault Minn., and It Is
expected that the rails will all be down
tomorrow or next day and a train will bo
run over tho road July 4 for tho first time.
Tho status of other railroad enterprises In
tho 8tat" mu' be brlc"y Blalcd 08 follows:
Des Moines & Iowa Falls Company
organized with W. E. Ellsworth at tho
head, survey practically completed, con
tracts let for part of the work and somo
work nctually done on right of way. Com
pany financially responsible, but movements
have been suspiciously slow.
Duluth & New Orleans, or North &
South Railroad An old project to cover
substantially tho same ground ns the nbovo
line, right of way partially secured und
franchises and concessions, contracts let
but no work dono as yet, much mystery as
to who Is back of the scheme.
Des Moines Northern Apparently an
abandoned project, as nothing has been
heard from It for somo time except an ou-
caslonal movement of a surveying party
operating In northern Iowa.
Des Moines & Iowa City Projected to go
to Iowa City by way of Pralrlo City. Monte-
nriin.... i. ...... ., '...ii.i..
zuma and Williamsburg and possibly
on to Muscatine or Davenport; company
financially responsible, backed by the own-
, ,., .. ,,,,, iti ,i ., ,i ,(,.
ers of tho Des Moines Union depot and tho
terminal linos; much right of way secured
und bonuses pledged; no work done.
Des Moines & Southern Company or
ganlzed, but with no vUlblo financial
strength nnd no Indication as to what tho
company Is to do,
Dubuque & Southwestern Just organized
by strong company at Dubuque to build to
Tama or Toledo.
Qreat Western Extension of Omaha nnd
Sioux City surveyed nnd right of way be
ing secured, with certainty that extensions
will be mado this year or next.
Movllle Extension A Northwestern pro
Ject to make tho cut-off from Movllle to
Sargent Bluff, on old survey, promise of
somo action soon.
Milwaukee Tho Washington cut-off sur
veyed and right of way secured, out ru
mor that project has been 'abandoned.
Des Moines & Nevada Electric line, sur
veyed, right of way secured, contracts let
and work actually being done: may be
converted Into a standard railroad when
Des Moines & Indlanola Electric line,
surveyed and right of way secured, con
tracts let for flvo miles.
Electric lines projected from Des Moines
to Wlntersct, Crcston to Wlntersct, Gar-
navlllo to Guttcnbcrg, Des Moines to New
ton, Wnterloo to Denver, Des Moines to
Harlan, and Newton to Marshalltown;
franchises and concessions, but no work of
construction done.
The greatest expenditure by, railroads In
Iowa this year will be In the rebuilding of
the lines of tho Northwestern, Burlington
nnd nock Islnnd, straightening track, dou
ble-tracking and completing short lines.
Iowa Miller llrnneli Out.
Tho millers of Iowa have determined upon
following tho oxnmple of the Kansans and
will organize a company to tako charge of
tho export business for all tho Iowa mills
that aro able to make more flour than Is
demanded for homo consumption. For many
years tho Iowa millers were unable to sup-
ply tho home demand for flour and Iowa
pcoplo wero buying most of their flour from
othor states. Moro recently thero hnB
been the greatest development of the flour
industry In Iowa nnd now Iowa mills ar
able to make all the flour Iowa peoplo
use and havo a great deal for sale outsldo
the state.
At the meeting of tho State Millers' asso
elation last week a committee was an
nolnted to oreanlze a company to tako
charge of the export flour sales and to
establish a uniform grade of Iowa flour nnd
nttend to tho dlftrlbutlon of the nroduct.
This is to bo a co-operative company with
capital of not lees than 1100,000. The com-
mlttee aouolnted to organize the company
consists of Godfrey Durst of Danbury. J. L.
lies of Davenport and Edward Sltz of
Peterson. The company will bo organized
at once nnd all tho Iowa mlllors. csdc-
dally those who are selling flour In tho
south and east, will bo Invited to become
mcmbors. It is the most Important forward
step which has beon taken by Iowa millers
fnr timnv vrars.
utirrrii in iruy iiiirKriinri.
Tho youngest horsethlof In the country Is
said to bo Harry Il-rantz of Johnson
couniy aim euoris are ocins mau 10 pre-
vein ins ueing huui euncr 10 wi peiu-
tentlary or to tno rerorm scnooi. us case
has been given some publicity and last
week a kind-hearted Wisconsin farraor,
wno nciievou mai a uoy oi u couin oe
bettor reformed on a big farm amid health-
ful surroundings than In any penal or re
formatory Institution, mado a formal offer
to tho Johnson county authorities to taKu
the boy and rear hlra. Tho court will con
slder the matter and If satisfied the Wis
conslu farmer Us able to make good his
promises the boy may bo released and tent
to Wisconsin. Tho boy has many friends
ln West nranch, his home, nnd they are
urging mat tne oner ne accepted,
i'elcurniiliN mid Telephones.
The state executive council will this
week take up the mattor of tho assciament
of telegraph and telephone companies In
Iowu. The reports aro now practically nil
In nnd show that tho number of tolephone
companies has grently Increased during the
past few years. Thero, aro now 265 tele
phone compaulcs reporting, with a mileage
of lines aggregating 1.1,423 miles and using
3T,22C telephone Instruments, It Is not
required that lho largo number of farmers'
telephone linos owned by thoso who use
them shall be reported and the number of
these Is growing rapidly In all parts of
the stute. There aro four telegraph com
panies reporting, with a total mileage of I
8,872 and using 4,201 Instruments, The
Western Union has 7,726 miles of this total
I'eiiaioii Aiirncy Unaluraa,
The total payments (or U fiscal year
of pensions nt tho Iowa-Nebraska agency
In Des Moines amounted to $7,769,218.19,
which Is a decrease from last year of
313,321. S3
Chniitntifjttn Drlintp on Snffninr
Tho nwiiri nf tho Midland rhniitntimtn
;lrhZ SS,B5
a debate on tho question of women suffrage
between Mrs. Carrlo Catt. tho national
president of the Women Suftrago assocla
uon an Iowa womon ft(1 J- A. uoat-
They have agreed to discuss tho question
of woraoa vol,nE on lho """won of July 4.
I.niiHlnu'fl Queen 1'rnrl.
LANSING, la., June 30. This city bids
fair to become famous for the many tine
pearls found hero. One found yesterday
was sold for M.SOO. H was found by nn old
Swede named Benson on the clam bed which
produced the famous Queen Mary about a
month ago, nnd although weighing less,
sixty-six grains, Is a much nner nnd more
valuablo gem. Twelve pearls wero found
hero In one day last week, but the Benson
pearl Is probably tho finest of them all.
Cnllmtin's Olft to Cniiiiiilii.
IIOCKWELL CITY, la., Juno 30. (Spo
cial.) The Calhoun county republican con
vention here today selected sixteen dele
gates to the Cedar Iiaplds convention. They
wero Instructed to cast their vote for A.
U. Cummins for governor. The only oppo
sition In the convention came from Lake
City. This was more than tho Cummins
men had expected.
p.. .-.p.
rULI I llo
.South Dukntn Ptrtti; llouril Itcnolvm
tluit Institution Kmiiloycn lie
Oilmen for Merit.
MITCHELL, S. D., June 30. (Special.)-
Tho State Board of Charities and Corroc
tlons which met nt the 1'lanklnton reform
school last evening passed through Mitch
ell today enroute home. It had been glveu
out In the state press that at this meet
ing of the board at Planklnton tho
superintendent for tho reform school would
be named, but ono of tho members today
stated that It was not the Intention of tho
hoard to make tho appointment of the su
perlutendcnt until all the members of the
board wore present, which will likely be
at tho next meotlng. There are fifteen
applicants for tho place.
In the futuro the subordinate appoint
menls of the state Institutions will not be
confined solely to partisan appointments,
but any man or woman may be eligible to
places. A resolution to this effect was
adopted by the board at the present meot-
"iR. Tho resolution reads as follows:
Bo It resolved by tho Board of Charities
" Corrections. That It Is the sense of this
board that In the selection of subordinates
aml tm,,0yes In the various Institutions of
this stnte. competency nnd a lltncFs to do
honest and honorable service nre the chief
requisites to commend tho applicant, and
thlt poUtIcal nnillatlons or opinions should
n no manner have weight as u qualification
for such position.
Coiiiplrtrs Mineral l'nlnee anil Otlter
Features of the Quriilviil
Thin Week.
DEADWOOD, S. D., June. 30. (Special.)
I Deadwood Is attiring for the celebration
next week. Booths are being erected along
the principal streets and resting places
aro being arranged. The busiest spot In
tho city Is at the mineral palace, which is
completed and Is now being lined with
minerals and exhibits from all parts of
tho Hills, Already many thousand pounds
of ore havo arrived .from- the different
mining camps and the large mineral col-
lection from the School of Mines at Rapid
lly 18 DclnS Piacca in us corner in tno
Ono of tho most interesting sights In tho
palace will be the exhibit from tho gov
ornment fish hatchery at Spearflsh. Three
aquariums have been built, which will con
tain tho tiny trout, black bass and crapples
from tho hatchery
An arena Is being built In the center of
the city, where the numerous sports and
contests will take place and whore the
bull wrestler, "Neromus," will exhibit
Huron Mother anil DntiKhter Itnvc
Shoes Ilnrned to Crisp on Their
HUnON, S. D., June 30. (Special.) Dur
Ing n severe rain and thundorstorm the
house of Mrs. D. M. Asptnwall of Man
Chester was struck by lightning. Tho bolt
passed down the chimney, tearing up
portion of the floor In the room where
Mrs, Asplnwnll and her daughter were
sitting. A shoe was torn from one of the
feet of tho little girl, burning the toes to
a blister,, nnd also the foot half Its length
and piercing the heel to tho bone. Mrs
Aspinwall's shoes had tho toes borned off
and tho toes on both feet were horribly
burned, bomo of them may require am
XIoiit Fnlls Voir on II o nil Inane.
SIOUX-FALLS, S. D., June 30. (Special.)
A special election of tho voters of Sioux
Fl'8 -na been called for July 30, to take
a vote on tne issuing or negotiable school
bonds In tho sum of $50,000. The bonds, If
auinorizeo. as tney proDamy win u. to
t"t""e Is practically no opposition to thel
is3"e, will he payame twenty ycaru after
'""e an.i win Dear 4 per cent luteroat
payable annually. The warrant indebted
noss ot "p "oarrt of ivjiicatlon is in th
neighborhood of J50.000, arid the bond aro
iniomien io ibko up tnese warrants ami
savo 11,0 taxpayers 2 per cent Interest on
'no amount cacn year,
I "
noil Homme Coiintr Miiy Xrril Hands
TYNM1AI.T. R. TV .Itinn nil (RnoMnl 1
Tho hot welUhcr ls hllrrynB thlnBg along
aRd tno llnrveBt wm be early. Wheat Is
gu0(, firowth and largo In heads; oats show
we nm, corn , BrownG faBti Farmers
rn hurrvlnz to finish cultivation. Th
hav er0D wm be tho bc.r ln aoVpral vears
u look3 as lr non Homme county farmers
wlI1 i,nvo to rcaort t0 Kansas methods to
secure harvest hands.
riilrUen ninner t'oatu u Horse,
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Juno 30, (Special.
John Hays, a farmer near Carthage, ha
a SIZo chicken for family dinner. Hay
was requested by his wife to kill th
chicken for hor. Ho fired nt tho fowl with
a rifle, but the bullet struck aud killed nn
0f his best horses, worth U25. The chlekc
wn8 finally killed with a hatchet,
Tynilnll Forma .Sell nt I'roflt. ,
TVNDALL, S. D., June 30. (Special.)
Land sales aro many. Throe quarter-sec
tlons south of town sold recently for f3o
per ncre, without any buildings. Anothe
320 acres sold for JO, COO, ono man clearln
tSOO nnd another 51,500,
llamnKP ,enr Huron KxnKKernteil,
HURON, S. D., Jnuo 30. (Special,) Re
ports from lho north part of the county
over which a hailstorm passed Thursday
forenoon, show damage to crops much less
than at first supposed.
Deputy Mnratinl Keller, Minns Full
SIOUX FALLS. S. D., June 30. (Special
E. O. Kennedy, United States marshal for
South Dakota, has appointed Guy E. Kelley
of Drooklngi a deputy marshal tn the office,
here, succeeding Arthur II. Glpson, de
I ceased.
Are quickly .and
a aummer outing
St. Paul nnd return, Minneapolis and
icturn, July 1 to 9, return October 31.
Circuit Tours via Great Lakes to Buffalo and intermediate points.
Steamer reservations arranged for in advance. Information cheer
fully furnished.
'Phone 245,
Oubani EaTi Yt to Deoid on Q tuition of
Popular Voto.
Conner atlven Sny It Will He Too K-
licnslve Universal SulTrnKe .Move
ment l I'onulnr Governor
General Wood linpro vIiik.
HAVANA. June 30. During tho coming
week the constitutional convention will
discuss tho electoral Inw. The project
submitted by tho commission provides
only for tho election of congressmen,
governors, stato representatives, mayors
aud councllmen. No agreement has been
reached ns to whether the president aud
senators will bo elected by popular vote.
Tho discussion of tho electoral law win
probably open an argumeut by tho con
servatives against a federal republic witn
many provisional ofllcors ns entailing heavy
expenditures. Tho conservatives win op
doso ernntlne absolute autonomy to tho
provinces and municipalities. An effort
will hn mado to chanite tho constitution
and to Invest the contrat government with
appolntlvo and veto power.
Universal suftrago seems to ue a popular
movement, but the general opinion Is that
It will bo lraposslblo to get tne congress
to change tho form of voting.
nnvirnor General Wood Is improving,
but his physicians advise him to desist from
public duties for some time, tie rcccivea
tho cabinet secretaries yesterday and to
State Kxamlner Henderson Says For-
eln Capitalists MhoYv Gruw
Iiik Interest.
CHEYENNE. Wvo Juno 30. (Special.)
That Wyoming ls experiencing a growth
Is shown by the following comparative
statement ot the bank deposits ot the
Apr. 28. 1900. Apr. 21. 1901.
719.304.SS C67,i:3.:'6
.... 1,(192,249.61) 1,128,384,40
.... 3,477,199.89 4,147,775.03
State banks ....
Private banks ..
National bunks
Totals $3,230,051.37 J5,9I3,2S4.69
There was Included in the statement of
1900 $180,000 of deposits ot tho Itaw
Uns bank, which was later In tho yonr
transferred to tho national banks. This
Increase ln deposits In ono year ls equal to
$7 per capita.
Stato Examiner H. II. Henderson, who ls
In touch with business conditions In ull
parts of the state, says more Inquiries
have been received during tho last thirty
days tor Information relative to tho mines,
oil fields and agricultural sections or tho
state than during the entire twelve months
Sell KdBemont Property for Taxes,
EDGEMONT, S. D., Juno 30. (Special.)
The county treasurer of Foil River
county, Mr. Morgan, nnd Colonel D. G.
Grippfn, chairman of tho Board of County
Commissioners, this week disposed of the
personal property of tho Edgemont Union
Hill Smelting company, consisting of en
gines, boilers, lumber, etc., paying the
delinquent taxes of tho company duo the
Aberdeen Ilnnk In a Depositor.
ABERDEEN, S. D., Juno 30. (Special.)
The secretnry of tho treasury has desig
nated the Aberdeen National bank a de
pository for government funds, and notice
has been Issued to thnt effect. Tho large
amounts of monoy handled nt the Internal
revenue ofllce located hero recently mado
Biich a depository necessary.
llenille County Mnkea n Payment.
HURON, S. D., June 30. (Special.)
County Treasurer Mahaffy today sent to
Trobrldge & Nlvens company, Chicago,
$2,000 principal and $1,025 Interest on
courthouse bonds held by them against
Ileadle county. Thorn Is yet $39,000 out
standing, drawing 5 per cent Interest.
Worn Out?
(MAniAM WIM4.)
Marlanl Wine ls a tonic prepared upon
truly sclentltic principles. It Is sufo and
beneficial aH well us ugrceuble.
Marlanl Wine has more than 8,000 written
Indorsements from leading physicians In ull
parts of the world. .....
Marlanl Wine gives power to tho brnln,
strength und elasticity to the muscles nnd
richness to the blood, It Is n promoter of
good health nnd longevity. Makes the old
young; keeps the young strong.
Mtirlnnl Yln Is specially reommended
lor Ocnernl Debility. Overwork, Weakness
from whatever causeH, I'rofnund Depression
and Exhaustion, Throat nnd Lung Dis
eases, I.h Grippe, Consumption nnd Malaria,
it Is a diffusible tonic for tho entlm system.
Marlanl Wine Is invaluable for over
worked men, delicate women and sickly
children, It stimulates, strengthens nnd
sustains the syBtem nnd braces body and
nrnln. It combats Malaria and Lu Grippe.
May bo used effectively In form of a hot
Sold by all druggists, Ucwuru of 1ml-tatltas.
lie Lake Regit)
of Minnesota
morn easily reached and offer
than any other portion of the
Illinois Centra! Ticket Office,
The following HOUND TKIP RATES may Interest
you. If so, you limy learn all about routes, limit of
tickets, et cetera, at any Burlington ticket ofllce.
$15, Denver and return
July 1 to 0.
Return limit, October 31.
$15, Colorado Springs and return
July 1 to 1).
Return limit, October .11.
$15, Hot Springs, S. D., and return
July 1 to 9.
Return limit, October 31.
$25.75, Buffalo and return
$22.50, Cincinnati and return
July 4, 5 and 6.
$22, Detroit and return
July 5, 0 and 7.
$45, San Francisco and return
July G to 13.
$45, Portland, Ore., and return
July G to 13.
$45, Tacoma and return
July G to 13.
$45, Seattle and return
July G to 13.
$16.75, Milwaukee and return
July 20, 21 and 22.
Omaha 6:00 a.m.
Des Moines
10:05 a.m.
Davenport. 2:3 1 p.m.
Chicago.. ..6:58 p.m.
Direct Connection
more attractions for
Duluth nnd return, July 1 to 9; return
October 31.
1402 Farnaih St,
Ticket Office,
1502 Farnam Street,
Telephone 25a
Burlington Station,
lOtli und Mutton Streets,
Telephone 128
with all Eastern Trains.
The "Comstoch Process'
Is the most successful method for reducing ana relieving
pain In all kinds of dental operations that has yat bees
presented to tho public. It has been used by leading den
tlsts ot the east for nearly two years, and has been pro
nounccd by them to be -llrely satisfactory. Our patleata
are delighted with the results It produces. It you r
nervous and your teeth ara sensitive we will b pUsssd t
explain It to you.
, ..Telephone 145.....'
H. A. Woodbury. D. D. Council Bluffs.
30 Pearl St. Grand Hotil